Lara's Larceny free porn video

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The fetid odour of uneaten pizza lingers in the stale, silent air as the sun slinks slowly over the skyline. The room turns dark for all except the defiant, flicking television in the corner. I swipe a fingertip across my phone, bathing my desk in pale light.

‘No messages. 9 o’clock.’

My fingers drum irritably on the armrest. It’s maddening, yet I can’t stop the relentless torture eating slowly into my brain. At last I leap to my restless feet, pacing the room. Religiously, I check my phone every three laps of the three-piece, mumbling angrily to myself more and more.

‘C’mon, Lara, you’re taking the piss, now…! This is the third time this week!”

Eventually, I snatch up the phone and punch ‘call’, still unable to stop my pacing. The endless ringing in my ears is as torturous as the drumming. I can feel the tension in my jaw, desperate to grind my teeth together. My whole body shakes with a rage I can’t explain.

‘Why does this bother me so much…? For fuck’s sake, answer the fucking phone, Lara!’

I can almost scream. My foot lashes out petulantly – and painfully - at the sofa. I curse just as the ringing stops.



The voice that greets me is male – deep and resonant. His tone immediately halts the impetuous outburst I had prepared. With only one word, he sounds assured - answering my wife’s phone as though it were his own.

‘Who the…’

“Hello? Who is this?” I cringe. My voice suddenly sounds high and whining – impotent. “Where is Lara?”

“You must be Darren.”

He enunciates his words, slowly and clearly.

“That’s me, yes, Lara’s husband. This is Lara’s phone, yes? Where is she?”

My impatience redoubling, my grip on the phone returns.

“You can call me Mr. Fairbanks. I have other names, but I would prefer Mr. Fairbanks.”

 ‘This one rushes nothing, does he?’

“Please, call me Mr. Lions. You’re Lara’s-“

“I’m Lara’s employer at Fairbanks and Sons, Darren. She’s worked here for a few years now, I believe.”

‘Is he playing games, now? ‘Darren’? He cut me off…!’

“Okay, so where-“

His steady stream of consciousness continues, regardless.

“Lara is still here, in the office. She is busy working late – she has a…”

Finally, he pauses for a second and we’re both silent. I hear a quiet sound in the background, but I can’t identify it.

‘Is that a fish tank…? It sounds gurgling.’

“Sorry, Darren, I meant to say…”

My teeth grit and I can’t help myself.

“Mr. Lions.”

It feels good to cut across him and silence that arrogant tone. We seem to sit in solemn, posturing silence for a moment.

“Excuse me?” He sounds challenging, rather than courteous. Stupidly, I feel the need to swallow before replying, like a disciplined schoolboy.

“Mr. Lions. My name is Mr. Lions.”

“I see.” Fairbanks pauses before continuing. “As I was saying, Darren, Lara is very busy at the minute. She has a full load to work on. It could take some time.”

My teeth grate and my eyes twitch slightly, fluttering as I hold back the angry expletive I want to unleash upon this pumped-up prick.

“Can I speak to her, please?”

‘Why am I asking permission to speak to my own wife…?’

“I’m afraid not, at the moment, Darren. She is very busy, as I said. She cannot be interrupted. Is there anything you’d like me to pass on to her?”

I stop for a moment. My anger feels very justified, but to whine about it over the phone, to this man simply feels wrong. I close my eyes and sigh, trying to articulate myself.

“I was simply wondering where she was at this hour. I’m home and I haven’t heard a word from her all day.”

“Yes, I hear you spend a lot of time there lately, Darren.”

His voice is naturally cold, but that one accusation hits my heart with a frozen spike.

‘What has Lara been telling him...?’

“Excuse me?”

Fairbanks clears his throat and I hear shuffling. There’s quiet for a moment, before he whispers a ‘shush’.

“Did you just shush me, Mr. Fairbanks?”

I cannot hide my indignation, my voice almost cracking with veiled fury.

“What? No, no, I did not, Mr. Lions. Perhaps the line isn’t very clear.”

“It seems clear, to me.” I can almost pump my fist in victory at being called Mr. Lions. “Anyway, Mr. Fairbanks, I’d just like to say that I’m not sure Lara should be working such long hours like this. She’s barely home and it can’t be good for her.”

“We all do what we must, Darren.”

He leaves his sentence there, hanging infuriating with that final disrespect.

“What does that mean, exactly?”

“Must I explain myself, Darren? I would say that your wife works the hours she does, because she feels it’s necessary. Money is often a problem for young couples who outstretch themselves.”

