The Stud Farm, Final Part, Loosing Ones Virginity. free porn video

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Norfolk 1933

It had been two months since that evening,

Stella had thought about it a lot since then,
Her and Dawn had discussed it a few times. Dawn had told her that Sir Michael would never let another sole know.
After all Dawn New of all his extra marital activities.
As he new about hers.

Stella had been a little shocked by this.
You mean he knows about what we get up to as well?

Look Stella, Dawn had said.
Mike and I have an open relationship, he has my permission to have sex with any woman.
As long as he tells me all about it,
And doesn't get any woman pregnant.
Not that he can mind you.
And he in turn let's me have sex with anyone male or female that I want.

And as your the only other person I enjoy.
I tell him every little detail.

Look it was my idea that he should ask you, if you wanted to loose your virginity to him.
To be honest,
I wouldn't trust any other man with your first time.
But I assure you I've never told him why, or how you earned the money that you were found with.

As I told him, that is something I would never tell him as it was none of his business.

I only know I said. because Stella needed someone she could trust.
And his never asked about it again.

On this particular evening, Sir Michael was away on business.
Probably would end up in bed with some bit of skirt.
Dawn had thought to herself.

So she had decided to spend the evening with her best friend Stella.
Plus she wanted to know how Stella's date with Max had gone.
She also wanted to know if she was still a Virgin!

Dawn knocked on Stella's door
And called out.
STELLA are you in,

Just in the bathroom, won't be two ticks
Had come the reply.

Are you decently dressed Dawn had called back.

No had come the reply,
I'm naked as the day I was born, just toweling myself off.

OK I'll come in and help you with that then.
Dawn called back.

And with that she walked in the front door, closing it behind her.
As Dawn walked into the bathroom, Stella indeed was standing there naked Toweling herself Dry.

Let me help you with that Dawn said.
Taking the towel and drying Stella's back.

After she had dried her back she gently started to dry her tummy and hips, letting her
Hand slip between Stella's legs.

As she did this she asked her friend how the date had gone with max the previous evening.

Bloody disaster.
Stella had replied.

And told her friend about the previous evening.

You know he wants me to give up working, and live with him.
As no wife of his is gonna work as she'll be to busy having k**s and bringing them up.

Knowing that Stella felt the same way about k**s, as Dawn did.

c***dren were OK as long as you could give them back at the end of the day.

Well I told him that's not how I see my future at the moment.
Not to sure if I'll be seeing him again, after that.

I'm sorry to hear that Stella,
Dawn replied.
Giving her friend a Hug.

Although secretly, Dawn was glad, as she'd never really liked Max anyway.
As far as Dawn was concerned, Max wasn't good enough for her best friend.

You know.
Stella confided in Dawn,
I thought that Max was going to be the man I would loose my virginity to

Oh there there you poor thing Dawn said.
Trying to console her friend who was starting to cry.

Stella just said.
I give up, honestly I do.
At the moment I may as well become a Nun.

Dawn thought to herself.
This would be a good time to bring up the subject of Mike taking her virginity.
But before she brought it up........

So instead she kissed her friend on the mouth.
As there lips met, there mouths opened, and they locked tongues with each other.
Stella forgot all about Max,
Instead concentrating, on kissing Dawn.

As they kissed Dawn's hand took its familiar path between Stella's legs.
Pushing on through her PUBIC hair.
And letting her fingers instead push into Stella's moist pussy.
Stella of course didn't stop her.

As her own hands were busy unbuttoning, Dawn's dress.

Preety soon the dress was on the bathroom floor.
And Dawn was left standing in just her knickers and flat shoes.
Wasting no time Stella soon had her hand inside Dawn's knickers.
Also pushing her fingers into her friends wet pussy.

A little out of breath, Stella suggested going to the bedroom.
As the two women entered the bedroom, Dawn's Knickers came down and off.

Stella was soon laying on her back on the bed,
Her knees were sticking in the air, the soles of her feet and heels flat on the bed
And her legs were apart.
Dawn wasted no time in getting her tongue to work on Stella's sweet juicy pussy.
Thumbing her pussy lips apart, so she could lick and tease Stella's pussy more easily.

Preety soon Stella was having an orgasm.
After her orgasm the two women changed places.
And Stella thumbed open Dawn's wonderful ginger hair covered pussy.
As she licked furiously at Dawn's Clit. Sliding a finger or two
Into Dawns wet pussy.
Oooh yeaaahhh right oohhhhyesssss there.
With in minutes Dawn had an orgam.

As the two women lay arm in arm side  by side.
Stella said. Don't suppose that offer of yours and Mike's is still on the table.

Dawn kissed her friend again, a deep open mouthed kiss, again there tongues locked together.

As the two ladies kissed, Dawn cupped Stella's breasts. Playing with her nipples.

Then Dawn pulled Back.
And said,
Are you really sure your ready to loose your virginity?
If you're really serious, and you want to loose it to Mike, the offer is still open,
And always will be.

Stella looked her friend in the eyes. saying
Yes I'm ready to loose it, and would love to loose it to your husband.

Then when Mike comes back,  either tomorrow or the day after. I'll let him know.
Replied Dawn.

But I would like you to do something for me,  when he takes your virginity.
Added Dawn.

Anything, you know I'll do anything for you Dawn,
Stella replied.

I would like you to fulfil one of my husbands fantasies.  I want you to shave your pubic
Hair off.
Said Dawn.

Plus it'll make it easier for you. Then your PUBIC hair won't get in the way.

Stella without even having to think about it agreed, that if Sir Michael
Was going to take her virginity, then she would do as Dawn asked, and shave her pubic hair off.

A week had passed. Dawn was heading to Stella's. to ask her if she was available Friday night.
As Sir Michael was free all weekend.

Stella was delighted with this news.
And yes she was also free the whole weekend.

Friday Stella had the Day off.
Dawn had taken her shopping. so Stella could be wearing the sort of thing Sir Michael liked.

They were now back at Stella's place, and Stella was in the bath being helped by Dawn to shave her pubic hair off.
Stella thought back to the last time she had to have her pubic hair shaved.

