A Gay Summer Holiday - Part 13 free porn video

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Index: https://xhamster.com/posts/957456

Chapter 13
A little birthday boy, Big surprise.

After a joined breakfast with all the volunteers, the group set out to finish the rebar work on the 6 larger cabins. And to finish up the brick outsides of the stairs up the dune. As usual, they had fun doing the hard work. Enjoying the experience and learning new tricks along the way. The builders could not understand why Chris did not want to fill the inside of the hollow stair walls with sand. Rather than tell them what Chris had planned, he put the first of some rebar cages inside.

"Oh, you're going to fill them with concrete? That makes sense now.", they said impressed. "I will also reinforce the sides of the steps with rebar and concrete once the posts for the railings are in. I will also put a conduit for the street lights in the concrete.", explained Chris. He got a pat on the back from one of them. But since Chris did not stand still he got hit on the ass instead. The other builders laughed. "Not here honey... what will the neighbors think...", joked Chris at the builder.

Chris made photos and drawings of the stairs. So he could later hand them over to the cities building inspector as proof of what he designed and build. Near the end of the workday, all the brick walls were built. And together they installed some old street sign posts alongside the steps. Chris wanted to use these tubular metal post to attach the railings too. The footings for the lights were poured extra deep and wide. And some concrete formwork was placed on either side of the steps to hold the railing posts firmly in place. The hollow steps got a temporary plank so they could be used until the concrete would be poured later in the week.

Christopher took stock of the progress so far at the end of that hard day's work. He looked at the areas in front of the bunkers. Chris wanted to make lawns out there. But grass would not grow on this sand. So he had to come up with a plan to get better soil up there. Buying soil was not in the budget. So he would have to figure out something else.

He washed up and went to eat a fish and chips supper at the harbor cafeteria. It was sunny until late, so he drove his bicycle across the island to Wopke's farm in the east. He was greeted by Wopke's two younger sisters. They told him Wopke was rounding up some horses they wanted to sell. Together they walked to the pasture and Wopke told Chris to wait outside, because the stallion in that pasture was a mean one. Chris ignored him. And walked inside as they rounded up the mares.

The stallion came racing up to Chris. Chris turned to face him head-on. And made himself as tall as he could be, standing his ground. The beautiful Arabian stud stopped a meter away from Christopher. He stepped ever so slowly closer. Looking straight at Chris. Chris started to whisper calmly to it; "Hello beauty, did you come over to say hi?... Gosh, you're a nice horse... May I touch you?... ". The ears of the horse listened intently to Chris's voice. And his demeanor changed from, 'I will trample you...', too, 'Oh, you're nice... let me come closer'. Wopke and his sisters watched the spectacle in awe and fear.

Christopher showed the stallion his flat hand. And his upper lip touched it. The horse got a soft scratch over his head from Chris. And he allowed it. Chris whispered some more sweet nothings to the horse as it bent his head down. Christopher patted the side of his face and noticed the stallion was constantly twitching with one of his ears. Chris took a multi-tool out of his pocket. Opened the pair of pliers, and quickly pulled out a prickly dune grass head out of its ear. The stallion reared up and ran away shaking his head.

Chris stood there with the grass seed-head on his outstretched hand. And the horse came walking back curious. Sniffed at the hand of Chris again, and bend his front leg and lowered his huge body so Chris could climb on. Christopher took the invitation. Not having ridden a horse ever before, he just let it happen. He softly climbed on his back and rode the stallion bareback and without a halter. Holding him only by his manes. "Do you need to take my friend to the barn as well?", asked Chris of Wopke. "Actually, Yeah we do. We are going to sell him to the guys doing the covered wagon tours around the east end of the island.", told Wopke in full amazement of what they just witnessed.

Chris asked the horse in soft but firm tones to lead his mare's. And the stallion walked proudly passed the other horses and stepped calmly to the barn. Followed by the other's and Wopke and his sisters behind them. At the farm building, Wopke's father was watching Chris riding the stallion. Chris told him that the bad temper was caused by a grass seed and gave the evidence to him. The mares were corralled and Wopke's dad came with a tube of medication and a halter. The stallion reared up again as his father grabbed the horse by the ear roughly. Nearly knocking Chris off.

"Here... give the med's to me...", he asked the man. He was given the bottle and Chris applied some in the horse's ear and gently massaged it in after he talked some more to the horse. "Well... Now I have seen everything... Your the first person to ride the horse!", said Wopke's dad amazed. "Yeah dad, Chris has a magical touch. One kiss of him and you calm down instantly!", he joked. His sisters laughed. "Well, he may kiss me anytime.", they joked a little horny. "I think I would have to get permission from your father first girls... before he runs me thru with a pitchfork.", joked Christopher.

