I-80 Westbound free porn video

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ANOTHER FANTASY – the only thing real here is another set of pictures posted 9 years ago to XH with no names and no user to ask for more information. This stunning woman is shown in several images and it took a year to get a single comment, I guess that is the nature of this site. Anyway, I don’t know who she is, who posted it originally, but I sure have a twisted mind and she became part of it.

She lifted her skirt, “I should not be so lazy,” she said, “I really need a shave.” I stared at the slender V formed by her legs and saw her labia covered with a short dark stubble. I did not tell her she had given me a peek earlier when she was waking up. I was so aroused I didn’t wait for an invitation more that her exposing herself in my car and ran my hand up her thigh and pressed my fingers between them feeling her warm wet lips. She parted her legs and scooted her bare ass down to the edge of the seat giving me access as I fingered her pussy.

The musky scent of her perfume was overpowered by the scent of her arousal and my cock throbbed in her small hand as she ran it up and down my shaft. I wanted more than a hand job and I suspected she did as well. It was totally dark on the edge of town and not a car in sight. “I want you,” I said and she responded by opening the passenger door and stepping out. As I got out she leaned against the warm hood of the car spreading her legs. I walked behind her and ran my cock up and down her greasy slit as she humped back against me.

“This is un-fucking-believable,” I thought as I penetrated her from behind, not 6 hours ago I had met her and now I was fucking her beside the road. My mind floated back to the late afternoon with the sun shining into the car window and the glare had my eyes as fatigued as my ass from driving for 6 hours on US Interstate 80 headed west for San Francisco. I passed Laramie Wyoming without thinking of a stop so when I saw a sign for a rest stop a few miles NW of Laramie and pulled in to walk off the long miles and a pit stop.

The rest stop was all but deserted, which generally never happens on 80, but it was a Tuesday afternoon so I figured it was just a lull in the day and the week. After a brisk walk in the cool dry air I walked back to the car and saw a young woman standing alone on the sidewalk looking towards the ramp leading into the rest stop.

She was slender with long red hair (looked like her hair dresser got a bit too much red in the last mix) that swayed seductively in the afternoon breeze. She had her arms crossed in front of her and as I got near I could see her nipples poking out in protest to the 50 degree temperature. “Damn,” I thought, “those nubs are HUGE”.

I tried not to stare, but hey, I’m a guy, aren’t we supposed to notice such things? She was wearing a white thin tank top and there was no evidence of her wearing a bra, so go figure, “not dressed for cool weather,” I thought. I passed close by her, the scent of her perfume was intoxicating and I smiled and said, “Hello, airs a bit cool this afternoon.”

She smiled, shivered a bit, and said, “Yes, very chilly.” She had a strong southern accent, more of the SE US southern than the “out west” southern accent. I didn’t see another car anywhere so said, “Is everything okay, do you need me to call for help?”

“No,” she answered, “my brother just dropped me here and is trying to retrieve a suitcase that got sucked out of the back of the truck by a big rig truck. I think he had to find a turn around and go back a few miles. I had to use the restroom but it stinks so bad in there I can’t stand it.”

Now, being a 70 year old gentleman yet fearful of being labeled a creepy old man I hesitated to offer further assistance. But she was going to freeze to death in this wind. She had a short skirt, bare legs, and wearing sandals. With the 25 MPH wind and 50 degree temperature the wind chill was probably about 40 degrees. I couldn’t just leave her there, and she was right about the stench in the restrooms. I had stopped at this rest area many times and it was generally clean but this time there must have been plumbing problems.

So I risked being thought of as a dirty old man and said, “If you’d like to set in my car until you brother returns it is warm and out of the wind.”

She smiled again and nearly lunged at the door handle and slipped into the passenger side seat. I got in the passenger side and turned the key to open the window a bit as it was almost too warm closed up in the sun.

“Rachel,” the young woman said, “I really appreciate you being so kind sir.” She said in the always anticipated politeness from folks raised in the south. For some reason most young people from the south are all about “mam” and “sir” and she was no exception.

“Nice to meet you Rachel,” I said offering her my hand, “my name is Larry. Are you two headed on west then?” I asked to make conversation.

“Yes,” Rachel said, “I have a new job in Winnemucca Nevada.”

She was half turned in the seat looking into my eyes. I had stopped looking at her tits as her nipples and relaxed a bit and this close to her I didn’t want to be staring at them. She had beautiful green eyes and now that we were out of the wind her perfume filled the car with a subtle musky scent that I found very arousing. “Casino, is that where you are going to work?” I asked.

“My brother is, he is a black jack dealer, and a good one.” She said and then blushed a bit, “Um as far as my job, well it is hard for me to describe, sort of entertainment I suppose.”