Scotland 1923

It was Stella Brown's first day at St Augustine Catholic girls school.
She was being told all the doe's and don'ts of the school.
She was not happy to find out that one of the rules was. that no pupil
Was allowed to grow there pubic hair. So she'd had to endure the embarrassment of having her pubic hair
Shaved off by the school matron.
As the matron explained,
If a lady has no pubic hair, then no one is going to be looking at her pubic area.
When Said lady is naked.
Norfolk 1933

After helping her shave, Dawn had remarked on how lovely and smooth stella felt between the legs.
And she so desperately wanted to kiss and eat Stella.
But just this once she would wait.

So Dawn left Stella to get ready, and went home to get herself ready.

Stella had bought a nice  matching underwear set.
A new short skirt, the type that  was nice and tight around the bottom. But loose below that.
She put on her blouse and a pair of high heels.
Did her make up. And decided to let her hair hang loose.
Then she was ready.

Stella walked the short distance to the Effinghams house.

Stella knocked on the Effinghams frontdoor.

Dawn answered it.

She was wearing.
A nice white blouse, green skirt and a nice pair of Ruby colored shoes.
Her ginger hair hung loose.

She greeted Stella with a smile on her face.
Please come on in Stella.

Stella followed Dawn to the front room.
as she had done the last time.

As they walked into the front room,
Sir Michael, who was wearing a nice black short sleeved shirt,
Black tight fitting trousers. (which showed off the shape of his nice bottom
Thought Stella to herself.)
and black Slip on shoes.

He turned and greeted Stella and his wife. With a G&T in one hand,
Which he offered to Stella.
And a red wine in the other hand, which he offered to his wife.

Both women excepted the drinks offered to them.

Sir Michael asked Stella how she was.

I'm well thank you Mike, replied Stella.
Remembering to call him Mike and not Sir Michael.

The three of them chatted for a while.
Small talk about nothing in particular.
They had a lovely light dinner, then retired to the front room once again.

Sir Michael said.
So Stella, Dawn here tells me that you said you are ready to loose your virginity.
Are you sure your ready? And that you want to loose it to me?

Stella looked him directly in the eyes
And replied,

Sir Michael I am ready to loose my virginity, and I am happy to loose it to you.

Then shall we begin, replied Sir Michael, standing up and moving over to stand next to Stella.

Stella laughed nervously.
Ready when you are I think.

With that Sir Michael stood behind Stella, placed his hands on her hips,
Leand forward and kissed the side of her neck.
As he kissed her neck all over. his hands slid under Stella's blouse
Slowly. whilst still kissing her neck, his hands moved up the inside of her blouse.
Until they were cupping her breasts.
Preety soon his hands had slipped under the bottom of her Bra,
And were fondling her breasts.

After about 5 minutes of breast fondling, by which time Stella's nipples had become hard.
Sir Michael's hands started to move down Stella's body,
He stopped lightly kissing Stella's neck.
As his hands passed her bottom, giving it a gentle squeeze as they did.

Stella had never had a man stand behind her like this, and do such things to her.
She thought Sir Michael had loverly soft feeling Hands.

By now Sir Michael's hands had reached the bottom of Stella's skirt, and were now making the
Journey up the inside of her skirt.
Soon they were on her hips under her skirt.
He moved his right hand to her navel, slowly letting his fingers run lightly backwards and forwards
Across the top of her knickers, before suddenly without warning sliding his hand down the front of her knickers.

Of course Sir Michael was expecting to be feeling Stella's pubic hair.
But instead he touched the bare skin, of her pubic area.

By the smile on his face, Dawn who was sat in front of them watching.
Could tell he liked what he found.

As he touched her pubic area, sir Michael smiled and kissed the side of Stella's neck.
But his hand didn't stop at her pubic area,
Instead he kept moving it down the inside of her knickers, until his fingers
Were touching Stella's pussy.

As his fingers touched her pussy and started to rub her clit and get pushed into her by now
Moist pussy.
Stella parted her legs a little, so Sir Michael could push two fingers deeply inside her.

Soon Stella was breathing hard, and started to softly moan.

Oooh ahraaa ooohhhhh

Sir Michael stopped,
Pulled his hand out of Stella's knickers.
And held Stella in his arms pulling her towards him.
Both hands were now on her bottom. squeezing her bottom cheeks.

As he did this he lent forward and kissed Stella on the lips.
Stella opened her mouth as he did this.
Allowing Sir Michael to slip his tongue into her mouth,
If he so wished to.
Which of course he did.

For about 3 minutes they stood there kissing open mouthed.
There tongues twisted around each others.
As they kissed Stella's hands were now also squeezing Sir Michael's bottom cheeks.

Dawn just sat there watching,
Enjoying immensely the sight of her husband kissing, fondling and touching her best friend.

Dawn then suggested that they should maybe move upstairs, to the bedroom.

As they entered the bedroom

Sir Michael undid the buttons on Stella's blouse, letting it slip to the floor.
Removed her Bra, undid the button and pulled the little zip down
On Stella's skirt, thus letting the skirt fall to the floor.

Stella was left standing there In her knickers and shoes.
Sir Michael was now kneeling in front of Stella, he was kissing her navel.
Kissing his way gently from her left hip to her right hip,
Across the top of her knickers.

Stella was enjoying this attention immensely.

Suddenly without warning,
Sir Michael hooked the index finger and fore finger, of both hands
Into the top of Stella's knickers and pulled them slowly down.
Stopping only to kiss the bare skin of her pubic area, as he pulled them down.

Now with her knickers round her ankles he instructed her to step out of them.
As she lifted first one foot he removed her shoe, and kissed her foot.
And did the same with the other shoe and foot.

Now standing in the Effinghams bedroom completely naked.

Sir Michael manoeuvred Stella to the edge of the bed, and suggested that she get on the bed.
Stella sat on the edge of the bed.

As Stella sat on the edge of the bed,
Dawn stood up from where she had been observing, everything that had just happened.
As Stella watched she saw Dawn undress Sir Michael,
Whose back was now to her.

