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The contract looked intimidating, but Laura was determined to do anything to hold on to her current newfound youth. If the Gods were this good, then she was sure that they wouldn’t shower this much goodness for naught or for a caprice of their baser selves.

It was thick, and Laura knew that there would be fine print aplenty. She went over it the next several minutes. The devil usually was in the details. It seemed to be a standard contract, and it stated that Laura had partaken of the fates pleasure, and was now beholden to them. She wasn't sure she read it right, so she read it again and again.

There was a lot of detailed stuff about different sorts of things that people wished for, and each person had their own idea of what their fantasy body would be like. Recompense for the use of the unique magic services of Madame Juliette and her sisterhood of J-women, as it were, was a very complex affair. It required a full fleshing out of what had been acquired through their services before discussing the actual terms of the contract.

After leafing through several pages that were written partly in French and partly in English and partly in a smattering of a dozen other languages, some which reminded her of hieroglyphs, Laura threw her hands up in resignation.

“I have absolutely no idea what this contract demands of me,’’ she admitted, slamming the thick volume shut.

She heard porky Julia and beefcake Julianna chuckle in the distance, as though they had expected this. Madame Juliette however was brimming with the milk of human kindness as before, and washed Laura with her compassionate gaze.

“Madame, do not fear,” she said, “Madame Juliette will explain all to you.”

Laura was glad for it. She didn’t have an old lady’s body anymore, but cantankerousness is a humor that one can get addicted to, and sometimes nothing but an abundance of good spirits and plenty of time will get rid of it. In spite of her sudden good fortune, Laura Lioness still retained her own mind, the mind of a woman in her fifties whose general outlook on life was ornery. So her reactions to things were according that sunny disposition as well.

“The payment for our services, madame,” Madame Juliette announced, “is something that will require you to return here time and again. The first part of the payment is that you are required to be part of a larger sisterhood for life.”

Laura gave her a quizzical look. Mysteriouser and mysteriouser, she thought to herself.

“You will help us find other recruits who want help such as you did, madame,” Madame Juliette said. “That is the second part of the recompense.”

Laura nodded. That seemed only fair. The question came unbidden into her head - why had nobody from their sisterhood come to find her? She had to accidentally stumble across an advertisement in the paper for good fortune to smile on her. She didn’t think it proper to voice that question just then.

Madame Juliette cocked her head to one side, and the honey gold bun on the top of her head somehow got unfurled and her hair came tumbling down, as if adding bells and whistles to her next words.

“The final part of the recompense, madame,” she said, not allowing the honey gold waves of hair obscuring half her face to interrupt her flow, “is that you must share with the sisterhood a tenth of whatever carnal delights you enjoy with your newfangled body.”

She was most deadpan in the third announcement, but to Laura it appeared that this carried the most weight. She wasn’t planning on partaking of any carnal delights with porky Julia or should-have-been-a-man Julianna. She gave Madame Juliette an alarmed look.

“Your face speaks volumes, madame,” Madame Juliette said, “but payment is payment, and must be given. Of course if this is a problem, our process here is easily reversible.”

Laura felt her first real displeasure at Madame Juliette just then, but she knew she was backed into a corner. She was well aware that she had just heard a veiled threat, and she also knew that the formidable Madame Juliette was well aware that she wouldn’t part with her newfound youth for gold or for cocks. So she sighed, and nodded her head.

“It shall be as you say, Madame Juliette,” she said. “I love this newfangled body as you call it, and I would like to enjoy it for the rest of earthly tenure should that be possible. If there is a price to be paid, I will pay it.”

Madame Juliette smiled at her, and pointed to twelve different places in the last dozen pages of the contract, as Laura signed her name and wrote her initials according to the requirement, with a funny little pen of Romanian make that the madame had given her, which wrote in purple. When they were done, Madame Juliette gathered up the contract and vanished for a minute, leaving Laura to gather her wild menagerie of thoughts.

There were of course several things about the arrangement, and the whole experience that she had been through, that were very mysterious and caused Laura’s curiosity to wax as the moments passed. However the sheer animal vigor that she now had command of took precedence. She realized that she was committed to a lifelong arrangement. If she sought to terminate it, she would perhaps be returned to her former diseased bag of bones tenement as it would have been based on the time elapsed. She thought with horror that she may terminate the contract a century from that date, and she would collapse into an immediate ruin, much like Dorian Gray.

Madame Juliette’s voice brought her back to a more cheerful task.

“Let us celebrate your arrival in our sisterhood, madame,” she said, smiling and turning on the magic of her dark blue eyes once more, as she gathered up her honey blonde hair on the top of her head and secured a bun again.

Laura nodded. Julia the pig entered carrying a tray that contained four wine glasses and a bottle of wine that said something about the Pyrenees on it, and boasted a two hundred year vintage. That sounded like a very expensive bottle of wine. She didn’t question it though. If her companions were capable of giving her a new body, who knew how old they were.

As expected, the wine was splendid. It was an absolute mind fuck for her tongue and her nose. The wine was both jammy and leathery, and complex according to so many fancies that Laura couldn’t put a finger on what sort of vintage it was. It smelt like fruit, oak and earth in equal proportions. She was given one glass, and felt her pretty new head swim from imbibing. Julianna, Julia and Madame Juliette appeared to enjoy their wine almost as much as they enjoyed seeing her enjoy hers. After they were done, she almost asked for another glass, and then thought the better of it. For all its deliciousness, perhaps she had better allow herself some time and wisdom in getting used to her new body.