I had been to Winnemucca, a fairly small town and pretty well known for a couple casinos and of course whore houses, well we are supposed to say brothels, but we all know what they are. I wanted to ask more but hesitated not knowing if I should get more details or just let it go. I heard a vehicle approaching from the east and looked up, it was a big 4-sheel drive pick-up truck and rumbling loudly as it came to a stop in the big rig parking across from us.

“Is that your brother?” I asked.

“He could only wish his truck looked like that, his is an old wreck I hope it gets us there in time. It broke down twice from New Orleans where we are coming from. Last time we lost two days waiting for a part, have you ever been stuck in Nebraska, BORING,” she said with another big smile.

The warm sun kept the car nice and toasty warm and I started getting sleepy, I was under no time constraint on my travel but I looked at my watch, it was nearly 4:00 PM and we had been in the car almost an hour.

“I have a job at a brothel,” Rachel blurted out blushing again, “I didn’t want to say it before, but I guess since that is going to be my job if I ever get there I just as well be honest.” She picked a strand of her red hair off her tits and twisted it around her finger and then looked for a place to drop it, I offered my trash bag and when she dropped it in her fingers touched mine, it was like an electrical current ran through us.

Her finger tips lingered on the back of my hand, soft and gentle, nothing sexual in her mind, but in mine all I could think about was her being a hooker at a whore house and her soft hand wrapped around my cock, now becoming erect in my loose fitting trousers.

“Ralph, my older brother, is the one that found me the job. He is 29, I am 25, we needed to get out of New Orleans because he couldn’t find work in the casinos there.” She said looking back towards the east, “I sure hope Ralph isn’t broke down somewhere.”

“Do you have a cell phone, can you call him?” I asked.

“He has one but I don’t, dumb huh?” She said picking at her perfectly manicured nails.

“If you know his number you can on my phone,” I said pulling it out and offering it to her.

“I hate to put you out,” Rachel said, “you have been so kind already.”

“It’s okay, at least you will know what is going on, please I would feel better if you called.” I insisted as I put the phone in her hand.

“I was 13 the last time I used a flip phone,” she said with a smile and punched in a number and pressed send. Following a short exchange she slowly closed the phone and held it in her hand, “that danged old truck,” she said with a scowl, “he is broke down about 15 miles east of here in some little town with a gas station and a bar. And knowing Ralph he has been in the bar since he got there and is just as happy drinking and telling lies to anyone that will listen.”

She began to cry holding her head in her hands and the phone slipped out of her hands and landed on her lap. “I just knew he’d fuck up my new job, he got in trouble in New Orleans with shady card dealing and got fired and now if I don’t get to Winnemucca tomorrow I will lose the job, damn…”

“Did he have the truck where it can be worked on?” I asked.

“Yes sir, he said it is some dang old thing with the front end, something about tie something broken.” Rachel said.

“Look,” I said, “I know you don’t know me but I am headed west anyway and I-80 runs right through Winnemucca, if you want a ride to there I would be happy to take you there. We could go back and get your suitcase,” I offered.

“That is the other thing, it was my suitcase that blew out and he can’t find it,” she said.

“Well then it is decided,” I said, “you can ride with me and we should be there before noon tomorrow.” I said. “Do you need to use the rest room before we start?” I asked.

“You are just too kind, no I am fine, are you sure I am not putting you out?” Rachel asked wiping tears out of her eyes.

I started the car and we drove back onto the interstate as the sun started to set in the west. Rachel reached beside the seat and tipped it back a bit, “I am just so tired, all the driving and worry, we are about out of money and now this,” she said.

“Just take a little rest Rachel,” I said tuning the radio to a station playing some old style country music, “hope you don’t mind oldie country music,” I said.

“I love it,” she said as she closed her eyes and in less than 5 minutes she was asleep. She moved her arms getting comfortable and in the process her skirt rode up and I had a hard time keeping my eyes on the road as it was almost high enough for me to see her panties.

Darkness set in and I listened to the music on the AM station that had a great signal this far from anywhere. I was thinking about a young woman travelling across the country in desperation to take a job as a hooker. “What a shame,” I thought as I tried to focus on driving. I had been on the road since 8:00 AM and was pretty road weary as it approached 8:00 PM. I had tried to keep my eyes off Rachel’s bare legs and the raised skirt but my cock begged me to look again and again in case something else showed up.

An old George Jones song, “Finally Friday,” came on the station and I hear Rachel hum the tune, “I know this song,” she said as chipper as when I picked her up 4 hours before, “I love this song,” she said as she reached and turned it up as the chorus began and she sang, “It's finally Friday, I'm free again, I got my motor running for a wild weekend, It's finally Friday, I'm out of control…”

She looked over at me, her green eyes sparkling in the light of the instrument panel, “I never asked,” she said, “are you married? I don’t mean to be personal, but just hope having a wild woman in your car is not going to cause a problem.”

