The Intern. Ch,07. free porn video

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After the front door shut a hushed stillness filled the room. I sat for long minutes re-living moments from the day while Rose’s head still rested on my thigh and I idly played with her hair. Eventually something, I’m not sure what, brought me back to reality and I nudged Rose back to wakefulness.

“Come and sit up on my knee,” I told her. A little shakily she managed to get up and did so and snuggled into my arms. “Have you enjoyed your day?”

“Most of it, Miss. I love what you bought me.”

“You look splendid in it,” I said, sliding my hand across the silky corset and letting it come to rest on her nipple. “The colour suits you.” I rolled her stiff nipple between thumb and finger and I was pleased to see that she accepted my attentions and didn’t shy away this time.

“Thank you, Miss,” she replied, her breath already ragged.

“And this evening?”

“It was different, Miss … ughhh!” she managed to blurt out as I squeezed her nipple.

I let go and slid my hand over her stomach. Her knees were locked together, and I push them apart with little resistance from her. I slid a finger across her wet pussy.

“And the spanking?” I asked, “did you like that?”

“No, Miss, it hurt,” she answered, pouting her lips and trying to look sorrowful.

I slipped my finger back inside her, “I think this cunt of yours tells a different story.”

She gasped as I did so, and her eyes glazed over.

“I want to keep you all night, little one, but we must let your mother know or she’ll worry. Grab my phone from the table.”

As I started to slide my finger in and out of her, she leant over and picked up my phone and held it out to me, expecting me to take it. I ignored the gesture and continued to finger her.

“Call your mother for me, she’s listed under Mrs M.”

A look of horror came over her face as she realised what was expected of her.

“Just do as you’re told,” I told her severely.

With shaking hands, she managed to find the right number and pressed ‘call’. As I heard it ring, I pushed a second finger inside her alongside the first. The dial tone stopped, and a tinny voice came out of the phone.

“’ello Ms P how’s you? I hope our Rose has been behaving herself.”

“Errr … it’s me, … mum,” Rose managed to get out while squirming under my exploring fingers.

“Where are you, love?”

“I’m with … Ms P … mum, she … wants me to … stop over.”

I took pity on Rose and took over the conversation. “We’ve had such fun, Mrs M that I want to continue. I’ll feed her and make sure she’s returned safe in the morning. I just thought we should let you know.”

“That’s fine, Ms P, as long as she’s being a good girl.”

“I’ve had to admonish her once but other than that she’s been perfectly well behaved.”

“Whatever you see fit Ms P. I’m sure you’ve got her best interests at heart.”

As we chatted, I noticed that Rose’s face had gone into a deeper and deeper red. I pushed into her pussy with my fingers and started to twang her clit with my thumb as if I was playing a guitar. She squirmed and wriggled but was powerless to stop me.

“We just thought you should know. So, bye for now.”

I nodded to let Rose know that she could press the ‘end’ button which she did with shaking hands. She finally let her hands sink down, somehow keeping hold of the phone and not dropping it to the floor. But I wasn’t finished yet. We needed to eat, and a pizza delivery would be just fine as I was in no mood to cook and I was unsure of Rose’s abilities in the kitchen.

“Look under ‘P’ for pizza,” I told her, “what’s your favourite?”

As she scrolled through the names she managed to gasp out “P-p-pepperoni, Miss.”

“Order two when they answer.”

As she tried to concentrate on her task, I used my lips on her nipples to add to her torment. I heard the dial tone and then a man’s voice announce the name of the pizza house. Rose took a deep breath before replying.

“C-can we have … two pepperoni … ooooh … pizzas.”

I detached myself from her nipple long enough to whisper in her ear, “and extra anchovies.”

By now I had got her so close she could barely speak but somehow managed to convey the order into the phone.

“Tell him to deliver it to Ms P’s address,” I whispered.

“C-c-can you deliver it … oh ffff … to Ms P’s address … please,”

I heard the polite voice on the other end with its attractive Italian lilt. “Certainly Miss. Are you ok?”

“F-f-fine thanks.” Poor Rose was struggling to speak.

“About fifteen minutes, Miss.”


She came as she hit the ‘end’ key and she did so almost violently, throwing her head back and going rigid in my arms and nearly falling from my lap. With one hand I managed to hold her in place while the other slowly slipped out of her pussy. My fingers and most of my hand were drenched. Slowly she relaxed and went limp and I could ease her across to sit on the sofa next to me where she slumped into a corner, her eyes closed, breathing heavily. I found my wine glass and refilled it with the last of the wine in the bottle and sat back and sipped it slowly. I glanced sideways at Rose who seemed to be asleep. Poor thing, I thought to myself, she’d had an exciting day. Not only that but she’d had four orgasms. No wonder she was exhausted. I closed my eyes. I wasn’t done with her yet, I thought as I drifted off to sleep.


