LA SEXENTONA.(III) free porn video

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No hubo que esperar al miércoles, a los dos minutos me llegó otro mensaje de Loli, diciéndome que se encontraba mal, que bruto del marido le había desgarrado el esfínter anal, vamos que le había roto al culo y que precisaba ir a urgencias .No le apetecía pedir un taxi ni llamar a un familiar.
Ya me veía yo entrando con ella en urgencias, dando la cara por culpa de un culo roto que no era mi culpa, la situación no me interesaba, pero por otra parte sentía que tenía parte de responsabilidad.
-¡Vale! Te acerco a urgencias pero no entro contigo, tienes que buscar a un familiar o amiga que entre contigo. Tu marido se entera luego que te he llevado y se va a creer que después de follar con el entré yo en tu culo.
-Ya he hablado con Laura, viene de camino, pero ella no puede conducir. El número de ella es 6xxxxxx, cuando llegues le mandas un mensaje para abrir el garaje entras y nos esperas al lado del ascensor.
Las dejé a la puerta de urgencias del hospital Xeral de Vigo, donde un celador las ayudó a entrar, y yo me fui a estacionar el coche y tomarme un café.
Laura estaba en la sala de espera, me senté a su lado y me fue contando.
-No es gran cosa, la van a dar un par de puntos y que luego para casa con dieta para no forzar el esfínter y nada de sexo.
-Pues menos mal que fue su marido. El que le hizo eso, así no tiene que darle explicaciones. ¿Y a ti como te ha metido en este embolado?
-Creí que te había llamado a ti, porque habías sido tú. Pero si me había contado que su marido, no le prestaba atención.
-Pues parece que esta noche le resucitó el pajarito, mira tú que resurrección y abrocha los botones de la blusa, que se te ven los senos y todos los tíos que estamos aquí nos vamos a poner duros y no es el lugar.
-Vaya, Loli ahí dentro y tu pensando en follarme, luego hablaremos.
Uno de los celadores me hizo una seña de que me acercase.
-Pepe, que tal. ¿Con quién has venido?
Me debí poner tan colorado, que mi amigo Luis me dijo:-¿No me digas que has venido con la del culo roto? Que callado te lo tenias.
-¡Que no!, que fue su marido el que le se lo hizo, pero se fue a trabajar, a la amiga y a mí nos ha tocado la lotería.
-Si venís media hora más tarde os quedáis toda la noche, esto a partir de las 12 p.m., los viernes se saturan las urgencias y no damos abasto. En 20 minutos os vais, pero a ti se te jodió la noche. Estate atento para que podáis marchar con discreción.
-Bueno, gracias por la información.
Volví con Loli y le dije que teníamos para 20 min, su escote seguía expuesto. Y me quede viendo sus pechos recogidos por un sujetador bajo el que se apreciaban unos grandiosos pezones sonrosados.
-¿Que hacías cuando te llamó? Me preguntó Loli.
Yo no tenía intención de contarle que estaba en casa empalmado porque había visto como su marido, Luis se había follado a Loli delante de la cámara, teniéndome a mí como espectador en la sombra.
-Nada importante viendo una peli pirateada en el ordenador, como mañana no hay que mad**gar. ¿Y tú que hacías?
-Recién salida de la ducha y dispuesta a jugar con mi “Lolito”, el nunca me falla, incluso cuando se queda sin pilas.
Nos llevamos a Loli a su casa con mucho cuidados y la dejamos en su dormitorio, que yo ya conocía, y me despedí de ellas, con un hasta luego ya hablaremos. Laura me acompaño a la puerta y allí me dijo-Me puedes acercar a casa, que a estas horas hay mucho ambiente en la calle y me da un poco de miedo ir sola.