Stella saw Sir Michael's shirt fall to the floor, as his shirt fell he kicked his shoes off.
Next Dawn crouched in front of her husband, and undid his Belt, his button, and pulled his zipper down.
Then Stella watched as his trousers and pants were pulled down by Dawn,
Now she could see his gorgeous bare arse.

This wasn't the first time Stella had seen Sir Michael's bare bottom!

Scotland 1923

Dawn Rednam,
Was a young woman of 26, she had shoulder length ginger hair.
A fantastic figure for a woman of the time.

And she was sneaking into the new stables with Sir Michael Effingham.

Only 3 days ago had they been completed,
So they were still empty at the moment.

She had told Sir Michael, who let her call him Mike.
That she wanted to show him something in the new stable block.

Sir Michael was a good friend of her father's, and was staying for the weekend.
He was about 38 years old, and the most handsom man Dawn had ever met.
And as for his smile...........

So what did you want to show me asked Sir Michael.?
As if I didn't know.

Dawn just smiled. knelt in front of him and undid the fly on his trousers.
Reaching in with one hand, she put it in his pants, locating the thing she
Was looking for, she pulled his cock out of his pants.
As soon as she had his cock out she took it in her mouth and started sucking it.

Sir Michael undid the button on his trousers, and Dawn pulled them and his pants down.
Now she really worked on his cock with her mouth.
As she did this Sir Michael placed his hands on either side of her head.
So he could gently thrust his cock back and forth in her mouth.
As he did this Dawn was letting the most sensitive part of his cock rub against her tongue.

After a while Dawn stood up, and said to Sir Michael.
I want you Mike and I want you NOW.
I want to feel your loverly erect cock inside me.

Sir Michael soon had her in one of the stables,
He pulled her jodhpurs and knickers down.
Told her to bend over and put her hands on the side of the stable wall.
As she did this he put his hand between her legs, pushing his finger into her
Very hairy pussy and was delighted to find she was very moist, and his finger slid in
He asked her to part her legs a little.
As she did this, he removed his hand from her pussy.
And without any further ado. Guided his erect cock into her by now wet pussy.

As he gently pushed his cock in he grabbed her hips.
Now he was fully inside her, he pulled his cock 3 quarters of the way out.
Before again thrusting it into her.
Then out again, back in, back out getting a little quicker with each thrust.

Dawn was making all these, ooohhh ahhhrrrr oohhhh noises.
Which must of been fairly loud, as Stella Brown, who happened to be walking past at the time.
Could hear noises coming from inside the new stable block that was supposed to be empty.

So curious to find out what was making the noises she walked into the stable block.

She soon located the stable that the noises were coming from.
Which by now sounded like this.
Ooohhh ooohhh oh my ooohhhh
As she looked in the stable she saw a man's rather gorgeous looking bare bottom.
Going backwards and forwards, on top of something that he seemed to be laying on top of.
As she watched transfixed, a woman's head appeared from underneath this man.
She instantly recognised it as being Dawn's face, who was saying some very strange things.

Oh god yes Mike, keep going.
Oohhhh aaahhhhh ooohhh aaahhhhh please fuck me fuck me.
All the man was saying was, oooohhhh ooohhhh
He seemed to be struggling for breath.

Suddenly Dawn looked straight at Stella and smiled and winked.
Then indicated with a wave of her hand that she should move back into the shadows a bit.

From this position, Stella could see and hear what happened next.
The man who's bottom Stella could see pumping back & forth on top of her friend suddenly said.
I'm gonna come I'm gonna come it sounded like to Stella.
Dawn replied not yet not yet.
Her breathing seeming to get more shallower.

With a final I'm gonna come right now,

He moved off of Dawn, and kneeling between her legs, which Stella could now see
Were either side of him, and the lower half of Dawn's body didn't have her clothes on.
Well Dawn's jodhpurs and knickers were there but for some reason we're only on one leg.
And round the ankle of that leg, at that.
So Stella could quite clearly see Dawn's tangle of ginger pubic hair.

Stella then heard the man say aaahhhhh aaahhhhh oooohhhhhhh
And saw all this white stuff come outta the end of the man's very stiff looking penis.
Which landed on dawns tangle of ginger pubic hair.

He then leant forward and kissed Dawn on the lips, they seemed to kiss like that
For ages.

Then the man stood up and pulled his pants and trousers up.
And said to Dawn.
Thank you so much for showing that to me Dawn.

Dawn replied your welcome Sir Michael.
You go back to the house and I'll be back in a few minutes after I rearrange my clothes.

The man who Stella now recognised, as indeed being Sir Michael.
Kissed Dawn again. Just a quick touch of the lips this time.
And said OK see you later gorgeous.
And thanks for the fuck.
Then left.

A minute later, so Sir Michael was out of earshot.
Dawn said you can come out now Stella.

Stella stepped out of the shadows,
And said, what were you and Sir Michael doing?

We were having sex replied Dawn.

Seeing the blank look on Stella's face, she said you know.
Sex, fucking, having a bit of How's ya father.
Still a blank look from Stella.

Oh my said Dawn suddenly realising, that Stella had no idea what she meant.
You really don't know what I'm talking about do you?

So as she dressed herself. she explained what sex was.

Stella listened intently, and asked so what was all that white stuff.
That came out of his penis.

That's what he meant when he said he was coming.
Which is spelt, C, U, M, M, I, N, G.
That's what happens when a man goes all the way.

For a woman it's different.
We get this feeling a tingling sensation.
But very enjoyable, added Dawn.

That's if your lucky enough to be having sex with someone like Mike.

Please Stella can I ask you not to tell anyone what you saw, as if my father finds out
What Sir Michael and I were doing.
I'd be in a lot of trouble, and you wouldn't want me to get into trouble would you.

Stella promised not to tell anyone, that she would keep Dawn's seceret.

Dawn thanked her.
Then said, oh my goodness Stella look at the time.
It's 19:35 your late going back to St Augustine Catholic girls school.

Oh crap replied Stella, I'll get six of the best with the cane, for sure.
Most probably on the bare bottom.

She rubbed her bottom remembering the last time she'd gotten back late.

Dawn, thinking quickly said,
I'll ask dad to walk you back, and tell him it's my fault your late as you was helping me
And we didn't realise what the time was.

