Vanished Ch. 06 free porn video

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I heard voices outside and froze. I strained to hear the conversation as it drifted in. I heard my name mentioned. I could tell there were a number of men, with him. They were laughing and joking. ‘No he won’t bring anyone into this place with me chained here like this, surely not. He would go to jail, he is not so demented.’ I heard at least two maybe three voices plus his deep voice. The door opened and he let three people enter before him. I could have died of the embarrassment, being seen like this.

Addressing the older man, he said, ‘Well how do we do this? I guess you take over from here, do you?’ They were all approaching me. He and the third man picked up the table and brought it with them. They set it about three feet in front of me. The older man plunged down a large leather satchel on the table. My face was hot and my eyes were trying to take in everything. The three strangers all headed for the kitchen sink where they scrubbed their hands very well, almost surgical-like.

He stood beside me and ran his hands over and through my hair murmuring, ‘Suzie, you will be OK. Just do as he tells you. Be still, girl.’

I turned towards him and with my eyes I pleaded for him not to let them hurt me, ‘It is not too late to let me go, I won’t tell anyone, honest. Please don’t let them hurt me, please.’ I whispered to him. He just smiled and kept petting me.

The two younger men returned and started laying out all manner of stuff on the table. The older man returned and asked him, “Geoff, you sure you don’t want me to give her something first.’

‘Geoff. That is his name, Geoff.’

He just shook his head and said, “No.”

“Ok, she is your woman.” He said with a shrug. ‘Ok, Geoff, it is time she is told what really awaits her so get on with it, my boy.’

‘All right Suzie, remember what I have already told you, now listen because I only ever say anything to you once. My name was Geoff, Master Geoff to you. It is this way, I have taken over ownership of you. You are mine, sort of like a marriage, but there is no need for love in this matter, at least not at first, maybe later. But it doesn’t make any difference, you belong to me.’ He said with a shrug. ‘You will be whomever I want you to be. In my eyes you are still a virgin until I take you and that will be soon, my love. Yes I will love you, in my special way. You will learn how to anticipate my needs or you will be badly hurt. The first things you are going to learn is that I can and will cause you pain. Lots of pain! I hope you will learn to get off with it or your life is about to become a living hell, it is your choice.”

I spit the words out emphasizing every one of them. “Like hell you haven’t touched me. What the fuck would you call this, you bastard? You cocksuckers, leave me alone, all of you. I will see you in hell before I submit!’ My eyes almost shot out sparks.

‘I am taking you as my slut wife. You will be mine to use, to abuse as I wish, when I wish and if you displease me I can and will sell you or maybe just give you away. It is only my decision, but if you learn your role well and behave you may make me value you sufficiently to keep you.’ This Master Geoff was so calm as he delineated my future. I was speechless, in shock.

‘This gentleman and his assistants are here to ensure that you will always know who you belong to me. If you just go with the flow, you will survive.’ My eyes were huge, my throat was dry, and I could not believe what I was hearing. Geoff stepped out of my line of sight and he put his large warm hand on my bare left shoulder and I must admit it was reassuring. ‘Steady Suzie.’

The older man turns towards me with a wide leather belt in his hand. No, is not a belt, it is too small. ‘It looks like the collar we had for our St. Bernard.’ I looked perplexed at him and at the other men, I twisted trying to see Geoff to see if he would explain what it was for. I could not see him, but he squeezed my shoulder as if to say, it is okay. I hated myself for turning towards him. I hated him. I hated Geoff. Maybe I would have felt just a little more comfortable if there were at least one woman here, as it was I felt so alone, so vulnerable.

‘My name is Buddy and this here is Jimmy and Ronnie.’ The older man pointed to each one. “We will be with you and Geoff for a day or two, so relax.”

“Here Geoff, she is your woman you should have the honor of putting your collar on her. Suzie, with this collar Geoff is claiming you as his woman, his slut wife.’ Geoff didn’t say anything to me, he just put the collar around my neck, adjusting it and fastening it. It fit snug but not tight enough to cut off or impede my airflow. Buddy gave Geoff a small padlock and he inserted it into the hasp and locked it. SNAP!!! It was the loudest sound I had ever heard. The finality of that snap sent a visible shudder of revulsion through me. The thought of this permanently around my neck made me panic, screaming, I struggled.

