Santa Loves All Kids, Even Ginger Ones!Chapter 3 free porn video

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Psychologists and miserable people that have sunk too deeply into the depravity of marketing and sales will tell you that the most important thing is to make a good first impression. People’s opinions of you, once set at about 1.6 seconds after meeting you, remain fixed. It’s hard to recover from a train-wreck once those first guiding wheels have already slid off of the track!

It could have been worse, I suppose. Jessica and I were both clothed and not screwing right on the frosty front lawn like two deranged weasels. We were both even dressed reasonably adequately, considering that my faux-wife had been helping fix dinner in an old worn out t-shirt and cut-off jean short shorts that mostly covered her ass. She had just changed out of her work suit and the huddled masses of her breasts had been yearning to breathe freely for hours. Unfortunately, the twins were rather casually attired in their new favorite evening attire, each wearing one of Jessica’s old cropped-off t’s advertising some South Beach slutty bar and rocking short-shorts of their own.

The temperature dropped right from the moment the girls opened the door to our premature visitor ... and not just from the near freezing air outside this evening either.

“Ah... , “ the gray-haired old auntie determined, “you two must be the twins. It’s quite unmistakable ... and you both certainly already do take after your mother, in each and every way.” Ok, then ... so Jessica might have perhaps had a checkered past back in her younger, and slightly more nubile college days, but slut-shaming my nieces right from the start was not perhaps the best way to win them over.

Reba, who was practically shameless, immediately managed a slight bow and curtsey, before squealing in mock delight and hugging the old biddie anyway. Scarlet, who had perhaps slightly less sense of the theatrical in her, just spun on her heels and flounced off to finish setting the dinner table, while rolling her eyes at us and then sticking out her tongue too, for good measure. Jessica didn’t quite know whether to laugh or cry, so she quickly hid her head inside the pantry, pretending to be hunting for something ... and showed no sign whatsoever that she was likely to emerge anytime at all soon. That left me then to attempt to recover the situation.

“And you must be Joshua, Jessica’s husband, she exclaimed in greeting with slightly more interest and enthusiasm. “Lucille, my sister ... Jessie’s mom, has told me quite a good deal about you, but I’m somewhat quite unsure as to just how much of this info was perhaps a bit exaggerated.”

“By exaggeration,” I grinned, “you mean of course that Jessie’s mom would just as soon rather lie than tell the unvarnished truth every day of the week, and fib twice-over on Sundays as well, so I’d prefer to just smile and nod politely ... unless, of course you’ve heard a fresh new hysterical rumor of our unspeakable, and vile debaucheries, in which case I’d be delighted to hear it and even take notes for future embellishments. Otherwise, I am entirely as you see before you.”

Jessica dropped a can loudly in the pantry, shocked at what I said to her aunt, but I shrugged and bent down to pick up the elderly lady’s pair of suitcases. Unlike her niece, this woman knew how to compactly pack for a trip!

I could feel Beverly’s eyes fixed to my ass the entire way up the stairs as I showed her to her guest bedroom. It used to be my study, but we’d cleared out most of the mess and added a guest bed and a new small dressing table. My former study closet had been cleaned and aired out as well, and would be more than adequate too. She gave it a small sniff of general approval, after taking her eyes off of my butt and biceps for a scant moment. Any moment now she was going to be squeezing them to test their firmness and texture.

“No,” she decided, right as I was about to tell her it would still be about fifteen or twenty minutes until dinner, “you are rather not entirely what I had been expecting ... and that’s already a point or two in your favor. A man married to a red-head needs a functionally creative mind of their very own, otherwise they’re liable to get steamrollered flat and walked all over. You’re right, entirely of course ... my younger sister couldn’t tell a straight story if Saint Peter himself demanded it of her at heaven’s gate! Our youngest sister, another red-head of course but now departed from us, was worse – if it’s at all possible, and I assume that your darling bride, my niece, whom I only caught the briefest glimpse of downstairs, naturally shares these inherited family traits?”

“By which you mean, of course, is she still a rampaging volcano always on the verge of eruption and would much rather tell a comforting creative alternation of the facts than tell the bald unhappy and unvarnished truth ... got it in one! But it’s something that I’m work hard to moderate with the girls. Red hair runs in alternate generations in my family too, so mixed in with the assorted tendencies towards insanity, we do ... well, most of us, do possess a slight modicum of common sense to help compensate.”

