Anna And Sam Chapter 2 free porn video

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Sam responded by parting her ruby lips slightly and allowing my tongue to slip between them. I moved my tongue slowly along them, tasting her lipstick and enjoying the sensation of the smooth enamel of her perfect teeth which parted slowly and allowed me access to the hot moist interior of her mouth. Her warm tongue found mine and curled around it in a loving embrace.

As our lips pressed together I felt her hand move to the back of my head and pull me to her, her fingers entwined in my hair gently massaging my scalp.

With my left hand I did the same and with my right, held her waist. I began to move my hand up and down her back, feeling the thin material of her blouse bunching slightly under my hand and the outline of her bra under the soft cotton of her vest.

Her hand was also on my back and I felt her fingers flexing and relaxing as I moved my hand down, over the waistband of her skirt and onto her soft but firm bottom.

She gave a little start, a sharp breath and I felt her hand go tense on my back then she pulled me closer to her and a tiny whimper escaped from her lips, still pressed tight against mine.

Slowly, inch by inch, I lifted the loose material of her skirt until I was able to feel the hot, naked flesh of her thighs above the top of her stockings and the smooth curve of her buttocks.

Sam broke from our kiss, her breathing heavier and she buried her face into my neck, her hair soft against my face. I let the material fall back and she breathed into my ear; "Please, Anna, don't stop."

I crooked my fingers under her chin, lifted her head and placed a soft, lingering kiss upon her lips and she looked lovingly into my eyes as my hands moved down and slowly unbuttoned her shear blouse, first one button, then the next and so on, the material falling further open after each one until, finally, I slipped the garment from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor with an almost imperceptible rustle.

I could feel her trembling under my touch as I leaned forward and kissed her neck, placing tender kisses behind her ears and letting my tongue explore around them while gently nipping the lobes with my lips.

Sam threw her head back, her long brown hair cascading over my arm and I could feel her hard nipples as she pressed against me.

I let my kisses continue to her throat and I could feel the vibration of her soft, almost silent moans through my lips.

Further down I went, allowing my tongue to taste the soft warmth of her flesh and press my lips briefly against the hollow at the base of her throat.

My hands moved down her sides to her skirt where I slowly released the fastenings and let it fall to the floor as I had by now realised that what I thought was a vest top was, in fact, a white, one piece body. Samantha did not move but just stood where she was amidst the discarded materials of her outerwear.

I paused, stepped back and looked at her, stunning in the taut, white garment accentuating her slim, beautiful figure with her contrasting brown hair cascading down her back. My heart leapt with joy and I moved back and kissed her once more.

My right hand moved gently up to cup her breast, her breathing getting heavier as I massaged her and rubbed her nipple though the thin white fabric then my lips returned to hers and we pressed them together, our tongues seeking refuge in each others mouths.

Moving slowly, my hand worked its way down over her flat belly and my fingers traced the curve of her mound until they found, and one by one popped, the three studs that held her captive. After each stud a finger gently explored her warm place until finally she was free and my fingers began to explore more deeply.

Sam's kisses were becoming more passionate and urgent and between them she moaned, "Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes," over and over and then, she gave a start as my finger found its way inside her, she was on fire, so hot and so very wet.

She had stopped kissing me now, her face buried in my neck, arms around me holding me close to her and she parted her legs a little, her knees slightly bending then straightening as my finger probed deep inside her.

Withdrawing my finger I briefly rubbed between her labia and onto her clitoris. She was trembling as if she was struggling to stand and, gripping the soft jersey cloth, I lifted and pulled the clinging garment over her head and dropped it on the floor then reached behind her and unclipped her bra, letting it fall to the floor also.

She was naked now, bar her shoes and stockings. She was so gorgeous I could hardly breathe! Without the protection of her clothes, she was beautiful and vulnerable and oh so sexy. I slipped out of my dress and Sam looked at me and smiled.

"I never felt this way about a woman," she said, "What have you done to me, Anna?"

I stood for a moment, allowing her to look at me, my semi see-through lingerie, my stockings and finally, my shoes.

"You look so... so..." she didn't finish but I knew what she felt. I beckoned her to me and she stepped forward into my arms, her soft, warm flesh pressed against mine. It felt so good. We kissed again and I guided her hand to my breast.

