An Unexpected Development - Part 1 free porn video

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Ted was sitting at his desk late on Tuesday afternoon. Because it was already dark outside, most of the people in his part of the building had already gone home for the day. Having been divorced for almost two years, Ted wasn’t in any rush to go home. The idea of going to his empty kitchen to find something to eat didn’t appeal to him and he would often work into the evening.

He went through a mental checklist to make certain that he had enough scotch in his liquor cabinet to get him through the night. Ted disliked the local bar scene and found that drinking at home saved him money. He also disliked watching the men in bars trying to pick up the ladies that made the rounds. Being alone wasn’t something that he enjoyed, but he just couldn’t seem to get himself to ask a woman to dance or ask to buy her a drink.

Drinking alone was never a good idea, but as there was nothing on television that interested him, he tended to spend his evenings with a drink in one hand and a book in the other. Since he had never stumbled drunk into bed, he determined that he wasn’t doing anything harmful to his body. It wasn’t a great way to live, but it was the routine he had carved out for himself since his wife had walked out.

As he sat there staring at his computer monitor without actually seeing anything, he heard a light knock on his office door. Looking up he saw the lovely Michelle Lawton standing in his doorway.

“Working late again?” she asked.

Ted had to admit that he had been enjoying the short visits that he was getting from Michelle almost every day for the last couple of months. He guessed her to be in her early 40’s. Not only was she pretty, but she had an exceptionally good body. He had noted many months ago that Michelle was proud of her breasts and seemed to always wear clothes that gave a man an excellent view of cleavage.

Here she was once again, stopping in for a visit late in the day. He smiled at her saying, “Oh, I’m not really working. I’m just too lazy to get up and go home. But the late afternoon and early evening is a great time for me to catch up on my reading. The phones don’t ring and I don’t get many visitors.”

“I don’t mean to bother you,” she said stepping back toward the door.

“Please,” he said starting to stand. “I’m always happy to see you, Michelle. Your visits are the high point of my day.”

“Oh you big sweet talker,” she said with a broad smile.

“It’s true,” he told her. “Please, come in and sit down. I need to clear my head of this junk I’m forced to read. Besides, spending some time talking with a beautiful woman is never a waste of time.”

“I think that’s the reason I enjoy talking with you, Ted. You always have something nice to say and I like thinking you are flirting with me.”

The conversation in her daily visits had moved from polite conversation about their work to things outside the office. Ted had learned that she had been married for almost twenty years. She had a teenage son at home. Her husband worked with the military, going to work fairly early and usually home by 4:30. Her husband usually had dinner started by the time she got home and their evenings were generally spent sitting in front of the television set. She had a laptop computer at home and spent her evenings with it in her lap playing games and keeping up with Facebook while he watched Dancing With the Stars and endless sitcoms.

In the last couple of weeks their conversations had become much more personal. One evening last week he had finally commented on how much he enjoyed her display of cleavage. She had told him that she had not been blessed with large breasts and over ten years ago saved enough money to get them enlarged. She told him that she had been a member of the ‘itty bitty titty club’ too long and now would have big firm breasts past her 80th birthday.

He had laughed when she told him the story about her breasts as she took one in each hand and gave them a squeeze. She had smiled at him saying that she enjoyed the fact that he looked.

“Is it that obvious?” he had asked.

Michelle didn’t answer him directly, rather saying, “I always think of it as a compliment.”

A week ago she had asked about his wife and the reason for their divorce. Ted didn’t really like to talk about the divorce, but for some reason felt compelled to answer her questions. She had listened intently as he told her that he and his wife had drifted apart. She had a good job and was devoted to making herself more valuable to her employer and gaining promotions. In the first ten years of their marriage they had enjoyed an active sex life, but the last five years had been quite cold. He eventually discovered that she had been having sex with the president of her company. That had been the final straw for him.