‘He wants to comment on our finances, as well as our marriage now, does he…?’ My fist squeezes around my phone so hard I don’t know how it doesn’t break. My whole body strains and I can hear the blood pumping hard in my ears. ‘Who does this arrogant cunt think he fucking is?!’

“Money is not a problem in our household, Mr. Fairbanks, thank you. We are perfectly secure as we are. I do not appreciate the suggestion otherwise.”

He chuckles. He fucking chuckles. If I was angry before, now my whole body wants to spew vile curses in his face, before giving it a good, solid smack.

“Oh if only that were true, Mr. Lions. Don’t worry, your wife informed me of your lack of employment. It cannot be easy on her to support the two of you right now. Things can easily turn desperate.”

“We are not desperate.”

My words are ground out slowly through barred teeth, my tone deliberately steady.

This time, he actually gives a full, barking laugh.

“Darren, please! You haven’t had a job in months. How could she support you, on her puny wage? You poor boy, you’ve no idea, have you?”

His condescending, patronising tone is driving me to turn in tight, rapid circles. I’ve never been so angry in my life – I feel seconds away from tearing down to her office and giving his disgusting sneer a beating.

“She begged me, Darren. She begged, on her knees, in my office, with tears streaming down her pretty face.”

I feel numb. My throat closes and I can’t respond. I can hear the satisfied arrogance in his voice – hear the sneering smirk painted across his face. ‘How dare he talk like this…!’

“Honestly, Darren, I could’ve laughed when she asked for overtime. Overtime! I was days away from firing her and she wanted overtime! I wasn’t sure she had a single talent or redeeming feature. Your wife really is a dumb, talentless bitch, Darren, d’ya know that?”

“How dare you speak about my wife like that, you pompous prick? She’s more than you and your fuckin’ company deserve! I’ll make sure she leaves and never comes back to your fuckin’ office! Just wait until she hears this!”

He laughs, again, and I lash out. A single swing of my fist smashes the mirror hanging on the wall and shreds the backs of my knuckles with glass. I’m pacing in circles, dripping blood from my clenched fist and fuming. His laugh seems to last an age, mocking me, and I only want to replace the mirror with his despicable smirk.

“Darren, do you think she doesn’t know? She heard every word I said just now. She’s right here with me, aren’t you, Lara?”

A pause precedes Mr. Fairbanks’ quiet tut.

“She’s shy. Don’t be shy, Lara. Say hello to your husband, for me.”

I blink and my heart skips as I hear a muffled “hello”.

“Lara? What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

Anxiety drives my heart rate higher and higher. Fear and worry course inexorably through my veins. My pounding ears are almost deaf to his words.

“She’s fine. She’s more than fine – she’s brilliant, in fact. I was wrong, you see, Darren.”


“Yes, quite wrong. I thought your wife was a worthless waste of wages. I was wrong. She really is a gorgeous woman, really.” I frown, confused. “She looks beautiful with a cock in her throat, doesn’t she, Darren? She has a real talent for cock-sucking, it’s true, but over the past few weeks I’ve discovered a few more besides. She holds many surprises, Darren.”

There’s no anger. I’m numb; cold. I collapse into the chair and in the silence I can hear that steady gurgling noise in the background again. I know what it is. My heart seizes, yet I somehow find my voice to whisper.

“You’re fucking my wife.”

That sardonic snigger rings out once more.

“Oh, not at the minute, Darren, no. She’s just worshipping me with her mouth. It’s a favoured starter of hers, I’ve found. She seems to adore lavishing herself on this thick dick. She looked up at me, that day in my office, from her knees. Her eyes were filled with tears, her hair was dishevelled and her blouse was open far more than you’d think decent.

“Right there, I couldn’t help thinking how truly wicked she would look with a cock in her mouth. I wanted to see those big, tear-soaked blues looking up at me, Darren, as I rammed every inch into her throat. I made her an offer.”

He chuckled and I could only swallow, feeling my body hollowing out by the minute.

“Do you know, Darren, she crawled. She crawled across my office floor to lay her head on my lap and begged me to let her suck this cock. I thought about denying her, just to see her reaction. Oh, it was tempting. I’m glad I didn’t, though. I’m glad I exposed those fantastic tits and fed myself into her throat. She knelt there fingering herself through the tears. That mouth is truly majestic, isn’t it, Darren?”

