"je Veux Ta Chatte Zoé" free porn video

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Ça s’est passé un mercredi soir, un mois de février, je rentre assez tôt du travail, fatigué. L’appartement est vide, ma femme doit rentrer tard… travail travail. La moitié des affaires sont dans des cartons, quelques jours plus tard tout allait se retrouver dans un camion de déménagement. Je pousse des affaires, m’affale dans mon canapé, une bière à la main, devant la télé éteinte. J’avais pas la moindre idée de ce qui m’attendait ce soir là.

On sonne. Je m’étais assoupi, je me demande si j’ai pas rêvé cette sonnerie. Surtout que je vois pas bien qui viendrait sonner là maintenant. Ça sonne à nouveau, à la porte. Bon ok. Je pose ma bière et je me lève. C’est Zoé, la fille de la coloc d’en face. On se connait un peu, enfin tout juste. On a discuté parfois de banalités dans le hall de l’immeuble alors que je descendais mes poubelles ou qu’elle relevait son courrier. Très jolie, presque "trop". Si Ludivine Sagnier avait une petite soeur cachée d’à peine 20 ans, ça serait elle. Un petit bout de jeune fille, très petite, fine, un nez court et étroit, des yeux clairs, des cheveux très lisses, une frange châtain clair qui la rend encore plus innocente, et l’aura excessivement séduisante de sa soeur. Je lui demande ce qui lui arrive. Elle m’explique un peu gênée que la porte de son appartement s’est fermée derrière elle. Sa coloc ne sera pas là avant un moment. En somme elle est un peu enfermée dehors. Je lui propose évidemment d’entrer, qu’elle vienne patienter le temps nécessaire.

On passe un moment tout les deux dans le canapé, à boire des bières. Je sent que la boisson lui fait de l’effet. Elle m’a dit qu’elle tenait pas très bien l’alcool. Elle semble de plus en plus à l’aise, de plus en plus enjouée et libérée dans sa manière parler des choses. Pourtant elle ne manque jamais de me vouvoyer. Elle évoque des choses intimes. Très vite arrive ce moment où ça ne devient plus drôle. Son petit copain l’a beaucoup fait souffrir, et apparement elle ne se permet pas souvent ce luxe d’en parler aussi franchement. Elle entame beaucoup de phrase, et les termine rarement. Je me sens très con, je ne sais pas comment réagir. Ça y est elle fond littéralement en larme. J’ai une envie irrésistible de la prendre dans mes bras. Je prend conscience d’un coup pourquoi je la trouve "trop" jolie, comme je disais. Elle fait parti de ces filles qui semblent si jolie que le simple fait d’être en contact avec elle inhibe le naturel. Je ne sais pas comment je dois dire bonjour, comment je dois dire au revoir, sans que ça laisse échapper un implicite "je te trouve très jolie", ou "j’aimerais que tu me laisse t’embrasser" ou "j’ai envie de te voir nue et que tu me laisses te regarder". C’est très troublant une aussi jolie fille. Et là elle pleure sur mon canapé. Alors je me contente de penser au problème pratique. Je vais chercher des mouchoirs dans la salle de bain. Je lui tend un paquet, je me rassoie à côté d’elle, un peu plus près. Elle se mouche, laisse peser un silence qui me semble interminable. Enfin, avec une minuscule voix, presque honteuse, elle lâche un "es-ce que je peux avoir un câlin ?". Là je n’ai plus d’excuse. Je passe mon bras derrière elle, Je me penche contre elle qui se tourne pour accueillir mon câlin. Je la serre fort contre moi. Ce moment est surnaturelle. J’ai mon nez dans ses cheveux. Ça sent le safran, ou peut-être la vanille. Je ne sais pas. Ça sent bon. Je ferme les yeux, et la laisse pleurer autant qu’il le faut contre moi. Ce moment dure. Il dure. Assez spontanément je lui adresse un petit baiser dans ses cheveux. Ça semble calmer un peu ses sanglots. J’en adresse un nouveau, plus près de la tempe. Elle devient peu à peu plus calme. Quelque chose, peut-être elle même, sans le vouloir, me fais sentir que le type de réconfort dont elle a besoin à cet instant n’a pas beaucoup de limite. Je crois que c’est à partir de là que j’ai eu l’impression de passer dans une autre dimension.

