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Kurz vor Acht. Er blickte auf die LED-Anzeige des Digitalweckers auf seinem Nachttisch. Dabei war es Sonntag und als Nichtkirchgänger hätte er eigentlich lange schlafen können. Er erhob sich, fuhr sich mit der Hand durch die verwuschelten blonden Haare und begab sich in seine Küche. Kaffee! Als er den Becher geleert hatte, machte er sich auf den Weg in den Waschraum im Keller des Mietshauses, um seine Schmutzwäsche in die Waschmaschine zu befördern. Angezogen war er nur mit einem Paar schwarzer Boxershorts.
Zu dieser frühen Uhrzeit würde er ohnehin allein im Keller sein, also wozu sich erst anziehen? Im Waschraum war aber doch das Deckenlicht eingeschaltet. Nadja Albertsen aus dem zweiten Stock verstaute ihre frisch gewaschene Wäsche in ihrem Korb. Sie war eine sportliche fünfzigjährige Frau mit modisch kurzer Frisur, ihre Haare hatten einen silbergrauen Farbton. Sie trug einen roten Jogginganzug und drehte sich zu ihm um, als er die Waschküche betrat. „Einen schönen Sonntagmorgen, Marc! Auch schon zu dieser unchristlichen Zeit unterwegs?“ empfing sie ihn. „Hallo Frau Albertsen. Die Wäsche wird nun mal nicht von alleine sauber!“ murmelte er und bemühte sich, sich seine Müdigkeit aus den Augen zu reiben.
Sobald er sich über seinen Korb auf dem Fußboden vor seiner Waschmaschine vorbeugte, spürte er Nadjas Fingerspitzen an seinem nur mit den Boxershorts bedecktem Gesäß. Er zuckte. “Das sieht aber sehr verlockend aus junger Mann!“ flüsterte Nadja Albertsen unmittelbar hinter seinem durch seine bückende Haltung wie nach hinten ausgestrecktem Po. „Frau Albertsen…“ stotterte Marc peinlich berührt und wie erstarrt. Dabei strich sie ohne einzuhalten über seine Gesäßbacken, bevor sie durch den schwarzen Stoff über seine Eichel fuhr. Marc, der schon seit einigen Monaten keine Freundin mehr hatte, wurde sofort geil. Er spürte das Blut in seinen Penis fließen, der sich prompte in seinen Shorts versteifte.
Frau Alberten streifte ihm die Shorts ab. „Nimm mal auf dieser Waschmaschine Platz. Und mach die Beine breit!“ befahl Nadja Albertsen. „Im Ernst?“ Marc konnte nicht glauben, was er da von seiner reifen Nachbarin hörte. „Na, los! antwortete sie in einem Ton, der keinen Widerspruch zuließ. Er gehorchte, auch da es ihn durch seine Überraschung enorm anmachte. Etwas Vergleichbares hatte er noch nie erlebt. Somit ließ er sich auf der Kante der Waschmaschine nieder und öffnete die Beine weit. Sein von allen Schamhaaren befreiter Schwanz reckte sich ihr entgegen.
„Komm, zeig ihn mir!“ Ihre Worte klangen scharf und fordernd, während Nadja Albertsen sich vor ihn kniete. Ihre Lippen befanden sich jetzt unmittelbar vor seinem Schwanz. Langsam strich er vor ihren Augen mit der Hand über seinen erigierten Schwanz. Interessiert betrachtete Frau Albertsen das Schauspiel. „Ein schöner Schwanz! Ohne jedes Haar und wunderbar gebaut!“ flüsterte sie verdorben. „Genau, wichs ihn für mich!“ Stumm blickte er sie an und massierte mit langsamen aber beständigen Bewegungen seinen Luststab.
„Hhhhmmm, ist das richtig so Frau Albertsen?“ keuchte er. Er spürte, wie die Situation ihn erregte. Er masturbierte vor der reifen Dame und die beobachtete ihn dabei genüsslich. In ihrem Blick lag etwas verboten Sündhaftes. Er atmete schwerer. Plötzlich kam sie näher. Sie schob ihre Trainingshose und auch gleich ihren Seidenschlüpfer bis zu ihren Knöcheln hinab. Er blickte auf die reife saftige Fotze, in der bestimmt schon einige Partys gefeiert worden waren. Nadja Albertsen forderte ihn auf: „Streichel mich! Komm schon, finger mich junger Mann!“ Er schob ihr zwei Finger in die nasse Spalte und fickte sie damit.
