Love Is A 5 Way Street - Chapter 3 free porn video

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Killer Tuna Redux 2: Love is a 5 Way Street - Chapter 3

"Ugh," Sam said with an exasperated tone as she jumped off the couch to answer the knock at the door. "About damn time."

As she opened the door, she came face to face with the guy who'd been on her mind since middle school, and as hard as she tried, she just couldn't shake her… complicated feelings for him. And today, as Freddie stared back at her, wearing a striped long sleeve button up shirt and jeans, looking even more muscular than he did a couple months earlier, she felt the all too familiar tingle in her stomach and knowing that getting rid of it could only go down one way.

"Hey," he replied, standing there, waiting for her to invite him in, but trying his hardest not to stare at her because she was truly breath-taking. "You, uh… look great, Sam."

'Great' was clearly an understatement as he looked over her surprisingly flawless form. Her golden hair, which looked a bit darker, framed her gentle looking face, her blue eyes seemingly piercing into him to read his mind. Her soft lips sparkled with some clear fresh gloss and there was a split second that the feelings for her drove him to want to press his against them. Inch after inch of creamy skin paved the way from her chin to her upper chest and all of her arms. A sleeveless denim vest rested over a tight black spaghetti strap top which showcased her plentiful cleavage that most men would kill to touch. There was a ruffled white skirt that ended just above her knee, displaying golden stems that ended with a small pair of cowboy boots.

"Thanks, I guess," she said, inviting him in and tucking her hair behind her ear to hide a small blush. She had put a lot of work into looking good, and she told herself it was all so she could flirt her way into getting her classwork done for her. But there was a part of her, that was growing exponentially now, that just wanted him to think she was pretty. "You're getting a few little muscles it seems, Fredward."

Freddie smirked a bit at her jibing and shook his head. He wasn't too self-absorbed but he knew that he looked good, especially since he had nothing to do but exercise up in Seattle since iCarly was over, the star across the world, and Sam was down here. Plus, whenever he needed to relieve some 'tension' from thinking about Jade, a workout was always the go to plan.

"A little," he said, looking around the completely unchanged apartment. "Place looks like it's a little… cleaner since the last time I came here."

"Kind of a dick thing to say, but sure, Benson, I guess so. Every so often when Cat's at school and I'm bored, I do a little work around here."

"Oh?" he grinned with a raised eyebrow. "Has the very embodiment of Pigpen been domesticated?"

"Shut your ass," Sam said, questioning the statement internally. "I can trash this place in a heartbeat."

"I don't doubt it," he said, taking a seat in the closest chair to the door, giving her an upturned chin of condescension. "But that actually would be more detrimental to you than me. As the… housewife who would have to clean it all up."

"Not if I use your body to do the trashing," she feigned, through gritted teeth. The two stared each other down for a moment, Freddie arrogantly smirking while Sam sneered back, until finally the former tech producer broke eye contact and started laughing, which Sam then joined. "Boom, I win."

"Didn't realize that this was a game…" he said, sardonically, slipping his shoes off at the chair. "Those boots can't be that comfortable."

"They aren't," she said walking to the kitchen, looking down, and knowing, now that she said that, she must come up with the reason behind wearing them without seeming like it was all for him. "But, uh, Cat picked them out and I thought I could wear them to the shindig today."

"Shindig?" Freddie said with a small chuckle. "Are we going to a hoedown or hootenanny after the play or something?"

"You know if you're going to be a fucking ass, Benson, I will just toss this breakfast in the trash." Sam was a little hurt that he was being a bit mean, but knowing how much of a bitch she could be at times, she shrugged it off. After Freddie pantomimed a zipper on his lips, she headed toward him with a small plate. "Now don't say I never did anything for you."

"Nice," he said, looking over the sandwich being placed in his lap. A bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich adorned the plastic dinnerware, and after he checked it over for anything Sam could use to poison or harm him with, he took a small bite. "Dis ish really goog."

"It's even better when you chew with your fucking mouth shut like a goddamn adult," she smiled back, earning a minor embarrassed look from her guest.

"Since when," Freddie said, just after swallowing, "did you become all about the manners? Maybe Cat really did manage to housetrain you."

"That's it!" Sam said, stomping toward him and grabbing the plate from his lap, but the athletic teen was too fast and grabbed the sandwich before it was snatched with it. "Gimme the damn sandwich, Fredward!"

"I'm sorry," he said, trying not to laugh as she stared down at him menacingly, hand outstretched for the nearly half eaten food. "Really… I didn't mean to be a jerk."

He paused a moment as Sam eyed him, waiting for the other shoe to drop so she could steal it back. When it never came, she rolled her eyes, and headed back to the kitchen.

"I do have a favour to ask though, and now I don't feel bad for asking it since you've been so shitty to me," Sam said, pouring herself a bit of juice, before getting him a small glass as well. "Could consider it payback for the sandwich."

"Oh god…" he said, with a deep huff, knowing there had to be a cost. "I know I agreed to help with something but please tell me it isn't something i*****l."

"Eh, the day is still young, but no." Sam shrugged with a small smile handing him the juice. "I've got to turn in this assignment for my Lit class Monday, and I've tried reading this chapter a couple times, but is just not sinking in and there are these discussion questions, and-"

"Let me guess," he said finishing off the sandwich with a large bite and chewing before he continued. "You want me to read it for you, answer the questions, and then turn it in like it's your work?"

Sam shrugged and nodded, knowing that there wasn't much of a point in denying it since that was exactly what she wanted to happen. At least with the class stuff. "I guess."

"No," he said, with an almost paternal disappointed glance. "You're supposed to do your own work, Sam. Did you learn nothing of copying Carly's answers all those years?"

"I learned there's a lot of shit that you guys do better than me, and I learned how to avoid that stuff when it would pop up."

"Do you make Cat do your work for you too?" He said, drinking all of his juice in one gulp. "Not much of a girlfriend, if you ask me."

"You fucking shut your goddamn mouth!" Sam screamed. "You don't fucking know any-goddamn-thing about me and Cat!"

"I know you just asked me to do your work for you, and I know how manipulative you can be. Now the sexy look and the food all makes sense. You just wanted me over here to do your work for you and for that reason alone."

"I didn't just invite you over to do my homework," she said, her nostrils flaring, waiting for the next trigger for her outburst, her mind trying to fuzzily ignore the fact that he called her sexy. "And Cat helps me sometimes, but that's only because she wants to help, and I don't have to trick her to doing stuff. That's part of why I… like her."

Sam had no idea why she just stopped like that, her mind jumping in fear at saying the L word in front of the only other person she'd ever used it with.

Freddie saw the hurt in her blue eyes and the fact that she looked scared of whatever was going on in her head. He immediately felt a bit ashamed of being so mean to her, even if she did have a decade of mean behaviour toward him.

"Look… I'm sorry," he said, getting from the chair and approaching her. As he offered his hand to her shoulder, she jerked it away. "I didn't mean to accuse you of being like that or anything with Cat. It just kinda happened."

"It's whatever," she said, turning away from him and heading back into the kitchen.

"I don't mind helping you with this assignment, but I won't just do it for you," Freddie said, offering his kindest eyes to show that he was trying to be sincere and was interested in what she needed. "Does that sound fair?"

Sam looked back at him, a fire brewing behind her eyes and she really wanted him to pay for making her feel the way that she was feeling, but when she met his brown orbs, her fury started to melt away.

"I guess so."

"Good," he smiled, feeling a bit like this might be a breakthrough. "Go grab your laptop and the book that this is all from and we'll get started."

Sam put her juice down and headed toward the bedroom, with a subtle smile on her face as she could swear he was checking her ass out as she went into the other room.

* * *

"The problem is that you are trying to read everything and then rush back to answer these questions, and nothing is sticking because you are freaking out about it."

Freddie gripped a thick grouping of pages in a book that made up the overwhelming area that she needed to read. He was surprised at the work that she was expected to do given that this was just an online path to a GED. Plus, focusing on the book distracted him from the woman sitting right next to him on the couch, who smelled amazing, and who sat at an angle that tempted Freddie every time she breathed, to look into the valley of her chest.

"So, wait… I shouldn't read?"

"No, I'm not saying that," he said, smiling and shaking his head, chuckling that he might have given her some hope for a moment. "With these types of assignments, which are more about certain details in certain places, it's more about focusing on that one area that the question asks. So, this first one is about something back on this page back here, so we would just look at that part to answer the question."

"Gotcha…" she muttered, dealing with the same type of struggle that Freddie was facing, unbeknownst to either of them. Freddie also smelled great, a musk and Old Spice combo that triggered more than a few 'happy' memories. The way his shirt clung to his arms, which were thick and strong, sent her brain to the way he manhandled her the last time he visited, her brain as far from this assignment as it could be.

"So, what would the answer to be to this one?" he asked, pointing to the first question on the screen, seeing she seemed to be in a bit of a daze.

"Um… 7," she responded, almost like it was the autopilot answer.

"That's a great answer… if this was math," he shot back, with a laugh.

"Shut it, Fredward," Sam said with a small laugh before finally tuning into what this was asking. "I guess… this passage was about the writer saying that being happy because of addictive stuff like d**gs, booze, or… sex isn't actually happiness. It's indulging a desire, and that it goes away really fast."

"That's actually a really solid answer," he said, absent-mindedly touching her knee with a congratulatory pat before he realized what he'd done. "So what else can we draw from that then? What is happiness, then, to the writer here?"

