Miss Kitty
- 3 years ago
- 29
- 0
My name is Kimberly Parker. I was a registered nurse in the pediatric ward of a local Austin hospital before all this happened. My typical uniform consisted of a pair of pink scrub pants and a top decorated with teddy bears, brightly colored balloons, cute zoo animals, etc. You get the idea. At 5’3′ I’m not an intimidating figure even without the uniform. With it on I look positively ridiculous.
I had just come off my late night shift and was on my way home. I’d missed dinner because we had an emergency on the floor so I was feeling pretty hungry. I pulled into the local 7-Eleven to load up on snacks and just as I was coming out this black dude grabbed my purse and took off running.
‘Come back here you,’ I yelled. Shit! Why does everything have to happen to me? I dropped my bag of goodies and took off after him. Despite my short legs I was gaining on the bastard. I think he was kind of surprised I wasn’t going to let him get away with this without a fight. He jumped on top of a short retaining wall and I was able to grab his ankle. He lost his balance, flipped over the wall and completely vanished. What the fuck! That’s impossible!
I climbed up on the wall and jumped down the other side to look for him. I was immediately enveloped in total darkness. Dizzy. Disoriented. Falling. Before I had a chance to completely panic I landed on solid ground. I saw the cocksucker racing off, got up to follow him and stumbled over something. Hallelujah! It turned out to be my purse. The jerk must have dropped it when he fell.
I examined the contents. Everything was still in there including my pepper spray and my Glock 27. It fits pretty well in my small hand. A heck of lot of good it did me tonight but I knew if I ran into that thief again, I was going to use it to open up a second asshole for that guy to shit through.
I looked around to see where I was. I wasn’t anywhere, at least anywhere that I knew about. I looked up and could see a hole just above me. Through I could see a street lamp and the 7-Eleven sign. I started yelling to attract someone’s attention but that didn’t work. Just when I thought to fire a round through the hole, it winked out and all I saw was the night sky. The entire world I knew had disappeared. Now I was beginning to panic. I pulled out my cell phone and hit the panic button. No signal.
I sat around for a while waiting for the hole to open up again but nothing doing. Well, this wasn’t getting me anywhere but I had to know where I was in the first place to get anywhere else. I hope that made sense. I was starting to feel like Alice might have when she fell down the rabbit hole and landed in Wonderland but she wasn’t the slightest bit scared. I was petrified. I stuck my pistol in my waistband and my pepper spray in the pocket of my top. I felt better prepared in case of more trouble.
I decided to walk in the same direction I saw Mr. Shithead run in the hope he might know where the heck he was going but I lost his trail after about a hundred feet. So I wound up just wandering around looking for a house or a road or a sign but the only things I found were trees and brush. I was about to sit down to rest and wait for daylight when I heard the clip clop of horse hooves and I ran in the direction of the noise. I saw the figure of a man on horseback and he was riding my way.
‘Yoohoo!’ I called. ‘Kind sir?’ The horse shied a bit and I heard the click of a gun hammer being cocked. I quickly raised my hands.
‘I assure you I’m harmless,’ I said trying to hide my fright.
‘Shut up,’ he ordered. I shut up. He kept me covered while he dismounted and then walked up to me. I avoided his eyes while he visually inspected me. Finally satisfied, the man holstered his weapon. He reached out with both hands and squeezed my boobs.
‘Ouch!’ I’m no prude and I wouldn’t have minded a gentle grope. But this guy was rough. I was going to be bruised there for sure. He certainly was no gentleman. Chivalry was an alien concept to him. I punched him in the snot locker with a palm heel fist. I heard the snap of cartilage and I knew I broke it. He stumbled back holding his injured beak.
‘Bitch!’ he screamed. ‘I’m gonna kill you for that!’ He reached for his gun but I had mine already pulled. The round I fired struck him between the eyes and entered his brain case. There was no exit wound so the round must have done a good job rattling around in his skull destroying brain tissue. The man was dead before he slumped to the ground.
It was the first shot I ever fired in anger…or out of fear rather. Of course, I’d never killed a human being before either. I didn’t feel bad about it though. Maybe it was because I was in shock. That didn’t stop me from thinking. I knew I had to report this incident to the authorities. But who and where were the authorities? I still didn’t know where I was. Was I still in Texas? I didn’t have a chance to ask the man lying in the dirt in front of me.
I started to get practical. I was tired of walking and the dead ‘gentleman’ had no further use for his horse. I had gone horseback riding as a little girl but that was a long time ago. Still, I knew the basics. I didn’t have any cash, only credit and debit cards. I figured if my cell phone didn’t work here my plastic wouldn’t either. I searched the man’s body and found a money belt and a Bowie knife. There was another little gun in his boot so now I had three guns. I was collecting quite an arsenal. There was no identification and nothing else of interest or value. I dragged the body behind some bushes and mounted the horse.
