Knock...Knock...Knock free porn video

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I lived in a two-story colonial at the time. I arrived home mid morning after a very long night at work. After sending the babysitter home, I went to the laundry room in the basement, took off my work clothes and threw them into the hamper. I went back upstairs and proceeded to take a shower. I needed to wash off all my night sweat.

The warm water felt great against my sore body. The pulsating streams of water coming out of my handheld shower-head was working it's magic on my body. After about 15-20 minutes, I was in another world. The jet's aimed right in my nether region. All of a sudden, my little rug-rat entered the bathroom. He had learned to speak early on, but could not yet formulate full complete sentences.

He said, "Outside. Front, Mommy go."

I wanted to return to my shower. So I told him, "No dear, But you can go play outside in the backyard. Okay? Now be a dear and play out back, and I'll be there to play with you in a little while. Love you."

He left and I looked out of our shower window. I watched him from the upstairs window as he took some toys and went into the sand-box and started to play. We had a fenced in yard, so I knew he would be safe. I finished showering quickly, without finishing me. If you know what I mean.

Any ways, I exited the shower, and started to pat dry my body. I only had the one towel and all of my clean clothes were downstairs in the laundry room. I had no qualms about walking around in the nude, since I was the only person in the house.

As I walked down the stairs to the living room, I was drying my hair. The towel was over my head, covering my face as I was rubbing my head. I caught glimpses of the carpet on the main floor and noticed that it seemed brighter than normal. The stairs going up start, almost at the front door, the stairs going down to the basement were right next to them by the front door. As I continued walking down the stairs, I began to wrap my hair into turban.

So here I am, in my birthday suit at the bottom of the stairs. I was bent over at the waist, wrapping my hair. After I had the towel fully twisted with my hair, I gave it a quick twist, shot my head back, stood up quickly and found out why it was so much brighter in the living room.

There standing on my front porch, with the main door wide open, but with the full glass panel storm door closed, stood a man with a clipboard in one hand and a large book of fabric samples for our sofa, love seat and recliner in the other. Next to him was a very attractive young woman carrying more books of samples. I could see past them and spotted a company van parked in the street.

It was a deer in the headlight moment. I was too dumbstruck to run or even cover up. Thinking about why was the door open?

Why did I forget about scheduling an appointment with the fabric company?

Why was the front door open?

Why are these people staring at me?

Why was that damn front door open?

So still standing there, in disbelief, I surmised that, my son must have opened it. These people must have knocked (our doorbell didn't work) while I was in the shower. The baby-sitter had left (I knew that). My son was sitting on the sofa watching some children show on the t.v..

They must have asked him to get his mother. So when he came upstairs into the bathroom, he was informing me that someone was "outside" the "front" door and for "mommy" to "go."

So that is why I'm standing butt naked, a few feet from the front door, looking into the faces of two total strangers, staring at my totally naked body.

I was still kind of wet, from both the shower and my "almost" orgasm. My nipples were sticking straight out and it wasn't because I was cold. My pussy lips, which I always keep completely shaven, were protruding out from between my legs, because they wanted some attentio...

"WAIT!. What the HELL?. I'm standing here BUTT ASS NAKED!"

I turned around, bent over and took my towel off my head.

What the hell was I thinking? Turning around? Bending over? Giving these people a fantastic view of my still shapely ass, not bad for a lady in her thirties I might say, and let's not forget my protruding lips and a nice clean starfish to top it off.

After I got the towel untangled from my hair, (That took longer that I thought), I turned around again, faced them, held the towel above my pert breasts (Back then, gravity had not yet become an enemy), went to the front door and asked, "Ah, can I help you?"

The guy was speechless. His eyes were the size of silver dollars. His assistant spoke first.

"Good morning Mrs. C. We rang the bell and when no one answered, we knocked. This is Jeff and I'm Veronica. We had a nine a.m. appointment with you. It was set up about two weeks ago. We're so sorry to interrupt you. We told your son to go get you. If this is a bad time? You can call the office and set up another appointment."

"Oh no. No. It's alright. I just got off of work and was taking a shower. I'm the one that should be sorry. I totally forgot about setting this up with you guys. Please come in and sit down. Ah...I need to put something on, if you don't mind?"

"It's understandable Mrs. C. Thank you. We'll wait for you in your living room."

