PREDATORS’ HUMAN - 34 free porn video

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Chapter 34: “EEWA”

I am just walking up onto the beach from a meeting with the dolphins. I have been getting regular updates from the dolphins, the eagles and Thorrass about the activity, if any, from around the new people settlement and harbor area. According to the people we talked to from the settlement they were expecting more ships with reinforcements and we could expect trouble. They didn’t have any apparent interest in the island itself regarding any known minerals or resources or for settlement on any grand scale. What they were interested in simply was the inhabitants, people for slaves and the exotic a****ls for shows and display. They figured there was enough that they didn’t need to be concerned if many were killed in the process of getting what they wanted. But so far there was still no indication of arriving ships. The dolphins said they had even enlisted the aid of ocean life including whales for far ranging notification and there has been no indications, yet.

This was making me nervous but I didn’t know what to do about it. I was a soldier and mid-level officer. I was never the long range planner and strategic thinker. I got my orders and I was very good at getting them carried out with success. This was a new challenge for my comfort zone of competence. My impulse and reaction was to assess an opposing force and develop an effective response on the field of battle. This was different. More ships with reinforcements would be more fighters than we have opposed so far. And they have weapons that most of our resistance force could not match.

b**st met me on the beach. ‘What’s the matter, Alexa? You are clearly troubled by something.’

‘It’s the idea of more ships coming in for reinforcement of the settlement and presumably with additional weapons. Maybe weapons we haven’t encountered so far. We’ll be overwhelmed by their numbers and advanced weapons. I am going to let everyone down.’

b**st shook his head and looked at me. ‘Alexa, you’re not being logical. Don’t think in terms of opposing forces meeting on the field of battle. Surely, there were times you were not the force with the superior numbers. Think of those times. How do those times apply here? You are the best leader for our resistance group. Think alternatively.’

‘Alternatively. Okay. There have been commando raids to create disruption and panic. Keep them off balance. Disrupt their supply lines.’

‘Okay, good. What else? What about the planet you met me?’

‘Audacity. They never expected a small force to penetrate and attack and that was on their home field. I went in as a diversion. Separated their forces, weakened their focus and attention to their defenses by going to them. That allowed a smaller group to penetrate in stealth and attack from within.’

‘Good. And what about here against the new people when we took Alex in?’

‘Alex. On the other side of the island. Yes. You were trying to match force directly against their force but you didn’t have the weapons.’

‘And what made the difference, again?’

‘Total surprise and disruption. I flew in on Thorrass and laid down a killing fire from above. They had no expectation of that. They had no response, no time to respond. That gave us the time to be on top of them rather than them being able to effectively use the superiority of their weapons.’

‘Okay. So logically, with this new threat, would you use force directly opposing their superior force and weapons?’

‘No, of course not! No, the plan has to be to allow our strength to disrupt them, take away their advantage. Their advantage is on the large field of battle. Ours is close in, smaller groups, restrict their effectiveness of their weapons.’ I gave him a big hug and kiss on the mouth. ‘Thank you, b**st. I was losing confidence, maybe already moving into a defeated thought process. You’re amazing! I feel so much better.’

‘Nothing is solved. They are still coming.’

‘Yes, they are. But, now I have my focus and confidence back. I know how to approach the problem. Working with our strengths and recognizing our weaknesses to compensate. I love you. Thank you. I want to … by the way, where is Alex?’

‘She put her boots on, took her bow and lance. She said she was going to the village.’


‘Again. She does seem to be spending more time at the village. Do you suppose she is feeling lonely for the village life? You don’t think she regrets come to stay with us, do you?’

‘No. I think I know what it is. A young man. When was this?’

‘Just a little while ago.’

‘Good, excellent. I need you to do something.’

‘What’s that?’

‘Fuck me. I’ll race you to the waterfall.’ Even though Alex was gone and just left I wanted to go to the waterfall which was further away from the tunnel, just in case. I guess I caught him by surprise because I was ahead of him. But that didn’t last for long. He quickly caught up with me and nudged me as we ran for the waterfall area. Reaching it I didn’t just stop but jumped up and landed on his back. I hadn’t done this before and it startled him but he just stopped quickly and I wasn’t holding on very well. And then I wasn’t holding on at all but was flying over his head and into the water of the pool. It was shallow and I rolled on the sandy bottom and came to a stop sitting. I turned, soaking wet, and smiled at him. I got up and hugged him to me. His tongue came out and licked the fresh water from my body. I shivered. His tongue is a sex stimulant all by itself. Just licking up my legs to my stomach. Licking from my stomach up over my breasts. Licking my face. It all was a stimulant, feeling his long tongue rubbing over my skin. I stood there and welcomed it and spread my legs to shoulder width and he immediately went with his tongue between my legs and I groaned immediately and put both hands onto his head and raised up onto my toes with my toes curling into the sandy bottom.

I stepped away from his tongue and looked at him when he looked at me. My vision was fogged by my lust, my desire to have him. Oh, how I wanted him and it was the middle of the afternoon and I was going to have him. Like old times when it didn’t matter what time it was, we just fucked. Now, with Alex, we were too careful but also considerate of her. But now, now we will fuck again in the light of the afternoon.

‘I want this to be for you, b**st. What can I do for you? How do you want to do me or me do to you?’

‘We’re a team, Alexa. We work best off each other’s strengths. If I help you work some things through in planning and solving, then that is us working effectively together.’

‘I know. Honestly, I do and I appreciate and love your ability to non-threateningly call me out when my thinking gets faulty, when my emotions get the way. Encouraging me to look at it with less emotion. But, I still want to do for you. So, how?’

‘Then, today that is easy. With Alex gone and will be some time, a long, slow fuck. Nothing fancy, just old fashioned.’

‘Old fashioned for you. You mean taking me from behind. And I like that, too. And long and slow sounds really nice to me.’

I walk up to him and stand in front of him, I put my hands of either side of his head and kiss his mouth and he has learned my need with this action. Not so much his but mine. And because he is the lover he is he responds to my need and returns the kiss even if it isn’t really a kiss. But he offers his mouth and his tongue to me. He lets me suck on his tongue, take it into my mouth, feel it inside. Let’s me slip mine into his mouth and rubs my tongue with his inside. He has even started gently closing his mouth and touching my tongue with his teeth. I love him! He gives and adjusts, paying attention to my likes and desires and making the effort to try to reciprocate for my pleasure. These are simple things for me but are complex and completely foreign to him. But he tries … for me.

After some time of this, he drops his head and licks my breasts. Long, gentle, wet licks that covers much of my chest but my nipples react instantly against his rough tongue and I put my head back and just enjoy as he licks each several times. And I sigh heavily. But I am reminded suddenly that I had asked him how I could give to him and here he is doing to me … again. I take his head and kiss him and then run my hands along his body, caressing and rubbing. Not just my hands but my body against him. Pressing my breasts into his smooth, black skin along the length of his body until I am at his hips and I stroke his right thigh, the one that had been injured. I find the healed wound and the spot Danna had entered to remove the bullet. I stroke it, feel it as I have come to do, reminding myself how close it had been that I might have lost b**st, lost him from my life. He is my rock on this place, the one I hold onto beyond all others. Alex fills a place in my heart that had been empty almost forever, the ability to mother, but b**st has that part of my heart and soul that can only be occupied by that someone that truly matches you, fulfills you without trying. Is a part of you by his mere presence. I find myself still stroking, loving with my hands and fingers the wound. I bend down slightly and kiss it, slip my tongue out and touch, to know it with my hands and my mouth, my being if I could. To always know the danger we allow ourselves to encounter. And I am more choked by the memory, as Alex told everyone on the plains, that b**st took that bullet in defense of Alex. At the time he didn’t even know her but would come to love, also.

