LA SEXENTONA.(III) free porn video

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No hubo que esperar al miércoles, a los dos minutos me llegó otro mensaje de Loli, diciéndome que se encontraba mal, que bruto del marido le había desgarrado el esfínter anal, vamos que le había roto al culo y que precisaba ir a urgencias .No le apetecía pedir un taxi ni llamar a un familiar.
Ya me veía yo entrando con ella en urgencias, dando la cara por culpa de un culo roto que no era mi culpa, la situación no me interesaba, pero por otra parte sentía que tenía parte de responsabilidad.
-¡Vale! Te acerco a urgencias pero no entro contigo, tienes que buscar a un familiar o amiga que entre contigo. Tu marido se entera luego que te he llevado y se va a creer que después de follar con el entré yo en tu culo.
-Ya he hablado con Laura, viene de camino, pero ella no puede conducir. El número de ella es 6xxxxxx, cuando llegues le mandas un mensaje para abrir el garaje entras y nos esperas al lado del ascensor.
Las dejé a la puerta de urgencias del hospital Xeral de Vigo, donde un celador las ayudó a entrar, y yo me fui a estacionar el coche y tomarme un café.
Laura estaba en la sala de espera, me senté a su lado y me fue contando.
-No es gran cosa, la van a dar un par de puntos y que luego para casa con dieta para no forzar el esfínter y nada de sexo.
-Pues menos mal que fue su marido. El que le hizo eso, así no tiene que darle explicaciones. ¿Y a ti como te ha metido en este embolado?
-Creí que te había llamado a ti, porque habías sido tú. Pero si me había contado que su marido, no le prestaba atención.
-Pues parece que esta noche le resucitó el pajarito, mira tú que resurrección y abrocha los botones de la blusa, que se te ven los senos y todos los tíos que estamos aquí nos vamos a poner duros y no es el lugar.
-Vaya, Loli ahí dentro y tu pensando en follarme, luego hablaremos.
Uno de los celadores me hizo una seña de que me acercase.
-Pepe, que tal. ¿Con quién has venido?
Me debí poner tan colorado, que mi amigo Luis me dijo:-¿No me digas que has venido con la del culo roto? Que callado te lo tenias.
-¡Que no!, que fue su marido el que le se lo hizo, pero se fue a trabajar, a la amiga y a mí nos ha tocado la lotería.
-Si venís media hora más tarde os quedáis toda la noche, esto a partir de las 12 p.m., los viernes se saturan las urgencias y no damos abasto. En 20 minutos os vais, pero a ti se te jodió la noche. Estate atento para que podáis marchar con discreción.
-Bueno, gracias por la información.
Volví con Loli y le dije que teníamos para 20 min, su escote seguía expuesto. Y me quede viendo sus pechos recogidos por un sujetador bajo el que se apreciaban unos grandiosos pezones sonrosados.
-¿Que hacías cuando te llamó? Me preguntó Loli.
Yo no tenía intención de contarle que estaba en casa empalmado porque había visto como su marido, Luis se había follado a Loli delante de la cámara, teniéndome a mí como espectador en la sombra.
-Nada importante viendo una peli pirateada en el ordenador, como mañana no hay que mad**gar. ¿Y tú que hacías?
-Recién salida de la ducha y dispuesta a jugar con mi “Lolito”, el nunca me falla, incluso cuando se queda sin pilas.
Nos llevamos a Loli a su casa con mucho cuidados y la dejamos en su dormitorio, que yo ya conocía, y me despedí de ellas, con un hasta luego ya hablaremos. Laura me acompaño a la puerta y allí me dijo-Me puedes acercar a casa, que a estas horas hay mucho ambiente en la calle y me da un poco de miedo ir sola.
