How To Dodge A Speeding Ticket free porn video

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I was coming home from a party where I had been pushed fully clothed into a pool and got soaked.

I left immediately before anything else stupid happened as there were quite a few drunks there.

When I got to my car I stripped off and got in and drove home nude. It was 1:00am. I didn't expect to see many people, and I hope they would not noticed me naked in the dark.

I was cursing and talking to myself about letting myself get into the situation that I had done at the party. I had begun to chat up a guy and we were having a drink or two and things were warming as far as the conversation was concerned, and I was enjoying him coming onto me.

It wasn't much later that I made my move. “Would you like me to suck your cock?” I asked him.

He didn't reply, took my hand and lead me to a secluded part of the garden. He sat down on a garden seat, unzipped his fly and exposed his 7 inches of circumcised tasty meat. It was damp on the tip so he was already making pre-cum.

He was sitting back with his legs open and I was between them going for my life up and down with my hand and lips on his very hard and tasty cock. He had completely undone his trouser front and was completely exposed, balls and all. I was giving him one of my better head jobs. He was really enjoying his pleasure and he was holding my ears and fondling them as I bobbed my head up and down on his meaty cock.

I was rimming him with my tongue and I could tell from his hands and the way he was squirming on the seat he was really enjoying the treatment I was giving him. I suppose I had been over him for about three or four minutes when his legs and body began to shake and jerk. He was now holding my head, hard and fast over his cock but letting me work my wonders on him. His orgasm was about to explode and I was about to get the prize I wanted, a mouth full of his warm, tasty, lovely cum.

I felt the first spurt hit the back of my throat as I was down hard at that moment he ejaculated. Then another spurt as I pulled back. I pressed my lips around his shaft with just the head of his cock in my mouth. I just let him fill my mouth with his cum and I swirled it around my mouth and swallowed it a couple of times. Then I held a couple more spurts in my mouth and I sucked what was now just oozing out of that one eyed monster. After he had completely finished cumming I took my head off his cock, opened my mouth and showed him what I had held back for him to see. Then I swallowed the last mouth full. I know men really like to see a girl with a load of their cum in their mouth or on their tongue and before they swallow it with relish as I did. Then I licked my lips and kissed him, giving him a taste of his own wonderful product.

I stood up and he lay back and put his wonderful cock away out of sight, zipped himself up, and we walked back to the pool side arm in arm, where the main party was in full swing.

The next thing I knew I was being propelled from the back a few metres forward and into the pool. He was beside me all the way.

When I surfaced there was a woman standing on the pool side calling me every name under the sun for sucking off her husband. I won’t say I was pleasantly surprised, I was damn cranky. Fortunately my bag wallet and phone etc. were still in my car and not in the pool with me. I swam over to where she was standing. Stupid her did not move, but continued to give me a mouthful of anything but complements. Her husband it seems was just standing in the pool stunned, as a crowd gathered to see what the commotion was.

I took the opportunity to show her I was not happy, grabbed her leg and pulled her into the pool too. Then I quickly got out of the pool and made my escape before she tried to drown me. I was dripping wet and my clothes were glued to me. I turned and called her husband a bastard and her a bitch, as the two of them stood in the middle of the pool, stunned and looking at the crowd. As I departed a number of people cheered me. I then made my way to the car.

Once at the car I stripped all my wet clothes off and threw them onto the floor of the back seat, all of them, and I was naked, cold and alone.

I got into the car turned the motor and heater on, then drove toward home. I was berating myself for what had happened, he hadn't asked me to suck his cock, I had no idea he was married, and I had no intention of having a swim, fully clothed.

As I drove I was distracted and cursing myself, and unwittingly exceeded the speed limit. Silly me. How did I know? Because there was a car behind me with red and blue flashing lights giving me a--- whoop--- whoop--- on the siren. Shit it was a police car, I had been caught speeding. Now what was I going to say and do, I was naked. I hope they were not going to ask me to get out of the car.

The officer approached the driver’s window and I was shitting blue lights, not the kind they had on the roof of the police car however.

It wasn't until then I realized it was a woman cop.

She started with the usual clap trap, “Good evening driver, do you realize you were exce...... Shit”

She stopped in mid sentence.

”What is the story here? I have seen a lot of things in my life but nobody driving at 110kmh naked before. First of all have you got anything to cover yourself?”

“No, everything I have is soaking wet and on the floor behind me. Please don’t ask me to get out of the car.”

“In your condition I don’t think that would be wise, that may create some other problems with drivers passing and running off the road, we don’t want that.”

“Thank you.” I replied.

“Now young lady there has to be a story behind this situation. It hasn't rained for days so there must be another explanation. Would you mind turning off the engine please.” It was a direction rather than a request. 

"Can I leave it on? it’s cold and I have the heater on.” I pleaded. 

As we spoke the police car started and ran up beside mine and the driver said something to the lady cop.

She said, “I have my hands full here you will have to do it alone.” and he took off.

“Is there a problem?” I asked.