With tears in my eyes, I break my reverie over this and slip underneath him. My hands never leaving him, running from his thigh to his underside and finding his sheath and the tip of his cock that is showing from it. I stroke his sheath and don’t touch his cock until my mouth and tongue come to it. I lick the tip and the put my lips over it and gently suck the tip like a lollypop. As I do I apply more suction and as I do, more of his cock is coming out of the sheath and with each inch of cock growth, I take that much more into my mouth, sucking, licking and stroking in and out. Soon he is nearly fully out but I do not stop and I won’t. I am not intense, demanding or urgent. I am just loving his cock, sucking it, licking it, nipping the tip in my teeth. And I feel him tense and see the knot coming out of the sheath and I know I have him ready. I come out from under him and run my hands back up to his head and I kiss him again.

‘I want you now, b**st.’ And I walk over to the rock in the shallows of the pool that I have frequently now used since Alex has come to live with us. I bend over at the waist and rest my upper body against it as he walks over me and I feel his cock hit my ass. I reach between my legs and find his magnificent cock and rub it up and down over my slit, wetting the tip with my juices and wetting my slit with his pre-cum. I place his cock at my entrance and I push back and as he felt that he pushed forward. And he was inside me and I gasped out. Our joint push sent him nearly fully into me in that one moment. I stopped and arched my back up into his underside and he stopped, too. Stopped, so I could adjust to the sudden penetration and savor the awesome sensation of the immediate fullness on his cock. I started again with small strokes and he just waited, letting me adjust and again take his full length into my pussy. And when I bottomed out he pushed just to be sure and I groaned out loudly, not having to care about noise now.

‘b**st, fuck me! Please, fuck me the way you want. I am here for you, just for you now, use me, use my hole the way you want. Long and slow or pound me.’

And he pulled back more and more, slowly and I felt his cock moving out until there couldn’t be anything but his tip inside me and I waited. Anticipating, yearning for whatever he would do. And he stroked back in. Not hard, not urgent, not powerful. Just stroked in and it was, it was long and slow. And it was wonderful. It almost seemed to take a long time even though I knew it couldn’t have. Again, nearly out and then slowly and smoothly back in until his legs hit my ass. And slowly, very slowly he increased the tempo of his strokes. Out and in, out and in, again and again. And I felt my body slowly rise in time with his long, smooth, deep strokes. Rising in stimulation, rising in tension throughout my body, rising in emotional realization that he was doing it to me, again. Again, he was loving me with his cock, almost like sweet-talking me with his cock and I was on the edge, on the crest and my body tensed, my toes curled into the sandy bottom of the pool and my back again arched up into him and he drove himself into me suddenly, once, twice and again. And I exploded. My head went down and then jerk back up into his chest and my arms struggled to hold me up, locked now to keep from collapsing. My legs shaking, my abdomen quivering from the orgasm as it crashed over me. I cried out my pleasure, my release, my losing control and not caring.

And as I stood there, both my legs and arms locked straight to remaining in position, my ass up against him, I felt his knot. God! I came on his cock and I haven’t even taken his knot, yet! But even as I was still coming down from that orgasm, his knot was pressing into me, stretching me, insisting on entry and I wanted it, too. Needed it. I stayed still and felt his rhythm and the reacted with my own push to coincide with his push. I felt my lips stretching, resisting at first to this new intrusion after the orgasm, but I wanted it, I wanted all of b**st’s wonderful cock inside me. So I pushed and pressed. And now we weren’t pumping, we were just pressing against each other until I felt my lips nearly split but yielding and I knew he was going in. I screamed at the widest stretching and he was inside. And the scream with release, not so much pain as “YES! I have him now. Mine, all mine!” Or more appropriately, even though this was loving and not dominating, he had me. I was not going anywhere now. He owned me. I was his, connected and bound to him.

And he tried to make long, smooth love with his cock again but it wouldn’t happen, not with the knot inside me. So he fucked me, pounding, humping me until I felt him tense, his cock going rigid inside, jerking inside me. Then I felt him cumming inside me. Squirting his cum into my pussy. Time after time, more and more. His cock jerking and twitching with each release. And then he seemed done. But not totally, we were still tied. And while tied he continued to occasionally release small amounts of cum, less and less each time, but continuing and I felt it running down one thigh as I shifted and created a gap to one side against his knot. And feeling my need right there again, near the edge, I humped my ass up and down, pulling away and driving into him and he started to accommodate me with his own thrusts and pulling back, pulling my lips away from my body as the knot stretched me but unable to pull out, but could definitely could and did make contact with my insides and often enough banged into my g-spot to send me into a second orgasm. A lesser one but a good release.

That release caused me to drop my chest to the rock and my ass nearly hanging from his knot still securely embedded in my pussy. When it finally shrunk enough, my ass dropped, too. My knees in the shallow water, the rest of my body d****d over the rock. I rolled off and splashed into the water. It didn’t cover me so I just stayed there, half submerged. And when I raised my head to look for b**st I found him lying in the shallow water, too. Near my feet, his head just out of the water. Good, I thought, I’m not the only one exhausted by that.

I don’t move much after that. We move down the beach by the hut and I just collapse on the sand and let the sun bake me. I finally come to and see b**st resting under the tree in the shade. I walk to him and kiss him. He opens his eye and I say, ‘I am going out to try to get a couple birds for Alex and me for dinner. Be back in a bit.’

Out in the jungle I find a nice spot where I see larger bird activity. I am toward the village. I wait patiently thinking about Alex and her more frequent visits to the village. I smile to myself. Then I counted out in my head the timing and confirm that she is ready now. By my estimation she has reached “the age”. Silly, but I am nervous about what that means. I don’t think she is wanting a husband, not a family yet. Well, not a family, but I don’t know about the husband part. But my thoughts are broken by the presence of several birds flying into the area. I pull out two arrows and put one in front of me and the other is strung. I wait and wait, draw the string back in anticipation, wait, relax, exhale … shoot. One bird. I have to wait for the startled bird to relax and return to the food source it was seeking originally. Now two birds. I rise and retrieve them and taking the knife from my thigh I begin cleaning the birds, cutting the heads off, pulling feathers and trimming them. I hear a snap behind me. I pull an arrow and have it strung and drawn as I turn.

“Don’t shoot!”

“Hey, beautiful.”

“Hey, Mom.”

“I have part of our dinner for tonight. Just gutting them now. Here’s one.” I flip it to her over my shoulder. It doesn’t hit the ground so I know she has it. I finish the other and clean the knife in the moss on the ground. I stand and finally look at her. I see a new bruise on her thigh. A bruise that did not come from training with me. I see that she see that I noticed it. But she doesn’t offer an explanation. I am about to ask when I hear b**st coming towards us.

‘Here are my women.’

Alex asks, ‘Me, too, b**st?’

‘Of course you, too.’

I ask, ‘What’s that about Alex?’

She says, ‘I’m sorry. Really. I didn’t mean it to sound that way. Can we forget that? Please? Mom, give me that other bird and I’ll get it started cooking.’

I gave her the bird and waited. Waited for her to get a distance away and as I waited, I looked at b**st. He was looking at me questioningly. I finally said, ‘Interesting. Do you know how seldom she has been curt to us like that? I think I know what this is about. I will talk to her about it tomorrow morning at our oceanside talk.’

‘You know?’

‘A man. I think, anyway. Did you notice the new bruise on her leg?’

‘Yes, did you put that there?’

‘No. That’s also curious. I’ll fill you in after our talk.’