‘Giddyup,’ I said and the horse started moving in a leisurely pace. Why not? I wasn’t in any hurry. The horse was still pointed in the same general direction that he was moving when I first saw him. I figured he knew where he was going even if I didn’t. I just hoped he wasn’t taking me into more danger. I wondered when the man I killed would be missed. Speaking of that, I wondered when I would be missed. I lived alone but my boyfriend came over regularly. The hospital would call when I didn’t show for my next shift. My parents and my brothers would be frantic. My ex-husband wouldn’t. Fortunately, I wasn’t leaving any children or pets behind.
I guess the shock began to wear off because I started to cry. I should have been sitting in front of the TV at this moment and munching on my snacks. Or crawling under my covers and getting a well deserved rest. Instead I was in the middle of nowhere playing cowboys and robbers. Or was that cowboys and Indians? I was sure if there were Indians around they’d be hostile. I lived next door to an Indian but he was from Mumbai. He was nice. I cried some more. I was hungry. I was thirsty. It was past my bedtime. My boobs were sore. I decided I hated horseback riding.
I must have dozed off a bit because the next thing I knew I was in the middle of a town. It looked like I was on a film location set for a Wild West movie. The horse was drinking from a water trough. I began to have an uneasy feeling I wasn’t in my own time zone anymore. More likely it was the Twilight Zone. I dismounted and looked around. It was still dark out and the streets were deserted. I did see an open door and some lights. It turned out to be a saloon. The bartender gave me a surprised look when he saw me walk in. I couldn’t blame him. I must have looked a sight. There wasn’t anyone else that I could see.
‘We’re closed,’ he said.
‘Do you have any snacks for sale?’
‘The hotel restaurant won’t be open for three or four more hours.’
‘I’ll take a Bloody Mary.’
‘What’s that?’
‘You don’t know what a Bloody Mary is?’ What kind of bartender doesn’t know what a Bloody Mary is?
‘Ma’am, we serve whiskey and we serve beer.’
‘Give me a whiskey.’
‘We don’t serve women.’
‘What?’ This was outrageous. I pointed to a woman walking down the stairs. ‘What is she, chopped liver?
‘She is the proprietress of this establishment,’ he replied in a loud voice. Then in a low urgent voice he said, ‘Get out for your own safety, Ma’am.’ Well, I must have been low on blood sugar but it was now obvious he was trying to warn me off. But I can be an obstinate bitch even so.
‘What seems to be the problem, Bill,’ the woman asked. She was older than me and a tad shorter.
‘Nothing, Ma’am,’ Bill replied. ‘I was just telling the lady we’re closed.’
‘He also said you don’t serve women.’
‘Serve the lady what she wants.’
‘That’ll be two bits,’ Bill said after pouring me a shot.
‘It’s on the house.’
‘Thank you kindly,’ I said and lifted my glass to the proprietress before taking a sip. It was nasty stuff but I smiled pleasantly while she looked me over.
‘I had no idea the circus was coming to town.’
‘It’s the greatest show on Earth. You’re all invited.’ I took another sip.
‘My name is Mrs. Turner.’
‘I’m Miss Parker.’ I took back my maiden name after I divorced my husband. The cheating bastard!
‘I keep the good stuff upstairs. Will you join me?’
‘I’d be happy to.’ I put my glass down on the bar and smiled at Bill. He looked sad and I wondered what I was getting myself into. Well, forewarned is forearmed as the saying goes. I joined Mrs. Turner and she led me into her office. There was a man in there sitting on a loveseat. He was well-dressed but looked like muscle. I had no doubt he was armed. He didn’t stand when we entered and Mrs. Turner didn’t introduce us. He also didn’t speak but I could tell he was interested in my boobs. My rack is my best asset, I guess. I take a D cup and it’s all natural without any sag. Well, without too much sag. I’m rather proud of the puppies. That’s what men tend to look at first when they meet me.
Mrs. Turner turned her back to me to pour the drinks and my spider senses told me my drink was probably being spiked. I should have listened to the bartender. The woman handed me my drink and I promptly spilled it on myself.
‘How clumsy of me! I’m so sorry.’ The woman looked annoyed.
‘I’ll get you another,’ she said.