“Nothing I can’t handle. Now slip over to the passenger side and I will get in.”

With that I did what I was told, and she got into the driver’s seat.

“Now young lady, let’s start from the beginning. I want to hear the whole story.” The policewoman said.

I recounted the party but not the cock sucking episode. I said I had upset another woman and she pushed me into the pool.

“You certainly must have upset her. What happened?” she asked.

“I made a pass at a guy, and this woman appeared. The fact we were kissing didn't help matters, I lied. It was his wife and I had no idea he was married. Then she just pushed us and we both ended up in the pool fully clothed. Not wanting to inflame things any further I left, got to my car and stripped off. I have nothing else to wear.”

“Well I believe you, but my colleague will want to know what has happened when he gets back. I am going to give you a ticket for speeding. I can’t avoid that. It was him that logged you and you are on video. Have you been drinking?" 

“Yes.” I replied.

“How long since your last drink?”

“About three quarters of an hour ago.”

“I will have to breath test you and see if that will be added to the charge.”

She produced a breath analysis machine and I had to blow into the tube. In the process her hand brushed my breast.

She said, “I am sorry about that; it wasn't intentional. Your breath test is negative.”

Fortunately it didn't test for semen too. There was still a bit of that there I was sure.

“That was the nicest thing to have happened to me tonight.” I smiled at her and my nipples immediately became erect.

“I wasn't expecting that sort of response that could have been taken as sexual abuse.”

I thought things can’t get any worse, “Any time you want to abuse me like that feel free.”

“Now young lady that sounds like you are propositioning me.” She said.

“No I just said I didn't mind you abusing me that way, in fact I enjoyed it. Any time you have nothing better to do, then I can stand a bit of abuse like that, and even a bit more if you would like to.”

“Are you telling me you are a lesbian?” she asked.

“No, but seeing you asked, I am Bi sexual, I butter my bread on both sides.”

She laughed, “This is the last thing I could have imagined when we saw you speeding.”

“Well you have found me in a situation that did need some explanation. Then you touched my breasts and I thought perhaps you may be of the same orientation. I really don’t need a speeding ticket and I would be prepared to accept any other form of punishment, even from your colleague.” I said.

“I am quite sure he would oblige too, but it’s most unlikely in this situation.” She replied.

It was at this moment her mobile phone rang. She had a conversation and it appeared to be the other cop. Then she turned to me and said,

“We have a problem. He can’t get back for some time. I will drive to where he is and you can get home from there. It’s only a kilometer or so down the highway You may get lucky there.”

“If I agree, can we settle for a warning and no ticket?” I replied.

“Young lady you drive a hard bargain, but if he gets difficult and we have to pursue the matter, I will turn up on your doorstep tomorrow believe me. The fact you are not DUI may help matters, we could not ignore that one.”

“I will look forward to it. Maybe we can get better acquainted.” I said.

She took off her police jacket and gave it to me.

“They can’t see you like this.Tomorrow you can return it to me at the station.”

Then she drove the car a short distance to another location where there had been an accident and there were blue and red lights everywhere. Police, Ambulance and Fire service. Nobody was going to take any notice of me naked. She drove the car through the scene by signaling the traffic marshals and stopped beyond the accident. As she got out she said, “I don’t know why I am doing this. I want my jacket back; tomorrow after 10:00 at the station. I want to see you there---dressed.”

I slipped across the seat and continued my drive home making sure I did not attract any further attention.


The next day I woke and saw the jacket and remembered that I had to return it. I had no idea of her name or the station where she worked.

I looked through the jacket and found her name. I rang the local station and they told me she didn't work there but at another station some distance away. I rang that station to ask when she would be there. The officer told me she had been out all night on a fatality and would not be in till that evening. I left a message for her to ring me. I would then take the jacket to her.

I was still naked and I put the jacket on again and looked at myself in the mirror. Then I took some nude ‘selfies’ of myself in the police jacket with my mobile. This would eventually become a good story.

It was Sunday and about 10:00am. I live alone. I had showered but hadn't yet dressed. The door bell rang and I thought it would be one of my friends, some have certain benefits. Being Sunday it a good day to exercise some of the benefits that befit a Sunday. I put the police jacket on to open the door and see the reaction of whoever it was; not thinking for a moment it would be anybody other than one of my FWB.

I opened the door wide--- and shock horror; it was my police lady, in civilian clothes.

“Shit. I had no idea it would be you I imagined it would be one of my friends.” I exclaimed.

“I can see you were not expecting the meter reader.” She replied.

“Come on in. I can’t stand at the door like this and it seems I have some more explanations to make.” I stammered.

She didn't hesitate she came in and smiled and said nothing more.

I took the jacket off.

“If you will excuse me I will go and put something more appropriate on, I think this belongs to you.” Then handed her the jacket.

“Don’t bother. It suits you although you look even better than you did last night; I only got to see half of you really and your hair is not wet and all over your face. The other half shapes up pretty well as well.”

“Well thank you, that is a complement coming from another woman.” I blushed a little.

