Apologize free porn video

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My name is Kate. I am 24 years old and work in a local bank. I live with my brother Jason who is 8 years younger than me. I’ve have been living in Los Angeles for the past 4 years. My father serves in the army and comes home for a short period, but my mother never really stays at home. She is always busy with her business tours so I have to take care of my brother. I love my brother very much and he means the world to me. The reason behind my deep love for him is that he is different from others. He is younger than I am but he knows me more than anyone else does. He is always there to cheer me up when I am sad and tries to help me in every possible way. However, one day everything changed between us.

It was unlike any other normal night. I got a text message from my best friend about the party at her house. She wanted me to meet a person who could help me get a job. I like to be the center of attraction at parties so I took a long time to get ready. I wore a white blouse that had a tailored fit. It wasn't exactly see-through, but as I looked in the mirror, the outline of my black bra was clearly visible. Because it was a tailored fit, I left the top buttons undone to reveal my ample cleavage. I wore a black split crotch panty. My pussy was clearly visible through the panty. Then I slipped on tight white trousers. I thought the trousers were too tight so I exchanged the trousers for a white skirt that buttoned down the front. I fastened only the top three buttons and sat down on the bed. The skirt fell open and it barely covered my pussy. My complexion is dark and tanned so I didn't need tights or stockings. I finished the outfit with black high-heeled shoes and went downstairs.

Jason was sitting on the sofa watching basketball. He looked at me as I entered.

"How do I look dear?" I asked, spinning around so he could see me from all sides.

"Like always! Beautiful." Was his simple comment. Jason never really used the words sexy or hot so I had no choice but to accept the word beautiful. Even that simple one word compliment meant a lot to me, because I knew that he sincerely meant it. I cannot call him a nerd because he was not a bookworm, yet he took his studies very seriously. He never goes to parties or dates any girl in his class. I guess except for me, there was no other girl in his life.

"Ok dear. I will not be able to make it home early so don’t wait for me and you be sure to have dinner on time. There is food in the fridge that is already cooked; you just have to warm it up." I said as I left the house.

I was at the party and was busy talking with my friend, when I got a call from an unknown number. When I answered, a man’s voice told me that he was Jason’s friend. When I asked him the reason for calling me, he told me that he saw Jason making out with a boy today in school, and he thought that I should know about it. When I tried to ask his name, he disconnected the call.

It really freaked me out. I knew that it was not true but the caller had planted the seed of doubt in my mind so I was not sure either. I decided that I would talk about it with my brother after I returned home. I tried to tell my friend that I wanted to go to home, but she wouldn’t listen to me, instead she insisted that I stay a little while longer and have a few drinks with her. I’m not usually a drinker but after drinking a few tequila shots, perhaps 4 - 5 shots, I became wild and had no control over myself. I guess some would say that I seemed to be having a good time.

My friend asked another girl to drop me off at home, as I was way too drunk to drive. They told me later that it took my friend and the other girl both to get me out to the car. Then she phoned Jason and told him what had happened and that I would be home soon. I was in the backseat, and shouted like a slut, as she drove through the traffic signal near my house. My brother was waiting outside the door when I reached home.

"Hey! my cute little brother." I mumbled as I fell upon my brother as he tried to get me inside the house. The girl left as soon as my brother and I got inside the house. A few minutes later, after struggling to get me upstairs, we reached the bedroom. How he ever managed to get me up those steps, I’ll never know; it must have taken super-human strength. Most of this time is a blank in my mind; however, I can remember singing at the top of my lungs as he half carried, half-dragged me to my room. He opened the door and threw me on the bed. As soon as I fell on the bed, I fell asleep.

I slowly tried to open my eyes. The pain in my head was unbearable; it felt like there was a large marching band inside, all beating on a drum. It was hard for me to lift myself up because the whole world seemed to want to spin. Finally, I managed to sit up on the side of the bed, and as I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw that I was in my bra and panty. I guess that he had removed my skirt and blouse when I was unconscious, because I don’t remember ever undressing. Looking at the clock next to the bed, I saw that it was past 11:00 am. I picked up the night robe from the shelf and wore it to cover myself. Hanging on to the handrail and carefully placing one foot in front of the other, I managed to go downstairs without falling and breaking my neck. Reaching the bottom and entering the living room, I saw my brother eating a sandwich and watching a romantic comedy movie. I quickly went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee for myself.

"Hi Jason. Good morning." I greeted him as I made my way back into the living room and sat down beside him. I wasn’t very proud of the way I had acted last night, but I knew that I’d have to face him sometime, so I might as well get it over with as soon as possible.

