GingerChapter 9 free porn video

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Ginger's prom was coming up. Mom was back from her honeymoon and relieved that Ginger had been okay staying alone while she was away. Immediately Mom went about getting a gown for her to wear. I was a party to all what went on because Maria, Ginger, and I were a triangle connected by the internet.

Benny Eden was Ginger's escort of record. He was taking her and knew he would be dancing constantly with others of their classmates. He planned on having his own girlfriend coming too, knowing in the large crowd no one would think anything of which girl he was squiring.

I wanted so to hold Ginger in my arms, I schemed to be there. It was Lenora who made it happen. She called me on Wednesday. "Pete, Fernando is traveling to Minneapolis Friday morning. He is only staying the night, returning late Saturday. Would you like to see your fiancée in her prom dress?"

"Lenora, you're a sweetheart. I love you."

"This time Pete, I didn't arrange the flight only for you, but I did know you would love to see your girl all dressed up. Fernando will pick you up at your motel room early and you will be seeing Ginger in a few short hours from then." I couldn't thank Lenora enough.

I knocked on Mom's door about eleven that morning. "Pete, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see Ginger before she went to the prom. Fernando had to come for a meeting at headquarters. I have to go back tomorrow afternoon. What time is Benny picking her up?"

"He's coming here about four. They have a dinner date at six. His regular girl friend, Freda, is going to dinner with them. When the dance begins Benny will escort Ginger in and then skin out to get Freda. I wish you could get into the dance."

"I will somehow. I'll talk to Benny when he gets here and we'll figure out something. If I can't get inside, Ginger and I will dance on the patio. I've dreamed of her in my arms."

I was able to lie down after lunch and go to sleep. I heard voices when I awoke. It was two girls laughing. Then I heard Benny's voice too. Mom said, "Ginger, it is time you were getting dressed. You had better take a shower. Be careful you don't mess up your hair."

"Okay, Harriet. Oh, I wish Pete was here."

She was talking over her shoulder as she came into the room. Ginger was shucking her top. When it came over her head, she was staring right at me about three feet from where I was sitting on the bed. I had my arms open and Ginger came into them. I was smothered with kisses while Ginger was screaming, laughing, and crying all at the same time. The door opened and Freda, whom I didn't know, was looking at us. Mom was laughing and Benny was laughing. Mom had told him I was here.

Ginger shoo'ed everyone out. I watched my love get ready for her shower, as I explained how I was able to be here. "Pete, you're going to be here for the weekend aren't you?"

"I have to leave at noon tomorrow. I get to take you to the dance tonight and to sleep with you afterward."

"Great, Freda will be so pleased. She wasn't at all happy having to share Benny with me. I know who the chaperones are, so we won't have any trouble getting you in. Pete, please talk to Benny. If you stay here I might decide to skip the dance entirely. Tell me aren't I tempting you just a little?" Of course she was. She was talking to me without a stitch of cloth on.

I didn't see Tony because he was working. Mom and Freda went in to get Ginger dressed. Freda had her dress with her. When they both came out they were sparkling beautiful. Before this, Benny asked me if I ever saw Maria.

"I see her occasionally. She helped me pick out some furniture recently."

"I think about her sometimes. She is one hot chick. You must be tempted."

"I'm not, although I agree she is a lovely person." Benny had called ahead and had the table reservation changed to two couples instead of for the three seats he had reserved previously.

When it came time, I waited until last to order. I asked the waiter, "Do you have hotdogs and spaghettios?" This cracked Ginger up and she burst out laughing for she remembered serving me this the night we met. Light was shining in her eyes. We were just so happy to be together.

When we reached the hall where the dance was being held, Ginger introduced me to her friends as her fiancé. The band was tuning up and I looked at all of the young ladies in their gowns. I looked over to where the chaperones were gathered. I remembered Mrs. Rosenburg, one of my math teachers. As all women do, Ginger and her friends headed to the powder room, leaving me at the punch table.

