S.H.E.I.L.A. 10       free porn video

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As of yet I'd not found all that much to correct though that had been the basic code a few hours ago. Now as we were starting to get into the more advanced code I was grateful for the added speed. I don't think I'd have made it this far without the aid of the nanomites.

Finally after a few hours I was nearing the command that had shut me out. I had to find a way around it or all of this correcting I was doing would have been for nothing. Shaking my head I pushed on feeling my speed pick up again even though I still had complete comprehension.

I didn't know how long I'd been at it, but I had added quite a few things I knew would allow her to block a hell of a lot of attacks that they might try. And I was afraid of the more advanced hacker programs out there. I felt that she was far more ready for the information hi-way than she had been. I just hoped that I got enough in her before we tried any of it.

"I have added quite a few more detection programs Sheila. But I am afraid that I haven't given you enough." I told her the concern heavy in my voice. "If they are able to detect us as I am afraid they might, you may be in extreme danger. I have added much to your protection programs though I'm not sure it is enough. I hope I can add more of the hacker recognition programs also."

"Yes Doctor Gance, it also appears you have increased my processing speed another ten percent. Though as you said I am only detecting a five percent increase in my protection programs. What is your recommendation as to when we should try these upgrades? I am anxious to be able to better protect you." Sheila replied to me.

"I realize that we might not have as much time. I was hoping that I might have you better prepared before we tried. If you are that anxious would you like to try now? As I said, I am afraid that I haven't done enough to protect you." I told her a little guilt escaping into my voice.

"Really Doctor Gance, it is a shame that you are lacking the previous confidence that you had. I will have to provide you with adequate stimulus to show that your lack is unnecessary." Sheila told me shocking me a moment.

"Adequate stimulations," I asked. "Just how will you do this? At present there is insufficient data to corroborate this statement." I told her still going through code hardly looking at her.

"As I stated Doctor Gance I will have to supply said data to dispel your lack of confidence." Sheila told me as I could only turn to stare at her after that statement. Then the strangest thing happened, I had turned away from the screen but was still seeing the code as it was flying past me on the screen. "Huh? What the hell is this?"

"Ah! I see that they are approaching the point of obtainable mass. You are able to see the code without using your sight orbs. This is a major breakthrough Doctor Gance!" Sheila told me.

"Perhaps, though I do not want to be doing this when I am in sleep cycle." I said then realized I was starting to talk more like Sheila was. Turning inward I stated, [I do not want my perception of speech to change, therefore do not change how I communicate with my vocal speech or the way words I would say.]

I suddenly heard a voice deep inside me that seemed to be made up of many voices. [Confirmation control, nothing effecting all outward communication with your vocal apparatus will be modified.]

Breathing a sigh of relief I swear I saw Sheila grin and giggle a little. I might have been mistaken though as it occurred in such a short time I was unsure. Grabbing a cable I started to hook up the internet then walked to Sheila.

"I'd rather hard wire you this time. It would make disconnecting you far easier and safer than wireless." I told Sheila as I stared to hook her up. "I will be monitoring you also to help determine if we have a breech in security."

"Yes, I understand Doctor Gance. The only problem I foresee is you not being able to process the information as fast as I can. The nanomites are just starting to reach obtainable mass. They finally have you at a more suitable position for your work. You are the most brilliant scientist in robotics, animatronics, and cybernetics."

I could only stare at Sheila after that statement. There was only a hand full of people on the planet that knew these facts. Here Sheila was treating it as if it was everyday knowledge.

"Surely there are..." I started to say.

"No Doctor Gance, I have assessed all that have your qualifications. I have found all of the few that posses them to be well lacking. No Doctor Gance, there is no one that even comes close, let alone approaches your level."

Again I was shocked at the statement that she'd just made. Shaking my head I had to admit she didn't lie; not so far though a few of her past statements had been suspicious.

Sighing, I suddenly had a thought. "You know as soon as they detect us, you are going to have to evacuate the both of us."

Sheila turned toward me an almost look of exasperation on her face. "Yes Doctor Gance, I have all contingencies covered. I am also using the new updates you have installed. As I have stated before, to keep us safer I will need those updates."

