Doesn't Everyone Peek In Men's Shower free porn video

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When he first turned to face my direction in the shower, I was shocked! He was an average-sized guy, fit, slim, maybe 5'11" tall. His body was mostly hairless, his butt really small. But his flaccid penis, hanging loosely, well down between his thighs, was simply enormous, at least seven or eight inches long, probably more, and thick, with an especially plump head. It looked like it belonged on someone else's body. I admit I was curious (you wouldn't be?), but tried to be discrete and not stare. I noted that he was tan all over and thought "who wouldn't hang out at nude beaches with a dick like that?"

Let me go back a little before I continue. I am a straight man, in my early thirties. Women tell me I'm good looking. I'm 6'4'', muscular, weigh 200 and work out and run very regularly to keep myself in top condition. I was a pretty good college basketball player and still compete. I travel about once every two months on my job and generally have "good luck" with women, with a couple of long-term relationships and dozens of short-term sexual adventures, including many one night romances when I am on the road. I haven't settled down yet mainly because I do still enjoy these adventures so much and I'm not ready to be tied down to one woman.

That night at the O'Hare Airport Sheraton in Chicago I'd had a very routine day of meetings. I was flying out early in the morning so I didn't mind that I was staying way out at the airport instead of downtown where all of the action is. After a good hard workout I was mostly just looking forward to dinner, a couple of drinks and going to my room early. Maybe I'd bring a woman, but that was doubtful. More likely I'd relax, masturbate for a half hour or more to a porn movie and retire for the night, my usual routine when I was alone on the road.

I confess: I check out other men when I'm in a locker room and shower! I am secure in my masculinity, so I think it is out of normal curiosity. I've been doing it since junior high, and as a "jock" I have been in hundreds of locker rooms with many thousands of men. I take a quick look at their cocks, maybe take a second peek at the bigger ones. I think just about all guys do this, though most would never admit it. But as I said, I am straight. I enjoy porn and enjoy seeing in action the big pricks the male stars have, especially when watching with a female companion, something I enjoy and do often. I'll comment, like "Wow, look at the size of that guy. You like that big cock?" But I had never even touched another man and wasn't interested.

Part of my "penis curiosity" may be that my own is somewhat unusual in terms of size. It is most often unusually small when it is flaccid, and looks even smaller on a big guy like me. But its flaccid size varies a great deal, even without a "semi" (at which time it is really big-over 6 inches). On the other hand, when I get an erection, it is well above average: 7.25 inches long and 5 around. I admit that I am self-conscious in the locker room and wish I was bigger when soft.

Back to my story: I finished my shower and walked to my locker. I found "Mr. Big" getting dressed right next to me. I noticed that like most really well-endowed men he put his undershirt and shirt on first, then his socks, his underwear and pants last. I quickly put on my boxers then my shirt before I spoke, joking that if there are two people in the locker room there seems to be a law that they will be assigned lockers right next to each other. He agreed with a little laugh. We made small talk and hit it off pretty well and decided to have a drink in the hotel bar, where we were both headed anyway.

The bar was fairly quiet. As I said earlier, downtown is where the action is and we were way out at O'Hare. I found out, would you believe it, that his name was Dick. I almost joked about it but refrained. We ended up having quite a lot in common: same politics, interest in sports and women, sense of humor. He was 38. He worked for an airline and so was able to travel a lot. We ate our dinner at the bar. I was feeling great after the workout and dinner, and had a nice little buzz from the drinks. We spoke with two women, but they were on the way out of town that night. I imagined how surprised any woman that Dick picked up must be once his pants came off!

I was about to excuse myself to go check out the pay-per-view sex flicks in my room, when Dick asked me a question that stopped me in my tracks.

"Ever go to nude beaches?"

Flustered, I stammered "not really, but I've been nude at secluded beaches with a date a few times, once with two other couples." I added that I'd liked it, especially the freedom of swimming naked.

