Jasmine's Loyalty free porn video

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Jasmine liked her job for the most part. She worked with disabled adults and though it could be difficult, she enjoyed it. It did require long hours at times, and could be both physically and mentally draining, but at that point in her life there was nothing else that she wanted to be doing.

One of the best parts of her job was her boss, Dan. Dan was a very nice guy and treated all of his employees with courtesy and respect. He realized the difficulties of the job and took that into consideration when dealing with them. He was just one of those all around good guys. He was always finding charities that the office could donate to and was very involved in his community.

Everyone in the office loved him and knew that they could go to him with any problems or concerns they had, even if they were personal. Dan was kind of a father figure to the entire office. Not that he was all that old. He was only in his late thirties, but very smart and mature. He had a cute little family and the whole office knew his wife, Sarah. She wasn't as nice and personable as Dan, but she was probably prettier than he deserved.

Dan wasn't ugly by any means. He was on the bigger side, but wasn't obese or anything, just had a bit of a belly. He was losing his hair, but kept it short to downplay it and looked nice. Sarah on the other hand was beautiful. You could tell that she worked out and had a very nice fit and toned body. Together they had a few kids and seemed to be living the dream.

After a particularly difficult day with a few of the patients Jasmine was very frustrated and upset. Everyone in the office could tell that she was on edge and it was because of this that Dan called her into his office. He asked her what was wrong and sat patiently as she vented about everything that was pissing her off. As she was talking she began to cry without even noticing.

As soon as the realization hit her she buried her hands into her face. The next thing she felt was Dan’s arm around her shoulder. He was comforting her and she buried her face into his chest. Dan began to rub her back soothingly. After a minute he leaned in and kissed her forehead. As he did this he placed his other hand on her belly. This caught Jasmine off guard, but what he did next shocked her.

Slowly Dan started to move his hand up Jasmines soft belly. Soon he had his hand resting on the underside of her boob. Without any warning he slid his hand up, cupping her boob and kissed her on the mouth. Jasmine was so taken back that she didn't have time to react before he began to squeeze her tit.

As soon as reality hit she stood up and backed away.

"I...um...I...I should go," she stuttered and turned to the door.

As Dan stood up she couldn't believe what she saw. He was wearing a pair of dress slacks, and prominently on display a very large, and very hard bulge.

Jasmine quickly stumbled for the door knob, turned the handle and rushed out. She went to her desk, grabbed her things and went home.


That night Jasmine had a very restless sleep. She couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. She didn't know if she should tell someone, and if she should, then who? After many sleepless hours of thinking she finally decided that since Dan had always been so nice she was going to give him the benefit of the doubt.

After all, it was her that had broken down. She clearly needed some consoling and he had offered that to her. What he did wasn’t what she was looking for, but as soon as she had stepped away he didn’t pressure her. She was going to basically ignore it, and avoid him for the next little while. Besides, knowing Dan, he was probably horribly embarrassed. Finally Jasmine was able to get some sleep.

Her alarm went off way too soon. She groggily punched it off and sat up in bed. As her mind began to come into focus she thought, "What the fuck was that?"

All she could remember was dreaming over and over about what she had seen in Dan’s pants. She couldn't remember any details, just that it was definitely him. Not only that, but her panties were damp and her pussy was very sensitive. "What is wrong with me?" she thought to herself.

Trying to take her mind off of it she decided to get in the shower. As the water began to cascade over her head she started to wake up. As her senses came to, her mind began to work more clearly. Soon she had her mind on other things. She washed her hair, then grabbing her loofa began to wash her body.

She scrubbed her arms, her ample tits and her belly. She was now thinking more about everything she needed to get done that day when the loofa made contact with her pussy. Immediately her eyes shot open and a tingle rushed through her body. She may have been able to divert her mind, but her pussy was still on fire. She rubbed back and forth over it a few times, shivering each time she did. Her mind was intently focused on Dan.

Soon the fire in her crotch took over. Dropping the soapy sponge she began to run her finger up and down her slippery slit. Each time she made contact with her clit she moaned. With her free hand she began to squeeze and lightly tug on her nipples. As her finger made its way down between the folds of her pussy she shoved it in, imagining that it was Dan’s engorged cock. Soon it was followed by a second finger and she began to fuck herself.

She imagined that Dan had her pinned against the shower wall. His cock was buried into her pussy and he thrust hard, pounding her against the wall. She tried to match this thought with her fingers. She thought about Dan leaning down and locking his lips onto her sensitive nipples. She pulled harder and harder on her tit while she buried her fingers deep into her cunt.

It didn't take long before she started to feel light headed. Her knees were buckling and she leaned back against the wall. With two fingers still buried in her snatch she let go of her tit and reached down. All it took was a gentle touch to her engorged clit and she went off.

