Who Is Ch. 01 free porn video

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Hey there everyone. This and intense action thriller about finding love in a world of deceit and crime. I wasn’t sure which category to post it in so if you have any suggestions after the story progresses then please let me know.


Who is Alicia Carter? We’re going to find out!

Did you go into this with a plan? Or was it more of a crime of passion?

No, I didn’t plan anything. But it wasn’t really a crime of passion either. They say ‘Do what you love and the money will come’. Well I loved what I did. Everything else just fell into place after that.

How long until you got caught?


Yeah, arrested?

You’ll have to be clearer?

I don’t know how I could be. How long had it been since you started this whole thing until the police caught you?

Well, since I was caught and arrested nine times in total… you’ll have to be clearer.

Wait? Nine times?

Yup, nothing ever stuck when I was arrested and the people who caught me are now all dead.

Did… did you kill them all?


Do you have any remorse for what you’ve done?


And what’s that?

Getting caught.

So… Wait… Uh… How did this all start for you?

It was in college.


It was my first year in college and I realized that there was more to life than what I was taught the mere 19 years earlier. High school was so tough, I wanted college to be a fresh start. The new beginning of the rest of my life.

I came from humble beginnings. I was raised on a farm on the outskirts of a small town. At least I think 400 people is a small town. My mom was a nurse at the local clinic and my dad was a farmer, as well as a preacher at the only church in the county. They wanted what was best for me so it was not uncommon to hear phrases like ‘you can do anything you want’ or ‘you can be anything you want’ even though they knew the truth and the chances of actual success of that happening are slim to none. Of all the things my parents taught me, that was the one the stuck in my mind. I promised myself I would become whatever I wanted, and I wanted everything.

I have no problem with the way my parents raised me but that life style was not for me. Growing up we were always very religious – in every way. Church on Sunday, scriptures every night, weekend seminary. There was a time I used to take it as seriously as my parents did but those days are now behind me. Although that’s not to say it’s not forever a part of my life. I’m grateful for the lessons they taught me and I’m grateful to the way I was raised but I believed there was more to life and was determined to find out what it was.

In high school, I was always shy. I noticed the other kids around me talking and having fun with each other but I felt more comfortable with my books and home work. While all the other girls my own age were dating I was tucked in the corner of the library reading my favorite comic book or graphic novel. That’s where I wanted to be at the time. But there was one boy in my class that I would give up books for. Scott Matheson, the only boy in school gave me feelings like I had never had before. He played football and wrestled but he was not a ‘jock’. He was quieter and from what I could observe, he was kinder and sweeter than the other boys. I was a freshman and he was a senior but we had two of the same classes.

I always sat on the back row in class so it was easy to watch him without being caught. But that’s what I did. I was so shy that in my mind it was easier to stay away from personal relationships and just picture it in my mind. That is until Scott glanced back one day and caught me staring at him.

I am so embarrassed. My face immediately flushes and can feel my skin heating up. He gives me a look and I cannot tell if it is one of confusion or anger so I just sink down in my chair.

He turns back to face the front but when class ends, he stands up and walks directly to me. I think he is upset and swallow hard, preparing for the worst, but instead, Scott asks me out on a date. My heart begins to beat and a feeling of excitement fills me entirely. Did he really just ask me out? There were prettier girls than I at this school but he decided to ask me. I felt honored and happier than I ever have. A smile begins to form on my lips but I try my best to hide it.

I try to speak calmly but I cannot contain my excitement and blurt out, ‘YES! Please!’ I realize what I just said and how I said it. My eyes open wide and I try to salvage it, ‘Uh… I mean…Yes! I would like that.’

Scott gives me the kindest smile and laughs, ‘Well good. How about tomorrow?’

‘Saturday?’ I ask.

‘That’s what they call it.’ He replied with a smirk.

All I can do is smile back and blush as I squeak out, ‘Okay.’

Scott smiles once again, ‘Sweet, I’ll pick you up at six?’

