LA SEXENTONA.(III) free porn video

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No hubo que esperar al miércoles, a los dos minutos me llegó otro mensaje de Loli, diciéndome que se encontraba mal, que bruto del marido le había desgarrado el esfínter anal, vamos que le había roto al culo y que precisaba ir a urgencias .No le apetecía pedir un taxi ni llamar a un familiar.
Ya me veía yo entrando con ella en urgencias, dando la cara por culpa de un culo roto que no era mi culpa, la situación no me interesaba, pero por otra parte sentía que tenía parte de responsabilidad.
-¡Vale! Te acerco a urgencias pero no entro contigo, tienes que buscar a un familiar o amiga que entre contigo. Tu marido se entera luego que te he llevado y se va a creer que después de follar con el entré yo en tu culo.
-Ya he hablado con Laura, viene de camino, pero ella no puede conducir. El número de ella es 6xxxxxx, cuando llegues le mandas un mensaje para abrir el garaje entras y nos esperas al lado del ascensor.
Las dejé a la puerta de urgencias del hospital Xeral de Vigo, donde un celador las ayudó a entrar, y yo me fui a estacionar el coche y tomarme un café.
Laura estaba en la sala de espera, me senté a su lado y me fue contando.
-No es gran cosa, la van a dar un par de puntos y que luego para casa con dieta para no forzar el esfínter y nada de sexo.
-Pues menos mal que fue su marido. El que le hizo eso, así no tiene que darle explicaciones. ¿Y a ti como te ha metido en este embolado?
-Creí que te había llamado a ti, porque habías sido tú. Pero si me había contado que su marido, no le prestaba atención.
-Pues parece que esta noche le resucitó el pajarito, mira tú que resurrección y abrocha los botones de la blusa, que se te ven los senos y todos los tíos que estamos aquí nos vamos a poner duros y no es el lugar.
-Vaya, Loli ahí dentro y tu pensando en follarme, luego hablaremos.
Uno de los celadores me hizo una seña de que me acercase.
-Pepe, que tal. ¿Con quién has venido?
Me debí poner tan colorado, que mi amigo Luis me dijo:-¿No me digas que has venido con la del culo roto? Que callado te lo tenias.
-¡Que no!, que fue su marido el que le se lo hizo, pero se fue a trabajar, a la amiga y a mí nos ha tocado la lotería.
-Si venís media hora más tarde os quedáis toda la noche, esto a partir de las 12 p.m., los viernes se saturan las urgencias y no damos abasto. En 20 minutos os vais, pero a ti se te jodió la noche. Estate atento para que podáis marchar con discreción.
-Bueno, gracias por la información.
Volví con Loli y le dije que teníamos para 20 min, su escote seguía expuesto. Y me quede viendo sus pechos recogidos por un sujetador bajo el que se apreciaban unos grandiosos pezones sonrosados.
-¿Que hacías cuando te llamó? Me preguntó Loli.
Yo no tenía intención de contarle que estaba en casa empalmado porque había visto como su marido, Luis se había follado a Loli delante de la cámara, teniéndome a mí como espectador en la sombra.
-Nada importante viendo una peli pirateada en el ordenador, como mañana no hay que mad**gar. ¿Y tú que hacías?
-Recién salida de la ducha y dispuesta a jugar con mi “Lolito”, el nunca me falla, incluso cuando se queda sin pilas.
Nos llevamos a Loli a su casa con mucho cuidados y la dejamos en su dormitorio, que yo ya conocía, y me despedí de ellas, con un hasta luego ya hablaremos. Laura me acompaño a la puerta y allí me dijo-Me puedes acercar a casa, que a estas horas hay mucho ambiente en la calle y me da un poco de miedo ir sola.
