"je Veux Ta Chatte Zoé" free porn video

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Ça s’est passé un mercredi soir, un mois de février, je rentre assez tôt du travail, fatigué. L’appartement est vide, ma femme doit rentrer tard… travail travail. La moitié des affaires sont dans des cartons, quelques jours plus tard tout allait se retrouver dans un camion de déménagement. Je pousse des affaires, m’affale dans mon canapé, une bière à la main, devant la télé éteinte. J’avais pas la moindre idée de ce qui m’attendait ce soir là.

On sonne. Je m’étais assoupi, je me demande si j’ai pas rêvé cette sonnerie. Surtout que je vois pas bien qui viendrait sonner là maintenant. Ça sonne à nouveau, à la porte. Bon ok. Je pose ma bière et je me lève. C’est Zoé, la fille de la coloc d’en face. On se connait un peu, enfin tout juste. On a discuté parfois de banalités dans le hall de l’immeuble alors que je descendais mes poubelles ou qu’elle relevait son courrier. Très jolie, presque "trop". Si Ludivine Sagnier avait une petite soeur cachée d’à peine 20 ans, ça serait elle. Un petit bout de jeune fille, très petite, fine, un nez court et étroit, des yeux clairs, des cheveux très lisses, une frange châtain clair qui la rend encore plus innocente, et l’aura excessivement séduisante de sa soeur. Je lui demande ce qui lui arrive. Elle m’explique un peu gênée que la porte de son appartement s’est fermée derrière elle. Sa coloc ne sera pas là avant un moment. En somme elle est un peu enfermée dehors. Je lui propose évidemment d’entrer, qu’elle vienne patienter le temps nécessaire.

On passe un moment tout les deux dans le canapé, à boire des bières. Je sent que la boisson lui fait de l’effet. Elle m’a dit qu’elle tenait pas très bien l’alcool. Elle semble de plus en plus à l’aise, de plus en plus enjouée et libérée dans sa manière parler des choses. Pourtant elle ne manque jamais de me vouvoyer. Elle évoque des choses intimes. Très vite arrive ce moment où ça ne devient plus drôle. Son petit copain l’a beaucoup fait souffrir, et apparement elle ne se permet pas souvent ce luxe d’en parler aussi franchement. Elle entame beaucoup de phrase, et les termine rarement. Je me sens très con, je ne sais pas comment réagir. Ça y est elle fond littéralement en larme. J’ai une envie irrésistible de la prendre dans mes bras. Je prend conscience d’un coup pourquoi je la trouve "trop" jolie, comme je disais. Elle fait parti de ces filles qui semblent si jolie que le simple fait d’être en contact avec elle inhibe le naturel. Je ne sais pas comment je dois dire bonjour, comment je dois dire au revoir, sans que ça laisse échapper un implicite "je te trouve très jolie", ou "j’aimerais que tu me laisse t’embrasser" ou "j’ai envie de te voir nue et que tu me laisses te regarder". C’est très troublant une aussi jolie fille. Et là elle pleure sur mon canapé. Alors je me contente de penser au problème pratique. Je vais chercher des mouchoirs dans la salle de bain. Je lui tend un paquet, je me rassoie à côté d’elle, un peu plus près. Elle se mouche, laisse peser un silence qui me semble interminable. Enfin, avec une minuscule voix, presque honteuse, elle lâche un "es-ce que je peux avoir un câlin ?". Là je n’ai plus d’excuse. Je passe mon bras derrière elle, Je me penche contre elle qui se tourne pour accueillir mon câlin. Je la serre fort contre moi. Ce moment est surnaturelle. J’ai mon nez dans ses cheveux. Ça sent le safran, ou peut-être la vanille. Je ne sais pas. Ça sent bon. Je ferme les yeux, et la laisse pleurer autant qu’il le faut contre moi. Ce moment dure. Il dure. Assez spontanément je lui adresse un petit baiser dans ses cheveux. Ça semble calmer un peu ses sanglots. J’en adresse un nouveau, plus près de la tempe. Elle devient peu à peu plus calme. Quelque chose, peut-être elle même, sans le vouloir, me fais sentir que le type de réconfort dont elle a besoin à cet instant n’a pas beaucoup de limite. Je crois que c’est à partir de là que j’ai eu l’impression de passer dans une autre dimension.