"Oh Dan, fuuuuuuuck," she moaned as her body wretched and convulsed. She tried to keep her fingers inside her, but they were forced out as her pussy spasmed. She just cupped her whole mound and continued applying pressure as her ass clenched and her hips rocked forward.

Finally it was over and Jasmine collapsed to the floor, panting and trying to catch her breath. She lifted her legs and buried her face between her knees, letting the steady stream of water fall onto the back of her head.

As confused as she was yesterday, it didn't compare to what she was feeling now. What had gotten into her? Was it what happened yesterday that sent her off? How did she really feel about it? And why was her orgasm so intense?

It was with all these thoughts floating around her head that Jasmine got out of the shower, dressed and went to work. As she drove she focused on the idea of avoiding Dan at all costs. She didn't know what she would do if she ran into him, and worse, she didn't know if she could keep her eyes off his crotch.

She got to the center and immediately got into her daily routine. Before she knew it, it was 11:00. Not only had she been able to keep her mind off of Dan, but she hadn't even seen him. He was usually walking around, keeping an eye in things, but he had been noticeably absent this morning.

Jasmine was relieved at this. "Maybe he's extremely embarrassed and is avoiding me too," she thought.

If that was the case she wasn't worried about how to deal with it. In fact it made things significantly easier. She could just talk to him and explain that she understands, and those things happen sometimes. Hopefully this would all blow over soon.

As she was starting to think about lunch she heard, "Jasmine, could you come to my office?"

She was startled and her heart started pounding. "Ok, he's going to apologize and we'll talk about it, then move on," she tried to convince herself as she walked to the office.

When Jasmine got to his office Dan was sitting behind his desk. He didn't look up from his computer and just said sternly, "Please take a seat."

Jasmine was taken back at this a she had never heard that tone in his voice.

"Jasmine, I'm sorry to have to tell you this," he started and Jasmine expected a full apology.

He continued, "But I'm going to have to let you go."

Jasmine couldn't believe what she just heard, "Excuse me," she said timidly.

He looked up at her. "In light of recent...um...events," he chose his wording carefully. "I think it would be best if we didn't work together."

Jasmine had no idea what to say. Her mind was completely blank and she just stared at him. Was he really firing her? It wasn't fair and she was pretty sure it was illegal.

As she continued staring blankly he asked, "Don't you agree?"

She was snapped back into it. "No Dan, I don't agree. If this is about what happened yesterday then I think we can work it out. I know it was a mistake, and I'm not going to tell anybody. I promise Dan, I wouldn't do anything to get you in trouble."

Jasmine now found herself defensive and basically begging for her job.

"Excuse me?" Dan asked.

"I said I understand. I really don't want you to get in trouble for nothing. I came to you upset and emotional and you were just trying to comfort me. It's okay, I understand, I really do," Jasmine pleaded.

"I don't think you do understand," responded Dan. "I'm not concerned for my own well being. As a boss I've had accusations come against me for various things, but in the end it's my word against yours and I've garnered enough respect to gain the upper hand."

Jasmine swallowed, but her throat was completely dry. She now realized that what he was saying was completely true, but she couldn't understand why he was behaving like that.

Dan continued, "No, the reason I'm letting you go is because I expect a certain amount of loyalty from my employees. You made it clear yesterday that you weren't interested in submitting to me as you boss, therefore I think it's best if we part ways."

As he said this he stared coldly at Jasmine. She wanted to say something, but felt tears start to well in her eyes. She knew if she didn't get out of there quick she was going to break down.

As Jasmine stood up so did Dan. She went to the door and as she put her hand on the knob she heard, "Of course, if you were to prove otherwise I would have to reconsider."

Dan was now standing behind her. As she paused for a second she felt his hands on her hips. Before she could react they were down to her big, soft ass. He was squeezing each cheek through the material of her dress.

Dan removed his hands and moved in closer. As she felt the hardness of his cock press into the flesh of her ass his hands reached around. As opposed to yesterday, when he worked his hands up to her boobs, this time he just grabbed them and began to fondle her.

She felt him flex his cock against her ass and he said into her ear, "Do you want another chance?"

"No," she said as forcefully as she could and pushed his hands away. At this Dan backed off a little. He was still close enough that she could feel his presence and hear his breathing.

She sat there with her hand on the door knob for what seemed like hours. With a turn she could be gone and out of the situation she was in. She could hear the sounds of the office out there. People going to and fro, patients complaining, and co-workers talking.

"Just turn the damn knob!" she tried to coax herself. But she couldn't. She really didn't want to lose this job, especially in the shitty economy. She knew she wouldn't be able to find another one and she didn't want to have to go to her parents for help.