"He says he believes stuff like loss and pain are the keys to happiness," she said, wrinkling her brow. "But that's really stupid. That can't be what he means."

"Why not?" Freddie said, feeling a bit surprised that they may actually have a deep conversation here.

"Because those things don't make you happy. I have felt a good bit of both, and I don't think I could ever say that I was happy for it. I mean, when I lost you, I-" Sam paused, knowing that she was opening up a door that she'd been trying to bar for a long time now, and now that she'd said it out loud, he would probably want to talk about it. "Never mind…"

"I wasn't too happy about it either, you know," Freddie said, turning his head to look at her. "But look how it worked out. You're down here with Cat and I found Jade and-"

"But that stuff isn't related to what he's talking about. How does any of that pain and loss I feel make me happy?" Sam didn't mean to use the present tense, but she couldn't deny it was true. "It just makes me angry."

"Because you have to feel those things; to go through all of those complex thoughts and hurt to understand exactly what happiness actually is." Freddie said, knowing that he had tried to shut the door on Sam a few times now, but her foot remained firmly in the corner, not letting him completely, and with each look and each conversation they had, and she had slipped a full leg in now. "When we know what happiness is and isn't once we've felt the absence, we know not to take those moments for granted."

"So, the message is to make every moment count with those that we love and who make us happy?" she asked, feeling her stomach turn on itself as if a spark had lit in her mind. "Like a 'Just do it' and live in the moment type thing?"

"Carpe diem, is the term," he said, channelling his inner Dead Poet's Society for his turn to wax poetic. "But that's exactly right, and-"

Freddie was cut off as a pair of shiny lips pressed against his with a decent amount of f0rce, coupled with a hand on his cheek. It actually took a couple seconds for him to even process what was happening as his hand moved to her cheek as well. And once he did, there was still a second or two delay before he stopped her and pushed her back a bit.

"Sam…" he said, his mind fried by the sudden kiss. "I can't. We can't."

"Sorry," she said, wiping her lips, and the gloss on them, away, her cheeks on fire and feeling completely embarrassed. "I don't… I didn't… I just-"

"Look," Freddie said, placing his firm hand on her shoulder making her look him in the eyes and he could clearly see the hurt and the shame going through her mind. "I'm not mad or anything… just kinda surprised. Kinda came out of nowhere."

"Can we just not talk about it?" she groaned, rolling her eyes and sliding away from him so that they were no longer touching shoulders. "It's the stupid book's fault."

"Yes…" he smirked, "Let's blame the inanimate object for that one."

"Shut up…" she said, grabbing pillows to put up as a buffer. "Just wanted to make 'the moment' count."

"And you did. And I won't lie to you," Freddie said, trying to balance his mind to make this feel alright, even if every physical fibre of his being wanted that kiss to continue for hours, "I didn't exactly hate it, but we have relationships and people we have a bit of a responsibility to be true to. We can't just do whatever whenever we want just because there's a moment, right?"

"Even if it is what makes us happy?" she said, shooting a glance that screamed sad puppy as it did something sultry.

"Especially if it makes us happy," he said with a warm glance. Naturally, Jade's almost 'urging' for him to do something with Sam crossed his mind. "Just because there's something in a store you want and can't afford, doesn't mean you should steal it. Us making out or going at it would be no different than what this writer says about artificial happiness. Sure it would feel great and would give us those euphoric endorphins, but when the high ended… we would just be two cheaters and have to deal with the consequences."

"I guess so," Sam said, feeling more and more ashamed, and the fact that he was just calm about it made her feel even worse for letting her emotions take hold.

"I mean, how would Cat feel if she knew you and I had fooled around, let alone kissed?"

"I don't think she'd be too mad honestly," Sam said, with a shrug, thinking back to the conversation about 'backsliding'. "Cat knows I still have feelings for you and she cares about me so she wouldn't hate me for what we just did. Not that I'm in any rush to tell her, of course."

"Sam, with all due respect, everyone knows how you feel about me," he said, trying to figure out a response that didn't make him sound like a complete asshole. Truth be told, he didn't completely feel differently; he still cared for her, and the way she looked today wasn't helping. He did want her… bad… but he knew one of them needed to show some restraint. "I know that sounds vain or whatever, and maybe it is a bit, but you don't hide it."

"Are you saying you don't feel the same way?" she said, her voice trembling a bit, as the discussion of true feelings was a real rarity for either of them.

"No… I love you and there are times I miss us, but I also know there's no point in dwelling in it too much because we are…" Freddie paused for a moment to figure out where this was going, and praying he could drive it to a point where they could just be friends without all this drama, "Well, we aren't exactly good together. We never were."

"People can change, Freddie," she said, taking a closer seat to Freddie, hoping she could point this conversation into something more physical. "I'm not exactly the wrecking ball I was in Seattle."

"And I'm not the sycophantic k!d I was either, but that doesn't mean anything about us." Freddie said, putting his hands firmly in his lap. "We are toxic together. We always have been. Sure we can laugh, hang out, and have a good time, but the physical will drive us to these points that are incredibly great, and blind us to what came before and what would come after. But it doesn't change the fact that you are v!olent and mean at times, and I'm passive aggressive and hold my skills and successes over you. We try and make up for those things, but it ends right backup where it was."


"The moment I got here, we went right back to that…" he said, motioning around the room. "You dolled yourself up to get a rise out of me. I was snooty about your apartment with Cat, and apologized. You tried to coax me into doing your work, and apologized. I mocked your relationship with Cat, and you kissed me, both causing apologetic concerns. None of that seems like stuff that people who should be together would do. "

"Let's just focus on the book…" Sam said, jerking the book from his hands. "I need to get this done so I can take us to lunch."

"Fine, but this conversation isn't over," he said, turning his attention to the rest of what the question was asking. "So what are the other types of happiness discussed here that he debates?"

"I think he sees the value in a couple others, but he also sees the fault too," she said, scanning the pages, flipping back and forth. "People whose happiness comes from having control over every aspect of their lives feel secure and safe, but their happiness can be disrupted by something they don't understand. On the flip side, there are those whose happiness can only come from letting go of all control and letting things happen, but he also says they are led astray more easily because of their freedom."

"Very astute," Freddie said, on edge and making sure he didn't say or do anything that could signify anything she could turn into ammo. "And the last thought he has?"

"The final type of happiness comes from those that naturally feel it," Sam read over, her mind immediately jumping to her roommate/girlfriend. "Sounds a bit like Cat. She's just like this describes- 'emanating happiness which affects others'. K!d's a ball of sunshine almost all the time."

"So, of those, which is question two here," Freddie said, pointing to the next question, "which one of the perspectives do you feel is right about happiness: the writer's, the indulgence of desires, the control, the freedom, or that it is an innate quality?"

"Ugh…" she said, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. "I hate this hippie-dippie bullshit that this professor makes us read. Happiness is a myth."

"Oh come on…" Freddie said, with a sigh. "It's just a question. Which of the-"

"None of the above is the answer. Happiness is something that our stupid brains create to make us forget about how shitty everything else is." Sam seemed confident in her answer, eyeing Freddie and waiting for his condescending response.

"Then write that," he said flatly, surprising the blonde. "If that's what you feel, just say that you disagree with all these assertions and that happiness is just a trick the mind plays."

"Fair enough," she said, beginning to type her responses to both questions, looking focused and intent on whatever it was she was typing out. Part of Freddie felt like he might need to proofread her answers before submission, more for possible language than spelling and grammar errors. "There."

"That was fast…" Freddie said, admiring her typing speed.

"Told you that I'd made some changes, Benson," she said, remaining stoic, and ready for question three, but a question hit her mind and she couldn't move any further. "Which do you feel is right?"

"Of the happiness things?" Freddie replied, shocked she'd be interested in his opinion, especially now.


"Well, if we're including your nihilistic viewpoint on the idea…" Freddie said, looking to the ceiling to think his answer through, "I don't know which of the six. Maybe the loss idea because I think I identify with it, but I also think you make the choices to be happy. It's more than replacing pain and loss with better feelings, 'earning' happiness. It's a conscious choice to be happy. To do things that make you happy."

"Are you happy you came here?" she asked innocently, rereading the third question, but anxious to hear his response.

"Of course," he said with a warm smile looking back down at her. "I get to see Jade, and her play, and of course, you and Cat. To meet all you guys' friends and-"

"No I meant… here. As in my place, this morning," she reiterated, annoyed that she didn't truly get an answer, and seeing that he smiled, avoiding it intentionally. "Idiot…"

"I can't really answer that just yet, I guess," he said, trying to ride the fence on his answer. "On the one side, I didn't have to spend the day alone, I had a great sandwich, a good discussion about happiness, and I got a really great kiss. But on the other hand, it wasn't a kiss from my girlfriend and I'm really not a huge fan of cheating on her even if it is tempting. Plus, we've kinda been fighting like every five minutes or so."

"Well, " Sam said, looking from the book to him, and she had no idea why she opened her mouth, but she once again went for it, her blue eyes staring into his brown ones. "If we consider what the book says, there are ways you could be happy: you could indulge your desires, you could make your moments count and take advantage of the happiness possibility of the moment, you could take control of everything, or you could just let all of it go."

"Let's not forget the Sam Puckett theory that happiness is an illusion and is just forgetting things that are 'shitty'," he shot back with a grin. "And why do all of those options sound like they are pointed in a very specific direction?"