You'd really do that for me asked stella.
Of course, as if you think about it. It is mine and Sir Michael's fault that your late back anyway.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1933 Norfolk

Now Sir Michael was naked except for his socks which he slipped off.

As he turned to face Stella, Dawn returned to her seat.

Stella, might I suggest that you lay on your back in the middle of the bed.

As Stella did this Sir Michael added, and now bend your knees and put your feet flat
On the bed, now open your legs a bit, little bit wider please.

From her vantage point, Dawn could see her friends beautiful naked body.
Oh she'd seen her loads of times before naked, but this was different,
Because her husband was also naked in the room.

As Dawn watched, she started to idly play with herself.
She pulled the bottom of her skirt up, and put her hand down her knickers.

As Stella lay there naked, looking up at Sir Michael who was also naked.
Waiting to find out what was going to happen next.

She didn't have long to wait.
Sir Michael, knelt on the floor and placing his hands on Stella's upper legs.
Pulled her towards him.

Stella was now directly in front of him, her shaved pussy almost touching his lips.

Sir Michael let go of her legs, lent forward and kissed her shaved pubic area.
Then he put his thumbs on her outa pussy lips, and thumbed them open.
As he did this he breathed in the sweet perfume of her very moist pussy.
To him it smelt, like something sweet, that he couldn't quite make out.

Preety soon he was slowly and gently licking her pussy.
Starting just under her anus, he licked the length of her pussy, stopping when he
Reached her clit, and he teased that with his tongue.
Preety soon he pulled her pussy lips apart so he could have a proper look inside
Her by now very wet pussy.
He had a good look, before returning to licking her.
This time as he licked and nibbled, on her clit he also pushed his fore finger into her
Pussy, pushing it upwards as he did this.

Soon Stella was moaning in pleasure.

Ooohhhhh aahhhh oohhhhhh ooooooh hoooooooo aaaahhhhh

Ohhhh yes right there, yyeeessss yyesssssss
Oh myyyyyy I'm gonna orgasm
Suddenly Stella's body started to shake as the orgasm went through her.
As her body shook she pushed Sir Michael's head into her pubic bone.
Sir Michael didn't panic, as Dawn had done this to him many times before.
He just kept gently licking her, by now very wet pussy.

Eventually the orgasm subsided.

Sir Michael stood up, got a towel from the chair, and wiped the pussy juices.
From his face.

Then he asked Stella if she was ready for him to continue.

Stella nodded.
So Sir Michael knelt between her legs, and guided his very erect cock into her, extremely wet pussy.
As he pushed the tip in, he let go of his cock and pulled her lower body closer,
With his lower legs under him, and Stella's lower body pressed against his upper legs,
He very gently, pushed his cock further into her pussy with his hips

Which made Stella gasp.

Until it was all the way in.
Then he pulled out, but not all the way out with his hips.
He did this another five times.
By then Stella was more used to feeling his cock sliding in and out.

After a minute or two.
Sir Michael suggested they changed position.
So he lay on his back and Stella sat on his lap facing him.
His cock was know inside her again.
But this time Stella was in control of how deep his cock went, and how fast they fucked.
Stella liked this position, because not only could she look into Sir Michael's face whilst they fucked.
And control the depth and speed..
But Sir Michael could also squeeze her bottom cheeks, or 'fondle' her breasts.
Soon they changed position again,
This time standing up and with Stella bending over the bed, Sir Michael entered her from behind.
As he pumped her pussy, using her hips to support them. he thrusted his cock in&out
In&out in out in out.
Soon he was finding it hard to breath. As his breathing quickened.

Suddenly he stopped pulled his cock out of Stella.
Turned her round, so she could sit on the bed.

Soon she was laying on her back with her legs bent and her knees upto her chest.
And Sir Michael was on top thrusting his cock In&out getting quicker with each thrust.
In out in out in out in out in out, Stella was making little ooh ooh aahhh gasping noises.
Sir Michael's breathing was getting shallower and shallower.
As he suddenly said I'm gonna cum I'm gonna cum.
And pulled out just in time, as two seconds later his hard pussy juice covered cock
ERUPTED over Stella's tummy, some of his cum, landing on Stella's lower rib cage.
But most of it landing on her tummy and pubic area.

Dawn who had been watching all this, whilst furiously rubbing her clit with the fingers
Of one hand, whilst working a dildo in and out of her pussy with the other hand.

Stopped what she was doing, went over to the bed.
Grabbed her husbands cock and licked and sucked all the sticky cum and pussy juices off of it.

Then Sir Michael sat where Dawn had been sitting, and watched as his wife.
Licked and sucked all the cum he'd shot over Stella's body, off of her.
Swallowing some of it as she went.
Then with the final bit in her mouth she kissed Stella open mouthed, and let his cum drip
Into her mouth.
When she pulled her head back, Sir Michael could see the cum in Stella's open mouth
Before she swallowed it.

From where he sat he asked Stella if she had enjoyed looseing her virginity to him?

Stella replied.
Thank you Sir Michael for taking my virginity.
And thank you Dawn for letting him.
That was the most enjoyable experience I've ever had with a man.
I would love to do it again with you sometime, if Dawn doesn't mind.

Dawn answered for both Mr & Mrs Effingham.
My husband is free to have sex with you anytime he wishes as long as you want sex with him.
And this doesn't in anyway interfere with our own arrangement.
Because I'm sure my husband is happy for us to continue as before.

Sir Michael nodded his approval, at what his wife said.

Stella simply replied, with a smile on her face.
how about the both of you at the same time!

And that's exactly what happened next.

they spent most of the weekend having sex with each other.
Either Sir Michael and Stella, or
Dawn and Stella, or Mr & Mrs Effingham,
Or all three together.

Stella worked for the Effinghams until 1940
she left to do her bit for the war effort.
Planning to return afterwards.
But sadly never did get the chance to return.
She often thought of those happy years spent working at Effingham stud farm.
And the very happy evenings spent with her good friend Dawn or with Sir Michael.
Or with both of them at the same time.........................


