Vanished Ch. 21 free porn video

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That little voice that we all have, told me I should fight like a wild woman to get away from this crazy man and his merry band of followers, though escape was impossible considering the whole village population surrounded us. That’s what my little voice said, but my heart yearned to make this man look good in the eyes of his friends. Well, that’s how I justified my ‘lamb being led to slaughter’ performance. It was easier to tell myself that I was playing a role than to admit I was excited about my up-coming discipline.

It was the strangest thing to have to admit even to myself that I was aroused by the possibility of public discipline and sexual humiliation. Just a short while ago, I’d been a hard-driving businessperson who was a loving wife, and a devoted mother. My idea of alternative lifestyles was those people that shacked up. How’d it happened that now I was a sexual slave to whom I would’ve then considered a sexual monster?

Master Geoff led me lover-style with his arm around my waist and I felt so safe in his arms, except I knew I was being controlled. If I admitted it, I felt safer with this man, Master Geoff, than I had with my husband. Joe always assumed that I could look after myself and that’s what I wanted. This Master assumed no such thing. He was my Master and my protector, he made all decisions for me. He made me feel safe, cocooned. Yet I loved Joe, this man I hated with every fiber of my being. ‘Didn’t I?’ I mused. I looked up at him, he smiled indulgently and my clit ached, ‘Why does he have such a hold over me?’

Master led me to a straight-backed chair. Holding me by my wrist he sat down and deftly swung me around until I lay across his knees face down, my cape fluttered up over my head. My breasts slid down the outside of his knee. I was sure my head was going to bang onto the hardwood floor. Quickly, I halted my forward plunge by bracing myself with my cuffed hands. ‘How’m I supposed to cover my ass?’ I questioned myself. I felt his forearm push my legs down, pinioning me. There must have been two-dozen pairs of eyes trained on my upturned ass. I felt so vulnerable, so embarrassed, so excited. I was glad Master didn’t choose to drive his fingers between my legs or it would’ve been impossible for me to deny my sexual arousal at his mistreatment.

‘Master, pleaseee don’t, Master, please,’ I begged of my tormentor. ‘Please, I beg of you, have some decency.’

I felt him chuckle, though he had the good grace not to laugh out right. ‘Suzie you’ve tried my patience to beyond its breaking point. Now, my slut, you shall learn the error of your ways or you’ll be here in this room a long time,’ he said. Somehow I knew it was said more for the benefit of his customers and their sluts and his employees than is was said for my ears. Strange.

‘You, she-devil, now you shall feel the heat of my hand on your ass. You deserve it and you’ve begged for everything I’ll give. Did ya know that?’ he said more quietly as if for my ears only. The room fell silent. They strained to hear his words. ‘I’ll start with twenty-five strikes on each cheek, Suzie. You’ll count them out loud. Understand?’ he said for his audience.

I felt the blood rushing to my head like it used to when, as a tomboy, I’d hang upside down from tree limbs. I straightened my arms leveling myself. He laughed at my efforts. I only nodded my understanding oh his proposed discipline.

‘Oh and if you lose count, my sweets, I’ll have no choice, but to start the count over again. So be smart and keep the count accurately,’ he ended as the first hard spank landed on my right ass cheek. He’d put his strength behind the blow. It smarted. He wasn’t kidding.

Defiantly I kept silent, though I couldn’t effectively withhold my involuntary intake of air. He struck me again in exactly the same spot. It hurt worse. I remained silent. My long ponytail brushed the backs of my cuffed hands. It tickled.

He struck, yet again, in the exact same spot. I realized that twenty-two more in the same spot were going to hurt like hell, but I remained stoic. This time as his huge hand swung, he counted, ‘One.’

My thoughts drifted to the mother cat with her fluffy cubs and of her freedom as I tried to center myself elsewhere. In quick succession he struck again, ‘One.’ Something wasn’t right!

I felt him swing his arm back, I readied myself for the sharp pain. Already my right cheek was growing warm. This time as his hand struck my right ass cheek yet again in the same spot, everyone chorused, ‘One.’ It was accompanied by catcalls from the Masters and nervous giggles from the subs.

Master rested his hand where it landed. I liked the feel of his hand, though hell’d freeze over before I ever admitted it to him. ‘Suzie, you f’n slut, are you gonna count or am I going to tenderize your right cheek?’ he said, massaging my poor ass. ‘Your choice. I’ve lots of helpers, if you choose to remain mute. On the other hand, you only have one ass. Which’ll it be?’ Master shared for the benefit of with the others.

