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I approached the tall wooden door of the only country house I had seen for the last mile. After three loud bangs, the door opened, and I was greeted by a man in his early thirties dressed in a black suit. He led me in then shut the door behind me locking the doors.

My heart was racing, as neither of us spoke. Eventually, I broke the silence and said "Hello, my name's Adam and...", but I was cut short as he placed his fingers on my lips and took my hand, leading me past his large hallway that echoed our footsteps. We continued through to the perfectly tidy kitchen and outside into his backyard, wherein the distance I could see an old barn.

Once inside the barn, I tried to speak again, but no words came out as I was overwhelmed by intense arousal as my eyes fixated on what looked like a dentist chair. I thought about turning back. Was this mysterious stranger someone I wanted to trust with my life. The only thing I knew about him was from one listing on the classified section of a fetish website I visit frequently.

"The clothes. They're not needed. Remove them," said the stranger finally.

I rushed to remove my t-shirt and trousers, struggling to unbuckle my belt, but was able to stand in front of him naked in no more than a minute. I could see his eyes focus down on my semi-erect penis, but his face told no emotion.

He grabbed me then lifted my naked body onto the chair, pushing my head back then lifting my legs up. Before I had time to contemplate what was happening, my ankles and wrists had been wrapped in a metal chain, attaching me firmly to the chair. My hands were locked slightly above my head to the top of the chair, while my feet were secured to the bottom.

"Should we talk about limits and..."

"You have no limits and if you continue to talk you will be punished."

I stayed silent although the dominance the stranger displayed aroused my, causing my erection to stiffen. Taking a reel of gaffer tape, he stuck one end to the bottom of my legs then wrapped it around the table. He continued to cover my legs, stopping just above my thigh. I pulled at my legs and wriggled my feet confirming I was completely immobile.

Taking another piece of gaffer tape, he started below my waist then wrapped more under the table working his way up my body to just below my neck. Then he proceeded to wrap more tape over my arms ensuring they were firmly fixated to the back of the chair.

Again I pulled and tried to thrust my hips, but I stuck. All I could do was move my head, wriggle my feet and stake my hands. I was truly at the mercy of this stranger, but I didn't want him to stop. I was eager to know what would happen next. Desperate some would say.

He picked up a long metal stick like nothing I had ever seen before. On the tip was a red light shining a constant red. Without saying a word he stuck the tip of the device to the middle of my testicles, giving me a hard electric shock.

"Ahh, fuck, fuck, shit," I screamed struggling to move. I pulled, tugged, twisted my body in any way I could, but the tape had me immobilised.

The stranger finally showed some emotion as he smiled and said only, "Good."

My cock had become flaccid in fear of another shock; however, I was still more aroused that I had ever been. The situation had become more dangerous, but if it had have stopped there I would have been devastated.

He reached his hand out and gently massaged my testicles which had half retracted into my body. As he rubbed me, my cock began to grow again as my balls came out of their hiding spot.

Taking a cylinder full of lube he squired his right hand then my cock with a hefty dose. My erect cock twitched as I eagerly awaited the touch of his large slippery hands. I moaned in pleasure at the first stroke, shaking as I failed to thrust into his hand.

"Adam," he spoke while slowly and frustratingly teasing my cock with his fingertips. "Do you submit to me, your new master?"

I nodded my head frantically. "Yes, yes I do," I blurted out.

"Will you do anything I ask? Anything that pleases me, you will do without question?"

"Yes, yes please," I screamed as his hands squeezed my balls, then continued to stroke my cock.

"I am selfish, cruel and non-forgiving. You must understand this. You will submit your entire body to me."

"Yes, Yes," I begged.

He removed his hands from my body as my cock twitched frantically.

"I am not messing about. If I wanted you to have sex with your best friend, you would do it? If I wanted you to get fucked by everyone in this town you would let me."

He paused.

"If I wanted you castrated. Your cock removed, your balls removed, you would let me?"

My heart beat faster than it ever had in my whole life. Castrated? I really liked my cock. I was sure he just wanted to know I honestly submitted to him, and the horny twenty-year-old I was just screamed out "Yes master, yes I submit to you fully."

He rubbed his hands over my cock faster this time, pumping, stroking, jerking me until I was almost ready to cum. "Oh fuck, fuck I'm cumming, I'm cumming," I screamed.