Je continue ma série de bisous, en levant doucement sa tête, jusqu’à ses joues, puis jusqu’au bord de ses lèvres… Je la prend entre mes deux mains, et l’embrasse. Dès que je sens le contact de ses lèvres contre les miennes, je sens automatiquement que mon sexe commence à durcir sous mon pantalon. Je l’ai embrassée simplement au début, puis de plus en plus langoureusement. Son corps pivote pour mieux profiter. Elle est à genoux sur le canapé, sa main à échouée sur mon ventre. Joue contre joue, elle déboutonne ma chemise, nos respirations deviennent bruyantes. Sa main descend plus bas et s’attarde sur ma ceinture. le système d’ouverture est capricieux, Ça serait bien dommage que ça l’empêche de venir à bout de ce qu’elle cherche, je l’aide. En quelques instants je me retrouve le pantalon sur les chevilles, mon sexe dans sa main. Je profite de ses mouvements de poignets très habiles et énergiques. Elle embrasse mon ventre. Elle me masturbe. Ça y est je bande déjà comme un fou entre ses petits doigts. Je sens qu’elle hésites à descendre plus bas. Je place une main sur l’arrière de son crâne, je pousse mes hanches vers son visages. Elle comprend qu’elle peut. La tête posée contre mon ventre, je sens sa bouche qui commence à prendre mon sexe en bouche, ses cheveux qui frottent contre moi au rythme de ses vas et viens buccaux. Je relâche ma nuque contre le dossier, ferme les yeux, et lâches quelques gémissements de plaisirs. Elle abandonne mon sexe un instant. Je devine à ce que j’entend qu’elle commence à se déshabiller. J’ouvre les yeux et redresse le tête. Ses seins sont superbes. Légèrement en poire, des petits tétons roses. Nos regards se croisent furtivement avec un petit sourire complice avant qu’elle se penche à nouveau, Je crois que je n’ai jamais senti autant de bonne volonté au travers d’une bouche pour vouloir donner du plaisir sexuelle. Je peux maintenant regarder à loisir sa petite bouche glisser le long de mon sexe de haut en bas, et ses petits seins qui remuent à chaque mouvements. Elle me suce comme ça pendant un bon petit moment. Je ne suis pas le seul à gémir comme un idiot. Chacun de ses petits gémissements nasaux font vibrer ma queue contre son palais. Son copain doit vraiment être un con quand je vois le talent qu’elle a. Elle s’arrête brusquement, file vers mon oreille, et me souffle "j’ai envie de plus". Je l’embrasse. Je la repousse. Je me lèvre. On se lèvre. On se déshabille. Elle retire ses chaussures, son pantalon, sa culotte. On est nus. Je devine un très beau sexe, lisse, exactement comme je l’imaginais. Parce que oui, honnêtement, pardon mais… qui n’a pas déjà cherché à visualiser la chatte de la voisine de pallier, jeune étudiante à croquer. Elle s’allonge sur le canapé, les cuisses entre-ouvertes, le regarde très explicite. Je me place devant elle. dépassé par ce qui m’arrive, je reste un instant devant cette petite chatte parfaite, une cheville posée sur mon épaule, le gland assis sur ses lèvres douces et soyeuses. C’est elle qui prend les choses en main, littéralement. Elle appuie mon sexe contre le siens avec la paume de sa main, et se déhanche pour se masturber contre lui. Au file des mouvements je manque parfois à peu de chose d’entamer une pénétration. Nous ne somment pas protégés. Quoi qu’elle dise on ne devait pas se permettre de faire n’importe quoi. Mais je sais pertinemment que je n’ai pas de capote, j’ai rien. J’ai une envie incroyable