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I stepped out of the elevator on the fourth floor, took a left down the hall about thirty feet then took the first right I came to. I stopped directly in front of an expensive, heavy mahogany door with the silver metal numbers 4470 affixed just above a tiny peephole. As usual, I knuckle-tapped the door just loud enough to be heard inside and chanced a nervous glance up and down the hallway. Still empty. Good. I hated being out in the hallway in front of Walt’s. The deadbolt clicked about ten seconds later and as soon as the door budged, I pushed my way in.

“Jeez Ray! Just barge right in.”

“Well fuck Walt. Everybody in the building knows you’re gay. I’d rather not stand out there banging on your door any longer than necessary,” I said.

He laughed at me and I grinned despite myself.

I’d met Walt a few months earlier when he answered a personals ad I’d posted. He’s gay. I’m not. I don’t even consider myself bisexual really. I’m happily married and have sex with my wife on a regular basis, but every six months or so I get an urge to mess around with another guy. By the time I’d sifted through all the responses to my ad, deleted the obvious players and the freaks, Walt was the only one left. We met at his place, talked a little and decided we were compatible enough so we went for it. The short version is… I wanted to suck a guy off and he turned out to have temporary erectile dysfunction from some prescriptions he was taking. I never did get what I was after. He gave me a great blow job in the shower and I left. We tried it a couple more times with the same results. The attempts at anything sexual ended, but we’d become pretty good friends by then so we kept in touch.

“Your text said you had an emergency. What’s the big fucking emergency?” I asked as he led me into the living room and waved me toward his sofa. I shoved throw pillows off to one side and took a seat.

Walt perched himself on the front edge of the recliner directly opposite where I sat and, as usual, apologized for not cleaning his perpetually spotless condo before I arrived. He was bald as a cue ball with a gray goatee and at 55, he was a couple years older than I was, but thinner than he should be and a couple inches taller than my 5’ 8”.

“Hey. Walt. Stop with the bullshit about cleaning your house. Tell me what’s going on,” I harped at him in my typical blunt manner. I knew if I didn’t keep him focused he’d take off on some tangent about his daughter or the decorator or some equally boring crap that only a drama queen like himself would find interesting.

“It’s Sarah,” he said. “The emergency is Sarah.” I knew from too many past conversations that Sarah was his girlfriend. Specifically a girl who happened to be about his closest friend and really wanted to be his actual girlfriend. The two of them shopped and took walks and had dinner parties and holidays together. I’d never actually met Sarah, but I did have a few hours of hearing about her under my belt.

“What about Sarah?” I asked assuming it was probably some more inane drama only Walt would consider an emergency.

“This is going to sound a little crazy, but I need you to… well, seduce her I guess,” he said and looked at his feet.

“You’re kidding right? Seduce her?”

After a long dramatic sigh he looked up and said, “The truth is I need you to have sex with her.”

“No Walt. She’s your girlfriend for crying out loud. Why would you want me to have sex with your girlfriend?” The whole idea sounded ridiculous.

“Let me explain. If you still don’t want to help when I’m done, fine.”

“Okay. I’m all ears.”

Walt spent the next fifteen minutes on a long, circuitous route that eventually ended with me almost understanding his situation. Every time he’d start to wander off topic, which was often with Walt, I’d steer him back on course. His alleged problem was simple really - his girlfriend Sarah wanted to take their relationship to the next level. Sex. He was gay which she ‘probably’ knew. Apparently Walt had never come out and made it abundantly clear to her. He simply couldn’t have sex with her and feared she’d find another boyfriend who could which he assumed would effectively leave him out of the picture. On top of it all, Rodney, another mutual acquaintance of theirs had his sights set on Sarah and spent the majority of his time trying to woo her. He spent the remainder of his time teasing Walt about stealing Sarah away. Walt’s bright idea was to have me seduce Sarah which would, in his estimation, put Rodney out of the picture and quench Sarah’s sexual appetite enough to get her back to being satisfied with the platonic relationship she and Walt had been sharing for the past couple years.

I’m not a sucker and Walt’s story seemed a little sketchy in spots.

“How does Sarah not know you’re gay? I knew you were gay thirty seconds after I met you. No offense Walt, but it’s glaringly obvious.” It was the foremost question on my mind.

“I don’t know. I mean I’ve hinted at it and I assumed she’d figured it out, but then she started pressing me about having sex and… well, it seems like she doesn’t know,” he answered.

“Here’s a thought - just tell her. Jeez.”

“I can’t. I’m afraid she won’t want anything more to do with me. And now Rodney’s chasing her around like she’s a cat in heat. I really don’t like that man.” Despair clouded his face and he hung his head.

“Christ Walt. You’re kind of pathetic,” I barked at him and immediately regretted it. He was my friend after all and probably didn’t need me piling on.

“Okay,” I said in as gentle a tone as I could manage. “Even if I said yes, what makes you think I could even get her to have sex with me? It’s not like I’m Mr. Suave and Debonair and some women aren’t so easy to seduce. Especially women our age. She’s probably seen every trick in the book. Hell, she knows Rodney and apparently he hasn’t been able to do it.”

“I know her. She’d like you Ray. I think you could convince her no problem.”

“I don’t know man. I’ve never even laid eyes on her. Have you even considered the logistics? How I’d do it is only one problem. What about where or when for that matter. Can’t be at night. My wife would sniff it out in a heartbeat. Can’t get a motel. The bill would show up on my credit card. There’s a lot to consider here.”

“I’ll get her to invite us for lunch. Both of us. All you have to do is show up. I’ll find an excuse to leave right after lunch. You can do it at her house.” Walt was suddenly his happy self again. “What do you have to lose? If it doesn’t work out you’ll get free lunch and you can go home.”

He had a point. I couldn’t see what harm could come from showing up for lunch. If nothing else it would get Walt off my case about it.

“Okay. I have serious doubts about it working out, but if you can line it up I’ll give it a shot.”

Two days later I found myself in front of another mahogany door, one floor below Walt’s in the same complex.