“Glad to hear that,” she laughed, “There’s not really an excess of that flowing in ours. Myself as a younger lady, quite included. With age and experience, though, does eventually come a bit of wisdom.”

“Age and treachery usually does trump youth and inexperience, as Jessica’s father used to remind me. He was a kind man, and I was rather fond of the old fellow and he taught me a lot about the plumbing business ... but he spent way too many hours in that office and not really enough hours at home guiding his daughter as she grew up. He pushed her to excel, but never once hinted to her that there needs to be times to just stop and smell the roses. It’s never dull ... but life with her can be exasperating.” That was a more than safe enough and very honest opinion.”

No ... you’re entirely not what I had been expecting at all. You don’t have a single tattoo on open display and you’re most definitely not a dim pretty boy ... one of the usual sorts of beach-boy bulls that the women of our family, both past and present, tend to prefer for our dalliance material. If those books on the wall are any indication, it appears you’ve actually got a mind ... so apparently Jessica hasn’t selected you entirely on your suitability for night-work. Call me doubly impressed then ... but why then the preposterous story about you two being married with twins?”

She laughed and I had to laugh along with her for a minute or two until I could manage to keep my face straight enough to give her a digest version of the truth. I supposed that Jessica had not wanted to call her mother out for the original lie, but also didn’t want to hurt her aunt’s feelings either, so she took the path of least resistance. Getting the facts established, early, right from the start, likely wouldn’t screw up Jessica’s real chances of getting that loan – once directly asked for ... but that was her business, and I kept mum about that little bit of impending misfortune.

Besides, as Aunt Beverly giggled with a smile, “I’m going to enjoy this week mightily! I’m going make her squirm and see how many new lies she’ll now have to make up just to keep her ridiculous story going ... and I’m going to love every minute of watching her wriggle out of this!”

Yeah ... me too!

The circus got off to an excellent start at dinner time, as Aunt Beverly pushed and pressed for every detail about how we (Jessica and her ‘husband’) had met, and where, and what did we dine on, and so forth, unto the nth degree. It was just delicious, watching Jessica fidget and trying to think of another story to cover her lying ass. My darling bride kept trying to change the conversation ... but none of us were going to let her get away from it.

“Ooo, tell us more about how you met dad,” Reba squealed, and then she displayed the logo on the old crop-top shirt that she was wearing and added, “weren’t you dancing at this night club when you met him ... and not wearing a stitch of clothing either?” Ouch ... now that was vicious!

“No silly!” Scarlet interjected, “I’m pretty sure she said it was at this club. And then you got arrested that same night too, you told me, for solicitation of prostitution. You propositioned an off-duty police officer, but our dad talked him out of taking you in. He told them that you were underaged, just fifteen, and that this would be your third arrest as a whore ... but that your family was planning to send you back to the Betty Ford Clinic, again, to get you cleaned up ... if he’d let you go ... or was it instead that you had to give him a blow job? No ... I think that was a different time with another cop!”

Oh my ... if looks could have killed, my nieces would have been buried six feet under! That was enough abuse for Jessica for one evening, and she excused herself from the table and fled nearly running up the stairs and slammed the bedroom door behind her. Well ... it wasn’t entirely undeserved.

The dinner topic now changed for good – once all of the girls and women at the table had stopped laughing.

“The girls are in private school, or so Jessica tells me.” Aunt Beverly asked, with enough of a quizzical look that suggested that she didn’t entirely trust anything coming from her niece’s mouth either, unverified.

“They are,” I confirmed, “but they had been in the local public middle school up until two years ago. There were issues at that school, both with some inner-city gangs and with a few of their teachers. They’re going to a private school now; it’s a church school, Episcopalian, but they were the top-rated local school for academics, especially STEM classes for girls ... and they don’t bible-thump too much. If we can afford it, I’d like them to continue next year into their high school as well. Expensive ... really too much so, but their graduates have a really good success rate getting into Ivy League schools or really top tech colleges like M.I.T. or Stanford. Wherever the girls decide they want to go.”

“Public schools are good for letting children socialize with different sorts of kids, more disadvantaged families and such, but if there were issues ... well, whatever is best for the girls. In retrospect, Jessica perhaps shouldn’t have gone to private schools for her entire education. She never really learned how to interact with others very well, and a bit more social give-and-take might have been good for her.”