-Vale, te acerco, retiro el coche del garaje, te espero fuera si te demoras me voy.
-Me despido de Loli y voy.
No me dio tiempo ni a aparcar y ya estaba ella en la calle, subió al coche.
-Subes te invito a una cerveza, te vendrá bien para terminar esta noche.
-Si está fresquita me apunto, sino nos la tomamos en cualquier garito que de estos que está abierto.
-Está fresquita, y yo no estoy vestida como para parar a tomar algo.
Llevaba un vestido azul, a mi recordaba en parte una de aquellas batas de antes, lleno de botones y los superiores seguían abiertos y mostraban su hermosos senos protegidos por un sujetador de fina lencería azul en el que se marcaban sus sonrosados pezones.
-Más bien vas vestida para que te tomen…
Aparqué en la calle.
-Mejor subimos por las escaleras, así no nos vamos a cruzar con nadie, vivo en el primero y tengo que mirar por mi reputación; soy una señora viuda, que vive sola, si se enteran de que subo un hombre a mi casa a esta horas ¿qué van a pensar mis vecinos?
Subí las escaleras detrás de Laura pensando que me iba a tomar algo más que una cerveza.
En la cocina, retiró una cerveza de la nevera, la abrió ofreciéndomela.
-Yo tomaré algo más fuerte después de esta extraño noche, lo necesito, me tomo un gin-tonic por si lo prefieres te preparo uno. Me tienes que contar de que conoces a Loli, porque prestarte para llevarla a donde la hemos llevado hoy, no se le pide a cualquiera, conozco a muchos amigos y familiares de ella. Pero has aparecido tú.
-Yo no he venido a hablar de Loli, sino a tomar una cerveza y si se tercia y te apetece también a ti.
Laura se bebió la ginebra que tenía en el vaso de un trago.
-Pues sí, que me apetece.
Se acercó a mi me besó, yo respondí recorriendo sus labios con mi lengua y acariciando su espalda con mis manos y atrayéndola hacía mí, ella acariciaba mi pelo y mi nuca con sus manos.
Continuamos besándonos y acariciándonos, en el suelo de la cocina, su lengua inquieta recorría mis labios y se adentraba en mi boca, mientras mis manos desabrochaban los pocos botones del vestido. Ahora podía contemplar lo bien que le sentaba su lencería.
-Para ser una viuda, cuidas mucho tu lencería, vaya conjunto más bonito y sexy. Al tiempo que pasaba mi mano sobre su sostén azul acariciando sus senos y sus pezones levantados, continué mi caricia por su barriguita, acariciando su ombligo y deslizándome hasta sus braguitas, Laura cerró sus piernas diciéndome:
-Vamos al salón, que aquí o en el dormitorio nos pueden oír los vecinos, por lo menos yo aquí los oigo cuando follan. Aprovecho para enviarle un mensaje a Loli diciéndole que he llegado bien y no se preocupe por mí, no le voy a contar que estás aquí para que no me mate.
Por el camino al salón Laura fue dejando un reguero de ropa, el vestido, el sujetador, la braguita.
Me senté en el sofá e hice ademán de quitarme el polo mientras ella bajaba las persianas y encendía la tele.
-No te quites nada, que me apetece desnudarte, hace tanto que no desnudo a nadie. La tele es para que los vecinos no nos oigan, ni oírlos a ellos.
Se sentó a horcajadas sobre mí, besándome apasionadamente, tiró de mi polo hacia arriba hasta quitármelo por la cabeza, y luego se puso a lamer mi torso, y acariciarlo con sus manos, mi pene estaba duro y dolorido dentro del pantalón, pero también sentía su calor y su humedad sobre él,.
-Creo que te estoy mojando los pantalones, con mis juguitos, y eso que casi no hemos empezado.