He said he loved nude beaches and went to them whenever he could. He added that he'd just been in Martinique.

I said that he still had a great tan from it.

"Oh, you noticed?" he asked, a small smile coming to his lips. I felt "caught". He knew I'd looked!

We talked some more about beaches in general, which were our favorites and where the hottest women were. We found out we both surfed and loved it. After a while I excused myself, explaining that I had an early morning flight. Dick looked at me, smiled a bit and asked a question that nearly knocked me off my bar stool.

"Hey, Matt, want to come up to my room? "

I was stunned! What was going on? Was Dick hitting on me? I felt my face flush. "Wha, what do you mean? I mean I guess so, why not?" I replied, hardly thinking.

"You know, just to hang out, kick back, relax for a while, maybe watch some TV and have a last drink before we hit the rack."

Minutes later, as we got off the elevator and walked down the hallway to his room, I was in a state of shock, almost panic.

"What am I doing? Dick seemed perfectly normal. He liked women. Surely he wasn't gay. This must be innocent. He's just being friendly. I'm overreacting. I'll just go with the flow here." All these thoughts ran through my head. But then the image of his huge cock entered my mind! Another confession: I was excited and curious.

When we got to the room I sat in a chair while he fixed me a Black Russian from his wet bar. He asked if there was anything I wanted to watch on TV. Before I could answer, he asked: "Do you like to watch porn films? This place has X-rated, not that "R" crap you get in most hotels. O.K.? You want to pick one out?" He went to "menu" and "adult" and scrolled down the titles.

Again I was shocked, nearly speechless. There was a strange momentum building here. Unable to concentrate, I picked a title at random. It was "Fantasy Chamber". The film came on and we tried to keep a conversation going, awkward as it was. Dick talked about 2 woman he'd had sex with, together, in Martinique. They were teachers from Montreal, looking for adventure in the Islands. They'd been nude when they met, at the beach. He went into detail. A hot story! It turned me on.

"I guess they got what they were looking for" I responded, adding that I'd never been with two women at once.

The movie was getting into some very erotic scenes. We watched without speaking for several minutes. The whole scene, though bizarre, was also extremely exciting. I felt like a teenager. I felt my penis throb as it grew to a full erection in my pants. Dick got up and walked to one of the two large beds. Then he casually dropped his pants and underwear together, exposing that big cock! I couldn't believe it!

"Wait! What are you doing? I'm not, I'm…" I said.

"You're not what?" he responded, as he stepped out of his pants, unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside, then his undershirt. He stood there completely nude for a moment, then pulled back the covers and lay down on the bed.

"Gay!" I said. "I'm not gay."

"I know that. Neither am I." His matter-of-factness was remarkable. "All of us know what we like to do when we're watching sex films, now don't we? That's all I'm doing. Why don't you join me? You've got that whole bed."

His logic was unarguable. I remembered masturbating with other boys, way back in junior high. I thought "what the hell, we'll never see each other again. We don't even know each other's last names." And I again thought about that giant penis, what it would look like erect, right here in person. The thought thrilled me and moved me forward. I stripped off my clothing after pulling back the covers on the second bed. I stood with my hard-on pointing upward at a 45 degree angle.

I lay back and tried to focus on the video, stroking my dick. I usually like to take as long as possible when I masturbate, but thought for a moment about getting off quickly and getting out of this strange situation. It was quite uncomfortable, but exciting at the same time, completely new to me. I kept stealing glances over at Dick who was idly fondling his enormous member and balls with both hands. His cock had swelled, but was not yet erect. "What would that look like?" I wondered. I knew that I wanted to find out!

After about 3 or 4 minutes, I was getting more comfortable. In fact I was really getting into it and decided to relax, to go really slow, to prolong the pleasure and enjoy myself. I loved adventures, and this was certainly a kinky one: being in a hotel room beating off with a complete stranger who happened to be hung like a horse!

Then Dick spoke. "Hey Matt. Look, now don't take this wrong, but would you come over here? It seems I could use a little help."