“I was,” I said, “but the marriage ended some years ago, so it is just me now.” I said trying not to get a pity party started with the loneliness I felt after 40 years of marriage and then a sudden break-up over stupid shit.

Rachel picked the phone up out of her lap where it had settled almost out of view from her skirt that I had been bird dogging as we drove. Her finger caught the edge of the skirt and for a brief instant I saw she wasn’t wearing panties and my cock begged me to take charge of this woman. She handed me the phone and again her fingers touched my hand and I felt that jolt of electricity pass through my hand again.

Her fingers linger again and when she removed her hand from mine she let it fall onto my thigh about half way up from my knee. I tried not to move, but having a woman touch me like that was not an everyday thing for me at my age. She rested her hand there as we continued west into the darkness.

I don’t know how long her hand was on my leg but I knew it felt so erotic, a touch so close, yet so far. “Would she raise it further?” I asked in my mind, “Would she touch my cock that had been hard for an hour?” I saw a sign for a convenience store ahead and flipped on the signal, “we need gas, and I could use a break, how about you?” I asked knowing I was stopping regardless of what she said.

My mind had been filled with lust since she got in my car and the scent of her perfume was burned into my brain and I had to be careful to get out of the car so I would show her my erection. “I could use a potty break,” Rachel said as I rolled to a stop under the bright lights of the station canopy. I looked over, her pussy was still exposed, I wasn’t sure if she knew or not but I tried not to stare.

“I’ll get gas and then come in for the restroom. Go to the snack bar and decide what you want, I’m buying so get something to eat, you must be starved, I know I am.” I said with authority so she knew we needn’t quibble about me buying her food.

I watched her slide out of the seat, one leg out and she tugged the skirt down to cover her pussy and then as she leaned out I could see her bare ass. “Damn that woman has a beautiful ass,” my cock screamed to my brain.

We picked out some ready made sandwiches and drinks and got back in the car and I pulled to the edge of the parking to eat. Rachel picked at the sandwich, “if that isn’t right for you I can get you another,” I said.

“No it looks great, I just need to watch my weight. My kind of work requires a certain look, if you know what I mean,” she said and smiled as she took a bite.

“Well one sandwich is not going to hurt you,” I said in a fatherly way.

I played the radio and Rachel hummed another old country tune, “Have you ever thought about being a singer?” I asked.

“I did once, I was in a band in high school, the girl singer,” she said, “but the road life was pretty rough. For some reason guys just think if you are on the road with them they can take turns with you in the bus.”

I decided to not pursue that line of discussion as I suspected she had a pretty rough life for being only 25. “My daddy died when I was 14, so Mom did the best she could but ended up turning tricks to feed my brother and me. Of course she did some d**gs too, real sad don’t you think?” she asked.

“So you left her behind?” I asked hating to speculate what the real story was.

“Naw, she over dosed before I was out of school and I guess I just fell into her occupation because being young the guys pay more. I never did d**gs though, and I never let them go bareback.” Rachel said sipping the diet soda she had picked out. “It is not such a bad life, it will be better at the ranch, they take good care of the girls and run security so no one gets beat up or robbed.”

“We better get back on the road,” I said, “need the rest room, I can pull up.”

“I’m good,” she said and leaned against the door. She looked exhausted, so was I, but I had planned on driving until well past midnight so I pulled out and headed back west. Her breathing became steady and I looked over seeing her hair fall gently across her face and wondered just how many years a young woman could sell herself before being all worn out.

It was about 2:00 AM when I pulled into a rest stop and locked the car and shut it off. I cracked the window a bit, the air was warmer now that we were in Nevada. I figured we had another 3 hours to Winnemucca so a little sleep was in order.

I leaned against my window and drifted off to sleep. I dreamed of driving, long hours of boredom and then a brightness came over me. I dreamed I was with a woman and I could feel her lips on the tip of my cock. The dream was so vivid I woke and looked down. I was shocked, Rachel’s head was in my lap and my cock was in her mouth.

She pulled off and slowly stroked my saliva coated cock, “You looked pretty uncomfortable with that hard on,” she said, “I think you have been hard since I got in your car yesterday.” She smiled and bent down and put her lips around the tip of my cock, I could feel her tongue make circles around the tip and then she sucked me as far into her mouth as she could.

In this seated position and behind the steering wheel there wasn’t much room. But she managed and before I could warn her I felt my cock erupt in her mouth. She took my full load, I felt her swallow, and then she cleaned me up with her tongue and lips before setting up. “Ummm, now that is a meal I love, not many calories in a load of cum,” she said and giggled.

“I know,” she said in a mocking tone, “hooker humor is pretty lame.”