‘Shhhh, Suzie, I don’t want you gagged during this ceremony but I will if you don’t calm down right now. You will see it will be OK. SShhhh.’ He said giving my shoulder a squeeze. ‘This was the easy part, I need you to be very strong now.’

Buddy stepped back and Jimmy and Ronnie stepped towards me. Just the look in their eyes made me strain as far back as I could, I was deathly afraid for my safety. Geoff steadied me. Jimmy on my left took hold of my left breast. ‘Get your fucking hands of me, you prick!’ I screeched. I never had sworn as much as I had in the last twenty-four hours, I could hardly believe I knew the words. With that Ronnie grabbed my right nipple cruelly. They pulled and twisted sending an electric-like shock right to my clit. The pain radiated from my poor nipples all the way down to that deep spot in my crotch. My nipples had always been very sensitive and certainly connect directly to my erotic zones. The pain was too much and my knees gave out, but I could not go anywhere, it just put more strain on my poor shoulders. I forgot the collar only able to concentrate on my nipples and the throbbing ache in my crotch.

‘PLEASE, please.’ I screamed it ended in a whisper. I looked down and realized how swollen my nipples had become. My attackers faced other, each taking hold of my nipple in there opposite hands while the other hand holds my breast from beneath they rubbed a cream on nipples. They immediately started to feel cold. ‘What is this stuff, why are they doing it to me?’ They held my breasts from beneath, just standing waiting and holding me.

Stepping forward Buddy had a cruel-looking thing in his hand he looked at Geoff again, ‘You sure that you don’t want her to have more of a sedative first? This is going to hurt her like hell.’ My head swiveled between them.

‘She must understand right now that she is mine and I can do anything or have anything done to her at any time. I can’t think of a better way of defining what I mean early. Can you, Buddy? Do it.’

Buddy moved closer to me with that thing. Bingo, I knew what it reminded me of the thing that department stores use to pierce ears. ‘Hell, no.’ I was frantic when the realization hit me as his heinous plan. ‘No, no one would do that to anyone, least of all me. Get a grip, lady, you are loosing it.’

‘Pull her nipples out as far as you can now, pull them further.” He put a gold ring, which looked like real gold into the piercing gun. I frantically fought him as best I could. He attempted to put it over my left nipple, I pulled back as far as I could and rammed into Buddy with my head, pulling to the left then the right. I fought like she-devil gone berserk. ‘Hold her, Geoff.’ He stepped behind me and braced me against him and held the posts so I was held stationary. I butted my head against his and he just calmly said ‘SSSSSSSSSSSSHHHH, woman, it will be done. Why don’t you just close your eyes?’

His calm voice had the necessary effect on me
and I finally stopped my fighting, submitting, for how could I win against four large men. Submit was all I do, I did not like it, and ‘I will find a way out of here one day, so help me God, I will.’ Buddy efficiently centered the piercing gun and pressed the trigger. ‘NOOOOOOOOO, nnnooo, please no.’ I screamed in pain and terror, as I had never done that before, ending in a whimper. Tears ran copiously down my face, and I bit my lower lip until it bled. But even my pain did not stop Buddy, he quickly moved to the right nipple and repeated the process efficiently. All I could manage this time was a whimper and my head sagged to my chin, whimpering pathetically.

Jimmy now approached with a small jeweler’s soldering gun armed with a small coil of gold of wire. I watched but my pain was too great at this moment to understand what was about to happen. Buddy turned the gold ring in my left nipple so it was closest to Jimmy and inserted next to my skin an asbestos jig that fit around the ring to protect my skin from the open flame. With obvious, practiced ease, Jimmy touched the coiled gold to my ring permanently fastening the nipple rings to my breasts. I watched in horror only able to whimper. Buddy applied an antiseptic cream to wounds. I looked in disbelief at my permanent disfigurement.

Geoff massaged my arms and shoulders murmuring, ‘I am very pleased with you, Suzie, you did well. Rest for a few minutes before we go ahead with rest of the ceremony.” I looked at him in confusion. The pain had overtaken all conscious thought and I closed my eyes just relieved that my tormentors had moved away from me.

