Spinning Down The Rabbit Hole, Part Three free porn video

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Bre heard a familiar voice outside her office door and looked up to see Mitch standing outside talking with her assistant. “God, but he is beautiful,” she thought to herself. Her mind was immediately flooded with images from Wednesday night when he stopped at her house after work for a drink and didn’t leave until 2:00 AM. Her eyes roamed over his body; she remembered how great he looked completely naked, and she whispered, “Oh baby, you are a sex machine.”

Mitch ended his conversation and stepped into her office. “Excuse me for interrupting, Brianna,” he said rather formally. “I just came down from Mr. Bradley’s office, and it appears that we have an assignment.”

Bre’s mind quickly switched back into business mode, and she asked, “What kind of assignment?”

While he wanted to say, “You look good enough to eat,” he refrained from saying anything personal and answered her question. “Mr. Bradley wants us to spend some time with a new client in Tampa, Florida. This business is coming from a personal connection, and he would like us to go down there next Tuesday and work with some of their people through Friday. That is, we’ll be coming home on Friday afternoon.”

“Who exactly is us?” she asked. She was thinking, “If you’ll shut my door, I’ll go down on you right here and right now,” but of course, did not say it out loud.

“Us would be you and me,” he said with a smile. “Mr. Bradley thinks that we are the perfect pair to be seen by this new client. He wants them to see our youth and our ability to quickly put them on the right track.”

“I guess this will be an all work program?” she said without smiling.

Mitch stepped closer to her desk and said softly, “As long as we are working, our relationship will be exactly as it is in this building. When the workday is finished and we are back in our hotel and out of eyesight, we are free to do what we want.”

Bre gave him a wry smile. “Does that mean that we will be having room service every night?”

“A bottle of wine, a loaf of bread and you,” he offered with a big smile. He leaned forward and handed her a piece of paper. “Here is a list of things that Mr. Bradley wants us to cover with them. We will find out who is working with us once we get there. I would appreciate it if you would be so kind to go through the list and see what we need to take with us. We can split the presentations us between us. If you get started on that, I will take care of our travel arrangements and hotel.” He turned to leave, stopped and turned back. “As I mentioned, we will be flying out of here next Tuesday and coming back Friday evening. If you have a date planned, you’ll need to cancel it.”

“I did have plans for Wednesday night,” she said as she stared directly at his crotch, “But I’ll just have to make some adjustments.”

“We may have to do a lot of work at night,” he told her.

“I’ve been told that I do some of my best work at night,” she said, giving him the wry smile once again.

Mitch wanted to make a remark, but decided he didn’t want to take the chance of being overheard. Instead he said, “You get to work on that list and I will get my part done. I will also email you some presentations that we’ve used in the past, and you can look them over and make the changes we’ll need for this new company.” He gave her a big smile and walked out the door. Two hours later, Mitch looked up from his desk to see Bre walking into his office carrying a stack of papers.

“Do you have a minute?” she asked.

“Certainly,” he replied. He wanted to say, “Turn around first and let me get a look at your sensational ass,” but he kept his mouth shut.

Bre walked around his desk so that she was standing beside him and placed her papers on his desk in front of him. “I went through the presentations and found four that I think we want to use.” She began spreading the papers out on his desk and pointing to the various pages and explaining her thoughts.

To her total surprise, Bre felt his hand on the inside of her leg. His warm fingers were slowly gliding up the inside of her thigh. Lowering her voice, she said, “What are you doing?”

“What does it feel like I’m doing?” was his quick reply.

“Are you trying to cop a feel in the office?” she asked, still very surprised as his actions.

“Not trying to,” he responded, “I am.”

His hand was half way up her thigh when Bre shifted her position, making it easier for him to go higher. “Don’t you think that someone could see what you’re doing?” she questioned.

“I feel very confident that no one can see what I am doing,” he told her as his hand moved higher on her bare leg. “And as long as you keep you face looking down at my desk, no one looking in would be able to guess either.”

Once again she moved, opening her legs wider for him. She leaned over more and whispered, “Oh my god, Mitch.”

Three seconds later his fingers were touching her panties. As he continued to act like he was studying the paper on his desk, he said, “It appears to me that your panties are quite wet. What have you been doing?”

“This is really embarrassing,” Bre muttered. “After you left my office, I started thinking about everything that we did on Wednesday night and about what we might do in the hotel in Tampa. I got really aroused. I mean really aroused. I told my assistant that I was going to be on a conference call, closed my door and sat at my desk and masturbated.”

“You must have done a good job,” Mitch chuckled, “because your panties are still quite wet and your pussy feels like it is on fire.” As he spoke, he pressed his finger against her, rubbing it back and forth over her sex. The silky fabric was quite wet and sliding between her folds. “I think that maybe you should cum once again, but this time for me.”

“That will happen pretty soon if you continue,” she told him through clenched teeth.

Mitch moved some of the papers around on his desk and spoke to her softly. “I have no intention of stopping, Bre. In fact, we should make it a little more exciting.” He slipped his finger though the thin line of fabric between her legs and began to pull down. He pulled hard enough for the panties to slip down from her waist. When he had pulled them down to her knees, he said, “Now let them drop to the floor.”

Bre moved so that her panties dropped around her ankles. She stepped out of them, and Mitch picked them up and put them into his pants pocket. “Now then,” he said, “Feel better?”

“I feel naked,” she whispered.

“Good,” he said with a smile. “That’s just the way I want you to feel. Now show me these reports again.”

Bre leaned back over his desk and began once again to explain the papers to him. And once again she felt his hand on the inside of her thigh. This time, without much hesitation, his finger reached her sex and slipped inside her wet pussy. “That feels good, right?” he asked her.

“You’re a prick,” she said as she closed her eyes. “It feels wonderful, and you are enjoying making me act like nothing is happening.”

“That is exactly correct,” he said as he continued finger her. He pointed at one of the pages and made business related comments as his finger found her g-spot and began to rub it.

“Mitch,” she moaned, “Please stop! I’m going to cum if you keep doing that.”

“I want you to cum, baby,” he whispered. “As soon as you cum for me, you can go back to your office and think about how you are going to entertain me tonight.”

“Oh fuck,” she hissed as her legs began to tremble.

“Bre,” he said as he felt her reaching her limit, “Fucking is exactly what I had in mind, and I want this sweet pussy to be wet and ready for me just as soon as I get to your house. Is that what you want?”

