B's Story free porn video

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She arrived at the restaurant dressed as he instructed: dark skirt to mid-thigh, sheer white blouse, black lace bra and thong, garter belt and stockings, boots with at least 2" heels and, since it is winter, a jacket or coat. She walked into the bar area, fully aware of the eyes of every man (and several women) following her across the room. After ordering a drink (this he let her choose on her own) and looking around for him, having seen his picture and told how he would be dressed (all in black). She sat there for a while looking for him. Soon, she started to become nervous and had to fend off an offer or two to buy her a drink. He approached her from behind, speaking quietly but confidently in her ear, "I hope you won't turn me down too."

Nervously, she turned her head around quickly. She could almost hear her own heart beating as the recognition showed on her face, smiling followed almost immediately by blushing and looking down. He smiled back and almost chuckled as he took her drink and led her to their table. It was in the middle of the busy section of the restaurant. He complimented her on her outfit, the implication that he was also complimenting her on her ability to follow orders unmistakable in his voice. For twenty minutes he talked to her about her trip until she relaxed and began to enjoy herself.

Then he leaned forward and removed all feelings of being relaxed by giving her a command. “You will go to the restroom, remove your bra and panties, and carry them back to the table in your hand,” he said quietly, just above the noise around them. Her eyes widened with a combination of shock and excitement.

A short time later she returned to the table, a ball of black lace mostly hidden in her hand and her eyes scanning the room to see if anyone noticed. He told her how proud he was of her, making her blush and look down again. But she looked up immediately when he told her to place them on the table. Glancing around to see if the waiter was nearby, she did as she was told. He smiled and slowly took them, placing them in his pocket. The appetizers arrived and he started the small talk again, his gaze reminding her now and then of how exposed she was now.

After they had finished eating their entrees, during which time he devoured her with his eyes, he ordered one dessert and two spoons. She noticed that the waiter could not help but stare at her nearly naked chest. As soon as he left the table, he ask her to put out her hand. Placing a pair of handcuffs in her palm, he told her to put them on. Again, nervous but excited, she complied, keeping them hidden below the table. When the dessert arrived, he ate most of it, feeding her a few bites now and then. He paid the check and take her coat from the back of her chair and draped it over her wrists, hiding the cuffs before she got up from the table, and he grabbed a couple of mints on the way out.

As they walked down the street to his office, he kept his hand on her back, sometimes moving it down to caress her ass. The streets were not crowded but they were far from empty and she wondered constantly if anyone could tell that she was not wearing anything under her blouse and skirt or the cuffs on her wrists. At one point, he "accidentally" dropped the wrapper for his mint to the ground and asked her to pick it up for him, smiling as she attempted to bend down without exposing either the nakedness beneath her skirt or the handcuffs she was wearing.

A valet opened the door to the office building for them. “There's a restaurant in the basement,” he explained and led her a few steps to the right of the stairs to the door of his company's office. He unlocked the glass doors and let her enter the darkened space before him.

“Go to the right and enter the second office on the right, please,” he said as he locked the door behind him. She walked along carefully hoping he was right that they would be alone in the office. Entering his office, she saw a tall open desk with a computer on it on the right, two stools and a chair in front of that, a whiteboard on the wall to the left and a short table and chair in the left back corner. The rest of the room was empty and open. She noticed the table was covered with a cloth of some kind and it appeared to have things under it. There was a small pile of pillows on the floor in the open part of the room.

He entered the room behind her and turned the lights on low, taking her coat without a word then came back and stand in front of her, uncomfortably close. Holding her gaze, he took off the handcuffs, walked back to the chair in the corner, placing the handcuffs on top of the cloth covering the table, and sat down. He let her stand there awhile, waiting, wondering what was to come next, just looking at her with a devious smile on his face. Finally, when she was good and nervous, he finally gave her the next command.

“Remove all of your clothing, fold it neatly and place it on the floor next to the table. Then kneel on the pillows with your knees wide apart, hands behind your back, and your head down.”

She began to comply, unbuttoning her blouse. Very aware that his eyes were focused intently on her in the dim light, she blushed again, this time, she felt, over her whole body. She folded her blouse and placed it on the floor where instructed, bending over at the waist and, noticing, out of the corner of her eye, his gaze following her attentively. She unzipped and wiggled out of her skirt, again bending at the waist and trying to steal a look at his reaction (knowing, somehow, that an overt glance would mean trouble). His expression remained intense but unchanged as she folded and placed her skirt next to her blouse. Becoming nervous, she quickly unzipped and removed her boots, unfastening her stockings while bracing herself against the wall to remove them, unhook and remove her garter belt, folding the clothing and putting it in place. It is only now she became aware of how utterly exposed she was. This is made even more apparent when she heard voices of people passing by the window just to his left. Quickly but not hurriedly, she took her place on the pillows, thankful that she didn’t have to kneel on the rough, thin, office carpet.

Once again, he let her wait there, eyes cast downward, letting her mind run wild with what would happen next. She finally heard him rise from the chair. He walked across the room and turned the lights up fully. She was glad that the blinds on the window were closed tightly. She heard and then saw hium walk around her slowly: once, twice, three times. Circling like someone inspecting a potential purchase. After the third time, he stopped directly in front of her and crouched down. He lifted her chin to look directly into his eyes. His face was firm, but not angry. She knew, without his saying anything, that she was not to look away, no matter what.

She felt his fingers on her right breast, gently caressing and stroking it. His thumb rubbing the nipple in slow circles. He pinched it roughly but quickly as he removed his hand and held his finger in front of her mouth.