Both of us woke with a start when the doorbell rang. I nearly spilled my wine as I came too. Rose gave a little shriek of alarm like a startled a****l. I was first to come to my senses and realise it was the pizza delivery. I reached for my purse and took out a couple of notes which I rolled up and tucked into the front of Rose’s corset. She was still looking dazed.

“Answer the door, there’s a good girl. That will be our dinner.”

She stood up and was half way to the door when she realised that she was half naked. She turned to me with a look of fear on her face, silently pleading with me not to make her go.

“Don’t be a baby and answer the door,” I said sternly.

With a sense of the inevitable she turned back and went to the door. She tried to hide behind it as she opened it but was forced into the open when the man held two boxes just out of her reach. He looked past her and saw me and gave me a knowing smile and a wave before reaching out and plucking the money from where it nestled up against Rose’s left nipple. I regularly ordered pizzas from the same place and this wasn’t the first time their delivery man had stumbled across strange goings on at this address.

“Keep the change,” I called out to him with a giggle.

He smiled and thanked me before reluctantly stepping back and allowing Rose to close the door on him. She was shaking as she brought the boxes over and put them on the table. She was nearly in tears.

“Oh Miss, he could see everything,” she said plaintively.

“Don’t be such a baby, I’m sure he’s seen worse. I once made a girl open the door stark naked with the money sticking out of her pussy. I think they take turns for the chance to deliver here. You’ll be the talk of the local takeaways for a few days that’s all. Now open those boxes and let’s eat. I’m starving.”

I chuckled to myself. From where I was sitting, I couldn’t see the man outside the door, but I could watch Rose’s antics as she first tried to hide behind the open door and then was forced into the open as he held out the boxes, giving me a grin and a wave as he did so. Then her comic dance as she tried to decide whether to carry them high or low to hide herself behind them before the final indignity when he reached out and plucked the money nesting in her exposed bosom. Once she had calmed down, she instinctively knelt on the rug opposite me and as the smell of the pizzas filled the room she started to eat with a fine appetite. I was only halfway through and she had already finished hers. She knelt patiently and waited for me to finish. When I was down to my last slice, I spun the box round and pushed it towards her and she made that disappear as quickly as her own. I lay back and closed my eyes in satisfaction.

When I opened them a few minutes later she was still knelt in the same place but was squirming while trying not to show it.

“What’s the matter, girl?” I demanded.

She blushed and replied, “I need to go, Miss.”

“Go where?” I mocked, “your mother has agreed that you can stay here.”

Her face went even redder as she managed to speak, “to the toilet, Miss.”

I raised an eyebrow as though trying to take in this request. Eventually I stood up and grabbed the two boxes and headed to the kitchen. “Wait here,” I called as I went out of the door.

In the kitchen I dumped them into the bin and then looked through my cupboards until I found what I was looking for. When I returned to the living room, she looked more desperate than ever and then a flash of alarm came across her face when she saw what I was carrying. I placed the medium sized mixing bowl on the table in front of me as I sat down. I wafted a hand towards it.

“If you need to pee …” and I left the sentence unfinished.

The same tantalizing and endearing look of fear returned to her face.

“But, Miss, I can’t.”

“Then hold it. But don’t you fucking dare mess up my carpet.”

For a long moment she looked at me with a pleading expression hoping I would change my mind and let her escape upstairs. I stared back at her unflinchingly holding her gaze.

“Fuck it, girl, just do it.”

As the realisation dawned that she had no choice she reluctantly stood up and with her thighs squeezed together she managed to hobble over to the bowl. Still looking at me uncertainly she placed herself over the bowl. With my foot I pushed her legs apart and that seemed to send a signal as a sudden rush flowed from her, splashing into the bowl with such force that some spilled over the side onto the table. I quickly rescued my wine and sat back as the flow eased to a more reasonable trickle before ending with a few minor dribbles. I passed her a couple of tissues from the box on the side table and watched her wipe herself. She looked relieved not only to have finally peed but also, so she thought, that the ordeal was over. She stood quietly no doubt wondering what was coming next.

I pointed at the bowl. “Take that upstairs and empty it and make sure its cleaned thoroughly.”

I watched as she carefully picked it up and slowly carried it out of the room. Life really was fun sometimes I thought to myself. Patiently I waited for her to return. I heard the cistern flush twice and then the soft padding of her feet coming back down. She reappeared carrying the clean bowl and placed it back on the table before kneeling next to me. I looked at her and turned my attention to the table. I picked up the bowl and placed it on the floor and then pretended to examine the table top closely.

“You appear to have splashed everywhere, dirty girl. That will need cleaning up as well.”

She looked at me open-eyed and then looked around and fixed her gaze on the box of tissues next to me.

“Could I …” she began but I cut her off.

“What a waste,” I said, “use your tongue.”