I’m struck dumb. I should just hang up – finish the call and end the torture. I can’t. I just listen, in body-wracking fear and anger. Fairbanks’ tut is patronising.

“Don’t wanna play, Darren? I had hoped we could both agree that your wife is a gorgeous, filthy cock lover. She’s truly despicable, I love it. This whole time we’ve been talking, she’s had two fingers buried inside her cunt, moaning on my shaft like a complete whore. I suppose that’s what she is now, isn’t she, Darren? Your wife is my whore. Every night when I’m done with her, I throw a handful of notes across her cum-soaked body and leave her here to clean up and come back to you. Does she give you a kiss, with the lips I take my pleasure from? I own those lips - and your whore wife, Darren. Isn’t that right, Lara?”

I’m relieved to hear Lara’s seemingly unwilling mumble. Fairbanks sighs, loudly. She gives a whimpered whine and there’s the unmistakable sound of lips smacking, before a breath of air.

“Tell your husband that you’re my filthy whore now, Lara.”

There’s quiet in both rooms for several seconds.

“Come on now, Lara. Say it…!”

My voice returns at last, as I feel her unwillingness to obey.

“Lara, get away from him! You don’t need him! I’ll find us a way out of this, okay? Don’t do what he says, just come ba-“

The words tumble desperately, stumbling and quick, before he speaks, cutting me off.

“You know you need me, Lara. You need this. Just to prove my point…” I can hear the sounds of movement before the crack of a hand on a table. “That’s £1000, Lara. That’s a nice little bonus for you - if you can tell your husband who you are.”

A few seconds of silence are broken by a quiet, mumbled voice.

“I’m your whore, Sir.”

My eyes close and my heart sinks, pressed under further by his narcissistic cackle.

“I said tell your husband, my dear bimbo, not me. Tell Darren, Lara.”

I can hear her sobbing and I open my mouth, when I hear her speak.

“Darren, I’m Mr. Fairbanks’ whore.”

Tears squeeze from my eyes and I silently shake out my anger, hearing the jangling of a belt buckle.

“Good girl, Lara. No, no, stop that. No more cock sucking. God. Your bitch is a truly insatiable slut, Darren. Well, she’s my bitch now, I suppose. I don’t know how you managed to keep her this long. She really needs a strong man to keep her, don’t you, Lara?”

“Yes, Sir,” I hear her intone.

“With a little more enthusiasm, girl…!”

“Yes, Sir, I need a strong hand!”

“Better. Much better. You see, Darren? A good woman needs good training. Now, which of this filthy whore’s holes should I fuck today, Darren?”

I’m incoherent. I can only listen to the sound of his belt heavily hitting the floor.

“C’mon, girl, get me out of these clothes. Not going to play, Darren? I’m disappointed. I do love to hear my whore scream as she gets her ass fucked, but I think I’ll fuck her filthy little snatch today, instead. I can send it back to you filled with cum, can’t I? That will be fun. You’ll enjoy that, won’t you, Lara?”

“Yes, Sir. Please fill my pretty pussy with your cock, Sir.”

Hearing her dirty talk is agony, but I can’t deny the throbbing ache in my loins. I close my thighs together. They’re slick with pre-cum.

‘What the fuck is happening to me…? How can I possibly…’

“Don’t just stand there, girl! Bend your arse over that table and slide those dirty knickers down. I wanna see you strip.”

I can hear the slick sounds of him wanking as she performs for him. He grunts and mumbles his approval as I’m forced to imagine the scene. I can see her long, shining blonde hair cascading around her shoulders. I can see the lustful look in her eyes as she cups her heavy tits.

I imagine her slipping out of her bra and throwing it towards her audience as she tweaks at her nipples, pinching and pulling them gently. She turns slowly on the spot and bends at the waist, hiking up her skirt to show the tight curve of her arse. My hand wraps around my cock and strokes as I can see her shimmying out of her panties and spreading her legs. She reaches one hand of slender fingers between her thighs and spreads herself wide as she shines a grin back between her legs.

“Oh, not the skirt, Lara. Leave the skirt. Good girl. Just the knickers. Oh my, they are soaked, aren’t they?”

I know the skirt he’s talking about. It’s a short pencil skirt with a slit down the side. It perfectly shows the shape of her long, tanned thigh. She wore a hot pink thong this morning; it darkens perfectly when she’s turned on, creating an unmissable damp patch.

“Bring them to me, girl. Oh yes.” He inhales, loudly. “I do love that filthy smell, Lara. We don’t need any more proof of your ownership, do we girl?”