„Genauso du junger scharfer Bock! Machs deiner Nachbarin!“ stöhnte die verheiratete Mutter. „Keine Sorge, Sie… Du… sollst es jetzt richtig bekommen, alte Frau!“ keuchte er ihr dreist ins Gesicht. Nach der ersten Verblüffung hatte Marc Spaß an der Sache gefunden. Schließlich hatte sie für den Fall, dass sie entdeckt werden sollten, doch wohl sehr viel mehr zu verlieren als er, der allein lebende Single. Er zog seine Finger aus ihrer Möse und forderte sie auf, sich mit den Armen auf der gegenüberliegenden Waschmaschine abzustützen, um ihm ihre Kehrseite zu präsentieren. Das Oberteil ihres Trainingsanzuges war inzwischen weit aufwärts gerutscht. Frau Albertsen bot sich ihm a tergo an. “Du willst, dass ich dich bumse, nicht wahr Nadja?“ fuhr Marc die reife Frau an. Zur Unterstützung klatschte er ihr spielerisch auf ihre für ihr Alter noch recht straffen Gesäßbacken.
Vorsichtig rieb Marc seine pralle Eichel an Nadias Mösenlippen, um kurz darauf in ihren Liebestunnel hineinzustoßen. Die reife Dame war mächtig feucht und empfing ihn voller Vorfreude. „Jaa Kleiner, genau so!“ Nadia Albertsen feuerte ihn an, als sein Prügel ihre Möse eroberte. Marc fuhr hinein, nur um ihn gleich wieder herauszuziehen. Und wieder hinein und wieder hinaus. Marc zeigte ihr, was er drauf hatte. Er fühlte wie sein Höhepunkt sich ankündigte und er tief in ihr abspritzte. “Aaaahhh! Nadia! Uuuhh!“ keuchte er bei seinem Orgasmus.
Nur wenige Augenblicke danach stöhnte Nadia auf: „Ohhhhh!“ Er spürte, dass ihre Scheidenwände sich um seinen weicher werdenden Stab zusammenzogen und ihr Körper unter ihm erbebte. Der rattigen Alten war tatsächlich auch einer abgegangen obwohl er eigentlich recht egoistisch nur an sich gedacht hatte. Sie richtete sich auf, so dass Marc aus ihr herausglitt und richtete ihre Kleidung. „Na, das war doch ein heißer Beginn in den Sonntag!“ lächelte sie ihn an. „In der Tat!“ bestätigte er, während er in seine Boxershorts schlüpfte. „Komm mich doch mal in meiner Wohnung besuchen, wenn dein Mann mal wieder Sonntag früh die Flohmärkte in der Gegend besucht!“
NachbarschaftsausflugMaria und ich treiben es gerne – um es offen zu sagen wir lieben es zu ficken und besonders mag ich daran wie unersättlich sie dabei ist. Ich erinnere mich genau, wie wir damals erstmals den Entschluss gefasst haben es in der Natur zu machen. Zwischenzeitlich hatten wir alle Stellungen, alle Zimmer und Tische im Haus schon durch. Kein Fleckchen im Haus, an dem wir es nicht schon getrieben hätten. Unsere Lust war zu jener Zeit schon so groß, dass wir neue Kicks gesucht...
GESTAPO SS-LIEUTENANT Hans Von Yurt stood at ramrod stiff attention before the desk of his Commandant, SS-Oberf ührer Otto Stemp and watched and listened as the man ranted and raved, banging his fist on the desk for emphasis. He had rarely seen the man this angry. So far, SS-Lieutenant Von Yurt had no idea why the man was yelling at him about some traitorous woman who had sided with the Jews. The SS-Oberf ührer soon corrected that lack of his knowledge in the conversation. "THE...
Es passierte jedes Mal auf die gleiche Weise. Es war immer auf einer Party, wenn alle viel zu trinken hatten und ich eine willige Frau fand, die mit mir in's Schlafzimmer ging. Jedes Mal, wenn sie mich auf frischer Tat ertappte, gab es eine ziemlich böse Szene. Jedes Mal entschuldigte ich mich ausgiebig, sagte, ich hätte zu viel getrunken, bat sie um Vergebung und versprach, dass es nie wieder passieren würde. Dieses Mal hatte es nicht funktioniert! Sie würde sich von mir scheiden lassen! Ich...