“But, Miss,” she sounded and looked appalled.

“It won’t kill you. Now, get on with it or it will be another spanking.”

As I mentioned the word ‘spanking’ I leant down and picked up the paddle that Mo had dropped onto the carpet. I had no intention of using it, but the action could be and was so easily misinterpreted. With her face screwed up in disgust she bent her face to the table and took a few tentative licks while desperately holding her hair back with both hands. I helped her by pointing to different splashes to make sure she got them all. When she had finally finished to my satisfaction she knelt back upright and looked at me sorrowfully.

“There, that wasn’t too bad was it? Now come and sit on my lap and give me a cuddle.”

Her expression changed immediately to one of joy and she clambered eagerly onto my lap and snuggled into me. I kissed the top of her head and then stroked her hair. I allowed her a few moments of peace. I placed a hand on her thigh and, unbidden by me, her legs parted, and she willingly allowed me access to her pussy. She had obviously taken the opportunity of her time upstairs alone to freshen herself up but as I slowly stroked along her lips I felt her juices begin to flow once more. Time to get her upstairs I thought to myself.

“Ready for some fun?” I asked her, and she nodded shyly. “Good girl, go upstairs to my room and you can take off that corset. Then stand at the foot of the bed with your hands behind your head. I’ll follow you shortly.”

She was slow to tear herself away from the comfort of my arms but slowly she stood up and padded from the room.

I let her have about five minutes before I reluctantly stirred myself into action. I gathered the items that I had brought downstairs and were yet unused and headed for the stairs turning off lights as I went. When I entered the bedroom, she was standing as I had instructed and was now totally naked. I ignored her and placed the toys on the bed behind her. She started to swivel to watch what I was doing so I barked out, “eyes front.” She obeyed at once. One of the items I had brought up with me was a blindfold and I picked it up and placed it over her eyes. Leaving her in the dark I went into my en suite and gratefully sat on the toilet and relieved myself. Once I had cleaned myself I stripped off and went back into the bedroom. It felt deliciously powerful to be naked in front of her even though she was unaware of it.

Silently on the thick carpet I walked from one side to the other examining her. I had done her a disservice earlier when I had called her a little bit fat. She was nothing of the sort. I had been mentally comparing her to Yvonne who was unusually thin. She had neat small breasts not much bigger than my own. She had a little triangle of hair just above her pussy. It would have to go but I decided to put that off until the morning as I was eager to fuck her. My voice startled her when I finally spoke.

“Turn around and bend over the bed.”

Feeling her way carefully she did so. Her bottom was still pink from her spanking and made a very pretty sight. It had all the hallmarks of the lightest of spankings which meant she could easily take more. I moved over to stand next to her, placing one hand on her pink bottom and caressing it gently.

“Head down and feet apart,” I ordered, and she quickly complied.

I let my hand wander between her legs and slide across her pussy. This treatment was obviously having the desired effect as she was now very wet again. I slipped two fingers into her and she immediately made a small movement back to greet them, but I pulled them out straight away and let them trail back to her anus. I felt her stiffen under my touch as I stroked circles around the pucker spreading her pussy juices as I went. I dipped back into her pussy to gather more juices and then repeated my circles round her anus. I did this several times and she began to relax and accept it. I picked up the plug that lay with the other toys on the bed next to her.

“Give me your hand,” I said. I held the plug by the base with one hand and used the other to guide her hand. “Feel it and tell me what you think this is.”

She let her fingers wander over the mystery object trying to discover its shape and purpose.

“What do you suppose that might be?” I asked her.

“I don’t know, Miss.”

“And where do you think it might go?”

“I … err … don’t know, Miss.”

“Make a guess,”

After a pause she replied, “in my pussy, Miss.”

“Wrong,” I said with a note of triumph, “it goes in your bottom.”

There was a stunned silence before she blurted out, “no, Miss,”

“Oh, but yes, Miss,” I mocked, “you must learn to trust me.”

I let her contemplate that while I carefully spread a generous amount of lube over the plug. It was my smallest and I knew it would fit in easily, but I wasn’t out to be cruel to the girl. This was just the next part of her education. I still had a coating of lube over my fingers so placed them back on her anus and spread it around. I tried to work some inside, but she tightened up as I did so.

“Don’t be silly, girl, try and relax. Don’t fight me, it’s going in if I say it is.”

I slipped the plug between the cheeks of her arse and then played the pointed end around her hole. She was trembling as I started to press it into her and she gave a little sob which I ignored but which only made me take my time. I watched as it slowly entered her, and she expanded to take it. Millimetre by millimetre I pushed it inside her. When it was about half way I took it out and then started again going a little deeper. I kept teasing her until we were on the brink. I stopped pushing and just held it there allowing her time to adjust before I let the widest part breach her virgin anus. She immediately snapped closed around the stem and it took some force to pull it out again. I made her take it and give it back several times before I let it sink into her one last time and I let go.