As all this was going on in her head, something more disturbing was going on in her crotch. Her pussy was on fire and she could tell that her panties were getting wet. As Dan was fondling her tits her nipples had hardened and were still poking out. She had heard of guys getting into chess matched between their brains and cocks, but she had never experience anything like this.

Everything in her mind was telling her to just turn the knob and get out of the situation. Despite her better senses she didn't move. In the few moments that she had paused Dan had moved back in. The next thing she felt was his hand back on her ass.

He began to fondle her again, but this time he let his hands slide her dress up. Soon her panty clad ass was on full display. Behind her Dan knelt down and the next thing she felt was his lips on her ass. As he squeezed her cheeks his tongue began to trace along the outside of edge of her panties.

"Spread you legs apart," he said forcefully. When Jasmine hesitated he lifted his hand and brought it down hard on one of her cheeks. Jasmine's whole body winced at this and she gave out a little shriek.

"Don't make me ask you again," he growled.

Absentmindedly Jasmine pushed out her feet. When they were wide enough, without any hesitation Dan grabbed her cunt from behind.

"What's this you little slut?" he asked, "you're already wet. I didn't think you wanted to leave," he said smugly.

As he asked his next question he slid two fingers into her panties and shoved them up her cunt, "Tell me what you want," he demanded.

Jasmine felt her knees buckle as his thick fingers violated her. She loved being fingered, but this was different. He wasn't doing this to get her off, he did this to punish her. They were as far in as he could get them, and he just kept pushing. It was starting to hurt, but it was having the desired effect.

"I want you," she managed to squeak out.

"Of course you do you little whore, but tell me specifically," he responded, pushing a little harder.

"I want your cock," she blurted out bluntly.

"Mmm, and where do you want it?" he asked, lightening the pressure of his hand.

"I want it in my pussy," she cried out.

With that he pulled his fingers from her snatch. As she began to turn around he told her to stop.

"You'll do as I say, or your ass will be on the street," he said casually, "and there are many more things I would rather do with it first," he added slyly.

"Lift up your dress and take off your panties," Dan demanded. There was no hesitation this time, and as Jasmine lowered the cotton undies, exposing her bare bum to him she heard a zipper being undone.

"Very nice, now stay bent over," he said to her. She heard his pants drop and her heart started pounding thinking that he was going to put his cock in her pussy. He didn't. Instead she saw his hand reach down to her ankles and grab her panties. Then she heard the unmistakable sound of him sniffing.

"I have been lusting after your ass for the last two years," Dan said. "It's time that I got a better view, spread your ass for me."

When Jasmine heisted for the slightest second Dan had closed the gap between them and slapped her again. "Do it now bitch," he said with anger in his voice.

Jasmine felt so ashamed, so humilified, so objectified, but at the same time she felt an overwhelming urge in her pussy to do what Dan wanted. She reached around, and taking both large cheeks in her hands she spread them, exposing her puckered little asshole and opening her soaking wet pussy.

"Oh fuck, that's so nice," she heard Dan say quietly, sure that she wasn't supposed to hear it. Next she heard the unmistakable sound of a guy jerking off. As she stood there, bent over, ass and pussy exposed to him, Dan was beating his cock.

For a few minutes they stayed in that position. Jasmine could feel a coolness against her exposed privates and Dan was unashamedly fisting his cock hard and fast. She could hear the slapping noises of his balls hitting his ass and he was grunting as he stroked.

The whole experience was so surreal to Jasmine. She had been bent over in front of guys plenty of times, but never so fully exposed as she was now. She was like Dan's own personal porno and she could almost feel his gaze on her pussy and asshole. She was squeezing and kneading her ass cheeks. Her fingers found her outer lips and she also spread her pussy apart. She was doing her best to give him quite the show.

At the same time he was acting like she wasn't even there as he jerked himself off. He may as well have been staring at a lifeless image on his computer screen.

Before she knew it the coolness she was feeling on her spread privates was replaced with warmth. Jasmine realized that Dan must be right behind her, with his face inches from her ass. She could feel his hot breath and hear that he continued stroking his cock.

Soon the warm air was replaced with a touch of something warm, smooth and wet. She realized that Dan was now licking her ass. He rimed her hole for a minute, then trailed his tongue down to her pussy, burying it between her wet folds. His tongue snaked into her cunt and she gasped as he licked her out.

A minute later he dragged his tongue back out and up to her asshole. As he began to rim it she instinctively let go of her cheeks and they closed around his face. Almost immediately she felt the sharp sting of his hand coming down on her ass again.

"I've been lusting after your ass for a long time, now you're going to spread it open so I can get my tongue on it," he ordered.

