A's Story free porn video

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She had felt "the need" so strongly today. She had felt it deeply and heavily and in every part of her: body, heart, and mind. She hoped he did too as she unlocked the door and entered.

There, on the table next to the door was her answer: the handcuffs and a note with just a time written on it. She smiled and grabbed the cuffs. She checked her watch, saw that she had over an hour to get ready, and took her time getting ready. She was in position and perfectly prepared at the appointed time.

He entered, and saw her naked and kneeling, hands cuffed behind her back, eyes lowered. Her heart thundered. He walked to her and leaned down. He kissed her head and whispered in her ear.

"You please me greatly, my little slut."

The words caught her breath and she could not stop a smile from transforming her face. His fingers tucked her hair behind her ear and lifted her chin as he kissed her deeply and passionately. He sat in the straight backed chair she had placed just before her. As he did, she glanced at the table where she had laid out the small paddle and hairbrush, anticipating their use.

"Say the words, my little slut."

"I need a spanking, Sir. Please, please spank my ass until you're satisfied with its color. Please, PLEASE spank me, Sir."

"And what is required of you, my little slut?"

She repeated the rules of the ritual: counting the strokes, being thankful for them, not allowing herself to be pleasured. He smiled and patted his lap, beckoning her to her place. She still struggled slightly getting into position with her hands behind her back this way but she loved the feeling of helplessness.

She tried not to squirm as she felt his hand caress and grope her ass as she waited for the first blow. He started light but steady, slapping each cheek in turn as she counted.

"...eight, nine, ten. Thank you, Sir, for my spanking. Eleven, twelve, thirteen..."

As the blows got faster and harder, she panted and felt her excitement growing. He stopped slapping her ass and rubbed it gently, letting his fingers slip between her legs into the wetness there. He teased her for just a few seconds before telling her to crawl over and bring him the paddle. It was not difficult to pick it up with her teeth and he smiled at her as he took in from her mouth.

"Back in place, my little slut."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

She felt the cool air and the cooler wood of the paddle against her warm backside as he rubbed it gently before starting the blows again. The slapping of it against her bare flesh was loud in the room and she had to concentrate on the counting as each blow made her wince slightly.

"... nineteen, twenty. Thank you sir, for my spanking. Twenty-one, twenty-two..."

He dropped the paddle and grabbed her ass firmly making her shout. She could feel his cock, hard and twitching, against her side as he leaned down and whispered in her ear.

"I'm so very proud of you, my little slut. You're doing so very well. But then again, you always do."

His fingers slipped between her thighs again, gently stroking her and, gently, pressed his thumb between the cheeks of her ass, pushing lightly against her tight, virgin asshole. She tensed briefly then moaned out loud before she knew she had done it.

"Enjoy that, did you, my little slut?"

Too embarrassed to speak, she nodded her head.

"Say the words, my little slut," he chided.

Knowing he'd never be satisfied with a simple "yes", she took a deep breath and responded.

"Yes, Sir. I liked it when you played with my asshole."

"Well, we'll see what we can do about that once we're finished here, my little slut. Now, get the brush."

Her insides quivered as she slipped down and shuffled over to the table. The brush was right on the edge of good pain vs. bad pain to her but right now, she wanted, no, needed it. She bent down and grabbed the brush handle with her teeth and shuffled back to him. He smiled again as he took the brush from her and helped her into place. His smile turned evil and he rubbed the bristles of the brush over her reddened ass. She cried out and struggled against the cuffs.

"You picked the brush, my little slut."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

He gave her a few seconds to focus and then he began with the brush. He started gently, almost too gently, but quickly got harder and faster. She almost had trouble keeping up her count but she made it to twenty and thanked him as was the rule. He let her lay there, whimpering and sore, for almost a minute before he pushed his fingers between her thighs and rubbed her drenched pussy, forcing her attention to the pleasure and away from the pain. When her whimpering turned to panting, he slid his fingers up and teased her asshole again and she moaned loudly.

He paused for a moment. They had been talking about trying anal for a while now but she had seemed hesitant and unsure. It was something he wanted very much but he wasn't about to push her past her comfort level about this.

"You really want this, my little slut?"

"Oh yes, Sir, very much."

"What is it that you want, my little slut? Be specific. Be explicit."

"I want you to fuck my ass, Sir."

"Absolutely certain that you're ready, my little slut."

"Yes, Sir, please, please, PLEASE."

"All right then, my little slut. Let's go to the bedroom."