“Oh god, yes,” she hissed as the wave of the orgasm washed over her.

Mitch let his finger slip out of her wetness and let it slide down the inside of her thigh. “Maybe you would like to sit for a minute?”

On wobbly legs, Bre walked around his desk and sat in one of the chairs facing his desk. She looked up at him and said, “I hope that your cock is so hard that it hurts.”

“That would be an accurate description,” he said with a smile. “Are you indicating that you were not pleased with the orgasm I just provided for you?”

“No, I’m not,” she answered with a smile. “Just that I wanted to scream and suck your beautiful cock into my mouth, but because of where we are, I cannot.”

“But it was exciting, yes?” he asked.

“Oh hell yes,” she said with a bright grin. “But, of course, now I would like to go home and get naked and start all over again.” She paused, looked over her shoulder to make certain that no one could hear, and said, “Are you going to give me my panties back?”

Mitch gave her a smile and said, “I am not. When I took them off, you said you felt naked. I want you feeling that the rest of the day. You are going to be aware of that sweet pussy every time you move and then you’ll think about what is going to happen when you get home. And I’ll keep these nicely damp panties in my pocket to remind me what is waiting for me at the end of the day.”

Bre raised an eyebrow and replied, “Well, you better be rested and ready, mister, because I plan to work you long and hard.”

“Really?” he remarked. “You have anything special in mind?”

“The first thing that comes to mind is riding your face,” she whispered.

“A good choice,” he replied with a big smile, “Always one of my favorites, but send me a text if you think of something else that you might require.” He leaned over the desk toward her and whispered, “I would walk you to the door, but my condition could be seen by anyone that happened to look.”

Bre stood, adjusted her skirt and said, “I’ll be in my office if you need anything.” She turned and walked to his doorway, stopped and turned. “But if my door is closed, you might want to give me a few minutes.”


The weekend passed quickly as both Bre and Mitch had things to do to prepare for their trip. Bre insisted that she needed some new clothes appropriate for business and Tampa weather. Mitch wanted to get his hair cut and shop for a new rolling suitcase because his was rather worn and he wanted to make certain that he would look successful to any client that might see him.

As he had suggested, Mitch arrived at Bre’s place shortly after 6:30 Friday evening and left after breakfast on Saturday morning. They had been spending their weekends together for several months now, but with things to do and packing to get done, they decided that they would catch up on lost time during the week on their trip.

Mitch had once again reminded her how important it was to maintain a totally business relationship between the two of them while working. Several times he repeated, “not a hint” of a personal relationship must be shown. Bre had always repeated that she completely understood and would not do anything out of order.

Monday morning around 11:00, Bre walked into Mitch’s office and sat down. They simply looked into each other’s eyes for several seconds before she said, “Saturday night was okay, I was tired and fell asleep. But last night, I really missed you.”

“Missing me or missing me in your bed?”

She smiled and answered, “Both.”

Mitch gave her a wry smile and asked, “Did you do anything to help you miss me less?”

“You bet your ass I did,” she answered with a bright grin. “There’s nothing like a good hard orgasm to put a girl to sleep.”

“I thought that was what men were supposed to do,” he countered.

Bre looked over her shoulder to make certain that no one was close enough to overhear their conversation before saying, “Men jerk off just for fun and entertainment. It doesn’t put them to sleep.” She cocked her head and looked at him a second before saying, “I don’t suppose that you had to take matters into your own hands last night, did you?”

He smiled at her and answered, “Why do you suppose I keep that box of tissue beside my bed?”

Leaning in toward him and lowering her voice she said, “Don’t forget, I’ve been on the receiving end of one of your orgasmic explosions. A couple of tissues wouldn’t begin to mop up the mess that you make.”

He frowned as if she had hurt his feelings and said, “And all of this time I thought you liked my… what did you call it? My mess.”

Leaning in and again lowering her voice she said, “Listen Mister. You know damned well that I adore your mess. In me or on me, I don’t care. It is incredibly sexy and I would be more than happy to go down on you right this minute to prove it.”

Mitch’s smiled turned very serious and he told her, “Please do not temp me. I assure you, the thought of you going down on me is enough to make me throw caution to the winds and get up and lock my door. But truth is that I couldn’t get up right now and walk to the door because everyone would see the bulge in my pants and that wouldn’t be good.”

“It would be good for me,” Bre giggled.

He looked into her eyes for several seconds and told her, “I don’t have to think about your mouth on me for very long before I get very aroused.” He pulled a pen from his pocket and said, “Now let’s change the subject. We have a lot to do today so that we can walk out of here at noon tomorrow. Our flight is at 2:30, and leaving here at noon will give us just enough time to get there, go through security and make the flight.”

Not quite ready to give up on the fun part of the conversation, Bre asked, “Should I carry my toys in my carry-on or pack them in my suitcase?”

He looked at her seriously for a long second before answering. “I suppose that just depends on if you were planning on using your toys during the flight. And you might want to consider the possibility of one of the TSA people pulling a toy from your bag and asking what it is. That could be embarrassing.”

“I suppose it could be,” she said with a sigh. “But what will we do if we feel the need to… play?”

“In a pinch, I would guess that your fingers or mine would work quite well. Don’t you think?”

She paused a second and replied, “Right now I’m thinking about what you did to me with your fingers last Friday behind your desk. Perhaps you are correct. We should get down to work.” She stood and told him that she would finish up their presentations and show them to him by 4:00.

When she walked out his door his eyes, were glued on her ass. He thought to himself, “Maybe three nights in a hotel in Tampa and I can get enough of that so that it won’t drive me crazy every time I see her.”

Forty-five minutes later Bre walked back into his office, holding out her hand saying, “Here.”

Mitch held out his hand and she dropped a damp piece of silky cloth that he assumed were her panties.

“I couldn’t stop thinking about your fingers and had to close my door again,” she said with a frown. “They are too wet to wear now, so I’ll give them to you now and tell you that you are a bastard.” She turned around and walked to his door, stopped and turned back to him. “Now that my mind is clear, I’ll finish the presentations. Is 4:00 a good time to review them?”

“5:00 would be better,” he told her, trying to hide his smile.


The next morning went very quickly, but by 11:30 they were completely ready to go. They had checked and double checked their inventory of materials. Their agenda had been completed and stored on their computers as well as having hard copies in their cases. Their last stop was the office of the President, Milton Bradley, for any final direction from him.