I opened the door, turned around and pointed them to the couch.

WAIT? What did I do?

Did I just turn around and show these people my ass... AGAIN? OMG!. These people must think I'm some kind of ditzy blonde slut? I'm not like that, Really I'm not!

I do like to tease guys from time to time, but this was not one of those times.

I quickly ran upstairs, giving them another look at my butt.

When I got upstairs, I remembered that all my clean clothes were in the laundry room. Not wanting to go down and be spotted with only my towel, I stood on the top of the stairs, thinking about my next option.

I heard the two of them snickering and whispering... "That's a first for me," I overheard.

"Me too."

"She was kind of hot."

"In more ways than one.", more muffled laughter.

"Did you see her?"

"I couldn't miss it."

"And those?"

"Yes, How could you miss them?" more snickering.

I went into the bedroom looking for something to put on. Opened my dresser. "What the hell! Where are all my undergarments? No bra's. No panties! Oh, great! A pair of pantyhose. I'm not going to wear those. Okay. The closet. There has to be something in there. What the HELL? I can't wear an evening gown. Not even a pair of sweats or anything?

I was on the verge of going all the way back downstairs, when I spotted my silky, thigh length, white bathrobe hanging behind the door. It was one of those like you find at Victoria Secret's. It had little rose flower prints all over it and lace trim along the collar and around the bottom. So I figured, "What the Hell, at least it'll be better then wearing a towel."

I wrapped it around me tightly and tied a double knot to keep me very secure.

When I returned to the living room, my guests had the books open on the table and several of them open on the floor. My son had come back inside and was touching all the fabrics and turning pages like it was a storybook.

"Mommy, pretty colors!"

"Yes dear, those are some very nice colors." He got up off the floor and ran to me.

When he got close, he jumped on me. I had to catch him and in the process, my left tit plopped out. I was able to cover up quickly, but I knew I just flashed these people, AGAIN!

The next forty five minutes were spent with me, trying to keep my modesty intact on the couch.

I could see Jeff trying to get glances down my chest, up between my legs, anywhere that had flesh showing. Which was plenty. My son kept on climbing up and down on me, always causing my robe to open up at the bottom.

At one point, with my son in front of the T.V., I was listening to Jeff and looking at the samples that he held in an open book next to me. Looking and nodding at certain samples. I was not paying attention to what my body was doing. I was leaning over toward him and the book and had spread my legs open quite a bit for balance. After a couple of minutes of this, I noticed that Veronica was sitting on the floor, getting some books together. I was watching her... watching me and became oblivious to what Jeff was talking about. She was sitting Indian style and was looking straight up at my exposed pussy. She was wearing a pair of very short cargo shorts and I could make out glimpses of a pink thong covered crotch. Her tongue came out, and she licked her lips very seductively.

My vaginal lips were still sticking out of my slit. I could feel them scraping along the light brown Corduroy cushion under me. The fabric was also tickling my slightly puckered butt-hole. My body would not let me forget that I had neglected her earlier and wanted some much needed attention. I was so turned on. Even though no one was touching me and nothing sexual was happening. Somehow, I guess, just the fact that I was sitting there, in the presence of two strangers, with only a very thin piece of silk between them and my totally naked body, was getting me hot, without me even noticing.

"Without me noticing?" That was a crock of shit I thought to myself. Every time I moved, even just a little, the material of my robe was caressing my nipples. Let me tell you...There is nothing more electrifying to us women as silk against our bodies. So smooth, soft, sensuous, Ooh. I get goose bumps just thinking about it.

I was about to close my legs and put an end to the peep-show I was giving her, when all of a sudden Jeff stood up and said, "Okay then. So you like this one best?"

Snapped back into reality.

"Ahh... yes... I guess so."

"Well, if you would stand up and let me place this material against the old one, you'll be able to make a better comparison, which should help you decide for sure," he announced.

"Oh. Okay." I held the robe tightly between my legs and stood up. Turning around and looking where I was sitting, Jeff was about to place down his sample. Veronica got up and stood on the other side of me. I looked down in horror to see a huge "Wet-Spot" where I sat seconds before. You could smell the musky aroma of my womanhood.

I blushed at least three shades of red. I looked at Jeff and smiled. I turned to Veronica, shrugged my shoulders and smiled at her as well.