“Complements where complements are due. Do you always get around in the nude? I am beginning to doubt you story about last night now.” 

“Yes and No! I told the truth last night. I am a nudist and get around indoors naked quite often. Last night was true story I was making a pass at her husband and I don’t blame her but it should have been her husband she pushed into the pool not me.”

“Well let’s forget that now.I don't think I would have blamed her.” and smiled at me.

"Would you like a coffee?” I asked.

“Yes please.” 

I went to the kitchen and she followed. I put the capsule in the coffee machine and turned it on and went to get the milk from the refrigerator. She was between me and the fridge. I went to step around her and she stood her ground and put her arms around me and kissed me. Before I knew it our tongues were entwined and our bodies pressed together in a passionate embrace. It felt great. We continued the embrace until the coffee machine was beeping, the coffee was ready.

“Bugger. Do you still want coffee or something more tasty?” I said, as we broke the embrace.

“If the tastier option is you, then the latter.” She murmured.

I took her hand and led her to the bedroom. “Is this what you want ?“ as I began to undress her.

“Yes please.”

By the time she was naked we were both pawing each other with our hands. She looked a little younger than me and has beautiful breasts, which are firmer than mine. She also has a beautiful uplift, and ruby red areola and her nipples beautifully positioned on the tip of each breast. They were already hard.

We kissed again only this time we were both naked and the sensation even more wonderful and erotic. She put her hand down and slipped a finger between the lips of my vagina, and two found their way past the entrance. I was in seventh heaven. I opened both my mouth and legs even further and really got physical with our embrace.

“Oh God.Where have you been all my life?”

The pair of us fell onto the bed with her on top of me. She now had her two fingers well inside me working overtime as her mouth covered my lips, neck, and breasts. She was no novice at sex with women.

I responded and the two of us became heavily engaged in mutual masturbation between two women. I rolled from under her to position myself on top of her and she never resisted. Then I returned her passion and kissed her neck, nipples, and belly button. I copied her and slid two fingers into her wet warm pussy. After a minute or two of stimulation there, I kissed her down and over her nicely shaped pubic patch. Then I removed my fingers from her vagina and licked them clean. Then I opened her legs a little wider and placed my mouth directly over her the lips of the entrance to her now sexually aroused and wonderfully scented area. Then I licked the remaining secretion off both her moist and tasty labia.

I proceeded to give her an oral treatment that I would have been proud to receive myself from one of my girlfriends. I licked between the folds of her labia and exposed her clitoris. Then used my fingers to squeeze it from its sheath and expose the nub, which was now covered in what looks and tastes like guys pre cum. She murmured, three or four times as I licked her clit. I licked it clean and she moaned with the sensation of my tongue rubbing that ultra-sensitive nub of a woman.

She never moved and allowed me to take complete control of her. It took no more than a minute or two and I saw her tummy start to rise and fall a little quicker than normal. It was a sign of her impending orgasm. I devoted myself to making sure she reached a climax better than she could have ever imagined. She moaned loudly, and grabbed her nipples with her fingers. She bucked and bounced up and down, lifting her ass off the bed and forcing her clit into my mouth. She was shaking or shivering with delight and calling out, harder, harder, harder.

I obliged and gave her the best treatment I could muster. I sucked her now engorged clit between my lips and squeezed it. Then she shuddered again and wrapped her legs around my head and pulled me hard down onto her vagina and I could hardly breathe. She became very wet and shuddered a couple of times and moaned and began to roll her body from side to side, “no more, no more,” she cried, then her hands came down and prized my head off her, and she collapsed, he legs no longer locking me to her well of happiness.

She was gasping for breath and I could see and feel her body heaving as she did so. I looked down and her heart was racing. I knew the feeling as I have endured that many times.

It took her a couple of minutes for her to recover her composure and she said,

“THAT was something I have never had before. That was the first time anybody had done that to me.”

I looked down at her and we kissed gently.

“Thank you.That was something else for me too, did you cum twice?” I asked her.

“Yes, another first time for me. I have had some experiences with girls before, but it was just fingering or playing with toys. That was amazing.”

Then I looked down at her and smiled.

“Well Constable Jones that was the first policewoman I have ever physically assaulted. I hope you are not going to charge me?”

“I will if you pay all your fines the same way.” She laughed.

"I have never had sex with an offender before, a few times with another officer, but they have all been women. Nothing as wonderful as that was though. I learned women can have as much fun together when I was in Police College. I had my first experience with another woman there, but it was nothing like I have just enjoyed. As I said it was fingering and toys etc. but never oral."

“You can forget this Constable Jones business, my name is Jenny.”

“I didn't know your rank or name until I found it in your jacket. I rang the station and they told me that you worked elsewhere but it was always Constable Jones. I told them I would bring it to you later when you started work; I believe last night was a long night.”

“Let’s not go there. It was a fatal and they are never nice.” She said with a serious tone.

“Well I am glad it wasn't me and the one good thing to come out of it, is us being like this.” I said.