I can only nod my head and cover my smile with my hands. I must have looked so ridiculous but I do not care.

Before our first date, the most I had ever done with a boy is the activities we do in class. It was 6 O’clock and I have been getting ready for the last hour. I want everything to be perfect. The only problem is that if my parents see me leaving the house like this, I will end up not going just because of being upset at what they say.

I throw a hoodie and sweat pants on to cover up my dress and head out the door. Just as I expect, my parents are waiting in the living room.

‘Where you headed?’ My mom asks.

My dad stands behind her and gives me a look. He does not say a word.

I look at my mom and reply, ‘Mattie’s. Her parents said I could eat with them tonight.’ I have never lied to my parents before but I am not going to let anything ruin this night.

She scratches her chin and gives me a look but then gives in, ‘okay, but be home by ten. It’s a school night.’

I nod my head and leave the house feeling a sense of accomplishment. My heart begins to pound and I get excited thinking of seeing Scott tonight.

He did not plan anything and we ended up having ice cream at the local malt shop. He did not even by me dinner. But I did not care, I was utterly taken with him and everything he said was music to my ears.

For the next three weeks we got to know each other. He liked the same books and activities as I did and even wanted to play video games with me, my favorite activity. It was the happiest time of my life. I felt comfortable with him.

On our third date, Scott walked me back to my house and I had my first kiss. I was nervous and awkward but it was the best and most exciting thing I had ever experienced.

It was a small peck on the lips but the power of the feelings racing through my body are not. I start to shake with excitement and as he pulls away I cannot help myself. I lean in for another kiss. I catch him off guard and he pulls away with a surprised look. For a brief moment I think that I destroyed everything and ruined this beautiful night but the look on his face is soon replaced with a smile. He leans in and kisses me again, this time a little longer. My mind is racing a whole assortment of thoughts and I can hardly concentrate on anything except this moment. I pull away with a huge smile that I cannot remove even if I wanted to.

As he walks away, I can hardly contain myself and once he was out of view I jumped up and down and twirled with delight. Just then the front door opened and my father stepped into view. ‘Your mother and I would like to have a word with you.’ I thought the happy feelings of kissing Scott could never end but just like always, my parents found a way to make that happen.

I stepped into the living room and for the next hour my parents described in detail what would happen if I had sex with him.

‘You can’t be doing this honey.’ My mom spoke alone but my dad was right there sitting in h
is favorite chair nodding in disappointment.

‘Mom!’ I counter. ‘We only kissed.’

‘And that’s exactly how it starts.’ She never listens to me.

‘How is kissing that bad anyway?’ I speak frankly. ‘Didn’t you and mom kiss before you married her?’

He stands from where he is sitting and stares daggers at me before backhanding me across my face. I feel like this might be my last moment on earth. My cheek burns with fire it is all I can do to hold back the tears. He snarls at me and yells, ‘You little whore! How dare you? Your mother and I waited til we were married before we kiss or even held hands. Since the day you were born, you have been the Carter family curse. You miserable, fucking piece of shit.’

I try to run out of the room but my dad grabs my hair an pulls me toward him. I cry and scream to get away but it’s no use. He pulls me close and whispers, ‘I wish you were never born.’

He throws me to the ground and screams once more, ‘Get out of my sight. You disgust me.’

All I could do was cry and run to my room. Hard to believe, I know, especially for a preacher. But that is who he was. That was not the first time and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.

The next morning during breakfast my mom reminds me of the ‘worldly dangers’ and what I should look out for and that kissing is a ‘gateway’ to other activities including sex.

I assured her that I would be true to my beliefs and to my family… but I only half believed the words coming out of my mouth. I liked the physical feelings that Scott gave me and I wanted to explore that more but my parents made me feel guilty about it. Always relating every situation to the church and religion. I had always wondered why they put so much pressure on me regarding this because it just made me want to never tell them anything about my life. I did not want to have this happen every time I found something that brought me happiness in life. That was the last time I took any boy home and the last time I had even led on that I was seeing anyone or even interested.

