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My cock was alive, rearing, throbbing as soft lips enfolded it and soft tongue flicked this way and that up my shaft and saliva dripped onto my balls.

My heart pounded, painfully so.

“Oooohhh,” I moaned softly.

She stopped sucking, “Are you ready for your special treat?” she asked.

“My head is pounding, who are you?” I asked in confusion. My gaze was hazy, I had no idea how I had arrived here or indeed where I was.

She was a vision in a crisp white uniform, though in a moment her skirt slipped down and her neatly shaved quim was revealed in all its glory.

“What?” I queried as she started to climb onto the bed.

“Hush,” she replied as she straddled me and reached for my cock. She grasped it firmly as she arranged herself above me. Satisfied with her position she sank down. I felt the warmth of her thighs against me, her moist quim against my cock head. She slipped on down as my cock eased unerringly into her passage until I heard her gasp at a momentary obstruction before I speared on into her warm wet willing womb with delightful ease.

Then she started to grind her crotch against me.

My heart was at bursting point. A pain behind my eyes. Agony and ecstasy combined to swamp my mind.

I gasped for air, my eyes were probably bulging. I moaned, “Oh!” and I convulsed as my seed shot forth in a series of violent spurts each seemingly more violent than that before until I collapsed with exhaustion.

“Die you worm,” she whispered, “And know that I hate you, loathe you, detest you.”

I passed out. Grey turned to black and red and I was as near to death as one can recover from.

I woke.

“Major Gregory, what on earth!” matrons stentorian bellow woke me. I was on the bed. Pyjama trousers down, bedclothes on the floor and my moist curled penis on show for all to see.

“A nurse,” I explained.

“You’ll have none of my nurses near you,” she snapped, “You are disgusting sir!”

“One of them,” I explained, “Sucked me.”

The slap was as painful as it was unexpected.

I fumbled to fasten my pyjamas.

“I shall report you to the Commanding Officer.” she insisted and she strode away.

I lay abed. I remembered the heat of battle. I remembered my horse stumbled, then nothing.

“What happened?” I asked but the room was empty.

I dozed, a nurse came, ugly, grey uniformed. “What happened?” I asked.

“Your horse threw you,” she said, “Don’t you remember?”

“No, I was riding with the regiment then it all went blank.” I explained.

“I’ll get a doctor," she ventured, “But I think they said you were chasing foxes and you didn’t duck low enough and caught your head on a tree branch.”

I lay down in some relief, “And Boney, did we beat him?”

“Napoleon, why that was nigh on three years ago, don’t you remember?” she asked.

And I did not.

My angel came again. This time she had a knife. “Waken, one last time.” she whispered, “For I feel a little blood letting is needed.”

I became very awake very quickly, “Who are you?” I asked as I saw her holding a razor sharp dagger and felt it as she gently rested it on my throat.

“Don’t pretend,” she whispered, “You seduced my sisters, and promised to seduce me, well now Captain your end has come, I had hoped to ravish you to death but sadly you survived, so now it’s goodbye.”

“Au revoir for surely we shall meet in hell?” I countered. “Thou shalt not kill?”

“Say your prayers,” she hissed. I prayed as I have never done before and thank the lord a nurse came in at the very moment.

“I say, who are you, what are you doing?” the nurse challenged.

The girl looked terrified, I thought quickly, “My Fiancee, she has to disguise herself to get in,” I lied.

“Then out with you!” the nurse ordered, and as the girl bolted from the room the nurse continued “She’s not your fiancee, she’s a common whore, but it does explain the incident with the Pyjamas.”

“Don’t tell matron please!” I begged.

“No, perhaps not,” she agreed, “But you must save your energy, not waste it on pointless emissions.”

“If you say so,” I agreed.

A month passed, I was allowed out of the ward, indeed I was encouraged to go for walks within and without the hospital grounds. The Royal Military Hospital Woolwich.

I had my uniforms with me and yet I was told I struck my head riding to hounds, three years of memories had gone.

The girl/nurse had not returned and I slept easy, the headaches abated, my legs no longer felt like jelly and physically I was close to normality, and I gradually began to remember what had happened in those three years.

I returned to my home, somewhat tentatively in case I had sold it and forgotten. I checked with by bankers and was completely astonished at the sum I found there, had I been robbing banks? I wondered.

“There is a cheque which has not been honoured,” I was informed, “A rather large sum, one thousand guineas.”

