Vegas: Bk 02 Ch. 09 free porn video

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Carly was frustrated. Despite three calls to Joshua, she had yet to get through. She didn’t understand. Unless he was in a business meeting, he always took her calls. Instinct told her something was wrong.

Parker hadn’t helped. When he’d told her he’d arranged for her to have a day off to talk about a couple of things going on at the club, it had set her mind racing. Something was up. But the upside was that this was her big opportunity to find out exactly what was going on. Once she had, she could return to Samuel Smith’s.

And she was sure that her meeting would lead to one final fucking session with Parker. She was looking forward to that.


Holly wanted to say goodbye to Daniel. Not the easiest thing to do, as she needed to avoid contact with his redheaded girlfriend. She could not risk being recognised.

Despite the late finish the previous night before, they arranged to meet first thing. Holly had an early morning flight. The Rio All-American Bar and Grille was their usual venue.

‘It’s been quite a week,’ Daniel offered, staring into her dark brown eyes.

She nodded. ‘It’s been all of that. What’s the deal with you and Rosie?’

She smiled as she saw him blush. She really liked this young man. It was a shame things hadn’t been different.

‘I really like her, Holly. For the first time since Grace and I parted, I’ve started something that could turn into a relationship.’

She reached out to take his hand. ‘It could have been us,’ she teased. ‘The prince and princess of the poker circuit.’

He laughed, as if he did not quite know how to respond.

‘I’m teasing,’ Holly softly said, playing with his fingers. ‘I don’t want or need a relationship in my life. I’ve explained that.’

Daniel bashfully nodded. It seemed he was almost relieved.

‘The sex was good though,’ she added, her dark eyes twinkling.

‘Incredible,’ he agreed. His eyes flicked down to her unfettered breasts.

‘Still impressive?’ the blonde teased. She raised her eyebrow as his eyes returned to hers.

He blushed again. Like a schoolboy who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

‘Your best weapon,’ he said at last. A slow smile spread across his lips.

‘Weapons,’ she corrected. They smiled at one another for a few seconds. There was no need to speak, the look acknowledged a common bond.

‘You’re my best friend in poker,’ she emphasised.

‘Absolutely,’ he agreed with a grin. ‘You too. So perhaps the prince and princess of the poker circuit is a good description for us.’

They both laughed.

‘Let me ask you something, Daniel…’

He smiled at her, wondering what else was on her mind.

‘You want to fuck me before I leave?’

Daniel’s eyes widened – in surprise. His mouth felt dry. His cock reared to attention.

A soft smile creased Holly’s full lips. ‘Now we both know you want to…’ she huskily breathed.

She was right. He did. But now he had Rosie. ‘Holly…’

‘We will one day, you know!’

The surge of arousal was written all over Daniel’s face. His eyes dropped to her tits again. His breath shortened.

‘Put your tongue back in your mouth, I’m only teasing,’ she laughed. The blonde held up her hand to show him her watch. ‘I’ve got to make a move. Don’t want to miss my flight.’

‘Big game?’ he asked, anxious to change the subject.

She nodded, sweeping back a strand of blonde hair from her forehead.


She smiled again. ‘You want to get in on my territory?’

Daniel laughed, hoping his erection wasn’t too obvious as they walked towards the reception area. ‘Holly, after the last few days, I don’t want to see a pack of cards for a while. I admire your stamina.’

She stopped at the door. The doorman had made sure her bags were in her waiting taxi. She handed over a healthy tip and turned back to him. ‘Well, you know me, Daniel. Wherever there’s a hit to be made.’


Parker had made sure Ming gave Carly the day off. This was their opportunity to get even with the bitch. When he thought how she had duped him, he could barely control his anger. But then, his plan to extract revenge would provide adequate compensation.

His only frustration was that Ming had lent the five thousand bucks to Julie. She had pulled out of the film as a result. Nor would she have anything to do with Parker. The dame said he’d lied to her by telling her that Ming planned to sack her. He’d virtually coerced her into sex with him.

He laughed it off. She had not needed much coercion. But he hadn’t argued. If she stayed with Bobby, she would get herself into a similar position again. When she did, he’d be there to take advantage.

