Fidelity Ch 01 free porn video

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Author's note: This is a followup to Butterfly Effects. I didn't like how the second chapter of that story played out, so I hid it and rewrote it from scratch. Laura has reasons for doing what she did and I wanted to do Laura's story right. Now it seems it will take a novella to get it right. I hope you like it.

“Look, last night did not go like I planned,” I said to Matthew, who sat across the breakfast table from me. The picture of domestic bliss we would appear to anyone looking in the big kitchen window from our backyard. In fact, we were a wreck and I’d wrecked us.

The ruins of the breakfast he’d prepared lay on the tiny round kitchen table between us. We’d wolfed it down in tense silence. I picked a hard bacon crumb off my plate, waiting. Matthew’s calm, placid visage left me no clues of what to expect next.

“You didn’t plan on getting caught with two dicks in you?” He said, evenly. “Or you didn’t plan on the consequences?”

The ‘consequences’ had been rather spectacularly rough. After Matthew threw the two boys out, he gave me what I deserved and then some. The surprise, for me, was how thrilling it all was. Servicing two cocks like a whore while I knew Matthew watched from hiding, getting ‘discovered’, the horrifying first moments we were alone afterward all led up to some of the best, and surely the roughest, sex of our marriage. It was all completely new and thrilling. A glorious night, on balance.

There was just the problem of my indiscretion and Matthew’s cool anger.

“I expected you to catch me with the one dick in me.” I cringed, then tried to make light of it. “Mm, that sounded worse out loud.”

Matthew’s repulsion was physical, I might as well have slapped him.

“I can be flippant too,” he said, finally. “Does a number different than ‘mine’ matter?”

“You’re right, but it’s also the truth,” I said, more serious now. It was a fact.

Matthew digested that for a moment. I could see his mouth working as he considered one question or a comment, swallowed it and considered the next tasting his words before speaking them, a trait both endearing and maddening.

“Is this some cruel, scorched earth way of ending our marriage?” He looked confused, as if the only possible reason for my behavior was to end it. Nothing was further from True.

“I love being married to you.” Both true and a fact. “You’re wonderful.”

“Then why...” he couldn’t seem to finish his question. “You crushed my heart.”

My heart lifted in perverse delight at his pain. No, that’s not right. My heart swooned that he cared enough to be in pain in the first place.

“Let me uncrush it,” I said.

“No. You don’t get to fix this.”

“Matthew,” I pleaded quietly.

“Tell me everything you did… just tell me.”

“Um,” where to start? I had an idea of how to explain all of this, but he wouldn’t believe the truth. “OK, a few months ago...”

“You’ve been fucking them for months!” Matthew said, half out of his chair.

“ Ew , God, no.”

I cowered from him. He sat back, mollified.

“Uh, a few months ago I answered a knock at the door in a towel, I’d just showered after a run with Mary and I thought it might be her. It was Jimmy Johnson. In all his glory: saggy pants and ridiculous cap. He stopped ogling me long enough to push a business card at me. It claimed he would do odd-jobs or whatever a handy man would do. Twenty dollars an hour.”

Matthew grunted.

“I know, right? I wouldn’t let him wash the dishes.” The kid was a total slacker, inspiring no confidence.

“But you trusted him enough to fuck up your marriage,” Matthew quipped.

“Touche,” I said, then continued when he didn’t smile back. “I made it clear you were handy enough for me. He made it clear he was available if you weren’t. I sent him packing, and threw his card on the side table and promptly forgot about it.”

I hesitated to tell the rest, embarrassed. “I, um, you know how horny I get after a run? Well, I kinda ... ”

Matthew slammed his hand, palm down onto the table, rattling dishes and my nerves.

“You’re trying to explain this away, Laura. I want to know what you did. With him. Them.” Matthew’s head rocked forward, menacingly. “I don’t care why you did it.”

“You’re scaring me, Matthew.” I leaned away from him, feeling small and just a bit pleased with his threat display.