I had been so focussed on what I was doing I’d taken no notice how Rose was reacting. She had now stopped her pitiful sobbing and half lay over the end of the bed breathing heavily. I looked past the plug and could see that her juices were beginning to run down her thighs. I took her hand and told her to stand up. I led her to the centre of the room and ordered her to walk round in a circle while I stood at the centre guiding her. At first she hobbled like an invalid but as she got used to the sensation her gait became more relaxed. I led her back to the bed and told her to sit and then lie back. Still condemned to darkness she did as she was told. I climbed onto the bed and sat at her head, my legs spread wide, one on either side of her. I leant forward and whispered in her ear.

“I want you to masturbate for me. Just like you do at home.”

I stroked her hair as her hand moved nervously to her pussy. As she started to stroke her slit I began to caress her breasts, taking a nipple in each hand and rolling it around. They were like rivets, hard and pointing to the heavens. By now she had started to work her pussy more intensely and I began to squeeze and pull on her nipples. I watched as two fingers disappeared inside her. Her thumb was on her clit and a spare finger had explored the hard base of the plug as though she was verifying a strange dream only to find it was true. I increased the pressure on her nipples and pulled and stretched her breast this way and that, but she seemed not to notice. I could sense she was about to come. She was making strange a****l noises that became louder and louder. I tried to synchronize my hardest pinch so far with her orgasm. Whether I did or not her body went rigid as the dam burst. Slowly she began to relax so I leant close to her ear.

“That was fun,” I said, “now do it again.”

Without hesitation, she began to move her fingers in and out of her pussy once more and I continued to play with her nipples. I could see that her hand was drenched, and her fingers made slippery noises as they plunged in and out. Her other hand had now taken over from her thumb and was working her clit vigorously. I tried to add to her riot of sensations by adding my finger nails to the nipple pinching. This time she shouted expletives as she got close and it was almost a scream when she finally did so.

I was as exhausted as she appeared to be, and I collapsed back onto the bed. I eased myself up the bed until I could rest on the pillows and looked down at the naked figure isolated at the bottom of the bed. She lay there, unmoving apart from her chest rising and falling as she gasped for air. Her hand had slipped out of her pussy and now lay beside her still visibly covered with her cum as were her thighs. I had no doubt that another wet patch was beneath her on the covers just like it had been on my skirt. As her breathing slowed to a more normal pace I gave a slight cough and I saw her twitch at the sound. It seems she had become oblivious to the world beyond her pussy. Now I had her attention I needed her back on duty.

“Don’t just lie there like a lazy slut,” I said in a kindly voice, “roll over and get to work. I need to cum.”

Still blindfolded she rolled onto her front and reached out wildly trying to locate me. After a little searching she found a leg and worked her way up from there. She crawled on her belly towards me and, using her hands to guide her, managed to find my pussy. This time she was less hesitant and immediately planted kisses on the outside before her tongue got to work. This time she was more adventurous in her explorations of my anatomy. I lay back on the pillows and watched her as a glow began to spread over me.

Her tongue suddenly pushed deep inside me and probed my insides. It felt amazing and I recognised that this girl had potential. I had been disappointed last time, but she seemed grateful for a second chance and determined to make up for it this time. Taking a clue from what had been done to her, she slipped her tongue out and replaced it with a pair of fingers that probed deeper than her tongue could reach. Her lips sought out and found my clit and latched onto it suckling it like a nipple. I relaxed and allowed myself to build slowly. She continued to suck on my clit as her fingers started to slide in and out. I had been softly stroking her hair but as I got close I grabbed handfuls and pulled her in tight to me. Sensing correctly what this signal meant she added even more vigour. Whether she could breathe I didn’t know, and I cared even less as my orgasm ripped through me.

I was brought back to reality by her frantic head movements and I relaxed my hold on her enough that she could take a few deep breaths. Her face was red with the effort she had put in, but I wasn’t done yet and I pulled her back in.

“Again, bitch,” I managed to gasp.

All credit to her she tried her best, renewing her attacks on my pussy and my clit, somehow managing to take the occasional breath. As always my second orgasm was close on the heels of the first. I yelled expletives as I came, once again holding her face tight to my pussy. As the waves subsided I let my fingers slip from her hair. She came up like a drowning woman and took several life-giving gulps of air. Through half-closed eyes I looked at her. The lower half of her face was slick with slime. She looked exactly like she was, a woman who had been buried in a pussy and accepted all the cum she could take, in other words a perfect and beautiful mess.

I summoned up the strength to reach down and pull off the blindfold and she blinked as the light hit her eyes. She gazed up at me with a look of adoration. Whether or not she was surprised to find me naked seemed unimportant as she just gazed into my eyes and grinned happily. I held out my arms inviting her to come and lay beside me. She struggled to crawl up the bed but finally lay next to me and snuggled in with my arm around her. She was a total mess and smelled of sweat and sex which was exactly right, and I breathed her in.