Jasmine obeyed and took both cheeks in her hands and spread her ass apart again. Dan dove right back in and began lapping at her hole. He stiffened his tongue and began to dart it inside. The whole time he never stopped stroking himself.

When he was done eating out her ass Dan pulled away. The next thing Jasmine felt were two fingers being shoved up her cunt again. Dan finger fucked her for a minute then stopped.

"Now stand up," Dan ordered.

Jasmine obeyed. Her skirt dropped back down below her knees and Dan pressed his body against her back. He reached around and began groping her boobs. He squeezed hard on them, then moved his hands under her shirt.

He didn't waste any time and underneath her shirt yanked down on her bra so her tits fell out. He took both nipples in his hands and began to pinch them. Jasmine could feel his hard cock pressed into her backside as he abused her tits. He was tugging hard on her nipples and squeezing. It hurt like hell, but Jasmine didn't fight it.

At this point she was completely taken over with lust and just wanted his cock buried inside her. She started to push back against his crotch with her ass.

"That’s right you little slut, you want my cock, don't you?" he asked, not wanting a response. He let go of one of her tits and reached down, lifting her skirt. He took his hard cock in his hand and lifted it between her legs. Jasmine felt his head against her pussy and strained to get it inside her. He let go, grabbed her tit again and pulled her back.

As she came back she felt her cunt being spread open as his cock slipped inside her. It slid in and he thrust so that it bottomed out against the front wall of her pussy. He held it there for just a second, and then started rocking back and forth. He picked up speed, but with her standing straight up there was only so much leverage he could get.

Finally, almost out of frustration he let go of her tits and pushed her forward. As she leaned forward her head rested on the door. Dan now began to fuck her hard and fast. Without being asked Jasmine reached around and spread her ass, so that Dan could have a better view.

Dan didn't say a word, he was just grunting with every thrust and Jasmine wondered if anyone outside the door could hear them. She started to breathe harder and harder and knew that she wasn't going to last long. She was very impressed with Dan's stamina. He had been beating off hard for the last ten minutes and was now fucking her as hard and fast as anyone ever had.

His balls were swinging forward and slapping against her clit. Jasmine let go with one of her hands and reached between her legs grabbing her balls. This seemed to give Dan an extra burst and he sped up even more. As Jasmine fondled his balls she knew she was going to cum soon, and that it wasn't going to be quiet.

She felt Dan grab her ass, then move his thumb to her asshole. As he began to push in she had to let go of his balls and lifted her forearm up to her mouth. His thumb entered her ass with a pop and her pussy began to convulse. She pushed hard back against him and he thrust forward with a louder grunt.

When she felt him push against her front wall he exploded. She felt a strong spurt of cum blast the inside of her pussy. At the exact moment her ass clenched on Dan's thumb and her pussy felt like it was going to explode, just like his cock had. He kept thrusting and spurting load after load into her pussy.

Jasmine was biting down on her forearm, but high pitch squeals and moans were still escaping from her mouth. She felt light headed and her knees began to buckle. She had never had an orgasm so strong, and knew that she couldn't stay standing. Without giving Dan any warning she dropped to her knees, her legs shaking and her whole body still tingling.

She was panting hard and fast, catching her breath. Her eyes were closed and the reality of what had happened was setting in.

"Get off my floor bitch, you're going to make a mess." She was snapped back to with these harsh words.

She slowly and shakily got to her feet and leaned with her back against the door. As she opened her eyes she had the first sight of Dan’s cock. He was leaning against his desk. His pants were off, but he still had his shirt and tie on. He had Jasmines panties in her hand and was wiping his semi-hard cock with them.

When he was done he walked over to Jasmine. He lifted up her skirt, then took the panties and wiped her cum soaked pussy with them. When he was done he handed them to her.

"Here, but these on," he said.

Jasmine obeyed and bent down, stepping into her drenched panties. She pulled them up and could feel the wetness against her pussy and ass. She and Dan were standing face to face, she was now dressed, but her tits were still hanging out of her bra, he was naked from the waist down.

He didn't say a word to her, but lifted up her shirt, exposing her tits. He leaned in and began to lick and suck on her nipples. As soon as Jasmine began to moan he stopped. He lifter her bra back up over her tits and pulled her shirt down.

"I guess I'll have to reconsider your position," he said as he turned around. "But don't think you're off the hook, you still have a long ways to go to prove your loyalty to me."

Jasmine just stood there staring blankly as Dan put back on his pants. He zipped up and buttoned them, then tucked in his shirt. He sat back down at his computer, as if nothing had happened.

After a minute he looked up at her, "Is there anything else Jasmine?"

"Oh, um no, I guess not," she stuttered.

"Ok then, you're excused," he said coldly and began typing.