“After last night, you should be scared. Now do as I say, or I’ll walk out of here and never come back.” His words frightened me more than any threat of violence. It was no bluff, he’d done exactly that with his first wife, for much the same reason, and I’d do anything to prevent the same fate.

“Last Thursday, I noticed Jimmy’s card on the side table. Something just clicked in my head…”

“I said, I don’t care what was in your head!”

Christ, he wasn’t going to let me explain anything.

“You were due home soon. I… I dialed the number and told Jimmy I needed his services. He’s dim, but even he got the idea. In two minutes he knocked on the front door.”

“I answered the door in this robe.” I tugged on my white terrycloth bathrobe. “The look on Jimmy’s face when I dropped it was priceless. Like he’d hit the jackpot.”

I looked down at my lap, unable to meet Matthew’s glare.

“Go on,” Matthew said, his even, steely voice escaping between clenched teeth.

“How much detail do you really want?”

“I saw you taking one cock up your ass while another stuffed your face last night, it can’t get worse.”

I shrugged, maybe I could get him mad enough to fuck me like that again… What was I thinking?

“He tried to act all manly and in command. Told me to get on my knees. He wanted me to blow all over my face.” Matthew looked a bit shocked, so I asked again, “Do you really want all the details?”

Matthew looked pissed. “Do you want me to leave?”


“I didn’t think about it,” I said. “I just got down and sucked his cock when he pulled it out. And... he came all over me. I made a show of smiling and jacking him all over my face. He seemed delighted. Boy in a candy store.”

“I bet,” Matthew sneared . “You’ve never done that with me.”

“You’ve never told me to ‘get on my knees and suck’,” I retorted. He’d done something close last night. My pussy spasmed needfully at the memory.

“I’ll make a note,” he promised. “Now, go on.”

“Jimmy didn’t get soft. He bent me over on the stairs and took me from behind.”

“No condom?”

“No.” I said, shaking my head. I could see Matthew making a mental note to visit a clinic soon.

“This time he lasted longer and he wouldn’t shut up. He kept saying things like, ‘Take it bitch,’ and ‘Cumslut,’ like a bad porn actor. I tried not to laugh.”

“Finally, I could tell he was close. I couldn’t stand the thought of him creaming in me so I flipped around and let him jack off on my face again.”

“ Hmph , ” said Matthew.

“Better on me, than in me, at least in his case,” I confessed. “Amazingly, he stayed hard.”

“You have that effect on men, I guess,” he said, sounding bitter.

“Jimmy wanted my ass. Another effect I have on men, I guess.” Matthew smirked devilishly at me. My pussy spasmed again, wanting him despite or maybe because of my fear. “I made an excuse and told him to leave.”

“Before he left, Jimmy let me know I should expect an ass fucking and I should be wearing high heels the next time. I told him, I’d call. I was sure I wouldn’t. I mean, my whole point…”

“Stop. I don’t want to know the point. And anyway, you obviously did do in again.”

“Yeah, last night.”

“Only last night? How do you expect me to believe that?”

“Check his phone, you have it, don’t you?”

“I’ll do that, later. In the mean time…”

“I wanted you to catch us, so...”

“Stop that.” His calm voice carried a promise of violence, startling me. “Don’t tell me what you wanted. Just. What. Happened.”

I spent a moment to collect my thoughts and compose a narrative without explanation.

“I tracked your phone. Its surprisingly accurate.” At that, Matthew’s eyebrows popped up. “When I saw you’d turned onto Cesar Chavez…”

“Army,” Matthew interrupted. They’d renamed Army a few years before I moved here, but Matthew, as well as a number of the military types, never got over it.

“Whatever,” I said. He waved me on. At least we could agree, municipal politics were unimportant at the moment.

“I called Jimmy and told him to be at my door in 10.” The house had a huge bay window with a panoramic view of the city as well as the street below. “I had a moment of doubt when I saw Pete from the living room window.”

“A moment?” He asked.

I nodded sheepishly.

