Sophies Summer Holiday
- 3 years ago
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This fantasy story is based very loosely on the comic ‘Sophie’s Curious Perversions’ by Von Gotha. That story took place in 1958 London. This one takes place in 2002, in Portland, Oregon.
Chapter 1: Sophie’s 18th Birthday
Hi. I’m Sophie Anderson. I live in Portland, Oregon and I am a senior at Pacific Academy. It’s a private school. One of those where we all have to wear uniforms and are expected to behave properly and get into a good college. Every day, I put on my green plaid skirt, white blouse, green tie, green blazer, white knee-high socks, and saddle shoes and head to school. It helps that we all dress the same because we only get noticed for what we do, not how we look. Even the boys have to wear dark green slacks, white shirts, ties, and green blazers. And besides, green looks great with my red hair. It’s my favorite color.
I am writing this to tell about my recent ‘conversion’ to a new way of thinking.
My best friend in the whole world is Tracey. She and I have been friends and lived in the same apartment building since we were born. In fact, we were supposed to be born on the same day, but she’s two months older because she was a preemie. We always told each other everything and did things together whenever we could. Her parents even waited when it was time for her to start kindergarten so we would be in school together. If it wasn’t for that, I would be the oldest person in our class since my birthday is just after the August 1 deadline. We have gone to the same school and were in all of our classes together until high school. I began to concentrate on science and Tracey began to concentrate on languages when we reached that level. But we still saw each other every day and spent most of our free time together.
But in the last two months, since her eighteenth birthday on June 12, Tracey has changed. No big thing, but lots of little ones. Like, she got her skirts shortened and then sometimes rolls the waistband over to make them even shorter. She leaves enough buttons undone that her bra sometimes shows. On weekends, if I see her at all anymore, she wears really short skirts or shorts. When we went to a swimming party last month, her bikini looked like it was just three postage stamps held together with string and she flirted with every male she saw. Her big boobs and long blonde hair make her the desire of all men and she liked the attention, I guess. She just wasn’t the same as she used to be. Lately, she has been acting like a slut and I have even told her so, but she just laughs.
We started school on August 5th this year. All the public school kids were still on summer vacation, but we had school from the beginning of August until the last week of June every year. I felt a little strange going to school this year. All of our classes were in ‘Senior Hall’ away from most of the underclassmen. We were being prepared for college. Besides that, my mom and Tracey had spent all of July changing me from ‘a little girl into a woman,’ as they liked to say. First, Mom got me contacts to replace my glasses. Then they had my hair restyled and made me promise never to wear it in a bun again. Now I sometimes put it in pigtails or a ponytail if I’m in a hurry, but otherwise I wear it styled loosely over my shoulders. They even made me start wearing earrings and makeup. I had to admit I did look prettier, but I was a late bloomer. I didn’t even start my period until I was 15 and it seemed like just last year, was the first time I actually needed a bra, though Mom made me start wearing one in seventh grade. It was called a ‘training bra.’ What a joke. For training what?
I was at school on my eighteenth birthday – a Wednesday, August 14th. So far, it hadn’t been much of a birthday.
I was walking down the hall with Tracey, after our last period history class. The teacher, Mr. Randall, had spent way too much time talking about the Ancient Romans and the perversions that had led to the downfall of their empire. Tracey said, ‘Wasn’t that amazing?’
I stopped and looked at her. ‘You probably enjoyed that, you pervert.’ I had called her that, or a slut, ever since she started dressing like a slut and told me about how she played with herself sometimes. She had rolled the waistband of her skirt a couple of times so it was short enough that if she bent over her panties would show. Like usual, she had a couple extra buttons undone on her blouse, too. I could see the top of her black lace bra and plenty of cleavage. ‘I wish I could take extra chemistry or computer science and skip that history altogether.’ I never had told Tracey that sometimes I played with myself too. I was too embarrassed and usually felt guilty for days.
‘Oh, you prude. Someday you’ll change,’ she came back at me with a laugh.
About that time we rounded a corner where a group of boys were standing together. One of them, Johnny, held up a banana in my face and said, ‘Hey Sophie, you want some of my banana? Or is it too big for you?’
