An Historical Birching. free porn video

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Janice was lucky.She had been looking for employment for a few months now and when she heard the The Monastery of Repentance had a vacancy for a cleaner she decided to apply.She was successful.Janice was set the task of cleaning the library and private rooms of the Nun's and Monk's,she was paid a good wage ,the only draw back came when her work was deemed not up to scratch,then Janice found herself over the knee of Prioress Gertrude.Janice loved cleaning in the library,especially by day when all the Nun's and Monk's were far too busy.Janice would wander around the bookshelves ,dusting,it took her the best part of the day to clean the library,it was a long,wide room filled with bookshelves and cosy corners where one could spend an afternoon reading in peace.When Janice was sure there was no one in the library she liked to take down one of the' Annals of Repentance' and read about the punishment dished out to some poor unlucky boy or girl,she noticed that the' Annals of Repentance' dated back to 1607.It was a wintry Monday morning outside when Janice was left alone in the library,she walked along the long shelf filled with Annal's and decided to just pick one.She chose an Annal dated 1610. Janice took a seat in one of the luxurious chairs and rested the large Annal on the table.She was very careful to open the book.As she browsed through the book she came across a large heading which read ,' THE CORPORAL PUNISHMENT OF LADY AMY OF CAHIR'. Janice was intrigued. She turned the next page and read;

"'I am Abbot Proctor and I here commit to the Annal a description of the chastisement of My Lady Amy of Cahir. Lady Amy was sent to the Monastery by her Father Confessor who advised me that Lady Amy could learn from a good chastisement.Lady Amy knew in advance of her visit that she would be flagellated for her errant and wicked ways. I sat on my chair in the punishment room with me was Prioress Hilda a Nun who has served our parish well when it comes to the discipline of the wicked. I had asked the good Prioress to be present and to administer the birching to Lady Amy. At the appointed time I heard the carriage of Lady Amy arrive.I watched from my window as she dismounted her carriage and looked up ,our eyes met for a brief moment before she followed Bro.Anselm,who would direct her to my room.I informed Prioress Hilda that Lady Amy had arrived and was on her way to receive her just punishment.I watched as Prioress Hilda grasped a very fine birch rod that was resting on the table next to her.I could see the Prioress Hilda was smiling ever so slightly.I decided it best to not question the Prioress as to her smile and instead took my seat.I became aware of footsteps and after a few moments Bro.Anselm knocked,I bid him enter and he annouced,"Lady Amy of Cahir,my Lord Abbot and my Lady's servant Miss Esther.I happened to glance in the direction of Prioress Hilda who was staring at Lady Amy as she entered the room.Lady Amy glanced to her right and saw Prioress Hilda holding the birch rod,Lady Amy no doubt knew that she would be feeling this rod across her bare posterior,she looked uncomfortable.Both Lady Amy and her servant Miss Esther performed a curtsey before me.

"My Lord Abbot,I thank you for taking the time to see me,I understand what must happen and I submit myself to thine will ", Lady Amy said in a measured tone,it was clear that she had practised this sentence over and over.
"My Lady Amy,I have listened to what your Father Confessor has told me and both he and I agree that you would greatly benefit from chastisement at the hands of Prioress Hilda", I said and then continued, "It has been decided that 20 firm lashes of the birch be applied to your naked posterior."
Lady Amy looked at Prioress Hilda and addressed her as follows;" My good Lady Prioress,I will not flinch,I understand that you have some experience in matters of discipline and thus I commend myself to your capable hands,and birch.Think not of me as a coward,but as a strong woman able to take the punishment that is due",
"My Lady ,I will endeavor to wield the birch with great accuracy and in a just and kind way,as a confessor to a penitent," prioress Hilda said,she looked quite flushed and had a thin smile along her narrow lips.
"My Lord Abbot I am ready to receive",Lady Amy said.
"Very well my Lady,I want you to bend over that table", I indicated to the large table on her right," and prepare yourself," I ordered.
"My servant Esther will assist me,I trust you have no objections my Lord Abbot?" Lady Amy said as she moved to the table and began to bend over.
"None,my Lady Amy".