For now, his thoughts were focused on Carly. He gave a soft whistle when she arrived. Her low cut blouse left nothing to the imagination. Her figure hugging jeans appeared to have been sprayed on. If everything went according to plan, he’d be enjoying that body for a long time to come.

‘Why are we meeting here?’ she asked.

Looking around, she slid her arm around his neck. He could feel her jutting breasts against his chest as she pressed her lips to his mouth.

‘This is where I shoot the films.’

A look of alarm sprang to her face. ‘Parker, I’ve told you I’m not….’

He laughed. She tried to resist as he pulled her close for another kiss.

‘I know that, honey,’ he said, cupping her chin. ‘We’re not working today. But I thought it would be fun to fuck here. Then, I can tell you all about what’s going on.’

‘Tell me now,’ she eagerly said. To help her cause, she persuasively pushed her breasts against his chest again.

He cupped her tits. ‘Fucking hell, honey,’ he moaned. ‘I’ve just got to taste these babies again. We’ll have plenty of time for conversation when we’re finished. I have something special planned.’

Her eyes widened. ‘Special, Parker?’

He nodded. ‘Because of everything you’ve done since we met, it’ll be a real treat.’

He laughed at the glint in her eyes. If only she knew what was in store.

‘But first, let me show you around,’ he insisted.

Taking her hand, he led her out of the far door. The thin corridor led to a room at the far end. Next to a red light, there was a sign by the door.

‘Laboratory?’ she queried.

He laughed. ‘To keep away any unwelcome guests. And besides, lots of research goes on in here.’

The room was in darkness. Parker flicked on a single switch. A shaded light ran around the walls. Carly’s almond coloured eyes grew bigger as they took in the bedroom movie set. The false walls provided a backdrop to the huge four-poster bed in the centre. Several large cameras were lined around the bed, along with lights on poles.


‘Impressed?’ Parker crooned. ‘Honey, I’ve so much to tell you about this set-up. But first, you and I are going to make full use of that bed. Want to test things out?’

He pulled her onto the mattress. Immediately, they found each other’s lips whilst his hands returned to her tits.

‘Gonna fuck me on this bed?’ he asked, as Carly began to stroke him through his denims.

Her hands were busy already unfastening his belt. ‘Baby, you’ve no idea.’

He smiled at her as she slid his belt away. Slowly, she unfastened each button of his jeans, holding his gaze. When she pulled his naked hardness into the open, he gave a long moan.

‘Oh my,’ she whispered in mock astonishment. ‘I see baby’s ready for me…’

He stopped her just before she took him in her mouth. ‘I want us naked first, honey.’

With a seductive smile, she eased herself from the bed. One by one, she provocatively removed each item of clothing, like a stripper but without the music. She finished with an extravagant twirl, cupping her
breasts as she faced him.

‘Baby approves?’ she softly asked.

‘Baby approves!’ he agreed, nodding down to his ramrod stiffness. ‘Now get on that bed.’

Carly obliged. Her eyes devoured his erect cock as he rid himself of the rest of his clothing. As he slid onto the bed, the young temptress lay back against the large, fluffy pillows and spread her legs.

‘Come to Carly,’ she whispered, touching the pencil-thin strip of dark hair above her swollen clit. Her eyes were trained on his bobbing cock.

He slid up her body, lightly straddling her stomach. She reached down and took him in her hands, eagerly stroking up and down the shaft. Her tantalising eyes watched his reaction. Gently pulling him towards her mouth, she sucked his hard shaft inside.

The time was right. He took her hands and held them above her head. The brunette’s eyes closed as he gently fucked her mouth. She wasn’t expecting the clicking sounds as the handcuffs locked her into place.

Her mouth pulled off his cock. ‘Parker! What the fuck….’

He eased his weight down her body, resting on her thighs. ‘Okay boys,’ he said.

Instantly, the room was bathed in fluorescent light.

Carly attempted to shield her eyes, but couldn’t move her arms. She blinked as several men appeared. They made their way to the cameras.

She realised his plan. ‘Parker, if you think….’