Madame Juliette discussed her future life with her. For now she could go, but it was clear that nobody in her old life would recognize her, including the management and staff at her apartment complex. She owned the apartment, so she was advised that she should discreetly sell it off, and move elsewhere, where she could take on a new identity. Laura didn’t want to get into the entire discussion on this. She wasn’t entirely sure she trusted Madame Juliette, in spite of the enormous warmth she radiated when she smiled. Her veiled threat had seen to that. So she decided that she would sit down and think through it by herself before taking any decisions.

As she was being shown out, to her surprise, Madame Juliette planted a very dainty kiss on her lips, as though it was a custom that she must get used to. It lasted some twelve seconds, which was too long for it to be called a peck, and too short for it to be a legitimate French kiss. It did take Laura unawares though, and if the wine had been inadequate to any degree in making her head swim, the kiss more than made up for it.

As she was shown out, she was told that her taxicab guy had been informed that she would take time, and had elected to leave. Madame Juliette had paid him off, so Laura forked over the taxi money to her. A brand new taxicab from some company she didn’t know was awaiting her outside. It was all black and apparently it serviced these parts. The driver was again an older gent who was dressed in a black suit, a beige shirt, and a red tie with yellow and green butterflies on it. He was clean shaven, wore a chauffeur’s hat, had the slightest glint of lust in his gray eyes when he noticed her, and to Laura’s relief he used speech as sparingly as a Trappist monk. Once he took her address from her, she was left alone with her thoughts.

The hour long drive home was pleasant enough, and felt more like an half hour, since Laura was in the highest of spirits. After having been relieved of old age, a person tends to use rose tinted glasses for a while, even if they have just signed away a lot of their independence to a mysterious sisterhood. Laura was no different. Every opportunity she got to feel her own voluptuous body was taken, and every time she could look at herself in her little makeup mirror she did so. She looked out the car window and imagined to herself how she would live her new life. It would be glorious and it would be very, very different. She knew it, and she knew that she could make it happen now that she had blessed youth. Perhaps she would live out her life in this physical form for all eternity. She wondered whether she should have stopped to buy new clothes. Her old lady clothes were too small for her, and her breasts were straining against her petticoat and her green peacock gown, threatening to burst out. Her derriere was similarly offering a spectacularly tight view to whomsoever was lucky enough to glimpse her from behind. She decided against it. Just then she would get home. She could decide on a proper course of action, and splurge on clothes later.

The taxicab dropped her off outside her apartment building, and the old chauffeur’s bill was a steep two hundred dollars. Twice that of her trusted cab company, but she didn’t complain. She had bigger whales to wallop, and besides, her present money was enough to live out the sheltered life of a sickly old lady, but in her new avatar she would going out a lot.

It was nearly four in the afternoon, and the Tristate area weather was somewhat well behaved given that it was spring. She walked into the main entrance of the apartment complex, and the guard who manned the front entrance who was usually absent, a Hispanic guy called Raoul, who usually was one of the few people who wished her in her old lady form, now smiled a nervous smile at her and barked out a formal good afternoon. The poor dear was shyer than a prairie dog around eagles around her, and she realized instantly that in her voluptuous young woman form he didn’t measure up to her according to his own standards. She smiled back, and decided that she would temper her behavior according to how people had treated her in the past. It was going to be a just way of treating people. She would deliberately go out of her way to be nice to those people who were nice to her when she was a cantankerous old lady, and would make sure she was supercilious towards those that treated her like horse droppings back then. She smiled just imagining how delicious that would be.

She entered the foyer. Louis Philippe who usually ignored her now was eying her and trying to catch her eye. As the concierge, new visitors usually spoke to him. She wondered whether she could avoid that and just head upstairs. She started walking towards the elevator, and Louis Phillipe didn’t have the guts to call after her. She was too hot for him to handle, and she could almost hear his sigh of relief as she walked in the opposite direction. She smiled to herself once again, smoothing her jet black hair, as she awaited the elevator. Then she thought she’d toy with Louis Philippe for all the ignoring and all the delays in service requests over the years. She walked right back to the concierge counter, and noticed that LP was checking her out, but he was also very clearly intimidated.

“Pardon me,” she said, trying to make her tone sound absolutely business like, with a hint of bitch, “does Ms. Lioness still stay on the seventeenth floor?”

Louis Philippe’s sallow cheeks trembled, and he appeared to be having heart palpitations on being addressed directly by her.

“Y-y-y-yes m-m-m-ma’am,” he managed. “Shall I call her for you?”

In eager beaver manner he had picked up the receiver and was about to call her empty apartment. She knew by now that LP was shit scared of her, and would do as bid.

“That will not be necessary,” she said, giving him a look that brooked no disobedience. “She’s expecting me. I’ll show myself up. 1701 right?”

LP nodded and stammered something incoherent. She smiled a frosty smile in his direction, and then dismissed him from her attention. As she walked away, she wondered why she felt this good. She didn’t like being a bitch, but some people just asked for it.

The elevator doors opened, and as providence decreed, the Ramsay brothers spilled out. They were caught mid-smirk when they sighted her waiting for them to exit, and their smirks vanished. Both of them were became the youthful human equivalents of obedient puppies, staring at her in the moment of first sighting, hoping she made eye contact, and wagging their tails. She knew the treatment for them. You ignore me and smirk behind my back as an old lady. Touche. She looked straight on ahead, barely acknowledging them, and walked into the elevator when they were out.

