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The road coming off the reservation is long and dusty. The only pavement you see is the invisible line between the rez and the county. Once on the pavement the cloud of dust that built up on the old pick up truck is bit by bit sailing into the wind. It’s about ninety-five outside the truck and you can finally roll down the windows to get some air, but dust has a way of finding itself onto your black dress and you are covered in a light dun color that must be brushed off before you see the human resources director in town about a job. Beads of sweat evaporate as the air blows through your hair, it hasn’t rained here in six months and it looks like it’s gonna be another six before it decides to.

The highway is a long tongue of black stretching from horizon to horizon, east to west, with nothing but desert on either side. This old truck is the only vehicle on the road, well, road between the pot marks and large cracks that haven’t been repaired since 1960. That’s when the left front tire blows and for the next seventy feet of bad road, (better than the dirt washboard you just drove off of), you careen from side to side trying to control you sudden decent in forward thrust. A cloud of dust erupts on either side of the road and finally you come to a rest on the right side of the road on a sand bar that has already buried half of the remaining tires on your old pick up.

Safe for the moment you bang your head against the wheel and a loud beep of the horn blasts into the desert air and is sucked into the void without anyone else to hear the sound. There is a spare tire in the back of the pick up with a jack, but you are in your finest clothes and have no wish to soil them. That’s when you notice that you are covered in dust from head to foot and the black dress is now embedded with dust that even a good brushing won’t get out. Frustrated, you open the driver’s side door and keep it propped open with one of your high heeled feet while you find a cigarette and lit up. Bits of dust fall from your hair as you smoke and glancing at your face in the mirror you see your fine black eyebrows have a nice dun color to them and dust is now embedded into the carefully done make up you spent an hour on this morning.

One cigarette turns into two and then three, ten minutes becomes an hour before you decide to move. It is now ten O’ clock and the temperature just rose another five degrees and sweat is beginning to turn your dusty figure into adobe. IT is flat in all directions and not even a buzzard is visible let alone another vehicle to offer any assistance. Right now you should be sitting in an air conditioned office building talking up your resume with the law firm you wish to be engaged with. The thought enters your mind that being a woman is one strike against you and being an Indian woman is like having the world against you. Even if they let you in it would be to clean the toilets instead of writing briefs and studying for the bar.

One way or another you got to get this wreck of a truck back on the road and decide which direction you want to go in no matter what the rest of the day brings.

Somehow preserving the slight chance that you might get to the law firm and produce yourself in a presentable manor your first consideration is to keep the dress as pristine as possible. Stepping outside the vehicle you remove your dress and pantyhose and high heels. The beads of sweat evaporate as soon as your skin is open to the air and clan only in bra and panties you go about the task of changing a flat tire.

An hour and a half later, you are on your knees with an old jacket to keep from scraping your skin and you are almost in tears. Not that the jack was any good to begin with, which it meets a marginal description of it’s name sake, it’s the soil beneath the tire. The flat part of the stand keeps sinking into the soil once the weight of the truck is put upon it thus never lifting the truck up but assisting the jack lower into the ground. This causes the tire to sink just a fraction of an inch lower each time she tries. Even using flat rocks to prop the jack on, the rocks sink. It’s a wonder why she isn’t sucked into the ground like quicksand.

This calls for another cigarette and she rises from her knees and pads on the hot ground to the open driver’s side door for her cigarettes. As she rounds the headlights, watching where she is stepping, she hears a voice.

“Excuse me, but can I help you sister?” The voice is the tongue of the Navajo and not Anglo and startles her to a stand still. Her head snaps up and there is an older man dressed in faded denim, His face is lined and creased by years of desert weather and his skin is much darker than hers yet he still sports long dark hair slightly graying and it is almost impossible to tell what his age is.

“I’m sorry little sister, but I do not mean to frighten you. I only wish to help.” His hands are outstretched in a universal offering of help, they have a look of old, dried leather imbedded with calluses upon calluses. His smile is weak but genuine and it is hard not to trust such a disarming smile. Yet, there Is not another vehicle anywhere to be seen, nor any type of home or even a path where he might have come from.