She was beyond excited. She was thrilled. He helped her to kneel on the floor and told her to remain there while he got prepared. She listened to him walk away and smiled to herself. She knew how much he wanted this and now she wanted it too. She had been fantasizing about it so much that it had started to invade her dreams. And now, finally, it would happen.

"Come, my little slut."

She jumped. He had startled her by speaking so close to her as she had been lost in her fantasies. He helped her to her feet and led her to the bedroom. Her "sex music" was playing, not quietly but not loudly either. The lights were low but it was still easy to see. The bed was stripped bare to the sheet but had a couple of pillows lying in the middle of it. He helped her onto the bed and positioned her face down with her hips over the pillows. He licked his lips, savoring the image of her naked, her perfect ass, so red it almost glowed, stuck up in the air, and the cuffs on her wrists behind her back .

"You look so beautiful, my little slut. So utterly submissive."

He took off his shirt and got the tube of lube and the wipes and spread her knees and ankles apart, positioning himself between them. He kissed each cheek several times, letting his finger trail between them gently. She moaned, biting her lip.

"May I kiss you there, my little slut?"

"Yes, please Sir, please kiss my asshole."

He did. Once, twice, three times daintily before letting his tongue circle it and slide up and down a few times. She moaned even more loudly and he smiled, spreading lube in his fingers. He teased her with his index finger for a few seconds before slowly, ever so gently, pressing it inside her there. She tensed up, of course, but he waited and she relaxed and moaned again as he slid his well lubricated finger deep inside her. Letting it slip in and out several times before adding a second finger and causing her to tense and moan at the same time. She had teased herself before but couldn't get this much penetration on her own. It felt full and good.

"More, my little slut?"

"Yes, Sir. Please, more."

He slipped his fingers together as closely as possible and firmly pressed them slowly but steadily into her, eliciting a long, loud moan and, when he could push no further, a "thank you". He slowly slid his fingers out of her and cleaned them with a wipe. He got off the bed and stood beside it with her facing him. She watched with wide, longing eyes as he took off the rest of his clothing. She closed her eyes briefly and moaned when his thick, hard cock was released from his boxer briefs. He smiled, kneeling on the bed beside her, stroking the shaft, squirting it with the lube and rubbing in slowly up and down. He was about to ask her if she was ready when she began to babble.

"Please, Sir. Please, please put your cock in my ass. I want it now. I need it SO much. Please, I need to feel your thick, hard cock inside my tight virgin asshole. Please, Please, PLEASE!"

He smiled down at her, broadly, so proud and excited by her enthusiasm.

"You please me greatly, my little slut. Know that it will hurt some and that I will be as gentle as I can."

She nodded, wanting him to be a little less gentle but he always went easy on her the first time they did anything.

"Until you're ready for me not to be gentle anymore."

He climbed back behind her and grasping his well-lubricated cock, rubbed the tip of his cock around her asshole a few times before pressing the swollen purple head against it. She tensed, as expected, and he waited until she relaxed before pressing harder until it popped inside. She made a little noise, more surprised than pained, and he waited again.

"Please tell me when you're ready, my little slut."

She took a deep breath and told him she was ready and she was. She had never been more ready for anything. He began thrusting, tiny, short, slow thrusts, moving into her a little farther with each. He watched her carefully, listened to her moaning and panting, heard her begging for more over and over again. But still he kept it slow, knowing it was teasing her.

Finally, his hips were pressed against her still red ass and he moaned loudly with her.

"I'm very proud of you, my little slut. You feel so good, so very tight."

He began rocking into her, slowly pushing into her. In just a few thrusts, she was babbling again, begging for him to fuck her ass harder and faster. He grabbed her hips and pulled her up onto her knees and started thrusting deep and forcefully, pulling her onto his cock as he slammed into her. After a few seconds, he reached down under her and let his finger stroke her dripping pussy. She cried out. Focusing, she willed herself not to orgasm and begged to be allowed to cum.

"Please, Sir. Please let me cum. I have to. I'm so close. Please, Sir. PLEASE!"

He removed his hand and placed it back on her hip.

"You may cum, my little slut, after ten more thrusts. Will you count them for me, my little slut?"

Panting between every word, she said she would. He made them count, shoving himself into her ass as far and fast as he could, making her cry out before she could say the number each time.

"... Unh. Eight. Unnnhhh. Nine. Ooooh! TEN!"

