Plan B (by Your Ghost) free porn video

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Two brothers discover that their supposedly innocent little sister is actually internet porn-star Christine
Young. (MMF, nc, inc, oral, anal)


I arrived home from work at 6pm, just like I did every day. And, just like every day, I turned on the TV and
watched the evening news while I had a couple of ham
and cheese sandwiches and a beer for dinner. After dinner I got another beer, and another beer after that,
drinking steadily as the news ended and some sitcom
reruns tried to keep me entertained. They pretty much failed, and by eight o'clock I was actually considering
going to bed.

It wasn't a serious consideration; who goes to bed at
eight o'clock past the age of five? But it was an
indication to me of how low I'd sunk in my life. I was
twenty-five, single, not too bad looking, and I was
working at a job that paid me more than enough money to
keep me happy, so why wasn't I happy? Why wasn't I out
in the night, having a good time, chasing chicks,
getting laid? Why did I have the most boring life in
the whole world?

I didn't know, and I didn't have the energy to try to
figure it out. So the only choice I had (the only real
choice) was to do something about it. Think of
something new, different, and interesting to do. Maybe
something a little bit off the wall, out of the

I thought about calling my brother Joe to see what he
might be up to. And just as I had that thought my cell
phone bleeped. I was a little embarrassed by how
quickly I picked up.


"Hey, Ben, it's Joe,"

"Hey, dude," I said, "I was just thinking about calling
you. Is that, like, synchronicity or what?"

"Just an odd coincidence," Joe said. "Listen, Ben, you
gotta come over. I got something totally awesome for
you to see."

"Really. What is it?"

"I'll show you when you get here. But I will tell you
this, you're not gonna believe your eyes."

"Come on, Joe, if it's just another one of your dumb
video games, I'm not really interested."

"It's not a video game, although in a way, you're
close. Now get your ass over here."

I heard the click of Joe's phone and blinked, somewhat
surprised; my older brother could be a bit of a spaz
sometimes, but he was rarely that abrupt. Whatever he
had to show me must be pretty important.

"What the hell," I said to myself as I looked around at
my dull uneventful apartment, "even if it is a video
game, it's gotta be better than this shit."


I lived only five blocks from Joe's place, but our
lifestyles were a few tax brackets apart; I had a
spacious loft on the East side of Alexander Street in
an exclusive apartment building, and Joe lived in what
someone on the City Council had once called, "a high-
rise ghetto." It was a ten story building set right in
the heart of the downtown area, and although it had
once, long ago, been an elegant hotel, it was now a low
income project subsidized by the city's Housing
Authority, a haven for the poor, the sick, the lame and
the lazy.

Joe, despite his relatively high intelligence, fell
into the first and last categories. He was twenty-six
years old now, but he still drifted from low-paying job
to low-paying job, doing just enough to keep his rent
paid, his cable on, and his internet connection hooked
up. He rarely had food in the fridge, electing instead
to get his meals for free at the various soup kitchens
and drop-in centers in town, and he got all of his
clothes second or third hand at the local clothing
banks. Not the best role model in town. I might have
lost some of my respect for him if he hadn't seemed
happy in his sloth. It was more than I could say for

I took the elevator up to the third floor, then went
down the hallway to Joe's apartment door. I was just
about to knock when the door swung open and Joe, with a
big grin on his face, said, "Hey, man, come on in."

I followed him inside. My brother's apartment wasn't
really an apartment so much as just a single room with
a dinky bathroom, an even dinkier closet, and a
kitchenette that had a fridge, a stove, and a sink all
crammed into one corner. It was neat and clean, though,
and while I always caught a feint whiff of bug spray
I'd never seen any bugs.

Joe didn't have much furniture, either; just a sofa
that he slept on, a bookcase with about eighty used
paperbacks, an end table by the window, on top of which
he had stacked his TV, his VCR, and his DVD player, and
against one wall a battered desk with a computer. There
wasn't even a stereo system.

"What is it you want to show me?" I asked as I made my
way toward the sofa.

"You won't believe it, Ben," Joe said. "You want a
beer? You should probably have a beer, dude, this is

"WHAT'S huge?"

"In a sec, in a sec." Joe dug two beers out of his
fridge, handed one to me. "Come over here to the

Joe's computer wasn't the most up to date computer in
the world, but it was decent, with a twenty gig hard
drive and just about all the accessories a slacker
could ever want. As he leaned over the desk and grabbed
his mouse I took note of the picture on the screen that
he had put up as wallpaper: a fake of Sarah Michelle
Gellar surrounded by three naked guys holding their
dicks, and Sarah's face and tits covered with come. It
looked almost real, and I was impressed; I wondered if
he had done it himself.

"Check this out, man," Joe said as he clicked his mouse
two or three times. Several folders popped open, then
the screen was suddenly filled with the Windows Media
Player. A few seconds of black screen, then a video
began playing.

A porn video, which wasn't a gigantic surprise;
probably the only thing Joe loved more than video games
was porn.

"What's huge about this?" I asked. "A chick taking a

"Look closer, dude," Joe replied. "Look at her face."

I leaned forward and looked more closely at the girl's
face, and suddenly my eyebrows went up and my jaw

"Holy shit," I said. "Is that Christine?" The girl
looked directly at the camera and smiled as she rubbed
soap and water over her large breasts. "It IS
Christine. Holy shit."

I couldn't believe what I was seeing: my own little
baby sister taking a shower. Naked.

"Where the hell did you get this?" I asked. I dragged
my eyes from the computer screen, looked at my brother,
and my voice dropped ominously. "You didn't do this
video yourself, did you?"

"What? No," Joe replied. "I found it last night when I
was surfing the net. And that's not the only one I
found. Here."

Joe closed the shower video and opened another.
Christine was naked in this one as well, except she
wasn't in the shower; instead, she was on her knees in
some room somewhere, and a guy was jerking his dick in
front of her face. As I watched, Christine opened her
mouth, closed her eyes, and leaned forward just in time
to catch the guy's come as he went off into her mouth.

"Holy shit," I said again. I couldn't think of anything
else to say.

Christine let the guy's come spill all over her tongue
and chin, then sat back and offered the camera one of
her charming smiles.

"What did I tell you?" Joe said. He closed out the
video. "I got several more vids, and tons of pictures
of her."

"Where in hell did you get them?" I asked.

"From her website."

"She has a website?"

"Yeah. Here, I'll show you."

Joe leaned over his desk again, opened Windows
Explorer, and clicked something on his favorites list.
The screen filled up with a light blue and white
background, a picture of Christine smiling, and the
words, "Christine Young" in stylized script. Joe
scrolled down and pictures and vidcaps moved upward on
the screen, showing Christine in various poses and
stages of undress, and doing sexual things with both
men and women.

"Son of a bitch," I said. Apparently, the shock of
seeing my sister in this context had left me limited to
obscene language.

"Told you it was huge," Joe said. "Our sister's not
just a slut, she's an internet slut."