“Grandfather, thank you for your offer but I do not wish to put you to so much trouble, least you hurt yourself at my expense.” She is amazed that she even remembers her own language after all the years she was punished at school for speaking it.

“Do not worry, little bird, I am stronger than you think.” He smiled and his face seemed to smooth out just a bit, as if he lost some of his wrinkles.

At this moment the realization that she was clad only in bra and panties overcame her and she blushed. Flustered she tried to do something with her hands to cover herself up but had no idea how and this caused her to shift positions slightly and raise goose bumps all over her torso.

The old man, still smiling, removed his old faded jean jacket and placed it around her arms in a fatherly move and she was comforted. On closer observation, she noticed that he might not be as old as she first thought and had that kind of rugged masculine look about him. The image sent an erotic pulse through her and her nipples hardened and she felt moisture between her legs. She blushed again at the thought.

He wore an old oxford shirt that once had been white but with age and dust and repeated washings had turned a sepia color. The top buttons were unbuttoned and showing a bronzed chest without hair. On his feet was hand made moccasins paper thin in appearance yet durable enough to scratch gravel for thousands of miles. He was as tall as she was and rail thin, like a man who ate once every other day weather he needed it or not.

She pulled the jacket around her and felt as though she had been covered in a cavern of denim, yet the jacked was only a size or two larger than one she would wear herself. As she did so, her palms passed over her hardened nipples and she let out a silent sigh.

“Excuse me little one,” and he passed around her and went to the heart of the problem, the flat tire. He got down on one knee and inspected the problem from all angles and then sat back on his haunches and pondered. “Have you some tobacco, sister?”

She retrieved the partial pack of cigarettes and mover to him and offered him one by extending the pack forward allowing a smoke to protrude. His face was on the same level as her panties and he seemed able to smell her scent by a slight hesitation prior to plucking the smoke from its package. To obscure his attention she flicked her lighter the instant the cigarette touched his lips. His eyes looked up at her and the deep hazel with the black pupils froze her. He inhaled deeply and pushed the still lit lighter away from the edge of the cigarette and the spell was broken, she shook her head and asked, “What do you think, Grandfather, can it be fixed?” All the Navajo in her seemed to
come back in a flood. Not just the language, but everything. How one treats elders, the traditions, the old songs and stories, late night fry bread, long sweat baths, lodges, herding sheep, everything came to her all at once and she was more native than she had ever been in her life.

“This problem is not insurmountable little one. It is like climbing a mountain, once you are on the top, all you have left is downhill.” They both laughed at his remark. With his hands he dug around the area where the jack and the rock had been. It took a while but he found something solid to replace the rocks on and requested her to find as many flat stones as she could.

Carefully picking her way through the desert, picking up stones and returning them she pilled up a nice little pile in the course of an hour or so. He created a rock bed to place the jack on and succeeded in raising the truck only a few inches. He cleared the silt under the axel and placed flat rocks under the axel until the axel rested on the stones. Together they dug out the flat tire enough space to replace it with the new tire. It took them some time for all of this and it was almost two when they were done and the temperature was hovering around a hundred degrees. Sweat poured from each of them and evaporated just as easily in the dry desert thirsty for any moisture at all. To get the truck off the rocks and jack, she had to put it in the lowest gear and pull forward by an inch or two. Even then, they had to dig out the jack and remove some of the stones in order to drive on.

Thankful for all the effort that the old man went to on her behalf she asked, “Can I drop you anywhere, Grandfather?” He seemed puzzled at this question and she added, “I have nothing to offer you but the comfort of my truck, as it is, to take you where you wish to go.”

The old man seemed to sniff the air around him with his eyes closed. He turned completely around and when he opened his eyes he pointed with his nose in the opposite direction she was going in and said, “I have a place over there, past eagle point. If it is no trouble, I would appreciate a lift, little girl.”

