The Pink Diva Chronicles Day 44 65
- 3 years ago
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"Well, here we are," I announced as our car grew silent. Tara seemed lost in thought as she gazed out at the blazing nighttime display of the Kensington's marque. She had suffered through a myriad of conflicting emotions ever since we were first contacted by Darius, and I could almost feel the turmoil and anticipation coming to a boil in her now.
"Are you sure about this, babe?” I asked with real concern. "We don't need to go in if you're having second thoughts. It isn't too late to call it off." Part of me was hoping she would, but Tara gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.
"No, of course not, Elliot. I want to meet him. Then we can decide how far we let things go. I have to admit, the idea of being with another man after all these years does scare me, but l guess that's part of the fun."
She sighed softly as she turned toward me, revealing the naughty smile gracing her delicate lips. "Honestly, I don't think I've been this excited since our wedding night."
Hearing her compare this with our first night as a married couple hit me like a body shot, but I did my best to suppress my hurt. Tara and I had been married for ten years, and this was going to be a major first for us.
"That's understandable," I told her with more confidence than I actually felt. "It's just that I'd hoped we'd find a compatible couple. I don't know how comfortable I am with the idea of having to sit and watch you have sex with him."
We'd had this discussion a dozen times already and Tara gave me a tired glance that warned me not to go there again.
"Don't worry, sweetie. You'll get your chance. I know we didn't plan it like this, but once he replied to our ad, mmm, I just couldn't resist the chance to meet him." That hungry look of anticipation once again flashed in her eyes, and I knew there would be no turning back.
The whole thing was leaving a bad taste in my mouth, and I grimaced inwardly but dropped the subject. The whole point of meeting someone outside of our marriage was to relight the fire that once made our bed the focal point of our lives. I had to admit, ever since we received the email from Darius Whittaker, Tara had been as passionate in bed as she'd ever been. Obviously, the idea of fucking him filled a need for her, and at this point, all I could do was follow along and hope it wouldn't blow up in my face.
"You do look beautiful tonight," I offered in hopes of buoying the mood. That part was true enough. Having that one, little black dress seemed like a rite of passage for most women, and the one she wore highlighted her curves perfectly. At thirty-two, she still had a great figure, and her heart-shaped ass was a constant temptation for me.
The soft movement of her breasts as they slowly rose and fell drew my eye to the gold pendant as it lay wedged into the deep valley of her cleavage. It was a sight that simply took my breath away. Often, she would scoff at my admiration of her bust line, claiming it was the magic of her bra that made them look so full, but that was just her being modest. I knew firsthand that even nude, her tits were glorious.
"Thank you, baby," she replied with a blush, and I was once again charmed by how she would always be embarrassed by my compliments. It was one of the things that made me love her, and that connection made it easier for me to accept where this night was likely to lead.
"I'm sure he's going to be as excited as you are," I added in support. "I have to admit, I'm getting excited about this too. I really believe this will be good for us in the long run. Getting to see you with him will be incredible, but I what I really want is for you to have a good time."
Tara's naughty smile returned and her hand caressed my cock through my slacks. "You know, Elliot. This doesn't have to be hands off for you. Darius is bisexual. You could always join in on the fun, if you wanted."
"Oh God, no," I replied with a laugh. "I'm not that open minded yet."
"Well, that's too bad. It would be a turn-on for me to see you with him. The offer is there, sweetie. It's your loss if you aren't willing to try new things."
There were many places we could have met up with Darius, but he insisted on the Kensington, saying it was the perfect place for our little get together. In the end, we accepted despite the longer drive, more because we would be well away from prying eyes than for any special ambience the Hotel offered. Still, the place was magnificent. Wanting to freshen up, Tara and I checked into our suite before we met Darius in the lounge.
Once there, it become apparent as to why Darius loved the place. The Rendezvous was a private, guest-only lounge located well away from the casino floor. As an adult-only venue the lounge could create its particular decor with a taste for the erotic, and its entire feel was that of a hedonistic paradise.
I easily identified the paintings by Patrick Nagel and Hajime Sorayama, many of which were placed tastefully over the dimly lit and secluded booths. There were many others by artists I wasn't familiar with, but each was as tastefully erotic as those I knew. It seemed everything about the lounge served to surround its guests in a movement of sensuality, exposing every sense to images, textures, scents and sounds that fit the desired mood perfectly.
We were barely seated in our booth when a tall, well-built black man in a dark, blue-satin suit strolled over from the bar. "Elliott, Tara, I see you both made it," Darius announced with a wide grin as he arrived beside the table.
I stood, and offering him my hand, was immediately impressed with the strength in his grip. "Please, Darius, have a seat. Tara and I have been looking forward to meeting you."
The smile on his face only seemed to grow wider as he released my hand. "That's very gracious of you both," he replied with a jovial flair. He was obviously a man of style, and his body language radiated a less than quiet confidence, as if he was used to being the center of attention without ever actually having to demand it.
His approach to our booth placed him next to me with Tara on my other side, but Darius hesitated and ran his palm over his smoothly shaven head. "I wonder, Elliot, would you mind very much letting me sit next to Tara? I find that these things go much more easily if she can get used to my presence early on." His finger rested along his chin as he made the request, as if he was just now contemplating it, but I had the distinct sense it was far more intended than improvised. In that moment, he effectively separated me from my wife, and the hackles rose on the back of my neck.
"You understand," he finished with a wink, smiling like the damn Cheshire Cat.
I admit being caught by surprise, and I was about to tell him he'd have to wait before getting that close to my wife, until Tara patted the set next to her.
"I think that's a grand idea," she quickly interjected. "You don't mind, do you, Elliot? It will give Darius and I a chance to get better acquainted."
With Tara in agreement, I could only step aside and let him take my place by her side. Feeling very much out of place, I slid in on the other side the half-moon booth, leaving an uncomfortable amount of empty seat between me and my wife. Tara and Darius held hands and within seconds, were chatting and giggling in tones so quiet I could barely hear them.
"This is a wonderful hotel," I interjected, largely to remind them I was there. "Tara and I wondered why you were so insistent on meeting here. Now that we're here, I'm beginning to understand."
Darius wrapped Tara's hand in his huge paw and nodded. "Yes, I'm sorry for that. I know it was a longer drive for you both," he suavely replied, deliberately looking at Tara as he apologized.
"As it happens, I know the owner," he continued. "She and I have been friends for a long time. Kassandra built this hotel as her vision of the perfect, adult playground. You'll notice that each booth is set back enough to provide complete privacy. I assure you, the only rule here is to enjoy yourself. Kassandra ensures that the staff is discrete, and accepting of anything that makes her guests stay something to remember."
"You know Kassandra Bane?" Tara exclaimed with sudden enthusiasm. "I've read a lot about her. Well, a lot of what's known, anyway. She's the new flavor of the week in all the tabloids. What is she like? The pictures I've seen of her are absolutely beautiful." Tara was gushing with excitement for this woman, and her entire body became animated as she questioned our guest.