"Good morning or almost good afternoon." He greeted me with a knowing smile. “How do you feel?”

“Like a herd of wild horses had stomped all over me, and then I’d been run over by a big truck.” I replied with a sheepish grin. He couldn’t resist a hearty laugh at my answer, and I was glad that at least someone was enjoying the situation. I sure wasn’t, but I guess I had nobody to blame but myself.

“Does that mean that you don’t want to go out to a party tonight?” He asked grinning from ear to ear.

I knew that he was just teasing me, because normally he was very polite and considerate of other people and their feelings. He didn’t really expect an answer to that question, so I just poked him in his ribs with my elbow and blew on my coffee to cool it down. As I was taking a sip of my coffee, I swear out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jason checking me out. I looked down at my chest and found out why he was staring. My robe was wide open, my bra had ridden down super low and my tits were practically popping out of my bra. If that wasn’t enough reason for him to stare at me, I noticed that my panty was giving an ample view of my pussy. I felt a strange sensation knowing that my little brother was ogling me.

“Like the view ...brother?" I asked slowly not taking my eyes off his face.

"What?" His mind was on what he was looking at, so it took a long time for him to answer me.

“I said...do you... like the... view?" I asked him again.

"Come on Kate!" He replied. I could tell that he felt embarrassed because he knew that I had caught him looking. Unable to face me, he turned his face away.

""Its ok, I don't really mind, you know. You are my brother and that makes me feel safe with you. So don't be embarrassed." I tried to reassure him, but I thought it was cute that my brother was feeling embarrassed.

"Can’t we talk about another topic?" He pleaded with me.

"Ok ok! So do you have any plans for today?" I asked, changing the subject. I didn’t want to push any further, because I could see that he already felt bad because I’d caught him looking at me. I guess it would make a guy feel uneasy if his sister saw him looking at her that way. In a way, I couldn’t help but consider it a compliment that he found me attractive.

"Not really! I have to prepare for an English test so I will be busy with my books."

"Come on brother! It’s Valentines Day. Go out and enjoy this romantic day."

"Don’t you know that I don’t have girlfriend?"

"But I heard that you have a boyfriend."

"What!" He shouted.

"Well…I got a call from your friend last night."

"Who?" He demanded to know, turning his face and body towards me. I could tell that what I had said had shocked him, and that he expected an answer.

"I don’t know. But he told me that he saw you making out with..."


"With a boy." I answered, now more uncertain than ever about the truth of what that strange voice had told me.

"What! And you believed him?" He shouted, his voice almost reaching a breaking point.

"err..hmmm" I was stumped for an answer.

"So you did believe a stranger’s words. I can’t believe you would do that to me, your brother."

He quickly got up and ran towards his room, slamming the door closed and locking it. Now my heart, filled with so much guilt at my lack of faith in my dear sweet brother, felt like it was going to break. I couldn’t believe that I didn't trust my brother and had believed a stranger. I had to apologize and somehow try to make it up to him. Getting up and completely forgetting my headache, I quickly went upstairs, stopping at the closed door to his room.

I knew that he still had the door locked when I was unable to turn the doorknob. "Please give me a chance Jason. Let me in." I begged, standing in front of the door to his room. He didn’t open the door or answer my plea.

"You know I'm not going away. Please, just open the door and we'll sort this all out." I begged him again.

Jason apprehensively unlocked the door to his room and slid it open slightly, just enough to peak out.

“Please Jason, let me in.” I said as I put my hand against the door and lightly pushed. He didn’t offer any resistance and stepped back as I walked in. Walking over to my brother’s single bed, which was at the far end of the room, I turned and sat down. Looking back at him, I saw that he had closed the door but did not want to look at me because he was standing with his back towards me.

"What do you want Kate?" He asked, still not looking at me, just staring at the white door in front of him.

"To talk. To apologize."

"Well, I'm not sure there is anything to apologize for really."

"Bullshit! You know there is."

"What, uuumm, what is there to apologize for?" He asked. I could tell that he was still angry as he turned and looked at me. “You have said how you feel about me, and I guess you have a right to feel that way if you want.”

"I know that I should have believed you, not any stranger. I haven't seen you with any girl before, so I thought...."

"So you believed that stranger and thought that I am gay. Thanks sis. Thank you very much!" He yelled. “It sure is nice to know that you have so much confidence in me.”