The stallion was put in the stable block and Chris told Wopke and his father the reason why he came over that evening. He asked them if they had well rotten horse dung and some ditches he could clean out to get the clay from. Christopher told them he was going to mix his own soil for the lawns in front of the bunkers.

Wopke's father got excited. "Take as much as you need. Wopke can help you too. He knows where you can dig up some good clean clay as well. I can finally get rid of the dung that way too. Thanks, buddy! Great idea! Oh... you know what... we also have a large amount of compost you could use as well.", said Wopke's father. "Great... I do like it when a plan comes together... And what's better than a one stop shop! Thank you, sir. You really help me out of a tough situation with that offer!", said Christopher happy.

Wopke showed Christopher around the farm. And he started to laugh when they arrived at the haystack. He pushed Chris up the ladder and into the hay. Moments later he started to make out with Chris. "Before you send over Jel... Let me give you a first-hand experience of lovemaking in a haystack.", moaned Wopke. Chris sat on top of Wopke's chest as he removed his limp cock from his pants. And Wop started to suck Chris off as if he was a milking machine. The 22 cm cock of Christopher grew in his mouth. Nearly choking his friend. Chris had unzipped the coverall's from Wopke and played with his dick as well.

They fooled around with each other until they were caught by one of the 22-year-old sisters. Chris gestured her to come over. She shyly did. When she was in reach he pulled her over into the hay and started to kiss her. Rubbing his hand under her skirt and over her panties. Wopke was looking at them while he jerked off hard. Christopher slipped a few fingers in her panties and started to finger her as he sucked off Wopke. She looked at Chris sucking on her brother's cock. Wopke grabbed Christopher's head as he face fucked him. Chris let his fingers deeply penetrate the dripping wet cunt. Finger fucking her just as hard as his mouth was fucked by Wopke.

Wopke and his sister came at the same time. She pinched her thighs tightly together as Wop filled Christopher's mouth with a huge load of sperm. With a sore hand and a filled mouth, he tonged the woman. She licked the sperm of her brother out Chris's mouth and when she started to relax again she opened up her legs widely. Chris drove his cock roughly into her and looked to Wopke. "Fuck me, Wop!", he moaned. Wopke pulled Chris's pants off and lay on top of him. He felt Chris fucking his sister hard as she wrapped her legs around both of them. Chris rode up and down fucking the girl and sliding his ass over Wopke's cock.

After a while fucking them Christopher looked at her. "Do you use the pill?", Chris whispered to her. "Oh god, yes... Chris, fill me up!", she moaned loudly. Chris pumped a huge load inside the hot cunt and got a load from Wopke up his butt at the same time. The three of them lay in the hay for a good half hour. The sun was about to set. "I have to get home guys. Thanks for the fun.", said Chris as he kissed Wopke's sister farewell. The guys put on their clothes again and walked to Chris's bicycle.

"Now that was something I did not expect to happen... Was that fun... or was that fun?...", asked Wopke. "That was great fun. I will let Jel remove the straw from my ass tonight.", joked Chris. "I will call you when I have arranged some transport for the clay and horse shit...". Wopke kissed Chris goodnight. "Drive safe, stud!", he said. And from the barn, the stallion whinnied glad as well. Christopher yelled back to it; "Sleep well beauty!". Before he drove away he asked Wopke; "Pieter has his birthday Friday. Do you think we can play him a rock version of happy birthday?". Wopke agreed happily and promised to also ask Okko and Pier along for the gig.

Christopher drove along the main road back to the main town. The lighthouse guided his way. But he did not need it. He knew this road like the back of his hand. When he got close he stopped and set up his camera and toke a high-resolution picture. The result was an amazing set of pictures. The beams of the lighthouse were playing with the clouds. They were orange from the last of the suns rays below the horizon. Just on the edge of each of the frames was Jel's little farmhouse. Rather then going home he went to Jelmer.

"Hi, buddy... What are...", started Jelmer to say, as he opened the front door. "Here to tell you an amazing story. And this one is true as well!", smiled Christopher. Jelmer pulled him inside and pushed him straight into the bedroom. They spend the night together enjoying each other's stories of the day. Chris got bum fucked by Jelmer who could smell the hay on him. He enjoyed his boyfriend's honesty. As well as his body. Very early the next morning they drove back to the campground together with huge smiles on their faces.

Well before the rest of the volunteers and builders arrived, they set out to work. Forming rebar and placing it in the stairs. "Did you guys sleep here?...", joked one of the volunteers. The others looked at him oddly. "Of course they did... they are a couple.", they laughed. They gave Chris and Jelmer a hand, and within the hour the stairs were completed. The rest of the morning was used to finish up the 3rd roof ready for concrete after lunch. The light posts were put up along the stairs and the concrete was poured in and around the bricks. The last roof was poured as well. And around 2 o'clock that afternoon the volunteers were all given the rest of the week off.

