My Aunt Barb Chapter 1 free porn video

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My Aunt Barb isn't really my aunt she just feels like one. She and my mom were sorority sisters back in college. They've been friends ever since, which seems like forever. My name is Katherine but to Barb it was kitten until I turned sixteen, then it became Kat. I'm now twenty five years old with a Master's in Education. My mom is fifty and I think Barb is more like forty eight although she could pass for forty. She's never been married that I know of and has lived in New York City until last year when she moved here to Portland, Oregon. She used to visit us here in Portland twice a year or more on business trips. She'd stay with us unless she and my dad had a big argument then she'd get a hotel room downtown.

She and my dad are polar opposites as far as their political views. Barb is extreme left and dad is extreme right. He's a partner in a big law firm in Portland. Barb owns a marketing and consulting company in Portland now and she does really well for herself. Mom is in the middle and referees their fights which usually occur after they've been drinking and I've gone to bed. My dad says she was a high priced call girl at times when she's not around and my mom gives him the eye and denies it all. Mom is a pediatric surgeon up at OHSU, which stands for Oregon Health Science University or locally known as Pill Hill.

I still live at home but come and go as I please. My boyfriend/fiance is an engineer with the City of Portland. We've been dating since college. We haven't set a wedding date yet because Michael seems to be afraid of commitment.

Barb popped in a little over a year ago and announced she was moving here. She had more clients in Asia thank anywhere else so moving made more sense. She bought a condo in South Waterfront that overlooked the Willamette River. It had stunning views of Mt. Hood to the East and was convenient to downtown. The place was huge and took up one fourth of the fourteenth floor, three bedrooms, and two baths. The master bath was as big as my bedroom at home. It had a Jacuzzi tub with a separate rock and glass enclosed shower that could probably fit five people. She bought it just by looking at pictures online which I thought was a very bold move.

The furnishings from her old residence were due to arrive the next week and of course mom volunteered us to help her unpack. Dad naturally had an excuse about a big client and playing golf so he didn't help. He never seems to be around much when Barb is here.

Barb was staying with us until her things arrived. She had leased a car until she could get settled. Saturday we took her car downtown to help her unpack. The movers had called and had dropped everything off.

We found her parking spot in the underground lot and took the elevator to the fourteenth floor. Getting out of the elevator I noticed there were only four doors. We waited behind her as she opened the door to her new house. The place was just like the pictures she'd shown us. We wandered around looking at the appliances and furnishings which were the ones in the pictures since she just added them to the price. The views of East Portland along with all the amenities were breath taking.

We unpacked one room at a time Barb did her room alone because I don't think she wanted us to see some of her personal items. All we seemed to talk about was the view and how exciting it was for Barb to be living here. We took a break around noon and went down to a little Thai place for lunch. There are several eating places on the outside first floor of the building and a few more down the street. As we were eating mom got a page from work. It seems one of her patients was having problems so she needed to go in. OHSU isn't that far from South Waterfront, there's a tram that goes from a building down there up the hill to the hospital. It wasn't working that Saturday so Barb offered mom her car. With some reservations mom took it to check on the child. We finished lunch then walked mom to the car. She said she'd try and be back in a bit and took off.
Barb and I continued unpacking her things and putting them where she wanted them. We lined the shelves, got dishes and glasses put away and cleared enough space so we weren't tripping over boxes. Around four o'clock mom called to tell us that there were complications and that she'd have to be there longer. Barb told her not to worry that we'd get dinner down stairs.

Just after six we headed down to get something to eat. The variety of food places there were amazing. There's a little gourmet pizza place that we discovered at the base of her building. We ordered pizza and brought a menu home for future use. I carried the pizza back up to the condo as Barb led the way. We sat down in the kitchen to eat and relax from a rough day unpacking. Barb had a wide selection of drinks to choose from as long as it was wine. She had a nice Cabernet she had gotten as a housewarming gift so we had that with our pizza.