“Very well I shall look into it myself,” I promised.

I found the gentleman concerned. He had a town house not far from my own.

I called one afternoon. The Butler ushered me in and there I found the girl who had pretended to be a nurse.

“Hello, have we met?” I asked awkwardly.

“Yes, you have had the pleasure,” she countered.

“Then may we talk,” I requested. “I am most confused.”

“Surely not,” she replied, “Ashamed more likely.”

“For what,” I queried, “I own much of the past years is a blank.”

“You really don’t remember do you?” she said in amazement.

“I remember you, appearing like an angel and taking me to heaven,” I said earnestly, “Then trying to slit my throat.”

“Then please come to the withdrawing room and I shall enlighten you.” she simpered.

I followed, and she started to explain, “Last spring your friend Mr Warburton invited you to a game of cards where you met father and started a friendship. Subsequently you became a regular visitor and as an expert player and indeed excellent cheat you won a significant sum of money, much of it from father. One evening father bet his entire estate and lost.”

“I remember nothing,” I said, “Please continue.”

“He had no idea of your wealth, he assumed he would easily cover your raise, but it was not to be and he was ruined until Mary my eldest sister offered her honour in exchange.”

“I took her honour?” I queried.

“Of course you did, and then a month later when father was in trouble you asked him to bet Eliza’s honour too.” she explained.

“And did I?” I asked.

“Very much so, and so with another game in prospect,” she chuckled, “I smashed you across the forehead with a cricket bat.”

“So why ravish me,” I asked.

“I hoped your heart would burst,” she laughed, “Obviously I could not try a second time for fear of falling for a child so I.”

“What do you mean, many women fall for a child the first time,” I explained, “Why my child could be growing within you now.”

“Don’t talk rot,” she snapped, “You are not serious surely?”

“Well to be honest I should not mind trying again.” I confessed.

“Trying to seduce my youngest now?” the father intoned as he entered the room.

“Indeed,” I agreed, “But I came about my cheque, it ‘Bounced’ as they say.”

“Father!” the girl sighed.

“Now don’t concern yourself Alicia gambling debts have no legal status,” he chuckled.

“But you promised, no more gambling after Eliza,” she sighed, “And its no good offering him my honour for he has already taken it.”

“As advance payment of interest on the Thousand guineas,” I suggested as my mind whirled, “If Alicia makes herself amenable I shall accept that as interest until the capital sum is repaid, of course on my death it becomes repayable instantly.”

“You unspeakable cad sir!” he intoned.

“And if I do not?” Alicia enquired.

I thought a moment, “Then the world must be warned that you sir have no honour and do not honour your debts.”

“And you expect me to sacrifice my honour” she demanded, “To be your plaything, to serve your base desires just to save my fathers honour.”

“Indeed,” I agreed, “And not just mine my friends might well avail themselves of your charms. Why you might well disrobe this instant for I fear my sap is rising.”

“That fall must have addled your brain if,” she said in the time it took me to loft her skirt and thrust my right arm deep inside it, gliding up her silky thigh until it brushed her quim. “Stop it!” she wailed. But her body betrayed her and the moist softness yielded to my touch welcoming my finger tip.

“Hush, lay for me, it is time.” I whispered and with my other hand at the back of her head I kissed her lips before raping her mouth with my tongue.

Two then three fingers slipped inside her as her moistness increased. Suddenly she pushed me away, “Do it, take me now you evil monster,” she intoned and she raised her skirts to reveal herself.

I was taken aback, but my member was rampant and I could no more resist than fly to the moon. I undid my breeches to release the snake and as I advanced she hit me in the acorns with her knee. I doubled up in pain and she hit me in the face with the same knee.

“Lay for you again, I would rather die,” she snarled.

“Play that game would you?” I snapped, “Well let us see shall we?”

I grabbed her firmly around the waist and thrust my hand up her skirts once more. Two fingers found their way directly to her still moist quim and slipped easily inside her while my thumb found her mound.

She gasped as I crushed the tiny maggot within her mound at the very top of the gash leading to her quim. “No!” she protested and she beat her fists helplessly on my chest as I roused the passions within her.

“You are a weak and ruined whore,” I whispered, “See how your needs race through your veins, see how your quim craves my seed, I have possessed your soul, it is time to accept that you are mine.”

“No! Never!” she protested.

“Caress my acorns, rouse my staff, ready yourself for my cream,” I cajoled.

