PREDATORS’ HUMAN - 5 - 6 free porn video

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The competition consisted of various elements including hand-to-hand with no weapons. It was agreed within the Unit that I was not to participate in the hand-to-hand without weapons. I had instructed my Unit in the ways of our martial arts moves to surprise the competition at the end as much as they instructed me on their ways. In the end we had developed a nice combination of brute force and agile aggression. Our final approach to the competition was such a unique approach that I am sure nobody witnessed before in their race.

The day of the competition came with much fanfare and celebration. It was to be held in an auditorium I didn’t even know existed on the ship. I wondered just how big this thing was. And if this was a recon ship, how big were the battle ships?

The competition consists of the four members competing one-on-one with various mock weapons or hand-to-hand without weapons. The Unit Leaders did not participate and acted as coach and strategy during the competition determining who would compete in which event partially dependent on the event and also on whom the opponent was. Each Unit states their competitor first and the other can react to that. They each then get the same option to adjust the competitor.

It was strategized that I would compete in the lance event. With my light weight lance and training against the entire Unit I had achieved proficiency in deflecting the most powerful blows and found techniques to bring down the biggest in our Unit. The others were selected based on their skills. Sinar was more than competent in several events and would be a wild card in the competition.

In the first event Tobar lost. That was a surprise as it was an event and weapon he was very proficient at. That appeared to be the problem. He was overly confident and got surprised when his opponent accidently made contact that sent him off balance. His opponent took advantage of his awkward move and put Tobar into a submission position that he could not avoid. In all competition and warfare there is always an element of fortune or luck however you want to term it. In this case an awkward, clumsy move by his opponent turned into a winning move.

I was next in the lance competition. There was a buzz throughout the auditorium as we both walked out to the center. He was a massive b**st even by their standards. I was like a c***d in comparison. If my lance was reduced in size for my smaller stature, his was increased in size. Otton had warned me that he may be the opponent for these very reasons. The intimidation factor alone gave him an advantage over most of his opponents. Knowing that the single greatest weakness the Predators race has is their overconfidence in their size and power I entered the arena walking casually, my lance carried loosely over my right shoulder, head high, looking around the auditorium, the floor, my own Unit and even his Unit, but totally ignoring him as though I could care less. When I stopped near the center, I rolled my neck and stretched my back muscles and looked casually over my shoulder at him and smiled. That isn’t an obvious expression on their faces but on mine it was clearly a change in expression and did not reflect that I was at all intimidated. I glanced at Otton and he nodded. Like I said, if he smiled, I still cannot tell. When I finally turned to my opponent, I did so with a twirling of my lance and planting it onto the floor at my side with a resounding clang. I had everyone’s attention and took away any attempt of his at establishing intimidation by merely ignoring him and showing him no consideration. This had the desired effect. He was outraged. He didn’t care that this human was revered by the people. He thought of me as puny and weak, certainly not worthy of being in a warrior unit of their race.

The Unit flags were raised indicating the combatant to get ready for the signal to start. I remained in my casual position, feet apart, left hand on my hip, right hand on my lance which was planted on the floor at my side. For this competition I had pulled my long hair into a pony tail rather than braided which is normal for the people. This was also a deliberate attempt to show my difference to him and appear even less of a threat. But my casual, confident, and dismissive attitude was a total contradiction to everything else he otherwise saw. When the horn blew, I still didn’t move or react. He started moving but stopped. He was puzzled by my lack of readiness. Then he probably decided this was his chance for a quick win and charged at full speed and power and pulled back his lance for a blow that would send me into the next star system when he made contact. That was his plan. Mine was to not let him make contact, at least not direct contact. As he charged, I remained as though frozen and the entire auditorium went into a frenzy that I was about to be destroyed.

When he was nearly within striking distance, I raised my lance in a defensive position and took several awkward steps backward. This further fueled his confidence and was now blindly charging. As he started his swing, I braced my back leg, thrust my body forward and angled my lance to divert his to the side and him with it. Not meeting with direct resistance, he would lose balance and be propelled to the side. As his lance made contact, even a glancing blow was a tremendous force but I was properly balanced and positioned. His lance sc****d down mine and went off to the side and down. I quickly spun around and bringing my lance after him and struck him on his Achilles heel. He visibly limped as a result of the contact and sent him further out of control. I was instantly in pursuit and just as quickly brought my lance to the front of his ankle with as much force as I could muster and brought him down. When he went to roll over to scramble up, he saw me poised and my lance went into his neck in front pushing him back down. A clean kill if it was a battle lance. The horn sounded again signifying the end of the match and my Unit’s flag was raised as the victor.