The pizza was fantastic as was the wine. We managed to kill the entire bottle along with the pizza which was supposed to feed mom too. Barb cleaned off the table and ushered me into the living room. She sat me down in front of a 60” television mounted above the fireplace. Handing me the remote she told me she was going to take a shower and to find something to occupy myself.

As she closed her bedroom door as I began scrolling through the channels. Much to my surprise I discovered she had a couple of adult ones. I looked at the bedroom door to be sure it was closed and clicked on one. I watched as a guy was getting a blow job by two women. I sat enthralled as they took turns sucking and licking his dick. He was kinda ugly but they were gorgeous. I kept checking the door to be sure I didn't get caught. I must have just looked back at the television when Barb walked up to the back of the couch and asked what I was watching.

I was caught! I tried to switch the station real quick but all I managed to do was pause it. The guy's dick was in full view and both of the ladies licking it. I swallowed hard and looked up at her trying to think of an excuse. She was standing there in a terrycloth robe, her long wavy red hair done up in one of the towels we had just unpacked. Her arms were crossed and a stern look on her face told me I'd screwed up.

“I was just surfing the channels and found this, I swear!”

“Give,” her palm outstretched waiting for the gadget.

I sheepishly handed her the remote. My face must have been beet red as she took it from me. She walked around the couch and took a seat at the opposite end from me tucking one leg under her.

“You said there were two channels, kitten?” She scrolled a bit trying to find the other one.

I managed a feeble yes and waited for her a lecture.

“Well, I'll have to talk to the cable company on Monday. I didn't order two. I just asked for this one.”

I looked at her, not sure I heard what I thought I heard. She looked at me as if watching porn was a normal thing.

“What? Don't you watch porn?”

I swallowed hard managing a mumbled, “No, Michael wants me to watch with him but I always say no.”

“Why not? You might enjoy it, kitten. What else does Michael want you to do?”

“You mean like sex? Umm, blow jobs but I think that's disgusting.”

“You seemed to like watching the one on the television.”

She turned off the television and set the remote on the coffee table. She looked at me in disbelief, “Okay, tell me what you two are doing. I know you haven't mentioned this to your mother she thinks you're still a virgin.”

“I am a virgin, I swear Barb. I just make out with Michael and sometimes give him a hand job. I swear it's the truth! Don't make it sound like it's a bad thing.”

She still looked at me for a very long time. She didn't believe me then, “Okay, I believe you kitten. But he wants to do more?”

I replied, “Yes ma'am. But I don't. I don't want to get pregnant.”

“You can still have fun and not get pregnant, kitten. He doesn't like condoms? I'm guessing he just wants a blow job instead.”

Just then Barb's phone rang, it was mom. She apologized and said she'd have to stay the night in her office. Barb reassured her we were fine and to make sure her little patient was doing okay. They laughed a bit and Barb told her I was fine. It was okay to keep the car and that I could stay in one of the guest rooms. She hung up then looked at me and went into the kitchen. I heard another bottle of wine being opened. When she reappeared she was holding two new glasses along with the bottle. She handed me a glass and poured. Taking her seat, she filled her glass then set the bottle on the coffee table near the remote.

“Let's have a talk, shall we, kitten?” She sipped her wine then tucked her feet under her again exposing part of her toned legs.

“Um. Sure.” I sipped my wine waiting for a lecture about abstinence or something about not getting pregnant.

“So, Michael wants a few sexual favors does he?”

I nodded as I sipped my wine again, “Yes, he does.”

“Does he offer to do anything for you?” Her eyebrows arched as she looked at me with her azure blue eyes.

“No, he's fingered me but it really doesn't do anything for me. He is very awkward and it kinda hurts but I don't say anything.”

“My poor kitten. Men, rather boys, are always in a hurry and think more about themselves than they do about their partners. I've had my share of lousy lovers, sweetie. It takes time and training for them to learn how to satisfy a woman. I've told your mother this quite a few times when you were little. She finally trained your father to satisfy her first and then she'd satisfy him. I think it's worked for them at least I hope it has. You need to have him go down on you first. Then and only then give him his reward for making you happy.”