“No, Noooooo!” she protested, “Oh noooo.” and her mind raced and she convulsed in her pleasure.

Her hands fell limp in confusion, her eyes rolled and she was transported to heaven for a moment.

I laid her down as she stared as she tried to comprehend her plight and my I aimed my poor bruised shaft at the softness so recently vacated by my thumb. Her warmth soothed my aching acorns and soon I too was taken to heaven.

“Damn you woman, how can you protest when conjoining is such pleasure?” I asked.

“I hate you,” she snapped, “I hate.. oh god that feels too good, stop this instant or my heart will burst.”

“Burst then,” I replied as my first spurt leapt forth from my balls, “And bear me a child,” I added as my shaft convulsed as it poured forth cream to flood her parts.

“Ah Hem,” I heard her father’s voice. I had completely forgotten he was watching us.

“I think you protest too much Alicia, may I venture to suggest that you sir make Alicia an offer or I am afraid I shall have to let you defeat me in a duel.”

“But father,” she intoned, “You could no more shoot and hit a man , you could barely hit a Barndoor!”

“So make yourself decent and induce Major Gregory to make you an offer.” he insisted.

“Better still direct me to your bed so we can make an afternoon of it.” I offered.

“No never!” she insisted but when I tucked my shaft back into my breeches and lofted her over my shoulder she made no protest. I carried her upstairs, and by a process of elimination delivered her to her bed room whereupon I laid her on the bed.

“I own you are determined to ravish me to an early grave,” I suggested, “So tell me why?”

“You ravished Mary and then you ravished Eliza,” she insisted.

“So why does it fall to you to avenge them?” I demanded.

“Someone has to stop you,” she snapped, “Before you ruin every maiden in Christendom.”

“And your sisters?” I asked, “After I ruined them?”

“They had to marry beneath their station,” she explained, “Instead of marrying a nobleman.”

“And was that not fair exchange for your father’s estate,” I asked, “Do you not think I was generous?”

“If you had made Eliza or Mary an offer you might have been,” she opined.

“An offer, good lord I have met warmer snowmen,” I explained, “I remember now, do you know I do not believe I conjoined fully with either sister, it truly was a miserable experience.”

“And I?” she asked.

“You my dear are an Angel,” I explained, “The Angel of Death perhaps but I own seeing you pounding upon my member as I woke is an image I shall carry to my death bed.”

“And an offer?” she asked.

“Be my whore and I shall say nothing of your attempt to kill me,” I suggested.

“I meant marriage,” she insisted.

“I think not,” I replied, “For you shall surely try to kill me anew if I wed you, and stray into the arms of another.”

“Naturally,” she agreed, “As I shall if you don’t wed me and stray.”

“So what choice do I have?” I asked.

“You made your choice when you chose Mary and Eliza over me,” she explained.

“Dear god,” I explained, “I thought you too young, too beautiful, too innocent to ravish for my passing pleasure.”

“Now you flatter me,” she sighed, “And your offer?”

“Be my whore,” I suggested.

“With smart clothes in the latest fashion and a smart townhouse, a generous allowance, servants and every opportunity to spread my affections to other gentlemen?” she asked, “Surely someone to warm your bed each night and provide a son and heir would be a better bargain?”

“No, I desire someone I can respect and love for my wife.” I insisted.

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” she warned me, “So let me show you what love is.”

“You will nag me and stop me gambling,” I explained.

“Of course, now stop talking and ravish me,” she invited as she lofted her robe over her head and sat in her corsets which caused her mounds to thrust up provocatively. “Do not scorn me!” she warned and she rubbed her parts seductively.

“Oh hang it,” I declared and I cast my breeches aside, stripped off my shirt and leaped upon her with no decorum what so ever. She guided my member inside her self and then set about kissing my mouth and wriggling her parts around in a quite bizarre manner obviously intended to rouse me to greater pleasure and I own she succeeded for my seed was soon flowing and bursting forth to flood her parts.

“Marry me,” she said as my member pulsed and pumped.

“Oh very well,” I agreed.

“Ohhhh!” she squealed as she drained my member, “Thank the lord I thought I would have to wed that oaf Bunty Sutherland, he is Forty years old if a day and fatter round than he is tall!”

“An interminable bore and a cheat at cards,” I opined, “And a malodorous drunkard.” I laughed, “I suppose I should be flattered that you prefer me.”

“Do not flatter yourself,” she opined, “I meant to slice off your member at the root but when it swelled.”