-Vale, te acerco, retiro el coche del garaje, te espero fuera si te demoras me voy.
-Me despido de Loli y voy.
No me dio tiempo ni a aparcar y ya estaba ella en la calle, subió al coche.
-Subes te invito a una cerveza, te vendrá bien para terminar esta noche.
-Si está fresquita me apunto, sino nos la tomamos en cualquier garito que de estos que está abierto.
-Está fresquita, y yo no estoy vestida como para parar a tomar algo.
Llevaba un vestido azul, a mi recordaba en parte una de aquellas batas de antes, lleno de botones y los superiores seguían abiertos y mostraban su hermosos senos protegidos por un sujetador de fina lencería azul en el que se marcaban sus sonrosados pezones.
-Más bien vas vestida para que te tomen…
Aparqué en la calle.
-Mejor subimos por las escaleras, así no nos vamos a cruzar con nadie, vivo en el primero y tengo que mirar por mi reputación; soy una señora viuda, que vive sola, si se enteran de que subo un hombre a mi casa a esta horas ¿qué van a pensar mis vecinos?
Subí las escaleras detrás de Laura pensando que me iba a tomar algo más que una cerveza.
En la cocina, retiró una cerveza de la nevera, la abrió ofreciéndomela.
-Yo tomaré algo más fuerte después de esta extraño noche, lo necesito, me tomo un gin-tonic por si lo prefieres te preparo uno. Me tienes que contar de que conoces a Loli, porque prestarte para llevarla a donde la hemos llevado hoy, no se le pide a cualquiera, conozco a muchos amigos y familiares de ella. Pero has aparecido tú.
-Yo no he venido a hablar de Loli, sino a tomar una cerveza y si se tercia y te apetece también a ti.
Laura se bebió la ginebra que tenía en el vaso de un trago.
-Pues sí, que me apetece.
Se acercó a mi me besó, yo respondí recorriendo sus labios con mi lengua y acariciando su espalda con mis manos y atrayéndola hacía mí, ella acariciaba mi pelo y mi nuca con sus manos.
Continuamos besándonos y acariciándonos, en el suelo de la cocina, su lengua inquieta recorría mis labios y se adentraba en mi boca, mientras mis manos desabrochaban los pocos botones del vestido. Ahora podía contemplar lo bien que le sentaba su lencería.
-Para ser una viuda, cuidas mucho tu lencería, vaya conjunto más bonito y sexy. Al tiempo que pasaba mi mano sobre su sostén azul acariciando sus senos y sus pezones levantados, continué mi caricia por su barriguita, acariciando su ombligo y deslizándome hasta sus braguitas, Laura cerró sus piernas diciéndome:
-Vamos al salón, que aquí o en el dormitorio nos pueden oír los vecinos, por lo menos yo aquí los oigo cuando follan. Aprovecho para enviarle un mensaje a Loli diciéndole que he llegado bien y no se preocupe por mí, no le voy a contar que estás aquí para que no me mate.
Por el camino al salón Laura fue dejando un reguero de ropa, el vestido, el sujetador, la braguita.
Me senté en el sofá e hice ademán de quitarme el polo mientras ella bajaba las persianas y encendía la tele.
-No te quites nada, que me apetece desnudarte, hace tanto que no desnudo a nadie. La tele es para que los vecinos no nos oigan, ni oírlos a ellos.
Se sentó a horcajadas sobre mí, besándome apasionadamente, tiró de mi polo hacia arriba hasta quitármelo por la cabeza, y luego se puso a lamer mi torso, y acariciarlo con sus manos, mi pene estaba duro y dolorido dentro del pantalón, pero también sentía su calor y su humedad sobre él,.
-Creo que te estoy mojando los pantalones, con mis juguitos, y eso que casi no hemos empezado.