Two hours later they had stowed their cases in the overhead and dropped into their seats on a small, yet roomy commuter jet that would take them to Tampa. Bre sat by the window and let out her breath. “I hope the rest of the trip is easier than the preparation,” she said with a sigh. “I’m tired and we haven’t even started.”

Before Mitch took the seat beside her, he tossed her an airline blanket. “You might want to have this,” he said with a smile. When she acted as if she didn’t get his meaning he whispered, “If we are going to use fingers rather than toys, you might want to have something to use as a cover-up.”

Bre laughed and unfolded the blanket, draping it carefully over herself from the waist down. “One can’t be too careful, can one?” she said with a chuckle.

As the wheels on the jet lifted off of the ground, Mitch’s hand slipped under the blanket.


It was nearly 7:00 when they reached the door to Bre’s room at the hotel. They stopped and Mitch held her computer satchel while she unlocked and opened the door. As Mitch handed her the case, he said, “When you get inside, open the adjoining door.” When she gave him a questioning look, he said, “We have to have separate rooms, but they don’t have to be far apart.” She still looked as if she didn’t understand, so he said, “I ordered adjoining rooms. I don’t want either of us walking down the hallway at night half dressed. Besides, we will be doing some work at night and this will just make it easier.”

Bre nodded, but still looked as though she didn’t understand what he was saying. His room was right next door. He waited until her door closed then opened his and turned on the room lights, put down his bags and stood beside the adjoining door. When he heard the noise of her opening her side, he opened his and they greeted each other once more.

“You see,” he told her, “I booked a suite with an adjoining bedroom.” He stepped back so that she could see the room. “We have a living room with a mini bar, a small dining table that we can use for work and a separate bedroom.”

Bre’s eyes roamed across the room with approval. “This is very nice,” she told him as she touched his arm.

Mitch turned her to face him and put his arms around her. “Where would you like to have sex first?” was his simple question.

“You don’t waste any time, do you?” she asked.

Reaching to the couch, Mitch picked up a throw pillow and asked, “How many times on the plane did I make you cum?”

Exhibiting a bit of a blush she answered, “I believe it was twice.”

“The correct answer is three times,” he said as one of his hands pulled down the zipper on her skirt. “And how many times did I cum?” he asked as her skirt dropped to the floor.

“I don’t think that you did,” she answered, not quite certain where he was going.

“That would be absolutely correct,” he said as he began unbuttoning her blouse. When her shirt fell to the floor beside her skirt, she was left standing in front of him wearing only a lacy pink bra with matching panties. He stepped back from her and dropped the pillow in front of his feet. “I believe that now would be the time to correct the unevenness of our orgasmic experiences.”

It only took Bre two seconds to understand was he was saying and doing. She smiled as she unhooked her bra and tossed it onto the couch. She slipped out of her panties and held them up. “These are wet and I shouldn’t be wearing them.” As she tossed the panties beside the bra, she turned, dropped to her knees on the pillow and began to unzip his trousers.


Theirs was a trip of intense business and more intense sex. Tuesday and Wednesday nights they ate in their suite so that they could be closer to the bed… or the couch… or whatever they decided would be the next prop for their next sexual act. During the work days, they were totally business in every way possible. She called him Mister and he called her Miss. To the most careful observer, they were two co-workers from high management levels that were highly skilled and ready to pass along the things that they could to their new client. They were respectful and considerate of the employees and each other. To the company they were visiting, they were totally delightful and a joy to work with.

But when the hotel door closed, they were like wild beasts. Clothes were shredded and tossed aside so that they could find the next way to sooth their carnal lusts. As they stepped off the elevator and stepped up to the client’s doorway, Bre thought to herself, “Is there something we can do tonight that we’ve not done before? Can I possibly cum more than I have in the past two nights?” As they stepped inside and the receptionist greeted them, she thought, “I just can’t wait to find out!”

Thursday went very smoothly, which was probably due to their extensive preparation. They had lunch with a group of mid-level executives they had only had minor conversations with previously and enjoyed themselves. Bre looked at her watch to see that it was nearing 6:00 and began to get a little excited, knowing that it would be only a short time until they were once again alone and naked.

She was just in the process of deciding what she would do to Mitch first when the door to the conference room opened and the President of the new client walked in. He took Mitch’s hand and shook it. “I’m sorry that I haven’t been here before to welcome you and thank you for all that you’ve done for us. I hope you’ll excuse my failure.”

Mitch was effusive in his remarks, telling the CEO that they were so very pleased to have been invited and hoped that they had been of any small amount of help. He turned and introduced Bre, explaining that she was really the brains of the duet and his job was simply to help her as she needed.

The CEO took Bre’s hand and gave it a firm hold, rather than a shake. “She’s not just the brains of the outfit,” he said with a big smile, “but she’s also the beauty.” Then he turned back to Mitch. “As it happens, my wife is here. I think she’s been out trying to support the economy by running up my credit cards. I was thinking that it would be grand if the two of you would join us for dinner. There’s a nice little place just down the street from here that we enjoy, and I’m hoping that you can go with us.”

Without asking Bre, Mitch accepted the invitation and plans were made to meet at the reception area in fifteen minutes.

When they were alone, Mitch said, “I’m sorry, baby. I was hoping for another evening of wildfire sex, but we really need to do this.”

Checking to see that the door was closed, Bre took his hand and pressed it to her chest. “I’ll tell you the truth,” she told him. “My panties are already wet just thinking about what’s coming next, but of course, we have to have dinner with them. I’m certain it will be short and then we can go to bed together for our last night.” As she spoke, her hands pulled his across her breasts and he could feel her hardened nipples underneath.

The dinner was very nice. The restaurant was quite exceptional and the CEO’s wife was delightful. She was probably fifteen years younger than her husband, and it wasn’t hard for them to assume that she might have married him for his wealth. Still, they were great fun and excellent hosts. The food was excellent and the wine flowed. Shortly before 9:00, the couples said their thank you remarks and their good-byes. The CEO and his wife jumped into a cab, while Mitch and Bre began walking back to their hotel.

As they walked, Bre began to feel like something was wrong. Mitch seemed stiff and removed for some reason that she did not understand. Everything had gone well. She was certain that she hadn’t used the wrong fork or said something vulgar. She didn’t know what the problem was, but by the time they reached the hotel lobby, she was certain that there was a problem.