Jasmine turned around and finally turned the knob on the door handle. As she walked out nobody even seemed to notice. Walking to her desk, her mind still in a fog she heard someone say, "Hey Jasmine, want to get some lunch."

"Oh, uh, yeah, sure, just give me a minute," Jasmine responded and found a chair to sit down in. She turned toward the wall and closed her eyes, already reliving what had just happened.

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Tina: As Cindy started calming down, Tina began bringing her back up again. It wasn't hard to do -- not at all. She didn't even have to feed her any energy, and she didn't bother healing the girl at all, mainly because Cindy enjoyed the soreness left by what Tina had done to her. So once the class was filing out and Cindy had recovered her lust, Tina began angling for the completion of her plan. "You ready?" asked Tina. "Yes, Mistress," answered the girl. Tina felt her heart lurch...

3 years ago
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How we want a BBC Chapter 3

After the amazing time I had ‘meeting’ our potential partner, I proceeded on with my plan. Later in the week, I started with my wife during one of our sessions. We played as normal and I started a little conversation as she was sucking on my cock. ‘Just think how great it would be if he was here right now. You could have the cock deep in you as you suck my cock!’ She immediately started rubbing her clit as she started to gag on my cock. She started to shake and thrust her hips as she moaned on...

2 years ago
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The Intruder Part 1

Lisa was away and I hadn’t made my bed after washing the bed linen so had decided to sleep in Lisa’s room, I never seem to sleep as deep as when in my own bed and could never put my finger on why but I did find it arousing sleeping naked under her sheets.It was the dead of night and I was tossing and turning when I heard a noise downstairs, I sat up in bed and it seemed there was definitely someone in the house and as Lisa was away at her mother’s I knew it wasn’t her plus she would always let...

4 years ago
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Another Night with My Beer Buddy

I could feel the drops of sweat landing on my back as Tony plowed his cock deep inside of me. I had sucked him off earlier and knew that this would be a nice, long fuck. Despite the coolness of the basement, Tony was hot from the effort of pumping his cock in and out of me. The drops of sweat reminded me of the burn of candle wax that he loved to drip on me occasionally, especially down my balls and across my perineum. I moaned with each thrust, loving the feeling of him inside of me. He...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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cuckold lifestyle 53

This pasted July we spent a week in Panama City Florida alone, just me and the wife. When she planed the trip I just knew at the last minute she would tell me one of her guy friends would be tagging along , but she never did. I was told we had Friday night booked so as soon as I got home from work and showered we would be leaving. My wife met me at the door all ready, she was wearing a very thin pale yellow sun dress that came almost to her knee , her taned legs where bare and she was wearing...

3 years ago
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AmyChapter 6

When September came round, it was strange not having Amy around during the day. Not that she'd been at home all the time, but knowing she'd be out of the house most of the day during the week ... well, the house felt empty. I had things to occupy me; I had Serenity out of the water and the work under way to get her up to scratch in every respect. I actually spent much of my spare time on that. Large areas of paintwork I tackled with a heavy-duty random orbital sander. It dealt with large...

2 years ago
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Taking Her Chapter 5

You stop and look at the road ahead, it looks like an old country road that is only used once in awhile. Your hesitation earns you a whip strike to your left ass cheek. You jump and start moving again without thinking. Angel uses the reigns to lead you left down the road, she gets you going into a trot using the reigns. After 45 mins you begin to relax enjoying the freedom of being outside with no cloths and being used as a beast of burden by a naked woman you have never met before. Before...

1 year ago
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Problems and SolutionsChapter 8

“Did you ever think about how much Australia resembles the American West?” “Are you kidding?” Rachel responded. It was Saturday. Patrick had narrated his meeting with Madam Minister, and Rachel had finished her gallery review for the Herald. Patrick had picked up another of his boyhood favourites, Riders of the Purple Sage. “Listen, the is the first chapter of Riders: ‘She wanted the sleepy quiet pastoral days to last always. Trouble between the Mormons and the Gentiles of the community...

3 years ago
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Oneechan no Yuuwaku

Yuu’s older sister Maaya is quite popular, being both beautiful and friendly. He is proud of her, and likewise she cherishes him as her little brother. However, after a certain chance happening, her frequent teasing became naughty temptations. Her actions became increasingly bold and he had no choice but to follow along. However, there were no worries about their indecent relationship; instead, it was a enjoyable happy time with his dear onee-chan...

2 years ago
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My First Experience With My Own Sister

Hi, friends. My name is Nibit (name changed) at Chennai, age 20, a first-year student. I am a sick fan of ISS and reading sex stories more enjoyable than watching porn. Here is the incident which happened while I was 20 with my sister who is two years younger than me. This is the first sex story so please excuse me if it’s slow or boring. Do mail your feedback and to know more about me and get in touch, do mail me in My company will definitely enjoy you. So about me, I am 5.4, average sized...

