Expanding Friendships free porn video

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It had been about six months since I learned that I was bi and could truly enjoy sex with a man as much as sex with a woman. My gay lover had taught me many things about sex, not the least of which was that confidence always made the encounter more enjoyable. Confidence in your own sexuality as well as confidence in your ability to try new things. Even with all of that, I still kept my new sexuality private. I couldn't think of how to broach the subject with friends, so I kept it to myself. Even my best friend, whom I had known since grade school, I could not be honest with him.

I also learned that just because you saw a person naked, male or female, it didn't mean that you had to have sex with that person. No matter how cute or sexy they were. Amazingly - yes, I can admit that - sex wasn't just about getting off anymore. It was about two people coming together and finding ways to give and get pleasure with each other.

Such was the case with Jared, my best friend from grade school. Having gone through high school gym classes, various sports teams, college, college sports, and roommates, we were quite accustomed to seeing each other naked. We shared an apartment during college and for a year afterwards, and it was not at all uncommon for one of us to come home with a date only to find the other already on the couch with their date. It was probably in college when we first saw each other naked; being roommates made that a likely and common happening. So, by the time we had left college and were sharing an apartment, it was as common as taking a shower. And since we were both dating fairly regularly, it had even happened were one of us might walk in on the other while they were having sex. With a girl!

Of course now that I had a new outlook on sex, I had to admit that Jared was quite sexy. He had always worked out a lot, so his muscles were quite well toned. Not to the point of being "muscle bound" but he really had a good physique, better than mine. Jared was also what we would call a "shower" meaning that he naturally had a nice sized dick it just didn't get too much bigger when he was hard. And for better or worse, I had seen him hard. Truth be told I had even sneaked a peek or two of him with a girlfriend just so I could see him in the act. At least I had done that after realizing I was bi. And since I was being truthful I had even fantasized recently about what it would be like if I was in bed with him instead of one of his girls.

Needless to say, despite my growing desire I still couldn't find a way to come out to my friend and tell him that I was bi, or that I would gladly go down on him any time he wanted. As time went by, I found myself becoming more and more attracted to Jared, and a couple of times even started to broach the subject. But he would start talking about one of his lady friends and so I chickened out. Then I was presented with an opportunity when my company was sending a couple of us to Las Vegas for a conference. The other person was taking his wife so I invited Jared. We had been to Las Vegas several times and always had a good time, so he jumped at the chance.

We got to the hotel late on Sunday night, which was no fun for me since the conference started bright and early on Monday. Our flight had been delayed, making us late, and then when we got there the hotel had messed up the reservation and put us in a room with a single king bed. Normally I wouldn't have cared, but I was really cranky and tired. To make things a little better they upgraded the room, which simply meant it now had a huge bathroom with an over sized jacuzzi tub and a stall shower, but still just the king sized bed.

Jared on the other hand seemed completely at ease with it and even kept saying, "Dude, it's no big deal!"

The room was great and had a wonderful view of the strip overlooking the Bellaggio fountains. And the bathroom really did look relaxing. We quickly unpacked and Jared convinced me to go downstairs for a couple of drinks, then maybe a nice hot bath and I would feel better. We had a couple of great drinks, which totally loosened me up and were already making me feel better. Jared wanted to hit the craps tables so I went upstairs for that hot bath, plus I did have to get up early.

It must have been the alcohol because once in the room, I stripped completely as the tub filled, and I even poured in some bubbles. I was leaning over the tub checking the water when I felt a hand smack my ass hard. I yelped and spun around to see Jared standing there grinning.

"Sorry, dude. I couldn't resist!" And then he walked away laughing.

I climbed into the tub, letting the soaking hot water and bubbles flow up and around me. "How did you do at the tables? You came back up here pretty quick."

"For a change I hit it pretty good and quick. So I decided to quit while I was ahead."

As he talked, he walked in and leaned against the sink in nothing more than a pair of his tight jockeys. I was suddenly glad for the bubbles because I flashed on a vision of him climbing in with me, and not to get washed up. He pushed off and headed into the toilet room, which had a door. He closed it and I could hear him peeing. I tried focusing on all kinds of things to help me stop thinking about him since I would have to get out of the tub at some point. Then he stepped out of the toilet room with his underwear in his hand, and a smile on his face.