“So, how do I do this?” I was glad I wasn't going to get lectured this seemed more like a training talk than anything else, Understanding Men 101.

“How much of that show did you watch?” She sipped once more waiting for my reply.

“Not much. I saw the two women licking up and down his penis. They kissed each other and stroked him until he came all over their faces. That part was disgusting.” I made a face shaking my head trying to get that picture out of it.

“Yes, that part is disgusting, I agree. Guys seem to like it for whatever reason. Would you like to know how to give a blow job or how to get him to eat your pussy or both? Do you love him enough to do that?”

I sighed then took a long drink of my wine, “I think I do. We've been going out for four years now. Michael doesn't want to get married until he's thirty. That will be in two years. I'm kinda happy with the way things are. I live at home for free. I'm saving a ton of money and I'm enjoying life but, I think I'm missing something and I haven't figured out what exactly it is.”

“But you want to give him blow jobs?” She had that look again.

“It might help move things along, I don't know. I'd like to have an orgasm now and then. Right now I just go home and masturbate after.” What was I saying; it must be the wine. I've never talked with Barb like this before. It seemed so natural telling her all these personal things, like we'd been friends forever.

“Okay, since your mother is detained. It's just us. I'm going to teach you a thing or two, sweetness. Come with me.”

She got up offering me her hand. I took it and she led me to her room. The curtains on the east facing wall of windows were drawn back. We could see the lights of Southeast Portland glowing in the night. She walked over to the night stand next to her bed. She bent down and grabbed a remote. Hitting a button which energized a motor, it made a small whirring sound. I watched as the curtains headed towards each other shutting out the night lights of Portland. She set it down then opened a drawer in the night stand. Reaching in, she pulled something out. I heard a few clanking noises as she withdrew the object. Turning back to face me she held it out for me to view. My jaw dropped.

There before me was a replica of a penis. It was about 8” long with a flat bottom which looked like you could stand it up by itself. It had veins and a head which made it look almost real. She tossed it onto the bed then walked past me to the bathroom.

“Go ahead, kitten, pick it up, look it over. It won't bite you,” she casually instructed me.

I watched her in the bathroom mirror as she removed her terrycloth turban. She shook her blonde hair out drying it a bit more with the towel. She watched me through the mirror as I approached the “thing”.

“It's not alive sweetie, it's clean. Does it look like Michael's?”

I looked closely at it still afraid to touch it. “Yes, pretty much, but his is a bit... smaller though.”

I heard her giggle then turned to see her in the door way, turban gone, clad only in her robe.

“Go ahead, touch it, silly girl.” She stood there, arms crossed, a big grin on her face watching me debate touching it. It was like I was a real kitten discovering a toy mouse for the first time. Curious, yet fascinated still afraid to touch it. My fears finally fell away and I did as I was told. My fingers reached out to it as I sat on the edge of the bed. I barely touched it when Barb startled me by saying “Boo!”

My hand shot back to my side. I looked at her with an intense glare, mad at her for startling me.

“Sorry kitten, couldn't resist.”

She walked over to me and gently stroked my hair. Her voice was soft and soothing this time, “Pick it up and look at it. I won't scare you again, sweetie.”

I did as told and picked it up. It was soft, sort of a rubbery feel to it and yes, it did feel almost real. I looked at the bottom of it with my eyebrows raised as she spoke again.

“That is for something else. You just need the main part right now.”

She sat down next to me, her scent enveloping my senses. Clean fresh and delectable. She wrapped her long fingers with her favorite dark red nail polish on her nails around it. She tugged at it and I let it go. I watched as she gripped it in her other hand then looked me in the eyes.

“This is between you and me. Nobody will ever know this happened. Are we in agreement, kitten?”

“Yes, ma'am.”