Stella's story will continue some time after World War 2
But until then we'll leave her and Mr & Mrs Effingham
Having a wonderful sex filled weekend together.


Same as The stud farm, final part, loosing ones virginity. Videos

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So recently(yesterday) i had my first anal experience, as well as loosing my virginity with a man. Being as thats the only hole i have, there wasnt a choice. Anyways, both the guy and myself were both in to kink and so we got to the room and undressed. He was immediatley hard and i got to work with his shaft deep in my mouth. It was eight and a half inches and thick, however, i managed to deep throat the whole thing! He started with just calling me slut and things like that then he bagan...

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Loosing my virginity

I was 19 and so was she. Here is the true story of how i lost my male virginity! It was Sheila’s 19th birthday and i had missed her birthday party. The party was over by the time i reached her flat and sheila was a bit cross with me. I gave her the watch that i had brought as a present for her. She liked it, smiled and gave me a ‘thank you – forgive you’ peck on the cheeks. Sheila had an extremely beautiful face, dazzling eyes, and an amazing figure. She was dressed in a fantastic long dress...

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A Farm House Story Part 1 of 4 A Love Tryst

Except for the names of cities and numbers of roads being real, this is a completely fictional story. It was originally written as a single short story but it may have been a little long at 47 pages for a single online read. The story has been broken up into 4 chapters in this version to make it a more reasonable online reading experience. There are some brutal scenes that I tried to make less brutal but still be entertaining. There are lots of erotic/ romantic scenes that I tried to make...

1 year ago
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Jones Harbor Farm Adventure

Growing up in the small town of Harpers Mill was about as boring as you would have expected. Still, if you discount the fact that the town had no school, meaning that the thirty kids living there had to take a hour long ride from the last pickup to the nearby town of Grover, and that there was more cows then people on any given day; the town was close to the ocean with no real public beaches, but lots of small hiking access to hidden untraveled coves perfect for hidden rendezvous. The town...

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Owning a People Farm Part 1

Once upon a time, there was a bratty girl who went to school and somehow managed to live alone. She was incredibly attractive with her blond hair, brown eyes and nice figure. The girl’s name was Vanessa Catherine and she was somehow a goddess due to some cosmic anomaly. Her favorite place to be so far, was an interesting planet she found called Earth. Vanessa’s favorite toy she created was an ant farm she contained in her ordinary bedroom. It was not a normal ant farm due to the fact that this...

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Davids Slave Farm Alyses Training Part 2

As soon as my eyes had drifted asleep, I was woken by a siren like alarm. Suddenly, all of the lights were turned on and the room was illuminated. I saw my surroundings for the first time. I was in a large barn, with about 30 other girls. All of the girls were on all fours, and had crawled to the front of their stalls. Some put their hands on the cage. I instinctively did the same. I looked again at some of the girls. They all seemed young, in their teens. They looked scared, but it seemed...

2 years ago
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summer on the farm and the farmers wife

Summer on the Farm Wife!!! It was the summer that I turned 15 and my parents thought it would be a great idea for me to go and life on a farm for the summer and learns what hard work is all about. I was not to gear to go off and live in the sticks with a family I had never met before but I had no choice. School had finished and my dad had set up the whole deal with a friend of a friend of a friend, I was packing up on the Friday night when my friends came over to say good bye. Sue was my...

3 years ago
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On The Farm Part One

My name is Jim, and I spent this past summer back on my Uncle's farm in Iowa. I was sixteen years old and will be a senior in High School. My Uncle asked me to come out and work on his farm for the summer, and he would pay me $200.At the time, Tom, who was about twenty-five and Joyce, who was nineteen, was the only kids left at home on the farm. Tom had leased some land and was farming it along with help from his dad.Joyce didn't like doing the "small" chores which I would be doing, like...

1 year ago
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Space Farm Part 2

By Droid447 (This story begging right after the first part ends. It is recommended to read Part 1 first.) Miriam thought it was a bit strange that her sister called to invite her to the farm. They saw each other just three weeks ago and they usually didn't visit that often. However, it was always nice to relax in the tranquility of her sister Susan's farm, so she didn't think twice about accepting the offer. Her daughter Katie was totally on board with the plan. She always enjoyed...

2 years ago
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Night Of Loosing Virginity

Hey friends, this is Sid. I am 18 years old and from Ahmadabad. I have been reading ISS from quite some time and would like to thank all the writers who have shared their stories. This is my very first story and I believe it would surely excite all of you because what happened was more than amazing ;). This amazing incident happened 2 months after we passed our 12th standard. After our 12th exams result came out, I started conversing on whatsapp with one of my girl classmate. As I respect her...

3 years ago
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A Farm House Story Part 4 of 4 Bow Hunting Season

Karine told David about Mark giving her the okay to take up bow hunting. David told her that she could use his old recurve until she felt ready to get something on her own. They made plans to go to the farm a few more times before bow season for them to sharpen their skills and to work on the blinds. Three weeks after Labor Day they arranged to go to the farm to prepare for the upcoming bow season. Karine asked David if she could invite Mark and the kids to the farm. She was hoping that he...

2 years ago
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Being Dirty While Loosing my virginity

Standing at 5’4” tall, nicely tanned skin (thanks to my families gym membership and the tanning booths), blue eyes, darker dirty blonde hair that graced my shoulders, 38 D well shaped breasts, with a booty and thighs that showed how intense I keep my daily squat routine; I do not think of myself as being overly pretty or sexy but I know I draw a lot of guys attention. I really enjoy when the occasional guy whistles or cat calls me. I know girls are not supposed to like it but I have...

2 years ago
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Loosing My Virginity

Hi! I was overwhelmed to see everyone’s response to my fondling in the class sex story which happened before I lost my virginity. So I decided to share the sex story of how I lost my virginity to my dance coach. I am a 5’7 girl with a curvy figure that has little fat just the right places. I was in my last year in the college. When I kept hearing that all my friends were sleeping around with different guys and though having a boyfriend, we never went beyond fingering or blowjobs. During my...