Both girls raised up their hands and danced in their seats as if an urgent bathroom appointment was critically necessary. Tales to tell ... they certainly had a few.

“Well,” Reba immediately volunteered, “I think the stupidest incident was with our 8th grade science teacher. She was a crazy social justice loon, complete with mostly green dyed hair, that refused to believe that there were only two biological sexes. She kept pushing us to ‘self-identify’, whatever the fuck that meant ... and no, we couldn’t choose to be just plain heterosexual females either. She just kept pushing until I told her that I sexually identified as an attack helicopter!”

“Yeah,” Scarlet added, “and then I told her that I wanted to be an A-10 Warthog! Let me sing you the song of my people, I cried out to her, and loudly went Brrrrrrrrrrrrp and threw paperclips and erasers at everyone in the classroom.”

“It was just... glorious...” Reba sighed, “but wow was that crazy bitch out of it!”

“That was sort of the last straw with that school,” I laughed, “and the principal sort of recommended that private school to me, in the interest of preserving his own limited remaining mental health. He was mostly on our side, concerning most of the numerous issues the girls had with some students and also a few of the more socially progressive teachers. And yes, their red hair in a 70% overall minority student body there was turning into a constant recurring issue that the school administration frankly showed no inclination towards correcting.”

“Nope,” Scarlet muttered, banging her fork onto her dinner plate in anger. “One year, our social studies teacher wanted to rub both of our noses into ‘diversity and inclusivity’, week after fucking week, nonstop like a broken record!”

“One Monday morning, she declared it was ‘Kick a Blonde’ week, because we had two blond girls, so all of the black and brown kids got to verbally abuse them all week with utter impunity. Then, it was our turn – Kick a Ginger. Like fucking hell that was going to happen!” Reba stated. “So, I walked right up to the front of the class and asked when gas a Jew week was going to be?”

“Yeah,” Scarlet snarled, “or what about Noogie a Nigerian day, or Wedgie a Walloon? I still think that Phlegm on the Flemish would have been a lot of fun! So, I then wrote ‘GINGER’ in big letters across the board and asked the class to rearrange a couple of letters and mentally replace the word ginger with black. It was a very easy anagram, so even the stupider kids in the class got it.”

“And the shit totally hit the fan,” I agreed, “so I marched in the principal’s office and raised seven flavors of fresh hell! The hilarious part was that the teacher kept defending her actions as ‘necessary social education’ and then doubled-down saying that if the girls didn’t want to get bullied, then they should dye their hair to some other color. I then suggested, if that was the case, then why didn’t she, the teacher, bleach her skin white as well? She went apeshit and threatened to sue us for emotional abuse and we, in turn, complained about her in a public meeting of the school board and told them that the teacher was a bigoted piece of shaite that needed some ‘social education’ of her own so she wouldn’t say any more stupid things to children without thinking. They ended up eventually firing her ... but really that whole business was entirely way more hassle than the girls needed and it didn’t make them any friends with the other teachers at that school.”

“Fuck them,” the twins muttered just about in perfect unison.

“I’m pretty sure that a couple of them still have nightmares about us,” Reba giggled, “and warn their students to be good little obedient drones and conform, submit, agree to anything the teacher says. Don’t stand out in any way or you will be punished ... just like those gingers. Don’t say (or think) anything that’s out of line with what we say or you will face consequences. Our cameras are watching your every move. Love is Hate. War is Peace. Ignorance is Strength!”

“I’m just glad that we’re gone, and at our new school, “Scarlet agreed, “because pretty soon teachers will have an “Independent Thought Alarm” in public school classrooms, just like in the Simpsons. And they’ll keep wondering why most of the dumb twats in our class are going to end up selling drugs, killed in some gang war, or dancing in titty bars.”

“My dears,” Aunt Beverly laughed, my own grandmother came over to America from Ireland, and her hair was at least as red as yours. She said to me once when I was a little girl, when I asked her why all of the other children picked on me for being a ginger. She said that ‘In Ireland, a country with no blacks, Hispanics, Asians, or Jews, bigots will improvise ... and that stupidity can travel the world at least twice before common sense ever gets up to put its boots on.”

“True,” I agreed as I started to collect the dishes from the table, “and if you and I didn’t suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, generations of gingers that come after us are just going to get murdered in pre-school because they won’t have any survival skills ... or more likely, be the ones doing the murdering.