“First, you have to decide if you want to taste him or not. I personally don't like that goop in my mouth but, everyone is different. If you don't want to taste it, use a condom. He'll not really want to do that I bet. Another alternative is to have him drink lots of pineapple juice a couple of days before. He won't like that either but it does change the taste.”

“Should I be writing this down?” I asked.

“What did I just say about this never happening?” I got the stern look again.

“Oh, right, sorry.” I grinned.

“Once you have that sorted out how you get to his dick is your choice. Men love blow jobs... oh god how they love them. You'll have to watch his reactions if he doesn't say anything to judge how you are doing. But, he really won't care. As long as you're playing with his manhood he'll be happy. Watch me.”

She opened her mouth then stuck out her tongue all the way. She started licking up and down along the length of the plastic penis. She kissed it then licked all while watching my face. After a few moments she slid her tongue up to the tip opening her mouth and engulfed it. My eyes widened as she easily slid it down her throat twisting and turning it as she did. Her hands slid it in and out of her mouth kissing the head each time she got to the end. She went slowly at first watching me the entire time. After a few seconds of that she went a bit faster. Slowing down again she went back to licking and kissing. She repeated this process over and over for a good five minutes making sure she'd covered the thing a few times. When she finally stopped she handed it to me making a funny face as she did.

“Not my favorite flavor. Did you get all that? I doubt he'll last that long but, you never know. Since you've been giving him hand jobs you should be able to tell when he's ready to cum. That's when you have to decide to swallow if he isn't wearing a condom or let him just shoot all over. You should make sure you have something ready he can squirt in to, that's a lot cleaner.”

“Oh, he has a towel he spurts into.”

“Spurts, good word, kitten.” She giggled, “You can rinse it off and try it or just take it. I don't have any contagious diseases that I know of.”

I took it from her a bit more confident that it wouldn't hurt me. Looking it over once more I was still amazed at how real it looked. I closed my eyes and placed my tongue on it. It didn't taste that bad which was probably Barb's saliva. I mimicked her movements up and down then all around. My eyes on her as I did it to be sure I was doing it right. When I thought I was ready, I rammed it down my throat. This caused me to gag and I nearly threw up. She took it from me and placed her arm around my shoulder.

“Kitten, sweetie, slow down. He is going to be so thrilled that you're doing this that he's not really going to care how deep you go. Try it again and be gentle to yourself.”

Her arm was still on my shoulder as I kissed the tip once again. I slipped it between my lips once more then I slowly inched it down my throat, taking it back out a little at a time. I managed to get most of it in my mouth before I gagged again. Barb smiled and massaged my back.

“You'll be okay, sweetie. Just remember to take your time. Have you had enough?”

I nodded yes and handed it back to her, “Yes, more than enough, thank you.”

My face grimaced as I handed it back to her.

“Go wash it off in the bathroom with warm water and dry it off please. Clean toys are essential. You can get diseases depending on how they are used. We can go over that another time, if you want.”

I still held it in my hands as if it would come to life and do something to me. I walked into the bathroom and used warm water and soap to clean it. I dried it off and headed back out to put it away. Barb was watching me as I came back in and placed it back into the drawer for her. I noticed a few other things in there but didn't linger. They did make me a bit curious though and like she said those were for another day, maybe.

“Okay, kitten. Get ready for bed, you can shower or not, it's up to you. You know where everything is. I'm going to read a bit and then call it a night. You did really good. I hope Michael appreciates your efforts.”

“Thank you Barb. That seemed a bit weird doing that with you here but I feel better about it now. I promise I will never tell a soul!”

I leaned in and kissed her cheek then headed off to bed turning off the living room lights as I did. I took a quick shower rinsing out my mouth with the warm water. I tried to make sure I didn't get my hair wet in the process. I brushed my teeth longer than I had ever done before. I know that thing was clean but I wanted the feel of it gone. I found a tee shirt waiting for me on the bed to use as a night shirt. I slipped into it and under the clean sheets. They felt so nice and comfortable next to my skin. I thought about what I'd just done and how easy Barb made it. I don't know if it will help with Michael but it's worth a try. I nodded off wondering what those other things were in the drawer and how and when Barb was going to introduce them to me.