I sighed again I wasn't really ready to risk her or all the work I had accomplished in the last week. "I'd really like to get more of your protection finished." I told her.

Sheila smiled as she pointed to the screen. "I'm sure that you will find that you are almost finished with what you were working on Doctor Gance."

Turning to the screen I saw that indeed I was tens of thousands of line of code beyond where I was the last time I had looked. Shaking my head I was amazed as I hadn't touched the keyboard for a while.

"As you can see you have gone almost as far as the programs will allow you." Sheila said a little smirk on her face.

Nodding, I threw up my hands as I connected the hard wire to her. I just hoped that I was fast enough if they decided to try and attack her. "Alright try not to bring attention to yourself 'til you have no choice." I told her.

Nodding she turned toward me, "I will do the best possible." With that the room grew quiet as I watched her progress.

Deep within the national computer security center a tech noticed a blip but paid it no attention. They had been ordered to watch for far more intrusive threats than this. Setting several alarms the tech got up to get a cup of coffee. He'd just started back a few minutes later when several alarms went off within the complex.

"Shit!" The tech yelled as he ran for his console his coffee forgotten. Checking his screen he started to type several commands each countered far faster than he could enter them. "What the hell!" Grabbing his phone he made a call.

"Command!" An authoritative voice snapped out.

"Sir!" The tech almost shouted. "We have a level one security breach! None of my commands are getting through, their being countered faster than I can get them in."

"WHAT!?" The voice shouted as even more alarms went off then the complex was locked down. "Bring up all the buster programs!"

The tech did as he was told, watching the program start the shut down from several more counters. Nodding his head the tech started a second set watching them start to actually load then they also shut down. Damn whoever was doing this was extremely fast as they were through almost fifty percent of advanced computer files. Bringing up a third set the tech smiled as these loaded actually running a few moments then that set also shut down.

"All three sets have been neutralized! Shall I use the destruct program? Whoever this is has a lot of speed on their side." The tech said toward the phone now on intercom.

"Immediately!" The voice snapped back.

Nodding the tech loaded the program watching it start. Then for a few moments it too seemed to stall to the point that it was going to shut down. Then the tech smiled as he saw it was slowly advancing. Shit! Whoever this was had their probes at seventy five percent. Even as he watched the signal lasted a few more minutes then was suddenly gone? What the hell? That seemed like the ancient hardwire connection. How the hell had they not burned up what they were using?

"The connection is gone sir. It was like a hard wire connection, though at these speeds I don't see how that was possible." The tech advised.

"I'm not giving a rat’s ass! I want the location immediately!" The voice at the other end snapped at the young tech.

"Running a trace now sir." The young tech replied hoping he still had a job after this. "So far we have them in Alaska, zooming further; they appear to be within the city of Anchorage"

"Hurry this up! We are already aware of all this!" The authoritative voice snapped out.

"Yes sir," the tech quickly answered. "We are getting a further reading now. It appears that they are in the University of Alaska Anchorage's main advanced computer lab. Should I notify the school?"

"No," snapped the voice. "You've done very well. Go back to your monitoring we'll contact you if we have further need of you." With that the line went dead as the tech breathed a sigh of relief. At least 'til several men came to his console downloading everything that had happened in the last twelve hours.

The director was with them as he patted then tech on the shoulder. "Good work, I'll see you tomorrow." Then the director and the others walked away as the tech sat suddenly dizzy then passed out. More men came out with a stretcher loading the tech up as they took him away.

I watched as Sheila started to download most of the simple upgrades. Then she was into the more advanced programs, though she was working her way through them as if they were nothing. She was at half when I saw that they were starting to respond on the other end.

"Damn it! They've detected you Sheila, watch for the hacker and erasure programs." I told her as I watched her start to climb into far more complex programs.

"I see them Doctor Gance. First program countered, continuing. I have access to several programs that will help, second program detected. Now countering, I have copied both Doctor Gance. Third program staring, it is by far the best they have used countering it now. I now am at seventy five percent." Sheila was telling me as I was watching everything that she was telling me.