Wie viele andere Ehemänner habe ich Fantasien dazu, dass meine Frau Sex mit einem anderen Mann hat. Selbst wenn wir Sex hatten, tat ich manchmal so, als wäre ich ein anderer, der es ihr macht. Lange habe ich Amy nie etwas darüber gesagt, da ich befürchtete, dass sie wütend würde. Ich weiß, dass sie nie fremdgegangen ist, aber ich habe bemerkt, dass sie manchmal einen attraktiven Mann auf einer Party oder einer anderen Veranstaltung musterte. Als ich ihr das sagte, sagte sie: „Ja, ich bemerke,...
Meike saß am PC. Eigentlich sollte sie noch etwas für ihre Magisterarbeit machen, aber sie hatte keine Lust mehr. Sie hatte das Gefühl, dass sie schon seit Ewigkeiten studierte. Sie war bereits im 15 Semester und schon seit längerer Zeit nicht mehr bei der Sache. Das Studium hatte den Reiz verloren. Mit ihren 28 Jahren wusste sie nicht genau, was sie daraus mal machen sollte. Not hatte sie keine zu leiden. Ihr Freund hatte viel Geld. Sie wohnte schon seit einigen Jahren in seinem großen Haus....
Die neuen Nachbarinnen Seit gut zwei Jahren wohnte ich in einem Hochhaus. Es war recht anonym und zu den anderen Bewohnern bestand kaum Kontakt, maximal eine Begr??ung im Vorbeigehen, wenn ?berhaupt. Mein Nachbar verlie? vor einem Monat seine Wohnung. Nach meiner Ferienabwesenheit zogen zwei junge, h?bsche Frauen in diese Wohnung. Eines Abend kam ich von der Arbeit, es war ein recht m?hsamer Tag bei der Arbeit gewesen. Sie r?umten gerade ihre M?bel ein, beim Vorbei-gehen gr??te ich sie und...
Frauen(?)party 02 bymic70©Wir zogen uns beide aus und duschten erst einmal ausführlich. Beide hüllten wir uns in flauschige Bademäntel und Silke erneuerte unser Makeup. Also war der Abend wirklich noch nicht zu Ende. Wieder im Schlafzimmer fragte mich Silke „bereit für ein neues Outfit?" Natürlich war ich bereit. Aus den Päckchen, die immer noch neben dem Bett lagen, nahm Silke eine weiße Corsage und einen weißen Slip heraus. Es folgten weiße halterlose Strümpfe und weiße Pumps. „Das sieht ja...
Alle Personen sind mindestens 18 Jahre. Heike .M 39 Geschieden Mutter von einer Tochter und 18 Jahren schaut aus dem Fenster.Seit ihrer Scheidung muß sie notgedrungen hier am Rande der Stadt Wohnen. Die Riesigen Wohnblöcke sind beklemmend. Ihre Nachbarn hat sie seit dem Einzug fast nie gesehen gegenüber Lebt Gerd ungepflegt 50+ mit Halbglatze und einem beginnenden Alt Herren Bauch.Oft Hört sie das Gerd mit Freunden am feiern ist. Ein Paar Wohnung sind leer und das nicht nur auf ihrem...
Kat war eine Jungfrau. Zumindest bis vor ein paar Minuten. Sie war 18 und hatte bereits das Gefühl, ein Baby zu wollen. Tatsächlich hatten das Stechen einige Jahre zuvor begonnen ... es war gerade jetzt, als sie sich wirklich bereit fühlte. Sie wollte nicht nur die Berührung eines Mannes zum ersten Mal spüren, sondern auch fühlen, wie er in ihr explodierte ... ungeschützt, fruchtbar, mit der vollen Absicht, ihr ein Baby zu machen. Es dauerte eine Weile, bis sie die richtige Person fand. Es gab...