He reached down and stroked her swollen and slippery clit and kept thrusting. She exploded into her orgasm, her helpless hands flexing and closing in the cuffs on her back, screaming out and thanking him over and over until it subsided and she lay panting. He continued the thrusts, groaning loudly as he approached his climax.

"Do you want it, my little slut?"

"Yes, Sir, yes. Please. I want your cum in my ass. Please fill my ass with your cum. PLEASE!"

He grunted and pulled her against him as he filled her ass with his thick, white cum, pulling harder with every spasm and spurt. Gently, he slid the both of them down to the side, holding her close as their breathing got back to normal. He warned her that he was going to pull out and that it may hurt, asking if she was ready. She said she was and he slowly slid his cock out of her, causing her to make a little noise. He reached back and cleaned them up with the wipes, tossing them in the wastebasket beside the bed.

"I'm so proud of you, my little slut. You did so very well. You are my wonderful, beautiful, little slut."

They laid there together for a while, naked and close. Finally, he got up and got the keys and opened her cuffs, laying them on the bedside table, and fell asleep wrapping her in his arms.

He was awakened by her mouth on his cock, gently sucking and licking it while she played with herself in front of his face. He grabbed her hand and pulled his cock away from her.

"Now, my little slut, you know that I'm in charge of your pleasure. Did you think that pleasuring me would allow you to get away with this?"

She whimpered in reply, having known she was wrong but still filled with need. He reached into the drawer and got the leather cuffs and tossed the pillows from the bed. Gently, tenderly, silently, he fitted the cuffs on her wrists and ankles and then clipped them to the chains hidden under the corners of the bed. She whimpered again, though she knew it was useless, and dreaded the long teasing she knew was coming.

He began by trailing his fingers lightly up her legs from ankle to thigh, outside and inside, always stopping just short of her exposed and dripping pussy. Over and over he stroked her soft, smooth skin and teased her additionally with his words.

"Oh, my little slut, how wet and ready you are; so excited and needy. It's very tempting but you must be reminded of whom your pleasure lies with."

He slid his hand up and traced the small patch of pubic hair she left when she shaved. His fingers played in it, pulled individual strands, blew across it. Finally, he let just one finger trail between her swollen and soaked pussy lips which caused her to moan loudly and flex her hips up towards his hand.

"So, my little slut, you want more do you? Perhaps something like this?"

He slid his finger along the side of her slick folds of flesh, caressing and tenderly stroking her ever so close to where she longed for him to touch. She pressed her lips closed, knowing that begging would only make him stop at this point and willed herself to lie still. He continued his slow, gentle patterns, avoiding her throbbing clit but moving teasingly closer every time. Suddenly, his fingers circled directly around her clit, spiraling over and over again with quick strokes which pulled a cry of pleasure from her lips and... then he stopped and removed his hand from her entirely. She whimpered again and almost cried until she felt the warmth of his breath between her thighs.

He blew softly up and down across her drenched pussy, his lips so close that she felt their heat but he did not touch her... yet. He whispered words of longing and desire and told her how wonderful her scent was. Finally, his lips grazed her there, barely. He made her ask for it, waited until she begged... pleaded then let his tongue follow the path his fingers had run before. She squirmed and writhed in the cuffs and moaned and pleaded loudly but he continued his gentle assault. On and on he went, teasing her ever closer to the edge over and over again then stopping. Her pussy was so swollen and tender and sensitive by the time he stopped that she thought she might explode if he touched it again.

He climbed on top of her, letting his thick, throbbing cock graze the soft, wet flesh between her legs.

"Do you want it, my little slut? Remember, specific and explicit."

Her voice erupted in a flood of desire and need. She begged him to fuck her, hard, fast, and long. He leaned down and whispered in her ear.

"You may cum at will, my little slut."

All at once, he slammed into her tight pussy. Wet though it was, she cried out from the force and the feeling of being torn open. Her body erupted in a series of mind numbing orgasms, she stopped counting at the third because her pussy had become so sensitive that it began to cause her pain. She started to whimper and was about to use her safe word when her own words came back to her.

"So hard that it hurts."

She relaxed and focused on the pain. Every thrust was a sensation beyond the last. She began to feel "that way", the sensation outside of her body, outside of her mind, outside of reality. She let herself float away on it and finally, slowly, came back as he cried out her name and emptied himself inside her.

Exhausted, he withdrew slowly and panting, unfastened her cuffs, curling them together in a twist of naked arms and legs, speaking the words she longed to hear.