Chris walked over to the builder's yard and talked with the boss. He wanted to see how he could mix the materials for the soil and seashell paths. The boss showed him a small and very old concrete mixing truck. You can take this. We don't want it anymore. It still works but it's too small for our work. Chris was happy. Its small size meant that he could use it in the confined space he had behind the bunkers. The only trouble was the thing was lacking proper tires. So they set it on a trailer and towed it up there.

Chris dug out a flat spot for the materials to be dumped. As well as a pit on the side of the hill to put the mixer in. The walls of the pit were reinforced with some tree trunks and very rough slabs. The mini digger could sit above it and fill the mixer from the top. And the mixer could dump the soil into the area below it. A cart could be used to dump the soils on the lawns. This whole idea made Chris feel confident and a little proud. Ben and Jelmer were not convinced and did not fully understand what all that industry was about. The next day the clay, horse dung, compost, coarse sand, leaf mold, and wood ash were put in piles around the digger. Christopher did a quick test run. Mixing all the materials and he ended up with coarse soil. He was not really happy with the result, although he could see he was on the right path.

Past noon he needed to get ready for Pieters birthday party. Wopke, Jelmer, Okko, and Pier had arrived at Chris's cabin to rehearse the rock version of Happy Birthday. And they went by a horse-drawn cart to his aunt and uncles place. In front of the house, they started to play as Dianna, Mathijs, Jan-Thijs, and Pieter came outside. Using the flat wagon as a stage they serenaded the surprised Pieter. Half the street watched as they played their version of Happy Birthday for Pieter. They wore their leather jackets and rock outfits. Pieter was into heavy metal and classic rock. So this was right up his alley. The neighbors and tourist were happily surprised as well. They congratulated Pieter as the guys and his family went back inside after the song. Okko and Pier had to work later. So they rode the horse-drawn cart back home.

Pieter was very thankful for the nice gift. "Oh... You thought that was your gift... Okay, cool... I guess we can leave then...", joked Jelmer. Jesse was already there. He had given Pieter his old moped. Jelmer gave Pieter a nice looking helmet. His father and mother were happy that the guys looked out for their son's safety as well. Chris asked Pieter to come sit next to him. "Peet... Little big Peet... Your 17 years old... You have your own transport now... It's time we make you look like the badass rockstar you really are. So you can find yourself a mate...", said Chris. He handed Pieter a large heavy box.

Peet placed it on his lap. And got really excited. "What's in there?", he asked excitedly. "Well, open it up and you will see, buddy... We had it specially made for you!", told Chris, upping the excitement for Pieter 10 fold. He undid the red ribbon. And Chris watched Jesse. As Jesse watched Peet open the lit of the box. A nice black leather biker jacket came out of it. This one was in his size. Pieter had tears in his eyes. And Jesse's eyes got moist too. "Oh, Chris!... You didn't... Man... aww... Thanks...", stammered Pieter in surprise. "Go on Peet, put it on... See if it fits.", said his father. And everyone there saw how Pieter grew instantly taller as he put the jacket over his shoulders. "As I thought... Little boys do grow up fast.", joked Chris.

Christopher got a warm hug from Pieter. "Thanks, man... I really like it... It fits wonderfully.", sighed Peet. "How did you know my size?", he asked. "You have to thank Jesse for that.", said Chris. And Pieter let go of Christopher and flung himself around the neck of Jesse and kissed him full on his mouth. For quite a bit too long... His parents and the other friends there watched the spectacle with mixed feelings and a bit ill at ease.

"Mom, Dad, friends... I thank you all for the great gifts... But the best gift of all is this guy... Jesse and I are in love!", said Pieter proud and sure of himself. He clearly had put thought in the moment, and in the way, he wanted to tell this. Mathijs put an arm around Jesse; "Congratulations guys. I am surprised, but very happy for the two of you.". He also put a hand on Chris's arm as he winked at Christopher. Chris raised his shoulders. "Don't look at me uncle Mathijs... This is the first I heard of it!". "Now that's a big surprise... to say the least", laughed aunt Dianna as she hugged Pieter and then Jesse.

The rest of the gifts were given to Pieter. Jan-Thijs gave his younger brother a pair of black biker boots. And from Wopke he got some cross biker gear. Together they spend the afternoon with the rest of the friends and family. Chris's uncle Mathijs took him aside, "Did you put him up to this? Are you sure this is the right thing?", he asked. "Sorry, I am good... but I am not that good... uncle Mathijs, this love thing is new for me too. At best Peet may have seen how happy it makes me and Jelmer. The rest was up to him and Jesse, I guess.", answered Chris.