I watched as Miss Esther began to raise the long skirts of Lady Amy to reveal her white legs and thighs.With the skirts firmly raised and resting on Lady Amy's back,I watched her servant undo her Ladies pantaloons and in a moment I saw it,the white,pure ,firm posterior of Lady Amy.I glanced at Prioress Hilda,there was that smile again and her eyes seemed to have grown large,Prioress Hilda seemed transfixed on the bare bottom before her that was waiting for her birch to fall on it.I stood up and walked to the head of the table,I couldn't resist a delightful glance at the naked posterior.I looked down at Lady Amy and said, "My Lady,do you repent all your sins?"
Lady Amy looked up at me,there was a look of nervousness in her hazel eyes, "Yes,my Lord Abbot,I repent,I place myself at your mercy,please have mercy on me,a poor sinner,my Lord Abbot", she pleaded.
I was in doubt that Lady Amy could bear the whole 20 lashes besides she did look repentant .
" I have decided to show you a measure of mercy my Lady,I have decided that you will receive 12 lashes and not 20," as I said this I glanced at Prioress Hilda who look disappointed all of a sudden,I couldn't help but think that the good Prioress wanted to administer the full 20 as she enjoyed administering corporal punishment to the ladies who repented .
"Thank you my Lord Abbot,I will bear the 12 lashes with grace and gratitude," and then Lady Amy said, "Please my Lady Prioress don't hold back on the vigor with which you deliver each lash".
"My Lady I will bring the birch to bear with sufficient vigor to teach you a lesson," the Prioress said,tapping the birch off her left hand as she grasped it firmly in her right.
I retook my seat and said, "Lady Prioress you may begin".
"Thank you,my Lord Abbot," Prioress Hilda said,with a hint of excitement in her voice, as she approached Lady Amy.
I watched as the Prioress raised up the ugly looking birch and brought it down with once swift and forceful swing on Lady Amy's posterior.Lady Amy's servant looked away and bit her bottom lip.The next lash landed on my Lady's beautiful posterior causing her to cry softly and her servant to jump.
"Keep a firm grasp of your Lady's skirts,they are getting in my way,you insolent servant girl",Prioress Hilda admonished Miss Esther.
I watched as Lady Amy's servant took a firm grasp of her Lady's skirts but at the same time looked towards the door, the poor girl did not have the stomach to watch the birching taking place at the hands of Prioress Hilda.
The strokes of the birch rained down on Lady Amy's bare posterior. By the seventh stroke the Lady Amy was crying,tears dripped from her face onto the floor.As the birch licked her posterior again,Lady Amy's screams filled the room.I could see that Prioress Hilda was enjoying the event much more than Lady Amy was.The poor servant girl was wincing at every stroke.
"I will not warn you again,you insolent girl,hold your Lady's skirts up or I will thrash you," Prioress Hilda yelled at the servant girl.
"I am sorry my Lady Prioress," came the meek reply.
Prioress Hilda brought the birch down again and again.Lady Amy was indeed suffering,tears were causing a little puddle on the floor and she began to beg, "Please Lady Prioress,lay on me,I promise I will mend my ways,please Lord Abbot give me absolution,I have suffered rightly", she said between cries as the birch licked her naked posterior again and again.
The final lash of the birch was deliver with as much strength as the good Prioress could muster.Lady Amy screamed a shrill,piercing scream which rang in my ears and was no doubt heard by anyone who was outside the room.

I stood up and went to Lady Amy as Prioress Hilda retreated to the window,smiling,sweating,looking very flushed but still grasping the birch rod.Lady Amy's bare posterior was lined with ugly, raised red lines;her posterior looked very sore.
"I absolve you of your sins,as a further penance you will recite the Lords's Prayer ten time and the Hail Mary fifteen times," I ordered.
"Yes,My Lord Abbot,thank you," Lady Amy said between sniffles.
"You may help your Lady dress," I said to the servant girl,Esther,who was shaking,I believe with fear that Prioress Hilda would birch her too.
Once dressed Lady Amy turned to face Prioress Hilda and I.
"Thank you my Lord Abbot and Lady Prioress,I am most grateful for the attention you both have showed to me," she said as she bowed low before us.
Lady Amy and her servant were shown out by Bro.Anselm who returned once Lady Amy was seated,rather uncomfortably in her carriage I have no doubt, with a note from the Bishop with a list of names of 'Ladies of high order and wicked ways that must receive the discipline without delay'.
I read the list of names and handed the list to Prioress Hilda,a smile of deep satisfaction appeared on her thin lips as she still grasped the birch rod"'.

Janice thought she heard a noise and hurriedly replaced the Annal on it's shelf.She grabbed her duster and began to dust the shelves again.As she reached the end of the library she became transfixed by a painting;was it,no it couldn't be,wait it really was;Janice moved closer and read the inscription at the bottom of the painting,it read, 'PRIORESS HILDA,PRIORESS OF THE MONASTERY OF REPENTANCE,AD 1570-1650.
Next to the painting of the Prioress was a painting of a girl with a full round face and a cheeky look in her eyes.The inscription at the bottom of that painting read ;LADY AMY OF CAHIR,1587-1670,A Generous Benefactor of THE MONASTERY OF REPENTANCE.