I watched as Joe spent several minutes clicking on
pictures or running the video clips. I saw Christine
kissing a darkhaired woman and sucking her tits,
Christine sucking on a guy's cock and letting him fuck
her. Christine taking another load of come into her
mouth. There was a video of her flashing her tits in
front of the Eiffel Tower.

"That trip she took to Paris last year," I said.

"Yeah," Joe replied. "She told me Mom and Dad gave her
the money for it, but I'm willing to bet she paid for
it herself with the money she's making from this
internet thing." He rewound the video, then stopped it
just as Christine pulled her top down and exposed her
breasts. "She's got some awesome tits, doesn't she?"

"Yeah, she does," I replied, realizing as I said it
that it was true; my sister did have awesome tits.

"You know, Ben, I never really thought of Christine as
hot before, but she really is. I mean, she's not, like,
beautiful or anything, but she's cute. I've always
thought she was cute. And now, seeing her like this,
well, she's just plain hot. Just look at her."

"I AM looking at her," I said. "I'm just having a hard
time believing it. Our little sister."

"Our HOT little sister," Joe added.

"But why does it say 'Christine Young?' Our last name
isn't Young, it's Mootz."

Joe shrugged and said, "Young is sexier than Mootz.
Hell, Hitler is sexier than Mootz." He leaned closer to
the computer screen, zeroing his eyes in on Christine's
full exposed breasts. "And she's totally fucking sexy,
dude. I never thought I'd say this, but I'd fuck her in
a heartbeat."

I'd been holding my unopened beer in my hand all this
time, and now I twisted the cap off, took a long drink,
then said, "I think I need to sit down."

"Oh, sure, dude," Joe said. He moved away from the desk
to give me room.

"Not there," I said. I went over to the sofa and sat,
took another drink of beer. "You know what I was doing
when you called, Joe?"

"Pounding your pud?" Joe sat down next to me and opened
his own beer.

"No, asshole. I was sitting around hating my life, and
wishing for something new and different to do. Little
did I know that not only would I get my wish, but the
new and different would include watching my sister
getting a mouth full of splooge on your computer."

Joe laughed and clinked his beer with mine.

"Hats off to Christine," he said. "Never knew she had
it in her. So to speak." We both took long drinks from
our beers.

"Seriously, though," Joe went on, "don't you wanna get
into her pants now?"

"Dude, she's our sister," I replied.

Joe seemed to consider my comment for a moment, then
shrugged and said, "All the more reason." I gave him a
look. "No, think about it, dude. I mean, it would be
cool enough just doing it with a sexy internet porn
chick, but how much cooler would it be to do it with
your own sister? i****t is best, put your sister to the

"You're nuts," I told him, shaking my head.

"And you're in denial," Joe countered. "Check this
out." He went back over to his computer, and I
reluctantly got up and followed him. He clicked open
Christine's shower video again and let it play as he
said, "Just look at her, Ben. Those big round titties,
that sweet ass, all that sexy water pouring over her
body. Tell me you don't wanna tap that shit. Honestly."

I sighed and continued shaking my head, but at the same
time I watched Christine caressing her sleek wet body,
and as I watched I felt myself coming around to my big
brother's point of view.

"Yeah, okay," I said when the video ended. "You're
right, she's hot, And I have to admit, I wouldn't mind
doing it with her. In theory, at least."

"Fuck theory," Joe said. "You either want to or you
don't. And if you want to, then you should."

I looked at Joe and said, "What does that mean?"

"It means, maybe we should go for it. Try to get her to
give it up."

"Joe, remember when I told you that you were nuts?
Well, play that back in your head, and turn up the

"Why do you say that, man?" Joe asked, sounding as if
I'd hurt his feelings. "Why you wanna kill the dream?"

"Because that's all it is, a dream. What makes you
think Christine would let us have sex with her? And
don't say that if she'd do it with strangers for money
she'd do it with anybody, because you know that's not

"No, I don't know that's not true. But even if it
is...or isn't...or whatever, I didn't say anything
about her 'letting' us."

"So, what are you saying?" I asked. "We should just go
over to her house and **** her?"

"I didn't say that, either," Joe replied.

"Then what ARE you saying?"

"Plan B." Joe held up his beer and, with a big smile,
said, "We get her drunk."

I thought about that for a moment, then said, "Well,
that would definitely be something new and different."


Christine had moved out on her own over the summer of
2003. She was s*******n then, had just graduated from
high school, and was on her way to college. That had
been three years ago. She was twenty now, and as far as
I knew, she was still in college, working on a nursing
degree, and just starting her senior year.

Her apartment building was even more expensive than
mine. It was actually a condominium, one of the newer
buildings that had gone up on the Thea Foss Waterway in
the last couple of years, designed for people with
annual incomes above a hundred grand. She'd told her
parents (and her brothers) that she was able to afford
the place by sharing the expenses with roommates and
holding down part-time waitressing jobs. But as Joe and
I pulled up in front of her ritzy building I realized
that it could all be a lie.

She might not be in college at all, spending all of her
time making porn videos. If she was making enough
money, she would probably think she didn't need to go
to college. The idea left something unsettled inside of
me, but I wasn't sure what it was; did I feel angry at
my sister because she wasn't going to school and
insuring her future, or was I angry with her because
she was, in essence, a whore? Was I even really angry
at her at all? And if I was, was that why I was here
with Joe, planning to get her hammered before having
sex with her? Was this really the something new and
different I was looking for?

Joe shut off the engine and said, "Let's go."

He opened his door and got out, then leaned back in and
grabbed the case of beer he'd bought on the way over. I
got out on my side and we went up to the front entrance
of the building. We went through the large wood and
glass door, through a foyer, and to a bank of elevators
on our left. We took the elevator to the sixth (and
top) floor, then went down the hallway past several
doors until we arrived at apartment 612. Since Joe had
his arms full with the case of beer, it was up to me to

I did, lightly, three times, then stood holding my
breath, trying to ignore the tiny voice in my head that
was telling me to turn and run. Several moments passed
in which I could hear no sounds coming from inside, and
I began to wonder if maybe Christine wasn't even home.
I raised my hand to knock again, but suddenly the door
flew open and Christine was standing in the doorway.
She had a curious look on her face at first, then she
recognized her older brothers and her features lit up
in a big happy smile.

"Hey, guys!" she said. "What are you doing here?"

"We came to party, dude," Joe replied, indicating the
case of beer with a nod of his head. "Let us in

"To party?" Christine gave up a small laugh. "You guys
ever hear of a phone?"

"Aw fuck that, let us in." Joe pushed past me, then
pushed past Christine and went into her apartment.

"Hello, rude," Christine said, but she was smiling. She
looked at me and I smiled back at her. She definitely
was cute. She was wearing blue jeans, and a very snug
white tanktop. And, I couldn't help but notice, no bra.
Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all.

"Hey, Ben," she said. "Come on in, I guess."