"I am sorry dear." I apologized. I got off the bed and walked over to my brother who backed away from me. I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards me. He tried to turn away from me, but I had a firm grip on his hands. I could see the pain in his eyes that I had caused him. He would never admit it, but I had a feeling he was struggling desperately to keep from crying, I had hurt him that badly. Knowing that I had to do something to tear down that barrier that had come between us, I cupped his face in my hands and forced him to look at me.

“Jason, I’m terribly sorry that I have hurt you and that I doubted you for a little while. When that person told me what he did about you, it shocked me so badly that I couldn’t think straight. My mind was just a jumbled up mess of thoughts, none of which made any sense. I’m sorry. Please, can you find it in your heart to forgive me?”

For several moments neither of us said a word, we just stood there looking into each other’s eyes. I knew I hurt my brother by not believing him and I had to do something before the situation become worse.I pulled the open robe off my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. I leaned slightly forward until our lips gently met. That first brief kiss only lasted a few seconds, but those seconds would prove to change our lives forever.

"Kate, what are you doing?"He stammered, obviously shaken by what had just now happened. He offered no resistance as I pushed back on his shoulders, until I had pinned him against the door that he had backed into, trapping his body between the hard cold wood and mine.

"Apologizing." I leaned my head in towards my brother’s and lightly placed my lips on his. I closed my eyes and traced little kisses along his lips. Making only the lightest contact with his skin, I let my tongue slide over Jason’s lips. It was more of a caress than a kiss. We barely touched, as the spring breeze touches your face, gently caressing and leaving a promise of more to come. Then bringing my hands up to his face and holding his head still, I moved back away from his face. Opening my eyes slowly I looked for a reaction from him; he was in total shock at what had happened. I smiled and rubbed my hands over his short hair before placing them around his neck, pulling forward slightly until his body pressed tight against mine.

"Oh God, Kate! We shouldn't be doing this. You are my sister for heaven sake!" He pleaded as he tried to resist me. I held him firmly against me until he stopped trying to pull away. Even though he was my brother, it felt good to feel his strong body pressed tight against me.

"Will you please stop talking and let your sister apologize.” I said as he finished talking. I pulled my hands off his shoulders and slid them down his chest and to the top of his jeans, pulling his belt towards me. Fumbling with the buckle for a few moments, I finally managed to unbuckle it. All this time, we never took our eyes from the other’s face, almost as if we were in a trance, and time stood still as we went through the motions. As I pulled the belt from his jeans and dropped it to the floor, I pushed the jeans down his legs before letting them fall to the floor.

Keeping my hands against his firm male body, I knelt down until my face was level with his cock. Though still covered by his shorts, the outline of his manhood was clearly visible, as it pressed against the fabric. It looked like a long hard steel pipe. Running my hand up and down its full length, I felt it tremble, as if desperately trying to escape from captivity. I pulled off his boxers, allowing his dick to spring free. Gaining its freedom from his boxers, it stood straight and tall like a flagpole. He was standing naked from the waist down and I was on my knees before him.

I reached out and firmly grasped his cock in my hand. The moment my hand touched his love pole, I heard him take in a sudden loud gasp of air and his mouth dropped open. His stomach tensed as if someone had punched him. His whole body jumped as if trying to jump out of his skin.

“Oooh Kate.” I heard him whisper. With my fingers wrapped around him, I slid my hand up and down its full length a couple of times. Holding him by the base, and with the head of his hard cock pointing right at my lips, the prize that I wanted was just inches away. I couldn’t wait any longer to claim it. Opening my mouth wide, I suddenly leaned forward taking his whole cock in my mouth at once. Closing my lips around its base, I began licking softly round the head, as I tasted his pre-cum juices. I used my hand to squeeze his balls gently as I drew my tongue the full length of his throbbing cock.

“Oh my good heavens! Kate what are you doing to me!” He yelled as he grabbed my head in both of his hands."Mmmmmmm" He moaned, loudly as I continued sucking on him. I smeared the head of his cock with my saliva. When I used my hand, it jumped at my touch but I held it tight. I began to work my hand up and down his shaft as I covered the head of his cock with my mouth. I had half of his cock in my mouth now. Sucking it hard, I used my other hand to reach up and cup his balls; massaging them as my tongue licked the underside of his pole. At the same time, I ran my teeth, bottom and top over his cock adding to the pleasure he obviously was receiving.

“I'm gonna cum! Kate, I can’t hold it any longer.” He suddenly moaned. As he had been doing since I took his love handle in my mouth, he once again trembled and shook. I took a little more of his cock into my mouth, the tip now in my throat causing me to gag uncontrollably. I pulled it out and rubbed my hand over his cock.