"Kassandra is a force of nature," Darius reverently explained. "She is every bit as beautiful as you say, and she possesses an amazing intellect. She is absolutely shameless in pursuit of anything she desires." The gleaming white teeth flashing from under his smile felt more to me like those of a predator than a potential lover, but Tara was quickly succumbing to his charm.
She appeared quite awestruck, in fact, and soon began to lean into him as he spoke. He had a natural charisma, and even I was beginning to feel his contagious excitement as he wove his web around my wife. Any nerves she may have had were quickly giving way to her arousal. All too soon, she was relaxing easily against his body and she simply melted into him when he slipped his arm around her shoulder.
"It sounds like you have been quite intimate with her, Darius. If so, I admit to being insanely jealous." It was true enough. I'd seen Kassandra Bane in the news, and Tara wasn't exaggerating about her looks.
Part of me though, wanted to remind my wife that the man who was holding her so intimately was just a player, a one-night cock who might be fun to ride, but would never be there for her when the party was over. I'm sure my feelings were plainly written on my face. Darius clearly noticed, even if Tara did not, and he shot me a condescending look that let me know he didn't give a fuck how I felt.
"Elliot, you know a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell, but she did enjoy my company enough to give me this." Reaching to his wallet, he slipped out his 'Club 13' membership card.
Banded in gold, the black-onyx card gleamed in the booth's indirect lighting. Holographically emblazoned letters formed the words 'Club 13' inside the cards crystalline body. The flaming red and yellow letters danced in the light, merging colors and direction as he turned it this way and that. It was a stunning visual effect that gave the card an almost supernatural appearance, making it seem more a mystical artifact than a mere hotel club card.
One look at that card made it clear to anyone who saw it that this was no ordinary membership. Worse, his access to such a club only added to his air of mystery, and I was well aware that this made him all the more desirable to my wife. He was a smug bastard, and I was certain this was his way of telling me he wasn't about to walk away from a chance of getting Tara into bed.
"That's beautiful," Tara intoned on cue, as if she was oblivious to the pissing contest going on around her. "Look at that, Elliot. Have you ever seen such an elegant club card? It looks like it's made of some kind of glass."
"Yes, it does," I responded as she handed it to me. Other than a short series of numbers indicating his membership code, it had nothing written on the front that would have identified the owner. Flipping it over, I saw only a version of the classic 'sexy-demon' silhouette in red, replete with prehensile tail and a pair of bat wings rising from her back.
"My name is encoded," Darius explained. "The idea is that should it be stolen; the member's identity would still be protected."
"It all sounds so very hush-hush," Tara gushed. "Can I at least ask what kind of club it is? What does the '13' stand for?"
Darius's smile grew wider, and his gaze pierced into hers as his fingers slowly began to caress her neck. "It allows me access to the 13th floor Fetish Club on the East Wing, and to a number of smaller attractions the hotel doesn't advertise to the general public."
"Wow, it all sounds so very exclusive, don't you think, Elliot?"
"Absolutely," I dryly responded, but my sarcasm seemed to go unnoticed.
"Are there many famous members?" Tara inquired. She had always been a tabloid junkie, and I was sure her mind was now filled with images of her favorite actors being secretly involved in all manner of sexual debauchery.
"Possibly," Darius cryptically replied, "but discretion is something Kassandra takes very seriously. It's against the rules for me to reveal any personal details. Besides, many of the events are attended only by select groups. Even I don't know who most of the members are."
It seemed that Darius's tales of sexual excess were going to dominate the table for the rest of the evening, but his dialogue was interrupted by the sudden appearance of our server.
“Hello. Welcome to the Rendezvous. I’m Tricia, and I’ll be serving you tonight.” Her soft soprano was clear and carried the musical sweetness of youth. She was a petite girl, slim and no more than five foot six, even in her heels. The green satin, evening gown-style uniform she wore was the same as all the other servers, but unlike the rest, she somehow appeared more like a high-school prom queen than a woman on an elegant night out. She was refreshingly cute, and had an innocence that belied the general ambiance of lounge.
Darius, continuing his command of the table, flashed his pearly smile. "Well, hello, Tricia," he warmly replied. "My friends and I will be having a drink before we move the party upstairs."
“Excellent, I’m sure you will all have a wonderful time.”
“Oh, we will, won’t we, Tara?”
“I’m beginning to think so.” Tara seemed to shrink as she answered, and a warm rosiness filled her cheeks as his gaze burned into her.
Emboldened by her submissiveness, Darius brought his lips close to her ear, speaking so softly I could barely hear. “Does that mean you trust me, Tara?”
The words were laced with innuendo and sounded so incredibly intimate that my wife actually began to tremble. “I want to trust you,” she breathlessly replied, and Darius's face twisted into an almost learning grin.
“That’s my girl,” he whispered back, quickly brushing his lips on hers before turning back to our server. “Tell me, Tricia, do you find Elliot's wife to be sexy?"
"Oh, yes sir. She is very beautiful." Tricia sensed the shift in mood as quickly as I, and her eyes sparkled excitement as Darius continued stroking Tara's skin. His touch was gentle and insistent and soon moved from her arms to her breasts.
"That's very sweet of you," Tara responded meekly, obviously torn and embarrassed by being touched this way in front of the girl. Her face was turning bright red, and her eyes searched mine as if she were seeking my support.
The evening was taking a turn neither of us expected, but some form of exhibitionism was something I'd suggested when we first started the quest that brought us here. At the time, Tara flat out refused the idea of semi-public sex. But now, with this young lady watching, she made no complaint as Darius openly played with her tits. Neither of us expected him to be so shamelessly brazenly about what we were doing, and Tara's eyes flashed with what I could only believe was a mixture of longing and fear.
"You see, Tricia," Darius continued. "Tara and I are playing a little game tonight, and so for now, she belongs to me. Isn't that so, babe?"
His hands were moving lower, and Tara almost shuddered as he began to slide her dress up and over her thighs. "Darius. Please, I'm not sure..." she began, but he shushed her with a gentle ease.
"Trust me, okay?" he murmured to her. "Look at her. She wants to see you come. So, does your husband. Let's give them both something to remember."
Darius was now completely in control, and he seemed to thoroughly enjoy cuckolding me so openly. Both Tricia and I were speechless as he urged my wife to turn and lean against his chest while he exposed her panties to my view.
"Take them off and give them to her," he told Tara. This was the turning point, and my gaze flashed from my wife to Tricia as Tara struggled with her fear. Darius then drew her long, dark hair from her shoulder and nuzzled her neck, making her tremble even harder. "It's okay, babe. She wants to see you come, don't you, Tricia?" His eyes flashed brightly at the girl and her face reddened to a bright pink as she nodded.
Standing as she was in front of the table, Tricia couldn't see what was happening under it, but she was fidgeting uncomfortably and her deep cleavage rapidly rose and fell as she realized what was happening. "Yes, I do. I think it would be hot. She's a beautiful woman."
By then, I was a complete spectator and I found myself as fascinated by Tricia's reaction as I was by my wife's. The drama Darius set in motion played out slowly, and each of us had been drawn into it until the tension was as thick as fog.