"Well," she said, tucking her blonde locks behind her ear, "the considerate part of me is-"

"Consideration doesn't exactly suit you, Sam…" he said, smirking and feeling relieved as Sam was exposing her thoughts a lot more than usual. "Let's try honesty."

"Fine," Sam said, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. "If I had to be honest, I don't really care that you're with Jade or that I'm with Cat. I want you. I honestly want to pin you to this couch and make out with you, and then you pin me and… we do a lot more."

"You don't care about your girlfriend, who might be the sweetest k!d on earth?" he said, not necessarily surprised by her desire but her candour.

"No, I do care about Cat…" Sam said, seemingly backing up. "Like, a lot. But she's always been supportive of my feelings with you, and she all but gave me permission to give in to those desires when it came to you. So, if she basically gives me a hall pass, why the hell wouldn't I take it?"

Freddie wanted to argue, but held his tongue, his mind drifting to the way Jade had basically done the same thing that morning, urging him to do whatever he wanted to ease his stress and enjoy himself and that cheating wasn't a concern since it was just Sam. Is indulging really so wrong, he thought.

The former tech producer looked at the remaining work, and realized that they were basically done with this section. And Sam was smarter than she looked, and, to his slight shame, smarter than he expected.

"So…" he drew out, shutting his eyes tight to process what exactly was happening both in and outside his head. Sam didn't care about the consequences, apparently, and if there was a mutual pass happening with their significant others, there weren't really any to report. On the other hand, this was like any addiction, where it might feel really great, but coming out of it, where reality sets in, and they had to face that 'their time' was over, would suck fantastically.

"So…. What?" she asked giving him an exposing glare.

"So, I appreciate your honesty," Freddie said, eyes still focused on the ground, knowing that one look at his blonde ex would tip the scales considerably. "But you have to understand my position. Yes, you are ridiculously attractive and if this conversation happened the last time I came down here, then I would be all over… this. But I have a great girlfriend who I love and for me to do something, even if she says it's ok, that could possibly endanger that… it's just not alright with me."

"So she gave you the hall pass too?" Sam said shaking her head in exasperation. "Then you really are an idiot. But I can fix this in a heartbeat."

The blonde reached for her phone in her pocket and quickly fired off a text:

-sittin apt with ur bf who is playing white knight. U rly cool if we hook up?

The former couple sat and waited for several seconds before her phone buzzed with the response that Sam hoped would get Freddie off the fence.

"Before you even look at that thing, you know the decision is mine and not hers, right?" Freddie said, crossing his arms and giving her a stern glance.

"Right," she said, giving the same condescending glare back to him with a slick grin. "I just figured that I should let her know that she can let your balls out of the cage."

"Real funny," he said, actually curious as to what Jade might say back to the text. "How dare someone around here have any self-control…"

Sam checked the message and her eyes widened at what she was reading. Part of it surprised her, part of it made her excited, and part of it just made her a little angry.

-Freddie's a big boy. You of all people know that. And just FYI- Your girlfriend won't be wearing the same underwear home she had when she got here.

"I'm not even going to ask what she sent you," he chuckled, seeing her face. "But I gotta ask, Sam. What is the deal with all of this? We agreed to split way back when, and last time I was here we seemed to be on the level with each other and you were happy with Cat."

"I still am…" she said, sneering a bit as she tucked her phone back into her pocket, hiding Jade's taunting text, which was nothing new really. "And there's no 'deal.'"

"I know you, Sam," he said, with a gentle sigh. "We've been friends for a really long time, even if we used to fight for 90% of it. And then we dated. We had some really great times there, but we also had some bad. We gave ourselves to one another, and we shared some really powerful stuff. And even after the breakup, I know we carried our torches for too long, and you became even more of a pain and I know I was even worse too. Then you left without a word to me until I have to rush down here for a weekend on a fluke. And then…"

"We fucked like rabbits on spring break, and you met Jade… not exactly in that order."

"Not exactly the most eloquent," he said, rolling his eyes. "Jade's not really a part of this, and-"

"Of course she is…" Sam muttered, gritting her teeth. "You really want to know what my problem is, Freddie?"

"Of course…" he said, trying to be sympathetic but also prepared for a classic Sam Puckett explosion. "I just want us to talk this whole 'us' thing out. Whatever it takes to help."

"You say you know me, so you know where I came from, my fam!ly life, and the fact that I don't have a lot going for me." Rather than her voice raising toward a blow-up, she was remaining surprisingly calm, and low, avoiding looking at him. "Some fucking how, I got one of the best people around to be my best friend, and she made me feel like I was important… and then you showed up with your stupid face and we became a team for something much bigger, and suddenly I had a purpose."

The blonde headed toward the kitchen and fumbled around on a shelf, giving Freddie a look not to speak as she would finish in a bit. Carefully, she pulled out a brown curvy bottle she hid from Cat, which Freddie recognized even without seeing the label. She silently offered him a bit and he shook his head.

"It's not even noon, Sam, are you sure-"

"You wanted fucking answers to everything you're too goddamn 'smart' to realize, so you can blame yourself…" the former iCarly co-host said, filling half a glass from the sink with the whisky. "After years of this stupid crush just bleeding me dry, you and I finally get our chance. We have a kiss that still gets my motor running when I think about it, even with an audience of crazy people. We had something so right that I let you take me to bed. And you made me feel something I never imagined and have been chasing ever since that night because I knew we had something truly special. And what do we do but screw that shit up… We had the chance to be perfect, but I was just too much of a bitch and refused to compromise… and you were just too fucking perfect, holding that stupid shit over me."

"Sam, I never meant to-"

"Shut up," she said stiffly, sighing for a moment before swallowing down half of the burning liquor. "Neither of us meant to fucking do any of it. And so we broke up, 'mutually,' because I couldn't stand the idea of you being with me… not because I didn't want you… but because I didn't want you, the handsome genius whose destined for greatness, to be with me, the trashy dropout, who was destined for a Waffle House. And out of fucking nowhere, Carly was gone, and that meant it would just be you and me… and I fucking knew that we'd cross that path again. No matter how much I wanted it, I couldn't let you settle. So I bolted."

"You didn't have to-"

"If you interrupt me one more goddamn time, Benson…" she said, finishing off the glass before replacing the bottle in the cabinet as she spoke. "And so I came down here… and met Cat… and I finally got my shit together. Cat was new and different, and I could tell she was into me, and all I could think about was you up there. One night, things just boiled over; I was so worked up and Cat was really trying so I just let things happen. We had such a good time, and for the first time, I stopped thinking about you in that way because Cat kept me distracted. Every so often though, the idea that if I made enough of myself down here, maybe we could try again, would cross my mind. And then, the incident happened… and there you were, balls deep in my girlfriend."

Freddie simply bowed his head in shame, knowing that what he had done with Cat had affected everyone, and he felt utterly terrible to this day.

"Not that I blame you… I didn't have any legitimate claim on you or anything, and Cat can be… persuasive when she wants," Sam exhaled, taking a seat next to him once more. "But I was still working on me and I couldn't handle seeing you like that. It didn't help that that image of you being rough with her ignited a fire in my soul. I asked myself why you never took me like you took her- rough and intense. And I was mad at first, filled with jealousy, and then when all of us did… that thing… I had my life renewed, and then crushed in the same moment. Yes, you gave me what I was wanting physically, dominating me and making me feel weak to your strength- something I still get off on every other fantasy because… mmmhmm…. Goddamn. But the emotion, which was always what resonated most with me, what I had clung to, as much as the physical, for months wasn't quite there. At least, not for me. You fucking came to LA for a day and found a brand new goddamn soulmate."

Sam was on the verge of tears as she looked back at Freddie once more, making him feel more for her than he did for nearly all of their friendship.

"And I like Jade, don't get me wrong," she said, taking a long drink of juice and clearing her throat, "We… bonded… really fast, and hang out a lot. But she's got you. I can't compete with that. Nobody can. So that's why I put on that strong face when you left last time because… I don't know… how can I deny you your happiness? And it's not like I'm not happy with Cat. We are great together, and just this morning we had the best…"

"Not sure I need to know that…" Freddie said, touching her shoulder. "But I understand and-"

"No you don't!" she screamed, kicking the coffee table back a few feet. "Because you moved on, and are happy, and all that bullshit, and I have everything I could want from my life here, and it's still not enough because I don't have you. And as if I haven't been given enough with Cat, she tells me this morning that if I 'backslide' with you, its fine because she loves me… Can you believe that shit?"

Freddie started to speak but he held his tongue when he saw her angry glare, waiting for her to finish.

"And fucking here you are now…" she said, starting to choke up again. "Back in town out of the blue, so I freaked out over looking good enough to make you want me… and you just put me to shame. You show up, looking better than ever, and you're so fucking suave and sweet, when you're not being an asshole, and it's just so friggin' aggravating. With those damned muscles, which only add to my need for you to fucking take me to pound town, and that kiss, which I know… was technically my fault, but jeez."

Freddie smiled at the memory back to when she went for that kiss which he had to say was pretty spectacular, and he could still taste a bit of her gloss every so often when he licked his lips.

"My point is…" Sam smirked, as she clearly was still enjoying that thought as well, "that you've always been what I've wanted, from my schoolgirl crush to being the one for me, and now, even if I know you are with someone better for you, I still want you, and if the only barriers to me and you doing… stuff are as flexible as Jade and Cat have allowed, since they seem to have an understanding of their own… why not just enjoy ourselves?"

