A Belting In Connecticut_(1) free porn video

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“You’re shitting us,” Trent hollered above the din of Krazy Vin’s, a local strip club. “Not Allison, she would never… I don’t fucking believe you!”

David clamped me on the shoulder, spilling my drink.

“Yeah man, I’m with Trent on this one. You’re full of shit. Good story though, man!”

The story I had told them was how, on occasion, my super hot girlfriend likes me to dominate her, in some very physical ways. Ways that, to the uninitiated, might make someone want to call the police. That’s where our loft comes in handy. Built on the remains of an old aircraft engine factory, my loft was rock solid and let no sound escape.

“Hey there boys.” A young lady came up to us. “Any of you fellas want a dance?”

She had a nice smile, and a body that was made for teaching third graders. I flipped her a tenner and thanked her anyway.

“I’m totally honest, why would I shit you guys?”

“Because you’re a born liar?” chided David. “Just cuz you’re older than us doesn’t mean we’re stupid.”

“Allison… is as pure as the driven snow,” Trent pontificated, holding his glass out as if he was making some very important statement. “Furthermore, she is my boss and very sweet and she’s not the whore you say she is. Pics or it didn’t happen!”

We clinked our glasses in a mock toast to Allison’s supposed near-virginal status. I got my phone out and began scrolling through the photo folders.

“It just so happens... fellas… here’s one…”

The two guys stared in shock at the picture on my phone. There, in full color, stood Allison; naked, bent over at the waist, her wrists handcuffed behind her back, and yet her hands were pulling apart her ass cheeks. Her bare pussy lips and asshole completely on display, Allison’s head was turned towards the camera, giving a shy smile to us. Her large breast hung down, and her raw sexuality just leaped at you from the screen..

I started to put my phone away but David grabbed my hand. Trent just said, “Dude, give us a minute, alright?”

I chuckled and let them ogle for a while longer. Finally, I put the phone away.

“Gonna need another round,” stated Trent.

“Just you guys,” I intoned. “I’m driving.”

We still had a two hour drive up to the cabin in Kent where we were going for the weekend of fishing and drinking. But a plan was forming in my head. Allison had shared some dark fantasies with me. Sometimes we would talk about them as we made love and she would cum so hard. Many of her fantasies involved some public exposure and humiliation; getting seen fucking, that kind of thing. Like, she wanted to be an exhibitionist, but like it wasn’t her fault.

And she wanted to have several sex partners at once.

I pondered as the guys drank their drinks, were these fantasies of Allison’s actually wishes, or just thoughts? It was her main fantasy; perhaps I should sack up and give it to her. I decided to put her to the test. Fuck it, she can always say no! We had very good communication that way; ‘Red’ meant full stop, and ‘Yellow’ meant that we needed to pause for a moment and talk.

“Say, uh, guys. Maybe we could skip the cabin and go back to my place. Your girls, Stacy and Meredith, are there.”

“What the hell man!” Trent demanded. “I thought the plan was to get away from the women this weekend?”

“You saw that picture of Allison, you want to see that in person?”

“Coop, don't bullshit us.” Dave, ever the skeptic.

The two guys exchanged looks, then looked at me, questioning.

“Allison has always dreamed of… something sexy. Follow my lead, and you can make it come true.”

They badgered me all the way back to my house, but I wouldn't tell them any more of my plan.

- - -

We stormed into my loft, wine bottles in hand. Stacy and Allison looked at us in full shock and awe mode.

“Hey?” asked Trent. “Where's Meredith?”

“Didn’t she text you? She couldn’t come,” answered Allison, rising up off the couch. “Her dad fell and she’s with her parents right now. What are you guys doing here?”

I just kissed her for a little while, then for a little while longer. We noticed that it got kind of quiet, we were making the others uncomfortable with this public display of affection.

Well, here it goes, I thought. All or nothing.

“Allison,” I said in a low voice. “Are you ready?” It was more of a statement than a question. This had become our little role-play phrase, when we were going to do a scene, I would say that.

Her conditioning kicked right in, mostly. “Yes, Sir.” She paused a few moments. “But… Here? Now?”

I broke apart from her and walked to the center of our living area.

I slowly nodded to her. “Come here, now.”

Allison straightened up her jeans skirt. Nervously, she walked towards me and we met in the middle of the big main area. Our three guests watched in silence.

As always, her beauty took my breath away. I put my arms around Allison and drew her to me. Her warm body melted into mine and we kissed gently, lovingly, for a long time this time. Holding her tightly, the kiss turned more and more passionate and her hesitancy disappeared. We devoured each other's mouths, our lips communicating our feelings about each other.

I loved her with all my heart. And she loved me like no ever had before. Truth be told, I was going to ask her to marry me in a couple months and I was never going to get married.

Eventually, I pulled away, and we gazed into each other's eyes.

“Remember Allie, green, yellow, red. Say it.”

“I know, honey. Green, yellow, red. God, Are we going to do what I think we are?”

“Yes, love. But it's up to you. Anytime, you just say yellow or red, okay? Don't even think about it.”

Allison nodded and smiled. “Okay, okay," She took in a deep breath, then blew it out.

"We’re green.”

I stepped away from Allison, leaving her in the center of the room, looking confused.

“Allison, my love. If you would be so kind, take off your skirt.”

Her jaw dropped. But her shocked look lasted just a few moments, then her hands slowly went to the rear of her skirt where the zipper was. She slowly lowered the zipper, then did that sexy little shimmy that women do and pushed her skirt down. It fell to the floor.

Now all Alison had on were her high heels, a thin long sleeve white sweater, and an iridescent blue thong.

“Jesus Christ” muttered Trent, seeming a little uncomfortable. David gulped his wine while Stacy just openly stared at my gorgeous Allison.

“Darling,” I said in my low but controlling voice. “That thong is beautiful, but we need you to take it off.”

She took a deep breath, girding her loins, I suppose. Then she exhaled and hooked her fingers under the string. She pulled it down as she bent over, and then stood up holding the stretched thong in her hands. Her embarrassment evident on her red cheeks, she nevertheless stood proudly with her head held high and her pussy bare. That's my girl, I thought. Even in a tough situation, she still managed to look awesome.

