- 2 years ago
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Phillip glanced at the clock, over an hour to go until lunch. Folding his newspaper, he dropped it on the desk and sighed. He had to admit, this was the easiest job he had ever had, but also the most tedious. He was not the most hard-working of men, but even so he needed something to occupy his mind. When Phillip had arrived that morning, his in-tray was bare. Fortunately Joy had bustled in at that point with the mail, reciting her daily litany of appointments and deadlines before bustling out again, leaving a few morsels in the in-tray for Phillip to deal with.
She had also left him with a slightly stiff cock. To look at her, Phillip’s secretary was an unremarkable woman in her late forties, short blonde hair and sensible shoes, slightly on the plump side of average. But her eyes always held a twinkle, and her voice had a lilt suggestive of hidden depths. That, combined with the sweet, earthy scent she always wore, was enough to engender all kinds of fantasies in Phillip.
As usual, it had taken him barely an hour to deal with his workload. Then he managed to fill another twenty minutes or so with his first scan of the newspaper, just reading the articles that caught his eye. Still bored, he went through the paper again, this time reading everything he had skipped the first time. That was marginally more interesting than doing nothing. Finally, he had resorted to the business section, some of his colleagues read nothing else, but to Phillip five minutes of that was as good as a cup of cocoa before bedtime.
Phillip still had an hour to kill and nothing to kill it with. Idly, he picked up the paper again and found himself flicking through the classified ads near the back. God, he thought, how bored must I be to do that? But then a new group of adverts caught his eye, a section headed ‘Personal’ that appeared to offer something different to the usual garden sheds and dining-room tables. The words ‘Hot Chat’ appeared over a smudgy black and white photo of what was clearly a model, below which was a number. Phillip sneered. He’d read all about chat-lines, how sad lonely men got their rocks off talking to sad lonely women, all of them pretending to be someone else. But in a corner of Phillip’s mind a small voice was telling him not to be judgemental, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.
Phillip sneered again. He was the kind of man to whom it came naturally, his face falling into that cynical, sarcastic expression by default. Still, he thought, in the interests of fairness, I should do some research before I condemn these pathetic losers out of hand. He dialled the number, careful to use his own phone rather than the landline. He could just imagine himself explaining that phone-bill to his boss!
The number rang several times and Phillip was about to hang up when he heard a recorded voice.
‘Welcome to the Singles Bar,’ the female voice purred. Phillip snorted derisively. ‘Press number one to chat to horny girls, online now!’
Phillip didn’t wait to see if there were any other options. He pressed number one. The next step was to ‘record an introduction for other callers to hear.’ That stopped him for a second. Shit, he thought, what if someone recognises my voice?
It actually took him several attempts to get through the menu system and record his message. He decided he would be ‘Gary’, a suitably anonymous name.
At last, ‘Gary’ got to hear other people’s messages. He found the way it worked quite interesting, everyone recorded their own personal message, then you got to hear everyone else’s messages in order. If you fancied talking to someone you had the option to send them a message, or even talk live. Most of the callers seemed to be men, but there were a smattering of women. Phillip heard nothing to change his opinion about the kind of people who used chat-lines, though that small voice was still in the back of his mind. You ARE the kind of person who uses chat-lines now, ‘Gary’.
Suddenly, a recorded voice was telling him he had a message from ‘Julie’.
‘Hi Gary,’ Julie was saying. ‘You sound nice. If you would like to chat, come on back.’
Phillip held the phone away from him and stared at it in astonishment. One of these sad creeps actually had the nerve to try and talk to him! He quickly ended the call, but that didn’t silence the voice in his mind. What did you expect ‘Gary’, that’s what people do on chat-lines. They chat.
Five minutes passed. Nothing happened. Thirty minutes until lunch. Phillip found himself back on the chat-line. There was Julie again. ‘Gary? Hi, I sent you a message, but you didn’t reply. I just wondered if you would like to chat.’ Oh, that’s just pitiful, he thought. She’s so fucking desperate. He cancelled the message and quickly moved on.
Then he came across something different. A husky female voice, no name, but just begging some horny guy to come and have some fun with her. Phillip sniggered like a schoolboy as he recorded a message for her.