I told them that it was getting late, and that I had to put my son down for his nap. "Go ahead and order that fabric." Pointing to the one in Jeff's hand. I'm not sure who was more embarrassed? Him or me? As they got all their books together, I walked them to the front door. They walked past me and I swear that I thought I heard Jeff inhale deeply as he walked passed me.

After they both left, I closed the storm door and main door. I was leaning with my back against the main door. My son was out of sight, so I quickly put my right hand between my legs. Using my ring and index fingers to part my pussy, I stuck my middle finger deep into me. Slowly removing it and rubbed my clit. In and out. In and out. I was super super wet. Juices started running down my legs. I took my left hand, stuck it into my upper robe and proceeded to pull, pinch and twist my right nipple and tit. I wanted to squeeze my tit with my hand and wanted easier access, so I stopped what I was doing, slid my robe off my right shoulder. I couldn't untie the damn belt, so I parted the bottom half of it and raised both front corners, tucking them into the belt around my waist.

I leaned with my back against the door again. Proceeded to finish what I started. My breathing became very erratic. I could feel beads of sweat rolling down my forehead, down the back of my neck, forming under my chin and dribbling down between my tits.

My left hand was kneading my right breast. Pulling my nipple. Pinching it as well. That alone was sending shocks through my whole body. But my right hand was working over time as well. My clitoris, which was the size of the tip of my pinky finger, was throbbing, pulsating. I was using the thumb and forefinger, massaging my clit back and forth. Squeezing, pulling, stretching, twisting it.

Then, as I was nearing an orgasm to end all orgasms...I used my left hand to spread my engorged pussy lips as far apart as I could. My right hand, with three fingers deep inside, my palm pushing hard against my clit. Moving in an out. Up and down. I slid down against the door. Now squatting, with knees far apart. Closer...Closer... Faster... OMG... YES... YES... OMFG? Here it comes...


"What the...?"

"What the HELL!!! This can't be happening!"

I stood up, faced the door, raised my robe over my shoulders covering my exposed breasts.

Opening the door, I was surprised to see Jeff standing there.

I was panting like a marathon runner. Sweat was dripping down my hair and chest. The air was strong with the smell of sweat and sex.

"AH. Oh. WOW. Ah, here you go Mrs. C." He had some kind of purchase order or something on a clip board. "Sorry to bother you again."

(If he only knew. Hell, if I wasn't married and my baby was asleep, I'd jump him right here and now on the front porch. Hell. Veronica could even join in, and I don't even swing that way. Okay. Maybe I did when I was younger. But those are other stories)

He was looking at my face, into my eyes, down my chest, seeing droplets of sweat sliding right down the middle of my cleavage.

"Ah. I need you to sign this please, before we can order the fabric."

His eyes where not looking in my face anymore. He kept on looking down on the ground. I thought it was because he knew what I was doing, just seconds before and was averting eye contact because he was embarrassed.

I opened the glass door and took the clipboard.


He handed me a pen. When I grabbed it, I was barely able to hold it. My hand and fingers were so slimy. My love juices made it virtually impossible to sign the piece of paper. But I managed and gave him back everything.


"Here you go. Is there anything else, Jeff?"

"No. Thank you so much. Ah, for your business."

Still looking down at the ground. He took his pen, tore off the carbon copy and handed it to me. He reached out his right hand and without thinking, I shook his hand. I could feel my slime squish between my fingers and cover his hand and fingers. I knew he knew. I again blushed and smiled. He looked into my eyes. Only for a second. Then he looked back down again.

Poor guy, I thought.

He shouldn't be embarrassed.

I'm the one that should be. I mean just before, I was...(looking down at myself). SHIT! OMG!

I didn't pull down my robe in the front!

My pussy had been on full display. Lips sticking out like a pair of rooster wattles. Clit pointing out angrily, pulsing, throbbing.

Love juices covered the whole outside of my pussy region, plus streaks of it was covering my thighs as it had dribbled down my legs.

He wasn't staring down at the ground.

Damn. .He was looking at my treasure. "Shit... Shit... Shit!"

I looked out through the small window, that's just above the front door. Jeff was still standing on my front porch. I watched as he smelled his fingers. Then he began to lick them.

OMG.? I was getting HOT just watching him. As he walked towards his van, I could hear him shout, "Hey V.