“Good girl, Allie, you're doing great. Now come to me.”

Our three visitors all stared intently at Allison as she walked the ten steps over to me; rather lasciviously I might add. There was certainly an extra “ba-boom” in her step, causing her hips to sway. She swung her arms, the thong still in her fingers.

She bowed her head as she stopped a few inches short of me.

“Turn around and face your friends.” She did as she was told.

“Arms up.” I took hold of the hem of her sweater, and feeling her bare flesh on my fingers, I  slowly pulled the sweater up over her breasts and then completely off of her. Tossing it aside, I carefully slid her bra straps off her shoulders and unhooked the two hooks on her satiny blue bra.

Ever so slowly I pulled her bra down, her heavy breasts dropping an inch or two, until finally her nipples were completely exposed. I dropped the bra, and reached around from behind to cup her large breasts. Allison sighed softly as I rolled her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers. She lowered her head and tried to turn to the side, away from our guests. I pinched her nipples and steered her body straight forward again.

“Allison, head up. Now look at David… and now Trent… and Stacy… they want to see what you’re capable of. Don’t you want to show them?”

First David, and then Trent, reached down and adjusted themselves; both guys obviously becoming aroused.

“Yellow,” was all she said.

I immediately turned her around and hugged her close to me, covering her up. “Can you guys give us a minute? Thanks.” and they went into the kitchen to get some more drinks.

“You want to stop, honey?” I asked.

Trembling, she answered, “I… I don’t know… I’m so scared. I work with Stacy and Trent, and… what will they think on Monday… oh God… accounting firms are very conservative, Cooper.”

“It will be okay, hon. I can tell by looking at them, they are both in puppy-love with you and would do anything you asked. They are enamored with you; we could turn them into your slaves if you wanted.”

She pulled her head from my neck and smiled at me. “You’re not just saying that? You really think so? I don’t mean turning them into slaves. I mean, you think they like me, will still respect me? I’ll be up for partner in a couple years.”

I promised her all would be well.

Dave stuck his head around the corner, I nodded at him, indicating it was okay for them to come back.

“Guys, if there is any loose talk about this, or any disrespect towards Allison--”

“Oh God, no,” David said loudly.

“Of course not.” Trent and Stacy nodded their heads in agreement. “We promise this will never leave this room.”

"Because," I warned. "I know people..." Hey, I know alot of people.

“See, hon?”

Still holding Allison, I kissed her softly, then pulled away and looked into her eyes. “It’s up to you honey, we don’t have to do anything.”

Her lips curled into that sexy little smile of hers, that dimple just beginning to appear.

“Green,” she whispered to me.

“I’m so proud of you, my love.”

We kissed for a full minute as she ground her pelvis against my cock. I withdrew as I felt her breathing increase. She looked at me expectantly, ready to do what I told her to do.

“Okay guys and girl.... Now the reason we are here tonight.”  

Allison’s eyes widened as I unbuckled my black leather belt. Slowly, I pulled it out through my pant loops. I SNAPPED it down hard on the tile floor. The sharp crack of the belt made everyone jump a bit.

“Open your mouth,” I instructed Allison. I placed it between Allison’s teeth so the belt hung down both sides of her face.

“All fours, please.” She looked at me, and got down on her hands and knees.

“Crawl to the couch.” I heard a gasp from the gallery as Allison crawled naked across the floor; her big natural boobs swaying, her ass shaking, and the belt between her teeth. What a gorgeous sight she made.

“David, Trent, turn out those lights over there. Stacy, why don't you light some of these candles.” The room took on a rather romantic glow.

I helped Allison stand up as she reached the couch, then I leaned her over the arm of the couch so her ass stuck out nice and high for my enjoyment.

“Come on over, you guys,” I told the group. “Take a look, don’t be shy. She wants you to see.”

“No, I don’t,” piped in Allie, a bit muffled as the belt was still between her teeth.

I SLAPPED her ass hard.

“Yesss,” she said quietly, dropping the belt from her mouth. “Yes I do want them to see me… and... thank you, Sir.”

“You’re welcome, honey. Now Dave, Trent, check this out.”

I grabbed Allie’s ample ass cheeks and spread them apart. Completely smooth from laser treatments, her dark rose was barely visible on the soft light, but her pussy lips were unmistakably swollen and glistening.

“Allison?” Trent asked in a shaky voice. “I need… I need to know you're okay with this. I mean, this looks like it's going to get weird.”

Before she could answer, I spoke up. “Trent. I understand your concerns and I appreciate them. I'm going to the restroom so you three can talk to Allison and ask her anything you want.”

I went and took a nice piss. Washed my hands, checked my hair, took my time, unbuttoned my shirt a few… I ended up spending about five minutes in there.

I walked back to the living area. Stacy was now undressed completely and sat on the couch holding Allison’s hands. the guys had their shirts off.

“So, Trent, I guess everything is satisfactory?”

“Yes, sir. It's what she wants.” He and David backed up a bit, as if I had caught them doing something my wrong.

I leaned down and kissed Allie’s ass cheek, nibbling my way across to the other one, nice and slow… and returning to the center to kiss her right on her hot hole. Allison let out a soft moan for me as my tongue explored her private area. She relaxed after a few moments, and my stiff tongue entered her asshole. 

Goddamn I love this woman.

Then she turned her head to ask me, “Daddy? Will I be punished soon? I’ve… I’ve had a lot of bad thoughts lately.”

“Yes, of course you will sweetheart. I was just enjoying your ass. Stacy? Hold her hands tight for me. Usually I have to restrain her, but tonight that will be your job. And listen for the words ‘yellow’ or ‘red’. They mean stop. Okay?”

Stacy nodded her head and replied, “Yes, Mr. Johnson.”

I smiled inwardly to myself. She's almost putty in my hands, too. And Trent called me 'sir' a minute ago…

I picked up the belt from the couch. I dragged it across Allison’s ass as she cooed quietly. Slowly, I folded it in half, then half again. It was around three feet to start, or just under a meter. Now it was pretty short.

I spoke to the group.”Now I don't want you--”


“--to be alarmed. But you are not to stop me--


“--unless she says yellow or red.”

