A Severe Birching free porn video

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Years ago i was 18 at the time in the English Channel Island of Guernsey. I and a lad called John Edwards he was a man really as he was 21.We stole a car there was a purse in the glove box with 5 pounds in it, quite a lot of money in those times. We of course spent it went from pub to pub gave a couple of pounds away and eventually spent the lot so just began driving around. We were pretty drunk and caught the attention of a patrol car. Edwards tried to get away but came to a round about kept going round then crashed i was sick in the car. At the police station Edwards was charged with stealing the car, being drunk in charge driving without license, malicious damage and stealing coin in the sum of five pounds From a Ms Jenny Penny Parish of St Sampson, Foul and abusive behavior.

Apart from the drunk in charge, driving without license.

I was charged with aiding and abetting along with stealing,malicious damage and foul and abusive behavior. In the channel Islands at that time Justice was short swift. (Laws dating back to prince Johns time still Adhered too. Including the right of something called raising the cl amour)

Both Edwards and my self spent the night in cells. So we could be taken before the magistrate the next day. During the night a female police officer opened the cell door looked at us. Was closing it when Edwards, trying to make light of the situation as reality now had us a little scared. Said to me not knowing his voice would carry so much. Fuck i would like to fuck a police woman. The door flew open the officer stood glared at us then slammed the door.

10 am we were in the dock of the local court. Both Edwards and myself standing looking at the magistrate that to me at the time looked at bit like Santa Claus, because of the deeply colored red robes. He had a very red face as well rather like a heavy spirit drinker. These courts were closed to the general public, apart from local journalist witnesses or aggrieved party's. I could see who the reporter was and the two arresting officers were there with the police woman that had checked on us during the night. So i knew the stout middle age woman near the front with the dark haired younger woman must be the aggrieved parties.

The list of charges were read out much to the irritation of the magistrate. He waved his hand saying yes yes i have read the papers. It was then that the police woman stood up and said i would like one other thing taken into consideration.

She then read out from a piece of paper. Word for Word what Edwards had said. At that time such a statement was unheard of especially from a female. I do remember the court was quiet. Till the magistrate looking directly at us for the first time said which one of them said that. The officer said i cant truthfully say which one.

To try and cut this short. Edwards was ordered to make restitution for damage, insurance costs to the car etc. We both worked so it was drip feed as to what he could afford. He was then put on the black list, meaning his photo would be taken blown up to a large head size then duplicated and issued to every pup on the island. Who would by choice and law not serve him, to be in force for one year.

For the theft of coin, Malicious damage and mischief, foul and disgusting behavior.

You will be taken to 12 st peter port place. Your Buttocks Bared and Birched till such time bleeding occurs to such an extent Birching will stop. This birching sentence was fairly rare but was given now and then for serious offenses. Usually it ranged from four strokes for minor offenses to twelve. Edwards was visibly stunned . .

Basically i got the same as Edwards, Ordered to make restitution,and apology black listed. Etc. In the magistrates words i was the younger party who was easily led. I was now standing my guts churning but at the same time wrapped in a strange excitement. I am a masochist but was not aware of it at the time. I felt for sure i would be birched.

Were you the one that made the lewd remark to wards the duty cell officer I just said truthfully that i did not. He looked at his papers a second then said owing to your youth and the circumstances leading you astray. Your buttocks will not be Birched at this time but taken to 12 st peter port place to witness the Birching of the other offender as a lesson deterrent and example of what you can expect if you ever come before this court on serious charges again.

When he said this i did notice the two woman in the front Glaring, in even heard to Jenny Penny woman mutter hes got off with it. the woman police officer at the rear was shaking her head. .She thought i was getting of lightly as well. She also thought seemed convinced i had made the remark about fucking a police woman..

That was that, Edwards and myself were driven in the police van to and through the rear gates of Guernsey prison.

The place was grim to say the least. Edwards was taken one way i was taken to a very large stone floored room. the whole place was stone floored with big thick studded wooden doors. I n the room i was taken too were some battered wooden chairs. I remember the police woman gripping my arm and more or less putting me in a chair then sitting in the one next to it with her arms folded. Then much to my surprise Jenny Penny and the other woman came and occupied a couple of chairs, leaving a couple of empty chairs between me and the police woman. At that time they allowed aggrieved partys to witness a birching so that they were satisfied that it had been carried out. The punishment apparatus at that time was a simple wooden bench about two ft high it sloped down to the front a leather restraint strap fixed in the left and right corners there was a built in wooden hump in or near the center. I remember wondering at the time whether it was a solid carved block or hollow. it then tapered to the back

Other things i now noticed large tall galvanized pales looked a lot like milk churns, These had the birches in them. I had never seen one before at a guess i think there were about 8 of them. From what i could see of the tops looked like they were pretty fresh.