I went past her and she shut the door behind me. Joe
was already at the fridge, stacking the beers on the
bottom shelf one by one.

"Sorry to just bust in like this," I said, "but you
know Joe. Once he gets an idea, talking him out of it
is like fighting the X-Men." I had to force myself not
to look at her tits.

"Yeah, that's Joe, alright," Christine said. "At least
he brought beer."

She went over to him and held out her hand. Joe gave
her a beer, then handed me one, and Christine and I
went over to the sofa. We sat together and sipped our
drinks while Joe started messing with Christine's

"So, what's up?" Christine asked.

"Nothing," I said. "We just thought we'd come over and
wreck your evening."

"Come on, Ben, you guys hardly ever come over. You
hardly ever even call me, so you must have some agenda.
What is it?"

"Actually," Joe said over the sudden noise of the
radio, "we were planning to get you bombed, then have
our way with you."

Christine clicked her tongue, sort of laughed, and
said, "You're always such a clown, Joe. Really, what's
going on?"

"Nothing," I said again. "Honestly, Chris, we just
wanted to see you. I mean, you're right, we hardly ever
see you, and we, you know, missed you."

"Aww," Christine said. "That is so sweet. My big
brothers missed me."

She leaned toward me and gave me a hug, inadvertently
pressing one of her breasts against my arm.

"Hey," Joe called over the sound of Z.Z. Top (singing,
appropriately, 'Tush'), "save some of that lovin for
me, hot stuff."

I gave Joe a look that told him to cut that shit out. I
hadn't changed my mind about what we were planning to
do, but still, it didn't make sense to tip her off too

We all sat and talked while we listened to music. Most
of it was normal, catching-up conversation, although
Christine was still giving us the line that she was
going to school and working as a waitress at some place
way out on 112th Street. Joe and I both made occasional
attempts to steer the conversation toward the subject
of sex, but Christine wasn't taking the bait at first.
It took us nearly an hour, two or three beers apiece,
and two joints that Christine had brought out from her
bedroom before she started to loosen up.

She didn't come right out and say she was an internet
whore, but she did admit that she'd slept with "a lot
of guys," and that she'd done some "private modeling"
for a few of them. She also told us about Dakota, a
girl she met in one of her nursing classes, who she was
having an affair with.

"I'm not really a dyke," she said, "but I gotta tell
you guys, Dakota has been a godsend to me. If it wasn't
for her, I wouldn't even believe in love."

She took a long pull from her beer and Joe and I looked
at each other. Joe moved his eyebrows and nodded toward
her, signaling that it was time to put the second phase
of our plan into action. I shook my head to tell him
that it wasn't time yet, but I did it slightly, so
Christine wouldn't notice.

"Whatever you guys are signaling each other about,"
Christine said, "you can just knock it off." She
burped. "I gotta go pee."

She got up and went unsteadily into her bathroom. As
soon as she shut the door Joe came over and sat next to
me and said, "Dude, she's drunk, and she's high as a
kite. It's the perfect time."

"I dunno, Joe," I said. "It just doesn't seem right to
me. I mean, I wouldn't do this to a chick who WASN'T my

"Come on, Ben, grow a pair already. You wanna do her
just as much as I do. And you know that if she sobers
up it ain't gonna happen."

I sighed, thought about it for a moment, then said,
"Okay. But maybe we should try to get her to admit to
what she's doing on the internet first. She might be,
you know, more compliant that way."

"Yeah, right," Joe said. "Why you don't you go get the
Hardy Boys and start the investigation while I stay
here and get some pussy?"

"Okay, okay," I said. "But we don't hurt her. Agreed?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Tell you what, I'll hold her
down while you slap her titties."


Joe laughed and said, "I'm just k**ding, dude. I
promise, we won't hurt her. She's my little sister too,
you know." He glanced toward the bathroom, then in a
slightly lower voice said, "By the way, did you notice
those tits?'

"How the hell could I miss them? If I didn't know
better, I'd say she's showing them off."

"Maybe she is."

Just then the bathroom door opened and Christine came
wobbling back into the living room.

"If you guys are planning some stupid practical joke,"
she said, stumbling a little on the word 'practical,'
"well, you juss better not. Your practical...
practical... jokes are about as funny as death." She
sat down between us, forcing us to make room for her.

"Oh, believe me, sweetie," Joe said as he put his arm
around her shoulders, "we're not joking around this
time." He looked past her at me. "Are we, Ben?"

"Yeah," I replied, "you can definitely say that what we
have in mind isn't funny at all."

Christine clicked her tongue and sighed.

"Duzzun matter," she said. "I'm immune to you guys."
She looked around for a moment. "I need a beer."

Joe jumped up and went to the fridge, brought back
beers for everyone, then said, "I think I gotta hit the
can too." He gave me a meaningful look, then went into
the bathroom. Apparently it was up to me get our
i****tuous crime spree in motion.

Christine was taking another long pull on her beer and
I let my eyes roam over her, from her pretty face down
her neck to her big round tits, and the nipples poking
through her tanktop. I wondered how, exactly, a guy
went about taking advantage of his own sister. After
all, she wasn't just any girl, I had a history with
her, and all of it involved that boundary that said sex
wasn't allowed. Even thinking about it wasn't allowed.
The obvious solution was to treat her like she wasn't
my sister. Treat her just like any other girl. Which
meant just go for it, and don't stop unless she starts
to cry.

"Why are looking at me like that?" Christine asked.
She'd already drank about a quarter of her beer, and
had the bottle resting in her lap. "Or, more accritly,
why are you looking at my tits like that?" She giggled.

"Sorry," I said, bringing my eyes up to meet hers,
which were watery and just beginning to get a little
pink. "It's just kind of hard not to look at you like
that sometimes. You're, uh, you're sexy, Christine."

Christine giggled again and said, "Kind of hard. Thass
funny. Creepy but funny."

She went to take another drink of her beer but I
grabbed the bottle and took it from her, set it on the
coffee table.

"Hey," she said, "thass mine."

"Don't worry, you'll get it back," I said. I moved
closer to her and put my arm around her shoulders. "I
just wanna do something first."

"Like what?"

She was looking directly into my eyes, and there was
such confidence and trust there that I almost called
the whole thing off. Almost. I'd had a bit to drink
too, and I'd smoked close to half of one of those
joints. And I really did want to fuck her.

So, in one movement I brought my other hand around to
the back of her head and kind of held her there while I
leaned in and planted a kiss right on her mouth. I
expected her to resist, maybe even try to get away, but
Christine surprised me by staying completely still as I
pressed my lips against hers. She might have even
kissed me back, though I couldn't be sure about that.
The kiss didn't last very long, five seconds at the
most, then I pulled back and looked at her. Which is a
mistake when you're kissing a girl who, for whatever
reasons, you shouldn't be kissing. Christine blinked at
me, the expression on her face a mixture of surprise
and confusion.