de la pénétrer, mais je n’ai rien. Elle fini par me demander clairement "vous avez des capotes ?". Je lui balbutie que je crois que non mais qu’on peut aller regarder dans la salle de bain. Ce qui m’inquiète aussi c’est que je me sens tellement sur excité que je sens qu’il faudra très peu de temps pour que jouisse une fois en elle. Sa réaction ne semble pas vraiment prendre en compte ma réponse. Elle se saisie de ma queue, la place à l’entrée de sa chatte trempée d’excitation, et je l’entend dire "allez-y on s’en fout, allez-y". Impossible de résister, impossible. Je donne un coup de reins, mon sexe commence à rentrer. Elle est assez étroite, très humide, mais étroite. J’insiste, je donne plusieurs coups. À chaque coups mon sexe rentre un peu plus en elle. Ses gémissements son de plus en plus haut en décibels. Je sens enfin que je suis tout au fond d’elle, mes couilles tapotent son entre-jambe. Jamais je n’ai senti mon sexe aussi confortablement installé, tout entier dans un vagin, j’aurais aimé ne jamais en sortir. Malgré l’ivresse du moment, j’arrive à ouvrir les yeux. Je vois son visage qui grimace de plaisir ses seins qui rebondissent, son ventre qui respire à toute vitesse, et surtout sa chatte déformée par mon sexe. Mon sexe semble énorme par rapport à son petit corps de jeune fille. Elle crie comme une folle, Je sens que je ne vais pas tenir longtemps. Je ne crois pas que je peux me permettre n’import quoi. Je lui dit "Zoé je vais jouir". Elle me dit juste "oui… oui mais pas en moi". Je prend ça pour un feu vert. Je donne tout ce que j’ai, je fait trembler le canapé, je donne les plus gros coups de queue que je peux offrir. Plus je la lime plus je sens qu’elle va jouir. Elle joui, elle crie très fort, elle me perce les tympans, elle hurle mon prénom. Pour moi c’est le point d’honneur, j’en peu plus. Je me retire au bord de l’orgasme. Une main agrippe son épaule, l’autre saisie mon sexe chaud et couvert de mouille pour me branler énergiquement contre elle. Regarder mon gland secoué contre cette superbe petite chatte lisse me fait craquer. Je lance un premier jet de sperme le long sa petite fente. J’expulse un second, très épais, très généreux, qui dépasse son sexe, rempli son nombril, et asperge ses petites lèvres trempée. Là je me suis senti dépassé par mes désirs. Il fallait que je la remplisse de mon sperme, que je poursuive mon orgasme dans son ventre. Sans même réfléchir, toujours le sexe en main, je descend ma queue, et pénètre à nouveau le sexe recouvert de sperme de la petite Zoé, Elle cherche à me repousser en disant "mais… attend…". Je laisse échapper un "je veux ta chatte Zoé". Je saisi ses hanches, je la pousse contre moi de toute mes forces. Je la regarde dans les yeux, elle semble perdue entre l’envie de se sentir inondée de mon sperme, et sa conscience qui lui dit qu’il ne faut pas. De toute façon c’est trop tard, j’éjacule tout ce qu’il me reste en tout au fond d’elle, et il en restait vraiment beaucoup. J’accompagnant chaque nouveau jet de sperme par de grands coups de reins. Je me vide un peu plus les couilles en elle a chaque coup de queue. Elle s’abandonne, elle m’embrasse, se déhanche au rythme de mes coups. Le bruit très organique de ma bite qui lime sa petite fente me fait comprendre que je l’ai remplie à raz bord. Sa déborde. Il y a tellement de sperme qu’on jurerais que trois autres type ont giclé des litres de foutre en elle juste avant moi.