Se retiró hacia atrás desabrochándome los pantalones y quitándome también los bóxer.
-Vaya aquí está el amiguito y parece contento.
Volvió a subirse sobre mí, dejándose caer sobre la polla de suavemente, besándome a un tiempo, pegándose a mí como una lapa, pecho contra pecho. Su coño estaba tan mojado y tan abierto que entró sin dificultad alguna. Comenzó a cabalgarme con pasión e intensidad.
La separé un poco de mí, lo suficiente como para llevar a mi boca su pecho y poder lamerlo, y casi morder su pezón, ella seguía con su sube y baja sobre mi polla mientras yo me deleitaba con el placer que estaba proporcionando mi viudita, notaba como sus jugos se escurrían por mis testículos.
Al notar que sus movimientos de jineta perdían fuerza, la sujete fuertemente por la espalda con ambos brazos y giramos en el sofá quedando Laura con la cabeza en el respaldo y boca arriba, ahora si yo comencé a entrar y salir de Laura con intensidad, mientras ella pedía más y más.
-Puedes correrte dentro, sin miedos. Pero sigue, sigue.
Sentí sus contracciones, su orgasmo y su relajación pero a mi aún me faltaba un poco, me descargue sobre ella, tomé un tapete que había sobre el cabezal del sofá y lo utilicé para limpiarme la polla y para que absorbiese los líquidos que salían del coño.
Mientras Laura se limpiaba el chocho con el paño, decía: -Si supiese mi cuñada, Lucía, para que uso su odioso tapete, le da un infarto. Me gustaría tener en mi culo tu polla.
-Ni hablar, hoy ya me ha llegado de visitas a urgencias, además ya sabes que fue su marido, el que la desgarró.
-Pero tu pene dice otra cosa. Parece que ha resucitado y está otra vez duro, dispuesto. Quiero sentirla en mi culo, nunca nadie me lo ha hecho por ahí, mi marido era un estrecho y eres el primero al que se lo pido y sé que hoy serás muy cuidadoso.
-Venga ve a por una crema hidratante, antes de que me arrepienta.
Se fue corriendo a buscar la crema, al regresar venía con una gran sonrisa y con cara de satisfacción.
Túmbate en mi regazo, al quedar con el culo en pompa comencé a acariciar su nalgas, apretárselas, soltárselas y extender la cremita sobre las nalgas primero. A continuación acaricié su esfínter anal suavemente con la yema de mi dedo índice, haciendo pequeños circulitos y poniendo un poco de crema en la punta del dedo lo metí un poco en su ano, casi no hubo resistencia, así que lo retiré y volví a meterlo suavemente un poco más adentro, y quitarlo suavecito.
Escuchaba los gemidos de Laura: ¡Ah! no te pares, sigue.
Retiré el dedo y ahora acaricie su ano con dos dedos, un poca más de crema e hice presión con ambos dedos metiendo solamente la yema de los mismos. Noté una poca de presión sobre los mismos y los retiré lentamente, luego otra penetración un poco más profunda, y retirada también suave, repetí lo mismo varias veces y paré.
Laura, seguía pidiendo no pares, sigue moviendo ese puto dedo, no pares, sigue cabronazo.
La hice levantarse y de pie apoyando las manos en el sofá y con el culo expuesto, acerqué mi glande a su culo, entrando en el mismo sin casi resistencia, todo aquello me había excitado sobremanera y la metí suavemente hasta el fondo, al retroceder es cuando Laura comenzó a dar pequeños gritos, de dolor y placer.
-¿Quieres que me pare, qué te la quite?
-Como se te ocurra pararte te la corto y sigo sin ti.
Después de 5 o 6 mete saca, Laura no pudo mas corriéndose estrepitosamente, y yo quite mi polla de su ano, por precaución y miedo…