That night she looked a little lost and unsure of herself, maybe even of her place. All night she had been quiet, very pensive, working through something in her own mind. When b**st settled down later on the mat we put out in front of the hut under the trees, our usual spot for sleeping on warm night which generally always were, I walked up to Alex from behind. I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her to me. She squirmed a little and I knew she was feeling my nakedness against hers and I was guessing she was uncertain what to make of the feelings. This had been happening increasingly since her menstruation cycle had started. She was taking the pills provided by Danna and I think even that was a stimulus to her because it reminder her what they were for and that compounded the feelings her body was giving her. But I continued to hug her, to hold her to me and to enjoy the closeness myself.

“Alex, I love you. b**st loves you. I know this is a rough time in a young person’s life. Just remember that I went through it too. I know what you are feeling, the changes, both in your body and in your mind, in your emotions. Please don’t stop talking to me. Talking will help. We, b**st and I, give you as much freedom as you need to grow, how you want to grow. But it will be easier if you let us in and allow us to help you.”

She turned in my arms, she didn’t try to break away. “I know Mom. And I love you two, also. More than I could have imagined. I just feel so confused, so conflicted by my body and the feelings I have.”

I put my hands to her face and hold her like that, looking into her face and her eyes. I kiss each cheek and I look at her again. Now my emotions, my own feelings are challenging me. I look from her eyes to her lips. I stare at them. Then back to her eyes and she is watching me and I can see that her breathing is fast and I now realize that mine is too. I hug her to me and our breasts are mashed together and my breathing quickens more and I feel hers do the same. I whisper in her ear, “Alex, I want to do something … but I don’t know if I should.”

“Anything, Mother. Please.”

“You don’t know what it is.”

“Anything. My body … you … I don’t know what is happening.”

I pull my head back and look into her eyes again and I smile. She looks at my eyes, sees the smile there and looks to my mouth where she see it there. “I do, Alex. I do. May I kiss you, Alex? Not as a mother?”

“Mother, anything, yes, yes, please.”

I continue to smile and holding her face I pull her to me and lean in myself and I touch my lips to hers, gently, softly, with my lips slightly open. She sighs deeply. I ask, “Do you mind that? Did it feel okay that I did that?”

“Oh, Mother, yes. I love you so much.”

I lean in and kiss her a little harder and she groaned. I pull her body into mine and I let one hand roam her back as I kiss her again, not so softly, my tongue slipping out and touching her lips. She sighs and moans as her lips u*********sly open just slightly and I push my tongue between her lips. She pulls back and looks into my face and eyes. I smile and she continues to look, searching my face. Then she comes into me with her own kiss, it is awkward at first but then she slows and matches what I did to her. I pull back and she pulls herself into a tight hug and she is shaking, she is trembling. I hold her tighter, safely, securely.

She gasps finally, “What … what was that? My body, my breasts, down there … Mother, it was wonderful.”

“I think you had your first orgasm, dear. Feel yourself down there.”

She looks at me like I am crazy. I nod. She does, tentatively and then more aggressively. “I am wet, very wet inside.”

“Yes, your first orgasm. Tomorrow we have much to talk about. Now we sleep.” And we did. I went to curl into b**st and she curled into me. Not new, we do this often. But something is new, she takes my hand which is d****d over her and places it on her breast. I knead it and then just cup it. She snuggles in tighter and we are soon both asleep.

In the morning our day starts off as it often does. I awake to the sounds of the birds getting active to the sunlight shining on the other side of the mountain from the lagoon. In stirring I inevitably wake Alex. This morning though I am looking forward to her waking. As she turns in my arm, I am gazing down at her as she opens her eyes. She smiles and then there is a dawning of remembrance of last night and she blushes. I lower my head and kiss her on the forehead. I look at her, studying her face and reaction. She smiles at me and touches my cheek. I turn my head in her hand and kiss her palm. I then lower to her and kiss her lips, gently, softly. “Time to get up, k**do. I want to get out to the rocks and talk.”

We quietly rise from b**st, take care of our needs, and chase into the cool lagoon water, diving in and stroking out across the still water surface to the far side and our quiet alone spot at the edge of the ocean. We reach the other side just about the same time. Alex has turned out to be a very athletic woman, strong, quick and agile. She has been with us for only several years and her progress is impressive, able to challenge me in a number of activities. It is like she was from a much more active and athletically gifted parentage than the people on this island appear to be.

I start the conversation and immediately catch her off guard, “Alex, how is Addama these days?”

“Addama? What … how … you know Addama?”

“Mothers know everything. You should know that. I am just wondering, Alex, what your relationship with him is?”

“What’s wrong? We aren’t doing anything. I promised that I wouldn’t and I meant it.”

“Alex, relax. Don’t be defensive. I am not questioning that. I trust you. Completely. It’s just a simple question from a mother to her daughter.”

“Then …”

“His mother and I were talking. We’ve seen you together. We’re just curious and want to know what the relationship is. I like his mother, by the way. Very nice.”

“You know his mother?”

“Alex. You will learn that being known to people is also a problem. Most of the village is talking about you two. Speculating if you are just friends or …”

“Or what?!?”

“Or something more serious. It’s not bad either way, Alex. So talk to me.”

They are more than friends but not sexually active. She said the feeling she gets around him are confusing, distracting. They like each other a lot and want to spend more time together.

“Tell me about the bruise on your thigh. It looks new and I know I didn’t put it there.”

“I knew you would notice. I was so dumb.”

“What happened?”

“Nothing, I was just dumb.”

“Alex. Remember honesty. You’re training Addama, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am, don’t be mad.”

“Training him in what? What kind of training?”

“I am showing him hand-to-hand martial arts, the lance and the bow.”

“What about physical strengthening? Anything with strengthening of his body, stamina and agility?”

“Yeah, not so much. He is very impatient.”

“The bruise?”

“It was during the lance training. I had him off balance and I pulled back instead of striking him and that left myself open.”

“Alex! You know better than that. Your emotions can’t get in the way either in training or battle.”

“I know! I said I was stupid. And I know that despite your strong feelings for the Predators you didn’t hold back. You made them pay for openings.”

“Lesson learned?”

“Yes. Definitely. I am sorry. I know that doesn’t help his training.”

“I have to ask, though, why does he want to be trained?”

“He told me his father and his first woman (he was about to marry this woman) were killed by the new people. He survived when he was injured, fell and hit his head. He thinks they must have thought he was dead. He wants to be a part of the team.”

“For revenge do you think?”

“No. I don’t think so, but he doesn’t want to remain passive, waiting for them to do something else. They are a passive people but he doesn’t want to wait anymore?”

I thought for a moment, “Then we need to do something. I think we should talk to him and his Mom.”

“His Mom?”

“If he is going to be trained properly, she should know. Proper training is going to take more effort from both of us and he will be away from her more.”

“More training from both of us? You would be training him, too? You would do that?”

“We want to have him properly trained. He may be trying to get past you on some things to get to the weapons training. Impatient doesn’t count. He has to strengthen his body and his endurance. Just as you had to, remember?”

“I remember, Mom. I definitely remember. You were really tough about that.”

“And that is what we need to do with him. From me it might work better. You might be too close to it.”

“Mom? There is something else. Last night …”

“Do you regret it happening? With me?”

“Oh, no! No, I loved it. It was wonderful. But I want … I want …”

“You want to feel more?”

“Yes, I do. Mom? You have sex more, right? Not just with b**st? So, just because I don’t have a mate …?”

“It’s your body, Alex. Just don’t let yourself be used. Only be intimate with those you trust, who will keep you safe and will respect you.”

“Like the Teams?”

“That has been my restriction except for Gongon and Landda. Who would you want to? Maybe I shouldn’t ask, but have you ever?”

“No, I promised you. And I have taking those pills at the new moon. If you’re serious that I can try it, it should be someone I can fully trust to be careful and gentle, who already cares and loves me. I think I know … but, what to do … I was wondering if … I would feel better if it could be … was with …”

“Yes? Alex, here I am struggling to remain in control of my emotions while I am essentially okaying you having sex. You are making this very difficult on me. Please just say it.”