FetishVor zwei Wochen haben unsere Nachbarn mich und meine Frau Megan zum Grillen eingeladen. Paul und Jillian sind seit ein paar Jahren gute Freunde und wir haben viele Dinge zusammen gemacht, wie Konzerte besuchen, Ballspiele und Campingausflüge. Aber seit Jill vor einem halben Jahr ihr erstes Baby bekommen hat, hat es unsere Aktivitäten auf den Punkt gebracht. Ich hatte immer die geheimen Gefühle für Jillian, besonders wenn sie schwanger war. Sie ist sehr attraktiv, kontaktfreudig, lustig, amüsant...
Ich hatte gerade meinen Mann zum Abschied geküsst und beobachte, wie das Auto langsam auf die Straße einbiegt. Ich kann jedes Mal sein lächelndes Gesicht sehen, wenn er zu mir zurückschaut. Ich versuchte mein Bestes, so natürlich auszusehen, als ich fortfuhr, ihn anzulächeln. Mein Herz beginnt, zu rasen, als ich in das Haus gehe und auf die Uhr sehe. Ich habe nur zwei Stunden, bis ich im Zentrum sein muss. Wie kam ich in dieses Durcheinander? Mein Name ist Calico, und ich hatte die letzten...
InterracialMartina S. streicht die langen blonden Haare aus ihrem hübschen Gesicht und setzt ihr gewinnendstes Lächeln auf, als sie im grellen Scheinwerferlicht der Kamera an der Wohnungstüre der Familie Schmidt klingelt. Insgeheim verflucht sie jedoch ihren frischangetrauten Ehemann Robert, der sie ohne ihr Wissen zu dem einwöchigen „Frauentausch“ angemeldet hat, weil er meinte, dass sie das Geld für ihr geplantes Studium sehr gut brauchen könnten. Sie muß jetzt halt irgendwie das Beste aus der Situation...
*****"Ladies may I introduce Theresa Harris and her husband Jim who are invited as guests to witness this evening’s entertainment. They are friends of ours and I am sure they will appreciate tonight’s entertainment. Kathy has agreed to be punished in the traditional way for her appalling behaviour this morning. To show you all this behaviour will not be tolerated, I am ordering Margaret to administer six strokes of her strap. All strokes to be delivered to the bare buttocks and applied with...
May 27th 1832. Percy and Dilly married in Pennydelset church.Chapter27. Sheila a*****ed and abused"What have you been up to Jeremy?" Margaret called, "The police have arrived." They’d been together for two years and the west end of the old workhouse was converted into three spacious flats, two occupied by middle aged couples and one by a single lady of about Margaret’s age. Margaret and Jeremy decided to keep the entire east end of the house in as near original condition as possible in keeping...
Chapter 23. Sara’s penanceAugust 15th 1831.‘It doesn’t seem like over eight months since my arrival.Sara didn’t turn up for lunch last Sunday. I wasn’t unduly worried as she was often a little late if the Priest in Charge gave her a penance to do for some perceived sin. I knew she had her arse spanked and had his cock in her afterwards. Sara and the twins were the only ones of the Roman Catholic faith but for some reason Father O'Mally never bothered the twins. This may have in part been...
July 21st 1831‘Frederick and Rose wanted to keep the twins when we met again but I wanted to hear from them first before deciding and as there was no spare time for me to quiz them during the entertainment. In any case I knew Alice would do a far better job at finding out what happened than I would. I suggested I keep them until we met at Lord Parham’s the next Saturday. Rose was somewhat upset. "They’ve enjoyed themselves with our two and are beginning to learn a little more schooling with...
Chapter 19. Martha’s new lifeMay 29th 1831‘It is six weeks since I last wrote in this journal and I have caught up with all the main events that has gone on since my arrival. Much has happened since I last penned any words here. Martha has left and is now married. I miss her. She was a fun thing in bed but I wish her well. She married a shipping trader in town who had been to one or two of our Saturday entertainments with the squire and taken Martha to bed and obviously liked her performance....
Chapter 15. Sara’s story3:00. Margaret stared at the red figures of the bedside clock. She couldn’t sleep. Her tits were tender and she felt horny. 4:00. She decided to get up and make a cup of tea. Jeremy still gently snored. Pulling her robe around her and creeping downstairs into the warmth of the kitchen and thought about how those women must have felt the night after the competition. Jeremy hurt her but not badly, now as she waited for the kettle to boil she gently caressed her tits with...