La tempête est passée, je retire mon sexe du siens, à peine débandé. Je me sens un peu coupable de n’avoir pas su me contrôler. Je crois qu’elle m’en veut un peu. Elle ne dit rien, m’adresse un sourire un peu gênée, puis va s’enfermer dans la sale de bain. Allongé sur le dos, je manque de m’endormir. Dix minutes plus tard, sa coloc est rentrée, elle part en me disant au revoir timidement de loin. Il y a une énorme auréole de mouille et de sperme. Je lance une machine avec la housse du canapé, je dirais que j’ai renversé une bière dessus. Je prend une douche. Il fait froid dehors mais je dois aérer ça doit sentir à plein nez la chatte de Zoé. Deux heures plus tard ma femme arrive. Trois jours plus tard je déménage.

Depuis je n’ai jamais eu de nouvelle de Zoé. Mais pour quelqu’un qui n’a pas vraiment l’habitude de tromper sa femme, je dois avouer que cette expérience m’a marqué à vie, et que j’y re pense souvent. Tout le temps en fait. L’image de son visage, déformé par la jouissance la bouche grande ouverte, n’a pas fini de hanter mes rêves. Son regard perdu lorsque je l’ai un peu forcée à recevoir mon sperme aussi… pourquoi j’ai fait ça ?

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Gay one night stand

It had been one of those days, early start and late finish so when I headed to the hotel and my company card failed I was none to happy having to put it on my own. I was hungry but I was at the point where I just couldn't be bothered getting ready and heading back down stairs for something to eat. I opened the room door and it was the standard premier Inn look, extra large bed, flat screen TV and a bath with a shower in the bathroom. I'm a guy of routine so I dropped my case on the bed stuck...

3 years ago
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Wife and Daughter Abandoned in BlizzardChapter 5

Now that it had been over a month since Kerry and Kay’s ordeal at the cabin, they had never discussed what had happened to them, and each had planned never to talk about it. Fate, however, would change that. Their fifteen-year-old daughter missed her period the next month and was pregnant. Kerry reluctantly had to tell Dan what went on at the cabin. “So, you’re telling me that both of you had sex with four men and now Kay is pregnant,” Dan said. “You left, and when they showed up, we didn’t...

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How My College Life Began 8211 FFM

Hi, guys and girls . I am here to tell a true story about how I met my girlfriend and our experience. I would like to know your email me. I am john ,23. I am fair , a little dark, average body and have a dick size normal 7inches. I started college and I was staying at hostel for first year . During second year we all changed to different rooms outside hostel. Mine was a complex buildings . There where two rooms on first floor and moved to the room which was near stairs. The other room was also...

4 years ago
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aunties pee problem

Look after your auntie my mum had requested as I left the house. I picked her up and took her on the shopping trip that she had arranged with my mum for me to do. As she came out of the house I noticed that she had got noticeably bigger in the month since I’d last seen her. She was 8 months pregnant and as she walked down the drive she walked as if she’d shit herself. Her big fat round belly and huge pendulous tits made her dress look skin tight. Her legs had put on weight and I could hear...

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A mothers son

My darling mother was very attractive and like a lot of women in the 50's took a great deal of pride in her appearance, she never went out without full make up on and heaven forbid her stockings seam not being straight.In my early years I was very much my mothers favourite and she fussed over me incessantly, in my early teens I appreciated even more her beauty and figure, often fantasizing of her as I masturbated. Mum never seemed to notice as I often accidentally happened upon her as she was...

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Kelly, Mary and John sat in the dining room at a leisurely lunch of Caesar salad, mild chicken wings and breadsticks with nacho cheese. “The next time we go downtown and play ‘Sluts ‘R Us’, we ought to dress in fancy business-suit outfits, like we’re hotshot executives,” said Mary. “Think they’d recognize us?” “Wait – what’s this about a trip downtown?” wondered John. “Oh, you haven’t heard yet, dear –our little tramp went with me to that store in Central City again and we had our...