Once he had opened up for Michelle, Ted had no problem asking her about her sex life at home. She had confessed that like Ted, her sex life had become somewhat stale. She and her husband generally had sex once or twice a week. She surprised Ted when she went into some detail, saying that most of the time her husband wanted to be on top and always seemed to cum quickly.

She had even admitted that while her husband had been away on an assignment for three months, she had a short affair with a woman she had met at a school meeting. Michelle had enjoyed the time they spent together and admitted that she might still be doing it if the other woman hadn’t stopped, thinking that her husband would find out. She had finished that particular conversation with a very surprised Ted by telling him that the affair was strictly sexual. She admitted that her only interest in the woman was finding ways to have more orgasms.

It seemed to Ted that each day when she came by his office she had something on her mind. It wasn’t difficult for him to see that their conversations were becoming more personal and more sexual. He had decided to let her lead their talks in the direction she wanted. Perhaps she was interested in starting another affair. If that was what she had in mind, Ted was not going to do anything to dissuade her.

Each day when she stopped by his office, most of his office mates and all of the assistants were gone. Ted was beginning to see a pattern. He decided that she had an agenda and he was going to let it play out. Today he felt like she had something that she wanted to talk about and waited for her to bring it up.

After some small talk, Michelle leaned forward as if to keep their conversation personal. Of course, the first thing that happened was that Ted got a great view of her ample breasts. In the last two weeks he had stopped trying to hide the fact that he was admiring her lovely globes.

“I have a question to ask you, Ted,” she began. “You know that my son is 17. He’s almost a grown man physically.” She scooted forward a bit in her chair and said, “Over the weekend I saw him masturbating in his room. His door wasn’t quite closed and I looked in as I walked past his room. He was lying on his back and stroking his hard cock.”

Ted didn’t want to be rude if she saw something important in mentioning what she had seen but said, “Well, you know, most teenage boys spend a lot of time ‘spanking the monkey.’ What he was doing was quite normal.”

“Do you think so, Ted?” she asked.

“Sure I do,” he told her. “Didn’t you masturbate when you were a teenager?”

“Not really,” she said with a slight blush. “You might say that I was a little late coming to that party.”

Ted dislodged his eyes from trying to see her nipples and said, “If you think there is something wrong with what he’s doing, why don’t you tell his father? Have you ever seen your husband masturbate?”

“No … never,” she answered quickly. “Not that we’ve discussed it a great deal, but I’ve heard him say that there is something in the Bible about it being wrong to drop your seed on the ground, or something like that.”

That remark made Ted nod his head knowingly. Based on what she had told him, Ted believed that her husband was something of a tight-ass. “And you didn’t want to take a chance of getting your son in trouble or being embarrassed?”

“Exactly,” she answered. “I’m certain that he would be even more embarrassed to know that I watched him.”

At this point Ted knew that he could end the conversation simply by giving her some advice, but he wanted to see where it might lead. He looked into her eyes and asked, “How long did you watch him?”

He could see the excitement in her eyes when she said, “Longer than I should have, but I seemed to be unable to move as I watched.”

“Did you see him cum?” he asked.

Her face was flushed now. “No, I didn’t. I was finally able to walk away, but I could hear him making noise and knew that he was probably close.”

“I think that you enjoyed watching,” he told her.

Michelle had been looking down at her hands in her lap, but she looked up at Ted and answered honestly. “I did enjoy it. It excited me, but I felt badly because it was my son.”

“Is your boy well hung?” he asked.

Still staring into Ted’s eyes she answered, “Yes he is. He’s probably larger than his father.”

“If you’ve never seen your husband masturbate, have you ever done it for him?” Ted asked, but noted that she didn’t seem to understand the question. “Have you ever stroked your husband’s cock to get him to cum?”

“I’ve touched him many times,” she confessed, “But never slid my hand up and down the way my son was doing it.”

“I’ll bet you’d like to.”

“I’ve thought about it many times. I’ve seen some porn and seen women do it, but I never have,” she answered. “To answer your question, yes, I would like to.”

Michelle stood up quickly and walked toward his door. She turned around saying, “Thanks for letting me discuss that with you. It helps to have someone to talk with.”