For the next month Scott and I would grow even closer and as much as I like kissing him, I want more even though I had no idea what ‘more’ meant. One night, after having gone to a nearby lake for swimming and a picnic, we decide to have sex for the first time. Neither of our parents would be happy with what we are planning so we decide to find a secluded hotel and never tell another soul.

Everything is perfect. I love this boy and he loves me and knowing what we are about to do only makes me feel better about my decision. We make it to the room and lay on the bed, looking into each other’s eyes. Scott lifts himself up and knees on the bed to take of his clothes. I like what I saw and my skin began to grow hot and flushes as excitement rushes through my body. He leans over and kisses me, this time with tongue. He lifts my blouse and begins to unbutton it when something happened. I start to cry.

All of my upbringing and the lessons from my parents come rushing back to me all at once. I is so embarrassed and I do not know what to say. He pulls on his pants and lays next to me until I am able to talk about what happened. I explain to him that I really want to have sex but that I am just not ready yet. I do not know what I would do if I did not have my family. I do not like my parent’s constant threats about disowning me but I still love them.

Instead of losing my virginity that night, I sat in a hotel room crying on Scott’s arm. He was kind about it though, he told me that he would rather me be honest and that we can wait until I felt ready. We decided to leave after a few more minutes so that we did not raise any alarms with our parents but it did not help. My parents must have suspected something because I got the ‘speech’ once again when I got home.

Are you kidding me? Before I even have a chance to have sex, my parents break me down with constant talks of what will happen to me if I have sex before I get married and then when I feel like I did the right thing by saying no to Scott I get bombarded with the same speech and threats. I could not even tell them that I said no to having sex because they would get angry for letting myself get into a risky situation with a boy. My dad did not slap me that night but he would have if my mom did not slap me first.

I went to school the next day to find that Scott was not there. After what had happened the night before, I really just wanted to talk to him. That is when I did something that I had never done before – I skipped class.

I walk to his house in hopes that he is there. His car is in the driveway and his parent’s cars are gone so I let myself in.

I walk upstairs and I heard him, ‘Oh my God!’ What is this? He does not know I am here. I am confused but it only gets worse when I hear a girls voice say, ‘Is that good?’

I continue cautiously down the hall to his room. His door was partially opened so I slowly push it open the rest of the way. I may be new to dating and relationships but no one needs experience to know when your heart is broken. Scott and the coach of the volley ball team lay naked on his bed together. It is an image that would forever plague my mind.

After a lot of me crying and a lot of poor excuses from him, I stormed out of his house, crying and ashamed. I did not know what to do and I could not tell my parents so I just bottled it up inside and tried my best to forget about it. I could not even report Mrs. Canton for sleeping with a student because my parents would find out.

I did not try dating again till I was 18 and finally over my last experience. It was with Gram Henderson, my childhood friend. We only dated here and there until we both graduated later that year. I had a 4.0 every year and I was not about to let a boy get in the way of my becoming valedictorian, especially after what happened the last time I let my guard down for a boy. We talked about having sex but I was not sure if I could go through the same thing as last time. Instead, we watched movies, we went to comic book stores, we played video games and we even had our first kiss.

When summer finally came, we did everything, including deciding which college we were going to attend. We talked about marriage and while he never proposed, we both felt good about. We spent every day together touring different spots on the coast, visiting coffee shops and eating at some of the most interesting places. We would make out and he felt me up a few times, but mostly we just got to know each other. For hours and sometimes days at a time we would stay up all night talking and teasing each other.

Gram pressured me for sex every now and then but it did not bother him when I reminded him about wanting to wait for marriage.