-Vale, te acerco, retiro el coche del garaje, te espero fuera si te demoras me voy.
-Me despido de Loli y voy.
No me dio tiempo ni a aparcar y ya estaba ella en la calle, subió al coche.
-Subes te invito a una cerveza, te vendrá bien para terminar esta noche.
-Si está fresquita me apunto, sino nos la tomamos en cualquier garito que de estos que está abierto.
-Está fresquita, y yo no estoy vestida como para parar a tomar algo.
Llevaba un vestido azul, a mi recordaba en parte una de aquellas batas de antes, lleno de botones y los superiores seguían abiertos y mostraban su hermosos senos protegidos por un sujetador de fina lencería azul en el que se marcaban sus sonrosados pezones.
-Más bien vas vestida para que te tomen…
Aparqué en la calle.
-Mejor subimos por las escaleras, así no nos vamos a cruzar con nadie, vivo en el primero y tengo que mirar por mi reputación; soy una señora viuda, que vive sola, si se enteran de que subo un hombre a mi casa a esta horas ¿qué van a pensar mis vecinos?
Subí las escaleras detrás de Laura pensando que me iba a tomar algo más que una cerveza.
En la cocina, retiró una cerveza de la nevera, la abrió ofreciéndomela.
-Yo tomaré algo más fuerte después de esta extraño noche, lo necesito, me tomo un gin-tonic por si lo prefieres te preparo uno. Me tienes que contar de que conoces a Loli, porque prestarte para llevarla a donde la hemos llevado hoy, no se le pide a cualquiera, conozco a muchos amigos y familiares de ella. Pero has aparecido tú.
-Yo no he venido a hablar de Loli, sino a tomar una cerveza y si se tercia y te apetece también a ti.
Laura se bebió la ginebra que tenía en el vaso de un trago.
-Pues sí, que me apetece.
Se acercó a mi me besó, yo respondí recorriendo sus labios con mi lengua y acariciando su espalda con mis manos y atrayéndola hacía mí, ella acariciaba mi pelo y mi nuca con sus manos.
Continuamos besándonos y acariciándonos, en el suelo de la cocina, su lengua inquieta recorría mis labios y se adentraba en mi boca, mientras mis manos desabrochaban los pocos botones del vestido. Ahora podía contemplar lo bien que le sentaba su lencería.
-Para ser una viuda, cuidas mucho tu lencería, vaya conjunto más bonito y sexy. Al tiempo que pasaba mi mano sobre su sostén azul acariciando sus senos y sus pezones levantados, continué mi caricia por su barriguita, acariciando su ombligo y deslizándome hasta sus braguitas, Laura cerró sus piernas diciéndome:
-Vamos al salón, que aquí o en el dormitorio nos pueden oír los vecinos, por lo menos yo aquí los oigo cuando follan. Aprovecho para enviarle un mensaje a Loli diciéndole que he llegado bien y no se preocupe por mí, no le voy a contar que estás aquí para que no me mate.
Por el camino al salón Laura fue dejando un reguero de ropa, el vestido, el sujetador, la braguita.
Me senté en el sofá e hice ademán de quitarme el polo mientras ella bajaba las persianas y encendía la tele.
-No te quites nada, que me apetece desnudarte, hace tanto que no desnudo a nadie. La tele es para que los vecinos no nos oigan, ni oírlos a ellos.
Se sentó a horcajadas sobre mí, besándome apasionadamente, tiró de mi polo hacia arriba hasta quitármelo por la cabeza, y luego se puso a lamer mi torso, y acariciarlo con sus manos, mi pene estaba duro y dolorido dentro del pantalón, pero también sentía su calor y su humedad sobre él,.
-Creo que te estoy mojando los pantalones, con mis juguitos, y eso que casi no hemos empezado.