“No, Sir. I’m your whore, Sir.”

“Yes, yes.” He chuckles and I hear my wife’s moan, familiar to my ears, before a wet, slurping noise. “Even so, we’ll let your husband hear how wet your filthy cunt is, shall we?”

They fall silent and the only sound in the room is the incessant, obscene noise of his fingers sawing into her again and again – tinged with her plaintive groans.

He suddenly stops and Lara lets out a mewling little whimper.

“Oh listen to the slut whine because I’ve stopped, Darren! Tell me whose whore she is, now. I just have to taste. Oh. Yes, I love that sweet pussy. Mmm. Doesn’t it taste good, slut?”

There’s a muffled, drawn out moan, laced with excitement. She’s sucking herself from his fingers and the thought gives my cock an almost painful throb in my hand.

“Enough! I need more!”

Lara squeals excitedly, giggling as I hear a squeak of flesh on a polished surface.

“Open your legs, girl, that’s it. Hold this. Make sure dear hubby can hear.”

There’s a fumbling sound and then a clash as the phone lands on what must be a desk. I’m straining my ears to listen, but I can’t explain why. I hate every minute of this and yet a sick part of me wants to hear the sound of his tongue grazing over her sodden pussy.

Lara gives a long, drawn out groan and I know he’s made contact. A second later I can hear a quiet slurp before she whines once more and there’s another squeak from the desk.

“Keep still, woman. God, you are hot today.”

A crack rings loud in my ears and she starts to shriek before it turns to a guttural moan.

“Oh fuck yes, smack my cunt, you filthy old bastard!”

‘She’s encouraging him! She’s enjoying this, the bitch…!’

I hate to admit it, but I’ve never been so absolutely turned on. I can’t help my fist pumping aggressively over my shaft as I listen to every sound. There’s another couple of groan-inducing smacks before I hear him mumble unintelligently.

“Suck that fucking clit, Sir! Yes! Give me those fingers. Fuck that little ho-o-o-ole!”

Her cries drag out and I can hear his mumbling satisfaction against her skin. My eyes are clamped shut, now, and I’m lost. I can’t react to anything except to stroke myself harder and faster, desperately hoping to hear her come.

“Suck it! Yes! Oh, fuck! Get that tongue in that cunt like that, yes! You love that creamy pussy’s taste, don’t you? Lick it! I’m gonna come all over your fucking face!”

Lara squeals and there’s a ringing smack once more.

“I do spoil you, but only because you’re worth it, slut,” Fairbanks snarls at her.

Lara screams. I know he’s dived in once more. He’s determined to finish her off. Her cries become endless and ragged. She lets out one almighty howl and it’s all I can do to not come and coat myself in my own load.

Suddenly there’s a smacking of lips and a man’s chuckle.

“Oh, if you didn’t taste so good, Lara, I wouldn’t be nearly so nice to you.”

A smack rings out and my wife squeals, then giggles.

“Get that ass up. That’s it, face down. Wiggle it for me. Good girl. You still there, Darren?”

I don’t respond, holding my breath.

“Oh don’t pretend. I know you’re there. I bet you’re stroking that pathetic cock, listening to your wife come like she hasn’t in years. Well keep on listening, Darren. I want you to hear this. Ready, slut?”

Lara moans and shrieks. A second later I can hear nothing but a long, happy groan from my wife.

“That’s how she sounds when she takes a real cock, Darren.”

She moans underneath him, crying out in time with his smacking thrust into her. I can hear every thrust and every cry from my wife’s pleasure-ridden body. She squeals and whines, mumbling my name and his as she approaches climax once more.

“You gonna come on this cock for your husband, Lara?” There’s another smack – it must be her ass.

“I’m gonna come all over that gorgeous cock! Oh, Sir! Darren!”

We’re both listening to her cries as she takes him faster and harder. I can hear his desperate groans, holding back despite her incessant need. She tightens up when she gets close and no cock is safe. Her cries become shorter and shorter. Both of our names leave her lips and a moment later, she comes with a shriek of pleasure.

“I love you!”

Her words tumble through my head like bells. She yelps out her final pleasure and I come with her, firing rope after rope of hot come across my bare torso, groaning and squirming on the spot.

I don’t know to whom she spoke and I can’t explain the wracking orgasm firing through me. My heart pounds and I hear Fairbanks grunt. He groans and the cries suddenly turned muffled as Lara screams.

“Oh yes, bite me and fill my whore cunt! Give me that hot load!”