Surprise, surprise, Ronnie immediately piped up, ‘Let me at the bitch, Geoff. I’ll teach the slut how to submit.’ I felt Geoff halt his massage. He gripped my cheek, his nails digging into my flesh, Intuitively I knew he did it to keep from firing a retort at his guest. I felt his muscles tense. Now I knew he wasn’t fond of Ronnie either.

‘You’re much too eager, Ronnie. You must learn restraint, m’boy,’ he said. It sounded strange to hear my Master call Ronnie, m’boy. He was Master’s senior by several years. He was short, fat and nearly all gray. Ronnie reminded me of a spoiled child. His appearance bespoke a life of excesses. Later, I found out that he, also, came from money, but his family didn’t use their money to build character. They all lived off their poor hardworking dead great-grandfather’s sweat. Where Geoff’s family was industrious, if not quite straight.

I braced myself as I felt Master pull his arm back. His hand drove into my tender right cheek again. ‘One,’ I screamed. The room laughed.

‘There now Geoff, you’ve got Suzie’s attention,’ I recognized Buddy’s drawl. He obviously came from someplace in the south. Why’d I never realized it before?

‘I think I do. Let’s see,’ Master quipped. He swung back and, swoosh, his hand flew in and landed on my left ass cheek.

The attack on my left cheek surprised me. ‘Master, oh Master Geoff, please stop for a sec, please,’ I begged trying to look back at him out of the corner of my eye my head nearly swiveling around backwards. ‘I’ve got a question, please wait!!!

‘Now what?’ he said his voice laced with resignation, though I thought I heard a hint of amusement in it, too.

‘Master is that two or one? May I count to fifty or do I have to double count to twenty-five, sir?’ Figuratively, I crossed my fingers. I’d realized I might me able to do a chronological count to fifty, but I doubted I’d ever be able to remember where I was if I had to remember what the count was for each cheek.

Kneading my cheek, he contemplated, ‘Well, I don’t know. Hey guys, what’d’ya think, fifty or double twenty-five?’

There was an immediate chorus from the other Doms of, ‘Double twenty-five.’ They knew the difficulty of counting double.

‘Y’know you might be right. But, let’s let those who’ve felt our loving sting on their asses give Suzie the answer.’ I swung my head so I was facing the crowd, I looked through the fine mesh of my cape. I hoped to silently plead my case. No one spoke. Master had made a statement, not asked a question and they knew their place. He asked the direct question, ‘Well, subs, which’ll it be?’

There was a long moment of silence but I’m sure it actually was only mere seconds. Then came a smattering of mellifluously spoken answers. Some said, ‘Fifty.’ Still, others said, ‘Double twenty-five.’ The room went deathly quiet. I held my breath. Everyone awaited my Master’s decision.

‘That’s pretty even, d
on’t y’think Suzie? So the choice is yours, this time,’ Master decreed.

Big mouth hollered from the front row, ‘My gawd, Geoff, y’going daft. Y’don’t let a new sub make choices.’ I knew it was Ronnie. I heard some others support his reasoning.

‘Maybe you wouldn’t. But my Suzie is as smart as they come and she knows what to do and why,’ Geoff whipped back at them angrily.

‘Ah, shit,’ I mused. I knew what I had to do and I only hoped I was up to challenge. The gauntlet’d been thrown down. Quietly, I said, ‘One.’

Geoff whispered, ‘That’s my girl.’

‘Two. – Two,’ I counted aloud as his hand rained down on my ass. ‘Three, – three’ I thought, ‘This isn’t too bad. I can do the time.’ By the time of his tenth strike, my first sob escaped.

Then it happened. I thought I was being so smart by marking out the count on my fingers. ‘Eleven, elev…,’ he’d screwed me up. ‘Twelve,’ I whispered. He had doubled back.

Chuckling, he asked, ‘Which is it, Suz?

Confidently I said, ‘Eleven on my left and twelve on my right, sir.’ I even remembered my place and addressed him correctly. I was so proud of my mental prowess. I had it nailed.

‘You sure?’

My voice sounded funny, I guess because of all the blood pooling in my head. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. He wouldn’t be mean enough to joke at a time like this. I looked at my fingers, my thumb was raised on my left hand and my index finger on my right. ‘Yes, Master,’ I said with as much cockiness as a woman can muster when she’s stark naked in a roomful of strangers with her ass being reddened by the man who’d kidnapped her.

