Ellen s Wild Weekend
- 3 years ago
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Well, I'm a runnin' down the road,
Tryin' to loosen my load,
Got a world of trouble on my mind.
Lookin' for a lover who won't blow my cover,
She's so hard to find.
--Take It Easy (The Eagles)
On Friday, I talked with Mr. Proilet after band class.
"I have an idea for the talent show."
Mr. Proilet looked a bit surprised. "An idea?"
That look made me feel a bit sheepish. "Well, I was originally thinking about entering the talent show this year. When I told Sherry, she told me that if I entered, nobody else would show up. I think she was probably exaggerating, but she did make me think about it."
Mr. Proilet smiled. "It could be intimidating to others to know that you are on the schedule to perform. What's the expression? 'Nobody wants to follow Jimi Hendrix?'"
I protested that remark. "I don't even play the guitar!"
"You were saying that you had an idea for the show," my teacher said, bringing us back to the topic at hand. "Do you really want to perform?"
"Actually, I had an idea," I said. "What if we donated the services of the jazz band for the people who wanted to perform?"
"The big problem I've seen with school talent shows is that you get a few people playing the piano, or a few of the musicians in the band or orchestra playing duets and stuff like that. There are a few people doing other things, like juggling or even telling jokes, but the majority of them do musical things."
"Uh, huh."
"I remember in elementary school, kids used to mouth the words to songs on a record. I think we might be able to get a few people to do that again... but with a band behind them, so that instead of just mouthing the words, they're really singing."
Mr. Proilet was quiet for a few moments. "Wouldn't that turn it from showcasing the talents of the students into showcasing the jazz band?"
"We could use the band as the glue to keep everything together. Put on a show like Ed Sullivan... you know."
Mr. Proilet laughed. "Maybe that could work. I don't remember you bringing this up at the rehearsal yesterday."
"I didn't," I said. "I had the idea last night."
"You may want to find out how the other members of the jazz band feel about you volunteering them."
"Actually, I figured that I'd just ask for volunteers and see who does. We have quite a few people, and this would be a good way to find out who really has the drive to play as opposed to simply being a part of something that's become popular."
"Hmm, that's a good idea," Mr. Proilet said, pondering that thought. "Let me talk it over with Mr. Ryan and Ms. Kendall. I think they'll love the idea of the jazz band getting involved."
Those two people were the orchestra leader and the chorus instructor, respectively. They, along with Mr. Proilet, were running the talent show.
I nodded. "Thanks."
I had some other ideas about the talent show, but I decided to keep them to myself for the time being.
I saw Sherry at lunch, and she didn't seem as disturbed as she was yesterday. I did notice some looks exchanged between June and Sherry when they didn't think I was looking.
Sitting in the cafeteria, I kept thinking about the previous school year when I had Patty and Kristen at lunch with me. I really missed those two very much.
"What's on your mind, Jim?" June asked, breaking me out of my reverie.
"I was just thinking about last year."
"You were frowning... does that mean you are missing Kristen?"
I think I must have blushed as June knew exactly what I was thinking. "Yeah."
June pulled me toward her into a hug. "Poor Oogie."
This generated some giggles from the other cheerleaders at the table.
"Thanks, Juicy," I said to June, as I got up from the table.
"Juicy?" Sherry asked, confused.
"Ask June," I said, suppressing a giggle myself. I wondered if June would actually tell Sherry about that nickname that, up until now, I had only used with her privately.
"Where are you going?" Sherry asked. "There's still another half hour."
"I'm going to one of the music practice rooms. I want to see if I can put together some music."
I could feel the heat on my back as a bunch of female eyes watched me leave.
Mr. Proilet looked up from his desk as I walked into the music room. I simply smiled at him as I walked to one of the practice rooms and shut the door behind me. I started to play, from memory, the piano intro to the song that had been playing in my head for a day or so now.
I was so engrossed in what I was doing that I barely heard the bell signifying the end of the period. I had music sheets everywhere all over the room.
"Shit!" I said, grabbing all of the sheets and trying to get them in some semblance of order.