As I turned to return to my Unit, I looked again over my shoulder and gave my opponent another smile. These people thrive on intimidation and submission of their opponents. But, coming from me was perhaps too much. He rolled to his feet and charged me, knocking me to the ground with my lance flying away. I managed to roll and avoid him getting on top. As I sprang to me feet, he was about to make contact, again, so I dropped straight to the floor and let him fly over me. Reacting only on instinct at this point because I did not belong in a hand-to-hand fight with this brute, I was on his back as he was getting to his feet. I wrapped my legs around him, locked my ankles and put my left arm around his neck, the elbow right on his neck putting pressure on both sides and using my right arm pulled back with all my strength. I then pressed my head against his back so he couldn’t reach me. My grip around his neck couldn’t be broken. He tried separating my legs but he could do that either. I couldn’t hold on this tight forever but he didn’t know how long I could and he was not getting enough air into his system. He started beating on my legs to cause me to break my lock on him but I refused. This was quite possibly a real life and death situation. I had no idea if he would stop before killing me. So, I held on with everything I had as he beat on my legs. His blows weakened. He dropped to his knees but I still held on with everything I still had which was weakening. Finally, he dropped face first into the floor but I still held on. My total focus was to not let him up, it could mean my life. Then there were hands grabbing at me and pulling me away but I clawed to hold my grip. I was outraged and wild that I was attacked in a competition. When I was pulled free, it was my Unit and they had me surrounded. Medical personnel were attending to the other. His Unit was still on the side. They slowly got him conscious and helped him off the floor and out of the auditorium.

The medical personnel wanted to attend to me, also. But I refused. I looked at the judges and said, “NO! I stay with my Unit until the competition is complete.” A hush went over the auditorium. Then people started standing and raising one arm in salute. Quietly. As I turned around looking throughout the auditorium, everyone appeared to be on their feet with an arm raised. When I got back to the judges, they were doing the same. I looked down to floor level and saw that the other Unit was standing in rigid attention with their arm raised. I could feel the adrenaline leaving my body with the calm. Then Sinar brought our attention to the opposing Unit’s Leader in discussion with the judges and there was now a buzz back in the auditorium as they waited for something to happen next. The next thing that happened was the horn blowing and our Unit’s flag rose. The announcement stated that the other Unit had forfeited in light of the flagrant misconduct and rules violation. Before I could savor the feeling of victory, I was on the floor u*********s. The adrenaline being used up, my body gave up.


When I came to, I was once again confused. These dreams were outrageous! Then my eyes focused and it all came crashing back. This was not a dream. A nightmare at times but it was real. I looked around the room I was in and saw that I was again in the medical unit in the same room and bed as the first time. There must have been a monitor because I no sooner started moving when the door slid open and in walked Danna and behind her my entire Unit. I wouldn’t have believed that all five could fit into that small room but they managed and still left Danna enough room to attend to me.

“They wouldn’t take no for an answer, Alexa. I tried to keep them away until you were ready. They have all been here since they brought you in from the auditorium.”

“When was that?”

“Yesterday. They wouldn’t leave.” She looked at Otton and the others and said, “They have been underfoot the entire time. You’d think they never saw anyone hurt before.”

I looked at each of them and smiled, “Thank you. I appreciate the concern but Danna and her staff are quite capable of caring for me.” I then looked to Danna, “So, will I live? What kind of damage was caused?”

“Oh, you’re fine. You’ll be sore. I used the cream on your bruises especially your legs but the beating you took was extensive. You’ll need several more applications of the cream so I will give you another jar before you leave.” She turned and looked at my Unit mates and back to me, “If you need any help applying the cream, please just see any of us here. Some bruises might be hard for you to reach, especially with how sore your muscles will be.”

“Thank you, doctor, for the kind offer. I think maybe I can manage with the available options.” And I smiled my biggest smile. “So, when can I leave? I am really hungry all of the sudden.”

“Any time. We were just waiting for your body to let you.”

I went to swing my legs off the bed and I hurt. But I wanted to get on with life, so with assistance from Danna and Actab, I was on my feet and hugged each of the five in turn. We left the medical unit and were into the main corridor in short order, me moving slower. As we walked, I noticed people stopping and watching, pointing and talking to whoever was close. I stopped where we were and asked nobody in particular, “What’s going on? Why all the attention?”

Before anyone answered, the people raised their arms, again. After a moment people tentatively came to me and touched me and moved on. My Unit mates were pushed to the side with all the people coming forward and gently touching me, my shoulder, arms, some even lightly stroking my cheek (I know my face is a unique curiosity to them). As those people filter away, I turn to my mates and ask, “What was that all about?”