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The Academy2

Jasper Coleman, who was still adjusting to consciousness, stood with an absent stare just a few feet from the front door of his apartment. His surroundings were dark, only the light of the outside city illuminated the dull setting; and even then, a minuscule amount reached where he stood. The clock that hung behind him ticked at an unsettling pace, violating the silence of the early morning. Each tick pinged against his brain, which was currently fragile with ache. If someone were to observe...

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Debbie Dan and the DemonChapter 4

The week or so passed relatively without incident. Meaning that Debbie and Dan returned to work and got back to their normal routine. Except that Debbie continued to dress more provocatively (for her) including very daring, even scandalous, underwear, when she wore any at all, and that Debbie and Dan had sex far more often than previously, like nearly every day. And when they fucked, the house rocked. Every orifice Debbie had was used often and well. Oh, and one night Debbie (really Zach, but...

3 years ago
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Unsatisfied Bhabhi Ko Satisfaction Diya 8211 Part 2

Helloo Friend kaise ho aaplog, mai Andy. Aaplogo ne meri pahli story “Unsatisfied bhabhi ko satisfaction diya” ko itna like kiya uske liye aap sabka shukriya. Bahut sare readers ne mujhe mail v kiya mai un sabko tahe Dil se Sukriya kahna Chahta hu..! Mere sath aisi kai ghatanaye jo maine aaj tak kisi ko batane ki himmat nahi ki par is site ke madhyama se mai sab ko apni story bata Pa raha Hu. Ab aapka jyada samay nast na karte hue mai next story “Unsatisfied bhabhi ko satisfaction diya Part-2”...

4 years ago
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Hypnotic Melodies Ch 3

After the impact of Cassandra’s story, Eric was certain that Beverly, despite being older than Cassandra, couldn’t top it. Eric was finding it difficult maintaining distance, or a diagnostic perspective of his subjects. ‘Hold on Beverly, let me get something to drink for all of us.’ The women eagerly restrained themselves, like Pavlov’s dogs, they were trained by the music to do as he wanted. Eric took his time driving to the local store, getting a few fifths and packs of pop. He used that...

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Working late

I’m an accounting manager and work in an office building. The building is three stories tall and sits right next to the freeway. My office is on the third floor on the freeway side. A couple times a month I work late, sometimes well into the night. I find I can concentrate and get more done when I’m there alone without the distractions of my fellow workers and the phones ringing, especially toward the end of each quarter when all the reports are due. I’ve been working late like this for several...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Rachael Cavalli Cheating MILF Rachael Cavalli Loves BBC

Busty blonde MILF Rachael Cavalli has been cheating on her hubby with black stud Rob Piper, and today the Penthouse star adds some spice to their illicit interracial affair and invite him over to her home for a steamy afternoon tryst. The buxom babe strips down to reveal sexy pink lingerie worn for her lover’s eyes only, but it doesn’t stay put long for he needs to make way for his mouth to glom on her mouthwatering melons for titty sucking, tongue for pussy licking, and BBC for...

2 years ago
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In the kitchen with mom

My Dad was going away for the weekend with his buddies. They were heading to my Dad's hunting cabin. My parents had been fighting again. I knew they needed some space for a few days. I didn't understand why they fought all the time. My Mom might have been in her late forties but she had this hot body. I was nineteen and I would have fucked her as often as I could.There were more than a few times I would stroke myself on my bed. My thoughts would be on my mother. I wanted to feel her big tits in...

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Lizzy made herself comfortable on the queen sized bed and hit play on the remote. The case had been simply labeled ’03-22-13’ but she’d gotten it out of Eden and Alex’s secret cache, so she figured it was another porn movie. She hadn’t yet been daring enough to use one of the sex toys stashed away alongside the discs; somehow that seemed wrong to her. Maybe she should bring one of her own next time. That thought was erased as the television screen lit up with, not just another porno, but an...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 217

While grocery shopping, as usual, Laura ran into Tiffany. This time she was working behind the counter in the bakery, though she was so small and short that she could barely see over the high glass counter, filled with fresh pies and cookies. Nevertheless, she flirted shamelessly with Laura, since no other customers were near at the moment. "You pretty, you got a boyfriend?" she smirked at Laura. "Or do you like girls?" "I like one," Laura said, darkly. Tiffany's dark eyes sparkled...