It was only after I got out of the practice room and saw the familiar people in the music room that I realized that my next period was Music Theory... I was already in the room that I needed to be in!
My teacher smiled at me and saw the stack of papers that were in my hand. "Getting a head start on classwork?"
"Um..." I looked sheepishly at the scores in my hand. "Yeah... I guess. I lost track of the time..."
Most of the room laughed at me, including my teacher.
Mr. Proilet nodded toward the practice room. "You can go back to what you were doing, Jim. I'll have somebody let you know when there's about five minutes before the bell. All right?"
"Um... thanks..."
I went back to the practice room and continued scoring and doodling on the piano. I made a mental note to talk with the Swifts--preferably Charlie--later this evening.
At the end of U.S. history, my last class of the day, I watched Sherry and the other students walk out of the room. I was about to go when I remembered a question that I wanted to ask my teacher.
"Mr. Stiles, do you have a few minutes to talk about something?"
The teacher looked at me and smiled. "Sure, Jim. What's on your mind?"
"I have a general question about history and wondered if you could help me."
Mr. Stiles raised his eyebrows and said, "Hmm. What's the question?"
"Actually, there are a couple of questions. First, have you ever heard the expression, 'With great power comes great responsibility?'" I recalled hearing Sherry use that expression the other day.
The teacher smiled. "Ah, Spiderman and the eternal loneliness of the super hero."
Ah, yes! That's where I heard it. I nodded to the teacher and decided to take an alternate track. "We've all heard the expression, 'Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.' Does history really bear this out?"
My history teacher looked at me a bit strangely. "Hitler had absolute power."
I was ready for that particular example. After all, I've spent many sleepless nights considering the power of the tickets and the repercussions of them. "It can be argued that Hitler was corrupted before he came to power. He wrote 'Mein Kampf' when he was in prison."
This impressed my teacher. "You have a good point there. Why are you asking these questions?"
"I was wondering if the expression is true. I mean, what if you had absolute power, but knew the expression and tried to avoid corruption?"
"Your question sounds like one that you'd hear in an intro philosophy course in college."
I smiled. "I took some college courses, but not philosophy."
"Ah, yes," Mr. Stiles said, smiling. "Jean Proilet and his music courses."
I nodded, not knowing what to say next.
My teacher looked at me thoughtfully. "I think history shows us that Peter Parker's dilemma does bear out. For instance, we have Leonid Brezhnev and President Ford as the world leaders with the most power. Each one has to walk on eggshells to avoid insulting the other too much. At the same time, they both have to appear strong to their constituencies, but not scare the rest of the world into thinking that another world war is about to erupt."
"I never thought about it like that."
"How familiar are you with the British?"
"Huh?" I asked, a bit surprised by the question. "You mean England?"
"Yes. They are ruled by a prime minister. However, they also have a queen: Queen Elizabeth. She was crowned in 1953, and before that, she was called the Heir Presumptive."
I interjected. "Presumptive? I've heard of the term 'Heir Apparent.'"
My teacher smiled. "If her parents had a son after she was born, he would have been entitled 'Heir to the Throne.' The titles are specific and are taken very seriously in Great Britain."
I nodded, not truly understanding the traditions and terminology.
"Anyway, as I was saying, Queen Elizabeth is the Queen of England, a position that is now relatively ceremonial. However, despite that, she has to act like a monarch at all times. When royalty visits her country, the official position is that they visit the Queen. In addition, the Queen has to give royal affirmation before any bill from parliament becomes law."
I nodded, not quite understanding where my teacher was going with this.
"In reality, the Queen's job is to remain neutral in political matters. The Queen signs all laws as a mere formality. The Queen and her family still act in public as they are expected to... something that we in the United States sometimes consider pompous. However, the nobility in Britain take their titles seriously. Her son Charles, the Duke of Cornwall, became the Prince of Wales in 1958, although the ceremony didn't take place until 1969 at the age of twenty-one. He is the Heir Apparent to the British Throne."
"OK..." I said slowly, very much confused.