Otton, “The people have now seen you act like a warrior with extreme bravery and skill numerous times. Including the other day at the competition. People continue to speak about the way you handled yourself in the lance combat competition. The unique skills and technique you use with proficiency. We, of course, had witnessed those skills during training and were only surprised by the quick and decisive manner of your win. What you didn’t have time to recognize is that your win in that event was the fastest in the history of the competition. Fastest recorded in any competition, held anywhere in our system. And, your opponent was not an easy opponent. He was very skilled with the lance. But, as you anticipated and planned for, he was supremely over-confident. The added impression for the people was what happened after you won. Everyone was shocked and outraged that you were then attacked from behind. Everyone, including us, believed you were going to be killed. One-on-one with him would have been a difficult fight for any of us, but at your size it would be murder. But, before any of us could react to your aid you had him on the ground and then in a choke hold. The beating he put on your legs to release them was horrific. The crowd actually gasped while watching. That you didn’t give up and clung to the hold and subdued him was impressive beyond anyone’s thoughts. It literally took three of us to pull you off of him and the fourth took a defensive position just in case. That is what people saw. Your determination, our solidarity around you. Then, when you refused to leave the arena, thinking the competition would continue, that you wanted to provide support to your Unit for the next events despite your injuries, the people were speechless. The solidarity of our Unit.”

“So, what is this touching about?”

“Superstition. By touching you they may somehow receive some of your strength. Remember, they also see you as caring. You have been gentle with others and the young. You are difficult for them to understand.”

We made our way to the mess hall. Along the way people reacted similarly.

Otton, “This will die out with time. But their admiration won’t. Even our Leader has expressed his support to our Unit as a result.”

“I have heard about your Leader. Why haven’t I ever seen him?”

“You have. He was one of the armory when they brought your new lance. He knew you wouldn’t know him and he wanted to see for himself this human who was joining one of his Units. You impressed him greatly with your request and the way you made them feel about the work the armory had completed.”

After the meal they went back to their barracks. I was still limping and people were still touching me. Once in the barracks I stood near my bed. I undid the fastenings of the clothes and stood once more naked in front of them. I looked down at my body and was shocked. I heard a gasp from several of my mates. Much of my body was black and blue. No wonder I hurt. I said, “Oh my god. Look what he did.”

One of them took my hand and led me to the center where there was room. Someone brought the old jar of cream. With two jars of the healing, soothing cream, they spread my legs and raised my arms out straight and very gently started applying the cream to my body. This time it was very gentle. This time they stayed dressed and were not trying to stimulate me. After rubbing the cream into every inch of my body, I was led to my bed and placed onto it. I was asleep in moments.

* * * Part 7 will follow * * * Thanks for reading.

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Sympathy for Humanity

Please allow me to introduce myself; it's not enough to know that I'm a man of wealth and taste. The money comes because I've been around for a long, long year; and the taste is more of the same. I stole many a man's soul and faith; those words are the only introduction you need to know my name. And I was around when Jesus Christ I stood naked before the windows that looked over a new Sodom smiling at the night sky. No star shone to welcome my triumphant return, but then again... no...

4 years ago
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Magic in the MoonlightChapter 12 Caged Humanity

When I woke up the next morning, Evan was spooned up tightly behind me. My legs were tangled with his and one heavy arm wound around my waist. I snuggled back against him and thought about everything that had happened the day before. I wasn't quite as panicked about our impending trip. Being with Evan had calmed both me and my wolf about what might happen. Surely he wouldn't be sleeping this soundly next to me if he were worried. He certainly had more experience with the Council than I...

3 years ago
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Nature take away all inhibitions of humans

Myself 42 yrs old Gujju Muslim guy from Mumbai having Height 5.9″ & Weight 74 kgs… Having whitish complexion & Athletic & Energetic & Manly body for me…I M regular reader n fan of ISS since last 4 yrs but never felt like sharing my sexual flings here with my fellow readers but fling I had last week with My Lady didn’t resist my Temptations for sharing same with U all…I feel I specially owe it to all my fellow writers already shared their life with Us n I M doing it now… Though I had regular...

1 year ago
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Camgirl Confidential Pt 1

Sophie was depressed. Her first semester was only just beginning, but she had pretty much decided that college wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. She had entered university life full of expectations about an exciting new life, one full of parties, new experiences, and new friends that shared her interests. If maybe those interests were a little on the nerdy side, so what? Surely at college she would find people like her, who loved video games, art, astronomy, and writing short stories.She had...