I didn’t know what to say, thank you seemed lame, WOW seemed juvenile. I looked at her as she faced me and said exactly what was in my heart and mind, “It has been over 30 years since a woman gave me a blow job, I have never enjoyed one more.” I leaned over and pulled her to me and kissed her lips. I could taste my cum on her lips and probed with my tongue and she parted her lips. I broke the kiss and looked into those green eyes with what little light there was from the parking lot lights at the rest stop.

“You know us hookers have a rule about kissing,” Rachel said, “but you are so sweet I will break the rule for you, anytime.”

Once I was zipped back up I started the car and we made the final push to Winnemucca. The sky to the east was starting to show signs that the sun was reaching the horizon as we saw the sign ahead for our exit. I felt Rachel’s hand on my thigh again, I looked over in the pre-dawn light, she was so pretty and yet I felt so sad that the life she had ahead was not some story book thing. No knight in shining armor to come and rescue her.

I slowed to a stop and turned to go into town and Rachel said, “Please pull over her, right there,” and she pointed to an approach to a long dirt road that headed into the desert.

“Is everything okay?” I asked, “I hope that sandwich didn’t make you sick.” I said with concern.

“Everything is fine Larry,” she said and bent to kiss me. Her hand moved to my cock again and she rubbed it bringing it back to life. “I want to pay you for your kindness,” she said and unzipped me again.

“You don’t need to,” I said but wanted her to none the less.

It was at this point that we ended up outside the car, my cock was so hard as I penetrated her. I told her I didn’t have a condom, “I broke the kissing rule, I am going to break the bare back rule because I trust you.” She had said.

I pushed my cock all the way inside her and found her to be tighter than I expected, with 5 or 6 years of hooking I figured she be loose, but then she was so fit that it was no wonder. I put my hands on her hips under her skirt and began thrusting into her. She moaned, and no fake hooker moan, I was hitting the spot and she wasn’t afraid to let me know it.

I had no illusions about bringing her to an orgasm, in her line of work I was sure that was something that happened very rarely. She pushed back to meet my thrusts yet I didn’t feel she was in a hurry to finish. I stopped and pulled out. She looked back at me with a questioning look.

I turned her around and pushed her up against the car. I stepped into her and pushed her onto the edge of the car and penetrated her from the front. “I hope this is okay,” I said as I thrust into her rubbing my cock shaft against her clit. “I think this is so much more personal and since you are breaking all your rules I am sure you won’t mind.”

She responded by raising her legs and putting them around my waist giving me full access and I thrust into her riding her clit on every thrust. She put her head against my chest and moaned with pleasure. Then without any prompting she pulled back and pulled off her tank top exposing her beautiful tits and I mauled them as I continued pumping my cock into her hole.

Then I felt my balls turn and knew I was close and as I shot my first load of cum into her pussy I felt her muscles grip my cock and then another, she moaned deeply and looked into my eyes, “Oh fuck Larry,” she said in a course whisper, “no man has made me cum like that,” and she hugged me and rode out her orgasm with me buried deep inside her.

We stood locked in a carnal embrace as the sun come up over the eastern horizon and as I pulled out I felt our mingled fluids follow my cock out and run onto the ground. I helped her down off the car and she moved to a big rock and sat down. We were both still out of breath and as we recovered she said, “Not very lady like,” she said looking up at me, “but I gotta pee,” and she squatted beside the rock and let go with a strong stream. I looked away and she said, “Oh aren’t you an old school gentleman? Most of my johns would be over her trying to play in my pee,” she said with a giggle.

I was totally sexually spent, the blow job and the magnificent fuck against the car was beyond any fantasy I may have ever thought up. As we got back in the car and headed into town the sun was up and shining through the back window, nearly blinding me in the rear view mirrors and I shut the radio off. The station we had listened to through the night was gone to static and I simply wanted to ride in the quiet morning.

Rachel looked over at me, “Are you okay Larry?” she asked, “you look sad.”

“I’m okay, I just hate the thought of the life you are living,” I said looking at her.

“I am a survivor,” Rachel said, “I am told I will make six figures the first year and very little expense and the risk is pretty low. I could make more on my own but then the risk is beyond what I can accept.”

As I pulled up to what was called a ranch, which it wasn’t Rachel fluffed up her hair a bit, “hope I look okay,” she said, “without you I’d be stuck at the rest stop until some picked me up.” She leaned over and kissed me in a long tender kiss. It was not a passionate kiss intended to fan the flames of desire, it seemed more like a kiss of gratitude and appreciation.

I handed her my card with my cell phone number on it, “call me sometime, let me know how you are doing,” I said as she got out of the car and made her way to a red door in the center of the building. I continued on my drive to San Francisco. I stopped at a motel in the middle of the day. I needed a shower and some sleep. I came out of the bathroom and saw a message on my phone, it was from Rachel, “borrowed a cell phone, thank you again,” and it had a picture attached and it made me smile.