His groans turn louder and I hear him grunt a few times before the silence returns, save a few short breaths. Fairbanks chuckles and I hear Lara slowly groan one last time.

“Worth every penny. I’m done with my bitch for tonight, Darren.” His voice is breathless. “I’ll send her back with a sloppy surprise. I want her clean for tomorrow night, though. Same time tomorrow, Lara. You will have a good night, you two, won’t you?”

Same as

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Bonding Time 2

Afterthe steamy sex session I witnessed between my 18 year old step-sister Sophie and our neighbor Evan, I was left feeling extremely horny. I was two years older than Sophie and had often fantasized about Evan myself. I went up to Sophie's room and knocked on her door. I could hear the shower running. I entered her room and walked over to the bathroom. The door was open and Sophie was already in the shower. I could see her silhouette through the beveled glass doors. She was shampooing her hair...

1 year ago
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Making of a Sissy Maid chapter 56

Making a Sissy Maid - Chapters 5- Reminder - Chris loves his mother and secretly longs to wear her sexy lingerie. Out of the blue his mother meets the very handsome and wealthy man of her dreams and soon marries. This introduces Chris to his new and somewhat dominant sister-in-law who recognises the sissy in Chris and transforms him into a pink frilly maid. Chapter 5 - Chrissie and Eve For that whole weekend Eve, his new sister-in-law, had kept me dressed in his pink maid's...

1 year ago
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Chintadripet Harini Her Family

Hi I am Premkanth from Chennai here I am going to tell about the incident which happened approximately, one year ago. In the incident i am going to tell about the girl, her name is Harini… her house is very much near my house our house is near the temple in Chintadripet is approximately 18 years old. She is studying 9th standard in crescent school now let’s, come to that incident now. One day, it was summer holidays so, I will sleep on the terrace of my house because it’s so hot inside my house...

Group Sex
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Tifa at Don Corneos

Tifa stepped out of the carriage onto the streets of Wall Market. Her gaze looked up from the street onto to Don Corneo’s palace. Two of Corneo’s thugs stood watch at the door. Their eyes immediately turned on Tifa, and gazed at her as if almost in a trance. As she approached the door, she could feel the thugs mentally undressing her, as if her clothes were falling off behind her with each approaching step. Obviously her choice of attire had the desired effect. Good…that is exactly what she...

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Candy and me1

I'm not talking that bullshit you read in porn mags where you just bring yourself as close to orgasm as you can then back off. I'm talking full-on ejaculations. There's something about my dick where it doesn't go all sensitive after I've cum. It stays hard. Rock hard. And so long as I keep on fucking or having it sucked or stroked or whatever, I can cum as many times as I want. You could say Candy's a cumslut. She loves it in her pussy, on her boobs, in her mouth, on...

2 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 20

Ken became aware that Jane was kneeling at his feet. He looked down into her worried face and smiled at her. "Master, are you OK?" "Gee," he said jokingly, "I thought that you always knew how I felt." He looked closer at her - she looked like she hadn't gotten much sleep. "What's wrong?" "I'm fine," she said, "except that I actually can't feel you. I can feel Ally, but not you," she looked very worried now. Ken relaxed his thoughts for a moment and felt something shift;...

4 years ago
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My Love For My Mom 8211 Part 3

Dearest ISS lovers, If you haven’t read my earlier stories read them by searching My Love For My Mom, My Love For My Mom part – 2 You can still read the following story independently. Write to me at Our visit to the temple was very intimate. I let mom go ahead always during our pooja and pradakshina, so that I could watch her well. Her voluptuous bum, blouse line, bra straps sneaking a little, neck revealed by partially covered pallu, all aroused me fully throughout the time. I never missed a...

2 years ago
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Tricked and Transformed

This is my first attempt at writing, so please bear with me! Jim Was a 40 year old man, that had seen it all. He had recently broken up with his girlfriend, of 4 years. Upon their breakup Tina told him, that he needed to get to know Women! Learn to understand how Women think, and feel. Then maybe he could have a successful relationship with a Woman! He was sitting around his apartment, feeling sorry for himself. He was watching TV, but couldn't tell you what he had watched....

2 years ago
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Sweet Saali

I am Amit Goel 28 years old tall handsome guy working in a Multi National as Assistant Manager. I got married to a beautiful girl Jaya two years ago. She is a sexy woman of 24 years with a Bindaas attitude. We live together in a three room flat at Rohini in Delhi. Life is bliss for us. Both of us enjoy each other’s company and ofcourse sex. We are a passionate couple who like to experiment a lot. Jaya is quite frank and shares her sexual fantasies freely with me. She loves to watch porn movies...