Je continue ma série de bisous, en levant doucement sa tête, jusqu’à ses joues, puis jusqu’au bord de ses lèvres… Je la prend entre mes deux mains, et l’embrasse. Dès que je sens le contact de ses lèvres contre les miennes, je sens automatiquement que mon sexe commence à durcir sous mon pantalon. Je l’ai embrassée simplement au début, puis de plus en plus langoureusement. Son corps pivote pour mieux profiter. Elle est à genoux sur le canapé, sa main à échouée sur mon ventre. Joue contre joue, elle déboutonne ma chemise, nos respirations deviennent bruyantes. Sa main descend plus bas et s’attarde sur ma ceinture. le système d’ouverture est capricieux, Ça serait bien dommage que ça l’empêche de venir à bout de ce qu’elle cherche, je l’aide. En quelques instants je me retrouve le pantalon sur les chevilles, mon sexe dans sa main. Je profite de ses mouvements de poignets très habiles et énergiques. Elle embrasse mon ventre. Elle me masturbe. Ça y est je bande déjà comme un fou entre ses petits doigts. Je sens qu’elle hésites à descendre plus bas. Je place une main sur l’arrière de son crâne, je pousse mes hanches vers son visages. Elle comprend qu’elle peut. La tête posée contre mon ventre, je sens sa bouche qui commence à prendre mon sexe en bouche, ses cheveux qui frottent contre moi au rythme de ses vas et viens buccaux. Je relâche ma nuque contre le dossier, ferme les yeux, et lâches quelques gémissements de plaisirs. Elle abandonne mon sexe un instant. Je devine à ce que j’entend qu’elle commence à se déshabiller. J’ouvre les yeux et redresse le tête. Ses seins sont superbes. Légèrement en poire, des petits tétons roses. Nos regards se croisent furtivement avec un petit sourire complice avant qu’elle se penche à nouveau, Je crois que je n’ai jamais senti autant de bonne volonté au travers d’une bouche pour vouloir donner du plaisir sexuelle. Je peux maintenant regarder à loisir sa petite bouche glisser le long de mon sexe de haut en bas, et ses petits seins qui remuent à chaque mouvements. Elle me suce comme ça pendant un bon petit moment. Je ne suis pas le seul à gémir comme un idiot. Chacun de ses petits gémissements nasaux font vibrer ma queue contre son palais. Son copain doit vraiment être un con quand je vois le talent qu’elle a. Elle s’arrête brusquement, file vers mon oreille, et me souffle "j’ai envie de plus". Je l’embrasse. Je la repousse. Je me lèvre. On se lèvre. On se déshabille. Elle retire ses chaussures, son pantalon, sa culotte. On est nus. Je devine un très beau sexe, lisse, exactement comme je l’imaginais. Parce que oui, honnêtement, pardon mais… qui n’a pas déjà cherché à visualiser la chatte de la voisine de pallier, jeune étudiante à croquer. Elle s’allonge sur le canapé, les cuisses entre-ouvertes, le regarde très explicite. Je me place devant elle. dépassé par ce qui m’arrive, je reste un instant devant cette petite chatte parfaite, une cheville posée sur mon épaule, le gland assis sur ses lèvres douces et soyeuses. C’est elle qui prend les choses en main, littéralement. Elle appuie mon sexe contre le siens avec la paume de sa main, et se déhanche pour se masturber contre lui. Au file des mouvements je manque parfois à peu de chose d’entamer une pénétration. Nous ne somment pas protégés. Quoi qu’elle dise on ne devait pas se permettre de faire n’importe quoi. Mais je sais pertinemment que je n’ai pas de capote, j’ai rien. J’ai une envie incroyable