Se retiró hacia atrás desabrochándome los pantalones y quitándome también los bóxer.
-Vaya aquí está el amiguito y parece contento.
Volvió a subirse sobre mí, dejándose caer sobre la polla de suavemente, besándome a un tiempo, pegándose a mí como una lapa, pecho contra pecho. Su coño estaba tan mojado y tan abierto que entró sin dificultad alguna. Comenzó a cabalgarme con pasión e intensidad.
La separé un poco de mí, lo suficiente como para llevar a mi boca su pecho y poder lamerlo, y casi morder su pezón, ella seguía con su sube y baja sobre mi polla mientras yo me deleitaba con el placer que estaba proporcionando mi viudita, notaba como sus jugos se escurrían por mis testículos.
Al notar que sus movimientos de jineta perdían fuerza, la sujete fuertemente por la espalda con ambos brazos y giramos en el sofá quedando Laura con la cabeza en el respaldo y boca arriba, ahora si yo comencé a entrar y salir de Laura con intensidad, mientras ella pedía más y más.
-Puedes correrte dentro, sin miedos. Pero sigue, sigue.
Sentí sus contracciones, su orgasmo y su relajación pero a mi aún me faltaba un poco, me descargue sobre ella, tomé un tapete que había sobre el cabezal del sofá y lo utilicé para limpiarme la polla y para que absorbiese los líquidos que salían del coño.
Mientras Laura se limpiaba el chocho con el paño, decía: -Si supiese mi cuñada, Lucía, para que uso su odioso tapete, le da un infarto. Me gustaría tener en mi culo tu polla.
-Ni hablar, hoy ya me ha llegado de visitas a urgencias, además ya sabes que fue su marido, el que la desgarró.
-Pero tu pene dice otra cosa. Parece que ha resucitado y está otra vez duro, dispuesto. Quiero sentirla en mi culo, nunca nadie me lo ha hecho por ahí, mi marido era un estrecho y eres el primero al que se lo pido y sé que hoy serás muy cuidadoso.
-Venga ve a por una crema hidratante, antes de que me arrepienta.
Se fue corriendo a buscar la crema, al regresar venía con una gran sonrisa y con cara de satisfacción.
Túmbate en mi regazo, al quedar con el culo en pompa comencé a acariciar su nalgas, apretárselas, soltárselas y extender la cremita sobre las nalgas primero. A continuación acaricié su esfínter anal suavemente con la yema de mi dedo índice, haciendo pequeños circulitos y poniendo un poco de crema en la punta del dedo lo metí un poco en su ano, casi no hubo resistencia, así que lo retiré y volví a meterlo suavemente un poco más adentro, y quitarlo suavecito.
Escuchaba los gemidos de Laura: ¡Ah! no te pares, sigue.
Retiré el dedo y ahora acaricie su ano con dos dedos, un poca más de crema e hice presión con ambos dedos metiendo solamente la yema de los mismos. Noté una poca de presión sobre los mismos y los retiré lentamente, luego otra penetración un poco más profunda, y retirada también suave, repetí lo mismo varias veces y paré.
Laura, seguía pidiendo no pares, sigue moviendo ese puto dedo, no pares, sigue cabronazo.
La hice levantarse y de pie apoyando las manos en el sofá y con el culo expuesto, acerqué mi glande a su culo, entrando en el mismo sin casi resistencia, todo aquello me había excitado sobremanera y la metí suavemente hasta el fondo, al retroceder es cuando Laura comenzó a dar pequeños gritos, de dolor y placer.
-¿Quieres que me pare, qué te la quite?
-Como se te ocurra pararte te la corto y sigo sin ti.
Después de 5 o 6 mete saca, Laura no pudo mas corriéndose estrepitosamente, y yo quite mi polla de su ano, por precaución y miedo…