‘Hi baby,’ he breathed, putting on his best porn-star voice. ‘I’ve got ten inches of rock-hard throbbing meat for you. What would you do with that?’ A couple more key presses and the message was on its way.
Phillip listened to the rest of the callers while he was waiting for a reply. There were a few new ones, he supposed people must be leaving and joining the line all the time. There was one in particular that intrigued him, some woman offering ‘no-strings fun to generous guys.’ It sounded to Phillip as if she was looking for a sugar-daddy. Or maybe she was a hooker? That made sense to Phillip, for a hooker to advertise on a chat-line frequented by lonely, horny men. Though he couldn’t for the life of him imagine any of these losers having the guts to approach any woman in real life. Strangely, Phillip felt a kind of bond with this woman, like him she was there for a purpose, not just to get her jollies. He thought of sending her a message, but he didn’t know what to say to her. He didn’t want her to think he was as sad as the rest of them.
Phillip moved on. Now it was just the usual bunch of weirdoes. The woman he had sent a message to seemed to have disappeared. Maybe he would message the hooker after all. To his surprise, Phillip realised he had an erection, quite a powerful one too.
Then Joy walked in. Phillip had been lounging in his comfortable office chair, almost horizontal. He suddenly sat bolt upright, fumbling to end the call while at the same time trying to hide the tent in his trousers.
Joy gave him a sideways glance, but made no other indication that she thought he’d been doing anything odd. Phillip scooted his chair close to the desk just in time, before Joy leaned across him to empty his in-tray. His nostrils were filled with her scent, and he could feel his cock twitch beneath the desk. Joy straightened up, her breasts only inches from his face. Phillip daren’t move, he was so aroused now that the slightest movement might send him over the edge and he would come in his pants.
Luckily Joy chose that moment to turn away and hurry from the office. Through the open door he could see her putting on her coat to go to lunch. Inwardly, Phillip let out a huge sigh of relief. As soon as Joy had left the outer office, he got up and locked the door then sank back down into his chair, unbuckling his belt and pulling down the zip to relieve the tension. His cock was still straining against the material of his shorts, so he quickly eased them down his legs, allowing his best friend to stand up straight.
Phillip took himself in hand, closed his eyes and exhaled deeply. He had been holding his breath ever since Joy had come into the office. Almost imperceptibly, Phillip’s hand began to move up and down as he slipped into one of his favourite fantasies.
In his daydream, Joy was sitting on the corner of his desk, staring at his throbbing tool in wonder and delight. Slowly and seductively, she began to pull her skirt up along her thighs, at last revea
ling the pale flesh at the tops of her sheer black stockings. This was the Big Question in Phillip’s universe, never mind ‘Is there a God?’ or ‘Why are we here?’ All Phillip wanted to know was ‘Does Joy wear stockings?’
Now she was straddling him, sitting on his thighs with his cock standing proud in front of her, rubbing against the front of her skirt. She took hold of his member then, gently squeezing him, a drop of pre-cum trickling onto her hand.
Phillip reached up to cup her breasts, surprised at how firm they were for a woman of her age. He could feel her hard nipples through the material of her blouse, of course, she wasn’t wearing a bra. Joy placed her own hands over his and together they explored her breasts, kneading them, squeezing them.
Joy then inched her way up Phillip’s body, tearing open her blouse and letting her breasts spill free to rub against his face. He took one large brown nipple in his mouth and gently nibbled on it, at the same time becoming aware that his erect cock was resting against Joy’s pussy. One of Joy’s hands was fumbling about between their bodies, and when he felt her wetness against his cock he realised she had pulled her panties to one side.
Joy lifted herself up then and Phillip momentarily found himself suffocating between her fleshy mounds before she lowered herself again, effortlessly sliding her wet pussy onto his shaft. Joy’s entire weight was pressing down on Phillip’s pelvis and he could barely move. But he didn’t need to, as she began to rock her hips back and forth, grinding herself against him.