"I'm sorry for rattling on about this. It's one of my passions, actually. Anyway, there is a term that is applied to people of noble birth. I forget the person that coined the term, but it's called 'Noblesse Oblige'--the obligation of nobility to act according to a noble code of conduct, just like the ancient knights--acting for the good of all the people without regard to yourself."
"Noblesse... ?"
"Noblesse Oblige," Mr. Stiles repeated. "It's French, and means, literally, 'Noble Obligation.'"
"Noblesse Oblige," I said, trying out the expression.
"I was explaining about power before, and it occurred to me that in order to wield power properly, you need to use it selflessly. Let's take you for example."
This last statement startled me. "Um... me?"
"You, Mr. Crittenhouse," Mr. Stiles said, smiling. "You are an extremely gifted and talented musician. Jean Proilet raved about you even while you were in junior high school. Last year when you took over the Jazz Band, you could have used it as a platform to show everybody think you were great. I've seen other students in similar situations do things like that. However, you allowed your fellow musicians take their solos, and made each member look great. I went to every one of your concerts, and to each performance of the school musical. Not once did you take a solo! You were just at the podium, letting every other student shine."
As usual, such praise from a teacher started to embarrass me.
"Now do you see what I mean by the responsibilities of power?" Mr. Stiles asked.
"Instead of shining the spotlight on yourself, which would have been easy, you instead shined that spotlight on your fellow students." My history teacher put his hands together. "Everybody realized that it was you behind the scenes that was responsible for the spring concert. You were there arranging parts, helping your fellow students rehearse, and, if my information is correct, even helping an athlete learn to read music in just a few months. You may not have known the term 'Noblesse Oblige, ' but you were living it."
I didn't know what to say in response.
My teacher didn't wait for any comment from me. He said, "If anything, power incurs responsibility. If not, nature has a way of rectifying things. If a leader is powerful and does not act in a responsible way, the situation will eventually be rectified. In the example of Hitler, who did indeed experience close to absolute power in Europe, his irresponsible actions caused one of his country's allies to change sides, forcing Germany to once again fight a world war on two fronts. This directly led to his downfall."
There was some silence as my teacher allowed his words to sink in.
"Hmm," I finally said. "I'll need to think about that."
"That's never a bad idea. A teacher always likes to hear that his students want to think about something!"
The two of us laughed, and it broke the tension that started when my teacher was lavishing his praise on my talents. There was something embarrassing about having those kinds of things told to me by adults.
The time was getting late, so I thanked my teacher, and he surprised me by shaking my hand. "I'm glad we had this talk, Jim. If you ever want to talk, whether it be about history, the British monarchy, or just about life in general, feel free to find me and we'll set up some time together."
"Thank you, Mr. Stiles. I'll do that."
The school was mostly empty when I got out of the building. I saw June and Sherry standing over by June's car, patiently waiting for me to arrive. I saw them and waved as I walked over toward them.
Before I could get to where the two girls were, I was apprehended from behind.
"Jim! Can I talk with you?"
It was Roy, one of my closest male friends. I glanced back at the parking lot and saw the two girls getting into June's car.
I turned around and said, "Of course. What's up?"
"I have a personal question to ask you."
I instantly got the feeling of having done this the day before with Sherry. My mind instantly flashed an image of Roy under the influence of the tickets, but I quickly dispelled that idea from my head.
"Is there anything wrong?"
Roy looked around and pointed to a bench that was empty. We walked to the bench, and Roy said, "Your sister is going to have a birthday party in a few weeks."
"Merry?" I asked. "Um, yeah. That's right."
"The cheerleaders want to do something special for her birthday, and they want to make sure that you are involved."
"Of course," I said, smiling. "Kristen and I threw her a nice party last year at the park."
"I've been asked to see if we could throw her a party at your apartment."
I was a bit surprised by the question. Why were the cheerleaders asking me through an intermediary--and why Roy?
The cheerleaders were known to go to parties on a regular basis, but aside from their initiations and special parties, they were usually pretty tame. Was Roy implying that Merry's birthday party wouldn't be tame?