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Barb Wins a Dance Contest

A nearby bar offered amateur erotic dance contests on some Saturday nights that we found to be very entertaining. Women, housewives and girlfriends dance were encouraged to show off their naked bodies for cash prizes. The contests consisted of three dances for a round and 4 rounds with the ladies contests and men's contest alternating striving for 4 or 5 contestants for a final run-off. The audience would "elect" winners by their applause and cheering. One weekend after a couple martinis at...

3 years ago
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My Aunt Barb Chapter 2

A couple of months later my mom, Barb and I were scheduled to run our first half marathon. We'd been training up from our usual 10k runs and felt confident we could complete it. I was burning up the runs with a pace of 8:30 minutes per mile while mom and Barb were getting it done at about 10:00 minutes per mile. The race was on a Sunday in downtown Portland. Barb insisted we stay the night at her place and walk to the start line at Waterfront Park less than a mile away. That sounded good to us...

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Barb and I Part 2

In Part 1 Barb and I were watching a R rated movie that had full frontal nudity and some simulated intercourse. This was a movie of foreign origin and it did get Barb so worked up that she wanted to experience sex in many ways. This is the second part of the series.I awoke with a very hard cock which needed some attention. Barb was sound asleep next to me lying on her side with her backside facing me. Both Barb and I wear the same kind of pajamas that being our birthday suit...naked. I...

3 years ago
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Barb comes out

Chapter 1 Barb had been raised in a church going household. As she entered her teen years, she heard the stories from some of the kids she went to school with about sex. Cock, oral sex, std’s, and of course babies. She didn’t think about it much. She was from a religious family and of course, she would never have sex before marriage. Through her teen years, she noticed the increase in her senses when it came to looking at and being around boys and men. Her sexuality was awakening. She...

2 years ago
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Lai Ch 01 Barb

‘Hi, Louis,’ I said brightly, carefully descending the three white carpeted steps of the sunken living room. ‘I’m so very excited for our date. Do you like it?’ I twirled around, displaying all of my stunning, provocatively attired figure. ‘I think that this is going to be a great weekend, Barb.’ He stood up off the black leather sofa, eyes devouring my alluring form. I walked over to him and placed my arms around his neck, my breasts deliberately pressed against his white shirt and my red...

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Barb and I Part 1

We were home alone and were in a amorous mood. Barb and I were sitting on the sofa watching a late night R rated movie. The scene in the movie was outdoors and the couple were in an embrace when the female stepped back and proceeded to go into a cottage and began to remove her clothing. She first removed her blouse and then her bra revealing firm g****fruit sized breasts with pink erect nipples. She then removed her jeans revealing slim firm legs. The last thing she removed was her pink...

4 years ago
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Barb The MILF Part 2

Chapter 2Monday was back to normal at Barb's place as she hustled the kids off to school. As usual, Barb flitted about in her silky robe, almost as if to further fuel my masturbatory fantasy. The next three days passed as usual. I would make my way to Barb's bedroom, where her panties seemed to always be magically available for my stroking pleasure. My orgasms were intense and incredible every time!On Wednesday, I entered Barb's room and noticed her nightstand drawer slightly open and curiosity...

3 years ago
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Lai Ch 02 Barb

It was a fine dinner. The nighttime view of Victoria Harbor from his penthouse flat was magnificent. As were the food and the conversation, both enhanced by a bottle of vintage white wine that Louis told me he had had from before he left for America and was saving for a special occasion. He was a perfect gentleman, seated across from me in the middle of a long glass table meant for six. He listened attentively to what I had to say and was forthcoming with his own thoughts. For the most part, he...

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My Aunt Barb Chapter 4

When Barb moved to Portland I had no idea my life would undergo such a dramatic change. Looking back, I saw myself living a routine existence, getting married, having children, working until I was sixty-five and then retiring. I realize now that I would not have been living my life to its full potential. When I began making love to Ping it was more than sex. I know it might sound odd but it wasn't just sex to me. It became a metamorphosis or perhaps a rebirth. The bland caterpillar Katherine...

