Inside Me Ch.4 free porn video

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I was quietly reading my book on the recliner in the living room. Ean was off probably in his room. It was the summer, quiet, lots of free time. Mom was at work. Dad was still in the hospital. He was getting better. That’s all I knew. I was a year over a decade old though. Adults like to lie to children. 
My peaceful reading was disturbingly enough interrupted by the phone ringing in the kitchen behind me. By the end of the first ring, Ean was bouncing from his room. Probably expecting a call from a friend. Before the third ring, Ean picked up. With his mumbled words, I was able to reintegrate my mind into the book. Top of the page. 
Bottom of the page. I turned it. Ean walked past me and sat on the couch off to the side before me. I looked up to him. He looked a little disturbed but not quite. I never could read his emotions. He sat silently staring toward the floor. He was deep in thought for sure. 
“Who was that” I asked. 
“Mom just wanted to call and say that she would be home early,” he replied monotonously. 
It seemed boring enough. We were probably going out or something when she got home, that would explain why Ean looked to be just waiting with me. His deep state of thought, that was nothing new. Mom probably said we were going out to eat and gave him the choice of where. He was probably weighing the pros and cons of each restaurant in the city. 
My mind faded back to the story before me. Fifteen minutes passed by, maybe half an hour; time is in a quasi state when you’re into a good book. Ean stood up and walked to me. 
“Stand up,” he said. I looked up. 
“Do you trust me” That question from his mouth. Those words. Whenever he really wanted me to obey him, he always asked me if I trusted him. He was the smartest person I knew besides dad or mom. He never hurt me. Any jokes he did play on me always left me laughing in the end. I trusted everything to him. He was my only friend. 
I put my book onto the side table next to the recliner and stood up. Ean immediately grabbed me and pulled me into his body. He whispered down into my ear. 
“Dad died. Just awhile ago. I’ll always protect you.” 
He was too serious. He would never lie about something like that. Dad died. No. Why 
My arms instinctively wrapped themselves around Ean. He was so big. So warm. Comfortable. I couldn’t understand a thing that went through his mind. I didn’t know why he did it the way he did, but for some reason, it felt the easiest for me. Just me and him. Standing alone hugging each other. My silent tears in soaking through his t-shirt onto his ribs. 
I didn’t want to be alone then and I didn’t want mom. Mom must’ve been crushed. I would be ashamed to cry in front of her. Ean was so strong. He was my best friend. My only friend. I missed dad so much. 
The distinct muffed sound of the garage door opening moved through the silent house. I continued crying into Ean’s body. Every time I tried to toughen myself up to face mom, Ean squeezed me a little harder into him. He was pressing my emotions from me. 
The door opened from the garage. I meekly turned to face mom’s torn face as she entered. She looked from me to Ean. She looked almost surprised and distraught that I was in his arms, that I was crying, that I knew about dad. 
“She’s stronger than you think.” The words reverberated down the bones of my brother into my jaw. Mom almost ran to us and wrapped her arms wide around our bodies. 
I never really understood my brother. The more pressure you put on him, the more amazing things he did. I would be scared of his uncanny ability to manipulate any situation he wanted if I wasn’t his little sister. He swore to protect me. He was my big brother. The only thing better than having that knowledge yourself was having a big brother that did. That way I would be free from the burdens I always imagined he suffered from, but I would reap the rewards of his generosity.  
I had never seen somebody look so calm in such distressing situations. He held in all emotion while moving and talking to benefit everybody around him. I would say he was incredibly selfless, but my inability to understand why he did what he always did kept me from knowing whether he was enjoying it all. What looked like nobility to me could all just be an interesting game to him. Either way, he was my big brother and I was in love with him. 
Three more days had passed and the first week of high school concluded. I had chosen to take up residence next to Montana in math class. Unassigned seats had to be the best part of high school. Montana had personality, at least the kind I liked, but her math skills weren’t all that great. She wasn’t shy about that fact either. 
When she suggested that maybe she should come over some time if she needed homework help, I questioned whether or not she was just bluffing confusion in math to sneak peeks at my brother. She did talk about him a lot. At least more than I wanted her to.  
Apparently her and her older sister Crystal had always been a bit distant emotionally. Crystal fell into a bad crowd according to her. My brother was the best thing to ever happen to her but unfortunately he came too late.  