He raised his eyebrows as the cameras lit up. His amused look said it all. Her fight against her restraints was fruitless and after a short struggle she gave up. Her head collapsed back against the pillows. His finger ran along the fine sheen of perspiration coating her luminous skin.

‘Gotta save that energy,’ he suggested. ‘There’s a long day ahead.’

Her eyes glared defiantly into his. ‘Parker, if you think you are going to go through with this, I’ll…’

‘You’ll what?’ he asked. ‘Tell Joshua?’

Her eyes widened in alarm. She was clearly shocked that he had discovered the connection. For a moment, she was lost for words.

‘Oh yes, honey. I know everything about you and Joshua! You thought I wouldn’t find out?’

‘He… he’s a powerful man,’ she blurted. It was a vain attempt to regain some sort of credibility.

Parker smiled. It was a cold smile that made the young woman’s heart miss a beat. Her expression changed. She knew something was wrong.

‘From what I hear,’ he softly said. ‘He’s lost his power.’

Carly fell silent. He could almost see the gears in her brain spinning, desperately trying to work out what he meant. Find a way out. There was none. She gave one final desperate tug of her hands in a futile effort to free herself. Parker laughed and leant his face close to hers.

He held her eyes in a cold, steely glare. ‘My only suggestion to you, honey, is that you do everything you are told. That way, you will be walking out of here with money in your pocket and a new life. Otherwise…’

His words were chilling. The coldness of the moment hit her. She was a lost girl, way out of her league. Parker waited patiently for her acquiescence. ‘Understand?’ he asked.

Carly gave a long gulp. I made no difference to the dryness in her mouth. She slowly nodded to indicate she at last understood the hopelessness of her position.

‘You’re going to be a star,’ he said, smiling softly as he glanced over his shoulder to the waiting cameramen. ‘Ready, boys?’ he asked. ‘And would someone get a glass of water for the lady.’


Katherine’s nervous cough illustrated her state of mind. The District Attorney was a small man. Not what she was expecting at all. He introduced himself as Don Thompson and seemed all business. Williams poured him a coffee and then another for Jeffries. The two men joined the redhead at the kitchen table.

‘Okay, Miss Forrest, I have a busy schedule today,’ he began. ‘I gather you have something you want to tell us? About your association with a gangster known as Big Eddie?’

Katherine hesitated. She looked at Williams and then Jeffries. Their eyes indicated their desire for her to spill the beans. She turned her attention back to Thompson. ‘What is it you’d like to know?’

Thompson glanced at the two Detectives, then back at the redhead. ‘Everything you can tell us,’ he said. He couldn’t disguise his irritation.

She paused. The cigarette she took out and lit gave her time to think. She took a long draw. The smoke filtered from her nostrils.

‘Miss Forrest…’

‘Look,’ she eventually said. ‘I’m really confused about all of this.’

The D.A. turned to stare at Williams and Jeffries. A puzzled frown covered both features.

Thompson’s cold, blue eyes flicked back to the redhead. ‘Why are you confused?’

Katherine took another long drag. ‘Well, when these two officers took me into custody yesterday, I was open enough with them. But they threatened me with prison unless I spoke to you.’

Williams’s lips twitched. He began to speak but the District Attorney held up his hand.

‘You said you’d confide everything you know?’

‘Absolutely,’ she agreed. The ash from her cigarette fell onto the table. She swept it away with her palm.

‘Which is?’

‘I’ve explained all this. I’ve really no idea what Eddie gets up to in his business activities. I’m not privy to those. He and I have been seeing each other for a little while… when I met an old boyfriend of mine, he got jealous. Daniel and I went back to my flat together. Eddie was there. Daniel slipped and fell, as I remember. I went back to Eddie’s place and try and work things out.’

Thompson sat back in his chair. A long sigh escaped his lips. His demeanour was that of a man who had travelled a long way for nothing.

‘You bitch…’ began Williams.

The D.A.’s hand stopped him again. ‘What else?’ he asked.

‘That’s it. The Detectives said something about murders, but I know absolutely nothing about that. I can’t believe that Eddie would be involved in anything like that. He’s always so gentle.’

Williams shot her a vicious look, then stomped to the table. Even Thompson’s hand didn’t stop him this time. ‘You lying bitch…’ His voice was aggressive.