Eagle point was thirty miles away and who know how many miles into the hills he lived. Her appointment was blown anyway so, why not. He was so kind and helper her when she needed it, besides, he was an elder and it was good manors to do his bidding. “Climb in Grandfather and we ride in comfort.”

As they rode she spoke of her childhood and how she had grown up and he listened. She knew he was taking in her beauty. It was too hot to put dress on and she felt comfortable with him. He snuck glances at her long legs as they operated the clutch and gas pedals and her thin arms turning the wheel and was obsessed with the curve of her breast and flatness of her belly. She knew he was looking and she liked it. Even felt like he might be an interesting if not temporary lover. As he looked at her he seemed to change into a man that was younger than she first met. Gone were most of the wrinkles on his face and his long hair seemed to have more color in it. She must be imagining it because she was kind of horny and he was a nice guy and maybe, just maybe the day would not be a total loss.

Past Eagle point they turned off on a dirt road and rose into the hills rapidly. At the top of a hill a small track led off to a hollow hidden from view and they turned on it. It led to a dilapidated wooden shack that had antlers and skulls of deer surrounding it. Next to it was a beautifully done, well made, sweat lodge. She wondered if he lived in the sweat lodge or the shack. He took her inside his home and inside it felt like her home as she was growing up. Familiar smells and the similar sights of her youth, along with the décor was a dramatic difference than what the outside looked like.

He excused himself and disappeared as she wandered around his home. It was a three room building and in one of the rooms she found herbs hanging from the ceiling and various herb concoctions in jars and bottles. It struck her that this was a medicine man, a healer, and a man of knowledge.

When he returned, he held her dress and panty hose and shoes and asked, “May I clean these for you my flower?”

Why not was her reply and she questioned him if he was a medicine man or a witch. He smiled and told her he was a medicine man and dancer, a healer. However, the folks around him labeled him a shape changer and a coyote which was unfair, since they still brought their sick to him for healing. He did not mind the slur to his abilities, but wished people would treat him with more respect like she has done.

There was no running water but he had a tank with drinking water stored out back and filled a basin and washed both the dress and panty hose and hung them to dry.

“What you need little flower is some healing.”

This startled her a bit, “Healing?”

“Yes, you suffer because you are like two people and cannot decide which one you will be. You must learn to integrate the people inside of you and become one in order to live, otherwise, you will die and your body will keep walking until it is dead also.”

Usually, Navajo did not mention the dead in any instance, but this somehow fascinated her, “How then, Grandfather, will you heal the two me’s?”

He pointed to the sweat lodge outside. There was some confusion on her part because the sweat lodge was used mostly by the elders and men, women did not enter the man’s territory in any instance. He noticed the puzzlement on her face and using words she could not remember he gently guided her to the sweat lodge. She found herself seated on a low bench that circled the perimeter of the lodge and he offered her a mug of tea as he prepared the fire. She sat with her knees together sipping on the tea with an unusual flavor that tasted of many things, with the overriding smell of nutmeg. He chanted something in ancient Navajo that she did not quite get, it was half singing and half chanting and the words flowed together and became a long stream of tones, punctuated with slight pops and squeaks. When the fire was going she had finished her tea and he had her drink a second mug full and then a third.

As the place warmed up and he put rocks onto the fire and bunches of sage on the hot rocks she removed her bra, which was soaking wet with perspiration and discarded it to one side. He helped her slid out of her panties and she leaned back against the wall and let the steam heat encircle her body. She closed her eyes and felt as if she were lying on water. Just floating on a sea, with her arms extended and her legs extended, but the water was thick and would not let her sink, perhaps she was like oil and lighter than the water itself, yes, that was it.

AS she floated she felt soft hands touching her. First she felt fingers gently parting her hair and cupping her face, tracing her lips, eyes and nose. Soft kisses lighted on her eyelids and on the cheek bones. They felt good and soft, like the wings of a butterfly. She could feel herself smile and the finger traced her lips and the butterfly kissed her lips again and again and she liked that.