Without thinking I was on my feet and lying down next to him, my dick as hard and throbbing as could be. "Yeah?" I asked, stupidly, still handling my penis, stroking slowly up and down. Both beds were king size so there was plenty of room for both of us and we were about a foot apart.

I stroked some more, thoroughly embarrassed but aroused as could be. The mixed emotions were actually intensifying my pleasure, but holding me back from getting to orgasm. Another couple of minutes passed. My breathing was getting heavy, my balls tightening. Dick spoke.

"Umm, would you, you know, like to touch me?" he asked, a little shyly, kind of hesitant. He managed to be non-threatening in what could have been a totally threatening situation.

I felt my face flush. I looked at Dick, then down at his dick. I slid over to get next to him. I released my dick, reached down and put my hand next to his. Silently, he took his hand from his penis, and placed it on my hand, which he then guided over to his cock. Talk about The Moment of Truth!

It felt really, really strange for a while. First of all, this was a first-time thing. Alien. I had never touched another man like this before. Second, there was the matter of his penis. The damned thing was just so big! It was much thicker and a bit longer than my throbbing full erection though still soft. I stroked it slowly up and down, squeezing as I did, the way I'd done my own so many times. After a minute or two Dick's dick began to swell, first getting longer then thicker. Now my confused, uncomfortable mixed feelings evaporated. This was really turning me on!

Soon his prick had stiffened and swelled to a full erection. It was gargantuan! Just amazing looking, sticking up from his slim frame. I put both of my large hands on it and found they only covered the shaft, leaving the broad head, as big as a small plum, sticking out completely above my upper hand. I've since then measured how wide my 2 hands are together and found they are exactly 8 inches, so he was over 10 inches! This is no exaggeration, I assure you.

For the first time, still stroking him slowly, I commented on his incredible size. He said it was 10 ½ inches. I told him it must be great to be so big. He agreed that it was great in locker rooms and at nude beaches. Both women and men were attracted to it. But he said it was actually too big in some ways. For example he'd never given anal sex (did that mean he'd gotten it?) and while most women went wild over it, others seeing it for the first time were fearful that it would hurt. Everyone loved to play with it though. I could see why!

We stopped talking and abandoned ourselves to sex. My own penis remained rock-hard even with no further touching, as stroking Dick's monster was now a total turn-on for me. I cradled his balls in my right hand while my left stroked, way up to the head, pulling his skin up and partially over it before sliding back down to the base. His balls were huge too, like two large eggs. His sac got tighter around them as his arousal increased. Pre-come began to flow from his slit.

He turned away from me for a second, to reach into his bed table. He took out a container of Astroglide and handed it to me. I didn't know what he had in mind! A little scared, I asked him. "Put it on your hands" he said. He lay back on the bed. "And if you'd like to fuck me, you can. I have condoms."

"Magnums, no doubt", I replied. "Of course" he laughed.

I thought about it, then decided to stick with the hand job, which both of us were enjoying thoroughly. This was quite enough for me, I decided. I loved anal sex with women, but…

I played with him for a long time. I watched, close up, fascinated by this unreal penis and trying different methods with my hands. With the lube, I massaged his enormous glans, from which his pre-cum now leaked freely down lubricating his entire shaft. I moved my second hand down below his balls just above his asshole, where I knew I liked to be touched so much.

It was an experience I'll never forget. His dick swelled even bigger, throbbing mightily, the head purple and shinning. I moved my second hand to the entry of his asshole and stuck one lubed fingertip in, just a little. I deliberately slowed my stroking to prolong his pleasure. Dick moaned and his breathing got heavier and heavier. He announced that he was cumming just as it began. Moaning and arching his back, thrusting his giant dick upwards, he shot an amazing load of cum in several solid jets that carried over his shoulder onto the pillow and covered his chest and belly.

His penis remained hard in my hand for a couple of minutes. I squeezed the last of the cum out, but man, did it ever stay big! This dick was just amazing.