Whack Whack!

“How many is that, sweetheart?”

I could see Allison had a death grip on stacy’s hands and her breathing was a bit ragged.

“That's… four,” she grimaced. “And... Thank you, Sir.”

I rubbed her cheeks, they were warm to the touch, but in the candle light I couldn't see any color change.

Allison appeared a bit too comfortable. It was time to up the ante. I unfolded the belt once, doubling its length, but still folded.

I wound up further this time, and as I uncoiled, you could hear the belt swishing through the air.


“Aaaauuughh!” screamed Allison, trying to pull away from Stacy’s grip.

I rubbed her now very hot ass cheek, and waited… and waited… and was just about to get angry when I heard it.

“Tha-... thank you… Daddy… fuckkk…” I could barely hear Allisons voice, but it was enough for me.

David and Trent just stared, not knowing what to do. I could see their erections, though, making tents on their pants.

I could smell Allison’s pussy; her arousal very evident as she ground herself slowly on the arm of the couch. I could also smell her scent as a light film of sweat formed on her skin. God, I love that smell. I bent down for a few moments to lick her asshole again. Mmmm... heaven.


Allison jumped at this one, but only whimpered, and then sobbed quietly. I peaked around and could see tears coming down her cheeks.  But before I could do anything, Stacy lifted Allie’s head and kissed her tears away.

That's my job, little bitch. I earned those tears.

But I got over it, Stacy doesn't know the rules yet. I was pretty sure I would get the chance to explain them to her, though.

David started taking off his jeans. “Fuck it,” was all he said. His cock sprang out at full attention.

“Why don't you show that to Allison?” I told him. Shocked, he moved in closer to his girlfriend Stacy and next to my Allison. Stacy stroked his cock a little, then put Allie’s hand on it, too. David rested his hand on Allie’s shoulder, rubbing it softly.

“Thank you, Sir,” whispered Allie, She leaned up and kissed the tip of David’s penis.

I decided that David had the right idea, and I shucked off my shoes and pants, too. Pre-cum glistened at the tip of my cockhead. I was completely fired up. I stepped up to Allison’s hot ass and rested my hard cock between her cheeks. I felt her heat, and her pussy juices flooding my cock. She was completely and undeniably turned on by her belting, and by the people watching her and now touching her.

If you’ve ever seen American Baseball, you know the pitcher doesn’t just stand there and throw flat-footed. He winds his arm back, and then takes a step forward to increase his arm speed as he throws.

So that's what I did. I stepped back, wound up my arm, and then stepped into the delivery.


“SHIIITTT!” screamed Allie. She jerked so hard she yanked David’s cock hard and pulled him down to the floor.

Even in the dim candlelight, I could see a couple welts forming on Allies ass. I rubbed her cheeks.

“Damn, Allie, your ass is hot!”

Allie couldn’t answer through her whimpers.

“Is it really?” asked Trent.

“Go ahead, see if it isn't.”

Trent tentatively touched my girl’s ass with his fingers. “It is hot, holy shit…”

I gave him a smirk, and grabbed his wrist and pushed his hand right into Allie’s crack.

“She wants you to touch her, Trent. Go on now.” His eyes widened as he felt my girlfriend’s asshole. He started to massage her pussy and ass. Then he took off his pants, one-handed.

I walked around the back side of the couch to check on Allie. “Are you doing okay honey?”

She smiled and nodded through her tears, now flowing freely. I stroked her hair gently, proud of my girl. I had to be careful, though. At times, the submissive may go down so deep into subspace that they are unable to use their safe-words for fear of disappointing their Top. So it was my responsibility to take care of her and ensure her safety.

“Yellow, or Red?” I asked her gently.

She broke into a big smile. “Emerald green, Daddy. Thank you.”

“Where are we at in the count?” I knew perfectly well, I just wanted her to say it.

“Seven,” blurted Stacy. “Oh, sorry. You meant for her to answer.”

I leaned over and gripped Stacy by her chin and kissed her hard right on the lips, right in front of David. He didn't seem to mind, though. I reached around her back and grasped her short brown hair in my hand, pulling her head back a couple inches. She gasped and looked at me, fear in her eyes.

“You, little one, you need to learn how to behave.” I was using what I call the The Voice. Low, slow, deliberate; I don't yell or scream, this is much more forceful. She lowered her head when I released my grip, and just whispered “Yes, Daddy.”

I moved back behind Allison, but I had to eyeball Trent so he would move out of the way. He reluctantly removed his hand and then rubbed his cock with it.

I stepped up to Allison and placed my cock head at the entrance of her pussy.

“Don't cum yet, sweetheart.” And with no finesse, I plunged my cock right up into her vagina. Allison squealed and then held her breath. I knew she was desperately trying not to cum, so I grabbed her ass cheeks and pressed her clit harder into the couch.

I pulled my cock nearly out and rammed it back inside her, and repeated that faster and harder.

“Daddy! Please! God please let me cum!”

“Nope! Guys, you should be touching her.” And David quickly reached under her to grab her full breast. Trent grabbed her hand as she stroked his cock.

I fucked her harder and faster for another minute while she moaned and begged. I know she was right on the edge. I pulled my cock out, watching her pussy gape and drip.

“Cum now.”

And she did, with an electrifyingly sexy howl, her body jerked and spasmed as she climaxed hard.

While she rode the wave of her orgasm, I stepped back and let the belt fly again. The air sizzled and a resounding


filled the room. Allison screamed , then moaned, then broke down completely in body-wracking sobs as her body reacted to all the stimuli she received. The pain amplified her orgasm, as evidenced by the puddle forming on the arm of the couch. Allison always came a lot, but now her juices literally flowed.

But… sometimes… sometimes… you let the big dog out to run, and he doesn't come back right away when you call him.

Without even thinking, I released the folded part of the belt, letting it fall to its full length. I reared back and let it fly.


The terrible sound shocked everyone, myself included. I had never hit her this hard.  Allison howled and squirmed and shrieked like a scream-queen in a slasher movie.

Stunned for a moment, I dropped the belt as the three onlookers just stared at me over what I had done.