A redheaded, deeply freckled boy named Ralph held up a big carrot and said, ‘How about my carrot instead, Sophie? It’s harder.’
A boy named Byron pushed between them. ‘Hey guys, she’s no vegetarian, she’s probably a meat eater. She’d rather have a big sausage.’ He waved a hot dog at me.
I pushed past them, called them perverts, and Tracey and I continued down the hall to the front door. I could hear them giggling and calling me a stuck-up virgin. Even Tracey was laughing. ‘Some fun, Tracey. Probably inspired by the Mr. Randall and those Romans,’ I muttered as I headed out the door. It was things like this that made me wish I hadn’t let Mom talk me into changing my hair style and getting contacts instead of glasses. When my hair was up in a bun and I had my black-rimmed glasses on, the boys had never treated me like that. Now, my senior year would be spent listening to outrageous comments just because I was pretty.
Just then Tracey stopped and said, ‘Oops, I forgot. I have to stay after for some extra violin practice. Guess you’ll have to walk home alone, Little Red. Watch out for the Big Bad Wolf!’ She turned and headed back into school. Ever since I was a baby, Tracey and her parents have called me Little Red. My mom has red hair too and they called her Red, so I became Little Red.
Tracey and I used to always walk home to our apartment building together. It’s about 10 blocks, long enough to be a real pain in our skirts in cold weather. At least in the heat of August, that wouldn’t be a problem. I headed out alone.
I had gone about three blocks when I noticed there were some scruffy-looking men just behind me. I speeded up a little. The two men came up on either side of me, grabbed my arms, lifted me off the sidewalk and headed for an alley. I was kicking and screaming, but they didn’t seem to notice. I was terrified. One of the men pulled my backpack off and jerked down on my blazer until it was in the middle of my back, pinning my arms. I fell to the ground, skinning me knees and would have fallen on my face, except the man behind me jerked me back to my feet.
The other man grabbed the front of my blouse and pulled it open, the buttons scattering to the ground. Then he grabbed me by the tie around my neck and pulled out a knife. ‘Shut up and do as you’re told, you little bitch.’ He held the knife near my throat. I quit screaming immediately. He stuck the knife in my cleavage and pulled, slicing my bra in two. My 34B breasts popped out into the cool air. He grabbed the cut ends of the bra and sliced the shoulder straps, then pulled it away, tossing it to the ground.
I was crying silently, too afraid of the men and their knives to scream or fight. I felt faint.
The man behind me lifted my skirt. I felt a cold blade on my right hip and a tug as he cut first that side and then the other. I was holding my legs tightly together, but he pulled my now useless panties out from the back.
Now the one in front lifted my skirt. ‘Hey, buddy, she’s a
redhead here, too.’ They both laughed.
Suddenly I heard someone running up behind us and felt the assailant behind me release his grip as he was pulled away. The other man spun me around and grabbed me around my naked breasts and began to back away alternately waving the knife and pointing it at me. A man in a nice-looking dark suit decked the first man with one punch and began coming toward us. He commanded sternly, ‘Let her go now.’
The man still holding me was actually squeezing my right breast with his left hand and waving the knife with his right hand. The man in the dark suit reached us just as a knife came up toward him. My savior grabbed the man’s hand and twisted it back until the knife fell clattering to the pavement. My assailant threw me into the arms of my rescuer and ran down the alley as his friend got up and followed.
The man in the suit pushed me gently away. I hadn’t realized I was pressed tightly to him. He was tall and muscular looking, even in a suit. ‘Are you okay, miss?’ he asked with concern on his face as he looked down on me with big blue eyes.
‘Yes, I think so. Thank you so much.’ I looked up into his deep blue eyes and wished I were older. I hadn’t even thought of covering myself. The man pulled my blouse and jacket back together in front, covering my breasts. He looked at me with a little smile and gave me a wink. I was blushing deeply and could not even speak. This man had saved my life.
‘No time to chat, Miss.’ He took off down the alley after the two men.
