Beth's Predicament free porn video

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Of all the students in Sheridan High, Robert Haley's mother, Beth, was the best looking by a long shot. She was what they called "statuesque" standing 5'11" and blessed with the figure of a swimsuit model. Back then if you didn't know she was 38 you'd probably have guessed her to be in her early 30s at the very most. She was divorced some time before she and her son Robert moved to the little midwestern town of Sheridan and the two of them lived on the edge of town where she pretty much kept to herself, not socializing with the other moms or anyone else, for that matter.

Sheridan itself was predominantly a fundamentalist Christian community and local ordinances prohibited liquor stores or the serving of alcohol anywhere within the city limits. Being unmarried and attractive in such a small town goldfish bowl pretty much guaranteed rumors of scandal and whispered gossip regarding Mrs. Haley due to envy, if nothing else. She had never done anything out of line and never once had spoken harshly to anyone in Sheridan, but the ladies at church overtly snubbed her when she and Robert made their first and last attempt to attend services in town. Not long after that episode, she overheard a cruel comment made at the cafe on main street by one of the cliquish matrons who dominated what passed as the town's social scene. Not surprisingly, Beth became more and more reclusive, preferring to spend most of her time at home rather than interacting with the locals. She almost certainly would have moved to a bigger city had it not been the case that her son seemed to flourish in the small town environment. Robert did well in school and he made friends with a few boys, including his best friend, Michael Caldwell, who lived two blocks away.