Gently, she massaged me and my nipple hardened under her touch. She pushed the cup up and bent her head to suck my engorged nipple sending waves of pleasure through me and down deep inside and I placed my hand on the back of her head, feeling the luxurious texture of her long, brown hair between my fingers.

With her free hand, Sam reached behind me and released my bra. I let my arms fall downwards allowing it fall to the floor to join Sam's clothes already there then she resumed sucking and massaging me and I felt her hand move down my flat stomach, softly stroking my skin as she went

As her fingers found her way into my waistband I felt a little flutter of expectation run through my now soaking pussy but, placing my hand on hers, I stopped her going further, instead I guided her towards the bed. 

She stepped backwards, accepting eagerly the tender little kisses that I kept placing on her lips until she reached the bed and, ever so tenderly, I sat her down but kept pressing the kisses against her lips, our tongues flicking and entwining each other as I settled her back on the bed. She lifted her legs and manoeuvred herself so that she was lying lengthways on her back.

My kisses continued but now I moved slowly down her chin, her throat, onwards, I could feel the pulse in the hollow at the base of her slender neck, and still downwards until I reached her breast and its long nipple pointing heavenwards.

Taking it into my mouth I rolled it against my teeth, gently nipping and pulling as I massaged her small but firm breast. I paid the same attention to the other before moving further down towards her soft, flat belly. Sam's knees kept bending to the side and straightening and her toes kept curling whilst her fingers gripped the bed covers tightly.

I paused at her navel, running my tongue around it and probing it before moving on and, as I reached her perfectly smooth mound Sam opened her legs to allow me access to her beautiful, sweet smelling pussy.
When I kissed her there Sam swivelled her hips upwards, squirming under the attention I was paying her and raised her knees as I ran my tongue along her hot, wet groove, letting my mouth pause on her clitoris gently pulling back the hood and licking and sucking on it.

Samantha was moaning loudly now and once again she was trembling slightly as I opened her lips and saw the perfect, tight hole, oozing with wetness. I put my tongue to it and tasted her outpouring, it was sweet and slightly metallic and the heady smell of her arousal was overwhelming.

At last, I inserted a finger into her. She gasped loudly and arched her back and I felt the moisture bubbling up inside her whilst I rubbed my fingertip against the ribbed front wall of her vagina. I entered a second finger beside the first and started to move them in and out, gently but deeply.

Sam's breath was becoming laboured now and her moans becoming louder and longer. I felt her body tense and as she lifted her bottom and I pushed my fingers hard inside her and pressed my lips hard around her clitoris, sucking and flicking my tongue. She cried out in ecstasy, clamping hard on my fingers and soaking my hand and mouth.

As she relaxed back onto the bed I gave her a few extra flicks with my tongue, making her twitch and start before I moved up and lay alongside her, cradling her head on my chest.

"Anna," she said, quietly, "I..."

"Shhh...” I whispered.

After a moment, Sam suddenly jumped up onto her hands and knees. She straddled me and stared down at me, her hair hanging down over my face, soft and sweet smelling.

"Anna," she said, with a smile, "that was the best orgasm I have ever had. So much better than any I have given myself or had from any man. I don't know what spell you have cast on me, you witch, but now it is your turn!" and bending her arms she rapidly lowered her head and kissed me with a passion I could not have imagined, completely covering my head with her hair and almost sucking the life from my lungs. It was so intense that for a while I could not breathe!

She was like a tiger, kissing and flicking her tongue into my mouth and around my face. I tried to pull her down to me but she pinned my arms to my sides as she continued to work her way down towards my aching breasts. I pushed my head back as she kissed under my chin and followed the line of my throat and then she was there, biting and pinching my nipples and squeezing and massaging my breasts, firmly but not roughly.
With each attack I sucked in air through my clenched teeth and arched my back in ecstasy. I had created an animal but what a beautiful, adoring animal she was!

As she continued on her journey she paid passionate attention to every part of my torso, my armpits, ribcage, soft belly, pelvis, inner thighs, even little bites to the raised points of my hip bones and then kissed and licked the shear black material of my panties which by now were soaking up the fluid that was pouring from me!

As she worked around my body, her soft, brown hair followed, moving over my skin, making me scream inwardly with the wonderful tickling sensation it created and she began to work on my burning pussy, sucking me, drawing my fluids from me and drinking them in through my panties. This was a new sensation to me and I didn't know how much I could take. Already my body was crying out for release. The feelings were so intense!