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Four weeks had passed since I agreed to let her dress me up as a girl and lots of things have been going on since then. I was now dressing up for her on the weekends and she made our dress-up sessions educational as well as sexual. Dani had me practicing the art of feminine movements, sitting and standing, walking in heels, and even voice training until it was natural. I now had several pairs of heels in my size that Dani purchased for me to practice on and wear on the...

4 years ago
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Captive Long Hair Soldier GirlChapter 4

The captive long hair soldier girl known as “Badger Girl” because of her long duration blackened eyes from serious training received at the hands of her captors knew that the last “auction” location for the sale of the female prisoners would be her best opportunity at escape if she could only find a fast horse to carry her to safety. Badger Girl’s real name was Margaret Hatcher and she was the widow of a cavalry captain slain at the burning of Fort McDonald down below the existing border....

3 years ago
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Connect Part II

I was strolling along the pavement, the autumn air was crisp and fresh. Trees swayed to-and-fro, being stripped of their brown and maroon coloured leaves. It was rather chilly, the strong wind smacked against my face, forcing little tear drops to slide out of my eyes. My cheeks were bright pink, and ached from the cold.When I had finally reached the front door, my feeble hands could just about ring the door bell. They were so numb. A few seconds later the door opened and I quickly rushed in....

3 years ago
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Manghihilot na manyak

In our place, there is one quack doctor as I can say. We locally called this "manghihilot", whenever we have some kind of sickness that medical doctors can not cure, we turn to them for cure. They usually use oil and oration and other amulets that drives sickness or bad spirits away. They usually do "hilot" or a type of curative massage that focuses on relieving bodily pains and sickness.Our "manghihilot" is known in our area since I was a c***d, during that time he is on his 50s or...

2 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 13

Time: Sunday, December 23, 2018 2:10 PM The time passed quietly. Occasionally somebody would volunteer a helpful comment, but Emily was mostly exploring the Kappa Alpha intranet on her own. The searching lead to some discoveries and insights, but was also full of dead ends. The principal discoveries were that almost all requests for information and control required the approval of authorized Kappa Alpha employees. It seemed even the simple ability of turning on the lights in a bedroom or...

4 years ago
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Der Abend zu dritt

Es ist kurz vor sieben, du hast gerade die letzten Sachen beiseite geräumt und einige Getränke bereit gestellt, als es an der Tür klingelt. Lisa scheint ein wenig früher da zu sein, als verabredet. Ihr habt die Wohnung noch nicht ganz fertig aufgeräumt, aber das macht nichts. Lisa hatte mit Laura in einer WG gewohnt, bevor diese mit dir zusammengekommen und -gezogen war und so kennt man das Chaos des jeweils anderen bereits. Laura geht gerade zur Tür und du hörst, wie sich die Mädchen freudig...

2 years ago
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Ghazzi 8211 Pathan Bachcha

Its true story , around 8 years ago I met this boi name Gazzi….at that time he was 18 years, very cute handsome , slim , very fair white complexion . He is about 5’8″ and 115lbs very sexy looking and very girlish boi. He is Pathan from Peshawer and newly migrated to Canada. His family is rich and business people. Let me introduced myself ….I was 25 years of age at the time of this story (now my age is 33 years) , and I was a university student, doing my masters degree in sciences. I am 6’2″...

Gay Male
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Julies Subway Abduction Pt 2

As their feet transferred from gum-stained subway steps to concrete streets, Julie’s eyes peered around. She’d never been this far out on the subway before, she didn’t recognize anything. The low, dense skyline formed by the buildings obscured any view of her more familiar parts of the city. There were little shops between the walk-up tenements: a fried chicken takeout place; a liquor store; a small market with vegetables at prices lower than Julie had ever seen at the stores near her; a...

2 years ago
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I was sitting in the living room watching the football game when my wife of 2 years walked into the room. She was a teacher and am the principle and the summer vacation had just started. She had been doing some work on the computer. She sat next to me and gave me a kiss. She was always affectionate to me and I loved it. She put her hand on my package and rubbed it. I started to get an erection as she kept it up. As she continued to feel my dick through the shorts I had on she said the...

3 years ago
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Street Life

Street Life By Innocent Guilt What is life but endless time spent by people pulling our strings. Who are we but mere puppets spawned to do the dirty work of people above us. Deadlines control the very fabric of our isolated lives we live. Machines that steal the minutes of our lives away from the depths of that life which we have lived. We are free, free as a bat, which must return to cave when the light shines brightly in their faces. In this cave we shelter and hide from...