Benny and I stood there, just waiting for our dates to return. "Peter Brown?"

"Hello Mrs. Rosenburg."

"Peter, are you here as a chaperone or as a teacher? The crowd is so big I didn't see you come in."

"Neither. I'm dating one of this year's students. We are to be married the first of next month. I live in California and had a chance to be here for the dance."

"Which student?"

"Ginger Adams, do you know her?"

"I do. Ginger's desk is in my home room. She has been like a rose bud opening up and blossoming into a beautiful flower. I have never seen a young girl change so much in just one year. It must be you who has been the cause."

"I don't think so. She was a troubled girl when I met her. I really haven't seen that much of her. My mother was troubled as well. I think I would have to give mother most of the credit. I will say every time we see each other we have recognized we were meant for each other."

"You know you may be dating royalty. She is one of the nominees for Prom Queen tonight. So Pete, are you employed and doing what?"

"I am. I became an architect and I'm working at it. I have two projects I am involved in. One is a church building and the other is a replica of an English Abbey. The owner is having the Abbey constructed to house a pub and a fine dining room with dancing in both. It will also house a bakery, a winery and a brewery. I was sent to England for two months last year researching what the old monasteries were like back in the eleventh century. It has a dream job for me."

"That is exciting. Ginger will be with you?"

"She is going to a culinary institute which is near our home learning to become a bread and cake baker. The owner of the Abbey has promised her employment when she graduates." I looked up and Ginger was coming toward me. "Here she comes now."

Ginger stood talking with Mrs. Rosenburg until the band began playing a waltz set. We made our excuses and we whirled away in each others arms. Ginger was popular among her classmates and danced every dance ... fast and slow. Most of the slow ones with me. "Ginger, you are the most beautiful woman here this evening."

"Thank you Pete, it is you who makes me glow." I just hugged my love a little tighter.

It was right after the bands intermission when there was a drum roll to get everyone's attention. The class president was ready to announce the king and queen who had been chosen to fill the court. Four boys and four girls slowly gathered on the stage where the band was set up. The Third Prince and Princess were named. The group shuffled until those two stood side by side. Ginger was named First Princess and a boy made his way to her. The attention was on the remaining boy and girl and they were crowned King and Queen.

These two made their way out onto the dance floor as the music started up. Ginger's partner and she made their way to where I was standing. Along the way another girl joined them. This was the first Prince's girl friend. Ginger came into my arms as I said, "You should have been Queen. You were easily the most beautiful."

"I made sure I wouldn't be. I told everyone I would abdicate if chosen. You're my King now and forever. The girl who won was a friend of the class president. I might not have won anyway."

"I'll always think you would have."

"That's my King." We made our way over and I was introduced to the King and Queen. We exchanged partners for the next dance. Ginger and I danced a couple more rounds and then we made our way to the exit. Benny ran up to me and I shook his hand thanking him for being on hand to squire Ginger if I hadn't been able to make the dance. We left and made our way home.

We were soon cuddled in bed. What a wonderful feeling to hold the one you loved in your arms. Ginger had to tell me all about the plans for our wedding which were coming up in just a couple of weeks. We snuggled together and put off being intimate until morning.

Ginger prepared breakfast and then we went over to see Mom and tell her what a great time we had at the prom. Tony had the day off so I had a chance to talk to him. This was the first time I had seen him since he and Mom were married. He was a little worried about how to act at our wedding and I assured him not to worry. He had met Fernando and Adoria. Fernando's mother, Lenora would see that he was comfortable.

Too soon I had to meet Fernando at the airport and leave my sweetheart at the gate. Not much longer and we would be together all of the time. It couldn't happen soon enough for me. A long distant relationship sucked.

I was quiet and pensive sitting next to Fernando. "How was the prom, Pete?"

"All that we could have asked for. Ginger was in the queen's court. I truly believe she would have been queen if she hadn't warned the judges she would abdicate. Needless to say she was greatly surprised I was able to come and be with her. Thank you Fernando, for taking the trouble to make it happen."