"Why did you do that?" she asked. Before I could answer
she said, "You can't kiss me like that, Ben. Is not

I knew I'd lost my momentum, and the only thing to do
now was to jump on her, but I hesitated. And suddenly I
had to take a piss.

As if on cue, the toilet in Christine's bathroom
flushed and the door flew open and Joe came back in. I
immediately jumped up and, passing Joe on my way to the
head, said, "Your turn."

I went into the bathroom, shut the door, and took a
long satisfying piss. As I came near the end I could
hear noises coming from the living room; under the
music there seemed to be a bumping sound, and the
voices of my sister and brother. The sound of a beer
bottle falling on the coffee table. I finished as
quickly as I could, zipped up, and left the bathroom.

I found the two of them on the sofa. Joe was on top of
her, kissing her and trying to hold her down as she
squirmed under him. Her tanktop was in a heap on the
coffee table and her jeans were halfway down her legs.
I could see her plump naked breasts and the patch of
pubic hair covering her pussy (she hadn't been wearing
underwear), but what caught my attention most was
Christine's face; she looked wasted and unhappy at the
same time, like she knew what was happening to her but
was unable to stop it.

They both looked up at me with completely different

"Help me out here, dude," Joe said. "Get her pants off
for me."

"Ben?" Christine said.

I waited for her to say something else, but she didn't
say anything, and I knew I had to go one way or the
other. Joe clutched one of her breasts and squeezed it,
and that did it for me. I went around the coffee table,
grabbed the legs of Christine's jeans, and pulled them
down over her feet. She still had her sneakers on and
that made it a little difficult, but I finally managed
to get them off. I tossed them onto the floor as Joe
worked her legs apart, then reached down into his open
fly and pulled out his cock. He didn't waste any time.
He stuck it in her with one movement, pushing himself
in all the way to the hilt.

Christine closed her eyes and turned her face away from
him with a light, disappointed moan. Joe moaned too,
but his was one of pleasure and conquest. He started
fucking her, pushing his cock in and out of her cunt
with a steady rhythm, and at the same time he kissed
her cheek and licked her earlobe and squeezed and
pulled on her breasts. And I just stood there and
watched, feeling my cock grow hard in my jeans.

It seemed to take forever, though in reality I suppose
Joe only spent about two minutes fucking our sister. He
kept shoving into her and shoving into her, Christine
still just laying there and sort of whimpering, until
finally he stopped, pulled his cock out, and came on
her stomach and tits. He did this with a satisfied
groan, and when he was finished he got up from the
sofa, saying, "See, dude, I respected you. Didn't leave
any sloppy shit in her cunt to get in your way."

He sort of stumbled away from her and Christine began
to sit up, but she was disoriented and couldn't quite
pull herself to a sitting position.

"Go for it," Joe said. "It's awesome. Best pussy in the
world. Hurry, before she gets up."

I acted without thinking too much about what I was
doing. I went over to Christine, gently pushed her back
down onto the sofa, and got on top of her. She gave up
a little sound of protest, but other than that she
didn't show any resistance at all. She was really out
of it. I kissed her on the mouth as I wormed my way
between her legs, then got my cock out and put it up to
her pussy. I rubbed the head over the lips a couple
times, then slowly pushed it into her.

I was surprised to discover that Christine's cunt was
actually pretty tight, something you wouldn't expect
from a chick who did porn. Especially one who'd just
been fucked a minute ago. It was also warm and a little
wet, which was another thing I didn't expect. But the
biggest surprise I got as I pushed my cock all the way
into her was that my sister's cunt felt just like any
other cunt I'd ever fucked. Maybe that shouldn't have
surprised me, but I honestly expected it to feel
different for some reason.

Once I was all the way inside of her I worked one of my
arms under her and kind of hugged her as I used my free
hand to feel her tits. Christine's tits felt just as
amazing as they looked, smooth and firm, and yet soft
at the same time. I squeezed them and played with her
nipples, which were only semi-hard. I tried to kiss her
on the mouth, but just like she had with Joe, she
turned her face away and all I could do was kiss her

"What did I tell ya, dude?" Joe asked. I could see him
out of the corner of my eye, standing on the other side
of the coffee table, a beer in his hand, watching us.
"Is she some awesome pussy or what?"

I didn't answer him, I just started to push my cock in
and out of Christine's cunt, slowly and evenly,
luxuriating in the unbelievable sensation of fucking my
own sister. And Christine didn't just lay there like a
dead girl, she sort of writhed under me, not because
she was getting off but because she was trying to
resist me. Her attempts were halfhearted and completely
ineffective, and as a result all she did was make it
better for me. Despite that Joe was watching me and
saying things like, "Yeah, do it, dude, fuck that
little slut," I only lasted about a minute before I
came. I didn't pull out, either, but jammed myself into
her as far as I could go and held it there as my cock
pumped its load of come into her cunt.

Afterward I lay on top of her for a few moments,
catching my breath. Joe was sitting on the floor, and
after taking a drink from his beer he said, "Good job,
Ben. You probably just knocked her up, though. She's
gonna have a baby with two heads now."

I stifled a laugh and said, "She's probably on the
pill, Joe." Still, part of me liked the idea that I
might have gotten my baby sister pregnant, though I
couldn't figure out why.

"Yeah," Joe said, "but those things aren't a hundred
percent effective. And who knows, maybe they're less
effective against the i****t gene or something. Two
heads, I'm tellin ya." He took another drink of his

I finally pulled out of Christine's cunt and got up,
and Christine instantly tried to get up too. She was
still pretty out of it, though, and Joe and I had to
help her to her feet. She didn't say anything, or even
look at us, she just made her way in to her bedroom.

She lay down on her bed and went to sleep, and as she
slept Joe and I sat and drank some more and talked
about what we'd just done. Joe, as usual, was more
enthusiastic about it, going on and on about what a
nice tight snatch Christine had, and what a turn on it
had been to fuck his own sister. "i****t truly is best,
dude." I played the role of the doomsayer, talking
about how we had just committed ****, and not just your
every day run of the mill ****, but i****t ****.

"If we don't go to jail for this," I told my brother,
"we'll at least have to deal with Christine hating us
for the rest of our lives."

Joe just shook his head and said, "Don't worry about
any of that shit, dude. She probably won't even
remember what happened, and even if she does, she'll
just chalk it up. One of the pitfalls of being a hot

"Come on, Joe, did you ever know any chick who just
chalked it up like that?"

"Not any regular chick, no. But Christine's a whore,
dude. This probably isn't the first time it's ever
happened to her. Relax, we're in the clear. And
besides, even if we're not? It was worth it, dude.
Totally worth it."

Joe saluted me with his beer bottle and drank.


Christine slept for about an hour, then got up, went
into the bathroom, and took a shower. While she was in
there Joe and I, twice as drunk now as we'd been
before, decided we wanted to try her again. We waited
until the shower shut off, then went over to the door.
As Christine came out, a towel wrapped around her wet
body, we grabbed her and pulled her toward her bedroom.
Christine had sobered up and come down some, and she
was able to put up a bit of a fight.