But before a single drop of cum left my cock, he zapped me with the long metal stick again. I screamed in pain, but he shocked me again, then a further three times. My body shook in pain, pleasure and fear. I was still aroused and would have done anything for him to just touch my cock again. But he didn't. There was silence as my erection subsided leaving a massive load of cum unreleased.

I watched as he walked away, leaving the barn to which he wouldn't return for another hour. Thoughts flew around in my head, thinking if I had made a mistake, was this what I wanted? But I was sure. This is precisely what I wanted. A master that took no nonsense. I didn't care about safe words, limits, conditions. Of course, looking back with the knowledge I have now I may have answered differently.

When he arrived later a rush of sweat and heat filled my body as the anticipation of his next move drove me wild.

"Do you still submit to me? All of your body is now mind. This is your last chance."

"Yes master, my body is yours."

"Good, then we can begin," he said taking a toolbox out from under the chair.

"You're not actually going to..."

"You don't need to speak. One more word and maybe I will."

I watched as he pulled a small medical saw from the toolbox. My face dropped as he turned it on and brought it closer to my cock.

"You do submit to me, don't you?"

I didn't answer for ages, but when I did I almost didn't believe I said the words, "Yes, I submit to you master and if you want to remove my cock you can, but please, please..."

The stranger put the tool away and said, "Good, boy. That's all I needed to know. But you will be pleased to know you can keep your pathetic little cock, though it will be little to no use to you soon."

I didn't really contemplate what he meant, I was just relieved he would not be chopping my cock off.

"Thank you, master. Thank you," I repeated.

Taking out a thin, metal shaped torus from his toolbox, he held it in front of my eyes then said, "This is sharp enough to cut through human bone. Look at the sharp edges."

The metal torus glistened in the light, and I could clearly see how sharp it was. He picked out four large springs and placed them, two at the top and two at the bottom of the device, before attaching another softer torus in front of it.

"I want you to imagine this is your cock," he said while picking up a carrot and placing it into the ring. My head began to throb in anxiety, I almost felt faint as he rubbed the carrot over the device. "You see, the carrot it unharmed. Perfectly safe. But watch what happens now."

He lifted the second torus off the device causing it to snap down firmly on the carrot, cutting it into two. I panicked as I struggled to remove the gaffe tap holding me tightly to the chair. Removing the remains of the carrot, he reassembled the device then placed it over my genitals, pulling my cock and balls through the hole.

"Please. Please master. I don't want to lose my cock."

"I assure you this is perfectly safe. So long as the device remains on your cock, it will never release, and your little cock will be fine."

I pulled my arms and legs, trying to get free but could not. I thought about begging for release, but still, there was something so intense about the control he had over me. I didn't want him to stop, and it was clear he didn't actually want to remove my cock. I kept quiet and looked down as he continued to operate on my privates.

I nervously watched as he took a needle and threaded it through the skin behind my pubes. He was piercing my skin with small but thick rings with small screws attached. The pain was, but I still flinched at every injection. I counted ten piercings, but there could easily have been more. When he had finished, he placed the torus firmly on my pubic skin, exposing the screws through tiny holes. Before fastening them with some hex nuts, he set some more springs right under the holes then explained, "Once these hex nuts go in if any of them are removed, the springs will expand. Do you know what this causes?"

"The blade will cut my dick off?" I stuttered.


He pulled at the torus, which tugged at my skin. It was uncomfortable and a strange sensation, but it did not hurt. I could see the torus was firmly attached to me. Again, looking back I think I would have told him to stop, that I don't give consent, but I just couldn't help obey his every request. His brown eyes would stare, almost pervertedly into mine, feeding off my fear. It gave me a sensation I had never felt before. It was addictive.

I couldn't believe this blade was so close to my cock. I kept asking if it was safe, but even if it wasn't, I was too engrossed in his dominance to even care. I just kept watching as he moved onto his next step.

"This is a small microcomputer with a motor attached," he explained placing it at the top of the torus, then using a screwdriver to force it in place. I could see him attach the end of the motor under the torus and onto the blade. "It has a phone SIM card connected, which will allow anyone with the number and a password to connect and run some commands."

I wondered what commands he was talking about. Did he mean he could remotely set off the blade to chop my cock off? But before I could ask, he pulled my foreskin back revealing my sensitive glans. Taking the injecting device, he pierced a ring over my frenulum which held my foreskin back, then another ring on the reverse side. He plugged two wires into the microcomputer, then connected the other end to the freshly pierced rings near the head of my penis.