"Mind if I take a shower?"

Before I could even answer, he had turned on the water and after a moment stepped inside. Well, as I said we had certainly seen each other naked before, but nothing like the two of us like this. I mean here I was sitting totally naked in a bubble bath while he took a shower in a glass walled shower. The steam was definitely not distorting the shower enough to hide him as he washed every damn inch of his body. Between the heat and the alcohol this could not go anywhere good.

I focused on sports, the conference and anything else I could think of other than him standing in that shower stall covered with soap, the water pouring down his body. When he bent over to wash his legs I quickly got out of the tub, dried off and headed into the bedroom. Several minutes later he came in wearing a towel talking about how great that shower felt and that he was surprised I got out so quickly. I just shrugged as I continued flipping channels. When he dropped the towel and slipped on a pair of shorts I really started to second guess the king size bed.

He laid out and grabbed the remote, flipping channels, finally settling on a basketball game. Neither of us was a basketball fan and he joked that they needed cheerleaders to make the game more watchable. We stayed up a little longer before finally turning off the TV and going to sleep.

The next morning I quietly got up and got dressed for my conference. When I came back into the bedroom before heading out Jared had rolled onto his back, the covers were pushed back and I could see he had a morning hard on. I quickly shook my head and left.

I spent the day at the conference, including lunch, during which we broke up into teams and worked through it. I honestly found it to be very educational and at the end of the day a couple of other guys were heading out for dinner and invited me. I said I would love to, but had to check with a friend who was here with me.

Jared was all for heading out to dinner and making new friends. We agreed to meet in the lobby and I went upstairs to get a quick shower and change. As I walked into the room, I was greeted by Jared strolling into the bathroom totally naked and looking very tan.

"Hey buddy... I was just going to jump in the shower. Sorry, I lost track of time at the pool. Way too many distractions out there."

I tried not to look too interested, but I was starting to think I should just tell him and get it out of the way. Who knows, maybe he would be interested!

"No problem, I will jump in when you are done!"

I went into the bedroom, stripped down to my jockeys and got out my clothes for the evening. I heard the water stop and Jared called out that I could get in. I walked in naked to see Jared leaning over the sink, legs spread as he applied lotion to his forehead. I grinned and taking a page from his book slapped his ass. Quickly, I jumped in the shower as he grabbed a towel and flicked it at me.

We were laughing and talking the whole time I showered and despite my own personal sexual tension it felt really easy with him. Then again, it always had. Jared was a good friend and that was the one thing more than anything that stopped me from coming out. I didn't want to ruin that.

I finished up and when I walked into the bedroom he was already dressed and ready, flipping channels as usual. I told him what I knew about the two guys which was not much and got dressed. I had decided that perhaps if I stopped looking at him as a sex object then maybe I could relax a little. Jared complimented my outfit and jokingly suggested that maybe I was sweet on one of the guys. Or maybe he was sweet on me!

Laughing I said, "If anything, I have a feeling these guys are already a couple. One of them is definitely gay and not sure about the other."

We were walking out and Jared said, "Well, maybe his friend is bi. Nothing wrong with that. Best of both worlds." Then to finish that thought he slapped my ass.

We were laughing as we walked to the elevator but his comment did get me wondering. Was he just saying that for the other guy, or did he really think so? We had a great steak dinner, shared a bottle of wine and found that these guys - Tom and Jack - were funny and friendly. We were having a great time and while Tom was definitely gay - he admitted it - Jack was still a question mark.

After dinner, Jared surprised me again by suggesting that we go out to one of the local bars, and that maybe Tom had a fun one we could go to. Even I gave Jared a look who just winked. Tom said he knew of just the place if we wanted something both local and different. Jared answered for us and said "absolutely" and before I could get a word in, we were in a cab heading to a bar Tom knew of.

As soon as we walked in, we knew it was a gay bar since 98% of the people were guys, and based on the way they were leaning on each other, holding hands, or flat out kissing it left little to doubt. Then there was the dance floor, where it was pretty much all guys. There were a few couples but they were definitely in the minority. And they honestly seemed more interested in watching or maybe finding a third to join them.