Sam then hooked her fingers into the waistband and, as I lifted myself off the bed, drew them slowly down over my buttocks and peeled them away from my hot, wet pussy and on over my black stockings until, eventually, they passed over my feet, still in their black, leather, heel shoes and dropped to the floor at the end of the bed.

I could not move then and just lay back and let her do whatever took her mood. One by one, she removed my shoes, kissing the bottoms of my feet as she went. Again this was new to me, it tickled but I was so hot now that it just made me squirm in ecstasy!

Dropping each shoe in turn she returned to my feet. She kissed under my toes and the balls of my feet then continued along the arch of my right foot, kissing and licking. Onwards she went, to the jutting bone of my ankle and along the inside of my calf, the inside of my knee and finally the soft flesh of my upper thigh, naked above the top of my stocking until, once again she reached the hot, pulsing centre of my whole being, resonating now with unbelievable ecstasy, the strength of which I had never before experienced.

I could feel Sam's hot breath between my legs. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it was trying to burst out through my chest which was rising and falling like the sea and I breathed sharply in as I felt her lips contact my labia and her soft tongue gently pushed between.

Quickly finding my clitoris she licked and swirled her tongue around it sending waves of ecstasy coursing through me. My head to one side, my hands found their way to my breasts, pulling my nipples and twisting them, squeezing and pulling upwards until they were stretched taut between my palm and fingers.

Sam worked carefully between my legs, licking and sucking then slowly inserted her finger into me. A moan escaped from me as she explored my innermost place, the moisture bubbling up inside as she pressed hard against the front wall of my vagina.

"Oh my... Sam!" I gasped, I... I... mmm"

I bit my lip. This was unbelievable. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect such a thing. She was fantastic!

Suddenly my whole being exploded as Sam's thumb pressed my clitoris. My body was swamped and before I could bite my lip I screamed out,

"Haaahhhh..." and my strongest orgasm ever tore through me like a tsunami.

As soon as it started, Sam massaged my clitoris while covering the whole area with kisses and her finger pushed so deep inside me I was sure she could feel my cervix. I clamped hard on her and pushed her head onto me, every muscle in my body screaming in ecstasy, cramping tightly and then, gradually, this crashing wave of ecstasy subsided and my muscles relaxed once more allowing me to sink slowly down onto the bed.

Panting now, my body was glistening with moisture and Samantha reached up and put her finger in my mouth. I sucked on it greedily, tasting myself.

Sliding up my now slippery body like a sensual snake, her hair tickling me as she moved, Sam lay on top of me, our breasts pressed together. She took my face in her hands and kissed me passionately but soon I had to break away, I cannot breathe.

"Sam," I said to her.

She placed a finger on my lips.


"Sam," I whispered again.

Without answering, she slid down beside me and lay her head on my shoulder and her arm draped over my chest, pulling herself close into me. I put my hand upon her shoulder in a loving embrace and,with Sam's arm pressing on my breasts I drifted into a happy sleep.

 I awoke with a start. The light was streaming through the window and I was alone! There was no sound from the bathroom.

As my eyes adjusted to the light I realised that there were no clothes on the floor. My dress and underwear were neatly draped on the back of the chair and my shoes were beneath it but Sam's clothes were gone. My stomach churned and my heart all but stopped when I remembered that we had not exchanged phone numbers and I did not know where she lived, nor even the name of the company she worked for. I felt lost and sick. I had just had the most wonderful night I could remember and she was gone... and I and I was left without a hope in hell of finding her! 

I searched the room, almost tearing it apart, looking for a note, anything from her but there is nothing. All that was left was the faint smell of her scent on the bedclothes and that would not last for long.

I sank down on the edge of the bed. Was I wrong about her? Maybe she wasn't as innocent as I thought.

"Damn it, Anna! What's wrong with you!" I yelled at myself. Here I was getting angry with myself because I had made love with a beautiful young woman and now she was gone. I should be happy that she wanted me at all, I was, what, twenty years older than her? and yet...

"No, Anna. You are not going to do this. Get over it!"

I went into the shower and let the steaming hot water flow over my body, washing away the stale sweat and other fluids that had dried from the night before. I had the water as hot as I could bear it.