Pushing them out of the way, I jumped on the couch and pulled Allison over the arm of the couch and on top of me. I hugged her tightly to me, rocking her back and forth. Her tears poured onto my face and shoulder as I held her limp body. Her body convulsing, she held on to me fiercely. Her crying triggered something in me; I found myself getting teary eyes too.

I kissed her tenderly, gently as I held her. Telling her how much I loved her, how proud I was of her, how she is my good girl… she kissed me hard, passionately. She wriggled on me, and slipped her pussy down on my cock and swallowed it up inside her.

“Fuck me,” she moaned through her sobs and tears. “Please Daddy, Fuck your dirty whore.”

And I held her tight as we fucked. And I gently caressed her welts, though that caused her more pain. She came again, quickly. Her pussy clenching and throbbing on my cock. I kept fucking her slowly, just moving a little back and forth.

She kept cumming and cumming and she buried her face in my neck as she wept quietly, her tears running down onto me.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered. “My love, Was that too much? I went too far, didn’t I?”

But she shook her head vigorously, “No, it’s just… It was so amazing… I can’t give it words… Keep fucking me, Daddy...” I tried to talk but she kissed me so hard, so passionately. And she clenched her pussy on me so tight I had to cum, and I roared like a bear as my cock fired hot jets of sperm inside her.

Time passed, maybe a minute or two, not really sure.

“I love you so much honey,” I whispered as I held her tightly while we both returned to a somewhat normal state.

Allison opened her eyes after a few moments, then said to me, “Cooper, our guests…”

Oh, yeah. I actually forgot about them.

I disentangled myself from Allison, gently rolling her on her back. Her leg slipped to the floor, her pussy still oozing nectar and now semen, too.

Stacy stared lustfully at Allison’s carnal display.

“Go ahead,” I said to her.

She immediately dove between Allison’s legs, burying her face in Allie’s wetness and started licking up her cum and mine. Allison groaned but, as her mouth widened with lust, I shoved my cock in it. It hadn’t gone down too much, and watching Stacy eat out my girlfriend was enough to get me fired up again.

David stood there, cock in hand, as did Trent.

“Fuck her tits, man.”

David leaped aboard and started fucking Allie’s tits with a vengeance, squeezing them around his cock. Her sweat provided plenty of lubrication as her tits swallowed his cock between them.

David and I were face to face, just inches away from each other as he fucked her big jugs and I fucked her mouth.

“Don’t get cute,” I warned him.

But he didn’t hear me, for right then he started groaning as his orgasm approached. He grabbed his cock and shot hot sperm ropes onto her nipples, then onto Allison’s chin, lips and mouth.

That was fine, except the tip of my cock was in Allie’s mouth at the time and got splashed also. I glared at David but he just grinned sheepishly at me. I shoved my cock deep into Allie’s throat so she could clean my cock of his cum.

David slinked off Allison and collapsed on the floor.

Amateur, I thought. Worn out already.

I redoubled my efforts of fucking Allison’s face; I know she loves the feeling of being used hard and I loved the vast quantities of saliva she produced. My cock blurred I was fucking her face so fast, drool pouring out of her mouth. I couldn’t take it any longer; seeing the cum on Allison’s jiggling tits, Stacy eating the hell out of Allison’s pussy.

“Aaauuughhh!” I hollered as I emptied hot load after load into Allie’s throat.

Allie came to another climax as she swallowed my sperm, Stacy’s face getting covered in girl goo. Allison didn’t actually squirt, but she oozed about a pint!

Trent just stood there, cock in hand, unsure what to do. He worked directly for Allison, and couldn’t make up his mind, I guess.

“Whack off in her mouth,” I told him, pointing to Allison.

He stepped in, gave himself about ten good strokes and then poured another big load on her face and in her mouth.

I looked to Stacy, “You’re on cleanup duty, sweetheart.”

Hungrily, Stacy licked up David’s cum from Allie’s tits. She slurped up Trent’s cum from her face, then open-mouth kissed Allison as they shared the cum mixture together.

Trent hastily got dressed. Obviously confused by the evening’s turn of events, he probably felt some guilt about participating without his girlfriend.

David now lay sprawled on the other couch, his cock flaccid. I gently lifted Stacy off my girl, I know she needed me now. Allison clung tightly to me as we rested on the couch.

The couple began gathering their clothes, sensing it was time to leave. Allison just melted into me and slipped into a semi-sleep state. After getting dressed and somewhat squared away, they came back over to the couch.

“Is she alright?” asked Stacy.

“Yes,” I whispered, smiling. “Thank you both for tonight. Allison loved it. I know she did. I don’t know exactly when, but I think it’s a safe bet that she will want to do this again.”

Stacy’s face beamed. It almost seemed she forgot she had a boyfriend, and that he was holding her hand at the moment.

Stacy scanned the room, then took a few steps over to the side of the couch, bent over and picked up something. Ahh, she found my belt.

“Daddy?” Stacy asked sweetly. “Maybe next time, if it’s alright with Allison, you could… maybe…”

“Maybe… What Stacy? You have to say the words. Ask me.”

Stacy straightened up, then looked at David, and back at me. “Maybe you could use this on me. And I think, David also.”

He nodded his head up and down, yes. I knew he was giving me a funny look when he was cumming… Well if the boy wants to be a sissy, that’s not my fault.

“Definitely you, Stacy. We will see about him. You two run along now.” And we said our goodbyes, Allison not really responding.

I covered Allison in a warm blanket, then padded to our bathroom and turned on the hot water full bore for our huge tub. I poured in three capfuls of lavender bath salts, Allison’s favorite scent. The calming fragrance filled the room.

I then went to the kitchen to make a pot of chamomile and lemon tea. Taking the candles from the living area, I arranged them in the bathroom on any flat surface I could find.

I returned to Allison and scooped her up in my arms. She clung tightly to me.

“You left me, Coop.”

“Just for a couple minutes, honey. But I’m back now. I will never leave you, you know that.”

She turned to me and smiled as she saw the teapot and china cups, the candles, and the tub filling with water.

“Daddy,” she purred at me.

I eased her into the hot water. Stinging at first, it began to feel wonderful, soothing, and comforting. We rested and I held her close to me, enjoying the sensations. We kissed, and nestled, and cuddled for a very long time in the hot bath. Allie clung to me so tightly.