“Open your mouth,” he said, and as she did, he put his finger inside. Instinctively, she closed her mouth and began to suck his finger, running her tongue around and up and down its length. Her eagerness caused the merest hint of a smile to cross the corners of his mouth. Making her moan quietly out of desire, he removed his finger from her mouth and rubbed the wetness over her right nipple, glancing down briefly to blow over it. It hardened even more than it had from the slight chill of being naked. He repeated the process with her left breast, more slowly this time, allowing her to suck on his finger for longer. Then she felt his hand move down her stomach slowly, stopping just short of the heat between her legs.

From there he moved it across her hip and caressed her gorgeous ass briefly but firmly. His hand moved down the outside of her right thigh and then, more slowly than seemed possible, his fingers lightly began travelling up the inside of her leg, slowing even more as they reached the top. Ever so lightly, one finger barely brushed against her there and then over to the outside of her left thigh. Down and back up again, this time, finally, she felt one of his fingers part the lips, feeling how hot and wet she was there. In incredibly small increments, he pushed one finger inside of her, causing her to gasp and close her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she checked his face to see if he seemed unhappy but his expression was unchanged. He held his finger there, absolutely still. She struggled to keep from working herself on it as he gently reminded her to not to move. After what seemed an eternity, he removed his finger even more slowly and brought it up to his face. His eyes closed as he drank in her scent and his tongue flicked out for just an instant to taste her.

“Open again,“ he said softly and she greedily devoured the wetness from his finger, closing her eyes again.

She felt his finger pulling free from between her lips and teeth and opened her eyes to see him standing.

“Stay on her knees and bring the chair next to the stools over here and kneel beside it, head down and hands behind her back,” he commanded gently, but firmly. Struggling a bit to move the chair on her knees, she obeyed and he sat in the chair. He let her kneel there again, waiting and wondering before he spoke.

“I am going to spank you now. Not because you have done anything wrong but because I want to and, I know, that you want me to,” he said in a firm, strong voice. “Lay across my lap,” he commanded, patting his leg, and she quickly did so.

She felt his hand on her ass cheeks both gently caressing and firmly grasping them and then his hand sliding between her thighs, teasing her wetness. “Do you want to be spanked,” he asked.

She sighed the word, "Yes."

“Then ask for it. Beg for it,” he continued. Without knowing she was doing it, she found herself pleading with him to spank her ass. Telling him that she wanted it and needed it.

“You are to count each stroke out loud. Do you understand?”

She nodded.

“Say it out loud and address me properly.”

“Yes, Master, I understand.” The words were new and unfamiliar but somehow comfortable.

He began fairly gently, slapping her right cheek first then the left. She kept count as the strokes become harder but not regular or predictable. She thought he might stop at twenty but he didn’t and she was glad as she was ready and willing and even anxious for more. When he got to thirty, he said “Your ass is such a wonderful shade of red.” He let his fingers trail over it lightly, barely touching it, causing her to flinch.

“Did you enjoy that?”

“Yes, Master, I did,” she sighed and thanked him for it willingly and at length.

“Back on your knees,” he commanded and he stood in front of her as she did. As she watched intently, he pulled his hard, throbbing cock out of his pants. He stroked it slowly, holding it right in front of her face. “Do you know what I want you to do now,” he asked. She nodded, unable to say the words at that moment.

“What do you think that is?”

“You want me to suck your cock.”

“Ask for it.”

“May I suck your cock, Master?”

“Beg for it. Be explicit and specific.”

Immediately and uncontrollably, the words poured out of her in between panting breaths. His excitement making hers all the more intense. He let her plead for a little while and then shoved his cock into her mouth, grabbing her hair and forcing her head down onto it. He pulled out a little and let her catch her breath, then he began to move her head back and forth on his thick cock, slowly at first but becoming faster and more forceful quickly to the point where he was pushing her face into his crotch and burying her nose in his pubic hair. Then he held her head in both hands and began to fuck her mouth, driving his hips back and forth.

“Moan for me,” he told her, “show me how much you love sucking my cock.”

She began to moan loudly and continuously as he continue to push his cock deep into her throat, choking her a few times. She tried but could not keep control and moved her hands from behind her back to his ass, pulling him into her mouth.

He groaned and allowed her to control the speed and force for a while. Suddenly he stopped and pulled out.

“Are you ready to show me that you are serious about serving me,” he asked. He turned around and bent over. “Kiss my ass, slave,” he told her.

She smiled and planted gentle and then more forceful kisses across his cheeks. She knew that more was expected of her when his hands moved back and pulled them apart. She pressed her face between them and kissed his asshole directly, parting her lips and caressing it with her tongue. His moan emboldened her and she began to lick it feverishly, finally pushing her tongue inside.

“Oh, you’re a very good slave,” he told her as he pushed back onto it. He let her continue for a while then stood up straight again, turned around, and began to fuck her mouth again.

Again, suddenly, he pulled out and pushed her back. Grabbing her hair again with one hand, he stroked his wet, glistening cock with the other. “Do you want my cum on your face,” he asked. She nodded and cast her eyes downward.

“You know you’ll have to beg for it,” he told her. She learned quickly and pled and beg for his "thick, hot cum" on her "pretty face". He smiled and furiously jerked his cock until it spurted thick, warm streams of cum that covered her cheeks and nose and fell into her open and waiting mouth. He let her suck the last of it out of his still rock hard cock and she moaned again as she did. He bent down and kissed her, their tongues feverishly wrapping around each other as he tasted his cum and felt her desire.