“With b**st? Would it be okay if b**st was my first? I trust him. I love him and he loves me. It’s a natural except that he is yours.”

“He is my mate, yes. But we share our love and our sex. Dear, he would love it. I know he would be honored, overwhelmed that you would choose him. But the first time might hurt if your hymen is still in place inside you.”

“My hymen?”

“A piece of skin closing you inside. If it is intact, it has to be broken the first time. But often in active young women and girls, they are broken in the course of athletics and contact activity. And you certainly have had plenty of theat. Should we see if it is there? See if we need to worry about it anymore?”


“Lean back on the rocks and open your legs.” She does and I look at her pussy. Was I really going to do this? Check her vagina with my fingers and then help her in her first fucking? With b**st? Yes, I guess I was. I told her to relax and breath, I slipped one finger just inside her and she gasped just from that. I smiled at her and started to reassure her that I was almost done.

But she said, “No, it feels good, Mom.”

I smile and admit to her, “Yes, and it just gets better with practice and experience. You are entering a whole new part of your life, dear.” I slip another finger just inside her lips and pull them apart and look. I don’t see it. I gently insert a finger into her pussy and feel. No. I can see she is relieved and she can see my blush. I give her a tight hug, “I can’t believe I am doing this. Actually helping you in having your first sexual intercourse.”

“Is that what you call it, Mom? I don’t think so.”

“No. Lots of changes around her now. Okay, Alex, you are about to fuck my mate. And, to be honest, I am excited, too. Does that make me a sick, perverted Mom?”

“It makes you a loving, caring Mom that it be done right. You have to be the best Mom ever.”

“Setting up your first fuck? Yeah, I would guess so. Okay, so when is this going to happen?”

She looked shy now. But finally, “Now? No time like the present.”

We approach b**st immediately after our swim into shore. No time like the present, she said. We walk up to b**st, two naked human females standing proudly in front of him, water still dripping off our bodies. I noted a drop of water hanging from Alex’s nipple which had to be noticed by b**st. ‘I was wondering my mate, how are you feeling? Are you feeling like …’ I walk to his head and stroke the side of his head, his neck and shoulders. I kiss his snout and mouth. ‘Huh? Are you feeling like maybe …?’

‘Alexa, not with Alex here.’

I looked quickly underneath him and he was. The tip of his cock was just showing. I said, ‘Actually, Alex has an interesting question for you.’ Nice that we can all communicate through thought.

Alex looks directly into his eyes and u*********sly she touches her own breast as her desire builds, ‘b**st, I love you. You know that. And I know you love me.’

‘Yes, Alex, I do and very much.’

‘b**st, will you … what I mean to ask is … shoot, okay, b**st will you fuck me, please?’


‘b**st, don’t make me ask you again.’

‘Really?’ He looks at me, ‘And you’re good with this?’

‘I have to admit that I am nervous but she is of age now and she is having “feeling” throughout her body. And she is now seeing a young man from the village. It is going to happen. She wanted you as her first. Will you do that for her?’

‘Of course I will! But, I think you should explain how my anatomy, and the wolves, is different.’

‘Good idea, b**st. No knotting for a while, okay? You can control that, right?’

‘No knotting. You’ll show her and stay with her?’

‘I wouldn’t miss this. My little girl getting fucked by my mate? This is just the beginning.’
I take her by the hand and point out the fallen tree near the hut and the rock in the pool that I use to lean over. I go over the basic positions that b**st likes with him in back. But I suggest that for the first time she maintain full control by having him on his back and her over him and controlling the depth of penetration. She accepts that and I suggest that before we get b**st into position, that b**st make sure she is ready. I have her lay on the mat and open her legs. b**st just looks at her and then at me and drops his head between her legs and licks. She already shivers. He does this a dozen times and she is squirming under his tongue. I then suggest she make sure he is ready. I explain about using her mouth and lips on his cock to get him fully hard. Males like that and it shows your love. She points between his rear legs and I nod. I was expecting to have to explain the process of oral sex, but she went right underneath him. She wanted to return the pleasure she had just received. I got underneath with her and instructed to be careful of the emerging cock with dry hands. It was best to use the tongue and mouth. She looked at the cock tip and reached her head in and licked the tip and tasted the pre-cum. She smiled and went right back for more. Soon she had more cock exposed and I instructed her to take it in her mouth, slide it in and out some and suck on it. She did and was quickly rewarded with more cock exposed. She pulled her head back and looked at the cock and then at me. I nodded.

We got out from under him and she looked into his face. He moved to her and licked her body and then her face, she giggled. When he licked her breast and his rough tongue dragged over her nipple, she grabbed his head and moaned. He said, ‘That was wonderful, Alex. Thank you.’ She smiled to me.

I encouraged him to lay down and then to roll over onto his back. Once in position, I help her straddle his mid-section and ready herself.

I said, “Okay, dear, now this is it. You are wet and ready in your pussy. He is hard and ready. Take him and slowly put the tip at the entrance to your pussy. He is big. The only ones bigger are the dragons and the Predators. But, when you are ready, b**st’s knot is the biggest of all. After you are done I will show you the knot and talk about it. Now, just enjoy at your pace.”

I watched her face as she concentrated on taking this big cock, any cock, for the first time. b**st was also watching closely, although from his position he would not be able to help much. She got the tip just on her pussy and it slipped just between her lips. I sucked in her breath and still looking down with her hand still on his cock, she settle down a few inches to take that much into her pussy. She gasped at that much penetration and looked up at me. I lean over b**st and took her into my arms and hugged her. When I let go, she was smiling and settled down a few more inches, sighed, and settled down more. This went on for some time, taking him a couple of inches at a time. I leaned in, kissed her breast closest to me and looked up into her face. She was biting her lower lip, concentrating. Seeing me, she broke into another big smile and grabbed me with one hand, the other supporting her above b**st. She pulled my head into her and kissed me on the mouth. This was an aggressive move for her and then she settled down more. I took both of her breasts into my hands and squeezed and she sighed and moaned, again.

I looked at b**st and I think he was having as much trouble as she was. It was extremely stimulating for him to watch Alex slowly descending down on his very stiff and rigid cock. His entire being wanted to thrust himself up into her and it was taking his supreme strength and control to wait and let our girl take it as she was comfortable.

And then I saw her drop the last inches and her head went back and she cried out, “Oh, yessssss!! My, my, my wonderful b**st! Oh, yessssss. I do love your cock. Oh, please tell me we can do this again!”

I looked down at b**st and we just smiled to each other. Her choosing, of course, but her initial reactions seemed to be pure joy and acceptance.

Now that she was fully penetrated, she slowly raised up and went back down. I smiled at her. Not having said anything further she had worked out her need for and method to attain the pleasure she wanted. Up and down, now faster and I watch and saw the knot come out of the sheath but it was not going to go in. She was too far gone to last much longer and b**st was hyper-stimulated seeing Alex on his cock with me, his mate, encouraging her. When I saw her head get thrown back and her legs and arm start shaking and she dropped down onto b**st’s massive chest and her leg muscles continued shaking, I knew she was in the throes of an orgasm and her cries and moans just reinforced that.

I looked to b**st and said, ‘Now, b**st, if you can. Fill her young virgin pussy with your seed.’ I knew the combination of words would take him over the edge of his impending climax and he roared his release. I moved to the rear and watched as he thrust his cock into her and holds himself deeply inside as he twitches his release into her and she gasps as she feels his cum inside her, filling her and the extra seeping out. And that is what I saw from the back. His cum seeping out of her tight pussy, even filled with this cock. And all I hear is panting and sighing as they both struggle to recover.