Once they were in the elevator, Bre turned to him and said, “Baby, is there something wrong?”

He turned to her and the look on his face scared her. “Is there something wrong?” he said through clenched teeth. “We had a deal. During work hours we were completely, 100%, co-workers with no interest in each other besides the work that we do, right?”

“Yes,” she stammered. “Of course.”

“Then what the hell did you think you were doing tonight when you put your hand on my leg in the restaurant? Was that what typical co-workers do? Do you think that maybe that simple act might just give them the message that we are more than associates? And you know that he and Mr. Bradley are friends!”

Bre had to stop and think, but she knew that he was correct. The entire evening had been so comfortable and enjoyable. She remembered that when they were having a brandy after dinner and having such a nice conversation, she had put her hand on Mitch’s leg. As she thought about it, it was more on the inside of his thigh than his leg. It hit her like a slap in the face. Mitch was correct. She had dropped her guard and could have blown their cover.

When the elevator door opened on their floor, he took her by the arm and almost pulled her down the hallway to the door to their suite. Once the door was closed behind them he spun her around to face him. She was still startled and now a little afraid as she saw the dark look in his face.

Without say a word, he began unbuttoning her blouse and nearly ripped it from her when it was undone. He tossed it on to the floor, found the zipper to her skirt, pulled it down and pushed it to the floor. Turning her around, he unsnapped her bra. As it dropped to the floor, he put his hand inside the waistband of her small, thin panties and ripped them from her body.

Now Bre was frightened. Standing in front of him completely naked, she looked at him as said, “Mitch, what are you doing?”

He reached behind her and grabbed a handful of hair. Pulling her by the hair he began dragging her into his bedroom saying, “You will have to be punished. I don’t know how else to impress upon you the importance of your behavior outside the bedroom.”

Most of the time when he pulled her hair, she thought it was sexy, but this was quite different. He was pulling her behind him and she didn’t know what he had in mind. What did he mean by ‘punish’?

When he reached the bed, Mitch sat down and pulled Bre over his legs. He was still holding her by her hair, but now her beautiful ass was her highest point. She was naked and he was completely dressed. “Now,” he told her in a stern and certain voice, “I am going to spank you. It will hurt, but this will teach you to remember how to behave.”

Bre began to try to get free of him. She was a grown woman. The very idea that he was going to spank her was outrageous. But he had her soundly by the hair and the way s he was positioned over his legs gave her no leverage to move. Thinking as quickly as she could, Bre decided that there wasn’t going to be any way to stop him from what he was about to do, but perhaps she could calm him down so that he didn’t hurt her too much.

Turning her head as much as she could she said, “I know that I was wrong, baby. I deserve to be punished. I’m ready.”

The first slap of his hand hit her bare cheek and sounded like a crack. And it did hurt.

Mitch lifted his hand and struck her a second time on the other cheek. Her ass was beautiful and soft. He would much rather be kissing it that spanking, but this, he was certain, was necessary. Another slap on the right… another on the left.

The spanking continued and Bre had begun to cry. She could feel the cheeks on her ass burning as his hand slapped one and then the other. She could also feel her nipples harden and it suddenly became evident that she was getting very wet. Her clit was extremely sensitive and she could feel it rubbing against his trousers.

The anger began to clear from his mind and Mitch suddenly became aware of two things. First he became aware that his cock was rock hard. It was so hard that it hurt. Secondly he began to hear that the sounds coming from Bre were not cries, but whimpers. He saw that she had moved enough so that each time he struck her, she had been able to rub herself against his knee.

He gave her one more strong slap and heard her groan quite loudly before he felt the pant leg around his knee become suddenly quite warm and wet. She had cum and squirted her juices all over him. Now he understood that rather than inflicting pain, he had simply given her a massive orgasm.

He pulled on her hair and commanded her to open her legs, which she did. Putting his hand over her sex he could feel that she was dripping wet. His mood darkened even more. His pushed his thumb into her wet pussy and she cried out in pleasure. He removed the thumb and pushed in a finger before sliding his lubricated thumb into her rosebud. Her groan became louder and he could feel her clench both holes around his fingers.

Sliding both his finger and thumb in and out of the well lubricated holes, he pushed harder and faster as her moans and whimpers got louder. He certainly wasn’t punishing her, but perhaps they were both learning something about her limits. He was learning that she liked to play rough. Neither of them might have known it when they started, but it was clearly evident now.

After a minute of fingering, he pushed her over onto the bed and stood. She was lying there on her side and breathing hard. Mitch stood there watching her pant with her eyes closed, looking as if she didn’t have the strength to sit up. He had reached his limit and began to remove his clothes.

As she lay on the bed, Bre appeared to have her eyes closed, but was in fact watching to see what he was going to do next. A new level of excitement jumped into her mind as she watched him undressing. He was yanking his tie off, ripping at his shirt and pulling off his trousers. He stood there naked, watching her, and she watched him, staring at his large, dark and angry looking cock. “Please put that in me,” she thought to herself. “I want that so badly.”

Mitch’s anger was starting to subside, only to be replaced by an urgent and demanding lust. He stood and watched her for a few seconds before he leaned over and picked her up off the bed. Before she knew what he had planned, Mitch flipped her over onto her belly and dropped her back on the bed. Putting an arm around her waist, he lifted her up, putting her on her knees. He slapped her ass once again and demanded that she spread her legs for him.

Quickly she opened her legs and put her face down on the cool sheets. She could still feel the sting of his hand as it slapped her bare ass, but rather than hurting now, it seemed to induce an orgasm with each slap. It was somewhat shocking for her to realize that she would be happy for him to smack her over and over again.

Standing behind her, Mitch could see the wetness in her pussy glistening in the dim light coming into the bedroom from the living room. Putting one hand between her legs, he slapped her sex. The slap was certainly not as hard as the force he had used on her ass, but it was a slap. His hand was covered with her juices and he slapped her again.

The feeling was a shock to Bre, but the result was the same. An electric jolt ran through her body and she accepted another orgasmic rush. She could feel her fluids running down her legs. “Again,” she was pleading. “Please do it again.”

Mitch was also quite surprised by her reaction, but now was pushed beyond his limits of acceptability and moving toward animal instinct. He stepped up behind her and, without any preamble, buried his throbbing cock inside her pussy. It slipped to her depths as though she had been coated with silk.