The two boys became fast friends shortly after the Haleys moved to Sheridan. Michael's parents were a bit of an enigma. They, too, were not affiliated with the town's bible beaters, but rather than showing any interest in developing a friendship with Robert's mom, they kept to themselves when they weren't off traveling — something they seemed to do about one-third of the time. By her own admission, Beth had allowed her son to become the dominant figure in their household after his father flew the coop. Thus, Robert became used to getting his way and had a very definite sense of entitlement. His mother rationalized that being deferential in this way would help him learn to be a strong male without the benefit of a father figure as a role model. In truth, her abdication of parental authority was heavily influenced by her own submissive personality and a longstanding belief that every home should have a dominant male ruling the roost. Unfortunately, as Robert reached adolescence he became more bossy and controlling to the point that Beth gave in completely to anything he wanted. Of course, Robert's friend Michael was more than willing to play the part of his sidekick after he realized that his buddy ran the show at his house and that Beth catered to his every whim. The two of them could do almost anything they liked, including helping themselves to his mom's stash of wine and beer in the basement, staying up as late as they wanted, and smoking cigarettes (and occasionally weed) in the back yard. After reaching puberty, Michael also developed quite an infatuation for Beth, leading him to want to spend even more of his free time at Robert's house. While most 18-year old boys would find it creepy for a friend to crush on their own mother, Robert didn't mind in the slightest. In fact, he encouraged Michael and would openly talk about his mother as a sex object, debating with Michael over what the best features of her body were and trading fantasies with him that always involved having Beth in some sort of peril or predicament where she would be ravished — often by multiple men — or in situations that involved getting her into bondage as a sex slave.
Both boys shared a fetish for lingerie and for stockings and pantyhose in particular. They sometimes took turns making up stories that involved having Beth dressed up to the nines only to have her clothes removed item by item as the story progressed. Raucous frat boys would a***** her on her way home from a dinner party and force her to play strip poker in the dead of night at their fraternity house. Or she might be a teller at a bank taken to the vault by desperate robbers who amused themselves with her by playing rock/paper/scissors to decide who got to remove the next article of clothing. In each instance, Beth would end up wearing only nylons and high heels at some point before being stripped naked to have all of her holes used — often simultaneously — by whichever imaginary captives were holding her captive in the story being told. Michael had a particularly rich and twisted imagination when it came to Mrs. Haley and, for his turn telling stories, he would occasionally spin very dark tales such as having her captured by menacing cannibals, who, after fucking her, would lower her into a huge caldron of boiling water all trussed up in twine with an apple in her mouth and a large carrot shoved up her ass. For his part, Robert found such tall tales extremely entertaining and he would stop Michael periodically to ask questions or seek greater detail on the misfortunes and sexual assaults being fictionally visited on his poor mother. Of course, Beth had no idea she had the starring role in such depraved fantasies behind her son's closed bedroom door. In fact, to some extent Beth had found the obsession her son's friend had with her to be flattering. Her self esteem had been battered for years and her life had become a rather tedious routine from which she got little joy. This was surprising given how physically gorgeous Beth truly was. Even at the age of 38, in bigger cities there are actually a surprising number of opportunities for the few women who can truly be considered to score as "knockouts" on the pulchritude scale. Beth Haley was most certainly a beauty of that caliber. Nevertheless, Sheridan and its malignant mores sucked the air out any hopes she might have had, leaving her both isolated and insecure. Thus, Michael's initial awkward compliments and tendency to look at her with big puppy-dog eyes seemed cute early on and a welcome bit of positive attention for a change.
More recently, though, Beth did become aware that the two boys were bringing home men's magazines that they sometimes kept out in the open in the family room, practically daring her to object. She also knew they surfed porn sites together on Robert's computer in his room since they didn't even try to hide the browser pages when she would later come in to clean the place up. Moreover, Michael's charming tendency to gaze longingly at her seemed to be, of late, much more focused on her breasts, butt and legs to the point that she began feeling uncomfortable. Still, she passed it all off as "boys-will-be-boys" behavior that she reasoned must be the norm for teenagers their age. Matters did get more complicated, though, as she was cleaning up the kitchen one evening when Robert came in and casually make a pronouncement: "Hey Mom, Michael's folks are out of town for the weekend. I told him you'd take some wine over to his house for a movie date with him tonight." "You told him w-what?," Beth asked incredulously. "Well, you know he's got a crush on you big time ... and, of course, I owe him for all that stuff he did for me at scout camp last month. So I figured you could help me get square with him." "By doing what exactly?" Beth's voice was quavering at this point."I just told you," Robert spat out. His voice had a petulant edge now. "You're going to take a bottle of wine over to Michael's house and spend a nice evening with him." Beth's stomach tightened at this outrageous request. For a moment she thought her son might be joking — but only for a moment. She could see in his face that he was deadly serious. "But, Robert. He's only 18! It would be i*****l for me to give him alcohol. Also, don't you think he should be spending time with girls his own age?" "Mom, are you k**ding? You give me wine and beer all the time. ... And I've told you before that Michael and I aren't interested in girls our age." "Well, I'm just saying that I don't think it's a very good idea to send me over there tonight with his folks out of town." Beth's inability to stand up for herself was evident to both of them. This was about all the resistance that Beth was ever able to muster whenever her son wanted something she disagreed with. She would always try to reason with him, but she eventually let him have his way in the end. Having been through this routine many times, Robert knew he would get what he wanted if he simply asserted his authority. "Are you telling me you won't do this for me?" His tone was icy and intimidating and his words had the desired effect as his mother quickly backed down. "Of course not, sweetheart. I just wanted you to think about the circumstances ... about how it would look to the neighbors." "The neighbors? ... Are you crazy? Nobody's doing surveillance on us. Besides, what would be so scandalous about you simply walking over to the Caldwells?" "I know, honey. You're right. ... I was just trying to make a point." "Well, you made your point and now we're done talking. You'd better go get ready. I told him you'd be there by 7." That was it. End of discussion. Now all that remained were the terms of her surrender. "Sweetheart, is it ok if I just wear jeans and a sweatshirt?" Robert looked at his mother with exasperation. "Jesus, Mom! ... I told you — it's a date night! ... I swear half the time you don't pay attention to me when I'm talking to you. Absolutely not. Jeans and a sweatshirt are not acceptable. Go do your hair and makeup and put some effort into it for once. ... Then put on something nice for him." "W-what should I wear?" she asked meekly. "A dress or a skirt. Something short and tight would be good. With high heels and nylons, ok?"
Beth was unnerved and bewildered, but she held her tongue and simply nodded her assent, leaving the room to do as he asked. Walking down the hall to her bedroom, she pondered whether there might yet be some way out of the dilemma, but she could sense her son was fixated on having her go through with this "date night" notion. The whole situation was surreal. It seemed only yesterday the two boys were running around the house wearing bath towels for capes and playing Superman. Then, almost overnight, they had turned into these surly, lustful teenage demons hopped up on hormones and downing beer by the six pack in the basement. With a mixture of butterflies and dread, she sat down at her vanity to do her hair. Looking in the mirror, she saw a very stressed woman looking back at her. "Well, everybody complains that you never go out," she mumbled wryly to her reflection, trying to force a weak smile. She pinned her hair into a french twist that accentuated her long neck and began applying makeup with the idea of keeping the look simple and understated. However, before she finished Robert came into the room bringing some Cosmo and Glamour magazines flagged with post-it notes. Without exception, the models in all the photographs he liked wore heavy mascara and eye shadow, giving them a pronounced dramatically sultry appearance that he wanted Beth to emulate. He also insisted that she put on false eyelashes to exaggerate the effect and he chose a deep red lipstick for her as the coup de grace. When she finally finished doing her makeup the final result was stunning. Beth had been blessed with classic features to begin with, but the smokey eyes and luscious red lips turned her into a femme fatale capable of stopping traffic. Robert stood back and assessed her approvingly before choosing a pair of dangly faux diamond earrings from her jewelry rack. Pleased with himself, he ordered her to go pick out a dress. Beth rummaged through the back of her closet where she still kept a collection of clothes from the life she led before a failed marriage and motherhood transformed everything. With her social life nonexistent, her wardrobe had become conservative, unflattering and generally bland. Fortunately, her weight had not varied so much as a pound over the intervening years so everything in the closet still fitted her figure well. All the same, she felt uneasy and apprehensive as she began going through her archived garments and began rediscovering how sexy many of the outfits actually were. Beth picked out a blue dress that she thought might work and showed it to Robert but he vetoed it and did the same to several others she suggested before he became impatient and took over the task for her. He seemed to know exactly what he was looking for as he quickly moved to the far reaches of the closet to return with a provocatively short black minidress dating back to her clubbing days. Mortified, she pleaded with him to let her wear something more modest: "Oh sweetie, I couldn't ..."
Robert cut her off curtly. "Save it, Mom. This will be perfect" he announced as he held it up and gave her a salacious grin. Robert tossed the dress on her bed then returned to the closet to take inventory of her high heels. After pulling down several shoe boxes from the shelf, he came up with a pair of glossy six-inch black stiletto pumps that Beth had actually forgotten she owned. She gingerly tried to steer him towards another pair but his mind was made up and the stilettos soon joined the minidress on the bed before he turned his attention to begin purposefully foraging through her lingerie drawer. Her son's beeline to the location of her underwear and his apparent familiarity with the contents of her closet did cause Beth to wonder whether Robert might have been doing some reconnaissance in her absence. It troubled her to think he might be going through her things when she was out of the house, but she resigned herself to the fact that she really wasn't in a position to do anything about it even if it was true. He returned to the bed with several unopened pantyhose packages that he laid out on the bed like a giant poker hand. As they considered the different shades, Beth said she thought the black ones would look best but Robert overruled her and decided her legs would be more fetching in a pair of sheer taupe ones that had a sparkly sheen. He handed the package to her and gave her strict orders that she avoid showing any panty lines by wearing nothing underneath the hose. She blushed crimson, but didn't want to cross her son so she nodded her agreement submissively. Satisfied, Robert left the room so she could finish getting ready. After her son was gone, Beth sat on the edge of the bed and sniffled back tears wrestling with complex emotions of guilt and self-loathing for getting herself in such a pickle. All of a sudden, she felt a sharp sense of panic over the prospect of having her mascara run, which would undoubtedly incur Robert's wrath should it occur. With a despairing sigh, she forced herself to suppress her feelings and focus only on the immediate task before her. If she was going to be there by 7 it was time to get dressed. She found herself remembering being a little girl playing with her Barbie doll in her bedroom and thought how ironic it was to find herself now effectively becoming a life-size Barbie doll for her own son.