1 year ago
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Being dirty while loosing my virginity

I had only been 18 for two days couldn’t wait any longer to do this. I had walked past the adult store on my way home from school every day for the past three and a half years and had yearned to take a look inside. Maybe even ride a real man’s cock in the back room. In truth I did not need to walk past this store every day – in fact it was a longer walk – but it was so hot walking past the store and imagining what it was like inside. Standing at 5’4” tall, nicely tanned skin (thanks to my...

1 year ago
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Farm Helper Part TYhree New Job Assignment

Lara had been working and living at Sunny farms for a month now, and she couldn’t have been happier. She had left her old, miserable life behind for good and she was fully enjoying life in the countryside. She was also enjoying David and Peter’s company almost daily. A quick blowjob here, a quick fuck behind the barn there, the guys were keeping her busy and satisfied. Some days she fucked Peter during the day, and then spent the night with David, fucking for hours per day. On days when neither...

Straight Sex
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Farm Helper Part Three New Job Assignment

Lara had been working and living at Sunny farms for a month now, and she couldn’t have been happier. She had left her old, miserable life behind for good and she was fully enjoying life in the countryside. She was also enjoying David and Peter’s company almost daily. A quick blowjob here, a quick fuck behind the barn there, the guys were keeping her busy and satisfied. Some days she fucked Peter during the day, and then spent the night with David, fucking for hours per day. On days when neither...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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loosing my virginity

I going to tell you about the time I lost my virginity. I lost the virginity in all three holes with in an hour’s time. I was 14 years old and back then, I was a very hot and petite little thing and I knew I had the goods. All the boys chased me and I pretty much was a prick tease. I went to a Jr. Sr. school which is 7th grade through 12th grade, and my 17 year old brother was a popular football player and always protected me and watched me like a hawk. With my parents being so...

1 year ago
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On the Farm Part 1

Jeff Zephyr's Life JZL09_01: "On the Farm" Age 9. (m/b+ exhib,p*****n, g exhib, no sex)The new place was very nice, especially for a boy who needed to runfree and play, to get over the fears resulting from the car accident. Across the road, there was another farm whose family had two blondhaired, blue-eyed girls. Debbie was a little older than me, almostten, and Tammy was my brother's age, which provided a good match forplaymates. Their parents really were farmers, not just renting afarmhouse...

1 year ago
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Holidays at the Farm Part 1

It is Christmas and semester break from college. My first semester of freshman year is over. I survived and made the Dean’s List with a 4.0 average in all my classes. It was a lot of hard work. I was looking forward to five weeks off. No books, no tests, no classes and no cafeteria food. I was informed that I would be spending my holiday with Elaine and her family working on the chicken farm. I was disappointed at first because Sarah would not be around. I missed Sarah but it was probably for...

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Holidays at the Farm Part 1

It is Christmas and semester break from college. My first semester of freshman year is over. I survived and made the Dean’s List with a 4.0 average in all my classes. It was a lot of hard work. I was looking forward to five weeks off. No books, no tests, no classes and no cafeteria food. I was informed that I would be spending my holiday with Elaine and her family working on the chicken farm. I was disappointed at first because Sarah would not be around. I missed Sarah but it was probably for...

Love Stories
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Riz Banged In Farm House 8211 Part 1

(My good friend Riz was very upset the other day when I wrote story of another friend) ”You don’t love me anymore. You never have time or interest to write my stories.” She blasted me. I explained to her. I can keep up pace with express trains but not with supersonic jets. Riz’s fucking life has so many incidents in such short intervals, you start writing about one incident, another ten would pile up before you write few sentences. I can only write her biography after she decides to stop...

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Fat farm stud

Ben sat nervously waiting in Miss Wilkins' office for her to come in and conduct the job interview! He really needed this job because the tuition for his last year in college was due in another two months, and after looking everywhere for a summer job, not a one was to be found! He heard of this opening last night in a bar down on Clancy St. while some guy bragged that he had made over a thousand dollars in just one week working at the Oasis Health Spa, and what's more, they needed another guy...

2 years ago
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Farm GirlPart 1

I grew up on a farm in Maryland. I had three brothers all older then me. We lived rural but bussed into the city for school. The rural kids weren't as popular as the city kids. I was up early each morning and had two hours work done before showering, having breakfast then off to school. In school I had some friends but never really fit into any of the cliques. The girls are the ones who were mean to me. They nicknamed me "Farm Girl". Some of the jocks would talk or flirt with me but if their...

Love Stories
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A Farm House Story Part 2 of 4 Welcome and Unwelcome Guests

“Not a bit. I’m interested in finding out what’s going on too.” The weather forecaster said that it was a typical Fort Worth early September evening and sunset would be about 748. It was followed by the local news. The crackle of the radio continued, “This is our top local 630 news story. “Jacksboro prison officials report that some prisoners escaped from the state jail at Jacksboro today. Authorities believe they are on foot and are reminding motorists to not pick up any hitchhikers...

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Little Farm of Horror Part 1 Charles Becomes a Bitch

This is my First story ever written. Email comments, criticisms and blatant praise to [email protected] this story is also complete fiction everything in it is nothing more than the twisted fantasies of the writer. The writer does not condone mind control or rape in any form. (Unless the writer is the one being raped or mind controlled) Little Farm of Horror Part 1 Charles had been driving for hours. He was getting worried, very worried. The last gas station he had...

1 year ago
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Hot Gay Sex with Older Time Loosing my virginity

I was 20 years old when I wrote this. I come from a real religious family where sex is a very taboo subject. I live in North Carolina and go to one of the big colleges there. Sexually, I guess you could say I was a bit of a late bloomer. I am a nerdy type of guy, making friends has been hard for me. I always had some feeling that I was bisexual as I would get excited looking at hot guys and girls. When I entered college the my bisexual / gay feelings became harder and harder to...

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Farm Helper Part One Turning Her Life Around

Lara sighed heavily as she closed the door, leaning her back against it. She let her purse fall on the floor as she slowly pulled her coat off. Yet another day in the job she hated, working with people who drove her up the wall and for a boss who should’ve never been promoted to the position where he now was.She walked to her bedroom, unbuttoning her shirt and letting it fall on the floor. She looked around the room. It looked so empty now that she lived there alone. It felt weird, but she...