As she rode him, Joy lowered her face to his, slipping her tongue between his lips. He could detect a faint taste of peppermint on her breath as she explored his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling his face against hers. Now she was starting to pant, her lips still sealed to his, her breath hot in his mouth. Phillip slid his hands down to her buttocks, squeezing them together and pulling her down onto him, arching his back to thrust himself deeper inside her.
Suddenly Joy pulled her mouth away from him and let out a single gasp. Her muscles spasmed as she came, tightening around his cock as it began to spurt, milking him of his cum. Phillip clenched his teeth while his balls emptied, gradually relaxing until he found himself once more horizontal in the chair. Alone, of course.
Phillip sighed and thought of his wife. Little chance of a fuck tonight, Anne would be at one of her interminable charity meetings, ‘Save the Donkeys’ or ‘Feed Starving Children’, some bloody stupid thing like that.
* * * * *
Anne envied her husband. Phillip had an exciting job, a successful career, he was always at meetings, managing projects, all kinds of things that Anne was only dimly aware of. What did she have? Yes, she had her charity work, but even that left her with time on her hands. She could try and get a ‘proper’ job, but she had no training, no qualifications and no experience. Anne had been married all her adult life, devoted to being Phillip’s wife and Melanie’s mother. But Melanie didn’t seem to need her anymore, she was always out with her friends, even when she was at home she was sullen and difficult. And being Phillip’s wife wasn’t exactly stimulating, they never talked, never went out together, all Phillip wanted to do when he got home was watch TV. Or the other thing.
Anne had never particularly enjoyed sex, in fact she had never had an orgasm with her husband. Once or twice a month she would masturbate, but the wonderful feelings she got from her orgasms were soon cancelled out by the guilt she felt. Anne had been brought up in a rather prim and proper home, sex had never been mentioned, except when her parents had felt it necessary to lecture their children on the perils of intercourse. Anne had been firmly indoctrinated with the idea that although sex was not, in itself, dirty, it wasn’t something that decent people enjoyed.
Anne was sitting at the desk in the small room she used for her charity work, the room that Phillip sneeringly referred to as her ‘office’. Well, it was her office, there were shelves with files and even a waste-paper basket. She might not have a secretary, or attend meetings with important people, but Anne felt her work was important, in its way. She looked at the blank screen in front of her and sighed. She should really be doing some background research before her charity meeting tonight. Phillip wouldn’t be happy of course, he didn’t like her going out. Not that he paid her any attention when she stayed in.
Anne spent the next hour looking for the information she needed, making notes as she went along. Everything was going well, until she accidentally clicked on the wrong link and found herself at a strange website. She was about to back out, when she realised it was some sort of online shop. Anne loved shopping, it was her one weakness, and as long as Phillip was earning money, she would spend it. Anne clicked on ‘Enter’ and waited for the main page to download.
At first, Anne didn’t know what she was looking at. Apparently it was something called a ‘Purple Porpoise’, and cost £24.99. She stared at it for several seconds, then the penny dropped and she felt her cheeks redden. Anne tore her eyes from the garish purple ‘thing’, and looked at the menu options at the side of the screen. ‘Sex toys’, ‘Lingerie’, ‘Videos & DVDs’. This was clearly some kind of online sex-shop! Quickly Anne closed down all the open windows and sat staring at the screen. Her face still felt flushed, and she could feel her heart racing. She took a deep breath, and allowed herself to calm down.
Carefully and methodically, Anne logged back on and continued her work, forcing her mind back on track. Five minutes later, she found herself looking at the Purple Porpoise again. Unbidden thoughts filled her brain, what would it feel like, would it be warm, cold, soft, hard? How would it feel between her legs, sliding up and down her labia? In her mind, Anne could see that obscene, bloated head nestling between her pussy lips. My goodness, she thought, I feel so dirty!
Quickly Anne shut down the computer. A shower, that’s what I need, she thought, hurrying to the bedroom. Not a cold shower, I don’t need that, just something to cool me down a little.
As Anne removed her blouse and bra, she caught sight of herself in the bedroom mirror. Her breasts were large and heavy, and inevitably at her age, just a little big saggy. She stood facing the mirror, cupping a breast in each hand, and began to squeeze them. Gently at first, then more roughly, mashing them together, pushing them out of shape. She stopped then and watched, fascinated, as her nipples hardened, becoming erect like tiny penises.