She felt the fingers along her arms and they made intricate patterns weaving in and out but light as if a ladybug were walking on her skin. The patterns rose along her shoulder blades and neck and felt good. NO, more than good they felt like reassurance and comfort and allowed all tension and stress to leave her arms and shoulders. She had spent the last six years in law school working seventy hours a week to graduate and all the tension and frustration and cramming left her. She felt free of herself, yet, she felt as if she was more of herself.

Intricate patterns began to weave themselves along her chest and belle and she felt aroused. Her smile behind closed eyes deepened. She did not wish to open them for fear of breaking the spell of the magic that was being done. She felt her nipples harden and her
breast swell and she may have moaned but she was still floating on water in a place where sound did not occur. There was a lot of work In the intricate patterns on her torso and she felt them on her back as well. She wondered how one could do that while she was floating in water, but the thought evaporated as every muscle in her back seemed to loose it’s taught strength and she gave over to the soothing effects that no massage on earth could ever achieve. She was like rubber or clay, moldable and loose. Her arousal was still there and she felt the butterfly kissed on her breast and nipples and she made a moan but no sound found the air to her ears. She didn’t mind, it was pleasant and she enjoyed the feeling. Each moment brought a new sensation to her and she reveled in it.

She felt the designs on her legs now, and with brief interruptions for a butterfly kiss to the nipples and lips, she felt all the tension in her legs drain out and replaced with something that seemed to build. She could not discern what was building just that something was building and she liked it, what ever it was. She felt fingers along her pelvis and her Vagina as well as her buttock. This was not an invasion of her but somehow a need by her. She wanted the fingers to linger a little longer and she wanted to feel the butterfly kisses she felt elsewhere.

AS she floated in the water she began to feel fingers and hands all over her body, seeking places she never knew existed and she was like a rag doll to it all. She let the sexuality of the touch seep into her like the tension seeped out of her and she began to hear her own breathing. At first it came in short gasps and sharp intakes, and then she began to really breathe hard and fast.

She felt her legs as they wrapped around something and then blended into it and became one. She felt someone penis inside of her yet it was not a penis but something that was a part of her. She knew another body was there, but she seemed to melt into the body and become one with it. She was both male and female at the same time, copulating with herself. She felt her body jerk and move involuntarily as the pace of her own love making picked up. She knew just where she wanted to be touched and it happened. She knew just what she wanted and it happened. She felt the orgasmic explosion and screamed out loud feeling beads of perspiration fly from her skin. Yet she was not done with herself, she kept going and going. Her whole body rolling and squirming, feeling every fiber of her core tingle as she came in waves upon waves, deepening with each wave and broadening with each moment. Each movement brought pleasure and intense erotic pleasure. She reveled in this way for what seemed like days.

When she woke up, she was lying on the old mans bed in his shack. She was naked to the core and every square inch of her body had tattoos all over. Designs she had never seen before and some that were familiar to her from the old stories. The color was beautiful and compact, very delicate. Yet she was in shock when she could not rub them off. There was a snake that wound itself around her waist and down along one buttock passing along one side of her vagina and around the crest of her pelvic bone and down the other side of her vagina, up the other buttock and ending with the head of the snake, mouth open just above her clitoris. The length of her legs sported graceful elk and deer in a running stance, while her arms had flowers and vines that sprouted from the shoulder to her wrist.

She jumped up from the bed and felt as if she had been rode hard and put up wet, which is most likely what had happened. She was sore to the bone in her Vagina and ass and her nipples felt like someone had pulled them two feet longer than they were willing to go. She was weak in the knees and walked as if she was bowlegged. There was no Mirror in the shack and she had no idea what was tattooed on her back side or face, but she, strangely enough, did not feel angry. She was concerned, but not overwhelmed. She wondered about the shack looking for the medicine man but he was nowhere to be found. She poked her head into the Sweat lodge but he was not there. Still naked she began to look for her clothes and found her dress hanging from a clothes line in the back looking as if it had just been pressed. Next to it were her panties and bra and pantyhose. All clean and ready to wear. She dressed and found her shoes on the floorboards of her truck.