The Italian elevator operator with the baby face was there. His usual curt nod was replaced by a cloyingly sweet smile and a chatty hello that portended towards conversation. Laura gave him a curt nod, and moved immediately into an appreciation of herself in the elevator mirror. Again, Italian boy was good enough, but he didn’t really treat older ladies with the best of manners. She espied him out of the corner of her eye looking at her posterior, and smiled inwardly. He was slightly miffed that he didn’t get his conversation, but he was very turned on by her. She could work that to her advantage later if she wanted.

She exited the elevator on her floor, and sensed the elevator boy stepping out after her, presumably to scan the floor for people who wanted to ride the elevator. It was an exercise he carried out precisely when some beautiful woman stepped out of the elevator. She looked back and he abruptly looked away from her butt, playing it cool but turning slightly crimson nonetheless. She turned back and walked to her apartment.

When she was inside, she sat down on her ancient leather sofa that reminded her of her former self and thought through her plans. She was excited. There was no denying that. She was incredibly turned on, perpetually. There was no denying that. She knew that if she wanted cock or cunt, she could have her pick of the lot. Still, she had developed some insight in her many years and that cautioned her to take things one step at a time. Nothing rowdy or rambunctious just yet.

Her first act at home was to take a long, hot shower, while fully exploring her new body. She had a shower head that could be detached and held in the hand, so that water could be directed according to the user’s creative urge. She felt mildly grimy from the day’s travels, although the mysterious alchemical transformation she had undergone had somehow purged her of a lot of the dirt that had accumulated on her older body. She just had to clear away the debris from the last few hours spent in this youthful new vessel.

She ran warm water through her hair, and jets of water washed her face, and cascaded down her breasts. As an old lady, a hot shower or a hot bath was where her arthritic pains lessened just a tad. As a voluptuous young woman with an excess of vibrant energy within her body, the water both soothed has and sexually excited her. She determined that even though she would be tithing out her carnal passions to the sisterhood, she must have a real stallion of a man before the night was upon her. In the meanwhile, the powerful jets of water would serve as a poor substitute.

She massaged some Herbal Essences shampoo into her hair, and lathered it, and stood in the shower allowing it some time to work its magic, while she kneaded her breasts and trained the shower head on them in umpteen different ways.

She trained the shower head on her inner thighs and titillated herself. She turned the shower jet so that it spewed water only from the outer periphery and adjusted the temperature and the speed to the right degree and trained it on her labia. The result was pure heaven. Then she cranked up the shower head speed and made it one powerful central jet, and trained it at the lips of her cunt, and squealed out loud from how lovely that felt. The jet was scratching the perpetual itch in her loins that her youth had reincarnated in her. Give a girl with a desire-engorged-cunt a decent shower head and you can almost hear the moans if you stand outside the bathroom door.

In any case, after spending plenty of time with the shower jets trained on her sex, Laura returned to the land of the more mundane, and finished up her shower, toweled herself off and slipped into her regular fawn colored bathrobe. She rubbed some sweet almond oil into her damp hair, to give it an additional luster, while she rotated herself one way, then another in front of the mirror. She realized that she could do this for hours. She wondered whether the other members of the sisterhood faced such sudden onslaughts of vanity when they attained their fantasy bodies as well. She sighed. She didn’t have the answer. That didn’t matter though. She looked like a gazillion bucks, and she felt a strong urge to flaunt her curves.

She wanted to show herself off, but not too much. So she decided that the appropriate level of display would happen at the local Starbucks. She dressed in one of her black outfits that she wore to wakes and funerals. There were a couple of reasons for this. She was celebrating the death of her old self. More importantly one of these outfits made her butt look amazing, and they showed off her ample bosom quite decently as well, without making her appear a slut. She sighed. She knew that she would be making a trip to Nieman Marcus very shortly. She needed clothes that would work on her new body.

Right now she looked like a hot young debutante who was figuring out her dress code. That would get a lot of cocks hard in the Starbucks. Laura smiled to herself. She took her apartment keys and stepped out. She realized that her social situation as a hot young woman would be very different. She should probably get herself one of those newfangled contraptions kids called smart phones. She sighed, as she locked her apartment door. When she was growing up, a certain piece of fruit was what kept doctors away. Now it was computer. She wondered whether a certain company would use ice cream as the name of one of their cool new products, so then ice cream would no longer be measured in delicious scoops. Shaking her pretty head of black hair, she took the elevator down.

LP was there, and as soon as he saw her he became tense and sat erect, and started doing something important. She walked across the foyer. He was compelled by her presence to look up and smile. She nodded as curtly as she could as she walked out. She’d have to do something about a new identity and moving to another place soon. Just then she was thinking caffeine.

An army of butterflies somehow took a liking to her new hair, and kept flitting around her, as she walked to the Starbucks. A middle aged Latino couple dressed in identical Hawaiian shirts and khaki shorts passed her. The woman was lost in thought, and avoided her gaze. The man smiled at her. She could clearly see from his eyes the fact that his blood had just started pooling in his balls. She smiled back, although she was smiling on account of her knowledge of his impending erection.