Off and on during the rest of the day Alex and I spend some time sitting in the pool at the waterfall, letting her soak and soothe in the fresh, cool water. We talk constantly. She has so many questions. She smiles at b**st and kisses him almost every time they are close.

The next day the three of us are out in the jungle hunting. We see the dogs less and less. We have actually gone out in search of them, hunting them to exterminate them. Several times we catch sight of one or two but they retreat quickly. They almost seem to be taking on the traits of wild a****ls and not aggressive for aggression sake. That would be fine. Nature can handle a few more carnivores if their killing is for the purpose of food.

We are suddenly being surrounded by movement. We think dogs and both Alex and I have instinctively pulled and strung an arrow but b**st doesn’t think so. ‘It doesn’t feel like dogs.’

We are faced by our wolf Team members, Thunner and Holden. I hear, “Mother wants you.”

Then we hear more movement behind us and see our gorilla Team members, Daggo and Tamack. “Have they told you? Mother wants you.”

I ask, “Whose Mother?”

“Eewa. The mother of all that is in nature, the environment.” Thunner adds, “She is not really ‘mother’ but joins us, the a****l species. She is the one we ‘hear’.”

Daggo adds, “She is the one who told us about you. Now she is telling us about Alex, too.” It slowly sinks in that this is a continuation of Thorrass’ prophecy talk. This relates to the mystery of how the a****l world had ‘known’ about me. I look at Alex and then b**st. I shrug my shoulders.

“How do we find Eewa?”

Eewa is at a location we have never been. We were always told that the gorillas had this area of the jungle protected and since it was on the other side of the mountain, we just forgot about it.

We are led to the site by our Team members, and when we arrive we find also gathered other gorillas (including Gongon and Landda), wolves and several other a****ls. I notice that gorillas and wolves from both Teams and sides of the island are here. This is a mass meeting. Then a huge shadow passes over us. And another. First Thorrass and then Lassto land near us and approach.

In front of us is an amazing sight. Eewa is a tree. A shimmering, shining tree. The best description would be a weeping willow, the long branches and limbs covering perhaps thirty feet into the air and a rough diameter of the same. The light coming off the limbs is subdued but obvious. The a****ls are getting anxious. There must be a hundred of them from all over the island including reptiles, birds and other wings creatures that appear like very large bats. They are all gathered together, coexisting in this space and clearly expectant of what is to happen next. I feel nothing and I can see that neither Alex nor b**st do either. But I can hear all the chatter and discussions from the groups of species and the longer I stand there the more species I am getting processed and it almost becomes overwhelming. I see Alex put her hands to her ears to block it all out.

Almost as if that was a signal, Thorrass stands to his full height and spreads his wings. He is a massive presence and is obviously respected by the other species. They all quiet down even without the ability of cross-species communication. “Alexa, Eewa has called all of us together to be witnesses and to understand what is about to occur. Eewa can be described as the mother spirit of our environment here. All the species are connected to her. She does not favor one species or another. Some species are enemies of others. Some are food for others. But we all exist here. The balance is maintained. When the balance is not maintained, Eewa tries to influence the environment, those who inhabit it to bring it back into balance. Because we have been brought together we assume there is a development, a problem in the balance. And because you and Alex were summoned we assume your involvement somehow. We would not think you are the cause of the imbalance.”

“Alex was also summoned? I thought just me.”

“No, Alexa, both of you were summoned to Eewa. She wants both of you. She has something for each of you. But, she wants you first, Alexa. Will you unarm yourself?”

I look at Alex and b**st and begin taking off my weapons and hand them to Alex to hold.

“And your boots. She wants you completely open to her. You must go into the tree, Alexa. I have no idea what she wants or what will happen. This is new to all of us.”

“What about the native people? Are they not a part of this synergy of life here?”

“We don’t know why, Alexa, but, no, they are not. Perhaps this was established before they arrived. Perhaps they evolved and lost the ability to hear, to accept Eewa any longer. But, she must think differently about you two.”

After removing my boots, I encourage Alex to prepare similarly for her turn. I enter through the hanging limbs. I turn and can only see shadows of them outside. I walk toward the trunk and stop when I see limbs and roots moving to me and I take a deep breath as they start winding around my arms and legs, larger limbs around my waist and I am raised into the air higher into the branches. My heart is racing with the unknown and my breath is coming in near panting to take in enough air. Then I see them. Three smooth and very shiny limbs, no not limbs. These look different, almost like some kind of tentacle. They touch my body, my skin, my breasts and they are slick and smooth. They separate and move to different parts of my body. I am spread open, my legs pulled apart, my arms straight out from my sides. I watch as a small one comes to my mouth and rubs along my lips and I open my mouth, not even understanding why. It enters my mouth and enters my throat. Somehow I am able to adjust to this presence and breathe well enough, like it has a relaxant that calms my muscles. Now with my head occupied, I am unable to move it and I just wait for what is next. My thought is about Alex. Will she have to endure this also?

Then I feel the next one and I could have guessed based on the position I was being held in. And I was now very glad that b**st had been Alex’s first and taken her virginity and opened her to this experience. The next tentacle was entering my spread open pussy. And as it entered me, again the sensation with that it was slick and smooth and it moved in and deep until it hit me deep inside but it didn’t stop there, I felt it at what I knew was my cervix. But, again, something on it was relaxing the muscles and it moved deeper, opening my cervix and entering my womb. A place where only my unfertilized eggs had ever been.

The third one was probing at my ass and was soon at my asshole and was pushing for entrance. Again, I thought of Alex. Nothing had ever entered her there, but once again, the slick and smooth member moved inside as I felt my sphincter muscles relax and the tentacle moved inside me, deep into my bowls, much further than I had ever been penetrated before.

And while this was all occurring I felt as well as saw the world and my surroundings becoming fuzzy and less focused. The substance that acted so well at relaxing my muscles was also having an effect like a d**g. But despite that general fuzziness, I knew immediately when the tentacles started moving in and out, stroking and pumping into my three holes. The wildest one being out and into my cervix. Now opened by the insertion of the tentacle it remained open enough to allow fucking right into my womb which generated a powerful sensation of long fucking strokes ending with a bump inside my womb.

And then I realized that someone was talking to me. But it wasn’t my ears that were ‘hearing the voice’. It wasn’t a voice at all. Instead, it was like it was emanating from within my body, possibly from the three locations I was being penetrated. And my reaction being slowed, I also realized that it was repeating itself or herself, perhaps it was her.

“Can you hear me, Alexa?”

“Yes” Did I say that or think that. My body and senses didn’t really feel completely my own but this was happening.

“I am Eewa. I work through all the a****l species to keep the environment in equilibrium, in balance. Yes, Alexa, this is a unique eco-system. And our environment has been in balance for eons. Then the people came but they were passive. We don’t know where they came from or why. But they did not seriously disrupt the balance. So, I did not initiate action against them. Your kind came and you were very different, not from here, not from this planet, I think. But, again, there was no disruption, instead there was assistance to the species. Now these new people have come and they are severely disrupting the balance. But my influence is not with the people and the species are not able to be effective against these new people. That is, not until you and your mate arrived and responded. Alexa, they are coming in greater forces and the species cannot withstand this new force.”

“Eewa, my influence is small. I have a small group truly loyal to me. Although my weapons are effective, we are limited. If they are coming with a larger force, I am unsure what it is I can do.”

“You must trust in yourself, Alexa. And in your daughter. She is different from the other people here. You must be creative. You must be decisive. The species will be at your disposal, to use, to lead. But they are limited, their strengths are different. They are not effective against such a force as is coming without a different approach.”

“Eewa, you are saying the same thing as my mate.”

“I have sensed that in him, Alexa. He can assist you in developing your strategy. Use him. But, also, come to me when you need the input from the environment.”