Se retiró hacia atrás desabrochándome los pantalones y quitándome también los bóxer.
-Vaya aquí está el amiguito y parece contento.
Volvió a subirse sobre mí, dejándose caer sobre la polla de suavemente, besándome a un tiempo, pegándose a mí como una lapa, pecho contra pecho. Su coño estaba tan mojado y tan abierto que entró sin dificultad alguna. Comenzó a cabalgarme con pasión e intensidad.
La separé un poco de mí, lo suficiente como para llevar a mi boca su pecho y poder lamerlo, y casi morder su pezón, ella seguía con su sube y baja sobre mi polla mientras yo me deleitaba con el placer que estaba proporcionando mi viudita, notaba como sus jugos se escurrían por mis testículos.
Al notar que sus movimientos de jineta perdían fuerza, la sujete fuertemente por la espalda con ambos brazos y giramos en el sofá quedando Laura con la cabeza en el respaldo y boca arriba, ahora si yo comencé a entrar y salir de Laura con intensidad, mientras ella pedía más y más.
-Puedes correrte dentro, sin miedos. Pero sigue, sigue.
Sentí sus contracciones, su orgasmo y su relajación pero a mi aún me faltaba un poco, me descargue sobre ella, tomé un tapete que había sobre el cabezal del sofá y lo utilicé para limpiarme la polla y para que absorbiese los líquidos que salían del coño.
Mientras Laura se limpiaba el chocho con el paño, decía: -Si supiese mi cuñada, Lucía, para que uso su odioso tapete, le da un infarto. Me gustaría tener en mi culo tu polla.
-Ni hablar, hoy ya me ha llegado de visitas a urgencias, además ya sabes que fue su marido, el que la desgarró.
-Pero tu pene dice otra cosa. Parece que ha resucitado y está otra vez duro, dispuesto. Quiero sentirla en mi culo, nunca nadie me lo ha hecho por ahí, mi marido era un estrecho y eres el primero al que se lo pido y sé que hoy serás muy cuidadoso.
-Venga ve a por una crema hidratante, antes de que me arrepienta.
Se fue corriendo a buscar la crema, al regresar venía con una gran sonrisa y con cara de satisfacción.
Túmbate en mi regazo, al quedar con el culo en pompa comencé a acariciar su nalgas, apretárselas, soltárselas y extender la cremita sobre las nalgas primero. A continuación acaricié su esfínter anal suavemente con la yema de mi dedo índice, haciendo pequeños circulitos y poniendo un poco de crema en la punta del dedo lo metí un poco en su ano, casi no hubo resistencia, así que lo retiré y volví a meterlo suavemente un poco más adentro, y quitarlo suavecito.
Escuchaba los gemidos de Laura: ¡Ah! no te pares, sigue.
Retiré el dedo y ahora acaricie su ano con dos dedos, un poca más de crema e hice presión con ambos dedos metiendo solamente la yema de los mismos. Noté una poca de presión sobre los mismos y los retiré lentamente, luego otra penetración un poco más profunda, y retirada también suave, repetí lo mismo varias veces y paré.
Laura, seguía pidiendo no pares, sigue moviendo ese puto dedo, no pares, sigue cabronazo.
La hice levantarse y de pie apoyando las manos en el sofá y con el culo expuesto, acerqué mi glande a su culo, entrando en el mismo sin casi resistencia, todo aquello me había excitado sobremanera y la metí suavemente hasta el fondo, al retroceder es cuando Laura comenzó a dar pequeños gritos, de dolor y placer.
-¿Quieres que me pare, qué te la quite?
-Como se te ocurra pararte te la corto y sigo sin ti.
Después de 5 o 6 mete saca, Laura no pudo mas corriéndose estrepitosamente, y yo quite mi polla de su ano, por precaución y miedo…