"Yes, well, Mother suggested it to me. You've picked a wonderful woman for a wife. Now if Maria can do as well in picking a mate as you two have for each other, my sister will be ecstatic. I understand Maria is going to the same school as Ginger. Maybe Ginger can continue to watch her back."

"Maria has matured greatly since we've become acquainted."

"I know. Actually I feel as if I have too. Well I had meetings all morning so I'm going to see if I can nap a little."

"Me too."

Fernando dropped me off at my motel. This was the weekend that Maria and her mother were going to help decorate and organize the small apartment. It had to be done, but I'm glad I had the chance to take Ginger to the prom. I would have given up a lot more if I had to. The prom took precedent.

Work was picking up. I was told this happened every year. It had happened last year and that was what caused me to be taken on as an intern with the firm. A lot had happened in the last year. I had found not only love, but my lost sister as well. Who would have thought last year Mother would be married within a year? So much had changed and the best one was coming up soon!

Sunday morning Maria, Delores and Adoria appeared about ten. They had several boxes of kitchen utensils, towels for the kitchen and bathroom and even things like aspirin and mouthwash for the bath cabinet. I had brought most of the little items that I used in the motel with me before they got there. The stuff they brought was of a higher quality than mine, and told me I didn't need my old stuff so I dinged it.

To me name brand goods didn't mean that much to me and I had always purchased the store brands. The electric can opener and a new coffee maker I'll admit was very welcomed. When they left I stayed right there. Tonight would be the first night in my new home. I'd give up my motel room tomorrow at noon. The bed and other items I had ordered would be delivered here at three. I would get a half day of work in. So many details! At least the wedding was being taken care of by all the women involved.

I was going to sleep on the floor tonight on some blankets I had in my car. I laughed when still awake at ten, so uncomfortable I headed out to an all night mall that sold camping equipment. I came back and blew up the camping mattress. By midnight I was finally able to sleep.

The futon was delivered in one piece, but I had to put the bed together. I had everything in its place by eight that night. Tired, I went out for a meal. My cell rang when I was getting out of my car. "Pete, you haven't called. What have you been doing?" I explained how busy I had been and how tired I was. I promised I would call for a lengthy message tomorrow night because I knew how late it was for Ginger with the time difference.

I awoke fairly early and not wanting Ginger to wait for evening, I rang her before she was off to school. I had a warning for her about how busy I was in the office and that I would have to work some during the time I had planned on a short honeymoon.

"Pete, that's okay. I'll be with you every night and I want to furnish the house. I'll be busy too." There was a pause, "I wanted to ask you, are you feeling left out on planning the wedding? Marie and somebody call every evening about it and there seems to be some little change in plan every time. She tells me this is going to be the wedding of the century. I kind of wish we had just gone to the justice of the peace and had the rite performed."

"I know what you mean. Ginger, tell me though, aren't you glad your mother and father will be at the wedding? I know I'm happy that my mother and sister are going to be here."

"I am thrilled my family will be there for it. It is just that I want you all to my self."

"Three weeks from now by the time you begin classes you will have me as your own. Our home will be all furnished and together and you will be starting classes the following week. We will settle into a routine at that time. There will be other things we will have to take care of and we can do different things. Thinking back, since we first became intimate, do you realize that for at least half that time you and I have not spent that much time in bed ... or even together?"

"Are you complaining?"

"No, of course nor, but I want to do things and travel and see things. California is a big state and full of history. I imagine Lenora can fill us in on the history of her family. Won't that be interesting?"

"Pete, it will be fun to do things with you. I'd like to walk across the Golden Gate Bridge. Is that possible?"

"I think so. I'll check into it. That is what I mean when I say we can experience things together. Broaden our horizons, so-to-speak. Someday I want to return to England and have you meet Jim Hughes and his wife Arlie. We can go and view the original Walsingham Priory that the Abbey is copied from while there. Some day, I'm going to send Jim a picture of us standing in front of this one that I helped build. He helped too and I'll certainly let him know how much. For now, it's off to school for you."