“I went down to confront Jimmy about his friend. We argued about it for a bit, but he insisted Pete should join in or he’d tell on me. Dumbass. Anyway, your high beams washed over us, so I was out of time. I knew you’d seen them. I… invited them in.” I looked up at Matthew. “And you know the rest.”

“Yeah, did you like being a whore for them?”

“I enjoyed how you intimidated them.” I refused to be cowed.

“I was rough with you, after. Practically raped you. You enjoyed that too.” It wasn’t a question. My pussy spasmed, I felt hollow and needy. I wanted him to make love to me. To forgive me. But I couldn’t shake the image, the sensation, of being thrown over the couch and sodomized either.

“Were there any others?” I could barely hear his voice.

“No.” My eyes watered and my heart broke a little, at the sadness in his voice. “Oh, God, Matthew, I’m sorry. I love you. I just...”

“Shh,” he said.

I blinked the last of the tears out of my eyes. I felt raw and open and so alive. Matthew’s emotions were hidden, his face a blank slab of concrete.

He stood up in front of me with his back to the windows and opened his robe, then pushed down his boxers letting his cock spring out. My pussy ached at the sight of his large straight beautiful cock swaying in front of me.

“ Umm ,” I said, looking aside, out the window into our neighbors’ back yards.

Matthew didn’t seem to care if anyone saw. Instead, he pumped his cock at me with one hand while he pushed down on my shoulder with the other. I got the hint and slid out of the chair onto my knees.

“Is Jimmy right?”


“Do you like cum on your face?” he clarified.

I looked at his cock then up at him, and shook my head demurely.

“Not his.”

I didn’t care for anything Jimmy did and the act didn’t do a thing for me. But for Matthew, I would revel in it.

“Beg for it,” he said, sternly.

“Please,” I said, softly. And then, right as he peaked, because I didn’t want to give in completely, I added, “Please, forgive me.”

“ Ungh ! You bitch,” my husband grunted and splashed his first shot right on my tongue. I closed my eyes and mouth and flinched as he plastered my face for the first time. He sprayed me again. And then again. When he was done, I swallowed his first shot and opened my eyes, looking up at him. I felt humiliation and something else. Something between pride and relief. It’s hard to explain now and it was impossible to understand my feelings, at least those feelings, at that moment.

He pushed his gorgeous head against my lips. I parted them and took him into my mouth, sucking hard and stroking the underside with my tongue. He hissed appreciation and pulled out when it was too much to take.

“You’re blocking the neighbors’ view,” I said. I meant it to be funny, to break the serious mood and maybe to remind him we’d never done it quite like that in the kitchen.

Matthew didn’t get the humor. He growled and grabbed me by the scruff of the neck, pulling me roughly to my feet. My robe fell open as I arched my back and stood on tippy toes to keep my hair from being pulled out by the roots.

“ Ow ,” I whined.

“You’re right,” he said, ignoring my pain. He ripped my robe off with his free hand before shoving me toward the table. “Let’s be sure they see everything.”

I tripped and fell forward onto the round table. Throwing out a hand to arrest my fall, my palm slammed into the glass window, even as my hips and chest fell onto the table. Matthew’s plate and my empty mug of coffee crashed onto the ground. I heard some silverware clattering around, too. I pushed off the window to stand back up, but Matthew shoved me back down onto the table with a firm hand.

“Stay the fuck down, I’m not finished with you.”

I could see the wall, my hand on the window, and through it, the houses twenty yards up the hill. Matthew’s mug teetered on the edge of the table. My stomach and tits were pressed against dirty plates and the remaining silverware. I could feel something oily and cold against one nipple.

“What are you doing?” I demanded, looking back over my shoulder.

“Anything I want.” Saying that, Matthew pushed his still hard shaft into me all at once. I gasped at the sudden intrusion. Matthew isn’t small, but I was already soaking .

“ Ow ,” I said.