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Sultry Vixen Scarlit Scandal stuns Manuel with her beauty before milking his massive cock! Dressed in sheer blue lingerie with black stocking and heels, Scarlit makes her way down a long hallway to find Manuel waiting for her at the end. He starts to examine her tight, young body as he pulls her bra to the side and plays with her nipples then checks out her ass. Scarlit turns around and pulls her panties slightly down to tease Manuel with her smooth shaven pussy & perfect round ass until...

4 years ago
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The Old Police House

It was a bit off the beaten track, but my tour of the north of England was going well.Staying at small guesthouses, I was visiting the more remote parts of the north, those small towns and villages you have never heard of but there they are on the map.Tonight’s guesthouse was intriguing, to say the least. The address was The Old Police House, Birch Grove. It was easy to find on the Satnav and was a short road, a cul-de-sac, with many trees on either side. I wondered if these were the birch...

3 years ago
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On Loan for ChristmasChapter 2

Cindi looked down at the young gentleman sleeping peacefully on her small bed. The silly fellow had a sweet smile on his face and his business was fully exposed and still semi-erect after the much-needed draining into the bed-pan. She considered making the journey to the hallway bathroom to dispose of the evidence of a long night of excessive drink, but merely opened the slightly cracked window and tossed the stuff into the cold night air. Of course, she first checked the alley below for...

4 years ago
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Whips Tenderness

The man that is about to be revealed & that is inside of this story is not the typical & ordinary man that all of us are familiar with. There is something different inside of this man that makes many to deeply miss him once he is already far & gone… Every single time that he would let his guard down allowing his strong male presence to expand its natural aura around him, there wasn’t any woman that couldn’t sense & feel how deep this man could really be inside of a bed’s pure embrace moment &...

2 years ago
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Adventures of a Truck Stop Teen Whore Chapter 6 Truck Stops Whore Fucking Club

***** Chapter 6 - Truck Stop's Whore Fucking Club After putting on the revealing pink outfit that my grandpa left for me on the bed, I waited in the family room office until he clocked out. I was so exhausted but I still had the thoughts of sex swirling around in my mind. I was also very curious where my grandpa wanted to take me dressed like this before he drops me off at my place. I heard him shout out my name from the security office lobby area. I walked towards his voice and sat on the...

2 years ago
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The Taming of Tara

Chapter One Darkness. Darkness and pain. That had been her world long? Shehad lost all sense of time, almost all sense of self. Sensations. The blindfoldcovering her eyes, cutting out all light. Arms crushed together behind herback, tight hemp ropes at elbows and wrists, secure enough to keep her armsutterly immobilised, but not enough to affect her circulation. He was considerateabout some things.... A supple leather collar buckled around her neck, witha short chain bolted to a...

1 year ago
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Flight to the Past

Flight To The Past: Chapter 1: Note. This story uses Oxford English Dictionary spelling. It has no relationship to persons living or dead, to estates or titles. The name places are used for convenience with no other reason. It was a miserable morning in December, my marriage was in tatters and I was stoney broke with only a few miserable possessions I had left in a case left at the local Salvation Army. Someone had told my wife that I was having an affair with my bosses daughter. She also told...

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One step at a time Part 6

One step at a time Step 10 After his experience at the hands of Wendy David felt both confused and in some discomfort. His first experience of a butt plug had not been a pleasant one and she had been both insistent and forceful. His body had naturally resisted the unwelcome intruder and his muscles had contracted to try and halt this violation. But she had just kept the pressure on the plug. Eventually the plug had slid home and Wendy had told him to straighten up slowly. It was...

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Revenge on the Robber

REVENGE ON THE ROBBER Synopsis One more victim and I could go back to my fence and get enough cash to pay the rent. Just one more easy target and I'd have a roof over my head for another month. Easier than working right? Disclaimer This story contains unwilling body and mind alteration along with humiliation, mind control, smoking and drugs and prostitution. If you don't like any of the above then don't read it. Story I lurked in the dark doorway in one of the many alleys...

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Barb and Me

My love life had been hit and miss in the five years since I'd finished college and moved to my job in the Seattle area. I bounced from one relationship to another, most ending in a less than positive way. I had become very good friends with a woman twenty years older than me at work. Our off hours friendship was limited to stopping for a coffee or an occasional beer and me spilling my guts to her about my inability to make a relationship work. I had been open with her about most everything...