As she turned to leave, Ted stood, noticing that the discussion had given him an erection. Before he could think about what he was going to say, his mouth opened and he said, “Michelle, would you like to watch me masturbate?”

She turned around quickly, saying, “What?”

Speaking slowly he repeated, “Would you like to watch me masturbate?”

Her eyes were wide and her fingers were touching her bottom lip. After what seemed like a very long pause she answered. “Yes. I would like to watch you.”

He could see her eyes drop. She was clearly staring at his crotch. As his hand moved toward the zipper of his trousers, he told her, “Close my office door.”

Michelle quickly turned, closed his office door and locked it. Just as quickly, she turned back to see what he was doing.

As he began to slowly unbuckle his belt and let his pants drop to the floor he asked her, “Do you want me to do it standing up or sitting down?”

“Sitting down,” she mumbled as her eyes stayed fixed between his legs.

Ted dropped his trousers and his boxers, unbuttoned the bottom buttons on his shirt and sat back in his chair. As he stretched out, the shirt fell open and his hard cock stood up for her spellbound eyes. Slowly he moved his hand to his hard shaft and squeezed it. Just as slowly his hand began to slide up and down his manhood, all while watching Michelle.

Her eyes were wide and her mouth slightly open. What he was doing had her mesmerized.

“Come closer,” he demanded in a soft voice. He watched as her eyes remained fixed on his cock as she walked toward him and finally leaned against his side of the desk. She was now close enough to touch him easily.

“Are you enjoying watching me?” he asked quietly.

Michelle nodded her head up and down, but didn’t speak.

After another minute he asked, “Would you like to stroke it?”

She didn’t answer vocally, but leaned forward and wrapped her hand around his stiffness. He heard her moan softly as she began to move her hand up and down his shaft. “You are larger than my husband,” she whispered.

“Go a little faster,” he directed her.

She followed his directions and picked up speed. When a bead of pre-cum formed at the tip of his cock, he saw her lick her lips.

Ted took his cock in his hand once again, picking up the pace once more. Now feeling very bold and in complete control, he told her, “Take your pants down, Michelle. I want to see your pussy while I’m doing this.”

While her eyes remained glued on his erection, her hand quickly opened her slacks and pushed them down her shapely legs. Without any directions from Ted, she quickly pulled down her panties. She stepped out of the clothes around her ankles and quickly opened her legs so that he could see her.

Ted was getting very excited now. He knew that it wouldn’t take much longer for him to reach orgasm. With his cock in his right hand, he held out his left toward her say, “Come here. I need to touch that beautiful pussy.”

She quickly stood beside him, opening her legs even more and exposing herself to him. As he continued to stroke his shaft, he put his other hand between her legs to find that she was extremely wet. He slipped two fingers inside her pussy and began stroking her at the same speed he was rubbing his cock.

“Oh fuck,” she whispered.

He wanted to see her naked, but knew that he didn’t have time for that. Wetting his thumb, he rubbed it over her clit while his fingers continued in her dripping hole.

“I’m going to cum, Michelle,” he announced. “Do you want to see it?”

“Yes,” she moaned. “Yes, please.”

Most of the time Ted wanted his woman to reach a climax before him, but that was not the reason for today’s exercise. She wanted to see him jerk off and now she wanted to see him cum. He took the hand that was covered with her juices and used it to finish himself off. Her fluids made his hand glide over this shaft.

“Watch, Michelle,” he commanded. “Watch!”

A small bubble of white cream formed at the end of his cock before it seemed to explode, sending up several jets of hot semen rising a foot into the air before splashing back against his hand and his belly. He pulled his cum covered hand back and rubbed it against her sex for less than a minute until she joined him in orgasm.

As the cum began to run down the sides of his belly, Michelle reached across his desk, pulled a handful of tissues and cleaned him off. When she was finished, she leaned forward and took the head of his still hard cock into her mouth. After running her tongue around it several times she stood and smiled at Ted.