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We waited for this moment ever since we laid eyes on each other in the dorm hallway so many years ago.  The part of us we had been denying for so long was finally being satisfied.  After it was finished, you simply held me as the water fell.  You are too afraid of letting go or closing your eyes.  Afraid the moment will pass, and you’ll have to give me back to him all too soon.We finally separate when the water begins to cool.  You re-dress into your swimming trunks and I in my cover-up. ...

1 year ago
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Tina Chained

BLACKMAILING TINATina had been drunk. Or it would never have happened in the first place. Tom was away on business, and Harry was already in the pub when she had arrived.She hadn’t seen Harry since they were at school together over fifteen years previously, and they spent the evening catching up on old friends, and lives between leaving school and now.Harry had been married, but his wife, Christine, had died from cancer a couple of years back, whilst Tina was happily married to Tom, though they...

3 years ago
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Older women gets fucked by a young boy Chapter 1 By Nasty guy

At first let me discrib her , her name is Sujata she was 46 yr old sexy women with 42 cc breast with big ass and my name is Nastyguy I am horny virgin with 7 inch long and 3 inch thick cock at 17 and searching for my first fuck . Let me continue with story ,as I was talking to her I could'nt take my eyes of her boobs which was all wet and I could see a thin line of her boobs as her saree was wet and she was wearing a black bra which was also transprant . I was horny as I was...

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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 26 My Wife We Make Love

There she was. My wife was standing in front of me from where she’d come I didn’t know. When I’d asked for her hand in marriage, the old fashioned way, as her father drove me to the airport to catch a flight back home, he warned me about her. I’d already been given hints by her brothers and her father explained how she “has a sense of logic that’s almost always correct. I have to admit it. She sets me straight on matters a lot of times. It’s kind of uncanny.” We were young, mid twenties,...

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Alex One House Sitting For A Friend

Sorry, this is a little rough. I've tried expanding the originalversion but ... i dunno. Anyways this should be a continuing seriesof some sort. (I might post the original old version too...) Alex One: House Sitting for a Friend. By Alex Shouse. My friend Karen had worked her way through a somewhat bitterseparation and had decided to cash in some vacation time from workto take a little trip to 'get it all out of my head' as she she had asked me to House Sit while she was away...

4 years ago
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A Bride chapter 17

I'd finally managed to pull myself together enough to take the girls for a spin round the block. Well actually we went about twenty miles up the M1 motorway, it was a beautiful car and I loved it immediately.Mum got shouted at by Jill for telling me that it was actually Jill who'd bought it for me and that it had cost two thousand pounds."No Jill," she said seriously, "Let's be right about it, it's a beautiful gift, and I'd feel a fraud if I pretended that I'd put towards it.”Jill leaned...

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Majgen Ch 010

—-=(A cosy room)=—- Majgen was alone. The room Ottearon Weissme had led her to was beautifully decorated, elaborate decorations were unusual in polymorphic passenger suites, but the designers hired by the Mentariata often strayed from what was usual. The combination of great amounts of money and requests for excellence often had such effects on designers at Majgen’s time. This setting had been named ‘Cosy Comfort in Mellow Shades of Pink and Red’ by its designer. It was a suitable name. ...

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Eporner Interracial

The internet is filled with lots of wonderful places where you can just sit down, relax, and enjoy watching thousands of gorgeous women get plowed every which way. However, we are all into certain kinds of plowing sessions, and in case you were looking for that interracial lovemaking, you might be interested in checking out a rather known free porn website called website is filled with all kinds of porn videos, from amateur to professional, to everything else. However, I am not...