Tara was almost paralyzed with fear, but the way she gripped his arm told me she longed for his touch. "Elliot?" she whimpered, as if she were begging my permission to let him continue.
It was insanely hot for me to watch this with our server, and I nodded my consent. "Go ahead, babe," I told her. "This is what you wanted, right?"
I hadn't really believed she would do it, but to my shock, Tara rose and slipped her black lace thong down over her hips. Seeing her expose herself like that made my heart race, and my cock began to throb in my slacks as the bare skin of her hips appeared. Reaching down, she drew her panties over her legs and then handed them to Darius.
"Oh, my gosh," Tricia whispered as Darius handed Tara's obviously damp panties to her. The girl clenched them tightly and I could see her fingers sliding over the crotch, as if she were savoring the feel of my wife's excitement on the cloth.
Tara seemed transformed, and unprompted, she lifted one leg to the seat, opening her thighs for Darius. The man smiled in victory, and made a show of licking his fingers before sliding them down and stroking her already wet pussy.
"Mmm, that feels so good," Tara murmured as he began to finger her. I couldn't make out exactly what he was doing, but I knew he had one of his large fingers deep inside her. Soon, her thighs were completely open and her head lolled back and rested on his chest. Darius kissed her deeply while his fingers built up a steady rhythm over her inflamed sex.
None of us spoke and the only sound I heard was the wet sloshing of his fingers stirring her molten flesh. Subtle moans began issuing from my wife, and her gaze flashed at each of us as she was so openly plundered. She was incredibly aroused, though, and she didn't t resist at all when he dug out one of her breasts from her dress.
Her pink nipple was hard and thick, and I could see Tricia licking her lips as he began flicking his thumb over it. For several minutes, he strummed her body like a cello, drawing a deep melody from her body until she could only hold him while her peak approached.
"Tell them when you are going to come," he commanded, and Tara could only nod with her mouth hanging open as he rubbed his finger over her clit.
Glassy-eyed, she began to tense and then a low groan rose from her throat. "Don't stop, please don't stop, I'm about too... Oh, my gosh, I'm going to come! Ah shit, yes!"
Tara froze for a long moment, and then her whole body jerked in his arms as a powerful orgasm exploded within her. My wife was always loud when she came, and even though she was trying not to, her moans of pleasure erupted across the table with enough force that I was sure she would be head by others in the lounge.
It was an incredible sight, and I couldn't be sure who was more shocked, me, my wife, or our server. Even as Tara calmed, I could see her looking around as if she feared a crowd had gathered while she was in the throes of passion.
Darius’s Cheshire grin flashed again, and he winked at the server as he unabashedly slipped Tara's breast back into her dress. Tricia tried her best to play coy, but the subtle rosiness in her cheeks had turned to a bright flush, and she bit her lip as she handed Tara's panties to me. "You should have these," she whispered. "I wouldn't know what to do with them."
Tara had smoothed her dress back down, and she curled up tightly against his chest.
“You see?” Darius said to me as he protectively wrapped his arms around her. “This is why I love this place."
"Are you sure we won't get in trouble," Tara asked, but Darius kissed her and nuzzled her reassuringly. "Not at the Kensington, we won't. You could suck my cock right here at the table and no one would say a word, isn’t that right Tricia?"
"That's true," she replied with a smile. "I'd really love to see that."
"Not likely," Tara giggled. "I think we'd better stop before he has me bent over the table."
I was completely astonished at what had just happened. I never would have guessed Tara would allow something like this and really didn't understand why she had. Maybe I should have been upset, but the truth was, it was one of the most intense sexual moments of our life together and as much as I was beginning to hate this man, part of me couldn't wait for this to move upstairs.
"I don't know about you two, but I could use a drink" Darius announced. "Would either of you mind if I ordered the first round?"
When I nodded in agreement, Darius turned his attention back to our server and his eyebrows flicked upwards as his grin flashed again. "I think I'm going to have a Slow, Comfortable Fuck Against the Wall tonight," he said while caressing Tara's cheek. "And I think we all know how much Tara here enjoys a Screaming Orgasm. Does that sound good to you, babe?"
"Mmm, I can't wait," Tara giggled, and then cuddled again into his embrace. Darius seemed huge in comparison to her smallish body and like a bear, he enveloped her in his arms.
Brazenly, as if neither Tricia or I was there, he drew her lips to, his and kissed her with a passion that drew her breath away.
I was already burning with desire, and watching Tara's mouth be so thoroughly plundered sent another surge of arousal racing through me. My blood grew hot and my cock began to ache for her touch as I watched him suck her tongue into his mouth. There was a deep and insistent cadence to Tara's breath, and the rising flush on her skin told me she was hot and ready for this man.
After they finally parted, Darius tipped his head toward me. "I think Elliot here will have to settle for a Purple Wanker tonight."
I should have been upset and maybe I was, but the sexual tension had already passed the breaking point. I still didn't like the man, but there would be no stopping what he had started and all I could do was swallow it down. "Yeah," I finally agreed. "In fact, I think you'd better make that a double."
All through dinner, Darius continued to tease my wife. He touched and caressed her constantly, playing with her long, dark hair and brazenly running his finger-tips over every inch of her exposed skin. He was taking possession of her and slowly building her arousal until she couldn't take her eyes off him. They sat closer and more intimately, quietly whispering and laughing with a conspiratorial softness that made me feel like I no longer belonged at the table. With each passing moment, I could see her desire for him mount, and as it did, her awareness of my own presence faded.
It was as arousing as it was painful to watch. Although I had agreed to allow Tara this night to enjoy a lover on her own, the idea was that I would be a part of it.
She would get the hard and skilled fucking she so strongly desired, and I would be gifted with the sight of her being driven to her limits. It was supposed to be something we could enjoy together, but this, this wasn't that at all. Their disregard for me, and their all too public display of affection was frustratingly difficult for me to stand and I could do nothing as my wife’s affections were slowly stolen away.
Scowling inwardly, I was tempted to end the evening right then and there, but I knew Tara would be incensed. The evening had moved beyond my control and I could only sit and order another drink as I watched Darius prime my wife for his own, lustful desire.
After a time, Darius suggested we move the party to our suite. Tara readily agreed, of course, leaving me no choice but to follow along. Tara, feeling much more drunk with arousal than alcohol, hung all over Darius, squealing and giggling all the way to the room as he openly groped her ass.
It felt absolutely surreal as my wife allowed and even encouraged him to take liberties with her body, and part of me wondered if either Darius or my wife really cared if I was there at all. 'Relax and enjoy it,' I kept trying to remind myself, but my stomach continued to churn between my need to see this happen and the dread I felt that it actually would.
Our room was a corner suite, with an elegant living space and an adjoining bedroom. Tara and I felt it would be perfect place for our get together when we booked it and even in my darkly aroused mood, I knew we'd made the right choice. The textured, gold-colored wallpaper with inlaid silver contrasted beautifully with the thick, pristine-white carpeting. As a whole, it tended to mute the lighting, giving the room a feeling of both comfort and sophistication.