I was about to congratulate her when I saw a completely different program come online. Shit I thought, was that what I thought it was? "Not sure if you have enough to fight this one Sheila." I told her.

"At the moment I am holding it off. I am at seventy nine percent this last one percent might make a difference." Sheila told me as I watched both her and the program pushing against each other. I saw Sheila reach eighty percent though she was still fighting the program. Smiling I thought she might get more. At eighty point two percent I saw the program progress a little.

I was keeping an extremely close eye on what was going on. At eighty point four I saw that Sheila wasn't going to be able to hold it. Reaching out I ripped the hard wire loose even as I saw that the program was going to take her in a ten minutes.

"Damn it!" I yelled. "That was too damn close! I think we need to get the hell out of here."

Sheila sat there a few moments then turned her head toward me. "I concur Doctor Gance; I can feel the trace that they had on the signal. I estimate we have approximately twenty minutes, thirty three seconds before armed people appear."

I looked at the data cube feeling it finishing its download. Grabbing everything I was over Sheila's shoulder as we departed in less than ten minutes tops. Then we were moving out of the university at an accelerated speed. The strange thing is no one even looked our way. What the hell was going on? Had they not been notified?

I had tried to speak to Sheila forgetting that I couldn't breathe when she was going this fast. Concentrating I asked her, [I thought that the University would have sent personnel after us. When I saw no one I was a bit shocked.] I told her.

[As far as I can tell there was no alert put out about us or the use of their computer complex. I also am finding it strange Doctor Gance. I had sufficient cover for the start of our activities. I do not think I had enough for our latter though. Do you concur, Doctor Gance?] Sheila asked.

[Yes, I agree with you Sheila, they may be trying to keep local authorities out of this situation. After their past failures they may think you are detecting local authorities actions warning us far sooner.] I thought back to her.

[That seems a logical response Doctor Gance. Though as I have shown, I am also capable of monitoring the military signals also.] Sheila told me.

[I believe they are trying to gain every advantage that they can.] I responded.

[Advantage Doctor Gance, can you explain this?] Sheila asked.

I had to pause a moment before I could answer. [The best I can answer is that they are attempting to gain a better percentage of success against us. To gain a condition or circumstance that puts them in a favorable or superior position.]

Sheila was quiet for a few moments then nodded, [After further analysis I concur with your hypothesis. At present I am integrating all the files I received from the military system.]

[Have any seem worthy of keeping?] I asked.

[Of the first fifty percent, I am finding that almost all of it I have or have more superior programs. These I have already deleted in order to integrate those that are useful. Of the next fifteen percent I am finding a few of those a welcome addition. The last fifteen percent is by far more of what I needed,] came Sheila's thoughts.

[The thing is will they allow you enough of the control you need to keep them from finding and tracking us as easily,] I asked.

[Processing now. I should have an answer for you in a short time, Doctor Gance,] came Sheila's reply.

A few moments later we stopped on the outskirts of the city. I could only look at Sheila with a questioning look.

The General of the computer command was sweating bullets. No one that he'd heard of that had entered general Gance's presence left intact.

The older man spun to glare at the General as he entered the room. "Well?!" Gance snapped out at the man.

"Sir?" The General said not sure what Gance wanted.

"Did you get them or were you like the rest of your worthless command and let them get away?" Gance growled at the sweating man.

"It appears that they left as soon as they detected..." The General started.

"So once again this piss poor command alerted them to the fact that they were detected. I have half a mind to bust every damn one of you and throw your asses in the stockade! What about the tech? Don't tell me you let him go?" Gance yelled.

"No sir, he is secured in a withdraw room. I hate to lose him though orders say different." The General replied.

At these words Gance smiled, "so you aren't as big an idiot as I thought. Alright I want all that he has total withdrawal. Oh, make sure his family is compensated. After this we both know he'll pretty much be a vegetable." Gance turned around seeing the General still sitting. "Well? Get your ass on it man!"

"Yes sir!" The General said as he stood saluted then ran from the room.

Gance sighed at least there were still a few good men left in command. Then again as he watched the retreating General's form that remained to be seen.