Interracial Porn Sites
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Миша открыл дверь. С порога раздался голос жены - ты сегодня что нибудь купил, нет, ну почему всегда я должна обо всем помнить и обо всех заботится. Ирина вышла в коридор, и уперев руки в бока смотрела на Мишу. Ничего не говоря, Миша размахнулся и отвесил ей звонкую пощечину - заткнись сука. Ира опешила, все еще ничего не понимая, она просто стояла и смотрела как следом за мужем в квартиру вошли еще двое мужчин. А это кто? - после некоторой паузы спросила она. Это мои сослуживцы, они взялись...

2 years ago
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the shemale transformation part 3

So i returned to school the next day my mom was glad i was back but tanya was repored missing. I went to lab class and that girl was stair at me again. I didnt think much of it but this time she was smiling at me like she was glad im back. After school as i was walking home she walked up to me wearing nee high heels and a skirt and corset with a long sleave sweeter she had a cute round booty and hu mugous tits. She walked over with a smile and asked if i would be her boyfriend i told yes but in...

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Sue and Her Sister Sandras Spanking SessionsChapter 2

Recalling where we had left off in part one, I had only recently been made a permanent member of the spanking club with Sue and Her Sister Sandra paying my fee which I could, quite frankly, not really afford. They both knew how desperately I wanted to spank and humiliate some of the more mature members of the club on the female side and my favorite target was the dreaded Mrs. Tingle. She always tried to maintain control even when she was upside down and being nailed by a lad with a ten inch...

4 years ago
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Little Jakes Perversions pt2

Jake realized that he could not leave his cum there and he got a washcloth and wet it with warm water and a dry towel. He gently wiped his mother's ass cleaning it as best he could then he dried her with the towel. He was amazed at how erotic just cleaning his cum from her ass was and what a rush the whole adventure had been. By the time he returned to his bed he was hard and needed to masturbate again. At least he already had the towel.When Jake got up the next morning he was still thinking...

3 years ago
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In The Beginning chapter one

Most of the Mike Claymore mysteries were written in the 1999 to 2004 period during a depressing period in my life. The writing period was culminated by a tragic loss that left me disinterested in ever writing again. I have attempted to write in that old familiar style but my life has changed to the extent that I can no longer even think in that manner. Recently I have enjoyed a rejuvenation in spirit that has led me to attempt to start a new series. For the sake of my many fans of the...

3 years ago
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Aunty Ne Mujhe Hilate Huve Pakada

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Sabhi khade lund aur meri pyaari rasili bhabhi aur mast aunty ki ras bhari choot aur bade bade boobs ko mera salam. Hi.. . Mera naam akash he (badla buva), ye meri pehli kahani he jo me apko batane ka raha hu. Koi spelling mistake ho toh dekh lena aur feedback is email par dena . Meri umar is waqt 21 ki he aur lund 7 inch lamba aur 2 inch mota he aur hamesha khada hi rehta he. Ab aate is kahani ki heroine par uska naam he kaya (badla huva) uski umar is waqt...

2 years ago
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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhCharacters

.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Mutiny on the Bunte KuhCharactersCopyright© 2019 by Omachuck Characters - Listed Alphabetically Armand - Inkie’s adopted son Boats, Vivie, Boatswain Genevieve Arthur - More mature version of Vivie, Accidentally extracted as 11-year-old, precocious Bossie - Bunte Kuh’s AI, later renamed Bessie Bunte Kuh - Experimental, purpose-built supply/passenger carrier Captain Darius Delaney Dreck -...

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The Limo Driver Pt2

Doors were open all up and down the hall, heads were looking out of doors from at all the commotion, Sue grabs Paul’s arm and asks what wrong, he looks at her with tears in his eyes and says ask the slut next door, I don’t know how she had the nerve to wear white in the church and he storms down the hall, the last thing any one herd of him that night was squealing wheels as he pealed out of the parking lot. Sue runs into their room Debbie had her face buried in a pillow crying her eyes out, Sue...