You're not gonna believe this, But I have proof. She was..."

I couldn't hear anymore as he got further from the house.

Hurriedly I looked for my son. Found him asleep in his room. Wow.. Nice. He crawled into his crib.

I tore off my robe, jumped on my bed and diddled myself to multiple orgasm's until I fell fast asleep.

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 11 Satans Breath Timothy WhyteTaylors Story

I stared in wonder at the powder in the bottom of the kettle, and when it had cooled sufficiently transferred it carefully into a glass jar. Now came the moment of truth. Had I discovered the essence of the coca leaf or only another stage of the process? To find out which I used myself as a test subject, and took a pinch of the white powder between my fingers, inhaling the substance as one does with snuff. For a few seconds nothing happened, then a feeling of immense euphoria overwhelmed me,...

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Aunt Sue

After my parents got divorced, I lived with Mom. She had a good job and apparently was well paid because we never seemed to lack for any necessities. She got a recent promotion, though, and now she has to travel quite a bit. Although she seems to really like her job, having to leave me alone bothers her a whole lot. I'll have to hand it to Mom-- she's very conscientious and seems to worry considerably about being a good parent. More than anything else, she worries that I won't get proper care...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Forbidden Wish Chapter 1 Keilys Futa Gift

Chapter One: Keily's Futa Gift By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 November was my favorite month of the year. And even though it was cold standing out on the street waiting for the city bus to take us to Washington College, I didn't care. Two weeks ago, on November 3rd, I turned nineteen. Until December 6th, I was the same age as my older sister Deidre. A month of not being younger than her. Technically. And now I had another reason to love November. The days were so short. The sun...

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Mile High caught in panties and pegged at 30000

Mile High (caught in panties and pegged at thirty thousand feet)By Mikaho, Edited by g1dnshwrgr1I boarded the plan and was taking my seat when I noticed the most mature of the three stewardesses.  She was beautiful with a classic flair; her pencil skirt perfectly presented an hourglass waist, defined hips, and a round butt.The image of her shapely form flitted around the edge of my thoughts as I started answering email on my phone and quickly drifted into a hyper-focused state;  oblivious to...

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Watch the incredibly fun sized Maya Bijou get wet… While she has a fun relaxing day at the pool! Its amazing how small she is, even her swan floaty towers over her as she rocks back and fourth on it. Can you feel the foreshadowing yet? Maya makes her way inside and proceeds to get rocked back and fourth in all sorts of creative and compromising positions. Good thing shes so small, or that would have been a hard feat to accomplish! Watching her tight pussy wrap around a huge cock is...

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DryDock V

(From dry-dock IV) "Well, tell us who the better kisser is. I'll go first," And before I could even process what was happening Reese leaned in, wrapped me in his arms and closed his lips over mine. I felt his hard stone like muscular arms around me and smelled beer on his breath, but more than anything I was overcome by his tongue mushing into mine as they danced around each other. I felt my eyes close and my entire body relax as he kissed me slow and deep. When he broke the kiss I was...

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Keeper Of Unlocked Desires Day 2

To the keeper of my unlocked desires: Day Two As the sun rises above the crystal blue waters, I am awaken to the beautiful sound of the birds singing and a cool breeze gently blowing through our window. I quietly roll over towards you, I remain quiet trying not to wake you. As you lay there silent, . I think to myself that this is only a dream that I finally have you, and I am truly happen when I am with you and when I am in your arms. That single thought of us being together and in love,...

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SlickChapter 6

The night of the party came fast. Jude had ordered catering from one of the trendy new gastro-pubs that had popped up in recent years and enough wine and liquor to intoxicate half the neighborhood. She even hired a local kid to play DJ for the evening. We would have a cocktail hour, eat, mingle and socialize, starting at 8 PM. Then, at 10, the DJ would crank up the music, and our sunken family room would transform into a dancefloor. Jude started drinking around 6, first wine, then frozen...

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MyPervyFamily Kenzie Reeves StepMom Won8217t Hear Us

She’s such a slut! I thought my stepsister Kenzie & I had something special together, but apparently not. I was checking her phone and stuff when I noticed she had been texting some douche…oh HELL NO!!! I go to confront her when she is using the bathroom. She was squating on the toilet so I knew she couldn’t go anywhere. But my attempt to figure out who she was texting didn’t last long, my stepsis knows how to distract me. She began by letting me touch her pussy and...