"Stop it!" she yelled. "Leave me alone! Stop it!"

We ignored her as we muscled her into her room. Joe
yanked her towel off of her and forced her down onto
the bed. I held her arms and Joe lay on top of her and
jammed his cock into her. Christine continued to
struggle and yell at us to stop, but she might as well
have saved her energy. Joe fucked her for a few minutes
before he stopped and pulled out. We traded places and
Joe held her arms as I fucked her next. And as I did I
squeezed her tits and sucked her nipples and Joe forced
his cock into her mouth. We worked on her this way for
another few minutes before Joe said, "Let's turn her
over, dude."

I pulled out and we turned Christine over onto her
stomach. We forced her up onto her hands and knees,
then Joe shoved his cock back into her mouth and
started fucking her that way while I fucked her doggie
style. Another few minutes of this, then Joe wanted to
switch again. I went around in front of her, grabbed
two handfuls of her hair, and started fucking her
mouth. Joe fucked her pussy for about a minute, then
pulled out and shoved his cock up her ass. We fucked
her together like this for several more minutes, until
finally we both came, me shooting my load into her
mouth and Joe coming in her ass.

When we were done, we collapsed onto the bed, all three
of us, and just lay there for a while. Finally,
Christine, laying between us, said, "You guys are

"Aw come on, sis," Joe said. "Don't be a bad egg. Ben
and I were just having a little fun. Didn't you have

"I asked you guys to stop. You should have stopped."

"Well, I guess we couldn't help ourselves. After all,
you're totally hot, Christine. Besides, we didn't think
you'd mind."

"You didn't think I would MIND? You guys are my
brothers, for crying out loud. Why would you think I
wouldn't mind?"

Joe shrugged and said, "You let all those other dudes
do it. You know, the guys you make those internet porn
videos with?"

"Shit," Christine said.

"And we just figured," Joe went on, "that if you're
willing to slut yourself up with all those other dudes,
then you'd be willing to let your darling brothers have
a little bit of the action too. It's only fair, isn't
it? I think it's fair."

Christine clicked her tongue, sighed, then turned her
head and looked at Joe, then at me.

"You could have at least asked first," she said.

She sounded sad and disappointed, but it was at that
moment that I knew we were going to get away with what
we'd done. And not only that, but we'd probably get
some more from her in the future. I was finally able to
let myself relax about this whole thing, and admit to
myself that Joe had been right; it was totally worth

Same as Plan B (by Your Ghost) Videos

2 years ago
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The Ghost

Prologue It awoke. Had it been fully human, it would have been confused upon awakening, but it wasn't fully human. As such, it was immediately aware of a large amount of information, some of which didn't make any sense, but it wasn't worried. It knew what "worry" meant. It just didn't feel that particular emotion, at present. Maybe it would, some day, but not at present. Somehow it knew that, given time, this or that piece of information would settle into its appropriate place in...

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What A Troublesome Ghost

Synopsis: Ghosts are real. Some even have special tricks. Like transforming a man into a woman. Kristine was hired to pretend to be the owner of a manor where such a ghost is haunting. Her company has a deal with the ghost. They send men and the ghost - Mabel - will send back women. That was the plan. But lately Mabel isn't performing and it's up to Kristine to fix it. If she had known what avalanche she would step loose she just might have run far away. Additional...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 13 Possessed by the Futa Ghost

Chapter Thirteen: Possessed by the Futa Ghost By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 I gripped my gohei as I thrust my hand at the rice paper door. The roars of Mitsuko's possessed father resounded through it. Shadows moved. A woman moaned, the same throaty sounds that I had brought forth from my Ōjo-sama during our time at the onsen. The sounds of pleasure. Of orgasms. “You must free him,” Mitsuko-hime begged. “Please, Sayuri-chan.” “I will,” I told her, trembling. So much had...

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Stephanies Ghost

This is the first story I’ve published here, or anywhere else, my english isn’t great as it is not my first language so please comment on both grammar and content. Enjoy! Stephanie’s Ghost Stephanie had just moved in to a new house on the country, she had recently come into an inheritance and decided that she wanted a change of scenery, the house was about a mile outside of town and had no nearby neighbors. The inheritance was so large that if she didn’t get to luxurious habits she could live...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 12 Fucking the Futa Ghost

My joyful night had turned to ash. Hangetsu, the great Kami of change and transformation, took an entire cycle of the moon to remake me. So I wasn’t there at the shrine to dance the Kagura and bolster Kanshu-no-Kami in his endless battle to keep the dread yokai Yokubo-no-Tako imprisoned. It was my most important duty as the miko of the shrine. My father was dead, and the yokai had escaped, possessing Daimyo Todo Hidenaga, the father of my love, my Ojo-sama. I had gained a cock, but the...

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The Moaning Ghost

I awoke with a start when I realized I wasn't alone. The ghost was across the room from me, laying on the bed. I don't know what surprised me most -- that I had finally seen a ghost after so many months of searching, or that it appeared to be masturbating.It was nearly 3 am on the last night our group had permission to investigate the haunting at this old hotel. There were twenty volunteers stationed around the building monitoring temperatures, checking EM fields, and attempting contact. After...

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The Devils Pact the Hell ChroniclesChapter 10 Ghost

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A Jessie McClintock Story GHOST

This appointment tonight filled her with a modicum of hope. Her doctor had made her believe this could be the solution. It had to be. Because Melissa wasn’t sure she could survive another day. Not. One. More. Day. Not like this. The street numbers flew past, but then she stopped. She’d gone too far. She back tracked and still couldn’t find it. But it had to be here. It had to … There, a barely visible alleyway descending into pitch darkness. Away from the...

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A Jessie McClintock Story GHOST

      Melissa hurried down the street hunched against the rain.  Her wispy blonde hair matted down to a dull brown in the downpour.  The coat she held carelessly against the aggressive storm molded to her slight frame.  Yet it wasn’t the weather she was trying to avoid.  It was the stares.  The inescapable feeling that everyone knew.  Knew what had happened to her.  Knew she had changed.  Knew that she was a boiling cauldron of lust, desire, and need.  Knew all they had to do was demand it and...

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A Jessie McClintock Story GHOST

Melissa hurried down the street hunched against the rain. Her wispy blonde hair matted down to a dull brown in the downpour. The coat she held carelessly against the aggressive storm molded to her slight frame. Yet it wasn’t the weather she was trying to avoid. It was the stares. The inescapable feeling that everyone knew. Knew what had happened to her. Knew she had changed. Knew that she was a boiling cauldron of lust, desire and need. Knew all they had to do was demand it and she...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 13 Possessed by the Futa Ghost

I gripped my gohei as I thrust my hand at the rice paper door. The roars of Mitsuko’s possessed father resounded through it. Shadows moved. A woman moaned, the same throaty sounds that I had brought forth from my Ojo-sama during our time at the onsen. The sounds of pleasure. Of orgasms. “You must free him,” Mitsuko-hime begged. “Please, Sayuri-chan.” “I will,” I told her, trembling. So much had happened. I was a futanari now, but my transformation had taken a full turning of the moon. So I...