“Yes?” I replied.

She took a big breath “I wanted it inside me.”

“So we are of one accord,” I agreed, “I too want my member inside you, so let me recover a moment and we can resume our conjunction, or would you prefer to announce our engagement first?”

“No conjoin first,” she suggested and she grasped my member and stroked it quite firmly. It swelled anew.

“How many times each day does it rise?” she asked hopefully as she straddled me and sank down on my member again.


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Devil or Angel

Devil or Angel By Morpheus Everything happened so fast that I didn't know what was going on, only that my whole world suddenly exploded into chaos. A billion images flashed through my mind at once, assaulting every one of my senses simultaneously. Then in an instant, the infinite amount of pain that I'd barely been able to register was gone, along with everything else. I had no idea how long I was there, or even if there was a there. Time had no meaning... I had no meaning. I...

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Flying with an Angel

I was watching the world go by, 41,000 feet below me, when I heard and felt a loud mechanical thump followed by teeth-shaking vibrations coursing through the plane. I've been flying for over forty years and never felt or heard anything like it before. A horrible metal on metal shriek was coming from the engine right outside my window. My first thought was, 'If those turbine blades come off that thing, they'll rip through the aluminum side of this jet and turn me into hamburger.' I...

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The Halloween Angel

Amber was living in a townhouse complex inhabited by a range of different people. There were other college students as well as professionals and the odd family. She had one roommate who was out. Amber was on the third and top floor of the complex. This gave her a view of everything below. She could see balconies and the garden/lawn areas of all the other units. Amber could also see into other townhouse units at night. She had developed the nasty habit of turning her lights off and...

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The Girl the Guy and the Angel

THIS PART – 6:00 A.M. Stop staring? I can’t. It’s too late for that. It’s been hours…two…three, nearly! We’re lovers. I’ve fallen. I didn’t sleep. I watched – pleading in silence, imploring even, please open your soft blue eyes. He’s new love. He’s dangerous love. I wonder if guys grasp it, if they understand what girls see. Maybe. Anyway, I can’t be sure. His slumber’s deep, his breathing soft, regular. He runs his hand over a muscled tummy. Are you hungry? Breakfast? Eggs? Bacon?...

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Evil Angel

Looking for some hardcore anal gonzo porn? The production company, EvilAngel.com is one of the oldest names in the game. Started in 1989 by John Stagliano, Evil Angel was able to easily rise to prominence in an era when porn suddenly became significantly cheaper to make. In the late seventies, pornos were still being shot on 35-millimeter film and a single production could cost up to $350,000 to make.With the rise of VHS technology, though, in the 1980s, porn producers could suddenly produce...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Lloyds Angel

by Virtual Scott October 2010 It was shaping up to be another busy day. The remote vibrated discreetly in my pocket and I headed for the mall entrance. "On it," my partner's voice sounded in my earbud. Angela was there before me, courteously but firmly blocking the progress of a very flustered-looking middle-aged woman. I got there just at the end of the usual speech -- "do you mind if we make a quick search of your bag?" We all knew the request was for form's sake only. The lady...

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My Sister Angel

I would like to introduce myself… Im Anthony, Born and brought up in Hyderabad (I stay at himayathnagar). Im new to this site. I have never thought that i would post something about my personal life, but the reason for me posting here is…. I need a female sex partner., Any age. Someone to satisfy me. I never had this feeling of ejaculating thinking of women, but yeah i had a girl friend when i was in college and we got physical but broke off cos of family problems. This incident is about me...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 343 Introducing a Guardian Angel

Monday, April 23 to Thursday, April 26, 2007 Over the next few days, there was much media discussion about whether Mark Anderson should be on the list, and I was very pleased to see that most people agreed that I should be. I wasn't so silly as to think it was because I was a wonderful person. The possibility of learning how to make everyone super-healthy, the huge taxpayer bribe, and the possibility of gaining 120 IQ points were the main reasons, in that order. Plus, as one person said,...

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Andrewrsquos Angel

Andrew always grew up feeling more then just a little different from the rest of the boys. He never felt sexually attracted to girl’s bodies but instead felt attraction for their clothes. He knew he was straight because he never liked guys so he just assumed he was straight. This began his seventh grade year and followed him into his senior year of high school. He started off by reading sissy literotica and watching sissy hypnosis. He then began experimenting by trying on his sister’s...