I’d hurt him, emotionally, and now Matthew hurt me right back. I considered fighting back, but if he wouldn’t make love to me, I’d take his abuse. Something cold, possibly a butter knife handle , rubbed against my clit in sharp contrast to his hot cock in my pussy, triggering a spark of orgasm in me.

I let out a moan as he pulled back and thrust into me again. “Uh!”

Matthew went all out. He grabbed my hips and fucked me roughly with full strokes of his long cock. I grabbed the table with my other hand and used it and the window to keep the table from tilting over. I could see my coffee mug nudging closer to the edge with every thrust. I was getting close to the edge, too.

I bent one leg and pulled it up onto the table for support and then arched my back to give Matthew better access. The new angle paid off, his thrusts speared deep into my core, pushing my clit onto the cool smooth metal handle of the butter knife. We moaned together.

My mug lost the battle to stay on the table. Gravity pulled it down to its doom, splashing dark liquid up the white wall.

I came.

“Oh, fuck me, Matthew, fuck me,” I cried.

God, it was hot. A fork shifted so it poked into my left breast as Matthew picked up his violent pace. I didn’t care. I was in heaven, squirting cum onto the table and down my legs.

“There goes the deposit,” I said, coming down from my high. Plates and cups were everywhere. Coffee stained the wall. The absurdity of our angry coupling hit and I laughed.

“I’ve got a deposit,” said Matthew.

A terrible pun, but somehow perfect, too. I giggled. Maybe we would be okay.

Matthew stabbed two fingers into the pat of butter next to me shoulder then jammed them up my ass.

“Oh,” I said.

“Feeling full?” he asked, thrusting his cock into my pussy. I nodded. It was strangely filling and just a bit frightening. “Sad you didn’t get a chance to those shitsacks in you like this last night?”

“Maybe,” I said, enraging Matthew, who pulled out of me to put his cock against my tender ass. “Oh, please be careful.”

He thrust that wet cock into my buttered ass with the same fury as he’d just fucked my cunt. I gasped again, from the shock of it more than anything. I should have protested. I should have felt real pain. But instead, I reveled in Matthew’s righteous catharsis.

I smiled over my shoulder at my lover’s hateful expression. Matthew grabbed a fistful of my short hair, and yanked my head back hard, forcing my gaze forward and my mouth open.

“Oh, god, Matthew.”

I did a quick scan of the neighbors’ houses. No one seemed to be watching him fuck my ass. I almost felt disappointment.

Matthew pulled my head further back and thrust into me harder like I was a mare to break. Or breed . We both groaned and moaned our pleasure as he finally came deep inside me.

Matthew pulled his spent cock out of me, panting hard. I pushed off the table and turned to him on wobbly legs. Egg yolk and crumbs of bacon stuck to my stomach and tits. I could feel our cum dripping down my legs and my face was sticky with it.

“There’s another mess you can clean up,” he said, then he turned to leave.

I made a rueful smile. It wasn’t lovemaking, but it wasn’t leaving, either.

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Franks Holiday Final Part

I must say I left the guest house with a heavy heart as I thoroughly enjoyed my stay, I told the staff that if any of them was ever in my area to look me up and they all promised they would, I even gave Jo my number.It was a good 5-hour drive home and it was a hot day so my decision was just shorts for the trip and I have to say I spent the first hour or so with a boner reflecting on my holiday.By the time I wanted to stop for refreshments my erection had subsided however on close inspection it...

4 years ago
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18 Year Old Sam

My wife was visiting her mother’s taking our two daughters 14-year-old Lynn and 10-year-old Ann and son James, 7, while I was stuck with decoration the bedroom and the lounge. I had spent the day stripping the wallpaper, as it was a Friday night decided I would go out for a quick pint and a read of the paper. I went to a small bar a little further from my local bar. I ordered a pint, found a seat in the corner, and began reading the paper. I looked up just as a young looking boy entered he...