de la pénétrer, mais je n’ai rien. Elle fini par me demander clairement "vous avez des capotes ?". Je lui balbutie que je crois que non mais qu’on peut aller regarder dans la salle de bain. Ce qui m’inquiète aussi c’est que je me sens tellement sur excité que je sens qu’il faudra très peu de temps pour que jouisse une fois en elle. Sa réaction ne semble pas vraiment prendre en compte ma réponse. Elle se saisie de ma queue, la place à l’entrée de sa chatte trempée d’excitation, et je l’entend dire "allez-y on s’en fout, allez-y". Impossible de résister, impossible. Je donne un coup de reins, mon sexe commence à rentrer. Elle est assez étroite, très humide, mais étroite. J’insiste, je donne plusieurs coups. À chaque coups mon sexe rentre un peu plus en elle. Ses gémissements son de plus en plus haut en décibels. Je sens enfin que je suis tout au fond d’elle, mes couilles tapotent son entre-jambe. Jamais je n’ai senti mon sexe aussi confortablement installé, tout entier dans un vagin, j’aurais aimé ne jamais en sortir. Malgré l’ivresse du moment, j’arrive à ouvrir les yeux. Je vois son visage qui grimace de plaisir ses seins qui rebondissent, son ventre qui respire à toute vitesse, et surtout sa chatte déformée par mon sexe. Mon sexe semble énorme par rapport à son petit corps de jeune fille. Elle crie comme une folle, Je sens que je ne vais pas tenir longtemps. Je ne crois pas que je peux me permettre n’import quoi. Je lui dit "Zoé je vais jouir". Elle me dit juste "oui… oui mais pas en moi". Je prend ça pour un feu vert. Je donne tout ce que j’ai, je fait trembler le canapé, je donne les plus gros coups de queue que je peux offrir. Plus je la lime plus je sens qu’elle va jouir. Elle joui, elle crie très fort, elle me perce les tympans, elle hurle mon prénom. Pour moi c’est le point d’honneur, j’en peu plus. Je me retire au bord de l’orgasme. Une main agrippe son épaule, l’autre saisie mon sexe chaud et couvert de mouille pour me branler énergiquement contre elle. Regarder mon gland secoué contre cette superbe petite chatte lisse me fait craquer. Je lance un premier jet de sperme le long sa petite fente. J’expulse un second, très épais, très généreux, qui dépasse son sexe, rempli son nombril, et asperge ses petites lèvres trempée. Là je me suis senti dépassé par mes désirs. Il fallait que je la remplisse de mon sperme, que je poursuive mon orgasme dans son ventre. Sans même réfléchir, toujours le sexe en main, je descend ma queue, et pénètre à nouveau le sexe recouvert de sperme de la petite Zoé, Elle cherche à me repousser en disant "mais… attend…". Je laisse échapper un "je veux ta chatte Zoé". Je saisi ses hanches, je la pousse contre moi de toute mes forces. Je la regarde dans les yeux, elle semble perdue entre l’envie de se sentir inondée de mon sperme, et sa conscience qui lui dit qu’il ne faut pas. De toute façon c’est trop tard, j’éjacule tout ce qu’il me reste en tout au fond d’elle, et il en restait vraiment beaucoup. J’accompagnant chaque nouveau jet de sperme par de grands coups de reins. Je me vide un peu plus les couilles en elle a chaque coup de queue. Elle s’abandonne, elle m’embrasse, se déhanche au rythme de mes coups. Le bruit très organique de ma bite qui lime sa petite fente me fait comprendre que je l’ai remplie à raz bord. Sa déborde. Il y a tellement de sperme qu’on jurerais que trois autres type ont giclé des litres de foutre en elle juste avant moi.