A he look at my cock was still hard and leaking pre-cum guess I should return the favor. Get on your back as he grabbed Astroglide and pour it onto my cock but he also pour more onto his still hard cock as he got between my legs and started to stroke my cock. As he moved closer I could feel his cock started to touch my ass as he was stroking my cock. He than poured some lube onto my balls and started rubbing and playing with them as some of the lube ran down onto my ass.

He stroked my cock and hand on my balls began to probe my ass with his finger making me rock hard and dripping pre-cum. After he removed his finger he moved closer and could now feel his cock touching my ass as he pushed forward my ass open to take in just the head and paused. As he told me to relax as he contitune to stroke my cock as he pushed more of his cock into me until his balls touched my butt. I can’t believe I took his whole cock as he began to slowly fuck me. He stopped stroking my cock grabbing me by the shoulder and he started to pound my ass. His cock felt so good in my ass as my cock was still hard.

His building orgasm so excited me that without even a touch I came right with him, gasping and moaning as wave after wave shook my body, ejaculating hard again and again!

After a few minutes of recovery, in which each of us said nothing more than "wow, was that great", Dick got up and brought me back another drink. We sipped our nightcaps and made a little small talk. Dick told me that while he was "basically straight" he was "a little bit bisexual,", that he loved the variety of being with a man now and then. He'd guessed this was a first for me. He was turned on by this and said he hoped it was as good for me as it was for him. "No doubt", I responded.

Twenty minutes later I got dressed, thanked him and went to my own room. I showered, got into bed and tossed and turned all night, restless, unable to sleep. Finally at about 4 AM I turned on the TV, found a porn flick and masturbated, cumming to a scene with a close up of a really large dick. I fell asleep then and woke at 7:00 to catch my flight.

Since that night two months ago I have had resumed my straight sex life and everything seems as it was before. But I often think about my night with Dick's dick. And I still peek when I am in a gang shower. Doesn't everyone?

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The Exhibitionist and the VoyeurChapter 4 Evening Peeks

Chapter Cast: Cynthia, Female, 33 - Wife of Ray - 5’7, 140lbs, tanned beige skin, long blonde hair Ray, Male, 35 - Husband of Cynthia - 5’10, 175lbs, freckled tanned beige skin, short chestnut-brown hair Lanying, Female, 20 - Neighbor of Cynthia and Ray, college student - 5’2, 110lbs, almond-cream skin, black hair cut straight at neck “That’s another lovely dress, Lanying,” Cynthia told the young woman as they drank tea on the couple’s patio. Lanying smiled, “Thank you. I like you ... uh...

3 years ago
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Peek A Boo

I met this gorgeous Algerian guy online. I knew right away what he wanted because I had played this game before. I did not want to get naked for him and have him walk out of my life. He kept hinting that he had needs. ‘NO.’ I said staring into the webcam. I was shaking. I wanted to keep him, but to do that would mean to give him some kind of free freak show that I didn’t want to do. We argued on skype and it was over. I went outside turned the A.C. on in my car and I was shaking. I was very...

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A Peek at the Comics Ch 01

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction concocted entirely within my imagination. While I hope you enjoy this story and are compelled to provide feedback, I don’t expect the subject matter will appeal to everyone who reads it. If this story does not appeal to you, there is undoubtedly one somewhere on Literotica that will, so your energy will be better spent on finding it rather than on vilifying me. Your opinions are welcome but your attacks are not. * I was home for the summer after...

2 years ago
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Encounters with Tom Sneak Peek and First Encounter

Now I’ve been shy about my body, its curvaceous and yes I’m a bit overweight for my 5ft6 frame, my arse is rounded, my breasts are very large and my thighs are bigger than I would like. However, its all me and so that’s that. Most sunny days I love to wander in the garden topless (at least) sometimes completely nude, smelling the flowers and settling down to soak up the rays. So, anyway, there I was one Saturday afternoon in early August laying naked on my sunbed when a voice comes...