Just as Gram and I were heading off to college, I walk into his house to pick him up and drive to our new home at Stanford University only to find him in bed with my best friend from high school, Mattie. You would think that after my first experience, I would have been a little more empowered and yelled at him or thrown something at his head or gouged Mattie’s eyes out but all I could do was stare. Mattie screeched when she saw me. She rolled off of him and tried to cover herself with a sheet. I did not cry but I could not do anything else either, all I could do was blame myself. Can you believe it? We talked about marriage and starting a life together and when I catch him cheating on me all I can do is blame myself. I was weak. Do not get me wrong, I was vulnerable and young and immature but I would think that if it were anyone else they would have done something a little more appropriate for the situation.

I walked over to him and sat on the edge of the bed and asked, ‘What did I do wrong’.

Gram covered himself and muttered, ‘No…nothing… you just…’

‘What?’ I inquired. He didn’t say anything so this time I demanded firmly, ‘What? Tell me.’

He was surprised and bl
urted out, ‘You wouldn’t have sex with me. All you wanted to do was talk and I just wanted to fuck!’

Mattie scoffed at how I was reacting to what had just taken place. Once she realized I was no threat, she ripped off the sheet, exposing her naked body to the cold air in the room. I don’t know why but I remember the goose bumps slowly forming on her skin. At the time I felt even worse because all I could think about was how much more pretty she was then I.

She pulled up her pants and threw on her shirt before strolling past me for the door. She looked me up and down and she spoke confidently, ‘Now I know why he cheated on you.’ Pathetic, I know.

It was at this point when I decided that I was done with dating. I know I know, like you have never heard that one before. I knew my decision to give up dating was not going to last but I decided to say fuck it to the whole boyfriend thing and just have fun with life – at least try. Especially with college just around the corner, I did not want to tie myself to just one person but it was harder than I thought.

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In the three weeks that his unit had been traveling across the continent, Cory had seen many sights that shook him deep inside. He’d never realized how large America was, even though he had trampled all over the wondrous green mountains and valleys of West Virginia and Tennessee. The army avoided the empty cities except for small squads that foraged for canned goods in the early morning or early evening of each day while the remainder were either setting up or taking down their protective...

1 year ago
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Stripper confessions My night as a white slave t

Hey guys,it's been awhile but I just had another crazy night! As a lot of you know, I'm a dancer here in Las Vegas and I'm 24.Last Saturday night I finished work and went to meet my GF at this club where her BF is a DJ. Let me tell you I was really horny that night so I made sure I dressed really hot and slutty. I put on a really short black dress that barely covered my ass, black fishnets and a new pair of 5" black heels, I looked pretty hot;). Anyway, I had already started doing shots at work...

2 years ago
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The Cruise

A big 'Thank You' to my friend Mr. Wolf for editing this for me. And making it a much better read. Here we were on a cruise with an older couple we knew. Bill worked at the same plant as my wife. He also repaired vehicles on the side and that's how we became friends. His wife Agnes was a stay at home grandma and watched her grandchildren. We had been friends for a good ten years and when we decided to go on a cruise for our twentieth anniversary we were looking for someone who would like...

3 years ago
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An incest birthday chapter 7

I looked around the tower of stuff in my hands to see a woman in about her early 40s smiling back at me. She was very pretty, standing at 5’4” with brown hair and hazel eyes and a nice set of breasts; she could have easily passed for 30. “We didn’t know how much longer you’d be, my husband Jim was just about to call you guys” she added. Just then a man came around the corner and put his hand on her shoulder, he must be Jim. “Hi, I’m Jim” he confirmed, I thought so. He really didn’t looked...

2 years ago
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Anjan Aurat Ko Judwa Baccho Ka Sukh Diya

Hello friends, mai rajiv(name changed) iss ka regular pathak hu.Isme maine kafi sari desi hot sex stories padhi isliye mujhe bhi feel hua ki mujhe bhi apni story aap logo se share karni chahiye. A meri pehli story hai jise mai aaj aap sab se share karne ja raha hu. To ab der na karte huye story par aate h.Main jamshedpur se belong karta hu aur ek average physic ka ladka hu yani ki aap bol sakte hai ki na jyada mota aur na hi jyada patla. Meri height 5.7″ nd land ka size 7″ hai.A baat karib 2...