La tempête est passée, je retire mon sexe du siens, à peine débandé. Je me sens un peu coupable de n’avoir pas su me contrôler. Je crois qu’elle m’en veut un peu. Elle ne dit rien, m’adresse un sourire un peu gênée, puis va s’enfermer dans la sale de bain. Allongé sur le dos, je manque de m’endormir. Dix minutes plus tard, sa coloc est rentrée, elle part en me disant au revoir timidement de loin. Il y a une énorme auréole de mouille et de sperme. Je lance une machine avec la housse du canapé, je dirais que j’ai renversé une bière dessus. Je prend une douche. Il fait froid dehors mais je dois aérer ça doit sentir à plein nez la chatte de Zoé. Deux heures plus tard ma femme arrive. Trois jours plus tard je déménage.

Depuis je n’ai jamais eu de nouvelle de Zoé. Mais pour quelqu’un qui n’a pas vraiment l’habitude de tromper sa femme, je dois avouer que cette expérience m’a marqué à vie, et que j’y re pense souvent. Tout le temps en fait. L’image de son visage, déformé par la jouissance la bouche grande ouverte, n’a pas fini de hanter mes rêves. Son regard perdu lorsque je l’ai un peu forcée à recevoir mon sperme aussi… pourquoi j’ai fait ça ?

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Never MarryChapter 6 Military Intervention

Looking back from September, Alicia Ortega thought the Sunday of her first run with Craig had made a dramatic turn in their relationship. Up to then, Craig had tried quite solemnly to give her as intense or as many orgasms as he could. She appreciated that; what girl wouldn’t? They had not, however, had much fun. After the pinch, the tickling match, the wrestling match, they had been much looser with each other. They slept in the same bed, and Craig had slept nude all summer. That made sex...

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Dedicated to David I love you David was sitting on the bed behind me, his chin resting on my shoulder and his arms around my waist. I was telling a story to my tireless six-year-old, the Energizer Bunny of first graders. He was looking up at me, eyes just like his fathers, with rapt attention as I told him a Dr. Suess story. I finished my story and David got up to tuck him in while I gave him a kiss on top of his curly haired head. His father said goodnight and left for one last check on our...

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Flavours The Story of the Chain Leash

I never liked plain vanilla ice cream, or chocolate for the record.Take me to the Caribbean with a few scoops of creamy coconut, crunchy frozen chocolate bits, chewy candied pineapple chunks, I’ll sprinkle spiced rum and squirt cream on it, then we’re talking.Garnish my summer evening with strawberry ice cream, made of fresh strawberries with the tiny seeds and juicy fruit-flesh, dark chocolate chunks, swimming in a coupe of prosecco. Or pure innocent vanilla with fresh mint and roughly chopped...

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Crossroads Ch5

A pure fantasy about a young man changing his life by becoming a woman. I pulled up to the valet parking of the hotel. As I got out I saw the young attendant look down my dress and then look at my legs as I swung them out to stand up. I smiled to myself. I was really going to do this. I was going into the bar in this hotel and pick up a nice guy. If I liked him enough I was going to have sex with him as a woman. My new equipment was ready and I had to try it out. I felt very sexy in my...

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SisLovesMe Evelin Stone Stepbro Does Sex Ed

Evelin Stone is the new stepsis in the house who is totally self consumed. After every shower she takes nude selfies. What a slut! This also makes her horny so she begins to masturbate. She thought this was going to be a private orgasm, but stepbro got caught peeking. He is a very bad boy. The next day Evelin was studying for her sex ed class. Stepbro made fun of her since she only looks at dicks in the textbook while all her friends have seen his dick. What the fuck? How did he not show her...

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The Newtons

Part Seven CHRISTIANA I must say they gave me a bit of a shock on the Friday evening. Miki was already at home when I got there and I gave him a kiss as I stroked him through his trousers. ‘I’m looking forward to this tonight,’ I said. ‘So am I,’ he laughed, but I couldn’t see why he laughed, not then. I went and got myself a drink and poured one out for him too. ‘How was your day then?’ I asked sitting down with my drink after passing his across.