The rest of the room was rather grim.. there were two doors the one i had come in and one in far right corner. A prison officer was standing by the door. The place stunk of urine. They brought Edwards in from the other door. He was holding a Grey towel around his waist. His escort said shower toiletries and medical complete no complications. Edwards was shaking visibly.

They restrained him over the contraption i now saw that the hump part was movable and was positioned for his size and even elevated up a bit his legs were pulled apart and his ankles restrained to bottom corners. They then pulled the towel away and just above his hips they put on him what can only be described as a huge thick leather band about a foot wide it had two eyelets ether side a rope was put though these and pulled tight this in effect jutted his bottom more although its main purpose i was to learn later was to protect his upper back and kidneys. All eyes were now on Edwards bottom the Women were all now sitting cross legged with determined looks on their faces. We were only a few feet away from him could see his face and jaw working. We all looked when a guy dressed in a Grey suit came in fairly well built looked like a church vicar to me if fact thats who i thought he was at first. He was in fact the Governor of the place.

Then he took his jacket and tie off rolled up his shirt sleeve on his right arm, he selected a birch from one of the pails i could see now that they were about three and half foot long consisting of a lot of thin branches or switches. Standing on the other side of the appliance presumably as not to restrict the view of the witnesses. He held the implement as near to end as could and raised it right back over his shoulder twisting his hip slightly to the right then bringing it back and down full force. What amazed me was the coverage one stroke covered most of Edwards bottom masses of little red lines and dots that looked like spots. On the second stroke i remember Edwards calling out sorry sorry missus sorry. So it went on Edwards started burbling crying and managing a feeble bucking movement if not for the restraints i think he would have be bucking up a foot in the air, For some reason tears pouring down his face he kept looking at and calling to the women that he was sorry. Then start screaming like a mad boy. Take too long to go through the whole procedure but it went on for a long time i think 6 birches were used as they started too break up after a while. I know the floor was a mass of broken twigs Edwards bottom was bleeding alright it was split all over it was more or less flayed so much for till bleeding it was bleeding from the start. They took him away again sobbing to see the doctor.

We were all set to go. When the Jenny penny woman said what about this one pointing at me. Hes getting off Scot free. Not really the guy in the Grey suit said he does have to make restitution and is on the black list. Also he was not court ordered a birching. But the Magistrate did not say nothing else should apply,especially if he became a little unruly, not that i want to know he then left.

I want you to say sorry to Ms Jenny penny and Janet said the police woman i already have i said. And i want you to apologize to me for your remark. The Jenny penny woman started up again blister his backside. The police woman grabbed my ear look at me did you make that remark. She was a tall solid woman i was up on my toes.

Partly cause it was hurting and i just wanted her to let go, and at the time thought it was a way of getting back at her. I said alright i made the remark about you and enjoyed it. I will not forget the look in her eyes as you looked into my face.

She let go of my ear and went over to the warden who was still in the room at the door waiting to escort us out. Could not hear what was said but i saw him nod and leave. The police woman sat in one of the chairs. For the lewd remark you made to and about me and boasting about it i am going to give you a sound spanking. Get your trousers and under pants off and over my knee. If not the two women in this room will do it for you. When i did not move she went on.

Let me remind you that in admitting you made the remark. I would like to fuck a police woman, and now boasting that you enjoyed it that you have committed perjury. I could have the warden here contact Judge Thompson. Ms Jenny Penny would raise the clamor demand justice. Believe me within two hours you would find your self over there getting your buttocks Whipped. Thats what we should do Jenny Penny said hes still getting off lightly this way. Don t worry Jenny, i heard the police woman say it wont be too light. Frightened now of getting a birching like Edwards i quickly took my shoes jeans and underpants off. I also became aware of a sexual static both the woman were now sitting with their legs crossed high Jenny Penny i noticed had large thighs could see the suspender clip at the top of her nylons on her right leg, at my age i had only seen that in a mag called spik span. The younger one was also sitting in a similar manner she had a very tight green skirt on i remember that. I know that i reddened and got an erection as the police woman adjusted her skirt and said over boy. Just then the warden came back into the room he had a black canvas rubber soled gym shoe in his hand. O good the police woman said just leave it with Jenny for now. Ok he said i am not supposed to know about this so i will wait outside the door. It began she was strong and had a hard hand full force smacks at a steady pace. I did not want to call out or give verbal indication that it was taking effect so i bit my lip but started wriggling a lot as it had now been going on for about five or more minuets it went on till i really started gasping and writhing. She then paused and i was aware she hitched her skirt up under neigh me and sort of positioned me over her left leg brought her right leg behind mine locking and holding in that manner. The gym shoe please Penny my hand is getting sore. I could feel the womans nylon stocking under me rubbing against an erection i had never experienced before. Then the added feel of the nylon from her other leg. If not for the serious situation and setting i would have had an orgasm.