“What a good little slut you are,” he said and asked “would you like to be allowed to cum now?” She began begging loudly and immediately, the wetness between her legs almost dripping down her thighs already.

He smiled and went back to the chair in the corner. “Sit in that chair and spread your legs wide,” he said, pointing to the chair in which he sat to spank her. He watched her sit down, smiling broadly as he saw her wince when her still tender ass hit the cool leather and when she blushed as she realized that she was in such an exposed position.

“You may only use one finger and you have exactly one minute to cum after which you must stop immediately. Do you understand?” he asked.

“Yes, I understand, Master.”

He raised his watch and told her to start.

She used the middle finger on her right hand and rubbed herself furiously, desperate to orgasm before the time limit. He told her when she had thirty seconds left, then fifteen and ten. Just as he was about to say five, she cried out as her body tensed and quivered and she came in waves. He allowed her to enjoy the sensation a while and waited until her breathing had quieted. He told her to stay in the chair and put her arms behind her. As she did this, he pulled back the cloth on the table and revealed a coil of rope, a flogger, clothespins, a small paddle, a hairbrush, and a two scarves. He picked up the rope and moved behind her.

She felt him loop the rope around her wrists. It felt smooth and cool. He gently adjusted her arms slightly and then she felt him coil the rope up her arms a few inches and tighten it.

“Wiggle your fingers, please,” he said and checked the tightness by slipping a finger under the coils. “You need to let me know if you felt any tingling or coldness,” he told her, making sure she understood, and then he walked back around in front of her.

He got both scarves and wrapped one around her eyes and put the other across her mouth, then wrapped both around three times and tied them in back of her head. He allowed her to wonder what he’d do to her in this helpless position for a while then she felt his fingers on her breasts. He lightly caressed, then kissed, then sucked, then lightly bit each nipple, sucking strongly enough to make her moan slightly. Then he pinched them both, increasing the pressure until she made a soft noise. He chuckled lightly and released them. He then replaced his fingers with clothespins. After a few seconds she felt and heard them being flicked and lightly twisted. She moaned through her gag but felt herself getting wetter at the same time.

She felt his fingers between her legs now, stroking, sliding, teasing, entering so very slowly and gingerly. For a short time he touched her in earnest but only until she moaned. Then he chuckled again and stopped completely until she relaxed. He teased her like this over and over for what seemed like an hour, never letting her climax.

Finally he announced, “I believe that you’re ready, slave,” and took off her blindfold and gag. He helped her up from the chair and led her out of the door of his office. She was very nervous but tried hard to trust him. She saw him walk down the hall and turn left at the entryway. She hesitated a second, considering how she looked: completely naked, her ass still red from the spanking, cum drying on her face, her hands bound behind her back, and clothespins bouncing on her nipples. She knew that she would be walking past the clear glass doors of the office which open onto the building’s foyer. She remembered that there is a restaurant in the building and that people might be coming in or out of it as she passed. She steeled her nerve and walked, no strutted, out into the open and through the open doors of the conference room. He told her walk to the far corner of the room and kneel there, facing the wall. She walked past the long, smooth, wooden table and leather swivel chairs towards the screen at the front of the room. Somewhat awkwardly without the use of her arms to balance herself, she lowered herself to her knees. He told her that he’d return in a moment.

She was aware that, while the table hid her fairly well, if someone was really looking, they could see her there through the doors of the office. She tensed when she heard a group of people talking loudly out in the hallway and didn't relax for a full minute after they had left. He returned and she heard him placing things on the table and the credenza on the side wall. Then she heard him close the doors and realized that she had been practically holding her breath until then.

He asked if she was all right and she responded, “Yes, Master.” The word sounding natural and pleasant as she said it. She heard music begin to play. It was intense and filled the room but was not so loud that she could not hear him writing with a marker and what sounded like tearing off sticky notes.

“Stand, please,” he said and steadied her when she staggered a bit trying to stand up with her arms bound behind her. He led her over to the side of the conference table. She saw that there were two nylon straps with metal rings attached to them running across the table. He helped her to sit on the table, the wood felt cool against her still red ass cheeks. She blushed a bit as he put her legs up causing her to spread them wide apart and expose herself. He fastened a leather cuff around each ankle and clipped them to each strap. He walked behind her and untied her wrists, replacing the rope with cuffs and clipping them to the straps on the other side of the table. She was now lying on her back on the table with her knees up and spread. She was very aware of how open and exposed her pussy was and, while she was a little embarrassed and blushing, she was also getting even wetter. More so even when he blindfolded and gagged her with the scarves once again.

As before, he let her lie there wondering what would be done to her next but this time, every once in a while, she felt his fingers or his mouth gently touch her neck, her face, her breast, her stomach, her thigh, her hand, her foot. Just barely enough pressure for her to feel it, never enough to cause pleasure. Slowly and gradually, the caresses became longer, more definite, and in more sensitive areas. She moaned and twisted to try and get more from them but each time she did, he stopped touching her completely.

Finally and suddenly, she felt his mouth between her legs, his tongue swirled and plunged into the heat and wetness there. She cried out against the gag, feeling her body tense and her breath quicken as she sensed that she was about to go over the top... and again, he stopped completely. This sequence was repeated again, this time with the addition of his fingers adding to her pleasure and again, he denied her the release. The third time, she felt his finger, now wet with her slickness, playing around her tight asshole, patiently waiting until she relaxed and then gently entering her there. The teasing was repeated, each time adding something more, again... and again until she was pleading and begging through the gag to be allowed to cum, nearly screaming her promises to do anything if she was just allowed to cum one time.