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Haley and her BF have a feud going about who is the bigger slut. She insists that she is hands down so, Her BF has challenged her to go fuck some random dude at a GloryHole not beliving that she will do it. Haley is not one to not accept a dare and so we find her at the Glory Hole legs spread and playing with her already wet pussy when she almost jumps when a Huge cock pokes through one of the holes. She remembers she has to show her BF so she Video chats with him while that cock is deep in her...

3 years ago
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A Hot Summer Afternoon

My very first story! I'm so excited please rate and leave comments! I stepped into the cool, forgiving water of my in-ground pool. My lack of sex from my recent breakup with my boyfriend had me in an almost constant state of horniness, so obviously the "water" was the force gently pulling down my bikini straps, revealing my perky B-Cups with rock-hard nipples. I was just pulling down my thong when a knock on the door jerked me back to reality."Stef? Anyone home?" A male voice called. Damn, I...

Straight Sex
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Kalpana ko choda

I had a Bengali maid in kolkatta while I was posted there. She was working full time in my house and was around 21 years 5ft 4 inches wheatish and 36 d bra size. Once my wife had to go to in laws house for attending some function and kalpana was left to do cooking etc. 2/3 days passed normally and I had remained normally as I had no intention on her on 3rd night as I was feeling lonely I started drinking and asked kalpana to bring some snacks. When she brought snacks while serving her saree...

4 years ago
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Confessions Mother SonHow well I do remember the first time I came home and caught my older brother Lee on top of our mother. The sight of him going the town on that pussy will stay with me well into my old age. I must have been around sixteen the day I walked in on mom and Lee fucking. I had just started having sex with both of my parents a month or two prior to that late fall afternoon.I came home from school to fine the door to mom’s special room was half open, I noticed Lee’s school books...

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Sibling Seduction Ch 01

It all started when Amy grew up. She was 18, 5’8, 110 pounds, brown hair, dark brown eyes. She had tits now, a B cup or maybe a C. She had always felt close to her older brother Jeff, even attracted to him. Whenever he visited, she loved it when he spent time with her. Amy was the type of girl who needed affection, and needed to be the center of attention. One night he was over, and relaxing in the hot tub. It was late, around 1:30. He was in his underwear. Amy came home drunk, and stumbled...

1 year ago
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Hot Underwear

So I had the chance to take a look at her The other day, I stood with my friend Tom by at a friends house, we were going to hang out around the city, he was ready but his wife suddenly wanted to join us, and she said wait for me guys , Ill get ready soon.Rob his husband went to the bakery to buy something to eat, tom and I were in a living room watching a baseball game. Sarah went to the bath room to take a quick shower se said. we could see through the hall the door of the bathroom and across...

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Ben Nancy Ch 17

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Nancy was making breakfast when her daughter, tears streaming down her cheeks, burst into the kitchen. ‘Mom! You…you aren’t going to…to believe what I…I just…just heard on…on the…radio!’ Dawn sobbed. Nancy asked gathered her sobbing daughter into her arms. ‘What is it, Honey?’ she asked. ‘What did you hear that has you so upset?’ ‘They…they…they said…a…a girl…was…was beaten and raped at school…yesterday…’ Dawn sobbed. ‘My God!’ Nancy whispered. ‘Did...

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Passionate Danger Part II

This is a collaborative work between Kim and myself. Part 2 concludes ‘Passionate Danger.’ Chuck, instantly alert, heard his cousin hollering loudly in the sitting room to an unknown man. He untangled himself from Sammi’s soft arms and grabbed his pants. Telling her that he would be right back, he tugged on his pants, minus underwear. Sammi, who was still lying naked in the bed, was rewarded with a very sexy view of his taut ass, as he wiggled into his clothes. “Hurry back. We have a lot of...

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Vidhi 8211 A Ravishing Beauty With Perfect Curves 8211 Part 1

Hello readers, this is the story of how I managed to fuck one of my readers. I am Pratik, 22, a medico with a good physique and great flirting skills. I am originally from Belagavi, the northern part of Karnataka and this incident happened a few months back when I visited Bengaluru. Yo!! Get your cocks hard and panties wet and let’s go. Vidhi, 24 years old was an absolute rich milky beauty with a sharp nose, lusty hazel eyes, juicy lips, and hair till mid-back. Her stats stood at 34-28-34. A...

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Babysitting Pays Part one

It all started when a 14 year old boy was low on funds, so he applied for a babysitter's job. After a few weeks of nothing, one familiy decided to take a chance with this one. All was well and everythign had gone according to plan, dinner by 6, medicinde by , bed by 8. The kid was very well behaved-for now.. Michael, the babysitter, was now a full time babysitter every wednesday, friday, and most weekends. Brooke, the nine year old babysitee, was now begining to feel a bit more...