"Like the Halloween party last year?" I asked, remembering the off-duty policemen Kristen had hired to ensure that the party wouldn't be too rowdy.
"Yeah, like that," Roy said.
"That shouldn't be a problem, but I'll run it by Lynnette and Kris when I see them."
Roy smiled. "Thanks, Jim."
"Oh, by the way, my own birthday is on Thursday. Kristen and Lynette have something special planned for me after school that day."
Nodding, Roy said, "Yeah, I figured that."
"I'm just telling you that because I may leave rehearsal early."
"I think people will understand."
I got up from the bench and shook Roy's hand. "OK. I'll see you on Monday."
Roy's expression changed for a fraction of a second before he said, "Yeah. Monday."
June and Sherry were over by June's car. They both smiled at me as I approached them.
"Hey, Oogie!" Sherry said.
"Hi, Sherry... June."
June smiled. "Hey. Sherry's mother gave her permission to stay with me over night tonight."
"Oh?" I asked, pretending to be surprised.
"Would you mind if we use the Recovery Room tonight? Sherry's never been in a water bed."
The pronoun that June used made me uneasy. I turned to Sherry and asked, "Do you want to be with June tonight?"
Sherry shrugged and didn't answer.
"I don't see any problem if the two of you want to use the Recovery Room tonight. Of course, I'd have to ask Kris and Lynette..."
"They don't mind!" June said, hurriedly.
This confirmed my suspicion. "Then I guess it's a done deal."
Sherry smiled and started to get into the passenger seat. Just as I was about to get in, I saw June's eyes narrowing at me. I don't think she expected me to accept the idea of Sherry spending the night so easily.
After I got into the car, I turned to Sherry in the back and nodded at her gym bag. "Is that your overnight stuff?"
"Yeah," Sherry said, sounding a little bit nervous.
I decided to take it easy with Sherry. After all, she wasn't completely under control of the reasons that she wanted to be with me today.
June started the car, and gave me another quick look before backing out of her parking spot and headed toward the house.
Well, since June wasn't going to level with me about Sherry, I wasn't going to let her know that I was in on the secret.
When we got to the apartment, I excused myself from the girls and instead headed for the main residence. Harry greeted me at the door.
"What's up, Jim?"
"Are Charlie or Daniel in?"
"Mrs. Swift is in the living room. Should I announce you?"
"No need for formalities unless she's entertaining."
Harry smiled. "She has guests. She's planning one of her charity events."
"Could you let her know that I would like to borrow something?"
"May I tell her what you need?"
"A record." I told Harry exactly which one and he shrugged and left me in the foyer as he went to tell Charlie my request.
In about a minute, Harry returned with the requested album.
"Thanks, Harry! Tell Charlie I thanked her, too!"
"Of course, Jim."
I left the residence and got back to the apartment. I took the album into the music studio. I had some cassette tapes that I wanted to integrate into a recording and this record was going to help. To get the cassettes onto the open reel tapes meant that I was going to have to reverse the hookups between the cassette and the four track. I knew from experience that recording from tape to tape added noise, but I hoped that the added noise wouldn't detract from my recording.
I knew that I was going to need a good saxophone player to help me with some of the instrumental parts. There was an instrumental bridge in the song that was mostly a duet between a saxophone and trombone. I could play both instruments all right, but between the two of them, I really preferred the trombone. Then there was also a heavy bass riff on the piece. I was lost in thought trying to figure out who was in the band that I could enlist in this duet. Despite the fact I could play both parts, there was a give and take that two live performers could do that really couldn't be duplicated by recording the parts separate.
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A DATE WEEKEND After our successful first date, Hannah and I kept in regular contact via email. True to her word, Hannah tried to set up a second date for us to go for a meal together on her side of London for a few weeks hence. However, as so often happens when you are trying to set a date for something you would really like to do, it proved impossible to match diaries. Although we tried juggling other commitments, we just couldn't find a suitable evening that we could both...