Again I wanted to ask so many questions, but he was busy taking out a small, thin metal tube and sliding over my cock. He took out another couple of springs and placed them over two metal rods that extended from the tube.

"This is your chastity cage, boy. Your cock is mine, and it is now up to me when, or even if, you get to use it again," he said as he slid the metal rods, with springs attached, into the torus around my cock and balls. I heard them click into place, as I observed what was once my cock be replaced by a metal prison.

"Do you know what happens if you remove the device?"

"Yes master, my cock get's cut off."

The cold metal from the chastity cage stung the uncovered head of my cock. I feared what the prolonged exposure of my glans would do to me. Would it be like being circumcised? Would I lose any sensitivity? Not that it would matter since I had no access to my cock anyway.

"I have attached a motor to the springs in the device. If I send a command to the computer, it will rotate the motor. This will hold the springs, and stop the blade from slicing your cock. I can, if I want to, remove the device and let your useless cock survive safely."

"Thank you," I sighed as the thought of removing the device became possible.

"Thank you what," he screamed.

"Thank you, sir. I mean master."

"Either is fine. You will address me with respect. I am done with you for now," he said, pulling at the tape restraining my body until my arms and chest was free. The tape pulling at my skin was the most pain I had been in that day. He made sure to pull it slowly, prolonging the agony.

As he worked to remove the last remaining tape from my legs I yelped.

"Silence boy," he scolded.

I jerked my body, pulling at the metal chains until my new master removed them, freeing most of my body. I sat up on the chair and faced him.

"You will notice I connected two wires to your new piercings. They have two purposes. I can deliver you a small or large electric shock at any time, but sending a message to the microcomputer. It will also send me notifications about any erections you have."

My cock was already starting to stiffen at the thought of control this man had over my penis.

"You will see there is a small opening at the tip of the cage. This will allow you to urinate without removing the device. But if you ever stick anything, a finger, a pen, even a finger the device will notify me, and you will be big trouble. You can shoot some water up there to clean yourself, this will not set it off."

"Yes, master. Yes, sir."

I stood up, feeling the device dangle from my body for the first time. It felt like someone was continually touching my cock and balls. But I knew no one could. No one apart from my master.

"You will leave now. I will see you next month outside my house. No earlier, no later. Understand?"

"A month? No sir, I can't go a month. Are you joking?"

The stranger took his phone from his pocket and clicked a few buttons. This was the first time of many I would receive a painful electric shock sting the head of my cock. I dropped to the ground, instinctively pulling at the device trying to remove it. The piercings attaching the torus to my pubic skin barely moved. This device was firmly on, with no way to remove it. Then I remember the sharp blade and instantly lifted my hands in a panic, for fear of triggering the end of my cock.

"You will not talk back to me."

"Yes sir, I'm sorry master. Never again."

As he continued to use his phone, I flinched, scared of getting another shock. But instead, he took a few steps back and used his camera to take several pictures of my naked body. I remained silent and let him take as many as he wanted.

He handed me my clothes and watched as I got dressed. Once I had put my shoes back on, he led me back through his house then out to my car.

"Before I forget. You will need this," he said handing me a plug and cable. "The torus wrapped around your cock and attached to your skin has a large battery inside. The battery will last forty-eight hours until it needs to be charged. You will charge this every night. When you have two hours left it will continuously send an electric shock, stronger than the one you just received until you plug it in. Trust me, you don't want this to happen. Keep it charged."

"Yes, master. Thanks, master," I said as I pushed the keys into the ignition and drove away. I looked in my rearview mirror as my master stood tall waiting until I had left his property.

I had no idea how I would wait an entire month with this thing stuck to my cock. I was still nervous the blade would fail and cut my cock off. Or what if I didn't keep it charged and had to suffer that painful electric shock again.

It was a long journey back to my apartment, where all I could think about was my new master and how badly I wanted to see him again.

As I said before, do I wish I never met him? Definitely not. But I certainly wish I had access to my cock. Maybe I could have negotiated more, or tried to find someone else. But I knew what I wanted.


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I am taken to the ABS

“So, this is the slut that is going to use the theater today uh” he said. “Well I will enjoy his payment throughout the day.” I looked puzzledly at them and they both just laughed. The owner said “I get mighty horny when I am here, and you will take care of that for me” I look as he undoes his pants and sits behind the desk. “Get over here and take care of me slut” Master nods at me and I go around the desk to see the owner there with a nice 8.5” cock out just waiting on me. I kneel between...