I gripped his cock tighter and rubbed it more forcibly. Seeing his whole cock start to quiver, I knew that he was only seconds away from exploding for the first time in a girl’s mouth. I took it back into my mouth and closed my lips tightly around his girth. I didn’t want to lose a drop. Suddenly, and just as I expected, his hips started to thrust up and within no time, I felt the first spurt of spunk hit the roof of my mouth. I continued to milk him until he had nothing left to give. When I lifted my head to look at him, he was smiling with closed eyes.

"And now my dear brother, are you still mad at me?" I asked as I got up and looked in his eyes.

"No! Not at all." He gasped. Even though I was now standing in front of him, my hands were still busy playing with his dick. Gently squeezing from time to time then massaging him as I moved my fist up and down its full length. I knew that my actions weren’t making things any easier for him, but I didn’t care, because I wanted to reinforce the pleasure he had just now experienced firmly in his mind. Even though he had just finished shooting a huge load into my mouth, he was still rock hard. Still trying to catch his breath, all he could do was to smile at me.

"Thank you brother. It means a lot to me to hear you say that." I smiled as I took my hand from his dick and bending over, I picked up my robe.

"I am going to the bedroom. If you want anything, just come to my room." I winked, giving him a little smile. I gave him a kiss on his cheek and turned the knob of the door. However, when I was about to open the door, he caught my hand and locked the door once again.

"You can’t leave me like this. Please, don’t go." He pleaded. He looked in my eyes in a different way than usual and I never could resist him when he did that. I knew exactly what was going to happen in the next few minutes when I saw the look on his face.

"It’s good that you have apologized to me, but I think I should apologize too." He said smiling. Even though we had settled our differences, it was becoming almost a game. Each time one of us wanted to do something, we used the excuse of needing to apologize to the other person. He had caught on fast and now was going along with something that I had started.

"Apologize for?"

"For what I am going to do right now!" Putting his hands on my shoulders, he turned me around so that we were in a reverse position. My robe fell from my hands as he pinned me against the door. He placed his hands on each side of my waist, then sliding them around behind me; he reached around to my ass cheeks and began mauling them with his palms. He started licking me up from my chest to my mouth. He was very horny. A few minutes later, he stopped playing with my ass cheeks and placed his hands back on my waist. Now he slowly moved his hands up my tummy until he reached my bra. Sliding his hands up and over my heaving breasts, he lightly caressed and molded them into the shape of his hands by squeezing and massaging them. Reaching the top of my bra cups, he continued up all the while lightly caressing my flesh until reaching the upper most reaches of my breasts. Moving his hands together, he dug his wondering fingers deep into the crevice and slowly, ever so slowly began exploring that often ignored area between my now tingling breasts. My breathing was coming faster and faster, as he continued his feather light exploration of that part of the female body that holds so many men’s attention captive. Watching his face, I saw that he had a slight smile, but his eyes never left the part of me that he was touching. Reaching the scanty garment that had been trying to protect me from all invaders; he dug his fingers in deep and easily forced his hands inside my bra cups.

“You have no idea how often I have dreamed of doing this to a girl. To feel a woman’s breasts is like a dream come true.” He moaned as he slid his hands inside my bra. I knew what was coming and had tried to steel myself for the moment his wondering fingers touched my nipples, but when that happened, the sudden rush of pleasure that cascaded throughout my body was more than I could have imagined. My whole body suddenly tensed, my mouth dropped open and my lungs demanded a huge gasp of air. For a moment, I thought my knees were going to collapse and they probably would have if he hadn’t backed me up hard against the door.

“Ohhh Jason.” I managed to whisper.

For the briefest of seconds his eyes flicked up to my face, then returned immediately to his hands. His smile widened slightly as he continued to force them down inside my bra. The bra was very skimpy so it was easy for him to lift my tits out of their protective covering. He gently squeezed and rotated his hands as he observed my breasts. His eyes got as large as saucers as he held me in his hands; these were the first breasts he had ever seen, other than pictures in men’s magazines. For several moments, he stood there not moving, not saying a word, just staring my ample feminine charms. Not wanting to break the spell or interrupt his thoughts, I stood silently and waited to see what he would do or say next. I had to admit to myself that it did feel great to have him holding me that way.

Finally, after taking a deep loud breath, and managing to get his mind working once again, he looked up at me and paid me what was probably the sweetest compliment anyone ever had. What made it so nice, was that it was not only what he said, but also because it was sincere and from his heart.

“Oh, Kate, they are beautiful, so very beautiful. I always knew that you had large breasts, but I never dreamed that they were this big.” For some reason known only to him, he released me and dropped his hands to his side.