A few days after Ian had called there was a knock at the door. Ian stood there with a young girl and a dog. HI can I bring these in. Ok This is Suzy she is here to learn the trade so to speak. And this is rex. Is your mum in. I lied and said no I didnt really want strangers just turning up and fucking my mum. She wasn’t a prostitute. Suzy only looked a couple of years older than me. Now Suzy I want you to do anything matt tells you. If I hear bad reports it could be trouble. OK I will...
I went out to feed Lucky he grabbed my jumper and dragged me to the kennel. I have never known him so rough. He dragged me part way in. He was scratching me on the sides as he dragged me in. then he squeezed out and shoved me in till I was wedged sat up in the kennel. I was panicking I tried to stop him. He bared his teeth. and bit my ankle quite badly. Then he grabbed hold of my trainers. He bent my legs through the door and rammed them into the roof of the kennel. I couldn’t move. He...
Angela was wet in that special place. She was wearing no bra and no panties. She was on her back in bed. She was alone except for lucky. She needed to do something about her urges or she would go just as nuts as her boy friend. Looking over at the dog's raging red shaft she sighed. She wanted it, but at some level she knew that it would break her in half. Some girls go for black guys based upon cock size. They really need to get themselves a good dog if that's the only thing they're...
I am a single mom of 31 years. There's just me and my son now as my husband died in a car crash 2 years ago.. Being single, times were tough for us, I had to work two jobs mostly to support us in even the worst conditions. We lived pay check to pay check until one fateful day I received a letter from my great aunts lawyer. My great aunt had unfortunately passed away in her sleep only a week before. I was being contacted in order to collect an inheritance that my aunt had put aside for me. I...
By Docker5000 Part 1 Sharon Price was sat at her desk in her office at Samuel and Goldstein solicitors. She was doing the monthly pay roll. When Jerry Gold walked into her office with his usual big sarcastic smile on his young face. Sharon couldn’t stand him. However Jerry was the grandson of Mr. Goldstein and he was also a new junior partner in the firm as well. So Sharon had no choice but to tolerate him. Sharon looked at him through her glasses and was forced to give him a...
Wildfire Part 4 I should make a note about killing off a few of the X-Men in the last chapter. In the most technical sense, this is obviously an alternate universe from the main one, if you follow the comic books. I will use that as an excuse for the differences in characters, events, and the way time flows. For all I know, I may make this the universe where the X-Men cross- over with Star Trek characters (I cant remember the name of the books, or the authors, but both were...
“Dorothy Shaw, Director of the Lucky Jim Historical Society provided the first ‘official’ verification of the Lucky Jim credential,” The President continued. “Dorothy, are you still sure about your authentication?” Dorothy was next to Jim and stood up. “I am even surer today than I was the day I originally agreed that he was Lucky Jim. Before meeting him, I’d met with numerous claimants to the title Lucky Jim and none of them met the standard. When I met with Jim, he made no claim to the...
Chapter One: Friday NightI looked around the room, it was one of dearest rooms in the hotel. While it wasn't as fancy as I had wanted it to be, it was the only hotel with a room that had everything I wanted available: big bathtub, massive shower, and a four poster bed. I made sure that everything was in place, and that I knew where all the items were. I didn’t want to have to waste any time looking for stuff, or having to dig it out. I probably bought far too much, but I figured I would rather...
Lucky's ears perked up. He heard Angela's car coming home next door. He jumped through the window and made his way home. He was more interested in speed than stealth, but Angela didn't hear him come home. “My lucky panties!” was called after him, but he had no ears for such concerns. Lucky arrived home and got inside before Angela could notice him missing. He ran to greet her at the door. “I love you too Lucky.” Angela began stripping her clothes off. Lucky was usually interested...
I went to Jenny’s side and helped her with her stuff while Matt helped Suzy with hers. We all had a nice hug and Matt helped Suzy upstairs with their stuff. Jenny came to me and said I need to talk to you. Mum Suzy thinks I am ashamed of her for what she did. I cant get her to understand that I dont care. I have decided that I want to do the same number of films with Lucky as she did and then she will realise that I cant afford to lose her again. Are you sure you want to do this. Lucky...