Leaning with my hands against the tiles, my head bowed, I tried to wash away the thoughts and memories but the more I tried the more I remembered her, the smell of her hair, her soft smooth skin and I began to realise that my hand had moved between my legs as I thought of her pretty smile, her beautiful eyes and her small, firm breasts.

My fingers were massaging now, thoughts of her flashing through my mind. How she smelled, how she tasted, how she made me come and suddenly she did it again and as the warm pleasure flowed over me along with the hot steaming water I turned my back against the tiles and sobbed as I slid down and sat in the shower tray, my arms pulling my knees close against my breasts and I rested my head on them as I softly wept.

After a moment or two, I lifted my head and shook the water from my face. "Damn it, Anna!" I told myself, "You are forty-four years old and you are behaving like a love struck teenager! Snap out of it!!"

Pushing myself up I turned off the shower and grabbed the towel, dried myself and wrapped my hair in another towel from the rack and returned to the room where I saw myself again in the mirror. I looked old, no make up and a face just oozing sadness and anger. I quickly looked away.

Sitting at the dresser I again emptied my make up onto its surface. Now, though there was no care. I applied the make up quickly, I had no-one to impress this time.

I brushed my hair and left it to dry naturally then began to dress, starting with a matching bra and pants of pale yellow cotton. Next I put on a crisp white blouse which I buttoned up the front leaving the top three unfastened then sat on the edge of the bed, no tights or stockings today, just a pair of pale yellow ankle socks.

I sat for a moment then, with a sigh, stood and went over to the closet and selected a pair of plain black slacks.

I stepped into them and fastened them and then, after a final adjustment, sat on the chair and looked at my shoes, still where Sam had left them. I didn't understand why she left without a word, it was not knowing that was killing me. I thought she liked me or maybe she was not who I thought she was.

Suddenly panic swept through me. I jumped up and grabbed my handbag but I need not have worried, my purse, address book and phone were all still there.

What then?

“Maybe,” I thought, “I would never know.”

Returning to the closet I took out my boots. Black ankle boots with wide, two inch heels and laced up the front, Victorian style.

I picked up my key and headed out the door and, without looking back, heard it click shut behind me as I wandered slowly and sadly down to the breakfast room.

To be continued...

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Anna Saves the Compant Ch2

When Anna opened the door to leave the bathroom, she noticed Mr Davies had left. In a slight panic she looked around the room and found he had left her a note.Dear AnnaI know tonight seemed cruel of me but I couldn't resist. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I just simply couldn't turn down the offer once I had seen you. I have signed the contract and will keep to our agreement.Yours sincerely Alan Davies."Turn down the offer?" she said out loud to herself.Anna sat...

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Annas Neighborly Pool Seduction

I was staring at her now, watching as she peeled down her shorts, slowly exposing her gorgeous ass. Her naughty bits were concealed by a conservative bikini. Her shirt was already in the pile of clothes at her side, and her big tits were being held snugly by her elastic top. I was lounging at her side in my patio chair, sipping on a margarita by our pool.My wife, Anna, is a beautiful specimen of a woman. She has dark flowing hair, grayish-green eyes, and a soft feminine face. Her body is curvy,...

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Anna Saves the Company Ch1

Anna thought she had the perfect life, at 27 years of age she was young, beautiful and intelligent. Married to her husband of 2 yrs, they both had good jobs and made each other very happy. They weren't rich by any means but they both had good salaries and were particularly careful with their money. This however was about to be put in jeopardy, as the world braced itself for a recession. Anna was one of six office staff working for a small clothing firm. The company had taken off extremely fast...

4 years ago
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Anna by Michelle Lurker Part 1 Alan and Janine were best friends. As long as they could remember they had been together. They went to the same university, and when they graduated they shared a house in the city. Though Alan was out of work, Janine made enough at her new job to support them both. They shared everything, and considered themselves lucky to have such a wonderful friendship. Everything seemed perfect... Except for one...

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Anna 1 Anna and the Firemen

Trying to ignore the pain in my back, I gently squeeze Anna's firm buttocks. Such a sweet ass she has, a great handful to hold on to, to pull her against my penetrating cock as she rode me to an orgasm.She's collapsed on my body now, her heavy breathing still puffing against my neck as she cuddles in post-orgasmic satisfaction. I squeeze her buttocks again. Let her get her breath back, and then maybe I can roll her over, throw her legs over my shoulders, and fuck her hard and fast for my own...