"We can, but-"

Sam silenced him by pressing her finger to his lips before practically leaping into his lap, her knees on each side of his legs and arms on his shoulders, fingers in his hair. "I know this isn't something real, but I just want… I need to feel…"

Locking eyes with her former boyfriend, the aggressive blonde slowly pressed her lips against his, and she was surprised to feel his mouth welcome hers. His hands placed themselves on her sides as he pulled her closer, making the kiss feel more intimate as her tongue slipped into his mouth, met with an equally sponge-y intrusion into hers.

Freddie was pleasantly surprised to taste how her breath wasn't as pungent with alcohol as he had feared, but was pleasantly sweet and enjoyably familiar. He enjoyed the kiss far more than he should have, but he knew that a kiss with a girl who needed comfort and was already cleared by Jade couldn't be a bad thing. Could it?

"Whatever it takes, right?" she whispered, cupping his cheek with a gentle smile, feeling a rush of endorphins before going in for another. And another. And another.

"Sam…" Freddie whispered, withdrawing for a moment, causing the blonde to wrinkle her brow in frustration, knowing he was just going to shut her down. "If you're looking for us to get back together, then you know I can't do that. I can't do that to Jade, or Cat, but most of all myself."

Sam rolled her eyes and moved to roll off his lap, but his hands went from a gentle hold to a firm grasp, keeping her there. "What?"

"Just like last time we had this big emotional moment, you didn't let me finish…" he said, giving her a very stern look, but was also filled with reassurance. "You said that this isn't 'real' but I have to disagree. I'm not going to take this to a level where I would really cheat on Jade, but we can certainly be friends, and if you need someone who can be a strong physical presence in your life, but also offer you real and honest emotional support, I can do that. I'd like that, really."

"So… if you aren't interested in being with me and or cheating," Sam said with a nervous look on her face, biting her bottom lip, still feeling the effects of the kiss, "then why am I still in your lap?"

"Because I want you to be happy and having this close relationship with you makes me happy. I honestly think that if you know I'm not really going anywhere as long as you want me around, you won't feel this overwhelming urge for things to take the turns they have." Freddie slid his hand up her side and arm, leaving a small shiver trail in its wake, until he reached her face, which she pressed against his palm. "I'm always going to be here for you, and if Jade and Cat are both ok with us having this type of close friendship-"

"With benefits," she said, with a hopeful tone.

"I guess…" he said, worried about how attaching a label might affect whatever was going on here. "If our significant others are alright if we share stuff like this, then maybe you're not wrong about seeking happiness where you can. So long as it doesn't become an unhealthy addiction for either of us."

"How can it not?" Sam asked, her hand sliding along his strong shoulder. "I have cravings all the time for being taken by a strong and powerful… well, you, Freddie… and I have Cat, I love the girl, and she has tried for it, but it is literally the opposite of what she is. Shit, I basically broke a toy that reminded me of you, chasing that need. But, just this morning, we kiss and I want to kiss more, you touch me and I want you to touch more, and I can imagine the same will happen as we… if we do anything else."

"Then you resist," he said, surely, his hot breath teasing her nostrils, driving her to want him more. "Just like anyone else who desires something. We talk about it, and you and Cat should talk too, about what you really want. Desiring something isn't the problem for addicts so much as it is when that one thing takes over importance from the aspects of your life that do matter. Like your studies, which I'm so proud of you for diving into, or your work babysitting, and especially what you have with Cat. You need to accept that while, for what I see as the future, our romantic relationship has ended, and now we can begin as something altogether different."

"But how can I be happy if I'm not really getting what I want?" she asked, pressing her forehead against his.

"Well, we are still working on that… compromising so we can keep each other around. I don't care about having permission and this should be on our terms. So let's hammer something down to compromise on…" Freddie said, stroking her shoulder and leaning his lips up to kiss her hairline softly. "What do you want to happen right now? Specifically."

"Well, I'd like to kiss you again. Deeper and more intense than when you stopped us," Sam whispered as she pulled up to look him in the eyes.

"Let's scale that back a bit…" he confidently said, taking her chin into his hand. "What if we kissed with that same vigour as before but for a couple minutes longer?"

"I'm good with that…" she said with a sly smile running across her face as she kissed Freddie with focused energy, her hands resuming their place in his hair, and his moved back down to her lower back, pulling her lower body into his as she pinned him into the couch.

And for a few minutes, they stayed just like that, reserved, save for a few minutes when Sam began to ground into him or tried to intensify their session. A quick squeeze of her sides, pulled her from crossing the agreed line, and she hated to admit that this compromise wasn't bad at all.

"Let's take this to the bedroom," she whispered, nearly gasping for breath as her tended to pull the life from her when he would kiss her that deeply.

"How about we stay here…" he whispered back with a smirk crossing his face as he planned counter compromises, "and keep doing this?"

"Or…" she said, wanting to see if she could try to beat him at his own game, "we stay here on the couch, ok, but we make out just a little bit more… and you lose the shirt."


"And before you ask or try and cheat me…" she shot off to stop him, "I mean all your upper body clothing. All the over/under shirts you have. Momma needs to feel a little skin."

Freddie paused, weighing all the options in front of him. "Fine… but no more 'Momma' talk… it's weird."

The former tech producer locked with the hungry eyes of Sam as she leaned back from him a bit, giving him room to unbutton and untuck everything before tossing it aside. He did his best to remain focused on her eyes as the angle she was giving him offered a perfect peek at her perfect peaks, and part of him really wanted to make the clothing loss even.

"Mmmhhmmm…" she said, resisting saying the prohibited word, but finding her desire increasing tenfold with this development, and when she slid her hands up his revealed sculpted chest and abs, it only got her fire raging more. "Goddamn, Benson…" she muttered without even realizing it really.

Freddie smiled, taking the unnamed compliment for what it was. He had put a lot of work into his figure and diet in the recent months, not so much for anyone in particular, but just because he needed to do something to occupy his time. That being said, being able to pick Jade up so easily and having the needed stamina for being with her, didn't hurt at all.

Sam moved in for a kiss with Freddie, but only gave him a peck before lowering her head to his well-earned chest and rubbing her face on his pecs, letting her lips and tongue drag across his sternum.

"Not so fast, Sam," Freddie smiled, pulling her up easily to get face to face. "I said we could make out. Nothing about you kissing all over me. Just this area," he smirked, circling his face.

Sam gave a fake sneer and pretended that she had no desire for his kiss until their lips locked and she dove in deep, driving her tongue nearly down his throat as he held her tight, deepening his kiss as his hand moved up to the back of her head, gripping her hair tight as he pushed their mouths together. And for half a moment, Sam thought she could feel him really grind into her as he did it, which elicited a small moan.

"You're the worst, you know," she said, taking quick breaths for a moment, trying to look cross despite getting exactly what she'd been wanting from him all morning.

Freddie just popped his head up and latched onto her prominent and puffy bottom lip, suckling softly, a sly look in his eye. Sam softly bit a little as Freddie pulled her head in tightly for a deep and breath-taking kiss, his long tongue snaking to wrestle hers into submission. The blonde felt helpless to moan into his mouth a little as her nails worked their way up and down his exposed upper body.

"Hang on," she said quickly, barely breaking the kiss for a second, if for not another reason than to get her breath back, but she had something else that needed to change. Her denim vest was off her bare shoulders and tossed to the chair in a heartbeat, revealing the incredibly thin straps of her shirt.

"Not sure if we agreed that you should undress too, Sam and-"

"Shut the fuck up," she said, biting her lip teasingly and moving her mouth toward his ear, licking softly as she whispered. "No need to compromise what I do with my own body…"

"Yes, ma'am…" he muttered, trying to resist his baser urges, but as the thin black material did nothing but hold her gentle curves and showcase the black bra underneath. His hands desperately wanted to touch her more intimately than just holding her in place, but he knew he needed to maintain control over this. "Have I mentioned how good you smell?"

"As opposed to normal?" Sam said, faking indignation to make him shut up about something so momentarily pointless. "Not sure how I feel about that…"

"I'm just saying that I think you really are making some great changes and I'm really happy to see you doing so well," he said, smiling and running his hands through her hair. "I like it and-"

"Unless you have something to say that's going to send this from make out to a real party," Sam growled, kissing along his neck, a little too deeply at a few points when he spoke, "then keep it buried until talking becomes the most important thing we are doing."

"Fine," he said, pulling her back by her hair with a sudden, but less than painful jerk, that surprised her as much as it turned her on. "So, what exactly do you have in mind for making this a 'party,' Sam, since kissing me clearly isn't doing anything for you?"

"Besides the obvious…" she said, rolling her eyes, "of course. Which you are a horrible fucking person for getting me going this much and not letting this go where it should go…"

"And where exactly," he said, running his hands up her bare arms, "do you think this should go?"

"Freddie…" she said, grinning a little as the goose bumps on her arms spread with his touch, and almost blushing it seemed as if she was embarrassed to say what she was wanting. "You know what I really want, and I've told you like fifty times. If you're already making out with me, and everything is all copacetic with the girlfriends… why shouldn't we just… do it."

"Because maybe I don't want to. At least, not yet." Freddie made the clarification and was as if a bell had rung in Sam's ears. Knowing that it could possibly be on the table gave her renewed interest. "Maybe I just like this. Maybe because I know it drives you crazy to have to wait for stuff."