2 years ago
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A Halloween Party

A Halloween Party by Sissie Maid Cuckold "Hi, my name is Rebecca and this is my boyfriend Tyrell and we are giving a big Halloween party. My husband Timmy here has volunteered to be our server at the party and we were looking for the perfect uniform for him". "Ah hi I'm Lisa. Did you say your...boyfriend and your husband or did I hear you wrong?" "Yes that's exactly what I said, this is my boyfriend Tyrell and this is my husband Timmy." "Ah Ok I thought I miss heard you. Ah...

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I Mever Dreamed

How I came to love Zoo and learn its many joys. At a young age I got lucky. I learned about the joys of sex; learned how stimulating my privates could set me a-tingle; how stroking my young cunt would make me shake and feel on a different level; how among the many pleasures in life there was one thing that was the highest thrill: cuming, climax, full body orgasm, an orgasm that takes one’s breath away which some call Le Petite Mort. [“the little death“] I was the luckiest girl to learn...

2 years ago
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I Lived a Life

I straightened, tears forming in my old grey eyes. I took one last look at that face, still beautiful. She was lovely, dressed in her bed gown, a soft smile still on her face. She had aged in the past 35 years, since I met her. But beautiful she still was. To me she would always be. She lay there in our bed, as she had many a night. It was a full four poster, it had belonged to my grandmother when she was a child. Just like this house. Just like these night tables, just like the persian...

3 years ago
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Alone with the man I love on an island just fuckin

As you read this story, you'll soon se that time was one thing we never had on our side. For weeks we had tried to get together. Each time being interrupted or the meeting failed for one reason or the other. We had been attempting to show each other the love and wonders you receive when two people make love and offer up their bodies, minds and soles to each other. The thrill of sex with someone for the first time is one thing but when it's attached with love, the first time is usually...

1 year ago
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Cat fisher

Cat Fisher Short Fiction by Liam Slade Copyright 2020 Liam Slade, all rights reserved. To be reprinted only with permission of the author. Find more fiction from Liam Slade at http://liamslade.com When I came back to high school for senior year, I thought I as a shoo-in to make starting quarterback. I had drilled all summer and was a favorite of the coach. It was my dream. First this, then college football, then hopefully get drafted into the NFL. What I didn't count on was...

2 years ago
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In the Name of Research

Clark Lane was a 23 year old junior clerk working in a Coroners Office in a major city. He was a good looking young man with the unfortunate appearance of a nerd. But he was not. The only reason he had not pursued his education past High School was that his parents could not afford to help him financially. It was a pity as he was a very clever young man with a lot of common sense. Since High School, he had done every self improvement school or course he possibly could with his limited...

2 years ago
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My Experience With Prostitute

Hi i am jaya prakash from villupuram which is in southern part of india.I was studying first year of engineering so my age was 19 years when this was happened. I have experienced a sex when i was traveling in bus a man aged 40 or something came to sit near me and i was sleeping too during this he started to put his hand in my thigh i thought it might me due to his sleep but he started moving his hand towards my penis I noticed and i let him do that slowly he moved his hands and started pressing...

3 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 3Chapter 14

The tournament in Dallas just cost me an extra three grand. I didn't want to keep the big ugly trophy and they wouldn't let me throw it away, so I had to buy a new trophy case to place in the office to hold the tournament things. The entire issue frustrated me, but it soon passed. Darcy was funny, because she was mad at the slut Wanda for trying to seduce me, but at the same time, she was horny for Melody. I guess I was also, and that's what made it funny. We were hypocrites when it came...

3 years ago
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Kindertransport IIChapter 3 The Journey

Frank looked at his schedule for the next day. One of the CAP tests was actually a retest. Raziya was already a 6.3 and obviously wanted to see if she had gone up a notch or two. This was the first such retest he had seen on the voyage so far. Thinking about it, he realised that there probably should have been more of them. He queried the AI, “There are almost 400 Kindertransport concubines on board, aren’t there.” “Three hundred and eighty two, including concubines Afiya and Masika.” “With...

1 year ago
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HelplessTeens Kitty Carrera Ditched Dicked and Dominated

Ditched by her so-called friends, poor little Latina cutie Kitty Carrera is all in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly, nice guy Brick pulls up in a white van and decides to help her get back to civilization. Later, after learning that she’s broke he gives the sexy senorita a choice, sexual submission or walk home. Like a good slut, Kitty is soon sucking his cock and getting tied up with rope. Brick takes the petite hottie to his dungeon for some teasing and BDSM then savagely drills her...

1 year ago
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Kirti And Sarah Part 1

Hi, this is Johnny back with my second sex story on Indian Sex Stories. My first sex story is here: https://www.indiansexstories2.net/couple/licking-ass-high/. Check it out if you love sniffing and licking a girl’s ass. ;) Ok, so getting back to our sex story. I had met this girl, Kirti, through some common friends we had and we all started hanging out as a group on the weekends smoking up and going for parties. Kirti was a really busty girl who had nice big round firm boob, and I had always...