The gym slipper stung like hell. Like Edward i shouted out sorry missus sorry the rhythm of the spanking and my bucking was causing me to ride the police womans nylon covered thigh under me i was clenching my teeth looking up now and then at Jenny Penny then at her thigh and at the one in the green skirt again i blurted out i was sorry then started hissing though my teeth as she Jenny Penny watched me have an orgasm like i have never had before or since i shuddered a lot. I looked away and started to cry and cry. All up the spanking lasted for about 15 20 minuets. When it was over there was a substantial visible glistening patch like the white of an egg on the top of the police womans left stocking top. I could see the police woman looking at it as she pulled her skirt down. The other two had not missed it ether. But apart from the police womans curt get up and a smirk from Jenny Penny, and silly giggling from the one in the green skirt,they acted like it had not happened. I have never been spanked so long and hard by a women. Still crying and bright red from embarrassment i put my cloths back on. As i heard the police woman say pull yourself together.

The Police woman then called out ready for discharge. A warden came in followed by the governor in his immaculate Grey suit with a large book in his hand it had Crest and HMP CI in gold on the out side. One offender ready for discharge the Warden said. Are the aggrieved party's satisfied. Yes thank you we are Governor Jenny Penny announced. The Governor guy tuned to me and said i hope you have now learn t a lesson a lesson from this experience, and what you have seen will deter you from further ante social behavior. Have you anything to say. Just to say i wont misbehave again Sir then i apologized to Jenny Penny and her friend. Then signed the discharge book there was a bit written in but i just signed. That was it i was escorted out. At the rear of the prison the police woman said you can go now. But if you are ever caught doing anything again i personally will escort you here from the courts and see you get the Whipping you deserve..

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“Why do you let him lick you like that? And why don’t you have no clothes on?” A soft male voice came from the other side of the privacy fence as Niki turned, startled, unaware that anyone had been anywhere nearby. Niki looked around startled, petting Shadow’s eager head as he continued to lick along her bare thighs, his tongue touching, teasing, tasting every bit of her skin. She could feel his tongue dart in between her thighs, tasting her sex, making her twitch. She quieted her moan of...

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tre la nouvelle femme de chambre

?tre la nouvelle femme de chambre 1 Je ne sais toujours pas comment c'est possible. Je suis l? devant la glace, maquill?e et mes longs cheveux retenus en arri?re pour former une queue de cheval, dans une jupe noire avec un petit tablier ? volants tenu au dos par un joli n?ud, un chemisier beige sigl? au nom de l'h?tel, des salom? ? petits talons carr?s aux pieds. Pourtant, je suis un gar?on. Je ne devrais pas ?tre ici mais en train de faire la f?te ou de tra?ner mon ennui de cet ?t? qui n'en finit pas. Ma...

2 years ago
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Truths and Dares

How did I find myself here? Here being running down the side of the road completely naked. I suppose that is what happens when you mix some young adults with too much time and maybe too much alcohol. It was Memorial Day weekend, so naturally an excuse to have a party. It started off innocent enough, margaritas and hamburgers on the grill. The girls sunbathed in their bikinis while the menfolk prepared the fire cooked food. A few hours and six pitchers of margaritas later the sun was setting but...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 21

I did not get back to sleep right away, my mind reeling with the idea that there could be another like Brenson out there and worry of what that person could do. Lillian kept me company for as long as she could, but after an hour, she fell back into a deep sleep, her rhythmic breathing lulling me to join her. Thankfully, there were no other dreams that plagued me, not that I could remember, so I was thankful for that. When I next woke up, sunlight was creeping through the window and the...

1 year ago
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The Gypsies and Their Gadje Masters

The Beginning It was a Gypsy Community, somewhere in Canada. The Canadian Government took in many gypsies from Europe, back in the late 1990s. Many of these gypsies were living in Vancouver's outskirts. But like they had lived in Europe, they lived the same way in Canada: caravans and tents. The Gypsies still scared a lot of people, especially since Canadians are well read in news and media reports about them. From time to time, some skinheads would attack them and harass them, but the...