"One week left of High School and then I'll see you on Monday. We'll be married on Tuesday, June first. Pete I'm going to think about you all day. I'll call you this evening. Love and kisses."

"Love to you too, sweetheart."

We spoke every evening. Jack Gibbons, my mentor, finally gave me the promise that he would be best man. He asked if there was anything that he could do for me before the wedding. I couldn't think of anything right off. Would he contact Ginger to see if there was anything she needed doing? He agreed that he would and promised to be here two days early. I reminded him that Lenora Lopez would pick up the cost of his ticket. He informed me it wasn't necessary.

"Pete, we're in trouble and may not be able to get married. That is if my dad and Lenora can't get it straightened out. It is all because I'm a month too young."

This was a call from Ginger to my office. "What's the problem, sweetheart? I thought everything was covered."

"Pete, we need a California marriage license and Dad has to appear with me to apply for the license before the county clerk to verify that I have his permission to marry. Also we have to have pre marriage counseling and the paperwork that says I have permission has to be viewed. And last, we both have to appear before the county clerk together for the license.

"Ginger, it looks as if I have fallen down on my duty to you as your prospective husband."

"No, it was me. I said I would take care of everything."

"It doesn't matter who is responsible, but I totally forgot about the license and it would appear magically out of thin air. Do you think your father will be okay if you move in with me until we can get this straightened out?"

"I know he will. Next week I'm moving in with you married or not."

"No big deal then. Let me call Lenora and see if she has any suggestions."

"Thank you, Pete. I was too embarrassed when I thought of it last night to call or mention it to her. Oh I wish I was with you right now. I miss you so much."

"I miss you too. Next Monday we will be together. I love you. I'll call you this evening. Lenora will think of something."

I had barely hung up the phone when my desk light went on again. "Peter, this is Lenora Lopez calling. This is concerning your wedding plans. I do believe I have everything planned as to the order of when each step is to happen and the end of it will have you and Ginger walking out of the church as husband and wife."

"Lenora, I was just about to call you. Ginger just called all in a panic and I'm taking the blame for forgetting the most important part of us becoming husband and wife."

Lenora broke in, "You mean like getting the license to wed?"

"Yes, that. I don't know how I can get the license on time. All of the people will be here next week and if we don't have the license, it can't happen."

"Yes it can. I've arranged everything. You will be getting wed two days later than you planned, that's all. It will happen on Thursday of next week, not on Tuesday. I said I would arrange everything. This isn't the first time I have had to prevent a wedding disaster. My oldest son had the same thing happen.

"So, everyone will still arrive on Monday. Mr. Adams and Ginger will appear before a judge who is a friend of mine on Tuesday. That will be in his chambers at 9:00 a.m. I have already contacted Mr. Adams as to what he needs to convince the judge to grant the waver. In the afternoon, shortly after lunch, you and Ginger will meet a priest here at the villa and listen to him explain what it takes to be a compatible couple for the rest of your lives. I'm not sure how long this will take, but I was assured that it will be completed by dinner that evening.

"Ginger has all of the documents she needed to transfer to a different school a year ago so Harriet assures me. She will have them with her and you have your passport and your picture ID to present yourselves in the county clerk's office early Wednesday morning. That may take all morning because you go in and have to take a number. One of the clerks will issue the license as soon as they are satisfied that the documents are in order.

Same as Ginger
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Well my wife is a total slut for cock. I take full credit for her transformation to the whore of my life. When we got married I told her that there are three things I want in a woman 1A gourmet cook 2 a gracious host when we have company and 3 A total slut in bed. Well she took the last real good. This story I'm telling happened about 3 months ago. My friend Dave lives 4 houses away and we have been good friends for about 20 years. The first thing you notice about Dave is his size 6'8" and...