I buttoned my jacket to hold it closed and to hide my torn blouse. I was shaking as I picked up my backpack. Some of my papers had been spilled onto the ground and I began gathering them up. As I did so, I also noticed a Zip disk. It was green instead of blue like all of mine were, but I picked it up anyway. I gathered up the remnants of my bra and panties and stuffed them in my backpack, too.
When I reached home, I was still shaking. I couldn’t help but wonder who my attackers were and what they wanted. But mostly, I wondered who the man was that saved me from them. I headed to my room to change. Kevin, the doorman, noticed the hole in my stocking and the scrape on my knee. He asked me if I was OK. I thought I might cry, but said, ‘I just fell down on my way home, Kevin. I’m OK.’ Why didn’t I tell him to call the police?
When I got to my room in our apartment, I tossed my backpack on the bed and looked in the mirror. My stockings were torn and dirty from where I had been thrown on the ground. There was a little bloody spot on my right knee. I had scraped it when I hit the pavement. My blouse was torn and ruined. I decided to take a shower. I sat down and removed my shoes, then my torn stockings. I lifted my right leg to inspect my knee. It was only a little scrape, but it hurt. I happened to look up into my mirror and remembered I was wearing no panties. My vaginal area was completely exposed with my leg up. I stood and dropped my skirt to the floor, then my blouse. I rubbed my right breast where the man had been squeezing me. It hurt a little.
I stayed in the shower longer than usual and just let the warm water soothe my body. I looked down at my naked body and thought of those men trying to harm me, and also about the one who had saved me. I wasn’t ugly by any means. I had a 34 inch bust and my nipples stuck out a little as I soaped and caressed them. My pubic hair had been growing since I was 15 and was fine and silky and red, just like the shoulder-length hair on my head. It’s a shade of red, closer to orange that is never mistaken for blonde or brown. At 5’3′, I was shorter than most of the girls and nearly all of the boys in my class. I really thought my best feature, though, was my legs. They made for at least half of my height and were muscular enough to be shapely without being big. Mom always said they made me look taller than I was.
But, I wondered, why did those men grab me? They couldn’t see any of these things under my school uniform. Maybe they had attacked me for money or something else. No, they wouldn’t tear off my clothes for my money. They must have been rapists. I was certain they would not have attacked me if I had not been alone, but with Tracey as usual. I wanted to blame her for this.
When I finished in the shower, I wandered out to my room and dropped the towel as I sat on the bed and put on some clean underwear, wooly socks and sweats. Now I was comfortable. I opened my backpack to start on my homework. I pulled out my torn underclothes and put them with my blouse and stockings to put in the trash compactor. That’s when I remembered the Zip disk. I was sure that my hero had dropped the disk and I had to figure out how to return it to him.
I fired up my Titanium Powerbook and waited while it came alive. Then I slipped the disk into the Zip drive and waited for it to appear on the desktop. When it did, I could tell that it was a PC disk, not a Mac disk, but I opened it up anyway. There was a single text document and a locked folder in the window. I tried to open the locked folder but it asked for a password. I opened the text document and saw this:
If you locate this disk, please email me for instructions on how to return it. Do not attempt to open the encrypted folder.
B.B. Wilde, Special Investigative Unit
[email protected]
I decided the email address looked safe enough, although I had no idea what ‘poves’ stood for. My ‘Knight in Shining Armor’ must be some kind of police agent. Maybe ‘Portland Office of Vice Eradication …’ I couldn’t finish it. ‘Police Officer something?’ I was sure I was on the right track, but couldn’t quite make it work. I thought of those rapists and then imagined it was my knight wanting to touch and feel my body instead. ‘What would it feel like to have a man’s hands exploring and caressing me?’ I wondered as my own hand slipped into my sweatpants.
Being the cautious type, I opened Netscape and typed into the location line. I got a login box asking for a login name and a password and no further clues. I even went to Google and tried a search. The same web site was the only search result. It seemed very secret and mysterious. But, Mr. Wilde had saved me, so I quit Netscape and I opened my email program and typed out a message:
Dear Mr. Wilde,
Thank you so much for rescuing me today. I don’t know what I would have done without you. Please let me know how to return the disk you dropped.