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Cuckolding Katie Part 2 The Sequel

The aftermath of a cuckolding vacation.Life without Katie was not easy for me. As the months after our parting accumulated, my pain didn't diminish. I missed her companionship, her fine intellect and acute sense of humour. While Katie was fiercely independent, we had developed a togetherness that I had taken for granted. Like how we liked to do things together, shopping, the evening walks and the gym work outs together. Even when we were chilling out at home taking in a movie or reading a book,...

2 years ago
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Getting Fucked In Own House

Hey all back with a new experience. All those who want to get in touch can connect me @ It was evening time around 5 … i had my hard-on and only in my boxers where it was clearly visible.. i was home alone for week as my parents were on out of station. I was in my bed room and hands inside my boxer shagging my cock i saw some one peeping through window, i enquired found no one and the. Took out the cock and shagged it off. A knock on door at 8 , it was Nitu my house owners daughter in law. She...

1 year ago
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A Stone for DannyChapter 2

I was at my desk when the front office asked if I could take a call that had come through from my sister. It caught me off balance as she had never rung me at the office before. She asked if I might meet her for lunch as she was in town fixed us a fix a date for Maxines. As she approached me outside the restaurant I saw she still carried herself with style; although the years had taken some of that sparkle from her eyes. We embraced upon meeting and went inside. Leaving her coat at the...

3 years ago
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A Proposition for Michael

Did you ever just know when you're different from other people? I've always known that I liked men. However, I have a little crush on my stepfather. He's always been very supportive in my life. I have always thought that my parents have engaged in swinging adventures. They have wild parties sometimes where lots of things happen. Both seem to like both sexes. Although, they don't talk about these things with me. Whenever they've had parties, I usually will stay with friends. My mother was...