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My BBW Mom

Dedicated to BBW loversHey guys, I’m Dan. I am your average 23 year old boy, super horny. I was not a late bloomer when it came to losing my virginity, I was 16, but it was a once time sloppy fuck with the school tramp, and that was it. . I started looking at my mom sexually at around 18, but I figured it would go away and that I was just so desperate for sex anyone was looking good to me. My desire for my mom grew. She is my biggest fantasy. She is 54 years old about 5'5 and 280 pounds. She is...

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DickDrainers Liz Jordan Liz8217s Anal Nightmare

Liz has been so stressed out lately. Her friend Cathy is involved in sooooo much drama (like you would not believe), Liz’s ex “boyfriend” Jake is trying to creep back in the picture (again). And of course there’s exams. Because all good girls have to go to college right? Exams are still on her mind after her long day hanging out with her other friend Marissa (who of course brought up Cathy’s drama). Maybe a long day at the mall after school wasn’t a good idea...

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‘Bread, Milk, Ham, Butter, Cheese’, ‘God the list goes on’ thought Jane.‘Salad stuff ?’ ‘Oh yeh and a cucumber’ she said chuckling, ‘maybe two’. She smiled inwardly, ‘well I might need some fun’, especially as the rabbit had broken earlier in the week and there was a little nagging feeling that needed attention. ‘Must look for a replacement when I’ve time’ She looked out of the window, it wasn’t the best of days, overcast, a hint of rain and a northerly breeze.‘Mmm better put some tights on,...

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Time Warp Kathys Turn

Now that I realized that I could go back in time and make subtle changes that would change the future, I thought of the possibilities. What would it be like for instance, if I just happened to show up at the Alamo in a APC with a couple of 50 caliber machine guns, you know, help the Texas volunteers a bit? Or maybe alerting the police of a sniper hiding up in that schoolbook depository in Dallas that fateful November day? Yeah that would change the future, but as my friend Jonathon had...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 84

Morning came early. I woke at six then cat napped until seven thirty. I gave Jenny a kiss, but she never budged. In the kitchen I started a big pot of coffee and put several frying pans on the stove along with a large griddle. The Smithfields and the Snows were flying back this afternoon. I thought a good in house breakfast would be better than a noisy restaurant plus everyone could eat on their own schedule. We always had plenty of fruit. We also had stocked up on eggs, bacon, sausage,...

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Suppers Ready

Suppers ready Crème & Carezza 'The way to a man's heart is through his stomach', so the saying goes and, like the majority of big women, Tracy had a passion for good food as much as an appetite for good sex and loved to combine both pleasures on occasion. One such time came during the rare phenomena of a sunny English summer upon returning home shortly after finishing a late shift at 9pm. I'd phoned earlier for our usual chat and when she asked what I fancied to eat later on had...

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Sales Meeting 2

Tom and I met up at breakfast and we sat together through most of the meetings that day. He was very popular with all of his fellow sales reps and you could tell that when he spoke, everyone listened. I felt relieved that he never mentioned or even made a vague reference to the fact that he caught me with my cum on my chest. We ate our way through the buffet line at dinner and did all the little small talk that sales people do. I found out that he was once engaged but they decided to go their...

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Darling please let me

"Stan, let me suck your wonderful baby maker till I make you come tonight. I don't need your seed in my cunt now. I'm already having your baby, sweetheart." Stan replied, "Nothing could make me happier. You haven't done it since before we were married." They often gave each other oral sex but because they wanted to start a family, from the time of the wedding, Stan had always planted his sperm as deep in his wife's cunt as he could. Gloria slid down the bed and slipped her...

2 years ago
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How I Lost My Wife to Another Man

      HOW I LOST MY WIFE TO ANOTHER MAN                           Written by 4play     My wife Mary and I had been married over 40 years before I had my first heart attack.  I recovered from that one but found my ability to get erections was greatly diminished.  A few months later I had a second heart attack and was left totally impotent.  Mary still had sexual needs which I was unable to satisfy even though I did oral on her whenever she wanted it.  Mary told me that she would need other men...