4 years ago
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Lonely Twenties Going remote

“Yeah give it a nice wiggle, thank you. Oh yeah baby!” said Lisa, groaning and standing up as the wet middle finger made its way into her anus. The beauty was naked along with her lover, now standing over him.Lisa was on the trip with Arvan and a couple other coworkers for a project but the virus had shut down all travel. The group was stranded in a smaller town without much to do and to make matters worse, it was shut down. Along with Arvan and the crew, Lisa worked for a massive corporation...

1 year ago
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‘I could make an outrageous indulgence out of the side dishes alone,’ he said. ‘I keep hearing about how soft the downtown market is,’ she said. ‘You’ll receive rave reviews,’ he said. ‘Please let me know if you have a conflict,’ she said. And on it went. For days, for months, for years. There was no communication, no contact. This was their life, they woke, they worked, they slept. They talked, but it had no meaning. They couldn’t hear. They did not see. ‘Lets indulge ourselves,’ he said....

3 years ago
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How to Dom Your Mom

Stephen and his parents sat down to eat dinner. His dad, Frank, grey haired and tired-looking, asked his wife, "Get the ketchup, eh?"Stephen's mom, Gail, a petite brunette with a trim figure and a usually-ready smile, said peevishly, "I just sat down Frank. Why didn't you ask before I sat down?"This was a game that Stephen had watched his parents play for a few years now. He didn't think it was a fun game, though, and he'd had enough.Stephen didn't like the way his dad treated his mom. It...

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Tre Lloyd Adventures Ch 03

I spent four days and three nights studying with Arianna. What I found was a wealth of possible spells able to be used in an instant. Arianna also showed me a few spells that would serve as a surprise since they had not been seen in many centuries. Armed only with my spells, and wearing my ensorcelled duster and a ring that Arianna gave me, I went out to my garage and checked my motorcycle. I can’t tell you what kind it is because it was not made by one of the big name companies. I paid a...

2 years ago
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Voices Carry

Max glanced at his watch again, then over at his mother, who casually lifted another stupid tea cup off the shelf and examined it from all angles. "Mom, are you seriously going to look at every single set of dishes in the store?" They'd already been in the same housewares section of the same department store for almost half an hour now. On a Saturday afternoon. And all 16 year-old Max could think about was how much fun he was NOT having at the skate park with his friends. "If that's what...

1 year ago
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My T Chapter One

Let’s Call Her T Chapter One This is a true story about my fourth Wife T. We had both been in the service overseas in Germany when we first met. I was married at the time and so was she. At first I didn’t think very much of her until I started hearing stories about what an easy fuck she was. That got my interest as I have always been fond of the ladies that wanted to and did fuck a lot of different men. At...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 274 Testing My Limits

Now seemed like this a good time for me to do this power testing with the succubus. I need a safe outlet for my anger, and this is perfect. As we walked through the maze of hallways, underground tunnels, various elevators, and then a long stairway down, my connection into the elder’s phone and laptop remained active. My anger continued to build as he began to provide me the data on what he was finding out. I don’t care if everyone even remotely involved with blinding these two children died...

2 years ago
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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 12 I Cant Drive 55

NIS Day 4 – Mid-Afternoon, 11th Grade Biology Class, Medway High School 1:32pm, Thursday, November 1, 1979 “Ohhh! Lord! No!“ Sammy exclaimed after she turned into our eighth period biology class. “That’s, that’s a ... those are a couple of Gyno-chairs!” “Da-Doctor Tatum! Wa-what are you doing, here?” Tempe asked as she stared wide eyed at the two gyno-chairs and the tall good-looking thirty-five-year-old man standing next to Mr. Campbell. “Good afternoon, NIS folks,” Mr. Campbell, our...