3 years ago
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My Confession

On a cold February day, I went to visit a friend. I went with a letter in my hand, words I wanted her to read. What follows is that letter. The words in italics are the words I spoke to her as she read. I read my copy of the letter at the same time. I am a dreamer. And a writer. This combination can either work, or it can be incredibly volatile. Why am I telling you this? I need to clear my mind of thoughts, and I need to do this in order to move on. Again you are asking why I am writing to...

3 years ago
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Bird SongChapter 30 Return of the King

"Hold on Sir David," Laura said. "I'm thinking that we shouldn't be so hasty in publicising what we think has happened. There's a lot at stake here. There are thousands of teenagers here who are looking to Jamie to lead them and thousands of others holding out the hope that he's going to liberate them from the terrorists. I think the balance of advantage here lies in keeping this quiet for now." The Ambassador considered the young girl's words and realised she had a fair point. He...

4 years ago
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Castle Tails

By Homealone_447 Claire and her friends looked through their hotel window at the old castle sitting at the top of a nearby hill. They were seriously considering a strange dare from the old lady managing the hotel. “So tell me again what the woman told you,” Brooke said, “If we spend the night up there, we won’t have to pay our hotel bill? It doesn’t make any sense.” Her friend Madison responded, “It is true. Claire and I were talking about the ridiculous stories they say about the...

4 years ago
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Family Affairs Ch 14

Passion In James County XIX: Family Affairs Chapter fourteen When Ricky awoke he noticed that he and Dianna had made quite a mess of Matt’s bed. Dianna was still asleep, so he went to the bathroom to get himself cleaned up. When he came out, he saw that Dianna had stretched out and was now sleeping on her side. ‘Boy, when I fuck them, they really stay fucked,’ he thought. He wanted to restore the bed to the same condition he’d found it in so Matt wouldn’t know they’d been there, so he went...

2 years ago
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a girls gotta have secrets

My husband and I have always had an open relationship. We've both had other lovers, 3 somes, group sex, evertything. We tell each other of our escapades with others. But for some reason I've always held this one back. Not really sure why. I know he probably wouldn't care but it just felt nice having a secret lover even though he and I were always so open. Maybe its who it was that just made me hold it back for myself for fun. We were living in sin city at the time. LV. It was a good...

4 years ago
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My Camping Trip

                                 MY CAMPING TRIP      My husband who's name is Mike came home from work and told me he was going camping. Going camping , I said,in the past ten years I wanted to go and you told me no.Now you are telling me your going . That doesnt work for me I said looking at him and expecting him to give me a hard time.                   Never said you couldn't go .Thought for sure you would want to go as a matter of fact it's just your kind of weather ..He said..        ...

1 year ago
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Ms Yates Chapters 18 and 19

Ms. Yates A Novel Eighteen She went to Rick Hayden first, and he immediately enlisted the student leaders from all four classes. Ms. Gunderson got most of the teachers on board. A delegation of 10 students and five teachers, let by Tina, went to see Ms. Barnes. "A memorial service?" she spluttered. "Without the approval of the family? Out of the question!" Rick pointed out that a good many students were struggling with Jeremy's death, and they would take strength from...

2 years ago
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 04

It was Saturday. However, this wasn't just an ordinary Saturday. It was my twenty-second birthday. As it turned out, my girlfriend, Becca, had something big planned for me early that morning. I was sleeping in my bed when she woke me up at just past midnight. As I opened my eyes, I immediately noticed that something was different. Everything was black. I reached for my face and felt it. Becca had wrapped a blindfold around my eyes, blocking my vision entirely. I heard her giggle as I...

Group Sex
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Time Out Time In

Perhaps the spectre of her had always been lodged deep in my brain, waiting, knowing. Maybe that image, misread by me, had lured me into triple pointless love affairs, and two failed marriages. Failed, because of my uncertainty, my inability to give everything. When Carol left six months earlier, her words had hurt but I could not fathom the truth in them, “Even when you're inside me, I feel you’re somewhere else. Fucking somebody else.”Not true. Hell, I’m as lusty as they come, full of...

Love Stories
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Aggybook 2Chapter 19

Felix Arburthson was a little apprehensive but not surprised when "Shriek" went up into cosmic space to journey to Gorgipest. He was somewhat distracted by the enthusiasm of Sir Henry Bollinger's playing with the star maps he had adjusted by 'removing' the Milky Way stars Navigation in cosmic space was going to require powerful 'puters with almost bank vault size memory. The voyage in cosmic space took about two hours as opposed to seven days by a fast freighter in the upper hyper...