“Daddy, don’t ever let me go.”

I’ve never felt like this before; so close, so safe, she knew me and I knew her. And I wanted to protect her and keep her safe, always. I didn’t ever want to let her go.


“Yes, Daddy?”

“No, this is Cooper talking to you.”

She smiled. And kissed me softly. “Yes, Coop.”

I resumed. “Allison, will you make me the happiest man on Earth? Will you marry me?”

“Yes, Coop.”

- - - -

The End

- - - -

Thank you for reading. I appreciate your votes and comments. This is dedicated to my muse, whom I loved and lost.


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Today was Will Tile’s lucky day, he happened to walk in on Dee Williams & myself fooling around on the bed, just kissing each other so nicely. Will walks in acting like he doesn’t know what’s going on, ya right, get over here with your big 12 inch rod so we can suck it & you can fuck us both! Watch as Will does exactly what we want in this awesome threesome! Between Dee William’s smoking hot body and Will’s huge cock, I got everything I wanted in this hot...

2 years ago
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It's been a week since your break up with Todd. It was pretty hard, you really thought you'd gotten Mr. Right for once- charming, good looking, good job, fantastic in bed... What more could you possibly want? Of course, other women evidently had had the same sentiments. It had been tough, but he'd been cheating so you really had no other choice but to say goodbye. Ever since he had left, you'd had a few tears, been eating ice cream out of the box like it wouldn't ever go to your thighs, and...

2 years ago
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I wish to thank Voldy for his help on making my story more complete. Such dedication is something that all authors admire, he read through 'Creatures' three times to get it to the point it is. I thank him for everything he has done for me now and in the past! Another world, long ago The macabre creature looked upward into the strange sky, one of its twin suns grew dim causing odd light to be cast upon the land. Tilting its strange triangle-shaped head slightly, it turned then raced...

4 years ago
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Shonali and Seema make me mad

When shonali aunty agreed to sleeping nude with me, i was overjoyed and was waiting for bedtime. It was around 7pm when uncle called and requested aunty to join him in mumbai as he would take 5 days instead of 3. When aunty told me this i was very sad and asked her how would i stay alone in the house. She said “i will leave tomorrow morning and you can stay with seema for a few days till we come back.” I was fine with that and agreed to her and was not looking forward to drink from those milky...

1 year ago
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RawAttack Paige Owens Naked Workout And Sex Interiew

Young and beautiful babe Paige Owens loves stretching out and exercise before and after doing sex! Today she is exercising naked in front of you! Paige teaches some special exercises on a casual interview before she goes into sex action of course! Not before wearing for you a hot red thong to tease you and get you hard erected! Paige loves getting her mouth filled with big dick, she is a good cock sucker and is ready to take it deep down, to then let it in her wet pussy on doggy style,...

3 years ago
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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 22 Condolences and Schemes

I had some strange dreams, probably induced by the anesthesia. I couldn't remember much of it but I remembered one specific segment where various women would crawl naked out of my neck, frightened and bloody. Once free, they'd run away in terror, making way for the next one to crawl out after them. Throughout the whole thing there was this ongoing narration, all in the past tense, as if I'd died. But it was odd in that it was only random phrases with no bearing on what was happening. A...

4 years ago
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Union in CrisisChapter 9

The elevator took a surprisingly long time to reach their destination and, though there was no way of knowing what level they started on, Kat was sure that they were now many levels underground. The doors opened onto a pleasant but generic looking lobby, akin to what you would expect from a solicitor's office. The desk marked reception was unmanned and the room, empty. Three doors led from the room, all of them unmarked. The garishly dressed young man preceded her out of the elevator and...

1 year ago
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Marilynn loves to fuck

I was in the library early one evening and as I finished my paper I noticed one of the girls working there was getting ready to leave. I had talked to Marilynn before, during her break, but felt she was not attracted to me except as a friend. She was great looking with tremendous tits. Ever since the first time I had laid eyes on her I knew she was someone I needed to know better, if you catch the drift. She impressed me as being somewhat prudish but smart and had a relaxed personality. As she...

Group Sex
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Seniors Day Off

Its my senior year in son Michael a ride to and from school for a week because his car was getting repaired. Since they are close friends of the family it was agreed by my mom that I would. This made me very upset and angry. Michael is a high school senior who recently turned 18. I am 22. There's nothing wrong with Michael, its just that he is sort of arrogant and way to preppy. The first couple days of driving him were actually ok. I got to know him a little better and we even shared some...

3 years ago
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Hurt Me Daddy Part 2

The following morning, when I woke up, Daddy was already up. I dressed up for school, and soon as I opened my door I could already smell the bacon he was making for breakfast. I went down the stairs with a silly smile on my face, but my heart was pounding hard inside my chest. We had decided to remember, to go on with it. Now I wasn’t only his daughter anymore, I was something else entirely. Yesterday, while I laid on the floor still catching my breath and moaning, he leaned forward, and got...

1 year ago
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Home By The Sea

Two figures, dark cloaked and masked, diligently scanned their surroundings as they guided a boat toward the sandy strip of beach ahead. The tang of the sea hung heavily around them in the humid air, leaving the approaching boat shrouded in mists. The sea was calm and glassy in the faint light of the crescent moon, only the surge of the waves against the shore and the faint sloshes of water against the bow of the boat breaking the silence. The keel of the boat barely scrunched into the sand...

3 years ago
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I Love My Inlaws Chapter 2

I followed Joyce, my mother in-law into the first bedroom we came to. The fact that it was the master bedroom did not faze me one bit. As we had climbed the stairs I was behind Joyce and several times I placed a hand on her ass and gave it a rub. Each time I did, Joyce would giggle and shake her butt a little bit more and upon entering the bedroom I came up close behind her and pushed my crotch into her backside while I reached around and cupped both her tits. I lowered my head and kissed the...

2 years ago
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Damn Dress Code

Damn Dress Code By Margaret Jeanette Hannah Muggins was getting dressed. She put on her blue pants suit and she could hear her husband, Ray, on the computer in the next room. He was playing games from the sound effects she heard. She wished he didn't spend some much time playing games on the computer. Hannah was very successful. She owned six stores in town and a family restaurant. She employed good managers in every one of them. Right now she was negotiating to buy a liquor store....