When the woman opened the door, I thought we must be at the wrong condo. She was an older woman with silver hair coiffed into a stylishly short hairdo. Walt hadn’t mentioned any other lunch guests, but in all fairness, I hadn’t asked either.

“Hi Walt!” she said and motioned us in. She pulled Walt in for an obligatory hello hug and near miss peck on the cheek, then turned her attention toward me.

“You must be Ray,” she said and held out her hand. I shook her delicate hand, careful not to squeeze it.

“Sorry. Where are my manners? Ray this is Sarah. Sarah, Ray,” Walt said.

“Nice to meet you Sarah,” I said and smiled.

She pointed us to sofas in a living room that could have been in a model home. Expensive art, professionally framed on the walls and vases with flowers everywhere. The only indication that someone actually lived here was a curio cabinet loaded with china and tea cups and trinkets.

“Make yourselves comfortable while I make sure lunch isn’t burning.” She laughed and hurried off toward the kitchen.

“What the fuck Walt?” I whispered as soon as she was out of earshot. “You didn’t tell me she was eighty.”

“She’s not eighty. She’s sixty-seven,” he whispered back. “She’s pretty though isn’t she?”

He had a point. Under a few tiny wrinkles, she had a pretty face. Her blue eyes seemed to smile right along with her mouth. Even with the conservatively loose blouse and skirt she wore, I could see she wasn’t thin or frail. I watched her as she fussed around her kitchen and decided she had a pretty decent body all things considered. An older woman’s body. Curves around her midsection, pretty large breasts and wide hips and a plump ass that was probably pretty shapely years ago. I couldn’t see where any of it mattered though. In the five minutes I’d been there, I’d already determined that Sarah wasn’t a lady to be seduced in one short lunch.

“This ain’t gonna work,” I whispered to Walt.

“Yes it will. Trust me.”

“Come on in guys. Soup’s on,” Sarah hollered from the kitchen. “Sit wherever you’d like.” She waved toward a dining room just off the kitchen.

Lunch was homemade vegetable soup with finger sandwiches and coffee and it was delicious. We chatted about the weather and the condo building that apparently everyone either of them knew lived in. They talked about the people in their bridge club and before I knew it lunch was over. Sarah cleared the plates while I sat uncomfortably with Walt, wondering what I was going to do now. My tentative plan had been to flirt a little over lunch, but I’d forgotten all about it once we started chit chatting. There was no way I could even begun to flirt with Sarah now. It would have seemed ridiculous, even to me.

“Thank you for lunch Sarah. It was wonderful, but I have to run,” Walt said and rose from his seat at the table. He winked at me and I gave him a what-the-hell-am-I-supposed-to-do-now look. He smiled and gave me a hidden thumbs up, hugged Sarah and he was out the door.

“Let’s have our coffee in the living room,” Sarah suggested as soon as Walt made his exit.

I dutifully followed her and found a spot on one of the sofas. She pushed a throw pillow aside and settled in next to me a comfortable distance away.

On our short trip from the dining room to the sofa, I’d made the decision to abort. Sarah was a sweet woman and we’d hit it off well, but the vibe wasn’t there. It would have felt like I’d be hitting on my aunt if I continued on with Walt’s crazy plan. I needed an exit strategy.

“Thank you for lunch Sarah. It was terrific,” I said after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence.

“You’re welcome Ray. I’m glad you could come,” she said and smoothed her dress on her thighs.

“I guess I should finish my coffee and get going,” I tried. After vibrant conversation all through lunch, I suddenly found myself at a loss for words. I was flying blind. I had no idea what, if anything, Sarah knew about the circumstances of my being there.

“I wish you’d stay a while.” A discouraged look clouded her face. I felt bad about leaving so soon when she apparently wanted company. I knew If I left now, Walt would be in no better shape than before I’d arrived. The least I could do was tell Sarah how Walt felt about her. Then it would be up to them. Let the chips fall where they may. I’d have done my part.

“You know Walt’s gay right Sarah?” I blurted out in my typical blunt fashion.

She looked at me and calmly said, “Of course I know he’s gay. You’d have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to know Walt’s gay.”

“Well… um, what about… “ I fumbled, then shut up. Confusion reigned inside my head as I tried to reconstruct my conversation with Walt.

“What about what?” Sarah asked. An amused look spread across her face.

“He said you’d been bugging him for sex. That you were nagging him to take it to the next level.”

“With Walt? He’s gay Ray. He only has sex with guys.”

“What about Rodney? Walt said Rodney was… well, attempting to woo you I guess,” I stammered.

Sarah laughed out loud. “Oh my. That would be interesting. Rodney’s as gay as Walt is. They used to be lovers. He lives two doors down from Walt.”

“What the hell is going on?” I said mostly to myself. Then to Sarah, “Well what the hell am I doing here then?”

“Walt brought you for me. I thought you knew that,” she said.

“Well kind of I guess. No. I was supposed to seduce you. Walt acted like you wouldn’t have any idea.” Then I added as an afterthought, “That fucker played me!”

“It’s my fault Ray. I’m a sixty-seven year old widow. It wouldn’t be very becoming to hang out in bars looking for men at my age so Walt keeps an eye out for me. When he finds someone he thinks I’ll like, he helps us connect. Like lunch today. Sometimes his methods are a little creative and I think this was one of those times.”

“Walt hooks you up with guys?”

“That’s probably not how I’d put it, but yes, I suppose he hooks me up with guys,” Sarah said and watched me carefully.

My mind filled with questions. “How often does he do this?”

“It’s not a regular thing. Maybe every six months or so.”

“Why doesn’t he just ask them instead of going to the trouble of tricking them?”

“Would you have come if he’d just asked you?”

Good point I thought to myself. No way I’d have let him line me up with a sixty-seven year old woman I didn’t know. I said nothing.

Sarah folded her hands in her lap and cast her gaze down at them. “It’s okay Ray. You can go. I’ll understand. No hard feelings.”

I looked at her sitting there. A touch of sadness had spread across her face. I’d shown up intent on seducing Sarah and other than her being a little older than I expected, nothing had changed. There was certainly nothing wrong with Sarah. Quite the opposite actually. There was no good reason not to continue. The hesitance I felt was my anger at being tricked into it. That was a matter for Walt and I to discuss. Sarah had nothing to do with it.