I was the last to enter, and even as I closed the door, Darius stood behind Tara with his arms around her waist as he nuzzled her neck. Soft giggles and subtle moans issued from her throat before she turned and kissed him with a raw and uninhibited passion.
Peering around his broad shoulders and with her arms encircling his neck, she giggled as his hands cupped her ass. "Are you sure you aren't going to join in?" she asked, but I shook my head.
"No, being naked with another guy isn't my thing. I'll just watch while you two have fun."
"Then you best find a chair, Elliot," Darius told me as he guided her into the bedroom. "because I’m about to fuck your wife into a coma." With that, he lifted her up by the hips as if she weighed nothing and carried her to the bed.
Tara laughed and squealed as he held her by her waist, kicking her heels off before he set her lightly on the edge of the bed. Rising to her knees, she began fumbling with the buttons on his shirt, quickly opening it and exposing his smooth, dark skin.
I had to admit he was an incredible specimen of a man. His body was hard and sharply defined and his dark skin almost seemed to shine in the soft lighting. Tara bubbled with excitement as she touched him and the heat of her lust flashed in her eyes. I don’t remember her ever being so aroused. She was like a hungry cat ready to pounce as she stripped him of his suit jacket and shirt.
Reverently, she caressed his muscled chest with her fingertips, lightly following every curve as if she were in awe. Seeing her like that, with her little black dress hiked up on her hips just far enough to reveal the rounded bottom of her ass and the tiny strip of dark fur leading down toward her clit made my blood run hot. Silently, I pulled her forgotten panties from my pocket and absently ran my fingers over the satiny cloth.
My cock was so hard by then it was binding up in my shorts. I was becoming feverishly hot and I longed to slide my pants off and claim my marital rights, but I knew that was now impossible. My place had already been taken by this bull of a man who had completely enchanted her. Instead, I could only adjust my erection to relieve my discomfort. Feeling my heart ache with a conflicting mix of lust and despair, I retreated to an overstuffed chair next to the bed and resigned myself to being a mere spectator to the coming ravishment of the woman I loved.
By the time I was comfortable, Tara had stripped him from the waist up and he was holding her head to his chest as she licked and sucked on his nipples. My urge to expose my cock grew stronger and I gripped her panties in my hand as I watched him reach behind her back and unzip her dress. Tara arched and wiggled and then, with a gentle push, the thin black garment slid down her lithe and beautiful body.
Tara’s eyes flashed with a brazen heat as his gaze roamed over her flesh. Her face was glowing with excitement and her lips formed a seductive smile as she reached back to unhook her bra.
“Damn, girl, you are so fucking sexy,” Darius whispered as she drew it away, revealing her firm and heavy breasts. Her nipples were already as hard as I’d ever seen them, clearly signaling to me how incredibly hot she was for this man. Rosy-pink and slightly upturned, her thick buds poked out gloriously from her areola. Lifting each boob in his palms, he flicked his thumbs over them, sending shivers racing through my wife.
Tara was cooing softly and stroking his bare head as he feasted on her tits. Her eyes were glazing and her mouth opened as she sucked in her breath. She was nude in his arms, aching to offer herself and he took every liberty with her he could. I could do nothing but watch in awe as his arm slipped around her and my whole body tingled as he laid her back into the bed.
“Oh, yes, baby, that’s so good,” she cooed as his kisses fluttered down her belly. His path was inescapable, and Tara almost gasped as she realized where his warm lips were headed.
For a moment, Tara’s gaze met mine and a shy, almost embarrassed smile graced her sweet lips as his trail of kisses reached their goal. Then, just as his wide tongue flicked out and slid upward between her puffy labia, my wife arched and a low, guttural moan issued from her throat.
“Oh, wow, you are really good at this,” she hissed as he settled in and began to suck. Tara’s head lolled back and her hands moved to her breasts as the subtle sounds of wet flesh began to fill the room. I could tell by the slow motions of his head that he was teasing her with a gentle lathering of her sex.
For several minutes, he drew his tongue up and down her pussy, sucking her lips and probing into her hole until she was quivering in his arms. Tara was squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples, pulling on them and twisting them between her fingers as his slow torment heated her body. When her knees began to close on him, he forced them open, exposing her cunt to his lascivious desire.
Soon, I could see the muscles in her legs begin to flex and a ripple passed through her belly. She was panting softly until her whole body seem to pause, then, in an explosive release that sent shudders racing through her, Tara gasped and a deep moaned escaped her breast as her orgasm rolled powerfully through her.
Darius continued to lick and suck on her pussy even as she peaked, and he held her tightly, not letting her even catch her breath until she finally wriggled out of his grasp.
“Oh shit, please stop, stop. I can't take anymore,” she screamed as she crawled up the bed. “Holy shit, Darius, where in the hell did you learn to eat pussy like that?”
Darius laughed as he wiped her juice from his face. “It's all natural ability,” he replied with a grin. “I love going down on a beautiful girl.”
“Mmm, you do, do you? Well, take off those pants, mister and show me what you’ve got. I’m dying to suck your cock.” The raw, needful huskiness in her voice was all too familiar to me. She was in absolute heat and my heart raced as she slid over and began unbuckling his slacks. His body seemed like it was cut from stone, and I watched intently as she lowered his pants. When his cock rose, hard and thick, I almost choked.
“Holy hell,” Tara whispered as she encircled his considerable girth in her hand. “I had no idea… This is so… God, I'm nervous just looking at it.”
Tara was transfixed on his massive member and she stroked him lightly, as if she couldn't believe it was real. “It’s so beautiful,” she murmured, all the while pulling on him with a gentle but increasing speed.
Darius hissed as she stroked him, caressing her cheek while she played with his cock. Then he guided her onto the floor and urged her to her knees. “Suck on it, put it in your mouth for me, Tara.”
Obediently, my wife slid down and licked her lips before tentatively kissing his head. I was just a few feet away, and my cock throbbed in my pants as her lips opened and slid over his turgid knob.
“Good lord,” I said in awe as my wife began to suck him. Tara is very skilled at this, but his thick member was far too big for her throat. Instead, she sucked hard on his head, flicking her tongue all over it before sucking him more deeply. His dark skin became wet and glistened as she slid up and back along his considerable length.
“Look at me,” Darius commanded as she sucked, and Tara complied, gazing at him as her lips glossed his cock. He seemed to get even harder, and his hips began to rock as she bobbed, meeting her movements stroke for stroke.
Tara was enraptured in the moment, and her hands caressed his hips, pulling him toward her each time she took him deep. Her rhythm was as eager as it was insistent and I was sure she wanted his come to fill her mouth. I’d never seen anything so sexy, and I swear, if she had paused in that moment to invite me to join her, I would have willingly sucked his cock myself.
Fortunately for me, Darius had reached his limit. Roughly, he pulled her up and pushed her onto the bed. Tara tried to rise, but he grabbed her ankles and pulled her hips to the edge.