"Oh, so you're just being a selfish asshole…" Sam said with a less than fake sneer before she went to get off his lap. "I should have known that you would just dangle this shit just to fucking mess with me."

She got both legs off and back on the couch when she felt him rush her, knocking her down onto the cushions, and before she knew it, Freddie was on top of her, pinning her with his arms on either side of her head.

"I didn't mean to taunt you too much, Sam…" he said, offering a real apology. "I thought we were just having fun. If sex is the endgame, I think the fun of all this stuff just kinda falls by the wayside. When everything comes down to 'you take your clothes off and I'll take mine, and then let's hump for a little bit,' all the fun is just sucked out of it."

Sam stared up into his kind eyes, and for the first time in the morning, she felt a little bit of that powerlessness that she was kinda seeking as he lorded over her. The thoughts of what he could do to her, as she ran through them, just proved him right. Bending her over and drilling her on the couch, or banging her against a door or a wall was hot. But it wasn't… fun.

"So, let's have some fun then…" she said, craning her neck upward to kiss him, smirking all the while.

She looked down between kisses at how her skirt was pooled around her waist thanks to the angle, and her legs spread on each side of his jeaned stems. Her body screamed that a few layers of clothing be tossed aside, but for the first time, she was trying to actively ignore the more carnal desires, and just share in something.

Freddie reached under her and gripped her back a bit, lifting her up so he could plant his mouth, still practically frozen with that sly smile, on her hypersensitive neck. Then moved to her collarbone, planting alternating deep and soft kisses along the soft flesh, moving only downward enough to the very top edge of her cleavage.

"You can go lower…" she whispered, gripping his hair and just smelling his scent before reaching for the edge of her shirt to pull up.

"No…" he said, nudging her hand away, offering just the smallest of kisses to the center of her neck. "Nothing exposed just yet. I want you to see that you don't have to rush anything. We're just taking our time."

"Tell that to the part of my body on fire right now… that you're pressing against… between my legs…" Sam muttered as she writhed underneath him, unable to relieve her necessary stress. Freddie just kept taunting her body which drove her crazy for all the right reasons, going so far as to nibble on the strap of her shirt, as he nipped at her soft flesh. "Ugh… give me a second."

"You ok?" he said, sitting up off of her.

"Will be in a second," she said as she reached behind her, in what looked like a back scratch, but in a few seconds, she pulled a black lace bra from under her shirt. "Waaayyy… better."

"I told you that I wasn't sure-"

"Nothing's exposed, Freddie," she said, cutting off her guest's whining. Freddie could easily see the outline, shape, swell, and the poking peaks underneath the paper thin fabric. "Just needed to relieve some of that tension since you're obviously never going to stop teasing me…"

The blonde could see the carnal look in his eye as his focus was a bit south of her eyes. She knew very well the effect that she could have on him if she just teased him a little more. If he wanted to take things slow and fun, then he could, but she wasn't going to make it easy on him.

"See something you want, Benson?" she said, flirtingly sliding her fingers across her chest, arching her back a bit to show herself off a bit more. "God knows I've been trying to get you to give me that kinda attention all freaking morning."

"You know I want you, Sam," he said, trying to figure out his next move. In a way, he just knew he was in over his head with this girl, and while he knew it was 'ok,' he didn't want to lose control when it came to her.

"Then take me then," she said, biting her bottom lip seductively before pushing him back against the opposite arm of the couch. Before could move or respond, she turned her back to him and slid herself back so that she was pressed against his chest. Softly, she pressed her head back, turning toward a small angle so that she could meet his lips, sharing a deep kiss that made her feel for the first time since she climbed on his lap that she was in control.

"Remember when we used to cuddle like this on Carly's couch?" Freddie said, not planning to kill the mood, but he couldn't help but try and give himself some space to think and mentioning when they dated seemed like a decent plan. Until it backfired.

"And, if you're serious about us being friends, maybe you and I could do this whenever we get the chance to hang out…" she whispered. "Maybe step it up just a little…"

Her arms reached back, hooking around his neck and Sam moaned a bit as she ground herself against his pelvis, feeling his hardness dig into the top of her ass, which only made her want to grind more. Freddie wrapped his hands around her midsection and began peppering kisses along her craned and exposed neck. Coo after embarrassing coo left her mouth as he found her sweet spot over and over on her neck sending shivers down her spine and a faster and stronger rate with each passing moment. And the way he gripped her taut, butterfly filled, stomach, was once again making her feel at his whim, when she knew she had him where she wanted.

"Hands have gotta go up or down, Benson…" she moaned. "Or both… I don't care. I can't take it any longer. I need you…"

"I'm right here, Sam… not going anywhere," he whispered. Freddie was going to say more, but her arms disappeared from his neck and shot down to his hands, grabbing each of them to move them for him. He vainly resisted but as her hands separated his, sending his right one up to her breast, kneading it through the thin material softly, his left was led to the bottom of her dress between the middle of her thighs. "This is a little aggressive, don't you think?"

"Freddie, I wanted you to bend me over this couch and fuck me until I couldn't walk… I'm not the best judge of aggressive." They both laughed for a second as he managed to pull the lower hand back up, and he was pleased to see she didn't stop him, but she guided him back up her body, sliding over her core, which even though it was only a second of interaction, he could feel the heat. Freddie reluctantly let her lead the movements, moaning a bit as he felt her mounds of flesh roll along his fingers, and he instinctively squeezed the outstanding nipple between his middle and ring fingers. "God, I've missed you…"

Freddie kissed the side of her face as he saw that her eyes were closed, really savouring the feel of his touch to parts of her body that truly needed such focused attention. He was so busy enjoying himself, as he massaged her chest that he didn't even notice that her hands had disappeared from his until he felt her palm slide along the front of his jeans, stroking a bit through two full layers.

"Sam!" he said, nearly jumping at the feeling, but he didn't stop… he just couldn't bring himself to, but he just watched as she kept her eyes shut tight, slowly rubbing him with one hand tucked behind her while the other had hiked the dress up a bit and was teasing her neglected core.

"If you think I'm gonna stop touching myself because it makes you feel uncomfortable, you can shove it, Benson," she whispered, her hands getting more aggressive with their targets, especially once he had stopped touching hers. "Ugh… you couldn't just let me finish?"

"Nope," he said, matter of factly, as he pulled her hands away from their crotches. "I kinda had another plan, and I don't think this one has any compromises, at least that I can tell."

"Then shoot… because I was getting close," Sam said, sitting up and turning to sit and face him.

"What if I kissed you as deep as I could, slipped you some tongue, and I agreed to take my pants off?" he said, offering her a raised eyebrow.

"Could you at least feel me up as you do it?" Sam said, willing to agree to anything if it meant more of his touch. "So I can get something out of this deal…"

"Sure," he replied with a sly smile. "I think I can manage that."

Sam shrugged and moved toward him to get on his lap again, but was stunned when Freddie pushed her back down on the couch. Mmmmm, Sam thought, remembering back to when he pinned her down to make out with her. She was even more surprised when her face wasn't his intended target.

"Freddie…" she said, seeing him run his hands up and down her sides, sliding down so he could get on his stomach with his legs in the air as he pushed her legs apart. "Not complaining, but what are you doing?"

"I never specified where I would be kissing you…" he smirked as he placed gentle pecks above her knees and along her inner thighs. "Surprised?"

"Umm…" she said, her mind starting to dissipate with each centimetre he moved upwards until his head disappeared up her skirt. She didn't even know what to do to herself. If Freddie was going to really get into like he did before, she knew she needed to grab a pillow to silence herself, and grab the edge of the couch for the ride that was about to hit. "I just… thought this… would be too… far for you…"

His head popped up from beneath her for a moment to look her in the eyes. "We're just having fun, and I want us to have a good time. This is clearly something you wanted and something I'm happy to offer a friend in need."

Sam was going to reply when she felt his fingers grip the edge of her panties and pull down. "Unnhhhh…" she managed as the soaked garment was slid down her shaking hips. She was so eager; she was afraid she would burst the moment he actually made contact with her sex.

"Probably don't need these," he whispered, his hot breath teasing her love cavern, teasing her further, as he slid the underwear down and off her legs. He reached up to hand them to their owner, but instead of grabbing them, Sam simply leaned up and took them with her teeth. Freddie smirked at what he was doing to the strong willed blonde. "I can stop if you want. I mean-"

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!" she practically screamed, grabbing his now laughing face in her hands, realizing that he was once again, only teasing her. Naturally, Sam was livid, but she wouldn't dare risk screwing this up when she was on the verge of something biblical. "Just… please… let me come…"

"And then what?" he asked, fully focused on her eyes, as his fingers dug into her thighs, massaging them. "After you come, what are you going to do?"

"Whatever you want…" she said, through gritted teeth, her legs jerking in anticipation. "I'll suck your cock. I'll let you fuck me however you want. My ass even… I'll do anything if you just let me have this."

"I don't need anything like that… I just want you to promise that you won't ever put sex above your relationships with people..." he said, hoping he could help her with her issues. "And that we are just friends, and while we may have fun with the acceptance, not just permission, of those we love, you need to understand that we aren't dating; just really good friends, who trust and care for each other."