Straight Sex
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Johns on the farm with his Aunt and Cousin Part 1

After dinner, they went out on the porch to watch the rain coming down. It was really pouring, and John couldn't help but smile as his Aunt cuddled next to him. She shuddered after every thunderclap, and John couldn't help but feel more manly as she took comfort at his side. After a while, it became too windy, and they decided to head inside. They were sitting in the living room when she suddenly said, "Do you mind sleeping in my room tonight? I'm kind of a scaredy-cat when it comes to...

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A Farm House Story Part 3 of 4 Attack and Counterattack

Sunday David and Karin were up and going by 630. After their morning shower treat, they were headed to the practice range by 800. It was after 900 by the time Marius and Terence managed to get going. At 1115 they were at the edge of the woods east of the farmhouse. They could see the vehicles. It didn’t seem like anyone was at the house. Once they got to the porch Terence picked up a coffee mug sitting on the floor. It still had a little coffee in the bottom but it was already cold. He...

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Love Of My Life Loosing Her Virginity

Hi, after a long gap, I’m back with another real sex story. This is Vicky steve here to share with you all the best experience I have ever had in my life which happened to weeks ago. You can give your feedback at The heroine of this story is the love of my life, she is the best thing that happened to me (as this isn’t a website to start a love story I’ll come to the point). Me and my girl planned for a weekend day out for a long time(we both live in different cities so…) and one fine day...

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Fucking my beautiful bhabhi and loosing my virginity

Hi ISS readers this is sam (name changed of course) from Hyderabad. I am 22 year old with a 7 inch cock which loves to dig hungry pussies. Any beautiful girl or aunty wanting to have one night stand with me can contact me on my email address : and pls on beautiful girls and aunty from good background are allowed and dont worry secrecy will be maintained. I am fair, smart and handsome with good sense of humor which makes girls and ladies have a good rapport with me. Coming straight to story,...

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Virgin Farm part 1

Virgin Farm part 1 Authors note: this was written one night before I went to sleep, it contains no hard-core action as it is only a lead up to the next part, please feel free to point out any errors I have made as it will help me with my writing, also vote for this piece and comment for part two, hope you enjoy it =) XOXO It was my first summer out on my uncles farm, just me, my uncle and my cousin Sarah, she was fifteen, same as me, with a slim figure and breasts just the right size for her,...

2 years ago
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Sarahs Farm Adventures Part 7 Triple the tr

Sarah's Farm Adventures Part 7:It was extra sunny that Monday and it was super hot outside. There was hardly any wind so it felt even hotter than usual. It was about an hour before my lunchtime, and I knew what I had to do. I finished my morning chores and I headed into the barn to meet the man at the same time as usual. But this time when I walked into the barn I saw the man I usually met there and there were two other farm workers standing next to him. I walked slowly over to them as they...

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The hunting farm

The hunting farmSynopsis: Cody and Jenna rise and breeding a naked female livestock for hunting. The trainees of the naked animals with paintball-guns end up in a real business hunt.The story is only fantasy.By RotnebCap. 1Jenna gets married at her twenty years birthday with the hunter Cody in the spring and they settled down in his large family farm. Jenna had been accepted within her new family in spite of the fact she has been naked prey at the last championship. At this competition the...

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Maggies Farm

MAGGIE’S FARMSisyphusThe day I decided to break out of my usual routine and take a little journey changed my life in a most extraordinary way. I’ve lived a pretty quiet life since I retired from teaching to give myself more time to write historical novels for young people. I have a contract with a publisher to produce one or two books a year based on some historical event or famous person. I do the research by reading a half a dozen books or so, sometimes, though rarely, I travel to a place to...

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My pussy finally gets cock loosing virginity

My obsession with masturbating starting when I was about 19 years old. I used to think about it a lot when I was younger but never really had the guts to touch myself in my parents’ house cause my mom would kill me.Anyway, so I had just turned 19 and moved into my first apartment alone. I was working as a waitress in a nearby restaurant and was barely making ends meet but it was okay – I was just happy to be out of my parents’ house. There’s nothing better than freedom.It was late at night and...

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Maggies Farm

The day I decided to break out of my usual routine and take a little journey changed my life in a most extraordinary way. It was October and the leaves were at their peak of color when this strange feeling came over me. I looked at the red and orange leaves on the trees falling to the ground and suddenly started thinking about getting older and closer to death. Am I like those leaves fluttering to the ground? I’m still not sure what came over me as I watched the colorful leaves falling. I...

Straight Sex
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Down on the Farm

DOWN ON THE FARM!PROLOGUEThis is an inspiring, but little-known story!  It’s from the early life of one of the great Victorian philanthropists, Sir Roland Butt.  Our hero was just plain Roland Butt when these events took place.  But he never forgot the experience we’re about to relate.  In 1855 Butt’s Farm was a fairly big fruit and livestock farm in Kent.  The farm was just north of Pratt’s Bottom and due south of Elmers End.  (Really!  Look it up on any map of Kent.)  Its young landlord,...

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Maggies Farm

I’ll never forget that October morning watching the red and orange leaves falling to the ground. I stood by the window, thinking about getting older and closer to death. Am I like those leaves fluttering to the ground?  Still not sure what came over me, but the urge to burst out of the rut I was in rose in me like a geyser.  I wanted to do something wild, get away from my monotonous life, grab life by the balls and go someplace I’ve never been.  I don’t usually like to take trips. I love my...

Straight Sex
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Mr Greens Farm Part 2

Mr. Green’s Farm, Part 2This fictional story is about the spanking of an eighteen-year-old female. After my first spanking from Mr. Green, my poor bottom was very sore for three days. But I kept my agreement with Mr. Green and I helped him with his chores every morning starting at 6 AM. Although he is twice my age, I have become very close to Mr. Green, working along side of him. He is actually a very kind and compassionate man who cares about his farm and his farm animals. I have tried...

1 year ago
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Frock Farm

Frock Farm By Lisa Lovelace The attorney finished reading my mother's will. "Does anyone have questions?" "So he gets it all?" my Aunt Amanda said. "That little twerp now owns a hundred percent of Frock Farm?" That little twerp was me, Jesse Darmand, my late mother's only child. Mom had died ten days ago in a high-speed rail accident on a business trip to China. A section of track buckled and the train derailed. She was one of a hundred victims. A contractor had just been...