2 years ago
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Anna 1 Anna and the Firemen

---- Anna 1: Anna and the Firemen ----Trying to ignore the pain in my back, I gently squeezed Anna's firm buttocks. Such a sweet ass she had, a great handful to hold on to, to pull her against my penetrating cock as she rode me to an orgasm.She'd collapsed on my body now, her heavy breathing still puffing against my neck as she cuddled in post-orgasmic satisfaction. I squeezed her buttocks again. Let her get her breath back, and then maybe I could roll her over, throw her legs over my...

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ANNA A SHORT STORY BY IMPLACABLE Anna can't sit down today, well at least not comfortably. Nothing unusualin that; today is Saturday, and Anna is always rather circumspect about sittingdown on Saturdays. By Monday she will be to manage her office chair as longas it has her usual cushion, a nice soft fluffy one. But for now she sips coffeein her best friend Julie's kitchen standing up. The reason Anna finds sitting rather less than comfortable is that her bottomand thighs are covered in black...

4 years ago
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Anna K and Jennifer Capriati

Chapter 1 Jennifer Capriati was feeling on top of the world. She was finally back where she knew she belonged, at Wimbeldon, advancing toward the finals. Her last match had been a grueling one that seemed to drain the life from her. Though feeling great about her chances at making the finals, she was exhausted both physically and mentally. After the usual barrage of post match interviews, Jen made her way to the locker rooms to shower and head back to the hotel for some welcome rest....

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Anna 2 Anna and the Morning Visitors

Anna has me come over. She tells me it's been days since I had sex with her, and she understands. I'm not so young, I can't fuck as often as the younger men, but that's okay. She enjoys it very much when I just watch her playing with herself, when I help her pleasuring herself. She likes sucking on me, she likes me inside her even if I don't want to fuck her hard and come inside her.She then says she wants me to do something special just for her. She will suck me until I'm hard, and then...

3 years ago
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AnnaKapitel 1 Lange hatte ich die Entscheidung hinausgez?gert, hatte, wie viele unverheiratete M?nner der unteren und mittleren Einkommensgruppen, die ?ffentlichen Bordelle und sogenannten Clubs frequentiert. Gr??tenteils aus finanziellen Erw?gungen: ein Auto, eine halbwegs anst?ndige Wohnung verschlangen schon einen nicht unbetr?chtlichen Anteil meines Einkommens, den frei verf?gbaren Rest wollte ich eigentlich so gro? als m?glich halten, da war an eine erhebliche Kreditaufnahme zur Finanzierung eines S...

1 year ago
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Annas Gift

It all started when Anna had insisted on taking Ellie out for drinks after work one Friday night. It’s not like Ellie knew Anna all that well, but their schedules meant that they often ended up eating lunch together, and a lunchtime talk had gotten to be a bit of a routine for them. And then one day Ellie found herself telling Anna about the breakup of her marriage, moving into a small apartment in the city, and how she was feeling a bit down about it all. Anna just listened to it all, offering...

2 years ago
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AnnaAnna got home from work early and set about her housework.  It was a rather pretty day outside with a nice breeze, so she opened the windows and put on some soft music.  Not much needed to be done, just some laundry mostly and perhaps vacuuming if she was feeling ambitious.  No reason to be uncomfortable though, so she went into the bedroom and slid out of her work clothes.  Once she was nude she caught sight of her reflection for a moment in the full length mirror and paused to stare at...

4 years ago
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Anna and Erica a lesbian tale

ANNA AND ERICA (a Lesbian tale)Moscow was bitterly cold and windy. Erica could have chosen a nicer evening but no, she had no choice. Her cover was less and less credible to the authorities and she had to leave by the night train. She was hoping to see Anna one last time before she left. Erica hadn’t seen the Russian since that time in the club. The Embassy had ordered her back to the US. Maybe she would get a chance to come back and convince Anna to join her. This is a summary of the short but...

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Anna is all grown up

Anna stands 5’2” tall with dark brown hair spilling curls over her shoulders. Her smile and laugh are very infectious. When her killer smile breaks out, her big brown eyes light up. She has a trim figure with B-cup breasts and smooth, flawless tan skin. Her pussy is always shaved clean with little labia that look like shiny butterfly wings when she spreads them. Her waist is small, but her glutes are round and her hips are wide, and when she touches her knees together you could almost toss a...