She began to whimper as she felt his hands and mouth leave her body completely until he removed her blindfold and gag. She lifted her head to look at him and saw that his cock was out and covered in a ridged condom and that he was, very slowly, stroking the thick, throbbing shaft. He held the swollen, purple head oh so close to her dripping pussy. She immediately knew what he wanted and began begging for me to put his "fat, hard cock" in her "tight wet pussy" over and over.

“What a sweet, little slut," he said, smiling, and began rubbing the head around her clit. She threw her head back, hoping desperately that this was not the start of more teasing and gasped when she felt the full length of his cock enter her in one stroke. He let her breathing recover slightly and then began slowly moving his pulsing cock in and out of her clutching pussy. She could feel the texture of the condom and the heat of his erection as it stretched her pussy and she began to moan. He increased the speed and strength of his thrusts, holding her legs open with his hands. Within moments she began to feel her body tense and she bit her lip, fearing that, if he knew she was about to orgasm, he would stop. But as she began to buck and he felt her pussy contract on his cock, his thrusts did anything but stop, becoming faster and more forceful. She began to cry out and scream as she came, thrashing wildly against her bonds.

As the sensation began to subside she realized that he has not slowed and she could hear the sound of his hips slapping against her open thighs. She looked up at him and saw that his eyes were closed and that he was grunting with each thrust into her. She felt the pounding force every time he slammed into her. She felt and saw her breasts bouncing and felt her body tensing again.

"Cum for me, cum for your Master," he told her.

She sensed his cock swelling inside of her and felt it pulse as he cried out and the warm cum, trapped in the condom, spilled out of him just as she began to cum again. He continued to thrust as she finished her orgasm and then slowly pulled out. It was obvious that he was trying desperately to slow his breathing as he unclipped the cuffs at her wrists and ankles and helped her down from the table to kneel at his feet. He peeled off the condom and she hungrily devoured his cock, licking and sucking it clean with her hands grasping his ass and pulling it into her mouth.

When she was done, he pulled up his pants and tucked his still hard cock inside. He then moved behind her and fastened the cuffs on her wrists together and the ones on her ankles to each end of a spreader bar, keeping her legs spread about shoulder width apart. He then helped her stand and removed the clothespins one at a time. She felt a more intense pain as the blood rushed back into the flesh and it became even more intense when he rubbed her nipples slightly roughly.

He turned her around and pointed to the white board. She saw that the sticky notes she’d heard earlier were stuck to the whiteboard in three groups labeled "Position", "Quantity", and "Implement". “Go and fetch one from each category and bring them to me,” he commanded.

She looked down and realized how awkward this would be with her hands bound behind her and her feet to the bar between her legs. She caught his smile as he saw her blush at her predicament but she hobbled over to the board and, after a couple of tries, figured out how to use her lips and tongue to pull one post-it off the board from the "Position" category. She brought it to him and he smiled and complimented her. She returned to the board twice more for the other two categories and he then placed all three slips of paper face up on the table. They read: "OTK", "20", and "hand". He pulled an armless chair over and gestured for her to lie across his lap. She did so clumsily but without hesitation and as he rubbed her ass.

“Remember to count each stroke out loud, slave. There will be penalties for miscounting,” he told her.

She replied, "Yes, Master" and prepared for the spanking.

Thus began the ritual. She selected the position, quantity and implement and accepted the results. She took thirty strokes from his belt while bent over the table, forty strokes with a ruler kneeling in a chair, ten strokes (thankfully few) from a hairbrush lying on the table, and finally, with her wrists released and refastened above her head, fifty from a flogger. She felt a strange, lightheaded sensation toward the end of the last set.

Sensing her slight disorientation, he supported her as he helped her bring her arms down and move to the side of the table again where the straps were located. He laid her face down and fastened her wrists to the other side. She relaxed and let the table support her as she felt his lips kissing her burning flesh and moving to her tight hole. His tongue slowly licked up the entire length before slowly swirling around it. He then began to rub a cool gel over her hot and tender ass and then down between the cheeks, his fingers teasing and then slowly and gently entering her tight asshole. The fingers of his other hand began to stroke her pussy as she felt his finger push into her ass and she moaned. The first finger was joined by a second and then a third finger, each added only as she began to relax. Then she felt his hands leave her. She twisted her head around, trying to see what he was doing and saw him taking his cock out of his pants again and watched him cover it with the lube and stroke it. She needed no further encouragement. She immediately began begging and pleading for his thick hard cock in her tight ass.

She felt his well lubricated fingers enter her again and then the soft warmth of the head of his cock as it pushed against the tight opening. She tried desperately to relax and, as much as she could while being bound as she was, pushed back onto it. Finally, with a spasm of pain his cock entered her. She gasped and he held very still and waited until her breathing slowed and she relaxed before beginning to gently rock back and forth. It seemed almost imperceptible but she knew that more of his cock was entering her with each stroke and she moaned when she felt his hips against her tender ass cheeks. He stopped there for a while, and she could feel the heat from her ass against him and the tensing of her asshole stretched tight around his cock. 

She felt a sensation completely new and unknown, as if she was as full as she could possibly be.

"Please Master, please fuck my tight virgin ass,” she began to plead quietly and soon she felt the thrusts begin slowly. He was unable to control himself long though and soon he was holding onto her hips and slamming his hard cock into her.