3 years ago
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Wonde rWoman Slavery In Alabama

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  WONDER WOMAN ? SLAVERY IN ALABAMA By Sonya Esperanto?? [email protected] Wonder Woman is a property of DC Comics and this is a non profit story and for no one below 18. Synopsis: About Wonder Woman in the future, ending up as a slave to a couple of rednecks in Alabama. Story  It is 2060AD and Wonder Woman is one of the last few superheroines around as she is a goddess who doesn?t age, in this post apocalyptic world. World is just like Mad Max?s. But...

4 years ago
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The 2 Part Trilogy Part 2 The Final Flowers Fall

Tori had just given me an incredible blow job and I couldn’t wait to get her home to my place. We both gladly would have left the party right away, but we had to wait for Annie and Steph to leave before we could go. Tori was supposed to be staying at their place and we had to wait for them to leave, to make sure her brother Dan wouldn’t find out that she was with me. I don’t think Tori cared so much about Dan finding out, but since he’d been pissed with me before for poaching a girl he liked I...

First Time
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Caroline Ch 0704

(Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! More sex! And Mike experiences something of what it is like to be the recipient!) Caroline’s tale continues: DP’d with a strap-on. I woke in the morning still tired from last nights enjoyment and, to tell the truth, my bottom was a little tender. He had been in there for...

2 years ago
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Before we married foreplay was pretty much like the old Martini drinks commercials Any Time Any Place Any Where was okay for “ messing around” and general foreplay depending on how passionate my then British girl friend was. With a blonde beehive hair style deep blue eyes that promised lots, kissable lips, 40D tits to die for and curvy bottom she sometimes climaxed with me simply fondling or sucking her engorged nipples. Her sense of adventure is what endeared her to me as I had a bit of the...

1 year ago
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Bowing buddies

This was my first time to have sex out of my marriage. It all started on a Thursday night bowling league. I met Amber and Jen while we were starting a new season. We hit if off right away. We began to bowl and Amber and Jen were on the opposing team. We would high five one another in a friendly gesture of sportsmanship. As the weeks went by, the three of us would greet with a quick hug while passing by. During mid season, we hugged a little more and a little tighter. By the end of the year they...

First Time
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My Sexy Cousin

Hi friends mai Delhi ka rehne wala hu meri age 25 hai aaj mai apke saath apni life ki real story share karne ja rha hu. Mai apko apne baare mai btata hu English mai kahavat hai every lady dreams for a tall dark handsome Man or ye teeno quality mere ander hai mai apko btana chata hu meri ek cousin hai anupriya jo ki badi khubsurat hai or agra mai rehti hai uska rang gora or fig around 32 28 32 hoga she is damn sexy. Ye tha introduction ab akhani shuru karte hai. Baat aaj se 8-10 mahine pehle ki...

3 years ago
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Baby Pills

Lisa and Gavin had been married for three years now. Lisa had a very well paid job as a lawyer working for a big Japanese accounting firm based in London. Gavin was a successful IT professional working for a medical research firm based in West Sussex, but on call to everywhere All their friends thought that they were a match made in heaven. Lisa has long straight lustrous brown hair, big expressive green eyes, 5'8" tall, fine figure, and a fine enquiring mind. Nice 34C boobs, a small waist,...

4 years ago
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Holy ObligationChapter 6

Time didn't exist. I didn't exist. All that existed was pain; constant, dull, inescapable pain. Muffled voices; some worried, some resolute ... a sudden cry of relief. Someone was stroking my arm ... a soft voice whispered in my ear ... expressions of love ... assurances that I was going to be okay ... but there was nothing else ... just constant dull pain and brief moments of respite from angelic whispered voices. When I awoke in my hospital bed, there was a feeding tube in my nose, IV...

