Knock...Knock...Knock free porn video

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I lived in a two-story colonial at the time. I arrived home mid morning after a very long night at work. After sending the babysitter home, I went to the laundry room in the basement, took off my work clothes and threw them into the hamper. I went back upstairs and proceeded to take a shower. I needed to wash off all my night sweat.

The warm water felt great against my sore body. The pulsating streams of water coming out of my handheld shower-head was working it's magic on my body. After about 15-20 minutes, I was in another world. The jet's aimed right in my nether region. All of a sudden, my little rug-rat entered the bathroom. He had learned to speak early on, but could not yet formulate full complete sentences.

He said, "Outside. Front, Mommy go."

I wanted to return to my shower. So I told him, "No dear, But you can go play outside in the backyard. Okay? Now be a dear and play out back, and I'll be there to play with you in a little while. Love you."

He left and I looked out of our shower window. I watched him from the upstairs window as he took some toys and went into the sand-box and started to play. We had a fenced in yard, so I knew he would be safe. I finished showering quickly, without finishing me. If you know what I mean.

Any ways, I exited the shower, and started to pat dry my body. I only had the one towel and all of my clean clothes were downstairs in the laundry room. I had no qualms about walking around in the nude, since I was the only person in the house.

As I walked down the stairs to the living room, I was drying my hair. The towel was over my head, covering my face as I was rubbing my head. I caught glimpses of the carpet on the main floor and noticed that it seemed brighter than normal. The stairs going up start, almost at the front door, the stairs going down to the basement were right next to them by the front door. As I continued walking down the stairs, I began to wrap my hair into turban.

So here I am, in my birthday suit at the bottom of the stairs. I was bent over at the waist, wrapping my hair. After I had the towel fully twisted with my hair, I gave it a quick twist, shot my head back, stood up quickly and found out why it was so much brighter in the living room.

There standing on my front porch, with the main door wide open, but with the full glass panel storm door closed, stood a man with a clipboard in one hand and a large book of fabric samples for our sofa, love seat and recliner in the other. Next to him was a very attractive young woman carrying more books of samples. I could see past them and spotted a company van parked in the street.

It was a deer in the headlight moment. I was too dumbstruck to run or even cover up. Thinking about why was the door open?

Why did I forget about scheduling an appointment with the fabric company?

Why was the front door open?

Why are these people staring at me?

Why was that damn front door open?

So still standing there, in disbelief, I surmised that, my son must have opened it. These people must have knocked (our doorbell didn't work) while I was in the shower. The baby-sitter had left (I knew that). My son was sitting on the sofa watching some children show on the t.v..

They must have asked him to get his mother. So when he came upstairs into the bathroom, he was informing me that someone was "outside" the "front" door and for "mommy" to "go."

So that is why I'm standing butt naked, a few feet from the front door, looking into the faces of two total strangers, staring at my totally naked body.

I was still kind of wet, from both the shower and my "almost" orgasm. My nipples were sticking straight out and it wasn't because I was cold. My pussy lips, which I always keep completely shaven, were protruding out from between my legs, because they wanted some attentio...

"WAIT!. What the HELL?. I'm standing here BUTT ASS NAKED!"

I turned around, bent over and took my towel off my head.

What the hell was I thinking? Turning around? Bending over? Giving these people a fantastic view of my still shapely ass, not bad for a lady in her thirties I might say, and let's not forget my protruding lips and a nice clean starfish to top it off.

After I got the towel untangled from my hair, (That took longer that I thought), I turned around again, faced them, held the towel above my pert breasts (Back then, gravity had not yet become an enemy), went to the front door and asked, "Ah, can I help you?"

The guy was speechless. His eyes were the size of silver dollars. His assistant spoke first.

"Good morning Mrs. C. We rang the bell and when no one answered, we knocked. This is Jeff and I'm Veronica. We had a nine a.m. appointment with you. It was set up about two weeks ago. We're so sorry to interrupt you. We told your son to go get you. If this is a bad time? You can call the office and set up another appointment."

"Oh no. No. It's alright. I just got off of work and was taking a shower. I'm the one that should be sorry. I totally forgot about setting this up with you guys. Please come in and sit down. Ah...I need to put something on, if you don't mind?"

"It's understandable Mrs. C. Thank you. We'll wait for you in your living room."

I opened the door, turned around and pointed them to the couch.

WAIT? What did I do?

Did I just turn around and show these people my ass... AGAIN? OMG!. These people must think I'm some kind of ditzy blonde slut? I'm not like that, Really I'm not!