“Ah, shit!” Tara squealed in surprise and she winced as he slapped her legs apart. Then his wet and throbbing cock rose between her thighs and her chest heaved as her eyes fixated on it. “Oh fuck, please go easy on me, baby, go slow. I’m not used to a big cock like that,” she whimpered, but Darius just snarled as he moved up to stroke his cock over her.
“I’m sure Elliot ain’t packing shit, babe, but trust me. You can take this. You are going to love having this big, black dick inside you.”
Jesus, listening to them talk about me like I wasn't there made me feel sick, but the sight of him jacking off over my wife made my head swim with lust. When he slapped that heavy piece of meat on her belly, I gave in to lust and accepted my place. Wordlessly, I unzipped my pants and pulled my cock free.
My urge was to stroke it madly, but I held back and kept my motions slow, rubbing her panties over my shaft as Tara’s face grew fearful at the sight of his heavy meat lying on her belly.
“Look at it,” he told her. “See how far inside you I'm going to reach?”
Tara nodded nervously and took him into her hand. “Holy crap, Darius, I don't know if I can even take all of that.”
“Oh, you will, baby, and believe me, you are going to love every inch.”
Tara whimpered again as he pushed that massive head down, gasping deeply as he slowly pressed himself through her tender lips. Reaching down, Tara spread her cunt open wide, trying to make room for him. Darius held her hips, and a snarl grew on his lips as he began pressing it into her.
I heard a hitch in her breath and her eyes grew wide as she felt his full girth begin to slip inside her cunt. Gripping the sheets, her head fell back and she panted in stress as he slowly worked that cock deeply into her inflamed pussy.
Oh, god, I was so tempted to let myself go. My hand was trembling, but I resisted the urge to stroke myself to orgasm. Squeezing my shaft, I fought to keep at least a semblance of my pride by not squirting my come all over the rug.
Wide-eyed and burning with lust, I watched as Darius began fucking my wife hard, driving his cock deep until her face turned red with effort. Her lean legs hooked around his thighs, drawing him in quickly each time he pulled away.
Lying on her back, Tara held her tits as her body rocked each time he drove that cock back inside her. She was pained and stressed, but there was no doubt she loved it. I could see her rolling her nipples hard, and her muscles flexed and contracted as he fucked her more deeply than I ever had.
I watched his hips draw back and slam forward, amazed by how far he was moving inside her. Sweat began forming on his back, making it shine as he moved. Tara, too, was beginning to be covered in a glistening dew and a series of gasping, panting moans issued from her lips as she was thoroughly and completely fucked.
It was incredibly hot to see, and I began to jack off in time with his thrusts. Amazingly, Tara’s eyes flashed from him to me and a wide, sexy smile appeared on her face.
“Oh, Elliot, that's so hot. Stroke it for me, baby, I love knowing this makes you want me.”
For several long moments I stoked my cock while she took his. We were connecting, as if we were making love. Then, just as I felt the pressure begin to build in my gut, her back arched and her legs grew taut. I’d seen her body like that many times and I knew she was about to come. To my joy, instead of watching Darius plunge his cock into her, she only had eyes for me. “Come with me, Elliot!” she suddenly begged, and then her body rocked hard and she just exploded in orgasm.
I couldn't believe it and my heart pounded as I understood. Letting go of my fear and my anger, I released my seed and joined my wife in ecstasy. Hot cum shot from my cock, soaking her panties and spattering on my thighs and stomach. Tara watched me intently even as Darius slowed.
“Goddamn, you two are something special. That was fucking hot!” he said in awe. A bright smile appeared on his face as his gaze shifted between us.
“He’s my husband.” Tara responded happily. “His pleasure is mine. Watching him get so turned on… wow. It really got me off.”
Darius laughed. “I can tell,” he said as he eased his still raging erection out of her. “Are you done, babe, or do you want some more?”
Tara took his slick cock in her hands and began stroking him. “Mmm, I only want Elliot's cum inside me. Somehow, I’d feel like part of you would be inside me forever, and we just don't have room for that in our marriage, but don’t worry, I’m dying to see you come.” Then she moved over and urged him onto the bed next to her.
For the first time, Darius allowed her to take control and he relaxed into the sheets as she kissed the head of his cock. Slowly, but with growing speed, Tara sucked him, swirling her tongue over his glans and taking him as deeply into her mouth as she could. She fondled and played with his balls, using every bit of skill she possessed. Her other hand followed her mouth, twisting along his shaft until he bucked and gasped.
“Holy shit,” Tara said, squealing in delight as his cum shot up like a fountain and rained back down on his ebony skin. “Jesus, that’s a lot of cum.” She seemed almost mesmerized as she slowly rubbed it into his skin.
It was a powerful experience for all of us and it took a while for us to recover. I let Darius and Tara shower together before I took mine so they could properly enjoy the afterglow of their sex. Afterward, we had a drink in the room before Darius left. It was a shocking turnabout, but once the sexual games were over, he proved to be a very decent man.
Tara and I haven't yet decided to see him again. We have other adventures we would like to try, but I can look back at that night and say with all honesty that it was then that, together, we began a very special journey.
Hey there, Pink I am so going to be using you for the foreseeable future. Everytime I find out something new about myself it just leads to so many more questions about who I am. Having your answers about who you are just leading to more questions is one reason I think many people are not introspective. It is for it leads to people having to do more soul searching and finding out things about themselves which they do not like or want to know, then they will have to make a huge...
I saw the mother/daughter duo come up with me, and they each took a side of me. I found myself speechless and frozen, but still very horny.Tara smooched my cheek and took my dick in her left hand. "I know you'd love to brag to people that you scored with a mother and daughter, but we're going to need to keep quiet about it. Can you do that for us, Kirk?" she pondered, stroking it. "She's my mom, and I'm only going to get one.""You can count on it, Tara," I stated, placing my hands on...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! Tara and her older brother had always been exceptionally close; so that I guess what happened that day in November could have been expected. Though three years separated them, as children they played together. When he turned ten, because both their parents worked during the day, Kaspar was given the job of looking after his baby sister when they both came home from school. Without complaint and with tremendous care he would make her a snack, help her...
IncestIt was a hot Monday afternoon in late June at the university library and it was six years since Jack had been back to the university. The basement of the old library was nice and cool and smelled exactly as he remembered. As Jack wandered through the building, the old smells and sounds were like an old familiar friend and he opened his mind to the flood of great memories. He had taken classes off and on at the local extension university while he was teaching, but this summer he returned to his...
Tara was 5’6 and 120 pounds. She had long silky reddish-blonde hair which hung half-way down her back and gorgeous green eyes. Her figure had really filled out last year, her breasts grew to 36 C and her ass was the definition of perfect. Whenever I would see her nipples sticking out from her T-shirt, I would get an immediate hardon. I myself am pretty handsome or so I have been told. At 6’2 dark hair with deep blue eyes, I had no problem getting pussy from any girl in my school but my...
