Dicke Nachbarin Teil 2 free porn video

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Fortsetzung Nachbarin

Ich stand noch mit meinem schlaffen Schwanz am Maschendrahtzaun als Anja mit ihrem dicken, breiten Hintern ins Haus wackelte. Mich juckte noch der Schwanz und ich war gespannt was folgen würde.

Noch immer nicht ganz klar bei Verstand ging ich ins Haus. Was nun? Wie ging es weiter?

Ich sah auf die Uhr und überlegte was mich gleich erwarten würde. Meinem Schwanz was es völlig klar. Bei dem Gedanken daran versteifte er sich wieder merklich und drückte gegen die Hose. Schnell duschen? Rasieren? Deo? Oder einfach rüber und sehen was geht. Ich war einfach spitz auf dieses geile Stück. Wie sie so nackt vor mir stand, ohne Worte in die Knie ging und mir meinen Schwanz blies war schon geil.

Meine Gedanken rasten und die Zeit verging wie im Flug. Ich nahm meinen Mut und meine Geilheit zusammen, nahm meinen Schlüssel und zog die Haustür ins Schloss. Einfach die paar Schritte ums Haus. Die Garage war wie versprochen offen. Die Tür in den Garten war nur angelehnt. Wie geil, sie hatte keinen Rückzieher gemacht.

Was mich dann jedoch im Wohnzimmer erwartete toppte alle meine Vorstellungen und Erwartungen. Ich trat durch die Terassentür und sie lag bäuchlings auf dem Sofa. Sie streckte ihren dicken und breiten Hintern in die Höhe. In ihrer braunen und leicht behaarten Rosette steckte ein Metallplug. Sie sah über ihre Schulter und lächelte wieder mit einem breiten Grinsen. Komm fick mich, mach es mir jetzt richtig. Ich ging näher heran um mir ihren Hintern in aller Ruhe zu betrachten. Erst jetzt viel mir aber auch noch mehr auf. Im Garten war mir der Geruch nach Geilheit, Urin und Schweiss nicht aufgefallen. Jetzt schoss mir der Duft in die Nase.

Sie war geil, einfach geil, nicht geduscht, nicht gewaschen und wollte einfach meinen Schwanz. Ich hatte viel erwartet aber dies nicht. Meine Latte drückte gegen meine Sporthose. Ich zog die Hose runter, packte ihren Arsch, sie streckte mir ihren Hintern entgegen. Noch bevor ich den Plug aus ihrem Hintern ziehen konnte ploppte er mir entgegen. Ein geiler Duft stieg in meine Nase. Ich rieb meinen Schwanz an ihrer Rosette.

Jaaaaaaaaaaa, komm rein stöhnte Sie. Ich setzte meinen harten Schwengel an und drückte ihn mit gleichmäßiger Kraft in das pralle Leben. Sie grunzte los und ich nahm dies als Aufforderung. Zuerst langsam rein und wieder raus, dann immer schneller. Ich hielt ihren Arsch mit beiden Händen und stieß immer tiefer in sie rein. Wie wurde immer geiler, schnaubte und stöhnte immer heftiger. Ihr Arsch wurde immer schmieriger und geiler. Ich wolle abspritzen und sehen wie ihr die Soße aus dem Arsch läuft.

Sie forderte mich immer mehr. Schneller, härter, tiefer . Jaaaaaaa ich spritze ab. Mir kam es richtig geil. Sie zuckte und genoss meine letzten Stöße. Sie verkrampfte ihre Arschbacken und mein Schwanz flutsche aus ihrem geilen Hintern. Jetzt brauchten wir wohl eine Dusche? Ich kniete hinter ihr und sah ihre zuckende Rosette. Ein Schaum aus Sperma, Scheiße und Saft quoll aus Ihrem geilen Arsch. Welch geiler Anblick.

Der Anfang einer geilen Urlaubswoche wie ich sie noch nie erlebt hatte.

Fortsetzung folgt.