I do like to tease guys from time to time, but this was not one of those times.

I quickly ran upstairs, giving them another look at my butt.

When I got upstairs, I remembered that all my clean clothes were in the laundry room. Not wanting to go down and be spotted with only my towel, I stood on the top of the stairs, thinking about my next option.

I heard the two of them snickering and whispering... "That's a first for me," I overheard.

"Me too."

"She was kind of hot."

"In more ways than one.", more muffled laughter.

"Did you see her?"

"I couldn't miss it."

"And those?"

"Yes, How could you miss them?" more snickering.

I went into the bedroom looking for something to put on. Opened my dresser. "What the hell! Where are all my undergarments? No bra's. No panties! Oh, great! A pair of pantyhose. I'm not going to wear those. Okay. The closet. There has to be something in there. What the HELL? I can't wear an evening gown. Not even a pair of sweats or anything?

I was on the verge of going all the way back downstairs, when I spotted my silky, thigh length, white bathrobe hanging behind the door. It was one of those like you find at Victoria Secret's. It had little rose flower prints all over it and lace trim along the collar and around the bottom. So I figured, "What the Hell, at least it'll be better then wearing a towel."

I wrapped it around me tightly and tied a double knot to keep me very secure.

When I returned to the living room, my guests had the books open on the table and several of them open on the floor. My son had come back inside and was touching all the fabrics and turning pages like it was a storybook.

"Mommy, pretty colors!"

"Yes dear, those are some very nice colors." He got up off the floor and ran to me.

When he got close, he jumped on me. I had to catch him and in the process, my left tit plopped out. I was able to cover up quickly, but I knew I just flashed these people, AGAIN!

The next forty five minutes were spent with me, trying to keep my modesty intact on the couch.

I could see Jeff trying to get glances down my chest, up between my legs, anywhere that had flesh showing. Which was plenty. My son kept on climbing up and down on me, always causing my robe to open up at the bottom.

At one point, with my son in front of the T.V., I was listening to Jeff and looking at the samples that he held in an open book next to me. Looking and nodding at certain samples. I was not paying attention to what my body was doing. I was leaning over toward him and the book and had spread my legs open quite a bit for balance. After a couple of minutes of this, I noticed that Veronica was sitting on the floor, getting some books together. I was watching her... watching me and became oblivious to what Jeff was talking about. She was sitting Indian style and was looking straight up at my exposed pussy. She was wearing a pair of very short cargo shorts and I could make out glimpses of a pink thong covered crotch. Her tongue came out, and she licked her lips very seductively.

My vaginal lips were still sticking out of my slit. I could feel them scraping along the light brown Corduroy cushion under me. The fabric was also tickling my slightly puckered butt-hole. My body would not let me forget that I had neglected her earlier and wanted some much needed attention. I was so turned on. Even though no one was touching me and nothing sexual was happening. Somehow, I guess, just the fact that I was sitting there, in the presence of two strangers, with only a very thin piece of silk between them and my totally naked body, was getting me hot, without me even noticing.

"Without me noticing?" That was a crock of shit I thought to myself. Every time I moved, even just a little, the material of my robe was caressing my nipples. Let me tell you...There is nothing more electrifying to us women as silk against our bodies. So smooth, soft, sensuous, Ooh. I get goose bumps just thinking about it.

I was about to close my legs and put an end to the peep-show I was giving her, when all of a sudden Jeff stood up and said, "Okay then. So you like this one best?"

Snapped back into reality.

"Ahh... yes... I guess so."

"Well, if you would stand up and let me place this material against the old one, you'll be able to make a better comparison, which should help you decide for sure," he announced.

"Oh. Okay." I held the robe tightly between my legs and stood up. Turning around and looking where I was sitting, Jeff was about to place down his sample. Veronica got up and stood on the other side of me. I looked down in horror to see a huge "Wet-Spot" where I sat seconds before. You could smell the musky aroma of my womanhood.

I blushed at least three shades of red. I looked at Jeff and smiled. I turned to Veronica, shrugged my shoulders and smiled at her as well.

I told them that it was getting late, and that I had to put my son down for his nap. "Go ahead and order that fabric." Pointing to the one in Jeff's hand. I'm not sure who was more embarrassed? Him or me? As they got all their books together, I walked them to the front door. They walked past me and I swear that I thought I heard Jeff inhale deeply as he walked passed me.