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FamilySinners Gianna Dior Step Daughters

Gianna interrupts her stepdad, Ryan, while he is working on his computer at home. She has something to tell him. She saw her mother cheating on him. Gianna assure him that he deserves better. He deserves her perfect, twenty-year-old body. Both begin to use each other’s bodies to get back at her mother, though soon Ryan gets so lost in Gianna’s tits and her tight pussy that he seems to forget he is even married. They have obviously spent a lot of time fantasizing about fucking each other, and...

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GirlsWay Riley Reid Kristina Rose Chloe Cherry Newest Makeup Artist

Chloe Cherry’s finally graduated makeup school and it’s her first day on the job. Her boss instructs her to work on Riley Reid. The girls have instant chemistry: they can’t help but flirt with each other. But Kristina Rose is not impressed, she’s shooting a scene with Riley today and is wondering who this new girl is and why she’s being so unprofessional. She complains to her makeup artist that her new girl is making her uncomfortable: Kristina needs the chemistry...

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Sight Unseen

In a family where the women were strong with The Sight, Cassie was a child of destiny. While in the womb she was visited by the strongest of the old women who would place their hands on her mother’s distended stomach and wait for movement. There was always shock, always awe. To a woman, they proclaimed that this child would be the most accurate seer the family had ever produced. She was treated like a princess from the moment she was born. Cassie didn’t understand why her young cousins would...

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The Chauffeur 14 New Business New Problems

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 The drive to the OB/GYN was uneventful. When we arrived, Dr. Ronda had already alerted her receptionist to move us to the top of the list. I went in with each of the ladies one by one. Jill was first. Dr. Ronda prescribed an ultra sound to check on the baby. She had moved into her second trimester. The doctor also gave her a preprinted diet plan and now expected her to begin taking prenatal vitamins. Her and Jill hugged before she left the exam room...

2 years ago
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Hiking for Love

I'm Mark. 39 years old, single, a computer geek who is lucky enough that I can work from home, and make my own hours. I wasn't always like this. When I was 18, I had a choice, jail or join the service. I just made some bad decisions back then, doing drugs and getting in fights. So I opted for the Marines. I spent 15 years with them, and advanced to Master Sergeant, which is the forth highest position an NCO can go. Served 3 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, which are true shit holes....

1 year ago
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Working Late

The cold bitterness of winter's breath tickled the window panes of Nat's office as she worked late on some reports in her downtown office. She sat there, not wanting to be doing these reports but also not eager to go home either to a snoring husband in front of the TV, and as if she wished for it, her cell chimed that an email arrived. She checked it and saw it was from Jay, a 'friend' she had met online who she sometime played with outside of home. His message read, "Look out your window, I'm...

Straight Sex
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Teen blows coworker

I had sucked Derek’s cock twice now, but at work, we played it cool. On occasion, when no one was looking, he would squeeze my ass, letting me know he was thinking about me, but that was it. No one knew anything about us. Derek was a few years older than me and had kind of seduced me that first time. I never thought for a second though how much I would grow to love his big, black, hanging cock.”Can I come over?” I asked quietly, when no one else was around. Derek looked at me and smiled as he...

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Forced LustChapter 3

Jeff swiped his arm across his wet mouth and chin. Falling back onto his forearms, he stared up between his mother's spread legs. Her blonde pubic hair was darker than before, wet with Jeff's saliva and her discharge. And it was matted; exposing her pussy slit which was slightly parted as if waiting for his tongue to return. Her head was thrown back and her breasts rose and fell in time with her heavy breaths. Holy shit, I brought her off, he thought. She's a grownup and I made her cum. I...