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Dick Jacking Handjobs

you're sitting here between Them... two men... black men... who are Both... still fully dressed... save for Their long and hard... huge black pricks... sticking out of Their pants... jutting up high... and hard... in the air... and somewhat... pointed in your direction... because of how you're sitting... and what you're doing... between Their legs... just sitting here... between Them... in the dayroom... except... that you're the one... who's totally... and completely naked... with your...

2 years ago
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Dick JonesChapter 5 the last seduction

Yeah, she called me at work. It seemed harmless enough. So far as I knew Dick's influence didn't work over the phone. It let me focus on my plan to be an asshole without worrying about Dick sneaking up on me. It seemed like a good idea at the time. "Hi!" I didn't recognize her voice at first. "Wendy?" "No, Rebecca." "Oh. Hi." "Who's Wendy?" "Just a customer." Damn. If I was trying to be an asshole, I should have said My Fiance. Or maybe My Fuck Buddy. "Okay." Said in that I...

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While swimming at the YMCA the other afternoon I noticed one young guy in particular, about 18 years old who had quite a bulge in his trunks. Each time he got out to go on the diving board I watched him adjusted his trunks before diving in, he seemed to have difficulty as his bulge got bigger each time. I moved a little closer to the ladder and said "Nice form you have." as he climbed out. He said thanks and made another dive. He swam over towards the ladder but didn't get out this time,...

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Dick JonesChapter 2 lay Misty for me

All right, I bet you're not convinced. You're thinking maybe I have some kind of super-pheromone power -- or maybe Wendy was a closet sex-fiend all this time and I just happened to be in the right place at the right time -- but whatever it is, you're thinking that all this talk about Dick being in control is just a coping mechanism for guilt. Like "It's not me, it's Dick" is an excuse. You're thinking it's me, not Dick. Au contraire. And I can prove it. See, Dick is into stuff that...

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Dick Dick Goose

I was so, so nervous, I thought they could all hear my heart pounding throughout the living room. I had never had this many before. Flirting with a bunch of drunk guys while tending bar was one thing. This was totally different. No longer the sassy barkeep, I smiled and giggled and acted like a shy schoolgirl.  Little glances here and there, averting their eyes, shoulder up, one foot turned inward.And I felt small!I was pretty sure these guys were used to buxom blondes or something. Well, maybe...

Group Sex
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Dicking Down Big Booty Maria

A few months back I decided to get on Facebook and see if I could score a date and get laid. After hours of browsing and chatting, I started talking with tmy 38 year old, Brazilian milf named Maria, who had been living in the US for about 2 years.I thought her pictures were photoshopped at first. She was brown skin, had long curly hair, and her has had to be at least 51 inches around. All I could say was "Damn!" as I browsed through her photo albums. Her ass was shelf-like, and her little waist...

2 years ago
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Dick World

For contributors As was stated at the top: while there were will be two general threads to go off of (for a guy and girl), feel free to create your own characters or scenarios. The only shared premise among them needs to be that they find themselves, however you decide that happens, in this universe and, as The Eagles would say, "You can check out any time you like but you can never leave." The following information below is something I'd like people to generally try to stick to as a bible of...

3 years ago
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Dick Pic Cock Sucking Club Gay

Several years ago, I worked for the same company as a guy called Tony. His nickname was 'Tony D' and occasionally I would be invited to his house, either to watch a game or for a party. Tony was a classic Italian man with dark olive skin, black hair and big, wide shoulders. He had a hairy chest and a stocky build.Tony was married with older k**s. I had been married for nineteen years with one c***d.One day I got a text from him on my cell phone: 'missed you last night'. I thought, that was...

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Dick Picture PerfectChapter 2

The breakfast sandwiches were soft, greasy, delicious, and heavy. They sunk into my stomach and, despite a couple of shakes and heaves, they weren’t going anywhere. I glugged down a second bottle of Aquafina and swallowed another pair of extra strength ibuprofen. I sunk back into the old naugahyde booth. I blinked. I took my time wiping my mouth. The girls had tried to push me in and join me on this side of the table. I didn’t take the jostling well and now they sat across from me,...