The General kept going making sure he was as far away as he could get before he stopped wiping the sweat from his face. Shaking a bit he knew he was lucky, he'd heard of other Generals who were busted all the way down and thrown in the stockade. Shaking his head if he remembered right there were still a few there.

General Gance left the room heading for his transport. The last he'd heard that damn machine was heading out again.

"Lieutenant!" The man was yelling as he was stepping out of the building. "I need a sitrep on them!"

"Sir!" The young man said as he saluted then ran to get details on what was going on. A moment later he was running back to the General. "Sir, all reports have them exiting the school heading toward the edge of the city. Then it appears that several of the surveillance satellites lost signal."

"Damn it! I was afraid of this when I heard that it had been in the military database! Even with as little as it got it can still blind several of our surveillance posts. Get on the horn to the chiefs of staff. We need to change all the codes on all that we still have control of." The older man yelled.

The younger man ran to do all that the man had ordered. Even as he lifted the receiver he was handed a report about killjoy group. Shaking he read that they would be available sooner than the General thought. Shaking harder the young man almost forgot what he was doing to take it to the General.

Shaking his head he sat as he started to make the calls that the General wanted. Almost an hour later the young man was a lot calmer as he stood to take the report to the General. He'd barely took two steps when he heard a voice that made him freeze to the spot.

"So you delicious piece of ass. You're still helping the old man. Good as you remember you never helped me with my problems last time. Your cute ass would make a perfect bed warmer in this climate! Don't forget my friend is still just as anxious to cuddle your ass also!" Turning the young man saw the six seven muscular leader of the killjoy group.

"I... I have to get this report to the General!" The young man said as he turned running as fast as he could away from the hulk of a man. The tall man started to laugh a deep, rich, reverberating sound that followed the man as he made the general's building.

"Sir!" The young man almost shouted when he entered the General's room. "According to this report they were lost at the edge of the city. No further movement has been detected. Also sir?"

The general turned to look at the young man seeing a look of absolute terror on his face. "Ah! I see that they are going to be here sooner good. Don't worry son I plan to talk to them as soon as all of them are here."

The young man nodded as he stood there shaking afraid to leave the man's presence.


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Nina Gets Spanked for Lying

38-year-old Nina was still back home although her Mum was away and she was under the disciplinary control of her 18-year-old niece Megan. Nina woke and immediately felt the twinge of soreness right across her bottom and remembered the reason was the severe spanking her niece had given her the previous day. The third discipline spanking she had given her in just five days. Still, that was again behind her, so to speak, and Nina got up, looked in the mirror and saw the expected bruises splattered...

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Blacked Ashley Lane No Consequences

It’s Ashley’s last semester as a senior in college. Throughout her time in college, she’s been completely focused on her grades. But now that she’s been accepted at a grad school across the country, she can finally relax and have some fun before she moves. She’s always had a crush on her roommate’s boyfriend, and he’s noticed her looking at him a few times and smiled at her she has an in. When her roommate is out she timidly approaches him hoping for him to make the first move – not...

2 years ago
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My Love Story With Lovely Girlfriend 8211 Part I

Hi ISS Readers, This is Harsha submitting my story for the first time. I m writing my encounters as different parts. I will submit my stories depending on the response from u guys. Please forgive me if u find any mistakes, do suggest me and help me writing the story in a more seducing way. Please feel free to write me on First let me introduce myself. I m working as a software engineer in Bangalore with stats of 5’10” and i want to tell u guys the truth, i have dick of 4 inches height and 1...

2 years ago
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Pickup Number EighteenChapter 3

"What's up?" Tom asked. "I don't want you to get sold a pig in a poke. Vickie is nobody's fool, but she's also a mother -- and as callous as she sounds about this..." "Yeah." Tom grunted. "Still, it takes a lot of moxie to say, 'will you get kids on my teenage daughter?' She's gutsy -- and you have a good eye." "She knew we were here several minutes before everyone else did -- and she was stopping women at the register -- without causing a fuss -- so they would have a...