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Sibling Rivalry

Copyright © 2001 Copyright Message This story was written by Laga Mahesa (aka Stone-D), 2001. The usual restrictions apply. No content changes allowed, these headers remain intact and attached to this story at all times. Permission to archive ONLINE is granted, providing the site does not make any DIRECT profit from this story (advertising is understood and allowed as long as this is not the only story and I am not the only author on the page) and that this story is not submitted to...

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Arriving at The Johnsons

The food at the state home was awful and a long cry from the spread that Mrs. B and the girls prepared every night. The bed was hard, and instead of one room mate, I had five. The showers were far from being private. In the showers, there were dozens of shower heads coming out of the wall. At night, dozens of guys of all ages lined up and showered. Showers were always an adventure. Luckily, due to my size, I never had a problem. However, some of the smaller built guys were bullied by the...

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Chapter 1: the kissing man He’s kissing me. He saw me, grabbed me and now is kissing me. And I don’t mind, the moment his lips touched mine it was instant gratification. This complete stranger, whom I’ve said all of five words too, which included 'hello, I’m Sophia and nice to meet you,' now is dancing his tongue around with mine and I find myself leaning into it. My hands slowly grabbing his forearms and then sliding around to his back to hold on so that this kiss will never end. And then he...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Ask and you shall be given

I'm a 37 year old. Single and have a, what I would like to call, free job. That is; I work from home, on my own hours. I'm the typical blond Scandinavian type with one exception, my eyes are not blue, they are light gray. A tall gangly type with few friends but the few I have are really good and close. And best of the good are Karl and his wife Margareta. They live within walking distance from me and when I'm out on my, not jogging, but walking tour I often pass by their house and if I see...

1 year ago
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Daughter of the Satyrs part 1

by TikiMan Mom and I sat in the anteroom just outside her and dad's bedroom. As usual, the door to their bedroom looked locked, just like it has been all my life. Never once have the let me in there and they wouldn't ever tell me why. "Lisa, I know you're confused about why we're here on your birthday." I just nodded. She sat beside me on the chaise lounge and put her arm over my shoulder. "Have you been feeling achy, down here?" Her other hand reached over to stroke my lower...

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A Good Wife

She would accept the typical standard type of intimacy between us and was happy to plod on in this way. I on the other hand was looking to move on and add more excitement to our activities. I introduced her to some mild porn magazines which she at first disliked and took it as a personal indication that I thought she was inadequate. After allaying her fears and concerns, the magazines became more risqué as time went on, as did the video’s I introduced which took the same path, which she slowly...

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The Second Time Around

I knocked on the door and it was opened up by a woman who was a little overweight, but had the most beautiful face I have ever seen on a woman. Dark green eyes, and dimples when she smiled. Brunette hair down to her shoulders in big curls. My sister, Cheri, fixed me up with a blind date. This was one of her best friends at work. The only thing my sister mentioned is that she was pretty and somewhat overweight. Julie, this woman I had the blind date with, was a natural beauty. Yes, she was...

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It’s dusk and it’s raining, the sky is dark and brooding. We climb out of our taxi and head towards the upmarket restaurant. I’m wearing a long black coat, hot pink heels, black stockings and under my coat is my pvc corset and short, black pencil skirt with suspenders. I am wearing my collar. This is not a romantic dinner. My hair is pink and down, my makeup dark and heavy, my lips dark too. You are wearing your deadliest black suit with a hot pink tie that draws the eye up your body to your...

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Conquerors RewardChapter 3 Naughty Librarian

Diun decided in light of all he had learned already he should do some more studying on humans. Heading back into the city he eventually found a library where he could have access to books to learn from. Picking out books on sexuality he placed his hands on each page reading it by touch. Each impression from a former reader gave him the information the book carried within it. He was so engrossed in what he was doing that he didn't notice a librarian sneak up behind him. "Find what you...