‘Please don’t bother. I just realized how the drink downstairs must have affected me. You see, I haven’t eaten since yesterday. Perhaps I should call it a night. I’ll check into the hotel, sleep until noon and then eat like a pig. I’ll drop in for that drink tomorrow night. How does that sound?’ I turned around but Big, Strong and Ugly was already blocking the door. I looked back at Mrs. Turner.
‘I happen to know there’s no circus within two hundred miles of here,’ she said. Mrs. Turner took a sip from her own glass. ‘I could use a fresh face with your obvious talents. (She was referring to my boobs, I bet.) Also, you’re a stranger in these parts and I doubt anyone will miss you.’ I tried to look puzzled.
‘Am I being offered a job here?’
‘Yes you are, in a way,’ Mrs. Turner replied with a smile. ‘My associate here will train you in your new duties.’ I put on my biggest fake smile.
‘Well, why didn’t you say so in the first place, Mrs. Turner? I sure could use the money. I think it’ll be a great pleasure working for you.’ I held out my right hand as if I wanted to shake on the deal. I palmed my pepper spray in my left hand and caught her full in the face. She shrieked and covered her eyes. I turned and was able to spray Gruesome the same way as he rushed at me. He took a blind swing at me but I had already ducked down and stuck out the Bowie knife in the hope I stabbed something vital. I did. He grunted in pain and collapsed beside me. He was bleeding badly. From the site of the wound I surmised I punctured the femoral artery. He would bleed to death in less than four minutes.
‘Kill her,’ Mrs. Turner rasped. She was having trouble breathing as well as being blinded.
‘He can’t help you, honey,’ I whispered in her ear. ‘He can’t even help himself now.’ She was visibly startled to hear my voice…and it was so calm, too. I was ready to make my escape but where would I go? I’d be tracked down in no time. I needed money, a lot of it. There was a substantial looking safe behind her desk.
‘I need the combination to that safe,’ I said.
‘Go to hell!’
‘Fine, but you’re going to be completely blind for the rest of your life if I don’t give you the antidote within the next ten minutes.’ She thought about it for a full minute before she gasped out the combination. I tried the combination and it worked.
‘Oh my,’ I said. ‘Your saloon does very well. Thanks a lot.’
‘The antidote!’
‘The effects will begin to dissipate in about 30 minutes. You’ll be very uncomfortable for the next several hours but you should be all right after that.’ It looked like her associate had stopped breathing.
‘You won’t live to spend a single penny of my money. I’ll have you hunted down and I’ll take great pleasure in killing you myself.’ I sighed deeply. I knew she was right. I had to dispose of all the witnesses. That included the bartender. That thought made me sad. Oh well. A couple of more killings would be on my conscience.
I walked behind Mrs. Turner and covered her mouth with my hand. The woman gasped in fear. I think she realized she wasn’t long for this world. I sliced open her carotid artery and allowed her to bleed to death. Killing was becoming easier for me. I was just glad I didn’t have to use my gun. That would’ve alerted everyone.
I decided my next move would be to somehow lure the bartender up here without making him suspicious. There was a knock on the door and I pulled my pistol. It looked like Bill was going to save me some time.
‘Come in.’ I didn’t sound anything like Mrs. Turner but it was good enough for him to open the door. He was holding a bag I assumed held the night’s receipts. He saw the gun pointed at him, dropped the bag and raised his hands. I motioned for him to sit down and he obeyed.
‘Your boss and I had a little disagreement over a career move she wanted me to make.’ Bill nodded his head.
‘Am I next?’
‘You are a witness. Sorry.’ He nodded and got that sad look on his face again. I knew I couldn’t kill him.
‘Put your arms down, Bill. I’m not going to kill you yet. May I call you Bill?’
‘If you want.’
‘I’m going to ask you some questions that might sound silly to you, but I’d appreciate you answering them.’
‘All right.’
‘What year is it?’
‘The year is 1883.’ I was afraid of that. I had been thrown back in time.
‘What is the name of this lovely town?’
‘Poker Bluffs.’
‘What state are we in?’
‘And where is Poker Bluffs in relation to Austin?’
‘Austin is a hundred or so miles west of here.’ Well, I wasn’t too far away from my hometown. But was it really my hometown? I mean I wouldn’t even be born there for another century. I had to make some decisions and take some risks.
‘What if I don’t kill you?’
‘I would be most grateful.’
‘How would you show your gratitude?’
‘I suppose I’d have to report these deaths to the Sheriff. Of course, I’d say I didn’t know who did the killings.’ I nodded. Bill had the right idea.
‘What then?’
‘I’d pack my bag and move on.’
‘Could you run this place by yourself?’
‘Certainly, but it’s not going to happen. This saloon is a money maker and I can imagine people with more money than me wanting to take over the place. They’d want their own people. Besides, I have this dream of maybe opening a saloon of my own.’