Chapter 13. The old one soldApril 10th1831‘It was the Wednesday after that event when Martha presented me with Henry Messenger’s calling card. When, as she had been taught, she asked his business here he’d stated it was Miss Harrington. Intrigued I asked her to show him into the drawing room. We had a glass of sherry and he again expressed his thanks for the previous Saturday evening. During our conversation I quietly moved to the door and suddenly opened it. Martha was at the keyhole. "Alice!"...
Chapter 12. More Saturday entertainmentPutting and extra cushion on her chair, Margaret tentatively sat down and fired up the computer. While it went through the start-up sequence she thought again on the happenings of yesterday. She knew she would view the writings in the diary in a different light. She knew now, Jeremy had only hit her comparatively lightly and her arse was only tender, not bruised or welted except for some quite fine lines, and there were no open cuts. The ones from his last...
"I’ve had the heater on in the punishment room for an hour now so it’s warm enough for you to try out some of the equipment.""Is that an order Colonel?" Margaret questioned sensing he was in his ‘military mode’."Yes, if that’s the way you want it. I thought you might have wished to feel what some of the equipment they used long ago felt like." Jeremy replied."Maybe but I am not so sure as to what you might do when I am strapped down and helpless and, as you saw this morning, I’ve just started...
Hätte nicht jeder Mann in bestimmten Situationen gerne die Gedanken einer Frau gelesen, um eine richtige Entscheidung zu treffen? Und dann ließ man sich prompt zur falschen hinreißen und richtete einen großen Schaden damit an! In dieser Story sollten ein paar Gedanken ausgetauscht werden, die die Neugierde der Männer in Bezug auf die Reaktionen von Frauen stillen sollen und natürlich auch umgekehrt. Fragen an die Frauenwelt oder an Männer die Erfahrungen gemacht haben sollen hier untergebracht...
The programme for the conference looked reasonably interesting and made the long flight over yesterday the only bad bit. As my firm's chief product engineer I had a lot of freedom to travel and I only needed a simple excuse to come to Florida for a couple of days and that was good enough. It had been easy to get a taxi and the chatty driver had filled me in on all the local gossip, before dropping me off at my hotel. I had booked it myself a while ago, my secretary. could be too nosey...
Fire burned my flesh. An endless, consuming, hungry, agonizing torment consumed me. There was only one thing I could hold onto to. I retreated into the depths of my mind to escape the never-ending ravages of my flesh. There, I clung to a single, solitary thought—one day, I would be free of Lucifer's torment and Mark Glassner and his whore would pay. The bastard stole everything from me. He stole my precious wife, my Desiree, from me, and transformed her into his whore. He so...
A little over a half hour before, Phillip had obediently followed Bill Dodge's wife into the same darkened room. He had wanted immediately to turn on the light so that he could again see her nakedness, to marvel at that wondrous body of hers, but she talked him out of it. He wasn't aware that her bringing him here was no accident, and that Valerie and Bill Dodge had planned all along to get him into this room with Jessica here at the same time. He had stripped his clothing from his body...
Salam ISS readers,mein rizi from attock ,age 25y,511ht,33w,tall handsome,sexi gay boy,aap logon ne meri stories read ki aur mujh se contact kia is k liay sab ka shukaria,yeh meri real gay story hai jaisa k mein apko bta chukka hun k mein gay top hun,lakin bottom bhi bun jata hun agar koi cute twink mil jaye below 20 years,story parhain aur agar gaysex ka mood ho to mujh se contact karain Yeh 2008 ki baat hai,mein apni job pe normal kaam ker raha tha,un dino mujhy sex kiay almost 3 month ho...
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Introduction: Just sit back and enjoy the ride! 3 BAD DAD Sean moves his paperwork to the patio so he can keep an eye on Jeff and Maria as they play in the pool. Soon his father walks in. Dad, youre supposed to call first. I just happened to be in the neighborhood and I dont have a cell phone, you know. Thats not acceptable, Dad! Jeff, in the meantime, jumps out of the pool, runs up to them, happily greeting Louis, Hi grandpa! Seans head sinks as his father stutters in shock, Sh-Sh-Sean,...