She almost ran into a tall Caribbean man with dreadlocks, who showed her all his teeth as he smiled in apology. He smelled like fungus for some reason. Laura smiled back. Again she saw the look in the eyes. The whites of the eyes and the eyeballs together formed a certain configuration that told her clearly that he was mentally fucking her brains out already. She took a quick look at his pants as she passed him, and saw a huge bulge. His blood traveled fast!

She reached the Starbucks. She was some fifteen steps from the door. People usually don’t wait with the door if you’re ten steps from it. Five steps seems to be the cutoff. Perhaps it is our collectively decreasing attention span that is to blame for our decreased collective patience. Fifteen steps is a lot of time to hold a door open for somebody. A Chinese grad student with a Jan sport backpack held the door for her for fifteen steps, and nodded eagerly at her thank you, beaming. She noticed the same look of lust in his eyes. She smiled and pretended to look at Starbucks shelves, so that she didn’t take the grad student’s place in line. That, and she didn’t want him ogling her butt.

Several gentlemen reading their papers saw the need to change the sheet they were reading as she walked in. They also felt the need to scan the whole coffee shop, surreptitiously including her in their sweeping gazes. It was the oldest coffee shop game in the world. They looked away as she looked at them. Chicken shit, she said mentally.

Sure she was still cantankerous on the inside, but she decided that since she had a second lease of youth, she would use the benefit of her fifty seven years to live her life. She joined the line after the grad student, and waited her turn.

This Starbucks had three regular barristas behind the counter. One of them, Stefan, managed the high volume of customer orders right as they went in. He was closer to five feet than he was to six, and looked like a Daniel Radcliffe with scruff and red hair. He was well behaved with one and all, and usually stuck to pleasantries with everyone, whether they looked like Heidi Klum, or whether they had a face like buffalo droppings. She liked him the best. The second, Gloria, was very moody, and her face constantly had a look of someone who was having the Heimlich maneuver done on them. She handled the counter sometimes, and the drinks sometimes. The third, Marcus, was a tall black man, and he was the definition of tall, dark and handsome. He looked like a young Barack Obama who had swallowed lots of protein powder. He handled the drinks mostly, and very occasionally the counter. He was an asshole though. As an old lady, she knew that he would look at his drink rather than look at her. On the other hand, he would be very chatty with pretty young things in the shop.

She went up to the counter and ordered herself a tall peppermint mocha. In her former body she had trouble digesting more than a few ounces of coffee. Right now though, her body could handle crushed glass. Or at least it felt like it could. Stefan was Stefan, and took her order and was thoroughly professional, and spoke to her while he ran her order through about the weather, much as he did with the Chinese grad student before her, and as he would with the elderly black lady behind her.

This time Gloria the perpetual choker was working on another register, and Marcus the asshole was her barrista. He showed her his pearly whites, and launched into a cheerful, “Hey, how’s it going?”

She smiled and gave him a noncommittal “Great.”

If you say great, but you don’t ask the other person what they’re doing, it is a fair assumption that you don’t want to get into a conversation. If you're also a hot, young woman, then most guys with poop for brains assume that you’re playing hard to get, and that they must force you into a conversation. Marcus was most guys with poop for brains.

“Oh yeah, glad to know that,” he said.

The elderly African American lady came over the service side, to await her drink beside Laura. Laura smiled at her, and she smiled back a sweet, working class mother’s smile. Marcus the asshole looked right through her, while he made Laura’s drink, and tried to work up a conversation with her. In his mind, clearly, after making her coffee, having been charmed by him, she would suck his cock in some shady area behind the Starbucks. In her mind, he was still an asshole, who was still staring through elderly ladies.

She nodded, and looked away. She saw Marcus trying to get her eye from the corner of her eye. She looked back and he gave her a warm smile. She gave him a frosty noncommittal smile, and then struck up a conversation with the lady next to her about her handbag.

Marcus fawned over his handing her her tall peppermint mocha, and he waited at the counter until she took it from his hands, presumably to make physical contact. She cleverly avoided it, and nodded and marched off to take a seat.

Eyes followed her everywhere. She looked to her right and a young Indian guy with caramel skin and neatly combed black hair in a black business suit looked back down at his laptop. She looked back straight ahead, looking at proper seats, and a Middle Eastern guy with black and brown curls and green eyes looked away as though he had been looking at something of great importance in the store, and not at her breasts. She saw a couple of empty seats to her right, right by the fireplace, with a young Japanese girl engaged in some activity on her laptop that had her hot and bothered. She had one silken ponytail, and she gave Laura a quick, polite nod of encouragement, and went back to her presentation or whatever life or death thing her laptop screen had on it.

Laura took the seat next to her. The girl was watching an anime show. She chuckled. At least the girl’s priorities were all right. She liked anime, and it was life or death for her.

Laura sipped her peppermint mocha, and started to think about plans, and what she had been through. Tonight she would try to find a real stallion of a man. Marcus may have qualified, but the fact that his eyes were looking over the counter at her tits didn’t help his case. It was as if he had a penis for each eye, and a penis for his mouth, and a penis, well, for his penis.

The bitter chocolate taste of the mocha made her feel even more alive, and she felt her brand new pussy complaining that it needed action. She looked around, and again several chicken shit men looked away suddenly. Laura sighed. Oh dear, being hot wasn’t enough. You needed an action plan, and you needed to find a man, not a walking, talking penis.