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“You wanna play a few with us? I mean we’re all waiting anyways.” One of the girls extended an olive branch. “Sure, I’m Scott.” “I’m Caitlyn, this is Casey and Hannah. I shook all their hands and smiled. “Nice hat,” Hannah remarked. “Thanks, I was born there, kind of have to be a fan,” I remarked of my Bills hat. She laughed and told me how a few of the players used to come into the Wegmans where she worked. We chatted for a bit while the group in front of us finished up the...

4 years ago
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Home Education II

CHAPTER II The week was full of work in the house and in the barn. Dad had gone to work early so we only saw him for dinner. The time at home with mom was wonderful: always beautiful and fresh and of excellent good humor, ready for a rogue comment or a kiss at any time. That really was the most wonderful thing for me: I could kiss her at any time, in any way. She was always ready. Working time in the house was not of major importance, although I cannot deny that seeing naked sweaty twins...

1 year ago
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First cock in my mouth

It all started when we weir sitting on his couch. We were flipping threw the channels on tv. He just got some new cable service and we came across some porn. While watching it I started to get real hard! I looked over to see he was to. I asked him if he had a boner. Even though I new the answer. He said " Dude I'm so fucking hard. I gotta jerk off.". I told him to go for it. When he pulled it out I was in shock. His cock was 10" long and 5" wide. It was so huge. So I took my cock out too. Mine...

3 years ago
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ObtuseChapter 5

Girls Get Boys Mary It came as no surprise to me how much the infidelity of my husband hurt me. It was an unexpected development seeing as Jason is not the kind of man that chases women, or who has much, if any, amorous success with the opposite sex. However, there is no denying he is physically attractive, and more so now that he seems to spend his every free moment at the gym. I thought his gym time was an excuse to avoid me, and the problems in our marriage, and I was sure the physical...

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The Plucking of an exotic island blossom visit here to see real porn Trevor Christian was a 33 year old third generation Englishman, who had recently arrived on Pitcairn Island to take up the threads of the life and means of livelihood which had originally been started by his Grandfather, Fletcher Christian who was one of the original rebels on board the ship "THE BOUNTY" which had been run aground on it's shores over 100 years ago. The sailors had thereafter decided to continue their lives on this beautiful...

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Lost and FoundChapter 4

It's not surprising we woke early ... ish ... the next morning. Actually, it was ten past seven when I stirred myself to look at my watch. I then turned my head to my left and looked straight into Hazel's eyes. I was at a loss for words, aware, you might say painfully aware, of her body close to mine, separated by just a couple of thin layers of cloth. "Good morning, John. I hope I haven't made you too uncomfortable?" I turned my head away before clearing my throat, then I looked back....

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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 11

"I'm pleased that you saw fit to see me, Chairman," Chief Blacker said. He bowed formally to the youngish looking man behind the glass desk. "The matter is most urgent, as you can see from the files I've sent you." "Hmm," said the man. His name was Hedron. At thirty-six, he was the youngest ever Chairman of the board of Tomlin Corporation, the organization that many Fortune 500 companies depended on to keep Industrial Espionage at a minimum. Blacker stood uneasily, waiting for a...

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Cum Sluts AnonymousChapter 5

My heart went out to her as I saw her make her way to the front of the room. She just looked so young and fragile. She was nervous too, but that was to be expected. We were all of us nervous when we made the same trip; Lord knows it's not an easy thing to get up in front of a group like ours and confess your weakness even though we were going to be the most sympathetic audience she would ever find. If she could be helped we were most definitely the ones who could help her. Sadly though, not...

2 years ago
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Teacher used to tease me with her feet and legs

I had a teacher I found really attractive. She was tall (6'1), blonde, and had a sexy body. She had a nice pair of tits and a nice ass that fit her slim body perfectly. She would occasionally wear tight dresses, some of which were long and others shorter. Of course as a teacher she was limited in what she could wear, she didn't want to get in trouble for looking "too sexy". Most days she just wore regular pants or jeans (sometimes tight sometimes not) with sneakers or flats. Anyway, one day she...

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Bare Bottom

Mrs. Larson glanced at her assignment book and announced to the class, "Everyone open up your texts to page 135 and read chapter six, I have to go to the office for a few minutes, but I shouldn't be too long!" She entered the Principal Solon's office and said to his secretary, "Hi Georgia, I just received a note form Mr. Solon and he wants to see me right away, is he available!?!" A slight smirk spread over the secretary's face as she replied, "Just a second, Mrs. Larson, and I'll find out!!!"...

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The bicurious professor in the sauna Part 8

The evening of the same day I am relaxing in the sauna when the professor shows up. He is never there on Saturdays. We recline facing each other. Our towels d****d to the sides and our junk in full view of each other. We lazily masturbate. The professor jokingly asks if my ass is still full of his cum from the previous night. After 10 minutes or so of slow masturbating the professor tells me that he is still horny and asks if I would be interested in going back to his place for another...