While this conversation was going on, I almost hadn’t noticed my body’s reaction from the stroking into my three holes, steady, long and persistent. Wait, my mouth was being fucked, too. So this was inside me. Not verbal. But then, at the realization of the weirdness of the situation, I started cumming. It started in my asshole, at the entrance but following the tentacles as it plunged into me, deeply into me, all the way nearly into my bowels as it winded through me. And my pussy generated is own sensations from my lips and bumping occurring somehow on my distended clit, into my pussy and into my cervix. I came hard and although I screamed at the top of my lungs, I didn’t. Not with my mouth and throat filled with tentacle.

And my body was going limp when I remembered something Eewa said about my daughter. She said, ‘She is different from the other people here’. I asked her, “Eewa, you said my daughter is different. What did you mean?”

“Will you help us, Alexa?”

“Of course I will. I have already been helping. I have already committed myself and my mate and now my daughter. That was never a question. The only question was how.”

“Good, thank you. Alexa, I am about to tell you something that was unknown to all until this moment when I share it. And Alex, your daughter, must become aware of all this. She is like you. She must be involved in this fight.”

“She and I communicate by thoughts sometimes, she will hear.”

“No, I have blocked her from your thoughts. But not your mate or my messages to the others. The others will hear but Alex must hear it from me.” And she tells me a story and I am speechless.

I am released by the tentacles. I am weak from the experience and my mind is flooded with information and emotion after what I have been told and experienced. As I walk out of the hanging limbs that act very much like a curtain, I see b**st looking at Alex. Sensing me, he turns to me and approaches. I simply say, ‘Later.’

I also notice everyone else looking at Alex but nothing is being said. They must have received very explicit instructions to remain silent. I walk up to Alex who is looking concerned and nervous. “What happened? It was so quiet in there. We didn’t hear anything except I thought I heard some moaning.”

“My dear, dear daughter.” I kissed her forehead and looked at her. Standing before me, without her weapons, her boots and ready. All she had on was the little necklace around her neck that the little Predator girl had given her as we were leaving. In her uncertainty she clutched at it now, perhaps seeking the strength and courage of the Predators.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong. I want you to know that I love you very much. I am so proud of everything you have done and accomplished. She wants to talk to you now. She is Eewa. She is the spirit of the species. She has some influence over the species that has kept the system here in balance until the new people came. She needs our help against them. That is what we talked about. Don’t be afraid of anything that happens. Remember what happened with b**st, yesterday? Well, it is a good thing that happened. You will enjoy it, Alex. It will feel good. And she has a message for you that she wants to share.”

“What message?”

“She will tell you. Be open. Listen and accept it. b**st and I will be here when you come out. We’ll have so much to talk about. Now, go and meet Eewa. I think we will be coming back here more to consult with her. You and I, dear. Together.”

I had tears in my eyes as she went through the limbs and was lost to our sight. Once she was out of sight, I fell to my knees. b**st put his head down and I wrapped myself around it. ‘She’ll be okay, Alexa. She is strong. And besides she knows about you. That will help.’

Others tried to move closer but there were too many. But Landda managed to get through the mob and reach me. She sat behind me and pulled me into her arms and she held me and rocked me. Just like I wanted to do for Alex at this very moment. But I knew exactly what she was going to feel physically and it would be good, wonderful in fact, especially in that young body ready for a new experience. It was the story. How would she react to it? Maybe b**st was right. Living with me, now my daughter, not in one of the villages. That could be a help.

We all wait expectantly. I hear nothing from inside the tree. That is what Alex said. But then I also hear a moan, a groan. Both muffled. I know about that. I am still wrapped in Landda’s arms as I continue to wait for my little girl. She’s not little but now I feel that way. I wait for her to struggle on shaky legs coming through the limbs of the tree. And as I wait, I replay the story in my head:

I was not the first to come to this island from outside the world. Another had. He came to be in the exact same lagoon that the Predators had put me in. As it was told to me, he must have crashed. He came in a vessel that crashed into the lagoon. For a time it floated. A man emerged. He looked much like the people in the villages. He looked much like me. He was able to retrieve a few things from his crippled craft before it sank into the lagoon. The man lived in the lagoon, seemingly trapped. There was no exit except for the ocean and that seemed treacherous to him to have to swim until finding a better access to land. Or perhaps he couldn’t swim. But he had a weapon, but only one. Eventually, he used it to create the narrow tunnel the Predators found on their survey. It may explain why they seemed to search the area around the tunnel and lagoon so extensively. To them it was clear that the tunnel was cut but still crudely and not completely. I remember them saying they needed to do tunneling to make it more easily passable and then widened for b**st. It also explains their wanting to provide a secure door. They were concerned that there might still exist a being not from this planet. By the time the man created his escape, the weapon had lost its charge. He must have thrown it away and then left the lagoon behind.

He lived in the jungle and the plains, developing his skills for this land by utilizing his training as a soldier from wherever he was from. Over time, he made contact with the people on the other side of the island. He assumed their clothing and mannerisms. Long since giving up his old ways from living on the island and subsisting as he could. He picked up their language quickly and soon met and fell in love with a young woman of the village. He presented himself as from the other village but did not wish to return. He had no one left there and he wanted to start anew. Being peaceful people, they accepted him and in part because he was very resourceful and useful. Of course, his advanced education and military and survival training were very useful to them. Although he was different in some of his attitudes, he changed as he could to fit in.

He and his wife were very happy and were active in the village. They had a daughter and they lived a happy life. Until the new people and dogs came. It was difficult for him to sit and wait, knowing the new people would continue to come once the village and a****l groups were identified. He tried his own resistance but he was only one man. His wife tried to assist but they became concerned for their daughter. Being a proactive man he trained both his wife and daughter in some fighting skills including an introduction to the bow and the spear. These were the village people’s primary weapons. As a result, his daughter was less of a girl and more of a boy in action. The man and his wife were to eventually die at the hands of the new people.

And that is where the story ended. Except for one added piece of information that made all the difference in the story. The baby daughter born to this ‘man not of this world’ was named by the man after his grandmother on his home planet. The name meant “defender of the people”. The name was Alexandra. She was born almost exactly eighteen years ago.

My daughter shares a gene pool from outside this world. We are more alike than we thought.

* * * Part 35 will follow * * * Thanks for reading.

Same as PREDATORS’ HUMAN - 34 Videos

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Not Quite Humans

I was alwasy a little...bothered by the Alma. They were visually indistinguishable from humans except for their eye colours. They have yellow and orange patterend eyes, the pattern being unique for each individual. The eyes weren't what bothered me though. No, the eyes were beautiful, absolutely nothing to be bothered by. What bothered me was the slavery. The Alma are a people who, apparently, willingly become the slaves of others. That bothers me. Slavery is conceptually horrifying, being...

2 years ago
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Once Human

The memories were still there. The hoards of goblins and the army of orcs. The troop of trolls and the other beasts from hell. I relived the long battle over and over but the end was always the same. I had stood in the gate to Elvanhome and fought constantly for two days before the legions of sidhe returned. They had struck into the rear of the enemy and brought their allies the dwarfs. The foul ones died or fled and I finally stood with no enemy before me. That was when the single black arrow...

2 years ago
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Proxy Paige and her friends fucked me into a human

I'd been bound, hands behind my back and legs frogtied. I was splayed on an enormous bed, a cockring fit snugly around my balls and erect shaft, and my ass was filled to capacity with an inflatable butt plug. I could hear their hushed voices from the other room, probably discussing how they'd divvy me up.The cracked door opened, and in she walked: Proxy Paige. Shirtless, with rainbow locks falling about her shoulders and ample breasts; thigh high sheer black stockings adorned her legs, with...