‘Did the late Mrs. Turner have any heirs?’
‘None that I know of. I don’t think there was ever even a Mr. Turner in her life.’
‘I have a plan, but first we’re going have to clean up this mess. Can I depend on you?’ He nodded his head. I put away my gun and we shook on it. Well, I had to start trusting someone.
The Sherif
f wasn’t the ambitious sort. He spent his whole time arresting drunks and running for reelection. He’d never solved a crime or arrested an outlaw in his entire career. When faced with a murder investigation he was completely lost. He accepted Bill’s explanations readily.
I was introduced as Mrs. Turner’s cousin from Austin. I was newly arrived and my late lamented cousin’s intention was to train me in the business and be her successor when she retired. Mrs. Turner’s clothes fit me pretty well even though I did without a corset. Also, I stuck with my nursing shoes. Since the hems touched the floor no one would notice. I wore black. I looked like I’d been crying. It was easy to do that. All I had to do was put a drop of pepper spray under each eye. Damn! That stung!
The sheriff asked me if I had any proof I was Mrs. Turner’s cousin. I told him I didn’t but that dear cousin Alberta (that was her given name) had given me the combination to the safe and that must prove I was family. I demonstrated opening the safe. He was impressed! The Sheriff poked around in the safe but we had already removed what I think he was looking for. It wasn’t money.
In Mrs. Turner’s meticulous hand we found out whose hands were being greased and how much grease was being used. That included the Sheriff. Also included were some embarrassing revelations about some other elected officials. Armed with that information and some more of Mrs. Turner’s grease, Bill was able to smooth the way to my takeover of the saloon. When it came time to sign the legal papers to transfer ownership I noticed Bill had had inserted a five percent ownership stake in the saloon for himself. He wasn’t trying to hide it. I crossed it out. Bill noticed that right away.
‘I think that’s the least I’ve earned considering the work I’ve already done for you.’ He looked hurt and a bit disappointed.
‘Yeah, but five percent?’
‘Would three percent be asking too much?’
‘I was thinking more in the lines of 35 percent.’ He looked aghast.
‘Are you joking?’
‘Of course I’m joking!’ I wrote in a new percentage and initialed the correction. I signed the papers and handed them to the lawyer who was standing by.
‘I’m the majority owner with 51 percent,’ I said. ‘What I say goes. Your share is 49 percent. Agreed?’ Bill smiled. It was the first time I saw his smile since I met the man.
‘Yes, Ma’am!’
‘You should smile more, Bill. You’ve got a nice smile.’ He did smile more and even blushed. It was so cute.
Well, I rechristened the establishment the ‘Long Branch Saloon’ and started calling myself Miss Kitty. On a side note I named my horse Trigger. That was the extent of my contribution. Bill was the brains behind the outfit. I essentially apprenticed myself under him. He started making changes right away. For instance, he hired another bartender so he’d have more time to manage. He also banned the professional gamblers who he knew were card cheats. Bill suspected Mrs. Turner allowed the cheaters to set up shop in her saloon because she was receiving a kickback. His banning them effectively blackballed from the other area saloons. He bought a better brand of booze and charged the same. He said we were making plenty of profit just the same. He also brought in Mexican beer. Bill said it was more expensive but worth it. I don’t drink beer so I took his word for it.
I objected to the saloon girls working there being prostitutes but he insisted that that was the way things were. We wouldn’t attract enough paying customers without the girls and the girls couldn’t earn what they needed to without prostituting themselves. It was a cost of doing business but it added to the profits too. I supposed I didn’t have a choice in the matter but I wasn’t going to put up with any forced recruitment like Mrs. Turner tried to do with me.
Bill agreed and said he always disapproved of a lot of Mrs. Turner’s methods but there was nothing he could do about it then. We talked to the girls and explained the new way of doing business. A couple of girls told me they had been coerced into the trade but there was no going back as far as they were concerned. Their families had disowned them and they’d never attract a decent man given how they earned their living.
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FetishMy name is Kimberly Parker. I was a registered nurse in the pediatric ward of a local Austin hospital before all this happened. My typical uniform consisted of a pair of pink scrub pants and a top decorated with teddy bears, brightly colored balloons, cute zoo animals, etc. You get the idea. At 5'3" I'm not an intimidating figure even without the uniform. With it on I look positively ridiculous. I had just come off my late night shift and was on my way home. I'd missed dinner because we...