‘But I told you all this last night…’ Katherine began.

‘You fucking lying bitch…’ Williams spat out again. His tone was threatening. The coffee cups jumped as he angrily slammed his fist on the table.

Katherine glared back, narrowing her eyes. ‘You know I did,’ she shouted back. She conveniently turned on the tears.

‘Miss Forrest….’ Thompson began.

She ignored him, her sparkling green eyes homing on Williams. Time for the knockout blow.

‘You know I did. That’s why you made me fuck you.’

The air went silent, other than the gasp that escaped Williams’s lips. Both men gave him incredulous stares. He looked from one to the other. His eyes blazed in anger at the seated Katherine.

He gritted his teeth. ‘You know I did no such thing,’ he said. ‘I’ll give you ten seconds to retract that comment.’

He began counting down, his cold stare piercing into Katherine. It was silently threatening and yet somehow pleading with her to withdraw her statement. When his count reached three, she pulled out the Dictaphone.


All cameras were trained on the bed. Every angle was covered. Parker knew his business. He hadn’t previously appeared in one of his films, but this time was different. More than ever he wanted to fuck this bitch. The backdrop just enhanced that desire.

When the signal was given, he slid on the bed. On his knees, his half-erect cock was level with her face. He eased it towards her mouth. ‘Make it hard, honey.’

Her wide eyes stared at him. It seemed her first thought was to turn away and deny his request. But she knew her vulnerability. Three teasing passes of his hardness across her lips was all that was required. Her eyes on his,
she sucked him inside.

Within seconds he was fully hard. The vision of the brunette lying handcuffed to the ornate head of the bed, gently sucking on his shaft, was all it took.

Parker groaned as she devoured him. They both felt his throbbing in the delicious warmth of her mouth. Despite her objections, Carly was warming to her task. Her swirling tongue traced circles around his bulbous head. Parker responded. His hips thrust forward as he began to fuck her mouth.

His hand caressed her breast, the nipple instantly hardening against the sweaty palm. They were deliciously firm. His reward was the sight of her legs opening slightly. Her own arousal began to take shape. He took her nipple between his thumb and finger. A gasp interrupted her sucking as he roughly pulled on its hardness.

Her legs eased further apart as he played with each hard bud. Her mouth renewed its attentions. She deep-throated him. Giving a groan, he reluctantly pulled away. It was time for the next action. His cock pointed skywards as he straddled her body. Shuffling back, he caressed both full breasts. Carly sighed, and then gasped again when he slid his cock between her pear-like tits and pressed them over the shaft.

‘Fuck, that feels good,’ Parker groaned. His hips worked back and forth, slowly tit-fucking his increasingly aroused captive.

The cameras closed in on his purple crown as it appeared and disappeared at the end of her cleavage. His tantalisingly slow see-saw movements allowed them to do their work. His forward thrusts took the rounded head ever closer to her face. It stared at her, teasing her. The brunette’s arousal built. She tilted her head downwards and attempted to lick it with her tongue.

Parker’s hands held her tits as he thrust. His fingers flicked across her rock hard nipples. Her curvy body shuddered beneath him.

The friction was almost too much. With his orgasm imminent, he pulled away. Carly moaned in disappointment. Easing back, his mouth attacked her hard nipples. The brunette wriggled with arousal. His tongue coated her erect buds with saliva. His teeth brought them alive. Her body continued to respond to his pleasuring and then it was time.

‘Want to fuck now?’ he asked.

It was a rhetorical question. Her eyes gleamed, narrowing in their arousal. He adjusted position and his first two inches slid inside her.

‘For fucks sake, Parker. Unlock me and let me fuck you properly.’ Her voice was almost pleading.

In other circumstances, he might have conceded. But the handcuffs were necessary. He gently pushed again. Carly wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him all the way inside. Parker grunted at the sensation of entry. But even as he savoured the feeling, the brunette had begun to fuck him.

His lips returned to her hard peaks. Her full, pear-like breasts rose to meet his mouth and rivulets of saliva ran down as he tongued both nipples. He knew she could get off from just having her breasts sucked and made it his mission. But her continual bucking against him was having its effect. He began to respond with quick, rhythmic pumping motions. She let out a wail of delight.