He brought his hand down on my ass so hard that my head banged the floor. ‘Ow, not so hard, please,’ I whined. Trying to reposition myself, I levered myself with my hands. The room was deathly quiet as I wiggled myself back into a more comfortable position. To myself, I ranted, ‘You bastard that fuckin’ hurt! One of these days, I’ll be free and you’ll pay for every indecency you’ve inflicted on me. I swear you will, if it’s the last thing I do, I’ll get you.’

With my ass tingling in the air, I awaited his next atrocity. The anticipation was killing me. I heard a snicker from the audience, then another. They sounded ominous in the stillness. Yes, stillness is the right word. The only sound was that of his callused hand landing on my smooth soft bum followed by my sharp intakes of air and gurgling sobs.

I looked towards the throng of feet. Buddy’s senior sub, Camille, risked the wrath of her Master by bending over so I could see her. She silently formed the word, ‘Count, count, count…’ She repeated the word until my foggy brain deduced her meaning.

‘Aw, shit,’ I said thinking I’d only mused it until the room erupted in jeers. I shook my head. Regaining my composure, I gave them an upside down Mona Lisa smile and counted, ‘Twelve.’ I was so pleased with my self. I watched little Camille’s face crumple. Terror struck, ‘Oh m’gawd! No! Oh, my gawd!’ Aloud I said, ‘Master, that’s right, isn’t it? That was twelve on my left cheek.’ I took his hesitancy as agreement and gave a self-satisfied sigh. I shared a winning smirk with my friend, Camille.

The room held its breath. ‘Nope.’ Camille sadly shook her head, as Master decreed my mistake.

Using nearly every ounce of strength I had I lifted myself straight up so I could sort of meet Master’s eye on an equal basis when I swiveled around. I begged, ‘Oh, Master, please, please tell me you’re joking.’ Defiantly, I added, ‘I know it was twelve.’

‘You may know, but it’s as I decide and that was number thirteen on your right cheek not number twelve on your left,’ he said, his hands kneading my cheeks. Nervous feminine giggles were accented with deep male snickers and guffaws only adding to my humiliation.

Ronnie’s shrill whiny voice sounded above the general sounds of hilarity, ‘You stupid bitch, whatever made you think were smart enough to outsmart a Master? Geoff, why’re you wasting your time with the slut? She’s a fuckin’ screw up.’

I winced as Master squeezed my cheeks between his fists as Ronnie opened his mouth, I knew his comeback would be priceless and it was, ‘Cousin, you may be related to me, but I’d pull those genes from my body cell by cell rather than admit it to the world.

‘Just remember, maybe I have to suffer you, but Suzie doesn’t, do you understand? You’re never to be alone with her.’ Geoff rubbed my back almost lovingly.

‘Geoff you can’t do that. You promised me that I’d get a piece of your stupid bitch,’ the little man screamed at my Master in an even shriller voice. ‘You promised me her asshole. I deserve it, she nearly bit my finger off.’ He said holding up his still bandaged finger.

I gave him an upside down demure smile accompanied with a shrug that said, ‘Me, never.’

Lindy and Kevin returned with a bang of the screen door. They looked around trying to get in sync with the goings on of the group. Lindy looked so radiant. Kevin possessively stood behind her with his hands around her waist. One hand teased her mound, I watched as she adjusted her stance to afford him access. I gave Lindy a big smile, which she promptly returned. Spinning she told Kevin, ‘Master, I’m such a bad girl, I should be spanked today too, just like Suzie.’

‘Lindy, I’m not as young as I used to be, I don’t think Petey wants to play again today. But tomorrow’ll be a different story,’ Kevin said in a stage whisper. The other’s laughed at the couple’s dialogue. It surprised me that anyone could be that open in a group about deviant sexual activities.

Kevin looked over Ronnies’s head to Buddy and mouthed, ‘What’s up?’ Ronnie’s senior sub, Kara, who was at least a head taller than her Master, caught the query. Ever the good and faithful sub she leaned over towards Kevin and Lindy explaining my attempted amputation.

Lindy was a little gullible, ‘Oh, my heavens.” She looked at me in horror.

He’d pushed me too far and I could take care of myself, ‘Listen, you f….”

“Suzie, shut up!” Master warned.

I continued without hesitation, “I’d’ve preferred to bite your cock off, so consider yourself lucky.’ My words were controlled and laced with disgust. I was beyond caring. I was cognizant that my behavior’d only add to my upcoming misery. I wanted to continue, but self-preservation stayed my tongue plus Master’s voice finally got through to my rage enflamed brain.