Chapter 1 Tara Walton was a 21 year old senior in college, just getting over her breakup with her boyfriend of 3 years, Darren. She hated how Darren had just dumped her for another girl, when she had begged him to keep her. She was willing to share, so why didn't Darren want to stay with her? Darren had said that she was fat, but Tara only had some baby fat, that was all. It was actually kind of cute, most guys thought, but Darren wanted the "waif" look in a girl, as in dangerously...
During a fight with my wife i was so pissed off that i had to go for a walk to the pub, stressed from work and wanting not to talk to anyone i sat at a table and lscrolled some social media pages. Now i am a 6 foot 2 inch 240 pounds of a 32 year old male. I love shemale porn it started with straight anal porn, however that doesn't do it for me anymore. Its shemale or nothing. Since i was going through puberty I would play with my own asshole thinking what all these sexy women felt when they...
I grew up in a small town where nothing really happened. It was a nice upbringing far away from the inner cities and their problems. My school was safe and since I was very young, I would walk to school by myself. My parents seldom locked the doors and on the weekends there were neighbourhood BBQ’s. My friends and I would play street hockey outside our houses or football in a nearby park.As far as girls went there were a few but since it was such a small town everyone was concerned about their...
Crossdressing[ Part 2 of a young white couple seeking to escape the confines of what was formerly known as a monogamous relationship! ]Robert---When I first saw Tara I never thought she'd be the slightest interested in me---as a 'boyfriend' sort of relationship. In fact, I'd never really had an actual girlfriend before. I'd once been infatuated by one particular girl I used to know, but she got married, had a baby, and that was that. And then I saw Tara.She worked a place I would go for lunch on lunch...
Hi, my name is Cindy. Until recently I've always considered myself pretty normal as far as sexual preferences go. I mean, I'm 24 years old, married, and consider myself to be a very attractive blonde, 5 foot 3, 35-23-34 woman. I had only had fleeting thoughts about being with another woman sexually. I was curious as to what it would be like, but had never made any efforts to find out. I'm very open-minded where sex is concerned though, and have always loved to try new and interesting things....
Hi, my name is Cindy. Until recently I've always considered myself pretty normal as far as sexual preferences go. I mean, I'm 24 years old, married, and consider myself to be a very attractive blonde, 5 foot 3, 35-23-34 woman. I had only had fleeting thoughts about being with another woman sexually. I was curious as to what it would be like, but had never made any efforts to find out. I'm very open-minded where sex is concerned though, and have always loved to try new and interesting things....
LesbianI. The Story Of AliceAlice Grey was a dear little thing, she lived with her parents and worked hard every day at her job in the local drapery store. Her family may have been poor, but they got by, paying their way in the world and earning respect for their dutiful efforts and high moral standards.Alice was a fanciful girl, always dreaming of love and raising her own family, a dream that appeared to be coming true when a handsome young gentleman took an interest in her. This young man came...
SupernaturalTara Walton was a 21 year old senior in college, just getting over her breakup with her boyfriend of 3 years, Darren. She hated how Darren had just dumped her for another girl, when she had begged him to keep her. She was willing to share, so why didn't Darren want to stay with her? Darren had said that she was fat, but Tara only had some baby fat, that was all. It was actually kind of cute, most guys thought, but Darren wanted the "waif" look in a girl, as in dangerously thin. Tara was crying...
EroticThe Dancing Diva By Cal Y. Pygia The silver sphere spun beneath the high, vaulted ceiling, casting a splintered rainbow of flashing lights over the men seated at the small tables, the cocktail waitresses in their abbreviated costumes, the small, elevated stage upon which the topless dancers pranced, and over the curves of Daphne?s swelling breasts, rounded hips, sleek, firm buttocks, and long, tapering legs. Daphne loved to dance. More to the point, she loved to be the...
My husband is often out of town and I’m always very horny and needing to take care of things. I often have affairs, because I really enjoy being with men or even women for that matter. I just love to have sex and often have it. Lately, my step daughter has had her boyfriend living with us. My mind is always in the gutter. I really want to sleep with him. He's eighteen and is about 6’0” and about two hundred pounds. He works out and has muscles on muscles. I think he has a big cock, because I...
TabooI had gone to a movie with my friends. There were two girls sitting next to me, she was a young 20 years old( I came to know later), she was cute with nice figure while watching the movie my coke bottle fell besides her (it was closed) I saw her cleavage while she was picking she noticed that and stared angrily at me I was scared I dint looked at her even till the movie was over, while leaving the cinema theatre she passed me a piece of paper I kept it in my pocket I talked with my friends for...
It all started when (lets call her tara) ( the girl in my pics with the crotchless panties on) caught my eye at a mutual friends party, she came with a few girls who I knew already but I didnt no her. I asked around about her and found out she was single. A few nights after I was out clubbing and I bumped into Tara, we got chatting n we ended up going back to her house there was a few of us so we were just going back for a drink . As everyone was going home or falling asleep Tara said she was...
Hi, I'm Grant and I'm 35 yrs of age and I'm married to Kim who is 33 yrs old. Kim coaches an under 18 girls volleyball team and I volunteer my services as the team physiotherapist. I rub down all those aching limbs and apply strapping where necessary. The team plays on a Saturday afternoon and Kim invites the team back to our place afterwards for a swim/spa session and a BBQ dinner. The team consists of: Cory - 17 yrs old. 5ft 5 ins tall. Blonde hair to her shoulders. 36 C-cup tits. Fully...
Well this is just an introduction explaining what this is about really. You take control of the brand new WWE writer, Mike Jones, that has been given sole control of the divas division and how the storylines will go, you will get the choose what timeline you want(well anything post 2002 since really pre it there was only one or two divas that wrestled). However this is part like booking storyline and part erotic stories as I don't want just sexual storylines for the actually booking, you don't...
TaraI was eating lunch on a bench in park downtown. It was a warm, late spring day and the world was out enjoying their lunch. Sitting there feeling pretty good in my crisp dark suit and power tie, I noticed a stunning woman, a bit overburdened with her handbag and salad. I offered her to share the bench, and with a blushing smile she thanked me and sat down. She was beautiful. Medium length dark hair. Tan complexion. And eyes, only matched by her full red lips in their ability to melt a man....
Tara looked up into the night sky, her heart heavy with sorrow and confusion. He had lied to her, again. He had made promises and again he had broken them. She now laid on the soft ground, looking up into the sea of blackness dotted with sparkling stars. She pulled her jacket closer to her body, and crossed her legs at the ankles. Her jeans were worn and comfortable and the fleece jacket helped keep the chill away. Her eyes closed and her mind played back the images of just a few hours ago....
FantasyI was eating lunch on a bench in park downtown. It was a warm, late spring day and the world was out enjoying their lunch. Sitting there feeling pretty good in my crisp dark suit and power tie, I noticed a stunning woman, a bit overburdened with her handbag and salad. I offered her to share the bench, and with a blushing smile she thanked me and sat down. She was beautiful. Medium length dark hair. Tan complexion. And eyes, only matched by her full red lips in their ability to melt a man....