It was frankly the best and mostly lively week leading up to Christmas Eve that I could remember. Aunt Beverly was still enjoying her game of catching Jessica in the act of compounding lies with yet more lies, and never giving a clue that she’d been wise to the game from the start.

Same as Santa Loves All Kids, Even Ginger Ones!
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Santa Scape

The grey-haired woman released her lip and said, "Reganald, I wasn't going to call, but it's been a day, the whole time with no communication at all. I am starting to get worried—" "Wait, ma'am, are you saying you haven't heard anything from him for a whole day?" Suddenly there was the sound of alarms and klaxons behind Reganald. "Don't worry ma'am, the SC Ops is on the job. Give us two days tops to find out what happened." The woman breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you,...

3 years ago
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Santa IV

  John's mouth dropped open, was it his imagination or was the crystal growing? Funny he thought it wasn't any heavier, shaking his head he knew he was going to have to get used to it that was all. After everyone was settled John decided to find out how far they were from this count that Mercy had mentioned. Reaching out at first he didn't feel anything, and then suddenly he could feel another magical presence!   John's mouth hung open so that was how he'd followed them so quickly!...

3 years ago
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I needed a part time job to bring more money in or move to some run down apartment that I could afford. I looked in all the papers, on the internet, I asked people if there were any jobs I could do but nothing. In the paper from the town next to the town I live in there was an ad for a club dancer, I knew that was a stripper, I said I would never do anything like that but I was broke and almost homeless. Plus it was in the town down the road, no one would find out. Let me describe...

2 years ago
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Santa fucks Olivia

It was late Christmas eve and Olivia was laying in bed feeling quite horny and with everyone in the house asleep she started to slowly move her hand down her naked body until she got to her already wet pussy and she gently started to rub herself trying to think of someone sexy using her and that is when she thought it would be hot for Santa to catch her being naughty but little did she know what was going to happen in the next few minutes. As she played she had her eyes closed and as she...

1 year ago
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Santa Claus is Cumming Part 1

Disclaimer: This story is a work of pure naughty fiction. Any similarities to any person living, dead, undead, fictional, et. al is purely coincidental. This is my first story. Critiques are welcome.We all need a little extra money this holiday season. So for some extra cash, I became a mall Santa. Took the course, rented my costume, ho ho ho I'm ready to go. All I have to do is sit for a few hours, have some cuties sit on my lap, listen to their wish lists and smile for the camera. Simple...

1 year ago
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Gingers Spice

Ginger was Italian/Spanish, short, plump, busty with long red hair. She turned heads when she walked with a hip rolling sexy glide. As she talked on a conference call in her private office, she checked her clock knowing her morning appointment was Sandy close. Sandy was her personal assistant, go fer and all around handmaiden. Promptly at 9am every morning she briefed Ginger. Her briefing were thorough and always started with a 2 minute download of last nights backlog.Ginger waved Sandy to sit...

3 years ago
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Ginger and Mister Fogey

"Ginger & Mr. Fogey" by Jennifer Brock In this sentimental story that captures the loneliness that the Holiday Season means to many of us, an unlikely friendship forms between a curmudgeon and a free spirit. It was a rainy miserable Wednesday night in October, so Mabel's Diner was mostly empty. Except for a couple of teenagers cooing in the corner booth, Bradford Fogarty was the only customer in the place. He was sitting at his usual stool at the counter, having a bowl of...

3 years ago
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Sharing my Wife A Weekened with Eric and Ginger

This story is a continuation of, "Sharing my Wife: An Evening with Ginger and Eric" We didn’t get a chance to see Eric and Ginger over the next couple weeks, but whenever we made love, we still fantasized, pretending we were with them. We were both hot for this other couple. Michelle didn’t ever expect to ever be able to carry it any further than we had at dinner, but I had other ideas if Ginger was still willing. Michelle’s fantasizing and my anticipation made for some very hot lovemaking...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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I had been waiting for Saturday all week long. Mom took Mikey and went to a seminar, and my sister was out with her friends. I had the house all to myself, or so I thought. Anyway, I went out back to my weight pile for a quick workout.By the time I was finished with my workout, I was hot and the sweat was rolling off of my body, so I decided to take a shower to clean up. When I was finished, I put on just a pair of shorts. Since I was alone, I decided to get one of my porno tapes and watch it...