3 years ago
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Be the bad guy or gal

This world of medieval fantasy is filled with opportunity, for the wicked and cunning, so go forth, pillage and plunder, subjugate and dominate. You start you journey on the continent of Vileria, a land filled with numerous ruling kingdoms of various origins, and all manner of people and fantastical creatures. Being at the bottom of society, in the shadow of monarchs and warlords are those that swipe the coins from pockets, deal with matters under the table and slide their knives in the dark,...

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Larrys Life

Larry's Life Larry was engaged but his gal dumps him. He starts slipping back to his old self when his sister, Nicole gives him a choice. This tale was past unto me by Nicole. It also reveals Larry's past with and a frightful event in Larry's present. Peace. Belle. "Mom, this is Nicole. It is about Larry again. He is depressed since Karla dumped him. Please call." I was worried about my brother. His fiancee Karla dumped him. She loved Larry, but her folks did not approve of Larry....

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Good neighbor

Mary had just arrived home from the hospital. Closing the door her phone rang. Hello, answering the phone. No I'm ok just a few bruses and a little stiff. Sally her neighbor heard about the car accident. You relax, I'll send Victoria over to help, she said. Mary hung up and went to change her clothes.As she was tying her robe there was a knock at the door. Opening it Mary found Victoria standing with a basket in her arms, Tory known to her friends. Mother told me you were in a car accident,...

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The Interview

The one thing I have found about being married these past two years is, staying at home all day is just down right boring. I never in a million years would have thought this in my wildest dreams I would get bored doing nothing, day after day after day, yet here I am doing just that. In the mornings when I read the paper from front to back, I never, ever looked in the want ads section of the paper. But like I said I am just bored. I am curious to see what kind of jobs are available, maybe if...

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The Breeding of Melissa

She was always meticulous, took great care of herself and those she loved and cared about. She had beautiful red hair and her body was what dreams are made of. Full and ample breasts with bright pink nipples, her lower abdomen had just the right amount of fat on it, her ass was round yet firm and when she walked her cheeks wiggled and moved in such a way, that any guy watching her would get a massive hard on. We had been married for three years and every time we fucked it was better and better....

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My friends girl

This is a true story of my sex adventures as a teen.I was around 16 or 17, and it was a late summer night. My friend was having a weekend long party because his parents were out of town on vacation. We had a long night of partying and towards the end a few people had left but about 4 guys including me stayed overnight. My friends hot girl friend Alex, also stayed the night, she was the only girl left. I mentioned she was hot, that was an understatement, she was scorching. She was white,with...

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Over The Top Threeway At Work

In 1990, I was working as an accounting supervisor at a large hotel in Flagstaff, Arizona. I was twenty-nine and in the prime of my life. My hair was cut in a pixie style and was dyed a light red and blond mix. I had 32DD breasts, weighed 110 pounds, with a 24-inch waist, 28-inch hips, and a tight, round ass.At work, I had to dress in a tailored blue skirt that hit just above my knee; I wore a fitted white blouse, and the company’s tailored blue jacket. The uniform fit me like a glove. When the...

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The Power of The Moon ch1

This is my first story and it does not have a lot of sex in the first two…but if you love love stories than I am pretty sure you will love this!!  ‘Grace please come out with us tonight?!?’ Sam said flinging her arms around as she talked. Grace just rolled her eyes. ‘Sam I have told you before…I don’t go out and I don’t drink not since…since Joe…and you of all people should know that!’ Grace whispered harshly the scar on her hand began to burn. Not wanting to draw attention to herself and Sam,...

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Memoirs of Ida Mae Jensen RedactedChapter 4

My recently passed Herman’s relative kept pestering me for jobs and money because I was sitting pretty on cash flow from my Casino, the forty room motel and the funeral parlor business I had inherited according to my deceased husband’s will. Most of that litter was ugly if they were females and a mite bit slow if they were males. One thing was for certain they were all a bunch of back-stabbers from the get-go. I also opened up a dance studio of sorts that I used to train my current crop of...