“I’m not going anywhere Sarah. If you’re up for it, so am I,” I said and gave her what I hoped was my sexiest smile.

Her face brightened and she looked up. “I am, but there’s something else you need to know first,” she said and hesitated for a few seconds. “I like it a little rougher than you might expect.”

“I don’t have a problem with rough,” I replied. Hell, how rough can a sixty-seven year old woman want me to be I reasoned. My standard issue sex is probably rough enough for her. If not, I could bump things up a notch or two.

“Are you sure?” she asked and a huge smile spread across her face.


“Wonderful. I always feel better with a safe-word. Do you have one you like?”

“Well, I doubt we’ll need a safe-word, but if you feel better having one, so be it. You choose,” I offered. My cock was already beginning to feel the familiar twitches of arousal.

“How about ‘orange’? Does that work for you?”

“Sure. Orange is fine,” I said. Now that we’d decided to proceed, I was raring to get started. My hardness was starting to become uncomfortable against the front of my jeans.

“Excuse me for a minute while I change into something more… fun. You can wait here. I’ll just be a minute,” Sarah said and disappeared down the hall.

Ten minutes later she called to me from down the hallway. “Come on back Ray. I’m in the back bedroom.”

About time I thought to myself and hurried down to an open door at the end of the hall. A couple steps through the door I stopped in my tracks. A king sized four poster bed, covered with a white comforter took up the far wall, bracketed by twin side tables. Leather cuffs attached to coiled straps were attatched at the bases of each of the four posts. Various lubes and oils covered one side table. Toys of every size and type covered the other. I turned to look at Sarah who stood behind me wearing a thigh length light blue satin robe with a tie holding it closed around her waist.

“Sarah, I’m not sure I can be as rough on you as you’re obviously hoping I can,” I said apologetically.

She reached back and slapped me hard right across the face. The sting of her slap brought tears to my eyes. The pleasant older woman with the smiling eyes had vacated the premises. This woman looked hard and determined and her eyes were narrow slits.

“Get your fucking shirt off!” she ordered.

“What the fuck is… “ It’s all I got out before the paddle landed a stinging smack on my ass. I hadn’t seen the paddle. She must have had it hidden behind her.

“No talking unless I ask you a direct question!” she ordered me. I was flabbergasted. I realized how sorely mistaken I’d been assuming rough meant me being rough with her. She had other ideas.

“If you utter a word you’ll get this paddle again and it won’t be soft like the last one,” she informed me. “This is the only time I’ll tell you something twice. Get your fucking shirt off!”

I hesitated, not quite sure what to do. Sarah smiled a little smile and whispered, “Don’t forget your safe-word. Everything stops the second you say it.” Then she immediately resumed the scary woman role.

I took off my shirt and dropped it on the carpet. The slap on the face stung and the smack with the paddle hurt like hell, but my cock was still rock hard. I wasn’t sure how it could be, but it was.

Sarah pressed her body into my back. She wrapped her arms around my mid-section and slid one hand into my pants and squeezed my balls just hard enough to get my attention. Her satin covered boobs pressed into my back. I felt her lips a fraction of an inch from my ear and in a sultry voice, she whispered, “I’m going to strip you naked and use your body like I own it and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.” Then she bit my earlobe. Hard enough to make it hurt, but not enough to draw blood.

I spent the next five minutes with my hands clasped behind my neck as she slowly unbuttoned, unzipped and worked my pants down and off and then went to work on my boxers. When she had me completely nude, she slowly circled me, touching my ass and tweaking my nipples and fondling my balls. I gasped when she grabbed my cock and used it as a handle to turn me until I faced the bed.

“Bend over on the bed,” she ordered.

This can’t be good, I thought. I did it anyway.

I heard the whistle of the paddle through the air followed by the loud ‘thwack’ on my bare ass a fraction of a second before I felt the pain. When the pain registered on my brain, the intensity of it took my breath away. An involuntary yelp escaped my lips. The second smack with the paddle was as bad as the first and the third one had me worrying about the tears I knew were about to involuntarily leak out of my eyes. She stopped at five and I would have gladly kissed her feet for it if I could have. My ass burned white hot and my stomach ached from being clenched through the entire spanking. I buried my face in the comforter and tried to catch my breath.

“You didn’t do anything wrong Ray, but it was necessary for you to feel the bite of the paddle. Now you’ll understand what the consequences of disobeying will feel like,” Sarah patiently explained.

When she ordered me to lie on the bed on my back, I obeyed immediately. She moved very slowly and deliberately from post to post. She’d attach a leather cuff to a limb, pull the cord tight, tie it off, then move to the next one until she had me bound spread-eagle and naked on her huge bed.

A tiny shiver of fear twinged in my stomach when I tugged on the cuffs. They weren’t for show. Each one held fast when I pulled. It occurred to me that if I used the safe-word and she chose to ignore it, there was nothing I could do. Then it occurred to me - I’d been so impatient to get started, I couldn’t even remember the safe-word. Up until then, I knew I could have simply walked away if I’d really wanted to. Now I truly was her prisoner and completely at her mercy.

Sarah stood at the foot of the bed and surveyed my helpless body. A wicked smile worked the corners of her mouth. My head was on a pillow and I had to strain forward to see her and I desperately wanted to see her because she’d begun loosening the tie on her robe. When she finally opened it and let it slide off her shoulders I got my first glimpse of her nearly naked body. My cock had softened during the paddling, but it quickly revitalized itself when she started to undress. She had the matronly curves of a woman who’d never been slim, but never overly large either. A black leather G-string barely covered her in front and a matching black leather half bra supported her ample breasts while leaving her nipples exposed. That a woman her age could look so tantalizingly sexy had never crossed my mind until just then. I didn’t think I could get any harder than I already was, but I did. My cock literally ached for some relief.

Eventually I had to put my head back on the pillow to give my neck a rest. When I looked back up, she was gone. I lay there wondering what was next when a barely audible mumbling drifted in from down the hall somewhere. It sounded like she was calling someone. The mumbling lasted a minute or so and then she was back.