Montana had a weird view on her sister’s death. She missed her and went very distraught when she first heard about it, but her mind played it down fairly quick. I didn’t want her anywhere near Ean. She only brought him up a few times about what her sister mentioned about him over the phone but the times she did talk about him, she raved. I loved her as a friend; the first real one I could ever remember besides my brother, but I thought it best to keep her at somewhat of a distance.  
Ean was my best friend. Montana was a real friend. My only two friends. I had to keep them away from each other. Apart, they both relied on me so much. That was best. I had to make sure they didn’t meet. 
It was the end of a four day week of school. What I thought would be the worst week of my life turned out to be one of the best. Dinner wasn’t the best though. Macaroni and Cheese. Also Ean kept to himself mostly after we fell asleep together. He looked better though. 
I was walking from the kitchen to my room when he called me. 
“Maeghan, come here.” I stopped at his room just before mine and walked into his open door. I looked at him waiting for a question. He just sat on the end of his bed looking at me. “Take off your clothes.” 
My stomach turned to stone. What What did he say No question, no revelation, just an order, to do that! 
“Right here. Get naked for me.”  
I was speechless. My body was stiff and very heavy. What was happening 
“Do it – or get out of my room.” 
He gave me a choice. The absolute hardest choice in the world. I wasn’t in a horny mood at all. If I had been, I still wouldn’t know what to do. I had to think back to what we did before that week. Everything we talked about. Everything I promised I would do for him. I was in the heat of the moment then. I was just an ordinary girl now. Just his fourteen year old sister. 
Ean just stared at my face. Was he testing me Was he checking to see if I was telling him the truth earlier Seeing if he could trust me He didn’t have to ask me verbally. This was a matter of trust. Could he trust my word All the confusion I caused him with that night. It was now. Did I really mean what I said or just say it to make him feel better 
I meant every single word of it. Even if I wasn’t horny right then, I would be in time. I would be when I left the room and thought about all the possibilities of what could have just happened. He was my brother. I loved him. I wanted to fall asleep every night in his arms. I wanted to lose my virginity to him. I would show him how serious I was. I would damn right show him how much I loved him. How much I liked it when he touched me that night. He could trust me. If he was having mixed thoughts of me, I would make it very clear what thoughts I wanted him to promote. 
I moved back my left leg and stepped on the heel of my right shoe. I lifted and pulled my foot out. I repeated the motion to remove my other shoe. I worked slowly. Ean was staring at me. I didn’t know how far he would let me go. I hoped he would tell me to stop soon enough and we could just cuddle. I felt weird and embarrassed standing in front of him slowly taking my clothes off. Although, a tiny thought stood at attention in the back of my mind; a hope that he wouldn’t tell me to stop at all. 
I crouched down and lifted each foot one at a time to remove my socks. I was bare foot now. Standing before him in my jeans and a t-shirt. The moment of truth. I had to choose between my pants and shirt. He had seen me in my nightgown plenty of times; that showed off a fair amount of my legs. Pants next. 
I unbuckled the belt and pulled it apart. Unbuttoned, unzipped. Ean stared at me. Not my face now, my hands. My shaking hands as they fumbled just in front of my pubic region. I slowly bent forward as I pushed my pants down off my legs and stepped out of them. 
His door was open. I didn’t know why but in the empty house, I would’ve felt a little less awkward if his bedroom door wasn’t wide open.  
My heart was beating soo incredibly fast. I didn’t know how I would survive this. He was so emotionless. Watching me so calmly as I got naked so slowly in front of him. I knew he could see what it was doing to me. He sat and watched me being tortured half to death.  
I slowly lifted my shirt off my torso. I pulled it over my head and off of my arms. I dropped it. I was in my underwear then. My thin panties and a training bra. Mom said when she returned we would go buy some new bras for me. She said I was just about an A-cup. I felt so ashamed. So young. So embarrassed standing before of my older brother in those two pieces of fabric. His eyes scanned me. He still didn’t move or say anything. He wanted me out of those as well. 
I reached behind me to take off my bra. I thought that made me look most childish in front of him. That embarrassed me the most. It fell off my arms to the ground. My little breasts were chilly in the open air. They were sweating. 
Might as well end it. In one slow fluid motion, I removed my panties. I stood in the midst of the pile of my clothes. I was completely naked in front of my brother. He stared intently at my small flat body. It’s almost boyish figure. 
“Come here.” 
I was about to vomit from anxiety. I eagerly walked to him. I wanted him to comfort me. Tell me that I did a great job. Tell me that he loved me and everything was perfect now. 