I could feel wetness running down my legs, I had peed myself, humiliating myself even more, I guess from the excruciating pain. It didn’t seem like enough for pee and I needed to go to the bathroom still. Geoff returned with the dipper full of cool water.

I smiled weakly pleased with his gesture I whispered, ‘Thank you, sir. Geoff, why are you doing this to me?’

‘Because I can and I want you as my woman. Are you ready for the next phase?’ The three men who had done this to me came back. Jimmy and Ronnie put the wide belt back around my waist and passed each end to Geoff. He pulled it up tight. Ronnie took a narrow something out of a dish of water, it had a ring on one end and an adjustable end on the other. Ronnie and Jimmy fastened it onto the belt at the back. I could feel the wetness running down my ass cheeks as Jimmy reached between my legs and passed the adjustable end to Buddy. He took the end and pulled brought it up to the D ring at the front of my belt. It reminded me of wearing a pad. I didn’t panic for that reason until Buddy started to pull it tight and kept pulling it tighter and tighter. I groaned loudly and bit my lip.

Buddy looked into my eyes and told me that the stripe is wet leather. ‘Do you realize what will happen when it starts to dry? Leather shrinks as it dries, it will make it tighter and tighter. It will cut into your clit, the pressure will let us see just how hard you can be made to cum. I suggest you try to get some rest because soon there will be no sleep for you. We will be getting some ourselves, so we are ready for the next phase.’

‘The next phase, please what are you going to do to me?’ Buddy just smiled and turned to Geoff. ‘Geoff you are to have a sleep too, so you are able to handle the next step. I know you are excited but you must sleep now. She will be a couple of hours, you will know when she is ready. She’ll let us know, big time.’

Geoff ran his hand over the back of my head and whispered ‘Soon Suzie, soon.’ He touches both of my nipple rings before he left, tugging on them until I groaned loudly. He went to his bed, which sits on a raised platform and lay down, pulling a blue patterned quilt over him. The cabin’s lights were turned off and my three tormentors left the house. In the quiet, I looked at my damaged nipples all swollen and with every heartbeat they hurt more. Soon I drifted off, into a restive sleep.

To Be Continued…

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The oven-like heat of the day had not dissipated by the time Christen stepped down from the bus. The walk across the huge parking lot renewed the sheen of perspiration over every inch of the teenager’s skin. Thankfully she was able to enter the air-conditioned interior of the shopping mall before the sweat gathered into droplets and ran down her face. Christen closed her eyes and smiled at the therapeutic power of the cool air. Refreshed, she opened her eyes and looked around,...

2 years ago
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Lessons at Poolside

Chapter 1 I was out on a chaise poolside one warm afternoon, thinking about how much my life had changed in the last year. The changes had started with my coming home and finding Harry fucking his partner’s wife in our bed. Well, you can imagine. It all hit the fan and I kicked his sorry ass out. The divorce was handled by lawyers, I had a real shark. Sorry, guys, but the bastard deserved it. He has a hell of a lucrative business, so I ended up with a very nice settlement and ongoing alimony...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 62 Looks Like We Made It

May 7, 1985, McKinley, Ohio On Tuesday morning I went to Chancellor Evans’ office for a 9:00am appointment which had been scheduled by his secretary when she called me on Monday afternoon. “Overall, I like it,” he said. “I half expected to find a note that said you were going to play your guitar! I very much enjoyed the concert and I was surprised that you’re forming a band.” “José is the driving force, and Elizaveta encouraged me to do it as a way to relax and take my mind off my studies...

2 years ago
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My Coming Out Story

Time that i tell you babes a story, First's hard enough being a Native here, but to be a Proud Lesbian is even harder, so i thought, with it being 13 days after Pride month, I'll share with you my "Coming Out" story.........It was Dec. 25, 2014. I was home for winter break from school, and I had made a pact with some of my friends that we would each come out to our families. Going to the movies on Christmas night is one of my family's traditions. At the movie theater, two rows below...

2 years ago
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My First Big Black Cock

Several years ago my hubby had asked me if I might be interested in swinging with black couples. For the previous few month we had watched quite a bit of interracial porn and I knew he always had a thing for black women. We live in Georgia. :)So after several phones calls, ads and other things we finally had a couple that we had invited over to meet and have a few drinks. We were looking forward to it. There wasn't supposed to be any sex, just drinks and chat to see if we should take the next...