HERE KITTY KITTY by JackassTales After throwing a few bales of hay to the horses, I turned back into the barn. I nearly fell when a yellow cat scampered under my feet. Those damn kittens are going to break my neck yet! The six multicolored felines were just about old enough to be weaned. The sound of a car honking up at the house took my attention. I recognized the car. My sister June was stopping by to drop my niece off. I was chosen as a last minute babysitter. June had a date. I...
Introduction: Big girl pussy and little girl pussy…all in the same day. Big girl pussy and little girl pussy…all in the same day. HERE KITTY KITTY by JackassTales After throwing a few bales of hay to the horses, I turned back into the barn. I nearly fell when a yellow cat scampered under my feet. Those damn kittens are going to break my neck yet! The six multicolored felines were just about old enough to be weaned. The sound of a car honking up at the house took my attention. I recognized...
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"Hi, uhh... is that John?" "Yep. Who's that?" "Ah, well it's Katherine, well, Kitty. I'm usually called Kitty." "Hi Kitty. Ah, have we met? I don't think I know any Kittys." "Well yeah, we have, but you probably don't remember." "I don't know about that. I'm good at faces and stuff. Where did we meet?" "You remember the party at Jackson's house last weekend?" "Oh, yep. That was a hell of a bash. Were you there?" "Yeah, I was. About ten, you walked out on the...
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I thought I'd introduce you to Mistress Kitty. She really is a very sweet submissive with the most caring loving Master. He has given her a gift. He wants her to learn to be a strong woman and know her self-worth. He can not be with her all the time and with this gift, she can do many things."Pet I've decided to allow you a plaything. Now I know you would prefer a nice little submissive pet like you are but where would the challenge be in that. Hmm, pet?""Yes, Master....as you wish."She is a...
BDSMAuthor’s notes: When Aaron refers to Pamela as darling, the g is silent. It was difficult to select a category for this story. There are elements of Romance, D/s, hints of Non/ Consent Reluctance. In order to submit, I had to chose one. TIGRESS TO KITTY By Beagle9690 September 2009 As I sit here reading her laptop diary, my submissive lover has been standing in the corner for almost an hour. Pamela's buttocks are freshly spanked because I caught her masturbating in the bathtub without...
It is another boring party. I don’t even know why I bothered going. The usual preening prima donnas are there, the infuriating cliques with their adoring gaggle of followers and simpering hangers-on.And then I see you.You're standing leaning against the wall. My eyes travel up your petite frame. Converse boots, over the knee black socks, little black skater skirt and a white tee shirt with a pink heart on it. The collar was new but other than that you look exactly the same as last time I’d...
Quickie SexKitty stood and looked at herself in the mirror, pleased with the reflection. He had told her he was coming to see her bearing gifts, so she wanted to look good for him. Her new baby doll nightie looked stunning on her, just long enough to cover her but still show glimpses of her little panties underneath, the soft silky material displayed her pert breasts perfectly. She had arranged her lounge as he liked it, a cushion for her to curl up on and a chair central to the room for him, so that...
‘Ahhhhhhh!’ A black haired woman with green eyes clouded with lust moaned loudly, the sound echoing in her Master’s ears. ‘Mhm, go on Sarai, be a good kitty and moan some more.’ A man with brown hair and grey eyes said, his face buried in the woman’s pussy, the scent intoxicating him. ‘M-moreee Master Eric!’ Sarai begged thrusting her pussy in Eric’s face. Eric smirked at the title and her begging. Then he swirled his tongue around the walls of his pet’s dripping pussy. Sarai moaned some...
"Ahhhhhhh!" A black haired woman with green eyes clouded with lust moaned loudly, the sound echoing in her Master's ears. "Mhm, go on Sarai, be a good kitty and moan some more." A man with brown hair and grey eyes said, his face buried in the woman's pussy, the scent intoxicating him. "M-moreee Master Eric!" Sarai begged thrusting her pussy in Eric's face. Eric smirked at the title and her begging. Then he swirled his tongue around the walls of his pet's dripping pussy.Sarai moaned some more...
Oral SexI’d already forgotten his name by the time we reached his apartment, not that it really mattered. I’d had a few drinks before he’d even come in and sat down next to me, too busy flirting with the bartender to notice until I felt his hand upon mine, pinning it gently to the bar as he introduced himself. Dan, perhaps, or Dave. As I said, I’d been drinking. We’d struck up a conversation. Nothing deep. Tonight, I wasn’t interested in deep. I was only here for one thing. Sex. He wasn’t the hottest...