“Still here?” she teased. Then, “Oh I guess you can’t really go anywhere can you?” she laughed. My eyes followed her as she moved to the bedside table on my right. I watched her pick up the toys, one by one. She’d hold each one up as if deciding whether to use it on me or not, then set it back down. Butt plugs, vibrators, strap-ons and a couple I didn’t even recognize. Most of the toys scared the hell out of me. I breathed a sigh of relief when she put the last one down and strolled back to the bottom of the bed.

“Don’t get too exited Ray,” she cooed. “I have every intention of using all those toys on you eventually.” She smiled her evil smile again and reached back to unhook her bra. Her tits were larger than I’d originally thought and had a bit of retirement age droop to them, but her nipples stuck out like pencil erasers. I found them incredibly enticing and wondered if I’d ever get the luxury of having my mouth on them. Sarah moved to the side of the bed, hooked her thumbs in the waist string and slid her G-string down and off her hips revealing a neatly trimmed strip of salt and pepper pubic hair over a soft fleshy mound. I almost lost my load looking at it.

“Wow! He is good looking. Nice body too!” a woman’s voice from the doorway said. My eyes darted from Sarah’s pussy to the doorway. I hadn’t heard anyone come in and wondered how long she’d been standing there. She was a larger woman. Much larger than Sarah and every bit as old. She was short and round with large thighs and plump arms and shoulder length hair dyed a medium brown. Her face was round, but pleasant enough and at that particular moment, her eyes were like round saucers staring directly at my naked, restrained body. She looked at me and I looked at her.

“Hi Suz. Nice huh?” Sarah said, apparently not the least bit self-conscious about her own nakedness.

“Very nice Sarah! Thanks for calling. Is this Walt’s friend?”

“Yeah,” Sarah replied. Then, as if politeness was to be practiced regardless of the circumstances, she formally introduced us.

“Ray, this is Suzanne. Suzanne meet Ray.” I could have crawled under a rock from embarrassment if I hadn’t been secured to a bed naked with my cock sticking straight up.

“Nice to meet you Ray!” Suzanne walked over and pretended to want to shake my hand. She glanced at both hands then said, “I guess this will have to do,” and grabbed my still hard cock and gave it a couple shakes.

“You going to use the toys on him?” Suzanne asked as she unzipped the back of the skirt she wore.

“I was thinking today would be pleasures of the flesh. Probably should go easy the first time out. We’ll see about the toys next time when everyone’s here.”

There were others? Next time? I wondered if next time meant something other than next time because I hadn’t signed up for a next time.

Suzanne had squeezed herself out of her skirt and started on the buttons of her blouse when Sarah said, “Suz is going to join us Ray unless you have some objection.”

“No objection here,” I mumbled meekly. It wasn’t that I didn’t have any objections to Suzanne being part of Sarah’s twisted game, it was my objection to feeling the sting of the paddle again shaped my answer. Sarah had picked it up when she asked the question and stood next to me caressing the eighteen inches of thin, ass-scorching fir wood as she waited for my answer.

“Good,” Sarah smiled at Suzanne. “See, I told you he wouldn’t mind.”

Apparently Suzanne was pretty certain I’d agree too because she was down to her standard white bra and cotton granny panties by then.

“Would you like him for a minute?” Sarah asked Suzanne. “I have to pee.”

“Oh yes.” Suzanne said. I watched helplessly as she quickly dumped her bra, freeing two boobs the size of cantaloupes with more than their share of droop. Sarah headed down the hall and Suzanne peeled her panties off her larger than life hips. Her pussy was completely shaved and I could see how wet she was from ten feet away. She moved to the head of the bed, grabbed my face and pulled me into a wet, tongue searching kiss which took me completely by surprise. As soon as she released my mouth, she scooted down to my steel hard pole.

“I have to do this now because Sarah probably won’t let me later,” she explained, then leaned down and took me into her mouth. The warmth of her mouth felt like heaven and I remember thinking she was pretty damn good at what she was doing. One hand toyed with my balls and the other slid up and down my shaft in rhythm with her lips. I strained my head and watched in amazement as Suzanne took all of my seven thick inches into her mouth. Suddenly she pulled her head up and hopped off the bed. Five seconds later Sarah appeared in the doorway.

“You were sucking his cock weren’t you Suz?” Sarah kiddingly chastised her.

“Just a little taste.” Suzanne admitted. They acted like I wasn’t even in the room.

They talked and toyed with my body for a while and when they finally got busy on me, I lost track of time. Suzanne climbed up, straddled my mid-section and unceremoniously lowered herself onto my cock. Her wetness let me slip in easily enough, but she felt much tighter than I expected. Her gigantic boobs bounced with every stroke and I couldn’t help wondering if it hurt. Sarah let Suzanne have her fun for a couple minutes before she positioned a knee on either side of my head and lowered her pussy onto my mouth. She faced the top of the bed and wrapped both hands around my head, pulling me tightly into her honeypot where I did my best to pleasure her. I licked and sucked and nibbled and the longer we went, the harder she pulled until I thought I might suffocate.

It took a while but eventually Suzanne suddenly stopped bouncing, grabbed two handfuls of my chest and let out a shrill, ‘Oh God!’. Her orgasm apparently subsided and she unsaddled herself from my cock and slipped off the bed. Sarah broke her seal with my mouth and simply scooted down my body and took Suzanne’s place. She guided me into her sex and started a slow, steady rocking motion. Sarah was every bit as luscious as Suzanne and it felt like a warm, wet heaven had wrapped itself around my hard cock. I felt the bed heave as Suzanne climbed back on facing Sarah. After a few seconds to situate herself, she sat back and buried me between her huge ass cheeks. She ground her way down and reached behind to pull my head where she wanted me to be. I worked her ass like I’d done Sarah’s pussy. She’d let me go a while then, satisfied for the time being, she’d move back so I could give her clit the same treatment then repeat the process. My arms and legs ached from straining against the leather cuffs as the two women used me as their personal sex toy for what must have been an hour.

Eventually I couldn’t hold out any longer. My balls tightened up, my cock expanded just a bit and Sarah bottomed herself out and held me in her as I exploded a a huge load deep inside her.