4 years ago
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RV fuck

I had set up to meet one of my ex students Jeff and I was sitting  with buttplug in my ass and vibratory on my clit. Thinking about meeting. I  imagine getting dressed, wearing something that will allow him to just lift and see, lift and touch.I decide to drive over with buttplug in and vibrator on my pussy. I will be super sensitive by time I get to you. I  park, place vibrator in my purse to use inside the rv.  I was so horny right now thinking about the meeting. I showed up at 9, and walk...

2 years ago
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What I think about when I masturbate Part 1 Almost drowned

I will start with the first “fantasy” I had, which I have thought about ever since I began masturbating a few years ago. This actually started as a bad dream/nightmare, which I had when I was younger, and used to recur every few weeks. It would wake me up during the night, and I would be in a state of terror and panic, sweating and gasping for breath. But I would also feel sexually aroused when I awoke. When I got older and began masturbating, this dream/nightmare became my regular fantasy. I...

4 years ago
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I Get to Fuck my Two Hot Sisters in the Quarantine

The first months we all had plenty to keep us occupied and keep out of each other’s way, but one night Evelyn came into my room while I was sleeping and crawled into my bed and started to stroke my cock. I started to dream I was getting a hand job and when I opened my eyes I realized my dick was rock hard and it was being sucked and sucked well. I moaned, not paying much attention to who was blowing me. I rubbed the ass of the woman giving me head and she stopped sucking my cock and turned...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 381 DCup Gets Picked Up Even Farther

Monday July 2, 2007 (Continued) Because of her gullibility about God, seducing D-Cup had gone even better than I'd expected. Possibly even so well that a bit of caution might be a good idea in case we overreached ourselves because of how easy this seemed. Applying an even more determined go-soft after her wonderful throwing of herself at me, I said, "Thank you, Nevaeh. I'm impressed by your commitment, but I still want to ask you some more questions to get a better understanding of you....

1 year ago
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African Honeymoon

I hope you enjoy the story.AN AFRICAN HONEYMOONI first met Debbie when she was 16 years old. I am two years older. We married shortly after her 18th birthday. The honeymoon was meant to be an adventure holiday. It certainly was that. We got lost on an organised river tour. The water had been fast running and I realised we had be swept along, way off course. We were rescued by black men. They were dressed in tribal gear and had spears. They came alongside and one jumped aboard. They could not...

3 years ago
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Two find comfort for M

He raised his left hand from his handlebars and waved at the woman sitting in the garden. He grimaced slightly as he passed, dearly hoping he wouldn’t lose his balance. Charles had moved into his current suburb about a year ago, and would always see the same woman gardening at the same time every day. Weather permitting. Her name was Lucy, and she was married to a man named Tommy. Over the past few months Charles had gotten into the habit of waving and smiling. Every so often he would walk past...

2 years ago
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Chelsea Place Ch 01

Thin prisms of light break free from the cloud cover, dance through the north-facing windows of an old English inspired Tudor, bounce off the carved crystal bowl resting atop a marble table across the bed from me and come to a check-mate style stand off right there. The swirling energy of light, throbbing and pulsing against it’s constraints, all dressed up with no-where to go, rouses me from my dreaming tree. Silent and dim, save the puddle of brilliance above me, the room goes lacking....

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Joanna Angel Kayla Paige Swapping Secretaries

Miranda (Joanna Angel) and Gloria (Kayla Paige) are two wealthy, powerful business owners. Longtime friends, they have just finished eating lunch together at Gloria’s office. Gloria’s personal assistant, Naomi (Aliya Brynn), is also there, silent and subservient, waiting at Gloria’s beck and call. As Miranda and Gloria chat, it quickly becomes clear how elitist and arrogant they are. They are casually catty and demeaning towards each other, but are especially mean-spirited...

1 year ago
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Tight hot Pussy

Kiana had blonde hair like Shakira's With a fat posterior Getting sloppy with it When I pierce her rear In her Honda Civic. I whisper in her ear, "How do you like that?" "Hit it right there!" She's jiggling against muh groin Dripping with sweat Until I shoot cum And she purrs like a pet. Vaped weed and came back. Now she be standing, Bracing herself on the rack, And pushing' on my sac With her white sweatpants And a slit over her pussy crack. Her pussy submitted To the pulse of my thrust Tan...

Erotic Poetry
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On that day we had asked a carpenter to repair the kitchen door and he came in the morning and I had not woke up after a while my husband was awake so he باستقباله the guidance to do ... Then I got up and I sleep shirt pink light under which they do not wear Stiana course ... I'm sleeping in my house with my husband when Alstiana? But I've over that dislocated Kiluti .. and with that nighty this not much Balchwev ... But breasts nipples shifts were impressions Ttercn and clear on canvas and...