Quickie Sex“I trust you’re going to be a good kitty whilst I’m at work!” he says as he slams shut the door to my cage and secures it with a heavy duty padlock. “Meowwww” I mock and add a wink for which I earn a scornful look, and then my master is gone, and as the front door closes, the scent of his aftershave lingers in the air to torment me. “How am I supposed to be anything but good!” I state aloud, the sound of my own unfamiliar voice, a comfort I saved for my many hours alone. I miss my master when...
The sunlight peeking through the blinds pulls you from a long, peaceful dream, & you lazily flop onto the other side of your enormous bed. Papi pokes his head in the doorway as you untangle your long legs from your blankets, summoned by one of your more dramatic yawns. "Good morning, Princess Kitty. Did you sleep well? You're looking cute today!" Papi's carrying a plate with some sort of pastry, but you're more distracted by his outfit: tight black boxer briefs, with a smallish apron that...
FetishSitting in the driver’s seat of your parked convertible, you lean back and enjoy the view of the sun’s glow over the ocean. Next to you, your new traveling companion is still sleeping. The chloroform her family used on her still hasn’t worn off. You hope she wakes up in time to see the sunrise. She’s young, slim, and blond, with long hair. She was still in high school, but it’s a safe bet to assume she’s an adult, since there are rules about that here at CHYOO. Not that you’ve had sex with her,...
On a Monday afternoon you are very bored. Your parents aren't home, cause they are working and your little sister went to her girlfriends. You're almost falling asleep when suddenly you stand up and went downstairs. You're now at the hall of your big house. You're proud that your father is a rich man. Through the window you see your fathers second car: a Porsche. You want to have a cruise with that car, but you don't have a license. you step to the kitchen and take the daily newspaper. Without...
FetishFrom the private journals of Jane Doe: Journal Entry: 07/05/03 The others are finally asleep and I have managed to pull myself away from their seductively soft skin and tempting curves. Listen to me, I sound like a bad romance novelist. I suppose then, that I should introduce the cast. Miss Jane Doe, at your service. I'm the brains of our little operation, and usually end up having to think all of us out of a jam. Most people don't take me seriously, with me being 4' 11", blond hair, blue...
LesbianI guess I should start with that I've loved to wear panties. In school, I would sneak into my mom's room and put on her panties. While I was straight, at least so I thought, my fascination with panties never stopped.In college, after my parents died in a car accident. I had my first gay experiences, including my first crossdressing experience for Halloween my high school. After my parents passed away and since I was an only c***d, I basically came out and began to openly experiment with my...
Gazoo came to me just before dawn. “Alex, a race of women that you would term as Amazon’s are near your camp and will arrive early this morning. They are being chased by a group of men who eat people as their main food source. The men who are pursuing these women are still nearly three full days behind the women. But they are about to be met by their main raiding party in a little over a day. That is nearly 75 men together. They are following the tracks made by the Asorians’ vehicles that are...
PersianKitty! Here’s the thing. Today you have amazing sites that give you all sorts of options when trying to find the perfect porn site for yourself. Not that I’m bragging or anything, but my site is probably the best one and you know it to be true. However, some "link sites" are simply not that useful at all, a pain in the ass if you will, not with their dated design, a confusing layout, and none-value-giving attitude. Today, we’re taking a look at PersianKitty.com as we try to find a sliver...
Free Porn Tube Siteshai my name is vittu. i'm frm bnglore. today i'm going to narrate my story how I lost my virginity. kitty my aunt's daughter. she is 18 know &has round boobs ,tight fit ass. and iam attracted by her armpits boss it's hairy&smell's a lot iam sure by seeing and smelling any guy can cum his ful load. when I was small I liked her nipples. I was eager to suck her boobs. but I was small at that time. I was sleeping with her & her sis,bro when we were small. one night I got courage and pressed her...
First TimeHe texted 6 magic words: "I want to eat your pussy" and followed by "I dont want anything in return." I met this cop who volunteered at my event and we instantly vibed, so we flirted for a couple of weeks over text. Personally, one of my favorite phase is the sexual tension games. I played hard to get and he continued to push the envelop. Something is so hot about a man in uniform but we couldn't share our interaction with friends because we worked in the same city. I have a professional...
Secret"Give Sam a lap dance." She saw Kale's face and sat up. "Kale? I thought you said we weren't an item. Are you changing your mind now?" He looked down to the floor saying nothing. She stood; clearly the liquor was having an affect on her ability to stand. She fell into Magnus' lap on her way giving him a hard-on he couldn't do anything about. She straddled Sam then started moving her hips making it look like they were actually having sex. She grabbed the waist of his pants and leaned...