We went to the bar and also saw an area with pool tables in the back. We ordered drinks and were hanging out when Tom and Jack decided to dance. I turned to Jared but before I could say anything a guy walked up and as he asked me to dance took my hand and led me to the dance floor. Since it was a faster song I went along and when I glanced back I saw Jared grinning. Then I saw a guy walk up and do the same to him which got me grinning as well.

When the music slowed down I started to head back to the bar but my "new friend" quickly pulled me into his arms and before I could blink had one hand in mine and the other firmly planted on my ass. As we started to dance he pulled me tight against him, clearly pressing his crotch against my thigh.

Just then Jared stepped over and said, "Excuse me, do you mind if I cut in? We are actually here together."

The guy looked a bit put out but I quickly moved to Jared who leaned in and whispered, "We better make this look good."

He pulled me into his arms and firmly planted his hand on my ass pulling me against him. I wrapped my arms around him and following suit grabbed his ass - his very tight ass. I glanced around and saw Tom and Jack in the same embrace and noticed that Jack seemed quite at ease with it. To my surprise Jared likewise seemed just as at ease with our dance, and it didn't seem to bother him that we were dancing so close. We finally broke up and went back to the bar.

We ordered fresh drinks and Jared turned to me and said, "You know Dave, I kind of get this. I mean being gay or bi or whatever. Most of what they do is fun and doesn't really seem to be a stretch from what we would do anyway. But, one thing always kind of catches me." He hesitated, then moved in close and continued, "This whole licking a guy's ass. I mean seriously, do you want to put your tongue where someone takes a crap? Not me."

I stare at him for a moment. "Jared, I am not sure what to say. I understand what you are saying though. Maybe after a really good shower, but just randomly sticking your tongue in 'there', I don't know."

Just then Tom and Jack came back and with fresh drinks we all decided to head back to play some pool. Laughing Tom commented about us clearly two straight guys were too much of a distraction and we could cause a fight. As we headed back Jared suggested that we play it up so people would know we were together. He put an arm around me pulling me close and sliding his hand down groped my ass.

I was in complete turmoil while we played pool and we all laughed and had a really good time. It didn't help my frame of mind that Tom and Jack had decided to be more open about their "friendship". They were not only grabbing at each other more openly but even kissing. As the beers continued to flow it went from pleasant little kisses to flat out making out.

It was getting very late, but since tomorrow was the last day of the conference we knew that the afternoon session would be short. Jared was truly in rare form and I even heard him talking to Tom about sex. I didn't know what to think about Jared. And when we finally left I ended up in the back seat of the cab sandwiched between Tom and Jack. We were all a little quiet since the cab driver didn't seem the type to be interested in horse play, but I did feel Tom's hand slide along my leg and inner thigh.

I was not surprised when he leaned over and whispered "maybe we should take this party up to our room. I have a feeling you guys will definitely enjoy a more private setting."

I simply replied "thanks, I can ask Jared. But, I think an even more private setting might be the key."

I could see him nodding as he squeezed my leg. When the cab pulled up we got out and headed for elevators. We were actually in different towers so we said our good nights and went our separate ways. There were a few other people on ours so I had to wait until we got off before saying anything. And then as I thought more about the evening I didn't know what to say.

Once we got to our room, Jared seemed to know exactly what to say.

"Well that was certainly an interesting night, huh? It's funny - in my mind I always pictured gay guys as these cute little guys. But at that bar there were definitely guys who were not little and some who were not cute! That one guy definitely seemed to like you. I saw him come back when we were playing pool several times. Probably still wanted to make sure we were together."

As we were talking we had been getting undressed and were now standing in just our jeans and jockeys. I grinned "oh so that is why you kept grabbing my ass? Just to put on a show?" I pouted playfully. And here I was hoping I was going to get lucky tonight. Maybe I should have taken Tom up on his offer."

He stood looking up at me, his jeans unbuttoned and he was about to unzip them. "Tom? What was his offer? You didn't tell me he made you an offer. Should I be jealous?"