2 years ago
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Soni Meri Jaan

Hi dosto mera naam rahul dev hai mai paheli bar yaha per stori post kar raha ho meri E-mail id – hai mai chahta ho ki sabhi jo meri stori read kare wo response de mai jada time nahi lekar point to point aa ta ho meri height- 168 cm hai land ki lambai – 6.2 inch motai- 2.3 inch body average jab mai aapni padhai kar raha tha tu meri Ek friend bani jo hostal m rahti thi uski ek friend jiska naam soni tha us se meri dosti ho gai matlab kabhi kabhi baat aamne samne baith kar hoti thi Lekin phone...

3 years ago
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Fun with Friendssecond night

Fun with Friends (second night)That morning we'll got eat breakfast, talk about we would do tonight. I say "i need to go to town get somethings for dinner tonight, because I want cook for everybody." Clint says "that is nice." so did Mary and Dawn. I say "does anybody want to go with me to town?" Dawn say "i will." I look at Mary, she said " I will stay here with Clint." Clint says " since Mary is staying here with me, I think we will go to place about mile the road and go swimming." I say...

3 years ago
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The Road to ChaosChapter 41

“Michigan?” squawked Surprise, “What are they doing in Michigan?” “Hold on there, missy,” her private investigator said, “I said they registered the cat as homeport Pentwater, I didn’t say they were there.” “I’ve been paying you big bucks to find my sibs,” Surprise pouted, “And you tease me. So ... where are they then?” “They Were in Tokashiki Harbor having the engines replaced,” John Jakob Smith said. “What the hell? Those Cummins diesels were only six years old,” I said. “Wait....

2 years ago
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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 25

This was the weekend that my next to oldest sister was getting married to a sour-faced banker at her place of employment. The man had to be at least forty if he was a day and he had absolutely no sense of humor. She was undoubtedly the plainest of my sisters but I had cultivated her oral skills studiously ever since she was old enough to be legally qualified for the placement of her lips around my greedy cock. When she showed any sign of reticence, my demanding sister Princess would give her...

2 years ago
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TemptationChapter 10

With Lisa's help, Yumi found her way back up to where Maddie and the others were. She explaining that she was exploring the caves, and fell down, causing her glasses to break. Neither her or Lisa actually mentioned what happened, and figured it was better if it stayed that way. After their time on the beach, while they waited for the bus, Yumi could hear the girls talking about something, but they were talking so softly that she couldn't hear them very well. After a few short minutes, Yumi...

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my true second time

This is the story of my second time with a cock. hope u enjoy. im not gonna explain too much about the first so if this doesnt make sense to yall read the first story then this one. So after my first time , i was shocked and slightly sickened by myself. Im a straight dude who had just let his mate suck him off then had my own cum in my mouth. Needless to say i was nervous. I grew up in a small village and if one person found out then everyone would find out. It had been about six weeks since...

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Keepin Busy

“Hi Shorty. I’d like some company if yer available. Good. The door’s open.” Them were the code words for my pussy was wet and ready. It also meant that I’d be in bed nekkid when he got here. All the housework was done and I didn’t have much to do the rest of the day. So I ordered in some entertainment like city folks does Chinese food. Now Shorty don’t stand real tall but his pecker stretches my cunt all the way deep. After taking off his boots and dropping his Big Smiths on the floor he took...

3 years ago
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Chronicles of Succubus High Ch 1

by Quiver Chapter 1: Window Dressing 1:25. 4th period. Tom sat behind his desk in the corner as he waited for his next group of students to start filing in for their first class after lunch. They were never very focused this time of day, and on more than one occasion he'd caught a student nodding off during class. At least this group was his senior class. The freshmen he taught during the other four periods were a lot more rowdy. Such a weird mixture of childish pranks and teen drama to...

1 year ago
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Private Blondie Fesser MILF Masseuse Enjoys Hot Fuck

The curvaceous Blondie Fesser has come to Private Specials, A Private Massage With… armed with her big ass and big tits, and she’s ready to give the lucky Emilio Ardana the treatment of a lifetime! You know it’s going to be a good massage when the table has a glory-hole, and Blondie takes full advantage as she treats her client to a sloppy blowjob underneath before getting on top for an amazing titfuck. Then watch the rest of the action unfold on www.private.com as this spectacular MILF puts...

2 years ago
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TSINF 81 The Deal 1

Day 13 Steph woke up from her sleep like she has over the last few days…naked. She sat up feeling completely groggy. She didn’t know if she should lay back down and try to get some more sleep or just get up. All she knew today was the day that she was supposed to meet up with Matt Rockler and his friend that he was trying to conduct business with. She wasn’t really excited about that fact but she knew she had to get it over with. The last few days moved slowly. Mainly everyone just lounged...