Let me know how I can repay you for your kindness.
I hit send and then heard my mother come in through the front door. ‘Sophie, I’m home. Happy birthday, sweetie.’
I logged off the net and headed down the hall to the living room. Mom gave me a hug and I noticed the packages in birthday wrapping behind her. I headed for them, but she said, ‘Not yet, Sophie. You can open them after your birthday dinner when your father’s home.’ I whined a little, but knew not to press. ‘How was your day today, Sophie? Anything exciting happen?’
I started to answer, but then stopped. I don’t know why, but I didn’t want to tell her about the attack. Mom’s an attorney and would have called the police and made a big deal. I wasn’t really hurt, so I just answered, ‘Oh, just the usual stuff at school. Nothing much.’
We chatted while Mom got dinner ready. Dad came in an hour and a half later. He runs an Internet service provider and sometimes works very odd hours. We sat down in the dining room and Mom uncovered the dishes: rice pilaf, German sausages, and cooked whole carrots. I blushed, thinking of the boys in the hall. We chatted while we ate. Mom talked about the work she was doing at her law firm and Dad talked about his Internet business and how well the Entertainment Division was doing. I didn’t say much, but kept thinking about what I had experienced that day. When dessert time came, Mom announced, ‘Sophie, I forgot to get a cake for your birthday. We’re having banana splits instead.’
After dinner, I opened my gifts. First were two packages from Dad: a graphing calculator and then a digital video camera. ‘Wow, those will be great for school,’ I exclaimed. Then there was another package. I could tell by the shape of the box that it contained clothes. I was sort of shocked when I saw what was inside: A green silk nightie with spaghetti straps and slits up the side. It had matching green silk panties. I started to blush.
Mom hugged me and said, ‘Sophie, dear, you’re eighteen now. You don’t have to wear your flowered flannel jammies anymore.’
Then she handed me another clothing box. I opened it apprehensively. It was two new bras and panties. They were both very sheer material. I put my hand inside the white ones and could see it plainly. The other set was green. The panties would cover much less than my normal ones. I looked at Mom. ‘Oh sweetie, I just decided you were old enough to have some special things,’ she explained. ‘I mean, you’ve been wearing the same white cotton panties and plain bras for so long. It’s time to start having something that will make you feel special for special occasions.’
‘Just don’t wear them around those pervert boys at school,’ Dad added with a wink, only half joking.
I hugged them both and gathered my haul. ‘Goodnight,’ I said. They stood to kiss me goodnight. ‘I have some homework to do. Thanks for the wonderful birthday gifts.’
As soon as I got to my room, I connected the video camera to my laptop and set it on my dresser. I found I could record directly to the computer as well as to tape. Very cool. I had to try it out.
I decided to see how I looked in my new nightie. I quickly stripped to nothing, tossing my clothes in what I thought was kind of a striptease for the camera. Then I put on the nightie and panties. The silk felt wonderful against my skin. I turned and twirled for the camera and modeled my new outfit. I made sure to turn and even bend over for the lens. If Stacey could see me, she would really be ticked the next time I called her a pervert, but I was only doing this for myself, in my own room.
Then I sat down at my computer to watch myself. As I watched, I absent-mindedly began rubbing the silk on my breasts. I didn’t even realize what I was doing until I noticed my nipples were hard beneath the fabric. I reset the movie to the beginning. This time, I was very conscious of my rubbing. I tweaked my nipples a little harder and then slid my hand down to my panties between my legs as I watched myself do a sexy strip on camera. I was massaging my own vaginal lips through the silk as I saw myself getting dressed in the new nightwear. I hit the reverse button and the video began running backwards so that my nightie was coming off on screen. I did the same for real. As I slipped my panties off on the computer, I also removed them from my seat on the bed. I didn’t put the sweats back on, though. Instead, I lay back on the bed and probed myself with my fingers. I was wet and slick. I slipped a finger between my vaginal lips and found my clitoris. I massaged the little nub as I lay with my eyes closed. It felt so good! I gradually stopped and redressed in my nightie. The panties were damp, but I put them on anyway. I erased the movie from the hard drive and put everything away. I drifted off to sleep and dreamed of a secret agent coming to rescue me and then taking me away with him.