I laughed "he suggested that we both come up to their room. That we might enjoy continuing this party in a more private setting."

He unzipped his jeans and let them fall to the floor. I reacted without thinking and stood staring open mouthed. He was commando and while we were "joking" about getting hit on by gay guys, and grabbing ass he was standing there with a semi-stiff dick.

"What did you say Dave?"

I took a deep breath because I knew that this was the moment. I was either going to end up with my best friend as a lover or lose him.

Quietly I said "I told him that I was thinking something even more private might be better."

He stood staring at me and just when I thought I had lost him he smiled and said "do I need to take a really thorough shower? Or were you thinking of a bubble bath to get started?"

My heart pounding in my chest I took a deep breath, then I walked around the bed to him and slid my hand inside of his jeans lightly caressing his dick as I pushed his jeans down.

"No you don't need a shower and no bubble bath."

Then I sat down on the edge of the bed and leaning down ran my tongue across the head of his dick and down the shaft. Licking as much of him as I could as I gently fondled his balls. I looked up at him and he was grinning so I slowly wrapped my lips around the head and took him deep. I had all of his now hard cock in my mouth when I felt his hands gently caressing my chin.

"Yes Dave... suck it!"

So I did. I sucked and licked and even nibbled a little on the head. I sucked his balls, licked his shaft, fondled and licked and sucked it all. Throughout the blowjob he moaned and groaned saying "yes Dave" quite often. And when I finally felt his cock tighten and ready to unload I slid to the head while holding the shaft. He exploded in my mouth and I eagerly swallowed every drop.

As he orgasmed he moaned "oh hell yeah Dave!!"

I gently licked his cock clean as I slid off him and then sat back on the bed. I looked up at him unsure as to his reaction.

He grinned and said "I like your idea of a private setting much more."

I quickly stood up so he didn't think he had to do anything, but he stopped me with a hand on my arm. Then he unbuttoned my jeans and unzipped them. He slid his hand inside as I pushed them down and fondled my rock hard cock through my jockeys.

"Jared, please don't feel like you have to do anything."

He slid my underwear down and then as he stroked my dick and fondled my balls he smiled and said "Dave, I may not have your obvious experience, but I am very curious. I have been for quite awhile and tonight was just what I needed. If you didn't make a move I probably would have. I can't think of anyone's dick I would rather suck than yours - for my first time."

Before I could answer he took my place on the bed and began to lick my dick. Starting at the head, then the shaft and my balls. He was getting more comfortable with it and started to suck the head, then taking more and more of it into his mouth. He got about half of my dick in his mouth and then started to bob up and down on it. Taking more of it with each movement, he got about 2/3 of it. When I was ready to cum I warned him and following my lead from earlier he slid to the head. I shot my load and he swallowed some of it, the rest hitting his chin, neck and chest.

He licked my dick clean then laughing said "looks like I need a shower after all Dave. Sorry about that."

He stood up and I placed a hand against his cheek. "Jared, you have nothing to be sorry about. That was so good - on so many levels. Now let's get you cleaned up."

I took his hand and led him into the shower. With the water running down over us I first washed his chest off working my way down to his still hard cock. Once rinsed I eagerly knelt down and went down on him again, pleased to hear him moaning out my name throughout. I had been worried at first that he might close his eyes and think of a girl, but I was way beyond that now. When he came I again swallowed his load and despite the shower licked his dick clean.

Once again Jared managed to surprise me and when I stood up he pulled me to him and kissed me. At first it was soft, just our lips touching. But as our stiff dicks collided he slid his tongue into my mouth, french kissing me. While we stood there kissing he was fondling and groping my ass and as we broke the kiss he saw the look on my face.

"Don't worry Dave, you have a nice ass but I am not prepared to take that step. I just figured if I am going to experience sex with a guy I may as well experience as much as possible. Unless of course you want to do more."

I laughed and said "Jared you make your own decisions. But, perhaps we should wait a bit before going down that route. Personally I am much more a fan of making you cum in my mouth than anywhere else. Or I should say, anywhere else inside of me."