1 year ago
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Barb Chapt 3 The Drive To The Wedding

I arrive at Barb’s office for our trip to her daughter’s wedding. I walk into her office and see she is wearing a tight fitting dress that shows off all her curves. My cock gets hard with the thought of having her for two nights. “I hope you are ready, Babe,” I say. “Give me a few minutes,"she replies. She bends over to put away some files and I see panty lines. “Let me have them,” I order. “The panties take them off and let me have them. We have an agreement that I am in charge of the...

Straight Sex
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The third ending of Barb and Marvin story

Please write me and let me know which ending you preferred! I like this one! Barbara had called her husband Tom by the name Marvin as she was having one of the hardest orgasms she ever experienced! It was so hard it reminded her of Marvin fucking her in his car. He hadn’t even bothered about getting dressed. He left the bedroom and sat in the chair in his living room with a very angry and worried look on his face and half a hard on. His cock was hanging between his legs still all wet and shinny...

1 year ago
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Barb 2

It is the first Wednesday after my encounter with Barb. I have been thinking about her soft silky skin next to mine since we parted. Wondering why I did not get her phone number before I left, so maybe I could get another lesson. Walking in the door to my place, I hear my phone ringing. I hear a strange voice when I answer."Is this Charles?""Yes it is, may I ask who is calling?'"This is Wendy. I am Barb's daughter. I am wondering if you could come over and talk to us this evening?"I smile,...

2 years ago
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Barb Jami ch 1

Jimmy Wilson hopped down from Jerry Smother's large four wheel drive truck, waving as it pulled away, and with his shoulders drooping walked up the driveway toward his mother Barbara's house. He had been living there the last two years since he had graduated from college and mostly she took every chance to remind him that he was a guest. More recently, she had made it clear he should feel free to leave at any time. She always been cold, as mother's go, and generally Jerry was happiest to avoid...

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After our first innocuous, though very flirtatious date he invited me for dinner at his inner-city apartment. Before I arrived I had decided to play the vamp and seduce Zac. I had phoned one of my my experienced girlfriends, Meg, earlier in the day for some advice. “I want to fuck him tonight, what should I wear to make it happen,” I asked her. She offered to call around to help choose a suitable outfit. “Show me what sexy lingerie you have. Try that one on for me. You are a very fuckable...

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Barb the Magnificent

Barb the MagnificentI first met Barb because I was friends with Burt and Coleen. Burt was a mechanic in town while Coleen, Barb and I worked at the local newspaper in a small-town located in a midwestern state. Winters were cold and going out was a bit of a challenge, but most folks managed to get around. Especially Coleen. She was not at all afraid of getting out and enjoying the cold snowy weather. I was just the opposite. I hated winter and, from November to March, was a homebody, staying...

4 years ago
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Barb Jami ch 2

Jerry and Barbara spent the following day seeing the casinos and mailing home postcards. They rode shuttles and ate fast food, bought gawdy sunglasses and played the slot machines they found in many places beyond the usual casinos. They returned to the hotel, and without time to shower first, Jerry had taken Barbara back to bed. The sex before breakfast had been hours ago and he wanted more. His hands had groped her heavy tits, tormenting her nipples with finger and mouth. Barbara's reaction...

2 years ago
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After our first innocuous, though very flirtatious date he invited me for dinner at his inner-city apartment. Before I arrived I had decided to play the vamp and seduce Zac. I had phoned one of my my experienced girlfriends, Meg, earlier in the day for some advice. “I want to fuck him tonight, what should I wear to make it happen,” I asked her. She offered to call around to help choose a suitable outfit. “Show me what sexy lingerie you have. Try that one on for me. You are a very fuckable...