2 years ago
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Sneak a Peek

Zain had known Katie forever. They were close friends, and although neither of them ever admitted to the other, they were both curious about sharing sex with each other. They had gone to school together, they lived across the road from each other and their parents had been friends for as long as Zain could remember. Katie was a quiet girl. She was beautiful with shoulder length curly blonde hair, green eyes, and pale skin. Whereas Zain was dark haired with tanned skin and dark brown eyes....

1 year ago
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More than Sneaking a Peek

After watching Katie walk away, seeing her ass sway so seductively, Zain stepped back inside and shut the door. His mind boggled with all the thoughts racing around in his head. This morning, Katie was just his friend. The friend who he thought about naked, bouncing up and down on his hard cock, her eyes closed and head thrown back in pleasure. But he never thought it would get that far, he thought her nakedness, her tight pussy, her gorgeous tits would just remain in his thoughts forever. He...

3 years ago
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Davids Sneak Peek

When I was between school and university, I came here to Spain for the summer. It was, as it usually is, a tremendously hot summer with temperatures up around 40 degrees and so on. As with most summers, when you are a teenager you spend the days at the beach or at somone’s house in their pool. Then you spend the weekends sleeping off the parties that go on all night. This particular day I was at a friend’s house with a whole bunch of other girls I knew. We often did this sort of thing,...

3 years ago
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PeekaBoo ISeeYou

As I walked towards the coffee shop, I felt the breeze blowing up my short, flimsy skirt, feeling pert, all alert. It felt good on my naked pussy. It was my kind duty to spread myself around as much as possible. And when I say spread, I mean it literally. I did that by flashing my little triangular hair pie to all those men who struck my fancy on a fine summer day, when I wanted to play. I giggled in anticipation, an-ti-ci-pa-tion, it’s making me late, keeping them waiting. I sat in a corner...

1 year ago
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Hi my name is Thomas and what do you know, I'm a peeping tom. I live across the street from an all-girl college dorm. In each dorm room there are two girls, and this is an exclusive college so all the girls are 18-20 and none of them are fat. One day I bought a telescope and the rest was history. The day I bought the telescope I brought it up to my apartment and pointed it out the window at random. When I looked through it to get it focused I saw hot african-american chick on her bed, totally...

2 years ago
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Leon had arrived home from college, doing what any other student did best; bringing in the laundry for mommy to take care of. The young African american walked into his brother's room, looking for a bottle of cologne he so desperately needed for a little party to go to. He searched the closet and came up empty. He searched every drawer until finally discovering the bottle, nearly half empty."Yes", he said, so thrilled with his discovery.He was on his way out until he heard his brother's voice...

4 years ago
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A Peek Into My DiaryTrue Story How We Met

The feeling of being unfulfilled had captured me. Here I was beautiful, married, successful, and yet lonely. A combination of circumstances that I never thought in a million years that I would have to own. But I did! It's amazing how one lonely desire can lead you on a wild and crazy journey. Let me tell you my story.Part One:It was a typical morning in the house. As usual, I was awakened by the sound of keys dangling from my husband's hand along with the sound of his shoes pounding across the...

4 years ago
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Davids Sneak Peek

When I was between school and university, I came here to Spain for the summer. It was, as it usually is, a tremendously hot summer with temperatures up around 40 degrees and so on. As with most summers, when you are a teenager you spend the days at the beach or at somone's house in their pool. Then you spend the weekends sleeping off the parties that go on all night. This particular day I was at a friend's house with a whole bunch of other girls I knew. We often did this sort of thing,...

3 years ago
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A peek into my Exs Diary Literary voyeur

Now I didn’t wake up thinking the events I’m about to document were going to happen, it started out as a very normal day. A day I’d assumed would be boring!(But hey I aint no psychic.), a day I would have never thought would end in sweat and pornographic passion! *Le Sigh*. Yes! A day that gave me a higher ranking in all things sexual and a crossed a hard to do off my bucket list! Yes people, I’m talking about a threesome.They say not everyone has the ability to handle the raw passion of a...