Your friend Jane arranges a get together for the following Friday. Everybody who is going on the hen weekend has been invited. The aim of the night is to plan the hen weekend and have a few drinks. When you arrive at your friends house most of the gang have already arrived. You all get on the computer and search for suitable hotels. It doesn’t take long before you find a Hotel that everybody agrees looks good. The hotel is all inclusive. The Hotel is close enough to the main area but...
We had just finished breakfast and my son came over to me and clipped my hands behind my back. what my son then said frightened me. Ok mum lucky keeps trying to get his dick in your bum. We have to open you up a bit. If he gets his cock in there it will tear you. I think I would like to be the first one to have anal sex with you not a bloody dog. Also when I am fucking you I can pop my dick in your bum instead of your mouth. Oh god my son was justifying anally raping me. He grabbed my by the...
Friday: We both get off work and meet at the bar with about 10 great friends. I change shirts in the parking lot. You change at work into a tight strapless dress and a see-through blouse over it. We get there about the same time and greet each other with a big hug in the bar that last about 30 seconds. Then a kiss on the lips that lasts more than 10 seconds. It is great to see each other. We then separate and start to mingle with our friends, laughing and having a great time. After...
Sherry was already at the table, looking at the menu, when Beth showed up. They gave each other a hug, and Beth sat down. They quickly ordered so Beth would have time to eat and get back to the office. “Thanks for meeting me here, Sherry.” “No problem. What is it you wanted to talk about?” “I’m leaving town for three days, and I need someone to take care of Blake. It’s not his Dad’s turn to take him, and I don’t want to ask him if I don’t have to. Can he stay with you over President’s Day...
Straight SexWife’s Birthday Weekend Well it all started months before my wife’s birthday when the discussion came up as to what she wanted for her birthday. She told me that all she wanted was to get away with me for an intimate sex filled weekend somewhere since I had been working out of town so much. She wanted some place that we could just stay in and stay naked for the entire weekend and just enjoy each other and relax. I looked at my current schedule and picked the only weekend I had available and...
When Mike's wife, Sue, wins a weekend break for one in Scotland, it suited both of them that Mike should go instead. The problem was that the organisers wouldn't let her change the name on the ticket. Fortunately, Sue had a ready solution: Mike could simply pretend to be her. Things may have been less eventful if Sue hadn't purchased such a large pair of false breasts for him. As it was, the new Mrs Susan Martin found she had a number of admirers, to whom she had great difficulty in...
My wife was dressed waaay too hot for just a road trip. Her shelf bra thrust her very large nipples forward underneath a black sheer sparkly blouse. Only a sweater covering her arms and shoulders, and pulled in around her waist, hid things from the kids who were riding in the back seat, watching videos and occasionally giggling to each other.Normally, she was self-conscious about the size of her nipples and didn’t want me to see them. Today, she seemed fascinated at how her outfit gathered her...
CuckoldBy : Abhishek Malhotra Hello friends, I am Abhishek Malhotra “” from Nagpur I have been reading stories on this website which excited me to write my own experience. I am 21 years old and this experience happened when I was in school in 12th standard. There was this one teacher named Shital ma’am she was very strict and used to scold everyone very badly but she looked gorgeous and had milky white skin and red lips I can’t say that she had a very awesome figure but she had amazing boobs and was...
About five years ago just before our oldest daughter Audrey was about to go through puberty my wife asked me if I wanted to watch it happen. Of course I wanted to watch it happen, as my three daughters’ bodies developed into women, what man in his right mind wouldn’t want to see that? So the first weekend of every month became devoted to just that. At that time Audrey was nine years old, Chloe was eight years old, and Sarah was seven years old. My wife started with ‘Panty Weekend’ where...
Sharon had been in contact with Harry and told him all about Pete, Harry was a little disappointed that he wouldn’t be seeing Sharon anymore but was happy she had found someone she really seemed to like. So things went well for a month or two for Sharon and Pete, she kept in contact with Harry at the Home, calling him and he her, she’d tell him about how things were, especially the time that that Pete had, had her in bed 6 times in one day, both a had a bit of a joke about it. Its was...