3 years ago
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How Did I Find This

Hello to all i am Sudha from Delhi. (Name & place change). I am a married lady with two kids; a boy and a girl. My hubby is a normal guy. About me i am fair with ok figure. We lived a normal life till when my hubby was been hospitals. He was for bed rest for 2 years and we had no finance support. I found a job in Delhi through my frnd’s help. It is a gold shop. Here i had to do account work staff is very helpful. I came across a guy in our office, which is really a hardworking and smart enough...

1 year ago
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Forbbiden pet

You hear little one waking up from his afternoon nap, and although you are proud to be a father you wish it was not now or with the two headed monster gorging in the dining room. You barely make out the command shouted with mouth full of food “get him out of bed and feed him already!” Taking your time you lift yourself from the couch, and stroll over to the bedroom. As you walk by the hallway window you notice a brand new black SUV parked illegally on the street, next to the back door to your...

3 years ago
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My sexy lover Angie part two

I woke early the following morning and soon realised I was in bed alone I knew last night wasn't a dream because my pussy and ass still throbbed from the fucking they received last night and my body still tingled from the three explosive orgasms I had at the hands of my son in-law now lover Jay. Part of me still expected to feel guilt but there was none, all I felt was overwhelming love for him and the need to have him all to myself.  I removed my stockings that I still wore from last night...

1 year ago
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Beloved Aunt Ch2

  “Roar!!” Alex called from the front door. “I got the groceries in the car, can you and Tony bring them in while I put them away?”   “Sure thing mom!” Tony called down.   “Be down in a sec sis!” Aurora’s called back. When she got down stairs though Tony already had everything carried in and was standing in the kitchen watching his mother’s ass bend over putting things away. Alex had on a pair of shorts and when she bent over they showed her ice blue lace panties against her clean shaven...

3 years ago
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The shock of my first paddling

I was working on something else last night and my mind started to wander a little. I was thinking about the first time I was really punished – my first time being paddled by my father.I’d been spanked more than a few times before this. The first paddling was when I was between twelve and thirteen.Other than being just disobedient; some of the spankings were because I was a sissy, loved sucking cock and being fucked, and he did hear some rumors about me being with other boys. My sister and I...

4 years ago
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Sauce for the GanderChapter 2 I Won

Monday, September 18, 2028... I’m not a heavy drinker, but I do enjoy sipping a single small glass of Bourbon on the Rocks in the evening; sometimes I’ll add some Ginger Ale. Saturday night I had polished off the last of my bottle of Ancient Age, and I had forgotten to replace it when I was out Sunday. I was on my way home from work when I decided to stop at my usual liquor store, and buy another bottle. It was just a normal purchase, but I did notice the projected size of the Power Ball...

1 year ago
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My Sexy Birthday Party

I’m totally super-excited. My best friend, Erica has got me something really special for my birthday. She's got us a suite downtown at a swanky hotel for the weekend! She says we are going to party and celebrate.Erica says she has a really big, sexy surprise for me. I beg her, “What kind of surprise?” but she won’t say. All she will say is that it will be “big, totally hot and overwhelmingly fun”. She holds out for a week, keeping me in suspense.Finally, on my birthday, on Friday morning, she...

Group Sex
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RedtailChapter 11 Aftershocks

I understand what aftershocks are now. You know when there’s an earthquake and then later you get knocked on your butt because the earth hasn’t really stopped shaking. I kept waiting for it. I kept expecting some Federal prosecutor to issue a warrant for my arrest for manipulating the market, or for murdering Joe Teini. Phil sent us a security team and we led them to Kyle’s treasure cache. Either Mary Beth or Ashley or I and sometimes all three were at the cave inventorying exactly what was...