Bre cried out. “Oh god yes. Fuck me, baby.” Something in the back of her brain was asking who was saying that. Bre didn’t use that kind of language. She had never urged a man to “fuck her.”

His logical mind had taken a vacation. It was now his lust in charge. Mitch took a handful of her hair and pulled her up against his chest as he kept his cock deep inside her. “You want me to fuck you like a whore, don’t you?” he spit out, still pulling her hair. “Well, that’s what you are going to get. Because you are my whore, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am,” she gasped.

“Tell me what you are,” he demanded, and he began to fuck her with hard deliberate strokes. “Tell me what you are!”

“I’m your whore,” she answered. “I’m your whore, Mitch. I’ll do whatever you want, whereever you want and whenever you want it. I’m your whore and I need for you to use me.” She felt his steel hard cock slamming into her and said, “I need your cock, baby. Fuck me!”

Mitch leaned back and slapped her ass, making her cry out. “Don’t call that a cock,” he said as he continued to drive himself into her. “You are a whore and what you get is a dick. You love that dick, don’t you? Tell me where you want it?”

The pressure and excitement continued to build. Neither of them had ever been here before and neither of them knew how this was going to end, but it was now unstoppable. “I want that dick in my pussy!” she called back to him.

“Where else?” he demanded.

“I want your dick in my ass,” she almost screamed. “I want your dick in my mouth! I want to taste your cum. Just don’t stop fucking me, baby. Just don’t stop!”

Thirty seconds later, Mitch pulled out and pushed her down on the bed. He grabbed his cock and stroked it until he shot a massive load of cum on her ass. Stream after stream of hot cum landed on her red and blistered ass. He was gasping for air but ran a hand through a puddle of cum, scooped it up on his finger and stuffed the finger into her mouth. “You wanted to taste my cum, whore. Here, take this.”

Bre sucked his fingers until she had taken every bit of cum off. Her eyes were closed and she savored the taste and the feel of it on her tongue.

Mitch stood up and looked at her spectacular ass, now covered with his cum. He could feel that his cock was as stiff as it had ever been. He could still feel that tingle in his balls that let him know he was going to reach his orgasm. He moved the remaining fluid onto his hand and began to rub it on her rosebud, coating it completely before sliding a finger inside her. “You want it in your ass now?” he roared.

“Yes,” she begged, “Oh fuck, yes!”

He fell on her and within a second had buried his cock in her ass balls deep. She howled with pleasure as he began pumping his cock in and out just as he had done with her pussy. Her noises only pushed him harder until he exploded once again. After he filled her ass with cum, he could only slide down and cover her sweaty body with his.

In thinking back on the experience, Mitch determined that he had probably passed out at that point. He did remember waking up some time later, still with all of his weight on her back and his cock still buried in her ass. He had slipped off only to find that she was completely out.

Mitch stood up and looked down on Bre. Her body was so perfect that he felt a twinge between his legs again. She was lying on her stomach with her legs spread out. He could see the white cum seeping out of her ass and running down between her legs. He also noticed a large wet spot between her legs and wondered how that got there, but his mind just wasn’t functioning now. He lay back on the bed and closed his eyes. He was asleep in under a minute.

A few minutes before 7:00 the next morning they both awoke at the same time. Bre focused her eyes on him and smiled. She liked waking up in the morning with him beside her. As her senses revived themselves, she was especially fond of waking with him beside here when they were both naked.

She looked to see him staring at her. “How do you feel?” he asked.

“Except for the fact that my ass hurts,” she said with a smile, “I’m terrific.”

Very softly, he said, “Baby… I’m sorry…”

She put her fingers to his lips and said, “There is nothing for you to be sorry about.” She kissed him softly before saying, “What we did last night was simply amazing. I think we both learned something about ourselves and what we can do and what we didn’t know we could enjoy. Do not apologize for anything that you did or said. Things said during sex simply don’t count in the real world. It’s nothing but sex talk, and that makes most everything acceptable.”

He kissed her softly and glanced at the clock beside the bed. “We’d better get moving. We have a few hours of work to finish.”

She rolled out of bed and stood there a bit for him to fill his eyes with the beauty of her body. “I’ll be ready in less than an hour with my bags packed and ready to leave.”

As she began to walk through the door to go back to her room, Mitch stopped her. “Bre,” he called. When she stopped and turned, he said, “When we are finished today, but before we leave their building, I would like for you to excuse yourself long enough to go to the ladies room and remove any lingerie you are wearing. When we get on that plane, I am going to want to touch all of you, and I don’t want there to be anything in the way.”

“Yes sir,” she said with a smile. And just as she did at their office, she turned to leave, but hesitated just a second so that he could get a good look at her ass.

The next few hours flew by, and soon it was time to say their goodbyes and head for the airport. As Mitch finished packing everything back in his briefcase, Bre excused herself and headed to the ladies room. She had her hand on the knob of the door when she heard Mitch's voice.


She glanced over her shoulder. “Yes, Mitch?”

“There is a little surprise for you in your bag. I expect you to follow my earlier instructions, and I also expect you to wear what is in the package. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, you do.”

Bre couldn't help but smile as she headed out the door. ‘What on earth was he up to now?’ she wondered.

Reaching the deserted ladies room, she locked the door. Quickly taking care of necessary matters, she removed her red lace bra and thong and stuffed them in the bottom of her purse. As she did, she noticed the package Mitch had somehow managed to tuck inside. She pulled it out and opened it. A quiet gasp escaped her lips when she saw the small glass butt plug and a tiny bottle of lube inside. ‘He can't be serious,’ she thought to herself. ‘There's no way I –‘

Her thought process was interrupted by the chirping of her cell phone. She knew from the ring tone it was a text from Mitch. She laid the open package on the counter and picked up her phone.

“I am very serious. You WILL insert it NOW and meet me in the lobby in five minutes. Do NOT disappoint me.”

Taking a deep breath, she picked up the plug and bottle of lube. Flipping it open, she applied a generous coating to the plug. Placing one foot on the edge of the counter, she slowly pressed the tip against the opening of her anus. Moaning softly as the plug slid in, her ass opened to accept it. With one final push, it slid home and seated itself. She lowered her leg and sighed as her weight shifted, feeling the plug embedded inside her. She grinned at herself in the mirror as she freshened up. If the plane ride here was any indication, the ride home was going to be quite the adventure.