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Her Name Is Nikki

This is a mini sequel to Retribution 1 If you haven't read that story yet then don't bother reading this one, because you won't understand this one if you don't. But if you don't want to read a long story, if you just don't care, or if you're just looking for a good TG story to read, continue. Her Name Is Nikki By Po February 2003: Somewhere in New York... 'Man!' thought one of the watchers, who had a raging hard on in his pants. 'I can't believe her! She has got to be the...

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Desperate luck

Hey guys my name is Rahul. Age 24, height 5ft 11in, huge built (stout) and a very normal looking person. I am a voice and accent trainer in an American call center (not a very good writer so plzz excuse me if u don’t find this story interesting). I live in Bombay with my mom, step father, brother and a maid. Well I’ve been a regular visitor of this website right since I was in 9th std!! Never really trusted any story to be true but still found most of them fascinating. Since my childhood I was...

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Seduction of Lisa

Chapter One My only truly interesting sexual experience took place while I was in grad school in the mid-1980s. I wasn't having much sex at all during that time, for a number of reasons: First there was grad school. I was going for my doctorate in chemistry at, let us just say a prominent university in New York City. Grad students take a vow of poverty, hard labor and obedience. Chastity is pretty much left up to us, but it's not much of a practical problem. I was studying and teaching at...

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Anal Lovers Invite Anal Studs Over

You'd think we were a couple of seasoned, jaded perverts by how depraved we'd become. But I was only 26 and my wife was two years younger. We married three years prior and almost from the start we started dreaming up and living wilder and wilder scenes, with each other, and then with partners, another girl, two of them, a couple, a guy, two guys. We were bi from the start and loved that about each other; it meant there were so many ways we could mix it up with other sexy partners. And Alicia...

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Inspiration Ch 10

DISCLAIMER: All or any Breath Play described within MY writing, I highly discourage those without experience from delving. Please do not attempt any Breath Play fetish without being knowledgeable. CAUTION and PRECAUTION and a TRUSTWORTY PARTNER is a must! EDUCATION IS KEY! ***** Rosangela was more than nervous and tried to convince herself it was just a ride home nothing more. Yet, after the incident in the bathroom, she was more convinced of a continence. But, perhaps he would simply...

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Innocence Lost Ch 33

In Which Blanche returns to Innocence, consideration is given on the sole pleasures of her virtues, and Dodie learns more about Blanche. Blanche didn’t often visit Congress and when she did she always felt the restrictions of wearing clothing very uncomfortable, which on a body as plump as hers were rarely as flattering as total nudity would be. It was not something that she could avoid for too long as it became necessary on occasion to visit her suppliers to get the literature she needed to...

1 year ago
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Morning sex

After things broke open with my aunt and uncle that summer I learned two things. Number one - they didn't want to talk about the sexual activity and number two it was not to be discussed with anyone else. This was our secret!One morning after this had been going on for about a week I found my aunt in the kitchen wearing only a short robe tied at the waist. She was a fairly short woman, very slim with modest tits and what I now know to be a fairly large clit. I came up behind her and put my...

3 years ago
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Turning On The Sirens

Introduction: Sometimes, its the small things that shape ones destiny. In Hayleys case, that thing was a little alarm that went off one rainy college evening just as she was about to get off while making love to her boyfriend Nathan. Shes now compelled to tell what happened that night to her best friend Sarah. Hayley walked through town with her best friend Sarah. They were on route to an outdoor concert in the park situated in the middle of town. It was a beautiful spring day and she had the...

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The Couples Gameshow

DO YOU NEED MONEY FAST? ARE YOU PART OF A LOVING COUPLE? READY TO PUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO THE TEST? SIGN UP NOW FOR THE COUPLES GAMESHOW! The concept was a simple one, taken from Japan and now brought over to the West. Huge cash prizes would be available, but the contestants had everything to lose! Round 1: PERSONAL QUESTIONS - How well do you know your other half? Well enough to keep them from being stripped? There would be 10 Questions in total with an increasing cash prize but also an...