2 years ago
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Summer At Pond Cove Chapter 08

It’s hard to believe that my summer at Pond Cove has come to an end. Things didn’t finish the way I had expected. Actually, things didn’t begin the way I expected either and the summer was nothing like I thought it would be. I thought I would have a lot of time to myself over the summer to get ready for my first year of teaching. Instead, most of my summer was taken up finding out I was a painslut, falling in love with another painslut– holly, submitting myself to Mistress Gloria... and then...

3 years ago
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Thunder and LighteningChapter 27

In two different cars, Jerry, Jenny, Henry, Bill and Abe pulled up in front of the auto-detailing shop to pick up the Camaro. It was the first time Jerry was to see it since he had been shot and he could hardly wait to see how it looked. Eddie was waiting for them next to the car, but he didn’t look nearly as happy to show off this car as he had been with the truck. The paint job was amazing. Using the dark on dark technique that Eddie had used for the truck, the scene of a lightning bolt...

1 year ago
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To Love Honour And Fingers CrossedChapter 7 Obedience Training Lesson One

Kenneth Jones sat at his desk reviewing a series of files when his secretary, Elizabeth Worthington, knocked on and then opened his door before stepping to one side. And that was when he saw Paula Chapman, company president Marc Rowell's secretary, walk in before Elizabeth closed the door on them. To Kenneth it looked as though Paula, attractive and dark haired, had more on her mind than whatever Marc had sent her in for. Unless of course Marc had sent her in for exactly that. And it...

2 years ago
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Hey Gramps Origins

Al was setting with his son, Karl, drinking a beer and talking about old times. Karl was talking about his Mom and asked Al how he had wound up being married to Irene. Al was just drunk enough that he was willing to talk about it. When I got home from Nam, I went to Uncle Max with your grand folks. Irene was home from college for spring break. She and I got bored with the ‘old folks talk’ so we decided to go for a walk. It was one of those Fall nights where the moon was as big as a house....

1 year ago
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Obsession With a Hologram

It was a sad reflection on my past history to admit I was never one to dwell on such pointless desires that involved either Hollywood actresses or super-models with waif-like figures. I was forever destined to be a sort of "bread and butter" man happy to hump horny waitresses who didn't have bad breath or disappointed divorcees with a fetish for finding Mister Goodbar. I generally just stuck with an uninspired modus operand of engaging with a straight missionary position not wanting to...

1 year ago
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Mr Texas

There was a knock on my door early that morning. I glanced up from my bed and moved my fingers away from my glistening, begging pussy, waiting for another knock. Maybe they had the wrong address. The knock came again and I rose to my feet, letting my t-shirt d**** down and partially cover my nakedness. I went to the door and opened it a crack. “Yes?” “Is this Ms. Em’s residence?” a voice asked. I saw a blue eye peer in at me. The accent was soft and sweet. Something from the south.“Yes,” I...

2 years ago
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Alien InvasionChapter 5

It was interesting that the line of trees on our right ran almost perfectly straight. It was as if the machines were just pointed in an arbitrary direction and turned on to their own devices. Certainly, no human controlling the machines would have been so patient as to run the machines that straight, no matter what might have been in the way. Oh, well, it made no difference to how we felt about the desecration of the forest. We were still pissed off beyond measure at the aliens for what they...

3 years ago
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All That GlittersChapter 2

The truck slides to a stop with a shudder. Standing with his arms across his chest and a scowl on his face is Rob. He is flanked by two smaller men, both blond and identical in looks, Reef and Saul. The twins have been on the farm for a year, and though not as experienced as most trainers, they have proved themselves many times over. They don’t train individually but as a team, and because of this they have had a hundred percent success rate with trainees finished in half the time. Standing...

2 years ago
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Lifes Lessons The Aftermath

It was about ten in the morning and I had just woken. I was lying in bed trying to let my eyes focus after waking from a deep sleep. I noticed there is a crack of sunlight sneaking through the blackout curtains. It was refracting against the cut glass ceiling fixture making the light burst into a thousand colors. I could hear Ann breathing rhythmically beside me. She doesn’t snore, she purrs, unlike me. I can wake the dead when I cut loose.  Thinking to myself, as I gently pulled down the...

1 year ago
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Possession Christmas Vengeance Chapter 9 The Family Tree

Just reuploading this old series with some edits. See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story DISCLAIMERS In this series, I write from the perspective of the VILLAIN. That means I don't agree with his choices, and you're not supposed to either. We're all acknowledging he is evil and wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done in real life! Please be mature adults and separate fantasy from reality. This SHOULD evoke visceral, icky...