“Suzie, you are my slut, shut your f’n mouth now! NOT ANOTHER WORD!!! Master said his voice escalating with every syllable. He gave me a slap across the back of my head. My ears rang. I wished I could control my temper and my mouth they worked together and against me. My fate was sealed, I’d have to live with whatever happened. I truly was only making things worse, big time.

My Master put an end to it, ‘Say one more word, cous, and you’ll never get a piece of her. I didn’t say you couldn’t have her. I said you could never be alone with her. Can your little pea brain understand the difference?’ It took every ounce of my willpower not to crumble under those words. My training in negotiating let me stay focused on him. He lacked the nerve to look at me gloatingly. I vowed to beg Master to never let Ronnie, that asshole, near me.

All was still for a long minute, the tension dissipated. Master Geoff asked, ‘Suzie, you ready to restart at one?’

‘Master please, have a heart,’ I pleaded.

I sensed he’d pulled back his arm. I braced myself. He took a deep breath. I flinched. His oversized paw landed squarely on my right cheek in exactly the same spot. I yelped in shock. It hurt like hell. ‘One,’ I said, silently vowing that no one could mess up the count this time.

Another blow landed, this time on my left cheek, ‘One.’

‘Good girl,’ he said proudly.

Master beat out a tattoo on my bare ass first right then left, two, – two…. Three, – three..
.. Four, – four…,’ I counted off stoically. He messed me up on number five, it landed on my left cheek throwing my rhythm off. I caught it though, ‘Five, – five….’ He repeated the left, right, left beat for the next two. Then he varied it yet again. Eight fell on my right cheek first. I caught his variance and called it off, ‘Eight.’

Expecting eight on my left immediately, I miscued calling, ‘Eight.’ He landed nine on my right cheek. I screamed at the top of my lungs, ‘That’s nine on my right.’ Silently I prayed.

Collectively we sucked in a long breath and held it. The fate of my ass was in my Master’s hands, ‘Call them out, Suzie, from one again. One landed on my right cheek but it was on a new spot and didn’t hurt as much.

Resignedly I counted, ‘One, – One…. Two, – Two…. It went smoothly this time, Master grunted now from the exertion. I thought it served him right to be laboring after all he’d made his point. He could publicly beat me into submission at will. At five, I guess Ronnie found his voice again for he piped in saying, ‘Six.’ I kept my wits and counted, ‘Five, – five…. Six.’

Ronnie hollered, ‘Nine.’

Someone I didn’t know called out, ‘Four.’ The fun was on for them. Numbers flew at me from all quarters. I hyper focused and managed to get out, ‘Six.’ Now I was silently crying, my tears spilled up drizzling through my eyebrows. It was a strange sensation to feel the tickle of my tears creeping up or was it down my forehead.

Master landed another very hard one on my left cheek but it was, ‘Seven.’ Its mate landed almost feather-like on my right cheek and that almost threw me when combined with the numbers being called out by the jeering Doms. They called out in quick succession, ‘Ten, two, twelve and eleven.’

Smartly I called out, ‘Seven.’

Eight and nine came and went but Master’s new tactic of varying intensity made it hard to maintain the count especially when my tears had turned to sobs. ‘Ten,’ it landed, I called it out and then Master stopped. He didn’t move for the longest time. Now you have to remember that I was upside down and my head had banged the floor with every smack. I knew I wasn’t thinking as clearly as I should.

I took this respite to add up all the spankings for each cheek. I figured I was already way over thirty on my right cheek, likely around thirty-five. All I knew was that my right cheek was a hellva lot sorer that my left. Some of the crowd had continued to fling random numbers at me though no slaps rained down.

‘Sir,’ I queried. Boy, was that a dumb move. I frantically attempted to remember the count. What number was he up to? I lambasted myself for having lost my focus. I wondered if he knew where he was, either. I involuntarily shrugged. I had no idea.

Someone cleared her throat. I looked towards the crowd. There in the front row was a sub risking the wrath of her Master and quite likely mine, if she got caught. I twisted to see who it was, ‘Ah, Camille.’ Maybe Buddy is more lenient than he appeared and I knew she’d been around a long time too, so maybe that’s why she was braver.

Her hands were placed straight down in front of her on her heavy thighs and she was flashing the count on her fingers. She’d flash five and five on her left hand then she stopped making a fist, then she did it again, five and five. Switching to her right hand she counted out five and thenfour, and then made a fist. Opening her hand again, she flashed five fingers then four fingers as she tucked in her thumb.

I knew better than smile or acknowledge her heroics, I just basked in her friendship. I didn’t feel so alone. I hoped I would be able to assist her sometime, some way.