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Gay Ghost

I was single and in desperate need of a good deep Dicking. For the first time since college, I was stuck in a dry spell. I decided I needed to change my approach. So on Halloween instead of going to a gay bar, I went with my friends to a hotel upstate that was supposed to be haunted. I didn't really believe in ghost or the supernatural, but something inside me told me to go. I used to think ghost stories were silly, but that all changed later that night. Don't call me crazy, but I am pretty...

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Just a Ghost

Just a ghost I'm a go-go-go-ghost just a go-go-go-ghost Once a girl in a photograph but can I ever get me back? Or become just a memory not my real identity. I had a name fought the fight now I wonder if I'll ever get it right feel the shame live the lie praying to God in the middle of the night I'm scared I will become a ghost once all my dreams were oh so close But my fears have made me start to fail will the real me disappear? I'm scared I will become a ghost not...

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Sally the Ghost

I watched him stroke his cock. I knew he was close because his breathing had become more regular, his eyes had closed, and his head was tilting slowly back. Pleasure beamed from his face. His toes will be curling soon, I thought, and he'll explode all over. My attention was on the head of his shaft as I stood, straddled him, and squatted my sex over his erection. I had to time this just right. How unladylike, I thought with a wry grin as I considered my predicament. I was nude, squatting over a...

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I Fell in Love With a Ghost

This is not a Halloween story. I just added the bit at the end in honor of the holiday. Hope you enjoy. He just showed up one day, and the bar owner did everything but kiss his ass in front of everyone. He even set up a small table in the back near the restrooms, and no one was allowed to sit there except him. The place had been a working class bar forever, but when the economy went bad and manufacturing dried up, all that was left were the unemployed and the retirees. The owner was just...

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I Fell in Love with a Ghost

This is not a Halloween story. I just added the bit at the end in honor of the holiday. Hope you enjoy. ………………………………………… He just showed up one day, and the bar owner did everything but kiss his ass in front of everyone. He even set up a small table in the back near the restrooms, and no one was allowed to sit there except him. The place had been a working class bar forever, but when the economy went bad and manufacturing dried up, all that was left were the unemployed and the retirees. The...

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Brad The Underwhelmingly Inept Ghost

“Fuck, I should have known better,” Ella muttered under her breath, reaching for the bag of breakfast cereals, “than to—Argh!—let a ghost have his way with me.” She slammed the door of the cupboard with determined frustration. “And a desperate incapable virgin at that!”“Hey, I heard that!” came a disembodied voice from inside the refrigerator she was opening to find the disembodied head of her latest sexual escapade, looking at her with the puppy-eyed face of a rejected teenager—close to...

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The Snow Ghost

Rachael Morrison was in her room, unpacking her clothes and other stuff. She couldn't believe that she was taking a chance like this, but for once, she really thought that she was doing the right thing. Just about her whole family was against the move that she had made, but Rachael thought that it was something that she had to do. What lead to this was something that happened when she was fourteen. She had been visiting her grandparents near Buffalo. While exploring the farm, she had gotten...

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Lushs Ghost

I had just fallen asleep when I was wakened by a loud gong like sound. “What the hell,” I uttered and turned my head to see a misty manlike form, shining so brightly I had to avert my eyes. “Wha, what's going on?” “Who or what are you?” I couldn't comprehend what was happening. He or it answered in a sepulchral voice, “I am the ghost of the future.” “Wait a minute, isn't that a Christmas thing?” I asked. “Nah, that's just our busy season. Besides, how could we make a living if we only worked a...

Oral Sex
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Kerri and Annabelles ghost

Kerri was almost ready to flip her fourth house. The first one had made only a marginal profit due to some unforeseen issues that had cost both time and money. But she had learned some valuables lessons, and more importantly, had managed to meet her financial obligations with the bank. That made it easier to get a second loan for her next project. When she flipped that one, she had come much closer to her estimated profit and was forming relationships with the bank and some other...

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Revenge is Sweet Chapter 1 Capturing The Ghost

“Stop right there!”The voice was female but had an air of authority in it. My brain working fast for a way out of this as I slowly turned around to see the owner of this confident female voice. She stood about 5ft 8” or 173cm if you are into that metric stuff. Maybe mid-thirties to forties and slightly built which made me think I could overpower her perhaps. Then I saw the Glock held firmly in her grasp pointing at my chest. There was no shaking in her hand, here was a woman very used to...

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Revenge is Sweet Chapter One Capturing the Ghost

“Stop right there!” The voice was female but had an air of authority in it. My brain working fast for a way out of this as I slowly turned around to see the owner of this confident female voice. She stood about 5ft 8” or 173cm if you are into that metric stuff. Maybe mid-thirties to forties and slightly built which made me think I could overpower her perhaps. Then I saw the Glock held firmly in her grasp pointing at my chest. There was no shaking in her hand, here was a woman very used to...

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The call caught everyone by surprise, but Tim seemed to have taken the news of his cousin Jacob’s un-expected passing especially hard. Tim was only five or so years older than Jacob and the two had been more like brothers for much of their lives. Both had similar interests (fast cars chief among them), racing and just in general having a good time together. A year ago Jacob moved to New Orleans to attend a University and that’s when he had begun to grow apart from Tim and the rest of their...

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But I Dont Want to Be a Ghost

Amy Lickbottom was teased mercilessly about the erotic flavor of her last name. She knew her parents were quite proud of their heritage and she kept the name even though she was the butt of nasty remarks wherever she went. Even her passive boyfriend Herman joked about pulling her panties down to see if she could live up to her name. She pretended to be aghast but in all honesty she would have liked Herman to be a little more adventurous than he was in reality. At the time that she decided to...

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The Last Ghost

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A Very Friendly Ghost

The abandoned house at the end of the lane was not occupied. Joe had ascertained that by observing it for several days. Since he was new in town he hadn't asked anyone about the house. After all even though he went to the park on an almost daily basis it seemed that no one would associate with him since he was the new kid in town. They weren't rude about it but at the same time none of them would let him join their games. He watched pickup games of tag, baseball and basketball; once he even...

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Do You Believe in Ghosts

“I told you, Jeff, I’m a skeptic.” “I’ve traveled the world, been to the sites of war crimes, genocides, murders, hotel fires, and I’ve not once, NOT ONCE seen a ghost.” “My offer still stands. One million dollars to anyone who can prove to me that ghosts exist.” “Look, Mr. Palmer...” “Call me ‘Jay,’” he interrupted. “Jay, you didn’t get to be a wealthy man by being gullible, but...” Jay interrupted again, “Cut the flattery. You’re saying that you can show me ghosts in Bangkok, and I say...