Scarcely had Wendy arrived at his house Sunday evening before she led him to his bedroom, threw her arms around his neck and kissed him with passion. “Do it to me!” she said. “Oh, please ... do it!” As they quickly stripped, she said, “Not you, Penny, thanks, but not this time,” as she motioned the dog away. “Want to do me from the rear? I’d really love that!” she said. Danny was game, and delighted to take her from that angle. He’d done all of twenty strokes when Wendy gasped with orgasm...
It was morning in Manhattan, and Max Ridley was an incorrigible tease. The lithe, almost-eighteen brunette bit her full(but not puffy), M-shaped lips and smiled naughtily as she looked at the reflection of her nude figure in the mirror. With the exception of a few stretch marks around her thighs from her growth spurt a few years ago, her light, but not pale skin was otherwise perfect. She ran her hand through her head-framing, lopsided bob and brushed aside the difficult lock that always...
FantasyHi friends, here is my story about how i fucked my cute little 18 yrs old sister. My sisters name is Thanya, she used to be very active and we both had an intimate friendship mare than sister and brother… But i often used to look her in an odd manner… I needed to feed my cock with her ‘pundai’, i know that she also like me, because she used to sleep with me at night and i play with her ‘mulai'(breasts), and before two days i fucked her…. She was sleeping beside me and it might be 12.30 at night...
IncestChapter 1 Dragging an old large suitcase from the bottom of the closet. The young man tossed it on the bed and opened it. Turning to the small night stand beside the bed the young man pulled the small drawer completely out of the night stand dumping its contents into the suitcase. Tossing the drawer onto the bed, the man turned to repeat the same thing with the top left hand drawer out of the dresser, tossing it on top the smaller drawer on the bed, repeating the process with the next...
This story is about how I got my maid to get in bed with me. She is of dusky complexion , got a beautiful face, big black boobs with the darkest brown nipples . She used to behave very down to earth , nice but one day an incident happened which sparked my intentions. I was in my room and she was in the house doing her chores. I came out of the room to get myself a drink and I saw her standing near the window. There was a couple on the road who were kissing and walking around the apartments , my...
There is a lot of info that will be useful in later stories. I'm going to start at the beginning... My name is Billy ,and I was born with a twin sister, Ryleigh(I always called her RyRy in a joking manner and Ry when serious.)We were always close growing up. We would do almost everything together, like sleeping, eating, playing, changing, and even bathing. We hated doing things without each other by our sides. We were and still are inseparable. We had our own rooms, but usually would pass out...
IncestIntroduction: First time on a nude beach I thought Id share my latest erotic experience. As background, my daughter just graduated from high school last spring and for one of her graduation presents we decided to go to a beach for a weekend in the sun last summer. We looked on the internet for a fun beach. Padre Island looked promising, Daytona beach looked interesting, but when we read about Haulover beach, we decided that it would be fun to try it since it would be a new...
Hello my dear sweet n sexy friends. Kaise hai aap log. Mai vicky from c.g., our mera mail id- “”, aasha karta hu ki aap sabhi ko meri is real story ka 1st part bahut pasand aaya hoga b’cos mere paas bahut se mail & calls aaye hai. Ye meri usi story kea aage ki kahani hai…(jinhone ne meri pahli story nahi padhi hai unse meri vinti hai ki vo use jarur pade). So jaisa ki aap logo ko pataa hi hai ki kaise meri railway station me pankaj se mulakat huyi our fir maine uski gand maari our fir uske...
We had gone to the hotel to try to pick up a guy, it had been one of Deb's fantasies for a long time. It wasn't that hard, late at the hotel bar, a horny man, probably mid-thirties, good shape, and handsome enough. Deb has an amazing body, amazing tits and was showing off a lot of cleavage. She negotiated it, I don't even know what she said. We decided to go up to our room and have a glass of wine. I was nervous, didn't even get the guy's name. I was imagining small talk and a drink and...
ThreesomesMe to communicate a lot in a short period of time. Always a challenge. This is an idea that I've had for a while, and have never seen anyone else do it. I tbought, what better time to do it than for a contest. Even if it doesn't win, place , or show, I am proud of it ANIMA by Raven. Gloria Harding came highly recommended. The word was that she was very highly skilled at helping people who were gender dysphoric like myself. It didn't take very long for me to see that her...