2 years ago
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BreakdownChapter 1 Friday November 16th 2012 0600

Bill woke up to a different world that Friday morning. He hadn't slept well the night before because of the news of the bombing in Washington DC. He turned on the news as soon as he got up to get the latest developments and learned of the assassination of President Julian. Well, he wasn't sworn in as president yet but the American people had elected him and Bill considered him the president. The first thing Bill did was call his son but he had just turned the news on too. Rob only watched...

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A Walk by the Sea

Never seek to tell thy love, Love that never told can be, For the gentle wind doth move Silently, invisibly. Love’s Secret William Blake He had felt this heart’s storm coming for so long he failed to pay heed to the meaning of his words. In the end, he knew, he had failed to understand the terms of their contract, the bargain they had struck, all rendered meaningless by time. For years now, her hand in his had been a bittersweet thing — nothing now was as it had been. The sound of her...

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The Experiment

Introduction: The Experiment: Part 1 covers the initial experimenting between my friend Ben and I. Preface: Hey all, Im biboy1213. I began to experiment with guys at around 13-14 and with girls at 14-15. I now know that I am bisexual, being turned on by both men and women alike. I can say however, that I am more emotionally attracted to women than I am to men, but sexually, Im the same. I really dont see myself dating another guy. Anyways, I love sexual things, situations, experiences, and...

1 year ago
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“MELODY, TONY, could I see you please?” Prof McIntyre led the two of us to a corner of the studio where we couldn’t easily be overheard by the rest of the class. We were working with pastels today and the model was the twenty-year-old hippie chick Amy liked so much. She was one of those totally au naturel women who didn’t shave anything. You had to wonder if the hair that hung almost to the waist was from her head or her armpits. Yeah, I joke like that. Actually, she was a very sweet looking...

4 years ago
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Felicity Ch 03

Monday, November 25, 2013 Felicity Ch. 03: Helen It’s odd how people bond sometimes. I am a man rapidly approaching middle age and my best friend for the last few years has been a lesbian. I am nearly fifteen years older than she is, only seven years younger than her father, four younger than her mother. That I was her best friend there was no doubt as it was me she called at three AM on a Saturday morning to come bail her out of jail. Her former lover’s new girlfriend had taunted Helen at...

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ObserverChapter 7 Day 17

Friday started off like all my days lately. Everybody at the office greeted me as I entered. They all thought that the change in me was remarkable. I always enjoyed a cup of tea with my assistant before work started now, and in two weeks I had managed to re-establish good working relationships with all the people around me, although it would take time to make them friends. At least they didn't openly appear to fear or despise me any more. I had continued to expand Kara's wardrobe, and wore...

4 years ago
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Ruksana Ki Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hello doston ap logon k dher sare phone aye watsapp aya or req bhi ki kya hua ruksana k sath likha nahi ap ne to doston aj main apni or ruksana k sath jaipur me bitaye gaye lamhe K bare me batane aya hun or mafi bhi chahta hun itne late reply ka shalu bhabhi badla hua nam ap ne pucha tha ki ap ko meri story or chodne ka style kafi pasand hain ap delhi se Kafi door rahti hain warna pakka chudwati or ap meri sari story ek sath kaise dekh or padh sakti hain to shalu ji apko kahani k page k search...

3 years ago
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Nayi Dulhan Kabya Ka Doodh Piya Only 21 Saal Ki

Hi I am Rahul from Mumbai. Aaj main apko ek kahani bataunga jsme main ek nayi nayi sadi suda ladki ki doodh pitahun. Mujhe ladkiyon ka doodh pina bahut acha lagta hai.Maine apne school & college life main 3 ladkiyon ka doodh pichukahun. Ladkiyan kisi ko apna doodh begin pilati lekin unhe pyar se samjhane par ap unse doodh produce karsakte gain air jee bharke pibhi sakte hain. Iss kahani main lekin mujhe ek ladkika doodh pinekeliya zyada mehnat nehi karnipadi air maine us ladki ka 25 liter...