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So my wife had been sucking and fucking the maintence man at her job for about a year. She loved when he fucked her but he had problems keeping his cock hard during intercourse (so he said) so most times he would ask her to suck him off. The only problem with this was she would never let him cum in her mouth, instead she would make him pull out and cum into a napkin or something. Often times while she was sucking his cock he would tell her he knew someday she would let him cum in her mouth...

3 years ago
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How My Deviant Life Started

I was a few years shy of my 18th birthday Life was good, I had a part-time job, grades were ok and I just started dating a girl. I was still a virgin, and so was she(she kept telling me that my cock was too big and it hurt too much), but we were fooling around quite often and she sure as hell knew how to suck and loved the taste of my cum! Standard teen age life, Until one fateful night that changed my whole outlook on sex.So there I was, after work, late one night, I was home, and just...

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Demi takes a lover

by sxt999I am Herald and 40 and my wife Demi is 37. She likes to dress provocatively when at home, not wearing a bra and panties which giving me a big thrill. She has 36c tits, they sag but more than enough to play with. She has nice rounded hips and long sexy legs complete a package which says come fuck me.Demi was always hot and as much as I fuck her, she always seems to want more. Most of all she likes the feeling when I unload deep inside her after fucking her. Afterwards she likes me to...

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His First BiMale Threesome

‘A special thanks to Kandikiss51.’ Early one Friday morning, around 7:00 a.m. Amanda got a call from her friend named Roger. He was in a hotel near them on business for his company, and he wondered if she and her boyfriend Mathew were free to join him for some sexy fun. She told him, she’d call him back after checking with Mathew. Roger as well as Mathew was bisexual. She had never seen Mathew suck a man’s cock before, even though he told her he had done it many times. The idea turned her on,...

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RetreadsChapter 16

We had a conference as soon as we got home. When I explained my suspicions about Becky it was a done deal as far as the girls were concerned. It wasn't for me though. As far as I was concerned, Amy was not to be included. Not only that, but I was going to have to be sure about Becky before I did anything with her. Eventually, a plan was formed that might work and the plan was put into motion. I called Becky but not to say I'd be over. Instead, I invited them to come over to our place. I'm...

4 years ago
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Letting my wife fill her fantasy fills mine and i

When my new wife and i got together we were sitting around having a few drinks and just talking. i was playing with her pussy while we were sitting on the couch and i ask her do you have a fantasy that you would like to try. She was shy telling me and then she said i have always wanted to try a black man. She had very little experience with men anyway as far as numbers go. I told her that would be cool but i would love to watch him do you. At this time she had no idea that i loved cock too. ...

1 year ago
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Tish steals a husband

"Hi honey" said Fred.Betty kissed her husband and got in his car. "What are we going to do tonight?" she ask."Get drunk and fuck" he laughed.The bar was full of people. It was Friday and everyone was drinking before going home. Betty tried to out drink her husband and got drunk in the process. She saw a sitting at the bar so she ask her to join them."My name is Betty and this is Fred" "Hi, my name is Tisha" she said sweetly. Fred looked at the girl and decided he wanted her. Betty often...

3 years ago
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The FindChapter 9

When they got there 2 FBI attempted to detain Marty, and Tom and Arron came unglued both were put down and a 50 cal. opened upon the gaggle of alphabets but didn’t hit anyone and disarmed all and Tom called someone on the phone asking for the Head of the DOD. He told them they would take the call which he did. Two minutes later they disbanded and 2 were cuffed. Tom was told only by Potus was he to be bothered. He asked about the 50 and was told Arron was mad. He told Tom to apologize for him...

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dog on a dare part 2

This is a story about me catching my 12 year old little sister Samantha in a dog sex orgy and my second animal encounter. One day when Sam was about 12 I had to pick her up from school as I turn the corner at the bottom of the school grounds I could see movement behind the sports shed, I thought I may have been kids try to break in or vandalise the shed so I slow down to get a better look, AND A BETTER LOOK IS WHAT I GOT A BIRD EYE VIEW YOU MIGHT SAY, here was my little sister Sam on all...

2 years ago
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Was It Foolish Or Not

Is it foolish to voluntarily go to the house of the other woman? I didn’t go there to confront her but was invited by my husband since she was having a party. I was not a kid or even a young adult; I was 31 years old. To this day, I don’t know why I did it, but I will let you decide if this was a good choice or a foolish one.Let me set the scene for you.I was returning home from a work trip and texted my husband that I was heading home. He had left me about a week prior. I wanted to talk with...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 67 A Change in Attitude

October, 1983, Chicago, Illinois On Saturday morning, during my run, I replayed the conversation that I’d had with Cindi and Katy in my mind. Something was bugging me and I couldn’t exactly put my finger on it. There was something in the conversation that had triggered an uncomfortable feeling, but I couldn’t identify it. In the end, I decided to talk to Anala about it on Thursday, since she’d likely be able to help me figure out what it was. After my shower and breakfast, I read the...

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My first glimpse of lesbian mom

I have never been someone who falls asleep quickly or effortlessly. My mind tends to run wind in an aimless, puroposeless, free-for-all. Nothing is sought and nothing is resolved. It has always been that way, as far back as I can remember. I am still just in my late teens, so it's not that far back that I must remember - and it was certainly still the case a few short years ago. All of that is simply a roundabout way of telling you why I'd be out of bed at 11:30 on a school night. I live...