"Deal," she said, without a second thought. "You and me are what we are…"

"Good," he said with a refreshing smile as he tossed her skirt upwards and dove his face down slowly, really getting accustomed to her scent. It was a bit stronger than Jade's, probably from how long she'd been on edge, but not nearly as flowery. His tongue glided over her outermost petals, scooping her nectar, and tasting that she was certainly sweeter than Jade's with just a slight tang to it, which was different enough that he couldn't help but dive his tongue a bit deeper, slipping well into the folds.

"Ohhh… shit!" she cried out at the intrusion, her scream immediately pacified by a nearby pillow as her back started to arch.

Freddie slid his arms on each side of her legs, pulling her more downward into his face while his hands reached for her breasts. Even without being able to see, he knew her body well enough to f0rcefully slide his thumbs over her nipples. But after a few seconds, he was stopped and he felt a shift, and looked up at the panting blonde.

"I need you to really touch me, Freddie," she said, gasping a bit as she grabbed each side of her undershirt and pulled It off her body, causing her plentiful flesh to pour out from the constriction. Even if he knew the size and shape of her perfect D-cup orbs, seeing them spill out again brought on so many new feelings for Freddie… most of them carnal.

"May I-" he asked moving his body upwards in a desire to taste them, he felt a strong hand on his shoulder.

"After," she said sternly, taking his hands to guide so he could caress and truly knead her pillows as he was further down.

Freddie went right back to work, with renewed vigour, sliding his tongue in and out of her precious cavern and every so often he moved his attention above her lips and suckled her pretty pearl as she writhed underneath his ministrations. Knowing that she was so close and that was just too overwhelming for her, he decided to break out his move.

Sam hoped he would do it, but she wasn't at all ready for what her body would do when she felt his humming vibrations, and the shapes he was making. She immediately knew he wasn't making an A like he normally started, but she didn't care as she shook, pressing his hands so hard into her breasts she would later worry if he would leave bruises, but for the moment, she could do nothing but grab herself until she got a hand on his head.

The former tech producer knew he had struck oil when she gripped his short hair tightly, pressing his mouth as far into her bucking hips as he could physically go. He slipped his hands downward to help him out as it was only a matter of time now, only four letters into the reverse alphabet he was driving into her. He continued moving faster and with more focus with his tongue as he pressed his index and middle fingers against her hood, slowly at first, then picking up speed, frigging her hypersensitive clit. He licked his other middle finger to get it nice and wet as her body became electric with all its jerking and quaking, until she reached the top of the massive wave, and knew that this was the moment.

"AAaaaaahhhh!" she screamed out, audible well through the pillow, and Freddie knew that this was the moment, and he pushed his middle finger against her backdoor, getting just past the first knuckle inside her at the very moment her dam broke.

His mouth was suddenly flooded with what seemed like an actual wave of her release, which he eagerly lapped up, not slowing down on her love button, treating her clit like a speedbag until the full wave had passed her. Freddie absolutely loved the way she tasted when she came, with a much stronger and well-earned flavour that he sought more of even after it was all gone.

Freddie had planned to say something smart when he pulled from her sex, but instead, he was launched up to face her, his lips glistening, which Sam hungrily kissed, eager to taste more of her own sex. It was so much stronger and better on his lips, and there was a part of her that wondered if that was something indicative of her relationship.

Freddie lowered himself a bit and flicked his tongue against her taut nipple, suckling the supple flesh and his hand cupped her pale orb. He felt her hand against the back of his head, encouraging him to devour her sensitive flesh more as she continued gasping for breath. The former tech producer could feel her racing heartbeat as he moved to her other orb, eager to offer all of his mouth's talents to her body that he could manage.

"Mmmmhmhmmmm" Sam moaned, feeling her body's fire was already starting to rekindle. After so much love for her pillows, the blonde could no longer take his mouth being away from hers, and she jerked him back up to kiss her, pressing her hard against the couch as their tongues battled for supremacy, her tangy and sweet flavour dancing on her taste buds.

After locking lips for a good amount of time, nonverbally showing her immeasurable gratitude for what he'd done, Sam finally pulled away and spoke, still trying to find her breath.

"How can I just be friends with you when you made me cum harder than Cat ever has?" she whispered, looking at him with the most vulnerable glance he'd ever seen on her face.

"Sam, you-"

"I know; I know… I promised," she said, looking downward. "I'm a liar… I can't help but say whatever gets me what I want."

"I know…" he said, brushing her hair behind her ear. "But I also know that you're strong enough to stand by your word if it's what you really want. Life, or love, I guess, isn't about who makes you come the hardest, Sam… it's about understanding."

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Black lover Dwayne on my laptop

Black lover Dwayne on my laptopI had been away from home during three days on my “quick” business trip… but still I had two days more to come back to my sweet Ana.Sitting down on the hotel bed I opened my laptop and it took just few seconds to connect the signal with Ana at home.She had been sitting at our marital bed waiting for me and replied instantly. Ana told me she was ready to provide me a nice show to watch.She explained that had invited home one of my own co-workers, Dwayne, a huge...

2 years ago
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Threeway on the Freeway

I was on Interstate 80, maybe fifteen miles East of Fairfield, CA heading towards Sacramento. Up in the high, flat country with the golden grass in the summer. It was hot, very hot, but I had my windows open enjoying my new state. At 70 half the traffic seemed to be passing me. I was heading to my sister’s house for the weekend, and in no particular rush since I was three hours early. I was dying for something to drink, maybe a Snapple, when I saw the van on the shoulder up ahead. ...

3 years ago
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Love Street Ch 05 Traceys Mom

"I hear she's a divorcee with a teen-age daughter," Mom hisses to one of her Love-Street friends in a voice dripping with disapproval.My parents have owned a lakefront cottage in the Love Street development for as long as I can recall. I've spent countless carefree summers here, hanging out with friends and learning to swim and dive and waterski and even navigate the rocks and shoals of adolescence.This summer, things are different. Life is no longer so carefree.Yes, I've been accepted at the...

4 years ago
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Erikas Adventures part five Im Waynes girl now

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. Erika's adventure part five: I slept like a baby that night, I mean mind you I didn't get to sleep until three in the morning, but I slept in until 11am. Last night felt like a dream, I was reliving everything in my head, and I still can't believe I had a date with Wayne, and even more so, I can't believe I blew him. I mean, I figure...

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Erikas Adventures part six at Waynes Condo

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. Erika's adventure part five: I slept like a baby that night, I mean mind you I didn't get to sleep until three in the morning, but I slept in until 11am. Last night felt like a dream, I was reliving everything in my head, and I still can't believe I had a date with Wayne, and even more so, I can't believe I blew him. I mean, I figure...

1 year ago
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A final show from Dwayne

A final show from DwayneA week later I was once again at work; that black bastard Dwayne was off.Towards the end of the afternoon I got a text from my sweet Anita, telling me Dwayne just had left and I had a video available when I got home. Once again I came back home almost after midnight and was really very tired; but Ana’s laptop was there in the living room, waiting for me.Ana and Dwayne were naked in bed. I knew my sweet wife was on her period; so, I watched as the black man fucked her in...

4 years ago
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Dwayne again in my laptop

Dwayne again on my laptopI was still out and so far from home that long weekend.My business trip had been delayed another couple days; so I called my sweet Ana and told her I was very sorry, but I would come back home on Monday.She laughed and answered: “Do not worry, hun, tonight Dwayne will come again to warm you side of the bed… I will set my laptop on the night table… you can watch us”.I was a little bit mortified, after watching that huge black bastard enjoying Ana’s cunt and even...

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1 2 3 4 5 abigaildwayneshoppa

Austin, TexasAges 29 and 33Married nine monthsAbigail: I never met men through my job (I’m a real estate investor). So instead I had the bad habit of reigniting old relationships, seeing if I could make them work the second time around. In May 2010, my three sisters, with whom I’m very close, and my brother-in-law Chris urged me to try someone new. When I demurred, they insisted on buying me a date at a local bachelor auction for charity. At first, I protested, but eventually I gave in. And...

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This story is a fantasy I just had and like to share with you. As the story isn't finished yet, I would love to hear your comments, advice and additions to the story. Please contact me at [email protected] .If you've enjoyed this story, please write me too - then I might write more!Synopsis:Norway 1940: A female civilian seduces a military leader of the German occupation forces, eventually turning him into her tool to gain power. Bus as the soldier is too paralyzed by her charms, he let...

2 years ago
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Angel S1 E14 Dwaynes World

Angel S:1 E:14 "Dwayne's World" By G.M. Shephard Copyright © 2012 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover Liz sat on the couch with her wedding band in her hand. She sat staring at it while Ashley slept with her head on Liz's lap. It was a simple gold ring with a small hard to read inscription etched into the inside. She didn't need to read the words; they were etched in her heart. "Forever locked onto your heart." Ashley coughed and started to wake up. Liz put her...

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A night with Big Al and Dwayne

Big Al and his younger brother Dwayne arrived as promised at half six for dinner and a little fun. I greeted them at the door in my black leather harness with a sheer off-the-shoulder black dress over, fishnets and heels too. The boys seemed to be extremely pleased with my appearance.I had a couple of bottles of Moretti waiting for them on the coffee table. We made our way to the sofa to await the delivery guy with our Italian meal, no way was I going to waste time preparing something. It...