I unlocked the door and stepped into the living room. I swung the door closed with my foot as I dropped my briefcase on the couch and began to peel off my jacket. I dropped my keys on the stand by the door and tossed my jacket onto the back of the couch. I moved quickly to my office down the hall, anxious to begin my evening. It was the first time I was going to see her. Yeah, we had shared plenty of pictures and had several very naughty chats. I felt I knew her quite well, but this was our...
I’d already forgotten his name by the time we reached his apartment, not that it really mattered. I’d had a few drinks before he’d even come in and sat down next to me, too busy flirting with the bartender to notice until I felt his hand upon mine, pinning it gently to the bar as he introduced himself. Dan, perhaps, or Dave. As I said, I’d been drinking. We’d struck up a conversation. Nothing deep. Tonight, I wasn’t interested in deep. I was only here for one thing. Sex. He wasn’t the hottest...
You are a young girl, 18 two months ago. Your chest is near flat, you were constantly teased at school for this. You have unnatural blue hair in a nice little pony tail, you also have lovely emerald eyes and a face that makes you look younger then you really are. You are short for your age, and your frame is slim. You have three brothers and one sister, all are older then you, but still haven't moved out. Your family is rich, so your house is if a considerable size. You awake one beautiful...
IncestI grew up in the Blue Ridge mountains of West By God Virginia.When I was eighteen I was in the woods hunting squirrels one early October morning with my red bone hound,Rusty. We had been walking for a couple miles when rusty took off running and disappeared into the woods. I called out for him but he didn't come back to me. I tried whistling too but he still didn't return. So I started out in the direction he had gone.I walked for about a mile or so when I came upon a clearing with an old log...
I drove to the old-and-rotten-unofficially-turned-adult-theater that I had been too before, parked and headed in. I walked in, went to the counter to pay and the clerk gave me a once over."Ladies are free on Friday nights," he said.Did I really pull off the appearance of a girl? "Oh, I'm not really a girl," I said, not wanting to cheat the establishment out of revenue."Hot stuff, you are close enough for my tastes," he said with a dashing smile. "Have fun up there." He then winked at me.He was...
Did I ever mention how much I loved Keri’s pussy? I love her tits. I love her eyes. I love her face. I love the entire package that her soul is wrapped in. A parent trying to pick their favorite child has an easier task than me trying to pick out my Keri’s favorite feature. We often spent an entire Sunday afternoon watching football. We cuddled up on the couch, our normal position when watching TV together and one of my favorite positions. Keri sat and I lay, on my left side, with my head in...
Amy was one of the sexiest black girls Missy had ever seen. She'd met Amy through her brother, Ron, who had started dating her and on this particular evening, Ron and Amy had come over where Missy and Amy's brother, Larry, had settled down to watch a DVD and enjoy the evening having sex. When Ron and Amy showed up, Missy had intially been very upset but when they started passing around a toke of marijuans, Missy felt herself becoming noticeably much more mellow and at ease with having the...
*The story of how I met my beloved Kittypet and our first intimate online encounter. *Any spelling mistakes are deliberate as part of the online messages (speech). *Literotica rules apply *Once more to be clear, all characters are at least 18 years old. In fact, Kittypet had just turned 19 when we met. * Disclaimer All characters engaging in copulation, drinking, substance abuse or other so-called adult behaviour that might appear in this totally not made up story are of the magical...
Typical New York City Friday afternoon back in the day: a dark Alphabet City shithole of a bar stinking of stale beer and cigarettes, the requisite old man sitting at the bar watching TV, two coked-out businessmen huddled in a booth in the corner, this goth girl dancing by herself over by the jukebox, some dilettante bridge-and-tunnel poet playing wannabe bad boy. The poet is currently trying to buy a drink by reciting a spontaneous poem to the hot bartender in payment (good luck with that). ...
Straight Sex"What's wrong, Kitty Kats!". Today we're checking out Kitty-Kats.net. Now if you’re anything like me, you know all too well how convenient it is to jerk off to any random video on a popular porn site without a care in the world. It truly is a blissful, carefree feeling to just throw caution to the wind and open up any video with a hot thumbnail on a porn site and bust a nut to it like it’s nobody’s business. But while the previously stated scenario may seem like a wanker’s delight, the truth is...
Porn ForumsTube Kitty! The simple fact about tube sites is that they source their videos from other sites which means that their major challenge is to try and standardize their videos quality which at times they fail at terribly, but some try. Well, TubeKitty.com has fairly tried to bring you the best but what really makes the site stand out besides from its massive collection of videos is its diversity.Trust Tube Kitty to bring you the most exotic fetishes and kinks plus porn featuring these genres; gay/...