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Bikini Beach Teen Angel

Bikini Beach: Teen Angel ElrodW A young man blames himself for the accidental death of his sweetheart. His futile attempts to escape his guilt have put him on a path of self- destruction. A punk girl takes him to Bikini Beach, and he gets a new perspective, and maybe, a second chance. Notes: This story uses a few characters from Ellie Dauber's "Purse Snatcher" and "A Punk's Story" (Ed, Ken, Mel, Frankie, Tina, and Felicia). They are friends of...

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My first story. Hope you enjoy it. No copying or whole or part please. Comments welcome. Angel The buxom brunette giggled as the dice were rubbed against her ample breasts and gave her goose bumps. He whispered in her ear and she blushed as he tossed the cubes. "Snake eyes! - The shooter looses." "Shit! - Not again!" swore Angelo. She kissed him gently on the cheek and whispered back to him, "So long honey. It's been fun but your streak is over and I'm outa...

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Pastel Angel

Comments and MSTs welcome...this story could be changing drastically based on what you say! Please do not archive this story without my written permission. Thanks! PASTEL ANGEL copyright 1999 by Scott K. Jamison Chapter One: Angel Rising Mitch turned the key and opened the tiny door. He stuck his hand inside, and felt the presence of an envelope. *Please let this be a check. Please please please.* He took the envelope out of his post office box and was...

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Fucking An Angel

Introduction: Angels gift Fucking an Angel As she walked thru the door, silence fell along with most of the men in the rooms jaws. Damn, she was HOT, real HOT. Her long strawberry blond hair fell past her hips and swayed gently caressing them as she walked further into the room. John came here every evening after work and he knew every woman who frequented the bar. He didnt recognize her, she must be new to the area. Her dress, red lace, was slit to the hip on both sides and dipped...

4 years ago
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Fucking An Angel

As she walked thru the door, silence fell along with most of the men in the room’s jaws. Damn, she was HOT, real HOT. Her long strawberry blond hair fell past her hips and swayed gently caressing them as she walked further into the room. John came here every evening after work and he knew every woman who frequented the bar. He didn’t recognize her; she must be new to the area. Her dress, red lace, was slit to the hip on both sides and dipped dangerously low in the front, letting...

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Pink Angel

Pink Angel I saw her standing forlornly in the corner of the store, her price marked as "half-off", and I simply had to bring her home. She was a Christmas lawn ornament, a life-size announcing angel with trumpet ready to blow, lit up in pink in honor of breast cancer research. I put brought her home, and set her in my tiny front yard, and then went inside. I was all alone now, and felt desperate for company, so at the start or at the finish of every day, I found myself sitting on...

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A Night With Angel

Sitting at his desk, with way too much to do and way too little time to do it in, Marcus went over the call that his girlfriend had given him just a few hours earlier. Angel had called him and (while Christmas music was blaring in the background) told him she wanted to give him an early Christmas present, and said he might be a little surprised by what she had planned…but that he should just trust her on this one and go with it. Even though he was not exactly into the Holiday season, and all...

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An Hour with Angel

“Going out on our bikes” I called. Normally I would ask, but I didn’t want to risk staying. There was silence, then, my mom from the couch. “Clara… be home by four.” Four? Since when? Dinner wasn’t until six, like on the dot. I shrugged, pulling my backpack straps tighter. “Yeah ok.” and I left. Sophia and Jacob were waiting for me outside. “Let's go to the duck pond,” Sophia said as I mounted my bike. I loved riding my bike, the amount of freedom I felt, the speed, I used to pretend...

4 years ago
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A Hour with an Angel

threw my backpack on over my shoulders to head outside, as I went through the living room I saw my parents sitting with a tall broad-shouldered man with too serious eyes and a gun tucked into his belt. A shiver ran through me and I walked faster toward the door. “Going out on our bikes” I called. Normally I would ask, but I didn’t want to risk staying. There was silence, then, my mom from the couch. “Clara… be home by four.” Four? Since when? Dinner wasn’t until six, like on the dot. I...

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The Fallen Angel

THE FALLEN ANGEL by pembo'THE FALLEN ANGEL''THE FALLEN ANGEL' part one * * *Sammi's dark hair was gently blown by the cool ocean breeze, her short summer dress floating up suggestively, showing off her long tanned leg's as the local surfer boy's looked on, silently praying the breeze would blow it up just a little more. Sammi was on her daily walk along Laguna beach with max her loyal cross breed terrier, whom she had rescued from the pound four years previous. This was the first walk Sammi and...