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I almost had it my way

Life is so strange, you think you understand and know who you are only to find out you don't know nothing about yourself. I found my self seeking out Charlie's Uncle Harry, the one the hoes call 'horse dick Harry.' Yes, I did allow Harry to have sex with me, although I don't know why. Charlie and his Uncle Harry did force me to have sex with both of them, and Harry did sorta of take advantage, by going to sleeping with his mammoth penis lodge deep in my rectum and screwing me in his sleep. I...

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Vixen Expostulates

Vixen sat in the front row in Mr. Valpor's second semester English class listening to him discuss Mark Twain and local color. She took notes and between times sucked on her Bic pen, keeping her pouting lips wet and soft, showing him her tongue tip now and then and enjoying the dampness her vagina was generating. She was "in heat" and she knew it. Estrous it was called in the animal world. She noticed that he was wearing a wide wedding band, and it looked like he might have gained some...

2 years ago
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Cuckolded By My Son

Cuckolded By My Son by Richard-to-Rachel It's amazing how little you can be aware of what's going on around you, right underneath your nose, even right in front of your eyes sometimes. By the time I was in my forties, I thought I had everything set just the way I wanted it. My wife, Laura, was still beautiful, a curvy redhead with slight plumpness she had gained with middle age, which only served to give her a happy, healthy glow. Even though our sex life had...

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Club 17 Sams version

Have you ever heard of those common rumors about secret places where the megarich have their super secluded sex parties? Where the people running the nations would whatever they desire? The backroom within backrooms? What kind of things go on in such places? Marian Dureo knew quite a bit about such things. In fact, she had even laid eyes on it. Officially, she worked in the kitchen of Gran Morte's, a high-end restaurant in the Eastern District. Unofficially she was also in charge of...

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My sleeping Wife and the k Next Door

Since moving to Atlanta, my sex life with my wife has been hotter than all hell, but what happen the other evening was too fucking erotic! My wife Jill is a very sexy lady. My wife stands 5’6”, weighs 125 lbs, blonde hair and size 34c tits, and has killer legs.It was a super hot day here in Atlanta, and Jill had a rough two weeks at work. It was around 7:00pm and still daylight outside. Jill had just taken a sleeping pill to catch up on some much needed sleep and was calling it a night. She had...

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“Gabby!” Okay, so I know it’s an embarrassing name, it’s really Gabriel, but when you’re on a sports team guys tend to come up with nicknames for each other, mine settled on Gabby and that was sort of where it stuck. I minded it for the longest time and then one day it sort of made sense. I know it’s a girl’s name, but something about it made me unique! “Didn’t think you were coming for a second there…” He laughed as he pulled away from the curb. “Thanks for coming all the way across town...

2 years ago
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SusanChapter 13

It was early on a Sunday morning in mid-February. Susan Collins and Barbara Jensen were lying on the bench soaking up the now-very-moist heat of the sauna. Susan looked across at Barbara and realized she couldn’t even see her through all the steam that now filled the small hut. It was impossible to see anything more than shapes even three feet away. Getting up, she went across to where Barbara was lying, sat down on the bench, lifted the woman’s head and rested it on her thigh. Barb, who had...

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Naughty Shola

I was watching television that afternoon when the back door opened and in walked Shola, my brunette haired cheery granddaughter.She had been at college all day, and often popped in to see her grandfather, on her way home, and as a loving grand parent I was always happy to see her, and find out how her day had gone.Now, as it turned out she wasn't in a good mood, her mom had said no, when she had asked for money to buy some tickets for a festival in the summer, and even if she got a part time...

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sister in laws panties

The house was quiet as everyone gathered outside for the barbeque. James scurried up the stairs and peeked through his sister-in-law's bedroom door to make sure no one was in the room. After checking to see that the hall was empty and no one would see him, he slipped inside. Her navy suitcase sat on the floor beside the large chest of drawers. He picked up the case and heaved it onto the bed.Unzipping it, he let the top fall open and carefully rummaged through her clothing. The objects of his...

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