He didn't answer me, instead he knelt down and proceeded to blow me again. This time he did take the full length of my dick and when I did cum he was able to swallow it all. Standing up afterwards we kissed again. I had thoroughly enjoyed kissing my last lover, but kissing Jared was totally different. We turned off the water, got dried and went to bed. Naked. Both of us.

We were both tired and as we were dozing off I felt him move closer "Dave, I am really glad we did this. Really glad."

Quietly as I felt his body relax against mine I whispered "me too."

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The Pleasure of Friendship

Introduction: Friends, love, sexuality…. Note from the author: I am not a new writer, however, I am a new writer on this website. This is the first story I am posting and I am hoping to post more sequels to this story. If you have any suggestions on writing tips so that my future stories can be even better than this, then please send me a PRIVATE message. I love getting feedback, good or bad. Its about 4,000 words, so I hope thats not too long. Anyway, lets begin with the story proper, shall...

2 years ago
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Strengthening The Friendship

Strengthening The FriendshipBy: Londebaaz Chohan Alvin and Irvin were both close to 30 almost. They grew up together on the same block and went to the same elementary, middle and the high school. They were very good friends. Alvin was over 6’ tall with broad shoulders, big and hard muscles weighing 250 pounds. Irvin was also a burly, husky man. With 6’ 2’’ height, he weighed 245 pounds. Alvin was married and had never considered himself as gay or bisexual but often fantasized about other men as...

3 years ago
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A ruined friendship

I love my job, and getting to work with my best friend Chloe just makes it so much better. Chloe and I met when I applied for a Christmas job in a little lingerie shop in town, the manager was running behind so we got chatting while I waited to have my interview. I got the job and we quickly became friends, we would go out dancing after work on Saturdays, then crash at my flat and recover together on Sunday watching DVDs and eating bacon sarnies. We had so much fun at work, trying on stock and...

4 years ago
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Bangladeshi net friendship

Hello, everybody fan of this site. This is “F”- it is the first letter of my nickname from Dhaka the capital city of Bangladesh. I am 33 years old sexy man. I would like to let you know how I introduced with a net friend who had shared with me with her sex. It is real, not fun. I am married man, but living alone in Dhaka & my wife lives with my parents in another city. Every weekend I meet with them & pass 2 nights in a week with my wife in bed. In these 2 days, I fulfil my wife’s desire for a...

3 years ago
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Newer Level Of friendship

Newer Level Of FriendshipBy: Londebaaz Chohan Narayan was almost 5 10, dark black hair and he had hazel brown eyes. He never been to a gym but was an avid jogger man with a very nice physical appearance. Rishi on the other hand was about 5’ 8’’ a bit over weight about 190 pounds of meat but still looked in pretty good shape. They almost were never together doing any exercise but as they rented a two bedroom apartment together in the college town, it was only an accident that they saw each...

1 year ago
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Unconventional Friendship

Holding on to hope - I had been secretly in love with my best friend for nearly three years before my feelings where discovered. I remember the very moment that I realized that what I was feeling for my friend was love. It happened about a year after we had met in the summer of 1978 when we where both 18-years old. This all began more then 20 years ago and now more then 10 years has passed since I have seen his face. What a special time it was to grow up and become a teenager at the transition...

4 years ago
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Culminating A Long Friendship

Every guy growing up seems to have a switch that flips from 'too scared to talk to girls' to confident and ready for anything. I've always credited Deb for finally flipping my switch. It's embarrassing to admit that it took until about midway through high school for this to happen, but better late than never, right? She was just a freshman that landed in one of my elective classes, but you wouldn't have known it by looking at her. She had natural, long blond hair and green...

2 years ago
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An Affectionate Friendship

This is the story about a young woman named Kelly, and an older gentleman TJ, written in the first person from the perspective of the girl. TJ is a friend of the family, and was Kelly’s frequent ‘babysitter’ when she was a young girl. Readers will notice I have split the events of the evening into two parts. Part One is the more tame telling of the non-sexual portion of the evening, and those not wishing to partake of the more heated part of the story may wish to stop after this part. Part Two...