Anne unzipped her jeans and let them drop to her ankles. As she stooped to take them off, her thighs rubbed together, sending a tingle through her body. She stood naked in front of the mirror, feet slightly apart, one hand pinching a nipple, the other stroking her belly. She stayed like that for some time, swaying back and forth as her hands moved across her body. Suddenly, Anne came back to earth with a bump. What am I doing, she thought. What would Phillip say? What would Melanie say if she knew how her mother had been behaving?
Anne went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. The water was cold at first, but Anne didn’t care, she hoped it would calm her down, maybe wash away her dirty thoughts. She looked down to see icy rivulets running down the slope of her breasts, raising gooseflesh. Her nipples were becoming hard again, and there was a taut feeling in her belly.
The water began to run hotter now, and Anne began to lather herself. At first, she kept her mind on mundane things. What would Phillip want to eat tonight, would Melanie be staying in or going out again? Melanie was in her final year at school, and Anne was a little concerned that her daughter might not be spending enough time on schoolwork.
By now, Anne
had lathered herself all over. Once again, one hand was cupping a breast while the other roamed lower over her body. But the warmth of the lather, the slimy feel of it on her skin, the heady scent of the soap, all combined to put Anne into a different frame of mind, she almost felt as if she were someone else.
Anne parted her thighs and her hand plunged between them, the tips of her fingers stroking up and down along her lips. Her other hand caressed her body, moving down from her breast, along her flank, the feather-light touch sending ripples of pleasure across her skin.
Anne leaned back against the wall of the shower, every sensation a delight now, even the shock of the cold glass against her warm, wet skin. She spread her legs wider, at the same time pulling her pussy lips apart and slipping a finger inside. As Anne finger-fucked herself, the heel of her palm rubbed against her clitoris, making her gasp. She continued sliding her finger in and out for a while, feeling her arousal gradually increase.
When she was ready, Anne stood directly under the shower and allowed the hot streams to course over her body, rinsing the lather away. Supporting herself with one arm propped against the wall of the shower, Anne leaned forward and began to rub her clit with the very tips of her fingers. Almost immediately she felt a familiar sensation spreading through her body. She began to rub faster, panting as she frigged herself to orgasm. Anne’s climax came almost immediately, forcing a single, drawn-out moan from her throat. She carried on furiously rubbing, stretching out the moment as long as possible, until finally her orgasm subsided.
Anne stood up straight, her knees shaking. It had been a long time since she had had such a powerful climax, but as she towelled herself dry, she tried to force her mind away from all thought of sex. She knew the guilt would inevitably come, but at least she could put it off for a while.
Back in the bedroom, Anne searched her underwear drawer for a clean pair of panties. At first she could find nothing suitable, all her lingerie seemed much too sexy, she needed to wear something less provocative. Anne had to kneel to reach the back of the drawer, and as she did so her towel fell away. She was still overheated from her session in the shower, and the feel of the cool air on her hot skin was indescribable.
Seemingly of its own volition, Anne’s hand dropped between her legs and she sat down on the bedroom floor, her back propped against the side of the bed, legs spread wide. Her labia were puffy and red from the hot shower, and the merest touch of her fingers was enough to make her squirm. Anne’s clitoris was still swollen and sensitive, and as she began to rub it, she could feel herself rising towards another climax.
Anne’s body was no longer under her control and her free hand waved aimlessly in the air until it became entangled with the quilt. Anne dragged the bedclothes onto the floor around her, swathing herself in a warm, comforting cocoon. Now her heels were drumming against the floor as the muscles in her thighs contracted. A hot flush covered Anne’s body, beginning in her belly and spreading across her breasts to her throat. A loud groan spilled from Anne’s lips as she climaxed, making her gasp for air before giving another groan, again and again, gasp then groan as her orgasm seemed to go on for ever.
Anne stayed there for some time, wrapped in the bedclothes, cosy and safe, her body still filled with a warm glow. A contented smile spread across her face as she felt herself becoming drowsy, until finally she fell asleep.