After they both left, I closed the storm door and main door. I was leaning with my back against the main door. My son was out of sight, so I quickly put my right hand between my legs. Using my ring and index fingers to part my pussy, I stuck my middle finger deep into me. Slowly removing it and rubbed my clit. In and out. In and out. I was super super wet. Juices started running down my legs. I took my left hand, stuck it into my upper robe and proceeded to pull, pinch and twist my right nipple and tit. I wanted to squeeze my tit with my hand and wanted easier access, so I stopped what I was doing, slid my robe off my right shoulder. I couldn't untie the damn belt, so I parted the bottom half of it and raised both front corners, tucking them into the belt around my waist.

I leaned with my back against the door again. Proceeded to finish what I started. My breathing became very erratic. I could feel beads of sweat rolling down my forehead, down the back of my neck, forming under my chin and dribbling down between my tits.

My left hand was kneading my right breast. Pulling my nipple. Pinching it as well. That alone was sending shocks through my whole body. But my right hand was working over time as well. My clitoris, which was the size of the tip of my pinky finger, was throbbing, pulsating. I was using the thumb and forefinger, massaging my clit back and forth. Squeezing, pulling, stretching, twisting it.

Then, as I was nearing an orgasm to end all orgasms...I used my left hand to spread my engorged pussy lips as far apart as I could. My right hand, with three fingers deep inside, my palm pushing hard against my clit. Moving in an out. Up and down. I slid down against the door. Now squatting, with knees far apart. Closer...Closer... Faster... OMG... YES... YES... OMFG? Here it comes...


"What the...?"

"What the HELL!!! This can't be happening!"

I stood up, faced the door, raised my robe over my shoulders covering my exposed breasts.

Opening the door, I was surprised to see Jeff standing there.

I was panting like a marathon runner. Sweat was dripping down my hair and chest. The air was strong with the smell of sweat and sex.

"AH. Oh. WOW. Ah, here you go Mrs. C." He had some kind of purchase order or something on a clip board. "Sorry to bother you again."

(If he only knew. Hell, if I wasn't married and my baby was asleep, I'd jump him right here and now on the front porch. Hell. Veronica could even join in, and I don't even swing that way. Okay. Maybe I did when I was younger. But those are other stories)

He was looking at my face, into my eyes, down my chest, seeing droplets of sweat sliding right down the middle of my cleavage.

"Ah. I need you to sign this please, before we can order the fabric."

His eyes where not looking in my face anymore. He kept on looking down on the ground. I thought it was because he knew what I was doing, just seconds before and was averting eye contact because he was embarrassed.

I opened the glass door and took the clipboard.


He handed me a pen. When I grabbed it, I was barely able to hold it. My hand and fingers were so slimy. My love juices made it virtually impossible to sign the piece of paper. But I managed and gave him back everything.


"Here you go. Is there anything else, Jeff?"

"No. Thank you so much. Ah, for your business."

Still looking down at the ground. He took his pen, tore off the carbon copy and handed it to me. He reached out his right hand and without thinking, I shook his hand. I could feel my slime squish between my fingers and cover his hand and fingers. I knew he knew. I again blushed and smiled. He looked into my eyes. Only for a second. Then he looked back down again.

Poor guy, I thought.

He shouldn't be embarrassed.

I'm the one that should be. I mean just before, I was...(looking down at myself). SHIT! OMG!

I didn't pull down my robe in the front!

My pussy had been on full display. Lips sticking out like a pair of rooster wattles. Clit pointing out angrily, pulsing, throbbing.

Love juices covered the whole outside of my pussy region, plus streaks of it was covering my thighs as it had dribbled down my legs.

He wasn't staring down at the ground.

Damn. .He was looking at my treasure. "Shit... Shit... Shit!"

I looked out through the small window, that's just above the front door. Jeff was still standing on my front porch. I watched as he smelled his fingers. Then he began to lick them.

OMG.? I was getting HOT just watching him. As he walked towards his van, I could hear him shout, "Hey V.

You're not gonna believe this, But I have proof. She was..."

I couldn't hear anymore as he got further from the house.

Hurriedly I looked for my son. Found him asleep in his room. Wow.. Nice. He crawled into his crib.

I tore off my robe, jumped on my bed and diddled myself to multiple orgasm's until I fell fast asleep.