2 years ago
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Stud MakerChapter 8 Star Studed

My experience with Ralph that evening was profound. He'd came to my bedside looking so devilishly virile yet virginal. A manly boy who knew about sex. He stood there; an immature face, a soft white neck, a pale chest and a so-slim torso. A lad I'd hardly spoken to; yet my lust had burnt for him since seeing that obscene photo. He's here in his pyjamas; and between his legs lurked that overblown schoolboy cock. I needed to see it harden for my juicy cunt. I needed that so much. With...

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Gym Disaster 8211 Part1 Virginity

Myself Preeti Manesh, I’m 19 and a half years old, who has just lost her virginity. I have 34 sized breasts, chubby cheeks, thick thighs, thick butts, pink lips, and dimples on cheeks. My boobs are spongy and build a dangerous curve in my bra and tight clothes. My waist size is 32, but due to the thickness of my thighs. My butts are heavy, as well as calves and legs. I have a slight wheatish complexion with thick and delicious-looking lips with bubbly cheeks. Overall my stat looks like South...

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Gym Disaster 8211 Part1 Virginity

Myself Preeti Manesh, I’m 19 and a half years old, who has just lost her virginity. I have 34 sized breasts, chubby cheeks, thick thighs, thick butts, pink lips, and dimples on cheeks. My boobs are spongy and build a dangerous curve in my bra and tight clothes. My waist size is 32, but due to the thickness of my thighs. My butts are heavy, as well as calves and legs. I have a slight wheatish complexion with thick and delicious-looking lips with bubbly cheeks. Overall my stat looks like South...

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The Stud Farm part Two

Norfolk 1933As Sir Michael walked through Stella's front door, he noticed for the first time what an attractive young lady she was. Stella was still wearing a white Blouse and jodhpurs. What a gorgeous looking little bottom she's got thought Sir Michael to himself. And had to stop himself from giving her a playful slap, on that gorgeous looking bottom. As Stella turned round, and said Can a get you a cup of tea or something else? Sir............ Stella checked herself, she was about to say, Sir...

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Davids Slave Farm Alyses Training

This Chapter serves to introduce you to the workings of the farm, the general process of training a new slave, as well as updates on the characters lives since the last saga. We are introduced to Alyse near the end of the chapter, as she is brought to the farm and meets David. I have compiled picture galleries to accompany this story (you must be a member to view) h t t p s:// h t t p...

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Kellys Farm Visit

Kelly's Farm Visit----------I dedicate this story to my new friend, Kelly. Hope she and others like it.----------"Grr, Do I have to keep clearing out that old trashy storage room? I've been working on it every day for a month, and seems like it will never get emptied out," I complained to Dad at breakfast.This was not the way I had wanted to spend the day. The main barn was immaculate; all lighting was perfect, everything in it's place, swept clean daily and no trash other than in the waste...

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Farm Help Girls Updated

Farm Help Girls (Updated)----------We were being overwhelmed at the Farm. So many people showing up to board their horses or just to ride on the weekends till summer. Jackson, the farm manager, had threatened to quit unless we got some people to help him out with all the various chores he had to do every day. We all pitched in with feeding the a****ls but all the horses had to be groomed and brushed, and then saddled up for the daily riders. Taking care of the customers' needs and then when...

2 years ago
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Farm Chemistry

Farm Chemistry by Brat Edit by Umgestalten Day One The four young people walked under the heat of the July sun in the direction of the farm that they saw in the distance between the fields. They were tired and thirsty after their long march. The two boys carried the two backpacks and tried to keep up their spirit by making jokes about the cows that where grazing in the fields around them. "Tom, are you sure that we are going in the right direction?" asked Marie, the youngest...

1 year ago
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Modern Farm

Just for heads up: Personally, it was not easy to let these things happen the way I tell them in this story. I am a very courteous and kind person, and need much personal overcoming and discipline equally to do such despising things to women and even destroy a mother and daughter connection in the end. Of course, there are always moments when I would like to take Katin and Sylvia in my arms instead of punishing them further. Especially when Katin or Sylvia look me in the eyes screaming or...

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A slut girl tries to help out friends on a goat farm

The July morning sun was warm and very muggy. It would prove to be hot by the end of the day and it would probably rain. Fourteen year old Catherine was walking up the road heading to her home away from home. She had stumbled across Sunnyridge goat farm six years ago while exploring her new neighborhood. Her engineer father and doctor mother had found a new home for them. They both had fulfilling jobs which was something that had not happened before. It was either her Dad was happy or her mom...

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At the farm part two

"So how long have you worked for Mr. Karlsson?" Sara recognized Lisa's words as an awkward attempt to downplay the embarrassment of the situation. Apparently she was a little uncomfortable being naked in front someone else - girl or not. "Oh, just a few months," said Sara, who herself felt how a familiar feeling began to build within her. It always started as a slight tickle between the thighs, almost as if someone had pulled a feather along the soft slit. Shortly after, she began to get...

2 years ago
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At the Farm Part two

Sara scooped up some more water and poured it over the new maid's head. Her curly, sunny yellow hair straightened when it got wet, and lay tightly over her shoulders and bare breasts. The new girl - Lisa - had put her arms tightly around her breasts as she sank into the bathtub, and had not yet let go."So how long have you worked for Mr. Karlsson?" Sara recognized Lisa's words as an awkward attempt to downplay the embarrassment of the situation. Apparently she was a little uncomfortable being...

3 years ago
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Down on the Farm Part 1

This year Kyle had just pulled up in the truck with his grandfather and was unloading his backpack and duffle bag when Jake came up the driveway on a quad. “Thought I smelled something coming up the road,” was Kyle’s greeting. “Hey Kyle. Hey Mr. B,” Jake said as he got off the quad. “Hello Jake. How’s your Dad doing?” Kyle’s grandfather asked. “He’s good. Spent the day in the shop working on the big truck. It stopped running again.” “Tell him I said hello. Kyle, your...

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