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Girls Night Out

Girls' Night Out by Vickie Tern 1. "So, I see she did talk you into it! My God, look at you! You're gorgeous!" There at the door was Pearl, my wife's best friend, looking at me as I figured she would when she saw me, amused but also contemptuous. She stepped back and gave me that same relentless look of appraisal women use on themselves when they look into mirrors. Then she said, "Not bad! Not too bad! But how in the world did she get you to do it?" I was...

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Our Cabin in the Woods Book 1Chapter 20

The next morning I woke up to the feeling of Kelly mouthing my cock. When I opened my eyes, I saw her crotch above my head. I said, “Good morning,” and pulled her down to my open mouth. Kelly moaned around my cock, removed it from her mouth, and said, “Good morning to you, stud!” Kelly took me back into her mouth. I screwed my tongue into her, rubbing my chin against her clitoris. We kept it up for several minutes before Kelly rolled onto her side. I pushed her on her back, flipped around,...

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Granny Annie

Annie wrapped her legs tighter around the young body that was fucking her so well, her mind was in a whirl feelings of total pleasure coupled with panic and guilt swept through her brain but her body was in control and the enjoyment was just too much. She cried out as she exploded into an orgasm better than anything she had felt in years, then she reached up and pulled Danny’s head closer and kissed him, tears of pleasure and guilt ran down her face as her grandson continued to slide his young...

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The Peeper turns into the help

Introduction: I watched her from window – then she paid me The Peeper turns into the help….. I had been home for two days. I just got back from college. My parents gave me the summer off, for getting good grades. I checked my alarm clock as I heard a lawn mower in the distance. It was close to 11am. I rolled over brushing my semi hard cock on the sheets. I walked over to the window, looking out to my back yard. The sun was in my eyes as I looked around. I then squinted to get a better look. I...

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Whatever It TakesChapter 2

When we landed in Seattle-Tacoma, I honest-to-God looked around the airport for somebody ready to hand me a return ticket to Akron, Ohio. But it didn't happen. Evidently, the Orioles hadn't managed to swing a trade for an almost-used-up professional infielder who could take my place on the roster. It was very early in the morning -- around four -- when I fell into my hotel room bed. Sleeping on the plane had proven unsatisfactory, and I was intending to skip breakfast -- and maybe lunch --...

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Gang Force Part 2

Part 2 By: Jimmy T Seay (t+/t oral anal rape gang bang ws) =========================================================================== Author's Note Some of you will remember Steve from 'JailForce'. As that story concluded, Steve found himself grabbed off a dark street. And now for the new story, Steve Meets the Gang. (Another title could have been, The Gang Meats Steve........) =========================================================================== Steve now had...

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Secretly Watching

NOTE : This is an excerpt from my latest story. Max and Gina are married. Max works in an exotic night club in Las Vegas. The club has exotic dancers and Voyeur rooms. The women’s Voyeur room has a special chair with built-in vibrators. Angel watched Gina go into the employee’s lounge. She so badly wanted to go after her. But, being that this was her first week on the job, she figured that she’d better check with Max first. “Hey Max, is she okay,” she asked. “Yeah, she’s fine. She’s just...

3 years ago
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Guilty PleasuresChapter 6

George has had many erotic dreams over the years, though they were more frequent when he was younger. As the years pressed on, those dreams got fewer and fewer between. Eventually having an erotic dream became a rarity. This could be because even at sixty-five he was getting more pussy than most boys in college. Or it be because they just naturally disappeared or gotten less and less as he aged. Regardless, at the very least the intensity of those dreams did diminish as well. But now as...

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The Pool Party

I was in my bedroom trying on a new outfit that I had ordered from Venus.A very nice body conforming dress light yellow with lace trim.I had my headphones on listening to one of my playlists on SoundCloud.Admiring how my dress fit in the mirror and swaying with the music.I had my eyes closed and was thinking about Daniel.We had gone on a little excursion up into the mountains .We had left early in the morning before the crack of dawn.WE had just planned to be gone for the day so we wanted to...

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Sana Sucked My Dick For Hike In Salary Part 2

After Sana left the cubicle, I called to her extension immediately. I told her, “We haven’t finished discussing your performance. I want to see your performance. So, we discuss this in the evening while having drinks.” She said immediately, “I won’t miss the discussion.” I told her the hotel name and asked her to come there around 6 pm. She left early from office. I reached the hotel and booked a room. I have used this hotel many times and the guy at the reception gave me my usual room. I went...

4 years ago
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The Ceremony Part 2

The Ceremony - Part 2Gilly was the first girl scheduled for a Ceremony this week. Gilly had nylon come of age last week.She was a true ginger, fine red hair and pale white skin. Her face blossomed with freckles.Gilly was painfully thin, pipe cleaner arms and gangly legs.What fuelled the whispers in he school was her pairing with Mr Smith.Or Mr Horse Cock to give him the nickname the girls use... For you see Mr Smith is magnificently well endowed,as have many girls found out. His cock is a good...