"Good girl."

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LostChapter 7

That evening Sarah felt like she was in a dream as the night passed. She felt as though all the strange new things she'd seen had filled her mind up, and she couldn't absorb anything new; things just washed over her. There was so many things she didn't understand, so many magics she had seen. But that wasn't what was bothering her; what she was worrying about was the hidden things, the things she couldn't see. When they got home, Jill proudly showed Wal and Danni what they'd bought,...

2 years ago
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CHAPTER 14: PREPARING TO LEAVE b**st and I moved back to the barracks after the hearing. I wanted to be able to get input and suggestions from the Unit on what supplies, equipment and weapons I might get if I ask. These were the guys I had been through so much with and I wanted my last days on board to be with them as much as possible. b**st took up his place next to my bunk as before.Under the assumption that the planet b**st and I would be put down on would be primitive we started a listing...

2 years ago
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The Store Party Monday cums

Monday Two days since the party, and I couldn’t even recognize my world. I’d already had a semi-date with Connie. I’d had more sex in the last 2 days than the nearly 20 years leading up to it. Here I lay, 6am, wide awake thinking about the last 2 days, not to mention what today would have in store. What was my appointment a Nelly’s house going to lead to. I promised myself to make no assumptions, but to be ready for anything. Nancy talked about the people she could introduce me to, nothing...

3 years ago
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Even Steven

My mother got sick on her Asian Simmered Halibut with Rice Wine in May, 2002. Because of that, Bradley and I didn't have sex that Friday night. We didn't get it on until a Saturday night in June, 2012, ten years after college and five years into my marriage. When that Saturday night finally came I think I was certain I was going to do it, but if there was any smidgen of doubt left in me then it had to be the wedding that pushed me those last few inches. You know about women and weddings? They...

Wife Lovers
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The STOP Part 1

I leave the bar after just a few drinks. I am not drunk, but I have a nice buzz going. The guy I had been watching for an hour hooked up with someone before I got the balls to talk to him. So I'm really pissed at myself and have to go home all horny... I hope it doesn't go to waste tonight. I hate when I do that... I take forever to find the perfect match, then I sit there waiting for a miracle. I need to grow some bigger balls. Shit! I love my car, it's a BMW 535i; sapphire black...

3 years ago
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Two months after Nigel and I had wanked each other off in my bedroom, the whole gang, that’s all the k**s on our street, were playing hide and seek. Our road ran alongside a massive wooded area where we all used to play and hide. Everyone knows how the game works so I won’t explain it all here.Anyway we were about 10 minutes in when it began to absolutely piss down, everyone ran home but Nigel and I made it to a broken garage, it was only a shell but had a decent roof so we could stay dry. A...

3 years ago
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Ravens Adventure

Raven's AdventureThey were clearing the city in a Custom Sprinter Van with 6 Captain's Seats, entertainment center, seat table's, floor space and their camping gear. If needed they could sleep inside. Damon drove with Wade at his side, Raven and the boys sat in the rear facing each other chatting. She wore comfortable travel ware, an off white, cotton, T Shirt dress over a white bra and sheer Smoke Gray Thong panties, her cock and balls showed through their transparency. Raven sat giving...

1 year ago
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Wifes slave

I could not believe that one day I will became slave to my wife. It all happen few day after my marriage with my leady love Nancy. During college time we me and fell in love. Nancy loved my very much but it end after our marriage and that to during our first night. Unfartunately I am having only 4' gun and that to ejaculates very early. During our first night when I approached Nancy my gun start errecting. I removed my clothes and her too. She has amazing beautiful and sexy figure. She took my...

First Time
2 years ago
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My first time as a BBC sextoy for a white couple

My first experience as a dom BBC was in the late 80's. I was in my mid-twenties at the time. I purchased a regional magazine at a local sex shop/bookstore that featured ads from thruout California and Nevada. I answered an ad from a white couple in their mid-thirties from Reno, NV. The hubby wanted to watch his wife with a black bull, and she wanted to eat my black asshole.I took a Greyhound bus from San Francisco to Reno with the idea of gambling and having fun for a few days. After getting...