“God your ass is so tight and hot, little slut,” he barked gutturally. “I’m going to fill it with my cum, slave,” he groaned. She matched his words, begging for his cum in her ass and, as she felt his cock swell and the warm, wet fluid spill into her, she cried out and came as well.

His thrusts continued as she finished her orgasm and he collapsed on top of her, panting. She could feel his heart pounding against her back as he kissed her neck and whispered in her ear, “What a perfect, wonderful, slave you are, my sweet, little slut.”

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vel risus maximus, pretium magna porttitor, viverra ligula. Cras orci dui, tempus faucibus iaculis ut, lobortis et dolor. Nulla tristique turpis diam, at dapibus risus varius ac. Suspendisse auctor semper ligula, quis fringilla risus gravida vel. Aenean aliquam sollicitudin est, nec dapibus tellus mattis vel. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus a justo vel purus blandit consequat vel id purus.Vestibulum interdum accumsan rutrum. Proin vitae...

2 years ago
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“Mark, can you come in here, and look at this computer?”Shit! “I’ll be a few minutes mom, erm just finishing my homework”. Her white silky panties were wrapped tightly around my cock, I was close to cumming and just needed another couple of minutes.“Ok, but hurry up please”Fuck, hopefully she hadn’t discovered the porn site ( avaae dot com ) I had saved on the laptop. I could feel a burst of adrenalin rushing through my body, adding to the building sexual excitement.My hand slipped up and down...

4 years ago
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It seemed odd the way the natives seemingly vanished from the dig, but it didnt really worry Josef that much. After all, he was now able to scan through that single cavern where he had been warned not to enter by several of the natives. "Now what were they hiding." He thought to himself as he walked into the cavern, torch in hand, guiding his way deeper into the dark depths. After several hours looking, a tunnel, previously unseen caused a smile to creep accross the young historian's...

Mind Control
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This is our story. A straight no holes barred, no dancing around the moonlight account of the events over the past few years. Its the way my wife likes it. She told me, “tell it all, nice and straight. And start from the beginning.” And so..... When we first got married, the sex was great. Kris surprised me with her carnal knowledge. The way she would dance her tongue around in your mouth or the effortlessness with which she took to power strokes. But make no mistake I was the master, I could...

3 years ago
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STORIES By LJ Everyone has a story. You just have to be willing to listen... When I first saw him, I thought he might be grieving. He stood before a grave, head bowed, features lost in the bulk of a shapeless topcoat. Only as I approached did he straighten, turning to face me when I walked directly up to the nearby grave I was still digging. There was no grief on that cold, impassive face that caused me to flinch as I took an involuntary step away from him. His dark eyes...

3 years ago
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Good Girls SwallowChapter 17 Into The Fire

The next morning we were barely up and dressed when Keith came banging on our door. "Everyone's waiting at the airport, even our two new, very unexpected passengers. Ambassador Heatherton has requested he and his wife be permitted to accompany us. We have to change our flight plans to include a drop off at the DC airport. As soon as you are aboard, he wishes to confer with you. He said it is of the utmost importance." Mystified, I turned to Bobbie and asked her, "What do you...

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Most women are shy about their bodies. Even if you’ve got the world’s most gorgeous woman in bed with you, she’s going to worry about how you like her body. Tell her it’s beautiful, tell her which parts you like best, tell her anything, but get her to trust you enough to let you down between her legs. Now stop and look at what you see. Beautiful, isn’t it? There is nothing that makes a woman more unique than her pussy. I know. I’ve seen plenty of them. They come in all different sizes, colors...

2 years ago
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A Special Kind of Wife Part 3

Driving home from work on Monday evening, Jordan’s mind drifted back to his sex-filled weekend. He was still mystified by his wife’s behavior. A sweet woman that rarely used profanity suddenly became the potty-mouth of all time. He grinned as he recalled the words she’d shouted the first time he took her ass. Claiming she wanted to be his whore to reduce his stress levels, she swallowed his cum for the first time, enjoyed anal sex and demanded to be spanked. It all started around noon on...

2 years ago
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Teacher blackmailed me

Hi friends I am back with my new experience I am Muqeed from Hyderabad. I am 24 & smart guy with good body. This is a story when I was in school (and now I am working as a guest house manager) all the teacher’s liked me as I was smart & was fifth in studies. One of my teacher’s liked me a lot & she was a good friend of my mother. She was my social teacher. She was very close to us as she is our neighbor. My mother & her talk to each other when ever they r free. Her name is Anam. She is 25 with...

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Sweet Sister

You lay on your bed, staring at the wall. Your nightwear is no more than a flannel nightgown that is to large for you. It's late; maybe midnight, but you're awake. Your thoughts are on what happened today at the pool. Your older sister was visiting, and the two of you were taking a dip. Her hands gracefully slid along your back as you were submerged, and when you came up, the top of your bikini had come off. She had stared at your hard nipples and delightful chest until you covered up again....

3 years ago
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Lost bet

I remember it like it was yesterday even though it happened decades ago.Me in my white briefs, on my knees in front of the living room couch firstlooking up at the smiling faces of my buds and then straight at theircircumcised teenage dicks. How the hell did this happen. I am going to bea cocksucker. As I think back, I remember how and when it happened like itwas yesterday.Shit, shit, shit! What am I going to do? There is no way I can tell Momthat I lost all my Christmas money in a card game...