2 years ago
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Just a peek

Old homes out in the country are not built like the homes of today. Big families had to make due until they could do better. Often times, houses started off little more than a shack in some rural areas. As the family grew larger, rooms got added on, when and if they could. My wife grew up in a house like that. Whenever we would visit, it would always trip me out on how close they lived together, in separate rooms. This is the story of one of those visits, I'll never forget. My wife, Ilsa, was...

1 year ago
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PeekaBoo ISeeYou

As I walked towards the coffee shop, I felt the breeze blowing up my short, flimsy skirt, feeling pert, all alert. It felt good on my naked pussy. It was my kind duty to spread myself around as much as possible. And when I say spread, I mean it literally. I did that by flashing my little triangular hair pie to all those men who struck my fancy on a fine summer day, when I wanted to play. I giggled in anticipation, an-ti-ci-pa-tion, it's making me late, keeping them waiting. I sat in a corner of...

2 years ago
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Peek A Boo

I met this gorgeous Algerian guy online. I knew right away what he wanted because I had played this game before. I did not want to get naked for him and have him walk out of my life. He kept hinting that he had needs. "NO." I said staring into the webcam. I was shaking. I wanted to keep him, but to do that would mean to give him some kind of free freak show that I didn't want to do. We argued on skype and it was over. I went outside turned the A.C. on in my car and I was shaking. I was very...

1 year ago
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fiona 2 sneak peek

beginning of the next part of the fiona series... just cuz.Jordyn woke up on her couch, with jeremy nowhere to be found. she quickly made herself some breakfast and left for work.The day passed normally, a few douchbags at the bar, who were quickly "escorted" out of the bar by the bouncer.she left work with her hoverpack, when she noticed some guys from the bar were following her, she brought them up onto the comm chanell, asking them what they wanted. she got back the reply "you" and noticed...

2 years ago
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Peek a boo I see you sexy

I would always make sure he was at his window at 12am sharp. I would look out into the darkness and across to the next building. She was always there. Her beautiful brown skin glistening in the moonlight as she danced around her apartment. She had a curvy sexy body,that would make any man or woman stop in their tracks. There I was with my cock rock hard. Wishing that I was in that apartment getting ready to give her a good fucking. The more she danced around naked the harder my cock got and the...

1 year ago
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More than Sneaking a Peek

After watching Katie walk away, seeing her ass sway so seductively, Zain stepped back inside and shut the door. His mind boggled with all the thoughts racing around in his head. This morning, Katie was just his friend. The friend who he thought about naked, bouncing up and down on his hard cock, her eyes closed and head thrown back in pleasure. But he never thought it would get that far, he thought her nakedness, her tight pussy, her gorgeous tits would just remain in his thoughts forever. He...

Straight Sex
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Last of the Moe Peekins

© 2002 Kenny N Gamera Moe was having a hard night. A very hard night. A ten-inch long, wrist-thick, and throbbing hard night. A night so fucking hard that it ached as bad as he did after a tough game. And his fuckin' 'nades hurt, too. All in all, a miserable, fuckin' time. It was the price to be paid, he realized, in dating the hottest girl in Judge Parker High, Jenny Pierce. The red- headed junior was head of the cheerleading squads for both the football and basketball seasons and...

3 years ago
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A Peek Into Someones Diary

Dear Diary It's been a few weeks since I wrote anything in you but I had to tell you that I did something horrible. I still can't say why I did it. It was so bad; it's the worse thing I have ever done in my life. It started a couple of months ago, well maybe a year ago but that would have been the very beginning. I started spending more time at work with Tony. I have mentioned him before in my entries. I think I said I was overjoyed when he said he wanted to spend time with me outside of...