I lay there spent and limp with Sarah collapsed on top of me and Suzanne beside us for a good ten minutes before Sarah crawled off to free me from my binds. I looked at her face and the smiling blue eyes were back.

“Are you okay Ray?” she asked when she had me loose. She seemed a little embarrassed.

I lay there naked just watching her with Suzanne sound asleep beside me. When I didn’t answer right away she said, “I’m sorry. I know it’s a bit much.”

I smiled up at her. “I’m perfect Sarah.”

Her face lit up. “Really?”

“Really,” I said. Then, “You mentioned a next time to Suzanne. Tell me about next time.”

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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 40

Jake and Frank hoisted the .22 caliber rifles up, checking that each one was properly loaded. Macario held a bow with an arrow loosely notched against the taut string. “Three guys against four girls hardly seems fair,” Jake joked as he grinned at Mac. “It’s been way too long since we’ve done this.” “That’s what Lisa said last week after she rescued Danielle’s kids,” Mac grinned back. “If those kids hadn’t been so terrified, she would’ve played with those soldier boys a lot longer than she...

1 year ago
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She Learned By Watching

"Does Jeannie ever suck you?" Shocked, I smiled and said, "Sometimes. Why, would you like to watch her suck me?" "Sure!" she said. So one Saturday morning, I was feeling horny, just thinking about Sherry's sweet looking ass. She would be coming up the road shortly, as she would spend the day with us and watch our kids that night. I met her at the gate, before Jeannie saw her. I told Sherry to go out to the tool shed, beside the cornfield. I took my Jeannie outside, between...

2 years ago
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Five TonesChapter 5 Home Again Home Again

The rest of the day, I spent getting some work done, though I did have sex with Gretchen and Debbie. For slaves, they could be so demanding. Gretchen was overweight and a natural blonde. She had an infectious smile, and a great sense of humor. She had big tits, which felt great when she titty-fucked me. Debbie was very thin, with little in the way of tits or ass. She had long brown hair and had a more serious temperament than Gretchen. Her stick-like figure and low weight made easy to fuck...

1 year ago
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What if

Authors Note: IF you want a certain Story, Arc or anything and are not willing to write it yourself, or are unsure about it, just send me a Message about what you would like to see :) maybe i can help you by writing something for you :) and now... ! What if... This is how some of the best stories in the universe begin. Nothing is as it seems to be. The hero is suddenly the villain. The villain is a hero. But to reduce it to these simple words would be too simplistic. Because there is so much...

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Jessica My Horny Tutor0

My name is Luke. I'm a senior in high school. I'm just a typical kind of guy. I'm 5'8 with a nice build and a great tan. I work out as much as I can. I play lacrosse for my school. My life is great. I already received a scholarship to my first choice college, Stanford, to play lacrosse. My family just booked me a surprise vacation for three weeks in Cancún Mexico to start my summer. I only have 2 weeks left in school. My three best friends I grew up with John, Pete, and Derek are all...

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I’ve always considered myself to be a pretty open minded woman. My vast and uninhibited views naturally apply to my sexual interests as well. Anal sex…check. Water sports...of course. Public and risky fucking, sex toys, and the typical "kinky" requests and fetishes were readily and willingly indulged by me. Then I met him.Suddenly, it seemed like my once open mind was closing shut, and initially, I questioned the scope of the sexual common ground that I could have with this man. He was single,...

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A Son Lusts for His Mother Ch 7 9

The next morning, I awoke from a dream about a blow job to find my mom sucking my morning wood. She saw I was awake so she pulled my cock out of her mouth to say, “It’s about time you woke up. I thought you’d need some relief before school so I hope you don’t mind that I woke you up early.” She took my dick back in her mouth and resumed her licking and sucking. I just noticed that she was completely naked in my bed. “Hell no, Mom,” I said, “I think you need to wake me up with my dick in...

2 years ago
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Futa Isekai

You can faintly remember a loud noise and some pain, but that was then, not now. You aren't exactly sure what/when/where now is but you find yourself shaking the foggiest of sleep from your mind as you sit up. You take in your surroundings, the first thing you notice is your body is different now. Pulling back the sheets you find yourself to be in excellent shape, still male (although you happily notice that your abs aren't the only thing that got upgraded), and feeling refreshed. You look...

3 years ago
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Cat FightChapter 29

TERMS tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Malant - 2 1/2 months quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres unit - 2 1/2 ccs Tac - 2 1/2 pounds Mayan Terms p’uchik - spank nohchil - Chief Ahau - King k’aat - Claim k’iimil - Death taak’in - gold Characters Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh King Tomco Traxor - Bill’s...

3 years ago
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It's a beautifully warm and sunny day as I walk up your short driveway with a small, paper bag of tomato seeds in my hand. I can see that you and your husband are both home by the cars parked in the shade. Your husband is inside, watching the pregame, judging by the sounds emanating quietly from the open living room windows.In the back, your weeding makes enough noise that you didn't hear my feet crunching the fine gravel. Your back is turned to me as you work in the warm dirt, on your hands...

2 years ago
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False Positive

False Positive "Aaron McMaster, come to the principal's office." The whole class went, "Ohh, you're in trouble ..." If you wanted to describe Aaron in one word, that word would be "typical". He was around average height, around average weight, he was neither super popular nor an outcast, neither a brain nor a jock - he was one the the kids who live in the middle and for the most part remain invisible and unknown. But that was about to change ..... Walking into the...

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The Waitress

There is this waitress working at our place. She is extremely flirtatious and she knows how to play the game. I was out the back and I'd place my phone on the side. I didn't here the buzz from my notifications. ( All from Adult blogs and sites. ) As I was placing stock away. Without me knowing , the cheeky little madam had silently come out of the back for a quick fag .She picked up my phone and read it out allowed. I was so embarrassed worried that others would hear. I ran round to her and...