3 years ago
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Like Humans

I was halfway through shaving my tits when I heard the doorbell over the music. My Were senses engaged suddenly as I looked into the mirror. I'd shaved one breast smooth and the other still had a rough five-day stubble smothered in shave gel. I reached out a wet, foamy finger and the extended claw tapped the screen with no effect. Grimacing, I angled my hand until the pad of the finger touched pause, silencing the music and leaving a smear on the phone screen. I listened, noticing that I'd...

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Create a female humanoid

In the year 2050, humans have started creating humanoids. These humanoids resemble humans in every aspect. They can think, talk, eat, drink and even have sex!!! But they are too expensive. Only millionaires can think about buying them. A leading humanoid manufacturing company, Technotrons inc. conducted a lucky draw. Winners will be awarded a free humanoid designed to their liking. You have enrolled yourself in the draw and luckily you have won!!! Now its time to design the female humanoid!!!!

3 years ago
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Gift of Humanity

Laura noticed him as she approached the ducks. He didn’t belong here in the fashion-conscious business district. His pink polyester shirt and worn pants would have clashed anywhere. His pants were at least one size too large, while his large arms stretched the fabric of his shirt sleeves. But he wasn’t homeless, or at least she didn’t think so: he was clean. Although he could use a hair cut and beard trim. The other picnic tables were all crowded. He was sitting alone; she sat across from him....

4 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 9 Hogan Educates the Humans

Bentley asked Hogan what he knew about the Keltria people where he lived. Hogan happily gave them the following narrative to his very attentive audience, which Bentley made sure he recorded. “The people who called themselves the Keltria people had come from Earth’s past. They had left Earth over seventeen hundred years before. It could be a bit more, as the two planets weren’t precisely on the same time frame. At the time, most of their histories were only recorded by the Wizards. The...

3 years ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 21 Serving Humanity

Sugiarto Kusnadi, Secretary-General of the United Nations, sat flanked by his aides in the spacious salon of the Masi'shen Embassy headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. He held a delicate cup and saucer of tea in his hand. A small serving table with a silver pot and a plate of pastries and other treats, stood to his right. He sipped his tea, looked up to the assembled people in the room, and smiled. "This is most excellent tea, Ambassador Jon'a-ren. I recognize the blend. It is from my...

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Zombie Leza5 The Last Days of Humanity

Fredrick glanced out the wide front gate, watching as the men carted steaming piles of manure into the fields. Since Leza promised to keep her zombies away, Thomas decided it was the perfect opportunity to develop their property beyond their gated walls. Virtually everyone in the compound—small children, nursing mothers, barking dogs and squealing pigs—were involved in the day’s activities. As Fredrick’s responsibilities remained in the scientific realm, his duties lay elsewhere; formulating...

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The new Human

You open your eyes and all you see is blur and through it, a ray of light. You've never seen light before but by the intensity you can tell that this is artificial. You move your right arm in front of you. By the sensation around your body and what your eyes perceive, you can tell that you are in a liquid. You push your hand in front of you and your palm contact with an obstacle. A high sound suddenly resonated with a red light which began to blink. The sound sounded like an alarm but... how do...

3 years ago
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[Note to Readers: This story is designed to be read in game mode; this will prevent potential infinite loops and allows certain choices to only show up when the appropriate conditions have been met. This is your first and only warning.] Four voices chanted in unison, "Happy birthday Ari!" You took the little box wrapped in silver paper and a red ribbon with a smile. You're the youngest of your group of friends, just turning eighteen today. You know what's in the box; all of them know, since...

2 years ago
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Enhanced Human

Hi, Sanpeux here agin. Bit later then I expected, but a few things popped up irl. This story was original posted on Chyoa story pathway underneath the Lust Spirit story. I spoke to the author and we both decided to take out stories in different directions. Over the last few months I have been re-writing this story and am now ready to post. Anyway, hope you enjoy this new story. It will be shorter chapters and some chapters may have little smut inside, while others will have more. Enjoy! - Adam...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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More Than Human

you are a nerd, an average nerd. You belong to the bottom of the social ladder. Your near-perfect memory and ability to analyze information could help you if they weren't completely dedicated to video games, anime, and comics. All things geek, really. Fortunately you are not intimidated. Not too much at least. Others have it worse than you. Much worse. Most people just ignore you. The few that don't are simply condescending or mildly teasing. None of those teasing is too cruel. Unfortunately,...

2 years ago
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Habitat for Humanity

On that day, we drove 4 different cars, and I drove my Dad's minivan (not exactly glamourous) but I had 2 girls in the back and a teacher sitting in front giving me directions. We would switch every 3 hours on the 12 hour drive down from New York. Well I got to know the teacher by talking a lot with her, she had a Master's in forensic science, and was one of those nerdy but hot white girls. I could tell she partied, and was secretly a sex fiend or something. I didn't let my fantasies...

2 years ago
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Sympathy for Humanity

Please allow me to introduce myself; it's not enough to know that I'm a man of wealth and taste. The money comes because I've been around for a long, long year; and the taste is more of the same. I stole many a man's soul and faith; those words are the only introduction you need to know my name. And I was around when Jesus Christ I stood naked before the windows that looked over a new Sodom smiling at the night sky. No star shone to welcome my triumphant return, but then again... no...

4 years ago
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Magic in the MoonlightChapter 12 Caged Humanity

When I woke up the next morning, Evan was spooned up tightly behind me. My legs were tangled with his and one heavy arm wound around my waist. I snuggled back against him and thought about everything that had happened the day before. I wasn't quite as panicked about our impending trip. Being with Evan had calmed both me and my wolf about what might happen. Surely he wouldn't be sleeping this soundly next to me if he were worried. He certainly had more experience with the Council than I...

3 years ago
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Nature take away all inhibitions of humans

Myself 42 yrs old Gujju Muslim guy from Mumbai having Height 5.9″ & Weight 74 kgs… Having whitish complexion & Athletic & Energetic & Manly body for me…I M regular reader n fan of ISS since last 4 yrs but never felt like sharing my sexual flings here with my fellow readers but fling I had last week with My Lady didn’t resist my Temptations for sharing same with U all…I feel I specially owe it to all my fellow writers already shared their life with Us n I M doing it now… Though I had regular...

2 years ago
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Walking the Dog

Two friends, Sonia and Matt, take the dog out for a walk and decide to go to the forest. It’s a hot day and they stray from the path to find some shelter from the blazing sun. They end up deep in the woods and come across a fallen tree. The dog is some distance away amusing himself with a stick. Sonia leans over the fallen tree seductively, slowly moving her ass from side to side, remembering about the vibe she placed on her clit (in her panties) before they started to walk the dog. The vibe...

Quickie Sex
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Mothers Night

It was a Friday night in a random week; it was 23:42, and I climbed out of bed to get myself a glass of water. I walked down the stairs to the 1st floor, when I heard the muffled sound of a voice coming from my mother's bedroom. I noticed the door was slightly open and dimmed light was shining through the opening. Because I didn't know what was going on (my mother and I lived alone, my two sisters had their own place), because she was supposed to be alone in her room, and I heard a voice, I...

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Brooke Cant DrinkChapter 7

It was immediately apparent as I entered the outer office that things in our humdrum lives have changed significantly since yesterday morning. Cindy looked exhausted. When our eyes met she blushed furiously. But she smiled a bright, sweet, excited smile. It’s obvious that she enjoyed whatever it was she did last night with Delon. For a second or two I found myself almost envying her. My life would be so much more bearable if I could enjoy the things that Delon is making me do. I might have...

2 years ago
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The Sweet Academy Part 3

THE SWEET ACADEMY - Part 3 By Lisa Lovelace Hampered by my high heels and maid's uniform, I struggled with Mr. St. James in the darkness, trying to keep him from shoving me into the back seat of his car. He was much stronger than me, but he slipped on the gravel driveway and fell to one knee. He swayed slightly. I think he was drunk. I tried to pull free of him, but he kept his grip on my slender wrist. "Help, help!" I cried. A woman's voice cracked like a whip in the darkness....