2 years ago
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An Early Saturday Morning Part 2

We laid back and cuddled, but I could tell she was still aroused, wanting to cum again and wanting me cum. Lauren smiled as she straddled me, moving her hips softly and slowly in a circle. She leaned forward and brushed her lips against mean. I put my hand on the back of her head, pulling her closer and kissing her deeply and passionately. She moaned into my mouth quietly and moved her hips faster as she felt my bulge press against her soaking and naked pussy. I knew she could taste herself in...

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Ill Lead

The ballroom was loud and bustling. I was bored and looking forward to heading up to my room. The two day Financial Industry conference sponsored by a myriad of Mutual Fund companies to peddle their latest investments had too much information packed in too short of a time frame. I glanced at the glass doors across the room that led to the hotel's foyer, as I politely listened to one of the attendees bragging about the fortune he had amassed by investing in crypto-currency. I followed the path...

2 years ago
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My First Best Foreplay Sex In My Life

I’m a cool guy of 5’9″ height and make girls drool over me with my talks and looks. My attitude and mentality differ from others. Lastly, I own a cock of 5″ which can satisfy any girl. So any girl can ping me at I’m available in Hyderabad any time, so girls are advised to ping me, and I assure your privacy being a Chartered accountant aspirant ( CA aspirant :P ). The story I’m gonna describe now has happened to me 3years back when I was in the initial stages of my horny life :P. Coming to...

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Der Nachhilfelehrer

HI ich bin Stefan, ein 28 jähriger Student der neben dem Studium ein wenig Geld verdient in dem er Nachhilfe in den Verschiedensten Fächern gibt. Die Mädels die meine Hilfe in Anspruch nehmen sind ab Klasse 8 aufwärts und der Job macht mir aus vielerlei Gründen richtig viel Spaß. Kurz noch über mich ich bin 185cm groß habe kurzes dunkles Haar, blaue Augen, bin sehr Sportlich, solariengebräunt und immer auf einen guten Fick aus. Naja mal sehen Wo ich Heute hinmuß um mal wider jemanden richtig...

1 year ago
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My wife Lucia

It's 10:30 am, and my stomach is doing backflips. I'm aboard a Northwest Airlines flight into Detroit Metro Airport after a one-week business trip to California, but I'm not airsick or white-knuckled. I'm thinking about my wife, who I will see in just a few minutes at the terminal.I met Lucia at a party in college. She was a transfer student, a little bewildered and unsure of herself, a little lost and friendless at the big university. Her big, dark eyes appealed to me immediately. I wanted to...

2 years ago
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At The Sunoco QuarryChapter 2

I got to Diane's house a little early. It wasn't dark outside yet. It was mid dusk only. Diane was sitting on her porch, but so was her brother, Ricky. I acted like I had come to see Ricky, and he and I talked about how much money there was in being a caddy at the country club. Ricky had wanted to be a caddy, but he gave up on the idea after spending a month without being picked by the caddy master. I would have tried to put in a good word for Ricky, but the caddy master never let anyone...

4 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 2

Many years prior, Lieutenant Thomas Jefferson Strathlawn, RMN had boarded the space freighter "Brittainy" at the New London orbital docks. He was looking a trifle worse for wear having had a rather boisterous send off party the previous evening. His shipmates and his newer friends had gathered at the "Mayfair" to farewell him as he returned to his home planet after being seconded to His Brittanic Majesty's Space Navy for five years during which time he had seem extensive combat as a...

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Bhai K Lund Ko Sant Karna

Me resmi 22 saal ek bar fir apne choot se ek kahani nikal k aapko sunane ja rhi hu.Meri family me panch log h mummy papa riya varun aur me.Mummy papa ek room me sote the,me aur riya ek saath sote the aur varun akela ek room me sota tha.Me thodi moti gori aur kafi sundar hu kisi ko bhi apna diwana bana sakti hu.Bhara hua jism masum chehra bari bari boobs.Varun bhi bahut handsome he.Bar bar pichhe se meri kamar pakad leta h aur meri ass ki golae se chipak jata h.Lekin riya ko ye sab pasand nhi...

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Summer Love Chapter 1

Note: This is the first clean chapter of a WIP story. If you enjoy the story, be sure to follow me!I’ve always been on the loner type. I never really fit in with anybody else. I can’t say that I was the bullied type, either. People just… kind of didn’t acknowledge my existence. I don’t think I really acknowledged theirs, either. My mind was always occupied with something. I always found myself immersed in one activity or another, quickly dropping it went it got boring, and then picked up...

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Testing Out My CockSucking Skills

When I was a teenager, I watched that movie “Fast Times at Ridgemont High.” You know the one with Sean Penn and Phoebe Cates. Well, there was a scene when Phoebe Cates was showing Jennifer Jason Leigh, how to give a blow job with carrots. When I was a teenager, I practiced that all the time on carrots. I even practiced on zucchini’s. I wanted to know how to give a proper blow job when the time was right. I would practice on various objects and I would try to take these things down my throat....

3 years ago
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Did It Really Happen Part 4

In a matter of weeks, I’d gone from staid English housewife to some kind of insatiable slut. In the hours before David got home from China, I tried to reason with myself. I tried to convince myself that I would turn over a new leaf, I’d be pleased to see him, I’d try to reinvent our sex life, I’d probably try to stay away from meeting with Sheila quite so much. “All with the best of intentions.” I heard myself almost speaking it out loud as my fingers massaged my clit. Silently, I shuddered as...