Two and a half hours later, they were once again seated on the small commuter jet heading home. This time the flight was nearly empty. As she had on the trip to Tampa, Bre spread a blanket across her lap. She squirmed in her seat as the plane took off, hyper aware of the toy firmly seated in her ass.

“Is something the matter, Bre?” asked Mitch, his tone quite nonchalant.

“Of course not,” Bre hissed. “Except I can hardly think and I desperately want to cum.”

“Do you?” he asked. Holding Bre’s gaze with his own, he slid his hand under the blanket.

Bre felt his hand sliding up her leg and parted her thighs. She softly whimpered as his knowing fingers lightly brushed against the lips of her sex. Arching her hips, she tried to bring his fingers in contact with her throbbing clit. Mitch wasn't having any of it and promptly removed his fingers, tracing a line down the inside of her thigh.

“Mitch, please,” she whined.

“Did you really think it was going to be that easy?” he inquired as he brought his hand out from under the blanket.

His eyes watched her as he lifted his hand to his face and inhaled her heady scent. Bre's tongue darted out, wetting her dry lips as she watched him.

“N-no,” she managed. “I did expect one to at least take the edge off though.”

“One to take the edge off, hmmm? Then why don't you do just that? Give yourself just one, while I watch.”

Bre's eyes darted around the cabin of the plane. There were only a handful of other passengers on board, and they weren't really paying any attention to either of them. She held Mitch's gaze as she slid her hand under the blanket and parted her swollen and wet pussy lips. She was just about to rub her aching nubbin when Mitch stopped her.

“No playing with your clit yet,” he told her. “I want two fingers buried inside that dripping pussy. I also want your other hand under that blanket, tapping the end of the plug that's buried in your ass.”

Bre opened her mouth to argue, but the look on Mitch's face changed her mind. She closed her mouth and slid her other hand under the blanket. She shifted in the seat, a groan escaping her lips as the plug moved inside of her. She bit her lip as she worked two fingers from her right hand inside her dripping slit and used her forefinger of the other hand to tap the base of the plug.

“Mitch,” she gasped as she worked her two fingers in and out of her soaked channel. “Please, Mitch.”

“Not yet,” Mitch said. “Slowly fuck that pussy with those fingers. Now I want you to start working that plug in and out of your tight ass.”

Bre began panting as she obeyed Mitch's instructions. She could feel her orgasm building although she had yet to touch her clit. Her eyes closed, and she bit her lip harder to keep from crying out. She continued to work both her fingers and the plug in and out of her tight holes. Just as she felt the tingles starting to spread, Mitch growled in her ear.

“Stop, Bre. Take your hands away, now.” His breath was hot in her ear.

It took a minute for his words to sink in. Bre's eyes drifted open and she pulled her hands away. She placed them in her lap and struggled to regain control of her breathing. She looked over at Mitch.

“I thought you said I could cum,” she said, her voice stuttering and full of frustration.

“I remember saying you could.” he replied. “And - you can. Only, it will be when I say you can. Don't tell me you aren't enjoying our little game.”

“I am enjoying it,” she managed. “I just want to-“

“I know what you want.” Mitch interrupted. “Trust me. You'll get want you need. It will be that much sweeter when you wait for it.”

“I'm not sure I can hold out much longer.” Bre responded.

“You can, my dear.” Mitch repeated. “And you will.”

Bre leaned her head back against the seat and sighed. Mitch was right, she could do this. She would do it. There was no way she would disappoint him.

“Are you ready to begin again?” Mitch asked her.

“I - I think so.” Bre replied.

Mitch leaned over and she felt his hot breath on her neck. “Touch yourself again for me baby. This time, though, I want those beautiful green eyes on mine as you do.”

Bre watched as he leaned back in his seat and angled his body so he could see her face. Her eyes met his as her hands found their way back under the blanket. She slid two fingers back into her soaked pussy. Her instinct was to close her eyes, but she managed to keep them open and focused on Mitch.

“How many fingers do you have inside of your right now?” Mitch asked.

“Two,” Bre replied.

“Add another one,” Mitch instructed. “Then take your forefinger of your other hand and lightly scrape your clit. “

Bre slid another finger inside her dripping channel and lightly scratched her clit. A whimper escaped her lips.

“Does that feel good baby?”

“Um hmmm,” she replied as she continued to tease her clit.

Mitch’s hand slid under the blanket and he pulled her finger away from her clit. He brought it out from under the cover and placed it in his mouth. His tongue was wet and warm as he licked the tip of Bre’s finger. Her eyes began to drift closed, but a nip of his teeth on her finger had them opening again. He continued to lick her finger as she worked those two fingers in and out.

She felt his teeth scrape the pad of her finger and softly moaned as he pulled her finger free from his mouth.

“Take this finger,” he said, “and tease your right nipple with it.“

Bre took her finger and teased her nipple through the fabric of her shirt. Her nipple immediately hardened at the contact. In the meantime, Mitch’s hand had traveled back under the blanket and he was gently rubbing her clit. Bre wiggled in the seat, wanting to press against his finger.

Mitch’s eyes held hers as he began to rub her clit with a bit more pressure. Her eyes grew wide as she continued to make circles around her nipple. Her breath began to come in short pants.

“Are you close again?” Mitch asked.

“Yes,” Bre managed. “Mitch,” she whimpered as he increased the pressure against her clit.

Bre’s head fell back against her seat, but she managed to keep eye contact with Mitch. For a brief moment, she realized what she was doing. Yes, she had been brazen in college and had had more than her share of fun, but she had never done anything quite like this. Her mind rebelled, wanting her to ask Mitch to stop, but her body was enjoying the feeling too much.

Mitch began to make slow circles around her clit, mimicking her movements on her nipple. The slow and steady movement of his fingers only excited Bre more. She bit her lips to keep from crying out. Mitch smiled as he watched her.

“Are you ready to cum now?” he asked.

Bre nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Mitch began using two fingers to pinch her throbbing nubbin. Bre's hips were rocking. She was close, so close.

"Not yet, Bre," Mitch told her as he released her clit and barely brushed his finger over her swollen pussy lips.

He kept teasing her, his eyes locked on hers. Bre's chest heaved as her breathing became harder.

"Please, Mitch," she whimpered, her hips arching, trying to bring her clit in contact with his fingers.

"Please what?" he asked as he continued to barely graze her wet lips.

"Let me cum?" she gasped.

Mitch's sure fingers found the bud of her clit and rubbed it. "Let you cum? Now? You want to cum now?"