If Master noticed he gave no indication. He said, ‘Ready to resume the count, pet?’ I furiously nodded yes, my ponytail bobbed jauntily. ‘Before I start, what’s the count? Do you know?’

I was not blowing this, I meekly answered, ‘Sir, Master, I believe the count is ten on my left and nine on my right cheek, Sir.’ The break had at least let my tears stop, so my voice was nasal, but clear.

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(This is a mostly true story with some embellishments to make it a more exciting read. Also, in reality condoms were worn every time but story wise it's more fun having them cum inside me hehe)It had been a few months since I had been to the baths, and I was itching for a few good fucks. The bathhouse is a non-descript building with no windows on a side street behind a KFC and across from some thrift store. I showed up at around 6:15, just before the evening's action really got started. It...

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My wet hot summer

100% fiction! my name is Amelia and i'm 19 years old my best friend Hale is 22. We have always been really close and growing up together we did everything together. When he went away to college, i only got to see him on holidays. We would chat online at least three or four times a week and i would send him "care" packages. Hale is always so sweet to me, he is the best friend any girl could ask for, he is like my brother in a lot of ways. When his Father died he actually stayed at my house and...

4 years ago
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Summer Camp On The LakeChapter 3 DAY 3

The first real day of the camp! After saluting the flag (‘what EVERY morning?’, thought Clive ‘I thought that only happpened in North Korea’) and then a breakfast which some girls gobbled enthusiastically and others picked at for various faddy dietary or dieting reasons, another welcoming talk with emphasis on health and safety, and finally the listing of activities; the girls scattered to sign up and get changed and, mostly, to chat. Girls can talk until the world ends, and then talk a bit...

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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 1

This story is a sex fiction story and all the ideas are imagination of mind and may be true and I do not know that. If there is any resemble to this I will be most happy to give life to Honey. My name is Honey. I am 18 yrs. only. I don’t know why god has a created me because i don’t have neither any external sexual beauty nor any internally sexually extraordinary. I am a totally black looking young girl with figure of 30-28-32 and my face also like hose shaped and every one dislike it. My...

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Grampa babysits

Grampa babysitsIt’s Saturday night, your parents are out of town and Grampa Dan is babysitting you for the weekend. It’s a bit warm tonight and you just don’t feel like sleeping. You are eight years old and even though you are supposed to be in bed, the house is too quiet, no TV is on So as you quietly tip toe out of your room and into the kitchen, you hear a bit of sound from the basement. Grampa Dan must be in the basement doing something.So you quietly open the door and go down a few steps...

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Still Life A Marriage

Still Life: A MarriageI have begun taking my vibrator to work with me. When I leave the house in the morning it is still dark out and once I get on the freeway I reach into my purse and pull out the small, cheap, silver bullet. I position it on my clit, make ample use of the variable speed, and make eye contact with my fellow commuters.  Men, women, it doesn’t matter. I find myself trying to catch the red lights and when I do, I tilt the seat back, set the car into neutral, set the emergency...

4 years ago
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Still bicuriousReady for biserious

Between my bad luck and the fact I'm being picky, I'm still waiting to feel a warm and hard cock slip past my lips and hit my tongue. Still waiting to feel a throbbing cock rubbing my asshole and then slowly easing into me. I dream of a well trimmed smooth looking cock. Im tired of bi-curious..I am now bi-serious!! Ive been curious for waayy too long. I've only had 3 opportunities to enjoy a cum swapping fiesta. The 1st guy wanted me bad. I got picky and couldn't do it though. He was just too...

2 years ago
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The Teachers Dilemma

Paula Read, was a school teacher, she was a five foot six in tall human dynamo. I mean this in a sincere way, because her passion was teaching and nothing but teaching. I her five years of teaching at Firth Park Grammer School, England gave her great satisfaction in as much as she delighted in helping struggling students get better qualifications. Because she mainly dealt with those struggling pupils, she frequently meets them either in the headmaster’s study or in the detentions they may have...

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Coeds european roadtrip horror part2

Now held under his bizarre funeral parlour the "undertaker" begins to bit-by-bit break down their resistance to his evil plans. ***** From her locked bent forward position it was difficult for Keeley to lift her head to look straight ahead. The stocks bit into her shoulders; her tiny wrists snapped through even smaller gaps in the scissor wood beams. Her mouth was dripping saliva from the edge of her lips as she slurped on the big neon ball gag. The feeling was disgusting, this shy...