3 years ago
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Betsys Creampie 2 rewritten

Jeff and Lisa were at the lake with Betsy and me again last weekend. A few weeks ago, Jeff had turned Betsy’s cunt into a large, sexy cream pie. Now they were back and I wondered what excitement was in store for her and us. It was rainy and very warm this past weekend. We spent most of the time on the covered back porch. Jeff had a beer while the girls drank their wine. No one actually spoke of last weekend. It was almost as if it never happened. Lisa never let on that her husband fucked my...

2 years ago
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Lovely Sex

It all began with us watching adult videos with multiple partners involved. They were mostly with at least two males and a single female. I must admit that the thought of several cocks pleasing me was a definite turn-on. I don’t remember whose idea it was to try this. We have been married for 15 years and we have a wonderful sex life. I think it started by Tony asking me if I found the thought of two males intriguing. I said duh, who wouldn’t want two men pleasing her every whim. He asked if...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Outcome

Unexpected outcome. At the ripe young age of 25, I had everything going for me. I could get all the dates I wanted and with almost any of the town's hottest- looking ladies, too. I had college degree and a good, well-paying job, a nice car and a decent apartment. Then, one day, my world came crashing down around me and everyone else too, for that matter. No one knew it at the time for the only news available at this point was that the Earth was going to have a near- miss...

2 years ago
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Slaves Ch5

He was new and yet to be introduced to the torture chambers. The Ha'ekthe clan were just the right ladies for such an introduction. "You're late," she told the women as they came over. The one leading gave her a haughty glare. "We got a little carried away with him. Forgot the time." Shakia snorted, looking the boy up and down. She smiled. Very lovely. Good body. Beautiful face. Looked nice and innocent. Sensitive. "Well, I can understand." She proffered a hand to receive the end...

1 year ago
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Little Orphan AliceChapter 4

I was not at all certain I was going to enjoy life inside the orphanage right from the moment that I was dropped like a hot potato on the black and white tiles of the entrance lobby. I saw a number of nasty looking teenaged girls lounging in the area with a look on their faces that alternated between totally bored and evil intent. It reminded me of the “bad girls” on their way to the detention hall of some forgotten school lurking in the corners of my devastated mind. It seemed like my...

2 years ago
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Just Like a Girl Conclusion

Just Like a Girl - Conclusion By Mellissa43 Author Note: Thank you for all the feedback on this story it is appreciated. It was my first and probably my last story but I enjoyed it. I made mistakes and learned a lot along the way but I hope some of you enjoyed it and made it to the end! I stood in my fairy princess outfit trying to look happy. "Now you have task before everyone arrives. I want you to learn Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star by heart," said my wife, handing me a book of...

2 years ago
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Diversion Part 2

I must really thank C.O. And G.S. for inspiring me! Hope you enjoy! Don’t forget to read Diversion — Part 1!! It was getting late as I left the airport and rented a car. I browsed the lot as it was quickly turning to dusk. I turned the corner and saw the car I wanted. Not just any car though, a jet black 2012 Mustang Boss 302! I speed out of the parking lot headed for HWY 863. I was several miles down the highway going a cool 99 mph when I looked in my rear view mirror and saw a police car...

3 years ago
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Another MM First Time Story Chapter 2

It had been about two weeks since I had sucked cock for the first time, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Dan, whom I had met on internet chat, was the guy, but I hadn't seen him online for awhile. When he finally came on one evening, we started chatting and the talk quickly turned to sex. I essentially invited myself over to his place and he agreed, but said he didn't have much time as he was going to work out with some friends that night. That wasn't a problem for me. I just wanted...

2 years ago
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For Money or MayhemChapter 7 Little Fish

I’d taken apart the laptop I was issued at the office, used peripherals for entering data, wiped the hard drive, reinstalled everything, and stored all my data, including my email, on a removable drive. But I still wasn’t satisfied with the device. My personal laptop was faster, had more memory, and had all the software on it I couldn’t install on the company laptop. So the last thing I did before I got home Wednesday was buy a smartcard reader for my personal laptop and head to my cozy...

1 year ago
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Memories Of My Mom and Me

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Bob,I`m 48 years old.My mom had me when she was 28 years old. My story began when I was growing up,in high school I was at a party one weekend at my friend Annies house.I excused myself to go to her bathroom which was on the second floor of their house.In their bathroom I found a book it was a called Family lovers.I scanned through it,the stories were about incest.It was a pocket book there were about half a dozen of them there,so I helped...

2 years ago
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Phantom Window

(AN: Story has henceforth moved to Hentai Foundry, and is no longer confined to the CHYOA format! http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/ArdesCadaver/22050/Phantom-Window ) This is not my day. Ever since I got here, I've had a feeling it would all go to shit. I'd love to revel in my ability to accurately predict what's coming, but I just can't be arsed. Here I am, standing with my figurative pants around their figurative ankles. What the fuck was she thinking? I'm never gonna date a...

Mind Control
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My Young Black Stud

They were a bit startled but kept their composure. My ears and face were red probably from trying to hide that he saw me playing on myself. Hubby had a small knowing smile. Leon on the other hand, was the only one who behaved like an adult. He had a calm composure and without a single tell-tale of carnal thoughts he said “Hello Mrs. Winthrop”. I immediately replied “Don’t be so formal Leon, just call me Liz”. There it was, a gorgeous young black man who’s the only male adult in that bunch....

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 271 About Three More Girls Gina Leanna and Ava

Late-June to Early-July, 2005 (Continued) One of the miscellaneous dates I did have time for, was with Gina, my favorite Italian girl. She was the only one I knew, but she was definitely my favorite for two very important reasons: she was happy to cook, and she was good at it. Leanna was included in the date, making it just the three of us. Leanna had calmed down since her foolish tantrum, and she'd apologized very sincerely to me. Normally I wouldn't have dated her again, but I wanted to...