“Thank you for that beautiful compliment, Jason.” I replied, unable to resist the urge to take in a deep breath, which only pushed my already ample chest out even further. I had to smile when I saw from the expression on his face, that he had noticed what happened when I did that.

Moving his hands around to the underside of my breasts, he held them as if they were on display. He slid his hands up and down their length a couple of times with his fingers digging into the crack between them. The way he was supporting me; my nipples were now pointing straight at him. For the first time since uncovering me, he seemed to discover my nipples. Using only his thumbs, he massaged them while continuing to support the rest of my mounds. My nipples have always been one of the most sensitive spots on my body, and as usual, the moment he touched them, I felt a tingling rush the full length of my body. They were hard little points sitting proudly on top of my feminine mounds. He seemed to take great delight in pushing them back into my breasts, then watching them pop back out the moment he released them. His touch was so light and gentle, even my areolas were responding, as the little ridges around them grew in size, as if trying to protect the little caps sitting atop my feminine mountains from this invader. Their action was to no avail, as those two hard mountain caps now held his full attention. He had discovered them and now was determined to fully explore and enjoy his newfound treasure. Releasing my boobs, he took each cap between thumb and forefinger and lightly rolled them from side to side, squeezing but not hard enough to hurt, just enough to bring another wave of pleasure to my already trembling body.

“I have seen pictures of women’s breasts in magazines.” He admitted. “I have dreamed of doing something else if I was ever with a girl, and I hope you won’t mind.”

“No Jason. I’m sure I won’t mind, whatever it is.”

Moving his hands back to supporting me, he leaned forward slightly. I had a feeling what he had in mind but I was unable to prepare myself for the shock. He slowly dropped his head onto my chest, and with his lips, began to suck my nipples. They immediately grew to the size of the tips of his index fingers.

"OooooHHHHHHH" I moaned the first time I felt his lips on my sensitive nipple. My body was fast taking over control, as he continued to stimulate me to even greater heights of pleasure. I couldn’t believe that he was a virgin; he seemed to know exactly what he was doing and how to do it. Sometimes I could feel him sucking on a nipple as a baby does, other times he used his tongue to lick and caress each of them. Leaving his mouth firmly gripping the hard nipple on one of my jugs, he began to run his hands all over my body. He couldn’t seem to get enough of touching me, and I’ll admit I was glad he felt the way he did. I think that I was enjoying his touch and the way he explored my body almost as much as he was.

After enjoying my breasts with his mouth for several intense minutes, he paused, looked deep into my eyes for several seconds, but never said anything. His next action completely surprised me. He slowly slid down to his knees and did something that I’ve never had done to me before, but I hope to relive the experience someday, it was very erotic. One by one, he picked up my legs and put them over his shoulders. I was now sitting in reverse position on his shoulders and my already moist pussy was so close that his nose was almost poking me.

"Hold on-- let's go somewhere more comfortable." I started to reach out to take hold of his hand and then suddenly a better idea came to my mind. Instead of holding his hand, I grabbed hold of his hard cock that was sticking straight out from his hips. He flinched a little as my fist closed around his manhood but offered no objection. Maintaining a firm grip on his pole, I led him over to the bed. Careful so as not to hurt him, I used his love sword like a steering wheel to maneuver him into the position I wanted, then I leaned forward and pushed him back so he sat in the middle of the bed. “Swing around so you are lying in the middle.” I instructed as he hurried to do as I asked.

“Like this?” He asked.

“Yes, that’s perfect. Now prepare to receive the experience of your life.” I said mysteriously, giving him a wink. Placing my legs on the bed, I crawled on my hands and knees on the bed over to where he is lying. Standing, I placed one leg on each side of my brother’s body, and started to sit down until my pussy was just above his cock. The close my pussy lips came to his stiff cock, the larger his eyes became. Pausing for a moment with the pointed tip of his manhood almost brushing my lips, I reached down and spread my open crotch panties apart. Taking his sword in my other hand, I lowered myself until the point was barely touching me. His eyes followed every move I made and were now almost the size of saucers as I think he began to realize what was about to happen. Moving his love handle up and down, I massaged my already puffy moist lips, gradually settling down further as I forced him into my slit. I knew that I was ready for him, but I wanted to prolong the suspense, the joy for him as long as I could. Finally, and with his pointed head firmly embedded within my pussy, my brother was about to experience the dream of every teenage boy. Hesitating for a moment, I looked into his expectant eyes, and then as I sat down, I felt his cock slide deep into my pussy.

Instantly, his mouth fell open as he yelled, “Ohhh Kate! I never dreamed it would feel this good.”