"I do hope you are alright with his decision. You can not choose their paths for them. Your sons will have to make their own decisions and mistakes. All you can do is be there for them and guide them as best you can.". "That is true, Mathijs. He is old enough to find out what he likes. And he clearly likes Jesse.", answered aunt Dianna. Dianna made smoothies for the guests. And Chris thanked Dianna. "Thank me for what?", she asked surprised. "You just gave me the perfect idea on how to solve a problem I was having earlier.". She did not know what Christopher was referring to but was glad she could help out.

Wopke, Jelmer, and Chris said their goodbye's. They hugged Pieter and Jesse warmly, as they joined Mathijs, Dianna, and Jan-Thijs for a BBQ dinner together. And suggested they could meet up at the beach near Wopke's lifeguard station the following day. They would go there by motorbike and moped. And Pieter was very excited to go with them. He finally felt that he belonged to the group. Chris could not come with them. He had another weekend tour on the ferries. That saddened the group a bit. But they knew that there all ways was next weekend. Wopke and Jelmer wanted to go grab a bite to eat together, but Chris told them to go on without him. He needed to see if his plan would work. Before he had to report back on board for his shift with them.

"What plan?", they asked him. "I am going to turn the cement mixer into a blender. To chop up the soil into something I can actually use on the lawns. You guys have fun in the haystack without me!...", he winked at his friends. Wopke drove Jelmer to his place. And Chris set to work grinding the paddles of the cement mixer into a set of sharp knives. The second test of making his own soil was a great success. In time for the last ferry to the mainland, Chris signed up and did his duties with a glad heart. Knowing that Jesse would give Pieter his best birthday surprise that night. Well, maybe it would be the other way around. Because Chris had noticed a strange glint in Peet's eyes when he zipped up that leather biker jacket. Guessing that Pieter would wear the pants in that relationship.

Christopher spend the weekend on the big car ferry. The guitar he had auctioned off, took pride of place above the bar in the main saloon. He ferried the new arrivals to the island with a smile and a cheer. And brought the departing tourist back to the mainland with a lasting memory and a sing-song. Wishing them a good trip home and a return visit next holiday season.

On the island, the guys went swimming near the lifeguard station on the east side of the island. Pieter, Jesse, Jan-Thijs, Sipke, Jelmer, Wopke, Okko and Pier had the greatest of fun. They kept sending Christopher sassy photos of the fun they were having. And Chris sent them photo's back of the music he was making on board, as well as the cleaning duty and toilet cleaning he had to do. But all with a big smile on his face.

It was already noticeably busier on the ferry. The weather had been good. So a lot more weekend trips were booked. Chris made a mental note to get some of the holiday-lets open as quickly as he could. He was only in the 6th week of a 12-week schedule. But he knew that he needed to hurry up anyway. The payout on Monday was huge. The tip jar money was nearly a quarter of the wages, even though he had to share it with all the other employees. A special tip jar was put on the bars for the islander's Youth's fund as well. And they too got filled well that weekend.

When Christopher got back home on Monday he set out with Jesse to paint the first of the 3 roofs. They coated the lower bunker first with a bond coating. So the paint-on-rubber-roof coating would adhere well to the concrete. The white rubber coating was very thick. It was a nightmare to paint it on. Chris resorted to pouring the coating on and using a squeegee to get it to an even thickness.

He called the manufacturer and was told he needed to thin the product down. Christopher ordered the material to do that from them and asked if the coating also came in different colors. They send him a color additive as well. Moments after he got off the phone with them he got a picture taken by the lighthouse crew of the roofs of the bunkers. The pure white bunker roof was sticking out like a sore thumb. Together Jesse and Chris painted the other 2 roofs as well. And that was a good thing because later that night the weather forecast called for heavy rain showers.

Sitting outside under the overhang of the cabin Chris got a visit from Jesse and Pieter. Both wearing their Leather jackets and biker boots. They sat outside enjoying the wet weather, thunder, and lightning. In fact, the rain did not seem to stop. So the guys decided to stay over at Chris's place. They played strip poker. And they must have cheated because Chris was the first to lose all his clothes.

But he did not mind. He was happy to service the horny leather clad studs. He told them to prepare themselves for bed. Chris wanted to check on the bunkers to see if there were any leaks, and on the french drains to see if they were functioning as intended. He wore his rain gear over his naked body. With a flashlight, he inspected each of the bunkers but found no leaks. Even though it was raining cats and dogs. The French drains collected all the water and the huge rain tank was filling up nicely.

Once back in the cabin he found Jesse and Pieter with there asses lubed up spread eagle on the bed. Wearing nothing but their boots and leather jackets. He peeled himself out of his rain clothes and set to work pleasing the guys. Licking, sucking and fucking as they told him to do. They were in full control of there slave boy. And they enjoyed it very much.