2 years ago
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Rosie and Steve Part 5

Introduction: Rosie pines for her massive cock and Steve gets revenge Rosie wasnt quite herself. For a few weeks now shed been moping around the house. She felt like there was something missing. Steve was working from home, he told Rosie that his part of the project was over, which it was, but he just couldnt concentrate at work. After witnessing Rosie cheating without his consent last month, he still didnt know what to do about it. He was naturally laid back, which annoyed Rosie sometimes,...

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Without Remorse Ch 06

This is a crime thriller with some romantic sex, and a smidgeon of violent non consensual sex and interesting by-play between various characters whom I hope you’ll enjoy. Definition of a Sociopath – someone unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one’s actions and with a total lack of moral compass. * Kelly flirted outrageously with Mike, the noise swirling around them in the pub that they had agreed to meet at. It was a new Gastro Pub, with a young and rowdy crowd, great...

3 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 15 Agatha RobertsChapter 9

Bobby got home late. Nobody was up, so he went straight to bed. He was upset with himself. He hadn’t meant for things to go that far with Agatha. It had been too much too fast. He knew she had loved it while it was happening, but that didn’t mean she would love it after the fact. He had given her the ammunition she had originally been after. She could honestly say she’d been seduced ... that he’d had his way with her. There wasn’t anything he could do about it now. Her lack of experience had...

3 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 4 Shocking Discoveries

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Four: Shocking Discoveries By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Sam Davies Courtney's mouth felt so hot on my lips as we kissed. I trembled on the bed, squirming in my college's school uniform. My heart thudded fast with my excitement. It was Friday, the weekend was before us, and my friends and I were having fun. Her tongue thrust into my mouth as my fingers fumbled at her blouse, working to open her...

1 year ago
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Der Handwerker

Der Handwerker Ich bin der erste, der zugibt, dass es nur Glück war. Ich hatte schon seit Jahren mit Aktien spekuliert, mit mehr oder minder Erfolg. Doch plötzlich, für mich völlig unerwartet, schossen meine Papiere durch die Decke. Ich starrte ungläubig auf mein Portfolio und irgendwann, als es mir unheimlich wurde, verkaufte ich. Wie sich herausstellte, war ich gerade noch rechtzeitig ausgestiegen. Wenige Tage später kam der Crash, aber da hatte ich meine Gewinne schon realisiert. Beim...

3 years ago
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A Submissive Start

I come to your door. You've left me a voice message saying that I should be wearing black thong panties, thigh high nylons, a short black skirt, a see-though bra... this is how I'm dressed. You've told me to knock on your door, remove my glasses, and shut my eyes. I'm standing there, at your door, glasses in my hands, with my eyes closed... wondering what's in store for me. You told me that I didn't do as you explicitly instructed... and I know that I'll be punished, but I had to see you......

2 years ago
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Sissydolls Walk

Sissydoll's Walk by strangefun "Now, sissy, show me the most humiliating and uncomfortable way to dress you up! Be creative, and you just might get to cum today!" The question shifted my arousal into the new gear. We were in bed, my face still wet with her juices, my tongue tired, my dick screaming for release inside its tight plastic prison. Her, completely satisfied, having orgasmed four times and now in the mood for some teasing, knowing that in my horny state I will do...

2 years ago
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First Time Fucking My Friends BBW Mother Pt 4

After Diane and I had 69'ed for awhile, she was begging for me to fuck her wet pussy. As she got off of my face, she turn over towards me and started kissing and licking my face saying how she loved tasting her pussy juices off my face. She then laid down on the bed next to me and pulled me up on top of her. Looking me in the eye saying "Oh baby, I want you to slide that hard cock of yours deep in my pussy and fuck me like you've always dreamed of."Her pussy was dripping wet by now that my cock...

4 years ago
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straight to gay in one evening

What am I, straight, bisexual, gay? At this point I don't know.I always considered myself an average guy. Never had any thoughtsabout doing anything sexual with another guy. I was a girls onlyguy.  I guess I never knew what to look for in a woman. I'm in my secondmarrige, and it's been going down hill for a good while now. My wifehas gotten into drugs. And has some weird people always around. She...calls them friends. None of them held a job... I'd had just about all I could take.We were...

Gay Male
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Daughter of My 1st Love Maid 8211 Part I

It so happens that sometimes this daughter, of my 1st Love maid comes to do the household work, when she is either not well or has to go out. And whenever I go out of station, I make it a point to call my 1st Love maid on her mobile every time and many at time this daughter picks up the phone and recognising me passes it on to her mother. My 1st Love maid’s name is Vedna (changed) and her daughter’s name is Kamna (changed). As such Kamna, I am sure, is quite aware that there is an affair...

2 years ago
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I slumber. Timeless, unbound by the constraints of the world, shifting on ethereal currents. Fragments of memory flicker across what consciousness is left to me, life, death, blood, pain. Always I come back to the end. Bound, sealed, shut in a crypt, a circle of light traced with runes. The flow of power, of essence, across my skin. The chanting of the robed figures that surrounded me, struggling against my shackles, screaming against my gag. How long? Can eternity be measured in hours? No...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Dee Williams Natalie Knight Moms Tough Love

Dee Williams walks into the living room, where her stepdaughter Natalie Knight sits on the couch. In her hands Dee holds a crumpled up piece of paper. Natalie! Dee says crossly. What? Natalie asks in an annoyed tone, looking up at Dee. ‘I found your REPORT CARD crumpled up in your wastebasket!’ Dee says, holding out the piece of paper for Natalie to look at. Natalie is failing ALL of her classes!, Dee adds, outraged. Ok, and…? Natalie asks. ‘AND?! You’re graduating...

1 year ago
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Victor loved owning a casino...especially interviewing all the female employees, since they almost always agreed to give him a blowjob or a quick fuck during the interview process. In Part 1, Victor interviewed some waitresses, and ended up getting a blowjob by one of them under his desk, while he interviewed the other one sitting in front of his desk. ------------------------------ The rest of Monday was pretty uneventful until dinner time. As he checked with the kitchen staff to see how...

1 year ago
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Finally Meeting

'DING' The elevator doors opened to the tenth floor and Michelle opened her eyes and walked out. She felt she was walking on air as she stepped out and headed toward room 1022. She took her key out and slid it into the door of their room. Green light and she heard the door unlock. She turned the handle and her jaw dropped. Their were a dozen calla lilies in a cute vase on the bedside table. A bottle of champagne on ice with 2 stem glasses on the desk. Rose petals sprinkled on the tray....