1 year ago
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Charless Gorgeous Guardian

Note : This story is completely fictional! Charles had a fairly predictable, albeit grueling childhood as he grew up, with his parents imposing the strictest application of Mormonism on him. His mother had only stopped reproducing after she nearly died giving birth to him, and she had been forced to get a hysterectomy. He was the baby of the family, and his older sibling were all in college, so he lived alone with his parents, bearing the full brunt of their harsh code. No liquour, no caffeine,...

1 year ago
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Beth 1Chapter 17 The New Year

There's something about coming back to school that first day, especially after the Christmas/New Year break that's even tougher than most. Beth was as down as I was as she dragged herself out of the house, plopped down in the car. "Do we have to do this?" Not a good sign from someone who normally enjoys school, who thinks homework was just another challenging game. If my princess wasn't ready for today, what chance did I have? "Yeah, unfortunately, we do, but look at the bright...

4 years ago
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The Relationship

Goodbye my trusted friend... Goodbye my love ... it's so hard to end... Now you are gone and I am left to wonder why... Oh why, oh why ... oh why? That they even met was a serendipitous event and yet somehow so typical. Was their meeting a contradiction? She thought often thought so. John Johnson was 66, married and the CEO of the company and Sarah ... she was 30, divorced and had just left a bad relationship when she was hired as a high level department head that reported directly to...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Bridgette B Judy Jolie Mom Saved Me

Judy Jolie and Bridgette B are in the backyard tanning. As Bridgette oils up her body, she can’t help but look over at her step-daughter Judy. She looks so hot in the afternoon sun. As Judy looks over at her step-mother, Bridgette runs the oil over her breasts while she looks at Judy seductively. Judy can’t help but look at Bridgette’s humongous breasts. Judy knows what her step-mother is doing and has no problem playing this game with her. She picks up a banana to flirt back...

1 year ago
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Meeting Tricias Stunning Mom 1st Half

"Well, I know Joe and Bionca aren't here, so that must mean Tricia is in the shower," I muttered, coming into the apartment.I calmly made my way towards it and licked my lips. I felt the thrills going throughout my body, too, because I surely couldn't wait for gratification myself.I opened the door, but I saw the door open a tad. "And there's my second mom," Tricia pointed out, peeking at me."Yes, got room for one more in there?""Chloe, your kids have fucked in here more times than I can count....

1 year ago
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White Lucy Dark Meat ch1

Introduction: Lucy, 19. Finally gets what she wished for. Intro Shhhh&hellip,. Shhhh. Chris hissed, cutting me off. Just keep your head down&hellip, dont look up&hellip, theyll see you. My instant reaction of course was to look straight up. That was when I saw them. Two, tall, heavy-set black men, who were cutting across the grass clearing, straight in our direction. I dont know who was more surprised really, Chris or myself. In the 8 months we had been coming here we had seen all of maybe 3...

1 year ago
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First time taking the Belt

The knock at the hotel room door startles me out of my daydream, and I stand up quickly. I am unsure of how events are going to pan out, but am relieved that you have arrived, I had been fearful that you would back out, let your nerves overwhelm you. I open the door, seeing what you look like for the first time, and you blush deeply as I take my time appraising you. As the seconds tick by you lower your head to avoid my gaze, and I smile to myself, gone already is the confident woman I have...

2 years ago
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My First MILF

So my story and my sexual awakening starts as an 18 year old living in England, I had lost my virginity a couple of years before but all my sexual adventures were with girls my own age and it was the fumbling, will she wont she, that we all go through in our early days but this event changed my outlook and I realized how much of a crazy adrenaline rush a sexual encounter could be and it set a path for so much more in my life. An old friend of mine I hadn’t seen for a couple of years called me...

1 year ago
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Sexy Tummies

Reddit Sexy Tummies, aka r/SexyTummies! Sexy tummies?! You may be asking yourself, ‘what the hell is this shit,’ but listen horn dog. isn’t some weird, fetish shit you’d find in a Mormon’s secret stash: this is some fucking hot shit! I get it, the thought of jacking off to a perfectly toned stomach may not seem like the hottest shit in the world. But when you see her stomach and how it complements the big tits that grace her frame, you will become a believer! Give this...