4 years ago
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The DC Universe

You suddenly woke up in a black void. A screen pops up. It asks you to choose a character from the DC Universe. You slide through the choices before coming to a conclusion.

1 year ago
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Unusual Punishment Part 3

Unusual Punishment by Norman O. Johnson Part Three: Temporary Girl I had come to Ida Cynthia Watkins Girls' Reformatory as a boy trapped in a girl's body. That was my first emasculation. As the fall quarter went on, I became a boy trapped in a girl's body impersonating a girl. That was my second emasculation. But there was a third set of male parts tucked away in my brain. In September, I resolved to keep them always. In mid- November, I noticed an invisible knife inside my...

3 years ago
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Sushils Wife Entertains Guests Chapter 4

Rajesh and Sanjay now had steady relationships. Roger, the tenant in the spare bedroom, had graduated and moved away. Sushil was working long hours. With so many of her favorite lunds unavailable, Nisha wasn’t getting laid enough. She conferred with Bunny who offered to loan her some of her many studs. Nisha said OK for now but that wasn’t a long term solution. So Bunny said, “I know you are getting to be like me. You want variety but don’t want any of them to get too attached. You also...

4 years ago
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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 7 Sugarhill

The Princeton University campus looked like a college should look. An Ivy, anyway. Venerable, distinguished buildings. Sidewalks that wended and winded. Even in the July heat, hordes of students were strolling, reading, lying on lawns, playing hacky sack, sharing a joint, napping. I felt ... old. It was Saturday morning; Rowley was still at the Marriott Marquis. She had requested a late Sunday checkout. Thank you, Jessie and Jesse. I was on my way to Rowley’s leafy neighborhood, to Elm...

3 years ago
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Still Best Friends8230

Hello, readers…. this is my second story and it is mostly true(except for some parts)I am Roshan …6 ft…average physique with a 6″ cock. Coming to the story….. This incident happened when I was in class 12. I had just turned 19. A year ago, I had changed schools and landed up at a highly reputed school. I was a the type of guy who would take the time to get close to , but once I get close, you will know how crazy I am. So, there was this cute girl, named Sana(changed). She was short, but she...

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The Event The Search for MichaelChapter 4

"Traffic Control, Helsinki, come in, please?" Mischa radioed. "This is Soviet military flight at 68 degrees 11 North by 26 degrees 1 West magnetic at 210 high. Advise overfly, over." He held up the ear of his headset to indicate he was receiving nothing but static. "I have a big fat bomb and I'm going to drop it on your president, Finland," said, Mischa through the mike, grinning. "What did you say, Mischa?" Svetlana asked him, from the second seat. "I said, 'have a nice day',"...

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In praise of chubby and fat older women

Susan had made plans for us all to go out for dinner , It was Mothers day weekend, and she wanted to treat her Mom...So I suggested we treat both our Moms. Dad was gone on one of his business trips, So we invited my Mother along. Margie and Mom had been friends along time . and we all had a nice evening. They laughed about old times and what wonderful children they had been blessed with. (Speaking of me and Susan) Mean while I set there admiring those two older women.....Fuck I...

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Never Too Old to Be in Love IChapter 17

The same day - Friday - Judith sees Sarah's new wardrobe [Judith] I was startled to see Sarah in town so early. Even more startled to see she'd been shopping. I kissed her hello and she looked slightly shifty. The thought of Sarah concealing anything is a joke. I peeped at the bags and saw a posh dress shop label. "Been stealing bags?" The other two bags had an even posher label - unaffordably posh. And this was Sarah who was never seen in anything other than jeans and had one dress and...

1 year ago
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An Unlikely Threesome

Dave rolled off Zoe and tried to hide his cock as Zoe began to chuckle. “I thought you were at the lake for the day with your friends, Sara," Zoe said. “And Sara, don’t you remember our neighbor, Dave? Dave, you’ve met my little sister, Sara. She will be 17 next month.” “Sara, we got back from tennis and Dave needed to use our shower but we, mmm, got a little carried away." “Wow”, said Sara. “That’s not fair. You told me that we were going to have him together. You know I wanted you to teach me...