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I hereby grant permission to post this story, make it available for download, or send it to a one or more of your kinky friends, as long as I am given credit for it and no monetary profit is made from it without sharing it with me. (I'm not greedy, but I did write it.) FF tg Magic cons breast hirs oral toys 'Damn!' I thought, 'I forgot to pick up some deodorant before I left town! And I have a sales meeting with important clients tomorrow.' I was driving to Reno from Portland and took a...
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Chapter 30 Wednesday came and went with not much interaction between Brenda and Tiffany. It was Thanksgiving day and each girl went their own separate ways. Brenda went to Mario's mother's home and Tiffany joined Paul for a celebration. Paul was a very different kind of person than Tiffany thought he would be. He arrived in the limo and knocked on her door. "Paul?" she shouted. "Yes it's me." "I'll be right there," she answered. Tiffany opened the door and Paul walked...
Synopsis This sex story is about our trip to UK and sexual adventure of self (Yug) and my wife (Shalini). The story has MILF action, girl seducing, guy seducing. To the story….. It’s been pretty long since we guys had tried anything interesting. As me and Shalini were clean and having fun with ourselves. So one night we were at a party organised by Shalini’s office. The parties organised by Shalini’s office are pretty awesome. They generally hire a hotel on outskirt of Delhi and call well...
Mera naam shweta hai aur me 18 years ki hu. Me hamesha se thodi chubby thi aur ekdum gori ( fair ) mujhe bachpan se sleeveless aur tight kapde pehne me shram aati thi par 4 mahine pehle meri frnd rinku aur fiza ne mujhe bola ki tu beautiful hai aur ladke tujhe tabhi pasand karege jab tu thode kam kapde pehnegi par mujhe toh shram aati thi tabhi 1 din fiza ne mujhe sleeveless top diya aur bola ki piche wali sunsaan gali jaha bohot kam log rehte hai waha kuch der sleeveless pehn ke tu ghum, koi...
MY in-law PT 4I got home from work took my clothes off which my husband Mike & I started doing everyday now since we first fucked his br(o)ther John and his wife Vanessa.Hi sweetie. I talked to my si(s)ter Wendy today.How'd that go?She claims her husband Jack is in.How did she manage that?She laid it out on the line. Their sex life leaves a lot to be desired. She told him how when we were ki(d)s we use to listen to my parents fucking and masturbate with me. Our parents still had a great sex...
This story relates to my mom rittu who is 42 years of age and has a sexy luscious fig of 36 34 38 and she used to wear tight blouse and her nipples were always erect and hard as it can be seen in the blouse.My father had left for Chandigarh to setup some business over there whil I was studing in college in delhi.We were living in rented apartment but enjoyed good life and dad used to send us money.I always admired mom for her sex beauty and always wanted to be by her side but mom never gave me...
If you read my last story, you will know I met a guy called Peter, at the doctors of all places, and that was several months ago.Well I had a very out of the blue phone call from him yesterday, inviting me around for a couple of beers, and to watch the World Cup play offs. I wasn't overly interested in watching England play Belgium again, but a cold beer, and wanting to know the reel reason for the invite, after such a long time, did. I got to Peters at around one-ish, and he still looked good...
**A/N** So this is something new.. I’m trying it out and will post the next chapter if this gets high reviews. Rate and Review please Kay City Romance Monday It had been a long day. My body was sore and I definitely needed a shower, I reeked of hard manual labor. My hair had sweated itself into a mass of tangles stuck flat to my forehead and face, I was the epitome of a hard worker. My clothes were caked with a layer of dust collected over the years in a filthy attic. What’s sad is that...
Hi ISS fans, I having been reading ISS from many a months and now I am posting my first real incident which happened two months back. It was first week of July, I had to go out of station to attend wedding of our relative’s son. I had planned to go there a couple of days early, so decided to stay in a hotel have some good times by having drinks and movie. A day before I was to leave my mama asked me who’s going to attend the wedding from our house. I replied “Me.” As he has shop, he asked me to...