Stretching out my legs, I went down more so that my brother's dick was now fully inside me. Slowly, I lifted my body up, pulling about three inches of his cock out, his eyes glued to the action between my legs, as he watched my inner lips also being pulled out. Then I suddenly relaxed my leg muscles, allowing me to drop down hard against his hips. His cock rushed up my love tunnel like a steaming locomotive, spreading my walls apart like an angry invader. Not stopping until it reached my innermost depths, he had me completely impaled on his sword.

“Oooh my! You’re so smooth, so hot and wet it feels like I am sliding on silk.” I heard him murmur between gasps. Jason started to moan loudly from his first experience of a woman. Smiling, to think that I could give him this much pleasure, l continued my movements, raising up, and then sliding back down, each time tightening my inner muscles to grip my brother's dick hard. I wanted to create the most pleasurable sensations for him that was possible, especially since this was his first intimate experience. My body was beginning to respond, with waves of pleasure starting to flow in every direction from every little vain and ridge on his hard stabbing cock that was massaging the walls of my love channel. This encouraged me to grip him tighter and to increase my speed, as I continued to bounce up and down on his hips.

Leaning forward, I slid my hands and arms around my brother’s back for support as I moved up and down on his cock. Resting on my elbows, I was only inches from his lips. Bringing my mouth to his, I started kissing him all over his face. After coming down extra hard, and driving his steel rod deep up into me, he let out a loud moan. In a split second, I forced my tongue into his mouth, caressing his tongue as firmly as his pelvic bone was massaging my love bud. Pulling back, I lightly trailed a path across his lips then pressing my tongue back into his mouth every time he moaned. Jason, although not experienced, was more than willing to follow my lead. He also started to kiss me, sliding his tongue around mine as we moved as one.

He continued to jab in and out of me at ever-increasing speed and intensity. Feeling his soft lips pressing against mine, didn’t help either, as more and more waves of pleasure were beginning to assault my mind. Without knowing what he was doing, he dragged my body higher and higher, until I stood at the very edge of the cliff. Deep in my heart, I knew that at any moment, any word or special movement from him would be enough to push me over the crest, and true to his nature, he didn’t disappoint me.

"Ooooohhhh God aaaaahhhh yessssss!!!" I moaned, as I continued sliding my brother’s cock deep and hard into my pussy. Suddenly he threw his arms around me, holding me tight, as he rammed his hips up hard to meet me as I was coming down. Holding both of us suspended in mid air, he wiggled his hips sideways, creating a new and very intense sensation, as his rod rubbed against my throbbing love bud. This was more than I could stand, and within seconds, my juices flowed all over my brother’s cock and thighs, and down onto the bed.

“Yes! YES! Oh my YES!”I screamed. My whole body trembled, as my muscles seemed to try to tense up and relax at the same time. The suddenness and the intensity of my orgasm sucked my breath out of me, and my eyesight went blurry for a few seconds. There were a few moments when I didn’t know where I was. Time seemed to stand still as something transported me into another world, a world of pure, indescribable pleasure.

After such an intense orgasm, my body went limp and I fell beside him. For several minutes, he held me in his strong arms, as my senses started to return and I gradually began to calm down. I knew that he was carefully watching me as I returned to normal, but I was too exhausted to feel embarrassed for the way my body had betrayed me. Summoning all my strength, I looked up at him and gave him a feeble smile. “Whew, that was unreal. Are you sure you have never made love to a girl before?”

His only answer was to smile broadly. I guess it pleased him to think, that even though this was his first time, he had managed to bring such great pleasure to me. However, he was not tired nor was he finished. He rolled over and got on top of me. Smiling down at me, with a look in his eyes I’d never seen before, he leaned down and very tenderly kissed me. At first, his lips only lightly grazed mine, as light and tender as a feather; however, as we started kissing more passionately, I felt his tongue probing my lips as if seeking permission to enter. With no hesitation, I opened my mouth slightly and felt him immediately enter. He explored every crevice and fold, and seemed in no hurry to leave. At the same time, he took his palm and placed it on my right breast. His fingers lightly squeezed my large feminine offering, tweaked and played with my nipple. I moved a bit to the side and grabbed his hard cock with my palm. He took in a large gasp of air and I felt his stomach muscles briefly tense, as I took hold of his love rod, but he continued kissing me. After enjoying my lips for few minutes, he slowly parted his lips from mine. I missed the warm feel of his lips gently pressed against mine, but he soon diverted my attention elsewhere.