Reddit NSFW List
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Massaging My Neighbor Aunty

Hello, I’m Atom, 21 years from Bangalore. I would like to share my first experience with my neighbor. My Neighbor aunty name is Sarala, 32 years old, with a nice pair of boobs. I always stare at her boobs when she is in nighty especially. This is my real sex story. Coming to the sex story. I was alone in my home most of the times. One fine day, I didn’t have college and was feeling bored and lonely. It was around 11 and I heard some sounds. It was my neighbor, Sarala aunty, she went to the...

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Brother In Law

"So, where the fuck is your sister, James?""She won't be back for several hours, she needed to go see our mom.""Oh, so do you want to wait for her here? Have a beer, maybe? Do you drink beer?""Yes, of course, why?""Well, I thought... never mind. I'll be back."Was Tom asking that because I was gay, maybe? The guy was a bigger moron than I thought, surely thinking that I was some kind of fairy only drinking Cosmopolitan cocktails. It's beyond me how my sister can be with him, putting up with this...

2 years ago
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Jennifers story

Synopsis: a mature, happily married woman makes a mistake, which opens up a new world for her.Note from the author:  I hope you like this story.  I’d love to hear from you if you [email protected]’s story.If only I hadn’t gone to that damned silly Christmas party, none of this would have happened.  I hadn’t wanted to go, of course.  Not my thing at all.  Lots of people you work with all year, all suddenly let loose on the world together, with lots of alcohol thrown in for...

1 year ago
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Grandmother AstridChapter 4

Characters introduced in Chapter 4: Mike and Ike Astrid's brothers, 5'-11" tall, 200 pounds, 46 and 47 years old, Dark blond hair, hazel eyes Roger Astrid's ex, 6'-1" tall, 220 pounds, 50 years old, Brown hair, gray eyes, mean looking Sandra and I spent part of the third week of August at our old house helping our mother clean it up and making repairs. There was a lot to be thrown out and we had to pay the trash collection company extra for a special pick up. Astrid had driven us...

3 years ago
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Revelations Pt 1

Danny gave a grunt of annoyance as he watched the breaking news on the TV about the latest sex scandal involving a top army General and one of his aides, a married lady with two young k**s. The next clipping showed the now disgraced General telling some reporters that it had been a morally incorrect decision on his part. He was somber faced and looked a lot thinner than in some of the pictures shown earlier with his aide, now also known to be his mistress."Funny how they all wring their hands...

3 years ago
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The first blind date

George paced through his flat waiting for the clock to reach 6:30. The tall man span his car keys in his right hand as he continued to paced. His slightly chubby frame was pared with broad shoulders and a clean shaven baby face. He wore black jeans and a dark blue collared shirt. 6:25 - “I cant wait. I need to go” George walked to his door and pulled his jacket from the side before opening the thick wooden door. He walked down seven flights of steers before walking into his apartments garage....

4 years ago
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For the love of Cum

I spend a very tense 20 minutes getting ready. I quickly shower. It's funny, I sometimes flirt with meeting a guy for sex, but the sure fire way of knowing whether I'm really going to do it or not is always the shower. That means I've made my decision. I put on a top, a sweater, short jeans and some cheap sneakers with no socks. It's a warm October evening. While I'm waiting for him to get out of the shower and to message me back, I'm browsing online looking for anything to distract me from the...

3 years ago
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December holidays part 13 The Break up

After a great two fun packed days with Caitlyn I decide to relax in a hot bath. Although cheating on my girlfriend Jessica and being very unfaithful I was really looking forward to seeing her and spending some quality time with my girl. Once out the bath and dry I got dressed and made myself dinner before turning into bed. The next morning when I woke up I saw I had a message from Jes saying will be home late this afternoon so will only see you tomorrow sorry. We exchanged a few messaged and...