IncestThere are many things on this earth that I never would think of in a million years mostly because they just didn't seem possible. I mean most things that happen aren't really outside the way things normally happen, at least not by much. That is, until I started dating Joyce. Now before you think she might have three heads or something, let me tell you about her. She's in seventh grade, thirteen, a year behind me, really cute blond, smart, gets good grades, is on the swim team, five foot...
The ride is an absolute blast! It mainly goes through neighborhoods in the SE but does take over some business oriented roads as well that are blocked off to autos. There’s lots of cheering, photo taking and nude spectators as well. One of the bars along the way had a special WNBR deal and had set up tables along the road on the route. Patrons received discounted drink specials for being naked! There was a boisterous group there and a few were rating the riders who slowed down. Beth thought...
When I answered the add for a personal secretary I was a little leery the man worked out of his home but guys do that and all so I took a shot what the heck you know I know it sounds funny a guy being a secretary but I needed the money so when he answered the phone and I told him about myself he seemed interested so I went for the interview...He lived in not too nice a part of town and I was kind of worried about my car being stolen but I put extra locks on it and set the alarm I found his...
Cynth was a stunning physical beauty that had long brown/black hair that fell over a tanned body. 5'4'' and 105lbs, she was slim, slender and had legs that were long and bronzed. She didn't have much of a chest, but her overall athletic build gave her an edge of raw sexuality/energy that made you stare at her firm, tight ass as she walked by. Despite her physical beauty, Hans never liked her as a person. She was very opinionated and based many ideals on pure subjectivity. Her mouth was...
Each day Cecelia’s determined purpose was securing her love’s release from the hands of the French and for this she waited on court until Henry deemed give her audience. That day finally came as she was announced in the presence of the Archbishop and Duchess of Canterbury. ‘Gracious Sovereign, your highness, ‘ Lady Cecelia stated, ‘I owe my life and my services to this Imperial throne. I appeal therefore, on behalf of my Lord Sir William of Edenbridge who has served his King with honour in...
girlfriend ki zordar chudai ki indore ma KAKU JAIN () Hi iss readers, i am the regular reader of iss stories and now i want to share all of you my experience, this is true story about my sex-life experience, this story is between me and the girl who is living in a girls hostel, let me introduce my self and that girl first. My name is KAKU and i am 22 handsome male from INDORE i have 8 inch long and 2.5 inch nice and healthy dick and that girl name was PUJA. Wow i can’t explain it but i am...
The intrusion The card reader was taking its time as he stood there waiting and just before the receipt was printed, he heard a noise. There was a strange feeling that accompanied it, but Denis was too absorbed in straining his ears to hear what was going on. He wasn't alone in the building, of that he was certain and he didn't know what to do for the best. Should he hide, or should he go and investigate? "Nice idea Den." he said wryly. "But not in this outfit." The noise was that...
My new life with my step-sister This story is a fantacy and a work of fiction all characters are real but have been changed for this story. If you have any comments on this story please email me I welcome all comments and suggestions whether it be negative or positive my email is [email protected] My new life with my step-sister When I was 16 both my Dad and Step-mother where killed in a car accident. Which left me and my step sister whom is 23 with there house. And according to a judge...
University was a tough transition for me. Having to leave behind all my family, my friends and my boyfriend. They’d all promised to visit me as soon as they could, but I was still teary-eyed as I said my goodbyes to my parents and siblings and pulled out of the drive to start the 4-hour car journey. I’d refused help with moving my stuff in, it would only drag out the inevitable moment when I’d have to say goodbye. I should introduce myself. My name’s Jessie, I’m 18 with brown eyes, black hair...
Cherise had been writing to Fred for a while and she had to admit, she wondered if he was nearly as good in person as he was in writing. This whole friendship started when she was lucky enough to have a short erotica story posted on a website. While she liked the story, she was unsure of how it would be received. When a friend told her to give it a try, she did. It seemed to take forever before the story was posted, but when it was she was giddy with excitement. She never actually got...