1 year ago
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Teen Plays Peek a Boo With Her Bra

The Unit and its characters are owned by Twentieth Century Fox. This is a parody based on characters in the Unit and I do not own The Unit or any of its characters. This is a F/f hard spanking given by her Aunt Kim to her niece Lissy, who is eighteen years-old. She was caught with her shirt off in her bra in Kim’s house without permission. Do not read if you are under 18 years old. Scenario; Lissy becomes interested in the son of an Officer. Kim returned home to find a skateboard in the...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 66 A Peek in Your Journal

March 24, 1997, London and Woking, England On Monday morning, I ran the same circuit I had when I’d been in London the previous time, then did my kata in the park with Pippa and Lawrence looking on. I talked with them for a few minutes, then headed back to the hotel for a shower. After my shower, I dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. I ate and read the International Herald Tribune. When I finished, I went upstairs to get my bag and headed for the Tube for the ride to Woking. I read...

3 years ago
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Song of ThanksChapter 15 June 2026 1996 PeekABoo I See You

Whoever destroys a single life is as guilty as though he had destroyed the entire world; and whoever rescues a single life earns as much merit as though he had rescued the entire world. The Talmud, Mishna. Sanhedrin Lake House June 20 -21 Gaho examined the pictures carefully. "Ominotago, you continue to amaze me. You would make a great holy woman with your powerful medicine. These pictures say it all. Your song did reach him and Darryl is undoubtedly alive. You saved him. This is the...

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Lightning Does Strike TwiceChapter 16 A peek into Julies world

School was finally out for the summer. College is definitely tougher than high school was. I think I did pretty well on my finals. My grades were going to be sent to my parents. Problem with that is they still won't talk to me. I had just moved in with Rob and his family. It's only until the baby is born. Then I will go home and try to make up with my parents. I will be glad to get back into my old clothes. I'm getting sick of this extended belly. The mood around the Becker household has...

1 year ago
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Peek a boo

100% fiction! My was out of the house and at work. Her sister stayed the night and stayed until after my girlfriend left. Her sister was a sexy little thing with nice B-Cup Boobs. i have always wanted to see her naked so bad. later that morning after it was just me and her sister at the house she asked if she could take a shower. i obviously said it was ok if she did. she went up stairs and went into the bathroom and turned the water on. I could not help my self i had to take a peak. the house...

2 years ago
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In the Showers

Prologue: Do not skip this part, or I will take no responsibility for anything that might turn you off as you read further. This story is true. It was told to me by a very good friend one night when he was somewhat drunk, and we were sitting in front of a dying campfire at the cottage, having our last drink before putting out the fire and retiring. The events in the story happened to him. I am the only person to whom he ever related the description of the incident. Before you go all "yeah,...

4 years ago
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Kelly and I The Showers

If this story looks familiar, that’s because it was originally uploaded years ago, and I’m re-uploading a few of my stories with grammar corrections, less awkward wording, etc. Hope you enjoy! This is the second in a trilogy based on a character named Kelly. This isn’t chronologically related to the previous story, but instead, is an entirely different story about a first time with the character. A lot of the beginning of this is just character development, build-up, and so on, so if you're...

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brother Caught Peeking at sisters

Growing up as the only boy in a house with three older sisters and a mom can be a real drag. Every aspect of family life is female. Shopping, talking, even what they watched on television or what music they listened to. The girls got all of the easy inside chores while Norm was left with mowing the lawns, trimming the shrubbery, raking leaves, etc. He often wondered if life would have been different for him had his dad not been killed by a drunk driver when Jim was only 3. He barely remembered...

3 years ago
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Peeking A Stranger Opposite To My House

Hello Everyone… I hope everyone is having a good time masturbating. This is a story about me and a stranger (woman). There is no sex involved, this is a story about how i saw her naked…. I am writing my very first experience in this site. If my writing or narration is BAD, I’m truly sorry and I’ll try to improvise.. Facts to know before going into the story : This is story of true incidents This story does not involve any sex. Short Description : Hello everyone myself “Obviously-a-fake-one”....

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