1 year ago
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Mother FuckerChapter 2

I know I had too much to drink that night. I know I gotta watch that. I guzzled almost a whole bottle of wine, and it really loosened me up. Too loose, probably. The next thing I remember, I was laying in Rob’s lap, as he held me and whispered silly things in my ear. “Rob...” I finally said. I almost had no idea what I was saying, but I felt the urge to talk. The urge to get some things straight between us. “Yes, mom...” he said, his hands around my shoulders. I finally sat up. He tried to...

3 years ago
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Me My mom and My Aunt

This is part III of my storyThey didnt want to sleep next to each other because it would be weird. So i was in the middle of them Cherly who was asleep when my aunt D came into the room and wispered “ Allasay? Dan? are you awake?” Allasay said “Yes mom what is it?” She said she needed us in the living room for a min. It was dark when i came down the steps so allasay clung to my bare back. We got down the steps. There was a light coming from the bathroom, I knock it was my mom. She said aunt D...

3 years ago
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Think For Yourself

Becky looked great in her black dress. Maybe she looked too good. I'm a pretty laid back type of guy, but I pay attention to things that are important to me. My wife is one of those things. Over the past twelve months, I'd noticed that Tom Burton had a thing for Becky, my wife of 24 years. He was fairly careful about it, but it was obvious to me. I could read his mind like a book. Whenever we were at the same social gathering, he would somehow gravitate to Becky, especially if I was occupied...

4 years ago
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Loving FamilyChapter 4

Paul woke up with the sunrise the following morning feeling better than he could ever remember. He opened the window to drink in the fresh mountain air and couldn't wait to get outside to explore the area. It occurred to him that the best way to do it would be on horseback, remembering the dude ranch Tom had told them about. He quickly donned his Levi's and boots, wondering if it might be a good idea to invite Linda along. It would be a good chance to find out what sort of people live...

1 year ago
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The Unspeakable Parts 1 2 3

First off, I’m not using any names for obvious reasons, and also please excuse any typos – I’m usually pretty pedantic about grammar, but I’m typing with one… First off, I’m not using any names for obvious reasons, and also please excuse any typos – I’m usually pretty pedantic about grammar, but I’m typing with one hand. A minute ago, I was sitting at my desk to write this, but I ended up clicking on the file of pics we took on the night, so...

2 years ago
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Betrayed in Mexico

Author comments, this new story I started 2 months ago. I have written this piece with live characters in mind. 1 Elizabeth Jack, looks like Meryl Streep 2 Delia Sanchez, looks like Vanessa del Rio 3, Anna Diaz look like Nautica Thorn 4, Hugo is a dead ringer for Burt Reynolds. 5, Mandingo Warrior ... Lexington Steel Sister Delia Sanchez now 35years old, a catholic nun helps operate a small Catholic Church and orphanage in Tijuana Mexico. Delia has been a nun for 10 years. Her story was a...

3 years ago
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I Love When He Calls Me sis

A sister lets her brother climb into her bed.* *I know this story is long, but I did it that way for myself and my own enjoyment. I also tried to make the "build up" as long as I possible could. It might seem more than a little bit excessive, but I loved writing it like this.We were driving slowly because of the snowy roads. Mom and Dad were in the front seat, and I was sitting in the back seat with my brother Tim. I hadn't seen him since he left for college in September and it was so wonderful...

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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 60

I got up and went on my morning run. My outlook was pretty good, it was the 2nd of March only about two weeks or so left. Even with pushing myself, it was still easy to clear my mind and contemplate things. Finishing my run, my times had been improving steadily and I had brought it down to about 7 minutes. I got ready for a meeting with Ms. Daniels about graduating early. Later that morning, my meeting with Ms. Daniels went well and she gave me a packet of papers that I would need to fill...

3 years ago
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I wart ny sister

It all started when my sister moved back into my house. Her husband left her, so her and her daughter moved into my home, with my Mom brother and me.At first I was exited that she moved back in, she was 28, and I was 18. But then after a while my Mom gave her my room and I was stuck on the couch. But nevertheless we spend every second with each other. Weather it was hanging out at the mall, movies, or just at home. I started to develop a crush on her. When she went to work and I was home...

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Seducing Your Sister Pt 2

Like pt 1 this is a repost of a story I had on my old account, I edited it and added in a few things. Hope you like it and I will repost the rest of my old stories and some new ones soon. --------------------------------------------------------You and your sister lightly kiss each other as your hands sensually explore each other’s bodies and your cock closes in on your sister's pussy, ready to ravage her once again. Breaking the kiss, Katie's look of ecstasy fades into one of nervousness....

2 years ago
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Island Of Desire Ch 0406

Here is more story telling for the next three chapters. It seemed I’ve gotten carried away a littler. You should treat it like foreplay prior to good sex. If you’re not that patient and you just like to get down and dirty maybe you should fast forward to Chapter 7 where it becomes fast and furious. I hope you enjoy it. Gray Chapter 4 After a delicious breakfast Greg made his way to the archery ground near his bure, having enjoyed a restful nights sleep. The resort daily newsletter slid under...

1 year ago
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Bills Sexy Straight Grandson PART2

Bill's Sexy Straight Grandson, Part IIDavid couldn't believe how easy it was to convince the hot stud to let Samblow him. He fell for that cockamamie story. When they told Bill, hecouldn't believe it until he saw Mike, his own grandson, on video beingsucked off by Sam and enjoying it. Cum was still dripping off Sam's chinas Mike rushed off, somewhat embarrassed by what he'd just done with hisgrandfather's pals."Damn, I wish I could've been there", said Bill."You can, if you leave it up to...

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HotMilfsFuck Cassidy Luxe Orgasms Arent Taken Theyre Given

Today’s Milf loves tattoos if you couldn’t guess but here is something you won’t guess. She’s only had sex five times when a guy has given her an orgasm. We’re very sorry about that honey and your life’s about to change today and like the title of this video states. Today she shattered her orgasm record. I think every girl needs great dick in their life at some point and today is your day girl because Tyler handed you 8 and I’m sure you’ll want more. This scene is hot and whatever I write...