2 years ago
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Lai Ch 06 Barb

I must have awoken about a half hour later. Louis was still asleep. My weekend with him would be ending in a little over 12 hours. I thought I was falling in love. He seemed to have everything I was looking for in a partner. He was confident and engaging, he made me laugh and understood my goofy humor, he was tasteful and wealthy, he was handsome and, oh, what a lover. I really wanted to get to know him better, to determine how truly compatible we might be. He had seemed to indicate that he was...

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Barb the MILF Part 1

Chapter 1.Barb was a single mother and a friend of my stepmother. She had a trailer conveniently close to my school bus stop, so my stepmother or dad would drop me off at Barb's, where I'd hang out for about an hour and a half before walking to the bus stop.Barb was an attractive plus-size woman who favored the "pin-up" style of dress and makeup and would usually be in a robe getting ready to go to work herself and get her two daughters off to school.As a sixteen-year-old who could barely make...

3 years ago
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Barbrsquos Full Cut Panties

We went to stay with Barb and her husband at their house in New England over the holiday weekend. I’ve had many chances to pilfer and sniff Barb’s panties over the years, and I was hoping for an opportunity on this trip as well. I though Barb may have suspected something, but she never said anything, but did seem to setup plenty of opportunities for me and her underwear to be alone. Barb has maintained her figure over the years, still slim with a tight ass. The little extra weight she has...

3 years ago
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Lai Ch 05 Barb

As usual, I woke up at 8 o’clock. Louis was still sleeping soundly. I went to the guestroom, taking the clothes from last night with me. We had planned for dim sum in the late morning, so I did not consider making breakfast. I removed my jewelry and I re-applied the sultry make-up from last night. I had a number of pieces of lingerie that I had brought over, many of which I had been gifted after modeling them during a fashion shoot. I rummaged through one of my suitcases, finding a few...

2 years ago
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Lai Ch 04 Barb

I kept my bikini bottom and heels on during the silent ride back. Louis, of course, took advantage of this, noticeably admiring my shapely gams and provocatively-encased feet. He kept his hand on my right thigh the whole journey, caressing it unhurriedly, and occasionally venturing next to my pussy lips. I, in turn, looked at him adoringly probably the entire time, grazing my hand constantly across his left cheek and occasionally giving him soft kisses on his head and neck. Once inside his...

4 years ago
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Lai Ch 03 Barb

I awoke and a clock indicated 8 o’clock, I couldn’t have slept more than five hours. My body felt somewhat tired, but my mind was excited and my heart was leaping. Louis was still fast asleep. I looked at him for a bit, wondering whether I was falling in love. I had only known him for one night, was it possible? Oh, but what a night! Such a handsome, wealthy, intelligent, confident, powerful man … and I felt so alive around him. I felt so comfortable and secure around him. And so great at...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 9 Barb Returns

I saw Barb’s new toy long before I pulled into her driveway. She had parked her vintage 1955 gun metal grey Gullwing Mercedes in front of the front doors. Barb knew I was a car guy and wanted to show off a bit I imagined. Damn!, I thought to myself, I’d like to drive that almost as much as I like to drive Barb. This would be my first time to see Barb since my outrageous birthday party last Saturday night. Barb had left the morning after for a little shopping spree in Los Angeles . From what...

1 year ago
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Over a period of time Zac introduced me to a wide range of sexual experiences. Mutual masturbation, fucking me while another woman watched, then lesbian sex with her while he watched. I did enjoy two women watching him fuck me before they both had me while he watched. The first time Zac fucked me with another man watching was memorable. We both insisted he had to be well hung and masturbate for us while he watched us fucking. And we were both very comfortable with the thought of him licking...

2 years ago
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Over a period of time Zac introduced me to a wide range of sexual experiences. Mutual masturbation, fucking me while another woman watched, then lesbian sex with her while he watched. I did enjoy two women watching him fuck me before they both had me while he watched. The first time Zac fucked me with another man watching was memorable. We both insisted he had to be well hung and masturbate for us while he watched us fucking. And we were both very comfortable with the thought of him licking...