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The Intern Ch02

I urge you to read chapter one first as otherwise much of this will make no sense.When she came and sat on my knee she nuzzled into my neck. She felt warm and soft under my touch. Her blouse was still in ‘ultra’ mode as it had been since the journey back to the office and it gaped enticingly. I looked down at the new red bra that barely covered her breasts and could see a glimpse of aureola just waiting to burst free. “So, pretty Yvonne,” I said to her, “how was your first day at work? Have you...

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TwistedVisual Phoenix Marie Jenna Sativa Punishes Step Daughter

Jenna Sativa is a sexy, inexperienced teen that wants to be shown how to be a real slut. While her curvy step mom, Phoenix Marie, is away she sneaks into her bedroom to try and steal her panties. Jenna wants grown-up clothes and craves her attention. But when Jenna’s caught stealing her step mom’s things, this teen needs punishment. Phoenix Marie is no pushover stepmom and if Jenna wants to be a slut like her, then she has some work to do. She wrestles the young girls clothes off...

2 years ago
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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 50

When I reached the front door, I noticed that it was getting darker outside. I walked outside and the others came standing at the front door. I reached the hedge at the sidewalk without a problem of course. However, before I walked into the street, I first checked to my right and left and when I couldn't see a car coming or anyone else walking in the street. I took a deep breath, and I started to walk to my car ... stark naked and loving it. When I was in the middle of the road, Sofie...

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Wife treat

The night had started out like any other when Linda was getting ready to go out. A long time in the shower, just as long with the hair dryer and some time after that she was ready to go out.I was expecting to see her in a skimpy little dress which is her favourite way to dress on a night out. When Linda appeared she was still just in her lingerie and balancing on a new pair of heels. I told her it was a little less that I was used to seeing her wear on a night out, to which Linda replied that...

4 years ago
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Just Another Day At The Office

“Come in,” Danny called without even bothering to look up from the papers on his desk. Although he heard the door swing open, he didn’t acknowledge that someone had entered his office. He was a managing partner…whoever it was could wait until he finished what he was doing. After almost five minutes of playing the waiting game, Carnie finally spoke up. “Mr. Givens? I’m from network support, and I need to…” Danny was outraged; he could not...

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Love At First SightRevised

"Finally, almost there." It was my voice, the sound of somebody who had been unjustly imprisoned for a crime he did not commit, the sound of somebody who was about to commit a real crime, and this time he would make sure no one found out. The voice was mine, and it was the sound of a predator stalking his prey, the sound of a rapist. "Did you have another bad dream?" asked Marilyn Mason. "Honey, what's wrong? Are you scared that your father and I aren't going to be here?" ...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 174

A burglar broke into a house one night. He shined his flashlight around, looking for valuables when a voice in the dark said, 'Jesus knows you're here.' He nearly jumped out of his skin, clicked his flashlight off, and froze. When he heard nothing more, after a bit, he shook his head and continued. Just as he pulled the stereo out so he could disconnect the wires, clear as a bell he heard 'Jesus is watching you.' Freaked out, he shined his light around frantically, looking for the...

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I use your ass to masturbate

Despite being fully clothed, her heart was racing. She smiled, looking up at him as he laid down on the floor beside her. Fully twice her age, but handsome, strong. In control, above else, he was always that. He had weaponized his smiles, his frowns, and simple words. Her stomach spun in knots every time she was with him. He patted her exposed belly, rubbing it softly, smiling down at her young body. “I want you to think about that first time you were molested. Fixate it in your mind, your...

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Private Chelsea Ellis Stress Relieving Interracial Fuck

Today in Private Specials, British Sexy Weekend we have the pleasure of introducing you to Chelsea Ellis, a horny brunette with a big ass and tits who has come for her debut in a hot interracial fuck with the black stallion Sensi. After a long hard day Chelsea is in need of something else long and hard from her husband as she releases all the stress away with a sloppy deepthroat blowjob and an intense pounding, getting fucked in all her favourite positions before climaxing with...