Without disturbing her too much I managed to cover us both with a blanket. I extricated my arm and turned onto my side and she spooned into me from behind, one arm around my waist. I think she fell asleep almost immediately and I followed soon after. I still had the problem of her and Yvonne to sort out but that could wait until the morning when Yvonne would return.

To be continued…

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While working with the corporation of Sexual Needs Inc., I’ve been working with a few of the new interns. Its fun watching the newbies learning how not to play with themselves, when they are doing research on the computers. I tell some of the heavier girls, they need to change out of their “I can’t find a man” clothes. One girl asked me to go shopping with her. I agreed to go after work. One girl said to me that I dress like a slut. I told her that if she can’t handle the sexual ways,...

3 years ago
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Creampie My Cointern

Hey readers, this is my first sexstory here. It’s a fictional story of how I fucked my co-intern and ended with a creampie. So it was the last posting of my compulsory one year rotational internship that I had to complete before I graduated as a MBBS Doctor. Our college normally took interns from other colleges due to the huge workload. So I was on duty and my co-intern who was in duty with me was an intern from another college. She was 5 feet 3 inches tall, fair, perky boobs and the best...

2 years ago
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The Sexy Intern Turns the Tables

The Intern ‘Turns the Tables’–Sexxy Megan–Part I Every summer my company does its best to take in summer interns. We spread these around the various departments. This helps to fill in needed projects and also provides summer employment for some of the staff’s children who were are in high school or university. As the West Coast director it is my job to supervise the training protocols and make sure the interns have a useful program organized. This year one of my star interns is Megan. She is...

2 years ago
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The Sexy Intern Turns the Tables

The Intern "Turns the Tables"--Sexxy Megan--Part I Every summer my company does its best to take in summer interns. We spread these around the various departments. This helps to fill in needed projects and also provides summer employment for some of the staff’s children who were are in high school or university. As the West Coast director it is my job to supervise the training protocols and make sure the interns have a useful program organized. This year one of my star interns is Megan. She...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Boss and the Teenaged Female Intern

The esteemed offices of Hardcock, Hardcock and Proudbum LLC had been selecting young people for their summer intern program for the past forty years. They had never been concerned with silly things like gender bias, diversity or even age discrimination over the years but this year things were a bit different ever since Harry Hardcock Jr. was sent to serve a year in State prison for humping a former Miss America over the side of his antique hardwood desk with total disregard for her verbal...

4 years ago
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Hannah the Intern

Hannah got up early her first day and got dressed. She put on her skirt and white blouse. She made sure to pick something that looked good but was not to revealing. She looked at herself in the mirror. She was hot, she knew it. She was Asian, tan and athletic. She ran track in high school and in college. She worked out at least 4 times a week and watched what she ate. She loved looking good. She felt a little horny looking at herself. She had not had sex in over 6 months. She graduated college...

3 years ago
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The Submissive New Intern

When she first saw the ad in the classified section, Jennifer giggled at the blatant misogyny implied by the wording.A part of her wanted to find some materials and make up a sign so she could march up and down the sidewalk protesting the filthy male perverts that saw the other gender as toys to be used and then discarded when they tired of them like yesterday’s newspaper or bags for the trash bin every Monday morning.Now that she was a fully grown-up adult at eighteen, Jen thought she was old...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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How to Succeed as an Intern

I arrived at work at my normal time, just before 8:00AM. Technically, I didn't have to be there until 8:30 but, as an intern, I wanted to make a good impression. My boss, Jill, usually showed up around 8:15 and I really liked her seeing that I was consistently there before her. So far, it had been a good plan. She was always giving me extra work and complimenting me on my work habit. It was the last week of my internship and I wanted to finish on a high note so that she would give me a great...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Melissa and the Intern

Recently her husband had been distant too. Melissa knew it was from the way she was treating him. It was funny she had been mean to her husband from her own mistake. He had said some words back that were harsher than usual. They had been in this fight for weeks. Tonight, was going to be the night they made up. She had dressed the part short skirt, black stockings, silky panties and black patent pumps. They still were trying for a baby and Melissa was in the middle of her cycle. She was...

4 years ago
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The Intern was sexy

Disclaimer:English is not my native tongue, so please forgive the grammatical errors, as the story was originally written in Danish and then translated into English.To have an intern can be a mixed experience. It is necessary in order to secure their qualifications, so they can learn the tricks of the trade, but on the other hand is it somewhat of a nuisance in the daily life, and hampers the productivity. Of course it also has it benefits in having a pair of fresh eyes looking at things, but...