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Sisters Friends

"Fuck me," she screamed. "Harder, harder," I madly pounded my dick while watching him thrash into her inflamed pussy. "Hey, Jerry." a voice said. "You get yourself off watching porn on your computer?" It was a girl's disapproving voice. I quickly covered up and wheeled around to see a blond teenager staring at me with a broad grin. Standing behind me was, Marlene, my sister's best friend. There was no telling how long she had been standing there. I had been too involved in the video to notice....

3 years ago
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Hot Nymph Next DoorChapter 3

About a week later, Dee and Kelly were home alone one afternoon while Kim and their mother were downtown shopping. "Dee," the girl asked. "Were boys really fucking you when you were my age?" "Sure," the horny redhead said. "I think I was even younger than you, the first time I got fucked." "I think I'd like to try it." "Why don't you?" "Gee," said Kelly. "I don't know how to get a guy to fuck me." "That's no problem," laughed Dee. "Every kid will fuck if he gets...

1 year ago
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A Teachers Tryst

Note : This story is completely fictional! This is a story about what happened to me four or so years ago. I went to a Catholic High School, and this is where my tale begins. My senior started off with a bang, my boyfriend and I had made it through a summer apart. My classes were good, and I was a social butterfly. I’d be booked all month for activities with my friends. Things suddenly went downhill in November, my boyfriend and I broke up. I lost my best friend to my ex-boyfriend. My only...

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Lockdown surprise the final part so far

This part happened a couple of weeks ago, after the last time the ladies had their fun, it was the middle of the night, everyone was feeling tired so the ladies said they needed to sleep but we can catch up sometime tomorrow, with that they parted but with getting a kiss from both of them as they left, with an added twist -see you tomorrow lover boy, just give me a ring as and when your rested i said to them both,now our apartment are in a gated private block, and that being the case plenty of...

3 years ago
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A Sorcerer in Downtown Atlanta Ch 11

Chapter Eleven – The Trial of Mark Iger For two weeks, Dave and Maddie had worked extensively with Sato’s dojo, learning everything they could from him. Maddie had shown the greatest growth of all; not only was she learning some of Sato’s most advanced healing techniques, but she was fast becoming a powerful and dangerous duelist. At least once a day, she insisted on a duel with either her husband or Riku, and each day featured a different strategy or skillset from Maddie. One day, she...

1 year ago
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Young Masters and the Bua Part 3

Ahmed lives next to their flat. He has a small family, his wife, one kid of 3 and a Bua of 22 named Joly. She was brought from the same village of Ahmed. She is very and cute with a gorgeous body 34-26-36. Ahmed is a high official of a MNC but gentleman and has a good relationship with these four. Sometime he used to invite them in some events to his apartment. His wife also is a very gentle lady. These four (Karim, Mike, Dev and Jamal) often masturbate with the fantasy of Ahmed’s wife. But...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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New Career1862Chapter 4

We had traveled about five miles out of Branson when the first possibility showed up. Four men rode their horses close to Mary, and every man tipped his hat. One said, "Ma'am, I must warn you that this here road ain't safe, especially for a woman riding alone. Are you sure you need to be out here all by yourself. I must recommend that you return to Branson for your own safety." "Thank you, Sir, but I must make this trip today. My husband was shot along this road, and I am on my way to...

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 05Chapter 11

[Jack] She continued, "We are going to marry them. Our full-time residence will be in Protection but we want to keep the house here and will make frequent trips to see you and everyone else we know and love here. We also talked to Tom and Vic about a larger plane to bring all eight of us here. "You haven't lost a son and daughter but have gained another son and two more daughters plus two grandchildren with another on the way." We jumped up and hugged. Shirl told them that she looked...

4 years ago
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Public Restroom Cock Whore

"Open the door."The whispered voice that drifted up to me could hardly have been more conspiratorial. I gave another involuntary full body shiver and reached out a shaking hand to draw back the metal bolt, it pulled out with a noisy metallic clang. He would certainly know the door was open now. And then I found myself sinking onto my bare knees submissively waiting for whoever I was to enter.If my mouth wasn't open when the door swung inwards, it certainly was when I looked up and saw that...

1 year ago
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meri grandmaki chudai

Apko padhke such nahi lagega. Lekin mai tha hi aisa. isme meri koi galti nahi hai. Mai apko wo kahani batata hu. Mai mere mata pitaka akela ladka tha. Muje malum nahi kyo mere pitajine aur ek bachcha paida nahi kiya. Waise mera Maa to bahut sunder aur jawan dikhati thi. Maa aur pita dono kam per jate the. Maa teacher thi aur pitaji sarkari office me kam karte the. Hamara ghar ek gaon me tha isleye maa aur pita dono shahar me kam ke liye jate the. Ghar me mai akela aur meri grandmaa thi. Jabse...