3 years ago
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Gary GingerChapter 8

Sally heard the loud knock on the door. It almost sounded like Gary’s knock but she knew Gary was with that slut Ginger and he was still at home healing. She got up from the couch looked through the peephole. Shit! It was Ava looking demure and sophisticated in a black coat and beautiful red scarf. Sally frantically rushed to the bedroom to put on some pants. She couldn’t let Ava see her half naked! Danny was in the shower so Sally went in to let him know his grandmother was knocking on the...

1 year ago
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GingerChapter 10

"You guys look so innocent." Ginger giggled, "We are now, but I don't know about tomorrow morning. Maria, let's go, I want to meet your family. Mostly I want to meet your grandmother." I spoke up, "I'll drive and you two girls can sit in back." "Pete said that so he can keep his hands from wandering ... Actually it is so I'll keep my hands off him." "We know that." Ginger was now questioning Maria what she had been doing. Maria still had until the week after the wedding to...

3 years ago
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Using Ginger

Ginger stood naked and tried to stop her legs from shaking as the Master walked around her, inspecting his potential slave. She was desperate to meet his approval. He looked her over, squeezed her firm breasts and pulled on her nipples to see how they reacted. She stifled a gasp as a little pain came from the pinch. She had to remain quiet, had to be a good slave if she wanted to feel the exquisite agony of pleasure she knew he could provide.He looked her over again, noted her firm body and...

2 years ago
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GingerChapter 8

Roberta woke us all up, telling the kids it was time to get ready for dinner. It would be time to get the kids out of jeans and into something fancier. I begged Ginger to wear the dress she had removed when we laid down. I went into my own room and put on grey slacks and a plain grey shirt. I had a blazer to wear over it. I packed a bag to stay in the motel tonight as Roberta and Robin were staying in my room here at the house and Randy and Wendy were staying in Ginger's. Ada was staying at...

3 years ago
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Gary GingerChapter 7

When Ginger returned to the room, Ava was there packing up some of Gary's things. Gary was in the bathroom washing up. Ginger and Ava stared at each other for a few seconds. "Hello," Ginger said cautiously. "Hello," Ava replied nonchalantly and continued folding Gary's clothes into a suitcase. Ginger licked her lips and nervously walked closer to Ava. "I can help you with that," she said as she grabbed one of Gary's t-shirts. Ava snatched the shirt away leaving Ginger in shock....

2 years ago
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GingerChapter 7

"Pete, what are we going to do now?" "I'd like to go home and talk. I'm almost married to you and I still don't know all about you. I want to hear all about Maria's life too. You can tell her what you are thinking of taking in school after graduation from high school." "Ginger, tell me what it is. I have no idea what I want to do and maybe I'll go to the same school." "Okay, but remember I'm going to be married woman by that time. I won't be out to bars and parties every...

3 years ago
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Gary GingerChapter 3

~One Week Later~ "Ok so remember, if some fella starts saying how sexy or hot Ginger is or how they'd like to fuck her, you're not going to get in their face and start shit with them. You're simply going to smile and pour them more drinks." Gary listened as Brett gave him the run down on some of the rules at the bar. Gary had landed the bartending job as a part time job and that night would be his first night. Brett was simply giving him some rules that he should follow. "Also, when...

3 years ago
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Gary GingerChapter 6

Alice and Alan headed back to Gary's room. Gary and Ginger were kissing so lovingly. Alice gulped and looked at her brother. Alan gave her sympathetic eyes. "Ahem!" Alice cleared her throat. She needed to get Ginger alone so that she could convince her to break up with Gary. It was for the best. Ginger quickly broke the kiss. She turned red and stood back up. Gary was smiling from ear to ear. "Hey mom. You guys are back?" Gary asked looking more in love than ever. Alice looked at...

4 years ago
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santa big candy

I was a little elf going to work and pack gifts all day at the mallit was a nice thing to do during december and it paid some extra moneyi was all dress in my green leggin and little elf costume getting in the bus back from workthere was a older guy in his santa costume waving at me in the backi was invited to seat with him''hey how was you day little el''''good good i packed gift all day''''good of you , you make santa proud''both laughing keep playing our ''role''''so what are you doing...