2 years ago
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Anna Show And Dont Tell

-------- Anna Show And Don't Tell --------During a morning coffee visit with my daughter-in-law Anna, she seemed a little sad. She finally admitted she was unhappy with her current life, the way she felt about herself. Her husband wasn't paying much attention to her, she was feeling old and unattractive.I told her this isn't uncommon (avoiding the catch phrase "for women your age"), and I had a suggestion on how to change that. Interested, she listened as I explained."I've learned from other...

3 years ago
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Anna and Michelle 1 Twins Begin

"Total deviant freak!" Michelle flung her car keys across the living room so hard they left a dent in the drywall. Only then did she realize there was someone else in the room: her identical twin sister Anna. "Sorry," Michelle mumbled as she dropped her purse on the carpet. "Something the matter?" Anna asked. "You bet it is." Michelle kicked off her pumps and sank into the warm cushions of the overstuffed couch. "That Richard you set me up with is an absolute perv. He started...

3 years ago
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Anna Open Marriage

My stepson Allan and I were sitting in his back yard, enjoying a beer and talking in general. I complimented him on how nice his wife Anna looked today, and what a lucky dog he was to have such an attractive and sexy woman. He shrugged. "Yes, Anna certainly takes care of herself; she's still a very attractive woman. But .. I donno .. the excitement isn't there like when we were first going together or when we were first married, you know?" He shook his head and asked, "Did that ever happen...

2 years ago
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Anna Too Many 2

-- Too Many For Even Anna! 2--[Synopsis:My attractive daughter-in-law Anna had come to me with a very personal request. She'd always been fascinated with the thought of several men having sex with her, taking turns or even together. She asked me if I could arrange it, without her husband knowing.I collected two friends, the three of us met with Anna, and she enjoyed several very exciting sessions with us.All seemed to be going well, we were all having a good time .. but good things don't last...

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Sexy Seduction of Awesome Anna by Pretty Petra, as Young as YummyI see Anna enter my sexshop for ladies only in old Amsterdam at my closed circuit and immediatelyI know that my last shop-assistant, my only granddaughter Petra, will not let her leave untouched.I raised her from young age, after her parents died in a car-crash. Petra copied my sexual taste.I see what we both love in looks: tall, slender, small breasts, wasp-waist. Even a real redhead!I sit upstairs in our private rooms and smile...

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Annas Shower With Mommy

The bathroom was filled with steam. Anna and her mother had been in the shower for about 30 minutes now. It was Anna's birthday, and her mother Sharon had promised her a wonderful night. It was late in the evening. After spending the day with her friends, Anna had met her mother at home.Sharon walked in the door from work, tossed her purse on the couch, kicked her heels off, and wiggled a finger at her daughter, motioning her to follow her into the bedroom. Anna obeyed.As Anna walked into the...

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Annas Shower With Mommy

The bathroom was filled with steam. Anna and her mother had been in the shower for about 30 minutes now. It was Anna's birthday, and her mother Sharon had promised her a wonderful night. It was late in the evening. After spending the day with her friends, Anna had met her mother at home.Sharon walked in the door from work, tossed her purse on the couch, kicked her heels off, and wiggled a finger at her daughter, motioning her to follow her into the bedroom. Anna obeyed. As Anna walked...

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Anna Too Many 2

-- Too Many For Even Anna! 2 --[Synopsis:My attractive daughter-in-law Anna had come to me with a very personal request. She'd always been fascinated with the thought of several men having sex with her, taking turns or even together. She asked me if I could arrange it, without her husband knowing.I collected two friends, the three of us met with Anna, and she enjoyed several very exciting sessions with us.All seemed to be going well, we were all having a good time .. but good things don't...

1 year ago
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Anna erotic freedom in Europe 1

Anna's intimate introduction in a dirty daring dream after an inventive invitationAnna is my most intimate friend here. We live far apart, but dream about each other, right from our sexy start.Anna is as pretty and yummy as she is young. We share her taste, as she loves girls with similar sexy lovely lines.Anna is known by her breast size as username: 34a. Although she almost never wears a bra with her firm little tits.Anna is very fond of being naked. At her home in the cold she heats hot...