Tara practically bounced onto the plane. Her stomach was a mess of nervous butterflies, but she was so excited she couldn’t sit still. The other passengers returned her ear to ear grin with bemusement, yet she didn’t notice. She was somewhere else, in her mind. She’d been waiting for this for so long, and now it was finally happening! She let out a nervous giggle and the person sitting next to her stared, making her blush. Shifting in her seat, she wondered if she’d miss the city that had been...
'Captain, you sent for me', I said as I entered her room. 'Yes. Have you completed your inspections?' 'Yes Captain. I have examined seven women', I told her. 'Did you think of examining me?', she asked. 'Well no, Captain. You are above such rules.' 'Well Cabin Boy ... I am not, I still have to abide by them, but I am sure you felt that I was smooth enough last night' 'Yes Captain' 'Did you have any problems inspecting my crew?' 'No Captain... ', I replied but then...
I entered the bedroom from the bath wearing only my towel, I found Tara waiting for me wearing a diaphanous blouse that matched her pants. She was about a foot and a half shorter than I was and this girl with her self-assuredness had me on edge. She found another towel and offered to dry my hair. I sent her to see if my luggage had been brought up yet. As much as I wanted her, I didn't feel right doing so now. I didn't oppose casual sex. There were just too many unknowns to this situation....
Aidan Black stared at the online text that flashed up onto the screen. ‘I luv ur stories!’ He yawned, and took another sip of his Jack Daniels. He quickly typed a reply and then leaned back in his chair. ‘What do you like about them?’ He smiled at the long pause. All these fans are the same, he thought to himself. Innocent young girls that dream of being treated like dirty sluts and too afraid to tell their college boyfriends that doggy-style after a long alcohol-fused pub crawl just wasn’t...
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SupernaturalYou Can Call Me Tara by Maria Ski I thought I had been careful. I took all of my usual precautions, well I thought I had. Mum had told me she was going out and that she would be gone for most of the day, so I thought I could spend some time as Tara. And be the girl I knew I was inside for a few hours and have plenty of time to become Michael again with Mum being none the wiser. How wrong I was, but I knew that one day, one day I would get caught. I would get caught in an unguarded...
My boyfriend and I were cuddled together in my bed enjoying the post coital bliss that followed a nice, but not spectacular fuck. I was gently fondling his rapidly deflating penis as he softly massaged my labia - both slippery with various sexual fluids. Devin broke the moment asking, “On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate this?” “Sssh,” I sighed, “Let's just enjoy this.” “Seriously,” he said, “One to ten, with a ten being mind blowing.” “Devin, let it be,” I protested, “Just be quiet.”...
Group SexI’d been spending a lot of time in the Twomps, lately. Yeah, eastside Oaktown, where a white girl like me really had no business being. Only, I was cool, ‘cause I knew Twiman, and he made sure everybody knew it. Not that I was one of his girls, and I sure as hell wasn’t one of his gangers. You see, growing up off International, I’d spent more time couch surfing than I had at home. Me and my dad just didn’t get on, more like he didn’t give a shit where his youngest was. You might say the...
Group Sex“You okay?"Startled and embarrassed, Tina leapt from her chair as she slammed her laptop closed. Spinning around, her over-sized, red Jackson High Jaguars tee shirt fell into place from her waist area to just below her sex, but not before Chris glimpsed her lack of any pubes.“What the fuck are you doin’ in here!? Get out! Get the fuck out you little perv!”Standing there in just his white Jockey’s, he had caught enough sight of the porn on her laptop screen before she slammed it and noticed her...
IncestHey everyone, This is Joe doe with just another story that will make all your holes wet ;) This is my second story of the same series. So about me ,most of you may not know, I did my UG in Germany, worked in a Thai spa part time 6 months, just learnt everything there is about a angel’s body, got laid mostly but worst part working in a spa..You get to do everything but you never come…..Massage ,licks and just everything else but no penetration.Sad story of my life…. But got laid anyway So when...
Hey everyone, I’m Jones… I am from chennai, a student here… So this is my first story on Indian sex stories, been a “long ” die ” hard” fan of iss, finally got a chance and story to contribute. So about me , I did my UG in Germany, worked in a thai spa part time 6 months, just learnt everything there is about a angel’s body….Massage ,licks and just everything. So the heroine of the story is one starry eyed girl, don’t know if words can explain her beauty, just everything perfect …Every asset at...
Day C Dear Pink Diva Today and yesterday were epic so I thought the best way to reflect that right away was by using Roman numerals instead of Arabic in the heading for this entry. Pete Rozelle used this trick to convey that message about the Super Bowl. When I look back on my journey, I want this entry to pop out at me right away. I woke up early yesterday and could not get back to sleep. I was too nervous and excited about meeting with Karen to. I know it was a therapy session,...
She came down the stairs slowly, testing my reaction, hips swinging as each foot moved to a lower step. She was wearing a white dress held together with large pink cloth covered buttons from hem to breasts. The shoulders were blocked square, thick looking, almost like a coat. The body of the dress clung to her curves outlining her waist and hips, her bust and butt were prominent, the hem stopped just an inch or so below her crotch so from my point of view at the bottom of the stairs I could see...
“IT’S A LITTLE LATE FOR BREAKFAST,” Dad said when he saw us at the door. “Would you like to join us for lunch?” “Sorry, Dad,” I said sheepishly. “I was drawing. The time kind of got away from us.” Dad nodded his head. Mom came to the door, raised one eyebrow at me, and we headed down to lunch. We sat in a little café and it was apparent to me that something was bugging my folks. There wasn’t much I could do about it unless they asked something. I certainly wasn’t going to provide details...
WITH THE LATE FLIGHT TIMES, I’d persuaded my folks to wait until breakfast to meet Lissa and Melody. Mom was disappointed, but we would have Friday and Saturday together and then we’d each have to go our separate ways on Sunday. Melody’s parents were slated to arrive tomorrow around noon. I just wanted a little time to get reacquainted with my lovers. There was a man standing in front of our door with a bouquet of flowers. As soon as he saw us approaching he rushed straight up to...
Chapter One Darkness. Darkness and pain. That had been her world long? Shehad lost all sense of time, almost all sense of self. Sensations. The blindfoldcovering her eyes, cutting out all light. Arms crushed together behind herback, tight hemp ropes at elbows and wrists, secure enough to keep her armsutterly immobilised, but not enough to affect her circulation. He was considerateabout some things.... A supple leather collar buckled around her neck, witha short chain bolted to a...
Codes: MF, MF+, MC, SciFi, anime, cartoon, comic book Disclaimer: All artificial persons/dimensional visitors herein are based on characters owned by their creators, not the author. This chapter focuses on characters from Marvel, specifically the four leads of a little-known four issue series called Marvel Divas. Author’s Note: This is not a canon Life With Alpha story, meaning events here happen in their own universe splitting off separately from the main story. This story begins over a...