“Now do you want that coffee?” I asked.

“How about you?, don’t you want to see what I have to offer?” she replied. 

“Sure--- but let’s not go speeding down the highway, let’s do things in style and nice and slowly, I believe you don’t start work till later, we can fill in the rest of the time just as we have started. There is no hurry and there is plenty of time for us to enjoy the time we have together. You can give me a ticket for satisfaction rather than speeding. Let’s enjoy the coffee and then some more sugar and spice.” I suggested.

We went back to the kitchen and she seemed quite at ease naked with me. We talked about her work in the police force and my job a little bit. She had been in the police for two years and had worked in three stations and was now on Highway Patrol. We talked about our relationships with both men and women and she said she envied the fact I had regular partners.

“Jenny if you are serious about this bi sexual thing, I am prepared to go down the same road with you. You will have to remember that you won’t be the only woman I have sex with and I do have sex with men too. If you are prepared to accept those conditions I am happy to welcome you into the fold. You will meet the two other guys I sleep with and probably enjoy the pleasure they can give you as well, Jane and Sally are two other women I cohabit with and I am sure you can learn to live and love with them also.Would you like me to explain further?”

She looked at me and said, “I am still listening”.

“If you can handle that, I can introduce you one at a time, or you can come to one of our gatherings where there may be one or more of them here. We don’t have orgies we just enjoy sex together as friends. Nothing we do is in private. No doors are closed and you don’t normally say no unless there are good reasons, like that time of the month etc. It is not what one imagines. Sometimes we are all here and maybe only one couple will have sex. It is not an excuse to shag each other silly. What we enjoy is recreational sex. We don't enter into personal commitments and we are all friends, and share the benefits. End of sermon. How do you feel about becoming one of us now?"

She obviously listened and looked at me seriously.

“I would like to meet them all, one on one with you, before I accept that offer. It does appear too good to be true. I don’t want a partnership just yet. Maybe in a year or two I may change my mind. If this works out it will be just perfect for me. The idea of enjoying a sexual relationship without a commitment sounds just what I would like. My only problem is shift work; I may not be available every time you are having a party.”

“Not a problem. Sally is a nurse and she works shifts as well. I travel a bit so I am not always here. Have no fear all your needs will be met with one or other of us. We don’t always have it here. This is the benefit of the FWB arrangement. We are friends and we share the benefits of sleeping with one another without fear or favour. If you need something then one of us is sure to be available.”

"I understand." She replied.

“You were telling me you are not bad in bed with your colleagues, coffee break is over, we have talked enough, let’s get down to what we are here to enjoy.”

I took her hand and led her back to the bedroom.

“Let’s see what you are bringing to the party.”

“It won’t be as good as you did for me.”

“We won’t know until we try will we?

We both lay on the bed and we kissed and fondled each other until the sex barometer moved up the scale. Then she slowly she began to get animated and began to make her moves. I did all I could to make it easy for her and sometimes a little word or a shifting of the hand was all that was needed. It didn't take long and we were both in the euphoric world of a sexual union between two women.

After some exploring she was getting ready to go down on me.

“I think I can do this now. I want to but I am scared I might make a mess of it.” Jenny added.

“No worries. This is your first time with another girl---doing this? I asked.

“I am sorry but it is, I may do things wrong but please help and forgive me if I do.”

She looked me in the eyes as she said it. She meant it and she was ready.

She went straight down to where I wanted her to be. There was no foreplay, she was very unsure of herself. I opened my legs and she got down close to me and looked into my vagina. I was very wet.

"Take it easy --- not to fast, we have lots of time. You know what the scent of a woman is like, enjoy it with me.”

She didn't say a word and just put her mouth over me and sucked.

“Whoa ---easy does it. Use your fingers and spread me wide, then lick the entire length of me.”

She did as she was told and licked me a few times.

“Sorry, is that better?” she asked.

“Perfect. Now take things from there. You know where everything is just finding your way around and lick me, then find my clit and play with that. I have no doubt that you have masturbated often enough to know the pleasures you have on your own, do the same to me.”

She did what she felt was right and she got it pretty right. A word here, and a word there, got her right onto the marks.

Then she got down to business, and inserted two fingers into me, then three and worked them hard. After that she got her tongue working on me again and between her fingers and her tongue it didn't take me long to start getting the sensations which soon result in an orgasm. She was learning fast. 

“Keep going, keep it going, just like that. You are doing really well, I am really enjoying this.“

She worked on me for another few minutes and it was getting better all the time.

“Get a finger and run it around my ass hole.”

She followed my instructions to the letter, even slipping it in a little way before rimming me. From the way she did that I was sure that wasn't the first time she had performed that trick.

She had been working on my clit with her tongue and it started to happen. “I’m cumming--- I’m cumming--- don’t stop--- go for it.

Then it hit me.

“Oh shit --- that’s good, that’s great --- don’t stop --- oh shit --- oh shit”

I had cum and while it wasn't the biggest or best orgasm I have ever had, it was an orgasm and I had enjoyed it.