1 year ago
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Sensual Online XXX Chat With A Naughty Banaras Bhabhi

It was by coincidence that Swati bhabhi and her husband Rishi had come to visit my parents when Mr Patel was having drinks with my father. Mr Patel was an experienced car salesman and had arrived an hour before the couple. Rishi joined the two men and after a few pegs, all three of them became comfortable with each other’s company. When Rishi came to know that Mr Patel was a car salesman, he was delighted. Rishi asked him to visit his house and help him with purchasing a new car. Meanwhile, I...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Bridgette B Horny Milf8217s Ass Fucking Adventure

Grab your cumrag and cum along for the ride with curvy assed Spanish stunner Bridgette B. who has coerced her step-son Tyler Nixon into getting kinky with her while his Dad is away on business. It would be impossible to resist this curvy temptress and Tyler is only human, so when the horny Milf makes her dirty proposition he would be a fool to turn his opportunity to ass fuck the big assed babe. Tune in to this 4K Hands On Hardcore premium porn scene to see the hot anal sex action play out when...

2 years ago
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Winter Trip It is winter time and I am on a short vacation in the States. I have booked a lovely lodge in the mountains, far away from any city or village to get some time to relax. It’s my time to find some rest after a long year of working. My only plans are to enjoy the surrounding mountains and forest. And also take some walks and read some books that I have brought with me. This is what I told all my friends at home a nice excuse. My main reason is a lovely lady who I have known almost 2...

2 years ago
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Wedding Bells are Ringing The Wedding of Nicole and William

Introduction: Continuation of the Adventures of a Railfan Series Wedding bells are Ringing – The wedding of Nicole and William This is a continuation of the Adventures of a Railfan series. In this story, William and Nicole get married and they start their lives together. This is also a work of fantasy, even though the two people depicted in the story are based on Fiancee and myself. If you are a new reader, I suggest you read the Adventures of a Railfan and Nicole, Myself and Rachel before you...

2 years ago
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Queen MaryChapter 2

Elizabeth woke early. She rose from her bed singing to herself. She felt so good, 'I'm in love.' She made her way to the bathroom where she washed and dressed before going down to the restaurant for breakfast. As she entered the room, a steward rushed up to seat her. "A gentleman requests the pleasure of your company this morning; would you like to eat with him?" She looked over to where the steward was pointing and saw David, smiling at her. "Of course," she said to the steward who...

1 year ago
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El Ojo De MalicioChapter 3

A whole lot of shit went south in the next two weeks. I tried apologizing to Bailey and Janet for attacking them about their public masks. It lasted until the part about wishing they had not shared so much with the grief counselor or at least not given permission to talk to me about it. Janet lost her mind! Bailey gave permission and, trying to avoid being caught in the lava erupting out of Janet, admitted she wanted to redirect the counselor's attention away from herself. Janet had only...

3 years ago
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You Are Going to Hell

Virginia, a traditional and personally quite descriptive name, was a senior at the all-girls Academy of the Immaculate Mother of the Savior. She’d attended the conservative institution since seventh grade when her family moved to the area. It was Christmas break and her older sister, a junior at the state university, had brought home her current boyfriend Paul. Virginia noticed, with disapproval, that Wilda’s current flame wasn’t the same guy who was with her at Thanksgiving. Wilda had gone to...

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PathwaysChapter 11 A Change of Scenery

By May, I knew that there was going to be no happy ending for the Cummings family. There was no improvement in Ralph's condition, and in fact, he seemed to be wasting away before our very eyes. I said nothing to him or to Deb about my observations, but it was impossible to believe they didn't see what I could see. He was very weak after his treatments now, eating nothing at all and sleeping more than waking during the day. When I brought him into my home in May, he thanked me as he always...

1 year ago
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I Left My Heart and Her Vibrator in San FranciscoChapter 9

San Francisco International Airport, Friday Once we arrived, Molly Anne had to go off to a company waiting area. Vanessa and I would have a couple of hours to kill, so we went to the airline's VIP club. "Victor, I'm glad we've got this quiet time -- a good opportunity to reflect and share without getting wild. I'd like to tell you some things that I learned. Please tell me about your insights." "Sorry to the training of the nuns, but my inner slut is out and isn't going to go back...

3 years ago
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A May Through December RomanceChapter 2

We woke together, her stirring bringing me back from a deep slumber. The only dream I remember was an intense bout of physical loving shared with a beautiful woman. I shared my thoughts with my now fiancée, getting a funny response. “I had the same dream, you sexy young man, you, and now we need to go clean it off of us. Oh, I think maybe it was not a dream! I love you, Charlie. I meant what I said to you last night. The exciting, powerful way you loved me last night took me to a new place....