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Megan is a slut

So on days off from my job ive been sitting around my house doing nothing. I had facebook open and i get a message from megan. We havent seen or talked in a while so we caught up and eventually lead to finding sometime to hang out. Well we were both bored that night and decided to hang out at my house. I was getting excited thinking about making her suck my cock again, but when i opened the door she had a friend with her. An innocent looking girl named rachel. She had a nice face good...

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She likes women pt2

As her laughter quieted, I kissed her deeply and slowly, a kiss she returned with fervor. Then I reached around her and turned off the water. ‘Now?’ she asked, almost sounding surprised. ‘Mmmmmm,’ I answered, kissing her pert nipples, ‘as soon as I get you dried off. Can’t have you catching cold, you know!’ I opened the curtains and grabbed a towel and patted her body dry, while she dried her hair in another towel. Then she rubbed the same towel over me while I dried my hair. No word was said...

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Kissing Him

Kissing him so passionately, moaning onto his mouth.What the hell is someone who looks like him doing with someone like me? But I am not complaining.I lift his top off and his hands are all up mine. Feeling my breasts, caressing them, but I have the Devil in me tonight, I want to make him cum and cum hard.I pull away from him, lift my top off, then put my hand behind my back and unclip my bra. God I love how he wants me and his lustful look, like I’m all that exists for him. It’s crazy how he...

4 years ago
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Young Sissy Ch 02

I was walking in a field, the cool grass crushed softly between my toes, the sun warm on my skin, the smells of spring were in the air and every deep breath I took filled my lungs with the promise of a fresh start and new hope. The sky was a flawless blue and looked clear enough to take a swim in. Everywhere I turned, all I could see was endless rows of rolling hills...there wasn't a soul in sight...and yet, for some reason, I didn't feel frightened or lonely like I usually do by myself. It was...

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A Friend in NeedChapter 20

The travelers returned home tired but feeling good about their vacation. They rested on the weekend, trying to overcome the jet lag that had their schedules all messed up. Even with that rest, they just barely got through their classes. By the end of the week, they were more in line with their schedules and beginning to enjoy college life once again. Greg had the worst time of it since he had to make up for the training time he missed in addition to taking extra time in the gym preparing for...

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A Story of High School Voyeurism

You arrive at your school maybe ten minutes early for class. Parking the car and shifting into park, you exit, anxious to begin the day. At this school, every day is an adventure, whether it be in the classes or the people in them, something's always happening. Add on your little 'fetish' and each day makes for a good time, there's never a reason not to come. You're a senior, well into the school year and at the ripe age of 18, along with most of your fellow outgoing alumni. The year has been...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 59

The World's Shortest Fairy Tale Once upon a time a guy asked a girl "Will You Marry Me?" The girl said "NO". And the guy lived happily ever after and rode a motorcycles and went fishing and hunting and played golf a lot and drank Beer and Scotch and had money in the bank and left the toilet seat up and farted whenever he wanted. The End. How to get to Heaven from Ireland (A true Story from an Irish Sunday School Teacher) I was questioning children in my Dublin Sunday school...

3 years ago
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Dirty Married White Slut Blacken

A true slut is willing to try anything once. I’ve heard more than one guy say that they’d drag their balls through a mile of broken glass just to see up my skirt. Oh sure I’ve got breasts that, like my ass, are more than a hand full. And my waist is tucked in so that most men’s fingers touch when they use both hands. But seriously, so what? I’m sure I don’t understand this battle of the sexes bullshit, or the Mars, Venus crapola. I’m a person, just like everyone else, and being human, once my...

1 year ago
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For SarahChapter 6

On Monday Tommy went back to visit Sarah. He fucked her three times; each time in a different bedroom. But it was the most fun doing it in Samantha's bed. He was pretty confident that he would have both mother and daughter pregnant before he went back to school. Tuesday he picked Samantha up from school and took her back to the farmhouse. She was more than willing to have sex with him but she said, "I brought some condoms. I think that we should use them so I don't get pregnant." Tommy...

1 year ago
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The Cream of Sheba

Tony leaned back from his desk, the one hand, or more specifically the two fingers, with which he had been typing feeling numb. His other hand, however, wasn't so much numb at the fingertips as it was at the wrist. The penis he held in his hand, jerking up and down in his languidly flicking wrist, was hovering somewhere between achieving full arousal and subsiding back to its more normal torpor. In front of him was the old PC he'd bought years ago and never felt the need to upgrade. The CRT...

1 year ago
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That one time in the bushes next to school

This, like all the stories I post on here, is a true story.I studied arts in high school, which basically meant my school was a melting pot of stoners, hot alternative chicks, emo k**s and a bunch of teacher’s still thinking they’re 16 years old. The school was one giant orgy: over the four years I attended it, I must’ve fucked about 30 to 35 girls, including all of my female classmates but one. I have so many stories to tell about my time there, but I’ll start with just one.That time in the...

2 years ago
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Meri Shemale Teacher

Disclaimer : All characters in the stories are fictional. The story is about a sexual relation between a shemale teacher and her student. If your name is used as one the character it is a coincidence. If you are against anything above stated please stop reading. I hope you enjoy! The ideas for this story are taken from many others as I’m regular reader to many erotica websites and blogs. For any comments and ideas Email me – Mera naam Tanish hai, yeh tab ki baat hai jab mein apne medical...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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ChemTechs Legacy Chapter 10 Matildas Story

Chem-Tech's Legacy - Chapter 10 - Matilda's Story "Belle," I heard a sing song voice chirp from another room. "Wakey wakey Belle!" I woke up in an oversized cat bed with pink sheets. Where the hell was I? And who was Belle? Oh yeah. I'm Belle. Or at least that's what my psychotic "owner" Melody has named me. I was wearing the frilly pink nightie that she had leant me for the night and my hair tied back in a pony tail.. I only had the one dress that I was wearing when I first...

3 years ago
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Three in a Bed

Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here Part OneRoger took another sip of the rich red wine and cocked his wrist to check the time on his watch. He and Julie had arrived home ten minutes earlier to prepare for Doug’s visit, his second to their home. The first visit had been pleasant and relaxing, a “get-to-know-you” opportunity, yet both Roger and Julie had been a little disappointed...

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New Shoes

So I just got off the phone with you setting up a special brunch date at one of our favourite sidewalk cafe's. I requested that you wear something specific and that I would be checking as I laughed when we hung up the phone. I quickly jumped into the shower and prepared for our date in a few hours. The whole time I was daydreaming of what I had asked you to do. These thoughts caused my cock to stir as I was hoping that you followed the instructions that I issued. Now I also told you there would...

2 years ago
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Crossed over from Viewing to Doing

Middle aged white man from a big City in Kentucky. Quick background on my past with Interracial fascinations. When I was a k** I'd steal my dad's dirty mags just like everyone did. I'd return them after a day or so. I'm talking like 8 yrs old. I was fascinated because I obviously wasn't capable of processing what I saw. So it was just bizarre mostly. One day i picked up what I later would come to know as the December 75 issue of Hustler. I did the normal page turning and millions of full page...

3 years ago
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Cockdaddy and Fucktoy

He was on his way to come see me, he had certain commands that I knew I needed to follow. I had to be on my knees on the floor, my mouth open and tongue out ready and waiting for him. My tits were to be exposed and I was to be naked or dressed in a sexy outfit for him. I was ready, waiting, getting more excited and wet as each second passed. My body was aching for his touch. My heart was pounding hard in my chest as his car pulled into the driveway. I stirred in my spot on the floor, trying to...

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