1 year ago
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The Intern Chapter 1 Relieving Some Stress

There was something about her that drove men wild.She wasn't the prettiest woman in the world. But she was attractive and striking with a nice smile, big brown eyes, and long, dark hair.She was Hispanic.  She didn’t have the type of porn star body that makes men rave, but she was lean and fit with small shoulders and a long neck. She had a small ass and strong thighs and tits that seemed just a bit too large for her small frame.She was intelligent, witty, confident and professional. She was...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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The Office Intern Part 1 The Christmas Party

When I had just started my current job we had an intern join us for a year from university - she had started a couple of months before me. Kelly was given the job of showing me around the building and making sure I was settled in ok.After a week or so I was into the swing of things and didn't really see much of Kelly, except on lunch breaks or in the car park in the morning.Kelly arranged a staff night out, just some drinks at a local bar one evening. About twenty of us went along. It was the...

2 years ago
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Intern Wanted

"It all depends on whether I am in the right mood, you know? Sometimes I just need to get wet to relax." John looked up from his working bench just in time to see the new intern Sarah walk into the part of the office he was walking in, followed closely by two other colleagues of him. Within seconds he found out that this particular day turned out to be just another one of those days where jokes had spun out of control in the presence of the 23 year old Sarah. It seemed never directly her fault...

2 years ago
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Office Intern

INTERN MIKEWork has been very busy as of late, so my boss decided to hire an intern for the summer. I thought it was an excellent idea so we set it up that he would start on Monday. When Monday rolled around, he was on time and waiting in the lobby. I went out to meet with him and brought him back to my office. I had him come into my office. He introduced himself as Mike. He was very pleasant and well mannered. Young around 27 and very good looking. I felt a little twinge in my crotch. I asked...

2 years ago
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Collection Blonde The Office Intern

It was nineteen seventy-three, and I’d just landed my first real job as a computer programmer with a small company on the East Coast. I’d skipped college, much to my parent’s dismay, and headed off to backpack through Europe and Asia. My grandmother’s estate had established a trust fund for me, which I was able to access once I turned eighteen. And a small piece of that nest egg sustained me for my four years of exploring the world. Now, at age twenty-two, I was ready to get serious and chase...

2 years ago
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Nikkis Teen Intern Training Chapter 7

For chapters 1-4, click here chapters 5-6, click here jig was up.Not only were there witnesses to mine and Nicole's office romp from the day before, but it just so happened to be the two individuals I despised the most in the office. Their previous gossip exploits were of no secret, and one word of this getting to anyone else in the office and I was sure to be fired on the spot. Throw...

3 years ago
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Nikkis Teen Intern Training Chapters 5 6

For chapters 1-4, click here A few weeks had gone by since the parking lot tryst between myself and Nicole, and I had promised myself I would not put myself in that precarious situation again. As a result, I had come off as an even harder scrooge who ran a tighter ship around the office. As great as it was, I had no choice but to be a puritan than risk losing my title and career for just some teen intern. I was lucky to not have been...

3 years ago
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The Intern

The Intern By Snow Girl This story developed as an offshoot from 'Stewardess.' Ideas that didn't fit in that one grew into their own with this. It's not that explicit, but if sexuality offends you, don't read this. This may be freely reposted to any free archive as long as it remains intact. I do read my reviews, and thank you for appreciating my stories thus far. You can also send comments, notes, or praise to...

2 years ago
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The Intern

It all started that Monday morning when I first laid eyes on her.  She was leaning over a bookcase reviewing a file.  She leaned forward in such a way that her buttocks was thrust out away from the bookcase with her nicely proportioned legs making a perfect line from her ass to the floor.  I had a side view of all this.  She wore a sleeveless silk pink top.  Her dark tight pinstriped pants were almost, but not quite inappropriate.  They framed a beautiful slim waistline.  She had what I would...

1 year ago
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The Intern

I was doing interviews at my office for new interns. This next interview was with a young female. She 17 years old, fresh out of High School and no experience. My secretary let her in. I got up walking to her to meet her. I put my hand out to shake and as we shook hands she put her other hand on top of mine. She introduced herself as ,lets say Kathy. She was dressed impeccably in a beautiful knee length dress and high heels. I noticed a small rose tattoo on her ankle. We sat and I looked at...

2 years ago
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The Intern Intro

The Intern I’d been working at a large Marketing firm for just over a year. I had no marketing experience when I got the job but had an extensive background in business management having run a few businesses and having sold my own business earlier that year. I quickly made a name for myself and within the year I was in the top 10 highest producing account managers in the company. I was surprised it happened as quickly as it did but I knew I deserved it. I was promoted into a leadership...

2 years ago
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Curiosity Is A Bad Trait for a dumb intern

It was in the depts of the hostile sea that covers planet SG-58231 that it was found. Though found is not the right word to describe what happened. Agnes was there, the one, lucky intern in Nasa’s most coveted crew, the crew that gets to plant an American flag in new worlds, unveils environments never before seen or touched by humans, plans and executes the initial research necessary before anything found is deemed safe enough to be shipped back to Earth for further examination. They entered...