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Neighbours Daddy Two Little Daughters

From my usual vantage point on the landing, I was looking into my neighbour’s house and all there was to see was the daddy, sitting on the chair opposite the window, watching the telly. Nothing terribly exciting there then, but I knew it was nearing the time for the daughters to arrive home from school, so decided to stay put. As expected, after about a quarter of an hour, the younger of the two daughters came into the room, in her little school uniform, which comprised of a sweet lilac school...

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Daughters DelightsChapter 38 Stanford Days

The news that Princess Sharifa Abdullah of Kobekistan had accepted Stanford’s offer led to a flurry of excited activity among the academic staff. The President of Stanford called an extraordinary meeting of his staff to brief them all on how he expected each of them to behave towards and treat their new and exalted student. The President also had meetings with the local Police Commissioner to discuss and coordinate the level of security required for the Princess. This had to include...

2 years ago
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Shortcuts are always the best Part I

Introduction: This is a fantasy. The characters in this story are real — names have been changes — but things didnt actually go this way. The initial set-up is a little too long and the actual sex part a little too short so Ill try and work on that. I hope you enjoy it. ???? Yep, hes new. And pretty young, too! Hes sort of hot, isnt he? Statements and comments like these were heard everywhere I went. The new school year had just commenced and apparently, there was a new, hot male teacher. I hadnt...

3 years ago
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TimeChapter 21

I woke up at the same time a usual and had to push Aron's arm and foot off me to get up. No matter how hot the night, he still wanted to be close. There was noise in the kitchen, so I knew that others were up too. I hurried to get cleaned and dressed to let the rest of the family use the bathroom. Mom was making breakfast and dad was bringing more wood in for the stove. I greeted both with a hug and mom got a kiss on the cheek. After a cup of coffee I said, "You are going to have to take...

3 years ago
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The Succubus Chapter 10

I was rudely awaken as the obnoxious alarm clock pierced through the silence. I hate Mondays. When I managed to force myself out of bed, I took a quick look at myself in the mirror. I had curly, blonde hair that went just past my shoulders and tumbled over my barely developed 14 year old breasts, and my small, puffy nipples. I was 5’3”, around average height. I had blue eyes, and my friends all say I’m pretty cute. I threw on a t shirt over my tank top and pink bra and put on some tight...

2 years ago
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My First Time With An Older Woman

When I returned from Viet Nam in the early 70's, the company I was working for prior to my Army service, sent me to one of its' subsidiaries in Arkansas. While I was there I rented a mobile home from a widow that was located about a 100 yards from her main residence. She was a fairly attractive woman in her middle 50's, but, being only 25 at the time, my interest in her was limited to making small talk when I stopped by to pay my rent. After being there several months, I made my normal stop at...

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April Fools Surprise

“Look, Vijay, that’s one hell of a funny April Fool’s joke, but come on, that’s pretty obvious! There’s just no motherfucking way that you’re not either just too drunk to think or messing with me again. You’ve been dating my sister for how many months now, and you honestly want me to think that you’re cool with me pumping her sweet ass? Even if you are, what about her thoughts, buddy? I think that she should have some input into who gets to stick his dick into her holes, especially that one!” I...

2 years ago
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Wonder Woman, Drusilla, and Supergirl were lolling sleepily in the sunroom of Geek Castle in the remote Scottish Highlands, relaxing after the delicious breakfast Wonder Woman had prepared. The three women had made short work of a mountain of waffles and strawberry syrup served with pounds of yummy cream cheese, several platters of bacon, and a pitcher of freshly-squeezed orange juice spiced just right with several slugs of Absolute. Supergirl had washed and dried the dishes and tidied up the...

1 year ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 97 A Taste of Each Other

He never did discover the identity of the mystery girl. He only knew it wasn't Brit, because on Monday morning he awoke with her in basically the same position next to him as when they had gone to sleep together last night. In the end, it didn't matter anyway who his nocturnal visitor was. He was likely to have sex with her several times over the next week anyway. Several of the others were already awake. Greg had gotten up early to call into the office and tell his secretary that he...

1 year ago
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Outpost Bisexual EditionChapter 5 Personal Space

When the pack had warmed up, they ate again, sitting around the fire pits in groups of three or four and sharing meat. This was more casual than the feast had been, less organized. Schaffer found himself in the company of the two identical males that he had seen at the table during the previous night’s event. Their height, coloration, and markings were all exactly the same. Apparently, these aliens could produce twins like many animals on Earth. They seemed overly curious, borderline...