2 years ago
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A Great Neighbor

There are days when I am home alone in the afternoon. I should be sleeping in order to work effectively at night, but I am restless and horny. I hear noises next door as my neighbor's home daycare is in full swing, so I cannot go outside with this happy little hard-on..What to do with myself? I love to read other people's erotic stories, but today was more urgent, and I did have an urge to have another hard cock in my mouth, and even better(!!!) in my tight little anus..Now how to best go...

4 years ago
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Twin Swap

Everyone turned as the glass I had been holding shattered all over the tile floor. Fear gripped me as I felt what my sister Mary was feeling. We were fraternal twins, obviously not identical, but we shared a "gift". We sometimes knew what the other was feeling. Objectively, I can understand why it would seem weird to be able to feel what someone else is feeling, but to us, it was perfectly normal. As a matter of fact, it could be a lot of fun at times. Unfortunately, it could also be a...

1 year ago
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Let’s try and get this right, guys. It’s, not Porn Net. This is despite the website obviously writing Porn Net with a huge font. So, make sure you get it right when you try to find this website. Why would you want to see this website in the first place? Well, that’s what we’re here to explore today. I think that you’ll love what has to offer you if you enjoy seeing ladyboys and trannies in porn, and you just can’t get enough of them. This website features the most...

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Christmas dreams

Being a switch, I like to write from the subbie point of view. It helps me push the envelope more when I Top!Enjoy the dream of Christmas!~~~~~~~~~~Generally speaking, I am not a Scrooge.  My significant other was just being unreasonable.  It had been colder than a well diggers ass, the wind was blowing like a hurricane and there were two good basketball games and one football game all on TV that I wanted to watch.  She wanted to go looking at Christmas lights and displays. I still am not...

1 year ago
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Show girl Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was scared to death, but I felt the hand on my back, and with a gentle shove, I was out on stage. The outfit I had on was like a swimsuit except that it had glitter all over the bright red material. Nude hose covered my legs, making them shiny and smooth, the red heels shaping my legs. The tiara on my head glittered with rhinestones as the lights fell on me. I had no choice but to do my best, and strutted out to center stage with...

3 years ago
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Being Treys Wingwoman

"Fuck it; you've had your ten minutes," I whined, pushing the shower door open."Mom, come on, I'm in here, can't you wait your turn?" he griped, peeking at me."What, you've seen me naked, both while being on top of me and on the bottom too. You're gonna take all the hot water too," I mentioned, getting in front of him. "So, you're going to share.""Fine, Mom," he moaned.I giggled and let my hair get wet. "Will you wash my hair for me, son?""Sure, Mom."A few seconds later, I...

3 years ago
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The Gifted Part One

It was an unseasonably cold night in October and Amber Shelton had had a bad feeling.She would have them from time to time, the bad feelings. When she was a little girl she would call them her feels. They were relatively infrequent, and there didn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason for when they would occur. Most of the time, they never amounted to much, like being able to predict a happening or see the future.Most of the time.There was, however, one incident at Lake Leamore. Amber was ten. The...

2 years ago
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Can This Be Happening Ch 04

The hours remaining of the wedding were a blur. Megan and Kevin didn’t let go of each other for any period during the winding down of the festivities. Ashley had left with her look-a-like and made sure that Megan had a way home. Kevin swore to getting her home safely and so far, he’d done just that. ‘How about a cup of coffee and we talk for a little while?’ Kevin asked as they sat in Megan’s driveway. ‘Um, alright.’ Kevin hopped out of the car and practically ran to Megan’s door. He opened...

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The Pickup

by mrchips No one knows better the depths to which men will sink in pursuit of sex than the bartender. Believe me, after a few years behind the mast, he's seen it all. Look carefully at the next bartender you meet and you'll see it around the edges of his eyes. The myriad disappointments and slights accumulate there, ever ready to turn and bite the keeper. Father confessor to the drunk, cruise director of the bar, dispenser of poison and absolution and amateur psychoanalysis, he will help...

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