4 years ago
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No Good DeedChapter 3

I stormed out of the offices and headed out to the sidewalk in front of our building. I’d had enough of this preacher, and I was ready to tackle him there on that sidewalk and beat the shit out of him. Which is why it’s a good thing that as I came out the front door of the offices I was body checked by Jawarski. Planting her palms on my chest, she pushed me with each step, almost knocking me on my ass, back into the reception area. “What the hell?” “Get a grip. What do you think’s going to...

2 years ago
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Sex Journey With My Sister 8211 Part II

Hello friends this is the second part of the story Sex journey with my Sister – I. I told you about her , but I didnt tell you about her figure as I was also not sure if it was she in that picture or not.In the next day, I called my Mom and told about Priya, and how her father forcing her to marry. I told my mom that she is also like her daughter only and like my sister . So we have to do something for her, its our duty. My mom realized my words and told me that she will call uncle today and to...

3 years ago
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29 November 2006Chapter 2

Cathy squeezed Dan’s hand while they waited for the doorbell to be answered. “Cathy!” Karen exclaimed, hugging and kissing her tight to her breasts. “I’ve missed you so much! Have you ever grown into such a beautiful woman!” Karen gave Dan a long, sensual kiss. She was wearing her usual sexy clothes for him, a low scoop cut white tank top and a short, very short grey skirt. “Hi, Mom!” Cathy cried as Karen led them into the living room. Dan noticed that Vicky was wearing all black in a low...

2 years ago
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Guardian AwakeningChapter 4 Exeter

Tristan turned a key then pushed a large green button. A cranking noise followed by a loud roar filled the cabin. Aesia grabbed her seat tightly as the noise subsided to a steady rumble. Tristan pushed a long vibrating leaver forward with a loud crunch. Aesia gasped as the vehicle lurched forward, bumping over Tristan's pot holed drive then out to the long dirt track that ran in front of his house. After about half a mile they reached a small narrow lane. Aesia sat in silence, she found it...

1 year ago
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Sexy Sex Doll

Sexy Sex Doll! It’s hard to get tired of porno, but I know sometimes people want to ramp it up a little. That’s one of the reasons hookers are so popular, but even those lays come with some strings attached. Well, we’re living in the goddamn future, so you’ve got a growing number of options. For example, offers stunningly realistic sex dolls for your pleasure.These aren’t the inflatable bitches you can buy at the dank and dirty local porn shop. You know, like the one your...

Sex Doll Shops
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Broke The Virgin Seal Of My Best Friend And My Classmate

Hi friends; in this story our names are unnecessary. Though it’s a story of me and my close friend of my class mate and also a hockey player of the state women hockey team. She was a college drop-out for the discontinuance of the studies. I am a graduate and i got job in the palace city Mysore. One day on the suburban bus terminal i saw her waiting for the bus, even i have to travel in the same bus. I saw her and wished her .She guessed me and smiled and went to shake hand her. By that time bus...

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Carnal Carnival

Carnal Carnival Her slender legs were now accelerating beyond her regular pace. If anyone saw her they would have thought that she was running away from something more so than she was jogging. The weather and her own memories had teamed up to batter her darkened silky hair with its humidity augmented perfume and pheromones releasing skin. If she was running away from her own thoughts, her body on the other hand yearned to be chased and it was saying so loudly, like the echoes generated by loud...

4 years ago
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Weekend in London

“Let' s see what sexy fun we can have” I say. I book a hotel in central London for the Friday and Saturday. You pack your suitcases for the weekend but I am waiting for a chance to do a little unpacking. While you have a bath I open your suitcases and remove all your underwear, pants and long dresses. I only leave you with 3 miniskirts, 1 see through blouse, 2 low cut tops and a few pairs of stockings and suspenders. I replace the missing clothes with a few towels. We set off...