3 years ago
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The Beauty of Friendship

Introduction: This is a short story of two young college girls who discover themselves in one another. The Beauty of Friendship Rebecca, a tall, slender brunette, was lying in her bed the morning she was to move into her college dorm. She pondered what she had in her life. She was eighteen years old. She had just graduated high school and she was ready to move onto the next phase in her life: college at the University of South Carolina. She rose from her bed and gathered her things for her...

4 years ago
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True Friendship

True Friendship(And how my life became what you see today, lover of men and women)Because this was the first incident that changed me and the way I saw life & sex, there would be so much to tell you, but later stories have already been written and published. This story puts all the others into a better perspective.To move things along I will give a brief history of a man my late husband had known for many years, whose wife was left paralysed from the waist down and in an institution, due a...

1 year ago
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The Wham Bam Theory II The Fellatio Friendship

Andrew sat in his favorite spot on the old brown leather couch watching his favorite TV show, Star Trek (the original). He happily had the apartment to himself, his roommate Isaac had left for a science convention the day before. His girl friend, Elizabeth, was also out of town visiting relatives so he was fairly certain he would not be disturbed - a fact that made him grin broadly. He had been looking forward to this since he learned that Isaac would be going to the convention. Isaac asked him...

2 years ago
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A drunken evening leads to a closer friendship

I was going out with a girl called Cara, who was absolutely stunning. All of my friends were incredibly jealous of me and although in reality, she was boring and we had nothing in common, I felt the luckiest man in the world when we were out together. Cara’s best friend was called Lindsey and as most couples do, we tried to get Lindsey hooked up with my best friend Jon. Lindsey fancied Jon, who admittedly, was an easy guy to fancy but Jon wasn’t overly bothered about her. We went out as a...

3 years ago
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A Very Special Friendship

A Very 'Special' Friendship             A new beginning. Jena woke to find the sun streaming through the curtains and she found herself almost singing because she felt so good. Yesterday she met up with Ben after many years separation. They had only been in touch by phone for so long with an occasional visit every few years. They had had a wonderful lunch and a very in-depth review of their lives since they had seen each other. Both of them had come through divorces without too much damage....

4 years ago
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The Beginning of a Fucking Friendship

Swat412 [email protected]’d worked with James for about 6 months. He was a very nice black guy, about the same age and we just got along very well together. I was single at the time but he was married – had been for something like 4 or 5 years then. We shared a lot of things, as closer friends do, and it became apparent that he was having some problems with his wife. Nothing really bad but a lot of little things that became larger when they added up. I won’t go into it all but she was just...

1 year ago
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Ruined 8 Year Old Friendship

Hello Indian Sex Stories readers, I hope all of you are having some great fapping time. I am back to tell you a true story that happened last year in Bhopal during the rainy season. I was sitting at my home waiting for a call from my friend- jyoti who was an amateur photographer and was learning photography in Delhi. She came to Bhopal for a week to during the break at her photography institute in Delhi. Main aur jyoti ek dusre ko 8 saal se jante the aur hum bahut acche dost the last year...

4 years ago
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The Life And Death Of Al Parker Part 3 Beyond The Lines Of Friendship

Warning: This story contains sexual material and transgender themes. If you're not 18 or over, or are offended by such material then don't read it! This story can be posted on Fictionmania or any other free sites however, I do ask that you notify me first before doing so. This story is based on the story called, "I, my sister" and was written by Diana Christy (07/97). I would like to thank Diana for allowing me to use parts of her story in mine. I would also like to thank...

1 year ago
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The Price of Friendship

The Price of Friendship By The Professor I was just in the middle of my junior year at Cal State Fullerton when the dot com industry hit the wall. I mention that as a turning point in my life for two reasons - one is how I thought it would affect my life and the other is how it really did affect it. I'll explain the first reason first. I was a Computer Sciences major in those days. I was born the week IBM unveiled the personal computer, so I guess I could boast that I just grew up...

1 year ago
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Bound Together in Friendship

Bound Together in FriendshipINTRODUCTION My name is Samantha, and I have a story that I’d like to share with you.The story I am about to tell will sound strange coming from me because normally I am very shy.  It happened just over a year ago now, but the memories of those events are forever in my mind.  They have shattered my view of sexuality.  But first let me give you a little background into my life.I was raised in a very conservative home.  My mother and father were very close to me.  They...