Chapter 2: Mr. Wilde asks Sophie to help in an investigation.
The only birthday gift that I took to school with me was my new calculator. I dressed in my uniform and wore my regular cotton panties and bra. All Tracey would hear about were my calculator and camera.
Tracey met me at the elevator and we rode down together. ‘Anything exciting happen on your birthday?’ she asked.
I told her about the camera and showed her the calculator. She just rolled her eyes. ‘Was that it? Nothing else?’
It felt like she had been in the car forever. Sophie had just turned 18 and her father had told her that the whole family would do something special. This didn't seem as special as he suggested as they had been driving since 8 am and it was now 11 o'clock. It was a tradition in her family that whenever a daughter turned 18, everyone in the family (who was over 18) would meet at Sophie's uncle's farm.Sophie had only just turned 18 the day before and she had no idea what was going on. The car...
Sophie was on the phone with her friend Josh. They were going to have a movie night together, but they hadn’t decided when because Sophie had to stop by her friend Lauren who was going on a hot date. She desperately needed Sophie’s help. ‘Josh. Lauren really needs my help, so I’m just going over there for a little while. Give me an hour and I’ll be right over.’ ‘Okay, but I might be in the shower so you can just come right in.’ he said. They said goodbye and hung up. Sophie was really looking...
Sophie ist eine zierliche Frau mit langen braunen Locken. Etwa 1,65m groß und 24 Jahre alt. Sophie lebte bis vor einer Woche in einer überschaubaren Kleinstadt, besuchte dort das Gymnasium, stets mit dem Ziel Kariere zu machen. Vor etwa einer Woche startete Sophie Ihr BWL Studium in der nahegelegen Großstadt. Da Ihr Freund Julius, mit dem Sie nun schon 2 Jahre zusammen ist, schon länger in der Stadt studiert und bereits eine kleine 1 Zimmerwohnung in der Stadt hat, konnte Sie direkt zu Ihm...
‘So what happened this time?’ Rich asked, shaking his head slowly, the cell phone pressed to his ear. ‘Sophie thinks I’m having an affair,’ Jon replied. Rich shook his head again, knowing that if his friend’s girlfriend thought he was being unfaithful her concerns probably weren’t completely unfounded. Sophie was, in no uncertain terms, gorgeous. 5’4′, blonde, beautiful, with full lips and hair that trailed down her back and could, Rich always suspected, almost over her 34D breasts. It...
‘Do you think I’m a slut?’ Sophie asked, her head resting on Rich’s chest. She felt his arm wrap around her a little more tightly. ‘No,’ he replied. She paused. ‘But we just had sex,’ Sophie said, ‘and I’m your friend’s girlfriend.’ Rich shrugged. ‘I guess it’s just one of those spontaneous things that happen. You were upset with Jon and, let’s be honest, I kissed you first.’ ‘But only because I said I thought you were sexy.’ Rich paused, looking for something to say which would help to...
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An 18 year old girl fucking her way through the supernatural. ALL PEOPLE ENGAGING IN SEXUAL ACTS OR ANYTHING OF SEXUAL NATURE ARE ALL OF THE AGE OF 18 OR OLDER, THE MAIN CHARACTER IS 18, IF THIS IS NOT THE LEGAL AGE TO CONSENT TO SEX IN YOUR AREA OR COUNTRY, DO NOT READ. This is a STORY, there will be more then one chapter. You may read this and think there is no plot, but a good plot takes time! It needs to grow along with the characters so just wait for it. Chapter one. Sophie had been raised...
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From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...
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I wrote a story earlier about when I first realized that I might be gay. The story is true but I knew that I had some unusual cravings and desires at a much younger age. At a younger age (I deleted the number) I remember becoming fascinated by my mother's tennis shoes. For some reason I smelled them which resulted in a strong little erection. I spent a lot of time in that closet sniffing her shoes. Around the same time I discovered my sister's bobby socks. I used to love rubbing them against my...
