His Father Takes Me By Surprise. Unfulfilled Dream free porn video

He invites me to join him in his large work shop just a few yards away from the back of the house. He has all kinds of heavy equipment and work tables for each task in which he has to accomplish. Since I am short and small, he lifts me up and seats me on top of padded work bench and proceeds working on some metal parts for his farming equipment. At first I just silently scan him and his hot attire without noticing that I was holding my mouth slightly open as if to wanting to speak. He takes a while before noticing what I was doing and finally said to me, "Is there something on your mind boy?" I look at him with a puzzled face when he said, "Your mouth has been open for a few minutes there and I thought you might wanted something." I just humbly said, "No, sir. I some times do that when I'm focused on things." He just smiles and proceeds with his work.
After about an hour of watching him, I ask if I could look around the place for a while so, he lowers me onto my feet and I proceed to go to the back of his work shop where I discover a milking machine just sitting there. It had two long thick hoses attached to it with rubber lined metal cylinders on the ends of each. In my mind I was thinking on how it would feel to be hooked up to the machine so, I discretely and slowly place one of the cylinders against my crotch and accidentally aroused my dick. I was so intensely involved with the feel and fantasy of it being used on me, I didn't notice his approach behind me. He clears his throat just enough for me to hear him so, I swiftly jerk the nozzle away and turn around seeing his subtle smirk of approval on his lips.
I tell him that I was just checking out his equipment, no exception, and I was just curious on how that particular one worked. He responds by saying to me, "Oh, I just completed repairs on that one and it does need testing. So, get into that stall and check to see if the head stocks are still working properly. I haven't used it in a while and I don't know if they open and close smoothly or not." So, I go into the stall and get down on my knees to inspect the stockade as he asked of me. As I begin inspection on it, he walks inside, places his hand on the back of my head and pushes it inside of the hole of the stockade. He quickly closes it around my neck and locks it into place. Next, he locks wide band metal shackles around my wrists and ankles in which are bolted to giant "C" rings by chains onto the flooring.
He says to me, "Boy, I know what you're up to by always coming around me like this and it's now time to begin using you permanently as I want. First, he strips me down naked and cuts the clothes away from my body and removes my shoes and socks too. Next, he slides one of those metal cylinders down over my dick and cups a metal encasement around my ball sack where the one piece is latched firmly. He plugs in the milker and turns it on low at first to where it begins removing the air inside and proceeds milking me. Finally, he moves to where my head is located, kneels down, unzips his coveralls and pulls out his dick and balls. He pulls up a small stool where he can sit with his dick and balls are able to push against my mouth. He says, "Boy, it's time for your training on how you will exist as my bitch now." He places his thick rubber gloved thumbs between my teeth and forces my mouth open to where he force his cock into my mouth. He says to me, "Bitch, worship my dick and balls and be grateful you are allowed."
After force fucking my mouth for what seemed for ever, his dick fills with sperm to the point of precum is oozed out onto my tongue. He says, "Take all that cum bitch because, I am almost ready to give your a hard breeding in which you'll never forget." Once I've sucked and cleaned his dick from his precum, he goes between my legs, firmly grips hard on my ass cheeks and spreads them open wide to where my hole is slightly open. He says in a muddled tone, "Oh yea, nice hole bitch. I can get a lot of good use out of that hole. I'm going to be the first to fill you full. I can't wait to fill you with my piss but that will have to wait until my seaman has been absorbed into you first."
He begins sliding his hard throbbing dick into me slowly until it is all the way in and he holds it there while spanking my ass and saying, "Yea, perfect breeding hole too. Boy, you are a great addition to my collection. From now on, you belong to me completely. Now, I have a prop to use for sex education and demonstrations too."

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