3 years ago
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Streetwalker My wife and I enjoy a little roll playing in our marriage. My two favorite roll-playing games are the “Little Catholic Schoolgirl” and the “Streetwalker.” I love it when my beautiful wife puts on a “Catholic Schoolgirl” outfit that she got at a yard sale last summer. Usually I’m the “Head Mater” and have to punish her for something. She really gets into it too. It sure makes for some really good sex afterwards. Now the “Streetwalker” allows my tall slender wife to...

1 year ago
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Love is a 5 Way Street Chapter 4

Killer Tuna Redux 2: Love is a 5 Way Street - Chapter 4Hollywood Arts High SchoolJade strolled through the side entrance of the school with a swing of her hips as if she owned the place, the guarded yet confident expression warning all those around her not to challenge her as she passed the milling about students. She had good reason to feel that way as she was one of the girls that 'ran' the school. In a sea of faceless and interchangeable cogs, there were only a few that stood out and were...

4 years ago
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We Did It Under the Table in the Lift in a Side Street on the Freeway

I watched my beautiful wife Courtney get ready for our night out. It was an industry dinner after large trade show at the Crown Ball Room. About seven or eight hundred people.After doing her makeup she put on a tiny black G string and black lace bra, then the stay-up stockings. I love hosiery of any kind.A black transparent blouse and a long wrap-a-round skirt which meant a spilt that goes all the way up so I can easily get my hand under. Finally, a black lace shawl to put over her shoulders...

2 years ago
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Love Is A 5 Way Street Chapter 2

Killer Tuna Redux 2 - Love Is A 5 Way Street: Chapter 2Catarina 'Cat' Valentine looked down at the sleeping form of the beautiful dirty blonde resting on her back, whose bed she was sharing on a semi-regular basis as she did last night, while the redhead straddled her hips. She just patiently gazed at her secret girlfriend and admired her beauty.Samantha 'Sam' Puckett's mouth was partially opened with a bit of drool leaving her bottom lip and onto her pillow. Her right arm was shoved under the...

1 year ago
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Love Street Ch 02 Something about Mary Wendy and Liz

An unfamiliar local number flashes on my cell-phone screen.”Hi, Mary. It’s Wendy!”Someone has the wrong number. But the voice is young and pleasantly feminine with a familiar intonation."Yes. This is Mary,” I tease."My, what a deep voice you have," Wendy quips."All the better to please you with, My Dear,” I reply."And how exactly would you do that, Mister Big Bad Wolf?” she giggles.I’m evasive, but she insists I tell her what I mean, so I say the first thing that comes to mind."By showing you...

First Time
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Love is a 5 Way Street Chapter 1

Killer Tuna Redux 2 - Love is a 5 Way Street: Chapter 1Freddie really didn't want to wake up, but as the dull vibrations from his phone alarm shook the nightstand next to him, he didn't have much of a choice. He only had himself to blame really, as he set it himself, so he could awaken 5 minutes before Jade's alarm went off. Slowly, he rolled to his side to see his girlfriend fast asleeep on her side, something she certainly deserved after all the action of the previous day.The Seattle-ite...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess12e05 Evelyn Streete 38 from Eastbourne

We start this week’s show looking at the picturesque streets of an old town. The houses on our right are raised up above road level, with little sets of steps every dozen houses leading down from the footpath to the path beside the road we’re on. To our right, a high green barrier of hedgerows and trees blocks our view. Then we’re turning to the right, through a break in the hedgerow, and into a small street side carpark – onward, through a pair of gates marked “Ocklynge Cemetery”... And...

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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 1

Scarsdale, NY: Friday 2nd November 2018Pete gives the background to Sue and his four-year journey of sexual discoveryAsk any addict and they’ll tell you that it only takes one second to slip. And that once you’ve slipped, you’re in freefall with no earthly idea of where and when that freefall will end. And whether you’ll still be in one piece.I’m Pete, or Peter if you prefer. A ‘happily’ married forty-nine-year-old guy, married to the woman who’s blessed my life these last twenty-six years....

Wife Lovers
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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 1

Scarsdale, NY: Friday 2nd November 2018Pete gives the background to Sue and his four-year journey of sexual discoveryAsk any addict and they’ll tell you that it only takes one second to slip. And that once you’ve slipped, you’re in freefall with no earthly idea of where and when that freefall will end. And whether you’ll still be in one piece.I’m Pete, or Peter if you prefer. A ‘happily’ married forty-nine-year-old guy, married to the woman who’s blessed my life these last twenty-six years....

Wife Lovers
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BrodricksburgChapter 6 The Munt Street House

After putting the phone down I decided to take a drive by the house on Munt Street to get the lay of the land. I was familiar with Munt Street because I grew up near there but I wasn't sure enough of the numbering to know which house was number 207. Munt Street was about three miles long running from Fifth Street on the west and ending at River Road on the east. I knew that the houses were numbered from east to west so that 207 would be close to the River Road end of the street. I cut...

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A Dream for Anne Hathaway

Les Miserables is such a boring movie, but there are two saving graces; Amanda Seyfried and Anne Hathaway. I would fuck both of these fine ladies with my big juicy cock in a heart beat. Sadly, I doubt that this will ever become reality...I look around me and I'm not sure where I am. Then I remember Les Mis and realize that I'm in France in 1815. I'm in some shitty little room with a rickety old bed. The door creaks open behind me and I see Anne Hathaway standing there in her old timey dress...

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The Pleasures of a Street Thug

Mike was the leader of a small gang of misfits. He and his pals roamed the streets of their small part of the city almost every night. They loved to rough up scrawny men who were foolish enough to walk the darkened streets alone. Most of their prey were office workers who got too caught up in their work, as well as the occasional naive tourist.Mike had the physique of a man who had lived most of his thirty seven years on the street. He was an intimidating man, standing about six and a half feet...

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Hideaway House

by Philip Johnson As the category indicates, this is a non-erotic story, so don’t get mad at me when you don’t find much sex in the following story. Chapter One The name Paradise Found sounded somewhere between somewhat cheesy to plastic luxury. But the first thing a person noticed when they pulled up to the front entrance was true luxury. Not over the top luxury, but quality everywhere. The construction made it look like an old mansion that had survived the ravages of time in nearly...

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Lovey came with me

Dear friends, This is a true story about a father his daughters not one or two but all there daughters he produced during 20 years of marriage bond. First let me introduce myself i am a guy of 25 years tall handsome and loveable boy and am a student of local post graduation college.Lovey eldest of all three girls along with ruby and pinky was my classmate in degree course. We use to study together in our house for which i was being paid for by three girls not sisters(two other classmates) Rs...

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Prince of the street

Dad raised his hand and was about to hit me. He was drunk as usual and complained that I was costing him too much. He wanted me out of his life. Tears were running down my eyes. I was a young 11-year-old boy living in a city in Russia. My name is Nicholas, and I was a bit small for my age. My mum left us and Dad was unemployed. We lived in a one bedroom flat that had lots of rugs and little furniture. There was a big old sofa that dad and I slept on. Dad never bought me anything. All my clothes...

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Tina At The Hideaway

The Hideaway was an old bar in Redwood City. It was located between the Mexican barrio and an industrial area of mostly small shops. The owner at the time was a friendly Latino, rumored to be a gangster of sorts.The Hideaway catered to a very diverse bunch. Mostly men, though there were usually some women there. About half the patrons were Mexicans, mostly legal and mostly employed in the area. The other half were mainly Caucasian small business owners, like myself, and their employees.There...

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Hiking in the mountains of Norway Hijab

This is a translated story form my Norwegian story. It's a true story, but the names have been changed to protect the "innocent". I would like to hear from you who read this and welcome creative criticism. My main language is not English, so I apologies for my way of writing, but I hope it's not totally bad. Hope you like it ? Holiday.Sun is shining and the weather forecast looks good. The temperature steady at 77 Fahrenheit in my hometown. It's considered acceptable. Bergen is not exactly...

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Mom returns from Norway

Note : This story is completely fictional! Bobbie Sue and I had had a content and fullfilling June. Sex between us was better than ever, and we both had relationships started with others. Bobbie was seeing a lot of Steven, a guy she met in college. I was seeing Mary, a friend of Bobbie's from high school, whom was also attending the same college. Mary had been very nervous the first few times we had sex, but now she has really loosened up, so to speak, and was really very comfortable to be...

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Across The Street And Two Doors Down

ACROSS THE STREET AND TWO DOORS DOWN by Spanky de Bautumn Jamie knew he was different. He didn't fit in with the other boys, but he didn't feel like he fit in with the girls either, he just knew he was different. He wasn't into dolls or balls. He was the smallest boy in his class and more than half the girls outweighed him. But the one thing he had going for him was that he was smart. He wasn't in the Mensa category smart, although he maintained a high GPA, he was more street...

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CHAPTER 1 _____________________ Beau Lovejoy was pretty much a nerd when he was young. He loved to read, and he was completely addicted to comic books, but anything that wasn't grounded in reality would do. He was always lost in some fantasy or another, and the real world seemed rather mundane in comparison. At least, it did until he discovered something even more facinating. Women. When he was a boy, he found girls annoying, and he actually tried to...

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Walk On The Street

Walk On The Street By Tyrone Slothrop Chapter 1: Internal Affairs "So you seem to be clear on this one Musgrove. What are you gonna do now? Take some time, hit the beach? Go to Disneyworld? I hear gay days are coming up." Roberts made his usual attempt at humor and was as funny as always, which is to say, not at all. Gerry knew he was finished as a cop. Once you did anything for Internal Affairs you either went upstairs with a promotion or your life was hell. He was very certain...