4 years ago
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The New Intern Part 2 Spoilt for choice

Jodie stood in front of the photocopier and took a breath. She ran her hand through her brunette hair. She’d had it cut into a pixie bob the evening before and was still getting used to the feeling of cool air on the back of her neck. It had been a week since she had been offered the intern position at Burke and Hare Associates. Jodie had been slightly disappointed that her boss, Marie Gallagher had shown no further interest in her beyond a professional approach to her work and career...

4 years ago
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The New Office Intern

I’m 28 and old enough to know my desires. I’ve been dating for 11 years now, and I’ve had only 1 boyfriend but I wasn’t stupid enough to have only one partner. We both met in college, and in an instant I knew he was someone I’d want to be with. We had amazing chemistry. On his 18th birthday, we went beyond kissing and fondling for the first time. I took him in my mouth and learned how I could control him. On my 18th, he finally entered me. It hurt like hell. But I haven’t looked back since. He...

4 years ago
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The Intern

I had been eyeing him for a while now... the first day we met I knew he would eventually be trouble. He was too young for me... I usually don't let age trouble me but eighteen was just taking it too far.The first time I saw him it was the night of the staff Christmas party. I had been away on an extended vacation so I didn't know a few of the new employees. The party location was dark and intimate, and dinner was flavourful, diverse and rich. The wine, deep red and full bodied, heightened my...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Office Intern To a Pet Slut

Typically on a Monday morning Brian was the first person in the office. There was a small staff of 10 that kept busy, but he like to get in well before 6:00 A.M. to get through e-mails and other administrative items before being bothered by the questions and concerns of the day. Brian entered the rear door and went to the break room to put on a pot of coffee, to his surprise there was already a fresh pot brewed.As he approached Nicole's cubicle from behind, Brian noticed the sound of the video...

3 years ago
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Rachel Fucking the Intern

One day as I got into work, my boss Tom called me into his office. When I entered, he said,"We’re bringing in a new college intern. Her name is Lauren, and we need you to train her as much as you can. You’re the best we got and if I could I would just clone 100 of you, but I can’t." “Sir, I'll do everything I can," I hesitantly replied, "but I don't think I'm the best teacher. I think somebody else should train her." “No! You’re the best at finding customers for our 3D printers; I want her to...

4 years ago
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Shared Fantasies With My Kinky Naughty Intern

I just got to see the new intern who was assigned to me for completing her summer training. To tell you about the intern a round-faced girl with all good assets at right places one will die to see. She came wearing a business suit which was body hugging and showing all her contours. Coming back to the story. We interacted as a regular work thing wherein I explained her all her job responsibilities and future roadmap for her training. She had come to Pune for the first time and was staying in a...

2 years ago
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Popping The Cherry Of Sexy South Indian Intern Girl

I am Sam (name changed). I am an Orthopedic surgeon and I am 29 years old, an average built man with 6 inches long and thicker cock. Well, I consider myself a master at eating pussy and fucking in different positions. Coming to the story, it happened when I joined as a resident in Orthopedic Surgery. I had a very good looking, sexy south Indian intern girl working under me. She had been posted as an intern for a rotation of 1 month. She had a figure of 34-26-34 with awesome C cup boobs and...

3 years ago
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Intern Meant Tramp

Intern Meant Tramp An Athena Corp Chronicles Side Story ----------------------------------- It was his first day on the job and Josh was struggling to adapt. He'd spent the first three hours of the day scanning through the giant syllabus and surfing the network of databases and GUIs that compromised the company's content deployment system. It was a dizzying amount of information to take in and Josh quickly realized he was in over his head. In truth, he'd exaggerated the...

1 year ago
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Donna the Intern

Her name is Mrs. Kelly and she is the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen, much less met. In her early 30's Mrs. Kelly is 5'10," has beautiful red hair and bright green eyes. Her skin is perfect, not a blemish anywhere and her smile when we were introduced took my breath away, and I'm a woman. She looked so elegant, tall and slender, perfectly dressed as the HR person said, "Dora Kelly this is Donna, your new intern for the summer." "You're gorgeous," I gushed. I probably blushed, I...

2 years ago
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The Docter and the Intern

Ever since Gia first saw him at the hospital she just felt this overwhelming attraction. She worked at the ward for her internship, he worked at the unit next to it as a doctor. They met in the kitchen by the coffee machine. He made her an espresso with something extra he said, something special to help her through the extra long night shifts, he said. The espresso was delicious, addictively delicious almost. It was love at first sight. His dark hair laced with silver strands, his faint...