Our eyes locked together as one, as he slowly moved to the bottom of the bed and placed his hands on either side of my legs. I stuffed a pillow under my head so I could see what he had in mind to do next. He lightly started running his hands over my legs, as he began to kiss up the calf of one leg, then moved to the other and did the same. Then, slowly raking his fingernails up my inner thighs, followed by tender nibbles with his lips, he was sending little thrills the full length of my body. All the time he was getting closer and closer to my sweet pussy. My body was still hypersensitive from the huge orgasm of a few minutes ago, so it magnified any sensation a hundred times. His hands moved up the outsides of my thighs rubbing my soft skin lightly, making me moan out in pleasure, as his lips drew ever closer to my pussy. He took great pleasure in teasing me for few minutes by inching closer to my pleasure center, and then with a smirk, he would pull further away. Even though it was maddening to have him torment me this way, I could feel tensions starting once again to build deep within my love center.

When the great moment finally arrived, I cried out with sheer joy as his lips made contact with my puffy tender pussy. He never hesitated in his exploration of my body, as he parted my cunt lips with his fingers, and immediately shoved his long tongue as far up me as he could. This brought a gasp and a loud moan from me as my body involuntarily reacted to his sudden invasion. After his initial and unexpected entrance, he backed away and began to lick inside my love cavern with all the tenderness of an experienced lover. I could only lay there as I felt him gently explore every fold and crevice that lay hidden behind my pearly gates that he was holding open. For the next few minutes, he focused his attention on licking and flicking his tongue on my pulsating clit.

“Ohhh my God brother!” I called out as my brother’s tongue expertly worked itsTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Apni Girlfriend Ko Ghar Bulake Choda

To abb main batata hu ki maine komal ko kaise choda?.Yeah ghatna dec 2015 me ghati hai. Maine komal se ek baar milne ko kaha to use daar lag raha tha ki main kahin usse chod na du main app logo ko ek baat bata du ki komal bahot achi ladki hai our usse mujhse bahot daar lagta hai ki main usse kahin chod na dun kyoun ki eek baar komal ne mujhe apne ghar par bulaya tha to maine usse kaha ki mujhe tumko kiss karna hai our usse lekar uske bathroom main chala gaya taki hamen koi dekh na le to jab...

1 year ago
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Private Jenny Manson Gorgeous Redheaded Christmas Surprise

Today in Private Specials, Rimming Ladies with her incredible body, tits and tattoos is the stunning redhead Jenny Manson, and she has decided to give her man the perfect gift for Christmas, herself! After masturbating in the shower Jenny surprises her man Chad Rockwell with a bow on her naked body and things soon heat up. Jenny gets on her knees and shows off her amazing cock sucking skills before heading down further and demonstrating her equally amazing rimming talent, then watch as she...

2 years ago
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No self control

When I was young my dick got hard just looking at the lingerie section of the Sears catalog at that time I didn't understand why. When I got older I learned about sex and as always just seeing a pair of tanned legs in tight shorts caused an embarrassing erection. My school years were murder, the girls weren't allowed to wear pants so there were nylon covered legs everywhere. One girl in my junior year history class must have caught on to my problem and she made sure to give me a show every day....

3 years ago
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Be Careful What You Ask For

Be Careful What You Ask For Even before we were married, my husband wanted me to allow other guys to see my tiny boobs and hard nipples. I didn’t understand why he wanted me to do this and I didn’t think other guys would be interested in seeing my minuscule breasts. I did notice how excited Dave would get when I would go braless in public and leave several buttons undone. I began to feel more comfortable going braless and did so almost all of the time. While we were still in college (we met...

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Three Days Ch 03

We arrived at the hospital to find that my mothers stroke had been quite serious, but they didn’t think it was life threatening. The doctor’s told me that she would have to be under medical care for some considerable time. But the long-term prognosis was reasonably good, if mother could only get over the guilt she was feeling over my father’s death. Just after four in the afternoon Sheila and her family arrived from Manchester, quickly followed by my sister Marie turning up with her husband...

1 year ago
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Beth Our experiment

Beth and I have been married 10 years now - we met at the company where I was employed as a junior executive, I was 25 at the time, and she was a couple of years younger - she was a secretary-receptionist. She is an extremely attractive woman - slender and somewhat athletic, but with all the curves in the right places. She was relatively reserved in her conduct - not loud, vulgar or prone to swearing or bad language - generally what most would call "clean cut". After we were married, we agreed...