3 years ago
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Dick Picture PerfectChapter 18

I was in a bind. I had my cock rocket loaded with liquid oh-two and clear skies to launch. The only problem was I didn’t like the voice from the space center. Houston ... Can you leave so I can fuck your girlfriend. “I’m not sharing,” I reinforced my position pulling Jess and Adelaide into my hips. “No, not your girlfriend and your secretary, of course not.” Felix laughed. “Dude, Tal and Sher, we’ve always talked about giving it a try, right babe?” “And I’ve blown him once before,” Talsy...

3 years ago
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Dick JonesEpilogue

File / Save. File / Exit. Start / Turn Off Computer / Turn Off. "Check please." The parking lot was empty, except for his car and the one next to the dumpster -- probably the cook. He knew the waitress walked -- he'd offered to give her a ride enough times. She probably thought he was coming on to her. That's okay. She didn't know. He wouldn't accept a ride from a guy like him either. A lone sodium lamp lit the entire lot from atop a pole in the far corner. Its buzz was louder than...

2 years ago
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Dick Erecting Aunty 8211 Part 2

Hi guys!I am back with part 2.I got encouraged with the overwhelming response to “dick erecting aunty 1”. Then i went home sadly.But i anyway wanted to touch those boobs and nipples.I have come up with many ideas and finally one idea drew by attention. That would be a fantastic idea.I some way managed to get a chloroform spray.But i don’t know when and how can i make use of it. The very next day,I went to college and had been waiting for a chance.I got a chance in the evening.College is over...

4 years ago
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Dick Picture PerfectChapter 6

“Will, Will, Will.” My boss had the creepiest smile when he checked in on me near the end of the shift. I cocked a grin and looked up from my monitor. “Whatever devil you promised your soul to, overspent.” “What?” I laughed. Always laugh for your boss. Your boss is basically a hot girl who, for all of the wrong reasons, thinks she’s funny. “First, I was expecting you to be run out on your ass. HR wanting to see you first thing? Nisha had not laid out to me or you exactly what form you...

3 years ago
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Dick Picture PerfectChapter 9

“Put him in my section,” The redhead Talsy and I had dick-pictured the night before told the seater as Jess, Nisha, and me entered the restaurant. “Put me in Adelaide’s section.” I said to the seater. “Oh, um...” He looked over his shoulder at the redhead. “Customer is always right.” I said. He nodded and took me across the restaurant under the scathing gaze of the twisted facial features of the redhead. “You guys want anything from the bar?” He asked. I ordered a round of beers. It was...

3 years ago
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Dick or TreatThe XO Halloween Fundraiser

The pledges of the Chi Omicron (XO) sorority had endured weeks of insane and intense hazing. It started off innocently enough with weekly meetings and nightly study sessions as a requirement to maintain membership with a minimum 3.0 GPA, but quickly evolved to much harsher treatment leading up to hell week or inspiration period as the sisters called it because the term hazing had such a negative connotation and was frowned upon by many universities.During the inspiration period, girls were...

Oral Sex
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Dick Potion 9

Your name is Matt. You are a 21 year old college chemistry dropout living back at home with his 2 sisters and mother, your dad left when you were too young to remember and you've never met him. Your younger sister, Mikayla, is 18, just finished high school and is preparing to head off to college. Even being related, it's hard for you not to admire her supple young body, her voluptuos D-cup tits and juicy teenage ass always on full display as she prances around the house in short shorts and a...

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Dick Dick and more Dick

Bordom on a friday night is a bitch. After a hard week at work of paper pushing a girl needs to unwine. Some weed, wine: perfect way to unwine.....It was a holiday weekend so i can afford to kick back, let loose and enjoy the night. After a glass of white wine and a soak in the tub I got dressed in a short black dress, black clutch and a pair of guess black and white pumps with five inch heels..damn i was on. Got in my BMW coupe ride about eleven pm and headed up the coast the the happening...

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