3 years ago
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Please Love Me Ch 03

The next morning, Reagan woke up still feeling hurt from how Jace dismissed her on the baby subject. She sat in bed for the next half hour, just staring out of the window, wondering how she was going to face Jace today. What am I going to say to him? I very well can’t talk to His Prick-ness about a baby after last night. Maybe I should just leave it alone. She laughed at the name she came up with for him. But the laughter didn’t last long. The baby discussion kept rearing its ugly head in her...

3 years ago
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Making the Swim TeamChapter 3

The following few days seemed to flyby. Thinking things had changed between him and his mother, Kurt did not mention anything about what happened. It was not until he went back to practice, that his mind felt at ease. He knew that he was going to swim in the next meet, and had solidified his place on the team. Kurt knew that his mother was going to shave him on Thursday night as usual. He was kind of excited about getting off again, but hesitant that it was his mother doing it. Since it was...

2 years ago
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Im a Cuckold

"We've been invited out tonight" she said as I took her coat off and kissed her cheek, "Really?" "Well I've been invited but I'd like you to come too" "Did you accept?" "Of course I did, it's my boss" "Oh I see, the one who wants to get into your panties?" "That's the one, only tonight he's going to succeed" "And what the hell am I going to be doing while he's, he's --?" "Fucking me?" "Well yes" "You can watch darling, I want you to see me being...

3 years ago
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Halloween All Saints Day and Beyond

Halloween - All Saints' Day and Beyond Authors Note: Halloween Getting what is Deserved I had intended to be a one-off standalone story. Feedback and comments posted or emailed have encouraged me to at least consider continuing the story of Olive and Samantha. Thank you all for the constructive comments, I do appreciate all the feedback received Thanks also to Cressar for his time in editing, commenting and tweaking this story --- --- Halloween - All Saints Day and...

3 years ago
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His father takes me by surprise Unfulfilled dream

A friend of mine and I are neighbors in a beautiful isolated country side setting near a small water way cove about a half mile away on the opposite side of the thick ruins. He lives with his dad in which I often make excuses to be close to as much as possible without being discovered by either one. So, early one bright and beautiful school morning I wait for my friend to get on the school bus before going to his place because I knew his dad would be there getting ready for a hard days work in...

3 years ago
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Claudia IncarnataPart II

 How oft we saw the sun retire,And burn the threshold of the night,Fall from his ocean lane of fire,And sleep beneath his pillar’d light!- Tennyson, The Voyage.Carlo stayed with Claudia at Tintamare for a week. Far from being an idle houseguest, he insisted upon cleaning, cooking and performing whatever household chores she would allow him to do. At first, this seemed to her to be a slight affront to her independence but she sensed that it was his way of showing her gratitude. It seemed too...

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Girl Scout Troop MasterChapter 6

“We have a surprise for you. Come with us.” I was being pulled along by a couple of hotties who might have been twins. Visions of the things we might do together danced through my head. “What is it?” “It’s a surprise, Silly”. It certainly was. The bus that had been hanging over the edge of the drop-off was now completely back in the road and had been moved to a safe parking spot. I had been convinced that the front wheels would never see the road surface again, based on our lack of engine...

2 years ago
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The TeacherChapter 25 Sunny Acres

The rest of the week went by relatively without a hiccup. More and more parents went naked for a moment when dropping off or picking up their kids. On Saturday morning, in spite of being the start of the week-end, Meredith and Lisa woke up extra early. They had decided to ride up to Sunny Acres with Venera. In the meantime, Harold would take Mark to the zoo/aqua-park complex. For the occasion, Meredith had gone so far as to buy a pair of swimming trunks for Mark the evening before. Harold...

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JennyChapter 8

Jenny and Ingrid were enjoying the last minutes of their "girls' night out" as they sat in Ingrid's great room and enjoyed a glass of wine. Jenny had told Ingrid of her desire for to become pregnant and she and Tom were hoping they would know soon. She had also shared her concerns over Tom's intervention on Vinnie's behalf. While the incident turned out well, she sensed Tom had taken some personal risks that might have put him in danger. Tom had brushed the confrontation off, but Jenny...