2 years ago
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At the Top Pt 4 Two Feet Clare

Bathed in morning sunshine in her bathroom, Clare checked her makeup and hair in the wall of mirrored cupboards above her sink. Finding zero flaws, she moved to the full-length mirror to measure her hemline. The sharp senior executive in a black miniskirt suit met her expectations.It wasn't her bathroom; it was his. However, if occupation counted, she'd taken over. Living miles high in the sky for the past two weeks, only the glorious white freestanding bath had prevented her from parading...

1 year ago
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Brooke Gets Black Mailed

Brooke woke up full of energy, the kind only a nineteen year old could have after partying into the wee hours.   She had some errands to run that day before she could indulge in her evening plans, so she could hardly wait to get out on the road and get started. She stepped out the shower and grabbed her towel. She began pat drying her curvy nineteen year old body as she walked toward her room. Her roomie Alice noticed her flash by and became curious about Brooke’s schedule for the day. ...

1 year ago
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Tammy Blames Her Husband

She couldn't help think that at this rate she was going to suck of everybody in the store in about 10 minutes. Tammy tried to appease her guilty conscious by telling herself it was all her husband's fault. He was the one who turned her on to that sex story site and all those hot stories, many of which made her horny to no end. Roger did his best to satisfy her but she became more and more open to the idea of acting out. Roger frequently had to go out of town for business which left Tammy alone,...

Cheating Wife
3 years ago
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The March of the RoseChapter 12

Anastasia and Rac-Nur had arrived from Aithen the previous day and were just re-settling into their normal routines. Their housekeeper, Kate, had the house open and ready before they arrived and Anastasia was very appreciative. Kate informed Anastasia that her son was going to be visiting in a day or so after completing his study at the Merchant-Marine Academy in Re-An. Kate was asking for time off to spend with her son at a local inn but Anastasia offered the use of the guest quarters. She...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily JC Wilds Trespassing And Skinny Dippin8217 Sex with Stepsis

My stepsister JC Wilds is such a brat, always getting herself into trouble. She wants to use our neighbor’s pool while he is away and drags me along to her trespassing scheme. I (Peter Green) was super nervous, but when she took off her panties before getting in the pool, I figured I’d stick around in case anything went wrong. She teases me with her natural tits and pussy as we swim around. I still want to leave, but it’s hard! Especially after she wrapped her lips around my...

1 year ago
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Finders FeeChapter 7

"Well, this is interesting." My eyes shot open and I looked over to the source of the sound. Terry was standing inside my room looking down at us, eyebrows up and a smirk on her lips. Eve was standing behind her in the doorway looking like she'd just smelled something really foul. We hadn't moved at all that I could tell and as I moved slightly in surprise Keelin stretched and looked back over her shoulder at the intruders. I couldn't see her expression but Terry certainly could and the...

2 years ago
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Secret Insemination Clinic Ch2

After a short break, Jay's brother Jack emerged from a side door in his normal clothes and took questions from the students about his job as a paid sire for women who've paid for his semen.  Within 15 minutes, Jack received a signal from someone standing at the door and told the students that the next pair of participants were preparing to start.  Jack explained to the students that what they were about to see was a 'special case insemination', where the government steps in and requires...

2 years ago
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Horny Antics in the Garden of Eden

2003 © I am a dyed in the wool voyeur... no doubt you are as well. Not likely that any of us would be here if we weren't! However, I am not the type of person that finds his EROTIC EYE CANDY by peeping in women's bedroom windows for my sexual kicks. I don't drill holes in the ladies room wall nor do I peek up skirts by lurking at the bottom of open staircases. Do I gawk at gorgeous legs with an admirable fanny attached... or a pair pretty of tits and a lovely face passing by? OF...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Payton Preslee Oily Tits Twat Feet

Bedecked in slutty heels, fishnets and skimpy, two-piece underwear, stacked brunette Payton Preslee floods her curvaceous frame in an ocean of shiny oil. Veteran fucker Michael Stefano soaks her big, round ass in the clear, slick lubricant, massaging into her hot skin. He strips off Payton’s platform shoes and greases her bare feet. Michael indulges his foot fetish, humping her slippery soles while she uses her wet toes to stroke his prick! Michael fucks her cunt doggie-style while she...

2 years ago
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Spring Break 05

Spring Break of sophomore year was going to be amazing. This was the year we were doing the whole party in Mexico thing, like you see on MTV. Holly and I and Stephanie were going, flying down for a four day party. Sandy wasn’t going because she had a weird major requirement that wouldn’t allow it. We all had tests the day before our flight, so mid-terms and the studying for them, really made a dent in our normal activities. The exhaustion from sex gave way to exhaustion from studying, but...

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