1 year ago
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Extramarital friendship

Hello all, a brief intro of myself. This is Kartik, I am 42 yrs old, 5.10 with good physique and have very strong desire for sex. Settled in Bangalore for last 10 yrs and working for an MNC. I respect womanhood and I vouch on the fact that a woman needs to enjoy it more than man and I have always committed in practicing what I have believed whenever I loved a lady in bed. I like ladies with good looks n figure and good sense of humor. These qualities help me to bring out more out of me to offer...

4 years ago
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Bound Friendship

Her eyes rolled back, her hips bucked upward, she began moaning a guttural moan as he had made her cum. Her legs bound to their respective legs of the bed leaving her no dripping wet pussy exposed. It’d left her panting, wanting more. Her kink was bondage. Her interests were BDSM related in most ways. It’d led her down a path that led to Julien. It’d been their friendship that eventually went beyond their original intentions. It wasn’t like it mattered though. They were going to be friends in...

3 years ago
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When Lust Won Over A Friendship

Hello all, I hope you are all doing well! I am going to share my real experience with Sushma. Sushma is a beautiful married girl. She is traditional and never exposes her valley. Her dressing style is neat and clean. She is my senior in the office. She speaks less in the office and is not interested in gossip discussions. I like her, but she never pays attention to me. I tried many ways to connect with her, but I landed with no luck. Time has passed fast, and it’s been over four years. But she...

3 years ago
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The Friendship

They met when they were around 21 years old. Chris a young nerd that had invested some monies when he started work at 18 and became a millionaire. He own his own beach front 3 bedroom unit in Tugun overlooking the morning sun rising over the ocean. He did pick the unit that no one else could see in. Tom was from a well to do family that had left him a few dollars to set himself up with. Unfortunately a few months ago both his parents, who were actually separated, were killed in Africa so, as...

1 year ago
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Tainted Friendship

I've always been a timid, shy boy. Maybe it was because of my upbringing, or maybe it was caused by the world I lived in. The majority of the world didn't think we belonged, and we tried hard to hide. You see, I am gay, and being a young virgin adult doesn't help this fact. My name is Daniel and I planned to lose my viriginity these summer holidays. I've had crushes on many of the guys around me, especially my best friend Andrew since I have been near him for most of my memorable life. We've...

2 years ago
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Expand Your Goth Boundaries

Expand Your Goth Boundaries By Chrissy Canada Chapter 1 This is the story of how I came to be. My name is, or was Chris. Now I only go by one name, Chrissy. I had struggled with this problem for some time, sure I had had girlfriends, but always deep down I had the feeling that I was different. When I saw a beautiful woman, I didn't give much thought to her. Mostly I gave thought to what she was wearing. So time flies by and...

2 years ago
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A nice male friendship

They are friends since the time of teen students of a religious school run by the Marist Brothers, a catholic order, specialized in youth education, mainly the children of businessmen or upper-middle-class families. Despite the different skills, the two boys helped each other in the field that each one was better. They frequented their houses and were well received by their families The result of these joint studies were always good grades in the school and approval to the College. They are...

1 year ago
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Haven And Inessa Flex Their Friendship

"Heidi, hurry up and go after her," Inessa advised me, leaning to me. "Don't let her get away.""I'm naked, though.""Who cares? The woman you love is getting away," Haven whined, waving her hands at me.I bit down on my bottom lip, but after twenty seconds, they both got up and shoved me towards the door. I felt to be in a sauna, but I had to make a move."Fuck it, I love you two," I muttered before I walked out of the apartment. "Hey, Skylar!" I yelled, going after her.She turned to...

3 years ago
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A guy and his 45 Friendship

Gen cringed when she heard her master curse again for the hundredth time. She was feeling ashamed that hers and the others magic healing had not only not protected him, it was also the fact that he was hurt as badly as he was. She'd already made a decision that she was sure that master wouldn't be too pleased with but for him she'd do anything. Walking out of the huge room in the palace they were in, she headed for the throne room. As she walked in Princess Amira saw her and walked...