Janice spent sometime looking at both paintings; ,the painting of Prioress Hilda,the strict disciplinarian and Lady Amy the girl who was 23 years old when she suffered the birch at the hands of Prioress Hilda,now both their images stood side by side.Janice could only surmise why Lady Amy became a benefactor of the Monastery;she wondered did Lady Amy suffer more beatings at the hands of Prioress Hilda while Lord Abbot Proctor watched on. As Janice continued her dusting her mind turned to Lady Amy's servant,she hoped that the servant girl,Esther escaped the clutches of the Prioress and her birch rod.

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Well i have heard about this parking place in the woods, where men goes to have sex.........i have always been a very curious boy, so one day i was nearby the wood i decided to go.It was a very rainy day so i first went into the toilet and checked it out, there was a lot of writings on the walls where people offered to suck cocks if you would call them, it´s a very exiting place, i like it!!!!!!I think i was there in the toilet for about 25 minutes just reading the wall´s and looking in the...

4 years ago
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Thanksgiving Sex At The Cottage Part One

Friday NightThe weather forecast for the Thanksgiving long weekend was good, so Sue and Jake suggested that we all go up to their cottage for the weekend. Melanie and I agreed and on Friday night we all loaded our gear into Sue's Jeep and headed out, arriving at the cottage around eight in the evening.Night had fallen but there was a bright moon in a cloudless sky and we were all eager to get out on the lake, so we just slung our bags into the bedrooms and trooped through the cottage and down...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 29

Fran was up first, showered, and out the door so fast I barely got to thank her and wish her well. She went out like someone had set fire to her rear end, so embarrassment might have been a motivating factor. Roberta took her time. We stayed in bed and talked about nothing for over an hour and then got up, showered, and faced the trials of the day. I had to begin the process of contacting the DeBusque clan, under the guise of tracking down relatives. Roberta had to oversee me doing that, so...

3 years ago
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Back in Skirts Part 5

Back In Skirts Part Five: I had worked my way through the summer and quietly bought myself a small wardrobe of male clothes. I still hadn't said anything to Mum or Trudy but I think Trudy had some idea of what I planned. Maybe Mum did to. But now was the chance to reclaim my lost masculinity because I was off to university where I could go from wearing all these girl's clothes to being boy again. I could stop wearing panties, bras, petticoats, pantyhose, dresses and heels and all...

1 year ago
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The Sexual Education BluesChapter 6 Roberta and Jeff

When Tiffany walked out, dragging Chuck by an invisible leash, Jeff reacted like most men would have reacted. He tried to make sure the same thing didn't happen to him. He turned to Roberta. "What do you think?" he asked. "I kind of agree with Bob. You and I might have some things in common to talk about." "I don't know what to do," said Roberta, looking around blankly. "I never expected anything like this to happen." "You want to go swimming?" he asked. "We're supposed to...

1 year ago
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Gaining a Better Vantage Point

Well, so here was another fine Saturday to be spent all by myself alone. Waking up today, I know there are things I have to do, so I slip out of bed and head to the kitchen for my duty list left on the counter by Della, my wife of 28 years. If I don't get these things done, I will pay for it later. Della and her mother are off on their weekly antique hunt/garage sale quest. They like the bargains. They watch way too much of those shows on TV. Like they are gonna score anything. Della likes the...

1 year ago
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Twim daughters

Note : This story is completely fictional! I want to tell you all the storey of incest my best friend David had with his 18 year old twin daughters Gemma and Jessica. Just some background first, David is 38 and has been a widowed for 5 years now and both Gemma and Jessica are very beautiful with long black hair.. It all started one day when they had planned to go swimming but there was something wrong with the pools so they came back and started watching a film and Jessica was doing something...

1 year ago
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7th heaven surprise

Ruthie had just gotten home from school, and walked in the backdoor. She knew Lucy was still at school and her mom was the only one at home, before she could even tell her mom she was home she saw her in the living room laughing with Cecilia. Without a second glance Ruthie stomped up the stairs to her room. She sat in her room staring at the ceiling, not bothering to change out of the flannel skirt and white Polo shirt she had to wear as her school uniform. She heard the car outside. She...

3 years ago
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Snake Chapter 13

Snake - Chapter 13 By Beverly Taff There was to be another development in the family however and that involved the three older boys. Carl's three sons were nine, seven and five and unfortunately endowed of Carl's macho nature. When he had been a man and a father, Carl had reared them in the same mould as himself so even at an early age, the three boys already saw girls as nothing more than targets; victims to be teased and bullied whenever the opportunity arose. The arrival of a...