Late that night the 3 of them slept together in the double bed. Peet on one side, Jesse on the other. And Christopher in the middle. That is how Jelmer found them the next morning. He wanted to bring his lover some fresh cakes and breakfast. But he ended up screwing Peet as Christopher used Jesse's ass as his boy toy. Jesse and Pieter kissed as Chris and Jel dumped a few good loads of jizz over their asses. They jumped in the shower two by two. First Jesse and Peet had a quick clean then Chris and Jelmer did the same. The four of them enjoyed breakfast together. And after breakfast, they all went on an inspection round through the cabins. Only one small leak was found. But the biggest surprise was that the huge rainwater tank was completely filled and overflowing into the sewer line. The system worked. So Chris was very happy. And that for more than one reason. He had enjoyed the company of some very good friends. And it felt good to him.

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A gay summer Holiday Part 18

Index: https://xhamster.com/posts/957456Chapter 18The Gay Team to the rescue.Jelmer spent more and more time together with Christopher. They gave each other their space when needed. But seeing as they were both busy during the day, they were happy to spend their nights together. After all, Chris was building a home for the two of them. The builders had gutted the old house. All the windows and doors had been removed and so was the rotten roof. In actual fact, only the outside walls remained...

2 years ago
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A gay summer Holiday Part 7

Index: https://xhamster.com/posts/957456Chapter 7Once you go black...Jelmer drove his lover to the camping grounds bike shed. And when he had dropped off Chris there he waved goodbye to him as he raced away. Nearly hitting the police car that came the other way.The policeman stopped near Christopher. "Oh fuck... here we go...", thought Chris as he greeted police officer Tom. "Hey, Chris... Tell your friend he needs to drive more carefully. Or I will slap his ass in irons...", laughed the only...

1 year ago
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On a Summers Holiday

I had been picked to organize a school holiday for my class.I had picked a villa in France with its own pool in a secluded part of the countryside.there were 18 of us going, 7 boys and 11 girls.There were 3 bedrooms in the house.6 boys in one, 6 girls in one , 5 girls in the last and because no one else volunteered, as organizer, i had to be in the room with the five girls.We were staying for 2 weeks. We touched down in France and caught a mini-bus to our villa.We settled into our...

4 years ago
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Summer holiday

This is part of our memoirs....Currently we are on holiday with a couple, long time friends of ours that we've met more than a decade ago only recently had a conversation about our sex lives. We've discovered to have a lot in common and decided to go somewhere together and try out what we've talked about.Today in the morning my wife gave us both a blowjob with prostate massage holding a deepthroat during ejaculation. Then she expertly cleaned both our cocks. All with a big smile.. Feels...

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A gay summer Holiday Part 20

Index: https://xhamster.com/posts/957456Chapter 20What goes around, comes around.Chris and Jelmer's relatives all enjoyed the original homemade Christmas ornament and wedding announcement. That is to say, all but one. Chris's mom had burned the box from Chris in their fireplace without even opening it. Christopher got told by his father that she took it very badly. He told Chris not to expect her at his wedding. His brother's and sister, however, took it much more lightly. Chris even had gotten...

4 years ago
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A gay summer Holiday Part 14

Index: https://xhamster.com/posts/957456Chapter 14Change of plans, will you marry me?Christopher kissed Jelmer as he held him very close. "What's the matter, mate?", asked Jelmer. "Nothing! That's just it... I love you, Jel!", sighed Chris. "The coming out of Pieter and Jesse made me happy and think of you. Of us, actually. Sure we have our issues. But I really love you. So I decided I would apply for a permit to buy me a home here on the island. Rather than go to the higher trade school on the...

2 years ago
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A gay summer Holiday Part 9

Index: https://xhamster.com/posts/957456Chapter 9A change of pace.Friday morning Chris had a hard time getting out of bed. His mind had been racing all week. Trying to keep up with all the questions the volunteers and the builders had for him. He desperately needed some alone time or at least enjoy the holiday a bit at a different pace. He remembered his aunt Dianna's words; "Don't forget to enjoy yourself too. Maybe give the head office a call if you want to help out some more on the ferry"....

3 years ago
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Summer holiday surprise

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies - you choose which you think they are! If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail me and I’ll tell you more than I can put here!A few months after the dildo incident with Sue, she and her parents were off to Weymouth for a fortnight’s holiday. They were camping in a family sized tent and I wasn’t invited.I...

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My Wife at the Holiday Party

(This is a re-imagining of JetLag's "Party Game." All the credit for idea and structure goes to him. -- CO) *A few months ago, my wife Karen and I were invited to a holiday party that was thrown by my boss. It was the beginning of the holiday season, and we were eager to go to a nice party, even though it was going to be mostly attended by my coworkers. Karen and I had only been married a few years ago, after we met in college and fell in love, and we discovered very quickly in our relationship...