1 year ago
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The Intern

I was working my first internship at college. Those were the days when I thought that being a lawyer would be one part "Paper Chase" and two parts "L.A. Law." There was nothing so glorious at Pierce and Pierce. They had a steady supply of free labor coming in from the university and rather than being the "star intern," I was just another face in the crowd. Or so I thought.During my morning rounds as I was delivering mail to the executive offices (how glamorous), I was keeping my head down and...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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SurprisesChapter 10 Summer Intern

“You know, it wouldn’t have killed you to do a load of wash or two,” commented Mom. We were down in the laundry room, and she was sorting through some laundry. They were back from Tucson and Daddy had gone upstairs to take a nap. It was a little after two in the afternoon, and when I asked Mom if Daddy was looking for some fun, she had just laughed. “You father needs a nap-type nap. Right now, he is nothing but a dried-out shell of a man!” I was sitting on the dryer, dressed in running...

4 years ago
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The Intern

I was working my first internship at college. Those were the days when I thought that being a lawyer would be one part ‘Paper Chase’ and two parts ‘L.A. Law.’ There was nothing so glorious at Pierce and Pierce. They had a steady supply of free labor coming in from the university and rather than being the ‘star intern,’ I was just another face in the crowd. Or so I thought. During my morning rounds as I was delivering mail to the executive offices (how glamorous), I was keeping my head down and...

3 years ago
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Helping The Intern

I hardly recognized her voice when I answered the telephone in my hotel room. " Ohh... Bob, I am so glad you are still up, can you come over and help me." Jennifer was a summer intern assigned to Nottingham Engineering Development Group. We were attending a New Products Conference where she was assigned to help me with an important presentation in the morning. Actually, I was helping her as the consultant with the gray beard who could answer all the legal questions. It was her obvious...

1 year ago
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The Intern Ch03

The Intern. Ch.03.When I woke in the morning it was early and Yvonne was still coiled into a ball and fast asleep. I watched her for a while but then decided to get up. I put on a bath robe and headed down to the kitchen. I made coffee and sat at the rustic table and thought over the happenings of the past couple of days. I began to wonder how far I could push Yvonne. I had to go carefully as the last thing I wanted was to lose her. For a start she had already proved herself more than useful in...

2 years ago
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The Intern Ch05

The Intern. Ch.05.I eventually crawled under the covers and fell asleep. At some point she must have done the same because when I woke the next morning she was spooned into my back. For a few minutes I lay in the warm comfort of her embrace then I reached behind me and tugged the duvet off her. She woke at once with a startled grunt. I lifted her arm away from my waist and pushed her to the edge of the bed.“Can’t sleep all day, girl, time to make some coffee,” I told her, “get a move on while I...

2 years ago
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The Intern Chapter 2 Friday Night

Monday morning was business as usual. Kay came in in one of her business suits that didn't do much for her tight little figure. And she didn't mention anything that had happened just a couple of days earlier.Of course, I didn't expect her to walk in and say "So, that was a great BJ I gave you, right?"But I thought there might be something. A wink or playful allusion. Or maybe just a little bit of flirting. But there was nothing.My feelings weren't hurt. I'd had all weekend to think about...

Group Sex
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The Intern Ch04

The Intern. Ch.04.When I pulled into the drive and stopped the car Yvonne immediately got out and stood waiting for me next to the car. I was in no rush so took my time in following her. I walked slowly round to her side and looked her up and down. She looked back at me uncertainly. The sun was starting to get low on the horizon and it painted the world in warm hues of red and orange. “Strip,” I ordered her. She stared at me open-mouthed. She was beginning to annoy me with her hesitations and I...

3 years ago
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The Sexy Intern Turns the Tables Part 2

The Sexy Intern Turns the Tables-- Part 2 “Don’t worry slave. I’m a gentle master. Follow me.” Megan took me by the hand and led me to the kitchen. Entering the kitchen she turned to me and looked questioningly into my eyes. “John, are we playing this game to the end? Do you want out? If you agree to continue then you will be my slave until you earn your freedom.” This was like the best of times and the worst of times. I wanted Megan! Unbelievably sexxy Megan! I wanted this lithe young vixen...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Intern

It had been one let-down after another for Jessie. She was in college and dying do an internship before she graduated, but it didn’t look like it was ever going to happen.Most companies were being too picky. She’d been on a lot of interviews and none had called her back, which she found insulting considering it was free labor.She’d spent a lot of nights crying, but not just because of that. Her whole life was going straight to shit.She’d recently broken up with her boyfriend because she’d gone...

3 years ago
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The Return of the Intern

"You know the biggest obstacle to getting laid for most guys?" Kay asked. "They don't try."It was a speech she'd given me more than once.It was early fall and we were in my new office. I'd recently been given a promotion. It was largely in part to a big project I'd completed over the summer with Kay's help. She'd been an intern at our office.She'd been a huge asset to the company and there'd been an offer for her to stay on part-time, but she'd declined once classes started so she...

Office Sex

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