4 years ago
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College Education Part 2

Kyra and I laid on the bed naked, watching her roommate, Leesa, strip off her sweaty tennis outfit right in front of us. "I can't wait to get out of sweaty clothing" Leesa explained. She continued by reaching under the sports bra she was wearing and pulling it over her head, exposing her beautiful tits. Her boobs were probably 34Bs, with small, dark areolas, and nipples that were already erect. Being an athlete, her tummy was no more than 23 inches around, with no flab to be found. "Now I'm...

Group Sex
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John N JulieChapter 4 Monday Morning Blues

Julie: I phoned my partner Beth at her house to tell her how I had been involved in some excitement over the weekend and wouldn't be in till late. I hadn't slept at all well. In fact, my mind was in such turmoil as I lay in bed with this strange and fearsome man who acted like Conan the Barbarian one minute and a shy teenager the next. He frightened me. I saw him humiliate those men. He hurt and injured them in ways I had never imagined possible. He seemed to become a demon of destruction...

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I Inherited My Brothers Pregnant Partner

My brother Vince was two years younger than me, and was in a long-term relationship with his girlfriend, which was new ground for him. In virtually every respect we were as different to each other as ‘chalk is to cheese’. At that time, about fifteen years ago, I was in my late twenties, a successful photographer with my own business in the weddings, portraiture, and catalogues field. I was a stable kind of guy with my own house, and filled my spare time with various sports. All pretty boring...

Love Stories
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30 Se 48 Ke Umar Ki Auraton Ki Chudai

Hello all ISS readers. I am Rocky from Mumbai,  here to share my real experience in the form of a story. Love you all who mailed me feedback. Thanks all of you ladies and girls who trusted me and became friends. I only reply to females coz boys always ask for contact info about all ladies. So my all dear iss readers, all this story I will narrate in Hindi, as many of my ladies love when I write in hinglish. To mera badi umar ki aurton pe attracted hona bahot choti umar se chalu ho gaya tha. 18...

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Taboo sis

My sisters: Jill is 24, tall, slender, brunette, dark brown eyes, wears her hair very long and straight; she's got beautiful mid-sized but pointed tits and large puffy nipples. She has a tattoo on the small of her back and one around her navel. She may not be hot in a 'centerfold' sense, but all of my friends think she's the hottest girl in town. They're probably right. She's smart, in college, and has a very serious relationship going with another student. Jenna is 18, short dirty blonde hair,...

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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 6 Good News Bad News

"C-Condemned?" I stammered. Michael nodded. I was about to ask just what he meant, but at that point the co-pilot came over the speakers announcing our imminent arrival. The flight attendants worked their way up and down the plane, making sure everyone had their seatbelts fastened and their food trays stowed away properly. Apparently, I had slept longer than I thought. The girls looked over and smiled at me, especially Mandy. I smiled back, not wanting to scare them. If Michael wanted me...

2 years ago
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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 5

Later he would not be proud of what he did; later he would be sorry. Bellowing his rage he grabbed Lila's hands jerking her to her feet; he dragged her behind him to the torture room, his roars of anger waking up everyone within earshot. She tried to follow him but wasn't given a chance. He tied her wrists to the suspension beam and raised her on tiptoe. She did not plead, nor cry. She knew why and what was to happen. She struggled on her tiptoes to balance herself awaiting her punishment....

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The WolvesChapter 50

Somewhere in the Orion-Cygnus Arm, enroute to the Mezotis System Jonuth Kidravia’s Ship - Abi 13:44 Ship Time August 25, 2019 I reached up to protect my chest when there was another spike of pain. “Again!” I glared at my newest of taskmasters but did as she said. I was sitting cross-legged on a padded mat in one of the training rooms while Kiri Ulgorsy sat opposite of me, about ten feet away. Above her were a half dozen metal balls that remained stationary as she controlled them. Until she...

2 years ago
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Bus Groping Experience

Hi. I am 23, from Kolkata. I am still studying and working as a freelancer. I am 6 ft, chubby with a 5.5-inch dick. You can get in touch with me at I am a dedicated reader of ISS and this is my second attempt at writing a story. I was in college when this happened. Everyday I had to travel 40 minutes on a really crowded bus. I couldn’t help but notice her curves every time she got up on the bus. We rode the same bus every now and then, when I was lucky enough. She must be working in one of the...