“The next time I want you to cum in my mouth,” she said before she bent over and picked up her slacks and panties.

“Will there be a next time?” he asked.

She zipped up her pants and smiled brightly. “I certainly hope so. If you enjoyed that as much as I did I’ll come back this same time tomorrow.”

Realizing that Michelle was walking toward his door, Ted sat up quickly and pulled on his boxers and trousers. He stuffed his shirt tails into his pants just as she opened the door.

Again she flashed her brightest smile. “I can’t wait to feel your tongue on my nipples.” She turned and left.

Ted stood perfectly still for a long moment looking at his empty doorway. As he ran a hand through his hair, he spoke out loud, “What the hell just happened?”


To be continued

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Unexpected Restroom Sex 8211 Part 3 8211 The Restroom Again

This story is the continuation of the previous story. As I told before having sex with one girl led to a snowball effect. It’s really surprising to see that there have been so many women around me; whom I thought didn’t even care about boys or made people feel that they were confined to themselves; were not like that. It was the case of Janani Priya that taught me a lesson. We are all deluded about people. We just can’t find who is what. Ok enough philosophy for today. Ill introduce myself...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Turn 8211 Event Of A Lifetime

Hey all this is Raj, 23 from Bangalore. This is story of mine having sex with an unexpected person and how it turned out to be one of the best ever had. The story begins when I completed my boards exam and waiting for the results. During that time my family decided to go on a vacation to Andaman and Nicobar islands but I stayed back with a lot of stubbornness as was not interested to roam around so being the only son my parents weren’t so confident on letting me stay home alone so they asked my...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Sex With Neha

Hi guys this is a story when I was I had a huge crush on a girl called Neha. We were good friends but she always used me in her studies to get her work done. I helped her thinking that she respected me and we were good friends but that was not to be… After knowing each other for two years we were supposed to go for a college trip to Manali for a couple of weeks. My friends always told me that she was a bad girl and stay away from her but I never listened. I wanted to propose her but I never...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Move From Asha

This happened a four months ago. We have one manufacturing at Nagpur. As I am the head for India and as part of employee engagement we used to have our family day function at each location. I had requested my assistant Asha to go to Nagpur and help the team a week before so that we have 100% participation from employees and their family. While discussing this I got a call from Nagpur factory that employee involvement is not at all there and that he is confused. Local HR is busy with day to day...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Experience With Sanjay Uncle 8211 Part 2

Hi! All friends, I am back with another interesting episode of my unexpected. but exciting and real encounter. Your valuable comments are welcome. After that exciting evening in his house, we became very intimate and one  day, he planned for a long night-session of sexecitement, as his mother would return only after one more week, but I discarded it as impracticable and left it at that.  The following Sunday, Sanjay anna(uncle) lunched with us and with my parents’ permission, both of us went to...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Unexpected Encounter With Sanjay Uncle 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, hope you liked my earlier story with my master. Here is another one for you to read and offer your valuable comments and encouragement With the summer camp and the feverish activities associated with it coming to a close, and sir’s absence for nearly three weeks( on domestic reasons), I felt miserable, like a fish out of water. The fantastic taste of that unbelievable and unexpected sweet forbidden pleasure with sir (My master love-locked me -3) was haunting and making me...

Gay Male
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Unexpected Outcome

Unexpected Outcome At the ripe young age of 25, I had everything going for me. I could get all the dates I wanted and with almost any of the town's hottest- looking ladies, too. I had college degree and a good, well-paying job, a nice car and a decent apartment. Then, one day, my world came crashing down around me and everyone else too, for that matter. No one knew it at the time for the only news available at this point was that the Earth was going to have a near-miss experience...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Outing Part 1

"Unexpected Outing" Part 1. John returns home in female clothes following an accident. Fiction by Johnny Cumlately. John's earliest recollection of cross dressing when he was about 12. He would surreptitiously "borrow" his mother's underwear. She was even then years behind the times and wore pink satin knickers with elastic at waist and thighs. She also wore corsets with miles of lacing. John, now 35, had been happily married to Mary for about ten years. They lived in a pleasant...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Mommy revised Parts 4 and 5