3 years ago
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Our naughty night at wifes work evening

It was a beautiful warm summers evening and we had to attend a cocktail evening through my wife’s work. Neither of us really enjoyed these events a great deal, it consisted of some casual drinks and lots of talking to other work clients from different areas to promote businesses and products. These got to be a bit monotonous and time at these events seemed to last a life time. I wore the traditional black tuxedo and the wife had opted for the little black dress. It was a shoulder strapped...

3 years ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 10

He still didn't want to deal with us and asked that we be assigned a younger more personal adviser. Every University in the Universe seems to have an East Indian scholar named Patil. Dr. Patil graduated from Mallinson Girls School, located in Srinagar, Kashmir, India at the very young age of 11. "We don't know what to do with her," said the Principal as she passed the young girl on to the Director of Higher Education, India. "We'll find a place," he said. The place was England ......

3 years ago
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Alone and Desolate

When I thought about cheating, I always saw the lewd, despicable acts - the husband tearing his family apart, the wife falling for a good line and destroying her family's unity just for a romp in the hay; the 'other woman' not caring about what she was doing to a 'nice' home. I, definitely, never thought it would happen to me or imagined what it could do to my life. It all started pretty innocently, that Monday morning at work, when I overheard two of my colleagues, Brian and Lisa, talking...

3 years ago
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A Time for SharingChapter 7

The next six months were the most difficult time I'd ever had. I worked from sunrise to sunset, and still couldn't do everything I needed to have done. Rob tried to help, but with his knee function so limited, he was too slow to be of much real help. I had tried out four different people who had each claimed they were experienced farm workers. They might have had farm experience, but none of them knew anything about hard work, or about thinking for themselves when something didn't go...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Chloe Hardcore DP At The Office

Chloé is blessed with two giant tits and we invite you to sit back and watch those hooters being jizzed all over in today’s Hardcore office threesome by the DDF Network. Yanick Shaft and Lutro get to bang that horny Slovakian babe’s tight wet pussy and asshole in an unforgettable office fuck orgy, loaded with ass to mouth action and some deep and neverending anal fucking. The brunette sweetie ordered a brand new sex toy online and when the delivery guy brings the package, she...

3 years ago
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We Never Went to the Sex Club

I slowly pulled my softening cock out of Gail’s ass. I noted it didn’t look like it had any brown on it, so I reclined on my back as she turned over, extending her legs with a breathy sigh. She leaned her torso across mine and kissed me, driving her tongue deep in my mouth. When she broke the kiss, she took a deep breath and said, “I don’t know why, but that feels so good. I’m glad you don’t want my ass every time, though. It’s my turn next time Dave. I’m glad we both have a fascination with...

4 years ago
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Games Night With Friends

Sam and Mark enjoy socialising. They have a varied circle of friends, ranging from factory workers to magistrates. They are comfortable spending time with all of their friends, no matter what their backgrounds are. Simon had been a friend of Marks since university. They had played rugby together, pulled girls together and, on a number of occasions, had mutually wanked when watching porn films. When Simon had married Debbie, Mark had been his best man. As luck would have it, Sam and Debbie hit...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Dragon bride

by Droid447 Lord Ethan Nogard was watching engrossed as two women engaged in a delirious sexual encounter a few steps from him. He was secretly celebrating the death of his uncle, the King, in the battlefields of the north. His cousin, the first in line to sit on the throne, had been taken prisoner by the enemy and he most certainly was dead too. Lord Ethan's chances to become King increased dramatically. There was only one obstacle between him and the throne and he was planning to...

4 years ago
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SaMs Place Chapter 15 of 15 Final Judgement

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

2 years ago
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Would anothe jo buddy be possible

Ultimately, i'd love to find a person to j-o with, exchange vids and pictures. In a perfect world, I could even discreetly meet that person so we could j-o each other while watching porn. But with all this COVID bullsh*t, and the world being such a big place, I could be satisfied by a virtual connexion with someone.You never know. Maybe. Internet, work your magic! I've been coming to xhamster for porn for... I dont even remember how long. Very long! I went through a ton of niches: blowjobs,...

3 years ago
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Moving On Out With Vengeance

I had just gotten off of work pulling up fast to my sister in laws driveway not knowing what to expect. She sounded really flustered and knew my workplace was just around the corner. Perfect timing. I guess you can say? I hear the sounds of boxed memories and goodies being thrown to the side and I creep way my inside. I've always been fond of my sister in law. She's centuries older than me but the lust is most definitely there for me for some odd reason. I glance over into the room knowing she...

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