Porn AggregatorsCam Kittys! I know that anyone sensible will agree with me that nothing brings out so much thrill than; new shit especially involving nasty young bitches with not only lots of energy but new tricks up their sleeves. Well, I don’t know about you, but I own my pervasiveness 100%, and I wouldn’t let such shit pass me by, not for even for the fucking world! So you can bet on the fact that I've been to camkittys.co and loved it very much.Am talking about a site packed with lots of pinky lips and...
Porn ForumsYou've thought about it, you've fantasized about it, and you've decided that it's for you. All well and good. Now to take the theory into practice. There's a distance between wanting to be a dom and being a dom, though, and it pays to be aware that there's more involved than you might think.How hard can it be?Trickier than it sounds. There's more to being a dom than telling people what to do. There's a lot more to it than telling people what to do. Anyone can do that; it no more makes you a dom...
Missy couldn't believe that today was the day she was finally venturing back out into the world. She was 20 years old and had spent most of the past six years with her Auntie as her design apprentice. Auntie worked as a freelance lingerie designer mostly for a company called Belle du Jour Lingerie. And today Missy was going to interview for a full time position at Belle du Jour arranged by Auntie. Missy's journey up until this point was hardly conventional. Her real name was Marcus...
Welcome to my latest adventure. This new series of stories is going to be wild and crazy and a lot of fun. Hopefully, you'll enjoy this one. So without further ado, let's get on with it. All non-commercial and electronic rights to this story are reserved. If it's not legal for you to read erotic material in your legal jurisdiction, please do not read this story. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K: Chapter 1 - STARTING UP - By Brett Lynn Miss K sat near her bedroom window in...
This is yet another installment of the pure pornography that I love to call "The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K." So far, people have been loving my over the top sex romps, and I hope you fair fans love this one too. If you are not legally permitted to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please do not read this. Also, I retain all commercial and non-electronic rights to this work. If you want to use this work, just ask. So, without further ado, let's get on with the...
This continues the efforts by 24-year-old Miss Bentner to have disciplinary control over 36-year-old Elizabeth, as she already had control over Elizabeth’s 17-year-old daughter, Emma. The discipline came first. Now though comes the manipulation of both mum and daughter to ensure both submit to her: Miss Bentner looked at the two bottoms still bent across the table. She knew Emma will be wet with anticipation for her ‘afters,’ finger and tongue sex. It happened regularly after she spanked the...
SpankingThis continues the Mrs Denver Prelude series, but is a spin-off. Elizabeth and Emma Carson, mum and daughter, are regularly spanked and caned under the various disciplinary systems introduced by Headmistress Mrs Denver. There is a change in who dispenses that discipline. 24-year-old Miss Hannah Bentner, a teacher at Emma’s school. This is how she takes over disciplining Emma. Elizabeth and Emma sat in the living room chatting. Miss Bentner had offered to give 17-year-old Emma private lessons at...
SpankingStephanie, Miss Jamieson, the school secretary pressed the intercom. “Hullo, Headmistress. Miss Curtis, the School Inspector, is here to see you.”“Send her in please,” The Headmistress, Miss Simons, replied.The School Inspector listened to the exchange and afterwards said curtly, “The meeting will take about an hour. Please hold everything else until I come back out.”Miss Jamieson looked up at the School Inspector. She was surprised to find she was so young, and no more than twenty-five she...
SpankingTegan bit her lip MISS PRATT?S PUNDIT July 2, 1982 The two girls walked carefully, attempting to avoid the rusty cans and general litter on the grounds of the Craddock-Childress Greens Mobile Home Village. The taller girl, a pretty redhead in a bikini carried a boom-box, which was emanating Boy George's sordid screams. The smaller girl had short, ratty hair, and wore thick glasses and lugged a copy of "War and Peace" bouncing against her soggy one-piece swimsuit. "Goddamn if...
Miss Trottle was a teacher in a high school in Bristol, Connecticut. It was the end of a particularly hard few weeks because as the summer holidays approach the workload for the teacher doubled, with parent’s evenings, thousands of reports, after school events and end of year exams Miss Trottle was glad of the fact that it was now Friday. The school bell had rung for the last time before the summer holidays and as the sound of the bell echoed around the empty corridors and deserted grounds of...
Elizabeth Carson walked back up her path enjoying thestinging feeling across her bottom, ready to go to her bedroom and masturbate. She unlocked her front door and walked in to her house. She stopped short when she saw 24-year-old Miss Bentner was already in the hallway with Emma, Elizabeth’s 17-year-old daughter. Miss Bentner didn’t look like a teacher today. She wasn’t in school so that was Ok. Today she wore a tight fitting vest top that showed off her full breasts and firm arms. Her hair...