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Her first time caned

Her first time Caned I have been asked by my slave-j if she can have a sister? I have never considered having a second slave in the house. I would think that having two female slaves would only cause trouble. I am no longer a young buck and the thought of two women in the house is just a little disturbing. I told her that I would think about it. I could tell she was disappointed with my response. It was a few weeks later on a saturday I was relaxing on the deck and slave-j came...

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CowboyChapter 12

He headed south for no good reason; and so a day or two later arrived in New Horizon. He saw one of the bills almost immediately and wondered where he had come to. He was tempted; he was also tempted to simply take advantage of the standard fare to finally find out what full-on, face-to-face, sex was like. “It’s time” he said out loud. A man looked at him and said “About noon I reckon” “No, I ... never mind” He found his way to the door that led to the land of carnal delights. Inside,...

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Forced To Dress Up

Forced To Dress Up By Kim Babe Here is the ultimate story about forced dressing. It's a true story about what happened to me in the mid 70's. Because I didn't have access to any girl's clothes at home, I started sneaking (breaking) into my neighbor's homes and trying on their stuff. I know it's wrong now, but back then I... well, we all have regrets I suppose. Getting back to my story, I would enter the house when the family was gone and have a grand time fulfilling my...

3 years ago
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Love when my lady gets horny

I love how my lady can get so turned on, that if she craves wild sex it gonna happen. Like this past weekend, we had a small get together with a few friends and co-workers. After mid-night the party thinned down to a couple friends and a co-worker of my lady, Todd. Soon it was down to my lady, myself and Todd.I had noticed most of the night that my lady and Todd would grind together when dancing. I found it hot watching. Plus I knew either way, I was gonna get some, lol. When he stepped out to...

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Train Me 45 Ki Marwadi Aurat

HI I’m rakesh 27yrs , working electric company in barmer, 5’7″ and having a good looking personality. I m going to tell you my story which happened with me last summer. As i m 5’7″ and having good physique. All the ladies who see me got impressed with me. Once I was going from howrah to jammu by Sealdah Jammu Tawi Exp in AC-III. My berth was lower . there were four more peoples in that compartment. One old man , one boy of 24 yrs with his mother and a girl type lady was sleeping on the top...

3 years ago
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Two black cocks in our marital bed

Sunday at home was cold, rainy and of course, boring. There was nothing to do except laying on the couch close to the fire and try to get a nice enjoyable movie. But getting a good movie was just impossible. My sweet Ana came downstairs. As it was nicely warm inside the house, my sensual Ana was wearing just a black see through negligee with high heels. I enjoyed staring at her nice shaven mound and her glistening pussy lips. She looked radiant, although the afternoon was horrible. So I asked...

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HandsOnHardcore Emily Willis Gigantic Dicks Inside Her Pink

When Chad White catches his girlfriend Emily Willis in the act, he gets quite upset but soon decides to join in for a threesome as today’s Hands on Hardcore XXX porn episode by the DDF Network unfolds. Alex Jones hurries to get dressed after having his dick sucked by that young American Latina. He simply couldn’t resist that curvy small ass, those small natural teen titties, and her gorgeous big brown eyes. This young lady is a horny little slut and can’t wait to get her wet...

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Just Survive SomehowChapter 5

Michael sat nervously in the seat across the desk from Steward eyeing the Colonel and the men in the room. Mitch was seated next to him and Davis stood near the doorway with Steward’s two armed guards. There were four additional men in the office and each of them had their own body guard. He didn’t know the other men’s names since Steward referred to them by rank. He figured they were the officers who he had heard about. “Where’s Addison?” he whispered to Mitch. “She’s already at the...

1 year ago
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Krissys Day

This is not a story of v******e but a fantasy between two consenting adults.“Fucking asshole!”, said Krissy as she slammed her car door shut. A blast of hot air poured out of the vent on the dashboard as Krissy turned on her car desperate to get away from her office and her creepy coworker with his unwanted sexual advances. The louse had forced her to work late by waiting until closing time to bring her paperwork that had to be processed and sent to corporate headquarters by the end of the day....

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