4 years ago
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Fucking my sister the very first time part 2

In my last story I explained how my sister and I were alone one night and one thing led to another and before we knew it we were fucking. It didn't last very long, I shot cum everywhere and we hurried up and cleaned up and vowed to keep it a secret between the two of us and never do it again.We both felt guilty about it over the next few weeks but we also had some lust built up inside about it. I wanted to do it again, but didn't dare. I was worried she would get pregnant. In fact, after we did...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 51 Dogmatic Persuasion

The one sided exchange was two days long. When it ended, Yurnal left got up, briefly look at his son and Mernug before concentrating his gaze at Supreme Ruler Ar Yen and then leaving. Another two days later, Elijah got up from his crossed legged sitting position and met with Supreme Ruler Ar Yen. Yimin and Mernug were in an unconscious state, compelled by Supreme Ruler Ar Yen’s soul technique, which only affected the latter because it was enforced on him by direct contact. “Well, was it...

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The Wall

George had told me to be at his house no later than 7:00pm. Every time he said something like that to me I understood the consequences of being late. George said wear something seductive and somewhat reveling. My mind was going through my wardrobe when the perfect combination came to mind. I had a crotchless cat suit with a lacy transparent top that along with my black leather mini skirt did the trick. I got to George’s house at 7:06, I silently cussed traffic. I ran up the stairs and was met...

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My Evil Twin Chapter 7

Tonight, was boring for me. I sat there in a daze, thinking of all the things my evil sister has done to me. And, after today, I knew it wouldn’t stop. She had plans for me at the park and has invited so many to join us and participate in whatever evil things she will make me do. I might as well either run away, or learn to enjoy being used as her slave and let her just make me a fucking whore. We ate dinner and I cleaned the kitchen up by myself. She doesn’t have to do anything anymore. I...

3 years ago
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The Protector the Strength of MemoriesChapter 3

"You men don't have to die today," Ben said calmly as he studied the three men he could see. The small jumpy one with a scraggly beard on the right was the first that would draw and shoot. Ben could tell it in the bruised yellow of his aura. The man was excited about the prospect of killing again. Han walked her horse nearly level with him on his left side. The man on the left was a sullen black haired hulk of a man. Ben could tell from his aura that he didn't like shooting people. He...

2 years ago
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The Watersport Fantasies of a Beautiful Woman

Phyllis ordered the custom-made urinal costume a week ago, and today it finally arrived. It was a strange outfit, which required the wearer to sit on the floor with their knees crossed and their arms behind their back. A heavy plastic casing was affixed to their front, looking like a large deep urinal. The face and chest of the wearer - made up in gloss white - were exposed in the bowl, and the exit pipe led to their groin area. The man who'd designed it remarked to Phyllis on the phone that it...

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Funhouse MirrorsChapter 9

Ron couldn’t believe it. He rubbed Susie’s shoulders as he looked over what could only be called a serial killer hunting board. There were dozens of colors of post-its. A rainbow of six threads overlaid Veidt’s notes to the path of personality changes experienced by his six women. There were pictures and printouts. He had to buy a second corkboard to hold her entire map. “Alright, this is so much clearer,” he smiled for the room. “Where’s Jocelyn?” Cass laid her highlighter on the papers on...

4 years ago
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Broken PromisesChapter 43

I answered the door and stared. “Bea?” I said. She smirked and slid by me into my front room. I closed the door and turned to face her. She suddenly looked serious. “Bea?” It’s 10:00 p.m. I have to open tomorrow,” I said. “I know. It’s always the same for you on Mondays,” she said. “Okay?” I said. ‘You know I work for your brother, and that Ava and I have been friends for a thousand years, right?” she said. “Yeah, so?” I said. “So, you wanna marry me?” she said. “Excuse me?” I...

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