1 year ago
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Tuition Vale Bacho Ki Ma Ko Vhoda

Mera naam ansh gupta hai I’m Faridabad mein rehta hu meri height 5’5 umar 21 yrs or rang gora hai m apko ek real story sunane ja rha hu jo ki meri zindagi ka sabse haseen pal tha jab maine pehli bar kisi ko choda tha vo bhi itni sexy aurat ko jo ki ek heroine se kam nhi this is saal June mahine ki bat h maine 2 bacho ko home tution dena shuru kiya ek ka nam tha dinesh jo ki 3 rd class m padta tha or dusre ka nam tha aarti jo 2nd class m padti thi unki ek ma thi jo had se jada sexy thi uska...

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Shamans In Love

Shamans In Love About This Series : This is a role-play between another author and I that we like to have fun with. We designed characters and used a fictional world we enjoy to set the scene. One of us types a bit of the story, then e-mails it to the other, who types a bit of a continuation, and so on and so forth. Here is the resulting published version. **Disclaimer** I own nothing related to the original inspiration for this series. This is a fan-fiction role-play created by myself and...

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The Hitchhiker

I was out driving the two-lane country roads with no particular destination in mind. After an hour of driving, I spotted a young girl perched on two suitcases along the side of the road not far ahead. As I got closer, I could see that she was wearing boots and a blue jean vest, she seemed to be about twenty-one, her head was tilted back. Slowing to a stop, I couldn't help notice her nicely tanned body. This attractive young girl quickly sat up, pulled her vest closed and stared at me.Lowering...

1 year ago
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Sensual and sweaty night in the arms of my girlfriend

I am recounting this tale as it happened when I was in college. I was still discovering my sexuality and wanted to try everything. So, I ordered some sex toys online, keeping it for future use. I had a girlfriend and I would fool around with her. We had had sex occasionally but I was a young horny guy, wanting to explore more – try toys and some kinky acts. And I was preparing for it – a sensual and sweaty night. One weekend I booked a lakeside house for the both of us. I wanted to surprise her...

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My Fantasy

Hello readers my name is Sameer and I am doing my masters in computers and the story I’m going to narrate is not a truth it’s just a fantasy. I’m from jammu m the hero of this story and my heroine and she is a college student very beautiful she talks a lot bak bak bakbak and she is my life she is of fair skin complexion and she is tall with great body her name is Madhu. I used to call her Madu bala just to tease her now coming to the story it’s a very nice evening and me and my friend were...

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The birds night out

Damn! The wind was tearing our beautifull town in to, right up the middle.I had been scheduled to have my Twelveth birthday party at Red ROOF party house for a year in advance. 18 friends and all my cousins were supposed to come. Total guest list was 89 plus 10 chaperones. It was the sleep-over of the year. Doors to be closed at 9;00pm and open at 6;30Am. eats till 11. then dancing and group games followed by a Spook story,at midnite, popcorn and saltwater taffy pull, with bed time at 3;00 am....

First Time
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BurningAngel Ivy Wolfe Goth Teen Nymphos

Goth teen nympho Ivy Wolfe went crazy for cock and balls and landed herself in the sexy insane asylum! Her straitjacket could barely restrain her attempts to play with her pussy seeking orgasms any way she could. Orderly Owen Gray tried to give her medicine, but the uncooperative patient spat it back at him, requesting his dick instead. In here, sex really is the best treatment if it would get her to calm down and be a good girl! She ravenously slurped up his manmeat and he released her...

2 years ago
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Mom gangbanged by son and black dick for money

So, lets start the story .This story is 100% real and its my own mother story. My mother name is Anjali and she is 35 year old. She had a huge boobs which looks like this OO .Her figure is 34 31 40. She had round ass which too big. Her lips are natural red attracting almost every boy to kiss her. day when I returned early from basketball practice I saw my Mom and I was shocked she was giving blowjob to a boy who lived in near our house. She was sucking a big black dick in my parent's...

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She Wants To Watch Chapter 2

The next morning, I woke before the two girls. I went in and took My shower knowing that if I didn’t get in there before they girls did, I probably wouldn’t be getting in there any time soon! As I finished My shower and was drying My hair I walked into the room to get dressed. ‘What a couple of lazy subbies I have,’ I laughed, seeing them both still in bed. ‘Mmmm, good morning Master. We weren’t being lazy, it is just sooo comfortable in bed with you!’ My pet said. ‘Well that may be, but...

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Chocolate and Gold Ch 04

I arrived on time at SFO to a bright, sunny afternoon. I headed for my elder sister’s home in nearby San Mateo. Mike was out in the front yard doing some hedge trimming on their lovely home. The children were nowhere to be seen, but Jeannie appeared at the front door when she heard Mike greet me. ‘Hey, Harry. Good to see you again. It’s been ages,’ he said. I liked Mike. He was upbeat and positive about life. He was also a great father, according to Jeannie. My sister jumped into my arms and...

3 years ago
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Slutty wife 8211 Day On The Water

Heat, June, New Orleans. The words go together like beans and rice. In order to beat the heat and humidity, my wife and I often drop the boat in Lake Pontchartrain and go for a cruise. Let me tell you about Annette. She is a Pisces through and through. If it involves the water, it’s fine with her. It’s fine with any man who gets to see her in her bikini also. At 5’2″, 105 pounds, blonde hair, blue eyes on a beautifully sculpted body (four workouts a week will do that)...

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Hair Hunger

I am hoping to finish this piece at 5000 words. I am close but I want to get some feedback on how to make this better. Please comment with what works for you, what didn’t, what I can improve, and what should be destroyed. I eagerly await feedback/comments/contructive criticism. -BenevolentDCC ***** Once I had been a healer beyond repute, sought far and wide for the miracles I and I alone could perform, things have certainly changed. My stone and mortar cottage looked out on lush green...

3 years ago
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Coming To Terms

[ Inspired by my friends A & T! ]My father, that is, my biological father, lives in Zambia. He has two wives, and I have nine half-brothers and sisters, too. When I was very little, I never gave it much thought that the man my mother was married to was white, whereas I was obviously not. They were just my parents; but then, slowly, but surely, it began to dawn on me that the man that my mother was married to was not my biological father. So then, I began to wonder, who was my actual father?...