His hands clutched her ass as her body jumped under his thrusts. Her full breasts danced erotically under his gaze. His arousal soared. His pace increased. His driving thrusts brought squeals of delight and her legs squeezed even more tightly around his butt.

His right hand slid to her bouncing tit, grasping the firm mound. Her nipple pressed into his palm. The mattress bounced under them as their bodies noisily slapped together. Her submissive position added to her arousal. Moaning, she frantically rotated her hips in small circles as her hands pulled at the restraints. Her flowing juices told him she was close.

The brunette’s body shimmered with perspiration and the pace of her circular thrusts increased. She wailed out as she climaxed, each expression captured by the camera’s invasive eyes. The strength of her orgasm forced Parker’s climax from his body within seconds. As she spurted against him, he fired rope after rope against her inner walls. It took longer than usual to recover, their bodies shuddering as came down from their high.

‘Fuck, Parker, that was sensational,’ the brunette moaned. She attempted to catch her breath. ‘If that’s what it does for me, you’ll have to get me on camera more often.’

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The lapping of a tongue on her face woke Selina. Unfortunately, said tongue only belonged to Missy, one of the cats she and Holly shared their compact Park Row apartment with. Who needed an alarm clock when you could be awoken like this? Selina thought, as she pushed herself up to a sitting position. Selina noted the moonlight streaming through the window with no small sense of delight. Tonight, she knew, was the night. She'd been hunting a lead on this particular score since before Christmas,...

3 years ago
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Lucky in Love

"God I love you! But why is it every time you visit me I end up being so late I have to choose between a morning shower or breakfast?" she teased as she hurriedly pulled her panties on. She looked at her Apple Watch. "Oh no! I don't even get that choice this morning. Baby, we are so late. Mmmm, but oh my God it was worth it!" I pulled her back to the bed, kissing her. She playfully pushed away from me. "Stop! I can't today. You know I am excited that we have the new ARRI...

1 year ago
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Nicolas to Nicole Part 16

It was my mom, she was calling to check up on me. M: How are you Nick? N: I?m OK mom... M: School? N: Great! I got an A on math. M: Oh! I?m so proud of you! N: Thanks mom! M: Hope you bought some nice clothes, we are going out again to celebrate when I get back! N: Ehmm...Ok... M: If not, then go back to the same store and talk to that nice sales lady that helped us last time, Susan. She?ll surely pick something nice for you. N: Ehmm... M: Do you want to talk about...

1 year ago
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My Sexual Odyssey Part 1 How I Got Started

I was always extremely sensuous, expressed in the love of the feel of satin and silk, as well as the feel of going barefoot, which was nearly impossible in the city, even indoors, not part of the culture. Where I live now it is, and so I go not only barefoot but also nude when at home. I don’t know if this is significant or not. However, the first time I noticed anything unusual was probably when I saw a film on TV in which a boy masqueraded as a girl for some reason or other. I recall how...

3 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 29 The Hermaphroditersquos Passion

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Ealaín I let my clit sprout. I shuddered as my nub grew thicker and harder. Its pink flesh darkened to match my obsidian skin as it swelled larger and larger. It thrust at the lamia’s wiggling ass, her tail swishing back and forth, the tawny fur providing a ticklish sensation across my breasts while her furred muff beckoned my cock. She purred as she sucked noisily on Sven’s cock, her ears twitching in obvious signs of enjoyment. Kora...

3 years ago
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Total Woman Requests 02

Mrs. Rush reviewed the TWR Final Request Voucher. It looked to be in order: the Pledge Contributor’s Requested Scenario, TWA Security’s Clearances for Scenario Participants, Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization and the Confirmed Venue Schedule. All Total Woman Academy Pledge Contributors (PC’s) had discretionary use of the Total Woman Academy Graduate Network. TWA graduates donated their time and talents to events that contributed their earnings to the TWA Alumni Fund. The graduates...