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Cindys Naughty Business Trip

I thought I would write about an experience I had on a business trip. My name is Cindy; I have been married for sixteen years now. I met my husband in Tempe, Arizona, and since we have been married, I have only had sex with him. I am 42 years old, but everyone tells me I look much younger. I am a little insecure about my looks, but my husband assures me I am a little sex pot with a beautiful body. I am petite (size 4), 5'4, 128 pounds, 36D-22-33, brown eyes, long blond hair, to the center of...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 22 Persuading Hagrid

Chapter Twenty-Two – Persuading Hagrid Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mF, Mf, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, oral, spank, unif, voy It was the middle of January and Harry, Hermione, and Ron would be enjoying the cold windy Saturday in the beautiful town of Hogsmeade. They had all dressed accordingly; wearing their heavy winter cloaks to keep warm while they...

3 years ago
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Izzy and Mr James p1

Izzy and Mr James First submission, comments welcomed (no characters in this story are underage) The one thing that Izzy hated the most about herself was her baby face. She’d always been teased about it. She had hoped that by the time she made it to senior year her ‘puppy fat’, as her mother called it, would have all gone away. But now she looked at herself in the mirror on the day of her PSATs and thought, what’s the point? College is all about falling in love, again and again. Who’s going to...

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Cant Pick Your FamilyChapter 23 The Kiss of Life

"Young man, what on Earth are you doing?" The stern voice shocked Joey so much he almost dropped his daughter. He glared at the female cop in front of him. "I'll thank you not to startle me while I'm doing this," he snapped. "I'm not doing this diaper thing often." "Is this your child?" the cop asked looking at him suspiciously. "You mean, am I the father? Yes, I am. Still I'm not out with her on my own a lot, so please lay off. This stuff scares me." He must have looked...

3 years ago
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sis was a good piece of ass

sister playMy family was very sexual from Dad who I know screwed a couple of neighbors since I saw him getting a blowjob from one. My Mom loved to parade around showing her tits and rubbing them in front of all of us. I use to lay awake at night waiting for them to start fucking and hearing my Dad tell Mom she was a good cock-sucking bitch. I also know they had parties at the house that included other couples and a couple or single guys, because I would be sent to a friends house for the...

1 year ago
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Becoming Mommy Fucking Son

Becoming Mommy, Fucking Son Roger sat in his room, frustrated as usual. If he couldn't even get a date, how was he ever supposed to get laid? Virginity was the number one anxiety Roger faced everyday. He didn't understand why girls weren't interested in him. Roger was 5'11, 170lbs, 19 years old. He didn't really excel at anything in school and after graduation faced some pretty average post-secondary choices. Roger had taken a year off school to "find himself" but that year had...

3 years ago
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Marathon Girl

The incessant pounding of rubber soles to pavement thumped focus. Then determination. I can do this. I will do this, each stride seemed to say. I must do this, thought the runner, why I don’t know, but I won’t rest until the training is done and the race is complete. The sweltering heat was relentless. Lelanni wanted it that way. Anyone can train at six in the morning before the torturing sun is high in the sky. That which doesn’t kill me will only make me stronger. The twelve ounces of water...

1 year ago
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Annas Confessions Quick Pleasure

Thank God it’s Friday. Finally, you’ll come home to me. I’vebeen looking forward for this day all week. I checked the time, it’s already 6:30 in the evening. I shut down my desktop, and prepare to leave the office. Had a glance of myself in the elevator mirror, my hair is a mess! I tried to tidy up my stubborn wavy hair. It’s been six months since I had a proper hair cut. Note to self, I need visit the salon ASAP! But on the second thought you love my hair long. Caught myself smiling, I...

2 years ago
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The Bounty HunterChapter 11

Anna closed the door behind her as she entered her apartment after her daily ritual of going to visit the local bar for breakfast every morning. Life had finally gained some semblance of normalcy and routine once the whole affair of the Bounty Hunter was over. She thought that whole episode to be over as she had finally found closure. Of course, the Bounty Hunter knew her real name but she didn’t think he would bother with her. From what she had heard on the forums, he had his own share of...