1 year ago
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The Hungarian

I am British and come from one of those traditional upper-class families. Dad was forty-two when I was born and my mother thirty-eight. Against all expectations, an incorrigible bachelor and a confirmed spinster had come together and actually conceived a child. Most people believed that dad was gay and that my mother was a lesbian. Remarkably, they were all proved wrong.My parents were much older than those of my friends, but all my pals loved visiting us. Dad’s self-deprecating humour and my...

Gay Male
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TRESChapter 20

I'd been performing search after search on web sites that offered commercial properties for sale. I was looking for a property that would meet our buyer's stringent specifications and still provide a reasonable margin of profit for us if we purchased the property and flipped it to our buyer, and I was frustrated. I also realized what Josh did wasn't as easy as he made it sound. This one's close, I thought, but close doesn't count. The profit margin is there - in spades, but... hmm, if...

1 year ago
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Neighbourhood Watch

The phone call was a surprise. After some inconsequential small talk, the caller dropped his voice in asking, “Does the term ‘watch-and-be-watched’ ring any bells with your two?” Mark paused before committing himself. Eventually, he said, “It might.” “We hoped it might.” “We?” “Pam and I.” Mark waited for further elucidation. “We’re planning a little get-together for Saturday evening. You remember Gary and Audrey - they come to the Neighbourhood meetings occasionally?” “Vaguely.” In fact, he...

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Young Waitress1

Jessica is 22years old, about 5' 7" tall with a hot sexy body, 30B breasts with prominent nipples, hour glass waist, long slender thighs, beautiful green eyes, and shoulder length bruinette hair. I stood walking over to the window exposing a very well tailored expensive suit. Meet me in an hour at this address, " wear something a little sluttier than what you are now although I am enjoying the free show. We left the restaurant for the lobby, I motioned towards the cloak room. I slipped the...

3 years ago
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Youre My Christmas PresentChapter 17

Sari came up and plopped in my lap. “I always thought that Daddy was homophobic, the way he acted around my gay friends.” “Well, when fathers have a pretty girl as their daughter, and she tells him about some ‘gay’ friends, he might just think that they’re pretending to be gay, just so they can be in a room alone with their daughter. If we have a little girl, I plan to be very protective of her.” We started a nice kiss as the door opened, and Mom walked in, carrying some brown bags....

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How to Slay Your Dragon

Welcome to the quaint viking island village of Berk where it snows eights months out of the year and hails the other four. If someone were to ask you to describe the location you would tell them that it is "...just south of freezing to death and far north of absolute nowhere, a place fit for only the strongest and hardiest of people, but we vikings make do with it". You are Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III altgough you tend to shorten it to Hiccup Haddock and most people you know, which is quite...

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Winterborn Ch 01

This is another departure from my normal type of story. I hope the readers will receive this tale as well as they did my prior story in this vein, The Trail West. As always, constructive comments, critiques, and emails are hoped for and appreciated. This story is loosely based and greatly inspired by the song Winterborn by the Cruxshadows. I’m not usually into Grunge Rock but I’ve been haunted by their song for over a year. I just had to write a story incorporating the ideas told in this...

2 years ago
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Spanish vacation

It had been a while since our last beach holiday and we had chosen somewhere nice on the coast of Spain. Our first day on the beach was very relaxing and we had an early night after the previous days travel. The second day Linda went topless on the beach, not wanting tan lines and telling me that tanned tits were so hot. That day the beach sellers were around a lot more, ogling Linda’s ripe breasts. That night Linda was the one who initiated sex, she was so wet when I went down on her pussy....

1 year ago
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Just another cuckold Husband

My name is Dave, I am a 32 year old happily married man. My wife Beth and I have been married for 8 years now. Beth in 27 years old and gorgeous. Beth is 5 ft. 2 with shoulder length brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. She has perky little A size tits and an ass that won't quit. Beth and I have a wonderful sex life. We both keep each other very happy. I have shared with her my fantasies and told her of my interest in being a cuckold. The idea of watching a hot stud fuck her seven ways from...

2 years ago
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hot hot tub

I had just gotten home from my weekend job at the supermarket. It was a Friday night, and I was tired and ready to go to bed. I went upstairs to use the bathroom and brush my teeth, and I found my mother in our giant bathtub. She had her neck leaned back against the wall, her feet sticking out over the edge, and the tops of her breasts were just visible over the bubbles. Just looking at them turned me on. I cleared my throat and she opened her eyes."Hi honey, how was work?" she asked...

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Spice Things Up Blacken Cuckold Creampie

"Whatcha got behind your back dear?" David quit hiding what was behind his back and held up the DVD box. "I thought we might try watching this to spice things up a bit." "David! That isn't a porn is it?" "Kinda," he said blushing bright red. "Jack, the counter guy at the sex store in lower Manhattan recommended it for married couples. He said it's triple X, but it has a plot and everything. It's sold as a couples relationship video." "I'm not sure I like this idea or the fact that you've been...

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Golf Trip with Friends Day 1

Anyway, we are heading to a golf resort for this weekend. Now in Friday we do not have anything special but on Saturday we will play round of golf which we all are fond of but find it sometimes difficult to play due to time restrictions. We are in nice apartment with two bedrooms with nice view on the course. After unpacking we went for an early dinner as nobody ate anything after work and after dinner we came to apartment for drinks. Ladies were having champagne and men beer, maybe a bit...