My naked body almost fell into his arms. I was so weak. I couldn’t stand up anymore. He held me. He supported all my weight. He pulled me back onto the bed with him. My naked body flipped over onto my back. I was drug up the mattress; my head rested on one of his pillows. He pulled off of me and sat crossed legged next to me on the mattress, staring down at my naked little body. 
“Masturbate for me.”  
My chilled tummy inhaled deeply. Why did he not stop Why did he just not end this somehow He was dragging me into something I didn’t want to do but I knew I could never deny him. If I did, everything would be lost. He would never trust me again.  
My eyes were watering. My face trembled. He could see it all yet he remained emotionless, staring down at me. He was waiting. What if I just started crying Would he stop then Would he comfort me Would he tell me everything was ok 
He said I was stronger than mom thought. I was his little sister. I was like him. I was strong. I had to go on. If I cried, what if he left What if he just shunned me as a little girl What if he thought he hurt me He would leave for sure and never come back.  
I reached my hand down and pressed it against my slit. I ran my finger up inside just the crack. I found my clitoris. Only that could give me pleasure in the state my mind was in then. I rubbed the little button for about a minute before I noticed Ean moving. I was trying to only stare at my body and forget he was even there. 
I looked over at him uncrossing his legs and sitting up. I kept rubbing myself. My mind couldn’t deny the pleasure of the body. My nipples were becoming erect. Ean stood on his knees beside me. He unbuckled his belt and popped loose his pants button. 
I was becoming scared shitless. What was happening What was he going to do I wanted to lose my virginity to him for sure but not right then. Not like that. Tears welled up in my eyes. I couldn’t stop him. I wouldn’t stop him. 
He unzipped his pants. I was about to see it. For the first time. Then I would lose my virginity. I was crying. I would have sex for the first time crying. My brother would have sex with his little sister as she cried. He wouldn’t do that. He couldn’t. I had to trust him. He was too smart. He had to have a plan. 
In one swoop, his jeans and boxers fell. His massive hard penis bounced before me. I say massive but I had no real idea in comparing it to the normal size. All I knew was it was way bigger than anything I ever attempted or even thought about putting inside me. 
Ean reached over and scooted my naked body a little more toward the center of his queen bed. Then he pulled one leg over me. His pants and boxers were pulled down and resting on me just above my knees. I diligently kept rubbing my little mound. My fingers lingering in my brand new pubic hairs. I kept my hand as closed over my vagina as possible. I didn’t want to lose my virginity like that. 
Then he dropped over me onto his hands and knees. He reached one hand out and then back before sitting back up on his legs. A small bottle of some kind of lotion or something was in his hand. It tipped and a line of its contents oozed onto his hand. 
Ean closed the bottle and tossed it into my pile of clothes. His lotioned hand then squeezed around his penis. He rubbed around the whole length of it a few time twisting and turning his hand before he began just moving back and forth repeatedly. 
I didn’t know what to think. I was completely naked on my brother’s bed masturbating at his command while his hovered over me stroking his penis. I hated it and loved it. If only I knew what he was thinking. If I knew more, I could just enjoy everything about the moment. But the anxiety, curiosity, everything I didn’t know was eating away at me. 
When I had an orgasm I got really wet. Boys shoot something out I learned. That made babies in girls. Semen. Sperm. I had to say one thing at least, I was getting really excited to see what would happen when he had an orgasm. 
His hand moved back and forth over his penis as he stared down at me. At my body. I couldn’t help but blush. He was masturbating to me. To my naked body. My fingers picked up pace on my own masturbation. 
Then Ean started rocking and bucking his hips back and forth. He was going to do it. He was really going to have an orgasm. Right there. Right on top of me. I stopped everything and held my breath. My fingers stopped moving. I stared at his sex organ as in bounced in and out of his hand. He was squeezing it hard. Then he stopped. Just as he pushed out toward me he stopped and held it there. 
I couldn’t describe it at first butTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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I’m a Filipina single mother , 26 years old , work as a shift supervisor for an electronics assembly plant , my son David 6 yrs old stays with me in my apartment for two years now , my female neighbor babysits for my son during the day when I’m gone for work. David’s father left him the same time I got pregnant, it was too late that I discovered that he’s a married man , it was somewhat of an unplanned event that I regreted all my life. Since then I raised my son alone as my...