4 years ago
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Hard To Fuck Wearing Jeans

Sometimes luck plays a lot or I might say it is fortune that two unknown people who has least chances of becoming friends even are now best couples, sex buddies, friends and what more I can say to this relationship of Anuj and Shreya. I Anuj met shreya first time on her birthday, basically it was not first time (actually I don’t have any memories of her before that) but she was looking so hot that I couldn’t put my glaces away from her that day. Oh my god miss garg it was a exciting movement...

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Hidden desire

Cathy nervously glanced at the man at the end of the bar.   He wasn’t looking at her right now, but he had been watching her.   He was a mature, good looking man who had an air of self confidence and strength about him.   He both fascinated her and scared her a little at the same time.   She glanced in his direction a few more times and she knew he was continually checking her out.   She watched as he took a drink.   It was amber colored in an ice filed glass and Cathy thought it was probably...

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An Offline Encounter

Rose was nervous as hell – and wetter than she had ever been in her entire life. Even as she walked along the sidewalk, she could feel her inner thighs sticking together from her drenched pussy – no panties, as instructed. She was ready to go through with it, though, that was for sure. So fucking ready. At this point, every text message, every bit of contact from him sent a wave of arousal through her entire body. It was as if he had trained her to get hot on command. Rose’s heart quickened...

2 years ago
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Playing DoctorChapter 5 A hot time in the old town

The police and fire departments wouldn't let us though the barricades and there were EMS personnel on hand, so we parked and watched the fire burn helplessly. Keven was angry and he stalked back and forth along the barricade like a caged tiger, glaring at the burning building. I tried to take his shoulder to comfort him, but he just shrugged me off. His voice, when he did speak, was cold and furious, but I could tell it wasn't directed at me so I let him be. The view was an educational one...

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NubileFilms Gina Gerson Nesty Room Service

Why would you settle for one stunning babe when you could have two? Matt Denae is lucky enough to have two hotties eager for his touch. When he comes home, he finds Nesty and Gina Gerson dolled up in lingerie and waiting at a table set for three. With a big grin on his face, Matt approaches the table and accepts kisses from both girls. There’s no question that they’re both eager to go as Gina makes out with Matt and Nesty drops to her knees to pp out his stiffie. Stroking and...

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Mistaken Identity

Tony was half asleep on the settee when he heard the door bell ring . He was dressed for bed in just his pyjamas, having promised himself an early night. He opened it, and he saw a pretty blonde lady, very slim, very petite, but equally well proportioned for her size. She was wearing a white tightly belted raincoat that reached only half-way down her shapely thighs, together with black knee high boots with high heels. Her hair was cut in a page boy style, and her makeup was a shade on the heavy...

Erotic Fiction
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Seduced My SisterInLaw And Fucked Her 8211 Part 1

Hi readers…. Like lot of you I am a vivid reader of Indian sex stories and have a lot of fantasies… Today I am going to share my sex experience which I had with my sister in law…. Well I am Krishna, working in a private company in Hyderabad,26 yrs of age. Ours is a big family but not joint , I had totally 3 cousin sisters,we always used to have normal fun whenever there was a family function at any relatives house cracking jokes and playing cards and games ….Two sisters were married and one was...

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Protection Fer WhoChapter 9

CAST: Jeff Burnside—narrator, owner of "Burnside's Sausage & Bacon Co." Jane Burnside—wife of Jeff Mary Elizabeth Burnside—Jeff's daughter Jeff (JJ) Burnside, Jr.—Jeff's son Inez Arthur—substitute grandmother Rastus—Negro employee Martha—Negro employee, Rastus' wife "Little" Jane—Rastus' daughter Jonah—Negro employee Ellie—Negro employee, Jonah's wife Josiah—Negro employee Mandy—Negro employee, Josiah's wife Pierre Monde—creole employee, BBQ chef Agnes...

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A Doctor Follows Orders

I have had a life of hard work. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I was forced to do it that way, or that I didn't want it that way. I did. But, it seems that all my life, I've worked hard to achieve what I've done, then put it to good use. Being a doctor, that isn't an unusual story. Just to get into pre-med and stay in pre-med took hard work, especially the organic chemistry part. Ask most doctors, they'll agree. Then med school and long hours of classes, labs, study. You can't do it if...

Oral Sex
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FamilySinners Reagan Foxx Stepson Seductions

Reagan’s wealthy husband keeps her satisfied in every-way but one. Luckily for her, she has a studly, young step son she can use to scratch that last itch. When her son comes home from the gym, removes his shirt, and asks her to take a look at his injured thigh, she assumes he is finally making a move. He suddenly becomes shy when she reciprocates his interest by grabbing his crotch. She backs away and he pursues. Reagan takes the lead and starts stroking her son’s cock through his...