3 years ago
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Spectacle Part 3

SPECTACLE: PART 3. Copyright Tracy Lane/Transfemme, 2003. All rights reserved. 7. I sat down on Mummy's make-up chair - an unobtrusive art- deco piece I couldn't recall seeing before - and tried to make sense of what I'd just seen. Sliding my panties back into place, I felt drained, numb. My former panic had subsided into vacant shock. Something impossible had happened, something devoid of rational explanation. I should have been devastated, hysterical, yet all I felt was a...

2 years ago
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I Had A JackHammer

I stood in front of the mirror and I had to admit I didn’t look too bad for a forty-four year old woman. My frizzy black hair hung just below my shoulders and I wore a simple gold chain around my neck, shiny against my skin and in stark contrast with my dark eyes. The V-neck of my silky red dress pointed to the cleavage between my breasts, which aren’t huge but large enough to get a look or two, and the only makeup I wore was a bit of lipstick to match the dress.I’d kept myself in good shape...

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Wills new home Part 9

Introduction: not super erotic until the end, but some good filler nonetheless, also some drama…everyones favorite Will sat behind the rock, he made no noise except for his panting. The terrain he was in could only be crossed by foot, even if the reverend could drive his truck, he would have to get out and climb the mountain to catch Will. Sitting by the mountain stream, Will thought about what might happen to Maggie. Its all my fault. He thought to himself, If anything happens to her…it will...

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A Haunting in MissouriChapter 9

Sarah regained consciousness lying on the floor in the main room of the basement. She carefully looked around and saw Mark attempting to place a large wooden X against the wall. She wondered what it was but then noticed the arm and leg restraints, it was to secure her. For what, did he intend to secure her to it and then rape her? There was a table next to the X, against the wall, what was it there for? Then she saw him, there was Thomas, plain as day in her eyes and now standing beside her...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Kate England Tegan James Parent Teacher Conference Part One

When teen Kate England gets in trouble at school she tries to hide it from her parents by intercepting an email calling them in for a parent teacher conference. Kate is sure that her step mom Tegan James will punish her with a grounding if she goes to the meeting. The teen surreptitiously deletes the email from her step mother’s computer, but she doesn’t have a chance to delete the copy on her phone before she grabs it to leave for work. Kate stalls the MILF by begging for some...

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My First Unexpected Experience

Rick, wrists cuffed behind his back, was now in a submissive position and he responded as he was told. He knelt there in front of me, his soaked hard-on bobbing no more than 3 inches in front of my face. This is the first of a two-part story. Feedback is appreciated.Samantha (Sam) and I have a wonderful sex life. We've been living together for nearly six years and we've never strayed outside of our relationship - neither on our own, nor as a couple. We treat each other with respect and we love...

4 years ago
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Stephen and Stephanie

Stephen and Stephanie Now the idea of crossdressing had appealed to Steve for a few years, he wouldn't deny it, but actually doing it for real, no he hadn't got the nerve. A surreptitious wearing of bra and panties, yes once or twice, but for nothing more than a different masturbation thrill. The full works, no he wouldn't know where to start. It wasn't even like he was gay or even bi, it was just a thing that fascinated him. He'd thought about asking one of his Mistress...

3 years ago
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Selling My Neighbors Daughter Rochelle My Volvo

At 45, I am widowed and manage a chain steakhouse in Bermidji, Minnesota where I employ about sixty full-time and part-time employees. I live just outside the city on a half-acre of land that backs up to a snow mobile trail. My neighbor, Nikki, is a single mother with a daughter, Rochelle, who is in high school. Every once in a while Nikki asks me to come over to help her fix something. A broken lock, plumbing leak, or her computer. Between all of the visits I have gotten to know her and her...

3 years ago
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More Goody episode 3

I was 22 when I arrived at my new duty station in Wiesbaden, Germany in the summer of 1960. I was assigned to a headquarters squadron that consisted of sixty or so enlisted men and officers. We worked and lived in former German military administrative buildings. The dormitories were spacious and offered us much more privacy than standard American military barracks. In the military, and especially overseas, you tend to socialize with the people you pull duty with. The single enlisted males had...

Wife Lovers
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Pretty Little Thing

Pretty Little Thing By Lynn LeFey "What the HELL are these?" Angela asks me. I blink. I don't have an answer. At least, not one she would want to hear. She holds up a pair of pink panties. I can see the look on her face. I know what she's thinking. She thinks I'm cheating on her. Nothing could be farther from the truth. They're mine, of course, and I don't know how to tell her that the man she loves has a... feminine side. "I don't know. I guess they...

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