2 years ago
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Date Night

My wife and I have a wonderful relationship, but not a lot of extra money to spend. So, when we do go out, it’s usually only to McDonald’s for dinner, followed by a movie at the cheap movie theater in our small town, not the big mega-plex in the next city. One evening, we decided we had the extra cash, and the movie showing was one I wanted to see, so we decided to make a night of it. We showered together, soaping each other and rubbing our hands over each other's body. As we often did,...

Quickie Sex
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 1

Introduction: This is the first chapter of the third series involving mother Jen and her son Chris. It picks up right where the second series ended, but now back at home after vacation. I originally intended to wait until finishing the other series before starting this one, but I have decided to run both in parallel. Comments and Suggestions are welcome as always. Mom, is that you? Who else would it be? I giggled, slipping inside his covers. Now get your cock out honey, mommys horny! I had...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 244

This is compliments of John: Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? DONALD TRUMP: All Mexican chickens who wish to cross this road must submit to a complete background check, and full body search. BARACK OBAMA: Let me be perfectly clear, if the chickens like their eggs they can keep their eggs. No chicken will be required to cross the road to surrender her eggs. Period. JOHN McCAIN: My friends, the chicken crossed the road because he recognized the need to engage in cooperation and dialogue...

1 year ago
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Tiffany eats her cum

Tiffany stood at the window watching the rain come down. The rain always put her in a foul mood. At 25, she felt like a has-been, as if she had already reached the pinnacle of her life. 18 years ago she had won a state and regional championship in freestyle gymnastics. And then a year later she had won a U. S. championship, then a world championship. At fifteen, she had actually won a gold medal at the Olympics. She loved gymnastics and still worked out on a daily basis. She was still lithe and...

2 years ago
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What Comes With the TerritoryChapter 4

“Fuck, yes, bro ... GOD YES!” Amy screamed as she rode my pole, her favorite cock in the world, just as hers was my favorite pussy of all. “You love to fuck me seated like this, don’t ya, babe?” I teased my sweet sister as I impaled her with my stiff, thick rod. “Oh ... Goddamn it ... fuck it ... hell, yes!” Amy’s snatch grew slicker and juicier with each stroke of her bouncing up and down on me. I grabbed my sister’s buns and she really went crazy with her lust, her repeated kisses to my...

3 years ago
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A Friendly Massage

Several years ago I met a woman named Amy through some friends and we hit it off immediately. We shared a love for all things living and the sciences in general. She was quite bored and lonely due to her husband being overseas fighting in Iraq so we started spending most of our days together, she not having a job and I working nights. Our relationship was strictly platonic and our connection was purely mental, at first. As we grew closer our conversations lost all boundaries and we would talk...

2 years ago
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Ted WhoChapter 10

Sandy came to the game that night and, as promised, she paid me no notice at all -- no waves, no thrown kisses, nothing. But I saw her up there, sitting in the Family section. But this time she was very close to the dugout, alongside Amy Parkison, the young woman who served as translator for our Japanese left-hander, Shiggie Nomura. Shiggie had just joined the club recently, and it looked like he would really improve our pitching staff. Shiggie's translator, Amy, was a fine-looking young...

1 year ago
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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

1 year ago
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Door in the ClosetChapter 7

"What's this?" I half-laughed as Ruhk veered left and right and right again, threading his delivery scooter through the limbs and branches of a huge tree. "A secret!" He grinned over his shoulder at me. "So don't go tellin' anybody." "Yeah right!" I rolled my eyes at him. "A tree house? Aren't you a little too old for that?" "It's cool," the boy said. "Get off here ... It's safe, don't worry about it." We were about eighty feet off the ground maybe, I dunno, pretty...

4 years ago
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No Football

They were coming out of the fast food restaurant when I spotted them. They were two attractive twenty-something women with Reubenesque figures, the kind that turned me on. Okay, all women turn me on but this shape was my ideal. Reasonably trim waisted, heavy bottom and top both, and sturdy legs. Both of them, standing together and looking around to see what had changed. I walked up to them and took a handful of each ass. They turned to look at me as if I had appeared out of nowhere, which is...