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Mom Replaced My Breastfeeding Sister

Hi, this is 32nd story written under the pen name of Sultana Sinha. My real name is Aloke a 36 yrs old, married Male from Patna Bihar. Many readers mail me thinking I am female. If you like the story, please say so via mail or Hi I am Manish(nickname Munna) again with second part of the story My Breastfeeding Sister. I hope all of you liked my earlier story. The story starts from the time my mom caught me fucking my sister. She was very angry with both of us. She beat me like anything but I...

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Saras Journey Ch 12

We met Steve and Jenifer down in the coffee shop for a leisurely breakfast. Jenifer was acting like the cat that ate the canary and had that glow about her that I was all too familiar with. The funny part about it was that Steve looked like he had been up all night. It didn’t take much for me and Tisha to put two and two together. We could have teased them but they knew pretty well what we had been up to all night. By the time we got to the little hidden lake, Ken, Max and Kevin had every...

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MB2 Mommas Children Part 2

MB2 - Mommas Children (Sequel to Mommas Boys) Written by Dauphin Part 2 "I am sorry that Cory is sick in bed." I heard a voice. It was Fiona. She was awake which made me very happy. I could see the changes in her already. She told her father that she could play football with him. Her father hit the door with his fist. He was mad. "There are try-outs for football, and he needs to be ready. Every time I tell him to practice football, he...

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Dedras Fantasy ThrillRide

                                                                Chapter 1          It was a cool autumn night when I found myself sitting alone in the park. The park was almost as big as the town I grew up in. I was an only child so my parents were very strict. We lived on a ranch two miles out of town. On our land we had horses, and cattle and all sorts of farm animals.           Way out behind our house we also had another small house and that's where my dad's hired help would stay if they...

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A Charity CaseChapter 5 Work

Sunday became Monday. Monday passed into Tuesday, then Wednesday and so on. Things started to settle into a routine. Pedro was an early riser. So, Patricia would be up and dressed well before the other girls were about. As they came blinking into the morning, Patricia would greet each by name, and converse as much as his English skills allowed. At first, this was something of a necessity coupled with Pedro's innate good manners. Over time it served to cement him as a person to talk to. Later...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 53 The Offer

Stacy’s advice literally added a zero to Wally Walters’ offer to assume control of the Peachy Keen world. Happy Walls would pay me $64 million for the publishing rights to all my existing books. Each new book would earn me another $500 K, to be placed in my brand new Caribbean offshore account. The kicker was that there were also movie and TV rights to a Peachy Keen series being acquired. His offer, which I accepted in about 2.5 seconds: $1.4 billion American. Paid in one lump sum, from one...

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Milf Diaries In Bangalore

Hey everyone, this is Rahul and I’m back with a genuine experience that happened couple of days back.. Please send me your feedback on So I live in an apartment on Sarjapur road, Bangalore.. So in my apartment from a different block there’s this super hot lady who used to go to the gym every day, she looked like she’s in her early 40’s, so fucking hot. The perfect MILF I’d say! Her tits and her ass were just too much but I obviously didn’t mind. So I kept wondering how come I never saw her...

2 years ago
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Blank Screen

Blank Screen By Selena Pride [From the fault log of a fictitious site not a million miles away from this one...] 1. Hey LOSERS!!!!! What the fuck is going on here??? I tried six times to log on to your goddam site tonight. Ten minutes of staring at a fucking blank screen. Who the hell is running this chickenshit outfit?? It's not like I need your pansy-ass crap. I got hundreds of other porno sites to surf. I just found you and thought I'd look in. Know what, forget it. Don't...

4 years ago
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The Orchard of Infinite Delight

I was introduced to Evelyn when I joined the Philharmonic Chorus for the first time. The nervous wait to learn that I had successfully passed a series of auditions was over, but I had much to learn. Evelyn, a mezzo like myself, was asked to guide me through the early stages. In time she would lead me through other experiences that had nothing to do with singing. At first I was totally involved in the new world I had joined. We sang with all the country’s leading orchestras and under conductors...

1 year ago
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Fishing with dad

The mountains were a rich pine green. The air was cooled by the breezesweeping across the river. Father and son had waded into the cool water atcalf deep. Rods were swung as the line was cast, the sinker at the end ofthe line giving it purpose. Each of them wore a fair brimmed soft hatdecorated at the band with feathered fish hooks. Each wore a utility vestpocketed with sinkers, pen knives and the necessities of fly fishing. Eachwas otherwise naked. Peter at 36 was a strong hirsute man,...