Unexpected Mommy - Part 4 by Trish5160 Mrs. Stone could not believe the erotic display on her couch this evening.? She instinctively knew Alix was participating in sexual intercourse even though it was just a dream for him.? She knew by his movements.? Voluntarily he had parted his own legs wide, his moans, the thrashing of his head from side to side, the heavy breathing.? All signs of a female in heat.? All signs of a female being taken. There was...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Outcome

Unexpected outcome. At the ripe young age of 25, I had everything going for me. I could get all the dates I wanted and with almost any of the town's hottest- looking ladies, too. I had college degree and a good, well-paying job, a nice car and a decent apartment. Then, one day, my world came crashing down around me and everyone else too, for that matter. No one knew it at the time for the only news available at this point was that the Earth was going to have a near- miss...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Meeting Coming Home

Unexpected Meeting - Coming home by strangefun WARNING: This story contains graphic depiction of depraved sexual acts, sisification, sexual abuse, humiliation and torture. Read at your own discretion! From the author: This is a continuation of the "unexpected meeting" story, and for all the sissies, I recommend reading it wearing your favorite sissy outfit and, of course, a chastity device, so you can feel the same confinement and sexual frustration I felt when writing...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Sissy Transformation

An Unexpected Sissy Transformation My unexpected transformation actually began at the company Christmas party, when Jennifer, our HR Manager of all people, sauntered over to me with an odd smile on her face. "Merry Christmas, Sean," she said, never taking her eyes off my face. "Do you mind if I ask you something personal?" Here we go again. I am an out gay male living in Texas. I can't tell you how many women have quizzed me about my "fabulous" gay lifestyle. The truth of the...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Opportunity Unexpected Bonus Pt 2

I stood naked in front of my full length mirror. I absently stroked my shaven pussy as I thought about my evening with Gerald. It had been two weeks since we had our unexpected encounter. I constantly thought about seeing him again. He hadn’t come back the following day and I was beginning to think he was regretting what he had done. I didn’t completely blame him, I mean he did have a wife and kids. I’d better get dressed, I thought. I was meeting the girls downtown at our favorite bar. I...

3 years ago
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Unexpected circumstances

Unexpected circumstances.I don’t really know why I did it. I still don’t. Boredom I guess. I hadn’t used the Hotmail account I’d set up years earlier for as long as I could remember. Fully expecting it to have been closed, I navigated to the website and typed in my username and what I thought was the password I’d selected at the time of creating the account. To my surprise, the account hadn’t been closed, just suspended due to inactivity. As I watched the list of e-mails populate on the screen,...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Weekend Chapter 3 Final

"So what did you end up buying for dinner tonight, Mr Chef?" Alice said excitedly "I got us a couple of steaks and thought maybe a nice steak dinner with all of the trimmings, chunky steak cut chips, mushroom, tomato, onion rings and peppercorn sauce" He replied "Oohh very nice, getting the real VIP treatment here" she said with glee "Well only the best for my guests" he said "I wanted to make you something nice and if I can be rather blunt, something that I won't have to slave...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Gifts

"You sure you don't need me, Sir? I don't mind sticking around." "No, Don. Go on, enjoy a few days off before we get swamped." "All right, then. Thanks." Don left his boss, who was in remarkably good spirits considering how close Christmas was and how busy they would get in a week. However, he decided, if the boss said take some time, Don wasn't one to argue. He knew he'd be working his ass off soon enough, so he'd get while the getting was good. After speaking to the boss, he...

3 years ago
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Arrested Development

Arrested Development ? by: Jennifer White "Good morning. Welcome to the first day of your new life, as a woman." Those were the words I heard as I stood at attention with two dozen other men, in the 're-education and indoctrination' camp. "From this day on, you will be women. You will walk, talk, think, feel and act as women." The woman speaking, a high ranking officer by the looks of her uniform, had no emotion in her face. The way she said this so matter-of-factly made it...