101. Assphilia:- The desire to put your Toungue on an ass Image. 100. Pyrophilia:- The burning desire to have sex with a partner who is on fire. Tip: lighter fluid works well and doesn't smell as bad as petrol. 99.5. Pyrocoprophilia:- The desire to take a shit on your partner and set the shit on fire. 99. Cropohilia:- Liking for rumpy pumpy in a field of corn. 98. Frodorism:- Lusting after a small person's ring. 97. Dwarfism:- Dressing up in silly pointed hats and wanking over a sleeping person...
It was too short notice to ask anyone else so I just had to suck it up and go on the stupid holiday. We were staying in a converted barn, up a mountain, in the middle of some woods in Scotland. It was a beautiful big building with an outdoor hot tub, lots of wildlife, games, a telescope, cool lighting, mountain bikes, a swing set and miles away from anyone. I had planned to spend the week exploring it all with my friend but looks like I'll be exploring it all myself. An interesting feature of...
"This is its maximum and perverted". Lisa thought to herself as she crept down the hallway, moving closer to the soft moans coming from the guest bedroom. It was almost three in the morning, and Lisa, clad in her flimsy powder blue nightie kept fighting the urge to peek. Images of being caught peek- ing in flashed into her mind, the outrage of her friends, the embarrass- ment of it. But other images flashed too. Of passionate, wriggling bodies, of glistening skin, a hard cock, swaying...
Giuseppe arrived at my hotel in his carriage promptly at the time he had stipulated. Neapolitans have a reputation of being tardy at keeping appointments, but both Francesco Caracciolo and Giuseppe di Campania showed this to be a canard. I joined Giuseppe in the carriage, and we sped off to Cleopatra’s Palace, situated a little way south of Naples, towards the base of Mount Vesuvius. As we rumbled along a well maintained road Giuseppe regaled me with stories of the great and the good of...
Serra the Knight sighed as the last of the kobolds fell beneath her sword and wiped away the blood. The foul little reptilians had been too busy raping her predecessor to see her coming, and then spent so much time trying to disarm and capture her that she was able to defeat the small band. “Scum” she spat at the dead monster and sheathed her sword. Her sister knight, Farah, lay on the ground naked and covered in cum. The strong stench of sex made Serra want to gag, but she fought back the urge...
Fantasy100% fiction! “Hi Gram, mom sent me over. Said you had something to tell me.” “More like something to show you, but a couple of questions first. You lost your cherry yet?” Jesus, what kind of question is that to ask a 18 year old? Do I lie and catch hell or tell the truth and get embarrassed? “Uh, whadda ya mean, Gram?” “Ha ha ha, you know damn well what I mean. Have you been some girl's pants yet?” Shit! Oh well, I guess honesty's the best policy. “Uh, huh uh. I ain't been able to, uh, …......
IncestWe entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...
This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...
SwingerSophieSweetsGayHeaven's Hottie Join Date: Jun 2009Posts: 340Thanks: 234Thanked 864 Times in 220 Posts Sophiesweets: A recent trip to my favourite sex club.Not posted a story in so long, so I thought I might as well make it a true one... No names have been changed because I never bothered to find any of them out... This happened about 2 weeks ago.I'm mainly a weekend girl, and I like to think I’m pretty cute when I go for it. There are plenty of pics are on the internet for those curious (See...
We all had a good night’s sleep and used one of our own Cargo skimmers that was part of the Destroyers equipment to fly back instead of walking and were told to join all the other cadets in a large assembly hall with flags of the Union hanging from the ceiling where I estimated perhaps 600 senior Cadets had gathered. There were no chairs, everyone was standing. At one end of the assembly hall was a raised platform and a lectern with the Newport Academy logo. I saw an Admiral coming in. I...
We begin with a mini-montage of life in Newcastle-upon-Tyne ... A shot of Gray’s Monument, of the busy Eldon Square shopping center, St James’ Park football stadium, before we find ourselves in a busy street, looking up at an impressive, and very modern looking 5 story glass fronted building. We can see through the glass walls, seeing the staircases and offices inside. And then, stepping into frame from the side, trying not the block the architectural masterpiece – another masterpiece of...