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Erin Online

It was saturday evening, and Erin Kayleigh Keifer was annoyed to be stuck at home alone. Her parents and younger brother were unexpectedly away for the night, so she went right online to check in with her friends. Unfortunately they all had other plans or didn't have a car ride available (living in a wealthy suburb far from town meant walking or transit weren't options either). So Erin went online and posted a status update on her social media account "ErinKK" out of frustration: "I cant...

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Beginning Of My Sex Journey

Hi guys, this is my first story at ISS and it is about my sex journey. So, pardon me if I make any mistake in this. A little bit description about me, I’m Rahul, I belong from a small town of West Bengal, Siliguri. I am currently living in Kolkata. I’m 5’3″ Tall, average figure. My tool is 5.5″ And 4″ Thick. Yes, it’s very thick. One thing, except for name and location, everything in my story will be true. I’m proud of who I am and what I’ve got. I will not brag about anything. No, it will be...

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Motherin law Motel 1st full encounter

The mother-in-law and I had our first kiss, an intense make out session but that was as far as we had gotten due to, not being able to be alone. We had text one another, emailed and shared several phone calls but other than sneaking an occasional kiss, that was as far as we could go but then, I received a text early one morning at work.. " are you free early Saturday morning ?". She text me.... "I can be" I replied back. "Clear your schedule from 8am Saturday morning till 5pm that night, I'll...

1 year ago
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BenjamandaChapter 10

Mandy’s turn: I love being right. I’m right a lot in my little world, which makes it a happy place, mostly. When we left Bink’s house ... oh, check that. It’s Aunt Barb’s house. We’re going to Bink’s house, AKA Ben’s house AKA MY house. I pushed her into the front seat beside Ben, then when we left, I scooted to the limits of the seatbelt and hovered between the front seats. “Now tell us what brought that on,” Ben stated. “Mom noticed that the amount of time I wanted to spend with y’all...

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Is Greg Cheating Finding Out For Myself

'So, here we are again, Greg, we're lying here watching a movie again on a Friday night, but every night, around this time, you seem to need to head out. The movie is almost over now, so what's gonna happen now? You're cuddling with me, and I know you love me, but you still have me wondering.'"Oh, that was some movie, Dahlia," he moaned, arching his back and stretching out.I peeked at the clock again. 'Yes, and you're about to leave, aren't you?'"I'm sorry, babe, but I have some...

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Sharing the MILF List Ch 03

Airtight Training is over, Airtight MILF #1Driving away from the Honeywell residence, I reflected on the successful sharing I had just experienced. Sammy was at that very moment lying naked with his mother in her bed doing god knows what. I felt curiously content but still tense, wound as though waiting for something to happen, which of course I was. I glanced at my mother. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" I asked. Mom folded the seat divider up and moved over to lay her head on my shoulder....

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Moms Milk Part 5

It was cold and rainy, a very raw day in December. I skipped track practice, not wanting to run in this weather. There were only two things in the world I really loved; track, and routine. I didn’t do well when my normal routine was broken, so my mom was really surprised when I came home right after school. The baby was napping and Dan was out of town, so we had the house to ourselves. She offered to make me some hot cocoa, and we sat sipping our cocoa at the kitchen table as she asked me about...

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Backyard Blunder part one introduction

If anybody is offended by the writing of this story they can suck it up, i will try to write without any mistakes, however if i make a few, i am sorry… if you dont like the story in general then dont read it…… duh….. if you like the story but think you can give me some advise please do so in the comments…. thank you…. It was a warm summer evening late in May. I came home from night school (been too lazy in my younger years so having to pay for it now). My daughter was sitting in the backyard,...

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Kimberlyrsquos Pool Party

They both took turns fucking her in the pool house last night… sweet young Ashley…Ty and his friend Omar… while the other people at the party played and hung out around the pool/hot tub. I heard about it this morning from Ty. He said Kimberly knew exactly what was going on, and was cool with it, and that he noticed the girls winking at each other.Other things got a little crazy too. Several of the girls were topless in the pool/hot tub… but not Kimberly; she had a hot pink tank top on, wet...

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My wifes stepbrother

True tale of how we got my wife's step-brother to join us in bed...My wife's mother had divorced and got remarried to a much younger man who had lost his first wife due to a horse-riding accident. He was left with a young son and baby daughter whom my mother-in-law helped him raise. We were fairly close to them and seen the two grow up and these events happened when Ryan, the son, was nineteen years old and Danielle, the daughter, was sixteen.Ryan had dropped by one Saturday evening to visit...