2 years ago
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Inside Indian Secret Gardens

"And how did it go at school today?" I enquired as I handed Sarla my briefcase at the door. Sarla, my tall and slender wife, looked spectacular in green knee length kurta and tight white churidar over her round legs and the large leather wallet that hung around her waist through a long leather strap passing over her left shoulder. I was immediately captivated by her looks Her wavy black long hair were open and fell at her back well up to her broader hips."No problems! " looking around a bit she...

1 year ago
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Inside Me C06

----- 6 -- I woke up alone again the next morning. I couldn’t understand how he could leave me without me knowing all the time. Was I that heavy of a sleeper? If I was, Ean could do a lot to me in my sleep and I wouldn’t know. I knew he wouldn’t do anything on purpose though. In the shower as I washed my body off, I declared that after last night, Ean would never approach me for sex; at least not for several weeks while he tried to put his head around things. It was up to me. And I only...

3 years ago
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Inside Brother

Inside Brother: the story of Mac n Nash WolfeMac walks over to the studio door and pulls the shade. He turns off the outer sign and locks the door. As his key turns in the deadbolt he takes a stern look over his shoulder and says, "Pretty boy, slide your ass across that counter and bring it into my reach. I need to worship." "Yes Mac, I'm coming." Nash replies, boyish adoration emanating from his smile. He lifts his lean, toned 180lbs by his arms and leans over the counter, then plops back to...

2 years ago
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Inside Area 51

Warning: Contains Satyr, Dryad and Pixie sex; no gerbils were harmed during the writing of this story. Authors Notes This story is a sequel to "Beyond Area 51" I suggest you read that first for Jaay?s origin A nod of respect for the lesbian story "Fruition". (found on Erotic mind control archive.) NOTE: a different ?victim? tells each chapter Inside Area 51 Chapter 1 Jaay's Journey Deep in an unnaturally lush plateau at the heart of the Area 51 firing range... I...

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Inside Me C12

----- 12 -- The next day started off fairly slow. Bentlee woke Montana and I up and we all somehow made our way into the kitchen and started throwing random breakfast foods together on the stove. In the end, we all, including Ean, sat around the table eating eggs, bacon, and waffles. The conversation of what to do that day eventually came up while eating. Bentlee suggested the zoo. It was a good one I admit, but a bit extreme for no planning whatsoever. Montana, whether I should call...

3 years ago
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inside man

hi. you know me. i'm that slutty looking busty blond in all those porno movies you watch....sometimes. sometimes i'm a brunette. sometimes my hair is short, othertimes long. sometimes i look like i'm young, other times i'm that sexy milf. sometimes i look like i've had too much plastic surgery, other times i look like a knife never touched me. other times i'm the asian or latina chick, or the black chick. sometimes i have a nice fat ass, other times my boobs are smaller. sometimes...

1 year ago
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Inside me Ch6

I woke up alone again the next morning. I couldn’t understand how he could leave me without me knowing all the time. Was I that heavy of a sleeper If I was, Ean could do a lot to me in my sleep and I wouldn’t know. I knew he wouldn’t do anything on purpose though.  In the shower as I washed my body off, I declared that after last night, Ean would never approach me for sex; at least not for several weeks while he tried to put his head around things. It was up to me. And I only had one more night...

2 years ago
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Inside Me

She couldn't move, her body not obeying her. Her head felt foggy, and no sound came out of her mouth. She saw the girl approach, pulling her legs apart slowly, exposing her. They were both naked, the room dark. Krissy felt her heart pound, her voice not working. God, what was wrong with her? Last thing she remembered she was pretty drunk and she thought maybe she passed out. And then waking up with this woman's mouth on hers, her hands taking off her clothes. The girl put some sort of lubricant...

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Inside Ronnies Head

Inside Ronnie's Head By Dawna Thompson April, 2002 Every time Ronnie saw a beautiful woman he lusted for her. He wanted to get into her panties... and her pantyhose, bra, blouse, shoes, and skirt. Ronnie was a normal guy. He never felt strange or different. He grew up in suburbia playing baseball, swimming and hanging out with his boyhood friends. He got along well with all of them. As a kid he liked building blocks, trains, toy trucks and playing army. He was a good...