"Fuck yes," Bre hissed.

She watched as a grin spread across Mitch's face. She didn't know it, but this was what he had been waiting for. He wanted to see her lose herself in desire and she had.

“Cum for me,” he growled as he scraped his fingernail across her aching clit.

This time Bre couldn’t help herself. Her head fell back against the seat, her eyes closing as she felt her orgasm approaching. Her fingers began to tug hard at her nipple as Mitch continued his assault on her clit. The tingles spread through her body as she slammed three fingers in and out of her slick channel. Her hips started to buck and she came, hard. Mitch’s hand slowed down, but didn’t stop making circles on her clit.

Bre pulled her wet fingers from her pussy as her eyes opened. Her free hand clasped Mitch's arm and tugged.

"Enough," Bre said.

Mitch's hand emerged from the blanket.

"Feel better now?" he inquired.

"Yes, I do." Bre responded.

She glanced over and saw the tent in Mitch's pants. As she started to place the blanket over his legs, the pilot came over the speaker and announced they would be landing soon. Both Mitch and Bre groaned. His pleasure would have to wait until after they landed.

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Rabbit Season

"It's true, Doc. I'm a rabbit alright. Would you like to shoot me now or wait 'til you get home?" "Shoot him now! Shoot him now!" replied Daffy. Bugs said, "You keep outta this! He doesn't have to shoot you now!" "He does so have to shoot me now!" Daffy then said to Elmer, "I demand that you shoot me now!" Elmer raised his gun. As Daffy stuck his tongue out at Bugs, the duck was shot. Daffy walked back over to Bugs with smoke pouring out of his nostrils. Daffy said, "Let's...

1 year ago
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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 3 Downsizing

“I don't like it” Ian muttered before taking a sip of his jet black coffee. “Don't like what?” Marco asked in between bites of his reheated chicken parmesan. The two sat in one of Athena Corp's many cafeterias. They were chatting over lunch, as they did most days. The talk of fellow co-workers buzzed around them. It was a cacophony of commiseration over the many drastic changes to the corporate hierarchy in recent weeks. “What do you think I'm talking about?!? The shakeup! The layoffs....

1 year ago
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Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch11

Looking down at my body, cum covered lingerie that fit me so well, my painted and shaped nails, the feeling of fullness from my scarlet sheened plumped lips with the weight of false lashes on my eyelids and my skin so smooth and hairless. How had I gone so far? and why wasn’t I more bothered about it. I didn’t need to do any of this, I could have just stayed as I was. I summoned the strength to get up to go to the shower and was instantly reminded of the powerful orgasm I’d had not long ago,...

4 years ago
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The Rabbit Died Chapter 3

We began to live like a married couple, although our behavior was more like that of a pair of teenagers than of a couple who had forgotten how we had spent our fiftieth birthdays. As in most relationships, there were a few inconveniences that we had to deal with, the most major of which was the fact that John's work often required him to travel. Sometimes, he needed to make day trips, leaving at the crack of dawn to drive a few hours to a potential customer, spending the day making...

3 years ago
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The Rabbit at Midnight

The Rabbit at Midnight By Jennifer Hutchinson This is the incredible true story of my new life. It is so incredible, I am not sure I truly believe it myself. It all started on Friday night. My wife had gone to her mother's for the weekend. I had to work late Friday, so I told her to go on without me. I would stay at home this weekend and get some work done on the yard, which really needed it badly. This was just a cover. You see, I am a crossdresser. That was hard to admit, but I...

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Journey Through the Rabbit Hole Part 1

I learned a long time ago, that life doesn’t always turn out the way you plan or hope, and sometimes you’ve just got to roll with the punches. But for me to tell you my strange and erotic story, or as I jokingly call it, my “journey through the rabbit hole,” you need to understand how I got to this juncture in my life. Robert Falcone and I were married just after I graduated college. Robert, a handsome red-haired, blue-eyed man, who graduated a couple of years ahead of me, was a good and...

4 years ago
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Me and my Rampant Rabbit

Introduction: What happens when you replace a vibrator! My husband used to work away a lot a few years ago and this true story is from when he was away for a month. I left out the frustrations of the previous two weeks as it appears readers want action more than narrative so this is a short story. Enjoy! =============================================================== It had arrived! The postal service had just dropped of a package about the size of a small shoebox in a padded mail bag and I...

2 years ago
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Me and my Rampant Rabbit

Enjoy! =============================================================== It had arrived! The postal service had just dropped of a package about the size of a small shoebox in a padded mail bag and I knew what it was. It was my Rampant Rabbit! I had always had a small vibrator that I used for my clitoris from time to time but it was on its last legs and would cut out at that vital moment making me frustrated as I was about to come. A Sex Toys advert had promised the ultimate in...

2 years ago
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Down a Rabbit Hole

You are walking through a park that you know like the back of your hand. You know the short cuts, where and when the cop stops by th say, hi. It's evening and your headed off to your friends places. Then there in front of you is a large hole you have never seen before. Shrugging you step across it, as you do, it widens and you fall in. Down the rabbit hole!

1 year ago
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The LuvDoctor Chronicles The rabbit hole p

The Luvdoctor chronicles: The rabbit hole (part 2) Weeks went by after she gave me that folded up piece of paper. We started to get to know one another quite well. She loved what she did at work, and enjoyed having me around. I on the other hand was enjoying her encounters with me where we would do mostly nothing but joke and goof around, however being around her did raise some hard problems, very hard problems. There were times where I could talk for hours with her, but there were also...

1 year ago
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Down the Rabbit Hole VIII

The following Monday I awoke to fresh scrambled eggs, French toast, and orange juice in the kitchen. I was half-way through eating when the phone rang in the kitchen and I put it on speaker. "Hello, Domina," I said trying to woof down my breakfast. Since I've been here, I've been so busy sexually that food has come in spurts - just like my men. See what I did there? I'd been eating in 'noshes' as the Jewish people say, and with no one here but me, I was taking the chance to fuel up. I didn't...

2 years ago
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The Rabbit Hole Ch 07

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 7: Dolly By Trixie Adara Edited by Abby H. Nadia Nadia stood in front of the door, waiting for Bucky the Butler to let her in. She bounced on the balls of her feet, trying to shake out all the nervous energy. She couldn't believe it when Penny finally called and asked to see her immediately. She didn't waste any time calling out of work and claiming to be sick. She was ready to do it for as many days as was necessary if things went the right...