We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a Geordie-land’s infamous night-life. Along the Quayside, teaming with young bodies as the youth of the Toon move from pub to pub, barely wearing enough to protect them from the cold northern wind. Then we’re around the corner on a street with four story buildings on either side of a wide street, with plenty of pedestrian space infront of multiple pubs and clubs. Everyone looking very relieved that the lockdown is over and the party has...
The following story is about an earth girl, Sophie, who, after a hard day in her Central New York office, finds herself inexplicably transported to Gor – not that she knows where she is at first. All she knows is that she is partly naked and being hounded by a group of young warrior men.The story can continue if it is liked. Tarl L’Huntre.Sophie dragged herself up the short grassy mound and stretched her beautiful long limbs. The air was getting colder and she cursed the bastards who were...
Alice had always had a very unsecure future, but after only living with Veronica for a month things were looking a lot better. At 20 years old he was back in school and getting good grades. If she kept this up she would graduate with all A’s. Veronica was a 42 year old rich and childless widow who used to be a teacher at a very good private school, which Alice and Sophie were now attending. Of course living with Veronica came with a price. Alice and her cousin Sophie would have to follow her...
Sophie had never really though of herself as a Lesbian. At school she had been a bit of a ‘ goody two shoes’, always working hard and wanting to please the teachers. She remembered once when she was sixteen bursting into tears after Miss Whyte, a Latin teacher she had a crush on, told her to stay behind after class for forgetting her homework. Sophie adored her teachers and always knew that one day she would become a teacher herself. Being an all-girls school crushes were commonplace and...
In collaboration with SophieCurves93Sophie woke around 9am, the sunlight cutting through the blinds of her room and warming her tired body. She woke with the familiar thirst that follows a night of reasonably heavy drinking; she had been out with friends. She was greatly relieved to find that Sam had preempted this and prepared a glass of fresh water for her to wake up to. She didn’t feel overly hung over but she wasn’t exactly bright and perky, still in last nights knickers as she had fallen...
Sophie had never really though of herself as a Lesbian. At school she had been a bit of a ‘ goody two shoes’, always working hard and wanting to please the teachers. She remembered once when she was sixteen bursting into tears after Miss Whyte, a Latin teacher she had a crush on, told her to stay behind after class for forgetting her homework. Sophie adored her teachers and always knew that one day she would become a teacher herself. Being an all-girls school crushes were commonplace and...
SpankingAs he sat on the sofa he wondered what he was going to do today. It was two days before his birthday and he had the day off. He could have spent all day chatting on the computer with a friend having fun but she had told him the week before that she wouldn’t be online that day because she had some important family business to sort out. Oh well, a day watching the dross that they show on daytime TV or maybe even a couple of DVDs would be in order.He missed Sophie and the fun they had enjoyed...
Sophie is Dominated and Feminised, Part 2 by: Miss Sophie Hardy © Part 2, Feminised We left Madam Helga's and headed for the car. I led the way with Sophie walking behind me. She had her head bowed, and she looked mortified at being outside in her sissy maid's dress. When we got to the car I fumbled about in my handbag and pretended I had left the car keys at Madam Helga's. I turned to my sissy and said, "Sophie, I seem to have lost my car keys. I want you to wait here...
I was excited about Sophie’s visit and rushed through my work so that I could be home and showered before my guest arrived, I did have a bit of a shock in the morning but at least it confirmed that Sophie was definitely coming. Her mother Ellie called me and as Sophie was staying with a friend that night would I like to go over for dinner, obviously I had to decline due to other commitments but we did agree to meet on another day.I had just got out the shower when I heard the doorbell ring,...
Mark was still mortified the following day and called in sick rather than face his boss, Ezra DeZam. But DeZam surprised him, and came by his motel room to see how he was and to impart some important information to him. “Listen Mark, here in Monroe, some of us play it fast and loose. We have good reason for it. Other folks have tried to fit in here ... this climate sucks. We get torrential rain followed by floods and the humidity and heat are enough to drive you crazy. Seemed like everyone...