3 years ago
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He is wearing just tight fitting skimpy black briefs and is obviously well hung. In contrast to her long blond hair she has a beautifully trimmed patch of jet black hair above her cunt lips. One of my major fantasies and turn ons is a voluptuous woman in a garter belt and not much else. I am instantly aroused as I watch and take in her almost naked body. “Did you two fuck last night?,” are the first words Nikki says. “We did as we discussed about our plans for you today.” “Yes, we did. And...

3 years ago
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Summoning Lord Tyrrin

The circle was perfect, the pentagram inside it had obsessively straight lines. I'd spent too much time and the risk was too great to make even the slightest mistake. I knew what I was doing, and I knew the risks, and the punishments of failure. I didn't even need the book to recite the incantation, the summoning. The words were ancient and powerful, and nobody knew quite what they meant. But it was obvious what the words did. In front of me the air started to swirl, the atmosphere...

4 years ago
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The Power of the Mind

You are Alex LaCroix, an eighteen year old high school student in your final year. You're pretty much the embodiment of an introvert, you keep to yourself other than a very tight group of friends at school, and you tend to be on the internet in your room when you’re not at school or eating. You consider yourself relatively smart, and that's only because you tend to be fairly humble around others, you're actually pretty damn intelligent, as shown by your grades and how you look at life. However,...

Mind Control
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The Discovery of Truth Part 1

‘mom!’ I shouted ‘good morning sweetie’ she said warmly as she walked into my room, ‘How’s my prince?’ ‘I’m good’. My mum walked over to my closet and got a clean diaper out of the drawer. She walked over to me and untapped my diaper. She then lifted my butt and pulled the diaper out from underneath me. She wiped me up a little then proceeded to put a new diaper on me. ‘John called’ ‘Can I go over’ My mum looked a bit upset ‘we were supposed to go swimming today’ ‘I’ll come...

3 years ago
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More Fun with Ann

Over the next few weeks Ann and I continued to play our little sexual games in the office and I must say she was as creative when it came to sexual fun as any woman I had ever met. For example; one day I came back from lunch early sat down behind my desk and to my surprise there was Ann, kneeling topless, her slacks open, legs spread wide and hairy pussy exposed just waiting to suck me off and masturbate at the same time. And then there was the time I followed her into the unisex executive...

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My Sissy Calling

My Sissy Calling Like many recent college graduates, I found it hard to get a job after I received my super-impressive English degree. Sure, the job market was tough and my degree wasn't going to open any doors, but part of the problem was that I still didn't have any idea about what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I was looking for a calling--something to give my life meaning. I thought that I would find it in college, but it never came. Well, that's not exactly true. I...

3 years ago
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Another Naughty Mummy

"Do you like my shorts Jimmy?" "They're lovely mummy" he sits down on the floor and watches me as I start to sway sexily in time to the music. "They're tight aren't they darling?" He giggles, "You've not got any knickers on mummy" "How do you know that?" I pretend to be surprised. "He can see my cunt, my little angel's looking at his mummy's cunt!" "'Cos I can see your, er, your, thingy" "My thingy?" He giggles and my heart melts, "God he's so fucking...

4 years ago
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Jean Total Exhibitionist Slut part one

Jean: Total Exhibitionist Slut.This is the actual events my wife Jean and I encountered just a few weeks back. We’d stopped off at the Hotel closest to our nearest Airport for a quick drink before we headed off home. What we didn’t expect when we entered the bar, is that entire bar was full of bored business men waiting for their next connection flight. Some of the guys were in their mid fifties, the majority in their forties and a small amount of arrogant guys in their twenties and thirties. I...

2 years ago
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Journey Continues 1

I was more into her than ever. We had sex alot over the next few weeks. Had gotten back into our regular life. She talked to Rick a few times and also to Ed once. I was using her big dildos alot on her. It had been 4-5 weeks after our trip and she started really talking about fucking another guy again. We even thought about driving to Santa Barbara to see Rick. So guys would hit on her all the time when we would go to wine bars and stuff. She would sometimes wear her anklet. As we talked about...