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Summering in Femininity Part 1 A Bummer Summer

A Bummer Summer? It was the dream of every seventeen year old, during the summer before his senior year of high school to spend it miles away from all his friends and all his stuff. In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, because for Taylor Hughes, that was the last thing that he wanted. Unfortunately, he had no control over the matter. His parents were going out of the country on business for the entire summer, and trying as he might, Taylor was unable to convince them to let him...

1 year ago
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Summer Holiday

This is a true story, it may not be the ultimate fantasy to some, but for me it was the moment of my sexual awakening… Many years ago when I was 12 I went to school with a lad who lived just down the road, I had known T for about 6 years, we had got to know each other in junior school and we both passed our eleven plus so ended up at the same school. T was great he had a brother, D and we used to spend loads of time together, after school and especially in the summer holidays. I was...

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The Summer HolidaysChapter 8

My first year at University successfully completed, I left Cardiff on Saturday 30th June 1973, to go home to my parents' house for the summer. I had successfully retrieved my damage deposit from my landlord at the end of our lease, despite the best efforts of my gormless housemates to forfeit our deposits by leaving the place in a filthy state. I think some of them had lost part of their money because of the state of their bedrooms, but it wasn't my problem. I had cleaned far more than my...

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Gay experience on holiday

This is a ture story Hope you guys enjoy this experience And be sure to wait for part 2! It was a Friday and me and my wife (Jodie) was going on a holiday break to a caravan site. It had everything there night clubs, beautiful beach and an amazing view. Anyway me ane Jodie had arrived, we cheeked in and viewed our caravan that over looked sea. The first night was as expected we stayed in and had time to ourself id tryed anything to get into Jodies knickers that night but she was just not...

2 years ago
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Summer Holidays with my cousin

Here is another story I found while I was tidying up my hard drive. Not sure where I found it, but credits to the original (unknown) author. Summer Holidays with my cousin My cousin Cheryl and I had always been close. In fact we were born only three days apart. I was the older one and the wiser I always used to joke to her. We lived in the city but went out to my Uncle and Aunts farm almost every weekend after my Father had passed away. It was like our second home. Cheryl and I spent so much...

1 year ago
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Summer holidays with a school friend some 50 years

My story My first sexual encounter was back when I was 15 with my best friend it all started when one summer he spend his summer holidays with our family, not a big house, he shared the room and bed with me we undress in frond of each other it was very natural, we compare each other clocks, talk about girls, we lock some sexy magazines that brought our clocks to attention, my cock was a little bigger than his, at first mastrubate together, one night while in bed talking about girls he asked me...

1 year ago
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A Boring Summer Holiday

The summer holidays had only started 2 weeks ago and the twins were already bored. Jo and her brother Sam were your usual brother and sister, one day they would be fighting like cats and dogs and the next they were best friends.At 14 they had both realised the other could be a benefit when it came to getting boyfriends or girlfriends. The outcome of that was, the two of them had begun to spend a lot of time together hanging out.Today though, all their friends were either away or busy so the...

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Ed Kilpatricks Holiday in Kumar

Ed Kilpatrick'sHoliday in KumarBackground:Thanks to everyone that has contacted me over the months about my series of short stories about a fictional island state in the Gulf called, 'Kumar.'It is September 2010 and it has been a long summer and a few stories released for other websites but after a month of writers block, this latest tale has come to me so I really do hope you enjoy.As usual, this story includes the usual bondage, cross-dressing and of course lot's of veiling, which is...

1 year ago
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Dream Holiday

Dream Holiday Synopsis Connie enrols on a specialist, virtual reality, Dream Holiday where she is taken back in time to an era where debauchery is commonplace amongst the aristocracy. Read also Virtual Punishments (2006) and Chamber of Horrors (2006) Dream Holiday by obohoboWarnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in...

1 year ago
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My summer holidays in the US

dfjohn wrote a story about my summer holidays in the US (Neighbors’ niece). Here is my side of what happened. I first met the Johnsons when I was ten years old, or so. They had just moved in as the new neighbors of my uncle in San Diego. I never saw Mrs. Johnson and later I found out that Mr. Johnson was a single father with a single son, Dave. Their house was much bigger than uncle’s one, and soon Dave and I became friends. He was so kind to invite me to play in their yard and pool during the...

3 years ago
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The Summer HolidaysChapter 3

I hadn't seen the girls all weekend; on all three nights I hadn't got away from the pub until almost midnight, and I had gone home to sleep in my old bedroom. My four housemates were very quiet; they were clearly worried about their exam results, and they were virtually broke, so weren't going drinking at all. On Monday, I sorted out my room and then did some washing before deciding to go and see Sian. I wanted to talk to her about her cousins, and I also owed her a shag as she had...