1 year ago
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While The Man is Away

Ok so my man left the other day to work out of town for a week. I hate it when he goes out of town. I always get extremely horny while he is away. My man will be home tomorrow night sometime. All I want to do right now is suck his dick until he cums in my mouth. I how he tastes I almost can’t wait for him to come home. In some aspects I haven’t waited for him. I have these 3 dildos and vibrators that give me a little satisfaction while he is away. Sure the vibrators and dildos feel good and...

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Magic the Gathering A New Planeswalker

I glanced into the darkness of the alleyway. I couldn't see anything, but that didn't mean no one was there. This time of night you had to be careful. I quickly peeked at my watch, I was supposed to be at work already. The alley was a shortcut that could cut fifteen minutes off my route. "Screw it" I jogged into the alley. I had barely stepped into the alley when a big arm grabbed me by my collar and threw me deeper into the darkness. As I staggered back up to my feet, I noticed four men...

2 years ago
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Mystery Shop

Walking home from High School one day, you see a small sign in a window advertising "Objects of great magical power for sale. Inquire inside." Not having anything else to do, and with your curiosity piqued you step inside. The rich smell of incense greets you, and you see a wide variety of items arrayed around the room. Near the back is a young woman, probably in her early 20s, who looks up at you and grins. "Hello sir, feel free to ask questions about anything here, and some I may even let...

2 years ago
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Banged A Busty Aunty In Train

By : Joe.7inches Hi all this is Joe after a long time I am a 20 year old guy from Bangalore the following is a true incident that happened to me last month when i travelled from bangalore to delhi by train it was the month of march and my college gave us 20 days preparation holidays before the finals, so I decided to go to Delhi for a week to visit my cousin it was more than a days journey from Bangalore since it was pretty almost summer I was particular about the a/c coach so I booked a 2 tier...

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Bob The Builder

‘Oh yes, I’m nearly there, fuck.’ There I was in my marital bed naked as the day I was born, two pillows under my head and eyes closed, legs apart with my knees up in the air, shoving my vibrator (which was set to max as usual) in and out if my cunt which was about to burst. Hi my name is Jen; I am thirty six, white Caucasian, slim, very slim less than fifty kilos, five foot three tall, red head. I have been married for ten years, no kids. I work part time as a nurse at the local doctor’s...

Wife Lovers
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CoWorkers My Side

That morning, I was in the mood to impress. After I showered and put on a lacy bra and matching thong I slipped on a super low cut blue blouse that almost expose my areolas and tight black dress pants that let my ass jiggle with every step. I just pull my hair up in a messy bun that makes my hair look like I just got through having wild hot sex and put on a little bit of makeup: lip gloss and eyeliner, I don’t need blush, my cheeks are always just a little bit pink. Though I’m not...

1 year ago
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From Top to Bottom Part One

I have had many encounters with shemales over the last eight years. I first discovery that such beautiful creatures existed was when I lived in Tucson, Arizona. I had gone to a adult bookstore and was in a booth watching a little porn when I came across my first shemale porn movie. I sat back stroking my cock watching this buxom blond suck this guy off. Then of course he bent her over and fucked her hard in the ass. I still rememember seeing those bounce and her cock swing back and forth as he...

She Males
4 years ago
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truth or dare

Introduction: dangerous game to play As a marriage grows you eventually open up and tell stories about things that you would not ordinarily have told. This was the case with my wife. I had made the mistake of telling her about a gay experience that I had had earlier in my life. I had explained to her that the situation had happened against my will but that I had achieved orgasm during the act. Kathy, my wife, also opened up and admitted that in college that she had passed out and awakened when...

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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter 10

Saturday Evening By 7:00 they had finished their room service dinner. Master had showered and dressed, Brenda was nude. Brenda didn't eat much, she couldn't stop thinking about what might happen tonight. They were going home tomorrow so she knew that she whatever happened tonight she would be wearing the white dress. The only thing she was sure of is they weren't going out to dinner. She thought Master was probably going to take her into the casino for more gambling. It was fun showing off in...

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Carl Naked in SchoolChapter 11

Thursday Evening If I thought my troubles were over when I got home, I was wrong. I was in the kitchen, trying to puzzle out Mom's supper menu when Sis bounced into the room, as naked as I still was! "Nice outfit," I managed to comment, remembering how she'd greeted me the morning she saw me naked, trying not to stare while studying her. "What do you think?" she asked, her hands on her hips, feet apart, hips cocked forward and to the side like a pinup girl. She swiveled them at me,...