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EpeshawariChapter 8

I moseyed. For those of you who don't know a mosey; you have a place to go ... but not fast. A mosey differs from a meander; a meander has no destination. So I moseyed out to the end of the pier and started to go in front of the lighthouse. Josie hollered. I couldn't hear what she was saying, so I trucked on back. "Stay where I can see you ... shoo!" She went inside the coral block house and came back out with a lounge and a brown bottle. She stripped, sat and started working on...

4 years ago
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Anne Camping Adventures

ANNE I was chilled to the bone, swallowing too much water, and trying very hard not to drown. The man appeared as I once more popped to the surface. I caught his rope on the first throw. That was one man I was surely glad to meet. Who was the man and how did I get into such a predicament? Allow me to back up some and explain. My name is Anne, but my friends call me Annie. I'm a natural redhead with long, silky hair reaching just short of my shoulders. I'll be twenty-two on Monday. I'm a...

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Second Chances Retribution

I thank Huedogg11 for his permission to write this version. I am starting this story after the dock confrontation. The ex has already made the request for the girls kidney. He has requested the entire family meet at his house for a talk I will be adding a new wrinkle to the story that will require a flashback. * After arriving in Bermuda ,Wallace was still angry and hurt. He bought a boat and started his new career. He had been working for a couple of months when a woman in her mid thirties...

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Malikas Journey Part 1

At the age of 24 I could probably pass for a 20 year old, maybe an 18 year old if I really pushed my luck, but who wants to be 18 again? I certainly don’t. Late nights studying, writing papers, and working rigorously formed the vast majority of my late teen and early adult years. Despite this, the stressors of academia did not seem to impact my appearance. My lightly tanned skin is smooth, my lips are full, and my eyes are dark and deep. To cope with the stress I worked out religiously,...

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The Last Police ChiefChapter 19

The night before the first day of work with the project humanity builders, I was too nervous to sleep. had no idea how things would work out with my part time job. I sure as hell wouldn’t be dropping my real job to be a pretend carpenter. Nonetheless I skipped my morning hike opting for a real breakfast instead. While ridding the scooter to the job site, I carried my tools in the small knapsack on my back. Mine was the only three wheel moped in town and was therefore a curiosity. I didn’t...

2 years ago
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Handjob only on first date

I thought I'd recount an amusing story from my first 'hook up' my freshman year of college in 1995. I met a nice and very cute red-headed girl named Erin in my dorm. Sure enough one night after smoking a good amount of marijuana out of her bong we started making out. Kissing Erin was very nice and happily our respective shirts (and her bra) came off rather quickly. I rubbed her pussy over her jeans. It was steamy and she didn't object. She got a little skittish when I tried to slide my...

3 years ago
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Blood LustChapter 34

The fire in the basement had spread to cover the ceiling with a blanket of orange and blue flame by the time Alicia sat up and smoothly rose to her feet. As she turned to regard Arthur's body, ripples of change coursed across her form. Her body mass and height rapidly diminished, her skin became several shades darker and her hair grew longer and more glossy. Lei truly regretted that this had become necessary, but she had warned Arthur of the consequences of disturbing the balance between...

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The online collector

I pressed the cloth into her cute little face. My thumb stung, yesterday I had bitten of a little bit of skin next to my nail and now the chloroform was pricking me. She wasn’t out yet. She was still struggling, although not with her full force anymore. Muffled protest came from behind the rag. Her eyes looking up at me in fear. Begging me, pleading me to let her go. I stroke a strand of hair from her forehead. ‘Don’t be scared, honey,’ I said. ‘Just breath. Take a another few deep breaths. I...

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Watching TreyChapter 2

While she was still 'out of it', Robbie took a few minutes to straighten Trey's appearance, pulling her left hand out of the panties (taking a moment to bring her fingers to his nose, inhaling deeply before carefully licking each one), lowering and straightening her legs, smoothing her skirt down, pulling her right hand out of the top of her dress, and otherwise just leaving her in an innocent restful pose. He went into the kitchen to prepare them something to eat for lunch and waited for...