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Sharing Cousin Nancys TentChapter 8

My cousin Nancy was still hanging out with the Park Avenue crowd that pretended they all knew everything any person could possibly know about art and other high-class shit and she was just as bad as the rest of those frauds with their noses up in the air and the distinct belief that they knew more than anybody else and the rest of us fucks didn’t know shit from Shine-ola. I stayed overnight at her apartment one night and she was jammed up with a skinny bitch from the garment district that...

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Seducing My sister

I decided to write this as a way to re-explore one of the many bizarre sexual experiences of my early sex life. There were a handful of people who contributed significantly to my sexual development, either directly or indirectly. My mother unknowingly supplied me with an ever-growing collection of used vibrators, dildos and other sex-toy paraphernalia for many years, as well as a hardcore porno collection. Her bedroom was like an erotic sanctuary to me whenever I was home alone. A male school...

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Masturbation Show

Last week I took a quick peek on Craigslist just for fun. I found a post by a young guy who just moved to Kamloops to attend TRU looking for a masturbation friend. He stated he was looking for either a male or female to masturbate with and that he was open to a little more if things were right.I had never responded to anything like this before, but I was horny and really curious. My sex life has been great and am almost entirely with women at this point; I have a regular little hottie that i...

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Dirty Girl and the Challenge

    Since he wanted to be such a jerk I told him that I wouldn’t have sex with him for a while. I don’t know if he was joking or not, but he agreed. I knew his will power wasn’t that great when it came to sex with me so when he said, “I really don’t care because I’ll last longer than you”, I knew he was bluffing. We had tried this before and he was always the first one to crack. I typed, “You wouldn’t be able to last 5 days without sex with me.” And he chuckled as he responded with, “We’ll...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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I Finally Had My Wish Come True

Hello everyone. My name is vivek and I would love to share with all of you about my wish coming true. This was something that I never expected,but it all happened so quickly. But first,let us go to the past and know get some idea on so as to what I am saying. Flashback: This was the time that I was studying in my 12th grade and we had a class teacher named tuney miss.We have all heard about her and her excellence in teaching and stuff,but we never expected her to be our class teacher. All of...

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Breakup Day

"I can't believe he fucked me and broke up with me! Jess, what am I gonna do?!" "You're gonna forget about him and go get laid at tonight's party. That's what you're gonna do." Jess had been my best friend for two years, I knew she was right. Justin wasn't worth crying over. So what if he was a great lay? Who cares if his cock was just the right size? "I'll show him, I'm gonna get laid and make sure he knows about it." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Wow, he's super cute. What about him?" "I don't think...

Group Sex
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ForgiveChapter 2 Growing up Together

I was two years old when the Haines family bought the house just down the street. At that time there weren’t very many kids in the neighborhood, so when my parents welcomed the Haines to the neighborhood and found a couple of the same age as them with a growing family, a strong friendship formed immediately. The two families never had to knock to enter each other’s homes. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t know Beth Haines. We were inseparable in our toddler and preschool years. In our...

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I Kissed a GirlChapter 8

The scene in the Conrad and Spencer households were remarkably similar. Mothers and daughters working together clearing up breakfast dishes and putting the kitchen back in order. Once that chore was accomplished both teenagers retired to their respective rooms and sat down at their computers. Maryann and Elizabeth each went on to their next cleaning task. For Maryann that was changing the bed linen. She heard the music coming from within and put her hand on the door knob to Becky's bedroom...

3 years ago
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The Diary of Sarah DuncanChapter 9

Entry Two Hundred, June 2 ____ Dear Diary, “You know, Amanda, that baby weight really looks nice on you,” I teased Amanda Howe, knowing full well that she carried Demy’s bastard in her womb. “Likewise,” Amanda pointed out my own pregnancy, though I was far from bothered by it. I actually liked having a baby bump, after all. I didn’t know or care if this was Daddy’s brat, Demy’s, Uncle Stavy’s, Samuel’s, or that of Mephistopheles himself. It was my love child, conceived in passion, lust,...

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My big brother Matthew is on leave from the Marines. He regaled us with stories of how many cocks he's had since last we've seen him. "I've had a virtual U.N. of cocks up my ass," he jolingly said. He especially loved all of the Japanese sex clubs. All the petite Lady boys swooned at the sight at any American soldier stepping through their doors. Matthew wanted to go AWOL and just live in these clubs. It was paradise to have all these adoring boys crawling over him without the slightset...

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