4 years ago
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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Eight

Rocky Mountain Road TripPart EightKathy was kneeling before Mark & Keith with her back to her husband who was laying on the bed with his armsaround Sherry & Angel looking very content.Mark told her, "Lick my hand and suck my fingers as ashow of submission and do the same for Master Keith."Kathy said, "Yes Master Mark." Then she took hold of bothmen's hands and obediently licked and sucked fingers.After awhile of licking and sucking Master Keith told her,"Continue sucking our fingers and...

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It happened in an instant. You, a young man about 6 foot-two-inches in height and who is about 23 years of age, had fallen asleep after playing video games and doing coursework on a Tuesday night. You were studying for the chapter finals of a course covering theories and concepts on the existence of multiple universes. And you thought you were ready, when you awoke the next morning not to the familiar sights of your room, but to a confusing sight of dunes and endless sands. Your first question...

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Mind the TimeChapter 22

Singapore was a bust. Hong Kong was too. Hawaii was part of FED A. Australia burned far too often. New Zealand was ... sheep. We kept getting back to Europe ... and Germany. Germany. Great schools, nearly all classes taught in English. "They have weird cults," said The Wanzor. "What do you call time travelers?" Vee asked by way of rebuttal. "I see," Wendy responded. Russia had tried to reunite to its Soviet States and Satellites in the early part of the century ... NATO stomped that...

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Ulhasnagar Guy with Hot Aunty

Hi guys, this is a story of how I seduced my neighbor who is a married women, well I’m ND from Ulhasnagar, age 28- good looking. Next to my house stayed a Sindhi couple- the husband (Vijay) & wife (Kashish) of age 34 & 29 resp. He works as a businessman & travels a lot. The wife is a beautiful woman, as her name Kashish cute & sexy- 34-29-36. But never had I seen her in a wrong way until things changed. I used to visit their home regularly & play with their 2 year old kid & was friendly with...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 184

Dangers of Ironing A Newfie had two red ears, and so went to the doctor. The doctor asked the Newfie what happened to the ears? 'Well, I was ironing me shirt and the phone rang ... and instead of picking up the phone, I accidentally picked up me iron and ... stuck it to me ear.' "Oh Dear!" The doctor exclaimed in disbelief. "But ... that doesn't explain the other red ear. What happened to your other ear?" The son-of-a-bitch called back. This one is compliments of Dorset My...

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Another Naughty Mummy

"Do you like my shorts Jimmy?" "They're lovely mummy" he sits down on the floor and watches me as I start to sway sexily in time to the music. "They're tight aren't they darling?" He giggles, "You've not got any knickers on mummy" "How do you know that?" I pretend to be surprised. "He can see my cunt, my little angel's looking at his mummy's cunt!" "'Cos I can see your, er, your, thingy" "My thingy?" He giggles and my heart melts, "God he's so fucking...

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Revenge Inc at Golden GrottoChapter 6

Monday morning I woke up and did my usual morning run, but already I was getting nervous trying not to overtly watch for my watchers. Now that I was a 'person of interest', I had the pretty distinct idea that most of my usual sources for official information were not going to be too happy to be hearing from me, at least anytime soon. Heck, these were probably the exact same group of assclowns that had set me up, pushing me slowly into the position of being their willing private executioner....

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A Whole New Place

Alicia was staring indifferently out through the window. Behind her she could hear her parents struggling with cardboard boxes and suitcases. She was twenty years old and this was to be her first apartment. The walls looked terribly bare, and the rooms not yet a home to her. Alicia longed for her home city with the friendly neighbours, and the little Christian school she had attended as a child. She recalled her youngest sister waving her goodbye in the midnight blue uniform. She missed...

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Slave Of My Sister

Hello, readers, this is my first sex story I am submitting on Indian Sex Stories. Let me describe myself- I am a 19-year-old boy from Hyderabad doing my engineering. I am 5″11 and weigh 50 kgs. I am thin and fair in complexion. I have a small dick (4.5 inches). My sister is aged 23 with a curvy figure. Her sizes are 34D-30-34. She had many boyfriends in the past and she is an easy going girl. I on the other hand never had any girlfriend. So coming to the sex story, it is a work of fiction which...

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Ed BiggersChapter 2

After putting on the red tee-shirt, Ed picked up the gun and checked to make sure that it was properly loaded and ready for action. Satisfied, he walked over to where John, Beth, Kelly, and Ling were planning their strategy. He listened with interest as Ling and John argued a strategy for attacking. Ling said, “They are going to come at us in a group. If we spread out, we can ambush them.” Shaking his head, John said, “They are going to come at us from every direction. If we divide into two...

3 years ago
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Apocalypse BluesChapter 40

The Adam Clarke Divinity School, The University of Virginia, The Free City of Charlottesville, 1513 hours (3:13 pm) local time 18 April, 2014 “And so, my dear students, remember this: it is your sacred duty and honor to build the new world that will follow Doomsday. It is you who will have to do much of the hard work of rebuilding hearth and home, town and country alike. It is you who will bring back civilization to Old Virginia. Just recall that this isn’t the first generation who will have...

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Loves MastersChapter 2 Summer Camp Boners

I awoke the next morning at sunrise, finding my woody already up and standing over me, waiting impatiently while letting go a strand of drool from its lips. As I gave it a few loving strokes, I said, “Damn. I guess you miss the twins, don’t you fella.” It responded by throbbing a few times, and I was tempted to continue. I sighed, “Nope. Don’t have any love juice to waste. Sorry boy, but you’ll thank me later.” “Finally,” Joey said from the bottom bunk. “It’s about time you woke up. I’m...