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Sex Holiday 3 Caribbean Experience

This is again only FANTASYIt wasn’t long after we returned from Florida that the thought of the next year’s holiday came up. My wife still didn’t want to try any swinging outside of our main holiday time (afraid she might meet someone she knew if we tried it in the UK) but after the last 2 year’s holiday she said she loved the freedom she got for a week or so each year. The last 2 years had opened her up to naturism and being around naked people so she said that all future holidays had to have...

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 4 5

Part 4 Gayu was still feeling shy, she did not want to look in to her FIL’s eyes directly, and did not want to take any kind of initiative. Suguna asks Gayu and Shankar to come out for dinner, Gayu tries to reach for her cloths, but Suguna says no need to wear any dress, Suguna takes shy Gayu holding her hand to dining table, makes Shankar and Gayu sit by each other side and she sits on the opposite side, all the dishes are kept on the table, Suguna asks Shankar to feed Gayu, and asks Gayu to...

1 year ago
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A boring Summer Holiday ndash The next week

Jo was lying awake in bed, the last week had been an adventure of sexual awakening. The young teen had spent every night of the week fucking one member of her family or another. For the last seven days, at least one family member had shared a full night in Jo’s bed or Jo had stayed in someone else’s room.Jo thought of her mom’s large breasts and large pussy lips, her dad’s thick cock as he pounded between her legs, the vibrators both her mom and her had bought, and used together until the...

2 years ago
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Beyond Humiliation Chapter 1 Holiday Planning

BEYOND HUMILIATION Chapter 1 - Holiday Planning Back in November 2012 I wrote a story called "How Humiliating". It told how Stephen, an occasional and secret cross-dresser, was caught out by his wife Sandra and forced, through a series of humiliating experiences, to confront and come to terms with his obsession. Although angry with Stephen for him not being open and honest about his desires, Sandra found the whole idea of cross-dressing strangely exciting and...

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My much needed Naturist holiday

As my open hands caressed my body, my mind wandered, thinking they were my husband’s hands, my nipples beginning to harden, my lou-lou began to get warm and wet. Thinking I would put my pumps on and pump more milk. Malcolm always loved suckling me when I was full of milk, giving us both a terrific orgasm. Oh, how I miss him still. I got my pumps out placing them on both nipples, setting the suction to medium. Stripping off I leant back on the sofa, I placed my feet on the edge letting my legs...

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Her Story to Summer a tale about Summers daddy

In an Assisted Living home but still doing quite well, she thought she saw one of the administrators who might be the daughter of a man she once knew. Now in her seventies the woman sat in her chair and thought back on those “lovely” and very fun days. “Miss ohhh miss” she called out one of the nurses. “I thought I saw a young lady here who possibly might be, well, hmmm how do I say this?” The nurse smiled and waited. “I am not sure honey but I believe her name is Summer? Is there a young woman...

First Time
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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 9

Part 9 Both of them wake up at around 1PM, and go for lunch, they do enjoy good simple lunch, and sit and start chatting again, Ganesh first thanks Gayu for a wonderful bath she gave, he had always missed after his mom stopped giving bath to him. Gayu tells that, since you said you missed it I just wanted to give you a good bath like giving to a young kid, but I had not realised that you were a grown up kid. Gayu asks Ganesh, whether did he have sex with anyone before? He says know this was my...

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 2 3

Part 2 They all had lunch together, than Gayu went to her bed room with her hubby, and suguna with her hubby, as soon as Gayu went to the bed room and closed the door, she wanted to make love to her hubby, who again removed his dress and went under the bed spread and asked Gayu to join him, she wanted to removed her dress too but he refused saying if someone comes, and as soon as she came to the bed under the bedspread he pulled her went over her inserted his dick in Gayu’s pussy and 5 strokes...

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Emilys First Solo Holiday Part 09

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 09 DAY 15 and Back Home Day 01 ************************ After an early breakfast I just had time pack my bags before the coach was due to pick me up. I was feeling quite depressed as I went down and checked-out at reception. I wore the same skater skirt that I’d arrived in and a tube top that wasn’t see-through...

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What happened on holiday

One of the best holidays I ever had was with my ex-girlfriend C, several years ago. We went to the sunny island of Tenerife, and the weather was fantastic. For the whole two weeks we didn’t see a drop of rain, or even a single cloud! But it was what happened during the holiday that made it so good. At the time I was 27 and C was 24. We had been together for three years and had hit that ‘comfort zone.’ Sex was still great, but we had started to share our fantasies. C thought my...

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Emilys First Solo HolidayChapter 9

DAY 15 and Back Home Day 01 After an early breakfast I just had time pack my bags before the coach was due to pick me up. I was feeling quite depressed as I went down and checked-out at reception. I wore the same skater skirt that I’d arrived in and a tube top that wasn’t see-through but the material is very thin and it hugs my tits like a second skin. My nipples were doing their best to bore holes in it. I’d had the bullet on charge all night and when I was getting dressed to leave I...