3 years ago
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A new development

Dave and I have hit a new shift in our relationship. I love Dave. He is a great, loving, attentive guy and has been a fabulous lover. He was the first man I ever loved and I have taken this ride through the lifestyle with him. Since we got together we have always agreed that sex and love are not the same thing and we have had an open relationship as a result. You can see by our pics that we enjoy having sex and watching each other have sex with other people. Relatively recently my lust for...

3 years ago
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Development of a lesbian

My name is Michelle. This story started when I was 12. I live in Australia.When I was 12, I had went to school at a place run by nuns. It was an all girls school. I had 2 great friends there.When we were 12 our conversations started drifting to the sexual side. Sex, penises, vaginas, hair, breast development, all that. Normal things pubescent girls talk about.My home life was good. I had a sister. My mother divorced my father soon after my sisters birth. I didn't mind; I hated my father.My...

4 years ago
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Arrested Development

Arrested Development By Cassandra Morgan The world was a little too large for me. It was vast and cold, and there was meanness everywhere. Perhaps that's why I didn't like to venture out into it very often. It was better to stay at home and do my chores. Bad things happened when I left our home. There was so many variables, so many villains, and all of them could be unleashed on a poor sissy at any time. Yet, here I was, in the back of Mistress' car, speeding down the highway,...

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LISSA C CH5 R and D Research and Development

Dr. Daniels walked briskly up the hallway toward his office. His white lab coat swirled back and forth behind him as he had no time to waste. It was not every day that the chairman of his project division came for a visit, but then again this was not a big surprise. It had been more than 18 months since his last visit, and the program had been only in its infancy. As he seated himself behind his desk, Jack new he was going to be in the hot seat for a while. It never was any fun having to...

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Kink Development Kit

Hi! Welcome to the Kink Development Kit (or the KDK for short). I don't know how you managed to come across a copy of this, considering it was never released to the public but consider this to be some very good luck on your part. Using this app you can manipulate and change the kinks/fetishes of other people. Whether this is making their desires slowly become stronger towards you, making them more open to being sexual with the user or even outright changing what makes them tick. There are a few...

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CHS Sexual Development Curriculum

Central High School offers a comprehensive program of vocational training designed to prepare our students for the many wonderful opportunities and careers in the sex industry. In addition to a four-year program leading to a high school diploma in sexual promiscuity, we also offer a number of electives open to all students. Due to the high demand for these classes, admission is restricted to those students able to achieve the highest competitive scores on assessments of personal attractiveness...

1 year ago
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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 2

Dinner was surprisingly normal. I wasn’t sure what I had expected. Maybe for my wife to come home and immediately realize that I had been screwing my stepdaughter all afternoon. Maybe for her to notice that something was different about me: that I had a silent, unspoken air of confidence or something. But no, Barbara clicked into the house on her high heels — late, she’d been working late a lot recently — wearing her tight little pencil skirt and cream-colored blouse, looking like a million...

3 years ago
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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 6

I lay in bed, my hands tucked behind my head, waiting in the dark. The clock told me it was almost 1 o’clock when the sounds of revelry downstairs started to die down, and I knew that McKenzie was wrapping up her little get together. She must have seen Adrianna coming downstairs and leaving, so she knew that joining us was no longer part of the equation, and I hoped she would be understanding. I hated to disappoint my sexy, horny little angel. As I lay there, breathing deeply and letting...

4 years ago
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Developmental Alterations

Chapter 1 A blank screen, the bane of every creator. I just stared at it, not for the first time. Lately, it seemed like I just couldn't get past the beginning, to actually get to work. Perhaps it was because I'd been too successful, I'd actually worked out all my ideas, and now I was just as empty as the screen. It wasn't the first time I'd thought that, but it felt especially true today. It had to be the fact that it was Monday. I was always pessimistic on Mondays. "Still...

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