3 years ago
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Sex With Beautiful Mommy And Sister Part I

Hello guys this is my first story so I hope you all like it. My name is Rajat (fake) and I’m average looking boy with a decent penis which can satisfy most of the girls. I hate those guys who fake that they have 9 or 10 inches penis. I started watching blue films and Hentai at a young age and as everyone knows Hentai contains a lot of incest so I got a keen interest in it. Now for the story it happened when I was 18 and I had two elder sisters, they are both much older than me so they act like...

3 years ago
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The End of James

     25 years old and already VP at his company, James Coburn had no need for money. He lived in a spacious loft downtown, drove a nice car, dressed in only the finest suits, and dined out every night in the fanciest restaurants, usually accompanied by whichever beautiful woman he happened to be fucking at the moment.However, he spent a great deal of his spare time selling his used underwear, cum-filled condoms, and tantalizing photos to faggots around the world on his private website, an...

1 year ago
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A Toy of my Own

Going back home and seeing Gail was an inspiration. But it also made me realize how much I missed getting boned by my old male partner Hank. Or how much I wanted Gail to shove one of her toys up my own ass. Once I discovered that they really weren't metal spikes that is.After returning to New England I knew what I had to do. The Adult Bookstore was way outside of town in a fuckin' Industrial Park. What the hell it was doing out there I have no clue. Maybe they're putting fork lift motors...

3 years ago
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My UPS Man Picnic

I had honestly forgotten about telling my UPS guy we could go on a picnic so when he brought me another package and caught me once again laying out in the nude I grabbed my robe and signed for the package. He was walking away when I remembered and I said hey when we doing this picnic? His turned around and his eyes lit up I said do you got time for a quick soda or iced tea?. I feel like a cold one but don’t want to drink alone. He looked at his watch and I could see him calculating his route. I...

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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Version 30

Reggie Starr Version 3.0 Those darn little nanites. I want to remind where Reggie came from. Reggie Starr was once a very good, but very unpopular MALE State investigator for the Mississippi state police. He lived one hour from the CBD in New Orleans. Reggie got the really bad assignments. His world changed when he was assigned to investigate murders of Transvestites in Memphis, Tenn. He was transformed into a woman by surgery, against his will, by the mob and now, is a...

4 years ago
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Lines and Curves

My mind was somehow always filled with lines. Angles and intersections. Properties. Distances. Distribution. Patterns. I was perfectly willing to pass the blame to my first teacher of mathematics. Mr Williams sowed a seed and I was unable to let it die. Numbers and arithmetic were of minimal interest to me, but show me a diagram, a plan or the skeleton of a building and I was entranced. Father was not an imaginative man. His head was filled too, it seemed. But not with lines. His obsession...

2 years ago
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My Boy Callum Part 1

Introduction: First part of my story about James & Callum. Some of you may find it quite slow at the beginning, but I wanted some decent character development. Any future installments will have more action , I promise! Enjoy and leave some feedback! Hello, my name is James. Im 18 years old and live in the south of England, about 50 miles from London. I travel to the capital quite often, mainly to see my dad as he stayed living there after he and my mum divorced, but also because I am a massive...

1 year ago
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Wife in Loverland Part One Journey to Loverland

 My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...

Wife Lovers
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knapped by daddy bear

I work for for the water department, and it is common for me to have to enter residences to conduct checks. One summer day, I was making my rounds through a slightly scetchy neighborhood. On warm days we are allowed to dress comfortably, so I was wearing shorts, a tshirt and hiking boots. I knocked on the door of a large older home in poor condition. A shirtless, hairy man with a weightlifter’s build of about 55 answered the door. I told him I needed access to his basement, and he seemed put...

1 year ago
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Vacation 3some

We were on vacation, it was about 130am I was awake do to the other guests not so quietly walking down the hall. I had just rolled over when I heard a knock at the door. Assholes I thought . I tried ignoring it but it happened again. My wife got up and was pretty pissed, She was ready to chew some ass. As she opened the door. I heard Dominos, here is your pizza. I got out of bed and stood behind my wife as she told the guy we didn't order any damn pizza. The guy had a hard time concentrating as...