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Gloryhole slut in training

As some of you read in my other story i am a young guy that wants to expand his number of cocks he has had. I dont know exactly how to do it and i search around the internet and gloryholes caught my attention. I just think they are the sexiest thing ever! like taking load after load whats more hot than that? I knew i wouldnt be able to just go in there and go full board (even though i sucked a few cocks) but not many. I doubted i would be able to swallow all that cum even though i knew i most...

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Sues Journey

This is a true continuing story which I am posting on behalf of my dear friend Sue. She would love to read your comments about her naughty 'adventures'.I first met Sue on an adult chat room. Sue lives in another country and time zone and is a sweet and lovely lady. She is a middle aged wife and mother. I like her very much and we quickly became close. We exchanged many emails and some pictures of each other. Soon we were corresponding on a regular basis. I looked forward to hearing from her and...

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Not This TimeChapter 19 The Mill

It was like Lily, Bruce, and I were on a honeymoon. Not that we had sex all the time. But we had good sex. Satisfying. Sometimes dreamy. Yeah. But not all the time. The thing was that we were good with each other. Once I got my head out of my ass and wasn’t obsessing about selling condos or school or childrearing, I allowed myself to become fully a member of our family. We still had little arguments. Every family has its little ups and downs, as they say. But we worked it out. It became more...

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The Private Game Chapter 7

Early in the morning, Mike gets up as quietly as can, showers, shaves, and dresses in a suit and tie. Chuck and Lynn are intertwined on the bed. He goes downstairs to make some coffee before heading out. Waiting for his coffee to brew, he is surprised when his wife enters the kitchen wearing her short robe. It is partially open displaying the curvature of her breasts and light triangle. Fuck, he can’t believe how horny he is knowing she is going to fuck his buddy some more.He holds her close...

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Becoming a School SlutChapter 45

I stood there naked, not know what was happening. Did we win or lose? I couldn’t move after cumming so hard and was having a hard time standing. My legs felt like rubber. I’m sure I was seen naked by most of the crowd, but that didn’t bother me. What bothered me was I didn’t see Mistress Pam, but saw that other bitch walking toward us. I was going to run real fast, as soon as my legs started working. I was not going to go with her and eat her shit. I was not going to eat anyone’s shit. I was...

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Submissive Ssters 2 Awesome Anne Wants Ass We

Anne is awesomely attractive. She has a hot slender sexy fine figure. Anne is as smart as pretty, this blonde beauty with her curly hair and rare emerald eyes. Anne is freshmen'at a journalist school, outside our Amsterdam. And also still a vintage virgin at eighteen! Which makes her feel shy, apparently unwanted by those elder,erotically experienced men, whom she might want to invite to take her first. And next soon also her , hidden deeper behind her beautiful blond bushes underneath her...

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Finding the Daughters Panties0

This time was a real risk and was so exciting. To give you a bit of background, for my job I travel around a lot going to different people’s places, whether it be there offices or home offices. This particular one was home office. Its a typical family run business, mother father 2 sons and a young daughter. This is a man who has remarried so I only knew about the sons, until last week. I was there as normal. I go every 3 months and it usually takes the morning until early afternoon...

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Good Morning My Lovely Lady

We wake up in the morning spooning, you facing away from me, my left arm our you, my left hand in between your hands, which are clasped in front of you, my right arm above my head. You can feel me, my hardness, and I know you are awake.My left hand takes both your hands and lifts them above your head, causing you to roll onto your back, and my right hand holds your hands above your head and now slowly moves down touching your hair, across your cheek and traces across your lips, onto your chin...

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To watch you from the corner of your hotel room would be a delight. To be an audience for your performance, to bear witness over your long-felt lust finally released would prove to be a privilege. To be able to taste your scent in the air as you guide your stiletto heels out of your evening dress, leaving a crumpled heap of ink-blue satin on the pristine carpet, would ignite a fire within my chest. To watch you perch on the corner of the bed, your eyes fixed on mine, your hands firmly running...

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