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Introducing Amy to the life style with a bbc

Introduction: First threesome with my young gf and older BBC My ex Amy was only 20 years old her first time she got a taste of the swinging life,meeting a couple online Tony and Jane we planned to meet on the weekend and they told us stories about this guy Jim they see for mfm fun and having his own place in the city its a great place to meet. So Amy and I messaged him on the site we used telling him about our plans and about ourselfs. Now the couple were in their 40s so telling Jim a couple...

3 years ago
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Guess Whos Cumming to Dinner

Guess Who’s Cumming for Dinner? He has that hot look again. The one that makes me quiver inside - that makes me get so wet. Just that one glance!The one that means he has something in store for me tonight…I go about my weekend chores as if nothing has happened, but every time I cross his path that hot look singes me again. My jeans are soaked through (let alone my panties) and I’m sure he can smell my readiness every time I pass him. He just watches me with hot eyes. His mind...

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Old Black Carl part 3

After the long night, we slept in late, the next day. Carl made me suck his cock again, and of course, I enjoyed it. He said he had some things to do and that he would drive me home, so that I could rest, and that he would be picking me up again that evening. He drove me home with his arm around me, and of course, he had me play with his big cock while he drove. He dropped me off in front of my parent’s house, and told me to be ready about 6. I nodded, and walked into the house. I knew I...

1 year ago
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Didi Se Liya B8217Day Gift 8211 Part II

By : Bajaj.Rahul25 Hello to all ISS Readers! Agar aapke paas pura time ho to meri real story ko pade otherwise apna time waste na kare Jin logo ne meri pichli story didi se liya b’day gift nahi padi mai unko apne bare me bata deta hu ki ye story meri aur meri badi behan Sonia ki hai Isase pahle ki mai next part of my pervious story start karu mai un sab behno aur bhabhiyo ka dhanayawad karta hu jinhone meri purani story ko bahut saraha. Mere pass bahut saare emails aaye aur bahut saari ladkiyo...

3 years ago
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Incestia 7

i****tia, where everything that is agreeable is also legal.Everything______________________________________________Part 7.Avan met with his nieces and reminded them of their pledge. While the younger sister Cambria nodded, he was surprised that Verity had no intention of following his plan.He pleaded, “But, you promised you would help.”“I’ll help but not your way because your plan because sucks!” “Then, how---”“Shut up and follow me.”Verity had delicate features and she had once been very...

3 years ago
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The Bus to Slavery

The Bus to SlaveryThe Bus to Slaveryby Razor7826 Part One ?I still can?t believe that Mom andDad are really gone.?? Theresa Mosleysighed as she rested her head against the window of her sister?s car.? The country landscape sweptby. Sharon Mosley turned towards the backseat.? ?We?ll get through this, littlesis.? The key is to just go on with yourlife.??  The younger woman started to cry asshe looked her sister in the eye.? ?I...I can?t do this.? I think I?m going totake this semester off.? The...

1 year ago
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Mylfwood Lauren Phillips Natasha Ianova Kate England A Bad MYLFs Xmas

People have high standards when it comes to stepmoms during the holidays. They are tasked with taking care of the family, planning the perfect Christmas party, and keeping a smile on their faces the whole time. But Bad MILFs Kate England, Natasha Ianova, and Lauren Phillips are about to turn all those expectations on their head. They let loose, making it a point to celebrate the holidays their way this year. Instead of worrying about their families, they greet Santa Clause with some soaking wet...

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Daniel Takes Me and

I was at a gay club with two friends, girls, we were all maybe 21. They went off to dance and Daniel, this young blond DJ I'd talked to a few times approached me. He was a bit taller than me at 6', 6'1, and kind of effeminate looking. He would occasionally tease me that if I “wasn’t straight I’d be his boyfriend”, but he never pushed beyond that. He came straight up to me and gave me a smile like he knew something I didn't.Curious what that look was all about – I assumed he had another wry,...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 83

Almost everyone in attendance took the time to speak with us during the cocktail hour, but we actively sought out the ones we wanted to tell how happy we were to have them there. Most people have been to enough of these events to develop a repertoire of greetings from supportive to laudatory. The majority of the people Jeff and I didn’t know well would approach to shake our hands and start off with, ‘Congratulations,’ and then pause with an amused look on their faces as if they had no idea...

2 years ago
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The VaseChapter 14

Everything went smoothly at the beginning of our adventure until the young poet. The old flapper rose with us and fixed breakfast, making a plate for the poet. We had said our goodbyes the night before to Mother and Grandmother, but Grandmother awoke before we left and hugged her lover and me. She remained as quietly emotional as mother and I. It must run in the family. Banging on the poet's door finally got him awake. His grumbles and not unlocking his door made me think about busting it...

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