3 years ago
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Totally Tiffany

Totally Tiffany I I don't remember when it started. It seems as if my earliest memories are of wanting to be a girl. I grew up in a family that was typical of middle class America, mom and dad both worked to support us. I had an older brother and two older sisters. Being the baby of the family had both its advantages and its disadvantages. I learned to live with it. My brother Jake was five years older than me and was my arch nemesis. We fought more often than not, and I was the...

3 years ago
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Sex With A Married Lady

Hello, guys, I am from Mumbai. My name is Sid. I would love to share one of my best sex experiences with you all. So coming to the story. It was Friday night and I was completely exhausted at the end of the day and needed a couple of drinks to get relaxed. So I went to a pub around my place – a really good place to hang out. I ordered my drinks and was chilling at my table. I saw two hot young ladies were sitting by my table and having their piece of the good times. As I was sitting alone I...

1 year ago
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The Maze Bracelets

Love is ancient. Love being the reason to become married isn’t. Marriage was an arrangement for dowries, that is property in one form or another. For kings and nobles, the dowry was most often a treaty, of tribute, trade, or peace (in order to protect property). Their daughters were held as ransom, guarantees, under the pretense their parents cared what happened to them. This presented a problem for the aristocratic husband. Their wife could still well have loyalty to their father, mother,...

Mind Control
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My First Affair With ColleagueThe Beginning

Hi friends. My name is Rajesh, and this is a sensuous story of me and a married woman in my office. Please read patiently. It was the first day of work. I had just passed my BTech and got a job in campus placement in a software company in Bangalore. That wasn’t exactly my first day of work per se it was a training program. I was very excited about this. We had to first do a document verification. When I entered the conference hall it was crowded a bit and all the faces were new to me. I was...

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Sweet Melissa and Sour SarahChapter 12

Despite scarce sleep, everyone, including Marjorie and Naomi, looked revitalized when they met at the old Delon Pere building the next morning. Sarah and Melissa looked stunning wearing clothes from Elliot's huge closet--Sarah in slacks and button down shirt and summer weight jacket and Melissa in a sexy wrap around dress. Gathering in the large conference room, Elliot used Skype to communicate with Frederick. As intense as he was exotic, Simon paced back and forth like a caged panther...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Alyx Star Big Natural Titty Fuck Plus

Vivacious, flirtatious brunette Alyx Star squeezes her fleshy, natural tits in sexy fishnet lingerie. She peels the garment off slowly, stripping for hung stud Zac Wild. He whips out his big cock, and she kneels to offer him an eager, spit-soaked blowjob. Alyx wraps her lush lips around the head of his dick and thrusts his shaft down her throat, letting drool drip down her chin. She spreads her long legs and invites Zac to shove his meaty boner inside her wet pussy. The aroused girl moans...

1 year ago
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Gangbang By Robbers

My and my three buddies thought we could steal some stuff from the 3rd-floor apartment as that girl in there went abroad. We broke open the lock quietly not to wake the other apartments up and locked it as we entered. We spit up for stealing more things. I was to go to the bedroom incase if there were any lockers. I was shocked seeing that. She was there. She was on her bed probably naked. The bed was messy and her hand covered one of her naked boobs and the other was lit up by the moon. The...

1 year ago
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Birthday Surprise at Work

I'm going to give you some background first. I'm in my mid-40'S, a white male who had recently ended a disastrous heterosexual relationship. We had a k** whom always lived with me. Once she got involved again and the relationship deteriorated we went our separate ways. My daughter decided to go with her mom. I was just tired of women at this point. Most of the women I met had k**s and were divorced. I just didn't want to get involved with another broken family. I've always been turned on by...

2 years ago
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From college student to slave Part 2 The punishment

Once he had made himself his own breakfast he put in on his side of the table and went to wake her up. 

She was surprised to not be in the bed when she woke up. She also felt something inside her ass and reached one of her hands there to see what was inside her. She felt a fluffy thing hanging out from her butt and looked at her master in search of answers. 
« As you probably remember you’ve been a bad girl yesterday. So as a punishment you’ll spend this whole day as my dog. As a dog you’re...

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