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Barb Bud 3 Another night

Now that Barb's sister Lottie had left the hotel room we sat there eating pizza and regaining our sexual strength. Completely nude, Barb sat facing me and asked me: "Stroke your cock for me baby! I want to watch it grow hard again!" I smiled and took my left hand and began to play with my sticky cock. It was still covered with Barb's sister's cum! I smiled and said: "While I do that for you, how about showing me the pretty pink insides of your wonderful pussy?" Barb smiled and used her fingers...

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Introduction: Eric loses his virginity and gains two lovers during one evenntful afternoon. First part by hornymother and expanded by me with public permission. We had a barb-a-que at my house one weekend in the summer. It was great. The weather was great and everyone was happy. My mom's friend Alice was drinking pretty heavily and was flirting with all the men. She even sat on my lap and said some little dirty things to me! It was a lot for a 15 year old."Eric, you don't mind if I sit on...

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Barb Lost and Found

CHARACTERS: Barb Bushy ... female lead character, twenty-eight Edward Busy ... leading male character, twenty-three, brother of Barb The Crazy Russian (Ivan Ivanovitch Chezniski ... supporting male character, forties, Barb's significant other while in Russia Roger Chesterton ... supporting male character, late thirties, San Francisco banker Ted Jones ... minor male supporting character, forty, salesman, seat mate on plane My mind was in turmoil. My body only a little less so. I was...

2 years ago
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Aunt Jeans Illicit romance 12 chapters

Chapter 1Mortified. If Ron had thought of the word he might have used it to describe how he felt at the moment -- so embarrassed and so angry at himself that he wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. He had been so freakin' stupid!She said she was going to the grocery store!He usually locked his door when he did it, but he had been in such a freakin' rush to get to his room to gawk at Mrs. Gregerson sunning at her pool, her freakin' bikini top undone, her half way decent ass barely...

3 years ago
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"Eric, you don't mind if I sit on your lap do you?" She asked as she placed her hot little ass on my lap. "No, not at all, Mrs. Perry." "Oh Eric, call me Alice." "I don't think that Mom would like that." "And do you think that my husband over there would like to know that your hard cock is pressed against my ass?" "I-I... ahhh..." "It's okay, Eric, I won't tell if you won't. I know you want to fuck me. Jam your hard cock up my cunt. I see the way you look...

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Four of my friends and I have an on-going bet. We each put up twenty dollars. We go to a bar or club that is chosen by the first person who gets to try and pick her up. The last person who gets to try is the one who picks the woman. We are all on a long dry spell and the pot has grown for nine months. We decide if no one wins tonight we will split the money up. I need new tires on my truck and new brakes on my car. I know I can take care of one of them with my share if no one wins. Joe is to...

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BeCumming Barb

I began dressing to attract my dad. My mom was a beautiful and classy woman. Her style of dress was impeccable. She always wore pencil skirts or dresses of modest lenght, 4" heels, and always sheer fitted nylons and either a 6 or 8 strap waist cincher. Pantyhose had become quite popular by then but she did not wear them. I had witnessed my parent making love many times. They had a "date" night once a week and mom would look her best. The date always ended with them making love. I would peek...

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Barbs New Orleans business Conference

Day 1 awards dinner and a surpriseBy Barbara The company I worked for in Maine promoted and transferred me to Central New York State when I was in my early 20s. Now, a few years later, I’m married, 5’7”, 125 pounds, green eyes and “B” cup. My long, slender legs looked good and my pubic area was trimmed to a bikini triangle of straight light brown hair. I met my husband several months after I moved here. I inherited several work problems, one was several office girls would party in the office...

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Over a period of time Zac introduced me to a wide range of sexual experiences. Mutual masturbation, fucking me while another woman watched, then lesbian sex with her while he watched. I did enjoy two women watching him fuck me before they both had me while he watched. The first time Zac fucked me with another man watching was memorable. We both insisted he had to be well hung and masturbate for us while he watched us fucking. And we were both very comfortable with the thought of him licking...

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