“How was I? Did I do it right?”

Jenny was looking up at me and smiling. She seemed proud of her achievement.

“I loved it. You were great. You can arrest me any time if that is to be my punishment.”

“Oh God.I was so nervous; I really wanted to give you my best. I have never done that before and while I have always been curious about it, now I know how good it can be. Now I have accomplished it on you, my first time. I feel like a kid.”

Jenny sat up and really seemed pleased with herself.

“I said practice makes perfect and I can assure you my first time wasn't as successful as yours.” I added.

She was now sitting on the bed looking at me as she went on.

“You must tell me everything about yourself one day; I am fascinated with the way of life you lead. I want to remember this day for ever. I have a few of those memory days now, including the day I lost my virginity. That was amazing too. I wanted to tell the world I had lost it. I was so proud of myself.”

“Was it good?” I asked.

“Perfect. It was everything a girl could wish for and he was so good to me.”

“How long ago was that?

“It was quite a few years ago, on my seventeenth birthday. He was twenty one and he had slept with a few of my friends so I asked him if he would do it for me as a birthday gift. I explained it would be my first time. He didn't need any convincing. It was all arranged. I was his first virgin. As I said, he was wonderful with me and treated me well.”

“Do you have a regular boyfriend?” I asked.

“No. Before I joined the force I did. He had a criminal conviction and it could have been an embarrassment if a problem arose. We agreed not to see each other for a while and wait see how things worked out. Three months later he told me he has got another girl pregnant. That was the last time I saw him.”

Jenny looked sad as she told me. 

“How many guys have you slept with? Do many of your colleagues seek favors?” I asked her.

“A few --- but I haven’t done it with anybody in the force yet. They all try on. Its part of the test. If you do, you get the reputation and that’s not pleasant. It is very hard to refuse them after that. They all know you have done it with one of them and want to know why you won’t go with them. Even if they are married they try it on. If they know you have been tried, tested, and you refused, and didn't give into them, then you get some respect and credibility and promotion comes quicker. I know a few girls who have spent half the shift on the back seat and they regret it. The guys never stop trying though, married or not.”

By now we were both recovered and I went to her.

“Ready for the second course?”

“Ready, willing and able.” She replied

I then opened my drawer and removed a toy I love to use. It’s a double ender and it is unique. It fits the dominant woman and doesn't slip out and the other end is cock shaped. Once the first girl fits it in, she mounts the second girl as a man would, and you fuck as if it were male and female. She was fascinated.

“I have never seen anything like it, where did you get it?” Jenny asked.

“Mail order from the States. I get a few things from there that I haven’t seen here. Jane and I have a little collection. Later on I will show you the epitome of sexual satisfaction. It is a machine that fucks you and you can half a dozen orgasms on it. It is wonderful, but not for the novice or uninitiated.”

“What is it called?”

“A Sybian, I don’t have it here at the moment one of the girls was having a hen’s night last weekend and she hasn't returned it yet. It’s an eye popper and satisfaction is guaranteed. We love it.”

“Well if for no other reason I will have to come and see for myself. If you will let me.” Jenny said.

“Let’s see how you like this first. It’s far better than a strap on. Now do you want it missionary or doggy. It works wonders both ways.” 

“Let’s try missionary first, and then we can experiment once I am used to it. I have never been fucked by a woman like this before; this is going to be something else. I have never used a strap on before either.” Jenny was now ready.

She watched as I rubbed a bit of KY oil onto it and squatted. Then I slipped the female bit of the Tango into me. It fits inside me and doesn't slip out, and no straps. I then look like a guy with a hard black cock and no balls. Mine has a little vibrator fitted for extra satisfaction.

She prepared herself and had obviously been fucked before as she knew how to prepare herself. I got between her legs and lifted them onto my shoulders. She was ready and I looked down at her and smiled.

“Who would have thought I would be fucking the lady cop who found me naked and speeding?”

I was positioning myself and getting the head of the cock between her lips.

“Ready--- here it goes.”

I pressed myself forward and the cock head disappeared into her. She took a deep breath and tensed her legs over my shoulders as I slid it deep up inside her. The cock is about 8 inches long. Once it was inside her and I had it in as far as I could get it, she relaxed. Her legs were now resting on my shoulders and not pressing down on them as they had been to help her take it into her. I was inside her all the way and it also felt great inside me too.

“How does it feel?” I asked her.

“Fucking fantastic, I could say even better than a real one, it’s hard and I can feel it all the way up inside me, I love it.”

Jenny smiled as she looked into my eyes. Not only was she a cop but she had beauty as well as sexuality and obviously enjoying the two of us like this. 

I began to slowly fuck her as a man would fuck her. I had been fucked many so times by a real cock and probably a dozen or more times with the Tango by Jane. We both use it in the dominant position and we both enjoy the pleasure of one of us fucking like a man.