Our house hold maid Laxmi is cleaning the floor. Its Sunday morning when my mom and sister moved to market to buy house hold items. Maid is in my room when I grabbed her breast to massage. She smiled and while holding my wrist put my hand away……… ” Garry saheb its chargeable not for free.(Garry) oh say your rate for a fuck.(Laxmi) 1000 rs. For it, are you ready ?(Garry) I think 500 rs. Will be good .Laxmi is now in my arms. I put my lips on her lips and pushed my tongue in her mouth to suck. My...
Miss Montgomery had her lips wrapped around Allen's dick, deep throating the member and tickling his head with the back of her throat. She licked her tongue up and down his shaft, making him grunt in approval. "Yeah, suck that thing, gargle it like a whore," he commanded. She replied by putting a vacuum suck to his shaft and cupping his balls. As he let out a "fuuuuuuuuuck!" she began to bob up and down like crazy, moving her head faster than a 13 year old boys arm. Her furious face fucking was...
A Vida de Uma Barbie 2 Didi62 ([email protected]) Se John achava que seu humor iria melhorar depois de ligar para Mary e aceitar o papel na pe?a, ele estava muito enganado. Ele n?o conseguiu relaxar nem por um minuto naquele s?bado, e a situa??o n?o mudou no dia seguinte... _ Eu n?o sei... acho que n?o quero ir... _ disse John ao telefone na manh? de domingo. _ Mas John! Voc? prometeu! _ disse Linda. John havia combinado no in?cio da semana que iria almo?ar na casa de sua namorada no domingo...
CHAPTER-I – INTRODUCTION Lust is a poison which when enters in our mind, paralyses it and resets in a state where we lose our ability to analyze what is ethical and what is unethical. As the effect of this poison increases our physical desires over powers the capacity of our mind to judge between right or wrong, good or bad, to do or not to do. The only thing which sustains is either the desire for flesh or the quest for fulfilling the hidden fantasies. This majorly happens at the age when...
IncestEarly the next morning we’re up and getting ready to go visiting. The first thing I do is to send out a couple of men who know where the six families whose daughters we’ve rescued live. They’re to ask them to gather at one hacienda so we can meet them all at once. The horses are cleaned and brushed, gear cleaned and polished, weapons cleaned and reloaded, Steve scouts the way with Rafael, and everyone involved has a wash in the nearby river before dressing in clean clothes. Mid-morning...
The Wedding Date By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter One Lee stood staring out at the ocean on a beautiful clear night as the sun was beginning to go down. A cool breeze gently blew through his long curly hair and slightly ruffled his delicate dress as he stood on an elevated boardwalk, bending his wrist and looking down at his thin gold watch. From his purse he took out his phone, checking for messages but finding none as he put it away and just watched the tides roll...
We dashed upstairs to change into clothes appropriate for a Sunday morning. Paige removed the short robe and reached for her panties, but I was too quick for her. "Brian, we can't." I rubbed her warm tummy from behind, letting her feel my cock poke through the front of my shorts. "You excite me." "Brian, there's no lock on the door. They'll walk in on us." "They wouldn't dare," I said, feeling a breast in one hand and cupping her pussy with the other one. "Oh, Brian," she...
I was in town for a business meeting on a Friday afternoon. While the meeting went extremely well, it would require me to stay the weekend so that I could finalize things early Monday morning. To somewhat celebrate the success, I went to a local steak house that had been recommended. I had been told the food was excellent and the adjoining bar would have some eye candy worth watching.After a short wait, I was escorted to a table. As I began to sit down, I noticed a ravishing woman to my right....
Wife LoversMom moved back home without so much as a squeak. And since Prudie had given him instructions on how to remodel the house down the last detail, I wasn't surprised. She was happy. Dad was happy. And I was back home. All was right with their world, again. On Friday night, the day before I was not taking Beth out on our date, Maggie and her family came to the house for supper. Mama cooked meatloaf, mashed potatoes with the peelings left in them, corn on the cob, and homemade rolls. Dessert was...
Hi all friend this is Jignesh n i am 21 year old m doing be mechanical in Rajkot. I’m from Bapunagar Ahmedabad ae story meri or meri cousin sister ki hai jo ki wo mere pados me hi raheti hai or usaka name Shweta hai hum dono saath me hi bade hue hai or sath me hi khelate the wo mera bahot achi tarah se khyal rakhti thi or chote bhi ki tarah hi rakhti thi… Ab me usake bare me wo mere se do sal badi hai to me use didi kah kar hi bulata tha ae bat tab ki hai jab me first sem ke vacation mme ghar...