3 years ago
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Santa Baby

Santa BabyNikkie SilkIt was the last Friday night before Christmas, and the pub was packedwith office workers intent on celebrating the Christmas spirit bygetting as drunk as they could manage. Slade were belting out ‘MerryXmas Everybody’ over the speakers and the whole pub was raucouslyjoining in with the chorus. People were kissing under pieces of plasticmistletoe and more than one office romance would begin, and probablyend, that evening.The group that had grabbed a table to the side of the...

3 years ago
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Santa Baby

Santa Baby I live for feedback [email protected] It was the last Friday night before Christmas, and the pub was packed with office workers intent on celebrating the Christmas spirit by drinking as much as they could before closing time. Slade were belting out "Merry Xmas Everybody" over the speakers and the whole pub was raucously joining in with the chorus. People were kissing under pieces of plastic mistletoe and more than one office romance would begin, and probably end,...

4 years ago
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Santa Clause Cums Tonight

I won't bother trying to describe myself. You've all heard my description-- "nose like a cherry", and a "belly that shook like a bowl full of jelly" and all that shit. What the prick who wrote all that about me didn't know was what was hanging under that bowl of jelly. What's the point of fulfilling all those wishes for everybody else if you can't help yourself out once in a while?I get around a bit, about once a year. Most of the time I'm just hanging around the old pole, trying...

4 years ago
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GingerChapter 9

Ginger's prom was coming up. Mom was back from her honeymoon and relieved that Ginger had been okay staying alone while she was away. Immediately Mom went about getting a gown for her to wear. I was a party to all what went on because Maria, Ginger, and I were a triangle connected by the internet. Benny Eden was Ginger's escort of record. He was taking her and knew he would be dancing constantly with others of their classmates. He planned on having his own girlfriend coming too, knowing in...

2 years ago
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GingerChapter 6

In the evening I ordered in pizza and watched a movie on television. It was a western. One of Louis L Amour's stories. I could lose myself by watching something so far removed from the problems of the day. My life had smoothed out, but there were all of these outside forces intruding. One thing though, I didn't mind Ginger intruding on me and she was no real problem. I was thinking about the Lopez family and how I was connected to them in my work. Looking farther down the road, this was my...

1 year ago
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Ginger in the Moonlight

It was just a little after midnight. The night was cool and the breeze felt wonderful as me and Ginger lay naked hand in hand in the sand under the full blue moonlight. The ocean's waves were the only sound we heard other than our own soft breathing. The blue hue of the night highlighted all of Ginger's delicate curves. The paleness of her tan lined breasts became lighted beacons, glowing tenderly a light blue as the moon shined down on her perky small mounds. The soft puffiness of her shaved...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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ISB Ginger My Ugly Little Si ster

Ah,the Memories!*Ginger was a fat, mean spirited, ugly little four eyed bitch! She's just like Mom, even looks like her. What more can I say? Oh,yeah, She's also one Hell of a Fuck! At least, Now She Is!* It was a Saturday morning, Ginger and I were at the kitchen table eating our breakfast. Mom was leaning against the counter smoking a cigarette, and waiting for the potatoes to fry, that's when Ginger said "Guess what, Mommy?" Her mouth full of partially chewed scrambled eggs "I went to go pee...

3 years ago
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Ginger Spice

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.Legend perpetuates a mythic fairy tale that depicts a cheeky gingerbread man who was magically animated, and who spent his life running away from people and talking creatures who wished to eat him. Ancient documents have now come to light that tell a different story:Once upon a time, there was a Gingerbread Man, who lived in the small town of Puddington. Unlike the other sweet inhabitants, the...

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Ginger goes to dinner

This is a chapter from my book "Tales of Ginger and Quinn" look for it on Amazon and Kindle under the pen name Raul MontanaOn Friday afternoon, Janet comes over to pick up Sammy. Ginger opens the door and invites her inside. They both call out for Sammy, who comes trotting around the corner and brushes up against both begging them to pet him. “He is such an attention hog. Was he a good boy?” Janet asked as she scruffed his head. “He was amazing,” Ginger replied, thinking if only you knew how...

3 years ago
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Ginger goes for broke

If her plan went well, within the hour she'd have his hard cock up inside her little teen-aged pussy. If it went badly, she had several escape plans, but she prayed it wouldn't come to anything as drastic as all that. Regardless, she was taking a big risk. If her mother ever even suspected what she was up to, there'd be hell to pay. She checked her clothes one last time, then applied a little more gloss to her thick sensuous lips, before taking a deep breath, and knocking on the door. She...

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