I was still naked when I stood up having got full agreement from Sophie, she had text Emma and got her agreeance so we all knew where we stood. Sophie was happy and seemed quite comfortable in just her panties and to be honest I felt perfectly ok being naked in front of my granddaughter, as I returned with a beer and a soda for Sophie I asked her if she had a problem with me staying naked, “On NO!” she said, “I love seeing you naked granddad” she said as I handed her the soda and sat down in...
When Sophie’s mother told her she would have to wait a whole week for her punishment Sophie felt upset. It had taken the thirty-eight year old teacher quite a lot of courage to ask her mother to resume disciplinary control and to be dismissed and told to wait a week was horrible. As the week went on Sophie began to understand why her mother had, on the surface, been so cold. In addition to reinforcing the ground rules that Sophie’s mother was in control of when and how discipline was dispensed...
Spanking1 I discovered this place three years ago, an abandoned road that was currently used by local farmers and me with a parking area and nature path just eighteen miles from the town. A wonderful piece of wild nature with a possibility to walk a well arranged path, one and a half miles to the bridge over the stream, two hundred yards and another bridge back and again one mile through the woods back to where I had parked the car. And the most important part of it...there were no people. ...
Sophie is Dominated and Feminised Part 1 by: Miss Sophie Hardy © Part 1 Submissive After several years of marriage I was the boss in our relationship, and I definitely wore the trousers. David would do anything I asked, and I often wondered if I could get him to wear the tights. He sometimes wore the odd item of female clothing if I pestered him to, but I wanted him to wear more than a blouse or panties every other month. I was very close to my Mother, and we told each other...
Anon y mouse Despite the age difference I was very close with Sophie my granddaughter, I had no idea she was sexual until I was troweling a sex dating site. The age given was 18 and she said she enjoyed older men, I messaged several similar females and got varied responses. I did communicate with several, but none would send a photo or come on a webcam, when I suggested meeting there was always an excuse. I was getting highly frustrated and gave up with the whole thing. Out of the blue...
This was Rudy’s first time at Sal’s restaurant and he idly wondered if it was always this crowded. The restaurant was set on the ground floor of the Regal Hotel so it stood to reason that many of the patrons were staying at the hotel. The crowd did serve to make it easier to stalk the old man, though. He was only a few tables away from Sagan Pharmaceutical founder and CEO, Carl Shoemacher. Rudy had checked and found that he took lunch here once a week with a few close associates. He had...
Pippa couldn’t get the image of Sophie being caned by her mother out of her head. What had started as a curiosity had become an obsession. She knew what it felt like to have her bottom thrashed and had on one occasion taken a caning from Sophie which had broken the skin. Pippa needed to know what it would feel like to be subject to discipline, not play discipline but real punishment where she would have no control over the proceedings. Pippa and Sophie were becoming more comfortable with each...
SpankingThis was Rudy’s first time at Sal’s restaurant and he idly wondered if it was always this crowded. The restaurant was set on the ground floor of the Regal Hotel so it stood to reason that many of the patrons were staying at the hotel. The crowd did serve to make it easier to stalk the old man, though. He was only a few tables away from Sagan Pharmaceutical founder and CEO, Carl Shoemacher. Rudy had checked and found that he took lunch here once a week with a few close associates. He had...
Wife LoversI'm an avid vegetable gardener, spending all the warm months outdoors in the garden or the greenhouse. Owning a corner lot in the neighborhood left me with a tiny backyard but a large side yard. With this odd configuration, my garden and greenhouse were visible to every passerby. The picket fence surrounding my yard kept others at bay as I thoroughly enjoyed the solitude of my garden time.The one downside with being on a main road in the neighborhood was the constant stream of bikers and...
InterracialSo after work a tired, worn out, but contented Sophie makes her way home.It’s not far to the station and she decides although knackered the walk and fresh air will do her good.Passing a building site she hers the usual wolf whistles and looks up the scaffolding to see an old builder with his cock out who asks“Come suck this love” while laughing…Never to shy our Sophie shouts“Put it away Peewee”And continues to make her way to the station…Turning down the next alley she is startled to hear the...