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MyFriendsHotMom Ariella Ferrera Dana Dearmond Reagan Foxx 24129

Happy Mother’s Day! To celebrate this wonderful day, we’ve got a trio of hot MILFs gabbing about passionate sex! Ariella Ferrera and Reagan Foxx are at Dana Dearmond’s home for their book club, in which each of them is reading a romance novel fit with steam sex scenes! Dana leads the way in reading about a hot fuck session, for only if she could get the dick she hasn’t had in so long! The topic of cock becomes real when her son’s friend Logan arrives to fix her boy’s laptop, and Dana tells her...

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Natasha Ch1

Natasha, age thirty, was born and raised on a farm in Nebraska. Today, she still resides near there with her husband Robert. Her five foot five figure isn’t the thin model type, but slightly heavier with the curves in all the right places. With a full firm breasts and large pink nipples that stand out an inch, when aroused, a slight puffy stomach, wide hips, and a pussy with thick blonde hair, large lips, and a big clit. When you look into her face you’ll see her flawless ivory colored...

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Office Employe

Hi This is atul. This is a true story, In my office a married women joined as a receptionist she was known to me. Before marriage she worked in our other plant. So we had a good association. In 2005 she got married and left the job. She went to Delhi. But she got separated due to some reasons. She has got small baby which is 6 months old. Anyways about her body structure, she has got heavy body shape, she is 5ft 3inches of height she has got good big boobs around 40 cup size. She a bit fat,...

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In My Sister in Laws Ass

I have always been attracted to my sister in law Brenda. Even thoughshe can be a bitch, I thought she was very sexy. I've found myself trying to look at her in different situations. I remember the first time I saw her naked breast. Brenda and her husband were just back from vacation at the beach and unloading the car. She bent over in front of me and I could see the full view of her breast down her blouse. The nipples were long and puffy on her small breasts. I couldn't help but to go home...

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Abbey Frankie

This story is based off of two characters featured in the series Monster High only a few years later during their college years and is completely fictional!Abbey Bominable was strolling through the hallways of Monster College, the fur on her clothes fluffier than ever, and her hair smooth as silk. She continued to pass by all the other students and she slowed as soon as Frankie Stein passed by her, Abbey couldn’t help but stare at her for a moment. Frankie looked absolutely beautiful with her...

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True masturbation

This is a collection of real stories about what I havedone in my youth. These REALLY happened.If you are u******ed or not supposed to be readingthese stories DON'T!On a late summer afternoon I was getting ready toleave for a walk in the woods when I deceided to go"commando". I stripped off my tighty whities and putmy loose running shorts back on. I then got on my bikeand rode off in the direction of a large wooded area Iwas familiar with. On the ride I could feel my softcock sliding back and...

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Star Trek Lonely Major Kira

I walked in to Quarks, the place was jam packed with people drinking and gambling. I had only just been reassigned to Deep Space Nine and didn't know anyone on the station. Walking over to the bar I took a seat next to a Bajoran woman. Her hair was dark red and her body thin with curves all over. I suddenly realised that the beautiful woman I was sitting next to was Kira Nerys, the new Commander of the station since Captain Sisko has disappeared on Bajor. She glanced over at me and smiled a...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 21

... Carla grabbed him by the ears and kissed him. "You are so funny. All right," she said unhooking her seat belt. "Let's get the picnic stuff out of the car and get everything put away. I'm going for a walk." As soon as the women were out of the car, Carla grabbed Jessica's hand and headed inside. Fred opened the hatch and stood looking at the RV. Did I not hear her say, "Let's get the picnic stuff out of the car?" As in let us all get the stuff. Then why am I standing here by...

4 years ago
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blackman uses me and my wife

We had decided to take a trip to Vegas and spend some alone time together.. We started off with dinner, then went to hit the tables.. My husband was on a winning streak. He was up at least $1500. I whispered into his ear have fun I'll be in that cute little shop. ok? Then his luck ran out.. and before I knew it, he had lost the money we had to get back home.I was so mad that i had to just walk away. About 15min. later I went back to where I last saw him but he was not there.Just as I was going...

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Book 6 Revanche and LaurelChapter 2

Revanche squealed with laughter as he ran in and out of the forest with Christopher and Sherry his cousins, Thamara and Trevor the twins should be arriving soon, they were all having a big picnic at Cairin. Christopher picked up his little sister Sherry after she fell down, carrying her over to his mother, he quickly ran back to play with Revanche. Jenee soothed Sherry's sobs with a kiss and hug then washed off her knee's telling her it was just a little scrape, Sherry was soon back to...

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