1 year ago
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Just Keep Dancing Stupid

First and foremost, let me admit that at that stage of my life I was a writer, not a doer. I'd been active enough in my younger days to make me happy with my choices not to let life pass me by. Now I read, research and write. I'd tried my hand at cowboy action shooting and during two nasty experiences involving exchange of fire I was damned glad to have had that experience behind me. Hint: always shoot for the body centerline if you can't shoot for center-of-mass. I've driven through the...

1 year ago
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Bottle Butt Scene from NicoleX

Thomas sits on his couch in nothing but his underwear. They are completely soaked with his cum. On the cab ride home, Emma had undone his buckle, slid her hand into his boxers and jerked him off. THOMAS You sure you want me to leave these on? Emma spreads out on the floor before him, down to her lace lingerie body suit. Her round aerolas peep through. Her tits aren't nearly as big as Chelsea's, but they are perky and her body more than makes up for it. Working her ass round and round, caressing...

2 years ago
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Before the EnergistsChapter 15 Good Day Sunshine

Mike’s Apartment, Tuscaloosa, AL Early Morning, Saturday, January 11, 2003 With an unexpected elbow landing on my nose, I was unceremoniously awoken at about 4:30am. Startled, I sat up in bed wondering what just happened. As I came to my senses, I could see Kaleigh waving her arms up above her head and down in front of her chest. She was mumbling something I couldn’t make out, and then I heard her clearly shout, “Stop! No don’t! Stop!” Her arms and her legs were now moving in jerky,...

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The Iron King

The sounds of screaming filled the air, as men were being mercilessly slaughtered like animals or being kept alive just long enough to see their homes burn and their women being raped by the Ironborn. Theon's Ironborn. They had sailed the Sunset Sea unnoticed and landed a thousand men a few leagues south of the city. They had smuggled into the darkness, under the cover of the westermen stragglers who had escaped the Battle of Oxcross, fleeing the approaching forces of the Young Wolf and the...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 9 Back Aboard Fortune

Kyle and Lee didn’t want the smaller boxes shown to the ship. It was decided the books and the strange boxes would be stored in the storeroom beside Lee’s Room. They were Kyle’s finds, and that was where he wanted them. Only he and Lee would be able to decipher them anyway. In addition, this area was limited to select personnel. The team told everyone else about the books. However, Lee, Kyle and even Sparky had insisted that the smaller strange boxes should not become general knowledge....

2 years ago
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Blank Sex Murder Chapter 7 and Ch 8

Don't be afraid to send me a note - if you want the whole story. Yes, yours free for staying with me this far. At 55 chapters, this is a full novel. Find me elsewhere on the web. Search my name, then email me. Mention you come from here and I'll hook you up. ----------------------------------- Chapter 7 I don’t know just how long I stood staring at that damn thing, but my legs started aching, so I figured it must have been a considerable length. I couldn’t process my...

4 years ago
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CHAPTER NINE: My recovery from the attack at the cafe, almost losing Mitch, and my killing a man even if he was an asshole, occurred with far less trauma than what I suffered through after the abuse that Mitch had rescued me from. It still came to me with a rush at times, typically when it was quiet but fully awake. Sometimes in dreams I would see pieces of that day, the sounds, the flying glass, and the most scary of images for me – Mitch standing in front of that psycho with a gun pointed at...

1 year ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 17

I called in the afternoon to see when we could get together that night, but he wasn’t there. I left a message. It struck me as curious, but I had enough work to keep me busy that I didn’t give it much thought. I called that night and left a message. I couldn’t imagine where he could be, but I had countless pages in front of me and speculating on his whereabouts was not going to get me through them. Monday: no answer, message, no return. I was starting to panic. Had something happened to him?...

1 year ago
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Tricked played to fuck my Aunty

I am Naren and this is my story. Well I still really don’t understand that I was able to achieve an impossible task, something which I had cherished since I was a c***d. I mean literally a c***d. To be honest to do something crazy, which you really don’t think is possible you need to be patient... Well you also have to know how to act. At least that much which could convince people that you are telling the truth…obviously without money you cannot even buy trash. Last but not the least you have...

3 years ago
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Small Tight Ready

Author's info: Gender: Male Age: Secret Location: Las Vegas Introduction: My teenage step-sister invites a horny young friend over. Patty Pyle is thirteen and stands around 4'9" tall and weighs about 90 lbs. She has brown eyes and brown hair with small but firm a-cup tits. Her small nipples were usually hard and showing through her top, even when she has a bra on. She was very computer savvy and loved going online to ‘those’ websites that she’d discovered bookmarked on her...

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