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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 13

"You do realize that Tony wrote himself into kissing four different girls?" Robbie pointed out suspiciously. "I noticed that," Tami said, giving me a small glare. "I did?" I gave them my innocent face. It usually worked with Mom. "How'd that happen?" They ignored me. "He wanted to make it six," Traci pointed out helpfully, just when I was starting to like her. "Or seven," Mikee added. I was thinking about making a break for it. It was Saturday afternoon, and we were all...

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Salwar Kameez to Bikini 8211 Part 2

Hello, All Priti here again with the next part of my story. In the last part, we saw I picked Rizwan up at the airport, and we reached our place. He kissed me in the auto and hugged me while coming up the stairs. Now let us see further. It was late; we entered the house, settled our bags, and started kissing each other like crazy. I pushed him onto the couch, climbed on his lap, and started kissing him. His hands rubbed my butt over my skirt, one stroked my boobs over my top, and the other...

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Vicky Bound for Vacation Part 1

As I was rubbing my fingers over Vicky's nipples I was thinking about my upcoming business trip and thought she might like to go. “How would you like to go to San Francisco for a long weekend?” My new job had me traveling one or two nights a week and I was scheduled be in SFO the last few days October. Halloween fell on the last Saturday of the month. “MMM..." She was purring like a cat. "Sure. I'd love to go. I haven’t been there in a couple of years.” Vicky and I were lying nude on my couch....

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To Be or Not to Be a DoctorChapter 5

Tony should have been on seventh heaven after that experience. But one thing nagged at him. “Why ... why did you kiss my feet?” “I am parachi, you are karaiyar. For centuries my people have prostrated themselves before you.” “No! I don’t believe in the caste system. We are equals.” “I was only teasing.” She grinned. “Your parents were telling me how the community here thinks of caste. I did not tell them, but actually they are stuck in the eighties. In Sri Lanka we have moved on. The...

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High School Bully

I had always been a little afraid of Tony Fox. He was a mountain of a kid -- as big and as quiet but not nearly as dumb. Though he was in my Advanced Algebra class, he didn't look the type. A football player of some sort, Tony had a look about him that said, "My mom let me dress myself today." He would have been an easy target to pick on if he didn't stand well over six feet tall and have arms the size of my thighs. As it was, I tried to stay clear of him. Despite my typical stance of...

Gay Male
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BBW IN THE WOODS3/29/2015I walked across the field, the sun starting to set, followinga thin, foot-worn path toward the sunset. There was a tightgrove of trees where I had been told to meet my friend Dave.Dave had been my friend since I was 8 . We had grown up together.The two of us had an intimate relationship, but nothingsteady. Basically, if I felt horny, and wasn't goingout with anyone, and Dave was between relationships, wewould meet up, and have fun. This was such a time. However,this...

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Mom and Son2

The next day when Alex stays home with his mom The next morning after my first incest encounter with my son was an odd feeling. I new what we had done was wrong but it was such a hot, erotic sex session. It was taboo, dirty, wrong but it felt had felt so good. I waited until after my husband had left to go to work before I went to go check on my son. When I went into his room I was wearing a pair of sweat pants and one of my husbands' button up pajama tops; basically trying to have that...

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With College Girlfriend In Ahmedabad

Hello, Everyone! About me, I’m 22 years old guy from Ahmedabad. I’m pursuing my Engineering from reputed college in Ahmedabad and basically, I’m from Ahmedabad itself. So I’m living with my family. Any female of any age from Ahmedabad or anywhere can mail me at You can also mail me your feedback! I used to think how can one person have so many encounters after reading stories on ISS. But after having 3 different encounters, now I know life is full of surprises. ;) I had my first encounter at...

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EvilAngel Violet Monroe Anna De Ville Lewd Sodomy And CumSwap Threesome

Pale, gothic redhead Violet Monroe and adorable, tattooed brunette Anna de Ville are horny, all-natural little show-offs that love doing nasty things with their stretchable buttholes. Director Mike Adriano examines their asses, then has these eager cuties orally service him — they throat his huge boner while lewdly tonguing his bunghole! Climaxing a slobbery threesome of hard anal fucking and gaping, gagging, rimming and ass-to-mouth perversion, Mike shoots his load into Anna’s...