Group Sex
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Using My Stepdaughter Again

It had been about six weeks since I had Kim's ass.  She was more attentive to me in our short interactions when we stopped to pick up or drop-off our teenage grandson.  With the busy holidays, none of us had time to spend more than ten minutes together.  I could tell that she was anxious to have another session when we did cross paths, but there just wasn't enough time.Susan and I had always spent New Year's evening with our grandson from when he was very little.  This year was no exception...

2 years ago
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The PresenceChapter 9

Beth and Jill held each other for the longest time. “Jill, I ... I don’t know what came over me. I have never had an urge like I just experienced. I have never had an interest in another woman ... sexually I mean. And then just looking at you the lust hit me and what to do. Seeing your ... ass presented out like that was such a turn on and then when you told me to go for it, something took over and I did what I never thought I would ever do and Jill, I hate to admit it but I ... enjoyed it....

2 years ago
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Sara Becka and me Chapter 12

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter XII The Third Week Sunday - Back home. Monday - Back to... normal? And the Epilog The wedding is over. I'd met a wonderful guy and even if I did like guys, which I don't, my heart belongs only to Sara. But I hurt him, which really upset me. Other than that, it was a...

4 years ago
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my babysitter my teenage whore

My wife and I had been married for five years and had some good sex before our twin daughters were born, then our life in the bedroom began to taper off some.It wasn't that Lisa wasn't attractive any more; she was hotter than ever with the few extra curves she put on after she had the girls.I don't know if she was self-conscious about the ten extra pounds she had on herself or worn out from the girls, but she didn't seem as interested in sex as she used to be.On a good month, I may have gotten...

3 years ago
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More Family SecretsChapter 8

There were plenty of topics left for conversation at the dinner table. Vinca revealed that her senses of smell and taste weren't just acute, but that they were linked to her vision. She saw coloured shapes floating in her field of vision all the time, and each scent and taste corresponded to certain colours and shapes, effectively enabling her to see them. Dave hadn't heard of such a thing, but his father and Ed had, and called it synesthesia. Clark then revealed that he could...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi And Me Seduced Each Other For Lovely Night 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, I am back with something more. My name is Anay, I am from Pimpri, Pune. My last sex story was about how me and my neighbour bhabhi seduced each other into getting a fuck. And this time I will share what and how I did things to two pussies. After we had our first fuck that night, I went in to meet her the very next afternoon, she was ready for fuck, but her kaamwali bai was present. So we couldn’t start it, but while kaam wali was in kitchen, I kept my hand on her body. She was...

3 years ago
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A Wifes torrid love affair

Amanda was your typical mom of two young boys, who at the age of 38 had begun to look at herself more closely than ever before. Her husband Steven was a few years older than her and held a job that had him traveling around the country. Even though they had been married happily for the last twelve years there were times Amanda had felt isolated from him. To keep herself busy Amanda would volunteer for a number of things at church. She also helped out at the preschool where her two boys had...

4 years ago
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Melois randy

ok as i was saying when lois told me she wanted to see me suck randy's dick and it was right in my hand i thought maybe just taste the crown.but as i was putting my lips on it lois chomped down on my cock and when i hollered she shoved my head all the way down on his rod.after the shock wore off it wasn't that bad.i could taste the precum flowing freely i tried to mimic what lois does for me but soon found out she made it look easy.i held his hips as i tried to use my mouth to face fuck him.we...

4 years ago
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The Game Ch 03

Okay, so I woke up and didn’t even think of sex, alright? Not once. At least… not for a start. I’d forgotten about the game, the photos, the notes. The sun was streaming in the window, and I was just enjoying lying there. Fridays were great. I didn’t have any commitments until after lunch, and I generally made the most of it. As the morning wore on, I dozed for a while, then read for a bit, and then, eventually, and a little reluctantly, decided to get up. The room was warm, and I didn’t...

3 years ago
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Bert and I continued

Bert and I continued I am amazed at how much I enjoyed my sexual connection with Bert. The taboo of the act itself was intoxicating. I have often wondered about homosexual contact but the reality was better than anything my mind could conjure. I could still taste Bert’s cum in my mouth as I drove home. We had plans to hook up again in a week’s time and I was happily humming away to the radio as I drove the winding road home. My wife Alice was drinking wine and laughing with her best friend Gina...

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