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Friday Night Alchemy

(Author’s note – This is a 90% non-erotic story. The only erotic scene has been submitted separately as the short story ‘alone at last’.) It was April. It was raining. It was hardly a surprise. The weekend had started well: boy had met girl and the Friday night alchemy that turns alcohol into meaningless sex had just begun when the spell, or rather a Budweiser bottle, was broken by a not-quite-ex-boyfriend who mistook me for the villain in the tragedy that passed for his love life. I was in...

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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 7

Hello readers welcome to this beautiful journey. I am very happy for the response that I got from all of you. Keep giving your feedback. I am male the story is completely fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Ayesha had her independent masturbation experience last night. I asked her in the morning, “Did you enjoy last night, my child” “Yeah mom I did a lot.” “So do you think you can do it on your own?” “Yeah mummy I shall manage.” “But remember don’t do it without my permission.” “Yeah Mamma I...

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In the Office

Chapter 1: I first see you in the elevator. "Wow," I think, "she must be new here." "What a babe." My eyes linger on the clothes that cover your sexy body. Your short, tight skirt and stiletto heels highlight your legs and ass, while the tight blouse accents your fabulous tits. My cock begins to grow just from me looking at you, dreaming. I next see you in the lunch room. We're both getting coffee, and when I notice you, you're already boldly checking me out. You begin to chat with...

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Riding Trial Chapter 3

Chapter Three Michelle began riding on Sunday morning early even though she was still so sore from Friday nights ordeal. She rode very gingerly and took all the jumps as smooth as she could but she still smacked down now and then. This time when she hit it sent little shock waves up insde her. She worried that she was hurt internally. As she rode more it was apparent only her pussy was really sore. Her ass was not as bad as she expected. She still got that funny ache way down deep...

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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 31

Chuck Lisa and I were having fun doing what we liked to do when we were relaxing. We were both sitting on a little raised stage at the bottom of what was like a theater in the round. The platform had a baby grand with a bench and two chairs, with Lisa and me sitting on them. An interesting part of this is that there was absolutely no sound system. If you were looking for un-plugged, this was the ultimate. The acoustics in the theater had been designed so that what was played on the little...

2 years ago
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Bush BashingChapter 1

Jerry could see his wife's cheeks turning red with anger. 'Oh no, ' he thought. 'Here we go again. And in a crowded restaraunt too.' "This, this, this is why no one should of voted for Bush." Kim's voice grew louder with each word until half the restaraunt was turning to stare at her. "That dumb bastard gets to name a supreme court justice." "Shush, honey," I whispered. "Don't shush me, Jerry." "Kim's right," interupted Melissa. "Say bye bye to a woman's right to...

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Unexpected Shower with Daddy Part 3 of 3 Chapters 6 7 Epilogue

Chapter 6It took a few days to calm Mom down enough to talk. When she’d caught us, we both quickly sat up and looked around for something to cover up with, but we’d kicked the comforter, top sheet, and pillows off the bed. Daddy grabbed the towel I’d used that morning and handed it to me, then he went to Mom and tried to hug her, but she wasn’t having it.“Don’t touch me!” she yelled.“Honey, I can explain if you’ll just listen,” he’d said with his hands up like he was surrendering.“Explain what?...

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My Desire to Breed a Married Woman

This story will take place before all of this fiasco known as COVID-19 came into our lives.Let me first tell you about myself. My name is Mike and I am currently sixty-four years old and married to a very fine woman for the past fifty years. I stand over six feet tall and weigh around two-hundred-sixty pounds. My wife, Cathy, is the same age and no longer believes we need physical contact in our marriage. She has felt this way for about ten years and so I am very frustrated.About five years ago...

Straight Sex
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Young Cute and shameless

Following is a True story...names have been changed...mostly due to me not remembering them...lol.In order to help you understand this story. Let me start off with the following.I'm a Hispanic from southern California...story takes place when I was twenty something. I was renting a 3 bedroom house under my name and had 2 roommates to help pay the rent. Since it's under my name, I had the master bedroom with my own bathroom. Involved in this story are a few females.Female from SM (Santa Maria,...

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The Competitive Edge Playing The Game IIIChapter 41 Tournament Time

My teammates and I sat in the stands and watched Maryland struggle against East Tennessee State. I really wanted them to play better, both for my friend Eric's sake and, to be a little selfish, because I wanted them to give us a tougher game before we moved on. We needed a challenge before we got too much further into the NCAA tournament so we didn't get too complacent, but I had the feeling we wouldn't be getting it from Maryland. It was all they could do to hold on to a 2- 1 lead during...

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Kitchen Antics

The thought of taking your partner completely by surprise can be a very arousing one, just the unpredictable things that keep a relationship fresh and new, as I have tried to do in this particular story. So Wolf, this story is dedicated to you my love, because you never know what I may do next… I can imagine you standing in the kitchen cooking dinner as I walk in the room, standing behind you, and wrapping my arms around you, running my fingers lightly over your chest, I whisper, ‘I’m home...

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Thoroughly Enjoyed Falling A Prey For Lust

Hi Friends. This is Arun. I’m 27 years of age and I’m here to share with you my unforgettable experience on bed with a super hot chick, Radha. She is 36 years of age, oval shaped face, brownish complexion, very slim figure but a disproportionately huge boobs that attracted me the very first time I met her. She did her schooling and college in USA and was also working there till her father passed away where she came to India to takeover her father’s business last year. Few months after she...

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