"By god, what a match we just witnessed!" John 'Bradshaw' Layfield countered back into his own headset. "I can't believe my eyes.. we possibly just saw history in that ring." Said, Jerry 'The King' Lawler. Backstage after the match was over. All 9 diva's from the Three-Team Elimination match had all spread out, individually. All except two. It was no secret that Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch had become very close friends during their story line down on NXT, and even through all...
Gav slipped off his leather jacket and hung it over the back of his chair. It was Monday again and he needed to get to grips with the project that he was overseeing. He was head of IT Infrastructure at a busy lingerie firm. Lucy’s Underwear Show House had a turnover of £120 million and was one of the fastest growing businesses in the sector. In spite of the recession the company had made inroads into the ‘bedroom’ market capitalizing on the gap left by a recently dissolved name. Gav was a...
TabooSoon, Derreck said, “Let’s get into the shower again. You must be tired, and George looks like he is ready to take you home. Right, George?”“Whatever Meg wants, but I am ready to get dinner.”I told Derreck to go get the shower hot and I would be there shortly. I wanted to talk to George privately first.“So, Sweetheart, how do you feel about today? Did you enjoy it the way you expected to?” I said, walking over to him.He stood up, held me, and said, “Well, watching you experience what you did...
AnalThe Divas, that's what they called themselves, were back at the Student Union Monday after classes discussing their weekend. Claire was nineteen, soon to be twenty and a junior as was Kimberly. Dotty was a sophomore. She had just turned nineteen. All three were drama majors with a minor in sex."So Claire, how was your date with Big Ben?" Kim asked.Claire took a sip from her latte, then said, "It was okay.""You were with Big Ben, and it was just okay?" Dot asked in amazement."Yeah, it was fine...
Monster SexThe summer had been fairly boring thus far. I had been stuck at home most of the time watching my brother and helping mom in our garden. Occasionally my friends would come by and we would go to my room and talk, or go hang out somewhere. I preferred it when we went and talked in the woods. I've always liked the woods and the outdoors. I couldn't wait for my friends to come over, aside from releasing me from my boredom we would talk about my OTHER favorite subject... BOYS! We would talk about...
Editor’s Note: The next page is a copy of a page from Tara’s journal. It is not dated but the meeting it describes occurred on the evening of Thursday, December 2nd. So I had another meeting with the Doc. It would be wrong to say they had to drag me there kicking and screaming but I didn’t want to go. They made me. When I say ‘they,’ I mean my family. They didn’t even bother to ask how I was feeling or if I wanted to talk to the doctor, they just told me I had an appointment and took me to...
Editor’s Note: The next page is another extract from the journal of Tara Freeman. Sunday December 5. I’m trying to get my homework done for tomorrow so I probably shouldn’t spend too long writing this. I did end up sleeping in Dan’s bed last night. I didn’t go to the bathroom with him this morning though. I waited until he was finished and went on my own. I was nervous but I did it. At breakfast we talked about me going back to school tomorrow. I think I can do it. I’m going to try. Dan...
I felt my right nut slip from Stella's lips as she released it and moved to the left, suctioning that one in for the same tongue bath she’d just completed on the right one. Her hand continued to slide up and down my hard shaft, stroking my full length with an extra twist applied to the swollen head of my cock each time her hand enclosed it. Her expert ball-sucking combined with her small, soft hand jerking me off had all of my nerve endings a tingle and my fires raging!In the meantime, I was...
HardcoreThe Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Sophia, along with some of the characters in the other two stories make cameo appearances here. *************************************** I...
The Real Stepford Wives - Vicky's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This is my third entry in the Stepford Series. This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Lizzie, along with some of the characters in the original two stories make cameo appearances...
I’d interviewed for my new job just over a week ago. At the time, I’d assumed that it was probably one of the strangest days I would ever have in my life, but I was hired and that’s what mattered. I really needed the job. I just completed my first week on the job, and it turns out that my assumption regarding the peculiarity of my interview day proved to be premature… and completely wrong. I’d heard about Big Dick’s Trucking from a friend I knew at the gym where I work out. Tommy knew I had my...
HardcoreSince his last visit to Larry’s Mum’s house, Matt had hardly thought of anything else. Being his best friend’s Mum, he had always attempted to keep any ‘thoughts’ he might have under mental lock and key. Being alone with her in her kitchen, while Larry was in hospital and her husband working away, had gotten out of hand. While his first blowjob and tit-wank from the buxom 39 year old, should have eased his frustrations, it had the opposite effect. Being nearly 17 with a teenager’s rampant...
Wife LoversSteph lay naked between the sheets waiting for Jack to come to bed. It was Saturday night, their designated date night. The kids were spending the night out. Jack and Steph had gone out to dinner at a new restaurant in town, and sat at a table in a two-level room with brick walls, a black iron staircase, and a curved ceiling painted to look like the night sky. It had been as if they’d been dining on a Venetian terrace. It had been a nice night.Jack came into the room, naked. His dick was...
Wife LoversIntroduction: Should this be a sequence…what do you think? Naomi needed a sale, and a big commission. As the only single mother in the Divas Reality, it had been a tough month, a tough year. Well it had been tough since the meltdown in 2008. She was still one of the best agents in the company but she had to work long hours and she worried about Celia her 14 year old daughter who had to fend for herself many nights as Naomi worked late on the next big deal. Maggie, the manager at Divas had...
The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Some of the characters in those stories make cameo appearances here. ********************** I was four years into my career as a Big Four accountant. Two years ago, I had been promoted to senior associate and was hopeful about...
As they lay naked in their bed, the sun slowly rising and sending yellow-orange rays through the curtains, wakefulness ever-so-slowly creeping through their bodies, Jack slowly dragged his fingertips along Steph’s thigh. Jack drew his lips to Steph’s ear and whispered, “I had an interesting dream.”Steph mumbled in response, unsure of whether she wanted to allow herself to cross over into wakefulness. She was warm and cozy under the covers and sleeping felt pretty damned good.“I was sitting at a...
Wife LoversShe was still one of the best agents in the company but she had to work long hours and she worried about Celia her 14 year old daughter who had to fend for herself many nights as Naomi worked late on the next big deal. Maggie, the manager at Divas had given her this listing and said it could be a “big break” for her. Maggie knew that Naomi has a great sales record with divorcees, and this sale was right down her alley. The house turned out to be a mammoth two-story residence in a...
Ah, Melissa. That’s a name that brings back fond memories of a time of passion and illicit romance. Even now, I can taste the hint of cinnamon on her lips and sense the subtle fragrance of an obscure flower that was the essence of the perfume she wore.Melissa and her husband, a stoic and foolish man whose unpronounceable name I have chosen to forget, lived in the same apartment complex as I. Even so, she might never have come to my attention if not for the fact that we did our laundry at the...
HardcoreI must have slept for fourteen hours that night. The week before was very tough and my schedule was completely out of whack. By the time Friday night rolled around all I wanted to do was sleep. It was 11:00 am Saturday morning by the time I woke. By then, I felt as fresh and rested as I had in weeks. It's amazing what a good night's sleep will do for a man.I rolled over onto my back, enjoying the morning sun that filtered through my blinds. I stretched out and before I consciously realized it,...