4 years ago
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Meeting Sylvia

It must have been a couple of hours, and no one had shown up yet. This left me feeling like I had been stood up, which really didn’t bother me all that much. So, I took out the sketch book and started a new drawing, just something comic bookish, maybe a bit fantasy, but it was getting difficult to see what I was drawing. So, I took my things and drink and moved to the bar itself where there was more light. After finding a nice comfy stool to settle down on I flipped back to the page and...

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Southern Comfort1

So, what was I supposed to do? I mean, there I was alone with the girl and all she was wearing was a flimsy pair of shorts and a tank-top that was made of the same material. She’d been sitting on the edge of her bed waiting for me and she stood when I entered her room. I could see the slight bulges of her tits poking through her light pink top, as well as her bony hips poking through her bottoms. She looked a bit nervous and in that way that two emotions can show on the same face, she...

2 years ago
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woke up beside a hottie

Just woke up here and you were laying in my arms soft and sweet as I leaned over you and kissed you gently on the cheek you started to wake and to wiggle against me and I thought I caught just a hint of a smile on your face as you did that knowing full well that you know the effect that you have on me I leaned down further and kissed my way down your neck and the tops of your boobs until I covered your nipples with soft gentle kisses and gentle sucked each one into my mouth were I...

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The Princess and the Frog

My girlfriend was standing there naked, as I watched her looking through her dresser drawers. I was laying on the bed naked with my cock sticking straight up in the air. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Get over here and sit on this totem pole until it becomes a geyser." "I'm trying to find something to wear to the Halloween party tomorrow night. We need a costume of some kind." I looked at her and said, "Just slip on my hiking boots and go naked." "And what kind of costume is...

1 year ago
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Blind Obedience Chapter 10

Because jewel was on her period, she asked if we could reschedule her overnight stay for the following weekend. "I would love to sleep with you, Master, but I don't want to get your bed all messy," she said.We were both a little disappointed that we wouldn't be spending the weekend together. jewel had been so excited at the idea of sleeping over. But these things do and will happen and so I tried to make the best of it, for both our sakes. "It's okay, slut, we will just have that much more fun...

1 year ago
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Blessings of a Curse 2015 Usa EditionChapter 6

Soon the wedding party and the rest of the princes and princesses, their advisors and councilors, and fifty-one of the most senior wizards and commanders were gathered in the Hall of Anticipation. Yazadril called them to order, and outlined what was known thus far, as well as what was being done to gain more knowledge of their foe. Then he called for comment. For several long moments everyone looked expectantly around at everyone else. Finally Mark cleared his throat, and spoke. “Look, I’m...

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The Engagement

The day had finally arrived for Tim to put his plan into action. He had been dating his girlfriend for a year now and he had a special evening planned to celebrate. He had 3 hours to finish getting everything ready. As the time came for Heather to show up he looked around to make sure that everything was ready. Dinner was almost done cooking, the candles were lit, and soft music was playing. The doorbell rang and Tim almost ran to it to open it. As he opened the door his eyes lit up as he...

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Gold Plated Garbage TruckChapter 8 Dallas Sure Aint Humper County

"You What?" Homer and Connie both yelled at me. "Jesus, Wilbur, don't you have a brain in your head? You want to be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor" Two of them yet." Connie looked about ready to crap a brick. "Relax, they are both twenty-one years of age. I saw their driver's licenses. Now Connie, I want you to call that idiot Hoot up and complain the two young girls are going to be appearing at the Buck Horn tonight in next to nothing string bikinis. Moose...

4 years ago
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My First BBC Gay

I travel the world quite a bit because of the job I have. Recently I was with a group of seven in West Africa meeting with some people about a consulting project. One evening, we went into a remote village to tour around. Our hosts thought it might be a good idea if we were to stay overnight because the villagers were anxious to put on a show for us. They also encouraged us to sleep in the village so we would not have to travel four hours back to the city in the dark.When we got to the village,...

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