2 years ago
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The Rabbit Died Chapter 2

In the morning, Jeanne and I woke up to the sounds of people stirring, talking, striking their tents, and packing their gear. For a while, we lay there together under our blankets, enjoying the closeness we felt, spooned together, naked, sleepy, and happy. We considered repeating the pleasure we had shared the night before, but contented ourselves with kissing, holding each other, and talking softly. As the activity outside increased, we knew it was time to get up. “Jeanne,” I said,...

2 years ago
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Falling Down the Rabbit Hole

Betsy was so nervous. She had rarely left her small town and, when she did, it was only to go over to the next small town. She was happy living in the same place she had been born 24 years ago, knowing all her neighbors and having them know her. It was extremely difficult for her to accept her uncle’s offer of an internship in his company. Not that it wasn’t a great offer. It was kind and generous and very possibly the best experience she could acquire. It was just that all her friends were...

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Who Fucked Jessica Rabbit Who Fucked Her

Author's Note: All characters are 18 years or older. So, yeah if you plan on writing your own paths with certain characters from whatever media, make sure to age them up! Over the past decades, the world of entertainment has expanded. Such a boom in multimedia ventures has lead to new cities similar to Toontown appearing near said city. There's Odysseytown, named after the Magnavox Odyssey, the first video game console to commercialize video games, and home to the "pixels," the general term for...

1 year ago
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I had been reading lots about rabbit vibrators and how much good they do for women around the world and how many women still prefer them over other conventional sex toys and I knew I had to try out the most popular one there was and give you my 411 on what the fuss is all about even all of these decades later.I had read a lot about combined orgasms and whilst I had dabbled in this sort of play before I don’t think I had ever tried it with all in one type of sex toy. I was aware combined orgasms...

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Dads Rabbit Rescue

I remember one time when I was in high school, we lived in a garden apartment in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey. The superintendent had just cut the grass on the lawn, and disturbed a nest of four baby rabbits. Those little fuzzy soft baby bunnies were only about three inches long, tops. And they scattered about for a bit, and I was able to catch three of them in my hands, and get them inside of a big cardboard box. But there was one little baby bunny that was missing, and we searched and searched...

2 years ago
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Summering in Femininity Part 6 Down the Rabbithole

The following day, Taylor was excited, since Aunt Agnes had assured him that it would be the day that her personal shopper was picking up her groceries, and with it, the nail polish remover that would solve all his problems. Of course, that still meant he had to spend a few hours with Emily before it arrived. "Taylor check it out! This is perfect for you!" Emily continued her search to find Taylor an outfit from the closet. "Emily, I really don't think... Absolutely not!" Taylor...

1 year ago
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Departmental Storeil Pennai Usar Seithen

Hi friends vanakam, indru kama kathaiyil departmental storeil oru pennai paarthu pesi usar seithu ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Vimal, vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Naan paarka azhagaga irupen, tshirt aninthukondu irupen athanaal pengal epozhuthum ennai paarthu sight adipaargal. Ipadi thaan oru naal en nanban udan departmental storeku sendrom appozhuthu angu oru pen aval mulaiyaal ennai urasi vitu sendraal. Avla mulai perithaaga irunthathu, aval mulaiyaal ennai idikum pozhuthe...

2 years ago
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The Rabbit Died Chapter 1

I certainly didn’t. I grew up in an era where you did not play with yourself. Not good girls and boys. So all these years, I never masturbated. Sometime around my fifty-third birthday, I just happened to wake up horny as all hell. I had been single for years, and I dated very little, so I was pretty much living the life of a nun. Just when I thought I should be through menopause with a dead libido, all I could think about was sex. Christ, I tingled all the time. A good-looking man made my...

1 year ago
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Vignettes V I Married Jessica Rabbit

She first caught my eye when I visited the classroom of a professor who was a friend of mine. Her easy smile caught me by surprise and it took me a while to realize how voluptuous this ivory figure was. A dead ringer for Jessica Rabbit. That's not her real name of course, but it'll do for the story. It was the early 80's and she had her shiny copper hair full and high in front and it cascaded around her shoulders. Another surprise was that, as bright a copper that her hair was, her...

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 08

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 8: Cruelty Fetish By Trixie Adara Edited by Abby H. Penny Dolly grunted as the dildo pounded in and out of her ass. Behind her, Joanna pumped wildly. Penny enjoyed how lewd and loud Joanna could be, and she allowed the bimbo to moan like a whore while Penny watched. Nadia had revealed that she had always been nervous to do anal, that she had considered it a boundary she could never cross, and Penny helped her cross it. Dolly needed to be fucked in the ass...

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 05

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 5: Joanna By Trixie Adara Nadia The phone rang on the other end and went to voicemail. Nadia knew it would before she heard it. It had the last seventeen thousand times, it would when she checked again tonight, and again tomorrow morning. Penny was gone. Luckily, the confusion and sting was wearing off. Now, Nadia felt a blooming concern. Unlike Joe, Penny didn't have some magical status appear that explained where she was. Bucky the Butler told...

1 year ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 139 Rabbit Run

Only a few hours later, inside the more mundane portions of the Misaki home, Hero looked up expectantly from where he knelt at table side. Waiting patiently within the small dining area, he nodded respectfully to the queen as Funaho was first to arrive fresh from the bath. Noting Misaki trailing less than a step behind. Taking the moment also of delighting privately as any man would upon the arrival of so many healthy females, attending Tanzuru aside. "And where have you been all this...

3 years ago
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Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch7

Crashing out without getting undressed, buttplug still in place, my morning wood had entirely broken free from the small thong I was wearing, the basque still holding my torso comfortably and the stockings gripping my legs snugly. I slipped out of bed and saw the new shoes from Biggie on the floor where I had kicked them off. I picked them up and gave them a much closer look than I had when I opened the box during the broadcast. They were really very elegant, quite sexy but not overly slutty,...

4 years ago
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Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch7

Crashing out without getting undressed, buttplug still in place, my morning wood had entirely broken free from the small thong I was wearing, the basque still holding my torso comfortably and the stockings gripping my legs snugly. I slipped out of bed and saw the new shoes from Biggie on the floor where I had kicked them off. I picked them up and gave them a much closer look than I had when I opened the box during the broadcast. They were really very elegant, quite sexy but not overly slutty,...

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