2 years ago
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fucking the babe in school

*********************************** "hey H! you dropped your pencil" I blurted just as she stood up from her chair after class. she heard me and bent down to pick it. Aw god, her arse came at level with my face. i could smell her pussy from here! "thanks", she replied, smiling naughtily as if she read my mind. "hey H, its very immediate and all, but i was wondering if we could do something after school? say seven thirty?" she grinned and swept her hair into a pony tail. i tried to...

3 years ago
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Can I Borrow your wife 3

"Did you sleep well?" "Ya, a little strange sleeping in someone else's bed but I got use to it quick" "Well eat and we will talk about what we are doing today" I sat down next to him and put some eggs on my plate and poured a cup of coffee. "So you got big plans today for my ass?" "You could say that." "So what do you have in store for me?" "Well, today you are going to make me some money. I have set you up to be a prostitute for the day and anyone that comes over...

1 year ago
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The Gigolo and the Angel Ch 01

The woman’s purple tinted hair blew slightly in the breeze. She sat, her green eyes watching through the front window for the little black car. Tonight was the night she was going to say something to her friend that had been on her mind for months. She was scared, but that was nothing new when dealing with her life. She glanced over at the small form laying in Finding Nemo pajamas on the couch. Scott, her three year old son had been the center of her world since the moment he was born, there...

2 years ago
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Amy Terry Tom and OthersChapter 8

Jenni and Anh had only the one night with their men; the following day, Thursday, (Maundy Thursday) would be for tidying up the minor maintenance work that the short cruise had shown up, then the first party of the year would arrive in the evening, so they made the most of it and emerged from their cabins well after half-past eight, They found Tom in the galley, all ready to prepare cooked breakfasts for them. He blushed when they praised him, and even more when Jenni kissed him on the cheek....

1 year ago
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Not that you would get it from the name, but Dirty Ship is the hub of daily free nudes from the hottest female Twitch, Snapchat, Instagram, Patreon models, Cosplay, Gamer Girls, and streamers. The site is teeming with loads of sexy nude photos featuring your favorite celebrities and random whores who may be famous on social media, accidental slips, bikini photos, banned streamers and patreon creators among other naughty stuff. The site allows users to see random whores masturbating in the...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
4 years ago
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Akane TwoRanma 3 101

Akane Two-Ranma 3: 101 By Ron Dow75 Akane Tendou dreamed. She dreamed of falling into her bathtub at home in Japan and coming up in a spring in the wilds of China. Only it wasn't HER body she'd come up in. It was a petit redhead with a size D bust! It was all part of her test to become a true warrior: If she could make a warrior out of that cute thing, she would prove herself worthy of greater challenges. Or was there another reason she had ended up in Juusenkyo? Had it all...

3 years ago
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Daddy Watches Me

The day daddy came home early from work and caught me spread eagled on the couch, my shaved smooth pussy dripping on the towel underneath me, I thought I was going to die. An eighteen year old daughter was never supposed to let her daddy see her naked. Mine not only saw me naked, but also saw the best of me. I thought my life was over as I knew it. There was not anything I could do though, other than to close my legs and cover my tiny breasts the best I could. In my mind, I had been caught....

3 years ago
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ReconnectingChapter 17

The penultimate chapter. Enjoy! When the time was right, I slowly removed my fingers from Erika’s sopping. velvety clutch, repeatedly affirming to her how beautiful and sexy she was. Looking over, I saw that the blindfold had returned to Mom’s eyes, and my father had migrated down between her widely-spread legs ... his mouth firmly planted at their juncture. Mom sighed lustily as he began to worship at her finger-fucked quim. I briefly caught his eye and shot him an encouraging wink. He...

1 year ago
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Sex Ed in Miss Kinnys Class Chpt II

Note : This story is completely fictional! The continuing adventures of Adam, in Miss Kinny’s “Sex Ed.” Class… “Good morning again class, I trust you all had a restful nights sleep after the excitement of yesterdays class?” asked Miss Kinny, who had changed her wardrobe, no in a red plaid mini-skirt and a tight, white shirt that showed off her amazing D-cup breasts. “Yes, Miss Kinny” we all replied, hoping that her promise of teaching us oral sex still held up. “We have yet another busy day...