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Arizona Angel

Now let me tell you about Angel. She's 5' 4'', 21 years old with mid-length, medium brown hair and had a petite figure but had decent curves for a girl her size. I know nothing about girl sizes in inches so I can't exactly tell you an accurate portrayal overall, however she had a nice set of tits somewhere between 38A and 32B. A nice handful size each, which was good because I believe anything more than that is a waste anyway. Lastly, she wore glasses on a normal basis which in my...

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His Angel

Douglas pulled off the main highway and found a cozy place to park his eighteen-wheeler. It had been another long boring day, and he was not ready to turn in and say goodnight yet. After getting every thing ready, he sat at his computer and logged on, checked his e-mail, then went surfing. Douglas is around the age of 50. He works as a truck driver. He doesn’t have a happy marriage, nor, does he have the typical male type job. He is not contented with a routine 9 to 5 job. He loves driving a...

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British Angel

Please be patient in that part I has little sex but I promise it will get better in subsequent parts.I am a business man that travels in my job and therefore have met some very interesting people, in a lot of different places. This story is of one meeting that changed my life in ways that I could never have imagined.I was on a business trip to England with a large group of businessmen from all over the US, Great Britain, and Europe. The meetings were held from Tuesday through Friday in the...

Straight Sex
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Alchemical Ink Shattered Angel

The Alchemist was getting ready to close his tattoo shop when the bells on his door chimed. He turned and there she was, a shattered angel. She stood paused, frozen in his doorway, neither in nor out, motionless on the threshold, undecided. The setting sun bled over the rooftops from across the street, staining her hair and cheek with the illusion of mortal wounds. The empty hunger in the crushed blue of her eyes screamed of lethal injuries hemorrhaging but invisible on the surface of her skin....

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Christmas Angel

“Elfi,” a male voice barked, directly to my left. I winced as the sound exploded against my eardrums, and angry flecks of saliva slapped against my cheek. “Get back to fucking work. Now!”If that sounded harsh written in English, let me tell you it actually made my skull vibrate in the original German. German is a perfect language for shouting.The words came from my boss, Klaus Richter, Head of Entertainment at the Christmas market in Berlin, where I worked. My muscles tensed, my hands started...

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Jennys Guardian Angel

Jenny had a hard life, at a young age her mother passed away due to complications with cancer, which in turn made her father ill.At the age of sixteen, she had built up a wall, a defence mechanism. Not many people were able to get through to her. Because this she didn’t have many friends, and the friends she did have were mostly in her head.It was the night of her sixteenth birthday, as usual, she got to her knees beside her bed and said a little prayer. She wished for peace for her father and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Fallen Angel

Introduction: A womans fantasy. This isnt a true story… Although Id like for it to be. ,) Six years ago, a woman I was dating told me she wanted to be fucked by a dog. I thought she was crazy. Still, Im all about the pussy, and anything that will get me closer to that is okay with me. Together, we went to the animal shelter and found a Great Dane we named Hank. Hank loved pussy as much as I did. We became partners after that whore bitch left the picture, and weve been partners ever since. Ill...

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Dombo and Angel

‘Welcome to this year’s induction ceremony to Major League Baseball’s Hall of Fame. As Commissioner of Major League Baseball, it is always my pleasure to host the annual induction ceremony. However this year is extra special because for the first time in history The Baseball Hall of Fame has waived its 5 year waiting period to accommodate the induction of not only one of the games’ greatest players of all time, but also one of its greatest ambassadors. Dominick Carvoli Passed away 3 weeks ago...

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A Night with an Angel

Introduction: One may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel Laying in bed, crying. Just like any other night. I hated my life. I was constantly bullied, hated. Never accepted. Let me introduce myself, my name is Lucy. Im 17, I have short blood red hair, blue eyes and a slightly curvy figure. Im kind of pear shaped so my hips are wider set. And therefore, people feel the need to call me fat and bully me every day. And it doesnt help that I like dressing in black and red and...

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Dominance of Lady Angel

I am a control freak. I will freely admit it. I am hard-headed, a perfectionist, and quite used to getting my own way. In spite of these personality traits, or maybe because of them; sexually, I am never happier than when I am totally submissive. Finding a man, however, who was strong enough, and possessed enough self confidence to realize my potential had been largely unsuccessful. Until he came along. We have only known each other for six months, but in many ways, it seems like I have...

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