There is one benefit I enjoy when being dominate, I love having my tits involved in a fuck and I get mine swinging over my partner as I fuck him or her. I was watching hers shake as I pounded the hard cock into her and made them shiver and shake. Her are firmer than ours and don’t sit on her chest like two fried eggs. They are firm and upstanding and the nipples looked wonderful so I lean'd down and took one then the other into my mouth. I suckled and rubbed the end of my tongue around each areola as I bit her gently on her now rock hard nipples. She moaned with delight.

“Do you know something?” she asked.

“What.” I replied.

“I have never been so happy to have to book a person for speeding. This would never have happened if you had been doing the correct speed.” Jenny said.

“Tell me if I am exceeding the speed limit doing this.” I added.

I began to really fuck her and my ass was pumping this plastic cock into her like a piston. Her whole body was shaking and we were both having a ball.

“This is something else, my god where did you ever learn to fuck like this, I haven’t been fucked this good even by men with real cocks, it’s fantastic.”

Jenny was really enjoying our relationship with me.The two of us were really into a good fuck, and I was having a ball in her and she was obviously loving every moment of me fucking her with a plastic cock. I think we were going to see a lot more of Jenny in future.

“I am glad you like it, I think you will fit into the scheme of things perfectly. It may be a bit premature but welcome to the group. You will fit in extremely well. The guys will like this with you and I am sure Jane and Sally will too. If you were not a bisexual before this you are now.”

“I loved your phrase, I can butter my bread on both sides. I think this proves it." Jenny said.

“OK let’s see what the other side of the bread is like, roll over and we can try doggy.”

I withdrew the cock from inside her and it was covered in a creamy white substance, the oil I had used as a lube had been whipped into cream.

She rolled over and positioned herself on all fours.

"Is this the right way? This is another first; I have never done it like this before."

"Perfect." I responded.

"I have to admit we have found couples doing it like this over the front seat in lover’s lanes and tail light alleys. We have to check them out periodically for drug dealers, prostitutes and under age kids. It’s not always a pleasant sight seeing some teen aged girl getting it from a much older man. Not always in the reproduction hole either. Unfortunately they are all over age and we can’t book the guys. It always interests me, the women are usually naked and the men only have their pants down or off. I love getting the men out of the car to get their details and seeing him embarrassed. We usually leave the girls inside and tell them to get dressed. Another thing that intrigues me is that more often than not, they are in the girl’s car. I am amazed at times at the things we see in the job.”

By now I was really pumping the cock into her as I was working on her in the doggy position. The Tango is great; you don’t have to hold it in, and doesn't slip out of me like most double enders. She has a nice ass too and I was rubbing my hand over her nice warm smooth skin. I leaned forward and massaged her tits and rubbed her nipples between two fingers. I love the feeling when my tits are dangling down beneath me, swinging and swaying as he plunges and withdraws doing it doggy. Now I was doing the same in the dominant position. She was obviously enjoying it as well, and began to move with me after a while. We were both having a ball.

“God this is good. I never for a moment imagined we would be doing as much as we are, you are wonderful, and amazing.”

“Somehow I think I was meant to speed last night. Meeting you was no accident I believe, it was predestined. We are going to be really great friends I feel.”

While I was fucking her I got a finger and slipped it into her ass and rimmed her, as she had done to me. She cooed like a pigeon as I rimmed her. She loved it.

“Shit that was a sensation and a half, is there anything you don’t do? Talking of sensations, I think I am getting close, do you cum with this thing inside you or is it only me?” Jenny asked.

“It has happened but let’s get you over the hump first, and I will see how I am going. I think this is the fourth orgasm you have had today, you are doing extremely well.”

As she was getting herself worked up to cum, I slapped her ass a couple of times.

“Ouch. Stop it --- I like it.” and giggled.

Then it happened. She came again. She moaned with the pleasure she was having and her body jerked a few times as the dildo rubbed against her clit. She pushed her ass back toward me to get the full length of the dildo inside her and rubbed the cheeks of her ass against my cunt. Even I was enjoying this.

“Tell me when you are ready and I will pull it out, but enjoy it while you can. This one doesn't shrink and fall out itself and leave you with a belly full of baby juice.”

Jenny left in inside her till she recovered.

“OK let’s see what I feel like after this, take it out, but do it slowly, I really have enjoyed the first time with it. Is it any different when the guys do it in this position?”

“It’s never the same no matter how often you do it, I love it every time.” I assured her.

“Have you ever had anal sex? She asked.

“Yes, but I don’t any more. It hurt me both times and I didn't really enjoy it so I don’t any more. Why do you ask?”

“We see a lot of gays doing it like that. Our guys get uptight seeing them buggering each other and get a bit aggressive toward them particularly if they are not using a condom. Even I don’t like seeing them doing it like that. Masturbating or sucking each other off I can handle, but anal is unnatural in my eyes. I don’t think I would ever want to do it like that.”

She was really serious in her manner now.

“Each to his or her own, I don’t really have an opinion one way or another, I have tried it and it hurt. That’s my reason for not doing it; I know many women do enjoy it.”