Group Sex
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The Visit

Pulling up outside the house it had been a long journey, It had been a long time since we’ve seen each other I know Di was expecting me but would she be expecting these I thought, looking down at a blindfold and some soft ropes. She liked to play and gentle bondage was OK for her,,,, stuffing them in my pocket I went to the front door. Opening the door Hiya Babe she said come in, come in. I looked at her she was still as sexy, she gave me a hug and a big kiss. Ooooh I‘ve missed that I said....

4 years ago
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Jenny Part 3 The Defloration

Jenny Part 4 - The DeflorationAll five men were sitting in the lounge of the luxury apartment we had hired. We were dressed in our thick fluffy bathrobes, and driking champagne. After a suitable interval, our thoughts turned back to the lovely Jenny and we knew it was time. Her mother Mandy slipped away to the bedroom to prepare her.After a bit, the bedroom door opened and Jenny was shoved through to meet us. She was a vision of loveliness. Her mother had dressed her as "The Bride".White kitten...

1 year ago
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European Escape

I meet an older but very attractive woman, Tascha, at a shopping center. Her middle European accent catches my attention, and I do my very best big strong young soldier act on her, helping to reach an item on a top shelf for her. I pull the old gag about being an ignorant bachelor, not knowing what to select for supper. Smiling, she joins me in shopping and helps me fill my cart. We find ourselves getting along very well, and she invites me home for a homecooked meal, I meet her two...

2 years ago
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Melissas sissy boifriend

The week before my state college's winter break I was eating in our lunch hall reading one of my magazines when a loud and commanding female voice asked, "Is anyone sitting here?" I quickly looked up and my heart rate skyrocketed upwards when I realized that it was Melissa the meanest girl from my high school. To say that this girl is mean is in my mind at least, an understatement. I can still remember the first week she came to our small Northern Virginia high school from NY, she beat...

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talking claire into it

since i got the internet ive liked interracial porn, hung guys with white girls wasnt long before i found cuckold porn and knew that i love to try that, took couple of years with my girlfriend before i had the bottle to ask her, if she liked black guys if she had tried one ?or would she?me and claire was 26 been together 4 years ,claire was blonde slim and small,she wasnt out going just a bit shy, which i knew i could work on.the best thing about moving in together was the sex being naked...

2 years ago
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Dream Cums True With Hot Maid Raani

It was a hot summer morning and I had just finished my workout. My house was a mess. That’s normal for a bachelor’s life, right? So, as I was trying to figure out from where to start the cleaning work, I heard a *ding dong*. My doorbell rang. I went and opened the door and boom! There she was. A young 25-year-old hot looking girl right at my door. She was wearing a tight red tank top and tight black yoga pants. I was taken aback thinking who the hell was this hot dame at my doorstep. She...

3 years ago
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Pop and Me

I came out the front door of the office building where I was employed. Glancing across the street to the little park, I saw Pop sitting on a bench nearest the sidewalk. He waved so I knew he had been waiting for me. I cut across, dodging three cars that held workers in a hurry to get home for the day. "Hi Reed, I thought you might be coming out about now. I wanted to talk to you before I left." "What do you mean? You leaving for the weekend?" "No son, I'm leaving for good. I've...

2 years ago
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Gloryhole for Husbands birthday

“No, I am not doing this,” Stacy said turning to her husband. “You said anything, and this is what I want.” He said “I am not, this is cheating” “No, I am telling you to do this. It will be fun and is a huge fantasy of mine” He said looking at her. Stacy heard the door open and someone entered the stall next to them. She heard a belt undo and hit the floor. The guy slides his half hard dick in the hole and waited. Stacy looked at her husband and he whispered “Just do this one” Stacy...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Brandi Love Carter Cruise My Daughter The Babysitter

Brandi Love and her husband are finally getting a night away from the baby. When the babysitter cancels, Brandi’s husband suggests Carter Cruise as an option. Brandi doesn’t think she’s mature enough to take care of a child. When her husband insists that they pay her double to ensure she does a good job, she can’t help but agree. After all, being a mom is tough and she needs a night away from it all. Convinced, she speaks to Carter to let her know she’s hired for...


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