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Keeping her girl off the street Part 10

I pretty quickly got a reply. It consisted of a ramble about how none of the guys on the site would help her. Her life was falling apart, was badly in need of some help and the guys wanted sex in return for helping her. “so you need help, for what” I asked. She tells me she and her 14 year old daughter got kicked out of the weekly motel they were staying in because she ran out of money. Worse still, the motel kept all of their stuff and it would cost $150 to get it back. They only had the...

1 year ago
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Shemale Street Hooker

Street Hooker Part 1After booking in at the hotel in a smart suit and heels, I returned to my car to get my 'things'. My two bags seemed excessive for an overnight stay but this was a stay with a difference. The hotel was perfect. It was just out of the centre of an unfamiliar (to me) town and on the fringe of a rather run down area. I was starting to get that butterfly in the stomach feeling - the buzz of daring adventure and excitement in anticipation of the evening and night to come. Each...

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Freeway Threeway Chapter 2

Morning came early the next day and we all really wanted to spend more time in bed. However we had a long day of driving ahead of us and we weren’t making a dent in it laying around the motel room. Plus, all three of us were starving – we had burned more than a few calories the night before! So we got up and got dressed then we decided to grab a bit to eat. Now Angel was still wearing the same clothes she had on from ‘work’ and the white micro skirt, tiny bikini top, and lack of underwear made...

4 years ago
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Freeway Threeway Chapter 3

We woke the next morning all stiff and a bit sore, especially poor Angel. She complained that we were too rough on her the previous night, and that her ass and pussy were sore and her nipples ached where Jack had pinched them as we all came. We laughed about it though – none of us would have changed a moment of it. Jack and I did feel a little bad about being so hard on our companion, but she assured us that it wasn’t the first, nor would it be the last, time she woke up sore from the previous...

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Freeway Threeway Chapter 1

Jack and I had been buddies for a number of years and we’d had many good times together. One day I was sitting at home enjoying a quiet day of football when I received a phone call. Normally, no one dared call me during a football game – that was a cardinal sin and all my friends knew it. So to get a phone call during a game it must be very important. I picked up the phone, wanting to know who I was going to have to kill for disturbing me. ‘Hello?’ ‘Hey Robert, it’s Jack. Hey I’m sorry to...

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Freeway Threeway Chapter 2

Morning came early the next day and we all really wanted to spend more time in bed. However, we had a long day of driving ahead of us and we weren't making a dent in it laying around the motel room. Plus, all three of us were starving - we had burned more than a few calories the night before! So we got up and got dressed then we decided to grab a bit to eat.Now Angel was still wearing the same clothes she had on from "work" and the white micro skirt, tiny bikini top, and lack of underwear made...

2 years ago
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Freeway Threeway Chapter 1

Jack and I had been buddies for a number of years and we'd had many good times together. One day I was sitting at home enjoying a quiet day of football when I received a phone call. Normally, no one dared call me during a football game - that was a cardinal sin and all my friends knew it. So to get a phone call during a game it must be very important. I picked up the phone, wanting to know who I was going to have to kill for disturbing me."Hello?""Hey Robert, it's Jack. Hey, I'm sorry to...

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Shadows on the Street

If anyone had seen Michael Gillian sitting in his parked car in a shadowy corner of a dark street two blocks from his ex-girlfriend's apartment, they would immediately think that something sinister was about to happen. They would be right. The failing sunlight and the subsequent lengthening shadows of evening helped to hide him from unwelcome eyes. He certainly wouldn't want a certain person spotting him here; if she were on to him, it would spoil everything he had been planning for...

3 years ago
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On Oxford Street This Gay Girl Found Pride While Playing With Balls

Eden. The word doesn’t need adornment, alone it evokes the image of paradise.Except, it doesn’t in my case. Though not hell by any means, my Eden wasn’t the paradise you should find yourself praying for.For you see, my Eden was, and maybe always will be, my community; a coastal Australian town, about five hundred kilometres, though at times it felt more like five hundred years, away from Sydney.Eden was, as you might have guessed, the place where I grew up, a beloved daughter, but,...

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Runaways Runaways By JensenDenmark 1. Holiday Amber met me at the park. We had left our High School separately so we could not be sighted. I rode my skateboard at the path toward the park. It was a shame that we had to keep it so secretly. Amber waited for me. She was 15 like me. ?Darling. I was afraid that your mother had picked you up.? ?No. I told her that I had to study extra for a project.? I kissed her. ?Lets go down to the creek, so we can have some undisturbed time.? The creek...

2 years ago
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12a Archdeacon StreetChapter 9 Out Of Time

Russ let himself back into the house and crept to the foot of the stairs. Time for an hour's blessed rest before going to meet Ethel again. He was absolutely shattered. Delia had been virtually insatiable. How insatiable, he didn't know: he had lost count after seven times. Without even removing his tracksuit, he rolled into bed and fell asleep instantly. What was that? He sat up, disoriented. Silence. That was it. The church bells had stopped suddenly and woken him. Peace, perfect...

4 years ago
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The House on Montague Street

Then early last summer there was some activity. Trucks going up and down the street. But I never saw anyone. I didn't think much of it until school started. I was now a junior in high school. My name is Devon, most call me Dev. I'm about the most average kid in our school. 5-8, skinny, brown hair, brown eyes. I just blend into the scenery. I didn't have trouble with anyone; I had enough friends. I was hopeless with girls. Maybe because I didn't play sports, or maybe I was just...

2 years ago
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Parkway Fun

Huggs surprised Rascal with a nice picnic on the Blue Ridge Parkway after she got off of work one Saturday. While Rascal was at work, Huggs prepared a small array of finger foods that they could enjoy with some wine. Once Rascal got home, Huggs told her to take a nice long shower because they were going to have a picnic on the parkway. Rascal must have saw the gleam in his eyes, because Rascal quickly asked, “It will not just be us at this picnic?” Huggs had to confess that another gentleman...

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Fellation Desires Episode One The Fellation of Dewayne Williams

My name is Dewayne Williams. I’m the 37 year old Vice President of Operations for Quik Connect Media Group Southeast Region here in Marcustown Georgia. I am married with no children. For the eight years Rose and I have been married I’ve never cheated on her, at least not until now. You see, I am now a firm believer that every man has his own personal vice that can greatly weaken his resolve to the point where he would compromise things that he ought not compromise. No one is exempt. No one! ...

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Vienna Street Urchins

“Has Max been in yet tonight?” I had had to build up the courage, with my second drink, on the stool at the Sling Bar, a gay nightclub on Vienna’s Margaretenstrasse, southwest of the ring road around the old city, before I could ask the barman. It was a gay bar. It wasn’t just that I was asking for one of the male prostitutes who frequently picked up men in this bar that I was hesitant. It was because Max was fourteen, one of the street urchins of Vienna who maintained his existence by selling...

1 year ago
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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 60

Tonko avoided me in the morning. In fact, Tonko avoided everyone that morning. Gogra came over to speak with me before I could even get into line to get some food. “You need to speak with Tonko,” Gogra awkwardly informed me, his voice hesitant, but filled with concern. “You must tell him that everything is all right. He is embarrassed and upset, and only you can speak to him.” I nodded my head in understanding. I’d been going to speak with Burton and the others about the day. Now that would...

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Naked in the Street at Night

Hey there everyone, I know it's been a while since we last posted. A few weeks ago we had an engagement party in the city. We usually park at a station and catch a train into the city to avoid driving in all the traffic. I wore a red crop top and tight black skirt (no panties). As we were seeing James's family, I wore a bra (as those that have read our stories, I rarely wear a bra). As most of you know, when I drink, I get very horny. I'm also a light weight so get tipsy very quickly. After...

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The man across the street

The man across the street.... As long as I can remember people had remarked how with my pretty face, slight build and general demeanor I should have been a girl. After my parents had died in a car accident, I now lived with my glamorous young aunt Charlotte who was a business woman who owned a chain of upscale fashion boutiques. Now, being a hormonal 16 year old adolescent, I was fascinated by her totally glamorous and sexualized way of dressing. Always wearing the highest of heels...

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The Lady of Bathe Street

Look, I know I should've looked in the rearview mirror, okay?I know.I mean, I know now.I should've looked in the rearview mirror, or twisted to look out the back window, or hell, I guess I could've washed my car so the goddamn backup camera wasn't covered in dirt.There's a lot of things I should've done. There were a lot of things I could've done. The fact of the matter, my friend, is that I did not do those fucking things, and I ran over the crazy old lady who lived down the street.Well, okay,...

1 year ago
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TV Street Whore

So there I was standing on a street corner dressed in a tight red pvc dress, high heals and my best wig, surrounded by scantily clan females looking for there next John. I walked up and down looking for the car I was waiting for, a few guys looking at me as I waited... Several hours before. There I was sat in my office wearing my stockings and cock cage under my smart business suit finalising the latest big money deal for the company. Nobody having any clue my cock was bulging at my cage...

3 years ago
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A warm shower in cold Norway

Being a soldier means you are away from home at least a couple of times per year. My country has a close relationship with Norway, so there are some exchanges. The last time I went on exercise to Norway I met a lovely sexy female colleague. Dalia (not her real name) is the kind of girl you like immediately. She is pretty and has an aura of friendliness that makes you feel comfortable. During that exercise we had several conversations. Though we hit the sexual subject in a conversation I did not...

Quickie Sex

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