Oscar was unabashedly in good spirits that final day of school with the graduation ceremony to be held on the following Sunday. He was sort of student that never really excelled in anything but that was the way he liked things to flow. He was not on any team and had no particular girlfriend willing to descend to her knees for him like most of the other chaps with needy appendages. That was surprising in point of fact because he was adequately formed with muscular shoulders and strong study...
We've been on this bed together, fully clothed, for what seems like hours now. The intensity and passion of our kisses has grown to near-frenzied groping; I can feel the damp heat of you through your pants, and there is no question you know exactly how hard you've made me. You turn me on so. It has taken every bit of self-restraint I possess to keep me from shredding your clothes and devouring your flesh in my eager mouth. But darling, I can wait no longer. I need to make you come. Need feels...
Oral SexOkay, I'm not finished doing good deeds. "What have you decided about dinner?" "Look, Chuck," she said, "What would make YOU happy?" "I dunno," I said. "I've had a pretty successful week. I may reward myself with a steak. You want one?" "That'l work," Jen said. "But..." "But I told you, 'My treat!' Stop worrying. Consider it a couple of friends going out to eat. I got it, okay?" "Okay. If you insist." She had a wry vestige of a smile. "It's still early,...
I smiled to myself thinking yeah right, they were going out to dinner to take a rest and then going back to Paul's to probably continue their fun. Oh well, my daughter was having a good time and she was getting fucked by someone I knew and trusted. I followed my sons out into the garage. I opened the front door of the car, popping the trunk. I closed the drivers door and moved to the passenger door, I had left a bag on the floor in there, Ryan went around to the other side of the car walking...
I managed to get home from work on time, but found the house empty, so I caught up on my laptop notes, and got lost in them. Eventually Sue arrived. I looked at my watch, and was startled to see that it was just after 7pm. "What's this?", she demanded. "You know the rules - first one home cooks. Where is it?" I'd forgotten. A husband in this position has to think fast. He either admits his fault and trusts to his wife's mercy, or lies through his teeth. No choice, really. I...
Day Five - Friday I woke up a little shaky. No headache but my body was telling me that too much beer had been put through it. After pissing for ten minutes straight and brushing my teeth, my stomach told me it was time to eat. I had my usual oatmeal but was still starved. I fried some bacon, along with three eggs and a couple of pieces of toast and consumed that along with a glass of milk and several cups of coffee. I was beginning to feel better. Wearing a T-shirt and some cut off jeans,...
This is just a small first story to see what people think of my style. Behind-the-story stuff in comments. But warning, it’s kind of a dream-esque style. she doesn’t really have an age, but I’m judging from my random images of her she’s 18 too. ——————————- I’m already naked as she pushes me down onto the bed. I can’t see her face, as always. It’s in shadows. All I see is her pale skin and red lips. She smiles behind pressed lips as she lightly drags her nails up my chest. She is also naked as...
Colorado Territory, September, 1871 It was time for the big fall buffalo hunt. Cletus was looking forward to this, since he had missed out on the Yankton hunt. He had talked to Howling-Wolf, the leader of the hunt, about having Cletus shoot a number of animals with his Henry. Cletus proposed that he and one other man sneak up on the buffalo herd and Cletus would shoot those animals picked out by his spotter. As an experiment, they would kill up to 10 animals. Howling-Wolf agreed. On the...
Victoria did not forget to ring Serena. She rang her at six, as soon as the cheap calls were available. Elspeth answered the phone. "Hello, Lady Bowers, it's Victoria back again. Please may I talk to Serena?" "Yes, of course, my dear but on one condition." She put on a school-mistressy voice. "You're a big girl now so you call me Elspeth." Victoria giggled. "Yes, Miss," she said and Elspeth giggled too. "Thank you, Elspeth." "Cheeky wench," Elspeth chuckled. "So that's...
TEENAGE GIRLS FOR SALE by Hardrive The city streets were dark and empty except for the rapid movements of three teenage girls. They were running for their lives. Frightened and confused they darted between parked cars in an effort to elude a very determined predator. Their stalker was their pimp, Jack Badwing, whose resolute goal was to sell them into the sex trade. Horrified by that prospect, the girls were equally determined not to get caught; so when they saw...