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A tease too far

You got home from work, tired and ready for a shower. I washed your body, paying close attention to your back, ass, and legs. You have the most sexy ass, full, round, and very tight. My cock was throbbing from the feeling of my hands on your body, so I grabbed you by the waist and rested it between your cheeks."Mmmm, happy to see me?" you asked."Oh yeah!" I reply. "It's been a couple days and I want you badly!"The play and teasing continues as you sit on the edge of the tub to shave your legs...

Quickie Sex
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My husband doesnt know1

My name is Kristy, I am 29yo , live on the North Coast of NSW, Very Petite only about 5ft 2, I have extremely large breast's for my size, a nice petite Pussy and Ass to match, this story is about a sexuall encounter I had with a guy whom I became friends with while I was working for a large Retail company. He was our delivery driver and a lot older, in his early 50's but looked a lot younger, He was so easy to talk to and I just felt at ease with him, One day I was in my local town and...

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The Dark Lady Ch 03

The morning after Kim’s return from Mexico, I wandered into the dining room, where brilliant sunshine blasted in from the desert. Two nymphs in football shirts had the coffee going and were setting the table. I fondled each behind in turn and declared my instant lust for them. I was handed a tall glass of orange juice and asked what exotic place I was taking them for ravishment. I stood in the window and pondered my choices. There was much work today, and Sarah needed to get Karen and Marty...

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Cougar in the Yukon Part 4

I was still worried about other aspects however, for example Claire still believes I am Gail’s stepson and now we’re all to go to British Columbia where I am to meet a man whose wife I have possibly impregnated. Things were the most complicated they had ever been for me. I chuckled to myself “you have royally fucked up”. 3 months later. “Jack, I’m getting so fat” Gail said in a mocking manner, lifting her shirt to show her tummy. “Ha ha, that’s not funny anymore” I said annoyed...

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New mother Gloria

A few weeks ago I was out shopping at the local grocery store, when I noticed a beautiful young woman juggling a basket full of groceries and a baby. She was catching hell and looked in trouble. As she was a beautiful woman, I approached and asked her if I could lend a hand. The sweet young thing looked up at me and said "Oh hi Mr. B. I'm Gloria. I went to school with your daughter Penny." "Hi Gloria, yes I remember you now. You look as though you have got a handful there, what’s her name?" I...

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Waitress Cheating On Husband

This story is a fantasy of mine, it has true parts.My name is Lynlee, I am 31 years old 5’4” 120lbs and b cup. I am a mother of 3 c***dren. I got married at age 17 after I got pregnant. I attended my senior year of high school with my pregnant belly. I am still married to the same man that got me pregnant, my husband Charles.About 7 years ago I was working at a restaurant as a waitress. As with any waitressing job the more you flirt the more tip you got. It didn’t take me long to figure that...

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Games That Grownups Play Part 2

"What are you looking at?" asked Dawn opening her eyes. She had always been able to be instantly alert, like her s*ster, but unlike her Mom who was a gradual waker. The fact Joyce was cradled in Dawn's arms with her eyes open and a small smile on her face said she had been awake for a while - otherwise she'd still be yawning."Nothing," blushed Joyce, moving her eyes upwards and away from her daughter's face."Liar," said Dawn, grinning. It was obvious that her Mom had been staring at her...

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I Deflowered My Hot Virgin Classmate

Hi friends I am Vedant (name changed) this is my first story so I hope you all will like it and I will get good responses and if I get responses I will be posting many more stories. This story is based on a true incident that took place with me. First let me tell u something about myself. I turned Eighteen , 6 months ago , I m 5’5″ tall , mid fair complexion and a bit muscular and my friendly behaviour is liked by every one around me and that makes me a point of attraction. I study in a well...

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