3 years ago
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Virgin bride seduced

Andrea,is a slightly stuck up teacher,she does not talk to strangers unless she has to,tall and slender with medium size firm breast,vegan diet and dally yoga keep her very fit.She is going to be my wife.After years of refusal she finally agreed to marry me,i can't wait to have sex with her,she is a virgin, at 24 she never had a boyfriend or anybody touching more then her arm,simply repulsing any physical contact.This was driving me mad with frustration but also with an immense desire for her...

1 year ago
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FantasyMassage Carmen Caliente Delivery MixUp

Justin Hunt is on his way to a client’s house to pick up a package. When he knocks on the door, he sees that it’s slightly ajar. He walks in and calls out but no one answers. When Carmen Caliente hears his voice, she tells him to come join him. Wrapped up in nothing but a towel, she’s just about to jump into the shower. When she drops her towel and asks him to join her, he can’t believe his luck. He rips his clothes off and jumps in the shower with her. She turns around...

2 years ago
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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 28 David Makes a Pile

Wendy and Daddy Dave (Senior) were gone for a week. David was left without transportation. The Dodge was at Doc's Marina. The only transportation was the Ford and he didn't have the key. The new motor was in ... the old motor was on an engine stand next to the shed on the trailer pad. "David?" He looked up from a book on Colorado Archaeology. "Yes?" Jesse had a glass of iced tea in his hand, offering it to David. "Sugar?" "Plain." "Here." Jesse commented, "Peace offering....

2 years ago
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Girls Girls Girls

Girls, Girls, Girls By Mr. Pec Josh started the night with four of his friends, but had since removed himself from their company. They wanted to go to a dance club, while he wanted to see some strippers. The alcohol in all their systems heightened the tension between them, and Josh now found himself walking the dark streets alone. The streets were empty for a Sunday night. Most likely people were home recuperating from the Super Bowl parties that had started the day. Josh...

2 years ago
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Bad News Becomes Good NewsChapter 5

On Monday morning I went to work with a whole new outlook on life that Chelsea had awoken. I was in early, as usual, and no one was at the front desk and reception and I gave little thought to it as I was there before regular hours. My team and I were putting the final touches on the entirety of the new addition on CAD and ready to print blueprints. The bridge had been a challenge and it had been finished, now, for the time being, a bridge to nowhere. The final permits for the connecting...

3 years ago
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The New Boss

The New Boss By Suzi (Johnson) Thomas We had been told that a person had been hired to fill the manager's opening we had, and we knew that she was starting today, but when she walked in the door, I think every guy in the place gave a collective gasp. Wendy was absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. She reminded me of Linda Carter, a tall brunette with a figure that even her very business-like suit couldn't really conceal. And no yuppie sneakers for her - her long, shapely legs were in sheer...

4 years ago
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The Devil You Know

The Devil You Know By Michele Nylons Brian Davies sat on the hard toilet seat in a cubicle of the men's room on the twelfth floor of the building housing the large publishing company he worked for; he was reading the Daily Mail and trying to kill the last half hour before quitting time. As a middle-management employee he didn't really work mandated hours; he was expected to work whatever hours were necessary to ensure his small team met or exceeded their productivity quotas. ...

1 year ago
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Wife on her own

Firstly let me say that this is a story written by the husband, as told by the wife's account. We have discussed this meet many many times and she wanted me to write it for her. So please accept my apologies if it sometimes goes from 1st to 3rd person. My wife has proof read it and is happy it is as she experienced and reads as if she wrote it. Husbands Account.....We had been talking to this guy online for a while and the usual tell tale sign that she wants someone cock is to introduce him...

3 years ago
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My dear Roger has asked for my help this month. You see, his marriage is definitely not what it was when I was first with he and his wife 10 years ago. They were so happy and seemed to have it all. It was like a fairy tale and they wanted me to be a part of their lives. We all got along so well, and in a way, I was jealous of her. She had it all and she was totally hot. She is about 5’7′, 115 pounds, brunette, nice ass and tits. I am 5’11’, 145 pounds, 38D, brunette. He totally adored her,...

3 years ago
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Dirty Love Taboo Tales of the Springfield Three

A sign on the side of a building reads, “Welcome to the Pink Poodle, Springfield’s Finest Gentlemen’s Club”… And then we’re inside. It’s a cheesy, dark, noisy – BUSY – dive. Plenty of ‘gentlemen’ enjoying a drink whilst mostly naked woman dance (or writhe) on the stage and in a couple of cases, on the businessmen themselves.We watch one woman in particular, spinning around a pole, upside down, legs spread wide with a g-string barely covering her crotch. Under the harsh flashing lights we can...

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