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Perverted Ghost

You are a ghost. A male ghost and is rather perverted. Unlike other ghosts that like to haunt people, you don't care about that shit. You only want to do what you've fantasized long ago. You want to possess a female body. Being male is cool and all, but it seems like females always have it easy. That's why you want to try out being a girl once in a while. And maybe you can find a new life along the way? First of all... Who are you?

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Good ghostbad ghost

"My goodness!" she said going to the car " how did you know that would happen?" The answer is of course, I didn't know. During the next year, there were a few minor happenings, once when coming down the steps at school, I stopped on the stairs, looked around to see what made me stop and went to the railing for support the rest of the way donw. A boy I didn't know came down the stairs tripping at the exact place where i went to the tailing! Someone had spilt an oil or simular on the...

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I thought today had been a little off, what with everyone, even teachers ignoring me all day, but I didn't piece it all together until I walked into a door on my way to fourth period English. Or rather I walked through the door. I stood there in shock as one second I was walking and the next a door flung open and I had passed through it. Then it all came back to me. I was riding my bike to school and I heard a car honk and the next thing I know I'm chaining up my bike in front of the school. "I...

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Christens Ghost

The night was late. Christen had just gotten home from a crazy night out, the end being topped off with an Ouja board ritual. She walked into her room, shaking her head and laughing and the silly idea of what she did. 'If this really works, you can go up my ass and possess me.' Sarcasm was way to obvious. She stops at her bed, stripping clothes away until nothing covered her body. Before she crawled into bed, her stomach let out an absurdly noisy, and long running growl. Eyes widen as her hand...

Mind Control
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Can a ghost

It was the ideal cottage, we had looked at many btu this one was what we wanted. I was situated about a half mile from two villages and had been modernised inside and yet had its 16 th. century outside remained, a thatched roof , four bedrooms and a large lounge and also a nice sized study. I checked that the phone line could take a broadband connection so that I could use my computer for my business which I conducted totally at home. My wife was overjoyed when we managed to purchase the...

Adult Humor
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The Ghost

You are dead. Your mind is empty when it should contain answers to questions. Questions such as; How did I die? Where did I come from? What is my name? Your mind is empty. You find yourself not burning in the flames of Hell, nor dancing for joy in the clouds of Heaven. You are stranded in the tedium of Limbo, existing on Earth as neither alive or dead. But as a ghost. No one can see you. You can see yourself in mirrors and reflections, but only as a slight haze. People can hear you, but only as...

2 years ago
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Journey of a Pain Slut The Epilogues Epilogue A Little Ghosting

The Little Girl’s coming…She’s already here. She slips through the casement; she’s smelling your fear… I knew the house all too well. The electric gates, the double-garage, the stone cladding masking an unremarkable, yet essentially overgrown and ugly pretentiousness. I knew the hallway, the turn of the wooden staircase, the landing that led to the bedrooms and his study. Not his anymore. I knew where she would be sleeping. Alone now, in that huge bed. Perhaps she’d been watching the TV,...

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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 19 Ghosts

“Circuit, are you there?” “Yes, Captain but there are green vapor things in Engineering.These things affecting the injector spear blades of both Chandelier diverters. We can’t tap TransDim energies right now and I switched to secondary power.” “Can we still lift off?” “Not at the moment Captain. Most of my engineering crew is acting weird and two have pulled the auxiliary reactor down into maintenance cycle. I need to contain them and get the reactors back up. We are on battery power...

2 years ago
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Lushs Ghost

I had just fallen asleep when I was wakened by a loud gong like sound. “What the hell,” I uttered and turned my head to see a misty manlike form, shining so brightly I had to avert my eyes. “Wha, what’s going on?” “Who or what are you?” I couldn’t comprehend what was happening. He or it answered in a sepulchral voice, “I am the ghost of the future.” “Wait a minute, isn’t that a Christmas thing?” I asked. “Nah, that’s just our busy season. Besides, how could we make a living if we only worked a...

3 years ago
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Sally the Ghost

I watched him stroke his cock. I knew he was close because his breathing had become more regular, his eyes had closed, and his head was tilting slowly back. Pleasure beamed from his face. His toes will be curling soon, I thought, and he’ll explode all over. My attention was on the head of his shaft as I stood, straddled him, and squatted my sex over his erection. I had to time this just right. How unladylike, I thought with a wry grin as I considered my predicament. I was nude, squatting over...

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Lesbian Ghost

It all started when my fiancé and I moved to that mansion in Hollywood Hills. We were getting ready to marry in a few weeks. We decided that we were going to move into a large house so that when we got ready to have children, we wouldn't have to worry about upgrading as our family grew. My fiancé was a pilot, so he was always traveling. We had just unpacked the moving truck when he broke the news that I would be spending the first few nights in the house by myself. "Babe," I said to him, "why...

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As you would be aware if you follow my experiences working in London with security for thirty years my places of work could be pretty much any where. I,ve guarded all the Art Galleries, checked handbags and briefcases at most famous west end hotels, worked fashion exhibitions and many office blocks also close protection for wealthy Arabs so have covered most jobs starting as a lowly guard, working up to Control Room Inspector and even Operations.Manager for a short while though that Didn,t work...

3 years ago
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This story is based on fact. The person involved passed away in 2000 So am using other names in place. I first met Melissa Barnes at school in eastern South Dakota in 1955, Both attending the same schoo. We weren,t great friends though our parents were, her father owned the local service station and lived with Melissa, her mother Janet and brother Allen. Allen was in high school when I first met Melissa and as he as older except for fishing and hunting we had little in common as he was more...

1 year ago
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Burying Uncle Hirams Ghost

Steady vibrations from the road added a nice backbeat to the rhythm of the lips sliding up and down Jeff's dick. The petite blond nestled between his legs looked up long enough to wink, then went back to her long-distance blowjob. The van's driver, a longhaired, earth mother beauty, glanced over and smiled, then turned her attention back to the road. How lucky can one guy get? Two sexy girls, one customized van, and no particular place to go. And all thanks to Uncle Hiram. If not for the...

1 year ago
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Incest with Family Ghosts

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am in my twenties now and my Mother passed away some years ago. She was beautiful with long legs, a naughty look to her face and perky tits. I always loved my mom but never had the guts to try anything with her. After her passing I was in charge of selling off her house and goods, I couldn't part with the house so I kept it but sold quite a bit of the items she had in the house. I was a bit perplexed when it came to her clothing. As a kid, starting...

2 years ago
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"What the heck is that?" I sat up in my sleeping bag listening to a low humming sound coming from outside the tent. When I unzipped the corner of the flap and peeked out I thought I could see a very faint light coming from near the top of the mountain. I checked my watch and saw that it was a little after 2AM; it couldn't be dawn. The sound was definitely mechanical and that was out of place this far up in the mountains. I pulled on my jeans and boots and grabbed the flashlight to...