2 years ago
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She took out a book that was about amazon and said, " follow these rules and dont make stupid mistakes okay." She said without taking her eyes off of my eyes. I said sure I later found out i was traveling with my aunt. I was happy because i loved her, not as in a aunt and niece way. I really loved her whole body. She had a 36dd breast size. I could almost feel her breast rubbing against my face. I got up and shook my head letting the thoughts run out of me. I packed my bag and left my...

4 years ago
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Grabbing her bag Lori checked to make sure her purse was in it (more importantly her cards), then grabbed her mobile phone and keys."Remember you’re taking the kids to their swimming lessons after school. Their stuff is all out for you. I’ll get the shopping,” she told her husband."Don't forget the wine,” he retorted."I won’t, don't forget the kids," Lori shouted back to her husband,She heard him laugh as she closed the door. Dressed casually in her purple workout top and charcoal three-quarter...

Mind Control
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Blackmailed By Hot Neighbor And Her Niece

We had been playing the domination game for some time. I'd gotten trappedby these two teen boys that were just coming out of the puberty thing. Iwas enamored of their bodies, and did a foolish thing that got me trappedinto doing everything that they told me to do.As we got more into this they got more and more demanding, and demeaning.They learned a lot from the magazines that I got for them. Probably not agood idea, but we had lots of fun. They started out very easy, but it gotmore...

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Varna The Grojan War Book TwoChapter 27 Family Reunion

The ship smelt damp and musty with a hint of oil and stale alien sweat thrown in for good measure. Mark thumped the main console as the nav screen flickered out for the umteenth time. The jump engines were charging, and as the small three berth scout ship drifted in interstellar space it creaked and groaned like an old fashioned wooden sailing ship. Most of their money had been spent on a decent ship for Arron and Minara. They had left the station several days ago to search for their young...

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He Won

It took a couple hours, but the phone finally vibrated in her pocket. The quick two second shock moved through her hips and up her spine, into her breasts, causing her nipples to harden. She knew who it was before she even reached towards her pocket.  A few minutes later, she pulled the phone from the rear pocket of her skin-tight jean-shorts, and hit the power save button. The message icon said '1' and she clicked the little green icon open. It was from him, and all it read was "What time, and...

Straight Sex
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My Story part 2

I am in the bathroom hiding from my two best friends fearing that I just ruined everything. They were both willing participants in our escapades, but still in my mind it was all my fault. I am trying to compose myself but it is not happening until Amber knocks on the door, “Hey my parents are home. John is stalling them but you need to get dressed.” She hands me my clothes and I get dressed and splash water on my face. I walk to the living room and hear, “…he just didn’t react well to...

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The Baby Sitter Part 1

Simon wasn't looking forward to this job. He had been asked by the family next door to babysit their 15 year old daughter Cheyenne. Normally this would be fine - he had known Cheyenne all his life and babysat her many times before. She was always well behaved and never made any trouble. Tonight however, she was having 3 of her friends round. This would be much trickier! He knew they could be a real handful but he was being rewarded nicely for it so he wasn't going to complain too much. In the...

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We All Join In

When you're a teenager, it's great to be the oldest in a group. I guess when you really are old then maybe it's better to be one of the younger people in a group. But, I was fourteen and in the eighth grade, the oldest grade in middle school. Next year, I would go back to being in the youngest grade in my high school. So, eighth grade was great. My best friend, Steve, he and I were each going with seventh grade girls, I was with Kim, he was with Katie. We called them "the two...

4 years ago
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I Find True Love Thanks To Porn

It was after seven in the morning when I got home, still slightly drunk and definitely dishevelled. I'd had a night of incredible sex, been fucked for hours, the best I'd ever had, and I was going to see him again soon. Very soon!I undressed in the bathroom, but then decided I wanted to sleep with his smell still on me. So I crawled into bed naked and slept for eight hours. I woke feeling refreshed, truly alive. Immediately, I thought about the previous night. I'd never had sex like that...


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