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Riley Star is a cute blondie who is hot and knows it. She uses her tiny body to get guys to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. Just watch her show off her perky titties and her perfectly toned physique. She can induce a boner like a pro. And when our stud shows up, she proves that she also knows how to pleasure one, too. She sucks and slobbers before hopping on his giant prick to go for a wild ride. The little babe gyrates her hips and works her tight pussy lips on his massive dong,...

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My One Cliche Hookup

I was 20 at the time when I let some friends talk me into being their designated driver while they went out to a karaoke bar. I'm not much for karaoke, but I do enjoy watching drunk people try to sing. So on this particular occasion, I became a bar flower.I made myself comfortable on a bar stool, my legs crossed as a tapped a perfectly manicured fingernail against a glass of coke. I had a good spot in my stool, raised slightly above all the people at the tables in front of the stage. I could...

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Saint and a SinnerChapter 27

Michelle turned into the cool wetness on her face. Her head thumped and thudded in sickening waves that sent nausea boiling and bile into her throat. She wanted to dive back down into the comforting nothingness of unconsciousness. It would be such bliss to let go of the pain and float back down. She tried to push the cloth away but her hands weren't working right. Her eyes were open, mere slits in the glaring light. She heard a snap and then the acrid, burning smell of ammonia flooded her...

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A beautiful stranger

I met her at a party on Saturday night. The party wasn't promising but then I saw this girl... She was different. She wore jeans and a shirt with a vest and even though I am usually not fond of girls wearing that, she, on the other hand, looked absolutely stunning. She started dancing, with a cigarette between her fingers and a look that would make you take off your clothes. I've seen a lot of girls with short hair, but her haircut made it difficult for me to look other way. She observed people...

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Delta OriginalChapter 2 Traveling

So here he was, on a starship with his family crossing solar systems to go find his dad. He still couldn’t believe he had gotten a job in Utopia and a berth on the ship. When the girls tried to convince him to send in a resume’, he had been very reluctant. If their dad wanted them, then why didn’t he send for them? The twins decided that they would just go and find out. The other kids also agreed. They wanted to find their dad too. Justin grinned and wondered if the people doing the hiring...

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“I definitely have a different opinion of you now.” Jin’s words made me smile. It was something she had a talent for doing. Making me smile. She did that in our first messages on the dating app, and now that we had moved into the world of text messages, it was no different. “How so?” I asked. “That was not what I expected you to say,” she answered. “What?” I asked. “What did I say?” “You know,” she replied. “Oh…that last exchange? Let’s see…what did we say…?” I scrolled up in my messages on our...

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Paying The Rent

Paying The RentIt looked like being another quiet night together for Miyuke Hamano and Futshime Itagaki.  The two Japanese girls were planning to stay in the flat they rented together and weren't expecting any callers.  They were both fairly shy and were living in a foreign country and so had failed to find friendship beyond each other.  Moreover, both girls were desperately short of money.  Futshime was sprawled on the sofa, staring at a sitcom on the TV and trying to understand the dialogue. ...

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Masishen StrandedChapter 16

Sudden Terrors The days of August slipped away with warm days and cool nights, broken only once by a late summer thunderstorm. It dumped a brief but torrential cloudburst on Silver City and the surrounding mountains. A flood of water and debris surged down Jordan Creek through the center of town but did little damage, other than making it difficult to ford the creek near the small south side campground. When late August arrived the high desert nights turned chilly. Yellowing leaves appeared...

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What Couldve Been

All through my senior year of high school, I dated a girl in the junior class. Sue was 5' 4" and I am 6' 2". I was still a virgin then and so was she. We swapped sexy nudes, sexted about our desires, you know, the works. But despite numerous occasions where I would find a dark back road towards the end of a date night, unbutton her top, unsnap her bra and feel up her nice C-cup breasts and small, perky nipples, and slip a hand down her panties and make her squirm, she never did put out. Shortly...

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: So this is...different. The format of the story is experimental for me, but since I envisioned this as though you're watching a documentary, it seemed kind of natural to write it sort of how a movie script would read. (Though I did take a few liberties with the traditional screenplay format.) If you like the format, good news! There's lots to enjoy. If you don't like it, good news! I'm probably never doing it again. (Even the epilogue, which I'll post separately, is...

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