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Match Making

Match Making A RdL production Legally Copyrighted December 29, 2003 1. The remaining three hours in the day were the furthest thing from Mark's mind as he vacantly checked his email for the 3rd time that day. Work had been especially slow due to the approaching holiday. The office party had already been thrown and he, along with seemingly all of his coworkers, had taken that pitiful display of false camaraderie as the signal to coast until their elongated weekend. There had...

4 years ago
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Something new 2

You sit on the sofa for a few minutes, trying to figure out what the hell just happened. In your 30ish years of life, never would you have thought this would of happened, but you are secretly wanting it to happen on a regular basis. You contemplate your options, looking at the clock, the time doesn't concern you. You have a burning in your stomach, not sickness or fear, more of a need to be here. You finish your wine and some cheese and crackers that are set out for you, still wrapped in the...

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In the Old Farmers Cottage

Let me introduce myself to you;I am a 19 year old girl with short brown hair, and an athletic build, long legs,with rather large boobs that tend to make me look a bit top heavy.In between college terms, I scanned the local paper for a part time job so's I could earn a bit of money to tide me over until the new course started after the summer break. My eye was drawn to an ad which wanted a domestic, twice a week. That seemed ideal to me so I rang the number and an interview was arranged.I turned...

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Hank Wakes Up The NeighborsChapter 2

After their threesome, Sally suggested that Hank include her Aunt Connie and her best friend Yasmin, saying "Hanky panky, I want you to have the most sex ever in your whole life as my boyfriend. That means fucking around, so I will be honored to arrange that for you, as I planned our ménage a trois." "Why, thank you, Sally- you are such a sweet girl, and I think that, if you are as sincere as I believe you to be, you should be the next Mrs. Henry James Leicester. What about you? Do you...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Haley Spades Jazmin Luv My Stepsister Loves My Dick

Haley Spades has made up a chart of the sizes of all the dicks she’s tried. She’s on a quest to figure out the best size, as she explains to her friend Jazmin Luv. Haley’s stepbrother, Juan Loco, comes in as the girls are discussing. They tell him this is a project for school and that it’s based off real life, which is the best type of project. Juan asks why there are no dicks in the six-to-seven-inch category, and Haley tells him that she hasn’t had any. When Juan...

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Moms Friend Diana Richards

Diana Richards was a recently divorced and very single, she loved her independence and was very confident about who she was. Diana spent many days and nights alone, or so I was hoping since she was the main object of my sexual fantasies. Several times each week she would come over to visit my mother, they had been close friends for many years. When she visited my mom they usually, would sit at the kitchen table, drinking coffee and discussing the events of the day.Diana Richards was about 5...

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Benji and His Big Tongue 2

In my quest to find ways to pleasure myself I discovered lots of things I enjoyed rubbing on or against. If other people were around I'd be very discreet but the urge for satisfaction would outweigh the fear of getting caught at times. I would practically sprint up the stairs when my Mother or step father told me it was time for bed because I was so excited to make myself cum. I would usually sleep in panties and a nighty or oversized tshirt. Pretty much every night those panties would be...

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My favorite memory with my exwife

My ex is tall(5'10") with long legs, very skinny(110lbs), small breasted(small B cup) dirty blonde with very big feet(size 11 womens, I love a woman with big feet). Just the way I like my women. The only negative thing I will say about her body is she has a flat butt. I do like a little shape to the butt, but she has everything else I love physically in a woman. We had been married for about 6 years and it was the mid 80's. Once in a while she would dress up in a pretty dress, garter and...

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Meagans Breathing LessonsChapter 6

“I understand you have a training video for me?” Peter asked. “I do, and let me tell you, it’s intense! You’re going to need all your training to resist until the end of the video.” Meagan was at school, there was no way Debbie was going to let Peter undertake this particular training exercise with Meagan in the house. Just seeing the thumbnail image of Meagan in her naughty nurse outfit was enough to make Peter become hard. “Damn, Mrs. D. I’m already have a having a hard time resisting...

4 years ago
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My Addiction

My addictionIs the sweet syrupThat drips from your dickIt’s like honey,And the more I tasteThe more I wish I could shoot it in my veinsIt’s like my liquid cocaine,Daily doses required to keep me sane…And I will be your junkieJust tell me how you want meDown on my knees begging baby please,Just let me taste you.I would do almost anythingTo have that every so sweet nectarTrickle down the back of my throatAs I drain you dryNothing compares to the complete embraceOr look in your eyes when I am...

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St Patty Day with Jared Uncle

I have had plans for a few weeks now to meet up with Jared & enjoy his company downtown for the St Patty Day drinkfest. I woke up horny as a devil at 4am with my man laying next to me. I sent Jared a text telling him how horny I was for his hard cock later today. As I was texting my man woke up & seen me on the phone. He asked why I was up so early & I told him I was horny. Well, I should know better already to say that because 10 seconds later he put my on my back & rolled on...

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Lund Muh Me Lia Bhabhi Ne

By : Arsh Hi SSI readers I am raj (name change). Me SSI ka regular reader hoon. Mujhe is ki saari stories pasand hai. Me Moradabad me rahta hoon. Ye story mere pahle sex experience ki hai meri bhabhi ke saath or this is the first story my on SSI.  Ab me apni story per ata hoon. Hamare ghar mere 3 bhai or 1 sister hai. Sister ki shadi ho gai hai. Or bade bhaiya ki shadi ho gai hai. Un se chote bhaiya apni padai ke liye delhi me rahte hai. Zyada ter me mummy papa or bhaiya bhabhi hi ghar per...