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Emilys Second Solo Holiday Part 01

by Vanessa Evans If you haven’t read ‘Emily’s First Solo Holiday’ and ‘Emily’s Home Life Changes’ I suggest that you read them before reading this. Part 01 Before I tell you about my second solo holiday I think that it’s best that I tell you about some of the things that Jack has been making me do since I wrote about how my home life has changed. I think that it’s right to say that I am VERY happy living with Jack and being his submissive exhibitionist. We’ve even talked about us being...

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 1

Suguna was 45 years old and she had recently got divorced as her hubby found out that he cannot handle her as was very demanding sexually, and he was contended simple man and he had found someone who matched his requirement, they had a son Ganesh who was 18 years old studying in engineering and staying in the hostel 300 kms away and a daughter Shruti who was 22 years old, who had gone abroad for higher studies. They had left enough money for both the children that they don’t have to worry about...

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 7 8

Part 7 Ganesh & Gayu come out to the dining table, where the maid has already arranged for lunch, as per instruction from Gayu, a kheer or payasam & sweet also has been made for MIL’s son. They both have lunch slowly enjoying the delicious food. Gayu with small wicked smile without giving any hint to Ganesh asks whether Ganesh was able to take some rest. He says he slept well and woke up only she came to call him for lunch. Again the discussion goes back to the family, Gayu asks about the...

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Chris and Mark Go on Holiday

Chris and Mark Go on Holiday by DKB What I Did On My Holiday by Chris Burns For my holiday I went for the first time on holiday without my mum and dad. I stayed with my friend Mark and his parents in a cottage in Cheadle near Stoke on Trent. We saw people making pots and we played football a lot and ate ice cream a lot and the best bit was going to Alton Towers and going on as many rides as we could. My favourites were Oblivion, which was really scary, and also the...

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Summering in Femininity Part 12 Summers End Continued

The next morning, a Saturday, Taylor was awoken by a gentle knock on his door. He sat up to see Aunt Agnes waiting by the door. "Is something wrong?" Taylor asked, yawning. "I was about to ask you the same thing, Emily hasn't come by yet and I got worried," Aunt Agnes stepped into the room. "Worried? Why?" Taylor reached for his phone and realized that it was nearly noon. "Wow... She let me sleep in?" "Did you two have a fight?" Aunt Agnes asked. "No," Taylor replied. "I...

4 years ago
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Great holiday party

Introduction: My slut wife gets some action at a holiday party So my wife Ann had a holiday party three years back. It started at two in the afternoon so I knew she was going to get drunk but not everything else. Ann called me and let me know that she was on her way I asked her that she not get to drunk as we had plans after. Ann has a great body by the way 5 foot 9 inches, B-sized tits, slim waist, and a great 40 inch ass. At the holiday party she had started drinking and then double fisting...

2 years ago
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Shonas Summer Holiday Ch 05

Chapter 5 – Fond Farewells It was late when Geoff arrived home from the meeting, finding Jane and Shona in bed together. They were both naked, entwined in each others’ arms. Shona had been visiting Jane and her her husband for a few weeks and was about to go home to Ireland. Jane and Shona had had one last night for each other, not sharing the other with anyone else. Shona was asleep when Geoff came home, but Jane was still awake. She saw how aroused Geoff became, seeing the two young women...

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A gay summer Holiday Part 11

Index: https://xhamster.com/posts/957456Chapter 11Getting the act together.After an early dinner at the local Chinees restaurant, Chris went to his cabin via the backstreets of town. The main street was completely full with tourists and locals who enjoyed the music festival.Chris took a cold shower, then dressed in a pair of black cargo pants and a white islander polo shirt. On the inside of the collar, it had the colors of the island flag. He pinned the special pin on it as well. The shirt was...

2 years ago
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A gay summer Holiday Part 8

Index: https://xhamster.com/posts/957456Chapter 8Living apart together.That Sunday Christopher spend part of the day at Tom's place. In the afternoon Chris got a lift back to his grandma's home. But rather then go talk to her he decided to take a look at the renovation project first. The bunkers had progressed nicely. The 24 smaller cabins were all stripped and readied for plaster and paint on the inside. The biggest task there was on the roof repairs. The 6 larger cabins that set a few meters...

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A gay summer Holiday Part 6

Index: https://xhamster.com/posts/957456Chapter 6A boys night out.The guys drove the large van to the late afternoon ferry. Jelmer and Sipke drove as Chris and JT sat on the bed of the sleeping cabin. Jelmer told the guys they would take a detour. He wanted to go dancing in Amsterdam and do some leather shopping while they were there. Chris got excited in anticipation. He did not know about this change of plan. Jelmer drove the guys to Amsterdam and parked in a secure location. They used public...

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