1 year ago
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Dark Passion

She lay across the low padded bench, arms outstretched, chained bracelets holding her in place. Knees on the floor, lashed down to the sides of the bench, spread wide, her gown pulled up above her bottom exposing all of her pleasures. Her skin glistened with sweat from the heat of the firelight and her own trembling. Her hair was bound up on her head, showing the graceful curves of her neck and shoulders. He had left her like this, after first forcing her to strip naked in front of him. He had...

1 year ago
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Love in the Shower

Gillian was being strangled. Hands around her neck, making it nearly impossible to breath. She was also getting the snot banged out of her pussy, a rock hard cock slamming into her. She gasped, barely getting enough air to moan “Yes...oh please yes!” The cock thrust one last time, cum filling her. Her arms strained against restrains placed on them. Then the hands squeezed and she died. Gillian flashed back. She was lying in the same bed. Gillian sat up, the rain pattering on the window calming...

2 years ago
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Tigerlovers beautiful body burnt into my har

Life is boring. I often look forward to an event or chat that will bring me something extra. And sometimes I happen to have a chat that brings excitement and pure joy, exaltation. The chat to beat all chats. And because there is no such thing as chance, I convince myself that I deserve these lucky shots. Because I am a good guy and am nearly always nice to people ...It all started - as ever - quite innocently. On Xhamster. Contact, chit-chat, no strings attached, wow, this is nice! And also:...

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My friendship with my best buddy Adam goes back to high school; we had done almost everything together since then. I had even played matchmaker when I had hooked up his now ex-wife at a club when my own future wife had been with her. Both women had been freaks in bed back then; at one point, we had had a foursome over at Adam's house, a weekend of pure, solid fucking. I don't even think any of us had put on clothes the entire weekend. Judy couldn't have kids, but Tina had found out about a...

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Tracy in TroubleChapter 29

Kim was the first to step up and punish Tracy. As she approached her, Tracy began to think back of the time she stole Jim from her. She wanted him to be her boyfriend and promised him everything, just to be his girl. But, when he dumped Kim for her, she didn’t give him anything. Kim was pissed and never forgot what Tracy did to her. Now it was revenge time, and Tracy knew she would pay for being a cock teaser. Kim stood in front of her, but Tracy didn’t say a word. She just stared at Kim,...

4 years ago
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Tuckers Slut

I know children need their privacy. I know I shouldn't have bugged my daughter's bedroom and her phone, but what is a Mother to do? *What* I ask you? It's not like she's sweet and innocent. Not since those *damn* Tucker boys got their hands on her. *Damn* those boys. She *was* my *sweet* Jessica before they came along. Thank God I did wiretap her phone. The first conversation I recorded was Jessica talking to Mandy, her best friend. "Did you do *it*?" Mandy asked. "Yeah, but I'm...

3 years ago
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How to Arouse your Woman

So, you have her in a room, let's say it's the traditional bedroom. (Could be the kitchen or bathroom, but do not attempt the following at the pub, cinema or the like.) Help her undress, particularly her underwear if she is so adorned. Undo her bra, let it loosen, cup her breasts with it then remove, letting it fall to the floor. Nibble on her nape while you do so, if she has long hair tell her to hold it up. Flow your hands along her skin down to her panties and tuck your fingertips into them....

2 years ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 22

After his morning practice and a brief chat with Tom, Roger arrived in his home room classroom as the morning announcements were being broadcast. “ ... As usual, your home room teachers have the list of students selected as participants for the Program this week. We ask those whose names are announced to drop off their bags or backpacks in your lockers and come to the conference room. Thank you for your cooperation. Have a good morning.” The teacher read off four names and looked up; the...

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Detective Slave

Here I am, in Mistress's dungeon, collared, pantied, plugged and denied access to my own manhood. At least the bottom of the cage was padded, which gave me a decent night's sleep, although it was difficult stretching out my 6foot 2inch frame. Thinking over the events of last twenty-four hours, my whole life was changing. This four-feet by four-feet steel cage would be my new home. But then again, I have been turned into the slave of a woman who I had lusted for, and it was obvious She had...

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A Neopets Journey

*As a warning this CYOA contains what people would call 'furry' sex, the main character is also bi, however I'll try to make it so in all cases you don't have to go into detailed sexual scenes of the type you don't want to see (every sex scene will have its own disclaimer in which you can click 'skip' and it will skip the details). The overall warnings are: Furry, sexual situations (hetero/homo), polygamy. I'll add more as they come And now enjoy the story* The red zafara walked down the...

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