2 years ago
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Anna Plus Two Plus One

She's an extremely attractive girl and I'm not the only guy in the bar checking her out, there's a few of us casting burning glances over to where she's ensconced with her somewhat frumpy looking companion. The pretty one is fully aware of what's happening (guess she's used to being ogled) and seems to be rather enjoying it. Certainly she's not discouraging the male attention: giggles, pouting, flicking of hair, shapely legs crossing and re-crossing in her tight little skirt, shoe...

1 year ago
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Anna pays his debt

Anna was laying on her couch waiting for her boyfriend Mike when she was startled by a loud knock at the front door. Thinking it was Mike she went to the door in her tiny tank top and shorts, Anna was surprised to see a large black man at the door who was looking for Mike. The mans name was Carl and it seemed that Mike owed him some money. After Anna told him Mike was not here Carl insisted he would wait and forced his way into the apartment. After a few minutes Anna notice the man glancing at...

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Anna and Ramone Ch 02

Hi guys, Thank you for reading the story and also for your feedback. I hope you enjoy the second chapter as well. T-Wnjk ********* Present Day ‘Anna? Anna?’ Ramone called looking concerned. ‘What?’ ‘You’re crying.’ ‘Oh,’ Anna said while wiping her tears. ‘Excuse me Ramone.’ Anna bolted to her bathroom and locked the door. Her heart was beating furiously and she rested her elbows on her sink with her head bowed down. She didn’t dare look at the mirror for fear of what she would see....

3 years ago
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Anna Finds a Sponsor

Anna Terri Tremaine had been doing her homework. Two years earlier she'd been inside the interdiction field at a pickup. 'Where the hell did they go, dammit!' Anna's girlfriends, Stacy and Donna, were supposed to meet her, here at the food court. The problem was, when shopping, those two had the attention span of two squirrels on a diet of coffee beans. And the Tri-state area's largest outlet mall did not help. 'WTF! Why is everything outside gre ... Oh shit! It's a pick-up! I told...

1 year ago
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Anna 5 Rescued

-------- Anna 5 : Rescued --------My lovely daughter-in-law Anna was still leading a very complicated life. Her husband's workers were still visiting her almost daily, repeatedly r****g her and collecting their cum from her abused cunt for her husband's perverse use.The school principal from her son's school continued his demands, using the pornographic images of her that he'd confis**ted from her son to force her submission.He arranged several more meetings with Anna at her home, forcing her...

3 years ago
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Anna Kendricks Wilde Night

“Hey Anna, I’ve got a bottle of vodka and Jason is out filming a movie. Wanna hang together?” the text from Olivia Wilde read.“Sure, I’m not doing anything. Be right over!” Anna Kendrick responded.After filming their movie “Drinking Buddies”, the two actresses became very close friends. After Anna broke up with her longtime boyfriend, Olivia was the first person she called and ended up living with her for about a week. It had been a month since she had moved back to her own house when Olivia...

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Anna and the Train

Anna lay back on the wide bed, her body still trembling from her last orgasm. Her husband Allan continued to stroke her body with one hand as he slowly moved the big vibrator inside her cunt. She wondered if he planned to excite her to yet another orgasm, knowing she'd welcome even more excitement if he offered it. She also wondered why he was taking so much trouble with her this evening. She couldn't remember the last time he'd made such passionate love with her, come inside her so hard, had...

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Anna and Missy

I met Anna online and we developed a friendship even though she was looking for girls. She was extremely open and we shared some experiences including her first time with her best friend Missy. I was in complete awe at her description of their lovemaking but when she sent me their pictures, I was enamored.Anna's had some nudes that showed a suntanned, petite, dark haired beauty with perfect breasts and nipples, the most kissible belly and hips, great legs, incredible pussy and the prettiest...

1 year ago
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Anna repays debt part 2

It had been a few weeks since Annas experience with Carl. She kept thinking about his large dong and how amazing her orgazms were with him. He was so strong and good looking and just hung like a horse. She had just gotten out of bed with Mike and was thinking about how guilty she felt. Mikes penis was so small and the romps in the sack with Mike barely last 15 minutes. In fact, this afternoon she dressed in a cute little pair of shorts and a half top and Mike lost his load as she was given him...


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