4 years ago
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Inside Job

Inside Job By Kelly Hunter "Mr. Johnson? My name is Rachel, please, follow me." The young woman led the gentleman past the front counter, past the tellers that handled the basic bank functions, and into the elevator. His eyes followed the swaying hips of her tight tan wool skirt, her long legs gracefully leading the way. Her delicate high heels of her matching tan pumps began to softly click as they left the carpet of the lift and onto the cold, marble floor of the lower level...

3 years ago
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Inside Grandpas Toolshed

Inside Grandpa's Tool ShedBy billy69boy(Sequel to "Grandpa Tucks Me In")Chapter OneLate the next morning I awoke to the sounds of hammering and sawing and other construction noises coming from my grandparents' back yard. A tingle ran down my spine as I figured that grandpa was out there preparing for me to help him "clean out" his toolshed. Now that I realized how kinky my grandparents were, I couldn't wait to find out what they had in mind next. All I knew for sure was that my so-called...

2 years ago
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Inside Stians Office

Whilst in Stian's office... It is dim and gloomy; all so shadowy and lightless. I can not glimpse or make out anything at all with my bodily eyes. I cannot perceive and sight Stian Elbert ... my very own possessed and pleasantly handsome spouse. Of course! He is somewhere here with me in this bulky, sumptuous murky room of his office here at Rovich Central Hospital. I feel like I am all alone in the whole world; all alone ... with no one to stand by my side and alleviate and assist me out in...

3 years ago
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Inside These Four Walls

Introduction: Nikki is the exotic girl that always goes for what she wants. And Savannah happens to be one of the things she wants most at Richmond Academy. Nothing is stopping the mutual attraction that Nikki and Savannah feel towards each other, so why cant they shake off the feeling that theyre hiding this huge secret? I just want to have sex with you. Nikki whined as she followed me through the library. Not right now, Nik. Oh, cmon! She sped up her pace so she was pressed behind me while...

2 years ago
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Inside Out

Inside Out Inside the mind of Chris, were five emoticons that provided emotional order in his life. Each emoticon had their own personality, but they were oriented towards one emotion. The five were joy, fear, disgust, anger, and sadness. These five worked together in a control center inside Chris' head and regulated the flow of memories. Joy was a bubbly woman that took the leading role in Chris' head. Fear was a man that discouraged Chris from making reckless decisions. ...

4 years ago
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Inside Me C01

----- 1 -- Why is it that in all the good stories, the guys are the protagonists? They’re the ones you cry over. They’re the ones with the emotions. The girl is always their support. Support. Their strength. Never them. Never the Protagonist. When the girl is in danger; when she gets hurt; why do we cry for the guy? When he’s sad because of her, why do we feel for him? Why not for her? Why do I weep when the guy gets hurt; regardless of whether the female is sad, regardless of whether she...

3 years ago
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Inside Mr Fancy Pants Apartment

“You’re shitting me? Wait…No! OH. MY. GODDD!” I exclaimed. “I’m telling you the truth. I saw it with my own eyes,” Cissy said, laughing at my extreme reaction to her news. “You mean to tell me that the hottie in 302 is pretty close to Mr. Fancy Pants in 304?” I asked, bemused. “Yes! I saw him coming out of Fancy Pants’ apartment this very morning, looking all disheveled and shit,” she replied. I was struck silent. My roommate, Cissy, and I have lived in our apartment for almost 6 years....

3 years ago
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Inside Mr Fancy Pants Apartment

“You’re shitting me? Wait…No! OH. MY. GODDD!” I exclaimed. “I’m telling you the truth. I saw it with my own eyes,” Cissy said, laughing at my extreme reaction to her news. “You mean to tell me that the hottie in 302 is pretty close to Mr. Fancy Pants in 304?” I asked, bemused. “Yes! I saw him coming out of Fancy Pants’ apartment this very morning, looking all disheveled and shit,” she replied. I was struck silent. My roommate, Cissy, and I have lived in our apartment for almost 6 years....

Group Sex
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Inside Maple Grove Chapter 3

A story about one families bid to conquer Boston’s EliteA Fantasy created by Ted Guy based on an idea by Julie Van.Chapter 3Dear readers, the story continues of a black family's bid to conquer Boston's white middle classes. Please read pervious chapters here for maximum enjoyment. Hopefully this tale is being well received. Some feedback would be nice.Inside Maple GroveChapter3 - Penetration time.Michelle Jackson had been joined in the hot tub by her daughter Abbey and Stella Harris and they...