I wanted to change the subject. I took her hand and looked into her eyes.

“Is there anything you would like to do? Or would you like to wait and meet the others. They may want to try something different with you, there are many wonderful ways to have sex together, believe me, and I will never get sick of doing it.” I said.

“Look it’s getting late, can I have a shower? I am all hot and sweaty and a bit pretty grotty down there. I will have to go straight to work now. I never realized that I would be spending as much time with you as I have. I am not complaining, and if I could I would like to come back sometime and meet some of your friends.”

I went to her and I kissed her, again.

"I hope so, I really like you."

“I am so happy that you are asking me.” Jenny went on. 

“I am beginning to really like you.” I then took her by the hand and led her to the bathroom and we both showered together.

“Somehow, this is making me very keen to return and meet the rest of you. I have done things today that I had never dreamed of. Now I am showering with you, this is amazing. I love it.”

We rubbed the shower gel over each other and rinsed it off. We kissed under the shower and I made sure her inner self was very clean. She had not had a man in there but we had made a mess with the Tango, but now she was pristine again. This girl was going to fit in with us really well.

I gave her a towel and watched her dry herself. Even that was a bit erotic to me. My only regret was she could not stay the night and sleep with me as the feeling of her bare skin against mine was just delightful.

She dressed and I remained naked. We hardly spoke, to have done so would have probably started another round of sexual pleasures and she would have never got to work.

She combed her hair and added some of my lipstick and then she said.

“I am so happy, but also sad. I have to go.Will you invite me back again soon? I would like to meet your friends and if they are anything like you to share the pleasures you all share with each other. Do you think they will accept me?” Jenny asked.

“You have my number, ring any time and something can be arranged. I am sure they will, even just to get out of a speeding ticket, Oh bye the way, what happen’s there, am I in the clear or what?” I enquired. 

“That will be conveniently forgotten, you won’t hear about that again. I am so happy that you did what you did, you have begun another chapter in the life of Jenny, I hope, and I am sure I am not going to regret it.”

She opened the door, and with her jacket in her hand turned, blew me a kiss and walked away. I was going to miss her, even if it is until our next meeting. Now I have a story to tell Jane and the others when they arrive. I can now explain how to dodge a speeding ticket. I am sure they will be amused, and in time more than satisfied with Constable Jenny and her wonderful sexy body. Now to clean up that Tango, before I have to use it with Jane or Sally.

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Getting Out Of A Ticket

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Spanked for Speeding

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Her Last Ticket

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Fighting a speeding ticket in court

I had never been to court before. I was so nervous as I waited for my name and case to be called that I debated leaving and just paying the ticket. But $500 was money I didn't have as a university student. The day I got the ticket was such a crummy day. I was coming back from an exam that hadn't gone well, despite me spending all weekend studying. I never speed but I was so distracted that I never saw the speed limit change. The cop had no sympathy as he wrote the ticket, my first ticket...

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Officer was i speeding how can i make this go aw

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Howie RandolphChapter 6

His mother said, "Howie, I am worried about you. You are getting mixed up with too many older women. I am sorry that Wanda moved and you had problems with Becky. You are juggling to many things for a boy your age." "My luck with women for the long term is not good," he said. When Howie started back to school and the new semester, he noticed that Becky wasn't in any of his classes. There usually was only one section of Advanced Placement in a subject area, so Howie was surprised that...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 2

Howie was given two years of science credits for his paramedic license. He entered as a freshman. When he signed up for the fourth course, his status changed from special to full time student. Wednesday, he went to the Phi Gamma Delta house for his pledging ceremony. His father was invited and pinned Howie's pledge star on him. Howie listened to the words of the pledge ceremony. Dad was right. It is very much like the Kiowa. Of course, the Kiowa never spoke of Robert E. Lee or the southern...

4 years ago
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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 4

Howie was up at daybreak and out running on the road. By seven he was in the Fitness Center. Brooke joined him everyday there. She used the Nordic track. Brooke studied after she exercised. Howie only had one final, and that was in Investments. He had an A average as did Dorothy. They both didn't need to study. Howie was so interested, because of the Kiowa trust, that he went way beyond what was required. Dorothy hung on for the ride. Dorothy was one of the few women in the business major...

1 year ago
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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 8

Howie got home about four a.m. on New Year's Day. He slept until nine then ate breakfast with his parents and children. After they ate, Howie washed dishes with his mother. She asked, "How was the dance?" "Very fancy, but I wasn't able to dance much. It is a high society club. Did you have a good time on the cruise and at the country club?" he asked. "The cruise was wonderful and very romantic. I recommend it for any old married couple. Actually the country club was very nice. They...

1 year ago
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A Cop A Cutie and A Hot Pink Ticket

Officer Rick Cordan sat in his vehicle on the I-77 turnpike. He watched the road ahead of him as he looked for speeders. It had been a long boring Tuesday night. Only a handful of vehicles had passed him, and none of those drivers were going over the speed limit. Suddenly, a blue 2013 Civic sped past him! The driver was doing an 80 in a 65! At long last, some action! Cordan switched his vehicle into Drive, turned left, and pursued the driver. He turned his car lights on before switching on the...