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Ex Girlfriend Revenge Fuck Part Three

This story takes place where Part Two ended. Thanks for reading.Once inside my house, April stripped in front of me, her clothing dropping to the floor as she made a beeline for my bathroom. “Fresh towels are in the cupboard right inside the door,” I said afterward.She returned about a half hour later and said, “Your turn. By the way do you have anything I can change into? All my clothes are, um, wet. I laughed and went into the bedroom and got her one of my t-shirts. As they always did, my...

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Theres More than One Way to Skin an Angel Part 2

“What notes?” “Oh c’mon! The notes! You know, the ones you kept sending to me at work, trying to scare the crap outta me!” “Huh?” “Seriously?” I could see the genuine confusion in Thomas’s face. The dawning realization forced me to ask the question I didn’t want to ask. “You didn’t give me the bra and panty set, did you?” When he shook his head, I could feel the cold chills creeping up my back to the base of my skull. I was spooked. Who the hell was trying to fuck with my head? I didn't like...

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Maureen Shared

Maureen shared"I've been cheating on you." My body froze as the simple sentence left her lips. I tried to speak but my mind remained completely blank as I struggled to find the words to respond to my girlfriend's confession. Anger. Sadness. Disappointment. A variety of emotions teemed forth, battling one another for supremacy within the maelstrom of my thoughts. Sue’s hand gently squeezed mine as if trying to reassure me of something as she gazed apologetically at my emotionless face with...

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Zoeys First Black Cock

Ryan and Zoey recently moved in together. They’ve been dating for the last two years. They want to get married eventually, but thought it would be more cost effective if they lived together first. Zoey was always at Ryan’s apartment anyway, so they found a new apartment and are living there now. Ryan and Zoey have sex every day. Ryan’s sex drive is very strong, and he likes to experiment with Zoey. Ryan bought a book about Kama Sutra positions that he likes to try. Ryan loves to experiment and...

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SaturdayChapter 4

After an hour or so, finishing their supper, Ravi and Mala took a stroll under the half moon sky. It was neither dark nor the moonlight was bright. Mala had worn a flowing skirt with loose painted top which Ravi had provided. Ravi was still in his shorts and a shirt. They strolled lazily with their arms entwined and as they came across a big palm tree, they sat underneath it with their backs to its trunk. As Ravi held her hand in his, Mala eyes wandered to the other corner of the beach....

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Double Dragon

‘Remember your breathing.’ Shinku said his voice barely above a whisper. The man didn’t seem to be rooted to the earth or affected by gravity at all. He was almost gliding over the hardwood flooring without so much as opening his eyes. His chest rose and fell with perfect rhythm that set the pace for the rest of his movements. It was almost like he was dancing across the floor but dance wasn’t a powerful enough word to describe him. What Shinku was doing was refined and beautiful but it was not...

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Une famille dans la prcarit

(WIP renommage des personnage avec le "nouveau" systeme de variables) Julie vivait dans un petit appartement avec ses parents : (Bruno) Bruno et (Valérie) Valérie DURAND. Au lycée, Julie n'était pas la plus jolie fille, mais elle n'était pas non plus dans la catégorie des moches. Ses parents s'étaient connus à l'époque dans ce même lycée d'ailleurs. Le couple resta amoureux, même si quelques temps après la grossesse de Valérie n'était pas prévue, et ils se marièrent avant la naissance de Julie,...

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THE LANDSCAPERS   CHAPTER ONE By DBARCLAY   It had been a good day, the kids had been left with some friends for a few days we had done some shopping and seen a show. Time to get home and relax.   As we pulled into the driveway our nosey neighbor was watering his lawn; He irritates me the way he stares sometimes, so being in a frisky mood I pulled my skirt further up my thighs so he had a good eyeful as I got out of the car. I had a G-string on, so he got a real good view and that really...

Wife Lovers
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08 TogetherChapter 30

Flashback –Ben and Jack – The trip to hell ... Ramadi The Corporal took us to our room and I was shocked that we had a real room, not a cot in the barracks! I made a mental note to thank Colonel Maggie when I got the chance. We walked into the room and I saw the cases of ammo I brought for my new rifle. As we stowed our footlockers I asked, "Corporal, where are the showers?" He replied, "Sirs, if you get your towels and change of clothes I will show you where the showers are." Jack...

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Mariner 5

You would think that after 7 months of knowing my Owner I would learn by now what a sadistic asshole he is. But I keep falling for damn pranks, his twisted lil sense of humor.Well few weeks ago he invited me to a bday party for his sister in law. It was nice, I was dressed all nice, I really wanted them to like me, so I was all nervous. Make long story short, party was nice and it was moved to a bar. It was nice, I got a whiskey sour and he got a rum n coke, which he paid for. His hand between...

2 years ago
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Her Sexual Escapades

Introduction: Wifes Sexcapades For quite some time Ive been wanting to put all of my wifes sexual escapades in writing. Through being there or listening to them first hand right after they occurred, I have mentally kept track of virtually every detail. I have already created a list of the numbers of men shes been with since weve been married as well as a close approximation of times she has had sex with them, but I havent yet put pen to paper as to all those wild sexual adventures of hers. Im...

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