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Black Women Against Feminism

Brother Samuel here. Your favorite big and tall, forthrightly bisexual Black male fiction writer. Now a student in the Graduate program at the University of Massachusetts in the city of Boston. I want to get my Master’s degree in Criminal Justice. Maybe someday I’ll be a Judge. I might become the only male judge in history who’s sympathetic to men’s rights and men’s issues. I wouldn’t last long on the Feminist-controlled bench but my reign would be something to see. The Recession is in full...

4 years ago
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Come Bust a Nut in Bobbys Butt

I know that peeping into someone's windows at night is wrong,especially when You're the son of a Security Officer,but what I witnessed that first time was so thrilling and erotic,I became addicted right then and there! And now that I'm older,like any other addiction,if I don't get my fix there's going to be a problem!My addiction started on a mild,Spring evening back when I was a K id. Only I didn't know it,yet.My neighbor,Cooper,and my Dad were hanging out in our garage drinking a few beers...

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Introduction to Bondage part 1

Introduction: This is my first story on here so let me know what you think. Introduction to Bondage part 1 It had been two long years since Tony went to prison and Riley had been getting lonely. Shed been waiting for so long, and self satisfaction could only get you so far. It wasnt only two years that shed been waiting though, it had been four years since she had been dominated properly. The last Master shed had hadnt even been permanent, he was just a teacher. Someone to show her the...

3 years ago
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Black Boss Blonde Daughter

A chill ran up Peter Esche's spine and he quickly rose from his desk as his stern boss walked into his office. "Ah, Mr. Dexler, I don't recall you ever coming to visit me before..." "It's only been a couple of months since I've been transferred up to this shithole office," Rodney Dexler spat in reply, nostrils flared as he put his hands on his hips and looked around the office and snorted dersively. "You gonna be able to make that sale downtown you've been telling me about?" "Well, it's...

1 year ago
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New Neighborhood New Neighbors

I’m a freelance writer, I work out of my home and I make a nice living out of it. I worked construction when I was a teenager and got bit by the whole construction thing bug. I just purchased this home I’m now in a few weeks ago and it’s what’s called a fixer upper, my third such home. This one is in the best neighborhood I’ve been in yet, upper middle class and it seems like every house has a pool with a fox in residence. I run just about every day to help stay in shape and I always see about...

1 year ago
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Whiskey JackChapter 3 Adjustments

Zelda was amazed at how good she felt when she woke up in a nice bed with no lumps and sags in it. She took a fast shower and put on yesterday's underwear and Jack's tee shirt and shorts. She wrinkled her nose. She remembered Jack promised her an advance on her salary, however he was paying her. This meant she could get something better to wear than what she had now. She felt great all over as she walked out of her bedroom and stretched her body. She came into the living room and gave her...

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Dress With An Effect Chapter 4 A Family Affair

“Hi, Allie,” Jenn said, answering the phone. “What’s up?“Jenn, can I come over? We need to talk,” Allie said nervously.“Of course, Allie. I always have time for you,” Jenn replied. “You sound upset. Is something wrong?” Jenn inquired.After a pause, Allie said, “No I’m not upset. I’ll explain when I get there. See you in a bit.”Opening the door, Jenn saw that Allie was not her usual smiling, bubbly self. She appeared nervous. Brushing by Jenn without saying a word, Allie sat on the couch....

First Time
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Adamncourtneyb part 4

Last night was crazy. Courtney made me fuck Sean until we both collapsed. Amy in my body had fucked my ass several times. The next morning was kinda awkward. We had switched back, Sean was at the breakfast table when I came in . He started talking about how great it was that we helped open them up. I on the other hand wanted to fuck in Amy's body again. The girls came in; Amy being supported by Courtney. Courtney " you boys banged her up good last night she can't walk on her own. " Sean rushed...

2 years ago
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Dharma WheelChapter 7

Nick continued his Tales of the East Asian islands: Arriving at the kingdom, Maja watches the prince revert back to his asshole nature, sneering at the security contingent who police the large, busy port while commanding one to send notice to his father of his arrival. Worse are the fishermen and other peasants so much lower than him in status that they may have well been a part of the path in which he walks, flesh and bone crushed beneath his graceful, sandal clad feet. Mostly they are an...

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