3 years ago
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The Prince of the RoseChapter 2

When Aaron and Tanith got out of bed the next morning there was a message from Master Gilbreth requesting that they come by the hall at their earliest convenience. After breakfast and an impromptu family meeting to finalize the transfer to Malkur, Aaron and Tanith left for the Thieves' Guild. Aaron waited while Tanith defeated the traps and marveled at her skill, even knowing that part of it was due to her true-sight. Tanith opened the door and bade him enter, which after smiling he did. He...

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 29

Wednesday, June 30, 2010 Jake checked his email before the girls woke up. While he was waiting for them to stir, he replied to the message he had received from Donna on Sunday evening. From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: re: Sometimes old bones need warm waters Dear Donna, The idea of enjoying the company of a pretty woman like yourself for an entire baseball game sounds wonderful. Sadly we can never meet. Or at least not before October 2015. That’s my...

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Freckles Good Samaritans Daughter

My childhood was a very happy one in a very happy family, although I remember little about it before the age of five and kindergarten. My memories remain sketchy until somewhere along between the fifth and sixth grades. But, as I said, my childhood memories are all very happy ones. My name's really Tracy but Daddy rarely called me by that name. Mother just followed the practice, unless she was really pissed off with me, then it was Tracy Sue. With my red hair, green eyes, and by the first...

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Grasping the Moment

Izetta’s eyes close in near-bliss. His hand sweeps across her lovely, caramel-toned, rounded hip and continues on towards its target. With a little thrill she notices just how closely Alphonse is watching her response. How she loves an attentive lover and this man is solely focused on her pleasure. His brown eyes study her face, as though drinking her in. He lies mere millimeters away, their faces almost touching. As his adventurous hand begins its delicate probing of her pussy, Izetta can’t...

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Rosie Kowalskis Introduction to Sex A Toby Wakefield Story

The summer of 1954 presented me with the most preposterous sexual adventure that any teenager—any man of any age for that matter—could hope to experience. Sometimes I pinched myself to remind myself that I was awake I’ve never told anyone about my involvement with Kathy and Rosie, not even my closest friends. They were two girls who were a slice of my “coming of age” which was a lot more than most boys going through puberty ever experienced. My involvement with Kathy and then Rosie could be...

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A Charming ChoiceChapter 15

I awoke at the crack of noon following my little adventure at Club Prime. I felt dirty, at least in spirit if not in body. Even my cock was drooping, no morning wood to speak of. I’d taken a long shower after coming back to the apartment last night. My clothing had smelled of alcohol and smoke. I’d tied my clothes in a plastic bag that I planned to throw away. Socks, shoes and underwear included. The memory of those people at Club Prime made my skin crawl and I cringed at the thought of what...

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The Prize

You step off a private jet that had picked you up at your local airport in your hand is a notice that you had received by mail that you are invited to a big named casino in Las Vegas you ponder the notification after all you didn't enter any contests that you know of. Well, you haven't had a vacation in a long time so why not go and have some fun. "Chris old man you do need a break so vacation time here I come." You are aware that this was a promotional gig and all you had to do was gamble a...

4 years ago
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Happy Birthday Wife

I am Sudhir, aged about 36 year and married for last 10 years, my wife Priya, aged 34 is a good housewife and does all her duties very diligently. She is bit fat with large body (large boobs and butt) to be played with and not very good looking, however she is very good in bed and crazy about sex. She is very horny in bed and she would need 2 men to satisfy her at the same time. I know I am not able to satisfy her since my dick is only 4” (when erect) and most of the time does not get erection...

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Some Lust

That feeling of lust is something that is rather hard to compare to other feelings. Some have delusionally compared it to love. Granted, that comparison can be made quite easily; after all, your heart races, you get butterflies in your stomach, your palms get a little sweaty and all you can think off is how you want that person.The big difference is, in my opinion, between two very different organs; your heart and your genitals. When lust happens, it's all fire and passion. That wild, crazy,...

Quickie Sex
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 14

I wake to the phone ringing. I roll around on the bed and answer it. "Did you forget where you are suppose to be?" I hear. It's my mother. "MOM! I will be there in a few minutes. I over slept." I look at the clock. It was only twelve thirty. I still have time to make it there at one. I race through the shower. I look at my wrists and ankles. No more marks. I sigh. Part of me is happy they are gone but part of me feels depressed that they are gone. The reminder of what happened to me. I...

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