3 years ago
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OHGirls Speeding Violation

We were driving back home one weekend and I was driving my wife’s car. Normally we take my SUV when I drive, but we decided to take her car, which is a sporty sedan. I wasn't aware of how fast I was going, when I noticed the lights and sirens coming up behind us. It was a sheriff’s police car and when I looked at the speedometer, I was doing 85 mph. I slowed down and pulled over to the side of the road. We waited a few minutes as the officer ran our license plates and then he made his way...

2 years ago
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Speeding Tickets Are No Fun

it was just supposed to be one meeting and done, at least that's what they told me last night. " FUCK ITS 9AM." I roll over almost falling out of my bed, frantically trying to locate my shoes, moving box after box, " They have to be here somewhere." Tissue paper is now covering the floors of my tiny apartment, pulling the last box out and hoping they are "Wearable" heels. throwing the bright red " Sex heels" on as I stumble to the kitchen. " Coffee, I need Coffee." trying to...

1 year ago
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Punished for speeding

Punishment For Speeding I had been driving for 2 full days now trying to cross the country and get to the coast, I was tired, hungry and horny hardly stopping for more than a few minutes to gas up and grab a quick bite, so it was understandable that I didn’t see the speed limit sign as I entered the next town. The flashing blue and red lights in my mirror woke me up as I pulled over to the side of the road to await the Police Officer. A handsome older Sheriff walked up to my window and...

1 year ago
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Stopped for speeding

This is my first submission and a true story that i just have to tell. I was on my way to work on new years day this year and was pulled over on the motorway for speeding, the cop breath analyzed me and i was still drunk from the new years party. He basically gave me the option to do what he told me or get locked up and loose my license. It was no contest really and i agreed, very quickly i was on my knees between our cars with his cock in my mouth. At first he let me dictate the pace but as...

2 years ago
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3rd Chromosome Golden Ticket

Hey everyone! Another request here. This one is for…someone who didn’t give me a name. Anyway, this is another futa story, containing, futa, large dicks, celebs, you know…what I write about. Note: This is a separate series of one shots, mostly fan requests. Comments and feedback are welcome, everyone is over 18 and celebs don’t act like this. Enjoy! *** Chloe had won the golden ticket. That’s what people would say. It didn’t come in a chocolate bar however, rather in a plain manila envelope...

1 year ago
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Faster Than a Speeding BulletChapter 3

The original starting Quarterback was still in the dog house with Coach Harkness, so the former backup Quarterback was now playing on the starting team. Unfortunately, he just was not up to the challenge, and he threw two incomplete passes before the coach decided that he had made a mistake. In a fit of desperation, he called for Tag to throw his pass to the Wide Receiver on the right side of the formation. They lined up in the Single Wing formation, but with Tag directly behind the Center....

2 years ago
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Howe and Watson

“Her name was Kelly Simpson. She was a producer for a TV series that was shown on three different cable networks,” the tiny redhead informed Sally Howe. “Maze, how did you make the ID?” I asked. “Her ID card,” Sally said pointing to it hanging from her jacket. “I’m surprised you missed your chance to say ‘elementary, my dear Watson’,” I said. You do that at least once every shift. “The Shift has just started Marion,” Sally said. “She is such a smart ass,” I said to Maze the forensic lab...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 295 Getting the Hell out of Dodge

Sunday, February 19, 2006 (Continued) Before I busted out of the winch room - by doing the busting inward from the hall outside - I did a last sight blob search. I was in a utility area mostly, next to a kitchen and a cleaning cupboard, with the rest of the floor around me being offices. No lights were on, there were no people around, and no security cameras either. There was the same low level of activity out the back of the building. Not having tens of feet of earth in the way, I could...

1 year ago
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Sideshow Bobs Revenge

SIDESHOW BOB'S REVENGE Bart Simpson screamed. He was tied to a table, and the baleful figure of Sideshow Bob loomed over him, wielding a surgeon's scalpel. How had it come to this? At 23 Bart thought he had finally escaped from Bob, but no, here he was, kidnapped and about to die. "Don't worry, Bart, I'm not going to kill you. Death would be too easy. My revenge will be much longer lasting. Something humorous, and lingering. I believe you know Dr Nick?" "Hi, Bart." Dr Nick waved...

3 years ago
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Howe Watson 7th Heaven

The call came from Big Mac the next morning. “Watson, how about you and Howe meeting me in Queen City. Come down tomorrow and be prepared to stay a week at least.” “That’s a long time to stay if we don’t know what we will be doing,” I said. “You can always leave, if you don’t like what you hear,” Mac said. “I’ll talk to Sally and call you back,” I suggested. “Watson, I’ll just hold for you,” He said. “Did you hear?” I asked Howe. “Yes, what have we got to lose?” she asked. “You still...

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