AF: The Weekend By Bashful John and Mary Marsh had been married for more than 5 years when John felt the trouble began. John and his partner Ken Lincoln owned a Computer software business. It wasn't Microsoft but it was growing. They both were involved in the development of their products. John handled marketing and sales and Ken was the bean counter. It was a struggle. John should have hired a sales team long ago but he had a problem trusting others with something as...
Ginger, Stacy, and I went into Work Mode for an hour after our short discussion about the night before. We compared calendars and talking about the various client jobs we had underway, as well as how we could best use Stacy and also help her gain some valuable consulting skills. Of course, the relationships we were building with some of the men and women at our client sites also came up. Stacy made a small chart of what was going on, adding in who our lovers were at each site, just to tease...
Isn’t it strange how a disaster can change one’s life?At the age of forty, my life changed remarkably. My parents were killed in a motorcar accident and naturally, being their only child, I was their sole heir. The heartache that this loss caused was overwhelming. Having come from a wealthy family, however, the consequences of this tragedy ironically resulted in a positive life-changing experience for me.Up to this point, I had been a journalist who always wanted to write good literature. I...
Gay MaleTranslatet With GoolgeIt was Friday at had passed 1400 and looked forward to a pleasant evening with Randi. When the bell rang the doorbell. It was the record that came with the package. Waited no packages, but the visitors leveled and took the package into. I opened the box and there lay a patch. Walk in shower and wash well. There are several bags in the package, do not pack the up until you have been notified. Randi. I went in the shower, washed and shaved. Took me morning coat and went into...
From top to bottom, Wendy was sexuality. Her long brown hair, deep brown eyes, luscious red lips, pert breasts, slim waist, tight ass, and long legs all added up to a body that was to die for. And she knew how to use it. Simply walking across a room was all that was usually needed for Wendy to excite the baser desires of every man in it (and, truth be known, not a few women as well). Since the age of fifteen, her unofficial motto had been “A day without an orgasm is a day...
Monday I don’t remember anything else until Juana woke me up this morning. I was still groggy but knew what she had on her mind and helped as she guided me into her welcoming sheath. “How’s our hero this morning?” she asked happily. “Half asleep and dreaming that I have a gorgeous, naked woman making love to me,” I replied, receiving an enthusiastic kiss for my answer. “Where is everyone else?” I asked, noticing that we were alone. “School, hunting, or working,” she replied. “You also...
Wildfire Part 5 I came around slowly. It took me a few minutes. I was really groggy, so I didn't immediately remember what had happened. But, when I saw that I was laying on the ground, cuffed hands and feet, I did remember. I slowly looked around, hoping not to alert anyone who might be watching. Then I heard a voice that was all too familiar. Cecily said, "You may as well not pretend. One of the telepaths that work for us already sensed it. Oh, don't worry, they couldn't...
Nur ein leises Schnauben der Mustangs deutet darauf hin, dass ein Mensch in der Nähe ist. Geduckt bewegt sich der dunkle Schatten zwischen den wenigen Bäumen. Dort wo die Pferde dicht gedrängt zusammen stehen steigt Dampf auf, verursacht vom warmen Atem der Tiere in der Kälte der mondhellen Herbstnacht. Plötzlich fliegt das Lasso. Zielsicher wird ein junger Hengst eingefangen, der sofort beginnt sich zu wehren. Alle anderen Pferde stieben davon. Die dunkle Gestalt kämpft allein mit dem...
“Hey Anna, I’ve got a bottle of vodka and Jason is out filming a movie. Wanna hang together?” the text from Olivia Wilde read.“Sure, I’m not doing anything. Be right over!” Anna Kendrick responded.After filming their movie “Drinking Buddies”, the two actresses became very close friends. After Anna broke up with her longtime boyfriend, Olivia was the first person she called and ended up living with her for about a week. It had been a month since she had moved back to her own house when Olivia...