3 years ago
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The Beauty of Friendship

Rebecca, a tall, slender brunette, was lying in her bed the morning she was to move into her college dorm. She pondered what she had in her life. She was eighteen years old. She had just graduated high school and she was ready to move onto the next phase in her life: college at the University of South Carolina. She rose from her bed and gathered her things for her morning shower. She raised the temperature of the water to a perfect warmth that greatly pleased her body. She rubbed soap on...

3 years ago
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Bounds of Friendship

I was attracted to her from my first glance. I have always liked petite girls even though I am by no means a small guy. I am near six feet tall and I weigh 270 pounds. I have brown eyes and hair. My hair is naturally curly because of my Greek heritage, so I keep it cut short. I am polite and courteous around people I do not know but am more relaxed around my friends. I am not extraordinarily endowed with only a five-inch cock, but I do use it to masturbate. I figured she was out of my...

1 year ago
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The different flavours of friendship

I love his hands, elegant and strong, the hands of a pianist. I love the way they feel on my skin, the way he cradles my face before he takes that first kiss. His hands might have been the thing surprising me the most that first time he kissed me – not his mouth, not those beautiful lips, not that addictive taste. Though his mouth was nothing to sneer at. Patrick knew how to kiss. I watched him practice with a wide range of women over the years, and teased him mercilessly about it. But that...

3 years ago
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A ruined friendship

I love my job, and getting to work with my best friend Chloe just makes it so much better. Chloe and I met when I applied for a Christmas job in a little lingerie shop in town, the manager was running behind so we got chatting while I waited to have my interview. I got the job and we quickly became friends, we would go out dancing after work on Saturdays, then crash at my flat and recover together on Sunday watching DVDs and eating bacon sarnies. We had so much fun at work, trying on stock and...

4 years ago
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True Friendship

This is a true account of the best fourteen months of my life. It started after Tommy, who is my husband’s best friend since childhood, separated from his wife. Tommy was married for twenty nine years, and after his children were grown and on their own, he and his wife separated and filed for divorce. Well being a true friend my husband opened our house to him. I have to confess I was concerned about how this would affect my life. Hubby and I do enjoy a full and adventurous sex life. I was...

3 years ago
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Power of Friendship

I had been the water-boy for the varsity football team all four years and was pretty damn positive I loved women. I dreamed about them and saw a fair share of porn, but never actually had a physical encounter with anyone before. There I was a virgin, a senior in high school, and surrounded by dudes all fall season. During the whole season I saw my fair share of guys and their packages. This of course, got me curious and led me to view gay porn. I wasn’t so sure about myself then. I was growing...

3 years ago
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Beginning of a Friendship

David was lost in thought as he walked home on his way back from college. Professor Jacob had given him an ‘F’ in chemistry practicals again. David knew that the results of his experiment were accurate. But he couldn’t do anything about it. Professor Jacob has been intent on giving David a hard time ever since he caught David kissing his daughter. That bastard, David thought, how can he keep doing this? One more time and I am taking this to the principal! ‘Hey Mike, did you learn to count to...

3 years ago
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A Chance Meeting Renews a Friendship

I was on the crowded London Tube. A fair-haired woman who had her back to me and was pressing against me as was talking to her friend. Both had an Australian accent. One was obviously of mixed blood and had a beautiful light tan skin tone.I was fascinated as the fair-haired girl sounded like a girl who I believe I had known in a country town in Victoria.She still had her back to me when I tapped her on the shoulder and asked her if her name was Jenny.She turned and immediately recognised me, as...

3 years ago
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A Chance Meeting Renews a Friendship

I was on the crowded London Tube. A fair-haired woman who had her back to me and was pressing against me as was talking to her friend. Both had an Australian accent. One was obviously of mixed blood and had a beautiful light tan skin tone.I was fascinated as the fair-haired girl sounded like a girl who I believe I had known in a country town in Victoria.She still had her back to me when I tapped her on the shoulder and asked her if her name was Jenny.She turned and immediately recognised me, as...


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