2 years ago
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My New Years Surprise

My New Year's Surprise New Year's Eve is a special time for many adult babies. It's one of the rare times that we can be in our diapers and most everyone else shrugs it off to pretending to be the "New Years Baby." Mommy and I had planned to spend the night alone, watching the New Year roll in. What I didn't know was that Mommy had special plans for me. I came home from work to find Mommy waiting for me at the door. She kissed my cheek and patted my backside. I don't know why...

2 years ago
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The storm door banged. She was home and I bet she was already investigating the wonderful aromas coming from the kitchen. I was just finished the first chapter of my next book. I chuckled to myself when I felt her hands on my shoulders and the kiss on the back of my neck. "Oh, you're off to a good start, Baby!" She purred in my ear. My arm slipped around her waist as I turned. "First chapter all done my love. Only twenty five more to go," "Well if it does as well as the last book, are you still...

1 year ago
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Sumitra maasi

Hello,my name is shyam,me 27 saal ka yubak hoon, ye baat hai aaj se 5 saal pahle ki,meri sabse kshooti maasi sumitra jinke pati yani mere maasa ji ki hatya hoo gayi thi bo hamare ghar aayi hui thi,us waqt meri age 22 saal thi aur maasi ki age kareeb 32 saal thi,subah der se sokar utne ki meri aadat rooj 10 baje subah so kar uthta hoon esliye mujhe maaloom nah huaa ki subh 6 baje maasi ghar aa chuki thi .me gharke beech baale kamre me sota tha,jo bahut bada hai ..ghar ke sab log bahi aa...

4 years ago
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Sibling Rivalry

Wayne Johnson was what you would call a mad scientist. Day in and day out, he invented. Though the government would sometimes be interested and purchase what he created, he remained fiercely independent. He supported his family well enough, making a variable income, but comfortably within six figures. He had a wife and two children, a son of 16 and a daughter of 17. His wife, Renee, supported him in his endeavors. She was attractive and took care of herself. Tall, bleached blonde,...

2 years ago
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1001 Homage of submissive G to his Mistress M M has been my mistress, in the bdsm sense of the word, for almost two years. During one of the first sessions, M revealed to me the effect I had on him as a submissive. From the start, M had set a rule from which I should not deviate: to always be completely naked as soon as I was in his presence. To complete this requirement and so that I was even more naked in front of her, M had also demanded that my penis. My buttocks and my crotch are...

1 year ago
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Elles Revenge 3

As it turned out Crystal’s belly was normal by the time Elle’s dad returned home and she was saved the embarrassment of explaining things. Elle was upset about this until she noticed how affectionate Crystal suddenly was to her husband. Seeing her father so happy placated Elle for a while but fucking Crystal and Darci had given the teen an appetite, no doubt enhanced by the alien lodging in her uterus. This had caused her to practically rape her step mom whenever she felt too horny. Elle...

3 years ago
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In my med school days, I rented a house not far from campus. It was a haven for my friends, and the extra bedroom was frequently used as somewhere for them to hook-up without being interrupted. Several of my friends had keys, and it wasn’t terribly uncommon for me to find strange women in my place at all hours of the day and night. Most of the time I got a call, letting me know they were coming, sometimes…not. It was late December, classes were over until January. Most everyone had gone home...

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Innocence Lost Ch 32

In Which Honore learns about the relationship between Purity and Innocence, a film is made illustrating Innocence’s virtues, and Honore is introduced to Leon. Honore was struggling with the composition of her Adventures of Priccho, in which she’d now managed to get her hero to a Land of Naughty Boys, where he was having sex with a number of boys and admired how large their penises were, in many cases more than eighteen inches long, not knowing that this was merely the first stage of a...

1 year ago
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Passionate FamilyChapter 7

Billy lay in his warm bed with his arms behind his head, staring at the ceiling. He was deeply hurt and very troubled at the way Lisa had been acting since that afternoon under the tree, almost a week ago. Oh sure, she had been polite, acting like any normal sister would to her brother, except that she was hardly civil when he tried to speak to her about anything besides passing dishes at the table. He couldn't figure it out. She was the one who had suggested sucking his cock, and she had...

2 years ago
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Looking for something

When I was 19, I had my first moment of clarity. My first sexual expierences seemed to be lacking something. I gave it a few years, a few different partners, and still something was not right. They boys I slept with in high school were okay, but none really took me where I really wanted to go. I never really knew where I wanted to go until I got there. When I was 17 I started taking out personal ads trying to find an older man, thinking that maybe that was the answer. I had slept with a few...

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