2 years ago
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Blood of BrothersChapter 14 Ghosts

How do we measure the passing of time? Humans tend to measure it in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years. But how long is a minute? There are many worlds out there. All of these worlds rotate at different speeds, they revolve at different speeds. When we arrive on a different world, be it planet or dimension we are not prepared for the difference in time. The first time I found myself transported through a dimensional rift I was stunned. Time moved so slowly to me for a while. I...

2 years ago
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Black VelvetChapter 2 Ghosts

Despite how tired Jules was, he found it almost impossible to sleep. The Marines had no issue using rocks as pillows, but even the bunks on the carrier had kept Jules awake at night. The armor actually helped a little bit, the interior was padded, and so it eliminated the problem of sharp rocks and roots prodding him in the back. It only covered his torso, however, which meant that his butt was exposed to the rough ground. He tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable, grunting in...

4 years ago
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Mostly Ghostly

Have you ever had a really bad day? I mean a real shitfest!Where things go from bad to worse in the blink of an eye? First, I got fired. Then I got dumpedAnd last but certainly not least, I died!So to recap, Fired, Dumped, Dead...bummer!You might be asking yourself..."Jack, how does a moderately healthy guy just this side of Thirty die" Well "self" maybe next time you'll unplug the toster before you try to pry out a Pillsbury Toaster Strudle with a butterknife...while high.So yeah I got zapped...

3 years ago
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EggplantChapter 3

That night I again dreamed of having sex with my little sister. I woke up in the morning to a mess in my bed from the wet dream. I still felt guilty but convinced myself that no harm had been done. I changed my bedding and cleaned up the mess. After going through my morning routine I went down for breakfast. It was a repeat of the day before. Jen was looking relaxed and happy and Mom was busy with breakfast. I had an early class so I wished Jen good luck on her test and left for school. I...

2 years ago
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Maidens Fist A Romance of Ghosts

Maiden's Fist: A romance of Ghosts By Phillip DesJardins Chapter One: Waking and Breaking As the sun rises over Tokyo the sky is clear, promising a slow and hot day. Already the city is alive with the sounds of those who do not wait for sunrise to begin their business: Salary men boarding trains to work, postmen delivering mail, and the occasional criminal mugging people in an alley. However, let us turn away from the city itself to one of the suburbs. Here are orderly rows...

4 years ago
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Suhara of Curses Chapter 8 Of Angels Demons and Ghosts

A torrent of thoughts rushed through Jaux's head at the mention of demon. Her wand was called the demon root, but the old shopkeeper had assured Jaux that the wand wasn't being literal with the name. The wand did still have something to do with the transformation. It had led Jaux to the black statue, and it was the origin to the purple light. Then Jaux thought about the black statue. She had never seen a statue made of dark stones before. Her new violet eyes and the statue's...

1 year ago
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Patchwork People XXXI The wisdom of ghosts

XXXI. The wisdom of ghosts. Edgar Birdwell was an awful poet. There was just no two ways around it. It wasn't only that his language was stilted and clunky, antiquated even in his own day, or that his themes were self-censored, disguised in tortured euphemisms to the point of utter obscurity. He was simply a bad writer. There was a good reason he was self-published. Who else would? Birdwell had an ear with more tin in it than a can. Marcia's fantasy, ex- graduate student of...

4 years ago
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Planetary Agents 2 Double Your Pleasure

Planetary Agents 2: Double Your Pleasure By Babs Yerunkle ************************************************* SUMMARY: Welcome to the future of galactic super-science. In a previous episode, our loser male hero encounters an implausible plot device which transformed him into a petite stunningly beautiful young girl. He also got super strength and immunity to nearly everything (except bad writing). This episode, he (I mean, she) has lots of sex and eventually gets into trouble with...

3 years ago
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The Lake Cave Ghost

Lake Gorndon was nestled high up in the forests of western Massachusetts, that forgotten place that wasn't quite Boston and wasn't quite upstate New York. Since the fall of 2002, it's been an empty valley with a thin river running through it--ever since the Water Company dissolved the hillside that kept it dammed up. Now, Lake Gorndon is just a little river, just another part of Dancing Beck Run, the long tributary system that waters most of Langdon County. They say the plan to drain the...

2 years ago
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Sex with a Ghost

September 6th, 2012 I sit down at the desk in my bedroom, immediately reaching for my journal. I opened to a fresh page, and began to write. ‘Just another day… I still thought about her the entire day… Work was okay and busy. I miss her so much… I still don’t remember her last name… Why was I stupid enough to let her go like that? Four years later, and I’m still head over heels for her… I need to find her soon… My mission will never stop until she’s in my arms again…’ I sighed heavily,...

3 years ago
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Her Ghost

She saw him across the room. His white shirt was open at the neck and she could see his tan skin beneath. His smile was one that could melt a woman’s heart. His eyes were pools of blue ladened with something mysterious and unknown. His dark hair was thick and unruly. She ordered herself a strong drink and went and sat at a table on the outskirts of the dance floor. She searched the crowed to find him and gasped when she did. There was a blonde headed young woman with her arms around him. They...

3 years ago
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Her Ghost

She saw him across the room. His white shirt was open at the neck and she could see his tan skin beneath. His smile was one that could melt a woman's heart. His eyes were pools of blue ladened with something mysterious and unknown. His dark hair was thick and unruly. She ordered herself a strong drink and went and sat at a table on the outskirts of the dance floor. She searched the crowed to find him and gasped when she did. There was a blonde headed young woman with her arms around him. They...

3 years ago
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Sister Mildred and the Halloween Ghost

The cloistered sisters of the Upper Weston on Mersey abbey were reputed to be seriously dedicated to their vows of silence and humility, but had been a little less circumspect with regard to the demanding vow of chastity. That was the vow that impacted the younger nuns with far more frustration than any of the other affirmations of devotion to the service of God. When Angela Landsborough took the partially binding vow after her first year in the convent, she didn’t expect she would be...

3 years ago
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Harry the Writer and the Christmas Ghost

Harry Liebermann was a Santa Claus admirer from the time he was a little boy. That might seem strange to most folks because Harry was of the Jewish persuasion which made a lot of sense due the last name Liebermann which was about as sure a clue as a bloody fingerprint at the scene of a crime. In fact, Harry did resemble the real Santa quite a bit with his stocky rotund figure and his snow white beard that was well groomed at all times. Harry was a haberdasher by trade but he didn’t much...

2 years ago
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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 25 Ghost

November 1971, age 16 The remainder of my time in the United Arab Emirates was rather less stressful than the morning of our little war. In retribution for Dan setting me up for a fall, Sheikh Maktoum had him shackled and carted off to prison for ritual torture. I’m kidding. He insisted we join him at his father’s palace for lunch as honoured guests. His father was the Emir of Dubai, a very wealthy man, second only to the Emir of Abu Dhabi in the UAE. We ate well and built a useful...

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