3 years ago
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Eve Super desires 3 She Hulk

To see more stories and how to get commission go here. http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/lilguy31/profileEve Super Desires 3She HulkScarlett witch was shown on camera bruises, with two black eyes. She was sucking on a woman’s pussy, Eve’s in fact. A Villain who owns a website called EVE SUPER DESIRES. It was an underground Website controlled by a met human name Eve. She dominated Super heroes and Villains unlike, beating them and r****g them. Even with the warnings, she manages to track down...

2 years ago
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Provincial South Wales. Nice scenery.Presumably this was why my best friend was choosing to marry here instead of at her home in Surrey. Plus her husband to be was Welsh. Always helps. Anyway, a joy for her to be able to have it in the rolling hills and valleys (I'd promised to try and not pronounce that word as if it were two: val-leys). Pain in the ass for me to drive. Have you tried the M4 on a Friday evening lately? Don't bother. You'll still be there at midnight. It wasn't shy of that when...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Flying High

Flying HighI walked down the ramp at Heathrow, back onto the flight for Sydney. Another long flight, no doubt dull and boring. It was going to be cramped too. My company’s new policy of Business Class only for VPs flights was taking hold. Nevertheless with my high number of frequent flyer points and status, I had scored a window seat at the back with a spare seat beside me. Only three seats in the row, so I might get some peace and privacy.I got onto the plane and was shown my seat. The...

2 years ago
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An Accidental Incidence

Mom used to stay in our village home to look after our ancestral property and rarely visited us in the city, since I graduated and got a job in the city. I married to a girl selected by my mom. After my mom introduced her with me before our marriage, I met my wife Jina several times and we both liked each other and we found out that we could be a good couple. After we got married, my wife stayed with my mom for a few months, and after I hired a three-roomed house for us, my wife joined me and...

3 years ago
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Gf Fucks A White Man

Hey, I am back again with another story. This is a fantasy I had about my Ex GF about her with a stranger. My GF had a great figure 36-30-38. She had a lovely round ass like Neetu Chandra and long smooth legs. She had boobs that were big enough to fit in both hands. She was 5’5, fair and kinky.  We would always be ready to try some new thing when it came to sex. We kept our sex life going by thinking of new ways to fuck. we used to watch XXX together, we always talked dirty about the movie and...

1 year ago
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Into the Unknowable Ch 21

Intrepid – 3756 C.E. Vashti stumbled through the open lawns of the penultimate level where Beatrice had so recently been imprisoned. She reasoned that the android perhaps had an idea of what was happening. How was it possible for a nanobot community to be compromised in such a strange and unprecedented manner? There was nothing in Vashti’s vast repository of data and experience that could explain it. It was definitely humbling for a being who naturally presumed that she was superior over...

1 year ago
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The Towel Girl

There is a young woman who works in my athletic club. She's 19, and works the front desk evenings. Part of her job includes light cleaning, and keeping the locker rooms supplied with towels. Her aunt works there, too, and a couple of their friends. Every time I am near her, my gaydar goes off. She is cute, blond, and has a nose stud. One night, when my boyfriend and I were the last ones left in the club lounge, I followed her into the laundry, and watched as she bent to load the washer and...

4 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 2

The day went downhill from there. Medics with the arriving IDF did the best they could do. Those in the most serious condition had been the first flown out. They put some foul smelling salve on back of Vicky and my neck then wrapped our necks with gauze. The stuff stank worse than the burnt hair. Vicky and I stayed at the site until all my men were flown out. We were all carried to the trauma center at the huge Haifa medical center. It was one of the busiest trauma centers in the world...

3 years ago
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Bangladeshi Wife oggled by Danish guy

We are a couple from Bangladesh. We are from Jessore and we arrived in Denmark recently. Its very cold in this country but it is very nice in the summertime. My wife is Nazma and she is 35 years old and has a voluptuous body, dark brown skin and, long black hair and full lips. She wears colorful shalwar kameez all the time and teases the danish men when we go out. I have seen Danish men follow her from behind when we are out and some of them walk behind her with a camera in their hand filming...

2 years ago
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Rich Guy 2Chapter 4

---Another Two Days Later------- “So, how did you do it Johnny?” Bill asked. “I ... I just kept after him. We kept talking and meeting and one day he called me and told me he was ready to sell.” Johnny replied, his voice shaking with uncertainty. “So, Johnny closed the deal. Make sure he’s paid.” I said, crossing my arms behind my head and leaning back in my chair. The board members looked at each other and cast sideways glances at me. 7 million dollars. We got Martin’s company for 7...

4 years ago
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Woods Loving

Kara, my best friend, and I had been best friends for years, but it was nly just recently that I had started to have feelings for her that weren't normal.She was blonde, beautiful, tanned, blue- eyed. An all - American gal. Whereas I, I was an average half African black girl with long black hair. Kara was driving us to her Uncle's cabin in the woods for a two day weekend holiday. I kept glancing over at her chest that was spilling out of her red, sleeveless sport vest. I felt an odd, throbbing,...

3 years ago
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Claudia IncarnataPart VI

What art thou… that fearest not the sea? – Moschus of Syracuse, Europa.   The Indo-European thunder god, like most of his kin, goes by various names, in Sanskrit he is Rudra The Howler, in the Norse sagas he is called Thor, in Italy proper under Rome he was called Jupiter. But in the Sicily of classical antiquity he went by a more primordial name, Zeus. As Zeus Brontios, The Thunderer, he assumed his most terrible aspect. Claudia swiftly understood how the ancients had come to revere the name...

2 years ago
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Lust is said to be that which you should never have. Sex is said to be merger of two souls. Strangely, I have found that to be untrue. I traveled to Sweden of all places for a convention. I was naturally eager to see if the people had the unbelievable characteristics that movies always say that they have. Of course, not everyone was as beautiful as one might have hoped, but still, the sexy were bountiful. Did I forget to mention? My name is Hope, I'm about 5'6" and around 125 lbs....

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