4 years ago
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Inside of me forgive my english

1It is not easy for me to remember this story.Every time, I seem to walk near a ravine dark and mysterious, a place without carefully avoid, a corner of the mind that scares me even after so many years.I've never been afraid of this man, in fact, I felt sorry for him. Today when I remember I think he had big problems. The fear I feel is really my only!Of the past remember that when I returned home, full of pain and unhappy, I felt great fear of my ability. I dreaded to think of the things that...

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A story about one families bid to conquer Boston’s EliteA Fantasy created by Ted Guy based on an idea by Julie Van.(Please read previous chapters to get maximum enjoyment).Chapter 3 - Penetration time.Michelle Jackson had been joined in the hot tub by her daughter Abbey and Stella Harris and they were casually chatting and drinking champagne. Stella Harris was still feeling sexually aroused after her very brief dalliance with Abbey and even though absorbed in conversation in her head she...

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Inside Carls Computer

It was gone midday as Jay made her way groggily downstairs, still a little hungover from her late-night binge. She'd had a couple of glasses of wine with her parents at dinner the night before. Then, when they'd gone to bed she'd gone to her room and spent a few hours Skyping with her BFF Jamie, back in the UK. She'd taken the newly opened bottle of Pinot Grigio with her to keep her company. And, when that one was exhausted she'd opened another. She felt sore all over as she went into the...

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Inside Angela

Sex with Roxanne was scaring me. She was loud and forceful and aggressive, not so much having sex with me as trying to grind out my orgasm like a cigarette under foot. She was everything men dream of. I should have been ecstatic about being with her. She was stacked, fit, firm, with a long thick mane that she kept tossing back and forth with every bounce she made on me. She had bright blue eyes and full, suck-me lips. And she was on me, naked, bucking and grinding on my erection, making her...

1 year ago
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Inside the Athletes VillageChapter 2

Though I'd fallen asleep with a gorgeous 18-year-old swimmer flanking me on each side, I awoke in my room completely alone. Glancing over, I saw that my roommate's bed was still perfectly made; Tyler must have hooked up with someone last night and never come home. No biggie, bed-hopping was an unofficial sport at the Olympics. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I sat up and glanced down at the precious hardware still lying on my chest. I used my thumb to rub it, smiling proudly at the...

4 years ago
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Inside and Out

Author’s Note This is a sequel to my previous story, ‘He Reminds me of my Husband.’ If you haven’t already done so I strongly recommend that you read that story first. I am deeply indebted to DaveT for his editing skills. He has undoubtedly made my story more readable. ***** Inside and Out Angela stepped into her office and prepared for her first client. She placed a chair either side of the low coffee table. She opened a fresh box...

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Inside Out Not A Pretty Tale

Inside Out, Not A Pretty Tale ? by: My Introduction - This story is written as part of my therapy. It's not really meant for publication, but I'm only following my therapist's directions. I've been told that if I write it all out it will help me move along and feel better about myself. It contains my personally graphic language, my offensive attitudes, and my sexual descriptions that should offend anyone in their right mind. If you are bothered by this kind of thing, hang...

4 years ago
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Inside Out Part 2 The Last of Sheila

Inside Out Part 2 That Last of Sheila? By Suzanne Knight I got up around 7Am showered and shaved, went with a comfortable bra with weighted breast forms that moved naturally when I walked, put on the waist cincher, sheer taupe pantyhose and a gaffe. The Sheath Vee String Vagina had been pretty uncomfortable yesterday after only a few hours. I did understated make up except I still used the dark red lipstick that went with the finger nails. I slipped into the white blouse and the blue...

2 years ago
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Inside Out Part 6 Sheila Settles Down

Inside Out Part 6 Sheila Settles Down St Kitts is an island in the Caribbean part of the British commonwealth mostly known for growing sugar. It is English speaking, there are no income taxes, and you can buy citizenship for a $35,000 fee and either a $250,000 investment or a $200,000 10 year loan to the government. It was originally known as St Christopher's and eventually shortened to the nickname for Christopher " Kit" It seemed appropriate to settle there since St Christopher was...

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