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Payal Ka Body Massage

Hello friends, I am rajan .Aap sab ne mere story padhi likes aur comments ke liye thanks.Aur jinko mere story pasand nahi aaye unko bhi thanks mai mere life ke kuch aur story share aap logo se share karunge jo aap logo ko jarur pasand aayege.Dosto aap sab mere bari mae acche se janti hai.Main kaise shadi suda girlfriend anju ko choda aur uske behan sanju ko bhi choda.Dono ke sath sex karne ke bad dono bahut kush te.Ek baat sach hai aurat ka sabse bad sukh saririk sukh hai agar aap kise aurat ya...

2 years ago
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The Bastard

"Hey, sis," I said, walking in the door into her house. "How are you?" I pondered, putting my bags down."I'm good, sis, now give me a hug," she added, before hugging me."Damn, Alexis, you two are in your forties now, and you still call each other 'sis'?" Louie asked, coming towards us."Yes," she answered, turning to him. "It's not our fault you're an only child and can't understand why we call each other that, but we do, so deal with it.""Alexis, I didn't say I had a problem; it was just an...

Straight Sex
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TrikePatrol Jada Kai Sexy Asian Nude In Hardcore Booty Call

This Sexy Asian Nude hardcore fantasy gives new meaning to the phrase ‘have your cake and eat it too’. On this occasion, we meet beautiful Jada Kai as the sultry delivery girl. When her boyfriend asked her to bring over dinner, his hunger was not simply for food. Turns out, he wanted pussy on a plate and ass on the glass. Needless to say, Jada brought all the trimming and had plenty left over for dessert. Similarly, she had her eye on a few menu items of her own, specifically hard cock. Put...

4 years ago
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New Dream Come True

New Dream Come True By Paul G. Jutras Some people believe that every person has both male and female traits to their personality; that you went to bed one night and learned just how true that fact really was. That?s what Paul found out one night. It was cool 63 degrees outside and a warmer 74 degrees inside the house with the heat on. Paul?s favorite women?s clothing store was going to be having a one day only sale in the morning and he could hardly wait. Getting out of the...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Become His Whore Part 2

That weekend he knew her husband was out of town again and so he called her and told her he was coming over Saturday. Actually he was going to surprise her and get her Friday night. He showed up with two bags of clothes and other items Friday night at 7 and she was surprised to see him. “Well you look good woman, I may not take you out tonight but just keep you to myself, but I have other plans already made so here put these on and oh there is the latest DVD in there too of the last...

3 years ago
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Taking one for the team

It was my second year at college. I was still a bit uncertain where my preferences lay with regards to boys or girls but I was leaning towards girls. I had lost my virginity both ways by now, the second time to a guy a year older than me. It wasn’t beautiful and romantic as it had been with Gemma. It was OK but it wasn’t ‘special’ and certainly not worthy of a story. This was a few months later and after my lapse into heterosexuality I had gone back to Gemma. Even so, I couldn’t turn down the...

Straight Sex
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Tammy Leigh Exotic Dancer and Porn StarletChapter 3

A few nights after Tammy and Amy had enjoyed their first sexual experience together in a girl/girl situation, Tammy had been dancing through her first two routines when she got a card sent to the dressing room by a man in the audience. Tammy took it from the girl who'd been asked to deliver it to her and she looked at the name -- Bob Willington, Casting Director, Imperial Film Studios. She looked at the card for a moment and then walked into the larger dressing room and asked the other...

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My Friend Sudeesh Sexy Mommy

Hi friends. I am Ravi back with another story. The heroine in this story is my friend Sudeesh’s mom. I am 24 yrs guy. My friend Sudeesh is now 20 yrs. His mother Lavanya is 37 yrs. I knew my friend since I was ten..At the age 18 I started to think about my friend’s mom .she made me so horny that I could not stop thinking of her nice sexy legs, her cute toes ,her big boobs and her tight ass. When I was in high school I used to go to my friend’s house all the time to play with him. This incident...

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My Daughter Cindy Part 3

It was Thursday morning and I started to wake up with a feeling of excitement as I felt a pair of lips moving over the top of my now semi-hard cock, looking down and watching the sheet move with the outline of a head under them. I laid back and thinking, yes a morning blow job from the wife. I always liked them. WAIT! My wife left yesterday! I pull the sheet away and there is my 16 year old daughter, completely naked, looking up at me, holding my now fully erect member in her hand and pulling...

1 year ago
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Faith gets it again

"Hey everyone, look who's here. It's Faith and Scooter." She heard someone announce as they walked in the door. She thought she detected a trace of disdain or mocking in the tone when the voice said her husbands name. She wasn't sure how she was going to handle this evening. The last time they went to a party she got drunk and pulled a train in the back yard of her friends house. Her husband never knew because as each guy took his turn on her others kept the dumb ass busy inside. He was stupid...

Group Sex
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06 HomeChapter 61

Present – Jens – Post firefight I made a tactical mistake when I insulted SA Hotchner and he responds as only a government stooge would, "Well, I think it would be better if we continue this conversation at our holding facility." Sharik doesn't help the situation as he runs up and begins growling and snapping at SA Hotchner. He gets ready to pull his gun and I get ready to take him out when the most amazing thing happens... Present – Todd – Post firefight I have been observing the...

3 years ago
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Sods LawChapter 11

Thursday 22nd August 1985 Life went on for another three weeks. I got round to advertising for a tenant to fill Harry’s place without much hope of many replies, but was surprised when Annette Furlong applied. She was a medical student and came from a fairly wealthy family. The residents were impressed with her and she moved in on the 1st of September. It was Thursday 22nd August that Fred eventually got back to me. I had to buy him dinner! He said it was very difficult and involved some...

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Bonnie Discovers Her Submissive Side Chapter 7

After spending a weekend camping and exposing her to passers-by, I had finally planned another adventure for my pet.It had been a while since Susan and I had gotten together. It was Pride season and I had a few ideas for Susan's continuing exploration. I called her up and gave her specific details on what to wear and when I would pick her up but did not tell her where we would be going or what I had in store.We arrived early for the parade. A few of my friends were already there and had started...

Strap-On Sex
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 98 The Fortune Fucker

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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