Through the Mirror: A Father Son Story Author's Note: Been a while and this came to me, at least the idea. We'll see where it leads Tim sat at his desk, his history book open, pen poised above the paper as he scanned the page looking for the answer to the questions listed. He wasn't a fan of eighth grade history, didn't really understand what difference it made if he knew who did what when. "Hey, son." His father stuck his head in the door. "I need to run a quick errand, about an...
"That woman is impossible," Forest Shadow declared. "Which woman?" William asked looking up from the journal in which his paper had appeared. In the week that she had been there, Forest Shadow had said that about Lisa, Lucy, Jan, Natalie, and Nicole. He didn't think there was another woman in the house about whom she could complain. "Jan. Can you imagine that she started in on me again about how I treat Lucy? White people just like her were the ones that raped our culture. Why should...
Miranda is a beautiful young Vietnamese girl, just turned 17 years old. Energetic and outgoing, the young stunner stands 5'6" with light brown hair and eyes, adorable B-cup breasts, long legs and a shapely figure just on the cusp of blossoming into full womanhood. She's the type of young woman who ignites fantasies in men that make them feel like kid-touchers, but who know in their heart that if they were able to be alone with Miranda in a locked room, they'd teach her every lesson she...
When I was in high school I was always very camp, which was probably why almost all of my friends were girls. This was definitely why I first ended up crossdressing. I was sixteen and round one of my ‘girlfriends’ house for a few drinks on Halloween before we went to a house party nearby. I never much cared for Halloween, so just came as myself. When I came in they all sighed since I wasn’t in a costume, but dropped it fairly quickly. We sat having a few glasses of wine and waiting for the last...
"Now that was a party," were Lance's first thoughts as he slowly woke up. "And people wonder why I love Halloween so much."Yes, it was a spectacular party. Good food, music and people. Plus there was a never-ending supply of alcohol. Lance had so much fun he didn't remember walking home.Despite his bedroom being almost pitch black thanks to the blackout curtains and subdued wallpaper he was able to make out the shape of someone in the space next to his. Lance stretched and his left hand...
IncestThe Grand Abode was sanctification of anything related to Luminous Church in Ercas Mir and a bit of stuff connecting to the Holy Palace. Its rooms and halls held in glorious exhibition pictures, sculptures and scriptures of important figure to the church, holy places, interpretation, even of The Almighty. There were quotes, hymns, sayings and more to bask the spirit in. It had libraries of all sorts of literature, prayer rooms and absolution cells for the wicked who seek salvation. Zax, as...
Chapter 1 I was out on a chaise poolside one warm afternoon, thinking about how much my life had changed in the last year. The changes had started with my coming home and finding Harry fucking his partner’s wife in our bed. Well, you can imagine. It all hit the fan and I kicked his sorry ass out. The divorce was handled by lawyers, I had a real shark. Sorry, guys, but the bastard deserved it. He has a hell of a lucrative business, so I ended up with a very nice settlement and ongoing alimony...
Hello readers, thanks for your response to the previous narration and sex story. ( Priya and me read all your mails. It was fun and intimidating at the same time. Priya is with me while I write this, but she wants to narrate her experience, so I am off and I don’t want to hear about her excitement. Many of you wrote asking for some good time with me, I sincerely say that I am happy with my husband and not interested. Have fun reading Priya’s...
Cassie moved closer to John on the couch as they watched a movie they had rented. Unconsciously, he put his arm around her shoulders, not taking his eyes from the action on the screen. Having grown bored some minutes earlier, Cassie had decided to take control of the situation and get John’s mind away from the movie and on to her body, where it belonged. She shrugged off his arm, went to her purse, and pulled out a pack of Marlboro Light 100’s and a lighter. A smile of satisfaction...
I was sitting at work on Monday when I called home to see if there were any messages. I heard, “This is Cindy from the Quick Health Center and I would like you to call me at XXX-XXX-XXXX. We have a monthly gathering of the nurses where we like to discuss patients, new ideas and products. It takes place on Wednesday evening at a different location than where you see me. I can make it worthwhile for you, if are willing to attend. I hope to hear from you.” So I immediately called her to see what...