1 year ago
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Story Five Cum Slut Learns a Secret

After my six-hour trip to the adult theater my aunt and uncle let me sleep in late on Saturday. I awoke to my uncle's cock pressing its way past my lips interrupting my dream of a large black dick. I opened my mouth wider to receive my uncle's cock, he used my mouth until he was completely hard then maneuvered himself between my legs placing them over his shoulder. He pressed his dick to the opening of my ass and drove his hips forward driving my breath from my lungs. "Not so rough...

3 years ago
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After the party Sasha

I awoke to the sound of guys laughing somewhere. Amuffled laugh like through a wall. It took me a moment to realize where I was and what was going on. We had a pretty wild party and I ended up in a little mini sex romp with two guys and two girls. In front of me, lightly breathing, lay the tiny and delicate naked little Sasha. I ran my hand over her sweet velvety olive skin and down over the smooth little curve of her hips. She even smells sweet. I kiss her shoulder. Behind me I feel Greg stir...

4 years ago
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The WaitressChapter 2

I entered first, of course, expecting a nearly empty room, as they have in Las Vegas in the movies, but instead there were fifteen to twenty people there. A few I recognized from last night in the restaurant, but the most enjoyable, was seeing that Trish was there with Sam and Melanie had her husband Bob with her. They were there sitting when I walked in, watching me walk down the aisle to the dais. They all smiled. I had to reach out and touch each of their hands. How great was this. I was...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 506

A bit of wisdom from RabbiRabbit. Arguing with a woman is like reading the Software License Agreement. In the end, you ignore everything and click “I agree”. This one is compliments of Dom Back to the ‘60s: Two stoners were sharing a joint while sitting off the side of a pier in the Everglades. An alligator suddenly surged out of the water and bit off a leg from one. The victim calmly looked down and commented, “Dude, an alligator just bit off my leg.” After due consideration, the...

2 years ago
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Gallaghers IslandChapter 11

The Skipper, Scotty and Gallagher all took turns digging in the "grave" of the alleged "Juan Diaz" who had died on April 1, 2011 on the unnamed island used as a detention center for political opponents of the government dictatorship in Caracas. They were being exceedingly careful not to make any loud noise because they did not want to join the ranks of the forgotten souls huddling in the molding basement of the main prison. Gallagher had to sneeze real badly and he held his sleeve over...

1 year ago
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The Christmas Dumpster Ch 02

Marianne and Albert spent the rest of Christmas day trying on the clothes from the dumpster. Since it was Christmas, the streets were deserted, so they could laugh and frolic without worrying about being discovered or run off. Most of the other street people had huddled up elsewhere, so they felt relatively secure that they wouldn’t be disturbed. They moved the left over pizza into their shelter right under the vent so the warm air could warm up the food. Arranging some rocks to make sure the...

2 years ago
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Working wife to prostitute 3

Shalini accepted the offer and told madam that she is coming back but madam told no don’t come here u have to go to some place. I’ll sms u the address where u has to go. Just In a minutes she received the address and the place was out of the city in some village so, Shalini reached the village and found out the address it was a big farm house. The farm house in made only in the ground floor like a bungalow only and is surrounded by big garden and fields. So Shalini enters the farm house and...

3 years ago
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my first tranny pt 2

it felt so good to cum in her mouth. that wasn't planned. her mouth just felt so good. nice & wet. told her what really got me off so fast was having her cock in my mouth. "in that case, come here & suck it some more."she laid down with her legs open & her dick in the air. without hesitation, I got between those nice long legs & put her dick in my mouth. she was moanig as I sucked her cock. she was about a good 6 inches. I just sucked & sucked. she put her hands on my head...

2 years ago
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Fun with sr Ch3

I didn’t know how to respond! I mean, I had always fantasized about something like this happening, but now that it was, I got really nervous! I mumbled something about needing to take a shower and then went to the bathroom. I turned the water on and jumped in. I was standing in the shower trying to process all of this when the shower door opened. My s****r was standing there. She slowly got undressed, and stepped into the shower with me. She stood in front of me, completely naked, the water...

1 year ago
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sex on the lawn part 3

Sex on the lawnChapter 3The CottageWe got out of the car and Tammy said her Tummy was hurting where he had kicked her this morning, and then I only just sore bruises on the top of her left arm, and said “did he do those to you to” she knew what I was on about and said I will show you the rest after, let’s have a look around OUR new home shall we babe” holding her as close to me as I could we went to find the wheelbarrow with the door keys where hidden. “Babe” she said “look at this back...

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